Scott Cunningham Herbal Encyclopedia

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Fire element.
MAGIC Deity: Hecate.
Magical uses: Protection, healing, exorcism, sexual desire and anti-theft. Garlic was
by Scott Cunningham eaten at festivals dedicated to Hecate and left at a crossroads as a sacrifice in the name
of this Goddess. It is used to protect against plague. It is still used to absorb diseases.
You just have to rub fresh, peeled Garlic cloves on the affected part of the body, and
Birch (Betula alba) then throw them into running water. It is a great protector, it is placed in the home to
Female gender. prevent the intrusion of evil, to keep thieves away, and it is hung on the door to repel
Planet: Venus. envious people. Garlic protects new houses.
Water element. If carried with you, it protects from enemies and bad weather. Garlic is bitten to scare
Deity: Thor. away bad intruders, or its powder is spread on the ground. It is also placed under
Magical uses: Protection, exorcism, purification. Birch twigs have been used to children's pillows to protect them while they sleep. Rubbing it on pots and pans before
exorcise spirits by gently hitting possessed people or animals, since it is a purifying cooking eliminates negative vibrations that could contaminate food. If eaten it acts as
and cleansing herb. an inducer of sexual desire. And when a magnet or natural lodestone is rubbed with
The tree is also used for protection, some hung a red ribbon around the trunk to ward Garlic, it loses its magical powers.
off the evil eye. It is said that the Birch also protects from lightning. Some Witches
made their brooms from Birch twigs. Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Male gender.
Avocado (Persea Americana) Planet Mars.
Female gender. Fire element.
Planet: Venus. Deities: Vishnu, Erzulie.
Water element. Magical uses: Love, exorcism, wealth, ability to fly, protection. The pleasant perfume
Magical uses: Love, desire, beauty. Avocado is eaten to increase sexual desire. Planted of fresh Basil produces sympathy between two people and that is why it is used to
in the home it will attract love. Magic wands made from its wood are powerful magical appease bad tempers between lovers. It is added to love incenses and sachets, and the
instruments. If you want to enhance beauty, carry an Avocado seed with you. fresh leaves are rubbed against the skin as a natural love perfume. This is also used in
love divinations. If you want to know if a person is honest or promiscuous, you should
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) POISONOUS put a sprig of Basil in his or her hand. It will wither immediately if that person is "light
Male gender. in love."
Planet Mars. This plant provides wealth to those who carry it in their pockets, and is used to attract
Fire element. customers to a business by placing some at the cash register or on the door frame. Basil
Deities: Iris, Diana, Artemis. ensures that the couple remains faithful. Sprinkle Basil powder over the person's body
Magical uses: Psychic powers, protection, love and invocation of spirits. Wormwood is while they sleep, especially over the heart, and the relationship will be blessed by
burned as incense to increase psychic powers. If it is hung on the rearview mirror of fidelity. Likewise, it spreads on the ground, because where it is, evil cannot live. It is
the car, it will protect against accidents on dangerous roads. Putting it under the bed used in exorcism incenses and purification baths. Sometimes small amounts are placed
can attract the person you love. in each room of the house for protection. Another use given to Basil is to control diets,
It is also burned to invoke spirits, mixing it with Sandalwood will have a better effect but it must be with the help of another person because it is said that a woman (or a
regarding this purpose. According to legend, if it is burned in a cemetery, the dead will man) will not be able to eat food if, secretly, the basil has been placed. Basil under the
rise and speak. plate. Finally, as a gift it brings good luck to a new home.
Camphor (Cinamomum camphora)
Female gender.
Garlic (alliun sativum) Planet: Moon
Water element. Planet: Moon
Magical uses: Chastity, health and divination. Camphor is smelled to attenuate sexual Water element.
desire. It is also placed next to the bed for the same purpose. A Camphor sachet Magical uses: Protection, luck. Aloe, a popular houseplant, is also protective. Protects
hanging around the neck prevents colds and flu. It is sometimes used in divination from evil influences and prevents accidents at home. They are also hung in homes to
incenses. attract luck.

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Poppy (Papaver spp.)

Female gender. Female gender.
Planet: Venus Planet: Moon
Earth element. Water element.
