Essay "Special Educational Needs

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ON Curricular adaptations - understood as more or
less extensive curricular modifications - are
educational strategies to facilitate the teaching-learning process in some students
with special educational needs. They aim to be a response to individual diversity
regardless of the origin of these differences: personal history, educational history,
needs, motivation and interests, learning rhythms and styles...
What are special educational needs?

It refers to boys and girls who present greater difficulties than the rest of the
group, in accessing the learning that corresponds to them by age, or
because they present gaps in relation to the study plan, special support
service, adjustments in the educational context or in classroom organization.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) can arise from factors related to the
development of dimensions of human development such as: cognitive,
physical, sensory, communication, emotional and psycho-social factors.
What is a disability?

It is a concept that evolves and results from the interaction between people
with disabilities and the barriers due to attitude and environment that
prevent their full and effective participation in society, on equal terms with
others. Therefore, the individual with a disability is recognized, first of all, as
a person with full rights.

Define the following concepts about disabilities:

Motor commitment:
It is a disability caused by an injury to the central nervous system, near the spinal
cord or brain, during pregnancy or in the postnatal stage and that affects the
individual's motor skills.

Visual engagement:
Expression and eye contact play a decisive role in social interaction and, therefore,
in the evolutionary development and learning of the subject. In children, visual
deficiency creates developmental problems that make extensive special education
necessary in all areas:
Early intervention
Development concept
Alternative methods for reading, writing and mathematical computing
Sensory training
Socialization and play skills
Low vision utilization
Accessibility to new technologies
Orientation and mobility training

Hearing compromise
A hearing impaired person is one who cannot hear normally due to some type of
abnormality in the hearing organ: the ear. Hearing impairment is known as
deafness, when there is a total absence of the sense of hearing, or as hearing loss,
when the person hears only a little and can improve their hearing level with a
hearing aid.

Cognitive engagement
It is a condition of organic or environmental origin. Those who suffer from it present
a decrease in the pace and speed of development, which manifests itself with a
decrease in cognitive integrity and adaptive capacity, which is why they require
special learning conditions to satisfy these needs.

What is a curricular adaptation or adjustment?

Curricular adaptation are the necessary modifications to be formalized in the

curriculum paradigms to adapt them to the different learning situations and people
for whom they are intended, in other words it is the set of actions aimed at adapting
the curriculum to the needs that a student presents. or certain group.
Curricular adaptations are divided into ranges according to the difficulty
they present in the teaching-learning process, such as: significant, non-significant,
access to the curriculum.

Explain each of the following adaptations or adjustments of:

Physical access:

These are the adaptations that are made with the aim of reducing purely
physical disabilities in a person, such as the manufacture of ramps for
disabled individuals or environments that have excellent lighting for people
with visual deficiencies, as well as adapted furniture or the presence of
teachers trained to teach students with minor intellectual disabilities.

Curriculum access:
It refers to any change, adjustment or modification that is made to a
curriculum with the purpose of adjusting to the needs, strengths and
interests of one or more students within a group. This adaptation should not
be aimed at reducing or eliminating skills that are established in the
curriculum and that are fundamental within it. On the contrary, it is an
educational strategy or resource that enables access and progress for
students with special needs, so that they can show progress in their
educational goals.

These occur when a certain student needs certain points of a normal plan to
be adapted or adjusted, such as the objectives, contents and evaluation
criteria; It is also important to indicate that the student needs a greater
amount of time to introduce himself to what the educator seeks with his
respective plan or curricular design. In fact, on some occasions it is even
necessary to eliminate any of the previous points or aspects. , which then
tells us that it is an adaptation or adjustment of priority, of care, so as a
teacher one must be rigorous in determining said adaptation

