Questionnaire Writing Guide For Final Assignment

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Outline for questionnaire

Introduction: who are you? what is your report about? objectives of the report? confidentiality
and privacy of responses? time to answer? Thank?

List of questions:
 Demographics:
1. gender,
2. age,
3. academic level…..

 Clarify sources of income:

4. Monthly income? (little 0-3, so so3-6, much >6)
5. Sources of income? (allowance, student loan, grant, scholarship, part time job ….)

 Clarify monthly spending habits:

6. Savings or not? Amount of savings?
7. Borrowing or not? Why ?
8. Record/ trace your spending or not? How? Notes or app?
9. Spend most on what ? second? …. (utility bills, education, accommodation,
shopping, entertainment, eating…..)

 Clarify factors affecting their habits:

10. Factors affecting your spending habits the most: family background, personality,
peer pressure, commercial campaign….
11. Factors affecting your shopping habits: necessity of the item, brand, trend, quality,
price …..

 Give suggestions to improve spending habits:

12. Give a list of suggestions and get your friends to choose the best way for them to
control their personal finance
13. Ask them if they have any other suggestions for the young to improve their financial
management skills?

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