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Palm Sugar Pereng

Slide 1 (Opening)
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
(The opening greeting of the second Arabic speech)
Sholawat and greetings may always be poured out to the Prophet Muhammad
SAW, and hopefully one day we will get his intercession on the Day of
On this occasion, I hope to be able to present this speech properly so that it can
meet the criteria for my graduation requirements. Hopefully, through these
words, i can convey sincere gratitude and my commitment to continue learning,
developing and providing the best for myself. under the guidance and inspiration
of the ustadzah
Palm sugar is a type of traditional sugar originating from Indonesia. Palm sugar is
made from sap, which is a sweet liquid extracted from the trunk of the palm tree

Slide 2
before getting into the main topic of discussion,let's first know the purpose of this
outdoor study
1. Students are expected to be able to understand how to make palm sugar
properly and correctly
2. Students are expected to be able to practice how to make palm sugar properly
and correctly
3. Students are expected to be able to explain again how to make palm sugar
properly and correctly

Slide 3
On Wednesday, March 8, 2023 SMP Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Purwokerto held an
outdoor study at Pereng Cilongok
Pereng Cilongok Tourism was first established in 2017 where this tourist spot has
an area of approximately 4 hectares. Because it's privately owned, the company's
management is purely without any institutions.
there are lots of things to do here , like learning new things, having fun and even
being able to swim there
the natural atmosphere presented there is good
the air is clean and the scenery is very beautiful

Slide 4
Here are the tools and materials needed in the process of making palm sugar
1. Pongkor
Pongkor is used as a container when taking sap water from trees. Pongkor
is very effective because it is in the form of a tube so that it can be carried in
large quantities and does not interfere with climbing trees.
2. Sickle
The sickle is used to comb the manggar to drain the sap water
3. Wok
the wok is used to cook sap water, it is recommended to use a large wok so
that you can cook palm water in large quantities,
because cooking palm water is long enough
4. Spatula
a spatula is used to stir the sap water while cooking,
Sap water needs to be stirred during cooking so that it retains its moisture and
so that the heat is distributed evenly throughout the dish
5. Sengker
Sengker is used to print sap water, sengker has a round shape and is relatively
small in size
so that it can print palm sugar in large quantities

sap water
Sap water is the main ingredient in the process of making palm sugar.
the reason for using sap water is because it has a high natural sugar content and
has a distinctive taste and smell
Slide 5
process of taking sap water,
before taking the sap water
we have to determine which tree we will choose, try to choose a tree that is old
and has a large trunk because old trees can make sap water of good quality, and
trees with large trunks can produce more sap water
the first thing to do when taking sap water is to make an incision in the tree trunk
after that let the sap water flow into the pongkor tool naturally
after taking the sap water, store the sap water properly because the sap water
can ferment quickly
Slide 6
after sap water is taken,
cook sap water for 30 minutes if you want to make cimplung,
if you want to make palm sugar then cook it for about 2 hours,
during cooking try to always stir,
after 2 hours remove the wok from the stove and stir again until it thickens and
can be printed
The sengker is laid out on the table and the sap that has thickened is poured into
the sengker,
Wait for 5 to 10 minutes after that the sengker is lifted,
ready-made palm sugar, wrapped in tree fronds, because using tree fronds, palm
sugar will not melt unless it comes into contact with water
Slide 7
distribution process
Target distribution from Palm sugar pereng Cilongok includes Surabaya and
The name of the distributor that works with palm sugar Pereng cilongok is PT

Slide 8
from my observations about palm sugar pereng Cilongok is
the taste of cimplung in pereng cilongok is very good,
but the disadvantages in my opinion is that the place where palm sugar is made is
quite dirty so that it is possible for there to be bacteria in the palm sugar
My advice to the Pereng Cilongok tourism owner is to be able to make the place
for making palm sugar cleaner
My advice to the community is to be able to buy palm sugar needs in Pereng
Cilongok so that they can advance the economic development of Pereng Cilongok
regardless of where palm sugar is made
the other places in this pereng cilongok tour are very beautiful
and very suitable to be a vacation spot
Slide 9
Final conclusion
From outdoor study to Pereng Cilongok, I feel happy because I can enjoy the
natural beauty there
the benefits that I get after outdoor study to pereng cilongok are
I get new knowledge about Indonesian traditional food
maybe that's all I can present, I'm sorry if during the presentation there was a
mistake or misinformation
more and less I apologize
wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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