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Current invoice

The invoice, purchase invoice or commercial invoice is a commercial document that reflects all the information of a sales transaction. The fundamental
information that appears on an invoice must reflect the delivery of a product or the provision of a service, together with the accrual date, in addition to
indicating the amount to be paid in relation to stock, goods owned by a company for sale in that ordinary exploitation, or for its transformation or incorporation
into the production process.
The invoices have 3 copies and bear the letterhead of the company that sells, and legally according to the SII they are yellow, light blue and pink.
In addition, the invoice must include the information of the sender and the recipient, details of the products and services supplied, unit prices, total prices,
discounts and taxes.
The invoice is considered as tax proof of the delivery of a product or the provision of a service, which affects the issuing taxpayer (the seller) and the receiving
taxpayer (the buyer). The invoice is the only tax receipt, which gives the recipient the right to deduct the tax (VAT). This does not apply to invoice substitute
documents, receipts or tickets.
In some countries, the invoice has no legal value in court when demanding payment of a debt. In the claim for the amount of the order for payment, the invoice
is the document preferably used as proof of the debt, although others such as the delivery note are also used.
In Europe, billing regulations are regulated by the VI Council Directive 77/388/EEC, which also defines taxes such as VAT (value added tax), in English VAT (Value
Added Tax).
Tax identification in the European Union standardizes the way of coding companies to facilitate tax control.

exchange invoice
1. Concept. It is a credit instrument that incorporates the obligation to pay a certain sum of money within a certain period; at the same time it describes
the merchandise that has been sold as the object of the contract that gives rise to the title.
2. Subjects.Librator-beneficiary. It is the seller of the merchandise, that is, the one who creates the invoice. Drawee-acceptor. He is the buyer of the
merchandise, and who by legal mandate is obliged to accept the invoice issued by the seller.
3. Function. If a merchant seller decides to use the exchange invoice, the operation of the title would be as follows: The seller issues the exchange
invoice as a result of a sale in which the goods have been delivered actually or symbolically. The invoice is sent to the buyer, directly, through a bank or third
party. The intermediary, according to the instructions received, will present it for acceptance and then return it; and may retain it if it has the power to collect it.
According to what we have already studied, this will be done through a proxy endorsement. The law also contemplates shipment by certified mail or other
means not specified by law. The buyer returns the invoice, duly accepted: within five days of receipt if it is for the same space; and within fifteen, if it is different.
Non-return is presumed as refusal of acceptance.
4. I protest.
The exchange invoice can be protested for lack of acceptance or lack of payment. If it is not accepted, the protest must be raised within two business days
following the deadlines set for the return of the invoice.
Another variant of the protest in this article that, contrary to what happens in others, the document will be authorized by the Notary in the spaces of the same
instrument or on an attached sheet when it is insufficient, attaching the documents that prove the sending of the document or other means that are available
(notice of postal receipt, for example). If the invoice is not at hand, the protest can be authorized by the seller's declaration, as long as supporting documents are
available to prove the shipment to the buyer. When the minutes are authorized in the document, they cannot be formalized.

5. Conservation of invoices.
The exchange invoices, as they are records of the transactions carried out, must be kept in original or a copy by the merchants for five years.
special invoice

Electronic Invoice Generators that offer storage services

For electronic copies of Special Invoices, you must take into account the following

1) Billing is carried out by the Electronic Invoice Issuer –EFACE- on behalf of

of the seller of goods or provider of services (not specific to EFACE)

2) The declaration of Value Added Tax –VAT- for special invoices does not
addition to the special monthly VAT Declaration report of the EFACES,
except in the case of taxpayers who are in the special regime
or optional tax credit refund, who declare it as a debit and

3) The Value Added Tax –VAT- withheld is reported by EFACE through the
SAT-2085 payment form in Declaraguate or current form number.

4) The Income Tax –ISR- withheld is reported by EFACE through the

payment form SAT-1331 in Declaraguate or current form number.

EXPLANATORY NOTE: If EFACE is a taxpayer classified as

Special Taxpayer (Large or Medium), these must use the tool
of RetenISR Web, in order to load information from the
Special Invoices issued in the period, so that said tool generates
automatically in Declaraguate the SAT-1331 form.

5) In accordance with Decree number 19-2013 “…Amendments to Decree number

10-2012”, Article 15 indicates that the Income Tax must be withheld from the
following way:

5% on the amount of up to thirty thousand quetzales (Q.30,000.00) and

7% on the amount that exceeds thirty thousand quetzales.

Note: to withhold ISR you must take the base value without VAT.

These withholdings must be paid by EFACE in the banks authorized to

collect tax within the period of the first ten (10) business days of the
month immediately following that in which the withholding was made, in the
corresponding forms indicated in points 3 and 4 of this document.

