Daily Meditation Guide 0001BB

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Good morning, dear friends.

Power corrupts, be it outer power or inner. You see powerful people everywhere in the world, power is the worst
expression of the ego, they will attain everything through power, but they cannot conquer death, besides that they can
do almost what they like but just within the limits of the world, they can change outer bodies with ease, whenever and
from wherever they want. They look at the ad of a new car, if it appeals then by evening it is already in their garage,
they can have breakfast in Delhi, lunch in Dubai and dinner in London, after hogging the limelight in the hoardings
they can even dream of having their photo in the currency notes, so that the headache of posing again and again is over
but when it comes to losing, although losing a few crores of rupees they can do so with ease provided its investment or
vested interest, but if it is the turn to lose their life then they are at a loss. Inner power comes only when you become
ready to lose your life, and so it is even more magnified, that is the power yielded by the inner scientists, and if you
can leave your physical body at will and get any other body of your choice, that is another level of power, but if it is
misused then it is worse. Yet, till here, death only means the leaving of the body, and that alone is not liberation
because if the mind is still there, then you will have to come back again, आवागमन continues, you will remain a failure
and will have to repeat the class. Death of the mind is the ultimate death, only then you can witness nothingness, you
get liberated and the power trip ends and it can be attained while you are alive in this very body, not sometime after
death. *मोक्ष* happens here and now, and that is completion.

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead.

Good morning, dear aaaa.

Have you ever heard anybody dying by stopping its (= his/her) own breath without any external means? Basically it is
suicide and an external means is needed, a rope to hang, a lake to sink into or a roof top of a high rise building to jump
from or simply a pistol with silencer. Yet there are some yogis and monks who can commit suicide consciously, leave
their body just like that, sitting in some asana, as if on their on their own, but they also use subtle mechanism, with
prolonged practice the tongue can be rolled inside, taken up into the nasal cavity and trained to tap the inner holes of
the two nostrils, either both together, or just any one of them. That way you can die tapping both nostrils and blocking
the breath, or breathe with just one nostril, if you breathe with only the right nostril then you can create heat in the
body, sufficient to keep yourself warm in extreme cold conditions, or with just the left nostril you can cool yourself in
extreme hot weather. If you can take your consciousness to higher charkas above the throat chakra, then the body does
not give you pain either, so you can die an easy death. With yoga you can attain tremendous inner powers, you can
even die consciously physically, easily and choose to live in a higher realm or any desirable next birth or even enter
the body of a young person just died and continue living in a new young and strong body. But even that much power
means you are still in vehicles, you have not been able to leave the last vehicle the mind behind, liberation is not yet
attained. Only when you can exit the mind, does the practice becomes complete.

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead.

Good morning, dear friends.

Such a question will surely arise if your practice is not regular, that means you are not going to progress. Remember
the main obstacle in the inner journey is one of getting stuck (अटकन), which is still better that wandering or going
astray (भटकन) as happens in the outer journey. It is like if you have to climb Mt. Everest, you reach the base camp,
have a wonderful view of the highest mountain and then settle down there only having its visual _darshan_ off and on.
Does complete practice really exist or it is only a myth or human fantasy? Ask that to a _sant_, and it will say, the so
called _samsara_, what a wonderful world, that is the actual myth, it is just an ephemeral fantasy. That you will realize
only when you are at death bed, you will feel as if your whole life of 60, 70 or 80 long years just lasted for a fraction
of a second and you could do nothing at all. Your whole life is only as long as the time taken by the breath to pass
away from your body. The _sant_ knows all this and much more, much before hand and it remembers all together all
the time, not even for a single moment does it forget, that is awareness. And that choiceless awareness (स्थितप्रज्ञ)
happens because there is something called complete practice, and only when you practice a complete practice
completely and reach, then you become a _sant_.

Wish you all a meditative and celebrative day ahead.

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