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Surprising Switzerland
With Mu ei and 4^ lUuKtntlQHt
3£ m Cedar JEAN and FkANC SHOR
Back to the Historic Black Hills
With Map and 22 lIluitratiDiu
19 in Cfllaf t

Haney filters of Currurnbin

WLiii 9 1 3 fn*t rations in Color PAUL A. ZAHL
Him slay art Pil^rirna^e
Wilh Msp- and 13 I]luhrraiions CHRISTOPHER RAND
A New Look at Kenya’s "Treatops”
With 4 fnuitfitioiai _ _____
Life Years Ago
Uncovered in an Alabama Cave
With 21 llkitnliont CARL MILLER
Shipworms. Saboteurs of the Sea
With 9 IlluituiADl F. CL WALTON SMITH
Sixty Tour Pag es of Illustrations In Color

Washington, d. c.

H 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 U 1 A
1 1 1 1 0 4 1 1


k l«iwnr|-in M I l,V I LLK I.L « l[L^VC^JI r Vji:r- hnklnl

I .

llOUf/ltf V, FULAlJMl, rliUMJL* blv KNOV .

^ UM-pR*Uleui mvi bwLretferjr

fllJ-li'AflT F. EfO'iKTtiiSt*?#. MKUVIV M MAY/ST" ^ Auhrliiil Sen frtarj -

ft 1 1. 1 I AM lf.MnrAEl.LY. \miptijii 1 Tnmmirrf Vt fENOflf H E11S L’.W3TEII. liman nr. Lennar f

li^f MAJui

j, Piftl-rLT^, i liiLLniLBii. jlonn'b t./iiiumi* i l'i- I it I pil'I I IT 1!. IKJY LK, ^Hijunl ^^nrtu'p
h r !: V * Si 1 1 l-_M W OI’MIIIIII Vlir^f im iiTEJitall- H,iH»Pfll t'«tUlliJllT* E-NON }.v kSilVA. ’
ArlnihlJIJklL 111) tlta* l“Myi,lilir

*3 nil I. lv, Awu’lctr tu Uu- i“lu.'iim.1j. liur llm. J I L* I i|

eiuanH r ohosv* non
Ocrinni r M h-Hz^EI "iLE*

i^liisrut jji Muli-I

^iwlrtv, wl Kflltiv
lfa W|| M|P
1 »!<**
| iirBitf i
l-. *i> |» -ii * Vwr
r ii mu:- f Kfirnuustv
L'i pnrai of. tbn knui i'*1
irumfilLuil uiiJ [KriHriiLT
iirciirrlr "^i Mih ri- i-T i J»* l» lim> .Min Omveii La Cli.u« n linmnil Aliftikrv i
'nr. •’iri’iiim

CtTWttH \U- U-LMaV IMftijr NflUUFljJl 1

nhiLTaL-ili' Miii.'iLTijl'-
tiifli. KX
C'uu Ini n-. l-*T Pi 1 li iff I C i -VI ]Ll \ Fl_OHY-l i'llli f Jipilini * llw- I h|LJ hiJlV'T
L '
r^ni.-ii-ir* \\r I
f -ir'rp ii iiT l j|M dLffl ni Lunn Ii Wilhejy
Ms * 1LLS BcLL <it1 ‘--ifL I’lur* 1 1 -Mi. i.i
I Jill |1- ' I|IE ui.ll iLi.M
I ! ! I 1 1

V imvl'ex-tiiki'n 1
! i.3ii I Vmy iu i
m T.;|l).u>t A UKnf.i \r>fin ;
w j nr, L In in ir^Lr
i2i>| IS
K*A.iurLki 1 HjtJtrafciliy \1 jlcillIil» llimurrli A»ii iiiIh [ C' lijni 1 1
I >i||4’AHir-a
LrMt-i ,1 Hkjhita m i..
liPii-mH n t ml i liilmh
Jl- • * C*r|J,M|-||T
I ii*4p mr tlniiininip, "*nfn 'ml Tun vn- \\ M l ir i r Ailiumil. L - CiKwt ini I

Tlikranj m! -'.iiiwkiml* V'lfi I >f*ii 1 i'l|t :i ill Mi'i , IN> iv iji-irtari- Hiirii-j FE^Trn4
\ui nmul
|_i H-^-i a .six Si MrKtiLW*r t- - 1
1 n m i Ilii'1
S, | . i, SU
ri« U M..lill>|llJJJl SlMi Hm IIiREi 3 ! tint!! \'fclaill . I *. 4l-i |ii I

Ql Mi 8. ! JIM IM - ! It* nr tljLitntl. L. >_ Sivy Mi'Ji-tl 3 "ai 1 1 iirl I 3'ri bihEiINP

I !'ii^rTifrr iilv l^pr* h ah T. Tm j'i'i. Alt Tmii*i>nr* Ann— luhinJi

§ :iai it 1 1' frir ViimhihH - ^l-i * i.Jt-ti I
^-tn^TlrAq Wr.rM
ii '
1 L. ]£ il E'fi M^[p[nhX
Y .
I IiMHA 1J \ "% r-i i% \\ M.L.t K, W HATH H '.1,1 I
A‘ipi!«'Fn' J'‘ 3 |,
n i L. Ani^ m>ui Ti h j ,

U ,wj » * HIM I
XiiEimiJ M [llirM'E'jr r ", rilMbTiJlfli'ILl nlvt THHifmhil f <iii. fill ny
Lt-.Bvl A, f-il^Lui-X
*1111 r i '
IlmmS i- ity t - J !. N*. mjti-i
% Its jilUILn. Ill *1.” JL,:irij U lUJ.iAl V, Vn\Tl: PVA'ili'n-T
Mlrmi|U'drLLP! i.lJ-F SnmlilHf t'u P ‘LiJintml, 1
> Vj'i, J|i*u-*i Su- J '.Ill's H. Jill -I I K -!H|'J
Trc ftlTT i
I L.r IINl]™n-a Jill fl-Uhfll Jl V- fiJ Fl#-J Ifc’.l.'-.l ILIV, - Jjiiuaitrr Jl'.. I iASIr ^liv-l-l i-'JTiJ MiM rilrk-rli llalj'ij Ti.tL ..I n-jlLfh IfL

Krpfn y^rir* *ffli'< N-n m in rr<T.MraM^i»P

i i I Him h .lw Ari-'-mui. TlI» lU^riH ;» p'hjjthvp-I. tu rliBiTn'li'ni,
Sc.lHirii.-ii I i-r.i!i IVl|..l lr ’ifimLP.hi" H1»l¥l -lt‘- Ml 1 F1
- Srivi 'iilH>r |. DUL n, t i>ifi| J«i|wp f 'wm*|p. 4 iirtj 3 ,
. H rvfii»diiiL>i Jfj.*

,rtfc!r-.| iL. Tllti M.lLMairv' rtwJI raM L"(|ji'JjhHiJ >IlJiH'lll M

Cij |>JuU«jLf v^jur* %,|ivi!..Me *-lp* *1 iird Ja S iur y.i n hU<I ovtp U *
f Wif
l air* b lUiwWIlC! i
Ii 1 i' -LiE wxnl* r u.ltilf«. |.'tl.-. iihJi iLLkli bki-fc Ti.

*i r\ ii- 1 r*M nrvl | ilritl (.-L im jim J.t«Lri'd. I MiaiefiMi Tlu 1

PJii Xuyc>LhJwi
LU^'i. 1fjMrijnt.jiPnL*. iL‘ UiftLi oJ Ki .* h t'-lIi J L, ,
I >

iis*ti m- i^i.-iun^iuluin =» IcTXMri ildd^D_ LjTJjllrWf tf, ft| .niiMltpnl by Tfch rtfJKtfHY u£||| ll.*>
III. niblinuij. h.> iLm 1
rJltnlial and | N . . i_n i ix: in jl* I <.
1 1 : -nitiifi i'lrt-* t'. H. ALrE 'uttw. ’L'p* 1 Iim«I a wtrtkl n*i i,m| «|l .taiJp ai rif.SJ-'.
IwIWi Tib? uiflilff- Imp Pi*iNm.i|^i( hin^r HiatE L|Pl] L J ly .I;h
i I \ H-ri III * r itif ilhiI r 1 r. •
N'lrj r.,H 1 I . I 1 I
i . 1 .

ptartHulU' il(|iBJllnA^ WWh wJ p* iir.i.-k N-r^Jttrrl J-WIM i«f phikl ikli ill ii. Inil i.l w'nMiNrii- I taf-1 EKiJMIIIJtd lJi.I i.Ii I ii iln i I rini ll* I I

.J, .ji. tu Uiilairar llivrl# nFrjhvl

I iw. ll liihl UJillnl IJ1U.I rllr iliLrH|lcr|. e±tf uiiriljhnr> i u|kif.
i«|i|j»3 inm Li4. ni ll,i lit lijp mu In ill llip »Arl li. In rcru rutfitrihlJlHa A .Ll! ILl SI till r> iEii m.i HU# COttJjLnPrl Ul
SlLlEftllkl IlIiiJi‘ 2 ! I

in irij^J ii an ul ki'i*r A'.hn;rMi lE-Jl'i'rl S I'-iiiTr- Llminnn-'

'.HJH’Jy ILDfi I'nhrlklKP L HFP7 ' a |*“ III I.l 11
TJ-II ji jl MlTkllL
1 1

„f 1 1,-! Si. nli S\iln. iiil-L 1

mi ill-fit Ai In hill kH-liHhl H^nl. f L EiliMI'l**- -< T^kilkiUiui I'IiIm |ipwjiT;l E^lid'^LiiajTj'PHi ttibI BE-naa .

lim it I.i fl> HITS HJi» S HMIp Hli(,j ^NJlI. Ti.di'P rif iliur*. |||I| h lie * HiLM*' Im HL^rVilililm lI.IL 1,11 if ll'j* <P|Q#I|I. l

|\|i|[il, 4 lJtl f i^lLTMUllii r il'lunilull UllJ to<Lni±lllf ilftljJiV IijUiIt a.1 llkm nit. Lkiii ji.i.kI nlj LUicvtr i Lj. flJi#i jrrt itrluii I'MiL
iiiUihii ilk 9.1 p **#kJ till- iiiitLiml h .ii!"rt un- tirf'^.'j-cil i
Jut TLn Sik'if'Sjf uj iluilH ji'lsiiki uirnibneT pillilrfbiLtnj f LIP I.I^P I

,-,i, | S ri I MIIUI I
MlriiillhlllUl II ILil I 'u|hIuI ,,
I ! *i l'r|tp S^liijiwJ l
UJt I** jinifT**' for PliT Ajiir^lraii
I #(-
iln Eieu'bI ul Calap
Thi 1
patiil'lp M^^iilniuflii |.i|khi>i| fiiM'h llii IiipIjiI-m
fupujfcL j h |i ii hup Rip I'huri- Piirwl HtjjrlMjih MilUvyiaF kAutL.
• i i
Ihuriaunp *4 l)vm ScMiljiwAiil m |^m( unj.n|i| mill i-i'ihili h* (Ini! ill kyfUi«1 plM'l^l i fit * IdlLauIl! tlu-> IiuIuj* tah4la|W
hiji Ij™ r l LT4 hl in AliuU uikt A'iiVdOi in

lw|k|F* L^-naj liiiB III Ill Llbll I .

I llii' Mil-. rjJll* -if j'lil'lll-i IAiiMJIlI. i L" 4 M- Li l
| Pr.
1 1 rk.£fni-£ rl

In Mf jj .ii TM' H cH'i-lL u&l ihn iiiiirliaiiiiiiiTi iihnii-imici. MAiJiliiLm, 4^jJnrirsE Lie TTic Saen^lj nncE ILpuraril r”iLii niiity.


Vr.AM APHK !ir I I
ni- - .1 'l-r.
; l!’ If MELVILLE SELL GflQSvEHDJ? ^- nociarr ed 3 t-i,i } HlLutl - Jl I.* II P f-i-ilt-JT

FaixEitmi b Vimim-bmii 1
\\ -LLTE-n 4 L E.A'T HD" l.lfHjhll.14
/'vfitEH iti/ui^-Lii -Mil . 1 'ft a- 1 i 'ujiT.iyni f i>i

.1 </«! ii' F. -r i'rii"P TV tu 11 in U m.i in ^

I 1 ...I J kkaik* f«t. iP«£L>V IljLKufli.lul / ’ illlrrjl .
..||j f\h rTT
].cn A- 3i«»n4i| tlx* up a TljraLB. Pi, I
14.II k.HI t-k - i.l a r.B-XLf v,-.ipjihiii Mipjf

j:. 11(1111 h\ L.n.iu

J.L'm AlAluici
’iinrilp* Hl'K-E , h f, 1^41. 1
Ujr t
y A I..UKT i '....JLtH n 1 il |^
I > hL -
-- il i
tllJH AI.L
M -i
I ' I h
fllTIV E_ \U.EH^1
1 P F M lir rrT H. -I LL

^IjLHIJX ^L'TTli ifl.iun Jjfci ( 1Milium *

tft it r-!niJj.i 11 H.’jyF
«-ii fniin'raf Sfeiff 'MTi'ltni'ii SIpI^ \\ |li Wi4i £ 'll - UU| III
14 kill L- ll 4tN41 H
'! Hi-k-ii 1
r7H?nfi H IJirui vii h>«Jiai
Ilk ] i
l ^?i*!knT
Vein-.* J i. r in * uj vi
Him r.irr _ 1
AskEllIT II |II|IIHV Lis H 3 iT. hk T, LI r> I p li-l-n \\ ll.h lit L. ii p II Iff FT
c k ikiufi. Iel, Mrli iLniEatip| A Intnif ra hid 1
Srr»ii i lliu.L'ifii'H H
Ll ‘
>.*1111 J. 1 .J H.l_f l

kprfiP“-sirtl ’'IirJT

i I

i Lin

H ’
1 rn F!. Mi' ll f ir
UjI PnBCi'p l>. IlmrTiilHii
VI M. (* h Y
JnLli N, ll-ilkH," y si
i.p i
j * <
i n *

n 1 1 . 1 -r-
1 I
a H X|_4 h y .in | mi
4 Jl ul p
1 i -> n 11 i*i
I.i ^eMle-* Hip Mr n. t. iiJLll i ijp!|U'+
L kltll J->TILLV 1. Ll,, LLIlCHfliLJk
rm:i in iL kr.n .
r.L Vcli.-«HiN P?.* AiiiiituP
fr Jljpiki|f*:iai-

S- 4 an LIE EL. T. K UP I I I
'nniicssjihBR -Inial JrJi >1 ap-.t ,ViL!u i,ir: e
5”! ITT
I'm mi l 1 H-TiiE ii if
^li I.i * lie j 1
IT II.'Ll. l"*i it - ir> : bi iV . 1 . 1 p it A_ 4V 1

1 l:.'il'l> I.' II 11 Li-'l

i"'iimiLtf JA (- rriaiifagt 1
Ai “P.-*
Jill IS Ii| .If ^ I i rlUiiiii - jiinl i^irlilia'il
It LL#n tp#.Lfr t'lklnJ
Mrijf Fh 1
1 ifplifra
NT f m* Ri In if i n«iym B Asi tiruxf Stitt Ah l‘ CJiitJf
I-. t ^ kin- T. IV i mn 1

J. .

E (/, l/lpci
WiLb*iu>R Ui*ck
EEpmi 7. krflfciirt Ai#! M I H'l >. I
ip Lik
.1 HfiMLEJ

Lilia OilHi PlU Fojpw y I’nih mn

^J-fTUfUP JlplldlU^I IklTI m EjtTS 3 kj t: l .a
t -ijrt ClpUI till
Fi JINX'* J A_ if/ -
AkW i* C IT 1 .wyu Mchiii .11

jtiEiinf I141
JTm * <if i p.
|;i.i,i|itp 1

W 1 -H'-.<.ii S'. T+r^nir, 1

fih-F l kiirj_Hj 1 Hit ih
Mijfrlmvr^ lA *'i« i
i.i .» Aip-w**- P .
iiii, HliMi'krj*
I^jcr 11 FEi fTiirl J J > - * 1 M Man- hi
H 1 -

m iiMihiLi “
Ul Hi 11 ii-piihi
| , “i k
' k<i 11 k ItruiF'ffr
f. ^i«iir
I Lk TlTHa-p *

- .VliiLuiNlrmkarpii VI i.SJW Vi-J4%ikn Vk n-Tiiir,

rn r

1 -Fi 1 ii

Ul IXLJjhH T Erl.!, 1 ,
I ..*i

< "Bi 1 III IIH F *| (I III in h <: lik Iiwj-( Hiw'iiw t" ||il.4f f.<|> .'rn.iiiFTr
JeLiA h Il\n»*. AmL I 1


Mjiie, r
I ilu, k J . VV imp* M !P L biKP
r,nf^ii.irr| j. L .» t.'jf *npi ri.

tiilI h'nbT^p I'ulfiLl iiirnk
il p>i 14L|UJ ll.Sflf Kumi, -W ' I

i/’jnpMiu. I ’likH . 1 .
j’Yi'lth.ld f Ynl jJiSTIiHI
1 .III.' (ill I. 4.1.1(11111 -“-•II I I L • II nr ^ 1 - nudilA 1 1 1 . .Ei Mr- 4m.-iM.L-4L I !', H'llkT
I Ml rim ilj.kl.E-1 1 1 III I I.l M. Hi II. .Fiji >1 ILqhl.crt fin - I'll H. I I

4“h|jnrf+i« *1 l-j^w
-i- m4 f. F-jM
p kk-<ii «b - .MLi-rahMi- ^H<^a-i
V. . • ..'1. I- k. Hb-
iue.:mi.i .In 1 1 mtl
Ll —
F> -f
Kflf Hpilaf 1

HnfcH H
Irl- *.«r
i'.* IM BJ

# *LKlK
npT3i Tnpk-rva
I |U,LI ffk .
ir-.- . |lr S
L. 1
- 1
p l*F

- 4 .. I
III Afi-P . I I Ll a .1 1
uni PH HI l\ r
i pi li n ni M. 3 B
1 !

Be in fashion and on time, too, with a Hamilton Five-Feature watch

V.i lunger ili> vmu liavt: In i n rl u.]jj-r' lltr "ivl- ih M ir (ihurTninpr

Anil IlH M ji-.' Him, F -. Jil/n.
for time ! With Mir

f Lve^FeataT* concept* Ilarnilfoti pruvrij v S i .i e jiurrlj

J3 jflivalH Fuvly iripmlJiil ^'uk’L*
friiiiiiiijt* wairhes ran be rrtuvf'tp. And there are hfiiiihwiDic- ricn
vifcitiTi' Ai.1-- irmii-irtn: Q'jJi n.’iLtm J

Firo-Feattue styles to ken[« i In nun on tittra tag.i Nv imv' (iirl fM m.nW|ir.i>j

R^utl^Uj 'tvltfd a- Ihew Eii?uest Hrmlll^ ar**. eiirjh ivnilnit!* the five
A. Biuetilfd, $ r&
bissit i of I Lij -a
*J fij s
. Each jjeivek ami a (nianmteeil
Dyr^viii 11 [clime niatL^rlftp EiJtiJi S F Harfeouin, StlO
and fvi /.

'j'/f.'MW lur tem|#nitiirf . fecM luuiiluu isutl poiitiiiw

C H&aLh-sr, 5-5=
Let yourH ami! Eon jeweW show > n ueiv Five-Fnitmi) hdEch anp| ymili •
» 1

lumn why H.umltnn as Jim fir>is=t walrli ypuwifj^ nr get, $3&S9 to WG,(KXk P Trent, VTo
H AMI -LTO T* WATCH EttMMnY, I.^KGA-5 tlT' 1 1* 1 . tf *N I fl


Tunnel to Outer Space
World's mi/St ppverfiil wind tunnel, lathing to all haveth^ one- thing in cofflirum, M-rntL's

morrows spqctcnitY with wind* \vm\\ ume% ih*: ttimitr to uti\ in niL It of every ds indu^
gunnls otic

speed yf so-und , + + triuJ --dice Is tuning in die Frar World. in«ludt|ng

more than half of nil the hi^ lurhiim (S OOC^ k lt-

W0 r I d's hrjjcst outdo; >r t u rbirre, product n cjLelirttrici y l

wjiis and nvvrl.

1 1

vr Atomic Kiicrg} W ork i at P idtiCtfh* kctilutriy - -

Good featCHi! Men who d c pc Milon miurhinery dc-

World s mewl completely uut.mmtcd plunk mami-
l^nd on sjmotfv moeui. jsli partner in its pruUTUon*
I" jt i uri nel automobile tnyintJS
. . „

* * *
First suLvessful dioiwrid-rriak irig mnehine. with
Wherever iheir's proam-ss. in motion in votrrear* —
pnytsanss up to pounds per jkjiwtt iruih , - +
your plane, your farm, your feetory, your nout T your
I jl =. i
. * L-i ^ilu m.u'.'s luhn. .i i sou knuw boflc home row i$grf vttti ok 10 th*
l* f /or Ifthriciitiott*



• . 1 1 1 1 1

valued symbol of your devotion

V 'iiaiTittTid. mi *1 vj 1 * 1
1 ui -irinl-

\ j-+lh I he RIHaJtUjte f>( yuljf ijr Uil kifi_

In innuhlrM i'Ki'i'lU'jktf dpnominlt^ >

Hu irtW jdfi tfrilfcp |!ji i !

1 1 1 1 1 >' mI 1 1 1 Li 1 1
1 1
^.] il

flc.1 itinni Titmrtrt.

In a dimiond. ikic -j uj-Ltln i. uf *niir i


ail i» firoun: f-* i r m^culIIi.-.^ t*f price
it lui- f u u ii ih
i 1 1 vii!iji;\

Most ^ckoffleg^ nnwl i UrTi-hn! iif p,i fis-„ :

difimmul Ei-HtlfttN |u r Adik^einenU

Th'tM JVftH'f f-w ifl nrfj/.V wrjrurr n/pir ikf

.•ij-.i i JLb’ Jtspjjsii iAur n. ui jrq^Lif i-aJdl £'£r|A . d;

ifr/.ifj, rfor ft/riA u/ a < i^U iw iury .1 jjjfjuj r'nwtt.

!! IlH'^ 1,31'Ullf‘ldlHi M-mh III!

:U *
- ,
« 1

t *1 ^ it r<3 '
*r Eb*»s 4nl — ! Is n'fliL 15 p? parndkE
ipr rhi- I i[ I
ln-| in > ri r-‘ i -r i 1 1
ir*i"it in'- tiky m ujt

3 'J 111 ! . i liE -

Lfd ' I II Mil 1,1 IP i
IT ti L

J EnN lIlH‘ Ul II ijf rflt jupf rinllvt ili^cs

Lt l l- i I i J 41 (fifllr-L’ Illll

I n In pH, you'll ijw AinufcC

truifiJi' nf Him 1\it-ihtle3iE li i

I : 1 1 .i

lei Jliiii.' lu L i- ii Mi 1
. i:i, r i 1 . 1 . i- 1

Sc ri ti,iLf-fnrgHl It'ii kingdidu.

l 1 1

. Im one
3 til tin: merit wavs t<t Live it

begins with (i Ceil I to Pun Am- I hen leu vc lionit* for anvwhtrc
—over fii.H) oHjl'cs lo smooth your way nil over thr wurM,

j ?:tii tlir IWi 'u uiTifiii' pur.iilr luwn 1 Int tub ill before I In 1

limintinjr Colo^um- Soon Paris

Mn.vl of tin* w\ if] Um* *Oitd&M r | . L'XfJL-jrii'tlCti will hi Hiring JjiJiJIv •i
with vour
fn| lows fin the heels of aji^LLit. VI I 1 ? r Vi - arh J s a'L-i’u
|y r 1
p> ‘i_t yn \.i L S w i

See the fmln'kiiLu l mm I il> iifttit IhiuMiitim ycaiVe rmlly 1 1\ m ifz lift?— ruad iU
surf- Tltt Jijnitu ail iF wontbT n- PijjiyiiiHn ilm - WltJil nhti yr.Ti waiting for? Why 1

not meet
I'mm it idliTr mi~i Smrll Tin- osurtir - nf Min' u -r r. 1 1 h lit fw sij j
( t i t ymir T m ve I
\ g< u i
1 it

fr;u]Ln)jiii]L jtu • I >fi in s1inp> of the I'li * Am oti iln Ei h-|jhi m+- right now. ^lari
; "ii
Wpy Pori tar k-ImihIs. \\ tilth tllu Middle piiutiuji^yonr next vnenLion dii Pin AmmMfl
Eodt i<f stiirylnmk*, lltsir llu hurdy- — he ttf tty airline tirnt emi flj you
I nil Ehe why
gurdy tinkling Neap- hr no Jolt SUnd 'round 1 world unr] on ist plnr-es
1 I
i between*


Pm AzuERrcm
The world is smaller by hours

All S43 are iligh ts

prec mon - 1 lined by
if r

*fjflw#i ,pi p*ii>du/E

PO£A#Oi/mt *
m Jil£
Global Protected Watch

Ort SA$ routes to Europe, Near East, Asia, Africa, these fastest,
finest of world airliners save two hours transatlantic, tour hours
on the magnificent SAS polar route. And on ail routes, SAS pilots
pniCiikm-tfiile their flights with Lite POLAKOUTER AUTOMATIC WATCH.

