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Cybele was the Latin name of a goddess native to Aristaeus was the fruit of the loves of Apollo and the
Phrygia, in Asia Minor. She was a goddess of nature nymph Cyrene, daughter of Hipseus (the son of the
Greek mythology is the set of myths and and fertility venerated in Rome as the Great Mother, a river Peneus) and a naiad, Creusa, daughter of Gaia.
legends belonging to the culture of Ancient very ancient and widely worshiped power, tender and Cyrene was a huntress and when Apollo first saw her,
Greece, which deal with their gods and loving, whose fertility is inexhaustible, comparable, to she was fighting hand to hand, one-handed and
a greater extent, with the fertility of a woman. unarmed, with a lion. His admiration for the young
heroes, the nature of the world, the origins and woman's courage turned into passionate love, and
meaning of their own cults and ritual snatching her away, he took her in his golden chariot
practices. They were part of the religion of from Mount Pelion to the district of Africa that bears
Ancient Greece, which basically had the his name.
Olympian gods as its object of worship.
Modern researchers turn to and study myths in
an attempt to shed light on the religious and
political institutions of ancient Greece and its
civilization, as well as to better understand the
nature of myth creation itself.


Calliope, the muse of heroic poetry, had two loves, one MIDAS AND SILENUM
was Eagro, king of Thrace, and the other was Apollo.
They both slept with her, and the fruit of their union Midas, king of Phrygia in Asia Minor, captured Silenus
was Orpheus; Eagro gave him life, and Apollo his at a spring near Macedonia. He achieved this by mixing
wine in the waters of the fountain, and thus making
wonderful gifts. From a very young age, Orpheus was a
Silenus drunk; Being brought into the presence of
devoted follower of Dionysus, as befitted a good
Midas, he spoke about the vanity of worldly riches, and
Thracian, adept at magic and all kinds of wisdom;
told the king that the best destiny for man is not to be
When he reached adulthood, he received the lyre from born at all, and the second most important is to die as
Apollo and became such an excellent musician that he quickly as possible after having been born. born
had no rival among mortals.

Polyphemus, the Cyclops son of Poseidon, fell in love
with Galatea, one of the Nereids, daughters of Nereus.
Baucis and Philemon were an elderly couple from Phrygia,
Polyphemus tried to win his favor with love songs and who were extremely poor. When Zeus and Hermes,
other methods suggested by his very low intelligence.

disguised as wanderers, toured Phrygia, they had looked in
The cheerful and mocking nymph did not return his vain for a lodging in the area, since its inhabitants did not
love; she provoked and ridiculed him, encouraging his know hospitality, and were only friendly welcomed by
hopes with kind words, but rejecting him. Although his Baucis and Philemon, in their humble cabin. Then, Zeus

attitude toward the Cyclops' loving grief became less decided to flood the entire region of Phrygia, to punish its
harsh, Polyphemus was never able to obtain his favors. hostile inhabitants, but he saved Baucis and Philemon. As
a reward for his kindness, the gods gave him a wonderful
temple in place of his poor hut, and they were made priests
to care for it as long as they lived.

Arethusa was a naiad from the Sicilian forest of Syracuse, ADVISER:
Daphnis was a Sicilian shepherd, born from the union and one of Artemis's favorite nymphs. One day, while he  JUAN ELIAS CALDAS
of Hermes with a nymph. From a very young age, he was bathing in a stream that belonged to Alpheus, the
wanted nothing to do with love, until Aphrodite river-god of Elis, he appeared and declared his love for
him. Arethusa fled and Artemis turned her into a stream of
punished him by inspiring him with an insatiable
longing for the nymph Pimplea. She reciprocated his water and granted her the power to flow under the ocean
love, but was kidnapped by Litierses, king of Phrygia; until she reached the island of Ortygia, where the goddess  AMBROSIO HERMOZA
transformed her into a fountain. But Alpheus chased her MILAGROS
To rescue her, Daphnis proposed to Litierses a
along the bottom of the sea where he himself became a
competition in the harvest. river whose waters joined with those of the source.


GRADE: “1st Secondary”


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