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a) Special Invoice with an amount up to thirty thousand (Q.30,000.00) 5%.

accounting invoice
In accounting matters, the invoice will be the tax receipt for the delivery of a product or the provision of a certain service that affects both the buyer and the
seller and will give the recipient the right to deduct value added tax (VAT). . Invoices can be of three types A, B or C and these include the following: ordinary
(document the commercial operation), corrective (document corrections of one or more previous invoices or, failing that, returns of products, containers,
packaging) , recapitulative (they document groupings of invoices corresponding to a certain period).
Proforma invoice
A proforma invoice is a document that is sent to a buyer under certain circumstances - usually before all the details of the invoice are known.
A pro forma invoice is not an actual invoice - it is simply a document that states the seller's commitment to provide the specified goods or services to the buyer at a
specified price.

Pro forma invoices are not recorded as accounts receivable by the seller nor are they recorded as accounts payable by the buyer.

When is a proforma invoice used?

If you need to issue a sales document for goods or services that you have not yet provided, you can issue a pro forma invoice to offer goods or services to

Pro forma invoices are often used to declare the value of goods to customs .

Sending pro forma invoices

If the recipient accepts the goods or services offered on the pro forma invoice and supplies them, then they must issue an appropriate VAT invoice within the
appropriate time frame.
Pro forma invoices in e-conomic

It is not technically possible to create a pro forma invoice in e-conomic, but if you are not using one of the available documents - i.e. order confirmation or quote -
it can be replaced with a pro forma invoice template.

Learn how to create a proforma invoice in e-conomic in our e-copedia.

Current receipt

The receipt that pays the invoice on time is called a current account receipt. This can be in any currency except cash,
such as your own check or third-party check, debit card or credit card.
Letterhead receipt
We can define Receipt with letterhead, as that document in which the creditor of a debt expressly
acknowledges having received the amount of the debt from the debtor, either through money or through
something else; for the purposes of payment or compliance with the agreed obligation. Characteristics

The receipt can be on letterhead or without letterhead, but it must always be signed, as proof of
receipt of the amount owed.

On some occasions the receipt can also be issued as an advance payment for a commercial
transaction, as an advance payment for a pledge and even as an advance payment for an invoice.

It is practical to staple the receipt (which has been sent to us as proof of having made the payment)
with the invoice. Thus, in a visual way, we understand that said invoice has already been paid.

Data that must contain:

a) Letterhead : Contains the issuer's identification data, including the NIF for natural persons or the
CIF for legal entities.

b) Receipt number , it must be correlative.

c) Place or locality from which the receipt is issued.

d) Amount in Figures . Normally the figures are protected with two slashes //, to avoid the suspicion
that someone adds another number.

e) Name or company name of the person making the delivery . Although it does not have to
contain all the tax data.

f) Amount in letters . On many occasions, when the receipt is issued manually, we choose to omit
this part, for reasons of time.

g) Explanation of the basis for payment . This section is very important since it records the
operation to which the payment refers.

h) Signature and seal (in the case of a company, businessman or professional) of the person
receiving the money. It is evident that a receipt without a signature or seal has no commercial

Receipt with Mandate Order

There are companies that offer their clients a form that authorizes the collection of said receipt by the bank
they deem appropriate, so the following additional information must be included in the receipt:

1. Bank details : Identification of the Entity and its Branch

2. Bank Account . Account in which the payment will be made.

3. Signature . Signature of the account holder.

Ok current
A voucher is a commercial document to pay for a product , be it a good or service . It can represent total or
partial payment (immediate discount at the time of purchase for the amount that appears on the voucher).
The most common thing is that commercial establishments provide vouchers to their customers to build
their loyalty .

It also serves to make yourself known to new customers, offering them a cheaper or free item. In other cases,
it is part of the return process, the business issues a voucher that allows one product purchased to be
exchanged for another in the future.

Finally, the word voucher is used for internal movements of an office or company. When an employee takes
money to buy some material or items that are not in stock in the company, or because they want an advance
on their salary , a "cash voucher" is filled out. This voucher contains:

 Quantity (in number and letter)

 Clear specification on the concept
 Authorization rubric
 Signature of the person receiving the money
The voucher is an offer to reduce the final price of the item that may be sponsored by the manufacturer or
the retailer .

Manufacturer's voucher

It is a very appropriate means of promotion to introduce new products to the market. Consumers are more
willing to try a new product if the price they have to pay is lower than the recommended price. Stores are
also involved in this type of promotion since they accept the discount proposed by the manufacturer when a
customer redeems a voucher. Throughout the promotional campaign, the store recovers that money plus a
bonus for its collaboration.

Dealer Voucher

It is a means of promotion that benefits buyers who already consumed the product. The retailer issues them
to keep these customers and increase either the spending per purchase or the spending per customer
(increasing the number of times they visit the establishment).

These vouchers can be formulated in various ways:

 15% discount on the purchase of XXX quantity of item YYY until ZZZ day.
 20% discount on XXX, if you buy 2 or more units until ZZZ day.
 €9.99 discount on the purchase of XXX until ZZZ day.

