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Not Your Ordinary Story


This will be the third version of the story.

It will contain ALL the members. Don't read if you are uncomfortable
with that.

Chapters may contain additional scenes due to some revisions.

Don't share this publicly in order to protect not only the story but
also to protect readers like you. White knights tend to attack even
readers too, so be careful. If someone asks you to share this, tell me
to message me on Twitter: @fans_represent

You are contacted by an entertainment group, offering you a job that

would change your entire life.

One year before your favorite group part ways, you are tasked to be
their "fans' representative", where all you need to do was to address
the girls' feelings and comfort them in times of need.

The staff members' true intentions for hiring you are still in mystery
and seem very suspicious. But just like any fanboy out there, why
would you refuse the offer right?

CHAPTER Three: Heartbreaker

CHAPTER FOUR: Sequence – Deals and
The sun began to pour in through your window. Another day had
dawned, bringing with its new hopes and aspirations. Your body
began waking up with a pleasant feeling. The birds were chirping
outside, the weather looks good. It was a peaceful day without any
bad omen nor a mood-breaking event. It has been a month since you
entered the girls' lives.

It's a good day to be productive! You said to yourself. You took a

shower right away before planning to eat breakfast with the girls.

The pleasing aroma of breakfast being cooked welcomed your

presence as you enter the girls' dorm. Every member is here,
anticipating a good start to the day with a delicious breakfast. You
smell the bacon sizzling in a pan, eggs being fried, pancakes oozing
with butter, hot maple syrup poured over the pancakes, and the
sight of the cold taste of freshly squeezed orange juice.

"John Gunther once said: All happiness depends on a leisurely

breakfast!" You announced your presence within the girls' place.
"G-good morning, o-Oppa!" Hitomi rushes towards you and greets
you back with a wide, blushing smile.

"Oh wow... my morning gets even better after seeing your pretty face
with a smile, Hitomi! You're cute as always!" You replied.

"Stop flirting with Hitomi, Fan Rep. She's too young for you," Eunbi
yells from the kitchen.


UNNIE!" Hitomi yells back, "I'm also about to be 21 years old..."
You can't help but smile, seeing your favorite idols living
comfortably with you. Eunbi, alongside Sakura and Chaeyeon, they
were in charge of cooking the breakfast for everyone.

You greeted them before going back to the living room where the
other members are located. Yuri and Hyewon were watching a
mukbang on Youtube, Chaewon just came out of her room, still
yawning from a goodnight's sleep. Wonyoung is doing her
assignment from her class while Yujin giggles mysteriously while
looking at you. Both Nako and Yena were there but they acted as if
they did not see you. For the past few weeks, those two girls seemed
to avoid your presence. But as long as they were all in good, healthy
condition, you're doing a good job of serving and taking care of
them. Though with a little bit of uneasiness, you took a deep breath
before sitting down on the couch, smiling for this beautiful and
peaceful day...


What the hell was that? Did I just fart? This is embarrassing...

Everyone laughed, even Nako and Yena can't hide their smiles before
looking away from you. You discovered a whoopie cushion on the
couch which made the fart-like sound as you sat on it.

"Wahahahahahaha! Got you oppa!" Yujin said while laughing her

heart out loud. It is one of those childish pranks by Yujin on you. She
always put you in her pranks to the point that you're already used to
them and you just laugh it off. These girls need to be happy in every
possible time you can give to them. The fully loaded schedules,
demanding activities, harsh issues, and scandals... a lot of things can
make these girls depressed and unable to perform at their best. You,
as the group's fan representative, knows this thing and that is why
you dedicated yourself to make these girls as happy as they can be.

"YAAAH! Yujinnie! You and your pranks on Oppa again! Say sorry to
him!" Hitomi can be really scary sometimes, especially protecting
you. You assume that she does these things in order not to tire you
out of your job, since handling and overseeing them in a group can
really be tiring. She's really sweet and cute, especially with her new
style with blonde hair color.
"It's okay, Hiichan. Don't worry about it. Nothing really bad
happened hahaha!" You stopped Hitomi from scolding her younger
member. You smiled at her to make sure nothing bad happened.

