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International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition,

August 2011; 62(5): 533–536

Nutritive value and chemical composition of prickly pear seeds (Opuntia

ficus indica L.) growing in Turkey


Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, and 2Department of Food Science
& Nutrition, College of Food and Agricultural Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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The proximate composition and physico-chemical properties (moisture, crude lipid, crude protein, ash, and crude fiber,
peroxide value, saponification value, acidity, relative density and refractive index) of prickly pear seed and corresponding oil were
determined. The mineral contents (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Mn and Zn) of samples were analyzed by inductively coupled
plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Minerals determined were: calcium 471.2 mg/kg, potassium 532.7 mg/kg, magnesium
117.3 mg/kg, phosphorus 1,627.5 mg/kg and natrium 71.3 mg/kg. The fatty acid profiles of seed oil from the Opuntia ficus indica
were analyzed by gas chromatography. Linoleic acid was established as the major fatty acid (61.01%), followed by oleic
(25.52%) and palmitic (12.23%) acids. Both myristic, stearic and arachidonic acids were detected in O. ficus indica seed oil in
low amounts. As a result, O. ficus indica seeds are an important source of natural fiber and, given its high linoleic acid content, its
oil can be used as a nutraceutic agent.
For personal use only.

Keywords: Prickly pear, Opuntia ficus indica L., seed, oil, composition, minerals, fatty acids

Prickly pear (Opuntia ficus indica L.) is a tropical or authors have agreed that cactus pear seed oil was rich
subtropical plant originally grown in South America in polyunsaturated fatty acids (Coşkuner and Tekin
and cultivated in dry regions as an important nutrient 2003, Ramadan and Mörsel 2003a, Mannoubi et al.
and food source. Recently, there were the constantly 2009).
increasing demand for nutraceuticals, natural ingre- The aim of the present study was to determine fatty
dients and health-promoting foods (Piga et al. 1996, acid composition, proximate values, physicochemical
Lamghari et al. 1998, Trombetta et al. 2006, properties and mineral contents to obtain an
Mannoubi et al. 2009). It has a global distribution informative profile that will serve as a basis for further
and is an important nutrient and food source chemical investigations and nutritional evaluation of
(Ramadan and Mörsel 2003a, Nassar 2008). Cactus the cactus peer seed and corresponding oil.
pear grows wild in arid and semi-arid regions, where
the production of more succulent food plants is Materials and methods
severely limited; it is a delicacy in Mexico, the United
States, Mediterranean countries and South Africa Materials
(Gurbachan and Felker 1998, Ramadan and Mörsel Prickly pear fruits were collected from the Mersin
2003b). The seed oil properties of cactus pear fruits (Büyükeceli-Gülnar) province of Turkey, and were
were investigated during the maturation period separately crushed by hand, and their pulps were
(Coşkuner and Tekin 2003). Also, the seeds and removed from seeds. The seeds were washed with
pulp were compared in terms of oil composition distilled water three times. Then, the seeds were dried
(Ramadan and Mörsel 2003a). In addition, all the in atmospheric conditions. The dried materials were

Correspondence: Dr M. M. Özcan, Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural, Selcuk University, 42031 Konya, Turkey.
Tel: 90 332 2232933. Fax: 90 332 2410108. E-mail:

ISSN 0963-7486 print/ISSN 1465-3478 online q 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.

DOI: 10.3109/09637486.2011.552569
534 M. M. Özcan & F. Y. Al Juhaimi

finely ground in a mortar and kept in sealed bottles Determination of mineral contents
until analysis.
About 0.5 g finely ground prickly pear seed samples
was put into a burning cup with 15 ml pure NHO3.
Methods The sample was incinerated in a MARS 5 microwave
oven at 2008C. Distilled deionized water and ultra-
The physical and chemical properties (crude oil, crude
high-purity commercial acids were used to prepare all
protein, crude ash, crude fiber, relative density,
reagents, standards, and prickly pear seed samples.
refractive index, peroxide value, acidity and saponifi-
After digestion treatment, samples were filtrated
cation number) of prickly pear fruits seed and
through Whatman No. 42. The filtrates were collected
corresponding oils were analyzed according to
in 50-ml Erlenmayer flasks and analyzed by induc-
AOAC (1990) methods. For moisture, air-dried and
tively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
ground prickly pear fruits seeds were waited in
(ICP-AES). The mineral contents of the sample were
incubator calibrated to 1058C for 24 h, and about
quantified against standard solutions of known
10 g samples from each dried walnut was weighted.
concentrations, which were analyzed concurrently
Ash was determined in a muffle furnace at 9008C for
(Skujins 1998).
8 h (AOAC 1990). The nitrogen content estimated by
Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Serials Unit - Library on 04/23/13