Magical uses: Prosperity, against hunger, money. Stay at home to protect yourself from Deities: Hypnos and Demeter.
poverty and hunger. It is better to place it in a small jar in the pantry or closet. You can Magical uses: Fertility, love, sleep, money, luck and invisibility. Poppy seeds and
also burn and scatter the ashes for the same purpose. Alfalfa is used in money spells. flowers are used in mixtures made to help sleep. They are also eaten or carried with
them to increase fertility and to attract luck and money. The seeds are also put into
Cotton (Gossypium barbadense) food to induce love or used in love bags.
Female gender. If you want to know the answer to a question, write it on white paper with blue ink. Put
Planet: Moon it inside a Poppy pod and put it under your pillow. Thus the answer will appear in a
Earth element. dream. According to legend, you can achieve invisibility at will, just by soaking Poppy
Magical Uses: Luck, healing, protection, rain and fishing magic. A piece of seeds in wine for fifteen days. The wine is then drunk on an empty stomach every day
Cotton in the sugar bowl will attract good luck. The same as if you throw it over your for five days.
right shoulder at dawn. In this case, good luck will appear before the day ends. Cotton
is placed on the painful tooth to remove the pain. Cotton planted or scattered in the Anise (Pinpinella anisum)
yard keeps it free from ghosts and Cotton balls soaked in vinegar and placed on the Male gender.
windowsill keep evil away. To make a lost love come back, put some pepper on a Planet Jupiter
piece of cotton and sew it to make a bag. Wear it for its magic to take effect. Burning Element: Air.
Cotton produces rain. The best fabric for bags, or any cloth necessary in magic, is that Magical uses: Protection, purification, youth. It is used in protection and meditation
made of Cotton. incenses. Green Anise leaves placed in a room will drive away evil; They are
sometimes placed around the Magic Circle to protect the Witcher from evil spirits. It
Almond (Gossypium barbadense) also wards off the evil eye. Anise grain is used in purification baths, especially with
Male gender. Laurel leaves. It is used to invoke spirits to assist in magical operations, and a twig
Planet Mercury hung from the headboard of the bed restores lost youth.
Element: Air.
Deities: Attis, Mercury, Thoth, Hermes.
Magical uses: Money, prosperity, wisdom. Almonds, as well as leaves and wood, are
used in spells to obtain wealth and money. It is said that climbing an almond tree Celery (Apium graveolens)
ensures success in business investments. Eating Almonds will cure or combat fevers Male gender.
and confer wisdom. Eating five Almonds before drinking prevents poisoning. The Planet Mercury
Wands may be made of almond wood, as it is an Air plant, which is the elemental ruler Fire element.
of that tool in some traditions. Magical uses: Mental powers, sexual desire and psychic powers. The seed is chewed to
aid in concentration, or in pillow spells to induce sleep. Burned with Lily roots, Celery
Aloe (Aloe vera, A. Spp.) seeds increase psychic powers. The trunk along with the seeds induce sexual desire and
Female gender. are ingested.
Rice (Oryza sativa) Magical uses: Protection and chastity. Due to their thorns, all Cactus species are
Male gender. protective. If grown indoors they protect against intruders and thieves, and also absorb
Planet: Sun bad influences. For greater protection, it should be planted outside facing all directions.
Element: Air. The thorns of the Cactus are used by Witches to draw magical symbols and words on
Magical uses: Protection, rain, money and fertility. Rice spread on the roof protects candles. These are then carried or buried to release their power.
against misfortunes. A small jar of Rice also protects. Throwing Rice into the air can
produce rain. It is also put in money spells, and thrown after newly married couples to Pumpkin (Curcubita spp.)
increase fertility. Female gender.
Planet: Moon.
Oats (Avena sativa) Water element.
Female gender. Magical uses: Protection. Pumpkins hanging on the front door provide protection
Planet: Venus against suggestion. If you carry pieces of pumpkin in your pocket or purse, they ward
Earth element. off evil. Dried seeds are placed inside maracas to scare away evil spirits, and a dried
Magical uses: Money. It is used in money and prosperity spells. gourd, if cut at the top and filled with water, serves as a crystal ball.

Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) Cinnamon (Cinamomum zeylanicum)

Male gender. Male gender.
Deity: Hina. Planet: Sun.
Magical uses: Protection, luck, undoing spells, wishes. Carve your wish on a piece of Fire element.
Bamboo and bury it in a secluded place. Or also a magical symbol, like the Pentagram, Deities: Venus and Aphrodite.
to protect the home by planting it in the patio. It is also placed on the door to attract Magical Uses: Spirituality, success, healing, power, psychic powers, sexual desire,
good luck. Bamboo is used to break spells, either by carrying it in a bag or by crushing protection and love. When Cinnamon is burned as incense, it creates high spiritual
it into powder and then burning it. vibrations, promotes healing, obtains money, stimulates psychic powers and produces
protective vibrations. Cinnamon is also used to make bags and infusions for these same
Banana (Musa sapientum) purposes.
