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Firstly, I was a first-year student at Dagon University in Myanmar in

2020. But I can't get my transcript because I can't go back to my country.

On February 1, 2023, I took a big step by joining the GED program. I
was unable to understand that level of English when learning GED. I
really tried to improve my English skills. In September 2023, I got my
GED diploma. Now I'm dreaming of attending university, and I'm
volunteering as a math tutor at SAW (Social Action for Women and
Children). I got to know more about BREF sharing at our school. When
I knew the information about this program, I realized that it was suitable
for me and that this was my chance to try it. This is why I joined this
program. I chose a social science major because I'm curious about how
people interact and how societies work. I would like to be a social
worker, someone who could help people and communities. Among the
numerous subjects in social science, I am interested in psychology and
sociology. Psychology felt like the ideal topic of study for me because it
could help me investigate these issues while discovering more about
myself and other people. They help me understand why people do what
they do, and that's important for helping others. I especially want to help
people who are suffering from mental illness because of the military
dictatorship in my country. I aspire to work as a therapist, assisting
anyone affected by violence, abuse, war, or natural disasters. I believe in
the need for psychological support for healing and rehabilitation, and I
want to positively impact people's lives.
Looking forward, I also picked sociology because I am interested in
learning how social structures, cultures, and relationships influence
people's lives and perspectives. Sociology has taught me how to
critically assess the world around me and comprehend the opinions of
others. My dream is to become a good social worker and educator. I
want to use what I learn to help the younger generation in my country,
Myanmar. There are many challenges, and education can make a big
difference. That's why I want to be an educator who can contribute to
making things better.
My journey forced me to have a deep appreciation for education as a
transformational, positive change. It has become my goal to use my
university degree not just to improve myself but also to make a positive
difference in the lives of those who, like me, have encountered difficulty.
Besides the hurdles, my faithfulness to justice, democracy, and
community service is unshakeable. As I go on this academic path, I am
eager to apply my experiences, resilience, and commitment to make a
lasting change in the world. My goal is not only to overcome obstacles
in life but also to use what I know to empower others, effect social
change, and enhance communities.

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