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Section 3: Understand coding design principles

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Question 43: Provide two advantages and two disadvantages of each type of
coding. (A.C. 1.6)
Type of coding Advantages Disadvantages
Functional 1. Pure functions make the Combining the code of pure
programs easier to test functions into a complete
and debug. application or program can be
2. Functional code also is difficult.
Requires understanding of
easier to understand, this advanced maths terminology.
is because the code is
Object- 1. written in a concise way,
Highly reusable, as using These programs tend to be
orientated classes and objects, larger than other types of
means you can write code programs.
2. once and reuse it.
You are able to hide code due to the size of the
to improve the security of program they can be slower
the code base and the to execute.
Procedural 1. data used.
Simple and ease of Very poor security including
coding, with the same the data they contain.
code being reused in
2. different places.
It is a very general purpose It is difficult to relate them to
programming and very real world objects.
easy for beginners to pick
Event-driven 1. up.
Flexibility to make changes The flow of the program can
easily. Using drop down be less logical than other
boxes and buttons. types of software.
2. A Graphical interface, Errors in the code can be
makes it easy for those difficult to spot.
without any computing
knowledge to use them.
Multi-paradigm 1. Very flexible, allowing you Can be complex to learn for
to write in different Styles beginners.

2. Easy to scale up and Compatibility issues when

down, so a variety of using different paradigms.
programs can be coded. especially when trying to
integrate the code.

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