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History of International Relations exam questions 1.

This is a compilation of exam questions from both teachers of

History of International Relations 1 (prof. Brunetto and prof. Hernandez),
of various periods. Similar questions appear, with the purpose of noticing what
It is what is asked the most and how to do it.

1. Explain the results of the Treaties of Westphalia as generators of a new

European order.

2. The Westphalian Agreements introduced new principles and concepts in future

International Relations. Indicate what they are and explain them clearly.

3. The Congress of Westphalia and its Agreements design a new political map in
Europe, which will mark the power structure on which the Westphalian
international order is based. Indicate what changes define this political map, and
what their impact will be on that power structure.

4. The Congress of Utrecht (1714) brings a series of changes to the power

configuration established in Westphalia. Point out and explain what they are.

5. Results of the Utrecht-Rastatt Congress and their significance in International


6. Analyze the effects of the revolutions of the late 18th century on future
international relations.

7. Identify the deep forces that frame the international scene of the 19th century.

8. Explain what French revolutionary messianism is, and what international

consequences its implementation by the French revolutionaries after 1789

9. Explain the importance that the figure of Napoleon had in the evolution of
relations in the first fifteen years of the 19th century.

10. The Congress of Vienna (1815) brings together the victorious powers of
Napoleon, indicate which powers are and clearly explain what interests and
objectives they pursue during the aforementioned Congress.

11. The Congress of Vienna: the participants and their interests, principles and the
new European map.

12. The Congress of Vienna defined a new territorial political map for Europe,
highlighting the main changes that meant an alteration of the real power of the
great powers of the 18th century.

13. Analyze the results of the Congress of Vienna and the way it operated in its first

14. Explain what the Holy Alliance is and what conceptual differences it has with the
Quadruple Alliance.

15. How could the European Concert be defined and characterized?

16. Analyze the major protagonists of the European Concert system from the point of
view of their foreign policy objectives and interests.

17. Analyze the interests of the major actors in the European Concert.
18. Explain the characteristics of the European Concert as an international system.

19. Between 1822/25 and 1848/56 a series of major international events occurred
that would have an impact on the European Concert. Point out what these events
are and explain what the international consequences of these events will be on
the European Concert.

20. What was the impact of the revolutionary waves of 1830 and 1848 on the
evolution of the European Concert?

21. Comparatively analyze the international consequences of the Italian and German
unification processes. What did both processes leave in international society?

22. Similar to the previous one: Characterize the two great unification processes of
the second half of the 19th century, and determine the importance of these
nascent States as actors in the International Relations of the 19th century.

23. Explain the Bismarckian system and its effect on Europe.

24. Consequences for International Relations with the creation of the German

25. How did the process of dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire begin and what
impact did this process have on the functioning of the European Concert?

26. Explain why, starting in the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire is called “the sick

27. Explain why it is relevant to talk about the dismemberment of the Ottoman
Empire and not its fall in the 19th century.
28. Reasons that led the US to enter the First World War.

29. Place the phenomenon of imperialism in the context of the European Concert
and as one of the causes of the First World War.

30. Characterize the international order resulting from the Paris Agreements (1919)
and compare it with the one resulting at the end of World War II (1945).

31. Can we speak of a “New International Order” after the First World War? Justify.

32. Explain the importance that the Locarno Agreements had in the evolution of IR in
the interwar period.

33. Analyze the European political landscape during the early 1920s.

34. What were the main instruments and political gestures that marked the period of
rise of Collective Security?

35. Analyze the causes that led to the failure of the Collective Security system in the
interwar period.

36. Analyze the consequences of the '29 crisis for international relations.

37. Compare the foreign policy of authoritarian and totalitarian states in the interwar
period, in their national objectives and in the way they achieved them.

38. List and exemplify the demands of the Third Reich between 1933 and 1939.

39. Discuss Hitler's so-called coups de force. (Czechoslovakia and Poland).

40. Yalta Conference: main topics and agreements reached.

41. Discuss and compare the Yalta and Potsdam Agreements in relation to Germany
and Poland.

42. Reasons that explain the slow distancing between the winning powers of the
Second World War.

43. Consequences of the Missile Crisis on relations between the great powers.

44. Consequences of the decolonization process for International Relations, within

the framework of the Cold War.

45. Explain why since the second half of the 1950s and throughout the 1960s there
is talk of a relative disintegration of the communist bloc. Justify by pointing out
your main milestones.

46. Develop the turn in the relationship of the People's Republic of China with the
USSR and the USA in the second half of the 20th century.

47. Explain what are the mechanisms (ideological, military and economic) that
ensure the cohesion, integrity and preeminence of the US in the Western
(capitalist) bloc during the Cold War.

48. Comment on what the de-Stalinization process consists of.

49. Analyze the role that Yugoslavia has had in the evolution of the international
system prevailing in the second half of the 20th century.

50. The German question in the second half of the 20th century.

51. Comment on the opening process in Eastern Europe, the fall of the Berlin Wall
and German reunification.

52. Throughout the historical periods studied, analyze the evolution of the Russian
Empire/USSR/Russia, identifying its changes and continuities.

Topics that are also asked:

• Realpolitik and Weltpolitik.
• Situation of Germany after the Peace of Versailles.
• Islamic revolution.

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