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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of popular power for education

UEParish "San José"

5th sciences

Edo. Vargas

Support for the hands on sowing program in the

Parish Educational Unit "San José"

Teacher: Students:

Mairim Marcano Luis Rodríguez

Angel Baute

Ronny Torres

Diego Rojas
Carayaca, March 2017


1.1 Problem statement

Cultivation is the practice of sowing seeds in the ground and carrying out the necessary
work to obtain fruits from them. Agriculture is an ancient art that has the purpose of cultivating
the land through different treatments and alternatives in order to obtain vegetables and fruits
that can be used for food, medicinal and aesthetic purposes.

Cultivation activities that often occur due to human action but also respond to natural
processes result in cereals, fruits, vegetables, forage and others. Cultivation is understood as all
human actions that aim to improve, treat and transform lands for the growth of crops.

According to Carlos Méndez (2015) mentions that

“Agriculture is the human activity aimed at combining different procedures and

knowledge in the treatment of the land, with the aim of producing foods of plant origin, such as
fruits, vegetables, cereals, among others.”

Plant cultivation began when men produced their plant foods by working and stopped
depending on simply collecting the vegetables they found. Agriculture was born when men
began to control the growth of some species of plants.

The oldest remains of cultivated plants appear in the Near East around 9000 BC. In Asia,
Africa and America the appearance of cultivated plants occurred later and independently of the
Near East. However, in Europe the introduction of agriculture appears after 6000 BC due to a
massive displacement of populations from the Near East. The cultivation of plants is one of the
main characteristics of the prehistoric era called Neolithic.

In Latin America, agriculture assumed a key role as indicated by the notable increase in
agricultural production in the region. The sector has a strong impact on national economies,
and in many of them agriculture was promoted to create or help maintain a budget balance.

On the other hand, it can be said that agriculture in Venezuela has been practiced since
Pre-Hispanic times when the indigenous people grew small crops of cassava and corn to
survive. Likewise, the cultivation of crops has been maintained over time since in the Vargas
State the inhabitants of the Carayaca and Junko parishes live mainly from agriculture, for this
reason the initiative was taken to carry out this research project in the since the lack of
monitoring of the hands-on-planting program by secondary and diversified education students
is notable, which is why it is intended to encourage first-year students to recover spaces and
carry out small crops within the institution. with the purpose of promoting these activities with
students throughout the campus.

According to Luzardo 2015

The “All Hands to Sowing” program has been conceived as a strategic program for the
comprehensive defense of the territory, since it aims towards the realization of food
sovereignty and elevation of consciousness through the development of socialist values and
principles, which are evidenced in their contents and methodologies. It is in itself an experience
that illustrates a socialist practice, based on the focus of this program, which is agroecology,
which has a legal nature.

It is a program whose fundamental purpose is to promote intra-institutional and inter-

institutional articulation, through an approach with agroecological curricular contents that
contribute to the comprehensive training of educational communities and popular power to
guarantee food security and sovereignty", where it is applied as transition strategy from the
agrochemical model to the agroecological model materialized in agriculture, plants, animals,
aquaculture and forestry, which links balance with nature and the development of Social
Values, such as social justice, solidarity and the common good.

According to the above, the following question arises: Do the first-year students of the
U. E San José Parish the hands-on-planting program? The San José Parish UE has spaces for
small crops to find out if first-year students know the process for making crops

1.2.1 General objective

Develop the hands-on-planting program with first-year students of the San José de
Carayaca Parish Educational Unit.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives

 Carry out educational campaigns to instill in first-year students of the “San

José” Parish Educational Unit the importance of growing small crops.
 Organize days to recover spaces suitable for growing crops in the “San José” UEP
 Carry out crops with first-year UEP “San José” students in order to demonstrate
their importance for society.