Food voucher[ edit ]

It is a benefit given to workers by the company that is exchangeable in self-service stores for consumer

Voucher letterhead

A letterhead voucher is a commercial document to pay for a product , be it a good or service . It can
represent total or partial payment (immediate discount at the time of purchase for the amount that appears on
the voucher). The most common thing is that commercial establishments provide vouchers to their
customers to build their loyalty . It contains the logo and essential data of a company that issues it.
Bill of exchange
The bill of exchange is a formal and complete title of credit or value that contains an unconditional and abstract order to make a sum of money pay upon maturity to the taker or his order at a specific place, binding
jointly all those who in it. they intervene. [1] The bill of exchange was born at the end of the Middle Ages , with the need for monetary trade and its unlimited accumulation against feudal income.


It is a written order from one person (drawer) to another (drawee) to pay a certain amount of money at a future time (determined or determinable) to a third party (beneficiary). The people involved are:

* The drawer: gives the payment order and prepares the document.

* The drawee: accepts the payment order by signing the document committing to pay. Therefore, taking responsibility, indicating in it, the place or address of payment so that the creditor can make effective its

* The beneficiary or recipient: receives the sum of money at the designated time.

A monument in Medina del Campo indicates that the first bill of exchange, dated July 2, 1553, was drawn by Ginaldo Giovanni Battista Stroxxi to Besançon; [2] although there is evidence of other previous letters
signed in the same Medina, whose famous fairs date back to the Middle Ages; like the one signed by Eduardo Escaja and Bernaldo de Grimaldo, Genoese from Seville, on November 3, 1495. Although, there is also
evidence of bills of exchange in ancient Egypt.[3] It is assumed that the first in the world was signed in Milan on March 9, 1325. In the Crown of Aragon there are also previous ones: one dated September 7, 1384,
drawn from Genoa to Barcelona, where it was protested[4] and another between Valencia and Monzón (Huesca), for which one hundred florins were drawn by means of a document ( lletra) dated 1371 or 1376
(both dates are possible) from Bernat de Codinachs to Mosén Manuel d'Entença.[5]


Pure and simple mandate[edit]

The bill has a mandate to pay an unconditional sum in national currency or currency admitted to trading. The sum must be expressed in numbers and words, together with the currency in which the payment will be
made. If you pay in foreign currency, the equivalent between the currencies must be indicated on the day of payment. This requirement is what distinguishes it from other credit titles.

Name of the drawee[edit]

The document must contain the names and surnames of the natural person or company name that must pay the stipulated obligation (drawer). If there is any error in the name, the bill of exchange becomes void.
If there are several people who must pay the same bill, it is drawn against any of them.

The drawee is not obligated until he accepts the bill of exchange.

Expiration date[edit]

The maturity corresponds to the day on which the bill must be paid. The expiration must be a possible and real date. There are four types of expirations:

* Letters drawn on a fixed day: they expire within the period established in the letter. It is the most common way of drawing bills of exchange because there are no uncertainties in determining the opportunity for
unconditional payment.

* Bills issued at sight: Bill of exchange that will be payable upon presentation. It must be submitted for payment within one year following the date on which it was issued. The drawer may shorten this period or
set a longer one. These terms may be shortened by the endorsers. (Article 39 of the exchange and check law).

* Letters drawn with a term from the date: they expire on the day the stated term expires. They are those where it is established that the expiration occurs a time counted from the date of the letter.

* Bills issued with a term from sight: their expiration will be determined by a term from the date of acceptance or, failing that, by the date of the protest or equivalent declaration and, in the absence of a protest,
the last day to carry it out. . The acceptance that does not bear a date will be considered, always before the acceptor, to have been placed on the last day of the period indicated for its presentation for acceptance.
The bill is paid in the time established in the bill, counting from the date on which the bill is seen by the drawee.

Ways to turn the bill of exchange[edit]

* At one's own order (at the order of the spinner)

When a subject creates the bill of exchange in favor of himself. A person must pay it to the creator of the letter.

* In charge of a third person.

When a subject creates the bill of exchange for a specific person to pay for another person. Three subjects are involved: Creator of the bill, Drawee (the one who must pay the bill) and beneficiary (to whom the bill
must be paid)

* In charge of the drawer himself.

When a subject creates the bill of exchange to pay it to another person.

Place of payment[edit]

The bill must indicate the place where the bill must be presented for payment, but if this is missing, the bill will be paid at the place designated next to the name of the drawee.

Currently, Bills are domiciled for collection at banking entities, so the place of payment is by direct debit in most cases.[citation needed]

Signatures on the bill of exchange[edit]

The acceptance signature is mandatory, since it is presented as proof that the person accepting the payment, therefore a stamped or mechanical signature is not accepted. It is also signed by the person who draws
the bill (drawer) and can be guaranteed.

The endorsement of the bill of exchange[edit]

Nowadays, it is no longer an accessory and inseparable clause of the bill of exchange, by virtue of which the exchange creditor puts another in his place, transferring the title to him with limited or unlimited effects.
The bill can be transmitted by endorsement, and this was the initial purpose of the Bill of Exchange. The endorsement must be pure and simple. Any condition will be deemed not to have been set. This according to
the latest regulations.
* Blank Endorsement: The sole signature of the endorser is reflected, and any holder may fill out the endorsement with his or her name or that of a third party.

