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1. 你好,欢迎光临!您几位? (Nǐ hǎo, huānyíng guānglín! Nín jǐ wèi?

 你好 (Nǐ hǎo): Hello

 你 (Nǐ): you

 好 (hǎo): good

 欢迎光临 (huānyíng guānglín): welcome

 欢迎 (huānyíng): welcome

 光临 (guānglín): visit

 您几位 (Nín jǐ wèi?): How many in your party? (literally, "you (polite) how many people?")

 您 (Nín): you (polite)

 几 (jǐ): how many

 位 (wèi): (polite measure word for people)

2. 你好,我们有四个人。(Nǐ hǎo, wǒmen yǒu sì gè rén.)

 你好 (Nǐ hǎo): Hello

 你 (Nǐ): you

 好 (hǎo): good

 我们有四个人 (Wǒmen yǒu sì gè rén.): We have four people.

 我们 (Wǒmen): we/us

 有 (yǒu): have

 四 (sì): four

 个 (gè): (general measure word)

 人 (rén): people/person

3. 请问您要点菜还是点餐?(Qǐngwèn nín yào diǎn cài háishì diǎn cān?)

 请问 (Qǐngwèn): Excuse me

 请 (Qǐng): please
 问 (wèn): ask

 您要点菜还是点餐 (Nín yào diǎn cài háishì diǎn cān?): Would you like to order from the menu or
choose from the set menu?

 您 (Nín): you (polite)

 要 (yào): want

 点菜 (diǎn cài): order dishes

 还是 (háishì): or

 点餐 (diǎn cān): order a meal

4. 我们想看一下菜单。(Wǒmen xiǎng kàn yīxià càidān.)

 我们想看一下菜单 (Wǒmen xiǎng kàn yīxià càidān.): We'd like to see the menu, please.

 我们 (Wǒmen): we/us

 想 (xiǎng): want to

 看 (kàn): look

 一下 (yīxià): a bit

 菜单 (càidān): menu

5. 这是我们的菜单,请慢慢看。(Zhè shì wǒmen de càidān, qǐng màn màn kàn.)

 这是我们的菜单 (Zhè shì wǒmen de càidān): Here is our menu

 这是 (Zhè shì): This is

 我们的 (wǒmen de): our

 菜单 (càidān): menu

 请慢慢看 (qǐng màn màn kàn.): Please take your time to look.

 请 (qǐng): please

 慢慢 (màn màn): slowly

 看 (kàn): look

6. 我们想要一份糖醋鱼和一份宫保鸡丁。(Wǒmen xiǎng yào yī fèn táng cù yú hé yī fèn gōng bǎo jī

 我们想要 (Wǒmen xiǎng yào): We would like

 我们 (Wǒmen): we/us

 想要 (xiǎng yào): want to

 一份糖醋鱼 (yī fèn táng cù yú): one sweet and sour fish

 一份 (yī fèn): one portion

 糖醋鱼 (táng cù yú): sweet and sour fish

 和 (hé): and

 一份宫保鸡丁 (yī fèn gōng bǎo jī dīng): one kung pao chicken

 一份 (yī fèn): one portion

 宫保鸡丁 (gōng bǎo jī dīng): kung pao chicken

 Grammar tip: 一份 (yī fèn) is a measure word used to quantify portions of food.

7. 你们想要喝点什么? (Nǐmen xiǎng yào hē diǎn shénme?)

 你们 (Nǐmen): You (plural)

 你 (Nǐ): you

 们 (men): plural marker

 想要 (xiǎng yào): want

 喝 (hē): to drink

 点 (diǎn): some

 什么 (shénme): what

 Grammar tip: 你们 (Nǐmen) is the plural form of "you". 什么 (shénme) means "what".

8. 我们想要四杯冰水。 (Wǒmen xiǎng yào sì bēi bīng shuǐ.)

 我们 (Wǒmen): We/us

 我 (Wǒ): I/me

 们 (men): plural marker

 想要 (xiǎng yào): want

 四 (sì): four

 杯 (bēi): cup/glass

 冰水 (bīng shuǐ): ice water

 冰 (bīng): ice

 水 (shuǐ): water

 Grammar tip: 杯 (bēi) is a measure word for cups or glasses.