Highlight Why is it necessary to solve the problem?
What is sought when solving the problem?
Why is it important to solve it?
Who benefits and how?
What is the importance of research? Argue each point

In the U. AND. “San José” Parish, the “All Hands to Sowing” program has been conceived
as a strategic program for the comprehensive defense of the territory, since it aims towards the
realization of food sovereignty and raising awareness through the development of values and
socialist principles, which are evident in its contents and methodologies. It is in itself an
experience that illustrates a socialist practice, based on the focus of this program, which is
agroecology, which has a legal nature.
The “All Hands to Sowing” program has been conceived as a strategic program for the
comprehensive defense of the territory, since it aims towards the realization of food
sovereignty and elevation of consciousness through the development of socialist values and
principles, which are evidenced in their contents and methodologies. It is in itself an experience
that illustrates a socialist practice, based on the focus of this program, which is agroecology,
which has a legal nature.

It is a program whose fundamental purpose is to promote intra-institutional and inter-

institutional articulation, through an approach with agroecological curricular contents that
contribute to the comprehensive training of educational communities and popular power to
guarantee food security and sovereignty", where it is applied as transition strategy from the
agrochemical model to the agroecological model materialized in agriculture, plants, animals,
aquaculture and forestry, which links balance with nature and the development of Social
Values, such as social justice, solidarity and the common good.

The hands-on-planting project aims to ensure that all Venezuelans (especially children
and adolescents) learn to live with nature to take advantage of what we need to feed ourselves,
always in a way that is minimally invasive or harmful and that threatens the environment.
same... This Project has an agroecological approach that allows natural resources to be taken
care of. Hands to Sowing proposes to promote food production and its use; promote changes in
eating habits, encourages us to cultivate crops, promotes the love of nature, incorporates the
agroecological approach into educational curricula; promotes community and family seedbeds
and school gardens as a first step of motivation to work in the field, among others... In general,
this is being done at all educational levels in the country but especially in the Bolivarian Schools
and Lyceums, as well as in agricultural schools where there is sufficient land space for
production. In some states you can see large areas of land planted by children and high school
students. In our case and because we are such young children, we are only working with the
school garden, as an initial means that encourages children to learn about the vegetables that
are planted in our state of Mérida, the care that the plants must have, the time of sow and
harvest and how easy it is to be able to do this also at home, teaching them that in small spaces
of land we can plant twigs such as cilantro, parsley or paprika, tomatoes, onions, chives, even
carrots, which help us eat healthy and tasty . Progressively, the children have been learning
where the food such as fruits, vegetables and legumes that are consumed at home are
obtained, they have learned to value the work of the agricultural producer or the farmer who
plants them.

Suggest that these activities be carried out frequently by the students of the UEP “San José” so that the
children have a way to encounter culture and nature each year and have a way of having fun outside of
their studies.
Chapter II Theoretical Framework

2.1 Theoretical bases

Pacheco (June 4, 2016) explained that correct education must play a fundamental role in
the current environmental and agri-food crisis. But, First of all, to understand what role
education can play, we must know how the aforementioned crisis came to be. If we do not
understand that, we will be building on the same values, on the same land, on the same
foundations, so the environmental problems that have been generated will progressively
persist and with it the loss of soils with a high agricultural vocation with the prevalence In
addition to the high consumption of agrochemicals, elements that contribute to the reduction
of productive capacity and public health problems. The school, at present, expands its social
function, since it not only works to educate students, but also to influence the development of
the family and the community in which it is located, strives to become a meeting place affective
and supportive, provides trust, security and the establishment of social relationships, which
promotes interesting, attractive media and in which collective work is emphasized where it is
pleasant to live shared values.

This program was added by the Ministries of Education, explaining to young people
how the steps are taken to build national agro-food sovereignty, and how the Venezuelan
population is incorporated into this purpose. The program includes student training regarding
land, ecology, culinary rescue, and the planting of crops necessary for the Venezuelan
population, such as fruits and vegetables, among others. Through the project, boys, girls, and
adolescents create gardens in schools, while carrying out field research. With "All hands to the
sowing" the educational model is developed: connection, theory and practice. At the same
time, it seeks to recover the productive fabric of the country, based on the promotion of the
cultural heritage of our indigenous people, a real alternative to confront the global food crisis.

