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Starting with the Name of ALLAH Almighty, Who’s

Rehman and Raheem.

Roll no: 301-211073

Department: Information Technology

Section: BSCS-B
Semester: 6th

Subject Computer Networks

Submitted to Dr Hizbullah

Assignment LAB 5
Gather TCP/IP configuration information.
1. Use the Start menu to open the command prompt
2. (Start>Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt or Start>Programs>Command Prompt).
3. Type ipconfig and press Enter key. The spelling of the ipconfig is critical, but the case is not.
4. The screen shows the IP address, subnet mask and the default gateway. The IP address and the default
gateway should be in the same network or subnet; otherwise this host wouldn’t be able to communicate outside the

Write down the TCP/IP information for your computer.

a. IP address:
b. Subnet mask:
c. Default gateway:

Compare your computer’s TCP/IP configuration to that of others on the LAN. If this computer is on a LAN,
compare the information of several machines (Hosts).

a. Are there any similarities? All machines seem to have IP addresses and default gateways in the same
range, suggesting they are on the same local network.

b. What is similar about the IP addresses? The IP addresses likely share the same network and subnet
portions, indicating they are part of the same subnet or LAN.

c. What is similar about the default gateway? All machines appear to have the same default gateway
address of, suggesting they use the same router or gateway device to communicate outside
the local network.

d. Record a couple of the IP addresses (of your nearby hosts)

Internet Address Physical Address Type
1. 00-42-5a-2a-14-40 dynamic
2. ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff static
3. 01-00-5e-00-00-16 static
Check additional TCP/IP configuration information.
1. To see more information, type ipconfig/all and press Enter key. The figure shows the detailed IP
configuration of the computer on the screen.

1. You should see the following information:

The host name (computer name), the Physical address of your machine, IP address, subnet Mask, Default
Gateway and DNS Servers.
1. In the LAN, compare your result with a few nearby computers.

2. What similarities do you see in the physical (MAC) address?

The similarities in MAC addresses across nearby computers would typically be that the first 6
characters (vendor portion) are the same, while the last 6 characters (device portion) are unique
for each device.

2. Write down the computer’s host name: The computer’s host name is HizbullahKhatta.

4. Write down the host names of a couple of another computer:

b. database server Local
d. dev-machine-01

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