DS-25273 - Organization and Powers of The School Board

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Bolivia: Supreme Decree No.

25273, January 8, 1999

Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 25273, January 8, 1999

Organization and Functions of School, Core and District Boards


• That Law No. 1565 on Educational Reform, dated July 7, 1994, in its Title II,
Chapter III, establishes the objectives and policies of the Popular Participation in
Education structure.
• That the procedures and organizational mechanisms that the majority of the
Educational Boards have used for their formation have not been subject to Law
No. 1565 on Educational Reform or Supreme Decree No. 23949 .
• That it is necessary to complement the regulations referring to the organization
and functioning of the Educational Boards and support the development of
actions aimed at facilitating the articulation of parents with the educational
• That Law No. 1551 on Popular Participation of April 20, 1994 recognizes that it
promotes and consolidates the process of popular participation by articulating
indigenous, peasant and urban communities in the legal and economic life of the


Chapter I
From the Parent Committee of the Educational Unit
Article 1.- The Parents' Committee of the Educational Unit is the representative body
of the parents of each of the courses of the Educational Unit, whether public or

Article 2.- The Parents' Committee's mission is to contribute to raising the quality of
the educational service, ensure the satisfaction of the learning needs of their children,
promote coordination between education actors and contribute to an administration
efficient through social control.

Article 3.- The Parent Committee of the Educational Unit is made up of a

representative from each course.

BO-DS-25273 1
Chapter II Of the School

Article 4.- The members of the Committee are elected according to the following
The parents of each course will meet on a date called at the national level and will
elect, by majority of the votes present, their representative before the Parents'
Committee of the Educational Unit.
Where there are two or more parallels of the same course, each parallel will elect a
representative and they in turn will elect the representative to the Committee.
Only those who have their children studying regularly in the Educational Unit may
join the Parent Committee.

Article 5.- In school premises (infrastructure) where more than one Educational Unit
operates, each unit will form its respective Parent Committee.

Article 6.- Acephalia caused by resignation or abandonment of a member of the

Parent Committee will be covered by an election of parents of the respective course,
called with no less than 7 days in advance by the President of the Board.

Chapter II
From the School Board
Article 7.- The School Board is made up of the members of the Parent Committee of
the Educational Unit and two representatives of the corresponding OTB and will hold
a valid meeting with the majority of its members.

Article 8.- The School Board will be established within seven days after the formation
of the Parents' Committee of the Educational Unit and will elect its board of directors,
which will be made up of:
? A president who must be a member of the Parent Committee. He will also be the
delegate of the School Board to the Core Board
? A Recording Secretary
? A Treasurer
? Two members, to whom the Board will assign specific functions related to the needs
of the school such as: maintenance, school supplies, teacher attendance control and

Article 9.- The President of the School Board will be responsible for the minutes of
formation of the School Board regardless of who prepares it. Within a maximum
period of seven days after your election, you must send copies of the minutes of
formation or renewal of the School Board to:

1. District Director of Education

2. Honorable Municipal Council
3. Core Director
4. Director of Educational Unit
The District Director will send the minutes of the School Boards of his district to

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Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 25273, January 8, 1999

the Directorate of the Departmental Education Service. The Director of the

Departmental Education Service will send them, in turn, to the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Sports MECyD.

Article 10.- The presidents of the School Boards of Educational Units that operate in
the same premises will be responsible for coordinating actions for the maintenance of
the infrastructure, furniture and equipment of the school premises.

Article 11.- The Core Directors, Directors of Educational Units, pedagogical advisors,
teachers and administrative staff of the Educational Unit may not be part of the School
Board due to incompatibility of functions.

Article 12.- In the community or neighborhood where there is no OTB or it does not
appoint its representatives to the School Board, the Parent Committee will function as
the School Board.

Article 13.- The functions of the School Board are:

1. Supervise the operation of the school service in your Educational Unit.

2. Participate in the definition of the content of the educational project of your
Educational Unit and supervise its execution.
3. Control the attendance of the Director, teachers and administrative staff of the
Educational Unit and report monthly to the General Directorate of Functional
Coordination of the MECyD.
4. Evaluate the behavior of the Director, teachers and administrative staff of the
Educational Unit and report monthly to the District Directorate and the
Departmental Education Service about detected irregularities.
5. Ensure the maintenance and good use of the existing infrastructure and furniture
in the Educational Unit.
6. Control the administration of all resources that the Educational Unit receives.
7. Represent before the pertinent educational authorities those agreements and
decisions that are detrimental to the functioning of the Educational Unit.
8. Support the development of curricular and extracurricular activities programmed
by the Director and teachers of the Educational Unit.