Sulvaran (September 22, 2016) suggests that through school, individual and collective
potential can be promoted to strengthen food security supported by agroecology, while boys
and girls develop logical mathematical processes, an aspect that is It must be specified in the
field of the formation of attitudes, skills and abilities with elements that are part of its natural
context. The purpose of the agroecological activities carried out within the framework of the
applied experiences is to develop the capacities related to the mental process at the initial
education level, taking into account the phases, seed, soil and water. The experience will
facilitate the teacher's integration of the approach. agroecology to the curriculum. In addition,
it will generate reflection on agroecology and logical processes based on the principles of
sociocultural theory and development in experience that use techniques that allow it to be
executed precisely and achieve the proposed objectives.

Sánchez's theory (February 15, 2017), specific to the sociocultural learning of the
individual, constitutes a solid reference that allows us to discover its relationship with the
experience developed with broad perspectives of application in education in agroecology; In it,
the fundamental objective of the educational process is the full development of the individual's
personality, in close relationship with the context (or environment) in which he or she finds
himself, through a conscious social insertion that is equally committed, as a subject of history,
which seeks the transformation of reality for its own benefit and the well-being of society.
Taking into account the guiding nature that teaching has from the socio-cultural approach in
relation to the psychological development of the individual, it is proposed that education in
agroecology should become a source and guiding thread of a development that intrinsically
contemplates the establishment of a harmonious relationship between the individual and the
environment. This can be achieved through the stimulation even optimization of various
psychological processes and the relationships between them; such as skills, abilities, values,
knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, experiences, as well as behaviors consistent with the ideal of
environmental protection that must be instituted as a fundamental component of educational
patterns corresponding to the current interests of society, even more so of the individual
himself as personality. Education programs related to the environment that pursue these
objectives must be based on optimistic diagnoses that reflect the potential of subjects, groups,
families, and communities, contemplating not only their current state and limitations, but also
their learning opportunities. They must conceive the stimulation of personal, group and social
development, as a cultural construction, which is carried out through socialization with other
human beings, through shared social activities, through an education process that does not only
consist of a simple transmission of concrete knowledge from an expert to an inexperienced
person, but in the creation of pedagogical circumstances in which individuals apply.

2.2 Legal Framework

According to the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of

Article 305 states:

“The State will promote sustainable agriculture as a strategic basis for comprehensive rural
development in order to guarantee the food security of the population; understood as the sufficient and
stable availability of food at the national level and timely and permanent access to it by the consuming
public. Food security will be achieved by developing and privileging domestic agricultural production,
understood as that coming from agricultural, livestock, fishing and aquaculture activities. Food
production is of national interest and fundamental for the economic and social development of the
Nation. For these purposes, the State will dictate the financial, commercial, technological transfer, land
ownership, infrastructure, labor training and other measures that may be necessary to achieve strategic
levels of self-sufficiency. In addition, it will promote actions within the framework of the national and
international economy to compensate for the disadvantages inherent to agricultural activity. The State
will protect the settlements and communities of artisanal fishermen, as well as their fishing grounds in
continental waters and those close to the coastline defined in the law” (Page)

According to article 305 argue

This is the way to present the articles all should go this way


Article 2

In order to establish the bases of sustainable rural development, for the purposes of this
Law, the use of all public and private lands intended for agricultural use is affected. Said
affectation is subject to the following regime:

1. Lands belonging to the National Land Institute (INTI): They will be subject to a

Average occupancy and the study, taking into account a set of determining factors such

to. National Agri-Food Production Plan.

b. User work capacity.

c. Local population density suitable for agricultural work.

d. Agrological conditions of the land.

and. Preferential production items.

F. General extension of existing land in the area subject to the average occupancy.

g. Reserve areas and protection of natural resources necessary in the area.

h. Existing infrastructure conditions.

Yo. Foreseeable risks in the area.

j. The other technical parameters for establishing the average occupancy that are
developed in the Regulations of this Law and in other regulatory instruments.

2. Lands owned by the Republic: They are subject to the same regime established for
lands owned by the National Land Institute (INTI).

3. Vacant lands: They will be the subject of special socio-economic development plans
within an effective production scheme, guaranteeing the biodiversity of existing resources.

4. Vacant lands under the jurisdiction of States and Municipalities: Their administration
by the corresponding entities is subject to the regime of this Law.

