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— 9 Gg eGeFESES ESA ESS EOE Index SEESEPESORES & Ta Date f Date of Naf Me ae Experiment Jo | spent su Remarks | BE Exxp-0l prepare pore_cample of ‘§ | 8 ta ai __|Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate. (Mah1's Sal) bt aaa - _ 2. Bapit2To prepare pore sample of Pash aaa BS | ____ Alum (itlsari) Kf500), Ala'50.),° 240 3 08 nd Se EG OSES UAES CESS EGO ERTAESOAES 6 Exp:06:"To pref [0 thie caution 40 vib of | | given KMn04_ 40)" and Riasic Rati | Berti 4 2 1B) SERS EP ESOS ESOL OPES OSES OS EBES ESOS BSE SOA EB ORERE: E > 5 i 3 i : | | vt tal f I : rE: 0B SB Res eset RSE ESOS ES OSES TIES OS ES ERSTE IES OBES ESE ES ES OBES SAES EES OBESESESESES BL f (Summa i = Expainaal OL = | = eine eros anmenain tuple Grd a Lae ce Tian | ra => oe ca i tod utc ble aid a -cayslaks ammo 7 eon ch cen cs eae faces + (a). —* FS 0u(nit.),50, HO ee tis) Ca) F Date ol Page No. 02 —__ [ait te ailing hal ule tothe canlea inthe el bese mal — instrumental ‘a lime, élir il ages rl ec the 6a! have completely | diséalved _ eee st Filer the Scion Lor a pce 5 on dranafer the | SVWvabe_in_a_chin scien be | sation pant oa ss 6 Place the china_dieh conlaing_ eau pl _| cold i ab ‘of Mch's 6 eepartle os —______| [4 Decanl_off the athe ? eh she crystal_in the china Tl | with aomall quantity of aleal jean 6ulpbi ric acid Sticking |_ 1 crystal f ; _Salt blaine ~4y [a i —Lipbt ice Shape of the Caystale Snenfichne Slope. +|Pecaulions |e Ds nal cota endl —_—_—__| Oe a eng code ) Dom tthe ad fr a lng tme asi omy oxidice ence ons _| Jo fete tons. ‘Teacher's Signature | Papin ae . |B nee ae copie le of slash Alun (Bian) ——_ a PL (Sou) 24H [| + K,80y +Alj(0.), -13H0 +6H,0 —>I< 2504 Al (60), 24H20 [tees Rieti : Peloch Fim. | olprate ‘Solphate [.K,S0, +AlB0u), 18H +6H 0 — KK 250y Al.(S0u),,* 24H20 fotassiom — Aluminium Potash Aum. oIphste Sulphate *Renuiremen!s «To ric acid. ae T i . = Palaesiom Sulobe! Alominium Sore Ail! “Procedure = (Take a 2! Poleesium O Take the 0 |_Alurrinium Aulphate crystal 3 i odo. Ald abo! 20m! of water crc ImLof dl! ot hydra |__jaee iting Bill precen| {er he Salofian Heal for abot Snin| Teacher's Signature Date Eapt No. OB Page No. | a a L | ie -prepare 150 nl édluion At ferrous. cammanm_sulgbale [rs fal) (Theory: Mobis all ‘Fangt esate a i Te pepte 250m. ted Drake Bed. tof M Ox t adan vequives (06 qm Oralic. Acid "fh to Sd sol” need 2-52 ayn Ba NGO Sal needs 260 <-HBE =0-63 arm Date [aa Ses tnanld oe of di etco| engl —_—_______| © spe Bim: preparce (M/s) 150 mL aaulion A Meh Salt in Valamelvie Heals And] yvsing the Aruban Lome! ont the aterglh of given polaeinm — penmen nate CKMinda) Sdbbion. “Theor 2 Tiiatiction behieen Pakassi *Chemical Reaction 6 fala feacion := 1 Molecular fapalion of “2 