Far ik* AvpreMQ thrill of Time keeping

v«’*l!t roiT n I wulihp'i and af nt-artil I > 31 W EVE
Unmn-ria Gani^e. SBJ FiPsh- A Nlw ] 7 ,


Far tfttf titprrmr thrill of Travel,

lab* a ?DbuLouT 5 A 5 S tuflrf h« Wftrid Twr, nr 1

Grand Viking To r wilh Iramalluntic and Trdi1ip4^l

5h 1 1 1
# 1

F^r dvi-Criphivv bicchu*? th-d fstd** —

film CiPy lrav«i
bai-gnLni —
- wrlli IAS, Stondinawfan AiHiflW iffllfll, SEE 't UR TRAVEL fcG-ENI
£.3 S Fill h A™., K** fork 20,
M«itian lif NilLsrtnl iaflrjpfraphisc -Ir UliinipfiM pro
l j

249 cal oritfS [f you sweeten with sugar

121 Caltiri£S i: you use caloric- free Suctryl

You can save a lot of calories by sweetening with Sucaryl

(Tu j you amt taste the difference

right tt'acchi’r'iii' I t*hkli!sptui*1i ' *k I lit Sucaryl is (or weight -watchers. It gives yoti all
t! berry Cobbler 1
Ij J ip iriH ^iurjrvl
sugar's sweetness without bitterness r>r aitercas te
— with no Calorics
> ii

dC'lifh"'^ trr Ji at all.

1 -CUfP lifted flovr uhl-cti CTUil'.cd
Use Sucpnl to nweeurlt yIHSt drinks, your cereal, your Muir
1 4 ici4>ci>j>,inv !
iiil<iii4 I L4M1th
pai#i£ef ; i L’P wB-Er-pjLird
(' nk will ir— hniling atlJ babitUf don t adtci it as i!|. Ynu
,'i 1 Eiuppnp uEr hi i H Ki-lrlr* u, i E Jl i.jlleven u(e U in Ereenriki. The fact is. sou edit ivt* Sol-s. ,! 1

7 GjMriimkia i'liiin-
S|1 J 12C| pra^lm illy .niywIuTt you M ould sugar, ir.ii you ^ itii pty cati'i
cninp 1 cu l-l i*-=. por>ui ! i i*Eb -
taste the difference.
r\\i Lasmj_-&
N' riturnlJ> ,
but*.1 ? vj i\ f- Ii- jitter* and diabetics. If you Wl
any ffuestloh 'iOtci aUetuiu, sals your doctor Ot Sticwyl
- 1

JlCttnhlHf UMlf. lirit' Inn j^tiwcltT snld »-i!l Ifi Urpa: mlnnf tn fatiM* nr ^oluHotij Sucaryl Calcsiim for tow-tak dittfi
hijt* I Cut In 'hfirCrimm uni :
i rtniMl-cnuy nl I'Drurarjil M ’•! ! I
:: V i
- h . 1 .

CuttibitfiC 1 le4«|MMtft I -vr M laMuti nut

GtLCfcgtr, In jlrd Montreal,
rh io -
ki.l.:i 14 i
h l dry EnpEn&dEmti tfcJiri®*
iJrifj dll Ml i^J-iijwiied


i'in >.

1 “ iJ




Ml ta
over chcrricc



—_i :iic vn-1

n-r cuil
toll ill


Tm up SucarjrlL

a. ini

prill Lie with eiptrc-j

miidiTnE^ ihu-h
grld^H hrn-wn Ns ji — C a #f i
c 5 *ee i is n * N <s 0 i!*r Aitu
^ tutc
i 1


: 1 .

What’s fnirimi Ljol id cld wiili yi me business?

JuvL llm, , ftrr^L'i n ir ms ire Mi ii liov other -edh fiQMlhsii a\ the- Mine tevet. cfi&ctff in froni of the

for - b . iirui rhui u^uuili) uniwl i ipt r.itcif who i comfait.ihlv fcejiEf J. Hwc .iitii tHnlv

loduy'- !
Uiin^s‘. pn vo r
-r£* c-d foi u Hrrri^tnfiiJW furi^ue are zqductd . . . u phy^vud luhur
Ifr *
1 iv/rfr thv fortif in istt it
f *m*i-vmeUt md drudgery nrlinun^ttjt],
ffftwi, Remington RiLnd pit>txie»;n:il Mik rend jnd
I Whs not , ?c t full purliciilHM* turw lih |n>w these

today i% dciivenag MGTWN fctO'MitfY Mil inn the

- ruvunJji hunillinn ni^hnlt*. t:un he: .jpjilied lo your
ni r--i i*«i vn Dl^lI Tiuu neiy m.i L'hme* flf ever y t|pt I
SirMy write- Room 201^, MT Fourth
Fiamplfc thr Four fitaritib&lly-pow rrifd L'c^dT-il^- Avenue, N- Y [Q, -md n\k ["or l he bt-KikleEi SiiEsd.

h-Lmllmg miu'KtWi ^own be-Jim

tifcilirr pudlh r&cdl" bet iu -. WklMtlK
slisnJinj: life eHlrttMlfltcd, .VIE renurch I UJW i-iiEO lmviliOn c.i* feh> i ' ni niffiiAW



ftfl-fantltHdEX Cer.v-?- Filer fiotn 3 J KiTtf Veyijr

, . . laui .j 3 Ip iitt in Up So EJtyHJ - re- . . , h lne1r|fl*lry

J9 '-l. Efl P*St: Tj; m~'c Bm.Jer.Ual ci J : jr-'n ill Iti p-nYH c rc d . - ,

tUfle . . . l‘ 1
El tiM Tar ui(r? Lllfti l.ft lqid-ii ft M.iKJiDItoDCi.QCO
W)% *in Lpuda 1
. it JjIce * J iS
-I* Feqrl _ „ , else- *fcti Ibtirij - Nlrid
l.tLRO lots pi rnrprrii , ,
_. tfic_gL mnn, 'il tifflii |'irt£|iitjdhf

rlifcih n rfr:r-?i3ft lOD ,&» cent* tptjrdfdeiT^iii'sV ii .urrm: quill I

AU re-
KilE'GS flik rur *"ii r "kdi?7ir Mftif

MbOLbi l-hc ft a tin mi Gic^raphl; — l' i -! "il eiJI-ml vpl.

1 — j

Anyone on your list

wi 1 1 e n joy a 0 1 ft of

Horfl arn ^ami i gf frm many

dpllgioue v^rloli^s Am«r-
icTt'n. ch^Fs^mijkpre axa
pagh-nginu rwaw far your
Holiday gt+i giving

i- sharp, pj., jam aniS Li|,Htsnctivciy

OA MHMSE rtt plciortg Ad Bhjc i Li. i


Crumble It aim wiJnd yjtectd, at wnn

foft B LidbCAlQ Tamtiillwrl a cLuydg ii |s|ui? wssll c^n1 S’«^«.S vT-iqhcr»Jbr
dessert AJld ini> chd-^efic Served ul And eon rumours krmw— it's a pet’
rstoffi EcmpcTnHuTc. al haa a ikh, 1'iiU |ta foil |or the Llavcirof turkey.
h 1 rmld flavor, Ii's yellow and

lpciiiji> LhL \1uil.^«1i thin, nstBTal

efurt. Hue Italian vernon, Bd Pn™.
;< siiMilni in churn rtfjf hut m&ft p

ansi nsiltL Cajpfifflt^crt was cfBUed by

S-larie I LncLin ] ?J1 , It KLLsNaipOlcon'H
CHEDDAR Cor ArntricanJ
fiivnHlt, and vi ll^ ntuiicd Lij Thru in OiCLiitiu, she most oop^air of
li\ fin
hurtrir of tlic French vUfec where ai at': % h eesc*T rai'i^ in Ha^e I’roni anatd

Ui fiTFU produced. Try iE uii *Liaev of t^very "bB-rpandinailiar Itophti m

peun or jpphtf's. Ul CFUCkCl^: white to yeJt^w L>ranue, PopuEailv
Riew; AND GQUQA known ns Amcrecifti], i hciJiiilJ it>

imniE Ibum an lit^iisii LLUp:. d-

Chid in holiday reil ovest Gouda or Ltor crimes in wnlfg* for easy Micing,
round it-dairi nuke holiday cheese duh -tyle lb sqnioth n e.idiii^ end 1

bb*e - 1 lhA l. ! le pat L 1 hear r ed-hardcrc . I

tn pnickage> for utmcrsl LLinvcn^nrrc.

flits) btjghSen tla>> 9 f 4 4, f
0 frk ii a * aria I !> fit lc p L^friJi^ as
Th.L'; >eai gk fmttdii <and >uuf-
ChcdtliiTr but with a bis ad- led zjp *etn a of Chee-c t "liCLL hc Gift
to moke I i|e interesting, ili id, cbfltM?
bO\tl t'oliic ill bi vvi Je range- of prices
Combine* ihe pkiiAure ui Cheddar Jlfid
Use ccitst’H io brfow for informal ion on
PRoyoLoiyr. L ioibuf j'.t: ' Smooth, cosy sIlcjjuje, thin Holiday (iifta of Cbwit
cbue-Hf ‘An rs dtirm* ihe holidays for
^rrn 4. y, nui^-i ilin^ an 1 1 . T 1 mi tan orij^is. tfukci ,
n ibh ki laid w nh be , , , «,
Amcncun Dairy A-^rjagiaflgTi
Pmvnlonc in light eci color ami linn. 30 Wl .i-i WcuiiiP Mn
Pm vs? lent htap- distinctive '"rope

Ckicnqo i. ‘

uiiLTk> Irons the ilifig in winch it 7"J

ir dkfrv /trr/Wrrp the mtlhn
.^uuikkil »Wk A£pfl|d Sa? w: it io
wmt y/up tn frrtflN — >"iMj /j'i'c hetirr in
finder with beverages, holiday
itriy wiii ti'itfAs /i-npd.i
iiKi Ji /"r-£?w
turkcv plaits. CchihI with fruit, too,

Cnl’r Of Clm«i*
SWISS l^fiil a Hi.- pi k i Heft Da pt. M [
Oiur>?gn HO, Mli-n:i
£wit§ ii rifled Ihe "King of Cheeses," j

r by m* nf<w»ffiwn tm 1 -ffifli Hrilijny Qifi

You knnv, it lLi diit indite hi!-l« 4 riil
dll Che?:*,

light ye|Jbw col nr. tiftlycrf, a \ariefy |

u-J Svvrtt, h.t* Mmlkr li^Jen mid addikl

N im>

hody. Tine mild, n ii-M Lc or ci fSwi


k e £ it one of Amencir's. fautt'he

1 1 1

| bought
Btiic conic n from a funkULN thtCPhC chce:;ea. I^rimflriij of as a
fiinsdy dating biKk so 1070 Rlu^ l* a umJ^tch Wlflid chct3£ h hiu a 1

ty ' — hm* "al a*n

emm Wy wftate cheesy? veined wid^ variety of coalun^ iiyi md
ih-TL’iLLyhoUl with blue mold,, Its Jlavor 1 lake*, an aJwu>,
1 v-eienme I
1 -


Aimlhvr Rraxm orr ami Norr

Americans t lv
Vir France
A will id leader ft vine the ran-t ruo-d' rn pJu-£>
I in ih»rkwrnrlt flight EnftifPi?! find fcfciT-

\ilir. In r itt Imani' rurf jieiiI ur(o mil nil

ftmin K and ol! wDitiMdd d*:Hiinjitki-n>-
FJrtf, ror>x in fhn iif morn inul trnsrr.
Imt'rirm&i Daily non^t'^- tliEhl* from S'vi<
York nlf<r'3iK aVpit Hi'niininodilkm Ip Vary* rnd
tip MLflx]rd H Hi-f Talar fir rvs- Jrmn Rcv'lnn, hi- i

CDgfl^ M i^ntfekL Th^ UtIUrl?E [n Uuury, a Inrun I

1-uininL- ,1 h II .1 t-ij gtitiil, lligirt-

Yhj |ia> ii mam]

$ AIR »

MAftH UFCW WlTtf iWjm UhD^fllUttB

him m amt
> h 1
vuut n?ti
m i p il'ualj i Hiici H>«
e. i. AiufcLM', iiji
in ti

I'hlrapn r
mi m^itr
-I 'I ^%|f n C

P«.|Ja,i T>nmi Eh- Aiiittln - tl-iamp p I'PilIj irljiku

lltL-kui^*- R Ftiai I TDEZi::r-H - ^ Millumflflll, |l.f .

1 l||> i H~iii,rPi« x r^iPiilM ^ a u‘„ mu n

ILiiJiiJ I'nrrln ILrrw - Cnc i|ir I inn,™ I'.iirji* j PlLm
- IjWlL - UvnLk


h rj wf
flj f£*' iJf/t'/yAf tj

on |
m} m> nvnv for DuMoul tan Sot ordinary tclofadonl 1

\nd you know you own lie )>est, RfsO^ib power


15 in, lor i/flori Jess jv-rfiirmanfe and long life njidur all conditions,

P‘-'| farr- <IL iT j’r* I rib ^1 lilt I P'Jilii: Cu-Im. -I 1EF ASI^rS P l*U! *t.|ul I .ibrfJ-Ti IMTII'I. 1 HC..| Dopi M ML
n.-^elvUE IliiliiinL riJ .Hflriia. J 3 is- Lari I l-iliMi-aii. fc. |. rtt*ii..ln. I^rwil *nJ iliu I ml in
I CaB^lt L» (ZiiktlLblt Al l.ilivu 3 j-f-.EPpniL-' . r-i-L

Si'I-f hi Ly|fc ihf NdPHtPiUl G-ftiErailNic — II MlMEifiin jTDli

| . 1 1 1 1

Un x lii l( t it* the secret .s

o f f h e unit 'erse
A M \n\i r ti : VTI i u in n K ic > - ei mu! fi mi L tirm pi?. «rc^. iiir. and
Arid die W'liiidm yet wat’T.-
^il' W i ilfLIp 5W| LtH-iCtJ [ram i] luciiji Hi in same* I
hr vxt ilinp Unnp? nf ti«iiiiirn?v.. jre
coal . . . shifting -Tiiiplrs® s\vp\ forged Irum imbf filing sought and bund m lhr fttsetirrh Jnhoru-
Ln i u as *-] i +JJi t Lit, brie* i.jf lndtiv.

Tbi^tf tki n ri-nimlr niarv^U nnrl n*-flrh HrAWtll Ib n Ik III" chins; tfi file ; I-
• I
i|r nE
IImh- i
r h 1 1 i- I, 'I r-! mil - I ii, 1 1
1 L! I ii i n' ( .^rhidi 1
— br it is d>r fuiiiiiLdihiti ij-jkut

wer^ bi'Hl in- lb mlmk .aid liiindi- »d fi'-ri'iijrrli vrbjefa their HMJtL t built. I J t> ol the
st'iis jij \\w u u 1 \ li for a luall-te m 1 lor- i
u] lh 3 <a .’i '
r?" 1 El 1 1 bllh'Pl^r to thtfir irEMil ill iklc
=1 E3.II4.I ^ti 7 4ii i»ia r u-nrJd CU Minify lilLfl Irr llEkii :i! -kills.

VviT fttfinlk'd Hfilli 1 Hip- m 1 1 \ an , 1

lli'“ MEf; Lctim h ’.\ i / ij.'.'i i rf /. rr/i ,111.1.1.. ij ^d.i. r,

MTfi rf

rracdj ' fs tvir.-c^L-i i jki^- h] ill 1 1 Am? i it hh n 1 13 1 e r i.k I > fc' jr * fciliir Airn/Nii rirr^i, JfrijF ,jfiw 'Tmi/rtrfj
[ v
iliki/ JfrMMfJAH .'Vi.-ijA Vp ? Ji.
of n atari? la i- lT.|*TsiTe the "huifdbji blocks"
of Lb' Hi'- '-
''i -r. I b-n hi' npipi^ ill 1 1 1 i:om-

J i r :.l : r
llu- jriii *’-

improve mir

1 Eve -

WFldl h* Etff I fling? that
* I
'akbi ih
v roNP&jv v \ < i
3 r/f/
Iliiiiih'4"d- h<1 li * i
u gpriMluelH Jlju
bet i u 1 M si AST 1 J S I
* 1 H 1. 1. 8 O fn IT Ti in h W. K, T.

air'd from jHiirla bairn: ^ub&tiHio - je& oil. usiluj.i) Lai -I

uilhjU i 8 Tlii'T *
nitum I l>fcLii Ll>ril i
n Innmtft

- ?»'l f 'i I ^Vili^irT* ittt hittf 1 ——

Sii >TI11 rii! i'JlL i!ni: CiiLbl m .ill T'bx.itdte. Au i 1 4# • m4 [ShM I i I ImL. ill A hflSl'FI*# I'MI^T -O-l. kii | '|i'»p

UtNi-I IbilJiv S 1^-4 I.I.K U TITflll IT lillHki biiJ 1

nr-Hl-1 Ip Iff* But “"TI' l.l Ml L .1 . I 'Vllim 1 .ulhlili L.I.MI. I 'h ^i>H

l-KUift lAlitltiE ?>'iC|iiPHtaMi t>%*.iLll i. BlPillLltl- uni JhHi 1.L I'U+lui hUlEC<>-l'> Lirb-mi t. hi-fi Hu? ' M IniTlI AWlTTN-lh J'li'HIrfAl ttJd
i 1 1 , , 1 1 i

grafiex slide projector

Orif^ ju lifopiia'i: S DU WoM Pr&\Mf tor liK«ri»r IPfiC
Prpfrrt fw llm fpniiihk JS, i-«r i li'

:! 1 mm iiliilitii Ik hjIpjIM-i? m 1
niiHldEnliulS n[kn "mii

wifcil tifilhnuL'-f Pit lit lie n i • "‘ii t\mn li ,M wjiII iSiitf

, ri
- -j
h r*, Hum Hi)’ ll* fat*! ilmiii

*Our life would be art idyll mini Lh k| % h#i% huil* iii iPufiKmiiir Nliilp r-hjiiriiirt' imIpijt

[KppullIT AlhL'L|ftli|lC QlUitlitiflRN willl

A ulurnulir rf-n-is*^ mnii-Phl fttitfci gtffUtH# fUtah-bullw
if we had an electric laundry* !| N 1
H'iiib lidiii^ mu I" T i'i Hjtl h irh > ll^r- 'lil i
»- 1

04] lit .1! *. p f ITU! ninpilltl >%llll t' r I .1. I

'll I h~li UlUlil Iil3kl|i
Mi>-n^> fi*r n^rmlitf. |pfiJ 3 irtnl |iFuje*i«i idiiiirrt, IfPKfV h
hi r it rjiiLj, 111 frt'6 Hi |f if bl-irt ir "I'I linar
Always sell cm in iliustf i n i.» 4 f r ti



if'Pfl jwupjph Lhk- i‘** 4 ,


winiLi'E] 111 iht'ip ill- litTikn til lilt- iuiu- > ilium Lilr T-liii 1

dr- \\\lv l! l!j t j iaillL V l-a, furiuihdely, CsniMnti** *iih p^liiritifuj E-Harper and
ilmre it, Rt .ituiiulili- wi imen ^n- will- rn rat *< curing] „ . . t .. . f .

C&-i*lnllnhon «*H*i oiKQnKilte ffcnrgFr.. K . $ 07.75

iur i ip (fcrpw in the ^pciTigw ape* they
Ikiivt: _l Uittpnfrd L'h^Aric 3-^inRry.
With j BiJE|Hiint LuwiltA thi-reV

nolliii]^ mm h li>r a wtwiwm tu do urn

but eiiiji.jy licinaslf- Hat witJilVer

washes n.Eaimi-rfc dupr/png; pilbnVH l&i

ir?i . mjilf Sol i'i 1

:k‘ miidaitr. lliu iliyHi

dfripf; liimnsi jnytliaTig; hew* j shrtg

mid l 1 ic.“I !+ m 3 if--, \rtd t]u-yV,’ IttJlIl EXCLUSIVE PUSHBUTTON FOCUSiNQ
i 1

3 ]jh mi!} l
“ 1
1 tfi 1 in llu 1
VruirkJ piLIi Pi^ l-l I T i IN
hlJh 4 Uluai’. e* I i* WiTrfc-fritff
1-11 I S| "Si . mirj Si^Kf "I'M %\t VI |I llAHfi MCT
ill wavi N^tuniUy supoitif Lumdry
llu TSNCtS 1 iii U-2i4 ll j-ihj ti in h'vhh tit tftnrMo f- imk*"
llsr* liiiilt-
ktjutllfql h-^lpr tnllM|tare£rfii»- iihI
[MEppnmt lilto this w uvuilnUir up 4

Ilmiii lieu I’i if [il-irk 1
nil HTm 1 nNfcrESl»t£ Mi' J ll

tmr nr m hrig i Ik i ii c nf i i Iiittt 3 iie% then q^Uiltpip dinitmliv ItMtrtl fuiilr niiiHlM.'f irilliPR^if
gsri'vp nl -arl T-L5 «n *r
pifiL. iJLHiLEr 1. ^imaf'ijrc iiJtL. I -i 1 1 ! -i ri •

uirtfilE Iirr-^»«tra 1 --t 1
1 1 - m i’ I *1 1 lukilir I IIuhIi
Vuiff life run liu iii l idyll Asfc yinir
•r nrlifuabril i-.i, 41 E *11 sitiilH*!- ipfnJw. |M*fnk lip
1 lotpuEril OlmI-i i . Itrll Ahu yuii hiiW. i fim rimnl |m ij'lrl I41 r I'uinrn E|L ill ItflfTT Aiuut.

ll^tpitinK Oi s f A op Cener I
^ir gpnic 3-5 with F.' 3.5 lufti, .. ^ - . . . .. -
^ 77-60
Fli^trlt.' Qiiripfiny), Chiprtgn 44. Graphic 3 j ^llk f.?.i Ipni. ^ j « . . ,

WHO (ri GtAFUK, INC-- i. H, f-

electric laundries and
kitchens by



L -J nri
Pnr« .— !udi Irri * -in aUpi tw.’r

t.t.-' -• iL
wUl l^hMC*. Prrm si jJiljMr in -L unirJy

\\ urnim sbe Nillnral Qtfy(rii.pbif •- Lt idcatiJif-i yv it

/ f She s got The Hertz Idea )
N U't. hull? Sort-, rth r niiikos tdf 3 ! L i iiiia t id And .5 LI y ou ]
my your vacation eaJJh for a ear. Isa

evi±ty v^caii^n day count, Shr un miiiennl rivefuge rritt- is

(W* to cat I Kflffiv We^ffi li^ri-iJ

|«8 hy fri?t train nr pJon^. and only $ 37 „fit> a WBek pita® $ cenl 8 under H in your phone WL
his =
a Hertz ear meet lirr Ein.-Fv a mile ovrtsr daily nites*I Hcrti Rent A Cur, 2jfi Smith
TtttS Hertz JUiiii! V:-r-
All gasoline oil oven ph)(^r WubiL^lt A venae, C!hieag li 4 P J1L
IllH LLTrL dll! intthufadi
i : i e 1mm g with i t eaves you days
on the wav* Duv^ you cues You trail Tfserve a Hertz air
HrK'cid but Jun ™ nil thing iti u for as lung as you want it ;u_Ht

new PowertflMe Chevrolet .Bel about mgrivhtfre* Hurt/ ha - tiv* r

Air or other fine car. Ju^ft show l f D00 odii-fe 1:1 more than 7 EM
ynur rlrivor k lireitKe ^nd jirojier rilifea FtroUncI I lie World. Su iJ'
p*-nfad» ifir" /rtr. Tr IM

IlfTtZ Ai:i« liue f'lhuy-ir jfit£* f.'flHTUiVit ll. i J,,rt . .r iCfti-r ijlrspr ro r | —jifrs t tik* KSfai" iwnl
miiiti on $P£rQ M* i^Kicfi tin SfJVICf ... H- i« (fi Hfl FOP^i .-i

TVfc cr/r^fft

that birtiglrt hirb&-pr 6 p Hying

He INSISTS on lo Amtrka


Hy TC A VruruUEii m C . for a thi slims! ». * . iHiR-r hcrvject Mr^inn In £'jh.*ilL.j, Va-
iJLmpsc a[ r^rrri inr rnk ,
"( Jiir QTiUtfl , , siwifl, cuum irrvke itfcitwAnJ Ec Vfnraqvtff.
i|UIeI« aii^ itiiiSv i ii'fi-fi^.. Vi^oLiftt Other It A wrvitj ltdtti Hi^qn, L Itffre-

Kfvkc m Twiumj}, McmirCiit wmJ ostQwn liinJ, iKLiiJtitf 1 ,:aini:i I'liarl -Si « Velcta-
ff^iill Viipii. t Detroit AVlluiiiTr hrtirS*.