It is up to the States and Municipalities to establish agri-food security in their respective

jurisdiction in coordination with national plans.

For the purposes of planning the use of the lands whose administration corresponds to
them, the agri-food needs of the nearby urban centers will be taken as a basis, considering their
current population and the progressive need for sustenance of future generations. In the
preparation of these plans, the States and Municipalities will ensure the basic production of
fundamental food items.

In the event that the rural lands of a State or Municipality, for agrological reasons, lack
the conditions to produce the basic items for the agri-food security of the populations under its
jurisdiction, an exchange and distribution agreement will be established with other
Municipalities. or States, through their competent bodies.

When states or municipalities fail to comply with the mandate provided for in this
article, the

National Executive will assume its compliance.

5. Private lands: They are subject to the fulfillment of the social function of the agri-food
security of the Nation. In this sense, they must submit their activity to the production needs of
food items in accordance with the agri-food security plans established by the National

Article 19

The conuco is recognized as a historical source of agricultural biodiversity. The National

Executive will promote, in those areas developed by conuqueros and conuqueras, research and
dissemination of ancestral cultivation techniques, ecological pest control, soil preservation
techniques and the conservation of germplasm in general.

According to the Comprehensive Agricultural Health Law

Article 49. For the purposes of transforming the economic and social model of the
Nation, the National Executive, through its competent bodies and entities, will apply
agroecology as a scientific basis for sustainable tropical agriculture, within the agroproductive
system, developing and executing projects. that are necessary in order to motivate and
stimulate the process of production of food of good biological quality, in sufficient quantity for
the population and to promote the teaching and learning of agroecological practices, of
producers in their active role, and of institutions and other actors committed to agri-food
sovereignty and security.

Article 50. For the purposes of the application of agroecology, the National Executive,
through its competent bodies and entities, in co-management with the communal councils,
towns, indigenous communities and any other form of organization and community
participation that is developed, will carry out the necessary diagnoses. that allow the detection
of the existence of any agricultural health problem caused by the use of an ecologically
unsustainable agricultural production model. In this sense, they will propose the formulation
and execution of projects with an agroecological perspective in relation to the case raised,
leading to guaranteeing agricultural production that respects our environmental and cultural

According to the Organic Law of Education

take only paragraphs that relate to the project

Article 6. The State, through the national bodies with jurisdiction over Educational
matters, will exercise leadership in the Educational System. Consequently:

1. Guarantee:

to. The full right to comprehensive, permanent, continuous and quality education for all
with gender equality in equal conditions and opportunities, rights and duties.

b. Free education in all official educational centers and institutions up to university


c. Access to the Educational System for people with educational needs or disabilities,
through the creation of conditions and opportunities.

As well as, people who are deprived of liberty and those who are in the Penal System of

Responsibility of Adolescents.

d. The institutional development, permanence and optimal functioning of educational

missions in their different modalities.
and. The continuity of educational activities, at any time and place, in official national,
state, municipal institutions, centers and schools, decentralized entities and private educational

F. Guidance, comprehensive health, sports, recreation, culture and well-being services

to students who participate in the educational process in co-responsibility with the
corresponding bodies.

g. The conditions for the articulation between education and the media, with the
purpose of developing critical and reflective thinking, the ability to build permanent mediations
between the family, the school and the community, in accordance with the provisions of the
Constitution of the Republic and other laws.

h. The use of the Spanish language in all institutions and educational centers, except in
the modality of indigenous bilingual intercultural education, which must guarantee the official
and equal use of indigenous languages and Spanish.

Yo. Decent working conditions and coexistence for education workers, which contribute
to humanizing work to achieve its full development and a standard of living in line with its high

j. That no student, representative or person responsible, be charged for registration and

administrative services, as a condition for entry, permanence and graduation from official
educational institutions.

k. That no student, representative or person in charge, have their personal academic

documentation withheld, be charged interest for insolvent payments or take other measures
that violate the right to education and respect for their physical, mental and moral integrity. .