Chaewon yawns. "What just
happened...?" She asks as
she does not have any clue
why the other members
were laughing earlier and
why there is a commotion

"Good morning!" You greeted her. "It seems like you're still sleeping
and unaware of your surroundings hahaha!" You make fun of her.

"Well, at least I do not sleepwalk..." She replied.


You definitely do not want her to talk about that.

Everything flowed smoothly early this morning. It was a kind of

peaceful day. Everyone enjoyed the breakfast prepared by the
unnies, and everyone seems to enjoy their own activities right after
"Are you free today, oppa?" Hitomi personally walked up to you and
asks you about your personal schedule. "Can you join me at the

"I do not have any schedules for today..." You were interrupted by
your ringing phone.

*bzzzt bzzt*

There was a call from the staff heads and the board members. "We
need you to be with us here today for the plans and near-future
activities of the group." The staff said.

"It seems like I cannot accompany you today, Hitomi. You know,
when the company calls, I must go there ASAP." You sadly rejected
Hitomi's request. "I am not sure how long the meeting will be, but I
will try to go home as early as I could. I will prepare you a special
dinner to compensate for my absence..." You added which made
Hitomi smile once again.

"Really?! Thank you oppa!" Hitomi hugged you after. "I think you're
good at cooking, ain't you? Your dishes must taste really good!"

"He also tastes really good..." Nako utters as she passes by.

"What?!" Hitomi said in shock.

"Nothing..." Nako replies as she walked farther from the two of you.

"I must go there immediately. Girls! I'll be attending an emergency

meeting right now, okay? Listen to your unnies, and Yujin, don't pull
off pranks on other members okay? Wonyoung, I can't tutor you
right now but you can bribe Hyewon noona with food and she will
gladly teach you math." You announced your sudden departure.
"Take care when I am not around! Please enjoy your day!"

Hitomi walked with you until you exited the building. Eunbi was
following her though, wanting to have some small talk with her.

"Do you like him, Hitomi?" Eunbi asks.

"No one knows this but please keep it as a secret. He's my childhood
sweetheart, unnie. That's why I felt I was attached to him. But he
does not seem to remember me..." Hitomi confessed.

"I see," Eunbi replied. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. Remember,
you are an idol now. Any dating scandal can easily bring you down
so be careful with your feelings, okay?"

Hitomi nodded in reply. "I will have you soon, Oppa... Please wait..."


Unlike earlier, the company building does not seem as peaceful as

the girls' dorm. Everyone was rushing, they were all busy-looking,
and seems like they do not want to be bothered. You directly went to
the meeting room to attend your job.

The room's atmosphere was quite heavy and gloomy. You greeted
each of the important board members as they came inside the room
one by one. Each attendee was serious and does not even give a
smile back. Everyone was focused on this business as if they were
emotionless robots.
Without me, the girls may be overworked by these people. Without me,
they'll always be sad. I must make sure that the girls will happier as
long as I am around, you said to yourself.

The meeting started and talked about the girls' comeback

happening soon. You took note of everything, the schedule of
practices, recordings, camera screenings, etc. But the presenter of
the meeting talked about one thing that is not usual.

"For this comeback, one shooting will be very special. We will be

having the girls do a cool and sexy sidetrack instead of a cute one."
The presenter said. "SEQUENCE - We always give Iz*One cute
sidetrack in all of their releases as their second performance in most
promotions. We had Highlight and Ayayaya, but never showcased
much of those performances. This time, we will focus on giving them
a primary sidetrack that has a sexy, cool concept that will surprise
everyone, both fans, and non-fans, of what the girls can offer."

The girls will love it. You thought. They always wanted to show their
mature side. Especially Nako...

"We will also give a higher focus on this sidetrack. Because of this,
we will also give this sidetrack shooting some added precautions.
We will have strict measures for the recording of this song's
performance. For the said taping, all the staff that will work on that
shooting day, from the director of the performance to the ones who
will work behind the cameras, will be all-female crew."