TCA rrTi-.iil Sct'yn.

i-i T> V^rfc ( C 1 r¥"I nridi. Dnl-n rl ¥*
Cm r-_c ii SkITIm Tbebctib, TB-vliidi il. fw a Qi 1 ll-Vi |J.. Ill A P D* I fl E

Something old , , ,

somediing new ! LONG BEACH «c 10-a

WVili- fa If ii Chan dpi si
For ‘SI? Amiriugri hpv#- ^njay-pd hhip M- *- PASS CHRISTIAN Coninwrci <n any o? rh*
liulpfal j_> Chh}, far bfc^rfrii^g Qipif-i
r ireit
>>n*i PUced tba»r
p op d liar iHsrt, Old SVorld. fhnfrn, rcrwru'iH+loa
a PdtICA*y Will tiO.
Tii L"ui > Tar iur* 1-ul O'UcK i l "frs- : ii SC milt
wh<> land hufill 1
- "ih+ ^-luni bus-^ih I
n jh r-iiy .

L>~r.i *•
rw «* GuCf-uda >l=I !-., =til.-| rl i. -Ti'ir ii>:j Crul

rrifpi.i'- pr *
ii Fql| * bowPrfwl, bn q \ if p—
CO^dsd. ord nr* £T ll’-i'

’"PlO'C* Is MoyfW-, S>UU' d IbOCKilk lo'dld. Ill 14??. |

Cdr /dji* _ lrci>«

M«tiap 1 ji-= NitLofSaS &rtifirM l'!i; — Ti Ul|-mfrrp you

1i 1 1 1 L I 1 '

fc . \

f I T

wo monuments to a nations i? real ness...

A hm uqcJ i i’m a » t Dojh . >,Togcthrr. tlx^r iPdnr.l lew Hqprd i if Dirri t^rv, ii h '"ii i-ftyf tmrfltul mil In \ht hfn
itntJjHrlXjiUnIJ - ±n*.l i ',1<. 1 1 . Ill li purl5Li,i| .ir Win . liflp* Clf umr njti-in.' ihr BtiyjT CUtib ismvin^iE 1 ii"l| nmii:

i] iln c;j im v nl AiiifTiizih than bnyn to betUr P.iliwirthip Ehrpmgli wiiitb-
V iLLIt^lVr L; LilLILci'Ilt tU ?Kl 't if IHiufjl wtitls 1
.irk with
M-hinli rr!H. rill 4 Lull LulJ]« Hhi Wdtm Of *.\'v II li L'.l I LV J vs'ijs iiKHiuiiirtit* t£i flVr/rTflO fapf

t 1 1 • r 1 ri 1 > ii« lumld*' ptiwvr, lmp.fcCiim. Uliwid c:ud i+mJ — tlir fTttiL-r,. Icts tlinn 5, Tilt- iiirf'iJ wEwf l-rtiitl liuj

. ii . L nun ill tli" .Sfhiltiiv- mtnE -huJUiil' lunrL'-t aftrui> rlill lL iJii ktimd, k Hill IlKlk .jI ll %UlJj II 1 1 !i AtllJ

th.i l iv, \ ik Mr4ll- fiiaihturdCFEi. Ihn lihL* lii m. - Club nwti wW tub bvrikJiiig
1 mil ai ].jLr- Mr.ui lijfilncppw’k dttelki til IT far pruijiji-r %1|3! - Jilt LIh j IF
li 1 1 1 r U4 r 1 . 1 1 I ., |
! I ii iifji'l I ] Ii i

i||. Ll ''i i
iii.lil frtAicJr fp. v i_itr In tl w wwllL It IlilijiJih i:rk h ilhL
hijpt (rf Aliifltgli.

i ilTro iwki u iiliiiiifc Kitfaringc ]

ii 'ihl-L and can - i

Jour fofOffmrfJfln
in" n ui highly Alfttnfruic]

Ttii* bov, u* a Birtflbct ef n f-lnli o b jj it ]fc v'iiii wcntlti iJi- E-i visit L,lI-. Mosul NutiusuL ih c_ii n-

mi ! H ir; i
1 1 ! . Si — (n l hr ttfttStfViillfln *-if rnn tloriftl i\ivii, or drivi 1
unj^TC in ski V S. A., Ii i ns
-.- mi - Elis Eu I - i'
y irl . ml Hm v < ;lnls> at \sni ,
rk it ,
I n 1
plan vi/ibi innEJDf m[i VVriEi' Time: liairk!,iii. $iisl Li i r

'.hlii I. ll;: Vi.M tinchhifo lit flO(h Anliim.hun . Do- Oil km ji: mi lion, EV'iv Ylij
.iEt3i lvi'iiih' I 2u \ \ r

-j -ri I -.1 hr |
JLd l’ ,i r 1 fc
k?i i
^ i
rfft'iiiljcr nl I hi j Njifnmjl — ii>ik fpr lillt mlcnful N ^tKinol Pjrks ^lup.


bl hallllni^ chiAkiff th'V^ltipillLi wT'll '^ljllHlnl i!i7f il5b hjf i

row s will M I 'tnLi'I Mir ^lh l.irn r nl \ iit (-'sii.uil tllkiifr-iuii Elk'il -rit 1
ii 1 1 , i

I EnhiVi'f tliF- i-lnbir , 1 1

l e -i '.1 n 1 1 L’4iLi i
i - ijP 'l i7 lIij|?% haii tl


ii*. n^c-Ti
In 1 li« -|ii Miis uF \iiiilk
in -nth h* ) trip

4 Uny*
ihr Iwlpi'J ilutf mi'iri iik i - r aJujic/,?
AOreai Xume m Oil
• !

v ~ **1
f .


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y rn-J Cfjjri-frtofru'-iv 'S now rrn-'E ai A^tjWl by ibt: tpecuilJ) -

Hjvc u>u hi--irJ abiiUt Fj.II

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z "
c/ L') {& thi i rjfjtft AU y jjXufjciAj . , r * I it 1 3i4}d:i DtCdQ Lx^
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STERLING y'i.-u-.a

Afflir4r»'i t«rWfl S!>rarun>iiii I Ell

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i MU* ^ l

Otp Niktofril 1 tJ«r.ifchn jon

— - I y

Krur Admiral Kji hnn| r Byrd t|S N <41 i*tK the iv<i rf*J '-i fpTtniw! Jiving ^ placer^ wa- the nuin to
laiHiE il

wtar fJlp Nutth Pub < iWfJ da* 5um(i P^Jp iL- fiwl n> make a iuiiii-sru (,• Lli^bi ilctuu
At [uni lo i
n ii nulls f-riJ^iai'H mni air 1 1 ^271 Tiuluy he . i« QIEh*t in Charge (pf rln- i-nlue L’-^ Aj '
in hi

BY REAR ADMIRAL RICHARD C, BYRD, U 5 N (Ret.) end Ine mi fprl stiuji 1* i.-.i

chi' kfv to hi neverHatiLrtig 1 s«

"fa icfii'rr PH'1'11 fire JV* ronjpp'ft'. farfajfrfa5 fl£

prup* «! I k rti* dim ail iif 1

is r // tiuihidunh rtmtwuidty tm ViTi'irrica'j Mi ls n% oil c-ujnpjnir^

fK'ifornmnrir* ihai ilytp ijfarfif/5 rvnit\rhthlt‘ m lb* r *' is, fur lie- 1-3 1
^-arF'ltini, inr 1
ntitf w.iyg em
suLr pe[ minim perfartn U\
t tnmitb% fhi' Atnry tyj (hr- fw'lxmd hihrir/mt* that tmk mf F I

mj|dictc>_ Orti'c ibifj"v«- bund tt.

fn^T bf*th ffafa* ansi thv 'filttniir rti tf\r rnrly tinyji a] jfyiiig*
I heir n-al- ttsUf-E imjmive cm
^Thwjgh thi'w i
ipiTflfnqics my a rnl furd n^r-r quit. W( nuuk ihaE cm radh \mi iJjt^Sc
e4 prnfii,t -L il 1 L I dsiv^ljqji'd a il. and dir rspflij wti* «|n-n («t
ways manniied feu ifa jnsl ihnc.
-I mi iii! re*pccL far I S fttrU nun-Mf»ip ^llfinTsi flight* by Mu murder in? dm
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pUfiiiLltlQy i.if ttffrCW, il r J tt eT-

' v it 1 i
p dull EsiJir 1 lrijlfrd.
'[ -EnjJT^iy hrlfakf flml IEke

aliy ^liikrd Misr IjWe - i-n sin Id. ruriF-ietEfiE 1 1 rii dui 1 i 1 impryve- rat ttnctigthssf .ivncrkd krhat
“ETI never [ofgEt llle 42 - rli- hip1 ut- id Fpur iiLr'U mill lultfL tiyj ^ tji i p-J v
k r^hHiidttlk
i um-

ftlhij! Imur^ ip i piiit Ifalls- ctfidtfc. until 11. 1 Vi fetn-v iuiTi' prtaiivp, iii iM^LN'r am Tul tdre

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when you can get
Hartford's 1-Policy Package?
Once you had to pay ihre-e pr-orrthmis.. J-W lui^r In w%h for ihetn In expire Yiitir Fhrlfvrcl
n 4*jr Fire Croup Wnf
i lif niily yiNi hij ] I broad iiLMinibro ftrniiipc Tu givn \ia\ r ted it i.'-i-M

[.•\ ijUtIiiiM Hil“ S Jl |fu> ^ hri |

ii u^, f"T p^liritfl uow m fnrre* S* yon run he^ifi
Vni| hoU-dllt ftr-I'r \i*Q bought tht'ft. Yim'iit i iij.^in^ ||ii^ ndvimlfl^ea of a liiutlem IIjrlhTil
pmoud hitiqie ppntri. linii jjipJk you chon 2 % *my Irtiit-

\V% different npw. T\nrtityfA*n l

So dn-pY j.iy, \\ h^Elad-r yim nw n yuUr hrjtiir

i-umbine* ihti Ei fo, theft* Hn h Slaty rnn.1 u liter

nt w liriluv yuw rent, y*m it to ymtnelf ip
mMirniiir vuti need for ymir jiaitir- lj i r* suit find iiui about E t rjJ"= “i+fVUiry J '.u kii P4
O^F. iTwWjt y— oJJ Nj yfW p r r min ml Mjij the
in il if i ilctl |.i rn >1 * i
a 1
1 in -biiwil m Mill pi

l hi!- piw] ul thi- r a |- Li. « ii i S h | (hr full -tnf x. | 1 14 - 1 lfri'iiEr !.

Vila rati -rr ftnw nnu-l-i ninre i ^rrr'#-nr*niP I hi*

i-. JlM Onfe policy jr» kp-np ir.irh rf. Jibi [o TOE IHI HOMiOWNEB . , rOff tHt TTNAN 7 , . .
pa? for* tad* (I yw wunL,. in ^td I Intent* nmm-gud AU OtPEtJ&AdLf P^O^tCTlONl
J-i fit > Jitiir ImdtreL - Li 1
1 1 'si !' d,-: :.i r Vim apaJIrjl +

Anolbef import sat can sS delation a HwrtiordS

1 Ira
T klrvlilT
-tbiltry ^jirkvite^ Kui'>i > taa easier nil ymir
'l T -1 *'
1 " 1 1 Ml| ‘»_ I
1 - 1 F i Mill Ljiip
inH:krllpuMt t tuna lit iinlicict you ttare. For il r;
Airvr«fJ Ihuaiiaa IihI (i|if«

l'4LI3 M-utf Viiit il- JlllJrll u- nt what Jrrni hmiM Vrhlrlf' l|i"i.:r J ,b |i !u-iim
\ -Il'dJalt Ni a
have fi* lioy for HlurMr pdilEi'Eej* min* imi Lhi;
1 1

*iM r-Lr 1 1 IipIi >*

-liilf ill hr t i'J Ph' EH Ld (j i* Vt I \i? rl irp|| unri «i(lPf hiiiariLi. m,. *]
I | I
1 1
1 hvlnt mil' i* th rrun- l|..n,i
— all
Wbai about your present policies? Ym don't
-iifrjrrl In |in-li- . r - liilltbrni,

] - >\r m mu! j
i-LTf inti p— SiND FOP F 4fE| iFQlDtt—
vor/'f/ dr* ir-r-it with thr
Ilflrirnrd I- Et-<* I tru-nmno^ i

HvLUCltl, lUnturd I Ti. (?u (iii

JtllTtJ "Ji h itf I ii 41 ini hCi*- OimiiiEhT L'd Jikt" 1*3 Idaipw iijtirh- uIpifme riartfunl's H i-l a M

i ftrkflfitv
iTinPiiril Viiiiietll u li J In il .» jiil Ip (.<>111^4119 h

E 1pwm’ Hfl-nd jcnit trmi fqtrfor,
I I ii k Jr.iLLiaiHi j -

i.Jlurai li nrtai -11

f ,iiTi| iifi> nf *i« ib J
>^i i

l'l Ciri* 'Mi' :* 1 f'«iiq*-:i.rHJ
N 1J ni e
Ptl?h Vi I
k E 1Ull"< Wtilll£i

I 'IHUE JIIf ' I .Mill JjJ.p i

AVii l*»i .Til, fi kit SWJ,

N-nnli*. -*r mi I'lhrr it MaTjo-i' Ai-ilrxut
bi^iri'uuiri' I mil 1*1111 v
twin (Jill Pirfr 3 r.»- 1 rnoi >- j 1

V -ii! 1 ,
UiruirEuZq I Ghj. Siati;

MtncLftn. th M Niinucul Geaj;rjt!thi^^li uilcnli fwr yoa

1 1 . , r ;^

|!4< IBatM Dw^hlc HifuJii. flftfimSif l$M pHE Hill , P

Efjftll H ItHVlIVv -KClHRtld k tl IN mdil rtfillllt CJ-lWI

In Pte wWld, Wmb #1 Emfcti -pen cm photapaph pi iftfinl-

jI mkrofri nfcfWftfN! or a*i title ils£ a

tfMjBfi ill -Mint M he wit hhI ufflt -ranprj. You *i« —
Edrinr>VLn wnf Eighr Iqp fl-nifl 1 iilm,
hav® iJik p^pitcE ui^feu ai rfualuEt Kenney *«tii in-

iaJlHiiftlC faJftEEtVX-bteiBH Uv TPTI* l<m tlitfl ii nitri far tiler or hlazk arid with* en!y S-3 P 30
uwwLfif aha likei Ibe 0delirft. Thly ¥Wy vlfwlig.
iflF |M tlbtl 0* (JfriEni|t4pbi ttlfhi in E^tl. frw
mlti-oatm to ItlMcnpi, and mFjlliPni which Is tclwee-n Get o bigger kick out of
Snclcflini ctast uflt, Di »une. tflu UN
Iliti !ii" ih# £.iikC?
far pangtud photufrapky, MNSri;*, tmrttxjtt, wywarb, «fe.
ran? wnt Devi, as ’*r Fm feKPiptivt Bachi«t H H'\
your movies , , . Edit your
films this easy way!
Sn 11 % i

he Mtre af lilies lEini are echhI from

film* joull he proud (o
nit Kafiirt I- Jllof

uer Ijjdit make* >l?u

expert nri Slim pul over uml uniter exposed
tw ytHi! mqrVie -editor
itJit io libido
£ii\Y to


folw starts fUE&cJ tfftdh arut u*ci™ Enideri

sjcakta cl and quickly vpliL-* Till y.ocr be** i^im ini.
Jfli Tim Mint l»
. . .

resting, rr-iu-yslde %Hpw\ Vchi tun join old And

ncvi lilm, ^nd insert sir lev ^Jitircv^r yrm like'
VittWltlB h wt>mi:eppi4llv tie nr on !^e^il
Fd itor-\ U.-V. e- F i^tfcE t^nan it tiihrges. picture —
Z lime* T1b JO.WtklE ct>n\ L’L'tfcOIKtKrk-d lainp teL*

rtt'O #fvii «Jf v *inr:T fjv J

you Iltc-I. a1 *mdtf hiMii*- indefintlel^ %iLhtiwl -

niiw ^mri htg flliTi it r drmifiiDB you* Tkc c^l^-

EfiJfl buFlt-Sn spLiuer Welds sflHfily afid

IVifimnnenlly iti Taltfii tljl tl* 4OT netflt,
Optidiil dement^ hie pnsdikv^iroQ dJ unci jhiI-
fytred Smutch, .htriijk liiLr'd!* daive pmviLie: faf- 1

17 fiCJ+Y/d wurd Ami rever*e pojcdwn llal Ift u 3(1’ Ndi

tr **» in hrumJlul Ii rnnr Wil-

by l-i
4" eitrry ciirliini ^iti ii

liruniihLitg, Ifiaf ^re^i pninwci pro* pouiiik Slc ^Liiir camera dtiHcr now fuc full
r/aiTiir'il atif AnirrLu JEi way i-vf Hr. I
deia.IL* jbiNLiC the FdiSor Vidwer Ij^hs,
Tltrir «*i«rsl tSvr* fnrtW iis the
! JMi'i'ii Ihj riding* df Vlr-fpitiji** culm

tilnl Cp|*lLi-L (JqJ f r Irani* 1*4 mhte

i|irirr< En iJfwsil rncjLijf and
Thfl ^ ^ ^^^Compnny. Int
htiP End^ih^ in mfrilmi hofrlii PEelnvTpli?, Cormfrcticut

Tl'iINpiiii'Jii'iiiriT r Fiif^ifr
iPj rfj doti Phitta-srif^hit: Fr&durt » srn^r JfV.flV

.S>?frJ?rfl?pfsr ^ W ixn K rpfr


a f'nEwtfm Sfrrd J^i'-Tvrr .-trn-L'Ju-iHfUJjv r, L-i rri 1

JKrf Li A F rihT ’ L 'T i-

ii ix* Addi/a^ Equ i
r* .t
Device Cnii*! <PP

Tl iJJT^iiiir. refs inn YOURS- FOR O^LY IDe

a- r'hffijitfr

Ik'uliir Szctti JlftlW ,, , ihn iiQiy-ici rtad Fully il^'i'ro’e-d

bcio k ik-3-nii you Pi&»^ ft fl#r pr-frFduirjfiol

remllT — mwrti F11 *h cutf\nq r ipllcing,

p i*Ning -
xec; jen:e - 1 iKlsp'r»*nl-
haw la g«r iiumor. ?(.lia>
r *-‘c

korly ?"'S

^ mm.
4 T»
Ih-ii ^=tdhr CunijDPYd Inc-

E"-rir.i^i 1 ii LOc fur yaur ZiOuk ErSli.reff Sur E*rNlr rA,a . i E


f AHrJraih.

Cltf_ _Zun« 5-1 a.1

MiniLttii rhs Nalin-al Of — 1 1 Sr n HIM i yaa

, .

that vaunts . .
wlit'ii nisisisl**!* slriki-s!
Whin wind.HtDrm:=. PXpJcMititva Tmmrni olfjutifnfl from nca/
or cshdit^rDiioRtf i'jilwo nuti fjir /novt hi Mjtard
ficil'rtui i1i!^lrii-L :t JCin H LSiO
GJUtfLiJi V FflWVW)'
woffced out tATASTKOrilE LouoJ ugenlr work mi; hi and.
f * uii i| ip pll
L_A N af mi pitzJ ti k n m in
ij i i m djiv uliiiruu.
Cull: fiuJiLm ih OjJrrfiurtft ilL «
ttuut«r of hmire SoUlpmottl Atari Luslv-
Urifenlty iicvdod jnfbrtMJilloti in£ miTji«r <in3^pnniap promptly
rind e-miforl iii}i udvn-G on whet
— in mimbi'ry d-idy
t£ do tilwjuL drums an? cura- I q match mnuntipg cbmitL
Mum ii-;i Mil h v rndio jend iu a wa.
Tho-u fcfeysilgb nfemmnj:; and
tiapnrri to dikznd and fciu-ubtLid ffrfrstigfet I in* mpstrti Fti... k f»-
ptIOpjt?. auriiriL^ 1 i.'om pnn ins and their
Claims otEces mimru/d fey tn libera Le go ini A nctiun
pwrwiiicMj iriyijni ru'i. 1 mi?n nrr ntnly in L Si
wnkfc of dctftrut’liuii
r T.n -ir: ilmmii hiLfi-innil
y ij^shm L in the fllrig'kvci — U.i bHn$ [hhjc* of mind . l ij

fViiHi arr» Nhrcwfl mpwm. pTPqpt^ ||if- ability fn build. BDa^

Fat iha nefflw aF a nnarb* A^Ptko fit** Ag^ni »|j
W^dETn Lf'i-i 3 «"
&’t niymbfr mH a*^ lei 0|i< rfiiui J5 P ,

* Thp C n nil rc nisi Insafmce Corn|]»[iy * FWilj-Phenii Firt insurance Cnnrpany

A til u fa tpp k m»Ti in
lt*nti 1 U I **iJ lift*’ Hiag^ca File I wants CMjuhj * The FiJelitj an J Cas-jalli Consul) of Sei» Varfc

L#tal l !**«! — lAIUIBPIPl tf*lpi

m f rf A-.fh-t HP 0 Jp-m poifmrnft q h-'J h I
y NUnw- •I tv- l|l OM-fa-n

for picture discoveries

there's nothing tike $ LE1CA
The LESCA AA-3 effiHNJPOCfsa you la e/Jacnvof plci^r?.',
— ywticrovpj you Ptf- -Kcjr'i. because \H CUlCMTiartc
(E^UifEi parForm For ^5u vTSu an eqqe bry-ond cam
ptthUKi As* ypur denliif to you Hin pr^qkian
iniifUTTHifU - the world" i rrciM adyiwed come Ms.

fm&nt 'ft & crfo c t ph o fa ; re p h y

I.. i** . I e +* i. r LI u P ft ilH « lIlW f »i. S»

= .FHUriM > hi I-* H'l-r fl *-•• 4 - 'i «»!.!» 1 &!• !• »

i. h * ic,*pa*mf'ii i

II. nn-liiLi lniirntTfSi

hi MikJc!TT] PIvIlllL
I ii I lEib I .

|i|« , 3 iiLm tumult

> <*iLh gif lvltL JjJi
n.rTMia,ijimi!iTlji lnr li-unn^-liiia'-
fhere's not/rFfrg Jjvabl|jt V- ji^rr-JcuTi qUiliHy
Si-muLira leip valui! anil limi!

under the sun SiTVlfi 5 hiTi>* ?+' tm -f.V. —

for \\ T-n fur liifTTiiutrn

iike Tucson's 19Si COACH

ri = li Mich. Nfcwt^p, Hwn

Hn c rs r J n / r 7u


at a fruition of their
American retail price!
J FP =Nr . /.aijO^A
ft pip PI ^ ni fljFmpjpJiprpi jg-rntrirur

ffDP-fN ri, -Yi-rifc

tkc oJd WeiF I'tei hn^pilV
Em-ladM *\i imn^t ‘^ ii r

Mirfr •i H cgi-if'ijr-l ill* NVw |Niw

*0 Chvlfiiv Mifeii (Hurt Hills, V
F y r' Ibtor 3 ta k I c ! ana! •: .-.r- r'" rlc.--v. I.llrl
M!!l -lm ll; T Ii i i |Hh| mi Hi 1
WlflTE: liiLifcA JaLi-h7i-nn CnlL^t Clirli
*11*1 lit
3 1

£fcG4-l! T+ilSJii* Aiijb’ilt

A, !. I M.
¥? m»p'ii

III Bill ion ill a Tiaunna! tiu-.Kiicni; — It ei 5 cmifiEi v '

1 . 1

Thr "hQjt i?/ 'atilntrrf” f ^i'rdppg thr OrfUd rtiJSi’^d jfipnr ftri/jrr

Eli-* ln^imiii* A-tra iK'in-* loumtiv m rr:i»i\ in the

ih=liFhI Vttwt ] *1 in 1
'oilp-Il. At! Ll]«- ricru pfea^urp

fJrrrn 1
in ,a C ivitnjn" !
ri !
1 rnii j : r !?> rrmjr-Hi uE nip tucra cthI.
Qihimlifii Hi ii-». Ijumiu rujyp'il rfu'l, Wliprflfit1! \ 1 'it tnivi, l l Sit WrH. atk fiU
Vi 1 nr 4“i r- 1 L 11 rt t. m 1 !. •
ir r • 1 I < . • 1 1 1,
. u _ tianrirsmu ft+frerv.iljimi I Ml Pmifrr b inr| Suptqp
I Jirr j_rh vi-iJr Hinpilniif E I tiicin P.iiTfii: frniTi , B
Mini |jck Angc- *^ 1 Silt

Dtl *'iil r 11 4 | i Im nr fri'Hi I

||i J 'ii 1 ill- I iiitrtL Flhi fjF*N4^ Mfirt.labtf rilirl 1 t1<% .** wrll ii- towny utli^r
loti i-atM Jiii 1
111 lli j i*m l
-ii.: L hmijg tjti , 011)1 wt&jtfru chlei mill Ndflrioal Marti.


tt«m J'Sa, Dmclra ‘i H^feiJHlkfl

«us ini « !> d ki a QaiprJiMr trip io CaUrvrmu [~


to NirrMi — rtil Lend r'i'-p lWO Ui




"CITY of los angeles
1 '

The CNAtUNGEfl" Add™

j*e|-wi>nn l 1'
itijjp li
11 1 rh# P44. 1 !r City Zdeh 5pc<f

fHno* hr-
1 I 1 1



Accfptl 3^ MM,
n.inUn.T nhd
H-w V\
sfiotjj of KID and
E<j*ll In AjIdit j' c
pr&GQnditionifrifl KANGAROO
S iiJii OiJfhlMf

iJiup-pr ilU J'.tfd

Anfliliiirrn! l-rni
pnd ^UE»Qib
Uu-UcaJ S-rntem

All u>T iiimfrlfl

stud L'lin tanc
Hhjf L’ nJitr


WuwfeEl ol Revere Inrrcrjs j'i'Aj uniJi-H J aulp-r \\ p i r i; rYir 3 lm

xad rlLI ! lk t -

ht-o|gcIo^sI Everything bulll-lnl All The

I 1

rtinlic sllrik’

central® for automatic s'- dr prrjjjo-cb'firi In one Uu v j Iwiyf Fj./ “ r ?*./ i r.rn - idifi/pf iVi'clu

esGB ! n? mu p - 4 ; j'ry .T-rr-rj ,f


BirJf-ccinliiBiwd unit. N&danglifiB attochttmnliij Just - ; •. .T.J.1 !:J

imem Ilia ««it fho iwtlch, prcrtflThcr but- Ca^haLlt INOE CO^ PANV i l .
' 1 •


ton and sit bach aru nijay y<im si lie show Item
arywnere n tn.E rc-o-m. E rci Condenser L eas lor t

j]T jjfvcting l-STue 1 \ =1 s Mete a, EtaH-in pointer.,. ,

S-bKcinJ stpreo stoi; Fade lever; 500 wall Inmp:

WOLt.FMSAK 1/3,5 r^ins flnd it h-osl ul aJher
arivflfitagi!*, C ornpiolci Mtfc
carrying case In handsome IrLih ilnwi P vlawM^g
screen, tara and 7 Rdv-.ire- mageiirie- traya. SI 59. 50


Jirtt nei II fardel il "Sfltt"
35 i USES Q illllypt rPDMAttfll

or at tes" ill yo-u— wilnoul

ram t’EwcJtlng n Unp^r 4a rl Operate®
-cdTi riiAini » by ita^if ctwysut,
ptcfurea *tfcnr. SOO
**lTi ^iM' picture iir-ilMirrat cgFiiiOi
WOLLfWSAH 6 - ncPi™ vUihi
oni^a il. in-IP- cgniuHifid linen crmnfltoij
: r. n and j if wing semen lll-i 5Q~

T U liYCft Sllria Fnjelin fidupiri *.f t ? ttrui H^mc [rjji

NEW! MlWt N I W !

