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Everything you need to know about thiamine


What is vitamin B1?

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is a water-soluble vitamin crucial for converting food into
energy, regulating nervous system functions, and maintaining heart health.

Although vitamin B1 is found in many foods, several factors can deplete thiamine, which can
lead to health problems and an increased risk of neurological issues.
Benefits of vitamin B1
Promotes effective energy production

Increases stress resilience

Calms the autonomic nervous system

Supports restful sleep

Maintains heart muscle function

Improves digestion

Supports healthy blood sugar levels

Promotes cognitive health

Helps maintain thyroid and adrenal function

Strengthens the immune system

Signs and symptoms of deficiency

While severe vitamin B1 deficiency is rare, many people don’t consume enough vitamin B1 to
maintain optimal levels, which can lead to various health problems.

Here are common signs and symptoms of low vitamin B1 levels:

• Restlessness • Shortness of breath

• Anxiety • Dizziness

• Fluid retention • Raynaud's disease

• Tender calf muscles • Car or sea sickness

• Numb or tingling hands and feet • Nightmares

• Heart palpitations • Hypersensitivity to odors

Causes of deficiency
• Lack of adequate vitamin B1 intake • Malabsorption due to inflammatory
bowel disease or celiac disease
• Alcohol consumption
• Diabetes
• Carbs, sugars, and refined grains
• Poor kidney function
• Liver damage
• Excessive tea or coffee intake
• Chronic stress

• Low stomach acid

Sources of vitamin B1
Pork Sunflower seeds

Salmon Green peas

Mackerel Macadamia nuts

Flaxseeds Acorn squash

Synthetic vs. natural vitamin B1 supplements: is there a difference?

The most bioavailable form of supplemental vitamin B1 is allithiamine, naturally found in
garlic. Unfortified nutritional yeast is also an excellent natural source of thiamine. It’s best to
avoid synthetic vitamin B1 supplements made with thiamine mononitrate or hydrochloride.
Benfotiamine—a unique synthetic fat-soluble form of vitamin B1—is safe and effective for
those experiencing peripheral neuropathy (pain or numbness in the feet).

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