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Chinese Sentences Breakdown with Full Translations

二 A 奇妙 的 中文 第一 课
Pinyin: èr A qímiào de zhōngwén dì yī kè

Translation: The first wonderful Chinese lesson of Class 2A

二 (èr): Two

A (A): A

奇妙 (qímiào): Wonderful

的 (de): of

中文 (zhōngwén): Chinese

第一 (dì yī): First

课 (kè): Lesson

Learning Tip:
Tip: The word '的 (de)' is a possessive particle, often used to connect attributes to nouns.
Remember that '第一 (dì yī)' is a common way to say 'first' in Chinese.

“ 安 ” 的 意思 是 什么 ?
Pinyin: “ ān ” de yìsi shì shénme?

Translation: What is the meaning of "安"?

“ 安 ” (ān): "安"

的 (de): of

意思 (yìsi): Meaning

是 (shì): Is
什么 (shénme): What

Learning Tip:
Grammar: Questions in Chinese often end with '什么 (shénme)' to ask 'what'. '的 (de)' is
used here to indicate possession (the meaning of '安').

你 去 过 天安门 吗 ?
Pinyin: nǐ qù guò tiānānmén ma?

Translation: Have you been to Tiananmen?

你 (nǐ): You

去 (qù): Go

过 (guò): (past tense marker)

天安门 (tiānānmén): Tiananmen

吗 (ma): (question particle)

Learning Tip:
Tip: '过 (guò)' is used to indicate a past experience. The question particle '吗 (ma)' is used at
the end of a sentence to form a yes/no question.

你 知道 汉字 “ 安 ” 的 意思 是 什么 吗 ?
Pinyin: nǐ zhīdào hànzì “ ān ” de yìsi shì shénme ma?

Translation: Do you know the meaning of the Chinese character "安"?

你 (nǐ): You

知道 (zhīdào): Know

汉字 (hànzì): Chinese character

“ 安 ” (ān): "安"

的 (de): of

意思 (yìsi): Meaning

是 (shì): Is

什么 (shénme): What

吗 (ma): (question particle)

Learning Tip:
Note: '知道 (zhīdào)' means 'to know'. This structure is common for asking if someone
knows the meaning of something.

上 汉字 课 的 时候,老师 一边 说 一边 在 黑板 上 写 了 一个 “宀”,告诉 大
家,“宀” 在 汉字中 是“ 房屋 ” 的 意思。
Pinyin: shàng hànzì kè de shíhòu, lǎoshī yībiān shuō yībiān zài hēibǎn shàng xiě le yí gè
“mián”, gàosu dàjiā,“mián” zài hànzì zhōng shì “fángwū” de yìsi.

Translation: During the Chinese character class, the teacher wrote "宀" on the blackboard
while speaking, and told everyone that "宀" means "house" in Chinese characters.

上 (shàng): During

汉字 (hànzì): Chinese character

课 (kè): Class

的 (de): (possessive particle)

时候 (shíhou): Time

老师 (lǎoshī): Teacher

一边 (yībiān): While

说 (shuō): Speak
一边 (yībiān): While

在 (zài): At

黑板 (hēibǎn): Blackboard

上 (shàng): On

写 (xiě): Write

了 (le): (past tense marker)

一个 (yí ge): A

“宀” (mián): "宀"

告诉 (gàosu): Tell

大家 (dàjiā): Everyone

“宀” (mián): "宀"

在 (zài): In

汉字中 (hànzì zhōng): Chinese characters

是 (shì): Is

“房屋” (fángwū): "House"

的 (de): (possessive particle)

意思 (yìsi): Meaning

Learning Tip:
Grammar: The structure '一边...一边...' (yībiān...yībiān...) is used to indicate two actions
happening simultaneously.
然后 , 他 又 在 下面 写 了 个 “ 女 ” 字 , 问 大家 : “ 屋子 里 有 个 女人 ,
会 怎么样 ?
Pinyin: ránhòu, tā yòu zài xiàmian xiě le gè “nǚ” zì, wèn dàjiā: “wūzi lǐ yǒu gè nǚrén, huì

Translation: Then, he wrote the character "女" below it and asked everyone: "What happens
when there's a woman in the house?"

然后 (ránhòu): Then

, (comma): ,

他 (tā): He

又 (yòu): Again

在 (zài): At

下面 (xiàmian): Below

写 (xiě): Write

了 (le): (past tense marker)

个 (gè): A

“女” (nǚ): "女"

字 (zì): Character

, (comma): ,

问 (wèn): Ask

大家 (dàjiā): Everyone

: (colon): :

“屋子 (wūzi): "House

里 (lǐ): In

有 (yǒu): Have

个 (gè): A

女人 (nǚrén): Woman

, (comma): ,

会 (huì): Will

怎么样 (zěnmeyàng): What happens

Learning Tip:
Note: '问 (wèn)' means 'to ask'. The character '女' means 'woman' and is a common radical
in Chinese characters.

一个 学生 回答 : “麻烦 !“
Pinyin: yí gè xuéshēng huídá: “máfan!”

Translation: A student answered: "Trouble!"

一个 (yí gè): A

学生 (xuéshēng): Student

回答 (huídá): Answer

: (colon): :

“麻烦 (máfan): "Trouble

! (exclamation mark): !"

Learning Tip:
Tip: The word '麻烦 (máfan)' means 'trouble' or 'inconvenience'. It is often used in daily
大家 都 笑 了 。
Pinyin: dàjiā dōu xiào le.

Translation: Everyone laughed.

大家 (dàjiā): Everyone

都 (dōu): All

笑 (xiào): Laugh

了 (le): (past tense marker)

。 (period): .

Learning Tip:
Grammar: '都 (dōu)' means 'all'. '了 (le)' is used to indicate a completed action.

老师 微笑 着 说 : “ 如果 房子 里 有 个 女人 , 就 会 平安。
Pinyin: lǎoshī wēixiào zhe shuō: “rúguǒ fángzi lǐ yǒu gè nǚrén, jiù huì píng'ān.

Translation: The teacher smiled and said: "If there is a woman in the house, there will be

老师 (lǎoshī): Teacher

微笑 (wēixiào): Smile

着 (zhe): (continuing action)

说 (shuō): Say

: (colon): :

“如果 (rúguǒ): "If

房子 (fángzi): House
里 (lǐ): In

有 (yǒu): Have

个 (gè): A

女人 (nǚrén): Woman

, (comma): ,

就 (jiù): Then

会 (huì): Will

平安 (píng'ān): Peace

。 (period): .

Learning Tip:
Grammar: '如果...就...' (rúguǒ...jiù...) is a common structure for conditional sentences
('if...then...'). '着 (zhe)' is used to indicate a continuing state or action.

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