CRT" 1
- 1 * WM ttMM ITT f,a-
5 r-r= :> I
L nnd t am- IuIIEvF j i?d I
L oad |i«i4r F j.
TM WUIIAU PET 4 J treuar-Pii »Jik

or a
. U it 'DO'
bir=llT 4
Caswhc Du-* - M i rT-fKi L z.n hr B 1 ; PENN-aHEftATON
'U|IPI NlW: GGt?r- N*ir wrdfl riGglh
Tl**'-jfcta| *. 4 -Jli^- lHG-’d|-.a C'flic{ f./t J hftHI; $30 * ill
rbull ii^qIon h’jrir4h vi nfrka or \he t*i1 odd'B.i
a 1 c J-hr v id : i :j tit- Pfu,,<tr 1 w£ 34 - I* " — 7 lr& vt ['Pi in FilPlbvirga, fj|TK ittirl con H^s- &HWfp* nnansil
WQUEN1MS JV 15 L1 N 1 A f

r 3 1 np'ian*!. 3 -*n;i
cc- t pi Pr t J '«J.L r.1^1 nr
I I jZ i E r
l iOC Ihr-'i I f .1 -iic. il

rri lilt SB %ti*M i» MTT34

M*iLtLu«i i Kr Cf-a-CTapliLe — It £dcn.]M#i rotii

OvrrlEKklUt^ticuiitiliil VYjikiLi Ik^di m ! (nimh-llu, I UfWfliL In thr luL'Ii^Tinmrl i» Uuniuciii I tcirc3, thu

Wherever you arc , at home or abroad . . *


rhqi^'s iig Eh iqg quite nd l i M iLi^e q( personal tiuitaeL
satisfying utwt ilirilfiiHj as it Yuu cjd talk things over ,i.i if OVERSEAS TEJ.EPHDNE RATES
tclcpj mile call I rj *frtn iconic vu is wan: fiice So Slice ARE 10W
cs ursLMs. Hnif ai 35' TOfTip t-'K^iripr^fr
It'v CiUv nod ecotlmim al.

t'TTJim yiHii home or office, |

ei lelt the is ptrr.i tor \Ul New v ark to Hawaii „

\tni i an Ulk with fritiKh Usit- f<n iuItx von \vnn\ in i .ill, Fr Tn ony wTirrfi in rhe Uniled
ini; Ijwlui _ _ relative* living
Wjfn hi fm tier*’ \T l\Lit ujimi
I .

in t'emuny pruspt'cK jdlI

Germany j
jlsmad. mi r« iM Ij irfflt t i
or *12
nrrtomcts In jpan.
/kijuFv jprd frieijrii jf
.il Iionk' F>v
Japan I

The telephone gives you ilic telephone. True j i *hu r sH k i Idf I hi flril
III pi M' I rln Ini .
Jlfil i'l:, uJirig Hip-

'?’> Jcdwrd ml Mr 1 .11 Tfl nirp

Ir-^T r.itni tfpjVv E-n

ju 'iiJ.., I ul i l «.-
:j II


» —

Of aH 35 mm
precision earner-m, Ihi* Hide bcouty
Tii t& ym
jicembit clearly i^hut you ure shooting, H what you
want speedily ^md SUrtly> rhifc w hy Zli.s.s Ikon tuntn- C
Ai;k &nnrt friiU
Li* ro

lies IS Ihe grisa suctxss g! llw yenn I Interacting anel ^nrfrtaJ(V<P

through the Zeiss Tttsir f/2.8 ten so that CnnlnfleK nak tt.
You -i.Ljht ft Ir^-D li i-

unbelkvubly hrillijsn, upright* Intcmlly On: pi. CN 4 I -.

your iniLiL.'e is

ciMTuci and full piaffe $i 7£- CoiUalkx has both ground

gkiiis .and split muLtH.
focusing. Built-in Gush syiichfcmi-
zatkitt. Speed* lo 1 5TO,
CtftttafteX cye-fevcl single lens redes is only $J 4£, at
leading dealer*.; See it [odiiy.

CARL ZEISS, INC, 485 Fifth Ave., N. V,

World Famous Zfciss Ikon Cameras
are precision made in West Germany

E av U r ^ r vn
' I 1 1 luiti s r qtlMj *£, 1 I EDE * Cc rah LfiilC D n
i i

icii. 1 .]. Ii.'.i m cumin* baromettr* thermomeser anfl

Kjp^nmivufi. STOhL.MLH.rl'l \M *Ui\ detailed
fdiftca.Ua, Althinlb ALlju.*ttttciit
vn IpvcJ reading. Btith aJ-u Fay|(jr
E E.,11'!' Is-Ijri - 1 1 _]|l i r lL: ratJ,pJe Cftifij iLl 1 1 l".I jJutllj-
i'll i m ilial, hraA-s tr-tv e*J i inrl nTi^jhnnjii d: sliniii
At E 1<T- j-rrmirisr- JfnvxlzTi stpuca!- TliriJware:
or..: Si-rinpc-r? W|Ml

*Ti ! L" A. PxS- u£t.


MeipiGr. ebe Niliwrnl -pbit ]t j J isn I ’in* * reU
.* . 1

a round

one Whai are 'Ii 0

yuan ,

ODAY, ACCIDENTS HIT the greatest \VMUtd

T rfrf early duldht-vi In lad accalt'nl- in ind
about the teen* take the at about. 3»QlXl chit-

two dnrn yearly in the age ^roup frwti wife tb lour*

Thousands, moredf our children are injured and . ,

veare . . many sue permanently crippled r/ffi4fipil|

rilifJi miftht htj rr . /ftrcritb-dL

Oneway to ln'lp NafoaunH yumty, •! il'ln- lo

know -wmething about wHint a child tim.- ai various
stage* of growth. Around :a^v one. for eompk
(hey put practically everything in their mouths.
This irwhy ! KrustlioU c tea I and smalt olii teta
such as pins and buttons, should be- put away.
Aits two n
the time when the child (3£pri"res and
Tiivtstigatis rverything around him. So poterc- r

dally dan litmus ihingh— *uch as m^JicifHSS ktijv*-.-,

n fttrln^ and elBctnEcl equipment —should b

r ktrJiL

whi'te i: child can no l reach them.

yeans .

The child qf three may have a serkius faEl P es-

pecially when he climbs, near Wind- ms. un furni-
ture; or sffiS up am) down stairs- Windi <w ; sh^iiL I

have ifuards un them. Screens need lo !>: firm and

Si airs should always he tree of
object* op which a druid am trip.

F our ytgfr-r !1 1 ch iEt Er eti n f *• '

t uraS h ml - " Th y «

dii'iiJd taught la watch for cam in driveways


and to ri-'Ji ilu:ir tricydet on Lhei sidewalk.

Children now! regular heal th eanminat ion- for
four correcting defect a of rakm ur hg&fitig 1, ctiuld
lead to mishaps. If Trpraied accidents occur. a
years . - -
i>[HCi:il L-ffi >:t ah' mid lie made to di-co ver the must,
CFiil' !ru 1 if « '! ap?: a^a havei many accidiuitSL
So, he sure co remind [him "S the importance uf
Vro^siT.t: nTri-rts properly, obeying ifrifk Sight -and
equipping and riding their bicycles fop safety*

<m\» Mri!T
— hs ii " ili j
m r r *
| Mnrinijn A*#.,
L fa Iniumnee-
Fiji I* lark
lfl, N. frn

TiL-i i.l tne n i ft* l-i jpjr Cf f yiWff fw-jlk- L

Metropolitan Life ,1 W "4iJ Safftk, In .‘i6-?i

Insurance Company f^Tirnn

f tff / ( 4t t ri SrrflBi,

3 Nf ••.
Vi'jffK El) N V, C *tr

N6ure never cold/

never too warm
with o G E Automatic Blanket
New low prices from s 29- A-mounl wofmih. . _ii^s ... <
l?m i Ci L2

Control Sir at GivitJ (tie rrmiiv

Iditii that warmtli, flajmtine to temp era-
(II It dtoJl£C§ UL(tsimnli^iliy

#-: lair’ :.ii|i i.'jc-u nun In it nu^j wv pifHt ai U-E AtfKmrtK fci = '

Hqppy •MaTrinye
' 1

t&miort rk i\ un F-
fiantfol muild lor ikfLlWfl Ed* cacti

ebaouc 4 ^jf/i'ipf'iTTi 3 Jiii.ii 1

i i m ofwnf mlh
If (Jc'nfi-Lt Nd I'HTC Sqth:-- pTL’ir'h’U^ ^S^Vpillj;

• caeil ICi ailUTCiJ <Li I

pt-J li^l ptflCWIll

comfort, General tlcetnc Cuiiijuny, Airto-

fruit il m.iiikci iin iJ I Lin Depin And^--

ilmiknunr i nr-r*-HH rrt+ - * -P T ’*¥» nr. i

twjvipi L:»- d -rirj (: n ri i

v > - £ H--rd-a?u. calu'S il I LI i
t ‘HI.

I ixi Jii Ocnenil Erectile nkfiUi* b\ f'hajiiMn, wirh frimliuip by .Skinutr.

t. r 1 In ml t iPr.iihil' Ll LCJffiCfii iLf-C ti‘[ bvt pUflKd

xitiurti t-U Jh:

iIk ifuil-f d (IihmI HnM^e^eirp-
r Ci ii.n .• i .Sl-jJ.

1>|' flKil i
f i 1 -

\ Di„ l X, No, 4 V\ ASM I \c, Ti >N Of.roBE*. 1 95 i'i

Surprising Switzerland 427

A L.irsd 1'iL'kt‘i! N .ii n >n St'i-vni In f ,5EKi- passenger SteamersOffers vfsSlurii

Everything iron* Edehvcfes ami (ilai iers tn Malm-Burled Beat hcs

IJV f RAM rVSJJ FkAVi *'iniR

Xjljfrnnl i
lii. ftjEng]hi 4 ALtsrtzinr >r . i

tf'iih IlhnitdtinHJ ft am I'hui'HjTuph* hy thy h±th*?r$

cameras and film.

i run
tu SwiLAFrbjid T j
Dhtml nnkance at oitr array
Hi mu be untiled the Xll-

lional Gcttg£ftp}t]£ Sochfty Ikbcfc n n the riisns,

y.<>t oFT c hpC hiNii Jhal fern Light

if I'll mis* tny bus
tin: L>rtit|i-miitn

snildenly idjuiced at his witch.

have hi tcveus? me II he excliiirirdp
Cnnpc uni n> the street
with me, ami we II talk white wait .
wilh wbrnn

1 wils rhai.f jng

hn\T In ^witeerfaftd -mi F-ht yoW

IT yi nu i
A Hr iLinrliuL liesrlt- him in n ipjeur
- i,

M imagine an article En write, iir mud, liupi: t while Uih tviiiird fur iran^pmtntfmt h^rne, I

y\ ie else ihzm Him eui:kuu clucks. Hie yudeb,

finished m> interview with \ i« I'rt^ulrnl
mid t hi- ^Jj lenbnms iril Hitm p'l- mure things; hi >wrt st- fluid
llnr Hr. Fcddnmjin.
Hlih mrjTiC travelers V-m will 1 h>- many S^hrrlaiidf we learned hi utir sutmner-
surpris-inss have." t'liLLl ^ta] U :i example of man'-.

Swi^ Flscr PI its S U^ine | .m^h

ahiIJiy h* triumph over mi lure- Lhdudinv hb —
iiwn, CJefHfriiphJoiJIiv ei imciiTiUaiJIj iinrl pn-
Hi- fivii.s ri I I Xul the least of timse '^ur- litiruTI} the Swiss have f:iceil otetBielts that
pri si n ls ~ l 1
- t he I i*c i i very 1 L t| vti ? l-ujUJ enter would daunt ;i len% detrrmmui race, They
Uj-i cm miry In mi TiunniiiWi France, Italy, rr-i nLiii/e th - and .ire proud iri it. Nut run-
mi \lisirill tn ,i & >rk-ized p|®pij!)ff vi->el. tmii mi rely
In Mirm-iLitii their iliffuiuliies, they
True, thry are frHth-w.iEi'r stcamcra, pty to u: thrive upfjti Elu JTi/ !

ihv LuSer-s Constance. Gerrevn uid Luninu,


but they carry’ a# many as laiQQ

\ u ri n t Val at
1 1 i 1 in J and F ^ U - in-.

ami ;m rmportunl link Iwtween >wiEzer-

friFin Fnr the traveler Switzerland c iff 1 s much
tuml and her neijdihiT* ipaipe 42Si. mprif Ehim mere si-rsts 1 <1 surpri-jeg, Its
Another h mirk a me w I
4 wwk liter when, 16,000 'f|iLii

cr ns i ll- n are crowded with spar-

uf!i.Y a drive through level of ripen ln.|^
fields ing h’hI - pl.i rid liikt^ ami litcbunira vallev*.
| ,
* '

tohaccn + we Lizcd on ft sutfhv beach in the And Oar steal Ey ?< 0IX),000 luhnbLtJinis
r lutvi-
s'li.Il- if <wityanit |iaJm (reef. fFv low-lying ctntM’lli ^hcd I heir crumplsed re;il rst.i ! r with a
Tkinn Swflxerlajid '3
| Canmn. profvujioin ol cftptfurtsiMtr hnit'h excdJcmt
offers h subirnpiod rebuild ti» Hu- Ids* that tnriiiU, anti t-ci^rythirm nece^ry li> Lr lnh
tlir country is -ill m mi n in in p?.ik5 and Upitie rk'n a vacjiiiimrr lii'arl

valleys- [m,if>, paim 4A2 j

* Sn- '
il. n in k^i.i Ellei'I
tlif ^.|
third, a ml perhaps (lit must si^imant ii-ilf-
- I
1st I

Uj WilKiiln H Nirh<n.ii, X.vtei*in,u in m;ifAPii]i M_m-

sir prise* occurred in ihe capital city of Bern, Aziic, Aujnjjit, l^Ot
SiiuriHi; i-’oLKJimin tin J Mi Wfr'dMksl Ijimy* Welcome Uv i f raveler tn Gtnen
J'njue'l itT els v. niche- ihi*
Otihy-f-^r-Plri i]| - ha one- iii S wilTi'rUnrl . ;n urjtf hnrart- Here Sunday
;.(« 1 1 | 1i t; .j-'i i hi 1
. un tamd Quni-du-M <nL-Jibi» hjuiiiui*/- isiilVy jei Hies rally J;OQ feet ,
BsmamM Sa-unwr* Ply U[]it Ink* «>f OctwVv Hecwcen Su^tvi-rlLiijd nmf linnet
Diivli«ri|t miucf irrtuiii] 'JO milr* nf shurriiar Jtiiract SwU* ,mil visitor. iltk* An Amerii;in, l-'wanl 1-
Uutwlu'*) lir mm '.fj^nirr &wr* Ain I.Kj yent- i»k»; (wfuy T« |«lftrap’r .Up* .ijierate mjj (In iuSw,
i - ' l i J m ' E

450 Thu Xuiioiial CfL-og'rajjhu M

[f jp

mi renBy mml In ^ Hie mtmlry qn switch giants ai I-y^kamm, C^a-itor aod f



Ijy cuj Henry KniehnibuliL,

;qiiiE i'jut hu*E . i
ki ! X\ik‘ Hr<-Ltli««n Blit il i- l hr ta .\. plTfi-

t-L [ijJ
i.J i E mI the Lli iIiJl-t timid Elntrl when mi i IH bo ;
r rjl. m thr M.iUerLmrti donii.-

wp called mi him in Zurich. "Our Er^irt:-^ are nau> i lie town anti leas m.jile it ulw. of the
am\ nur IniMS famoti^, ml with a or u fcri?t Emu rs ^ Eac h sum

fine 1 Wi i i Id > in iti-il t

vvili can set your own riacc and sit little 1 i Tnei thoii>jifliK of visitor? match thtdr skill and
otU-of-the -way places. eniiiif ante itgainrt the mriunLiic ? terih
Mr. Adolph M. Writs pitddrtH iif Lhe
Wdtl-Fumw auh^rcfiSal ftnn, provided uA i )n t*lc Germ .i n < J* i
tv> [ii u **s

ii i rerho

with Lm ith y car mil -iome ttifittmalkhri nlkmit Thr Coin iwernrs fit thr peak a ntmn^ely
Swiss road ru-toms. ri-SHnrtrtj 1 1 >1 A Hi** ti^sjclii m il MUrlrnt Ellnd^jd
^Mosi of our rulL'- Lur- r-^sftlr like yoyn?," it him jcims and irnnis shoc^ a onediwcd
lie -aid. ’
Hut on the moimuEn httffa the tptmuiu ttiemIp it to hr tup without ^is-taucc i

or uimitiu up ho* ilu- rl^ht "J" wny If ihc and n ^tipfo iif years atm the Itammirl rn a
mod Is {n narrow fur two to pass. the our Z TUudt loir!. EirrtJ oJ liAtrmiU! El l hr mans
I a l

bended down tMr-1 biftk*' And a postal of hrr [Tatruns, ktiockrif olf wurk Lifler mid
bus — you can Eetl then buwiusr they are lUL-ihl ftiid wn> uni h id ilti nniiuataln u i^ ^ ij
L r

pain led bright ydtnw—atlwaj^ has the right hours .liter sunrise,
of way. "Hut. evrn fdr tbr Ije-sf of i Siuihrrj, tt l?.n t

We When' wc ttf4
HusnL-d him . lK> L -rL ufl. wftfiout dun^rr wc ttrn? iuld by FvIit Jitlm.
turned hi* car nearly rum months later, the ij] Lr uf the village s many prufessiuitul guides.
lui^t mu it- -jVirdumetcr bud mcr^iaed hy “One mis^trp Is nil il hikes.
^.DOU inilef. and nur knowledge of SwitzerLiJiLl My father mid amadiather were lint h
Iuj g£uwn \u j.i |
iTtnm j
i ijji
RtifrJs^," jidim r^iplniniTl as wr n{pd srahl-
3 Vhv riiolly SwftawJiirid divided Intu three Iiic eojfee in hi:- tiL-oi lu.e luimr. 1

1 chmJird
principal regfmuSi the Jura in Hlk north, I hr y a 1 Cftii <n first when
1 1 i 1 wn ? *.
m ly i i . Bui
die Alps in 5 hr smith, mid tin- fertile central E hud to wait until I wu IS Effort 1 cauld
fbiteau that aiMchfs tiet'ween ibf 1 wo uinim-- become an appreucice, am I l was 24 when !

lain syisltm*. Politfcully, tin- ciMintry con- iTijt my license, Now l wurk. us a pruiili- in
-i-ts qf 12 n unp'tetelv hidetn-mli'id Cantor^ thr dimmer and a ski in hi rm inr in Uurwitiirr
Kt! nl lur Em i
iu i Three of these arc lIs
States. Julen, a fvan. limned man nf -t,;, 3 ul-= -calni
vitkd in in autonomous halves, sn there irr thr M ..ii U'rhriMi ly a ImndmE tiim-.s. Hr
really |
loliifctl entitle? making up h*- l
charges a bon l S3D !<i take a flpEijdL
to the Enp
Swiss i Ymfedtinttiiirii tfurinff file sluuiimt. In wintertime hj* s*
it ,*wmnit-. like a lot rrf territory In cover ices lirinij; if 1 C n day
said lEunrv 1

Kiwbrnliijhl 'I nil wtt ct u. small On thi' Mnii^rhofti.' hr s:iiiL mwy- -nr
rijimUy- It s possibh to rin vi. Smut oflif rttfl sturts at iilPLinl the saLiii'' lime. We climb lu
In the nt her in ii day. stir shelter but Uh °
tiljiht Ijrr'ure, deep fev^
'VI'em miLkfly, 1 d Hurt with ZcrttmH That s hour*: and start at dawi^ There's only nnr
jtliottt the must farnsvtJ- ^uiurnpr rtiort dm! ,
plane where ytui atti \i^- imuitirf tfflftttf; SO
it's aim lypicd-1 raoijiitniri vilL^e. Thr vVfryi mr moves smtt paOc at EHi* 1

drive smith will lake ynu across tin- Furka "f Cnhiiig dnwu is more fiBn^dfous. than
Pass and give y«uu a List e of our maimlfliiv urimE up. Pi'ujilc are tired, and they vfu
iweIil,” careless. It lel I've never hart a diem min red.
1 vr -i-i-n wi if *h-
i prel U -<fi rerl f hough
N«i A i iromot* tes R^ocll tjuiet Z^rmairi

be Uughtd

‘[-List year J sLuteri up with tw*i

I'hr nr \ I aftiTTt'Hjn \w parked mir in LirMthefs, Whpn we awuke in the Jiqt uml
rin miPiiMii at VLsp, not far from Elu stoofted Ed dress, one of then could fmi.1 onlv
lULliim border ami look the I! it It cn^wjieii uno soi k. I inM him he .ctwldn t =sn thiiE
nidmuri which every year rarries hordes way minlil freeze a fr • it \\r tosl nearly
iif vNriirs Sn l hr hum’ 1
rif the Ixiiimu- ^JitlleE- an he lei l^fore we healed the other ^h±.
linm. \VV iuimd thv qtrtrt vflli4s. !
in "That man. must hive bnm rralh nervutw.
a iirlO-ml volley, a dream uf sini- He had buth of them cm the tome foot!" 1

plkity ilpaac!? 4j>s, ^40) Thi* u lik^i u( Zermau s guides siilf plying
Zp-nm iU jjuj nli'd 1
1'. rln hlghi a f>eak m bis tr^ii e , I
ir len t- tri m is
1 years old. y 1 ( i?t
SwiLterlandp Munir R#SH. uad [Linked by of them ret in* ul S5 nr 60, but ihh hardy

f.iSTirfc ^ i
- Uhitlitel im Luk nf Genevu u DimitiMitt l>iaik flr d
S r
L ?i™
lis tftc

UV .