What the presenter had said confuses you and made you think a lot
about it. That's odd. Well, it is for the girls' safety. If they will be doing
a mature concept, even me who has high tolerance, will not be able to
handle the girls' hotness. Also, a day-off for me! You thought.
"...except for the Fans' Representative." The presenter added. "You
will be the only male crew to join the girls for that said shooting. We
don't know what can really happen while taping, so your attendance
is a must."

Day-off your face.

"O-okay! No problem!" You answered. You don't know why you will
be sent to the said shooting, but otherwise, if an emergency happens
to the girls while doing the shooting, you can immediately help.
Maybe it's for safety purposes.


Despite you woke up very early in the morning, the girls were already
out to the shooting place. Your eyes saw nothing even their

They must have left already...

You then received a text from the production crew. The staff tasked
you to buy food for everyone at the shooting place. The task caused
you to arrive much later than expected at the place where the taping
will be conducted. As you arrive at the shooting place by lunch, your
timing was a little bit right. Despite all the hindrances along the way,
you made it right in time. You discover that the main shooting will
start by sunset but the unease covered the area. Everyone was
gloomy and down.

Something is happening. I can feel it. I knew there will be problems

with this taping. There is no way a shooting can be lifeless and
gloomy. You knew that time is essential during shooting hours and
the clock is ticking. Twelve members were needing help to make
their way back to their confidence to rule the world. It is up to you to
save them from the pit of pressure and depression.

The director and the choreographer were busy discussing

something. They both looked anxious, not happy with what is
happening. As the fans' representative, you stepped into the
conversation to learn what was the problem.

"The girls' aren't feeling it," The choreographer said. "We had some
screen trials earlier but they all looked tired and unmotivated, unlike
during our practices... There must something that kept bugging their
minds and they all lose their focus."

The staff shows a video taken from the said screen trials. It was a
take on the girls' performance when you were not around. As you
witness their performance from earlier, it is clear that the girls are
not doing very well. They were not in synch. Their expressions are
not that good. It is far away from what you've seen during their

"Can you help us?" The director directly asked. "You live with the
members for more than a month. Any ideas about what is happening
to them? This performance is supposed to be the bomb for this
comeback. No one expects a sexy and mature Iz*One this time. This
is supposed to be the best among those mature concepts. But
looking at the way they performed this morning is not even close to
being acceptable! I'm starting to get disappointed with them."

The director started to get impatient with the current situation. This
is bad. If this news came out to the media, Iz*One will fall into
another series of scandals and issues.
"Let me try talking to them..." You had no single clue what was the
thing that distracts the girls' minds.

Are they hungry? Did they just starve themselves yesterday for today's
schedule? No way, I ate with them last night. They were all fine
yesterday... so what in the hell is missing?

"Oh my...It'll be a long day for us..." One staff said tells her co-staff.
"The girls aren't doing very well. Maybe they are not used to the
place we were shooting, or maybe because of the concept, or maybe
they were nervous because we were all girls here! Argghhh... We're
going home late today..."

You kept on eavesdropping on the other staff to obtain as much

information in order to assess the situation. What was the thing that
kept on bothering the girls' minds?

Everything was in shambles. Most of the staff members were

panicking. Your mind can't think of any solution as well... You
haven't even seen one of the girls! Just how this day can be more

As you yourself were trying to squeeze your knowledge out of your

head, a ravishing woman in a black dress with a red belt on her slim
waist appeared from one of the staircases. Her small, charming face
is now covered with foxy, smoky makeup. Her lips were as red as
blood, her eyes were expressive as usual, and her gaze was enough
to make you submit under her presence. She's too sexy to ignore.
Your eyes scanned her body from head to toe, gulping your own
saliva as your gaze landed on her smooth, sexy, fair-skinned thighs.
You remembered how they feel on your hand. You remembered the
night when you "sleepwalked" into her room, recalling how good the
sensation those smooth, round thighs gave you. Her mole became
an additional accessory which you found even more seducing. You
can't help but drop your jaw in awe with the stunning figure that
showed up in front of you.