1. Obligatory respect and honors to national symbols, to the memory of our

Liberator Simón Bolívar and the values of our nationality, in all institutions and
educational centers.
2. Regulate, supervise and control:

to. The obligation of education and establishes the mechanisms to demand that
communities, families, fathers, mothers, representatives or responsible persons comply with
this social duty.

b. The functioning of the university education subsystem in terms of the efficient

administration of its assets and financial economic resources assigned according to the Budget
Law for the Fiscal Year and its government regulations in accordance with the principle of
participatory and leading democracy, as a political right of those who make up the university
community, without prejudice to the exercise of university autonomy and observance of the
principles and values established in the Constitution of the Republic and in this Law.

c. The mandatory compliance with education in the doctrine of our Liberator Simón
Bolívar, the Spanish language, the history and geography of Venezuela; and the environment in
official and private educational institutions and centers, up to general secondary and technical
secondary education. As well as the mandatory inclusion, throughout the Educational System,
of physical activity, arts, sports, recreation, culture, environment, agroecology, communication
and health.

d. The creation and operation of official and private educational institutions and the
suitability of natural or legal persons to comply with the ethical, economic, academic, scientific,
probity, efficiency, legitimacy and origin of resources requirements to found and maintain
institutions. private educational.

and. The quality of the official and private educational infrastructure in accordance with
the use and design parameters dictated by the competent authorities.

F. The processes of entry, permanence, promotion, promotion and performance of

professionals in the official and private educational sector, in accordance with criteria and
methods of comprehensive evaluation and social oversight.
g. The management of official and private educational centers and institutions, with the
leading participation of the entire educational community.

h. The academic suitability of teaching professionals who enter educational and private
institutions, centers or spaces of the basic education subsystem, in order to guarantee
processes for teaching and learning in the Educational System, with social relevance, in
accordance with the provisions of the special law that governs the matter.

Yo. The regime for setting enrollment, amount, increase, fees and administrative
services paid by students, their representatives or Responsible Persons, in private educational
institutions. The use of figures or methods such as foundations, civil associations, commercial
companies, or any other mechanism to exercise coercion is prohibited in the cancellation of
amounts greater than those established by the governing body and other entities that regulate
the matter.

j. Educational programs and projects, the creation of foundations intended to support

them and institutions in the educational sector of an official, private, national, state, municipal
nature and in other instances of the decentralized public administration.

3. Plan, execute, coordinate policies and programs:

to. Training, oriented towards the full development of the human being and its
incorporation into productive, cooperative and liberating work.

b. For the productive insertion of university graduates in correspondence with the

priorities of the Economic and Social Development Plan of the Nation.

c. Territorialization of university education, which facilitates municipalization, with

quality and social relevance in response to cultural values, capacities and local potentials,
within the educational social inclusion strategy and the endogenous, sustainable and
sustainable national development project.
d. Comprehensive socio-cognitive development of citizens, permanently articulating
learning to be, to know, to do and to live together, to harmoniously develop the cognitive,
affective, axiological and practical aspects, and overcome the fragmentation, atomization of the
knowledge and the separation between manual and intellectual activities.

and. To achieve a new school model, conceived as an open space for production and
endogenous development, community work, comprehensive training, creation and creativity,
health promotion, breastfeeding and respect for life, the defense of a healthy, safe and
ecologically balanced environment, pedagogical innovations, alternative communications, the
use and development of information and communication technologies, community
organization, the consolidation of peace, tolerance, coexistence and Respect for human rights.

F. Evaluation and national registration of information on official and private educational

buildings, in accordance with established regulations.

g. Permanent updating of the national curriculum, textbooks and teaching resources of

mandatory application and use throughout the basic education subsystem, based on the
principles established in the Constitution of the Republic and in this Law.

h. For the accreditation and certification of knowledge through experience based on the
dialogue of knowledge.

