How To Build An Educational Outing

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TEACHERS: Campanaro Elena

Cenzano Pablo
Ogar Laura

4th5th6th secondary



Artistic education must bring students closer to cultural heritage, its appreciation and
enjoyment, and the recognition of variations in criteria and styles over time and between

The Project consists of an educational guided tour of the Teatro Colón in order for students
to learn about its history and its facilities since it is considered one of the best theaters in
the world both for its acoustics and for the artistic value of its construction, which has
turned 100 years old in 2008. The current building is located between Cerrito, Viamonte,
Tucumán and Libertad and was inaugurated on May 25, 1908 with the opera Aida by
Giuseppe Verdi. This building replaces the old Teatro Colón, erected on the block occupied
today by Banco Nación, in front of the Plaza de Mayo, and which operated between 1857
and 1888.

On the other hand, taking into account the historic center of the City of Buenos Aires and
the iconic symbols of the Nation, after the visit to the Colon Theater, we will tour the
Presidente Sarmiento Frigate located in Puerto Madero.

With both visits, we hope from the Institution and the teachers responsible for the project
for the students' appreciation of the cultural heritage that our country has. Being able to
know them, appreciate them as well as understand what their usefulness was over time.

The Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires is one of the most important opera houses in the world.
Its rich and prestigious history and the exceptional acoustic and architectural conditions of
its building place it at the level of theaters such as the Scala in Milan, the Paris Opera, the
Vienna Opera, Covent Garden in London and the Metropolitan in New York.

In its first location, the Teatro Colón operated from 1857 to 1888, the year in which it was
closed for the construction of a new hall. It was inaugurated on May 25, 1908 with a
performance of Aida. In its beginnings, the Colón hired foreign companies for its seasons;
Starting in 1925 it had its own stable bodies – Orchestra, Ballet and Choir – and its own
production workshops, which allowed it, already in the 1930s, to organize its own seasons
financed by the city budget. Since then, the Teatro Colón has been defined as a seasonal
theater or stagione with the capacity to fully carry out an entire production thanks to the
professionalism of its specialized scenic teams.

Throughout its history, no important artist of the 20th century has failed to set foot on its
stage. Suffice it to mention singers like Enrico Caruso, Claudia Muzio, Maria Callas,
Régine Crespin, Birgit Nilsson, Plácido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, dancers like Vaslav
Nijinski, Margot Fonteyn, Maia Plisetskaia, Rudolf Nureyev, Mijail Barishnikov, directors
like Arturo Toscanini, Herbert von Karajan, Héctor Panizza, Ferdinand Leitner, among
dozens more. It is also common that, following the tradition inaugurated by Richard
Strauss, Camille Saint-Saëns, Pietro Mascagni and Ottorino Respighi, composers come to
the Colón to direct or supervise the premieres of their own works.

Several first-class teachers worked here steadily until they achieved high artistic goals, such
as Erich Kleiber, Fritz Busch, stage directors such as Margarita Wallmann or Ernst
Poettgen, dance teachers such as Bronislawa Nijinska or Tamara Grigorieva, choir directors
such as Romano Gandolfi or Tullio Boni. , without failing to mention the numerous
instrumental soloists and symphony and chamber orchestras who offered unforgettable
evenings on our stage throughout more than one hundred years of sustained activity.

Finally, since 2010, the Teatro Colón exhibits a building restored in all its original
splendor, giving a framework of distinguished hierarchy to its presentations.
For all these reasons, the Teatro Colón is a pride of Argentine culture and a reference center
for opera, dance and academic music around the world.

In 1897 , the frigate ARA Presidente

Sarmiento became the first modern training
ship that Argentina had built specifically for
that purpose and is a testimony to the days of
naval training of Argentine youth. Built in
England, it made 39 trips around the world ,
covering a total of 1,100,000 nautical miles,
always on a peace mission. It is currently
moored at Dock III of Puerto Madero , in the
City of Buenos Aires , converted into a

It was launched on August 31, 1897 , with Ana Cané Domínguez being godmother on that
occasion. The current name of Presidente Sarmiento was then imposed on the frigate: it was
during his presidency that the founding of the first Nautical School was authorized in 1872,
which in 1873 became the Naval Military School .

On May 19, 1898 , the official machine and navigation tests were carried out, on May 24
the artillery tests and on June 24 in the morning the Argentine Flag was hoisted.

On July 14 of that same year, with its complement of men ready, it set sail from the port of
Liverpool under the command of Captain Enrique Thorne . After making stops in Vigo and
Genoa, he left from the latter port to Buenos Aires, where he arrived sailing alone on
August 8, 1898 .