"Hey!" Chaewon was the first

member to show up before
your eyes. Her outfit
transformed her the
opposite of Chaewon's real
personality. She's like a fake
maknae of the group, doing
clumsy and childish stuff and
utters nonsense most of the
time. But when it comes to
performing, she's one of the
best. She isn’t like the
Chaewon in the dorm but all
of your malicious intents
were instantly gone after
noticing the sadness in her

"YAAA! Close your mouth before a bug fly in there!" Despite her
jokes, you can see the fear and sadness through her eyes. They were
always expressive, but right after seeing you, tears began to form on
the corners of her eyes.
"Y-you're... gorgeous... Wow..." Despite lost with
your words, you complimented her alluring
appearance. You snapped out of your wonder
seeing her eyes moisten up and droplets of water
can be seen.

Chaewon gave a smile hearing your admiration.

"T-Thanks..." A couple of tears started to roll off
her face.

"I heard something's not good here. What's the

problem? Are you alright? Are you hurt? Tell me
the problem and I will do anything it takes to
protect and serve you." Your professionalism
kicks in and assesses Chaewon's condition right

"Thank you. I'm already fine... I think it is you

who can help us all." She answers.

"I don't get it..."

Chaewon interrupts you with a hug. It was a tight embrace. You can
feel her despair through her actions but your mind doesn't seem to
comprehend the situation. Chaewon releases you from her a few
moments later.
"You already cured my
sadness... I guess I can do
my best from now on..."
She seems cured out of her
depressed state. There
were no hints of
anxiousness on her face.
She instantly became
confident again.

Your brain isn't catching up with what Chaewon just said. Maybe it is
one of her nonsense phrases but you felt how sincere she was with
those words. She walked back to the makeup room to have a
retouch. Before she enters the room, she made an effort to look back
on you and gave you a warm smile.

"That's the sequence um

Show me the truth, tell me your sincerity (Hey yeah yeah yeah)
That's the sequence ah
Sometimes, there are things I want to hear even if I'm aware, you
know oh (Hey yeah yeah yeah...)" -Sequence Chorus, translated in

*Sequence plays in the background*


The girls weren't able to feel the concept of the song due to a lack of
motivation. For sure, they were scolded a lot this morning because
they were unable to perform at their best. They might be hurt
emotionally as they can't perform the usual way. And since there are
no males within the area, these girls felt anxious and not confident
about how they look and how they right now. Despite the
compliments given by the female staff members earlier, they were
skeptical about it and needed a man who truly understands and sees
the beauty of a woman.

"Sometimes, there are things I want to hear even if I'm aware, you

The girls need assurance... It was me who they trust, and I am the one
who is capable of bringing back their confidence in them! I must let
them feel how beautiful they are!


With the solution in mind, you found yourself looking for each
member. Some moments later, you found one of them…
Despite your mind was pre-
occupied by your worrying
thoughts, you managed not to
bump on Nako this time. Just like
Chaewon, she was obviously
anxious and sad. She looks up at
your face and then tries not to
look again, walks around to avoid
you. You grabbed her arm and
forcibly brought her to an empty
room and closes its door.

"What are you doing? Let me go..."

Nako tries to remove your hand
from her arm but she was too
weak. She doesn't have enough
strength to resist. She was also
crying for unknown reasons.

You let go of her tiny arm. You

dropped on your knees in front of

"What are you doing?" She asks while sobbing.

"Forgive me, but please hear me out. I'm sorry for assuming that you
will love me, and I promise not to bother you again. I know I cannot
have you in my life, I'll be able to move on eventually. But seeing you
on the verge of losing your self-confidence, I cannot let that happen!
You're the girl I loved even in just a short span of time. You were
beautiful and capable, and I know you can continue without me...
You will own this concept because you are a strong, gorgeous, and
mature woman. You can do this, Nako. Don't doubt yourself..." Your
own eyes started to release their own drops of tears. You were
desperate to give them the assurance they need in order to finish
this comeback and rise once again as one of the best girl groups in
the world. This is the only way you knew in order to keep her
motivations high.