the Kjeldahl method and was converted to protein

content using the conversion factor 6.25. We used 100 Working conditions for ICP-AES
units prickly pear fruit seeds for the weight of 100
The instrument for ICP-AES was from Varian-Vista,
seeds, and the average seed weight was found. The oil
Australia: RF power, 0.7 –1.5 kW (1.2 – 1.3 kW for
was extracted with diethyl ether (508C) in a Soxhlet
axial); plasma gas flow rate (argon), 10.5 – 15 l/min
apparatus. The extract was evaporated in vacuum.
(radial) and 15 l/min (axial); auxillary gas flow rate
The lipid extract was collected in a flask. The extracted
(argon), 1.5 l/min; viewing height, 5 –12 mm; copy and
lipid was weighed to determine the oil content and
reading time, 1 –5 s (maximum 60 s); copy time, 3 s
stored under nitrogen at 48C for further analyses. For
(maximum 100 s).
the peroxide value, a known weight of prickly pear
For personal use only.

fruit seed oil was dissolved in a mixture of acetic

acid/chloroform (3:2 v/v), and a saturated solution of Statistical analyses
KI (1 ml) was then added. The liberated iodine was
titrated with sodium thiosulfate solution (0.05 M) in Results of the research were analyzed for statistical
the presence of starch as indicator. significance by analysis of variance (Püskülcü and İkiz
1989). This research was performed by three
investigators with a replicate.
Determination of fatty acids
Fatty acid compositions for cactus seed oil were Results and discussion
determined using a modified fatty acid methyl ester
method as described by Hışıl (1998). The oil was Table I presents the proximate composition of Opuntia
extracted three times for 2 g air-dried seed sample by seeds. In the present study, the proximate composition
homogenization with petroleum ether. The oil sample should be moisture 6.1%, crude lipid 5.0%, crude
(50 – 100 mg) was converted to its fatty acid methyl protein 4.78%, ash 1.27% and crude fiber 12.47%
esters. The methyl esters of the fatty acids (1 ml) (Table I). Opuntia seeds also contained significant
were analyzed in a gas chromatogram (Shimadzu amounts of important minerals. Minerals determined
GC-2010, Koyoto, Japan) equipped with a flame were calcium 471.2 mg/kg, potassium 532.7 mg/kg,
ionizing detector, and a fused silica capillary column magnesium 117.3 mg/kg, phosphorus 1,627.5 mg/kg
(60 m £ 0.25 mm i.d.; film thickness 0.20 mm). It was and natrium 71.3 mg/kg (Table II). The moisture
operated under the following conditions: oven content is close to that reported by Mannoubi et al.
temperature program, 908C for 7 min, raised to (2009). Lamghari et al. (1998) found that the
2408C at a rate 58C/min and then kept at 2408C for potassium content is highly significant, while calcium,
15 min; injector and detector temperatures, 2608C
and 2608C, respectively; carrier gas, nitrogen at a flow Table I. Proximate composition of prickly pear seeds.
rate of 1.51 ml/min; split ratio, 1/50 ml/min.
Property Value
A standard fatty acid methyl ester mixture (Sigma
Chemical Co., Munich, Germany) was used to Moisture (%) 6.1 ^ 0.7
identify sample peaks. Commercial mixtures of fatty Crude lipid (%) 5.0 ^ 0.9
acid methyl esters were used as reference data for the Crude protein (%) 4.78 ^ 0.6
relative retention times (AOAC 1990). Quantitative Ash (%) 1.27 ^ 0.03
Crude fiber (%) 12.47 ^ 2.3
analyses of the fatty acids were performed using the Weight of 100 seeds (g) 1.41 ^ 0.02
heptadecanoic acid methyl ester as internal standard.
The results are mean values of three replicates. Data presented as mean ^ standard deviation.
Nutritive value and chemical composition of prickly pear seeds 535

Table II. Mineral content of prickly pear seed. Table IV. Fatty acid compositions of prickly pear seed oil (%).