Its last destination of activity is as a training ship for the training of junior personnel of the
Seamanship School and professional course of Cabos de Mar, 1961 being its last year as a
naval unit.

It was declared a National Historical Monument on June 18 , 1962 by Decree No. 5589 and
converted into a museum on May 22, 1964 . Several striking objects are exhibited inside: a
stone that belonged to the Great Wall of China , the embalmed body of a Newfoundland
dog puppy (it is Lampazo , a mascot of the frigate) and an Argentine flag made in Shanghai
, whose sun was embroidered with slanted eyes. It is moored at Dock III of Puerto Madero
(Macacha Güemes and Alicia Moreau de Justo streets).


 Know and value our cultural heritage.

 Know the conventional spaces for cultural dissemination and their internal
structures, operation and history of both the Teatro Colon and the Ara Presidente
Sarmiento museum ship.
 Know our history through art.
 Promote the sensitivity and artistic and historical interest of the students.


 Recognition of the cultural heritage of your region.

 Comments on the artistic and historical visit and what was discovered during them.
 Recognition of the national heritage of the Argentine Navy.
 Valuation of the exchange of experiences as a source of learning.
 Creative use of free time to enjoy visits to theaters and museums.
 Valuation of cultural identity for the enjoyment of artistic manifestations.
 Sensitivity to perceive, experience and respect the aesthetic manifestations of the
cultural environment, actively committing to its defense and respect.


 Sensitively and actively enjoy the tour of the Colon Theater and the Presidente
Sarmiento Frigate respectively, which constitute our cultural heritage.
 Get started in learning about different activities and cultural spaces.
 Develop the capacity for perception and understanding, strengthening one's own
identity and feelings.
 Develop an attentive, critical and evaluative attitude.

ART and PERFORMANCE Prof. Cenzano Pablo


 Value cultural identity in artistic manifestations. (Art and Performance)

 Strengthen the acquisition of artistic knowledge. (Art)
 Enable the implementation of artistic cultural management projects where students
have active participation. (Art)
 Contribute to the formation of a critical and reflective view from the current context
to enable the recognition, use and organization of the components of visual
language, understanding visual configurations as total, social, historical and cultural
discourses. (Art)


 Visual perception. (Art).

 Recognition of the different forms of artistic-cultural manifestations, in a certain
era. (Performance)
 Large structures. (Art)
 Physical possibilities of the spaces, dimensions, heights, lighting, access of the
recipients. (Art)

Previous activities:

 Investigate the ideas they have about the operation of a theater.

 Discuss the parts of theater buildings: entrance, stairs, stalls, boxes, dressing
rooms, curtains, sounds, lights, stage, etc.
 Promote an approach to the history of the Colon Theater and the Sarmiento
Frigate as cultural heritage of our region.
 Preparation of a questionnaire about the Theater that they would find out
during the guided tour.

Activities during the visit:

 Get closer to the social, cultural and institutional history of this important theater
and its characteristics through the guided tour.
 Get to know the interior of the theater: stairs, stalls, boxes, gatherings, dressing
rooms. Etc.
 Learn about the architectural and artistic details that the building contains: Carrara
marble staircase, tiles, frescoed ceilings, walls with moldings, cloth and wood seats,
stage, curtains, sculptures at the entrance.
 Tour of different sectors of the Sarmiento Frigate.
 Utility and function of each sector of the ship.

Subsequent activities (Evaluation):

 Joint talk about what is remembered from the visit: What did you think? Did you
already know him? How was the building constructed? Do you remember what
date it was inaugurated? or What opera did he open with?, etc. (Art and
 Carrying out a practical work on the history of theater. (Performance)
 Identify the most relevant information for putting together a billboard.
 Preparation of a timeline with the information obtained. (Art)
 Production of a documentary video with the information investigated. (Art)
 Analyze and reflect on the guided tour of both heritage sites. (Art)
 Making a sketch of a specific part of the theater. (Art)
 The completion of written works in which information about the structure and parts
of the theater can be reported. (Performance).
 Bibliography of selected artists who passed through the Teatro Colon.
 Construction materials of the Sarmiento Frigate. Where is its origin from? (Art).

HISTORY. Prof. Laura Ogar

 Recognition of the cultural heritage of our country.
 Analyze the history of our country towards the mid-late 19th century as a context
for the creation of these icons of our cultural heritage.
 Know and value the relevance of the Teatro Colón in the global context.
 Analyze the relationship between the Teatro Colón and the different Buenos Aires
social classes.
 Contents:
 Argentine history of the mid- and late 19th century. Political, economic and social
characteristics. Global context.
 Concept of Cultural Heritage
 Culture and social classes. Elite culture and popular culture.