Female gender.
Planet: Venus. Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum)
Water element. Female gender.
Deity: Kanaloa. Planet: Venus.
Magical uses: Fertility and prosperity. Banana is used for fertility and also to cure Water element.
impotence. The leaves, flowers and fruits of the banana are used for money and Magical uses: Love and sexual desire. Sugar has long been used in love and sexual
prosperity spells. An old belief says that a banana tree should never be cut, only desire potions. Chew a piece of sugar cane while thinking about the person you love.
broken. Sugar is also spread to expel evil, cleanse and purify places before rituals and spells.
Benzoin (Styrax benzoin)
Male gender. Hemp (Cannibis sativa)
Planet: Sun. Female gender.
Element: Air. Planet Saturn.
Magical uses: Benzoin is burned to purify and added to incense for the same purpose. Water element.
Make an incense of Benzoin, Cinnamon and Basil, and burn it to attract customers to Magical uses: Healing, love, visions and meditation. This plant, better known as
your business. Benzoin can be replaced with Estoraque, with which it is related. marijuana, has long been used in love spells and divination. The smoke is said to
awaken psychic powers and visions of the future. But currently its use and sale is Female gender.
restricted by law. Planet: Venus.
Water element.
Cardamom (Elletario cardamomum) Magical uses: Love and divination. Cherry is used to stimulate love or attract it. Cherry
Female gender. juice is also used as a substitute for blood, when it is required in old recipes.
Planet: Venus.
Water element. Carnation (Dianthus carophyllus)
Deity: Erzulie. Male gender.
Magical uses: Sexual desire and love. The seeds are added to mulled wine to make a Planet: Sun.
quick sexual desire potion. They are also used as ingredients in apple pies, to make an Fire element.
excellent love pie; They are also added to love bags and incenses. Deity: Jupiter
Magical uses: Protection, strength and healing. Carnations can be used for spells for
Onion (Altium sepa) protective purposes. They are placed in the room of a convalescent patient to give him
Male gender. strength and energy, and are also used in healing spells. As well as putting Carnations
Planet Mars. on the Altar, during healing rituals, or adding dried flowers to sachets and incense for
Fire element. the same purpose.
Deity: Isis.
Magical uses: Protection, exorcism, healing, money, prophetic dreams and sexual Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
desire. Its leaves are decorative and can be dried and placed in the home to make an Male gender.
attractive protective amulet. Planet Jupiter.
Fire element.
Cedar (Cedrus libani or C. spp.) Magical uses: Protection, exorcism, love and money. Burned as incense, Clove attracts
Male gender. wealth, eliminates hostile and negative forces, produces spiritual vibrations and
Planet: Sun. purifies the place. Burn Cloves as incense to prevent others from talking behind your
Fire element. back. It also attracts the opposite sex.
Deity: Isis.
Magical uses: Healing, purification, money and protection. Cedar smoke is purifying
and cures the tendency to have bad dreams. Cedar twigs are burned and crushed, or
incenses are made to cure headaches. The hanging cedar protects from lightning. A Coconut (Cocos nucifera)
cedar stick carved with three points is stuck in the ground with the points facing up, Female gender.
near the home, to protect it from all evil. Planet: Moon.
If you keep a piece of Cedar in your purse or pocket it will attract money; It is also Water element.
used in money incenses. It is added to love sachets and burned to induce psychic Magical uses: Purification, protection and chastity. Coconut has been used for a long
powers. Cedar can be replaced with Juniper. time in chastity spells and protective rituals. A Coconut can be split in half, filled with
suitable protective herbs and sealed tightly, then buried to protect the home or
Cereals property.
Magical uses: Protection. Cereal is spread throughout the room to create protection
against evil. To protect children when they are away (for example, at school) a handful Cumin (Cumimum cyminum)
of Cereals is thrown after them when they leave. Making sure they don't see you do Male gender.
this. Planet Mars.
Fire element.
