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University of the

UVM Valley of Mexico


University of the Valley of Mexico, San Rafael Campus

Organizational psychology
Teacher: Socorro Muñoz Centeno
Student: Kritzia Astrud Muñoz Flores
Delivery date: May 24, 2016

Table of Contents

Throughout the course it was understood that organizational psychology is that which is
the scientific study of behavior within the field of business and industry. Therefore, it is
interested in the behavior of three broad classifications of individuals: workers,
managers, and consumers. It is a technology and an applied science and both generally
use the discoveries of the behavioral sciences to improve the effectiveness of
organizations and contribute in their own right to a better understanding of human
Therefore, it is understood that the organizational psychologist must be knowledgeable
in various areas not only of the organization but also of the environment, the factors, the
environment, the economy of his country since these will have an impact on the
significance or development of the organizational area as well as in the decisions that
will be made to achieve the company's objectives. The Psychologist must also be able to
perform their functions in different organizations, whether private or public, obviously
they must adapt to each model of the organization, what are the requirements used and
how they influence it within it. All the knowledge acquired previously, called
professional experiences, attitudes, skills, must be documented and kept in order since
these will be very useful in the future because there are incidents that need to be
resolved. And to begin, regardless of the organization that a certain company has, an
organizational psychologist has to be a good observer, that is, observation in which he
will use all his senses and from there start with the ideas to follow, which would be
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Systematic School
The Systematic School shows a new way of visualizing the organization, based on the
recognition of the relationships between the parts to achieve the purpose of the whole, being
the constituent elements of the parts that make up the system and establishing a network of
relationships through the communication, serving as a method to treat their problems.
Represented by authors such as Norbert Wiener, Johann Von Neumann, Ludwing von
Bertalanffy, Daniel Katz, Robert L Kahn and Stanford L.
This school has four fundamental aspects:
• Interaction: Interaction refers to the relationships between the elements of a system in a
reciprocal action that modifies the behavior of those elements. -
• Totality: Totality refers to a system that is composed of several elements.
• Organization: The organization is the set of relationships between
components/elements, which when building a new system have qualities that the
members do not have. -
• Complexity: Complexity means that if a system is complicated, it is a system that needs a
long time to be understood. The degree of complexity depends on the number of
elements and relationships that compose it.

In the same way, this school groups together several applicable theories:

a) Cybernetics: Developed by Norbert Weiner, it is based on the principle of feedback, it

is defined as “the science of communication and control in the animal and in the
machine” or “science of effective organization”

b) information theory

c) Game theory: Developed by Neumann, it tries to achieve, through a novel

mathematical framework, maximizing profits and minimizing losses. “play the
optimal strategy”

d) Decision theory: This is the rational selection of alternatives for optimization, based
on statistics.

Subsequently, a series of theories derived from this school began to appear that responded to
the different problems arising from organizations, among which is the theory of excellence
represented by Tom Peters, Robert Waternan and Nancy Austin, who through the
publication of the books (In Search of Excellence, Passion for Excellence and Thriving in
Chaos) aim to make North American businessmen see the need to seek excellence and be
customer-oriented, for this it was necessary to perfect the internal devices of the
administration, establishing links between leadership capacity and the participation of
workers in the administration of the company.

Another of these theories is that of Total Quality Control, represented by Walter A.

Shewhart with his statistical control, Joseph M. Juran with his trilogy of Planning, Control
and Improvement; Edwards Deming with his management principles; Philip Crosby with the
Zero Defect movement and its emphasis on costs; Armand Feigenbaum with total quality
control and Kaoru Ishikawa with quality circles, proposing the idea that everyone within the
organization forms a supplier-customer binomial and where the main task is the search for
quality based on demands. the client's.
The Theory of Constraints (1994) starring Eliyahu Goldratt, a physicist by profession,
proposed a method to provide managers with a guide to solve problems, directing their
behavior to obtain better results in a progressive way over time that will guarantee their
maintenance, focusing on the search for the restriction of organizational performance and
what could be the way to act to eliminate said restriction, for him these could be political or

The substantive element for Goldratt was how to eliminate the restriction, developing for
each type of restriction a series of action processes, this being uninterrupted in search of
increasing the goal and the indispensable condition, which allows constant improvement for
the organization.
This theory illustrates a method of problem resolution, showing the perspective of seeing the
organization as a linear and uninterrupted process where group interests prevail over
individual interests, however, its proposal does not take into account the impossibility of
man predicting problems, in problems there are both subjective and objective, intrinsic and
extrinsic elements that man is neither capable of predicting nor controlling.
Comparative table of administrative schools