A iluuUr dutuxun



ct-ntury M

ihe nctty
{Mi unci C^mnir'i
visitor In IS (in ImniUJrEiiN^nJ (*!
liatr Hujlr
n_iiu Ituvr m
j Jt
* ibr
tbw* wmtf.
iIm |K>et
frjMlJjeti il.
JVCjff 11 ut
wJt 3 i hi* in^rm
"Mini lib a livim; (-rave
> built Lhi> ptnjfttitr
Thc ?ft.«twr uJ ChiilEra " r

Ui> )Urli V.iull \iry
Mhtfifdn w lay rind Emv «* w »ntrr'? hprat
I 1 li|H;
Wlah (Lrotl^h |l 1? iuti Wiim uind* V*¥tr \\izh 1

43 j Tilt Gctograpliit MagEL/irtc

> 1
1 -- r i v refuses to hunsj up hi? nijn- &jvl to? as In suirh I'kvatktrtM n- ifir Cuimt-r^nl, fur
EiiiiUrr 1 -t t. lie- - Up I sill Iht \l-\l ttWUt lean and I set tied

lerhurn hmiubf, |
h il nitocfd. ’’Hill 1 W*m t p
W n_\ hin 1i i
I 1 ii b |i w i iht j ut i
E LfJi t is]
tj am 1

LuJ J v -
u Jib sin mi:, \ubudy would bilfi" ti
"2- urn'. I ti'.ir. feeliiiLi a till to min a u> wt heuim
year-uld if Ihey knnv htaagt/" the descent
"Not in such bad shape as f ihr.mgbt/* t

CsM Tmb Scale Zerimttt Pcaki tiijil Jflflti panting a. hit. I rfimbt if ewry-

A couple of h-\ jimttkr cuuvtotrf make- it els

q Slickly a^ we did.
i i nisi:

Iran mid wc urn m m \i.\y»muf"r tluil An Hind the curlier canw two children, ulmiJt
ihe bin mountain. and wr cuiihln t spend the seven or I'l^lkl years old steppfaig briskly
time wirk niiraelvra Erin com it un Hui I j ahead of mother esnd father. it whum -

I'Vrn fur the nuTklimhej Zermatt afters many,

wan cHiryiit£ a virudtor child purkuku b Xu
itmiciiini- li- win En ^ -in^K crowded with
one was even brratklt^ fiani
uliiutn'E-s upline kfT^ ptairk Tu\K m
. and u/r u\. My epi deflated, L^ktn! If they would S

arc j tun mi uni s>LifCe of Ih^rt are po>e tor a pK'ttirtu They did w gt^ioitsty,
?vhere imspdficrtH vfcsla? stretch in every
mid ^ train? in near-by [waks,
ar?d we <Lt
were I
the trait lor u
Milch, in Keririau fur a t*ro #©elt Bplt-
c hat, They

urliim. And there are reb lively I'i^y dhtllte day. Tliey inim-duced thtfr a hlldren k three

Mu I h ouse

B e Ifn !~t Lorrach

jaj ^sess V

s a neon

La Chjux de % Herg^w'i
%r wills tot flrl f


YnW*** "H=w7fr,.
^MnrttnAuW^ Ja^r uata
AM 4*^1 ,* 5

PU 4 &

Atpnr fl

1 - L 1 -

Syrpr I^iny Su it/ei'l.iiJiiJ 433

<jf whom hail i ypn u lit I Hitch iiiiinr.-,. Bus ibi paints tlvrjiil lets .irsd Bith
ilieir '
oldr-l liny I .rlnl t: : ioi. i-- J .i-Lnl scamjwecf
ho .*,
in ki-i 1
1 :
- b\ rithu clyvractcrtstica] ly Back Lai V isjj itft picked up nor or and
\fi»'rh;jin namt 1
drove ttfei t'i riion,, e filter «{ tin- wtae-jffMW-
Arnhem, during World
»ur hnii’jr wm ne-nr Tue industry in s hr region known ;u= ihe A'iiJueh
Wat FI hi father .sruwnrtM-l "and wt used
medfevnl city was once tarings- <i> ihr
in shelter L mtfd Stales flyew who were IstiLaiu m-mi uf unr cj[ the nuift powerful bishnprio
sniu^wt lMtik Eh I ini- Jam.l by the. 1
under- in ill Europe tpaise 464 We were later* ] r

|j run rid, Altopu Lh«r r

we took care o( e k-vt: i i
ested in its history; ImE ever mure in .i Intfat
5^ ve n ai one IteiCi Ont buy named It !y 1 1 ir M li'iit n.iriu'tE Hcnnasn '
Kmirchi lived w i
i h m for five mi mills*
A wet-k aftei hr fc(i nur botm?, hv wri^ "Gtlkier Pilot* Climbers
captured h V the Nii*^ Even thrush they i it* iiit r
m a -Miitky *)lul rotated man of 42
tortured him. he n-i used in ttll whn bsul hid wliutw Ritoj ilrmiMnnr helit^ bis dfpftemtis
den him. They $bgl him Sn whefl our rawatkan- i'Tflfessktfially. be Eniinnicc* Ehe
fitsfe -.i hiwas 3pnm^." iv|l hi mil
hi $wn. bul he is fm better known
We waved juudbje ai they Marled up [ hi-
in Europe!! dim her * as 'Gfadtft filtri the
ll 1)t Tfjc v^un^er emlilriil happily atop id r he- \|ps, i cnllina in whir Si he r^sL- hi-.
liii"alm05t inertly, tidier probably h;i?
sivfd mure fivr- th^sir liny -«ther jruin ih
- Several years mj > he mid us as we sal
in his tiny nflVcre the Sion field, "a friend
Eiild nsi L El ml the ^wt-- \lpfne ricil waited
tn build i cabin ujfOQ feel up un the _% f 1 1 1

bi.i rn but was trnislilr iicHlhjt the nwc-

e*v^it> 50 inn< cement up ihe sleep >lopc

nver the
"I fitted
ray Piper f ut> WLtli iiiirl fl™

1 rirrli^l
JusS aliuve thr
-rmw i L‘p«ntdr* <af limes nnrj fumirl n rdalivrly
smooth stieleh. | let iImwti and dtiu^ed my
ski^ jil mnniH to tittc off if liiey ste.iiia il Vi
4nk The> didn't I null lc U mil pie of Lllld

Um and hikc'-ffA and csune Ifack anil tmik

tin- cunt me E.'
In. Ihe heat three montlis Geiger marie t'i20

taEdbfp on the Mttlthorii. hi? little plane

kmittl tw rapacity Not loo^ after, lit tna^lr
420 kindltio on the -.i urlnj? fieri Htanche
1 i
irtlnn miiitEier 15 totti of remen
That winter a Army implatti* dlml)-
imr with n Cfmpaaioii on Hie IL7«-foot
schiriHhonn, was 5ivept off tus left by nn

Livalmcbe. With -n broken h-e and ahixtlder

m id atriuitfl. hi^iid tniurtes. he unalile In

J liou^h 1 lit!y %alt h . mr Tonaucs,

I lie 5 .V|i]]ifjn a
,i^ * bra
Swiijrrlimri rovrn kips Uhisi ti-ih Nsp -mi'a of the
Stull! til M.iiiir irrniii cidviUr:^ J i.i c the llmiilRiJ J.inj
the Swlx? Ujamul jiOjtT '
^ iiiiSiei aird oiNt |Wci3iiifm!
Ill inililunt-. i:lr.ii j icitv ,
tljpi kimc.
EutiiF^liriir riv?rj in ttJrn petnsry intfl nnhi the^-
fiFumutL- nwiijiilJiIn illrnbine find wintu Ccr-
niiiii froidli. FiuJiini \ml ttntnatuh jII am q*- m
tig-luil kapm^jr.
Wdl'-irotiDicd FurrW Clwckcrbnard \ hur V i Huy like I'luM'Cr itedv in a I'lH-mut Garden
UcHik) SehuSbtr^ Ltmtm Mv iVt MrlliuJti Hay Barn^ anil Steep] lJ AEt M. Johtuui
i .


Ik-fmann Goi^d, a Out-man RcsriJt StTMtis. l.unds nn

tJWors nr MouttiMjtnicipcS
In Inc wiiii Ltie Ever hit* nciiiSv 2dll mtiPr 1« savr skfeta .mil liftihcri injuN'd q-q Alpnne? cnHp. As
tiiei 1 1
h nv -p hi n I
ML Cki |
1 an* di- w Li un po^iiust: aLuu p jjio^ -bc-l di in n ru-h m 3 :: .COt i i i r

move His corapanjnn w!*u knew nf i n-L.-er’s bmitghl him hack to Stun and smt an nv?i-

gLiaer frriuhi lilt, r; hi?> way I" -i irie- landjii dog*
|ijhi ii Li" nut] vailed Sinai What m tin" wurld is an ivdlunchi' doe?"
I Ci ii
\]\ (he i-vlra •
>ul uf uty |iL.nit' .uul Jimll itueruipted in :i^k

iLLt in a stretcher " Griper
"Thu lolt! lls "A duj; iriutird in find peuple turned under

izaptnia frfctn«1 had covered him with hi* own Cbtt sarjw Geiger explained* “'My iirighbrir

bright Jacket. $o was *| e In kivale him. l ji I I bag otic. I I iii ik the du^ hack with me. and
f >
ft smiXiLh stretch a Inn Lit SO yards awuy
i s i
ii i in three htiurs \\\r hud imaiid Wfy one of
and lit d.iwiv Twu Liter he was in the l hi vfsJiiii* . ji i J dug t liens uul. Twn nerd
already dead

Sfem hurrLfcttill bin hi ' I thr nthcr^ i ecnvefed+

of Grigs'^ feat ?preari thruughriilt
\\ -ri i
[ mtiih: ;< rnial of id trip- tfa^i iUiy."‘

the \|ps When we In Iked with him he hud

Sc Mrinmiuas she.
l:-u^ Wily
marie 174 resale ih^liLL
rht masi esdtinji! *ki>
" vvw IjjuJ wai- In I Tlir i iIili n! LmiUii^ i33j a nunjEstain peak
1*54^ hr recttlterk ^Twelve Swiss ritkftfES apfie&hid M rue. 1 in Grig » tlrui

uiTe dimbinH on the gu^likwicbe- j ust above I rhrjrU'r hh jihirm on hi«ur or tw?. As
t ir

10.000 ifcet jl n uvakmche turned the Int Two wt w.dked oEai ii- his Nihycm-rild F^pcr tJuli t

rrf them were cnvvfrd oti\y h* their cbiH> ml lei 1 with uEind- :i.h well as ski- operated by
they mHiL?l^’‘d (ip dig ihemMdv.; - na r .uul .-tied a hy draulic Hit of Grills own dr-dun. a flight

fjiivcr I hr niimnEiini hit Lwip lliiurs tu J phumf. of Swcs-H \rray jo$s [nfrfc off Otir litMe yellnw

T t""k <pfl ns.sxKin as j sjni their calk era if Irrhkijd flWt ge U I r .= u l I r .^uist the back'
1 cl ml it I In w a I H iv t* tJjf in-r-l] avuLanchc I »fiumt] nf iht; shrickink: nuirblcrs
-- vv i -.inude yki -liikmv! ntil ii the *nuw. \ nilnsJEt1 JaiiT m urrr its tbe dir, hpimlrnK
ami yul tliftt mutt in the
T Earn In I pittite, tn it^llsi altitude. At 10.000 k*Cl WtS IH'cled
hut there was jm sioi of the ulhffS- Sn I aff *>vtT Use LibiCirr-Oipfied tiusahluJiL-he.
1 1 J -

^urpriiirL^, Switzer bn 4J7

Twnty live feet a.bnvr lb? Minw'J cru?t a moment a^ihisi rbe iraclMii ni tbr ^W\> then
Ikigpr I yanked the plant 1
ami 1 -Mikt-i I down, fur Lid them ahead \ spmiir^f som* -parktnl
studying the piadar falrtith Twice hr dr- an either iJde m w>- meed downhill and e i- l-

died* tht w\r\n lip ^.-n nil ids urdy i iou feet into Lhe jir.
:ihirt"r \hi muub >nn^' i Thrtt he took »t final ^Easiest mumtftfii I ever climbed.' I told
turn, atut suddenly; wu were bendiiiju. straight liefer.
Erilo hi; -lofte. Yhv o&ic came up; Cieiaer
t "Want to do it

!iiwrtn ihtr skb int -- ti( fcy surface and lien

i t SYr the perform nice *w tb* At-

^nnnul motor t> we whipped up lh< dnp 1 1

lb . Routes, and still wasn't satisfied E

at iiO mile:- un btiUF. ^atisfinl with the feel Never have *f jcricntittl a lUratcr thrill- We

of tht ctiwt-, hr cut, the throttle and we tried landing at nearly tJ 00T feet on ESu* ,

dr^K^ed to a luilli. Hen I Khun hf uiH ikif \\ i- rwii mnn- fun.

[ -lt'|i]is-ii i«ut nf Lhe plain anrl sunk tn my iitlirf ifiiph 1
cun have* yitchls and fast
knees thnumh h \ fnlgffi rnJftt 1
drig-ur joined horses =md racing If 1 were 4 inlhum-
nu» r lj 1 1 Ei^ethpf we liFteii the mil ol Eh* ptfHH afj

I d spend nnnst of my time llticI money
and pulled il a run nil. puInUtui Hu: tiusr down hjririE Hermann 'ni vr Tn Luci me oq the lop
cht* glorfie ol assorted Swiss Alps.
We back in I’hr r-huinr lafrared for Bfi' k in Si vn i
wt fruwid tin.* Jet. tiubtfr?

Ptj^luimlrkc Tnuc-s mS 3>f«]0t AlpcnhurtiS Giiti Eta IhsuJ for f£ Allies

Mfijnii tlinujiih ihr fmmnlHitr, the ml** mJujiiL u. cuiehlv aiarH bo rdditqE mSJfft, Brr1* llrt riL UNhd

i r .i I j i Li riLa I
naulorly in hu fVfnojif Sywpkw? Kiibtn QhfHt^fl nf H*.t£Nwll -olit* mmfil W&kl • riirln *

htilliiwi |li am.1 e3tiir= the lueix* luflelhef, Tlif (mj^d Hn-rn ikfil arqnnTtl afcrtttt 90 wwttflff houn
v 1 u L n - J

Surprising Sw i lx c ri a n J

neatly lined itp ttfaii# utir edits- ut thr fteM. iSu-ir twimiiith hirtlkday A very frtv — the
\\ lu-Lt du you ih whfcn vuii're 1

-un aimv figure Iij- inn'eT ran hhjhiT than 15 ih-u^ nE

duty? '

T JU&ttf Gcfccr. 1
Art- you ml ji Jl-E — are excused bt'Oin^e of physio J defi-i Lx.
squid ron? itnd mus.1 )tty an jkfdttluniit lux even yoi
[Hi in tin infantry 1
smiled Nwit^rJcmd’? until they nxteh the agf
1 <rf fs,
rpmst furious "] fnr rhu-h wh-i poa* their ]>tsyflka| ex.uuiEi:m- n
ii Irri fljijiHr-iJ itiirfa >1s
wfiirii I dtartirfl pay lihuy iwrvfcr. hut. tiity vjumd U week.-, in Fn tull school When they
rejected my fipplfaatEim, S-iii l
I wfurn't adapted ^rarliLLEj? they air pdviUes* Vnvb m:im E
tii flying pi ven a rffle, M round.* nf aminuilftTim. n uni-
fafEtii aiMl .lN Lhe eijuipnir.itt rrqliilTd far hi*
\rniv.4 ^Sritl t rn 1 i I I ilfiunk I m^Lupcs luli^tfeiL c 1

part if u tar jnli, IT* take •

Ehose t±drt“s linriii'

MenEiou of the Army nmindH irtc that lljuI keeps l-hi'in In copBlaat r^ifltness.
Ji‘4H und bad UtHfftf in tf fi ni ng fn saW ;

rs Svrll7erlapd* the nrnjiir, poss^-
afnrns* ewry vitLi^e note, Wr nti itu: -urr f’Entr «Kt 1 Lnjxi haH always brvft thi" sign nf a
dradtd to vT_H.Lt 'in' EidrnU L.a|hitid and find free iiuill Ixiks lhan 10U years j’jo. in
am buw the lii tli.* cuuniry man/iucs in kelp i’ll "Ur r’ intoTLs H a pastor was mi i^rm-itieL]
so many men in the neJcL tu perfiprn] a inarri:i^;e imfess the pnmm H 1 1 >

Htir Irit'iirj Wall i r Rubli uf tin- Bum Ofiira m i’W [ji^ .irms and mnifnrtti,
<rs T&urkm arranged mi uppnliiiimm! with
[Jr I T. m .4 Rim lull' Kisr/. major in tlir Saks .1
Army 11 Ldctimc flimr for tJivityins

Vrm\ ,uid lld -ifticiiL! in the Mild.iry Hi. pari **Fr-.iim 21 to- \u. ihr yutipg ^ildser
flwflt, l ir. Kune. h|ft (ran fai'c iritL-uT, is a member nf tbe £.!ilr njrp^ nm\ must In'

fanfriiitl "ii iht edge of 3ii> chair when fisked J

rearly for jivliVL 1
service nt any timr, Frtmi
thr y^ijr^liun r Iq 4$ he t5 in the Lundvrehr, whi£:h devotes
*4 ”
Swttzcfftuid 1.I1 not ktivr an army \w iLftfSI prirulpally In ^ufi-pty Eind ir.mftpi ti
simppcd. ‘‘SmttKTknd if w atfttiyl" duti^. FrnWi 4® ]w serx-p^ ip the Land-
EiJ rsO
Every hwk:: 1-, soldier and citizen lit ope fflirra .uni on duty only ip tliL- event nf
pi-r-un* Ur. Kurr cuntliuicd "'rtotf first pur- Witr Al f.o hr rrlit^ jim.1 allowed tb keep
*1 i-i mT pur army k lo keep us out of war. lik flusi and uniform
Tu do ikat. we ni list show any potential „=j- “If an invarlet' >hntild strike trcarirrow.*

^nrrssar thid (he price* of violiitb^ aw iwu- Mjsjur kui-i! ^iid -

MiiiidtmtJy. *Avr woulil Ik 1

trality 15 L 1 >11 high in \m worthwhile. ready. rniL-ilcjilly m-rry fm|prrbi.nt hHdj^

win every mnh- Swiss* fa the major
"Hunt is ft
in the country ib mined, ready tu be IjIhwh
Words, ‘keeps <me fin-iC In the army from the Lip at ;imi mice's notice Alt import.; nl 1 fat-
time In? k JO until Ju 0 " am wliv more u
§ rorje> have rr^rtve ^Nrkft of vitia! nuteriak,
than ->0 percent uf the national ha duel, i? 1 dr- !' very family ha.* re.'arvy- nf fiiinij.

TOlifd m defense, Most jm| n'rry nl «li -l < KLit-cl num

Swiss young mm, Major kur/ explained, tuLN how tu lim- \Ve want
a jffUtt Ur knows
.ue ^milt'd fur utiivr servlrr in the year nf everx one to know bow well jitneparec} we H,re+

Thr cusl nf nminlfty to k a> urrat as lUr it-5

I'Jricc A 1
^ c«Sl U VATO to you. but we ihink s fi
*- Mimcrluirn* ,1 Etcflcon of Shifting 8 puw t worth IL
1 '

Mvlpi bill 1 hi.- Hoick Tii /ennult \ 1 r

iuj 1
ui ifays after our vU.ii wilh Dr,
Hdwnni Wfavii^iui-, 1 BijtijiL, L*i 1 Iht- lVr- h
In irm.
kmj«. Herr Ruhlf '.elcpboned,
qt#tr “”ni priLk hb party Inm
“Vim a^kiil
tih.' '-i , ijmr psn-n
fur nn inlerview with the \ ice fruaidenl of
|>H the tlrjfrliL Ttl u ttliir wu lS.!s5.

HiaiktrL'iT in iv ilihiU rht* M-uticrhnm rncli ypuir SwilztrUuid. hv ^dij rim we’ve arian^cd '

dhd Krrftial I ''g rurSli-Ml Juidi Imml i U j I*, unv JciUL' U for 1
hk itflr^ptnp. Hia nflkr k jimt down
nf them un l< n ruu ufi J- h lun ini* lluii'tvcr
1 r 1 1

Lbe street fri>m \utir hnhA I won't need lu

I Til- loctkl LLmrlr.J^ . with tli mtini 1 1 i n 1 1
?1 U rir . rf.i.j- 1

inq un thr Vliitttrhnra," iixarf

' y^ef'iulitil in
he speaks En^lMi.'
;:lors yft ihi 1
Lht ton- 1 m In n When J referred tu Mr. ^Tarku? Feldmajin
«ft ni i-vr-n nn nl 1 Hr^iiUctd tnottPlaicL as ViLf J 'rt -i' Irrst. ! wps irilluwan^ g^Jicml
Xerrrwtl . n i:*v> villinsr ef irwtr than 13^, an- 1
LtfUFffl. Actually. Swil^M l:md'- highest e.\n -

jiuilly |Jlny* ilicpit tf» aiflfrpi tMft 50,005 vldt^n fpa|?e utive jiutJnuLiy n wiih a se ven-man Ftd- . I -
4-tkr .Vo !lm I du ’
"I iiiL luojja fc4i’Js d ir ( 11 ^ 11 Lhf iij]- ;

efnJ r.ilunt'L the ranking irn-mljt-rs uf width

n it mLiil rumr by Irjxrt nr fruit aUi! h->F-r r| r0 V/

tjrnu^i ctih.jnrre thp di imi u i ruiiruiv eItpl'tLt are pcspukHy eiiiisldcred the etiunny [‘rL-^n
t ^friliv.qll Giqvmilbt Viii*. den l -ird Vice PrtikkfH-

I Eu 1
* Lpjjitaij SiyiUl^aj^rs KiXJJIflii
a Qitnur i
>n hurhvi Pa^s
HVlisn t wjd vdiftfei hmts wn r-rwil riMi paii-tnw i

tu n LI u w hrm io ftir i write, "“Swim

1-1 W Ta'iiulrrv ikih rill hr n kit ilntt'llhVilfil If* li-it'k U[l

MilLl & ivMi: {ibcr h rmi:hiL'i[ Wljcti il hnpEKfln]

In u~r, Vrv ui'nr- •-rdruiE In i|n&Lb. lunL ?n turn 3 -

your neck what your hnart i= in your ihnMl

Ttu* mad ut*r Furha \*;t iA OIW ,

Ih liLplti*?S in
ii I'.uri^ir, ojiriiri] In SflftT Swlldl 1

hurki u the r„j£M u |

highway Ik in i 1 I J

I 11 mnltEEr dliLjujCfc Bernes* ALp. ri=* in iJll back-



->t^inc 4-El, Iijwit rirhf Spkm^h&nJ rm Si^shh he;iiI

.i 1 1 iiii u i ii i i iHiinrli'ii- .ir ill ninny n^c which

hit 'lunLil in Minli-x Cfj|u>rii 4 ptrii+u-cs iit daiincxd
Hr iluiI LOivdhkilLi Vial~V_

+ Steep and Narrow Si rtdi

/£;^lTliIEr ‘^

fiivt (^limbur's j J re miliary nrkuiil 1

3 W
FUlL eu|hc, and !« ml uei his lilOLil-drn. 4 mtflm-
fnmccr walks ir^m the Iralh In h\i fun^onii Ofta nf
4 .? holds mvd IwiMry: iiaiHt* Ii» the dlWr,
Wrikiheml mwU'ti hnhfrr. hfisjhi witfci flewedni:
« j ;n Iniiv- ,i ii i J EujipL-d with to dLh i>: t pli t ‘Emu,
-I rin.'HMir t- ZcJTlliiit lib and)' E.5 .my she.
i; .^imvai fl* Trtniilr fPwilrif


1 H


.dl 4 Lj' .