KMnOu +3H;80u—» K,604 #2mngo, +320 [2 FeCeoulNHa) S0u-GH29 +450, 4 [6] — Fe,(GOu)at 2”nSQy +BFer(SA) +10 (NH2)80y +68 HD * sy i jor MnOg +H Be —elin'* +4 tho ke eae Byt 2 oF Ot | [varetRint, | Conclaleat- alent | Solotion ose {ue . ) 10-6 19Gb i | 19:5) \9-5ml | 19-5 mt. a _1 195 | \3-Bwb Date ae Page No, 9 =Concdach Volome = |9-5m|' 2M a=—eem.m — Ma=Barg Mm ©) SWwenalh of KMnOg + Shrengin (quTeMieclay lear mace. | v 2 57H -5 4158 21-6280 gL) io hag SE ® \ Kfinnoe =a 1 Bal h of Given ” _Date _ Page No. 1© Eexperimea ‘meal pet im: Hrepare (2.50 Oralic Reed lion a Bim! Se [ Oralic A a aaagla Theory Paes 1m Perimarg anal cide id in pre Lal Tt ind ee atere 7 i= |_|? 2kMn0. H8(cs0%+2H,0 +3460, —>KaSo, P2Mnsm, +1000 HALO" = | - 1 fone Equation: |__| =» 20nd. Oy 6H =——* 2119 4 0COr tS BTSs Kn a : “eh Tala =a Ed pint Bl the. Bnd poial_celaurles6 _Galution dovin Lgl pink. 5. ead ‘Readings Nekeh Ker Cancordent icNgl of Cale Red ek ped, Dupe a| 20mt 00 19-87 19-8 2 Ppl. 00 lot 19. F rl aro 3% Wn. {00 Igats 19-4ynb - - avidin Se ‘Teacher’ Signature Date | sere i ee ce SSS ee Panne} ic Acid (rg). \y= Vol: of Crealic fad i rs ca ,x20Jex19-F Wn = Vol. of Krtndu [Me 0-dloi9m. | ee bring alas —finntolt nese Cone H26% iy feed Jobe. se Peas the “ted coloured _| in Nadll ealulion. Experin ent (i Obgervations [ait a ced Gas. {_ frnell evdlved. tals lon. becargea, (yells = = ellao ppt is ee the ella dolotionads farcéenl. May am CS Conpinmed, alt + (0086 Lp Sibu Nile Teak _|_— hi Teacher's Signat ahi ty 1? White dures Jormed alls | a { is Bulk Ring apiece d Lily paper | F Fille paper Jarmo veldiah —_|-»NHut Confined | ——meistenes with Nesalars {rausn, Resull : Chloride Gr) aa acid redico sei fomnum Ge as secratal brefent_in the. ven alt Teacher’ Signature Wena 06 Obsenialion 2, |Mixc +Cone Ha60e-Neak [= No Reton [Bran Colo lel 6) Groin gap becnmen dense} g ned _9a0 with png >> Braan Rings Aon de = No gion af to Vii cue | 45 the formation of FeStueNo| 11.80u Balation boy jhe Side of the tee) ioe “at by Bowie Ralcds | —__ Se [4 hii Now golalion ant Heal} No Sivell af Ne. __|=" eo go wpabsenk_| [TalOnigin-cint i ct [> wie fi i laine [2 oS _| on carling Daido the baka al ppbinde] | Park 14. '0-doldon: af Nel = | Pari ¢¥a0rty Sdbotion | ‘Teacher's Signature T Th onl (I) Qbserval 4 |Silver Nivate Tet: E poe Sedum Exteel tdi Hos Bel-? Aubile ppl is owned |c0 & livre A Ndvecation. -ohe pps sake ae | | | Bid encere of Nip inthe |= | sph No amel_of Armmania Teacher’ Signature | 1G icup Abe { 1 Grp. absent M8 complete ’ eat iby o {ky mper nicle| Filler pape docantl loin} Ha6 ie removed, ab, blacks, Completely poo cone_}_No ppb § frobp absent la 2 bgp inthe albave cqun} No ppl 135 fon the abe andconceritile k Nowall | A utile PPT io cbloined Niu and salorale ion. (Nico. | ae oe 2.