Scientific School Classical School Bureaucratic School

Aim Achieve maximum performance in all The structure of the company
Ensure the best prosperity for the employer employees emphasizing the hierarchy that each
or boss in charge of such a company, as subordinate and in the
well as for the employee, in other words, production.
the worker needs to be encouraged with
high salaries, and the employer with low
production costs.
Beginning Planning Principle: replacement of objective. Decision making: it does
improvisation and empirical- Subordination of particular interest to mechanically relating the problem
practical performance in work with general interest: The interest of the to the stipulated rules bythe
science through method planning subordinate or their group must not organization, or for the good sense
Principle of preparation or prevail over those of the company. that the matter itself requires.
planning: select Staff remuneration: It deals with the Participation: It is null, people owe
properly and satisfaction of the subordinate their positions.
scientifically the personnel, train through the benefits they provide as
them and prepare them for greater motivation.
production. Centralization: Focuses on authority
Principle of control: control the over the boss for decision making.
work with established standards Hierarchy: Line of authority from the
and according to how the company highest hierarchy to the lowest.
is planned. Order: Everything had its own place.
Principle of execution: orderly Equity: They must be sensible, have a
distribute responsibilities and lot of experience.
powers, with the aim of ensuring He be human
that the work is disciplined and It is considered as a resource
equitable further that
Division of labor: It consists of organization can use to achieve its
obtaining more product with objectives.
the same effort. Related in that Environment: It is considered something
each worker has his own area immovable.
with the functions required for Motivation: HE centers
the position. especially that by means of which
Authority: It consists of the fact subordinates can promote to
that the boss commands the different positions are
workers and they have the
obligation to obey him.
Leadership: It is considered nonexistent
Discipline: Mainly tour
because everyone has their task to
around the fact that workers perform.
must obey and behave Communication: it is through how the
according to what the company boss addresses his subordinate and
dictates. vice versa.
Unity of command: The Conflict: It practically does not exist
subordinate must receive since everyone must do their job.
orders from only one superior Power: power is ultimately held by the
Management unit: There must be a position and not the person.
single boss and a program with The change: For the workers it is
a purpose to achieve the same considered a failure.
Personnel stability: That the change
generates a negative impact on
the efficiency of the company.
Initiative: Ability to visualize a plan,
to ensure success.
Staff union or team spirit: It is based
on unity to achieve objectives.
Concept of It is considered as one more resource that The subordinate is considered
Subordinate the company has in order to achieve something external that must be The subordinate is seen as another
greater productivity in it. endured because it is necessary for resource that the organization can use
production in the company. to achieve its objectives.
Reasons for It aims to train subordinates to make them The aim was to make the subordinate
Work a more effective and lower-cost resource in perform fewer movements to increase The functions carried out by the
the production process. the speed when doing his work and company must be subject to a set of
therefore have more production. rules, standards and procedures
Each position within the company is
independent of the person, the person
cannot take over any of the positions.
Treatment of Giving them incentives for when they The employee, as a member of the
the worker reached the production goal. It was controlled by the managers and institution, only obeys the position. of
Control the execution of your work . they were responsible for giving them the that depends.
the specific task they had to perform to
increase their production in that area.
Results This school wanted there to be greater Any activity carried out by the
Study of times and movements, the correct productivity based on will institution must be carried out under a
way of selection and training of personnel perform the minors rational approach and by obeying its
since they were believed to be incapable of possible movements. superiors and behaving in accordance
carrying out the company's tasks and if with the previously established
they did not perform as stipulated, they had statutes.
a low salary.
Human relations Sociotechnical Systems Contingent
It focused mainly on the stability Relationship between the Search for efficiency and try give answer to the
and well-being of the worker technical system productivity (efficiency daily situations of a company to
because they are important for (technology) and the system internal to the organization) achieve goals in common
the social using the least amount of resources to
organization. (workers) achieve the best results.

Seeks the integration. Input or inputs : Provides the a) Denies the beginning
The integration and he
Group tasks (do not material or energy for the universals of administration.
behavior social:
divide them) among operation of the system.
production levels depend b) No presents techniques
colleagues of Exit either result:
of the or
job, for that Purpose for which the
social integration. established guidelines previously
exist elderly elements of the system to continue facing the obstacles that a
Social rewards and sanctions:
interaction between were brought together. company may face.
it was verified
them. Prosecution
that the workers that
Self-regulation. HE c) It is mainly integrative, but at
they produced above or the same time relativistic and
grants the worker the either
below the norm. situational.
freedom of transformation: Is he
The groups informal:
Monitor and correct phenomenon that
constitute the *Within the contingency theory
your own work. produces changes consider variables, the
human organization of the
Diversity of activities for Feedback: Try to maintain environmental variables are
each person. either he considered independent variables,
The content of the position:
performance of the
specialization in he
chosen process
work did not guarantee
Environment: Viability or
survival of a
The emotional aspects: the study
system depends on its
found that human
capacity for
relationships and
adapt, change and
cooperation are key to
avoiding conflicts.
Supervision style: managers
must be able to treat their
workers with dignity,