1 1 1 " 1 1 "

•M2 The National Geographic Magazine

*'l was .1 jouriultat mjttelf." Mf- FrldiOvui paid m attention hh pre^-nre in the qumr, lo
Lulii ll-;
I'rtent.v-lUrL'c veuts of my Bit were To jean ami me. who had interviewerl oHtmlfl.1
spent os an editor, So it's always intercsl Ena 1 iv? with enormoLb- fetfifitM nf -.rrvvoiE-

Ei r me meet former tolling ms/


iisnl 1 1. c i r- f
mi: kid witharmetl ipfil it mn
lli,ii Erred zskti I hr 5S-yi-ur-i!il I Vke a ple^wt i'.\ri >. s -.f ill rt-al danwvniey.

frtfflfcfent hiiHr he IraptmiiL’d to Itecotnr a Dent, [Lr in .and I dediknl shortly after our
[Kpicmmit inlnxliiLtivLi to it, Is the TovdlftSt rlt\ we
1 liiuk uji interfeit. lie ufwspupm rum I ihe have ever seen. Tlte prrinftly preserved m«ij-
time [ wa§ 10 years uR“ be suit!, *and cob evnl fii^nili>, I hr cWk towers and quaint
lotted wwptpi-r clipping. ll"w ' -tn it hi titalms^. 1 Hr -sirmLi: Miin-Err rhuidi, and die
I used to ask iuvscIi i hat th^ri- i? always mn^iiiikeut ppuspecb alnritf Lin* Rli'H
just enough now- In till a iimvsp.ipt never -
— hlumd tnlo an \nitetcan i
drvnm <T .l Liiro-

1h tmirh mid nrvrr ttiti |ju3i-?

i Later un I |ieau city (page 450 L Anti as CLi|iSta! uf

was in find tbit i m-wspaper editor has pTciily the Swiss Con federal i i m it like U .liihin^ton.
uf olhtif lluh^s Eli worry abum 1
T,. hut with a difference.
[ studied litw rim was ad mf tied
l fn the liar, The dffferairt b d,Lit while \V;i *;_= -n i- I 1 1

hnl never practiced. J braune a repciftef,

a “mode' i'i)vn, created fur ibe -uh inirpn# 1

then a frareiiw editor aid finally editor in of .:ovi i rmLSi jit. I Seen has it Ifcrftaflp 1 i its

ihfat *d tlir Xr'rtt /fmir'r Zntmt£. As T w.lS wn umdnies Vm? Swiss

tbtir Far mFL'iierntiuin (

on llit: political skte of the paper* I became AVf know dmi the arimEitistrai™ i-rs of rhe
more a ml more inti rented in political
problem w_ Riniidi»m of Hidi Burgundy built l-irtsfiril ;i

itj lietr .n- nark It b c^sifiEn


Hut Ihc first iwn times J ran |m 1m il ^lYn - e tljf Waller I


] Wiiv ilefeatLsi RuhlL, himspiif d local Ustdfiaii of rmie. toW

E^cavatiotis indicate that there may
No \i\tv 3 1 ri l i
< iz- h-r I ]hrt?f F%,t-'eittive have been a ntv here i hi ftunirtn tiini's. Oliih k

he Federal Council enough, die ic-.j r seetn> to kite l^i'n a symbol

The Presidency- of I is

of that Kutrtiin Hdllumetii,

rotated among the members each serving lor
However, the iTesirlcnQ ^HQol The bear symbol of fhb Cnutoa Is still ihi.
line year
uf Bern, mu! the rmmfctp '1 bear pit w one of
1*0 f ibr same iiian wo yr-Urs running. Mr,
1 I

the city's most |7i>;m]ar aMmclii-ns Every

Kelditthnn ok n- ulilmu jh srvenil ntm have I I

held the office more ttatn nitre.

day Hutidrwifs if n^itur-. twffttet usiri natives i

asked he V ice 'rf sitlcm uho was soon

3 I I
aUke^Tnwi an min rln? -iunkrn amcnitr Wi l!a I I

to Mucceed to the if SmircH.-ind wntchEtvg the uf the anftmtii.

hud n n-irlr-tiir mch a* tnir Whilr Bwlv,

Bear^ t nr Flg^- ind CumiLi
where the chief rKvcutlvc drninr hjii
w have d^Vet seen mure artful tK^Einir
u-rtn of i
iflke, Wt
Bat/ >1" He replied. J

'The I'rffiidefU of Switzerland lives in his Bimilles of r:i n - ami kodtok uf fin-* <R- i

own homii. Sitlrl tin visItMH who want to feed Ihr iinsm.if.-.

1 hnpr rluritg my Eerm r'-F ofifkr to w the Two liriith am ki'|it ir mtch nf the « hr— •- pit.-,

laws guaniTtEi ring our pnfes freeriunis W6ti and ibey cunstnatly ccunpei c fur 1 1 1 . i i r r» nt toil

mote dearly defined/' he lukl ua was I uf jiuy visitor w-th food lu >pare

for M..HTU' yiMf*i pii^iilrni t-i the >wk? IWss ^Rimg i

"il to yiMIF pn ipiTty ivhrn you watch
VsHocmtiui^ and I reiEird ;i free und well- the lie;] f.t. keqmi Ecuil Bafinf wiietl m
fnf(.irmrd press >s* unt- of the mr.-.i rmportiuit ‘‘Ptouplr almys i|fii]ipirtg th'inf^ i'pi th^rc
durntmi^ in a cmmtry's iadqwidi^ee/' *
Just reepntty an Amekat lady drupj iar.1 her
S|j*4Juii|t almui the visit* uf Amerk:ms to bitnclhtu!. TTir bear? scattirrvff motVry. lip-
Switzerland !
mrusts, Vice President I d 1
1 -rkt- atid keys aTS over tW
Enaiiii evp lamed; ‘
We s^in more ih'in money

An Fnudfshman mitrbittg litualtcel hard

frum 1 hr yirofde who %'E&il LL' * plenty of travel Ills falsi teeth fell in Orw uf the .ininiLil-

streneEhca-^ ths brlwwai ruitli^ns

the The Htublinl th«tn. run up the tint in the ermter uf
II n‘i :• I -lih| i
between Si wi tae rlii nd uml ibr L'uilnl the pit. and ctru)>ped them to Hie concrete
Slides has limited for Liem-fHiiuiLs H and I hope floor. Kut a pises felt bije ennuj^li to pick up,

in see it fiecoim 1
eier strumaer i (\ miorrm/ rrrr page 4fT)
A 1
- Vn V I'ifvIrliMil belfim.snn Waited fell*

•Sec “Swiss, flu J r i

i Tlirfcr Anriri.t |..ilirril«,

his h tiolked that while viiitnber of

f zi
trill- r.i tlofft -. NaxidKiL
Ll e.lh pE.iiT 1 LLLe M^uke. Ami],
hi' 1 1
mill y men yTC-vti-i] him conlialhy others mi,
44 a

+ 'IfciLthcf**? Fairy T ajtf

1\ nth sin S'- Ht-r (

V fftippwpjW by ktgtriiElttri

Swiss wbiiiit i:hjlrSfs:n «n

regular tiulidsiA I'Xtu.t.Jryo* li>

|'i \n\‘ti nnci flltlWIifll vhriipi * 1

I !|J-V# L<JU fill'll iriilll * r"I I

rrd-HiiilrR^ A mountain vfl-

1jajiv m I hi;
i limiiui i'i 3 item
v^rad d ilsiv -on 1-i k« i*( Rtfienz

Tlli'y u-L-ar iuik cSrra* vSM'j itu>

in Ltpu m .rtk 4

Cirv?i^ Sny Thii

hi j WMrtter*
H w itiia i Li fljJTi wn o'l - fa I v \n e
fndUBi-iy i*l' nti'fx Jn slit vJHatfii

ui Hrii'fift yi’Jyja m^nc tin an

14)00 ikirtr-iiiiii Ljftc tVLTvitiine 1

FtQin ciicktrtJ lie iiiaain ful-

fill mijtltli- triT mesfknJ>.

A '-Lal< jii|jpSJf Ltd s-Cil' -ul Iniln-

yon n Sw-iti in ihi jncient ;ir?

Thii linn, nnr nf nufiv lbayiI

by Uhi. itudnfi.L’i indnl* ilu: w,iy

l-i iTifl ferry 1 -inEiini;

>_ AatlKlI I
“ -T 1
1 i i»i hivIM/
MigtiF. Munch, (ttid JlltiLjff t^UI CJhidlafltfc Climbers;
Lp^ \. ii] hiti die 1
- I rnvcU'r* VI ny Tote a Trniri

Seen pri h| i
1 hr A-Lhiniiiiliutii I thfi pjnAr tvn;i rni^nkK iktrji

1: OO^tOfiT T.C'ki TV JmtffTriil ! lizht U piEll v .tli-^HTid

by Lticjuds ii n 1 1 Llie lLu rfe tirecLljIfJ* of its liultiirss. this SiEi’iCun

IT i
in j U
l-.litiitwA Hbhril tj il’fl.iy il/lalns ,t hciehl nl mw LbiU- 11 00C-

teei ucl ibu jejtiuiriiii. V LuimrE 4.4 milt- lum carries Eli: ci.-e-

jjrupitElreS Emm* rlirfitttfh Uir fotfejr Fnaf M«inch, StdJtiHl

iii iwiu. the Liar was hs>E MnnpMH Mill it I^U-

ThL 1
, bill jbu'b r the vllltn uf Murrr.n tmlflia LlK Urmintb
«>f ft i ihk fitDMray; ill -ration appear* in iDre^rPund-

0»Hmiii.I lji>ijru[ii-(li ^*IbI;

*r (S-i^bj * "r^dltd on hi cad! b rei-*

V 1 1 ^ lid f '* It .i 1 1 J *. for K. nri 1 li n ii

tiscniksSL^, ,% ™r>unuta vtDkgp In the

CflhMifl rtl V -ilili- ha- -EJKl :m:ky
jjalJii. baoMwit-es Miililnr
frrtm hnuac to hmise curry biiliiijn On
he tub dfiri call -i> littry <»,
Thu - ntm ^ wmiflifh f-u-timur m it-
;tpH. t.ij iijr S-u mi lit> mill itutilv.- trie a-
hoei# \ kuftlvd n^tiian luppnrb the

V|ii>j j i^-iiilivcr A .idicncc +
S'aisr *M>: While uiajjijilh dear
we ,i i; her | ii r itn J jii^l i.uj iiklure
(liuvi 1
1 thu Fihors viHLeij thb ipiiT


J n jn .

nf ro-ai

“There Wn
MopE-t'd Wt,
^ rilc-

follOTrcd whmvrt 1 vvinl. miLtlcil toy
inswjjl ILiuJ LMr-ti En ell! il i l*f i3ur cam-
era Sii

Lr-,1 .iJlLlii.j I I r‘. ur hw Ht-n-

iln- tow iculchn jcin charter Olin

IlimIui Li ii lii linn** Jb* 3b»« il+fii

j |

1 Mo
W4 -+
{ !« y i E] m-c d Ijuutk-y StnjJe j, Sfytu SUn
GfltlT Ihv frul df World W$F F ihn iVrurulil oF dbtihcElve calt-
tfnj| mslUmrs vtmA « rfylnr TmdiMnn in iiwi tier land. Then. ihc
NuLLunnJ Cwtmdii" Luiurue !|iisntii i fL-vit it. Toda-. LLc Ltjl^uc
hiii mnrtf than -tl.
i hi n 1 1 ii" h -. iljiiI iHLiiiy OEBrf Stufi* WrAt lht
S-MfU flfl !f-,lJV+ fji f Inlllh i

T3eb iTJi ! -it LfiUrJakcri atlntiL’d muru Uiau JjOHJ partkk

fi.i n.c-5 l mm every I'lint^n The ttofe-diiy party aiv jiaujuLi* Sulk
tlmvdnit i ri^j jntdntL fllpdfri) t TTi | i iixicf.rt , and iTu p 'WbrUnp i]mi-


PfiKnislikifi. hff-LiddrtFis +
fdtntffiL^ a Flddtj
frrMM E

Each Canlri'ti h:i- iu uwn dfitipcr

tri't cub. find mam ifTlaur* iifjr}

special iiiui’b: itf their b*ia Thra

(kninlai with Mk bivhlnm on namr
Iht wearer^ CjihIo& at a

-iJh- KhifeorniE he:iddi'i:-.^i

itt| Ihmt '

hrfr triculekirn mi from
AppL'mcll, 4 town fainouiii bur it*

Lftdlenni rrki

In Lb* pitting jlit^e, i iLr- bbek-

I;ul- burmiil:. iit ncnl air frusta 1 Ei

'antnn q E Item. Women cui firnv
in uimt AafJtao"* fiun-
*Uy lwrf.

>#ainnil !• r-mran piw.lftr


+ 2

l: ls k= I 'li iaE I . i l E^liind- ;ii $ Sl-j uf l IL-umla

lYp tQH a \ht flfJg i 3j] wa At A]]!iEUli Ij .->1 ;ll 1 Ci}| a Ul'HiJIU iL> /'

wtiIee Franc Shcir "'At 4>GQ0 lent kct filun^ed' jutu a daud jiver
Anti the i*: wrli! dJBapf.irsrnciJl A ih-cutianit UtJ IheIilt wt -muTEed
Iftn? Mlitd&g 'p-irtli^'hi VV> IiaiI Ikoprrl h« i ^iinnninifl ui
MitiiiTte, wi idLkij far ikf a^ J k- uj Uu? Hmtt** Alp*"
Ca ilMlMl ILr B.ri.rvll lr -"- !*!-

+ Kupcll* UriicEu .
Cumbiri^ Hridjfr? und Art GaiJfn*
This HtlHcmlDri cuvcmi hrwtet" in l.uctrnr shelters II l r

[tnrt ilnr paJwb j.i.MnlrrJ j1.mhi? IIiOO Pjy Haiti W-iKnulm imj Ids
£im MJ ri V «r llltfr 1L- 1
1 r Lt, Tii^jrrJ Ihtf iH'f^ hi'Fi "

f«*l uu!!- and admire thr tdd S.apc2l-ElruiKL-c Erma a

modern l/ridct. Thirteen h^eFituiy L&u'cr Cleft,? ibmdi in l li l;

H.ivrr Ri uu.
L .| i jr-% *-S^ L S

lif fa ^

IV * m ’
“ JC
i 1 JB ,,nJir _j|f .1
j J -I

Surprising- Sw itac rbnuJ 4T3

Hubli had told us iluit wiridainu the Ittnrs side iji’H ir Thr decpruthm of this enl more,
was ihf; faviifijr fUbttntr «jf ihr fierngie. VW Hrnr Rul.ili told uh. caraod l>y tbtt rrhi-
didn't Udittw fi saw a bcfde utirl
until ire tecl hlm^lf. Into tlie he Jmii worked,
gmiirn, ’ I
in wedding clothes. come (Hretity Lit tin Btnrie I- dblett. tSie ward-. 3 j.

[ ijl'il wedding ceroni.ii;'. and span! an It is an lief lveii . Rul.ili told us. meanini; £ 'opv

hi illi frodJn« the iumbetfiiuc atdmftk | asktd this ii you on

a inffislii r of r he- wefkiing iri} wh) tb.ey bad
cbnseri such an mi likely place to begin their

VinNrusis Dinl fur Perfecl A

homy mi mb, I had been impressed, dnrrrui uur Imvt'ls
M \Vh,ii^ he malttir wiib Live war pit lu
a hunt the i • mt^try, with ills- ease wiith wrblth
asked iudL'tuuitiy- “ They mci hi^o. Sn did
otie cijiild dial any tvk'phi.nn 1

in Swslaerlntwi
my wife and L wiLttmui jxjtiierin^ to pluce the cull with an
\\ iil^i'tktL^' we parked our carrier as and ofieralor. in Bern 3 callcii uf^.m Pr. W. A.
went away. itc Secretwy (ieocml of the n like of
Aft typical rd bmi ns lift betth* are ihr sleep Tek-arofihd anM Telephones,
Eircufe I hist linr ibe n»iw Stifcet A ftalttfe Lj
!V1i sIieuih?- hawt mg Sweti m jtnp. irLnti
1 >

of the cit>.
since ll.- rnrlleit mtirded history pArt rd Swis^js life?, ht told me, 'We m^tnllwJ

l her riffrr the present- day stroller as they did the first in ^ i\Q. and we ha^e mare lLliei I

hii; medieval predeci rssor -Hr- ter from wind ,
770.000 5ubscribtfr^.
and r.iiii LiirJ -iLLu Mcidi'm aaTiirig law* ]Ww-
had h^nyil Llrnt the SwLs>
1 afiereii s-'n'ii.ts
iec! them from eiiLroacliment by spuce hungry nol unir rally :ivHihlih' in Mu' United StfltAS
proprietors, and J n^k&l Hr tli- Sails if ihis was so
A’ i ill ^ .jn _;e! i t liti-r-mirnil e ^ummarv of
Sly E[ inrinr Enl iverts Mv Jiei nl Huardi
rlii’ bieri news." he ttul weather pri de*

F.ipndly fanum.* h* ibt Murvitrtf church* Us r

n' , or tise o[ imjf! rt^j sportmc1
3 1

*££ isuttered by the tablet between the doors fverii-. riiere s


u cent' nil iiifutnrtialJoEi HiTVirn

id I hr main portal wbu h reads: — where to buy vnrinus items, and how Ln
in (he year after the birth of t hrt^l HJ1 locate a hate] room.
on the llth of March the firM Mutte of Lfre
"And if vi?u want tu time yanr violin you
church was bid*” i/illi dill I il IllimblT . loci HIT ft jTiTlr'H t V
Tht ttirvhi£ linger tbi^ fmrtal ls one uf \\e on a Simria*m *3 rive llin iiatrh the
Switzerland s moss prcciuus trdiswrfca, The rullfnK hillft imrth of Bern when had my !

La si Judgment Ft til [wonted nut, contains ill

hrst md Iasi emuufiler with Lhc ancient
n sly hit iif medievu! humor (Sis M|w^rs of HomOsstti.

Thal if* ia in
figure In paradise. he
( i
t-j 1 1 '
tu a rr-adside tseid twn ernweb oe men were
-a ill printing. the Lunl Mayor of Bern. '
> iSilllrrerh ,iliOl]i a rjn^cn in aE‘> :
.Jji the
iuwn there with those amsiirncd
perdition tii-
two uni I * nr p;s rail'd by wnn? yanb Chit 1

Ls die Lord May nr nl /iineb. he two towns I'

Ptip tarried liiiarhl^ ahuut t ^v«> feet square,
never did get oloiUDf!" mounted on five- foot sElcks, Thc olher ^roup
lower. emtipleted in ruslpi w atthedr
fine of * heir number eIhiE the air wish
ftftL the highest JtR Switzerland. flu- wli:il li m iLs-i I hki- :i Ii--Jimil, miIi- v. lii ;, I
n :

dtiirtlfft Malned-glass winduw* are furndtik knedi on one end.

tpagi 1
4 62) But Jean enjoyed most ^orl I "Van'rt ltnckv ret- thh-." upr friend HeT
.i touLh id human pride evident over ii smnll tnul ilasfiensLefn told tb as we tirc&fed h<
die latter party ^Honmssoji h 11* jur-1 n\mui
PlltZb* 4Sb rlfti) out to .Svi^ijEitrLain'l, lt> >in!y in
4- M ij n-fel^ i
t Ila li rt h 3 ,iir ec - VIlmIiuA ll I l$n rn oui^u'-the-wr.i> place* thiit you 5«' it ijln^ned^'
wdh t\m Shadow prf \u Crtilhic Spire [ lie jil;-iyei> ^i-re dressed in sharl. brightly
The Herman Ofiethfl, ylli-r shir .la 1779, Ii emhr-iid"n Marty wure ijeatife* = i.n.'kets*
nhiiU tij.O HitI-. Wpv !ll‘ HKl&t .iUt dI‘J.1 LllWp " tl
Ut into iduced nursdves and a>kei:l ii we

Ii .mI h'vi'i h-Hi Si. I i i i n i 1 1 _ii hh i

I in Swim ci$b*
Ldfi i'll I n LtJ'.Mi ihal wuulii havr- v.-w LrnuMc 1
mrnht wnldth l"hey rrtadr its wcknrne atti
rechcniftriE it ii hr v, rrr a live today explained the pamt 1

tm^i ihe fhuttb'S

l\ih vira takesi U>prt, *>qr sitje its at ^Lt, In the ^n.unr! wus t

rhnwi hr irrMikd iWrWBlki t klTt

t M S ,
brhiflV rtCTLbi set a platform with two steel rails about five
ilw Rhi'r \m f, ahd i!ll reillSnii Mlb tub
ui Ihr
itci long- tod of the mils itnt an Ow
the platform hr other curved gc-ntjy upward ,
1 3 1

Mi hi Main \ i 1 *j kl -h

i ,
i i‘ji>i
vu rm w iiv -

fr PajaJi 1 I Lij i ill 1 r hrHihh ct*-

I Li i I ini [t i iiiam in tht rhililEiJiarf

h^nip jjI kill. whe

(mailed rbr {snap* hrn-Lcfi- Etciif-

iicb; hla rnimr tlcfc in !Nicdrr-

^ M Id hirUr.. Wlllftrtl M-irki
rJJffUStf RiU, imuotiu the Urd

-+ [tincrmt ^ i:nrfDir> in nrnraEc

villus ciirrv lowi, ^otbinpc,
jnd ucl Lu j pwJJile J^ckini:
I r napn r*
; :\ u in TK i* 1
1 13 1 r htT
lacit mi lA'JinrJ iji llvrr ^ilu-

uipm trt ft h^nwiwlff In Rnllnefi 1

In unjn h. (Ihli mi i.‘i 1 1 Uhl -

45. ; Gaonjii in the

I nvn 1
: EfliUiiJlttr. La a pvrfcit
mmirff rvSwJ“VlIUj^ [ s nfi-
mIji luiKni^kiu I'L'inm-d nun y
clJ ill iMh'tfrULLlhy bwk1NB4*
kc-coEd M'litiT f LEilrv in ^unpen
(hr duller *A 1 hr:-c [smntLri'h-L -.

' \-miiiiui fl» rriiiMr ‘- Iiiit

! - l .

4 £4 Tjiu Nati-iiial { lunjinijijiii M j/. ine

io a height uf H-Itciui sh inrhra, At l hr top Stick wrll buck* Ptiust at top of -^S. i ll l-.

wu± ihm j niiLi I Etv *m which ranted a hunt- Then a -troke wiih all my tjlmi^Lb* (Vetrlf'
rubber dl^k almuM gxactl) Ukr Lht puxik Died A ln-auHful clear cmckl 1 kmkerJ up in aniJcT
lei ke hackvy. patifem, Suvnethittfe was Mlitti; flown the field.

While wr Uiiulird. one of tin- players hkik E h ikeil . 1 1 tin li'i


an u^M-fum mil vci) similntf t,M ti E.r«mt rod The [nick was s£i$l lherc* T I luukrd tit my
nn the end oi which wlls a baud wooden cy stick. The wiiidnfl cylinder was filming. \

irieferabout three inches lunu Slainlinc ahum had hit tbe raits wtth eJu i ftcxlbk shaft Amp:
Len feet Irruft the puck* he couple of ;i
p in die tylfwJer "IT. I I_lL was wluit w.v-
priii tier -.witiw,*- with the Nwishlfig ^dcL and flying down rfn held 1

I hern Mi bodv twisting n hjirnmfrp throw- More .ml it e rimrmmv, broken 3 only by
er'i, tnaile a tn^in?jit]i>n5 swipe at the hard- Jean s uristlpppr^ssed lauuhEtT, T in^i-Ctrtl ott
rubber jun k. j^aytiLir for ihr,
tirofecii l iu 1 1
. My host re-
Then? wits ;i siuirp crack. and the pin k fused [Him ling met ihnl ft wa* n common
-jiitM thnm^h tfn' air (owned ijn Wnitb^ tJLM'uneaiL'r. i-juisih mended nod duiwlnn rru-
crowd They flailed at It with their ^quarr iljilf ji 4]o/i ,
n ^tiL'fes in similar liilidkiun U*
biKirds lifer men with giant fly iWiUtcrs try- prove So we Lhiiukeii everyone profusely

iii [L lu strike an insect on l he iviriu und win) mir way.

Tbc3 were unsijt-i cqjful The puck Slit ihg ll
Shouldn be too ha neb mused Jam. Vmi t
1 f ' l

a found unscathed more than yard-* fnmi play fuh You dtin'l play lmurh
.;n|i. Ym
Iht lee. and our -side cheered. Humsii^i'n, Ehnn^h, do yuu?
Tf tiiey hit it and forfag it down, no score
l'?mu, dr cine of tin" phyrrs explained if E^rtiod 1
vmip«n> VEmuiL-nt
-l rites. the t^nund nntimcbeil tin- distance
Hflnml Has^eimtciJL. whu witnesse-d my 1-113-
it tiivds Is scored fm our jilde. The team bamtssment on slits ictaatm. Isttet took 11* in
with the aaiint distance in a 4lvcu number *!' \i ^it ihf famib of Haas ThiersteiEL \\ ^ hj-ri 1

shuts wins the rvjm---n! . widi ED nu>-1 a typical 1"

watched white hiiJf :i dozen p layers took
ilv l if the EimDentut
Lhrlr mighty *witug* insf sent the jnirk scmtnt- k
a Surmloy morriinij our friend
(JNa act. urn-
[n^ rliiwri the Arid The raif h wa> apjiciT L

pantvd u? up a country mad abcive- the vilbitr

ent. were ti.L a aide the stick to the .nick.
of Bowl]. Hmp Thf^meiii w;rs
linia on .1
Rather simple. T thought and wished someone hand-hewh Wooden liench in front uf bi>
would invite me to try. l ury-nld huirti N'livp chilli rim hi ihr* tyjncal
dress mi' I'n I
amientul -at nlentiilv beside
E I cMti uKsc i] H Liiii b k s. Ll sl- \ uiEh tr

liijn. We ijtfrtduced mir.m'tvi^ !«i ihv 6|-y«ar-

(ltd, Smiling. an ertntmnus farmer •
<i rjjihcr. who ]m:^ nled r
lu^ Four d[i lights
with a widnis inu.dmihr oFfered me his -dirk, ajh] fivir Kadi -t%Hir| rn turn ln'iir-d
polite]} f refused- lie Insisted. I yielded, | Nd i 1
• I
y , clmn sit tfciwn witlkml ulterjua p
nnd stepped into tin- fin.di whitt lefc in Lhi. soft word.
turf by my rume in(u tht huust'.

said Rlili 1

A\ e
Better hi- rotirfd ‘

cautioned jean. on talk without filing di^tuiln-d

ThK dv«iddn't tie Urn hard '
3 helittksl, wr friMnwvd him ncros^ rhe Thre*hold T
“1 pbiy feplf rind l fiffh. This serins to he ihr diene row nf ;. 11111.1^-h'r- mi filed ITkr .l

a Cbmbrnabdn uf the two tedriilrjiies." 1 "vey of t|iv:id. Their unnatural snhrieiy^

I took my
two (irautifv >wirms. Then E obviously, had been mrti|:wi(y manners.
Wound up and let go with all my might Wr sle m sinLiidiE chaiK in the curubltHi-
Ttmd '['be stkt smad^d Into the ground tinn livine and ifjnijiu 1
mum Most ol the

Ihrit'i feel behind the mUa.