Cherry (Prunnus avium)
Magical uses: Protection, fertility, exorcism and anti-theft. In Germany, Cumin is put Magical uses: Protection and love. Raspberry branches are hung on doors and windows
in bread to prevent forest spirits from stealing it. Cumin seed also has the "power of for protection. Also when a death has occurred, so that the person's spirit does not re-
retention", for example, it will prevent the theft of any object that contains it. Cumin is enter the house after having abandoned it.
burned as incense for protection and spread on the ground, sometimes with Salt, to Raspberry serves as a love-inducing food, and pregnant women carry its leaves to
ward off evil. It is used in love spells, and when given to a lover it will encourage relieve the pains of pregnancy and childbirth.
fidelity. Its seed is soaked with wine to make sexual desire potions. If carried with you
it provides peace of mind. Strawberry (Fragaria vesca)
Female gender.
Copal (Bursera odorata) Planet: Venus.
Male gender. Water element.
Planet: Sun. Magical uses: Love and luck. Strawberries serve as food for love and their leaves are
Fire element. worn to attract luck. Pregnant women can wear them to relieve labor pains.
Magical uses: Love and purification. Copal is widely used in love and purification
spells, especially in Mexico.
Gardenia (Gardenia spp.)
Juniper (Juniperus communis) Female gender.
Male gender. Planet: Moon.
Planet: Sun. Water element.
Fire element. Magical uses: Love, peace, healing and spirituality. Fresh flowers are placed in the sick
Magical uses: Protection, anti-theft, love, exorcism and health. Protects from theft. person's room or on Healing Altars to facilitate the process. The dried petals are also
Juniper is hung on doors as protection against evil forces and burned in exorcist rites. added to healing formulas and incenses.
A twig of this plant protects its wearer from accidents and attacks by wild animals. It Dried Gardenia is spread throughout the room to create peaceful vibrations, and added
also defends against illness and ghosts. Juniper is added to incenses and love mixtures, to Luna incenses. It is used in love spells and to attract good spirits during rituals. They
and its leaves are worn to increase virile potency. When worn or burned, it promotes have very high spiritual vibrations.
psychic powers. It also scares away snakes.
Geranium (Pelargonium spp.)
Female gender.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) Planet: Venus.
Female gender. Water element.
Planet: Moon. Magical uses: Fertility, health, love and protection. All types of Geranium are
Water element. protective if they are grown in the garden or brought home freshly cut and placed in
Magical uses: Healing and protection. The leaves are used to fill healing dolls and are water. Protects from snakes. A plot of red Geraniums, planted near a Witch's house,
carried on people to maintain good health. You can also hang a sprig of Eucalyptus on warned with its movements of the arrival of visitors. The flowers were magically
the sick person's bed. If placed under the pillow, the pods prevent colds. The leaves are charged and pointed in the direction in which the strangers were approaching. Land or
also worn for protection. plots planted with red geraniums offer protection and strengthen health. Those with
pink flowers are used in love spells, and the white varieties increase fertility.
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) Healers in Mexico purify and cure their patients by brushing them with red Geraniums,
Female gender. along with branches of Rue and Pepper. Pink Geranium is used in protective bags, or
Planet: Venus. its fresh leaves are rubbed on doors and windows to protect them. All fragrant
Water element. Geraniums have various magical properties, most of which can be deduced from the
fragrance they give off (Nutmeg, Lemon, Mint, etc.). Those that have a Nutmeg
fragrance have many of the properties of said plant.
placed on the doorstep. The Fern also protects the interior of the house. To exorcise
Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) evil spirits, Ferns are thrown on hot coals. If it burns in open fields it causes rain. The
Male gender. smoke produced by burning keeps away snakes and harmful creatures.
Planet: Sun. If carried with you, it has the power to guide its owner to a hidden treasure. It is said
Fire element. that drinking Fern sap confers eternal youth. The male Fern is worn to attract good
Magical uses: Love, wishes, healing, beauty, protection and sexual desire. The root is luck; It also attracts women.
carried with one to attract love, maintain health, attract money and ensure sexual
potency. Ginseng also confers beauty to anyone who carries it with them. It is burned Peppermint (Mentha spp.)
to ward off evil spirits and to break spells. Male gender.
Tea made from this plant is used as a drink that induces sexual desire, either alone or Planet Mercury.
with other similar herbs. Element: Air.