* Ownership Endorsement: Transmits ownership of the credit title.

* Endorsement in Procurement or for collection: Confers to the endorsee the powers of an agent with representation to collect the judicial or extrajudicial title.

* Endorsement in Guarantee: It constitutes a collateral right over the title and will confer to the endorsee, in addition to the rights of a collateral creditor, the powers of endorsement in proxy.


Expresses the reason why the drawee must pay. It is an unnecessary clause that is preserved by tradition, reminiscent of the time when the bill of exchange was a concrete title, a document proving an exchange

Domiciled letter[edit]

Ordinarily, the address of the drawee is indicated as the place of payment, but the address or residence of a third party may be indicated. This is what is known as a domiciled letter, the payment of which must be
made precisely at the designated address. If the drawer has not expressly established that the payment will be made precisely by the drawee, it will be understood that the third party whose domicile has been
designated as the place of payment, and who is called domiciliary, must pay the bill.

Types of domiciliation: Domiciliation can be proper or improper. Own: when in addition to the different address there is a specific person (domiciliary) different from the drawee to make the payment effective.- The
domiciliary is not obligated within the exchange nexus.- Improper: when the payment address is different from that owned by the drawee, but the payment is made by him.-

Recommended lyrics[edit]

Any person liable on the bill may indicate one or more persons, called recommenders, who must be required to accept or pay the bill, in the event that the drawee refuses to accept or pay. This is what is known as
recommended letter.

Documented letter[edit]

The clauses “documents against acceptance”, “documents against payment” or the equivalents mentioned “D/A” or “D/P” may be inserted in the letter. This indicates that the bill is accompanied by certain
documents, which are delivered to the drawee, upon acceptance or payment of the bill.


Acceptance of the bill of exchange is the act by which the drawee or drawee affixes his signature to the document, thus expressing his willingness to be obligated to make payment of the bill. Once the bill is
accepted, the acceptor becomes the principal obligor, and becomes the exchange debtor of any holder of the bill, including the drawer himself.

Acceptance by intervention[edit]

From the early days of the bill of exchange, the commercial custom was established that, if the drawee denied acceptance, a third party, called intervener, could appear and accept, in order to save the responsibility
and good credit of one or some of those obligated in the letter. This is how the legal figure of acceptance by intervention, or by honor, emerged. For the intervention to take place, it is necessary that the letter be
protested for lack of acceptance.

The exchange obligation[edit]

Every signatory undertakes an exchange obligation by affixing his or her signature to a credit instrument. The exchange obligation is autonomous, in the sense that the obligation of each signatory is independent of
any other obligation that appears in the title.

Not all obligors are obligated in the same way: on the one hand, there is a direct obligation of the accepting drawee or drawee towards the taker of the bill or the last holder of the bill (in case of transmission by
endorsement); On the other hand, there is the obligation of return of the drawer or drawer and of the successive endorsers towards the last holder of the bill in the event that the drawee or drawee does not pay.

The reality is that the direct obligor is obliged to pay the bill, and the indirect obligor “responses” that the bill will be paid. The exchange obligor is a certain and current debtor of the benefit recorded in the title; The
person responsible is a potential debtor, whose obligation cannot be updated, except when the holder has gone to the directly obliged party to demand payment, and has carried out the necessary acts for the
return action to arise, that is, for the simple potential obligation is actualized.

The endorsement[edit]

The guarantee is a unilateral, complete and abstract exchange legal act through which the payment of the bill is guaranteed (Chinese label).
By virtue of the guarantee, payment of the bill of exchange is guaranteed in whole or in part. The person who makes the payment is called the guarantor; The person for whom the guarantee is provided will be
called the guarantor.

The guarantor becomes a joint debtor along with the guarantor and his obligation is valid, even when the guaranteed obligation is void.

The payment[edit]

Payment of the bill must be made upon delivery. This is a consequence of the incorporation; but this does not mean that the payment made without collecting the bill is not valid; and if this were done, the
corresponding payment exception could be raised, as a personal exception, to the already paid holder who intended to collect the bill again.

If the bill is payable on demand, it must be presented for payment within a period of one year from the date of the bill, unless the drawer or drawer has established another term.

Partial payment[edit]

The holder is obliged to receive partial payment of the bill; but he will retain the bill in his possession until it is fully covered, he will note in the body of the bill the partial payments he receives, and will issue a
separate receipt in each case. Preserving rights against other obligated and contributors to the movement.

Payment for intervention[edit]

Just as the bill can be accepted by intervention, it can also be paid in the same way by an intervener, who may be a recommender, an obligor in the bill, the drawee, or a third party.

I protest[edit]

The protest is an act of a formal nature, which serves to authentically demonstrate that the bill of exchange was timely presented for acceptance or payment.

