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What is the relevance of research in the knowledge society?

We currently live in a society that declares itself incapable of solving the most
basic problems in the world, which are: the problem, marginalization,
malnutrition, child deaths, abuse, prostitution, environmental degradation,
among others. At a time when this same civilization surprises us with its
scientific prowess. Education must be oriented towards sustainable human

The same one that must provide answers to the demands and needs of society.
Academic institutions should focus on:

 Guide the events that will guide the course of society.

 Get ahead of your time.
 Manage changes to build a fair society that is sensitive to problems and
thus improve the quality of life of its citizens.

Nowadays, the ability to understand, interpret, process, use and, especially,

construct knowledge becomes a priority. This means that education must be
aimed at teaching how to think and training people with an attitude of
constructive criticism and responsible for their own development and that of
society, people who build their own knowledge, satisfying the needs that society

It is the duty of education to guide people and society to have a general and
comprehensive vision of the environment and its events; the world is
increasingly interdependent. Finally, in this society of knowledge and
contradictions, education must play a leading role in guiding society towards
sustainable human development.
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%C3%A1using ourselves%20as professionals%20do

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