9. 你们可以给我们建议一些招牌菜吗? (Nǐmen kěyǐ gěi wǒmen jiànyì yīxiē zhāopái cài ma?)

 你们 (Nǐmen): You (plural)

 你 (Nǐ): you

 们 (men): plural marker

 可以 (kěyǐ): can

 给 (gěi): give

 我们 (wǒmen): us

 建议 (jiànyì): recommend

 一些 (yīxiē): some

 招牌菜 (zhāopái cài): signature dishes

 招牌 (zhāopái): signature

 菜 (cài): dish

 吗 (ma): question particle indicating a yes-no question

 Grammar tip: 你们 (Nǐmen) is the plural form of "you". 可以 (kěyǐ) means "can" or "may".

10. 当然,我们的招牌菜有糖醋鱼、宫保鸡丁和红烧肉。 (Dāngrán, wǒmen de zhāopái cài yǒu táng cù

yú, gōng bǎo jī dīng hé hóng shāo ròu.)

 当然 (Dāngrán): Of course

 我们 (wǒmen): we/us

 的 (de): possessive particle

 招牌菜 (zhāopái cài): signature dishes

 招牌 (zhāopái): signature

 菜 (cài): dish

 有 (yǒu): have

 糖醋鱼 (táng cù yú): sweet and sour fish

 糖醋 (táng cù): sweet and sour

 鱼 (yú): fish

 宫保鸡丁 (gōng bǎo jī dīng): Kung Pao chicken

 宫保 (gōng bǎo): Kung Pao

 鸡 (jī): chicken

 丁 (dīng): diced

 和 (hé): and

 红烧肉 (hóng shāo ròu): braised pork

 红烧 (hóng shāo): braised

 肉 (ròu): meat/pork

 Grammar tip: 的 (de) is a possessive particle indicating ownership or association.

11. 我们想要试试你们的招牌菜。 (Wǒmen xiǎng yào shì shì nǐmen de zhāopái cài.)

 我们 (Wǒmen): We/us

 我 (Wǒ): I/me

 们 (men): plural marker

 想要 (xiǎng yào): want

 试试 (shì shì): to try

 你们的 (nǐmen de): your (plural)

 你们 (nǐmen): you (plural)

 的 (de): possessive particle

 招牌菜 (zhāopái cài): signature dishes

 招牌 (zhāopái): signature

 菜 (cài): dish
 Grammar tip: 想要 (xiǎng yào) means "want to". 的 (de) is a possessive particle indicating ownership
or association.

12. 好的,我们会马上为您上菜。 (Hǎo de, wǒmen huì mǎshàng wèi nín shàng cài.)

 好的 (Hǎo de): Okay

 好 (hǎo): good

 的 (de): particle indicating agreement or confirmation

 我们 (wǒmen): we/us

 会 (huì): will

 马上 (mǎshàng): immediately

 为您 (wèi nín): for you (polite)

 为 (wèi): for

 您 (nín): you (polite)

 上菜 (shàng cài): serve the dishes

 上 (shàng): to serve/bring

 菜 (cài): dishes

 Grammar tip: 好的 (Hǎo de) is an affirmative response, meaning "okay". 会 (huì) indicates future
tense, meaning "will".

13. 请慢用,祝您用餐愉快! (Qǐng màn yòng, zhù nín yòngcān yúkuài!)

 请 (Qǐng): Please

 慢用 (màn yòng): Enjoy your meal (literally, "please eat slowly")

 慢 (màn): slow

 用 (yòng): to use/eat

 祝 (zhù): wish

 您 (nín): you (polite)

 用餐 (yòngcān): dining

 愉快 (yúkuài): pleasant

 愉 (yú): happy

 快 (kuài): fast
 Grammar tip: 请 (Qǐng) is used to make polite requests. 慢用 (màn yòng) is a common expression to
wish someone to enjoy their meal.

14. 谢谢,你们的服务很好。 (Xièxiè, nǐmen de fúwù hěn hǎo.)