Deities: Pluto and Hecate.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Magical uses: Money, sexual desire, healing, travel, exorcism and protection. The use
Male gender. of Peppermint in potions and healing mixtures dates back to ancient times, and it is
Planet: Sun. said that rubbing the green leaves on the head relieves headaches. If you wear
Fire element. Peppermint on your wrist, it will ensure that its owner will not fall ill. Stomach
Magical uses: Fertility, wishes, health and wisdom. Women who want to conceive eat problems can be relieved by stuffing a green doll with Peppermint and anointing it
Sunflower seeds. If you cut a Sunflower at sunset and at the same time make a wish, it with healing oils. It is also used in travel spells and to provoke sexual desire. The
will be fulfilled before the next sunset, with the condition that the wish should not be invigorating aroma of its bright green leaves leads to its use in money and prosperity
too important. Sunflowers growing in the garden protect against pests and give the spells; The simplest of them is to put a few leaves in your purse or wallet, or rub where
gardener the best of luck. you keep money. To cleanse a place of evils, salt water is spread with a spreader made
from tender stems of Peppermint, Marjoram and Rosemary.
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Fresh Peppermint placed on the Altar will invoke good spirits to come and help in
Male gender. magic. It is also kept at home for protection.
Planet Mercury. Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)
Fire element. Female gender.
Deities: Persephone and Ceres. Planet: Moon.
Magical Uses: Divination, luck, wishes, wealth and fertility. The seeds have long been Water element.
eaten to increase fertility, and their hulls have been taken away for the same reason. Deity: Vishnu.
The Pomegranate is a magical fruit for luck. If you make a wish before eating one, it Magical uses: Love, money, prophetic dreams. Its dried flowers are added to sachets
may come true. A pomegranate branch reveals hidden riches, or attracts money to its and other love potions. They attract spiritual love (the opposite of physical love). They
possessor. Hanging over the entrance of the attract money and wealth if carried with them or burned. Jasmine also causes prophetic
house protect from evil, and the juice is used as a substitute for blood or magical ink. dreams if it is burned in a room; Smelling the flowers induces sleep.
The dried husk is added to wealth and money incenses.
Laurel (Laurus nobilis)
Fern Male gender.
Male gender. Planet: Sun.
Planet Mercury. Fire element.
Element: Air. Deities: Piarist, Apollo, Ceres, Faun and Eros.
Deities: Lada and Puck. Magical uses: Protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength. Laurel is used
Magical uses: Attracts rain, protection, luck, wealth, eternal youth, health and in potions of clairvoyance and wisdom. Its leaves are placed under the pillow to induce
exorcism. The Fern is placed in flower vases for its protective properties, and it is also prophetic dreams, and are also burned to produce visions.
It is a protective and purifying herb par excellence, and is worn as an amulet to repel Water element.
evil and negative forces. It is burned or scattered during exorcism rituals, placed in Deities: Venus, Juno, Nepthys and Kwan Yin.
windows to protect from lightning. A Laurel twig is used to spread water in a Magical uses: Protection, breaking love spells. Planting Lilies in the garden will keep
purification ceremony, and the tree planted near the house protects its inhabitants from ghosts and evil away. Protects from the evil eye and prevents unwanted visits to the
disease. Laurel leaves mixed with Sandalwood can be burned to undo curses and bad home. Lilies are a good antidote for love spells; for this purpose you should take a
enchantments. fresh Lily.
Laurel leaves give strength to those who participate in wrestling and athletics sports if
they carry it with them at the time of competition. Wishes are written on the Laurel Lotus (Nymphaea lotus)
leaves, then burned to make them come true; And if you hold a bay leaf in your mouth, Female gender.
it wards off bad luck. Planet: Moon.
Water element.
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) Magical uses: Protection and opening of locks. Whoever breathes the aroma of the
Female gender. Lotus will receive its protection. Put its root under your tongue, and say these words:
Planet: Venus. "SING, ARGGIS", to a closed door and it will miraculously open.
Water element.
Magical uses: Exorcism and protection. The Lilac drives away evil wherever it is Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium)
planted. And fresh flowers can be put in a haunted house to purify it. Male gender.
Planet Jupiter.
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Earth element.
Male gender. Magical uses: Money, psychic powers and protection. Surround green candles with
Planet: Sun. Honeysuckle flowers to attract money, or also in a vase.
Fire element.
Magical uses: Healing, love and protection. Take a fresh file, stab it with old nails,
spikes, needles and pins, and throw it into a deep hole in the ground. This will free you Corn (Zea mays)
from all diseases, spells and other things. A necklace made of lime cures a sore throat. Female gender.
The branches of the lime tree also protect against the evil eye. Planet: Venus.
Earth element.