The protest is carried out through an official who has public trust (PUBLIC NOTICE) and will be raised against the drawee or the recommenders, in case of lack of acceptance, and in case of protest for lack of
payment, against the drawee-acceptor or their guarantors.

The penalty for failure to protest is the loss of the return exchange rate.

The exchange action[edit]

It is the executive action derived from the bill of exchange. The exchange action is direct or return. It will be direct when its basis is a direct exchange obligation and return when it serves to demand a return
exchange obligation. Consequently, it will be direct against the acceptor and his guarantors and in turn, against all other parties obliged to the bill.

* Prescription: the direct exchange action expires in Mexico and Spain in three years from the expiration date of the bill. The return exchange action expires in three months from the date of protest (in Spain, in
one year). Although there are other causes that cause the expiration of the return exchange action, such as the lack of protest.

* Content of the Exchange Action: the holder can claim: The amount of the bill; Default interest at the legal rate, from the date of maturity; Protest expenses and other legitimate expenses and; The exchange
premium between the place in which the bill should have been paid and the place in which it is made effective, plus the situation expenses.

* 'Exercise of the Exchange Action: The holder of the unattended bill may demand payment from any of the obligors or from all of them at the same time. And you can do it in the following ways: Drawing a
Hangover Letter or Promoting a commercial executive judgment.

I will pay
A promissory note is a document that contains the unconditional promise of one person (called the subscriber) that
he or she will pay a second person (called the beneficiary or holder) a certain sum of money within a certain period
of time. Its name comes from the phrase with which the declaration of obligations begins: "I owe and I will pay." The
difference between the bill and the promissory note is that the promissory note is issued by the person who
contracts the loan.

The promissory note appears as an exclusive form of the exchange contract that is contained in the change
and as a means of avoiding the prohibition of stipulating, which the Church repudiated. As originally the
exchange title was an expression of the trajectory exchange contract and canon law prohibits the agreement
of interest, the issuance of a title analogous to the exchange rate was devised in which the obligation to pay
interest would be hidden under the appearance of a debt. commercial or a loan, without, on the other hand,
the title having to be issued to pay in a place other than the order of a third party.

Features[ edit ]
Being a formal payment instrument, the promissory note must meet certain requirements called validity to
the due person.

Mention of being a promissory note[ edit ]

It must be indicated that the instrument is a "promissory note" - or otherwise - it must contain this term
within the text of the document, being expressed in the language in which the payment agreement is signed.
When the document is printed, the title of the promissory note must be written entirely in the same language
as the country where it is subscribed. This requirement is essential.

Unconditional promise to pay[ edit ]

The promissory note, unlike the bill of exchange , has an unconditional promise to pay a sum of money and
its respective interests in national currency or its international equivalent. The sum must be expressed in
number (s) and in letters , as well as the type of currency in which the payment will be made. If paid in
foreign currency, the exchange rate or equivalence between the currencies must be indicated, which must be
taken into account when due. This requirement is what distinguishes it from other credit titles .

Name of beneficiary[ edit ]

It is essential to identify the person to whom the promissory note must be paid. It can be in favor of a natural
person or legal entity . In the latter case it would be a so-called "corporate name" or commercial company .
Expiration date[ edit ]

The maturity date corresponds to the day on which the title must be paid. Expiration must be a date after the
date you subscribe. The promissory note must indicate the place where the document must be presented for
its own payment.

Date and place of subscription[ edit ]

The promissory note must contain the date it was created. It is essential for its relationship with the
expiration date (determining the term); and also to respect the times in which it is appropriate to apply (when
the law provides it) the corresponding sealing or stamping.

Subscriber signature[ edit ]

The name of the subscriber is not required, but only his signature, and no other means of substituting it is
allowed, except the signature of another person, who signs at the request or on behalf of the drawer. The use
of marks or fingerprints will not be allowed. The signature is essential and logically renders the title null and
void. Despite its lack, it must be considered that it cannot be supplanted by digital printing.

Transmissibility[ edit ]

The promissory note will be transferable by endorsement, which will be total, pure and simple, that is, the
endorsement will not be transferable for a part of the promissory note nor one that includes conditions.

Endorsement[ edit ]
Main article: Endorsement

By virtue of the guarantee, payment of the promissory note is guaranteed in whole or in part. The person
who is obliged to guarantee the payment is called a guarantor; The person for whom the guarantee is
provided will be called the guarantor (subscriber).

The guarantor becomes a joint debtor along with the guarantor (subscriber) and his obligation is valid, even
when the guaranteed obligation is void.

The payment[ edit ]

Payment must be made upon delivery of the promissory note. The promissory note is independent of the
commercial act from which it derives; its presentation is sufficient to demand payment, even in the event
that the corresponding payment has already been made but the promissory note has not been collected; In
this case, the person who tried to collect the promissory note twice would be incurring a criminal offense,
but it would be necessary to be able to demonstrate it before the criminal judicial authorities that had
jurisdiction, regardless of which the holder of the promissory note may seek its collection. through
commercial means.