 谢谢 (Xièxiè): Thank you

 谢谢 (Xièxiè): thank

 你们 (nǐmen): you (plural)

 的 (de): possessive particle

 服务 (fúwù): service

 很好 (hěn hǎo): very good

 很 (hěn): very

 好 (hǎo): good

 Grammar tip: 谢谢 (Xièxiè) is the Chinese word for "thank you". 的 (de) is a possessive particle
indicating ownership or association.

15. 不客气,如果有其他需要,请随时告诉我们。 (Bù kèqì, rúguǒ yǒu qítā xūyào, qǐng suíshí gàosù

 不客气 (Bù kèqì): You're welcome

 不 (Bù): not

 客气 (kèqì): polite

 如果 (Rúguǒ): If

 有 (yǒu): have

 其他 (qítā): other

 需要 (xūyào): need

 请 (qǐng): please

 随时 (suíshí): anytime

 告诉 (gàosù): tell

 我们 (wǒmen): us/we

 Grammar tip: 不客气 (Bù kèqì) is the Chinese way of saying "you're welcome", used in response to
"thank you". 如果 (Rúguǒ) means "if". 有 (yǒu) means "have". 告诉 (gàosù) means "tell".
16. 我们会的,祝您有个愉快的一天!(Wǒmen huì de, zhù nín yǒu gè yúkuài de yītiān!)

 我们会的 (Wǒmen huì de): We will (literally, "we will do")

 我们 (Wǒmen): we/us

 会 (huì): will

 的 (de): particle indicating agreement or confirmation

 祝 (zhù): wish

 您 (nín): you (polite)

 有 (yǒu): have

 个 (gè): a

 愉快 (yúkuài): pleasant

 愉 (yú): happy

 快 (kuài): fast

 的 (de): particle indicating possession or association

 一天 (yītiān): day

 一 (yī): one

 天 (tiān): day

 Grammar tip: 会 (huì) is used to indicate future tense. 的 (de) is a particle used to link a verb or an
adjective with its complement.

17. 这个菜味道怎么样?(Zhège cài wèidào zěnme yàng?)

 这个 (Zhège): This

 这 (Zhè): this

 个 (ge): a

 菜 (cài): dish

 味道 (wèidào): taste

 怎么样 (zěnme yàng): how is it?

 怎么样 (zěnme yàng): how

 样 (yàng): state, condition

 Grammar tip: 这个 (Zhège) means "this". 怎么样 (zěnme yàng) is a versatile phrase often used to
inquire about the state or condition of something.

18. 这个菜太咸了。(Zhège cài tài xián le.)

 这个 (Zhège): This

 菜 (cài): dish

 太 (tài): too

 咸 (xián): salty

 了 (le): particle indicating completion of an action or change of state

 Grammar tip: 太 (tài) means "too" when expressing an excessive degree. 咸 (xián) means "salty".

19. 这个菜很辣,你们可以减少辣椒吗?(Zhège cài hěn là, nǐmen kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo làjiāo ma?)

 这个 (Zhège): This

 菜 (cài): dish

 很 (hěn): very

 辣 (là): spicy

 你们 (nǐmen): you (plural)

 可以 (kěyǐ): can

 减少 (jiǎnshǎo): reduce

 辣椒 (làjiāo): chili

 吗 (ma): question particle indicating a yes-no question

 Grammar tip: 很 (hěn) means "very" when used before adjectives. 辣 (là) means "spicy". 可以 (kěyǐ)
means "can" or "may".

20. 好的,我们可以减少辣椒。(Hǎo de, wǒmen kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo làjiāo.)

 好的 (Hǎo de): Okay

 我们 (wǒmen): we/us

 可以 (kěyǐ): can

 减少 (jiǎnshǎo): reduce

 辣椒 (làjiāo): chili

 Grammar tip: 好的 (Hǎo de) means "okay" or "all right". We already covered the other words.
21. 你们想要米饭还是面条?(Nǐmen xiǎng yào mǐfàn háishì miàntiáo?)

