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José Vasconcelos Elementary School Zona Esc. 127 Located In: Col. Nueva
Esperanza, Street: Francisco Toledo Cd. Ixtepec Oaxaca, this school arose from
the need that the colony had to take its children to more distant primary schools
and the transfer was more difficult for them, so they decided that it was fair to carry
out this project and look for this opportunity, and so It was with the help of
Professor José Vic Toledo that they carried out this project.

“The school aims to influence the formation of the subjectivities of the new
generations and. in this way, preparing them to integrate into society as a whole.”
(Fanfani; 16)

It all started in July 1996 when they had the proposal to buy the land established in
this neighborhood, by Mr. Jesús Gómez who fortunately decided to donate it, and it
was a very pleasant decision to build a new primary school.

They had planned that the school would be a preschool and primary school,
however this idea could not be realized and it was finally concluded that it would
only be primary school, but since the financial resources were not yet available to
build the classrooms, classes had to be offered in classrooms. improvised camps
made of rustic material such as sheet metal and wood with a few children from the
colony; being founded on August 25, 1999 as a multigrade school.

Later in the school, two higher quality classrooms began to be built by the state
government, the administrative committee of the federal School Construction
Program (CAPCE) and with the help of parents. However, this was not enough,
despite the fact that there was a small population, the children had to be in their
own classrooms to better receive education according to their grade, so later a way
was found to build two more. classrooms with the intention of achieving better
conditioning for the school, this expectation was achieved, although not yet enough
since an address and library are currently required. Among other needs that the
school requires.
Taking into account Delors, J (1996; 167) “a good administrator, capable of
organizing correct teamwork and with a reputation as a competent and open
person, often manages to introduce important qualitative improvements in his

The director must be a fundamental part of the school, that is, he is in charge of
organizing and running the school well, and be part of a prosperous organization,
and comply with the necessary regulations to strengthen the school.

Over the years, the

primary school was in
charge of another
director who was in
charge of the school and
the fence was carried
out around the school,
this with the protection
of greater safety for the
children, although even
so some inconveniences
occurred that Sometimes neighbors of the school come to play and break some
windows. Years later, the school increased its cooperative so that the children
could have breakfast there at school without the need for parents to go to the
schools. , since some mothers do not give them the necessary time, because they
work or for other reasons.

Currently the director of the school is Víctor Sánchez Martínez, he has contributed
efficiently in the management of his position, being a multigrade school, he is a 3rd
and 4th grade teacher, he has developed various projects with children and
mothers with the end of better quality. For example, with children, various activities
such as sports and crafts are carried out to increase their creativity and physical
activity; In the case of parents, they organize different practices to help the school
financially, such as quemes, sales on holidays, among others.
The school is made up of 4 teachers with a degree in primary education, they have
been organizing different projects with the children in order to promote coexistence
among the group and for the children to be able to participate in different activities.

Some projects that are planned to be carried out during this school period are
projects that promote greater coexistence between parents and children, since
education encompasses not only the teacher and the child, but also the parents
and society since the students in certain time they will be able to cope and excel in



Like any school today, it must have a desirable infrastructure and contribute to the
best conditions for quality education. In this case, the school has the basic and
essential things, and despite this, the dedication and effort of the teachers has
been efficient in strengthening the school and also the support of the parents. The
José Vasconcelos Primary School has different areas for the training of students.
Delimitation of school space
The school facilities are adequate, the classrooms are built with resistant material
such as concrete, have steel windows and doors, have electrical service, and
ceiling fans in good condition, adequately painted, and are appropriate for
receiving instruction.

There are 4 classrooms corresponding to 1st and shared with the management
2nd, 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th grade, furnished with the basics, chairs and tables,
desk, white board; with a favorable environment for children since they are full of
favorable material for their academic enrichment, in the direction with the
essentials: desk, chair, computer equipment, metal locker.

The civic plaza made with concrete material, the activities carried out in this area
correspond to civic events (homage to the flag) and social events (sports and
Mother's Day events, quemes, dances, etc.

In the dirt yard they have seats made with

tires and painted in bright colors, tables
made from doors that they no longer use,
and that the students have adapted as part
of their environment. These characteristics
that these objects have are very creative
and ecological. But they must be improved
for an updated environment, however the conditions and lack of support do not
allow it.

The bathroom is located at a far distance, it has two toilets, one for girls and the
other for boys, it does not have tanks, they use buckets of water, these conditions
are criticized because they do not have the best conditions that they should.

The school cooperative is a single booth run by a mother who brings various
snacks, fruits and sweets. It is simple but favorable for children because many
times mothers do not have the time to bring breakfast to their children.

The school as a school institution must be based on the best conditions to know
how to take better advantage of learning, since children deserve to be in schools
that are prepared for current situations, since modernity is part of children and
teachers interacting with technologies, as well better enrichment. However, the
conditions that are allowed for this school are very scarce, despite having a large
area of land, there are no resources to build other classrooms, bathrooms and

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