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Venezuela Land of Grace

Freedom, democracy and prosperity

The Government Plan of María Corina Machado

A dream of freedom, a feasible proposal, a real possibility.
The Government Plan “Venezuela Tierra de Gracia” is the proposal to recover the country
and guide it towards growth, development and wealth, thanks to the honest and constant
work of our people. María Corina Machado and a team of experts in different areas have a
realistic, feasible and supportive route, which brings together the most pertinent and
effective measures, to overcome socialist failure and turn this nation into a free society, in
the shortest possible time.
In this short film you will be able to hear from some of the citizens who have been working
hard to make this dream come true.

Maria Corina Machado

Venezuelan opposition leader. Industrial engineer with Specialization in
Finance from IESA and graduate of the University's World Leaders in
Public Policy Program
from Yale, in the United States.

Carlos Blanco
Former minister, international consultant (EU, IDB, CAF, UNDP) and

Raul Aular
Doctor and entrepreneur in the area of medical and hospital care with
projects in several countries in the region. Management consultant at
the firm McKinsey & Company.

Emiliana Vegas
Head of the IDB Education Division. He held various positions in the
World Bank's Human Development Network and worked on loan
operations and applied research in educational policy at the regional
and global levels.

Juan Carlos Navarro

International expert in higher education, entrepreneurship,
technological innovation and digital talent. Advisor to international
institutions with experience in the development of investment projects
and technical assistance in more than 40 countries.
Gustavo Garcia
International consultant, economist for the IDB and the IMF.

Teresa Albanes
Regional director of Unicef for Latin America (1982-1992), Minister of the
Family (1992-1994), president of the Paria Project Foundation.

Henkel Garcia
Instructor and financial analyst.

Sary Levy
President of the National Academy of Economic Sciences.

Rafael de la Cruz
Senior economist at the World Bank and the IDB.

Evanan Romero
Former Executive Vice President Intevep, Vice Minister of Energy,
Director of PDVSA and International Energy Consultant.

Lino Carrillo
New Business Manager of the Refining division of PDVSA, engineering
director, vice president of technology and COO of a Start-up.

Michael Lara
Electrical Engineer, specialty Systems
Power; Former General Manager of OPSIS (1975-2004).

José Toro Hardy

Director of PDVSA (1995-1998) and of the CVF (1969-1973). Professor
and director of the IESA.

Pedro Urruchurtu
Political scientist, mention in international relations and
university professor. Coordinator of International Affairs of
Vente Venezuela and International Relations of the María
Corina Command.

Alberto Ray
Specialist in strategic risk analysis, director of The Risk Awareness
Council (TRAC) in the United States, security consultant for companies
and governments.

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