Yo. That they develop the educational process in official and private, national, state,
municipal institutions and educational centers, entities of the Public Power, media, public and
private university institutions, educational centers that function in the other instances of the
decentralized public administration.

j. The creation of an efficient, effective, efficient, debureaucratized, transparent and

innovative educational administration, based on the principles of participatory democracy,
solidarity, ethics, honesty, legality, economy, participation, co-responsibility, speed,
accountability and social responsibility.
k. Ongoing training for teachers and other people and institutions that participate in
education, exercising control of the corresponding processes in all its instances and

l. Student admission to national and private university education institutions.

m. Permanent statistical evaluation of the student population, which allows the

construction of qualitative and quantitative indicators for the strategic planning of the Nation.

n. Formal and non-formal education in cultural educational matters, together with the
body with competence in cultural matters, without prejudice to the activities inherent to its
nature and specificity in history and geography in the Venezuelan, Latin American, Andean,
Caribbean, Amazonian, Ibero-American context and global. As well as in aesthetic education,
music, dance, cinema, television, photography, literature, singing, theater, plastic arts, crafts,
gastronomy and other cultural expressions, in order to deepen, enrich and strengthen the
values of national identity as a of the ways to consolidate self-determination and national

4. Promotes, integrates and facilitates social participation:

to. Through an effective social practice of relations of cooperation, solidarity and

coexistence between families, school, community and society, which facilitates the conditions
for organized participation in the training, execution and control of educational management.

b. Of the different social and community organizations in the management of the

Educational System, facilitating different social oversight mechanisms in accordance with the
Constitution of the Republic and the laws.

c. From families, schools, social and community organizations in the defense of rights
and in the fulfillment of communication duties for the comprehensive education of citizens, in
the critical and responsible interpretation of media messages. public and private social
communication, universalizing and democratizing its access.
d. In the defense of sovereignty, national identity and territorial integrity

5. Promotes regional and universal cultural and educational integration

to. In the exchange of theories and social, artistic practices, knowledge, experiences,
popular and ancestral knowledge, which strengthen the identity of our Latin American,
Caribbean, indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples.

b. From a conception of integration that privileges the geostrategic relationship with the
world, respecting cultural diversity

c. In the recognition and validation of titles and academic certificates issued.

d. For the independence and cooperation of scientific and technological research.

and. In the creation of a new communication order for education.

F. In the authorization, guidance, regulation, supervision and monitoring of multilateral,

bilateral and financing agreements with national and international public and private entities,
for the execution of educational projects at the national level.

Article 15. Education, in accordance with the principles and values of the Constitution of
the Republic and this Law, has the following purposes:

1. Develop the creative potential of each human being to the full extent of their
personality and citizenship, in a democratic society based on the ethical and social valuation of
liberating work and on active, conscious, leading, responsible and supportive participation,
committed to the social processes and consubstantiated with the principles of sovereignty and
self-determination of peoples, with the values of local, regional, national identity, with an
indigenous, Afro-descendant, Latin American, Caribbean and universal vision.
2. Develop a new political culture based on leading participation and the strengthening
of Popular Power, on the democratization of knowledge and on the promotion of the school as
a space for the formation of citizenship and community participation, for the reconstruction of
the public spirit in the new republicans and in the new republicans with deep awareness of
social duty.

3. Train citizens from the geohistorical approach, awareness of nationality and

sovereignty, appreciation for their homelands, valorization of geographical spaces and
traditions, popular, ancestral, artisanal knowledge and cultural particularities of the various
regions of the country and develop in citizens' awareness of Venezuela as an energy and
especially hydrocarbon country, within the framework of the formation of a new endogenous
productive model.

4. Promote respect for the dignity of people and transversal training for ethical values of
tolerance, justice, solidarity, peace, respect for human rights and non-discrimination.

5. Promote the formation of ecological awareness to preserve biodiversity and

sociodiversity, environmental conditions and the rational use of natural resources.

6. Train in, by and for liberating social work, within a comprehensive perspective,
through humanistic, scientific and technological development policies, linked to productive and
sustainable endogenous development.

7. Promote Latin American and Caribbean integration under a multipolar perspective

guided by the promotion of participatory democracy, by the fight against exclusion, racism and
all forms of discrimination, by the promotion of nuclear disarmament and the search for
ecological balance in the world .

8. Develop the capacity for abstraction and critical thinking through training in
philosophy, logic and mathematics, with innovative methods that privilege learning from
everyday life and experience.
9. Develop an educational process that raises consciousness to achieve supreme social
happiness through an inclusive structure and a new social, humanistic and endogenous
productive model.

