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Below we will present some questions related to your health to which you must answer YES

or NO, crossing out with a cross or surrounding the chosen option. Please try to answer all

the questions even if you feel that some are not directly applicable to you.

1. Do you worry a lot about your health? ............................................................................................ BUT

2. Do you think something is wrong with your body? ......................................................................... BUT

3. Does your illness interfere a lot with your life? ................................................................................ BUT

4. Are you easy to get along with when you are sick? ......................................................................... BUT

5. Have there been many sick people in your family? .......................................................................... BUT

6. Do you think you are more likely to get sick than others? ............................................................... BUT

7. If the doctor told you that he couldn't find anything wrong with you, would you believe him? ...... BUT

8. Is it easy for you to forget about yourself and think about other things?......... BUT

9. Do you get angry if you feel sick and they tell you that you seem better? BUT
10. Do you think you are too aware of what is happening in your body? . . . ………......................... BUT

11. Do you think your illness is a punishment for something bad you did? ....................................... BUT

12. Do you have problems with your nerves? ..................................................... BUT

13. Can your doctor easily cheer you up when you feel sick or worried? . . BUT

14. Do you think other people realize what it's like to be sick? BUT
15. Do you mind talking to the doctor about your illness? .............................. BUT

16. Are you worried about many ailments? ...................................................... BUT

17. Does your illness greatly affect how you behave with your BUT

18. Do you think you get anxious easily? ......................................................... BUT

19. Do you know someone who has had the same illness as you? . . . BUT

20. Are you more sensitive to pain than others? ............................................. BUT

21. Are you afraid of getting sick? .................................................................... BUT

22. Can you easily express your feelings to others? ......................................... BUT

23. Do people feel sorry for you when you are sick? ..................................... BUT

24. Do you think you care more about your health than others?........................... BUT

25. Do you think your illness affects your sexual relationships?.......................... BUT
26. Does your illness cause you a lot of pain? ................................................. BUT

27. Do you have any problems in your life apart from your illness? . . BUT

28. Are you worried about whether or not others will notice that you are sick? BUT

29. Do you think you get jealous of the good health of others? . . . BUT

30. Do you have silly thoughts about your health that you can't get rid of no matter how hard you try? BUT
make an effort? ...................................................
31. Do you have any financial problems? ........................................................ BUT

32. Does it bother you how others take your illness?........................................... BUT

33. Do you find it difficult to believe the doctor when he tells you that there is nothing BUT
worry? .................................................................................

34. Do you often worry about the possibility of having a serious illness? ............................................ BUT
35. Do you sleep well? .................................................................................... BUT

36. Do you tend to repress your feelings when you are angry? . . BUT

37. Do you often think that you may suddenly fall ill? .................................... BUT

38. If you are made aware of an illness (by radio, television, or someone who BUT
know) are you worried about getting it?....................................
39. Do you think people do not take your illness seriously enough? ..................................................... BUT

40. Does the appearance of your face or body bother you? ............................. BUT

41. Do you think you worry about many different symptoms? ........................ BUT

42. Do you frequently try to explain to others how you feel? .......................... BUT

43. Do you have any family problems? ........................................................... BUT

44. Do you think something is wrong in your head? ....................................... BUT

45. Do you eat well? ......................................................................................... BUT

46. Is your poor health the biggest difficulty in your life? .............................. BUT

47 Do you think you get sad easily? BUT

48. Do you worry or get upset over details that are insignificant to others? BUT

49. Are you always a cooperative patient? ...................................................... BUT

50. Do you often have the symptoms of a very serious illness?... BUT
51. Do you think you get angry easily? ......................................................... BUT

52. Do you have any work problems? ............................................................. BUT

53. Do you prefer to keep your feelings to yourself? ...................................... BUT

54. Do you often think that you are getting depressed? ................................. BUT

55. Would your worries go away if you were physically healthy? . . BUT
56. Are you more irritable with others? ........................................................... BUT

57. Do you think worrying can cause your symptoms? BUT

58. Do others easily notice that you are angry with them? .................................................................. BUT

59. Do you find it difficult to relax? ................................................................. BUT

60. Do you have other concerns not caused by the illness BUT

61. Do you find that you often lose patience with others? .............................. BUT

62. Is it difficult for you to show others your feelings? ................................... BUT

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