Test # 4

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Instituto Nuestra Señora del Carmen

1er año- 2013

Name: ____________________________
Date: _____________________________
Test #3:
1) Clasificá estas palabras en la categoría correcta. Hay palabras que pertenecen a más de
una categoría: (2 pts each)

Dark – short – red – Brown – medium-height – thin – green –

wavy – small – overweight

Hair Eyes: Body type:

_____________ ___________ ______________
_____________ ______ ______________
________ ______________

2) Hacéle un tilde ( ) a los adjetivos que sean de personalidad y una cruz ( ) a los que no
se refieran a personalidad: (2 pts each)
a) Long _____ f) Blonde _____
b) Punctual _____ g) Greek _____
c) Slim ____ h) Quiet _____
d) Dynamic ____ i) Jealous _____
e) Tidy ____ j) Shy _____

3) Completá las oraciones con los adjetivos posesivos ó los pronombres personales
correspondientes: (2 pts each)
a) _______ name’s Superman.
b) _______ is my favourite superhero.
c) _______ hair is short and black, and
d) _______ is very strong!
e) _______ eyes are blue.
Instituto Nuestra Señora del Carmen
1er año- 2013
f) _______ names are Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
g) _______ are tall and slim.
h) _______ eyes are brown.
i) _______ are intelligent and dynamic!
j) _______ are part of the League of Justice, too!


4) Read the information in the chart and write about these
people: (1 pt each blank space; 2 pts each sentence)
 Name: Christina Aguilera
 Age: 32 years old
 Country: the U.S.A.
 Nationality: _________________
 Profession: a singer
 Physical description: hair: _______________
and _________________; eyes: _______________.
 Personality: confident and creative.

5) Read about these two teenagers and answer (T) for true or (F) for false: (2 pts each)

Hi! I’m Linda. I’m from Galveston, Texas, in the USA. I’m tall
and slim. My hair is straight and red, and my eyes are big
and gray. My school is called Trinity School and my classmates
are great! Some boys at school are horrible but this is Martin,
my best friend! He’s really cool! He’s very friendly and good
fun! His hair is short and brown, and his eyes are brown. He
loves skateboarding and rock music! This is Melissa, she’s my
best friend, too! She’s really intelligent, and confident. She’s
medium-height and really slim. Her hair is long and blonde. Her eyes are small and blue.
She loves parties and pop music. We are really good friends!
Who’s your best friend? What’s he/she like?
Oh, and I love anime and art! I’m really creative and responsible! I like school, too!

Write back soon! Bye!


a) Linda is American. ____ d) Her two best friends are Tom and
b) Her hair is curly. ____ Melissa. ____
c) She thinks many boys at school are e) Melissa isn’t shy. ____
great. _____ f) Linda is lazy with school stuff. _____
Instituto Nuestra Señora del Carmen
1er año- 2013
6) Ahora, escribí una carta similar contándole a Linda acerca de vos y de tus amigos:
(16 pts. total)
Name: ____________________________
Date: _____________________________
Test #3:
1) Clasificá estas palabras en la categoría correcta. Hay palabras que pertenecen a más de
una categoría: (2 pts each)

Slim – tall – blonde – Fair – curly – blue – straight – big – green

– short – medium-height

Eyes Body type: Hair:

_____________ ___________ ______________
_____________ ___________ ______ ______________
________ ___________ ______________

2) Hacéle un tilde ( ) a los adjetivos que sean de personalidad y una cruz ( ) a los que no
se refieran a personalidad: (2 pts each)
a) Cool _____ f) Overweight _____
b) Brown _____ g) Practical _____
c) Polish ____ h) Fun _____
d) Wavy ____ i) Efficient _____
e) Ambitious ____ j) Brave _____

3) Completá las oraciones con los adjetivos posesivos ó los pronombres personales
correspondientes: (2 pts each)
a) _______ name’s Wonder Woman.
b) _______ is my favourite superheroin.
c) _______ hair is long and black, and
d) _______ is very fast!
e) _______ eyes are blue.
Instituto Nuestra Señora del Carmen
1er año- 2013

f) _______ names are the Wonder Twins.

g) _______ hair is short and black.
h) _______ are medium-height and slim.
i) _______ are part of the Justice League.
j) _______ pet monkey is funny and friendly.


4) Read the information in the chart and write about these people: (1 pt each blank
space; 2 pts each sentence)
 Name: Pablo Alboran
 Age: 24 years old
 Country: Spain.
 Nationality: _________________
 Profession: a singer
 Physical description: hair: _______________ and
_________________; eyes: _______________.
 Personality: cool and friendly.

5) Read about these two teenagers and answer (T) for true or (F) for false: (2 pts each)

Hi! I’m Seamus. I’m from Cork, Ireland. I’m medium-height

and slim. My hair is short and blonde, and my eyes are blue.
My school is called Glasheen Boys National School, my
classmates are good fun! Some boys at school are very rude
but this is Matthew, my best friend. He’s a really friendly and
good fun. His hair is short and brown and his eyes are brown,
too. He loves electronic music and his favourite DJ is David
Guetta! He also plays rugby. The girl next to me is Gwen.
She’s my best friend, too! She’s really attractive and nice.
Girls in general are boring, but Gwen is very special! She’s medium-height and really slim. Her
hair is long, straight and brown. Her eyes are black. She loves school but she’s not a student at
my school. Her favourite band is Green Day, she loves punk rock music!
Who’s your best friend? What’s he/she like?
Oh, and I love technology and skateboarding! I’m really athletic and intelligent! I like school,
but not so much!
Write back soon! Bye!
a) Seamus is Greek. ____ d) Matthew is his best friend and Gwen is
b) His school is for boys only. ____ his girlfriend. ____
c) He thinks many boys at school are e) Matthew loves David Guetta. ____
great. _____ f) Gwen is Seamus’s classmate. _____
Instituto Nuestra Señora del Carmen
1er año- 2013

6) Ahora, escribí una carta similar contándole a Seamus acerca de vos y de tus amigos:
(16 pts. Total)

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