Lemon (Syringa vulgaris) Magical uses: Protection, luck, divination. The Goddess of Corn, who represents
Female gender. abundance and fertility, has long been worshiped. An ear of Corn is placed inside the
Planet: Moon. cradle to protect the baby from negative forces. A bunch of ears hanging from a mirror
Water element. brings good luck to the home, and a necklace made with dried kernels of red Corn
Magical uses: Longevity, purification, love and friendship. Lemon juice is mixed with prevents nosebleeds.
water to clean amulets, jewelry and other magical objects obtained second-hand.
Washing them ensures that all negative vibrations have been removed from the object Mandrake (Mandragora officinale) POISONOUS
in question. The dried flowers and skin are added to love sachets and mixtures, and the Male gender.
leaves are used in sexual desire teas. Serving lemon cake to the couple will help Planet Mercury.
strengthen their fidelity, and placing a slice of lemon under the visitor's chair ensures Fire element.
that their friendship lasts. Magical uses: Protection, fertility, money, love and health. Where a Mandrake exists,
demons cannot live.
Lily (Lilium spp.)
Female gender. Apple (Pyrus spp.)
Planet: Moon. Female gender.
Planet: Venus. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Water element. Female gender.
Deities: Venus, Dionysus, Olwen, Apollo, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Diana, Zeus, Planet: Venus.
Iduna. Water element.
Magical uses: Love, healing. The Wiccan Altars are filled with Apples on Samhain, Magical uses: Courage, love, psychic powers and exorcism. If carried, it protects its
since this was considered food for the dead. For the same reason, Samhain is wearer, and when held in the hand, it curbs fear and confers courage.
sometimes known as the "Feast of Apples." Also in some Wicca traditions, Apples are It provides love and attracts friends or distant relatives with whom you wish to come
a symbol of the Soul, and that is why they are buried at Samhain, so that those who are into contact. It will catch the attention of who you most want to see. An Infusion is
reborn in the spring have food in the cold winter months. The Apple has been used for made with the flowers and the resulting tea is drunk to increase psychic powers. It is
a long time in love spells. The flowers are added to love sachets, potions and incense. also used to exorcise evil and negative energy from people, places or things.
A love spell consists of cutting an Apple in half and sharing it with the loved one. This
act ensures that you will be happy together. Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
For healing, you can cut the Apple into three pieces and rub each one against the Female gender.
affected part of the body, and then bury them. Doing this on a waning Moon is the Planet: Moon.
best. Excellent magic wands used in love rites are made from the wood of the apple Water element.
tree. Apple cider is used instead of blood, when required in old recipes. Apples can be Deities: Isis, Adonis, Ra and Marian.
turned into dolls or magical figures for use in spells. Magical uses: Protection, exorcisms, healing and spirituality. In ancient Egypt, Myrrh
was burned at noon in honor of Ra, and it was also smoked in the temples of Isis.
Marjoram (Origanum majorana) Burned as incense, Myrrh purifies the place, creates vibrations and peace. Increases the
Male gender. power of any incense to which it is added. It is also included in incense and healing
Planet Mercury. sachets, and its smoke is used to consecrate, purify, and bless amulets, talismans, and
Element: Air. magical tools.
Deities: Venus and Aphrodite.
Magical uses: Marjoram is used in love spells and is also placed in food to strengthen Mistletoe (Viscum album)
it. Protects when carried with you, when placed around the house, and a little in each Male gender.
room; It is renewed every month. Violets and Marjoram, mixed, are worn during the Planet: Sun.
winter months as an amulet against colds. If you give Marjoram to a person who Element: Air.
suffers from depression, it makes him happy. It is also used in mixtures and in money Deities: Apollo, Freya, Venus and Odin.
bags. Magical uses: Protection, love, hunting, fertility, health and exorcism. As is well
known, the Druids venerated Mistletoe, especially when they found it in an Oak Tree.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Used for a long time to protect against lightning, illness, misfortunes of all kinds, fires,
Male gender. etc.; To do this, it is carried with you or placed in an appropriate place. Its leaves and
Planet Mercury. berries are used. If left near the bedroom door, it provides a restful rest and beautiful
Fire element. dreams, as well as when placed under the pillow or hung from the headboard of the
Deity: Pluto. bed. If it burns, drive away evil.
Magical Uses: Purification, sleep, love, healing and psychic powers. Peppermint has
long been used in healing and purification spells. Its presence increases the vibrations Orange (Citrus sinesis)
of a place. If you smell it, it induces sleep, and if you place it under your pillow, it Male gender.
sometimes gives a vision of the future in dreams. It is rubbed against furniture, walls Planet: Sun.
and floors to purify evil and negative forces. It is also believed that Mint excites love Fire element.
and that is why it can be added to this type of mixtures.
