Decolonization Evaluation

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Group Development Workshop Evaluation, Decolonization 2018

Name 1………..……….…………… Name 2………………...………………… Name 3……..……….…… ……

Date….……….….. Score 38……... /…….… Note

Identify and recognize the events that occurred during decolonization and establish motivations and
Aim 100 %

I. Mark the correct alternative with a cross, as appropriate. 1 Pt. Each

1. Decolonization can be described as: 5. The independence of Africa, the Middle East and
Asia was the process known as:
I. A process that began primarily after the Second
World War. a. Second World War
II. The move to decolonization occurs in Asia, the b. the Cold War
Middle East and Africa. c. decolonization
III. The new states achieve political and economic d. first World War
independence e. Third World
a. Only I
b. I and II 6. Why do we say that World War II has influenced
c. I and III decolonization?
d. II and III
e. I, II and III I. The Natives who fought for the freedom of Europe
now demand the freedom they fought for
II. The occupying powers of the colonized territories
2. The colonization of Africa had begun during the were weakened.
period known as Imperialism occurred: III. During the 20th century, the dominated peoples
a. During the second half of the 19th century. progressively became poorer to intolerable limits.
b. At the beginning of the 20th century. a. Only I
c. After the end of the First World War. b. I and II
d. During the period known as the interwars. c. I and III
e. After World War II. d. II and III
e. I, II and III
3. In some countries African independence was
obtained peacefully, while in others it was 7. 1947 saw the Independence of India, this was
achieved through the use of weapons. Among the England's largest colony. Among the most
latter, we highlight: important features that we can highlight are:
I. Indian War of Independence (1947) I. The process was relatively peaceful due to the
II. Algerian War of Independence (1954-62) conditions of self-government and the influence of
III. Portuguese colonial war were the most violent. Gandhi.
a. Only I II. The Commonwealth (Community of Economic
b. Solo III Cooperation) allows India to continue under
c. I and III English influence.
d. I and II III. After this process, 2 new territories emerge, India
e. II and III and Pakistan (for religious reasons)
a. Only I
4. In which area did the decolonization process b. I and II
begin first? c. I and III
d. II and III
a. Africa. e. I, II and III.
b. Asia.
c. Middle East
d. Far East
e. America. 8. One of the bloodiest conflicts of the Cold War
corresponds to the Vietnam War, carried out by
the United States. It indicates which colonial
country has allowed this independence.
Prof. Jose Guajardo Arriagada
14. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the
Jewish population begins to move to the Middle
a. England East to the territory of Palestine because of the
b. Holland traditions of their religion. This trend continued
c. France until World War II. What motivates world public
d. USA opinion to create the state of Israel?
e. Germany
a. By knowing the Jewish holocaust, in order to give
a homeland to the Jewish people.
9. Decolonization in the Middle East gave way to a
b. Decolonization allows Jews to free themselves
series of new countries (Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Syria).
from France
This process results in a common front in the
c. The solidarity of the Palestinian people in the face
region known as:
of the horror experienced by the Israelis.
a. Pan-Arabism d. The creation of the State of Israel is supported so
b. Fascism that the US can install a military base.
c. Nazism e. Egypt's fear that the United States would
d. Judaism appropriate Palestinian and Israeli territory.
e. Zionism
15. The decolonization process refers to the
10. Who won the first Arab-Israeli war? nationalist sentiment of the conquered peoples;
a. The Arabs. these feelings fueled resistance to the accidental
b. The Palestinians. presence in the different territories of Asia, Africa
c. The Israelis. and the Middle East. What does the above refer
d. The Egyptians to?:
e. The Syrians a. To the culture and values of the native culture.
b. To the European powers in need of resources.
11. In whose hands was Palestine right at the end of c. To the anthems, flags, shield and traditions of
World War II? Europe about the conquered.
d. All statements are correct
a. Israel. e. None of the statements are correct.
b. Britain.
c. Turkish Empire.
d. France 16. The public opinion of the colonies that initially
e. Germany opposed colonialist ideas were:
a. Africans
12. The character who led a peaceful revolution in b. Asians
India was: c. American people
d. Europeans
a. Gandhi e. Arabs
b. Jinnat
c. Sukarno
d. Nehru 17. The UN was decisive for the legitimization of the
e. Arafath decolonization movements, its main support
consisted of:
13. Indicate which state is not part of the countries a. The assembly (UN) provided weapons and
bordering Israel. technology to fight the colonialists.
b. The nascent states were welcomed into the
a. Lebanon general assembly as independent.
b. Jordan c. The UN provided them with vital economic
c. Iraq resources for independence.
d. Syria d. The UN provided ideas of resistance to colonial
e. Egypt. life, against the metropolises.
e. None of the above statements apply

Prof. Jose Guajardo Arriagada

II. Look at the following map and answer:
1. Locate three countries from the 1st world (black),
three from the 2nd world (blue) and three countries from the 3rd world (red). ( 9 pts.)
2. Mark two capitalist countries in green and two communist countries in yellow during the Cold War (6 pts.)

III. Observe the information indicated in each of the images and with what you have studied, create an explanatory
diagram of the period of decolonization. You should not copy but create a new scheme. 6 points.

Prof. Jose Guajardo Arriagada

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