 你们 (Nǐmen): You (plural)

 想要 (xiǎng yào): want

 米饭 (mǐfàn): rice

 还是 (háishì): or

 面条 (miàntiáo): noodles

 Grammar tip: 想要 (xiǎng yào) means "want". 还是 (háishì) is used to present options or alternatives.

22. 我们想要一份米饭和两份面条。(Wǒmen xiǎng yào yī fèn mǐfàn hé liǎng fèn miàntiáo.)

 我们 (Wǒmen): We/us

 想要 (xiǎng yào): want

 一份 (yī fèn): one portion

 米饭 (mǐfàn): rice

 和 (hé): and

 两份 (liǎng fèn): two portions

 面条 (miàntiáo): noodles

 Grammar tip: 一份 (yī fèn) and 两份 (liǎng fèn) are measure words used to quantify portions of food.

23. 你们想要喝什么饮料?(Nǐmen xiǎng yào hē shénme yǐnliào?)

 你们 (Nǐmen): You (plural)

 想要 (xiǎng yào): want

 喝 (hē): to drink

 什么 (shénme): what

 饮料 (yǐnliào): beverage

 Grammar tip: 饮料 (yǐnliào) means "beverage" or "drink".

24. 我们想要两杯茶和一瓶啤酒。(Wǒmen xiǎng yào liǎng bēi chá hé yī píng píjiǔ.)

 我们 (Wǒmen): We/us

 想要 (xiǎng yào): want

 两杯 (liǎng bēi): two cups/glasses

 茶 (chá): tea

 和 (hé): and

 一瓶 (yī píng): one bottle

 啤酒 (píjiǔ): beer

 Grammar tip: 杯 (bēi) is a measure word for cups or glasses. 瓶 (píng) is a measure word for bottles.

25. 请问这个菜是辣的吗?(Qǐngwèn zhège cài shì là de ma?)

 请问 (Qǐngwèn): Excuse me

 这个 (zhège): This

 菜 (cài): dish

 是 (shì): is

 辣 (là): spicy

 的 (de): particle indicating possession or description

 吗 (ma): question particle indicating a yes-no question

 Grammar tip: 请问 (Qǐngwèn) is a polite way to begin a question. 的 (de) is a particle used to form a
possessive or descriptive relationship.
continue, to 30

26. 是的,这个菜是辣的。(Shì de, zhège cài shì là de.)

 是的 (Shì de): Yes

 是 (Shì): yes/to be

 的 (de): particle indicating agreement or confirmation

 这个 (zhège): This

 菜 (cài): dish

 是 (shì): is

 辣 (là): spicy

 的 (de): particle indicating possession or description

 Grammar tip: 是的 (Shì de) is a way to confirm or affirm something, similar to "yes" in English. 的 (de)
here is used to connect an adjective with a noun to describe its quality.
27. 这个菜不辣。(Zhège cài bù là.)

 这个 (zhège): This

 菜 (cài): dish

 不 (bù): not

 辣 (là): spicy

 Grammar tip: 不 (bù) is a negation marker, meaning "not" or "no".

28. 我们要结账。(Wǒmen yào jiézhàng.)

 我们 (Wǒmen): We/us

 要 (yào): want/to need

 结账 (jiézhàng): to pay the bill

 结 (jié): to settle/finish

 账 (zhàng): bill/account

 Grammar tip: 要 (yào) can mean "want" or "need" depending on the context.

29. 服务员,请给我们结账。(Fúwùyuán, qǐng gěi wǒmen jiézhàng.)

 服务员 (Fúwùyuán): Waiter/waitress

 服务 (Fúwù): service

 员 (yuán): personnel

 请 (qǐng): please

 给 (gěi): give

 我们 (wǒmen): us/we

 结账 (jiézhàng): to pay the bill

 Grammar tip: 服务员 (Fúwùyuán) refers to the service staff in a restaurant. 请 (qǐng) is a polite way to
make a request or command.

30. 我们想要一张发票。(Wǒmen xiǎng yào yī zhāng fāpiào.)