Magical uses: Love, divination, luck, money. The peel and seeds are added to the love cross of pine needles hung in the window or fireplace prevents evil from entering.
bags, and the flowers to the bags designed for marital happiness. If fresh or dried They are also used in money spells.
flowers are added to the bath, it will make the bather more attractive.
The husk is placed in powders, incenses and mixtures for prosperity. In rituals you can Oak (Quercus alba)
drink orange juice instead of wine. Drinking an infusion made with Orange peels will Male gender.
protect against drunkenness. Planet: Sun.
Fire element.
Orchid (Orchis spp.) Deities: Dagda, Diano, Jupiter, Thor, Zeus, Herne, Janus, Thea, Cybele, Hecate,
Female gender. Pan and Erato.
Planet: Venus. Magical uses: Protection, health, money, healing, power, fertility and luck. Druids
Water element. traditionally gathered in their rituals in the presence of an Oak, and there are those who
Magical uses: Love. Orchids have been used in love spells, especially their root, which claim that the words "Oak" and "Druid" are related. The Witches often danced under
is carried in a small bag. The flower is one of the best-known symbols of love in the this tree. A tree as long-lived and strong as the Oak naturally offers magical protection.
West. Two Oak branches, joined with thread in the shape of a cross with equal arms, serve as
a powerful guardian against evil. It should be hung in the house.
Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) Carrying an acorn protects against diseases and pain, it also increases fertility and
Female gender. sexual potency. Planting it in the light of the Moon ensures that money will be received
Planet Saturn. soon. A piece of Oak attracts good luck.
Earth element. Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)
Magical uses: Money, fertility, sexual desire. Patchouli smells like fertile earth, and Male gender.
that is why it has been used in mixtures of money and prosperity spells. It is sprinkled Planet: Sun.
on money, put in bags and purses and placed around the base of green candles. Fire element.
It is also used in fertility talismans and as a substitute for "tombstone dust." Magical uses: Protection, love, sexual desire, mental powers, exorcism, purification,
Patchouli is placed in baths and love bags. Contrary to what is believed in current healing, sleep and youth. When burned, Rosemary emits powerful cleansing and
herbal magic, Patchouli is used to attract people and produce sexual desire, as tradition purifying vibrations, and is used to cleanse a place of negative forces, especially before
indicates. performing magic. It is one of the oldest incenses. When placed under the pillow, it
ensures nightmare-free dreams. If placed under the bed, it protects the sleeper from
Straw harm. It is also hung on the porch or entryway to deter thieves. This plant is carried
Magical uses: Straw is lucky, which is why it is sometimes transported in small bags. with you to maintain health. In the bathroom it purifies.
Small magical images can be made from Straw and used as dolls. Rosemary has long been used in incenses of love and sexual desire and in other
mixtures. Healing dolls are filled with Rosemary to harness its healing vibrations.
Pine (Pinus spp.) Rosemary leaves, mixed with Juniper berries, are burned in the sick room to stimulate
Male gender. healing. Rosemary is used as a substitute for incense. Rosemary is grown to attract
Planet Mars. Gnomes.
Element: Air.
Deities: Cybele, Pan, Venus, Attis, Dionysus, Astarte and Silvanus. Rose (Rosa spp.)
Magical uses: Healing, fertility, protection, exorcisms and money. Pine cones are Female gender.
carried with them to increase fertility and reach old age full of vigor. A pineapple Planet: Venus.
picked in the middle of summer (still retaining its seeds) is a magical object. To purify Water element.
and clean the house, pine leaves are burned during the winter months. If they are Deities: Hathor, Hulda, Eros, Cupid, Demeter, Isis, Harpocrates and Aurora.
scattered on the ground, they ward off evil, and if they are burned, they exorcise the Magical Uses: Love, psychic powers, healing, love divination, luck and protection.
place of negative energies and return spells. They are also used to purify bathrooms. A Roses have long been used in love mixtures due to their association with emotions.
Carrying a bouquet of Roses when casting love spells (the thorns must be removed), or write a wish on a piece of Sandalwood and then burn it and visualize it at the same
a single Rose in a vase placed on the Altar, are powerful in love magic. Rose water time. Sandalwood beads are protective and encourage spiritual knowledge when
distilled from the petals is put in the love bath. Rose hips (the fruit of Roses) are strung carried.
or worn as beads that attract love.