Mineral Value (mg/kg) Fatty acid Value

Calcium 471.2 ^ 12.3 Myristic acid 0.13 ^ 0.02

Potassium 532.7 ^ 11.7 Palmitic acid 12.23 ^ 1.7
Magnesium 117.3 ^ 1.1 Oleic acid 25.52 ^ 1.1
Phosphorus 1627.5 ^ 27.3 Linoleic acid 61.01 ^ 1.3
Zinc 3.2 ^ 0.3 Stearic acid 0.15 ^ 0.03
Iron 11.7 ^ 1.7 Arachidonic acid 0.95 ^ 0.07
Manganese 1.9 ^ 0.3
Natrium 71.3 ^ 2.3 Data presented as mean ^ standard deviation.
Copper 2.1 ^ 0.7

Data presented as mean ^ standard deviation. temperature revealed a linear relationship in accord-
ance with results reported for other oils (Ennouri et al.
magnesium and phosphorus. Garcia Pantaleon et al.
The fatty acid profiles of seed oil from the O. ficus
(2009) reported that the proximate composition of
indica were analyzed by gas chromatography, as
Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Serials Unit - Library on 04/23/13

Opuntia boldinghii distributed in Venezuelan semi-

presented in Table IV. Linoleic acid was established
arid and coastal regions showed: 7.66% moisture,
as the major fatty acid (61.01%), followed by oleic
2.89 g/100 g protein, 2.53 g/100 g ash, 16.26 g/100 g
(25.52%) and palmitic (12.23%) acids. Both myristic,
crude fiber, 24.93 mg/100 g phosphorus, 2.8 mg/100 g stearic and arachidonic acids were detected in O. ficus
potassium and 1.34 mg/100 g iron. Mannoubi indica seed oil in low amounts. In addition, cactus seed
et al. (2009) established 92.94 mg/100 g calcium, oil was found to be highly unsaturated. Prickly pear
79.37 mg/100 g magnesium, 11.58 mg/100 g natrium, seed oil contained 67.20% linoleic, 18.0% oleic,
121.64 mg/100 g potassium and 123.84 mg/100 g 10.40% palmitic and 3.0% stearic acids (Garcia
phosphorus in Opuntia seeds. The oil content was Pantaleon et al. 2009). Ennouri et al. (2005)
low than the crude oil yield in the work of Coşkuner determined a palmitic acid content lower than our
For personal use only.

and Tekin (2003) (6.91%). Nassar (2008) reported results (12.23%) and a content of linoleic acid very
that prickly pear seed flour contained 13.62% crude much higher (61.01%). These results are partly similar
protein, 10.43% crude oil and 9.23% crude fiber. to those of results of Ramadan and Mörsel (2003b),
Seeds contain 4.78% crude protein and 1.27% ash, Coşkuner and Tekin (2003), Sawaya and Khan (1982)
higher than values found by Sawaya et al. (1983) and and Mannoubi et al. (2009). The observed differences
Mannoubi et al. (2009). Results observed differences in the concentration of oleic, palmitic and linoleic
compared with literature values. These differences acids could be due to the degree of maturity of the
may be due to growth conditions, varieties, genetic fruit. According to the literature, there is an increase in
factors, harvesting times, soil properties, or geographi- saturated fatty acid content towards the end of fruit
cal variations of prickly pear plant. maturation (Coskuner and Tekin 2003). The fatty acid
The peroxide value of Opuntia seed oil was composition of prickly pear oil was close to those of
established as 1.63 meq O2/kg (Table III). The sunflower and grape seed oils. These characteristics
saponification value, determined as 181.3, is lower illustrated the interest of prickly pear as a natural
than that of sunflower and corn oil (O’Brien 2004) source of edible oil containing essential fatty acids.
and, is partly high than that of Opuntia seed oil Further studies are needed to evaluate other
(Mannoubi et al. 2009). The saponification value is biological activities and pharmaceutical properties
higher than cactus seed oil (169.0) (Ennouri et al. and to identify and characterize the active com-
(2005). The density of the seed oil at 208C was ponents that are responsible for antioxidant activity in
established as 0.907 (Table III). This value was found this oil.
partly high compared with the results of Ennouri et al.
(2005) and Mannoubi et al. (2009). The study of the
density of the Opuntia seed oil as a function of
The authors wish to thank BAP Staff.
Table III. Physico-chemical properties of prickly pear seed oil.
Declarations of interest: The present study was
Property Value
supported by Selcuk University Scientific Research
Peroxide value (meq O2/kg) 1.63 ^ 0.5 Project (S.Ü.-BAP, Konya-Turkey).
Acidity (%) 1.41 ^ 0.7
Saponification value 181.3 ^ 2.6
Relative density (20o) 0.907 ^ 0.013 References
Refractive index (20o) 1.4831 ^ 0.0001
AOAC. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed, Washington,
Data presented as mean ^ standard deviation. DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
536 M. M. Özcan & F. Y. Al Juhaimi

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For personal use only.

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