If the promissory note matures on demand, it must be presented for payment within a period of six months
from the date of subscription.

Partial payment[ edit ]

The policyholder is obligated to receive partial payment of the note; but it will retain the document in its
possession until it is fully covered, it will note in the body of the document the partial payments it receives,
and will issue a separate receipt in each case. Preserving rights against other obligated parties.
I protest[ edit ]
Main article: Protest

The protest is an act of a formal nature, which authentically demonstrates that the promissory note was
timely presented for collection.

The protest is carried out through an official who has public trust and the corresponding protest report will
be drawn up against the subscriber or his guarantors.

The penalty for failure to protest is the loss of the return exchange rate. The protester must compulsorily
comply with the actions so that they do not change back.

The exchange rate[ edit ]

It is the executive action derived from the promissory note. The exchange action is direct or return. It will be
direct when its basis is a direct exchange obligation and return when it serves to demand a return exchange
obligation. Consequently, it will be direct against the subscriber and his guarantors and in return, against all
other parties obligated to the document.

 Prescription : the direct exchange action expires in Colombia and Spain after three years from the expiration
date. The return exchange action expires three months from the date of protest. Although there are other
causes that cause the expiration of the return exchange action, such as the lack of protest.

 Content of the exchange action : the policyholder can claim: The amount of the promissory note; default
interest at the legal rate, from the date of maturity; protest expenses and other legitimate expenses and; the
exchange premium between the place in which the document should have been paid and the place in which
it is made effective, plus the situation expenses.

 Exercise of exchange action : the holder of the promissory note may demand payment from any of the
obligors or from all of them at the same time.

Main differences between the bill of exchange and the promissory

note[ edit ]
The main differences between the documents can be specified in the personal elements and the basic content
of each of the titles.

 Personal elements : in the bill of exchange the personal elements are the drawer or drawer, the drawee or
drawee and the payee or beneficiary; In the promissory note there are two: the subscriber and the taker or
holder. The subscriber is equivalent to the acceptor in a bill of exchange.

 Content : the bill of exchange is specifically a payment order , while the promissory note is a promise to pay .

 Promissory note discounting companies : In addition to banks, there are companies specialized in promissory
note discounting that offer this service to companies and self-employed people who need to advance
payment to finance their working capital. The operation is simpler and faster than that of classic banking.

The discounting of promissory notes is a financial service that, like other credit services, is regulated by the
Bank of Spain, and can be provided by Credit Entities, Financial Credit Establishments or Financial
Intermediation Companies.

Savings withdrawal slip

Deposit slip is used to deposit into your bank account, whether it is a savings or checking account.
Checking account is the account that uses checks and generally does not generate interest, as it is ideal for business
and easy movement of money with checks.

Personal check


The personal check is a pure and simple payment mandate , in favor of a natural or legal person,
issued by the drawer with a charge to the funds deposited in a banking institution, the drawee.

The drawer is the person who issues the check as payment to a third party, the holder is the person
entitled to collect the check, and the drawee , which is generally a bank, is the entity or person where
the funds that are property are arranged. of the drawer.

It is a means of payment that requires high trust between both parties, thus, depending on this, the
exporter sends the merchandise with the necessary documents and the importer sends the check once
received or even before, according to the conditions of the contract.

For the importer, it represents a very convenient and agile means of payment, it does not bear
banking costs and does not involve an outflow of funds until the payment is made effective by the
paying bank, which debits the importer's account with the amount of the check. The importer sends
the check, generally once the goods are received in correct condition, so the only risk he bears is the
possible difference in the valuation of the currency from the moment of issuance of the title to the
moment of collection by the exporter, this temporary difference. It is configured while the exporter
receives said receipt, takes it to his bank to manage the collection ( negotiating bank ) and the bank
requests its consent from the importer's bank ( paying bank ) so that it can debit it from its client's

The exporter finds more inconveniences than advantages, he has to wait to receive the check having
sent the goods and once he has it in his possession, to transform it into cash he has different
possibilities, one, that his bank takes the check in collection management. and wait for the consent of
the different banks involved in the operation, with the risk that the signature and issuance are not
compliant, that the importer maintains a sufficient balance or that the check is lost, or otherwise
assume the cost that It implies a discount on the document, sometimes higher than other means of
payment, and which the bank will advance “unless the payment is successful,” because if the check is
returned by the importer, they will charge the amount to the exporter's account.

cashier's check


The check is a document through which a bank is requested to pay a certain amount of money.

The cashier's check is a payment order that the bank makes so that it can be cashed right there, or, where
applicable, so that the amount can be deposited in the bank account that the beneficiary has in that

It represents one of the payment methods that offers the greatest security for those who collect it, because it
guarantees that there are always funds to collect it.



1. The bank as the institution that is requested to issue or prepare the check. The bank has the obligation to
issue a cashier's check for the amount that the interested party has requested and must pay it upon receipt.
2. The user, or buyer of the check, is the person who pays the bank, or makes the deposit for the amount for
which such check was prepared. It is the person who goes to the bank counter to request the purchase of a
cashier's check.