 我们 (Wǒmen): We/us

 想要 (xiǎng yào): want

 一张 (yī zhāng): one (measure word for flat objects like sheets, cards, papers)
 发票 (fāpiào): receipt

 Grammar tip: 一张 (yī zhāng) is a measure word used for flat objects like sheets, cards, papers.

31. 这是您的发票。(Zhè shì nín de fāpiào.)

 这是 (Zhè shì): This is

 您的 (nín de): your (polite)

 发票 (fāpiào): receipt

 Grammar tip: 您的 (nín de) is the polite way of saying "your".

32. 谢谢,再见!(Xièxiè, zàijiàn!)

 谢谢 (Xièxiè): Thank you

 再见 (zàijiàn): Goodbye

 Grammar tip: 再见 (zàijiàn) is the standard way to say "goodbye" in Chinese.

33. 再见,欢迎下次光临!(Zàijiàn, huānyíng xià cì guānglín!)

 再见 (Zàijiàn): Goodbye

 欢迎 (huānyíng): welcome

 下次 (xià cì): next time

 光临 (guānglín): visit

 Grammar tip: 欢迎下次光临 (huānyíng xià cì guānglín) is a common phrase used by businesses to
thank customers and invite them to come again.

34. 对不起,我们现在不营业。(Duìbuqǐ, wǒmen xiànzài bù yíngyè.)

 对不起 (Duìbuqǐ): Sorry

 我们 (wǒmen): we/us

 现在 (xiànzài): now

 不 (bù): not

 营业 (yíngyè): open for business

 Grammar tip: 对不起 (Duìbuqǐ) is a polite way to apologize or express regret.

35. 现在几点关门?(Xiànzài jǐ diǎn guān mén?)

 现在 (xiànzài): now
 几点 (jǐ diǎn): what time

 关门 (guān mén): close the door (in this context, means "close")

 Grammar tip: 几点 (jǐ diǎn) is a common way to ask for the time.

36. 我们晚上十点关门。(Wǒmen wǎnshang shí diǎn guān mén.)

 我们 (wǒmen): we/us

 晚上 (wǎnshang): evening

 十点 (shí diǎn): ten o'clock

 关门 (guān mén): close the door (in this context, means "close")

 Grammar tip: 晚上十点 (wǎnshang shí diǎn) means "ten o'clock in the evening".

37. 好的,谢谢。(Hǎo de, xièxiè.)

 好的 (Hǎo de): Okay

 谢谢 (Xièxiè): Thank you

 Grammar tip: 好的 (Hǎo de) is often used to acknowledge or agree with a statement before

38. 不用谢。(Bùyòng xiè.)

 不用 (Bùyòng): You're welcome (literally, "no need")

 谢 (xiè): thank

 Grammar tip: 不用 (Bùyòng) literally means "no need" but is commonly used to mean "you're
welcome" in response to "thank you".

39. 再见,祝你一天好心情!(Zàijiàn, zhù nǐ yītiān hǎo xīnqíng!)

 再见 (Zàijiàn): Goodbye

 祝 (zhù): wish

 你 (nǐ): you

 一天 (yītiān): one day

 好心情 (hǎo xīnqíng): good mood

 Grammar tip: 祝你一天好心情 (zhù nǐ yītiān hǎo xīnqíng) means "wish you a good mood for the day".

40. 谢谢,你也是。(Xièxiè, nǐ yě shì.)

 谢谢 (Xièxiè): Thank you

 你 (nǐ): you

 也 (yě): also

 是 (shì): are/is

 Grammar tip: 你也是 (nǐ yě shì) is a common way to respond to a compliment, meaning "you too".

41. 你们有外卖服务吗?(Nǐmen yǒu wàimài fúwù ma?)

 你们 (Nǐmen): You (plural)

 有 (yǒu): have

 外卖 (wàimài): takeout/delivery

 服务 (fúwù): service

 吗 (ma): question particle indicating a yes-no question

 Grammar tip: 外卖 (wàimài) refers to takeout or delivery service.

42. 对,我们提供外卖服务。(Duì, wǒmen tígōng wàimài fúwù.)