EvEryotse -iinsletl sfincc was Uifeen le|> fay :l long plank Uihb
|Hilj[ely While I halajLUed tin- Stick 1 u fret r In

fed of ii a lilTle beictrf and hike niv

second 4>s
Textile Printer O^lur* Huj^dkciducEh ;
l trii.ife it™ $&£$&. The fimbiT n wi cut the Fi.u? died ^'ardiigo Pried ( jvrrbtyd

air al least fed above the [iin'k.tivu Titi - j

iEil.le in .MiiJmli, C^hlon Lilam^ um^y*
Pulilr tMtmiirS about Ijow jIIeTIc uli It really
praiif»ipaiiidM!D| of TDt'n flirt ! [ in id Eiiundatinn >'*uf r
SS.lO. Most l.C thr JJ(S kltL[iii i> 1 1 mi ll suiilI] urm
was at first* 1 r^tniis. to try sgain. [x-rMps N
BiTrytifrc bat af Inifi a enw, 11
mlif thr lnaiiaia.T,
uul quite -su Suird I his ttme. C !*i.l i-in-l l?r liLi~ II." ll >.»:iiEi
rid 1^-' -


f_ \
* *
hi* I




with hiuichfrj
cans nil ala ta!


si it




mc.h a lajgr brnrwt i»ti hif-

IS rockj acres* Jean and
had, we

-hi iit.
down each

* family,,

have m.nmed ami


were ciirmus to know


told him. ltnwii



have 14,


in be ftiimmci and mnefaing

.tr_ i
it our fjiwn country
i i

whi'¥P ten Mines thro acreage

ml|{h( nut be cun^kfemf mh-
r|i liite for 4i smaller famih
‘Milk is oar fash ci-up up
h^rr he (old us. I keep

IT owr and wv seTI alrfifit

4S ictel' v a rlav, i].

have a variable ga r-
ilCjQu J3 fow fruit tri-f-s 2$
JO thickens, and TO
Thfti There arc the
tw«fc Ticking caTt of
hi irves*

all of them keeps us preliy

busy. \\ e tie! up .0 four let

summer In the wintvr it's
li'n dark Jo we sbiy in bed
fill* -vis o’clutlL^
Omy-hairvd Mr--, Thier-
iMrft! came from the kjidn-n

to announce tfuft .Sunday

dinner wlu ready. A great
tureen oi beef {troth was *ei
befrjtr- the father ;mrl e-yirry-

ouc tout his place un the

Iwflies (pac'r 46&K
Thierateh bowed his head,
itti we ail fisllnwed suit
Ijuieity he thanked ESuri fur
the ffhwl set before us aim I


Brown Suiv>i Cuttle SiEmd

Slctk and Fm in AppLM^ I:

OtJ. nf the Wnrlit'i aldeil,

Mxrvi!* ffreiwti Sirk utr nnth'r
!if ihe Tlley atl'Vi! IiiUJt
*he nsi-gt ,im| rEa|.r> inriu-tirir-*
Each jutunin Mint IjDTSQ buid
Mr rlrivcij tii h'F^null for 1 1 •

Hnkl S4 mb bear*. thr nrlme ut
the bishd'i-E peak tn the Alptfdii
The iiLpuie m'tHJs its raiif Bk* 4

11- j kj-r: n|(il H}niR-i ; tt'EnrfiiWi li Li limit pie I I'yL/iL

li'lilh.ll 1 --I 1 |lJ>Mi Jn'IU


* •

n lr* w
y iftwH-i *

Bj&SS fl i

B 1

- . -

11441 invi
LibruiT oi St. GiiIIud
iHupliiyi (fit Treavtuw
of Fifteen Cffitlkrics
Thr ttcncriit tittr aSiNl^ Li I j mry
In ^>i. IriJIcn t.iL.- *l> fitjtti

an W2I1 robsHrtiiirt wht> i:un«*

hetv ui'ijut r>l wa juviil'Ii CTirU-
lijini ly \\ .i-\ hi* ilciitb thu abbty-

Lutitfitu j h:h. uL k'jimiiu; uLttrfng

Ihc [ Lit xL \'jt h

Ablrtii ilutur Unmikd the Ij-

iinirv in (h* ^ih frn(Uf£i l\r

ji m 1 1 hi. gtlnzsHin |i 1 cm- tvnl |ifkr-
lt« QtuiiEjiiTipu cl thi' rii
i“.L, iniil
Kditi^ii biHO, .njMit; Liicni a

Tth-^VTiiLLr^ Muni Other trcs*-

13 res ini: ^th.-cpnluTT Irisl
manii^rrifiT- r-il:vr In SwilrrrtBnd
hv the liLvcrfiit* iti St, GiUtia.
Tadiv lk Hbrwi, h'l^w 1 r»,
G’QCl vnllimw 1tf.1L :,<KX> n u h ij

rtflfiJ-’i Oiff the fftlrJHSCf ih

taivnl Ihh llTHmpti^n lii fitrrk*
" thr Ph.-.rtra, V iKlr SlkJ

^ l';i V-l VlMlnr* -

«r ifil
*%Tprl-» curf ihuct tu SH-nlt-i-l iht
Miirii -v inlfh iU‘ inla 1
- Thi- tnut-
nibctnl rciijifi, fn so-lwto
tom finHutJ Lh F”n 7

+ I'fto, cKuerhivtaf m rfiur-

he*-. intern?in iFfitfinnitni
letter ft in a fFoyer trunk (hiU"d
+ A r^rmim monk namnd F cil

chart pj.i nii’il I Kk fj-x.ilJcriiu.m

wIili iu ithimmuin] H aImiiII the
Vfijr $ 60 .

4 W


r t

fmr ihr Lw^intj of th^ Lisni. He

quipped., arid I slants rn my
hcai 1 , Ind tli L
ii biid.isi he voice nf
t I

M ts. Thienneln, adding her i?wu

wnixk of |traliluJ[! In the order i-f

their u krr each cUU followed with

u brief EiraLe_ The ycixinpestn a lad
of seven, spot’i' lusl:
Thank \ ntt f
dear God. for idl

You hsive idveti wit.” he sitEd* and

thr Lrnillv -
fell to,
Me*, ThieE^tfin ladled the kfoth
into the howls When that hml
pi in i Its Wjij dir hrtiig^it fruin the
tiuzhen l1 hup bowl of tailed ted
;iHil jt JiL’fure her hu»kiiuL He
:-.r.' rv ; 1 il jivtu llie same howii, whil-
Iti^ wii'r and an elder fin ughttw
added muimrU nf plain boiled |mta-
r*M> and gfttns, Jfean h were bent
ji m i-t t ihv. ihO* ill" thr pUtes as


the f. sinily Mr swiftly atnj sdrnlly.

Then Mrs. IhieFsieift whisked siwuy
t hr 1
1 . i-vv
- and relumed i r i I

of -t n's^Ti hnme-baked bread and a

wedge of ye How cheese. Still with-
cat a v. brd L he family finished i.
r -

vtuhL ii ii i 1 ZU minutes after 1 he first

word of iiruce hntl been spotoi we

were back in oar chairs.
'We have the sunr fttnu every
Sunday in l he year/' Thier^li'sn told
us. Ww’iul jia;s
wt 1 1 mii '1 eat much
meal only cheese and veizeflntdes
;iimI li« iih-i
[HjttsEni-x But mi one
ever eoes humzjy and tk yniinf;-
stt'fs ti j th-rtvr
I asked uiir h*v-t it Mi children
li tinned to live fiictneri
Tht-y seem satiated* he repin'd,
’The fivv who inpwl awuy are all

farming. Wtr belong on the bind

In SwitdirlaJid we're pm ml of that.
The National rnspnnnen Ftesti

val —a thiLe-rky eKtimvspp rH

folk dancing, and centime

by thr ^wEs* Fulklun-

Association. the- h-T-tf brought 6.0UC
c i.i^t uim-i I TrtefrjTnnki^s imm even
i an tun \ 44 *v i r

enjoyed Sir dancing and «d- l

mirpri ihr costumes Lmi thr Joviality ,

Hit Hope u Lifeline, n QiniEwr
Svvln^ JiOtti Cranhe I’inHec ii

if thr ftn^Lglia AIjt-s

I4 S -Uiflw

The 1i\qrU Tall* Avrtj in ei Bread ilts* \ uid Bcnci-ith ihc l_<! 14-s '
f a Swito Lomk
was cqu much fur mir i-Tm, Wc Wfttl slay- and ivfi-.n t Suddenly we won- iMvCwJt |hn>ii|*h
isiL ;H Hm Basswtsteir! * H«‘te1 Splendid lie ids uf Hkicco pn^t stucco husise-s
.rnd the hold's cafe was a favorite galiitrinu pointed pink aud blue and ndier OEcandfr*,
place 1 1 nr ’-t.iy-uij(-LLLt >, i
When a (cut) lit fltFwrrfru trues ^ind nlm^ hik'd ilir -=tinHt

VpprrLzitil hell rJ n>»r r-= attd a trfo uf Jitpttt- courty^rtb.

3iui:i pluyefS: fcmm /uu gut Loselhen un the I n'Ti-rz- ,i][ luvij sin- Imi we iuid been
^chuumI nictht. we decided k> bead -ninth to the told by ftnvmnnd Jau^.si of the M on trrtis
Tkiruu Tourist ufrire because IT kk-. JEnUim charm
and, SffL.1^ plumbing He was rlsthr We
Pftlrnp SwMy on Svvi^-l “ ItivjL'ra"
viriM Ajacuiw, T>tscamu. ttitd Lttpmh 'sailed

Thai 1 eh -. 1 11I i IliI drivr. i,j]i which we trossrd on Lijkk- M mix tore
mid Lake of and
Ehr» ?Sii?=S en and h( < nitthard rns.^ Sunk it:- frypfed in in.M 14 mitral and wjirm sunshine.
j .

fn mi T11 {iliIiu trees m ft flay 1 i^ne The farmer* gf The Tkmn are pmb iMy the
Witt! Ihi. u,|eLimfnK dLtcier? .if\i\ hotirtitt "I I* -' pi inr^t in SwiikiTliiti], hut they uxv .lot mg
mjML -'***p*»"“

I Lrr.
1 ;7 i
H - , "H

» j^p _ |


nf a ^
TO Ufa 1 i

W w m — „ ± JUiB
1 ij K f


y i

1 .
' - feHfi
. f* ; c - —"kfc*

; A X tfc-% JKb |

1 Jrl \T1 V
|T4l .. J 1

^LiapRf 1
l K || jf
|Rf am- Tj

V .

r ATfrV'n
i* r
1 \ j

f -L rr. JZ.T
L. 1

f> Kjiknyf C*!i|npfcii r^*miw «i 2

1 )u I Li , Dunciiyl \crfil*S a Maine J^L jin Window, f 'n Iwory TV 1 nn ,

Hii^l 'ItnJ LiHv
Cflini»1rted nntj 40 ywit* AiP», it-ts tntorful wmcSnw h n ft BcTfi'i M l
im r. r ,-WrK. whl<b
WiS* Iwitun iii M-l. Kadi pufid ] h -u t miusiLminc; j pefnnfl uf djffiifrnl ttEattiJ pat*. tm#r *luiTn ^nijdrl*
h —
omrl tody *1 Ij^bkia Ln a final |p*iiH im\ di^Vc-n-J ttic Iwrtty 1'iiltof tfciua tbv LnrLuJi irum iJse urast'a haml
V ” n i

SiiflJri^iig Suit/ echini 4(.i

The in i-;t hi wiluble [ ver> where we wcnl Shriw a year., Our de^fijnatkiii only 20
fmm til* dtira l-> Eht rocky valley - where inilett disiiinl a> the crow tlit hiEt rltr

^tnric hmijrai Are built in lei the Htmr|« trfOsick£t kmlHfrpfi and Hrlvii/rr Rmthfir^ n| in mJir
wf were ini'i?rd in f*vr n tup id coffer m a wn) Wr drove ilten rvurth, then raM.
gin** of wine. Fishermcp nFeml us, hu.Lt rides' 8<J miles In .ilk Ld nrach uur hociI,

and samples of heir Cfttdl, Life ttkJVt* at u I The tirsi sm-w of the year wa> Fnltia^ a^.

mote leisurely pft£t in ilir Tit tm:i. sad the wc wound np a narn.iv. 1 iac k r ta? I . Behifid
|r|im is reflrctai in the local hospitality* us Mr. I turn's heavy Atnerican-marle truck
whinei i sn prdtest at the -iri^n jtEradci
GtibChd — I built: nil Sttb A du.stef of uiea. wvt'ral of ihmi IhcardnJ.
A long <iu y'i drive wetfl over the Slmphn vtc.Mii J ul out tide of the road, Isiirri shixik
Pais brousthi to Geneva Ipa^e 4|A). Few bands n] I arouMfl, xml lurm-il to hsspect the
tourists leave Switzerland without Inlying at 6he®#c pikd neatly in ths nmtrluw m i'-ioktd

least imt vviiU ii, lind we wanted to see how in vpcd^JIy tlt^igiif-rl W4LNU1S (page Jfi7l. Ht*

they ft ere made, Xmk i •

liwrte auaer ffom n leather holslfitr

Mr M ff Ufiign:iv iliit-f w.i tehmake r of and Lhm.^t tile Mx-lmh tube into the tap
the kole* Watch Cornfnmv n Ltd., dbowed u- dut>e, wil hdriLwinp a yellun- tmrr. He es-
i rot tnl i the I’feheva jiliiiit wlvt'r e Hie tornfiany iu] lined It earef ulty . -milled ct. tasted a piece,
pmdu£l5 are assembled ami Testob Wu asked mid dropped the rest intu :« woottru bnv.
h<iw he hiE [Opened tn t income a ^slchmaker,

ul Vrntuge la-np BfingS Prtmltiffii

w;is horn cme. !
he assured us, "My l

had his nwn watch*
l-gmcntlfather Cheese ha^ vintage year?, like svint/ he

making business* Both my pundfaihers were explained. 1E dq^ttdf thr weal her, the

wal Lhnwkcrs, My father; at 7'i is si ill a feed, and ilw warmth of the curing iihet|>.
watchmaker. This L? ;lei exceptkiiral imfb tmd HI pay a
I bailwomk-ifd wtuE hti
oftisn word 1 ptvmitini for ft.
llTCl^omelc^ cui a wri*1 watch slRnifieLl.
i I The cheevr which wen! lino fhr Imi%,, Bum
linked Mr. Llengmu* explnfoi d| Wcu Id l hi te--trd b* delEiriTiitlc St^

grt lL Government chronometer ctrtin-

ii butterfal jnd waiter codtent. fit drew a core
cute. he explained ";i watch most nni kwe from iht
next cheese atnl -h'jwt'd tas ii- f<*tv

;l' much as rtur gain as much as 12 seconds

,i tiuv
a day. Mn-i pcuplr do wit realty how 'diffi- "The fewer and .mtiahcr tJ-te hoL-, i h«" liet-

cult that on bfr. ter/ 3u: vbd, ''That mean5 the tfiTrLeiiLntiMii
"There lire 80,400 >n imL- in a day, and a i has been Carefully controlled. ThnE/^ trne
watch m.ake-- 2 oscillations- per second.

;• iJvtti Emmcnliikr. which Americans cull


That's 216.000 oscfTlalkms per day* tf a Swiss, Vet in the 'nibcl State? peoplu seem I

ijii 'Veirarn is ;-lo'.v by only 7

E i ufxilktlioris
— fn pr^fi^r Idu hn|r.= nnd lots of thefn. .

7 ± out wf ilfi.OOtX mint! Juki

— it i-ui'l pass each tmv chee^ir I'wii bird the tcifi of the
that test^ jj]|p, Bilrri what krd it soundly with jt sm;il!
We watched Kiris te-Tin^ ttulrrpruuf tM£s hammer, listeriin^ ti» tli^ ? n i 1 1
“plunk' that
imder high pressure and listened to an ;impli- rewhH. Irittriar cracks, he si id, coulff Ik:

lier which turned the .l'Em-nst imiurfihlr tick of detected by the sminr!,
ivfi>i watch mi" 3 deafening rnar,

.t I >i|Tf r in! Miiirrl ries jir^fer rllfiertuit

ThajT- like a sietjusccp* lo a dftttor," Bum continue] m hr w.^krd *
Llenprir said. 'A uimmI watchmaker tail tel! like w Eiccb nbolit ten inches thick- Frem h.
4 Ini: from the lEek." 1 rji3,itm=. and fiermans wimt Item wo h to Four
irwhes I hi nut 1
r, And the mvi jk like iIu-l —
Cheese Uliyer Tourt die Alps about four nr ftye inchf-n,"

A ii'li'pburie call from Han ft Bilrri, a rherae V< BQtri fiaiahtd pach chee_se if wji* wfisdn-*
dmlcr it Inter Liken, b iuk Us hack lu central liinl boded iratu thu truck. They awraned u = -

^wEtzeFlrind, Burn was gui tin trn a biryEtiu Id 70 pound*, and when the ln_M oafc
trip him The mountains be tnld u«. and we leaded the tally shc^vctl nearly 4 5tX3 pounds. r

ti'ere welcome tn ulonjj. m FriQTTi the truck Blirri Eiroa^ht a few lint 1 ft'

El was ftvi c' o'Mrutk in the morning when nf white whir, wtuch hr: pre^nlvd lii the farm-
we lef* with
Interlaken wli Imndh'? Bum i er- . Then fn im a *-triEigfcHi-v he mit
500 tuns of Emi men ruler, Grayi^e, jjjk! more lEtm S2.00G in Swiss franns. Tfcp farrra-
Ffttm Sts DUnlnsirtioft in 1204 fo ilN dret urli nn by Brr In
tk i
«| Titul 111 IIoti (ffWl thr Iliihopa
l!« rFUHtkted Wiilb »tll) itim.-itu] a HE-Hrnuiirrfit o( lllB v^lk-v
til SiOh. ia-Jio jn^'msd pqnly La iJie 1'iipc. •

AJ Uar foot of tit twan cthie^ Sl-.n priKi a rnlhpJrnli sburdi, attid rily hull— uil CffliufL^
uliL Jiuw m ttttltr
dL ihu ivifli Irerie. Siflci bits j pcpulatiim sii irmn Auu 10,U"
H nto i [El'll -
\ph Hu tail a \ .iSL-i. .iruE E ^ifiM|!itr«i u Pr<Hince
in rhf qJ SiUft -wn o’eu.iifd lV.-unt> ol thr Y;al.*S.i ftm-Wi Ill p| JlunnitiEk. lAv cfefvatfiul thi"
E’nuriis ni £nvm they in™ ihr |im< r irf VEttoit, formerly an iDdepeuiltiit pr4vfnC^ t Tim f.uli tftfvtuiry

rhufth. NtiitT PBfiMr-d'p- V

i ,
fl-S£ft, b famoui iur it* i ni ritu( rly dfniir ntuFfe -ejiu ll 5 F-D-i'ciLr-uld. ifrgHn, die otjujit
n SfcftacrLand. The ^nudl rhujirl i .
S Twui-lrjr-^jjo^ linnet llu1
l\%<j itfofhJJji-mrj
. P

Hi Ml |> 4<M .

Ptircy ih* Iflrli Carries* On T nidi non amid \ht Sum** «»f Greur Siv tkrrriHrd Fas*
Fur l'itii nrli"» SI EinTTiariJ doze biw cmIimiI ihr inri-n'k* m Si lirnrin! HiKpct pcs^ur lutf wuyfxms
Dufinj; die ui^v iJiflOvt 2 due uiedllyI Hairy oyiy| a! bit 41 Sftnrv- thru 1 hr tU'Orttpsl rjiirt ban hutrir
BHV]% inimp. I ft iliu* Etli* frvrb-j’Wit-fci'ld Ufcr* hid. rHf*t1iirniaj3ai/lp|fc HJie pttklJm The « tfaiuFrluv Lusib
^yntbfiliie flnlklne qivpfl Eg the [w>ot nit 1 he- hack nf St Bcnunl \\v M#ptbani fouiufar &l tlir iniilljt'f

tts counted 13k 1

money m second time in id jwuj/le. Italy LulicM 4.Q00. You 3tke Km-
^•Dilljye. and started hack up the hill. menlnler; ihty Tike- >Brin?., Wi: Swfcs pte set
llruyete/ *
Jl 1

Therr nre 3S fahnilii- in trmitp/

Hijrri <"lil us As wr drove hiiniHv.uYl "Thty 'What 's> 1 ne best wiry bit tut in keep

numhnr about 1 OU |n?uplt? Jim! ktfrp ti5 kfiwsfc cheese jean asknl
lii home?
This fct their eritfh* ^umintr production of top* liui, from ike: wheel in pieces of about
quality cheese, The retst mmle tvriii fcilf- lw«i puunds, 'Mr Lenuinjs aU£35Aheri "Wm «

cseain milk, they keep for iheir own pantries. the w-nl^e in el t'lnth soaked m lightly salted
T”.ii h fitfully will ! jO-mlrt dn!tiir> ftmn this water and -Tnrtr ft In the T^iri^eriitor. Always
sale. ‘lE'ni that Jltotl she i*nly drsb they!) Hike in out at fcast two hours lirfrire -i+rviru*
set? 1 hi summer/' \ tiike^ up> su much spuce 3u the
We drove So Bern the next day
for lunch kelpQxJ' jcittE itientiorii-' I Unvc you ever
wjlh Mr S it'nr;;i- Uptm. L'ofiirsifri'ral rh- considered mEikinu ^iLtare cheeses
iT^tur nf 1
he Swfas >
het;se L' si inn. ii Irado We >1 [live 1.0 " Mr. t.ernann -.miliYl

fj|$atitaitl4n thru i-untnib thr export of <mt- bin'll a erhefc* starts in femitmt ii swells unrl
i e rldcul ' s best -kmiwn com rm di tv r-
tries tu u;ei iniiud. ff you start wnth .4 siptaru,.

^Cheeisr hi ^ viLs] p^rt of the S«fks yu li vrel a very fieiruliar shape/'

nmy,' Mr Lemnnn loTd its. In 1954 we h was 3 rt Lr summf f snd L
the urajws ivi ie
exported about 17,000 Inri^r tun-* Imkiim-ci- tlpenrnu ntl I he sbnro:, of Like nf ( rem^-n
talrf\ Oruyere, .iml ^ Brins, It brought spibo |nu:-.--f iuol pmmiwl 1m k r lis -jti
P1 ~r
S2O.OOO,0OO. '“Piiflliehrrf ippr ^ri'i J ' ‘

Is the l.'nikd StdCfes your bluest dote*

tinnier* we qiimivl
* Set 1
\ rs Aueust- in OnrViTLp,
by M v '.iUc

H, i| KjyTmra, Al 4 iiUL*i,.
"\r>. wi- chipped only 3 tflO toils to vofi Aiisjaft, 3 "id 6.
HubhuMiFvJ W .-uSmi Giikleri \Vhetls •
* ! Qu^fk- (u Aiifiinin'* 3-irsi Sinm
Hljifli -Ciftp tJo^Cl i»l" (lii Biiiiui r lvi| iiurii. ii fafltMT ltnr'1 Mi lhft& ytixin iiiTct the I njiC 0! thuii Lihru.
Tuiiioc kvi quaih> r a buyer fkfngw lib juaui inlu u wind zi Spukn, i tAni- • ^EduiaL

* r*
- t i *
1 !

* :* *v t s - 4

1 >|

L: P *
'* ^ -%
r ’



41 -a “5' * '*1
f .
1 I

^ American -\JmirL j I^hiinram in UrtviTtE
^PiLk'i* Jnfc 1
1 1 |
- Zi’Npi'h - 1 1 i i
* mi ii gi.tPjjH' L Ot fcfif ’Qyjlfc-

ItrSfite hom (ii* book p-rs te^J ihr '^fp.tft> i>f the IJrunuT Ritvi\
, hkh Ajlu rot l >! [tii 1
. IjiL «: E'itikli. Ajubm of l hr Mun.tftfr
Hriitei ri=+ duwhstimm HiriwAl atbepli on JlL: t+irton^ in the.