Previous activities:

 Research on the history of the Teatro Colón and the Sarmiento Frigate.
 Creation of a timeline that shows the most relevant events in the history of the
Teatro Colón and the Frigate Sarmiento in relation to the national and international
historical context.
 The Teatro Colón as a symbol of the Buenos Aires elite: Myth or reality? Research
about it. Analysis of theater management policies in recent years.

Activities during the visit:

 Taking notes on the guide through the theater and the frigate.
 Observation of the environment and taking notes.

Post-visit activities:

 Comparison of what was investigated with what was learned during the visit. What
did the visit bring us again?
 Writing a report summarizing the history of the Teatro Colón and the Frigate
Sarmiento. You must include a description of your spaces.

LITERATURE Prof. Campanaro, Elena


● Disseminate and bring Theater closer to students as an artistic, cultural and educational
● Bring young people closer to the literary wealth in our language.
● Understand and value the environment that surrounds them and develop civic attitudes of
respect and care for common goods.
● Appreciate and respect the rules of coexistence outside the classroom.
● Strengthen the insertion and participation of students in the social, community and
cultural sphere.
● Understand and value the aesthetic and architectural language of Buenos Aires.
● Participate in an activity in which collaborative learning is prioritized from concrete
experience in the place.


● Participate in literary cafes, forums, book presentations, book fairs, literature conferences
and other social events for reading and literary and artistic production in general.
● Attend plays and famous theaters in Buenos Aires.
● Analyze works of art belonging to other languages such as music, dance, photography,
plastic arts, comics, etc., and establish relationships with literary texts (by time period,
theme, aesthetic movement, etc.). ).
● Search for conceptual frames of reference that serve as analysis criteria (e.g.
characteristics of an aesthetic movement).
● Establish regularities as aesthetic languages.
● Identify differences and similarities.
● Relate information, draw conclusions and formulate hypotheses to search for new
● Distinguish exclusively informative aspects from those that are subjective, with personal
hypotheses and critical arguments.
● Produce reviews and comments, taking as reference the readings carried out and the visits
experienced, respecting formats, discursive strategies, styles, recipients, etc.
● Reflect on the representation of reality in a play.
● Compare and value the different ways of thinking and acting according to the times.
● Revalue universal classics.

Previous activities:

● Refresh previous knowledge about the Dramatic Genre seen in previous years.
● Promote an approach to the history of the Teatro Colón and the Sarmiento Frigate as
cultural heritage of our region.
● Prepare a questionnaire about the Theater and the Frigate that they will answer with the
information they receive on the guided tours.
● Raise awareness about respect and care for the architectural works most valued by

Activities during:

● Get closer to the social, cultural and educational history of the emblematic Teatro Colón
and the Sarmiento Frigate Training Ship through guided tours.
● Get to know the interior of the Theater: stairs, stalls, boxes, gatherings, dressing rooms,
● Learn about the architectural and artistic details that the building contains: Carrara
marble staircase, tiles, frescoed ceilings, walls with moldings, cloth and wood seats, stage,
curtains, sculptures at the entrance.
● Tour the different sectors of the Sarmiento Frigate.
● Know and value the uses and functions of each sector of the ship.

Subsequent activities (Evaluation)

● Respond to the already explained questionnaire.

● Prepare explanatory reports or advertising brochures for each place visited.
● Socialize the productions on posters and set up an exhibition for the community.
● Propose discussion spaces in the classroom based on reflection on the aesthetic value of
art and architecture as vehicles for the formation of autonomous and critical citizens, for the
promotion of social integration through knowledge that contributes to the understanding of
the world around them.
● Argue and justify with clear and reasoned foundations.

Prof. Pablo Cenzano

Prof. Elena Campanaro

Prof. Laura Ogar


4th, 5th and 6th year secondary school students from the San Carlos Institute. Holy Thesei.


Monday, July 1, 2019. Visit to Teatro Colón and the Ara Presidente Sarmiento Frigate.
From 6:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Approximately.


6:45 a.m. Meeting at the establishment.

7:00 a.m. Departure from the establishment towards Teatro Colón.

8:45 a.m. Arrival at the Colon Theater. Ticket issuance.

9:00 a.m. First group entrance to guided tour.

9:15 a.m. Second group entrance to guided tour.

9:50 a.m. Departure of the first guided tour group.

10:05 a.m. Departure of the second guided tour group.

10:20 a.m. Departure from the Teatro Colón towards Frigata Sarmiento.

10:45 a.m. Arrival at Frigata Sarmiento.

11:00 a.m. Reception and arrival at the Frigate.

12:00 p.m. Departure of the Frigate towards the establishment.

1:30 p.m. Arrival at the establishment.

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