A cashier's check is obtained in two ways:

a) When you do not have a bank account at the institution that issues it, you must deliver an amount of cash
equal to the amount for which the cashier's check will be issued.

b) When you have an account at the bank, you are only instructed to charge said account with the amount for
which the cashier's check is issued.

In both cases the bank charges a commission for issuing these checks.

The beneficiary of this type of check has the advantage that no one other than himself will be able to
cash it, assuming, for example, that it is lost or stolen.


 The cashier's check IS NOT ENDORSEABLE, therefore, only the beneficiary can collect it, this is for
his or her own security.

 The cashier's check must always be issued in the name of a specific person or company, that is,
nominative, which means that it cannot be issued to the bearer.


 It is important that when receiving a cashier's check, check that it has been signed by two officials of
the bank that issues it.

 Also verify that you have written the employee code number of both officials.

 You should check when someone pays you with a cashier's check, that the amount written in
numbers is the same as the amount written in letters.

“Cashier's check.” National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services
(CONDUSEF). Technical Vice Presidency. Dissemination Technical Support Subdirectorate. No. 77. May

Traveler's check

Traveler's check
It is one issued by a banking institution, or other authorized agencies (Visa, MasterCard, Amex), to be paid
by its main establishment and by its branches or correspondents that it has in the Mexican Republic or

Particular characterisitics

 The person who appears as beneficiary can present it for payment at any of the branches included in
the list provided by the bank that issued them, as well as in stores around the world.
 When these checks are purchased, the institution will ask the beneficiary to write their name on each
of the documents and to sign their signature in the first space; since these documents are signed
twice, the first when they are acquired and the second when they are presented for collection or to
pay with them in an establishment, if applicable.
 When presented for collection, official identification must be shown that certifies the person as the
beneficiary indicated in the documents.
 Failure to immediately pay these checks when they are presented for collection gives the right to
demand from the institution that issued them the return of the amount of the check plus the payment
of damages, which can never be less than 20% of the value. of the unpaid check.
 The bank or agency has the obligation to refund the amount of unused checks that you wish to return.
 These types of checks allow you to travel calmly without carrying cash.
 They are 100% refundable in case of theft or loss and are issued internationally by different banks
and agencies in the following currencies:

1.- American dollar

2.- Canadian dollar

3.- Pound sterling

4.- Swiss franc

5.- French franc

6.- German mark

7.- Japanese yen

8.- Euro

Checks expire one year from the date they are put into circulation.


 Once you acquire these checks, remember to sign them immediately, as well as put your name on them
since otherwise they represent cash that anyone can collect.
 If you present these checks for collection in national territory, you must present official identification (voter
ID, valid passport or military service record).
 If you wish to present these checks for cashing abroad, in most cases they will only accept your valid
passport as official identification.
 If you did not use all your traveler's checks and you want to obtain the amount in cash again, it is advisable
that you take into account that these will be paid to you at the purchase exchange rate that the institution
has at that time, so you will probably receive an amount less than what you paid for them.

Credit card

The credit card is a material instrument of user identification, which can be a plastic card with a magnetic
stripe , a microchip and an embossed number. It is issued by a bank or financial entity that authorizes the
person in whose favor it is issued to use it as a means of payment in businesses participating in the system,
by signing and showing the card. It is another type of financing, therefore, the user assumes the obligation to
return the amount arranged and pay the interest, bank commissions and agreed expenses.

Among the best known on the market are: Visa , American Express , MasterCard , Diners Club , JCB ,
Discover , Cabal , among others.

Features[ edit ]
Users have limits regarding the amount they can charge according to the risk policy existing at any given
time and the personal characteristics and financial solvency of each user. Generally it is not required to pay
the full amount each month. Instead, the balance (or "revolving") accumulates interest. You can make only a
minimum payment as well as pay interest on the outstanding balance. If the balance is paid in full, no
interest is paid.

The biggest advantage is the flexibility it gives to the user, who can pay their balances in full on their
monthly due date or can pay a portion. The card sets the minimum payment and determines the finance
charges for the outstanding balance. Credit cards can also be used at ATMs or at a bank to get a cash
advance, although unlike debit cards , there is a withdrawal interest, fee and, in some countries, a tax.
because it is a loan.

A credit card payment is a payment with M1 money (credit money) which, like any monetary aggregate
other than M0, is not created by central banks but by private banks or stores that provide credit . Therefore,
making a credit card charge depends on the solvency of the card issuing entity. That credit money does NOT
belong to the person who owns the card, they have to pay it.

An annual fee is usually charged for using the card.

When you pay with a card in the store, the collector usually asks for identification (personal identification,
driving license, etc.) and requires the signature of the promissory note or voucher to prove that you are the
owner of the card. There are some exceptions where the receipt is not requested to be signed, this system is
called "authorized without signature" and is usually used in businesses with large crowds of people, such as
cinemas, fast food restaurants and other similar places. In some countries, a PIN is required to authorize in-
person purchases.