Not significant
They modify non-prescriptive or basic elements of the Curriculum. They are
adaptations in terms of time, activities, methodology, evaluation techniques
and instruments... At a given moment, any student whether or not he or she
has special educational needs can require them. It is the fundamental
strategy to achieve individualization of teaching and therefore, it has a
preventive and compensatory nature.
f Educational Author and Web What do you intend to Indicate 2 advantages Indicate 2
tment Software name address teach? that the software has disadvan
and web that the
address software
It is an interactive Free download for The s
educational multimedia educational purposes, has
software, an inclusive and both technological and disadvant
integrative educational curricular topics in 5
resource in the classroom languages.
guaranteeing equal
opportunities, designed for It is for children from 3 The only
children with visual to 7 years old.that the t
disabilities and blindness, its Provides: Personal does not
The Seraphim ONCE Institution main objective is to allow autonomy. the mater
ment Snail (Interactive National children an approach to uses it on
tal Multimedia) Organization of early learning. with the Adjustment to visual game
ess the Blind computer and its keyboard, impairment. New taking
Download: that is, to the use of technologies. advantag
http://descargas.p technology, respecting their giving interest, ability and inappropr
nidos/premios_cu attention, through an use.
rriculares/2009/ interactive story and 17
caracol_serafin/ programmed activities
caracol_serafin.zi where contents of the
p curriculum of the second
cycle of children and the first
cycle of primary school are
It includes auditory
information, verbal
reinforcements, sound
effects, natural voices, plays
with clarity and sharpness of
images, visual contrasts,
color, all of this respecting
accessibility standards for
both sighted and blind

Dream Letters allows an It is

exchange of media executabl
(videos, images, texts) software,
in a simple and be down
g Dream Letters Author: Pontifical The "Sueña Letras" program transparent way. and instal
ement Catholic aims to support teachers in
University of teaching their students It can be easily
Chile. reading and writing, translated into various It need
promoting various areas of sign languages, allowing mediation
Web address: literacy, regardless of different communities to adult, sin
http://www.cedeti. educational levels. It have a new pedagogical labels
cl/software- includes mediation of tool. symbols
educativo/suenal reading learning through clear.
etras/ three means:
•Sign language
•Fingerprint alphabet
•Lip reading
Why is it important to know about special educational needs and educational

There are students with special needs, the educator must know how to treat them
or help in their education. Acting according to the needs and circumstances that
arise with our students, we must offer favorable learning environments and foster
their social and human relationships. With strategies and resources to deal with
certain situations that are conditioned by difficulties associated with physical,
mental or sensory disabilities of our students.

The teacher's role includes caring for all students, including students with special
A student is said to have special educational needs when he or she has greater
difficulties than the rest of his or her classmates in accessing the learning that is
determined in the curriculum, which corresponds to him or her, due to his or her
age, and needs, to compensate for said difficulties, access adaptations or
significant curricular adaptations in several areas of that curriculum.

The fundamental principle that governs schools is that all children should learn
together, whenever possible, ignoring their difficulties and differences. Schools
must recognize and respond to the different needs of their students, adapt to
children's different learning styles and paces, and ensure quality teaching through
an appropriate curriculum, good school organization, wise use of of resources and
a partnership of their communities.

Based on the above, it is necessary due to ethical, law and methodological

arguments, to respond to the needs of each and every one of the students. Our
country cannot remain anchored in the traditional paradigm of homogeneity.

By knowing educational software and Special Educational Needs, we aspire to
contribute to the integration of those with Special Educational Needs into society,
by providing them with another alternative to reaffirm and maintain the knowledge
and skills they possess. Additionally, to help in this sense, educators, through
educational software, can adjust the educational response and help carry out the
process of curricular adaptations, facilitating access to curricular objectives and

Fundación Alejandría, November 6, 2007, What are Special Educational
Needs and how does Special Education contribute, taken from
educativas.html on 07/09/2014
Ministry of social development and human rights, 2011, What is disability?,
compiled from
%20FRECUENTES_DISCAPACIDAD.htm , 07/10/2014.

Ministry of Education The evaluation of learning in the context of meeting

the educational needs of students. National Resource Center for
Educational Inclusion, Mundo de Oportunidades Foundation. 1st. Ed. San
José, CR: EDITORAMA, 2004.

Aida, Irati and Olatz. (2010). Cognitive impairment. Retrieved on 07-10-2014


Magally. (2008). Non-Significant Adjustments in Formal Education

Programs. Retrieved on 07-10-2014 from
significativas-en-los /

Castro, M. (2009). SUEÑALETRAS: Software for deaf children. Retrieved

on 07-11-2014 from

CEDETI UC (2010). Dreamletters. Retrieved on 07-11-2014 from
Charris, M. (2009). Curricular adaptations. Retrieved on 07-
11-2014 from

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