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1. The purpose of Assignment 1 – Dementia Care is to introduce students to the core concepts of
dementia and Alzheimer’s care, and how to support clients living with an altered mental state
2. Students will also understand and learn how to support clients (within their scope of practice)
living with dementia across all three stages of dementia

1. Describe the effects of dementia and an altered mental state on everyday life
2. Describe the stigma or social challenges experienced by patients living with dementia
3. Explain the importance of DIPPS when supporting clients with dementia and Alzheimer’s
4. Understand and describe measures to help clients in the home and in the facility while living
with dementia
5. Describe the signs and symptoms of dementia including subjective and objective data
6. Describe examples of responsive behaviour and how to support clients
7. Understand the stages of dementia and how to support clients in each of those stages


1. Plagiarism is defined as “the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them
off as your own without appropriate credit” (Oxford Dictionary, 2022)
2. All work presented in this assignment must of the student’s own work
3. Students must not copy other students (past or current students) work and pass that off as their
own assignment
4. Students are able to use the textbook and valid online resources to complete their assignments

1. Students are to complete each question in full using acceptable grammar and punctuation
2. All assignments must be typed on a Word or Google document (font size and style is up to the
discretion of the instructor) and submitted via the D2L Brightspace environment as per the
instructor’s direction
3. Allocated marks are presented for each question and students must answer all the sections of
the question for full marks
4. Instructor’s can mark as per their discretion and can award partial marks where warranted
5. The total marks awarded for Assignment 1 – Dementia Care for Foundations of Mental
Health is 30 marks
6. The passing mark for this assignment is 70%


Personal Support Worker Hybrid Program 2022

/30 Marks
1. Please read the entire assignment prior to beginning
2. Your task for this assignment is to read the following questions and answer the
corresponding questions below.
3. You may use your textbook and valid online resources to assist you in understanding
the definitions of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, stages of dementia, signs and
symptoms of dementia, appropriate support, and communication techniques, etc.
4. The mark for each question is indicated in the parenthesis next to each question

1. (1 mark) What is dementia?

A general term that describes the progressive loss of brain functions, which
include cognitive and social functions. It is not a single disease but a group of
illnesses that involve memory, behaviour, learning, and communication.
Dementia is categorized as being either a mild or major neurocognitive
disorder, depending on its symptoms.
2. (1 mark) What is meant by multi-infarct dementia?
Multi-infarct dementia, also known as vascular dementia, is a type of dementia
caused by a series of small strokes, or infarcts, in the brain. These strokes occur
when blood flow to specific areas of the brain is blocked or reduced, leading to
tissue damage.
3. (2 mark) Why is depression often mistaken for dementia?
Both conditions can present similar symptoms, such as:
Memory problems: Both depression and dementia can cause issues with
memory, including forgetfulness and difficulty recalling recent events or
Cognitive impairment: Depression can affect cognitive function, leading to
difficulties with concentration, decision-making, and problem-solving, which
are also common in dementia.

Personal Support Worker Hybrid Program 2022

Changes in behavior and mood: Both depression and dementia can cause
changes in behavior and mood, such as irritability, apathy, social withdrawal,
and emotional instability.
Psychomotor retardation: Depression can slow down physical and mental
processes, leading to a decrease in movement and speech, which may be
mistaken for the slowed cognition and physical abilities seen in dementia.
Sleep disturbances: Both depression and dementia can disrupt sleep patterns,
leading to insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness.
4. (3 marks) Using the 3 stages of dementia, list one way you would support your client
with their mealtimes and eating in each of the stages below:

Mild Stage (Stage 1):

In the mild stage of dementia, the client may still be relatively independent but
may begin to show early signs of forgetfulness and confusion.
To support them during mealtimes, I can:
Encourage independence by providing simple and familiar foods that are easy
to eat.
Ensure a calm and quiet environment to minimize distractions and promote
focus on eating. Provide gentle reminders and prompts to encourage the client
to eat if they seem forgetful or distracted.
Offer assistance with utensils or cutting food if necessary, but allow the client
to maintain as much independence as possible.
Moderate Stage (Stage2):
As my client progresses into the moderate stage, they require more assistance
with daily tasks, and their memory lapses become more noticeable. I would
support them during mealtimes by:
Providing clear, simple instructions to guide them through the mealtime routine.