Drinking tea made from Rosebuds before going to bed induces prophetic dreams. Rose Willow (Salix alba)
petals and rose hips are also used in incense and healing spells, and if a cloth soaked in Female gender.
Rose water is placed on the temples, it will eliminate headaches. They are also put in Planet: Moon.
mixtures for luck and, when worn, act as personal protectors. Water element.
Scattering rose petals throughout the house calms personal tension and home Deities: Artemis, Ceres, Hecate, Persephone, Hera, Mercury, Belili and Belinus.
cataclysms. Roses planted in the home attract Fairies. Magical uses: Love, love divination, protection and healing. The leaves of the Willow
are used in mixtures to attract love, and the wood is used to make magic wands
Rue (Ruta graveolens) dedicated to Lunar magic. All parts of the Willow protect from evil and can be carried
Male gender. or placed in the home for that purpose.
Planet Mars. Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)
Fire element. Female gender.
Deities: Diana and Aradia. Planet: Venus.
Magical uses: Healing, health, mental powers, exorcisms and love. Placing Rue leaves Water element.
on the forehead eliminates headaches. Rue is placed in incense and dolls for healing Deities: Holda and Venus.
purposes. Smelling fresh Rue clears the mind in love affairs and improves mental Magical uses: Exorcism, protection, healing, prosperity and sleep. It serves to scare
processes. Added to the bath it breaks all spells and curses that may have been cast. It away aggressors. Hanging on the entrance door and windows, it protects the house
is also added to incense and exorcism mixtures. It is protective when placed on the from evil. He also possesses the power to force an Evil Sorcerer to undo any
door or in sachets, and if the fresh flowers are rubbed against the ground, it returns any enchantment or spell he may have cast against someone. Berries protect from evil and
negative spell that has been sent. A fresh Rue branch is used to sprinkle salt water negative forces. If grown near the house or in the garden, it provides prosperity and
throughout the house; This is how it cleans itself of negative energy. protects from the ravages caused by Witchcraft. The same if branches are nailed
around the property, as it protects against thieves. Many have the belief that burning
Sage (Savia officinalis) Elder wood is dangerous and is prohibited. But what is reliable is that the wood of the
Male gender. tree can be used to make Magic Wands.
Planet Jupiter.
Element: Air. Clover (Trifolium spp.)
Magical uses: Wisdom, protection and wishes. Sage is worn to promote wisdom, and Male gender.
its leaves are used in healing and money spells. If you want a wish to come true, write Planet Mercury.
it on a sage leaf and hide it under your pillow. Sleep on it for three nights. If you dream Element: Air.
once of what you wish, your wish will come true; If not, bury the Salvia so it can't Deity: Rowen.
cause you any harm. Magical uses: Protection, money, love, fidelity, exorcism and success. Finding a Two-
leaf Clover indicates that you will soon find a lover. The three-leaf one serves as a
Sandalwood (Santalum album) protective amulet. Four leaves help men free themselves from military service, protect
Female gender. from madness, give strength to psychic powers, allow the presence of spirits to be
Planet: Moon. detected and lead to money. The five-leaf clover is powerful in attracting money.
Water element. White Clover acts against spells. And Red Clover added to bath water helps in
Magical uses: Protection, wishes, healing, exorcism and spirituality. The dust of financial matters; Also to induce sexual desire and the infusion is splashed to eliminate
Sandalwood is burned during protection, healing and exorcism spells. Its fragrant wood evil spirits.
has highly spiritual vibrations, and is burned in seances and Full Moon rituals. You can
Vanilla (Vanilla aromatica)
Female gender.
Planet: Venus.
Water element.
Magical uses: Love, sexual desire and mental powers. It is used in love bags; Its aroma
and flavor are considered aphrodisiacs. Its seed serves to restore lost energy and
improve intellect.

Verbena (Verbena officinalis)

Female gender.
Planet: Venus.
Earth element.
Deities: Kerrinwen, Mars, Venus, Aradis, Isis, Jupiter, Thor and Juno.
Magical uses: Love, protection, purification, peace, money, youth, sleep and healing. It
is a common ingredient in love mixtures and protective spells. Any part of this plant
can be worn as a personal amulet. Splashing an infusion scares away evil spirits. It is
spread to act as a pacifier and carried to calm emotions. Verbena is also healing and
attracts good fortune and protection from all enchantments to those who are anointed
with its juice. It is also burned to dispel unrequited love.

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