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This qualified practice has a duration of 60 minutes and will be carried out in classes. At the
end of it you must send it to the email of the delegate who will compile everything and send it
to me in a zip file to my institutional email or if not you can also send it through from the same
virtual platform or finally, if you cannot enter the virtual classroom (which you should already
be able to do), you can bring the blank graded practice printed and we will develop it in class.

You can use all your materials: ppt, readings, laws and class notes.

1.What do we call administrative law?

Administrative law is the branch of public law that is responsible for the regulation of public
administration, that is, it regulates the organization, operation, powers and duties of public
admiration, in terms of services and their relationships with citizens.

2.What are the sources of administrative law?

The sources of administrative law:

 The Constitution
 The law
 Habit
 The doctrine
 The jurisprudence
 Administrative precedents
 The general principles of law

3. Mention and develop at least 5 principles of administrative law

The principles of administrative law.

 Principle of legality: the relevant authorities must act with respect to the
constitution, the law and the right.
 Principle of due procedures: Those administered enjoy all the rights and guarantees
inherent to due administrative procedure, which includes the right to present their
arguments, to offer and produce evidence and to obtain a reasoned decision based on
 Principle of ex officio promotion: The authorities must direct and promote the
procedure ex officio and order the carrying out or practice of the acts.
 Principle of presumption of truthfulness: It is those procedures of administrative
procedures, which formulated by those administered expressly by this law, respond to
the truth of the facts they affirm.
 Principle of impartiality: When those administered act in a discriminatory manner
among those administered, granting them equal treatment in the procedure that is
carried out, giving a result with attention to the general interest.
4. Mention and develop at least 5 principles of the administrative act

 Motivation : The administrative act must be duly motivated in proportion to the

content and in accordance with the legal system.
 Public Purpose : Adapt to the purposes of public interest assumed by the regulations
that grant powers to the issuing body, without being authorized to pursue them
through the act.
 Purpose: Administrative acts must express their respective purpose, in such a way
that their legal effects can be unequivocally determined.
 Competence: Be issued by the empowered body based on the subject, territory,
degree, time or amount, through the regularly nominated authority.
 Regular procedure: Before its issuance, the act must be drawn up by complying with
the administrative procedure provided for its generation.

5.What are the three powers of the State and define each one briefly.

 Executive Branch: The executive branch is responsible for executing the daily
operations of the State, conceives and executes general policies according to which
the laws must be applied, is considered as administrator and executor of the popular
will which it represents and of the which must be your strongest guarantor
 Legislative branch: formed by a single chamber of currently 130 members who are
congressmen elected by direct suffrage and in multiple districts proportionally to the
population of each Region
 Judicial power: It is the institution in charge of administering justice through its
hierarchical bodies, the courts, superior courts and the supreme court.

6.What are the 3 levels of government that exist?

 central government
 Regional government
 Local government

7.Develop the following table:

Centralization Decentralization

It consists of the accumulation of The objective is to achieve a State in which

political and institutional decision- political and especially spending decisions,
making capacities at the high levels of where they are made closer to the
government in charge of decision-making in population so that they benefit from them,
the central government. are also granted the power of decision to
establish norms, generate and establish
resources. .
8.What do we call deconcentration?

It consists of transferring decision-making powers to some administrative bodies, but

maintaining the hierarchical relationship between the body that transfers the power and the
one that executes it.

9.What is the public service? What are the 3 types of public officials?
It is the activity carried out in natural heads on behalf of the state with a certain autonomy
whose purpose is aimed at achieving the essential purposes of the state itself.

 State
 Worker (Official or Server)
 national community

10. Briefly define the following concepts:

a) Administrative act : Administrative acts are the declarations of entities that, within the
framework of public law rules, are intended to produce legal effects on the interests,
obligations or rights of those administered within a specific situation.

b) Administrative resources and what they are: Administrative resources can be understood
as the prosecution of the manifestation of the will of the administrator, through procedural
institutions that pursue the modification, substitution or annulment of an administrative act
that causes a grievance in their situation. legal.

 Appeal
 Review resource
 Appeal for reconsideration

c) Administrative sanctioning procedure: The sanctioning procedure guarantees that the

Administration's actions are carried out in an orderly manner and aimed at achieving a goal
and respecting a minimum of guarantees for the administrator.

d) Trilateral administrative procedure: The trilateral procedure is the triangular, quasi-

jurisdictional, or contentious administrative procedure, developed in the field of Public
Administration aimed at deciding a conflict of interest, where the authority exercises the role
of instructor and decision-maker of the cause.


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