According to the Ministerial Resolution. No. 024

Article 1. The “All Hands to Sowing” Program is implemented in the Ministry of Popular Power
for Education as a strategy for the transition from the agrochemical model to the agroecological
model within the framework of food security and sovereignty, materialized in agriculture,
vegetables, animal, aquaculture and forestry, through intra-institutional and inter-institutional
articulation that contributes to the comprehensive formation of educational communities and
popular power, which links balance with nature and the development of social values, such as
social justice, solidarity, and the common good.

Article 2. There will be a tendency to incorporate the contents related to agrocology in the
curricular development, within the integrative axis of Environment and Comprehensive Health,
where agrocology must be part of the learning processes in the Venezuelan Educational
System, from initial education to secondary school, for this purpose the Ministry of Popular
Power for Education will prepare the proposal that will develop said contents.

Article 3. The provisions of this Resolution will be resolved by the Ministry of Popular Power for

Article 4. This Resolution will come into force upon its publication in the Official Bolivarian
Gazette of Venezuela.

It refers to the way in which the study is going to be carried out, the steps to carry it out
and its method. It is the stage in which documentary information is gathered to prepare the
methodological design of the research, that is, the moment in which it is established how and
what type of information will be collected and how it will be used.

3.1 Type of Research

According to Carlos Sabino (2003) “Field research corresponds to a type of

research, which is based on information obtained directly from reality, allowing
the researcher to ascertain the real conditions in which the data have been
obtained.” (page27)

Indeed, this research is field research since a previous study was carried out directly at
the institution . Argue

According to Martínez (2016) In field research the researcher collects direct information
about reality, it is referred to in information from primary sources and is obtained through the
application of data collection techniques such as questionnaire, interview and information
scientific. (P. 28)

3.2 Level of investigation

According to Rubén Rodríguez González (2006) “Descriptive research includes the description,
recording, analysis and interpretation of the current nature, and the composition or processes
of the phenomena. The focus is on dominant conclusions or on how a person, group or thing
conducts itself or functions in the present. Descriptive research works on factual realities, and
its fundamental characteristics are correct presentation.” (p. 27)

In this way, the type of research to be used is descriptive since it details the existing problems
in the San José Parish Educational Unit , arguing

According to Rubén Rodríguez González (2006) who states: “Quantitative research is dedicated
to collecting, processing and analyzing quantitative or numerical data on previously determined
variables. This already gives it a connotation that goes beyond a mere list of data organized as a
result; "Well, these data shown in the final report are in total harmony with the variables that
were declared from the beginning and the results obtained will provide a specific reality to
which they are subject." (p. 29)

Therefore, this research is quantitative since it is dedicated to collecting and analyzing

numerical data through the implementation of surveys which provide results that complement
very useful information for the project to be carried out.

3.3 Population and sample

According to Rubén Rodríguez (2006) “Universe in statistics is the specific name given,
particularly in social research, to the operation within the delimitation of the research field that
aims to determine the set of units of observations that are going to be investigated. For many
researchers, the terms universe and population are synonymous. In general, the universe is the
totality of elements or characteristics that make up the scope of study or research.” (p. 30).

In relation to the aforementioned, the universe would be the total number of students of the
San José Parish Educational Unit. Argue

As a sample, the First year group (A, B and C) of said institution was taken, from there % of the students
were taken to whom surveys were applied that yield the results that help the implementation for the
completion of the project. .
3.4 Data collection techniques and instruments

According to Brito (1992) he states that data collection techniques: Are those that allow
information to be obtained from primary and secondary sources. Among the techniques most
used by researchers are surveys, interviews, observation, content analysis and document
analysis. (p. 40).

The techniques and instruments that were used to obtain the data were closed-type surveys,
that is, questions with simple answers, these were asked to ten students from each first-year
section of the San José Parish Educational Unit with the help of each guide teacher.

Graphs and chart

112 students population

30 students sample
Bibliography to n oa - planting-drives-the-
creation-of-school-gardens/ o/educational-program-all-hands-sowing-is-developed-lara
Agroecologicas-para-desarrollar-los- Q Logical-Mathematical-Processes-at-the-Level-of-Initial-


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