|Diseie the while pplanhal bom CliaCootl and divide ik-ine re te Howe pada : Ts oeaaas Ayellon PPT ioableined | Qc Conjivmed.___| eat: Refomn ame Teat | Apple (teen Flame | et" Comied ai Che a tron radical oe presen in te quent NO tO1 Park ORES Pipi remains insoluble vPor\ T +Cane WNNGa @md_| PAL remaimo insoluble a peso als ea eae (fl el el a Ls (Ci4,C00).Pb | Fille paper ee remaad Trfamee Dilule Acid Gwoup io labsent Cina acid group is abdent. General Group Is eal Soa he nl indy 604 confirmed. Zero group absent fea he nt | cee Absent ae (T+ KufFeGrde] esbtion | Ploish while ppl obtained | Zin Contivmedt— dP +NadH 6d. dmpbydiop [While pel infoumed sshichis | 2s" Confirmed. es ‘ddlublein excess of NaQH | ___ Day lesk: Reform charcoalacic| Gueen wcaidue ia left | Zn Confirmed [oid feo! wilh cobal mbrale : = PResul The gen all conlains 6 skinte (605) ant Zine (n jeaken Teacher’ Signature alent | radeal ia | Conkivmned 1. Meat fov — Zain) No Galion of Aromariam is | Group Zena 1 abs la beet 4 __dbsenc : Wo BOL formed, Teacher's Signatur Grown ppb is. forme | £3 May be present Redaich, HNO». Nhat | | ——| . {Conf tion Esk ; vn aan pi indl a Hagin he Cahors | Fe®* ion 2» Corel aoBimn etm) 3th de si al Badified with gli-acelic arid_adl it [ual dom Yo lacks pec | a a | isc Relics: a é A arret of amon NHut may be | __\ga“ima teat tobe and i {avmed present a 184) Some _amats Naolt art heak it: jotwnt of. Teacher’ Signature Arnomiania in 4 given eudlved 966. ‘Teachers Signature Ohservali ns. spae| <> doman paper_doms | Rect = Ke came >The. com yaund_ bu ON group absent eco. ocburleas gas. cvchiel C001 fron present Coal Ge recent . aI ffeup_ present me H2Adrofh WaB Ort 06 vt CoH sl Wau Acid ©Coo) grovp.1o._preo: oh mysound p in the qven | _llacerign: Bin Non sft Geen Pp [Solin deceit Jom or by T =0H group pre 4 Sea te pr Tad pace | tw) Bishe Teal 0 Date Page No, 24 _ jecert | sinpount | Fick Amel aciel | | OH oroup i e Solid CHecoot Mew do a sal and shen! Zi eer oe ongic_compul_bas dleohalie CoH) in mchional | a | 12 In = * Bani rled ‘img 1 ahs nc flame: & Delecbion of lenen Flenent:— Lasaaigne Soln4Nadi+ fe rnd 24-diningng| famal_—_|Grteneyi C= rise les when pure | mn ——— - ») Salou iolubulity inldsey (Soluble) SNM Ex exjment Observation 1.1 Nalure. ot {he a 7 a [fue_a drop of given liouid | Lites papertuns Hue. The compavnd in ba | on_meisl nigh yod ved ft} —_—fiicm_nalore __| roe papero Separalely, | =a Ss ea Pa eet 7 shiny Le “ing Cope bunms wun [Given Campaindis_ “fe ted di bealy flame ___|avornalic. ” | Aven Ee ioe Se ie : | “les ne Balt email ‘ies aye si Praenalie. Binal) |Group is_erpevimenl_| | fg is cod AminatsNth) group is pis sen ( \ \omdlic Amine io _prese Teacher's Signature _

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