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Wari Culture

It was developed in the current department of Ayacucho, 25 km from the city of Ayacucho.

Chronology: 500 – 900 AD

Territorial Expansion

It extended to Cajamarca and Piura

in the North; Cusco and Arequipa to
the South.

This culture stands out for its

urbanism. They built temples,
palaces, residential neighborhoods,
etc. Up to three stories high.

They stand out:

 Pikillakta (Cusco)
 Wariwilca (Huancayo)
 Huaricochopampa (Huamachuco)
 Cajamarquilla (Lima)
 Wilcawain (Ancash)
 Pachacamac (Lima)
 Wari

Socio-Political Organization

Wari was a theocratic – militaristic

state and therefore we speak of a
society divided into classes. The Wari Empire had to have a powerful army to maintain absolute
control of the population, both local and foreign. But the ideological aspect was also taken
advantage of by these people, who achieved imperial unity, with the imposition of the cult of
the God of Wands or Staffs.


The most important divinity of this civilization was the god of Wands,
who reminds us of the divinity of the Puerta del Sol in Tiahuanaco. He is
represented with a rectangular head, wearing a trocado with stripes and a
plume of feathers, which end in the heads of felines or eagles seen in
profile. He has a staff in each of his hands. The Wari religion was inspired
by the religious beliefs of the populations that participated in the
Tiahuanaco culture, but it was enriched with the contribution of other
cultures, such as Nazca.

Their base was agriculture and livestock, they grew potatoes, corn, quinoa, olluco, ocas, etc.
They also dedicated themselves to Commerce. In Wari it was evident that there were mass
production centers for various products such as ceramics and textiles.

Cultural manifestations
It is appreciated:
to . In pottery , in which they made the famous ceremonial bowls,
beautifully decorated with the motifs of the divinity of the Tiahuanaco culture
and a beautiful combination of colors.
b. In metallurgy , bronze was worked, which is an alloy of copper with
c. In textile crafts , wool from the Auquénids was used to make clothing
for the ruling class.
d. In ceramics , huacos were made in specialized workshops. They were
beautiful and with many colors. With an influence from the Nazca culture.

City Creation
The cities are cultural contributions of the Wari Empire.
Cities ceased to be simple religious ceremonial centers. They became agglomerations of
population and housing, duly planned, with large squares and residential neighborhoods. They
were fortified.

A street in the Wari citadel

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