Personal Support Worker Hybrid Program 2022

Offering finger foods or pre-cut meals to make eating easier and more
Supervising closely and offering assistance as needed to ensure they eat enough
and stay hydrated.
Using visual cues or verbal prompts to help them identify food items and
encourage them to eat.
Severe Stage (Stage 3)
In the severe stage of dementia, my client relies heavily on me for assistance
with most tasks. Here's how I would support them during mealtimes:
Assisting with feeding by offering small, manageable bites of food and
providing gentle encouragement.
Using adaptive feeding equipment, such as specialized utensils or plates, to
facilitate eating.
Paying close attention to their facial expressions and body language to gauge
their comfort and satisfaction during meals.
Creating a calm atmosphere during mealtimes to minimize agitation and
promote relaxation.

5. (5 marks) You are assigned to care for Mr. Lenovo in his home, who has recently been
diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease – Stage 1. List 5 safety concerns you would have in
the client’s home.
Fall hazards: Mr. Lenovo may experience mild cognitive impairment, which
could affect his balance and spatial awareness.
Medication management: Ensure Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease may
have difficulty remembering to take their medications or may accidentally take
the wrong dose.

Personal Support Worker Hybrid Program 2022

Kitchen safety: Mr. Lenovo may forget to turn off appliances or may become
confused while cooking, increasing the risk of burns or fires.
Wandering: Wandering is common among individuals with Alzheimer's
Disease, even in the early stages.
Home security: Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease may be more susceptible
to exploitation or wandering from strangers.
(3 mark) How might forgetfulness interfere with Mr. Lenovo’s safety needs?
-Mr. Lenovo may forget to take his medication or may take the wrong dosage or
medication at the wrong time, leading to potential health risks or medication-
related complications.
-Forgetfulness may lead to leaving appliances, such as the stove or oven, turned
on, increasing the risk of fire hazards.
- Mr. Lenovo may forget to use mobility aids, such as a cane or walker,
increasing the risk of falls or injuries.
-Forgetfulness may lead to neglecting personal hygiene tasks, such as bathing
or changing clothes, increasing the risk of infections or skin issues.
- Mr. Lenovo may forget to eat regular meals or may forget how to prepare food
safely, leading to malnutrition or food-related accidents.
- Forgetfulness may interfere with Mr. Lenovo's ability to safely operate a
vehicle or navigate public transportation, increasing the risk of accidents or
getting lost.
6. (5 marks) Define the following:
a. Depression: depressive disorder consists of severe feelings of
worthlessness, self-blame, sadness, disappointment, and emptiness
that last weeks.

Personal Support Worker Hybrid Program 2022

b. Anxiety disorder: A group of mental health disorders whose main
symptom is anxiety, with fears and worries so disproportionate to the
situation as to affect normal functioning.
c. Panic Disorder: is an intense and sudden feeling of fear, anxiety,
terror, or dread for no obvious reason.
d. Schizophrenia: An extremely complex group of mental health
disorders characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disturbances in
thinking, and withdrawal from social activity.
e. Hallucination: Seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, or feeling
something that is not real

7. (6 marks) List 2 signs and symptoms for each stage of dementia:

a. Stage One:
-Difficulty recalling information that was once familiar.
- Challenges with planning, organizing, or problem-solving.
b. Stage Two:
-Difficulty finding words or expressing thoughts.
-Difficulty making decisions or judgments.
c. Stage Three:
-Inability to recognize familiar people or places, including family
-Loss of coordination and muscle control, leading to falls or difficulty
performing basic tasks of daily living.

8. (4 marks) You have been assigned to Mrs. Walters who has been diagnosed with
Schizophrenia. During the initial home visit your supervisor has informed you that her
symptoms were well managed, and she was compliant with her medications.

Personal Support Worker Hybrid Program 2022

She has an optimal level of support from her family and a social worker. As a
professional PSW wanting to be prepared for any change that could potentially occur
from non-compliance with their medication regime, what are 4 signs that you would
take note of that your client may be in mental health crisis?
-Noticeable changes in Mrs. Walters' behavior or mood, such as increased
agitation, irritability, anxiety, or withdrawal.
- Mrs. Walters may experience auditory, visual, or tactile hallucinations,
such as hearing voices or seeing things that aren't there.
- Spending increasing amounts of time alone or becoming more isolated
from her usual social network.
- Neglecting personal hygiene tasks, such as bathing, grooming, or changing

1. Once your assignment is complete, please upload your assignment into the D2L
Brightspace platform in the appropriate submission fields for this course
to your instructor for the exact date and time of all assignment deadlines)

Personal Support Worker Hybrid Program 2022

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