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Importance of Teaching Social Sciences

Social Sciences are defined as the set of academic disciplines that study
the origin and development of society, the institutions and the relationships
that make up social life; These Sciences are responsible for guiding the
formation of free, critical, creative and democratic subjects by addressing
significant knowledge about social reality, contributing to the appreciation of
their own culture and respect for others; committing subjects to work for just
and supportive causes, developing democratic coexistence, seeking social
transformation through the protection of human beings and the ecosystem
as a whole.

The concern that the article induces is that a large part of the student body
perceives little interest in these sciences, manifested in downplaying the
importance of their content and knowledge, conceiving them as disciplines
where only events from the past, boring content, dates are repeated. and
narratives by rote, considering them only as one more requirement to opt for
a Higher Level. Evading its intrinsic nature of study, which lies in the training
of the subject that today's society requires, with broad possibilities of
contextual, regional, national and international knowledge.

These sciences also contribute to the students (students) becoming active,

reflective subjects committed to the construction and development of a more
just and equitable society, strengthening ethical, moral and patriotic values,
where the subject is fully aware of their rights and duties as a citizen, in
order to resolve coexistence in a pluralistic society.
Teaching work, consequently, must be guided by the premise of analysis,
reflection and action of experiences, promoting the development of
capacities, abilities and skills that allow the subject to resolve their needs by
opening spaces for reading, interpretation, analysis and reflection. .

It is essential to know the disciplines that converge in them. According to

Inmanuel Wallerstein and the Gulbenkian Commission for the Restructuring
of the Social Sciences (2006), the disciplines with a social function are
History, Economics, Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology,
Geography, Social Psychology , the right. Regarding those offered by the
Ministry of Education, each one currently seeks to contribute in its field of
action, for example:

Geography and Universal History insert an analytical vision of the national

and international spatial dimension. The History of America allows for a
critical characterization of his identity as Dominican, Caribbean and
American. Dominican History analyzes social, economic, political and
cultural aspects. In integrated ways, Economics is addressed by studying
societies through production relations. Anthropology is studying society from
the origin and evolution of the human being: in the physical and cultural
aspects, Social Psychology is interested in thinking, emotions, and
judgments of individuals, Sociology analyzing social concerns and modern
societies. The human and integral formation of the human being is made
explicit in each of them.

Topic : Importance of Social Sciences Teaching

Student : Ramón Oscar Prado

Reading Control No. 1

After reading the text, I suggest you individually answer a series of

questions that will help us better understand the text:

1) What opinion do you have in general about social sciences

according to the article?

Social Sciences are the group of disciplines that are responsible for
studying society, the institutions and the relationships necessary to live in
society . Their mission is to train free, democratic people with critical
thinking, for which knowledge of the social reality in which people are
immersed is necessary.

2) What is the objective of science for students?

That students understand the importance of social science content, the

main objective of which is to train people with knowledge of the context at a
regional, national and international level, who are critical, reflective, with
ethical, moral and patriotic values, who are aware of their rights and
obligations as citizens, that they respect their neighbors and that they can
live together in a pluralistic society

3) How do you think social sciences could be taught to children with

mental disabilities?
Social sciences could be taught to children with mental disabilities by
imparting the same content and knowledge that is taught to children who do
not have any disability. In the name of plurality and respect for others, I
would leave aside certain types of ideas of some political parties that show
people with disabilities as victims of society and that divide them into, for
example, “disabled = good people” and “non-disabled”. = bad people “and
that to achieve a happy coexistence then the good ones have to “fight”
against the bad ones. I would teach, like all children, ethical and moral,
patriotic values and respect for others, dialogue, debate, search for
consensus, among others to be able to live in a society.

4) What is the teacher's job in the area?

Teachers must encourage analysis, reflection, own interpretation, reading

spaces, and carrying out experiences so that students obtain skills that
allow them to resolve their needs and situations. And according to Inmanuel
Wallerstein and the Gulbenkian Commission for the Restructuring of the
Social Sciences (2006), it is essential to teach disciplines with a social
function such as History, Economics, Sociology, Political Science and
Anthropology, Geography, Social Psychology, Law and to make it clear and
explicit in each of them the human and integral formation of the human

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