It is considered as a piece It is considered important It is important since he seeks It is an important pillar because it
important in the since the work of technology the depends on what people require so
organization. depends on it and it is effectiveness, that the company generates what its
important in the productivity, always clients demand.
relationship with systems. seeking to meet the company's
objectives, and make them
aware that their family or
partner is also part of the
The rules of the cluster Look for a good relationship Searching for a set of elements You choose your market to place
do they work regulating he between the technical system, in interaction them, you are defining your task
behavior of the which is technology, territory integrating the family, environment, where an
individuals, therefore this and time, with the social company, couple, etc. organization
control must include sanctions system, which is the Well, its unit of analysis is establishes your domain or at least
seeks set it, he
individuals and social he system No only he Domain depends on the power
positive (stimuli, relationships individual. relations or dependence of an
social acceptance, etc.), as well organization regarding its inputs or
as negative (teasing, outputs.
rejection by the group, symbolic
sanctions, etc.) to obtain the
expected results.
The workers are The manager seeks the It has a flexible system since it does
motivated by certain Seeking that the worker has a effectiveness and productivity not have strict rules like other schools
needs. These achieve good relationship, of the company (internal and allows them to make their own
satisfy their needs equal manner a efficiency). decisions (they are more autonomous).
basics with the help of the group optimal environment for it to
that interact work properly.
HE you givesa task
specific in order to seek the
interrelation of their work
with that of others.

The social work environment is The optimal relationship It mentions that stability, the In conclusion, it points out that there
one of the interaction factors between technology and ability to adapt, maintain the is no single optimal way to organize
that influence productivity, tasks, work with the people structure and function of the and manage, which is applicable to all
who use them as a tool. system, resulting in the companies, but rather all
salary levels, the degree of
effectiveness of said school. dependsof the
interest of tasks, the conditions of the environment where
culture and they carry out their activities.
organizational structure,
relationships between employees
and managers.
Job profile for the call center portability operation supervisor

• Education Truncated or ongoing Bachelor's degree
• Experience of 6 months to 1 year as Operations Supervisor in sales or Call
Center portability
• Computer and Office parcel management

Job description
• Lead and motivate the development of staff under your charge
• Ensure that executives meet established goals
• Implement action plans with staff to improve indicators
• Keep the staff in charge informed about updates, indicators, management
policies, etc.
• Manage the attendance and incidents of the staff in charge
• Report incidents or deviations detected in the operation of the campaign
• notify the campaign manager of the cancellations
• control the indicators of each executive to guarantee the correct payment of
bonuses and commissions
• implement mechanisms that maintain an optimal work environment

• Leadership
• Assertive communication
• Dealing with staff
• Motivation

• Pc management
• Credit cards
• Orthography
• Sales techniques

• Frustration tolerant
• Results oriented
• Assertive teamwork

We offer
• Base salary of $6000
• Productivity bonus: $2000
• Immediate hiring
• Half shifts
• Morning from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
• Evening 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
• Paid training
• Recreational and cultural activity programs
• Legal benefits
• Life insurance
• Medical service inside the installations
• Scholarships with Universities for Bachelor's Degrees, Diplomas, Master's
Degrees, extended to your family
• Incentive, prize and recognition programs
Self appraisal

What did I learn from this course?

Concepts that refer to organizational psychology, as well as what are the components
that a company has, that is, the structure it has. Likewise, what are the functions that we
as psychologists can perform and not only in the application of tests for personnel
selection, but also job analysis, the activities that employees carry out so that they can
reach the goal they the company proposes. And that a lot of skill is required in this field
to carry out the responsibilities assigned to us when working in the organizational field,
since we are the mediators between the boss and the employees so that both are
comfortable and in accordance with the work agreements. the same.

What can I use this knowledge for?

To apply it to the subjects that come from it in the remainder of my training at the
university, in terms of my work environment it will be very helpful to me because even
if I do not dedicate myself to working in a company, I will be able to apply my
knowledge in a hospital in the human resources department.

In which area(s) do I have greater mastery?

I consider that I have greater skills in the case of job analysis

What areas do I still need to strengthen?

In the creation of organizational charts, especially mixed ones, since they are very
complex, especially in content ones.

In the portfolio development process, what topics or strategies would you like to
find in another course? What wouldn't I like to find?
To be honest, I would like this activity regarding the portfolio to be eliminated because I
do not see the purpose or use that we could give it as students because that is why we
have notes and do the tasks so that it helps us study for our respective evaluations

What questions related to concepts or skills remain unanswered?

Due to the optimal way in which the teacher instilled in us the knowledge of this
subject, no concepts are left unanswered.

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