 对 (Duì): Yes

 我们 (wǒmen): we/us

 提供 (tígōng): provide

 外卖 (wàimài): takeout/delivery

 服务 (fúwù): service

 Grammar tip: 对 (Duì) is a simple affirmative response meaning "yes". 提供 (tígōng) means "provide".

43. 请问你们有没有素菜?(Qǐngwèn nǐmen yǒu méiyǒu sùcài?)

 请问 (Qǐngwèn): Excuse me

 你们 (nǐmen): You (plural)

 有没有 (yǒu méiyǒu): do you have

 素菜 (sùcài): vegetarian dishes

 Grammar tip: 素菜 (sùcài) refers to vegetarian dishes.

44. 当然,我们有很多素菜可以选择。(Dāngrán, wǒmen yǒu hěnduō sùcài kěyǐ xuǎnzé.)

 当然 (Dāngrán): Of course

 我们 (wǒmen): we/us
 有 (yǒu): have

 很多 (hěnduō): many

 素菜 (sùcài): vegetarian dishes

 可以 (kěyǐ): can

 选择 (xuǎnzé): choose

 Grammar tip: 很多 (hěnduō) means "many" or "a lot". 可以 (kěyǐ) means "can" or "able to".

45. 我们要一份炒时蔬和一份麻婆豆腐。(Wǒmen yào yī fèn chǎo shíshū hé yī fèn mápó dòufu.)

 我们 (Wǒmen): We/us

 要 (yào): want

 一份 (yī fèn): one portion

 炒时蔬 (chǎo shíshū): stir-fried seasonal vegetables

 和 (hé): and

 一份 (yī fèn): one portion

 麻婆豆腐 (mápó dòufu): mapo tofu (spicy tofu dish)

 Grammar tip: 炒时蔬 (chǎo shíshū) refers to stir-fried seasonal vegetables. 麻婆豆腐 (mápó dòufu) is
a popular Chinese dish made with tofu and minced meat cooked in a spicy sauce.

46. 这是你们的外卖菜单。(Zhè shì nǐmen de wàimài càidān.)

 这是 (Zhè shì): This is

 你们的 (nǐmen de): your (plural)

 外卖 (wàimài): takeout/delivery

 菜单 (càidān): menu

 Grammar tip: 菜单 (càidān) means "menu".

47. 我们只接受现金付款。(Wǒmen zhǐ jiēshòu xiànjīn fùkuǎn.)

 我们 (Wǒmen): We/us

 只 (zhǐ): only

 接受 (jiēshòu): accept

 现金 (xiànjīn): cash
 付款 (fùkuǎn): payment

 Grammar tip: 只 (zhǐ) means "only". 现金 (xiànjīn) means "cash".

48. 请问你们能不能送到我家?(Qǐngwèn nǐmen néng bùnéng sòng dào wǒ jiā?)

 请问 (Qǐngwèn): Excuse me

 你们 (nǐmen): You (plural)

 能不能 (néng bùnéng): can or cannot

 送到 (sòng dào): deliver to

 我家 (wǒ jiā): my home

 Grammar tip: 请问 (Qǐngwèn) is a polite way to begin a question. 能不能 (néng bùnéng) means "can
or cannot".

49. 可以,我们有送外卖服务。(Kěyǐ, wǒmen yǒu sòng wàimài fúwù.)

 可以 (Kěyǐ): Yes, can

 我们 (wǒmen): we/us

 有 (yǒu): have

 送 (sòng): deliver

 外卖 (wàimài): takeout/delivery

 服务 (fúwù): service

 Grammar tip: 可以 (Kěyǐ) means "can" or "able to". 送外卖服务 (sòng wàimài fúwù) means "delivery

50. 请问送餐需要多长时间?(Qǐngwèn sòng cān xūyào duō cháng shíjiān?)

 请问 (Qǐngwèn): Excuse me

 送餐 (sòng cān): delivery

 需要 (xūyào): need

 多长时间 (duō cháng shíjiān): how long

 Grammar tip: 需要 (xūyào) means "need" or "require". 多长时间 (duō cháng shíjiān) means "how
long" in terms of duration.

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