YOU DARE JUMP INTO CONCLUSIONS..." She started to weep her
broken heart but gets interrupted by your sudden kiss on her lips.

Her words shocked you, but it does not matter. Nako is dealing with
her struggles. It is time to cheer her up and bring her confidence

"Then prove it to me. Prove that you need me... seduce me with this
song and own me." You whispered into her ears. "I always trust you,
Nako. If the time is right, then you can have me all you want. But I
want you to fulfill your own dreams first. This is the right opportunity
to show the world that you are not the small child they always think
of. Show them your mature side, and your hidden sexiness... Bring
the world on their knees. Let them worship and kneel before you,

You left the room immediately as you felt those words were enough
to trigger Nako back into her self-confidence. Those words were
enough to awaken her ambitions once again.

Right after walking away from the room where you left Nako, you
saw Yena standing and staring at you on the same floor.
You knew that she saw Nako with you when you dragged the smaller
idol inside a room, and she knew you left the room alone. Instead of
thinking for a reason, you wanted to talk to Yena directly. You
wanted to be honest with her and settle all the problems right here,
right now. Upon reaching Yena's location, you stopped and look into
her eyes. Your stare desperately asks her to listen to what you
wanted to say, but words will not be enough. Your lips crashed with
her lips harshly. Without notice, you pressed her lips with kisses and
drags the other member once again to one of the empty rooms.
"She really likes you, huh?" Yena said after your lips release her,
while her eyes look away. She kept on pushing you away as you try
to be close with her. She's holding back her tears as she doesn't
want you to see her crying because of your existence in her life. She
then hits you with her petty fists, releasing all of her frustration. You
just let those fists hit your body if that is the only way to calm her

"Is she good? or maybe better than me? Does Nako gives you more
pleasure in bed?! Does she drain the hell out of you? Are those the
reasons why you fell in love with her? Am I not enough?" She stops
yelling her frustration and started crying harder. You just embraced
her tightly to give comfort and assurance.

"I always knew you liked me too, Yena noona. You wouldn't let me
touch and use you if you only see me as a friend. There's no way you
will offer your own body just for pleasure. I know you're greedy. You
wanted me for yourself only. I knew it all along, noona..." You
whispered in her ears. All of these things were lies. You knew nothing
about the idol’s feelings, but you just felt it. You aren't really sure if
she has feelings for you but with the way she acted; it seems like she
has already fallen for you.

"But Nako already had your heart..." Yena replies as her crying
subsides. "I cannot have you anymore... I hated myself for letting
you go..." Yena buries herself in your body, embracing you tightly.
You were surprised that your intuition was right. She showed her soft
side for the first time. She loosens up and finally reveals her true
"Is that what you think? You're already giving up, noona?" You
asked. "Why don't you go back to the fearless Yena noona that I
know? Why did you stop being a daredevil? You're my first succubus,
my first slut, my first
pussy to play with
whenever and
wherever. You're my
first girl since I have this
job. Would you give that
up easily? You're the
first in line, you should
always be the priority
for fucking me first. So
why don't you take
back what's yours,
noona?" You then sent
torrid kisses to her lips
once again. Yena's lips
submit to your actions
and she let your tongue
enter and wander her
mouth. It was a series of
sloppy kisses, sucking
each other's tongue.

"I missed doing this a lot, noona," You grabbed her massive busts
despite wearing her costume.
Your hand kept on
kneading her breasts even
with her clothes on. A piece
of the red, leather tube was
covering her body and
another black, long-sleeved
shirt inside. You attacked
her neck which is the least
covered area, licking all
uncovered pieces of Yena's
skin. Your other hand
smacks her ass cheeks
covered with tight leather
pants. Her butt-cheeks
always had a charm with
them, they were round and
plump. You can't get
enough massaging these
rears. You badly wanted to rip those pants, but you hold yourself in
order not to tear them apart. Yena will also be suspicious once the
staff members found her pants ripped.

