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Good morning, dear friends.

स ां स स ां स ससमरो गोस ांद this is the state in which _sants_ live moment to moment, they simply say, you never know of
your next breath, so you need to remain aware each moment or each breath, you never know which breath could be
your last, and they have this capacity and it is easy _sahaj_ to them, effortless. But till you do not reach that stage, you
can make it a part of your practice, which is what needs to be understood. Breathing is the most natural activity of the
human body and also the most essential and yet the most ignored. It can be made into an easy practice, when Buddha
says watch your breath, when the _sants_ say स ां स स ां स ससमरो गोस ांद or when the yogis say _so hum_, they all mean
the same thing, make breathing the main part of your practice till you can remain aware breath to breath effortlessly.
The breath is always happening, it goes on even when you are asleep or unconscious, and without breathing you
cannot maintain your big nose, firm and arrogant. The best part of breathing apart from the fact that it provides you
your very life, is that it gives you a means to practice. If you watch your breathing very attentively and if your mind is
calm, then you can hear yourself breathe, when you inhale it sounds like _so_ and when you exhale it sounds like
_hum_. This is going on and on and it can become a chanting or _japa_ of _so hum, so hum, so hum_... and you are
not doing it either, it is happening, you can keep listening to it, and keep hearing. It is in fact called _ajapa jaap_, a
chanting which you do not need to chant.

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead.

Good morning, dear friends.

So first of all you have to catch hold of your world, where you are active, doing a lot many things, your work or job
being principal. You have to shed your extra weight, the one gained by cunningness, corruption and evil, this will also
constitute a lot of hit and trial as it depends upon what type of work you are doing and how much you are entangled,
but this is just preparing the ground, it is homework, fine tuning, it is not practice yet. Your main practice is always
directly related with the mind, the catching hold of the mind so that it becomes still and silent, till it vanishes.
Now what do the _sants_ do, or what do they recommend? They are a very different breed, they are the ones who have
resuscitated religion and made it living once again, yet it is not easy to understand them, they always communicate in
coded language. They will say स ां स स ां स ससमरो गोस ांद or हउ अांतर न म मांग सदन र ती or even चरण कमल तेरे धोए धोए
पी , although somewhat you can make it out, it is not as intricate as Sanskrit or Tibetan but still it is coded, only those
who have started their inner journey will be able to understand if explained, others mired happily in the world will not
understand even under explanation, they will simply ignore or may even get angry or irritated. But they contain
essential _sutras_ to make your practice complete.

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead.

Good morning, dear friends.

Heavy weight of the body is obviously a problem, it is a disease called obesity, but much before coming to the body,
we need to take care of the obesity of our outer bodies that we have artificially created and to which we cater to with
obsession, compulsion and thus get entangled in the world. The outer entanglement is such that to keep up with our
work, we even abuse the body, firstly in the name of refined taste and gaining strength, we feed it all kinds of exotic
and artificial food, beverages and intoxicants, and then we do not want it to fall sick at all, and so even if there is a
slight sign of illness, we immediately gobble tablets to rush to our work, to continue our rat race, to remain ahead,
filled with pride and arrogance.
Our physical body is the first essential for spiritual practice, but first it has to be freed from the clutches of our outer
bodies otherwise even to begin is not possible. The complete practice is three fold, in order to cross the world (धन),
the body (तन) and the mind (मन), in order to finally reach the soul which lies beyond all these three but in the subtle
sense so it is said to be within, inside, and thus the way is to go in, from the gross to the subtle. The mind is the most
subtle obstacle, the most slippery, and fidgety and thus the main practice is to catch hold of the mind, but the
beginning has to be done from the world, where we find ourselves mired.

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead.

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