In case of fraudulent use, you must give written notice to the financial institution or store that gives you the
card, asking them to cancel the charge and follow the procedures of each institution. The card issuer must
prove that the purchase was made by the owner.

Credit card purchases may have various insurances on the financed balance.


It is a 8.5 × 5.3 cm plastic bank card with a magnetic strip on the back (and currently also includes an
electronic chip) that stores information about the access data, name and account number of the holder, used
to be able to make payments. with it active financial operations (increase the balance), passive (decrease the
balance) or neutral (they do not increase or decrease the available balance).

In this type of card, the money used is the money taken as a debit from the holder's bank account and not the
money lent by the bank as is the case with credit cards. Some banks make agreements with their clients to
allow them to withdraw money overdrawn , generating a loan with their respective interests.

Its annual fee is cheaper than credit or even free and it is one of the most used financial instruments in the

HSBC Debit Card

Loan application

The personal loan request letter is the document that must be presented to the legal or physical person
from whom we wish to request a financial loan .

Generally, we ask for loans from banks, although we can also request them from the company where we
work or from any person who has the possibility of helping us. It is true that it is not always essential to use
written means to request. a loan but we must take into account that doing it this way grants credibility and

Below is an example of a personal loan request letter:

Antonieta González López
C/Rincones del Sur, No. 60
Cuernavaca, CP. 77012
77 60 45 20

Cuernavaca, Mor., April 18, 2011.

Av. San Diego, No. 39
Cuernavaca, CP. 20837
58 30 29 56

Lic. Rogelio Lisboa Patino


I hereby submit to you a request for a loan to be granted urgently to cover the expenses of an unforeseen

I request the loan for the amount of $12,000 (Twelve Thousand Pesos 00/100 mn) committing to pay the
entire amount in a period of no more than 3 months, or, if it seems convenient to you, an amount could be
deducted from me, in advance. agreed, of the salary I receive as a receptionist at your company.

Hoping for your help and understanding,

I remain at your service.
For your attention thanks.

Antonieta González López

power of attorney
Example of Power of Attorney

The power of attorney is used to authorize a third party to carry out any commercial, legal or administrative procedure on our behalf, without the need for our
physical presence or our signature, to cash a check, collect our voter ID at the IFE polling stations. At work it is used to give power to subordinates to perform
functions without the presence of the boss.

The functions or implications must be well defined within the power of attorney, that is, if we are going to allow a third party to change the ownership of our car,
we must specify it in the letter.

If we do not clearly define the degrees (the powers that we grant to the bearer of the letter), they can do us a lot of harm. For this reason, we must be careful
when we choose the person who will carry out any procedure on our behalf with this document, since it is very common for the power of attorney to be
accompanied by an official identification of the person granting the power, either in original or a copy.

The signature is the seal of a person; Therefore, it must always appear identical in all documents, for them to be valid. Changing signatures can be considered a

In the power of attorney you must:

1. Specify very well which person or persons the power is granted to.
2. The powers granted to said person(s).
3. Sign the power of attorney document.

For more information on the power of attorney, click here.

sales letter

A sales letter is a commercial tactic, which aims to hook buyers; Today it is one of the most powerful tactics to sell on the Internet but its origins are in
Sales letter example:

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Job application

Job applications are an indispensable tool for the employer and therefore for the future employee, they are
the necessary basis to begin with the new employee's file and to have knowledge of the worker's qualities.

Filling out this type of document is easy, but you have to know that not all spaces must be filled out.

The data that this document can or must have are the following:
1. Name or type of job requested
2. Name of interested party
3. Gender of the interested party
4. Photography (optional)
5. Telephone (optional)
6. Nationality
7. Height
8. Weight
9. Civil status
10. Residence Status
11. Date
12. Desired salary
13. Authorized salary
14. Economic dependents
15. Family data
16. School data or studies
17. Social security data
18. Data of the contractor or employer
19. Personal references

Example of a completed job application:

Job Application Page 1

( Click on the image to enlarge )

Job Application Page 2

IGSS registration form

A person as Patron and/or Joint Business Contract:

Photocopy of complete Residential Identification Card.

If you are a foreigner, photocopy of passport.
Photocopy of proof of Tax Identification Number – NIT Common Requirements

In any employer registration, a certificate issued by an Accounting Expert must be presented, which must state the following:
Complete date on which the minimum (or more) number of workers established as mandatory to register as an Employer was employed;

Total number of workers with whom the obligation indicated was given on the previous date;
Amount accrued in salaries for the total number of workers indicated.

The following companies are required to register with the Social Security Regime:

Companies located in the Department of Guatemala:

By employing the services of at least 3 workers; land transport companies, when they employ 1 or 2 workers.
Companies located in the rest of the Departments of the Republic:

By employing the services of at least 5 workers

IGS payment receipt

Presentation of igss return
IRTRA company registration form
Company registration form
Commercial patent
Small taxpayer registration form
Delivery note
Debit note
Credit note

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