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Academic Year (2023-2024) 3rd Trimester

Subject: English (Literature) Worksheet 3

Name: Answer Key Gr. 9 ___

A. A Woman’s Place

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Greek playwright Aeschylus wrote this in 467 B.C. For years, many people believed that a
woman’s place was in the home. For many women, traditional roles involved cooking, cle
aning, and taking care of children. But during World War II, men left their jobs to fight in the
war. This gave women the chance to show that they could succeed in jobs that were
mostly held by men.

A. How women proved that they could succeed in jobs that were held by men.
B. How a Greek playwright proved the belief that a woman’s place is in the kitchen.
C. How men left their jobs to fight in the World War 11.
D. To show the kind of jobs which traditional woman has to do.

2. What led the women to take over male dominated jobs?

A. The men wanted their wives to earn so that they could help them with.
B. Women held a protest so that they could be heard.
C. Women were tired of staying at home doing the same jobs everyday.
D. Men left their jobs to go and fight in the World War 11.

3. Why were these three African American women named Mary Jackson, Dorothy
Vaughan, and Katherine Johnson were important in the United States space
program in the 1950s?
A. They were hard working and they never complained.
B. NASA, hired these women as “human computers” to do calculations.
C. These three women could do the work that was done by ten men.
D. They made the fastest airplane in the world.

4. Why do Grace Hopper, NASA’s Hidden Figures, and Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski continue
to inspire girls who want careers in science and technology?

These women prove that gender and race have nothing to do with a person’s ability to be
scientists, mathematicians, or anything they choose.

5. What did Grace Hopper help invent?
Grace Hopper helped invent one of the first computer languages

6. Write two sentences explaining what Mary Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan, and
Katherine Johnson did for NASA’s space program.
They served as “human computers.” They did the mathematics needed for one of the
first successful manned space missions.

7. According to the author, what have the women in this text contributed? Include
evidence from the text to support your answer.
The women have made great contributions to computer technology, space travel, and
aviation that have changed history, inspired young women who are interested in
STEM careers, and influenced perceptions of what a woman’s place is.

8. Use context to confirm the meaning of the word discrimination as it is used in

“A Woman’s Place.”
The text indicates that women in STEM fields have faced “racism and gender
discrimination,” so I think discrimination must mean “the practice of treating some
people differently from others.

9. What is another way to say that you create your own recipe?
You make a recipe that is your own idea.

10. Why were women not allowed to work in some fields, particularly in Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)?
Men believed that women were not smart enough to succeed.

11. How did some brave, intelligent women challenge the idea that women were not
smart enough?
These women changed history by proving that they could succeed and be leaders in
male-dominated fields.

12. What conclusion can you draw based on the information available in the selection
“A Woman’s Place”?

Gender and race have nothing to do with a person’s ability to be scientists,

mathematicians, or anything they choose. A woman’s place should and can be
anywhere that she dreams.

II. Tell whether the following statements are True or False.

__True_ 1. Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski was one of the youngest people in history
to create her own airplane.
__True_ 2. The book Hidden Figures, made into a movie in 2016, shows how white
staff members treated women from other races unfairly.
__True_ 3. Hopper also made a tool called a compiler.
_False__ 4. Today, the Grace Hopper Program helps young men afford to study
computer programming.
_False__ 5. The author of this text encourages women to stay at home because they
can’t succeed in male dominated jobs.
_True___ 6. Common Business Oriented Language. COBOL was one of the first
computer programming languages designed for businesses to use.

III. Read the following passage in which the topic must be inferred by the
reader. Identify and underline clues that help us draw an inference.

Now that you’ve built up your arm and leg strength, you are ready to go. Before you
begin, you need to remember that the sport requires more than a board and water.
First, you need a great deal of balance. The waves are always changing and moving.
The rider’s feet must be positioned and repositioned on the board to avoid falling.
Second, you need good vision. It is important to observe how your wave is changing
and make adjustments.”

1. What conclusion can you draw from the following passage?

“Maria has studied all week for her algebra test. She spent three hours every night
working on the review exercises in her textbook. Last night, she could not sleep very
well because she was afraid, she would sleep through her alarm.”

A. Maria will pass her test.

B. Maria is nervous about her algebra test.
C. Maria gets nervous before big tests.
D. Maria enjoys taking tests.

3. Two dogs were kept in the fenced yard of the red brick house. They were locked in
because they liked to run away. They were friendly dogs, but they barked a lot.
When Susan walked by the house every day on the way to school, she heard the
dogs barking. Even though the dogs were locked in, she always walked on the other
side of the street.
What detail would support the conclusion that Susan was afraid of dogs?

A. They were locked in because they liked to run away.

B. They were friendly dogs, but they barked a lot.
C. Two dogs were kept in the fenced yard of the red brick house.
D. Even though the dogs were locked in, she always walked on the other side of the

4. What is the theme of the following story?

Money Mark was born rich. He never had to work a day in his life and he got
everything handed to him on a silver platter. When he was six, Money Mark wanted
to go to a basketball game. His father paid the starting five of the Bulls and Celtics to
play a private game of Nerf-ball in Money Mark’s bedroom. When Money Mark turned
thirteen, he wanted to start a band. His father hired the Mountain Boys to play with
him every Saturday at the family’s private concert hall, though his family was never
there. By the time he was twenty-one, Money Mark was bored with life. He was
surrounded by a bunch of possessions that he didn’t appreciate. Nothing was new or
exciting to him. Despite his vast wealth, Money Mark never found happiness. Penny
Petal was born poor. Her family hardly had anything to eat, but they loved each
other. Penny Petal appreciated every thing she got. When she was six, her father
walked her around the United Center before the Bulls played the Celtics. She was
excited by the crazy fans and feeling in the air. She looked forward to the day that
she could see a real game. When she was thirteen, she learned to play the buckets.
She was an extremely talented musician, a natural percussionist. Everyone on the
block loved the rhythms that poured from her palms. By the time she was twenty-
one, Penny was a successful businesswoman. Soon she had everything that she had
ever dreamed of having. She loved to share her wealth and happiness with her
family, who had supported her through the hard times.
-Respect other people’s property
-It is better to do things right.
-You don’t appreciate the things for which you don’t work for.

B. Directions: Read the passage and then respond to the questions. Each
question will ask you to make a logical inference based on textual details.
Explain your answer by referencing the text.

Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him. He threw his book bag on
the floor and plopped onto the couch. After six hours of playing Grand Larceny VII,
he ate some pizza and fell asleep with a slice on his stomach and his feet on his book
bag. When Kyle came home from school the next day, he was noticeably distraught.
He balled up his report card and placed it inside a soup can in the garbage. He then
flipped the soup can upside down in the garbage can and arranged loose pieces of
trash over it. As he plopped down on the couch, he let out a sigh and picked up his

1. Was Kyle’s report card good or bad? How do you know?

Kyl’s report card was probably bad because he plays too many video games.
I know this because in the text he plays video games for six hours and sleeps with his
feet on his book bag

2. Why does Kyle put the report card in a soup can?

He is trying to dispose the evidence. He doesn’t want anyone to see his grades. He
seems to feel better after it is disposed.


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