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What do you understand by Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)?

It focuses on activities and tasks instead of grammar and vocabulary. This method emphasizes
the real-world use of language and encourages learners to use language to complete
meaningful tasks.

How does TBLT differ from traditional language teaching approaches?

TBLT focuses on completing tasks and communicating instead of just memorizing grammar.
It encourages using language meaningfully, rather than just learning grammar and vocabulary
rules. Unlike CBI, which teaches content through a second language, TBLT concentrates on
improving language skills for effective communication.

Can you give an example of a task that could be used in TBLT?

Ordering food in a restaurant.

For example, learners can be assigned roles and asked to act out different scenarios or
dialogues. This type of activity helps learners to develop their understanding of the language
as well as their communication skills. Debates are another example of TBLT in practice. In
debates, learners are given the opportunity to discuss a particular topic in an engaging and
meaningful way.

What are some of the key principles of TBLT?

Tasks: TBLT is based on the idea that language learning is most effective when learners are
engaged in meaningful, real-life tasks. Tasks can be either language-focused (e.g., practicing a
specific language structure) or content-focused (e.g., discussing a current event).

Communication: TBLT emphasizes the importance of communication in language learning,

and aims to provide learners with opportunities to use the language in real-life situations.

Learner-centeredness: TBLT is learner-centered, with a focus on learner autonomy and the

development of individual learners’ communicative competence.

Integrated skills: TBLT emphasizes the integration of language skills, with a focus on
developing learners’ ability to use the language in a holistic way.

How do tasks in TBLT facilitate language learning?

Tasks in Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) help learners learn language by giving them
real-life situations to use the language. They focus on communicating meaning, which helps
learners practice and understand language naturally.

What role does communication play in TBLT?

Communication is essential in TBLT because it provides learners to use language

meaningfully to complete tasks. Through communication tasks, learners improve their
language skills by practicing in meaningful contexts.

How can teachers assess language learning in a TBLT classroom?

They can assess language learning by observing students' performance during task
completion. They evaluate students based on their ability to effectively use language to
accomplish the tasks, focusing on communication, fluency, accuracy, and task achievement.

How do you think learners benefit from participating in tasks in TBLT?

Task-based activities help learners learn language by focusing on real communication rather
than just grammar rules.

TBLT enhances learner motivation through engaging tasks that are interesting.

Imagine you're traveling in a foreign country and need to ask for directions. How could TBLT
principles help you communicate effectively with locals?

TBLT would help me learn how to ask for directions by giving me practice in real-life
scenarios. It would focus on making sure I can understand and speak clearly to locals. This
way, I could feel more confident when talking to people while traveling in a foreign country.

You're in a restaurant where the menu is in English, and you don't understand some of the
items. How might TBLT strategies help you order your meal?

TBLT strategies could help me order my meal by practicing real-life scenarios, like
pretending to order food. For example, I could engage in role-playing activities where I
practice ordering food in English. This would help me learn the language I need to use in real-
life situations. Additionally, TBLT emphasizes understanding the context, so I could learn key
phrases and vocabulary related to ordering food. Through these activities, I would gain
confidence and skills to effectively communicate my meal preferences to the waiter.
Your friend is learning English and wants to practice speaking with a native speaker. How
could you design a task-based activity to help them improve their conversational skills?

To help my friend improve her conversational skills in English, I could give problem-solving
scenarios. For example, we could plan a trip together and discuss destinations. My friend
would practice using English to make decisions.

You're attending a job interview where English proficiency is required. How might TBLT
techniques prepare you for this situation?

TBLT techniques can help me get ready for a job interview by practicing practical language
skills and real-life communication. For instance, I can pretend to be in a job interview and
answer common questions in English. I can also do tasks that focus on talking about my
achievements or strengths and weaknesses. These activities help me feel more confident
speaking fluently and effectively during the interview.

You're collaborating with classmates on a group project that involves presenting findings in
English. How could TBLT principles support effective teamwork and language use?

TBLT principles can help with teamwork and language use in group projects. Tasks make
students work together and talk in English to reach their goals. Activities can focus on
language skills needed for teamwork, such as expressing ideas, agreeing or disagreeing, and
negotiating. Also, students can practice speaking by presenting their findings in English and
getting feedback from their peers.

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