BO-DS-25273 3
Chapter III Of the Core Board

9. Manage resources with the Municipal Government authorities to cover the

infrastructure and equipment needs of the Educational Unit.
10. Require the prosecution of the Director, teachers and administrative staff of the
Educational Unit for serious misconduct committed in the exercise of their functions,
such as: rape, sexual abuse or harassment, physical abuse, adulteration of notes,
documents and information and others that were classified. as crimes in current
codes and laws.
11. Define the destination of the funds from the discounts referred to in article 15 of
this decree and assume responsibility for their administration.

Article 14.- The members of the School Board will exercise their functions for a
period of two years, after which they may be fully or partially ratified. Changes or
modifications produced during this time must be reported in accordance with the
provisions of article 9, within a period of seven days.

Article 15.- The funds from the discounts made in application of article 24 of
Supreme Decree No. 23968 of February 23, 1995, will be used to meet the needs of
the Educational Unit where the interruption of the educational service has occurred.
They will be administered by the School Boards with the support of the Director of the
Educational Unit according to regulations approved by Ministerial Resolution of the

Chapter III
From the Core Board
Article 16.- The Core Board is made up of the presidents of the School Boards of that
core. It will be convened by the District Director of Education in the first half of
March to elect its board of directors made up of:
? A President who will be, at the same time, delegate of the Core Board to the District
? Two members, one of whom will act as secretary.
This board will remain in office for two years.

Article 17.- The President of the Core Board will be responsible for the minutes of
formation of the Core Board, regardless of who prepares it. Within a maximum period
of seven days after your election, you must send copies of the minutes of formation or
renewal of the Nucleus Board to the District Director of Education, the Honorable
Municipal Council and the Nucleus Director.
The District Director will send the minutes of the Core Boards of his District to the
Directorate of the Departmental Education Service. The Director of the Departmental
Education Service will send them, in turn, to the Ministry of Education, Culture and
Article 18.- The functions of the Core Board are:

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Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 25273, January 8, 1999

1. Supervise the operation of the school service in its educational core.

2. Participate in the definition of the content of the core educational project and
supervise its execution.
3. Evaluate the behavior of the Core Director and the pedagogical advisors and
report monthly to the District Directorates and Departmental Education Services
about irregularities that could be detected.
4. Ensure the maintenance and good use of the existing infrastructure and furniture
in the Pedagogical Resources Center.
5. Manage resources with the Municipal Government authorities to cover the
infrastructure and equipment needs of the Pedagogical Resource Center.
6. Support the efforts carried out by the School Boards of its core.
7. Require the prosecution of the Nucleus Director for serious offenses committed
in the exercise of his duties, such as: rape, sexual abuse or harassment,
adulteration of notes, documents and information and others that are classified as
crimes in current codes and laws.

Chapter IV
From the District Board
Article 19.- The District Board is made up of the presidents of the Nucleus Boards of
the Educational District or the presidents of the Subdistrict Boards, where they exist. It
will be convened by the Director of the Departmental Education Service in the second
half of March to elect its board of directors made up of:
? A President who will be, at the same time, a delegate to the Departmental Council of
? Two members, one of whom will act as Secretary.
This board will remain in office for two years.

Article 20.- The President of the District Board will be responsible for the minutes of
formation of the District Board, regardless of who prepares it. Within a maximum
period of seven days after your election, you must send copies of the minutes of
formation or renewal of the District Board to:

1. Director of the Departmental Education Service

2. District Director
3. Honorable Municipal Council
The Director of the Departmental Education Service will send the minutes of the
District Boards of his jurisdiction to the MECyD within a maximum period of
ten days.
Article 21.- The functions of the District Board are:

1. Form, in coordination with the District Director, the Disciplinary Court that will
hear the complaints made against pedagogical advisors, Directors of Nucleus,
Educational Unit, teachers and administrative staff of the Educational Units for

BO-DS-25273 5
Chapter V General provisions

serious offenses that were committed in the exercise of their duties. functions.
The Disciplinary Court will be chaired by the District Director and made up of
two parents, preferably with legal training.
2. Supervise the operation of the school service in the Educational District.
3. Participate in the preparation of the Municipal Educational Development Plan
and supervise its execution.
4. Support the efforts carried out by the Core Boards.
5. Require the prosecution of the District Director for serious offenses committed in
the exercise of his duties, such as: adulteration of notes, documents and
information and others that are classified as crimes in current codes and laws.

Chapter V
General disposition
Article 22.- The directors of the School, Core and District Boards who are elected in
accordance with this Supreme Decree, will receive official accreditation from the
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, once the corresponding minutes are

Article 23.- Articles 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18,19 and 20 of Supreme
Decree No. 23949 , Organs of Popular Participation, and the provisions are repealed.
contrary to this Supreme Decree.

