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Answer any FIVE questions

1. How have traditional gender roles evolved over time, and what impact has this evolution had on

2. Discuss the concept of gender equality and the progress made toward achieving it in various parts
of the world.

3. Analyze the portrayal of gender in literature, media, and popular culture. How do these
representations influence societal perceptions of gender?

4. What are the main challenges faced by individuals who do not conform to traditional gender
norms? How can society address these challenges?

5. Explore the intersectionality of gender with other social identities such as race, class, sexuality,
and disability. How do these intersections shape experiences of gender discrimination and

6. Discuss the role of education in challenging gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality.
What strategies can educators employ to create more inclusive learning environments?

7. How do gender stereotypes affect career choices and opportunities for individuals? What steps
can be taken to overcome gender-based barriers in the workplace?

8. Analyze the impact of gender-based violence on individuals and communities. What measures
can be implemented to prevent and address gender-based violence effectively?

9. Explore the portrayal of masculinity and femininity in advertising and marketing. How do these
portrayals reinforce or challenge traditional gender norms?

10. Discuss the significance of feminist movements in advocating for gender equality. What are some
key achievements and ongoing challenges faced by feminist activists?

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