"Own me right now, fuck me please..." Yena begs then sucks your
neck. She buried deep kisses on your skin and she does not easily let
go of her smooches. This was the first time she did this with you. You
felt her desperation with her actions, giving her the freedom to do
what she wanted.

"I always crave to do that, noona. I really missed impaling you in

public. I loved how we rushed against time. I missed how we traverse
any hindrances just to pleasure each other. I miss how the time stop
while we were having our intercourse. I love how we find ways to
fuck each other despite how sneaky we need to be. Remember those
times when we don’t care even if the world catches us doing our
thing? The times we almost get caught? I missed the thrill of it. We
both love how we don’t care what the world will think about us if we
get caught. But do you know what I really missed? It was you, my
only Yena noona.I badly miss you. I can’t even sleep at night thinking
about you…” you said.

“If that’s the case, then let us get this started, my baby…” Yena
attempted to undress you but you managed to stop her in time. Her
expressions went back into a sad one after you rejected her

“It is different now, noona. We can’t do that here. But for now, I want
that lust within you to act as your motivation for today's shooting.
Do your best later noona. I will be watching you. I want you to look
into my eyes while dancing. Seduce me if you really need to get
fucked. And please, do your best to win me back..." You answered
her separation, giving her the chance to prove herself.

Yena's lips curved into a smile. "That's a deal. I promise to win you
back, away from that small, tiny whore. And once my contract is
over, marry me and fuck me in front of all the media, okay?" Yena is
feeling it again with her bold challenges.

With Yena’s bold statement, you can’t help but smile, as you imagine
showing the whole world that the two of you share the best times in
your lives by fucking each other to your limits, out in front of the
"Deal. I always wanted to fuck that asshole of yours. I haven't
cummed in that yet." The two of you continued making out, spilling
your mixed saliva out of your pleasure-hungry mouths. She grabs
your body towards her even tighter by grabbing your ass cheeks. You
were about to lose your control when Yena touched your meat from
your pants. Your instincts were telling you to fulfill your sexual
desires by fucking this sexy duck in front of you.

"It seems like you were the one who badly

needs me," Yena teases. "We must stop
here before we both lose our minds."

"Shit... How can I resist your charm,

noona? I wanted you to make you
pregnant right here... But you're right. You
may not be able to perform after I grind
the hell out of your holes. I must hold back
for now. I must save my semen in order to
fuck the hell out of you after this." You
replied. "I will make sure to grind your
pussy and make you pregnant."

The two of you separated from each other,

while both of your eyes still fixed on
staring at each other's smiling yet
unsatisfied faces. You both wanted more
but it is not the right time for that. You
guided Yena out of that room by holding her hand, looking around if
anyone saw the two of you making out.

"See you, my baby!" Yena waves her goodbye to prepare for later
You took a deep breath before moving on to complete your job. You
looked at the tent on your pants that your erected dick has formed.
You didn't have any choice. Your job is to make them happy as far as
you could, even offering your body and soul to them. This will be
even harder as those two members compete for you and your dick.

I hope they won't take this personally and I wish they would not fight
each other.

Right now, you didn't have any idea how would you pull this off.
You're such a lucky man, having two famous entertainers going head
over heels on you.

Am I turning into a womanizer now?

Two idols were making your heart beat for them and they both
confessed their feeling towards you. What is this feeling? Is this love?
Or is it just all lust? a sexual desire? Infatuation? You felt disoriented
with the confusion. The time can only tell, there will be a day when
you need to break their hearts by choosing only one of them. You
wish that day would never come. You felt scared, your mind sensed
that they were not the only ones competing for the race towards
your heart.

The girls seemed to look for their own places to reflect in such a
massive building. There were no other people around here except
you, the girls, and the staff members. It was quite hard to find the
girls at this point. You continued your journey to look and cheer up
the members as you wandered towards the upper floors. It was very
tiring since you choose not to use elevators in order to carefully
investigate on each floor. Your tired body already wanted to give up
but instead, you found two of them doing something unexpected.


CHAPTER Three: Close Friends

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