The Ministers of State in the offices of the Presidency, Education, Culture and Sports
and the Department Prefects are in charge of the execution and compliance of this
Supreme Decree.
It is given in the Government Palace of the city of La Paz on the eighth day of the
month of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years.
FDO. HUGO BANZER SUAREZ, Javier Murillo de la Rocha, Carlos Iturralde
Ballivián, Guido Náyar Parada, Fernando Kieffer Guzmán, Herbert Müller Costas,
Ana María Cortéz de Soriano, Jorge Pacheco Franco, Tito Hoz de Vila Quiroga,
Guillermo Cuentas Yañez, Leopoldo López Cossio, Oswaldo Antezana Vaca Diez,
Erick Reyes Villa Bacigalupi, Jorge Crespo Velasco, Amparo Ballivián Valdés.

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Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 25273, January 8, 1999

Technical Data Sheet (DCMI)

Rule Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 25273, January 8, 1999

Date 2015-10-22 Format text Guy D.S.
Domain Bolivia Rights GFDL Language is
The Parents' Committee of the Educational Unit is the
Summar representative body of the parents of each of the courses of the
y educational unit, whether public or private.

Keywords Supreme Decree, January/1999

Origin http://www.lexivox.org/norms/BO-DS-25273.html
References 15257-29635.lexml
FDO. HUGO BANZER SUAREZ, Javier Murillo de la Rocha,
Carlos Iturralde Ballivián, Guido Náyar Parada, Fernando Kieffer
Guzmán, Herbert Müller Costas, Ana María Cortéz de Soriano,
Creator Jorge Pacheco Franco, Tito Hoz de Vila Quiroga, Guillermo
Cuentas Yañez, Leopoldo López Cossio, Oswaldo Antezana
Vaca Diez, Erick Reyes Villa Bacigalupi, Jorge Crespo Velasco,
Amparo Ballivián Valdés.
Contributor DeveNet.net
Publisher DeveNet.net

BO-DS-25273 7
Links to other documents

Links to other documents

See also
[BO-L-1551] Bolivia: Popular Participation Law, April 20, 1994
Popular Participation Law
[BO-L-1565] Bolivia: Educational Reform Law, July 7, 1994
Education Reform Law
[BO-DS-23949] Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 23949, February 1, 1995
The Central Bank of Bolivia and the Ministry of Finance and Economic
Development are authorized to negotiate with Woodstead Associates a definitive
payment solution for US$. 756,768.61, which represents 80% of the capital owed
$us. 945,960.77, a payment that constitutes the total extinction of the debt,
including interest and legal expenses.
[BO-DS-23968] Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 23968, February 24, 1995
Careers in the Public Education service.

References to this standard

[BO-DS-28460] Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 28460, November 24, 2005
The Departmental and National Boards of Education are created.
[BO-DS-N1089] Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 1089, November 30, 2011
Authorizes the Ministry of Education to manage the balances of resources from
discounts due to stoppages, strikes and unjustified absences of teaching and
administrative staff, accumulated until the 2009 administration, for the benefit of
fiscal educational institutions nationwide.

[BO-DS-23949] Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 23949, February 1, 1995
The Central Bank of Bolivia and the Ministry of Finance and Economic
Development are authorized to negotiate with Woodstead Associates a definitive
payment solution for US$. 756,768.61, which represents 80% of the capital owed
$us. 945,960.77, a payment that constitutes the total extinction of the debt,
including interest and legal expenses.

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Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 25273, January 8, 1999

Important note
Lexivox offers this publication of standards as an aid to facilitate their identification in
conceptual search via WEB.

This document cannot in any way be used as a legal reference, since said attribution
corresponds to the Official Gazette of Bolivia .

Lexivox tries to maintain the original text of the standard; However, if you find
modifications or alterations with respect to the original text, please contact us to
correct them and achieve greater perfection in our publications.

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LexiVox is a Web Information System developed using free software tools and
applications, by Devenet SRL in the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

BO-DS-25273 9
Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 25273, January 8, 1999

Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 25273, January 8, 1999..................................................1
Chapter I......................................................................................................................1
From the Parent Committee of the Educational Unit..................................................1
Chapter II From the School Board.............................................................................2
Chapter III From the Core Board...............................................................................4
Chapter IV From the District Board..........................................................................5
Chapter V General disposition...................................................................................6
Technical Data Sheet (DCMI)........................................................................................7
Links to other documents...............................................................................................8
See also.......................................................................................................................8
References to this standard.........................................................................................8
Important note.................................................................................................................9

BO-DS-25273 i

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