Fninmirntlff 'imEt In the 1,1th ci-jilcirv

^ Wl(li !ij- v Hi* i j> 1 Mkjirn ‘.etti rr Jt^ai Tlirn dr enjuv- ^uvt-
dft> r
itirmn in ilv,- C^ililua "I Iterm finite a WrtR the rrinr
\im :
i>.i 1 xn cuM Uttar* Imt A 'uinr-mil* in fhurrh iwflil

Tutk Fjlhrr lnii> ROW Inked jCfuGr. ttlFiitt snfc rurii sn rsikt rr
» of
LJm- 1
I.OPSh ta iii 1
1 }fh ; - j s >• r ttilli Sw4y 4^1]!^. I Jir ThirJ%lrj[H
Itsck tiirulL WL grrr-n?;, In Mini |KPtainc^ br-nuij, Mini rb»sr.
r- \«, i j 1 I J» rj.j|t|tr
ii niUi miiiM ilnHiMl l<> j£l|« IIjibi ‘S il l J ‘
fji* -J- di>M ^rafl'
Overhung it|i SlielEer VVimJe-U Boifl* in StaffiihirTg
Svi.ttv winlfn p^^ii tin Cm ton firm, bat su muirr '? hnghi wunhhrar
ill and rrrqtirn] etlni product ft jrr^MJ^firn
o|| fluwcEfc TbLs i/ftilhfld luiqHs b lyptlml oi ihc fimmimld rrir.nn Stef&bufi % i 1 1 :i >: ? imIw potlcfy-
1 '

'lnia^nt WdlilJCig iu WiEitttgrnpll fhir llciuhie* It's JuM; Like Vnj CJhttjtfr

Tht^r litofl yxumffrtm , •iiiIpJ) mil unrtf rrtrtnrJ wh' the uudwta- wrfc httfrr*iril in Ihmr (tfjunfa- and ^fiTanisim-
eJijl-LiilJ i H'-Uil \m\iti Thc\ JiV-t Eirji EiiiWSl. aIkjUI 12 -mil
i! »Milldiflra-L Of UcTBL
to j. 1J 1
T? Jil


fl^pTJ T

fl| m
L u ± t W,
W.\m >4
’ u

« .
np^ 1
Irik.;. *

- _

™ ill
fe ~
to* ii

to hC'&
TIRl P J tai
i- 1
Gfendri.i, nn ] anti E IejIluii, Even OH vc Tm* SvC: n i. fri S^y
1 r 1 1 i

Surprising Nwrt/.e; la ml 475

.1 imir i'f the viin-v.inLs: !T

wt dtovf y.mth Hie man who j-ut-- his water on a t!;n when
west imm Kern toward Montrewf stoppfaijj; (nr ii nunji i' i mi nf lurk.' the vith^e presideut
visit (a ibe Nestle i
h« « 1
1 :i i l lI Btoc. ndderi, “La^t >^r rkit happened to tne on
Theft ,t> in many factnrfco we wme two of my three day^Y
. 1 -ion i nl *ii i3u' L-a refill i mil ml ei nub |ilmw Baek in hotne out Ih>m took u> lo hh
"i ni^JiuUn iLjn ami ;lE iht* ’.malt batches in Lr.dbit. The cool, dark muni wa^ iins'd with
which El i mhIulS u.eS ni:ii 1 1

. J 1j lM
i, l Lt 1 1 .urrlH, dark ivilh anc. [ ti thii

T i
:< i rc "C itse better iwuredienU in my nwn stupes hr ofTi-rrd us s.?[fcs of httU a diwt'Ei
jean % intages and asked its to nttnie our favorite.
kitchen said. "\Y hole nuts fresh
uherrin.-., the fnit.-t sugar -and some of ti r r i When \se chmtse a very dry And light white
uiokim: vpw^Isarenl much bigger than whir lir w;-is duftphied.
We were uffcred numerous uppnriujisEu.' * u\ 1

"That’s a J^etite Arvjne. urn- nf the Special-

LL-iti 1

as We wtfBl at- iriy;, Ni'SiJiL-i’ oi nn cared ties j«f my own vfMyiirtifl).

be bcunicd, "We

fur any (limit r 1

1 hunt mchL can e jemiv emmiih la meet the demand.
OunlftfUJt tiftn i- ii -
I nf iiiuri-m surruimded
I iy .i -* a nf vineyards-. The jzrasH' 1
picfctni: \viv ^Vimeo iii id tlhild^ii Serve Tlwir Men
just hegiratlng, Atu I Jatiisl escorted lls id a Upstair? in a pleumt pairplei] riHim we
c ha i can owrard by n friend of Ws, where opera- met Mm* Ciimi|i4 Had the farm IK - gmwti is"i
t unis were m full swiii-g and his wife, and then the three of them whh-
Men and picked together on the wntn-rti drrw to the kitchen.
strtep si if-- rfrfs|:Fpiini£ hr ri|^ duster * into| e
^Tbiffi is an old fa^hiiintHi family '

1.1 wiiijsli-ti mb whrfe mrn crushed Ui£r fruit Jausat explained. " Use women stml chi M mi
with iifavji puddled Octasii malty one uf the wbfn faltn r uite^is. Thevll eat
S]tu k- packers would give nai i«ld little ydp Iuicr.

seize n eirl, Find kiss bpr t an mtertstmi: custom. bu.t Jean,

fiuiod it
If a girl i Inmdi and a tmn find- already incensed bv the (act that women have

reward/ Jdiisri rrpluined. "I'm
I:. 1 1 * hi* Un VmEi- in Swfl ^r-rfuTirh vnis iniliujiaril. Not
not sure It's always Accidental" -in indikTiani however ai in lose her aji-
J.iusst is fond uf good fond and an expert |.netite for tbv taclettr,
or Smss specialties. One of his favorites* he Mrs, i. arrupl placed an ultctric he-tirr mi
lull us, was iti-h called mrirtfr,
the sidrLuiird, Fadng it uprinht in a wire
'Ynj can v.r'i it in ra? hi uranic he said, ’

rack wa- .1 blackened, welbajied chee^+ In

"hut (a enjoy st properly you should viW il n minute thr face of the tbcCiW Imtan hi melr.
in ii typical Swiss hurxle Tnmnrrrcw well ynd Mrs Camrps deftly c raped j lan-e >1 A-
drive to Oumtoson and cat with an old friend !oji on tii a platr. n boiled poLato be-
of mine*” side it, and put i? befar^ Jean.
hp! inkle ii with |pq»jjer ;ind Ery to eat all
Voting He I ii rives lilccl li President
the cheese in ane hhc. iastmtietl
Dmmfiaiii a mil* ON the main mod to
sits Jean did bet IwH. but the fluid cheese
S ii ut . .uvt the narrow run winds between solid t."
Wftuldn’l rem.jin un her Fork, She mode it
Edsof ywPKfc alien i/arrupt, our host 1 1 i- io twu
ii wine whftJmtnr. Ifr Is nlsn president oi I mu i worry “ laughed JauiLd ilchly emhI-
the village mg td.4 fi^rk in hU own portfon nnd carriiiis
We cim^mi on ImiIuji
14 honored
Fated hisri ^ it Inlnrj |
hi- nniuth. ‘After half a dmten
by 3 ii* fellow townsmen. but he kughirigty pi.HiM.oiis yuu'll get the knack,"
disclaimed cnHii. Mt i-n i h-ird for me to "T I'Uitd never cat that much. '
Jenn pru-
vxl tlHlcd/' he explained. '
There are |6 testeri
.ii i ii; ‘i -
«m the voting rulb furred “J?arc you will.'* sard our frieml. T vc
t. jmtpt tmk us sin ,j Emir »
if the villas, seen \ iri i

il r .it thi - til. L i U- put awa j I wdi 1 y ~i m
poEiii Li u i with [kLfliL li I. ir |
iridic Em ij \ ew |Uimp- serving."'
pfc'ini ibit fnables the vine growers to Uc
were no threat to thiii rrcmrf but wc
irrigate flieir thirsty crcv[:H ? did omna^r seven portions: up-cue. And wr
I jieh iifti |
is .. il.nved mil y three spray fogs mastered the technique of liftjfig a tlimvinrh
ihiritlg (lie
trrowiruj hr iuhl uk The puddle if mdttrJ chitse in ii finale farkfuk

schedule h rhd'^tnilUitl by lot befure thr ^a- When trfi. Mr. (^trufil inserted we
son bt^irs Like with Li.* a SjiPitJ*: of his preclods IWitr
3 I

Uvine :iad five-p' itind wedge nf premium cheese .1

rhutV Shriiut/' he said, vqif j.irnbahly ran 1

buy it in America Invite jKrtir friend*- in sotne night -

and Lit^L- them :t real Swiss ihcal/

1 plpn do that, loo. Jusl as socm as I cart P*
s 1

Jem Tff a^ree to serve -i.vh.Lli? rm friends and I ^ie at The

In the hrajlit autumn w>- ranged smeihlpie /if early
Swdt/i.rrkm! from und to end Vu vidij.-i Bawl ^i rrm l 1

ill? wn l fir Uhaur in tiae northwest* and the textile town


of si Ti.dtrn m thr mwfthftfcd We hindered t.brnuLrh

the venefnhjft stnet'i.- of Stein -ani-RbehT whert I hir wall
1 hyJIifinjjF on painted with historic KmrA We h drove
through St, MunSj:., quiet in .
fts Lw tul

We -ni Iftl i'fca beautiful Lake "f Lucerne anil Kttendiil

village festival in every part of Ihe country.

Nn i LinnLSiJ,Ia HnilidiJi *i in Go Vrmsttif

"The Swiss law festivals/ n 0nr

friend fold els.

tnmMe h we bavr *n iw\ we <1 isn't haw enough hob-

erny^ In go u round!'
wete by cat. ml frequently we
nt i>ur Ernvi'l- I

ttxjd the evtciiiivr network +d iHl- SwIsa wnl l?ail-

ways T Swiss trains tire Fnmrd thn>yjfhtmt R.un.r|H fur j

comfort Jim I putu:! La_Lljry .and a special holiday ticket .

the visitor a inf of milesipie fur very few francs.

Kvprv where we went there wa» an air of inKi't and
prosperity WliMo we returned to Tiiiridip we cnllird

uu Mr, Paul Hualt assistant manager of the .

Crrdil Bank. one of the nation larjtesU to n*T util i j

why the tiny rMuntry does so '.vul 1

rcntiows i- generals very sound rLdil tinw.'

1 Hit

Mr Hunli* agreed “The national inrunm in 1^54 wa,*

£1 bifliun franci — about 5 liLlljon dollars That wm
a nuarh 4 ? (rtf&tiil increase uver 10-1 5.

^The huildini: industry k hoofpiflg like ymir nwn

in the United Staler- Our liynks fnan ns rnurh as tiO

tfti enl of ihe value nf a new house at «ml\ '

interest, I think that is aho&H the luwe^t niPitrtip^r

ratL- In the world/'
Mr. flu^le m
1'nLfcri^in lk plays Et TOiiU(rr part In
ti l

the ruKiorii! wealth than T\v^t furfiuners realiKe. Fewer

t lulls ]CH] 0tH5 Swiss are yearu'muad e:nsj ilny^Cs tif the

tiutltl r.xifU- — ]£ki thjEO 2 p0;itrnl, nf the ]Kqiiikitk?n-

'Tbe Income Is irapor taint, though. \w. added. i'or-

rfftn : -i- ; ! s n re Ehari ^ 20D,DO0.DlXJ here in iPS't.

antf rhe SwH.-’ pmUqt ly sjrimt at least ?ti much >\ e're
.ii n i

ri .mii we like tn ht ^nr i?wn cmifitty."

Siri:c WnrSd War II wf linvt^ invested ahouE u bib
him dollnrs in fotei^n c-mntries " In- L'-aim-tipi!. Ami

Sm>W 11
Imp's the ItsMila of Sl r MnritSt
F n ui n r fsvc rumt h n| dry ,
th ti m'Lj ish m j ds f c anal . i hr i ri iv n
u TTin I. v ni i 1 1
-| -i i : i .ini. i I
Errr in the JtftWs thu Liriniiaiil

ifcirfp- w, H:ISi;i| 1 : u-!- 1 1 loihricruiri mir Irirfk fi'ir I hr 1 1 '

i .ii iiiu Lm»-I. -'N:i ! Jit Minitr. aIw Lr.itiEt cl nkicnr im a

TnuerciJ Pulmrc- II Li'rtd jrliiht i tw^iJ^rr qiaw^^Fml LiiJy:- nf
Si. McGill. whviE lioiM'i eftert race mi ice.
I m'ri-4 •
j i .IpfI I
L ^


GsipucMn X lifts 3 , j in it m 1 1 _p, Jitld* I Sic^liiril I A\vM £q I'trnyer

F-t-tcr nf iln \Vi 'in !E t ^iin CIolh i mm Trukn Uv> in i timrhai rt-t\
i nil I r mn w
'lui Lna rhr Midrib I .Vcia-

IldliaH wtm bol'lici thutf WAlCt Jujt^ Ffanu-.uitb al Itrfct will uappHurt fl hityiturlj

jjt jtj$4 j
£i*uli Ret ] no irrtr fftiifl amn-J^n thvest= "Our strength Her In (lie qunlity of uur
merits wa* mnir thjiii ? tOT,DOO,QOO. The prudm - r.iu h canty of our country, anil rhr

liiryet'it -limit in vestment w»s an sdiara* o£ excellent relation between worker-. luhI cni-
United Stale* roNi|T;iEirt— p layers
I V- Iritis we kirvp nrnnulneUin'ri^

I SwilaperJata) hu*- nh'inkl iwtfc cost.- VfcTlhin rro^n. we WjH hr pW5|ierdK4."

Lfrtlll uiJjiM ui [wt h^ad ui prjgsuLirii.i-rs than any [ I i<i i|i ii SI ni i' the three forest eonumini
idhtT country in the world lies nr I’n. Stbwvz V'
mtI ihi °
Inwtf vmUe-v
i J i
1 'iiti-rvfc-hlcleji slnfii-rl r bear “‘envcnnnt of
Swis> Cbnliidtil of ffae Fill arc
fm-rfHfUnil allLimt 1 '
im Vu#urt L, 1291. die
“W'r have nt^m sivimis ncrnimfe ihrm we Swiits L.nvr ghtjwn ilv r«lttilr cj iini w: ind 4 n
luivr prO|jle. Lind j ]• i r of furef^FU'n* bin’ll i?ti II. fe l‘ u i i Lif iteletnnruit.Lifjn: lit their purjiLiJt of
iTU 3 ii«\' here. They knuw the Swiss franc i s peace and prosperity; They liiivv bnwiie
rjlW ui she ivnrjfj's stmnitesft riirrenries mnre tSuin ;i nnfion ;
they kite become a *ym
ifr TIucLle no Ti-LLsiin in worry ahutil kL W here they have led other ruiMuns timv
thr future follow •
. '. l

Back to the Historic Black Hilts 4 ?o

1'he Hlrf Wesi Rubs tlbcjws with the New in i i r untie r Vacation land
Rich with Memories ml Ifuthnts. Covered Wagons* and mb! Fever <

By Lelamgp IX Case
/ i>/l ///utfrtfffrffj <iy V/i/jcW Uc&tirMpfrit Pkottijfreipfow-r Bolt ^ Luthhohs
<1 you're m n% In
-i the Black !ii]h nf I uieL ll,Ltej At Sturgis cine mvllmv June
v i nth I f
jkoud 1 '
itdtmreHWli In iiur mute cabin ih.Lt •venmu I

IJdifthi shutiP Iti iht 1

lady's eye*, he t wtu iir J 114^ hb |»ulhir and IryhiL' n nrw

rind there was :i trail In hd :
r voice cuwbciv sonm F when hr suddenly Mopjfcd.
jim aurfc Ju#t iliscDuTrd them, and we’re
* F "Aireidy t've sem rriouiih of your Black
poirt^ back next summer, Real rn mm Lai mi, HHU t«r feinw one iharLK,' he ih^bnrd 1

only 900 mitf* from '-nr home here in nigJit t write ray foinHy imk in W'ashmstim

hfetigu They're not black, hut grtoft* like LliiU they nui-t -it ihrns birr. Ir nut ihb .sum-
an wnerakJ mi tlie prairie* T before bill l ml mer. the neat."

beau mil they donl overpower my vn


I .\
Nut vfny original,” I bantered, hut you're
Ilnvr you ever see n ihrjn?"' in Lp>od compttuy, U^eu what Gen. George
Had [, ituti-ed ] tjrew up in the Block A 1 'u-Sf-r wrn«te tn hi? beautiful wife when hti
RE1K wa.s here in I 8f4

‘To the Sititut they Wftff /Wjj liter- I dij^ from my .1 imok, ami $i$&

TlaFls Black. '

I sanl, 'And itosy ur. tH . wth B C iistc f aret

>y K Li /j j 1 .
r I 1

nmiinlitiiL^ Harney FVuk rises 7*242 feet :

tt woulil have teoft su^h n treat to h;LVe

.thrive lev*)." hml you see all that we have seen Ukul iUimiser H

aiuI shartrd the enjoyment nr this, hesutiful

Fricmlh Hills* Efroitittg Hwfory lunif. B llL rk-viT minrJ you -h;B| camt next
Thtlf an hour latiT I wi* still lulkiru^. in Himnurr for we all Siip|w to return , . V
fancy' at Reel Canyon digging fur a ^nld brick 'To clinch the rusncidence fur you 1 went

sinhm by Rk S-v* George

from the on, ‘-ru-srer was within ^ight of Bear Butte
woud fiUgecuztdi. whm 4 wlin (rum my 1
" ^ Ju-ii lie Wore 'In 1. "h r. Atlff Nl: 0 whcTO
wUc speaJn up my S.ijij I
Wr're i^ulnii lottlutTW^'
I Mack HUIlts are that way, Our T fear,
cohvl'i :n hillI brakes grip liirhlly when m*
. i>
n-. iklv iIuViTi fk'^cTilttl '

li-iSk about our Friendly Hills. And wr Ukr Bear

Hutte ^lill limited (irensdy as is did
to Bill ut iliai uew arrival iti hmvun who wm 1" rn x a y itJittffil cr liki uii js] dcrdawn
1 1

jiertHfbed to see ionic pwpk in shackles, ice-cream cone. Towering ,400 ftei above 1
"Oh* they're fmm thr Btiivk Hills. ex- Mu prairie iusi cast of th-r HitB ouScT r.^Caip-

plained Si r Peter. “ti we don't keep 'em ment it is ^ ilraoQiELtk ..] bndimrk for tourL-t-
chained, tli evil head for hnrtitV* tixisay- m it was m ycari pa-st for Indians,
Vgottlriwris tuo. fed ftii* f>p*TI nf tht^e ir.tpi'" ns- e^plrrrers. Soldiers, t irnspuctors, aud
moiniBdirs on Lhe prairie and want to return humeiteailt^ (map. page 485
rb.i t

‘luca^ii ample w'SS I

y picul li'idudsis ndrnifi- fkai Butte ton
So wus f.’ajvin (.'otiEidiie. tn flier Bliu'k cite it jjs 11 clti^ic In ecu] Ft h. Jn bymrtttV
THIS- he learned io grift under a lO-ffidlnn f
M'.-IM V. ri’l- oil .m- VI ill llvo didh

:i : 1 1

h.Lt JiiuJh was- here in hi- - m iihit

t i* play 1
quite tnabc it. In ns auu internal pri^ures
While Him e. hr niatli history in J 9?7 fsurnri a weak sjiui iti Mitf earths skin and
by !innourrdnL 'T da not choose to run. r
squished up tbiji blab of
T ht B be k H ill- rei mi u ip him hh hoy hoc -d 1 i 1
1 1 En mm laid bare the hurlr. now I reunited
in the Orem Mountains of Vermont, urn I
with poTicferoK) pioes. We cutiM hear mneb
4 ionTy wifi ire hi;, djwih he whs planning to ojugMutf through them as "umurr Bovce

return, dndWd saddle muJ wr cHmhltd ^ lnwd Jl--.

I wnsrrl Surprised, therefore. ai. h.i;i StumLik-pren.if bunu^.

[wnerl tn UaLi^ l.htldiijli^ the Nation At
' _Sm- -^Iiulh
< H iiapAiutii pbolo^rapheT n^i^ntrd to nuikt'
UtlkoCli Kri-Ji-, l!- Df«i : .|

frritfdck ILupida, Natilotax. life 11 nAfi'iur

color picttirtv fnt thij Article. May* l M7
- |q HkrEfig t Spirts., ll Sanctuary of Cii'iUiite in SiMrlli PAkotlV Blsak H U 1 1 . * .

In OuHlcf SLute Pafk nnfe f Einilk L’r. tlinl 3 liuikniziris pJtyFmiuirij im«\nr ib.m ICO splnv
jimiti' stfflSJttil*. Tlib
reeS-stiErE esS Miter rapliite .« \mb up KuU.'tEpul Sjlirr bi. cwnpuninn briny b ft ro|K iar iait'Ly

. . , Art- ( nunl Rib 1

- * frf j V sis- r Dtrmc W aiUjJ 4 m a) hy MilEtfinmins of \\ i.'jrhrcrinrf
St?mc SOU miMkih yc*r* afto liniiifB ol muUi'ii t>h k ik'Efi --liaJfT &nnifctQnt+ l!ai hdnbii'il ini n gfttnLltt
1-fltfir. whrn b£ uxm
I frn-H: in ft h list*
i wind ;m J wuirr crtHkd the
iiiJiLT rucks,
1 , -

4 H2 The Nuriiuul * Magazine

Siltsva V up We hupped [i l (hlmtiey where the chiefs Sitt arid heard Ihe Greai
k.PLk a nnturnS firej^dj^ him! flue still .Spirit's words, wt fiiund tepw hmrs— eirnk^m
stained h> Indian sotiL I cun Id itewl see ks that imi;e held dffpi buflaln^skin Toni-.

ii bfeethi IriUEttcl reriskui on I up shaJdng a buf- Tn Qiey entire flfeir Huiie is still u
falo skin del billnw nut rfniukv rints JUld cLL-hes shrine. They livol in Lhe I'idnily mi III ih"
Crossinrt n tfltid-urbjps*ed richu\ w e ^earthed
tiirm- nf the \nu riran Krv^Luihni, when the ,

for 3l priisp^tor* lunnt'l wh*rt Siimnci?. Teton Siou^. Jaafkd by rtstern trilies that hud
brother Atm is and I nnci: - Liked datm to nun?, bt^an lu bumji thftffl WdifL
U had heard llte
e talo (but ytitipg
W^hinj^tan cwtil hi.4 initials on Indian itifln Muket^ \ bil Bl4c:k E 1 il
she Natural Bridge uf Viri^djiia : w in a deep i
licyrt. i>- eveiy r
summer frtnri Mon.'
recess wc left Jjlfli su frHLrri^f/ ffttfiff, tnnn snnielimes fmm OklabtsfUJ-" Sumner
i hr tunnel had raved in* 1t>Id tis. fast misi pmy- X ^trally in'-

Oil- Uuirn^ j t
fyjj fflrH bark. ti trail. The for niin + Beffenf in of tnH f whrJi liuft' do wer

tup lap Is 1 "' deep even for (hem but the wmk to pet mlnT'
view repays |fte smutd?!* 1
uii font. 1'jirher Indians (raided Fran^oi< Lcmis-
\\v won- - -i ? -( feet abtrye Sfcft level, Tn jGKieph ile l:i ^'iHemlryf m ut here in 3?5> in
I lie mt ruilk-il prnirftt* Lmmlted like a map- their -seim:h fr «r a mw j
mub- tn the -pin* .mil

B mad gr ern bauik lhi ed f urk* 1 1 the C 't leyeni ll u

H-ilk Is&ttL I'u^f.ibly they scaled Bear Buite
H ivef. which bnukci Uie Hills ftpj! tbfcip before tumiaiL! bark Under a rock cairn aEiin^
min:-: It1 on iIiclt way tn the ML^mtn. Far the Missouri, 1 SO ntilea east, they buried a
.'•i-uthf ant wt shy
the HadlimrU, lb Hr scliJp- fltpmpcd lead plate claiming the regliui for
i in •
-•* I i
i -tte jjuI nilhrdtzilfl i« tla oi focus

Louis XV.
of ha/e, T" Mu MiuiliivTst ro*e 1
(.be Ilk- I-
E'iuil bit i if Tuetal l- tniay n prii'^d p<l?3H!S-
HilU in iHHipfcd fir™ wihdriiwri. 5K3ii ut Osh Stat^ TI b torica I SucM^ at Pierre,
Sthiirli Dafcoti.^ capital, with hi si^ht of the
Fable* Tell ol Hflb? Creation where xhutA childiwi kfrM
htli in 1913 ,

There's a le^enri that Thud Bunyau made it up, A>l nit- 1

1 1 Lmacf erl them just an time

these mniniLiiri^ in tlie Wsnler rif the I Slur fmm offering il as junk fur b tiukrl.
Sjnmv, Thas winter Hi crew ate so many American Iu^Thfiv cuykl have haeu dm-
Hp|uls hf! hinJ In iy> with dilli- uf bacon ticaEy changed here olij Unite- l

strapped Iti i hrEr feel skat inn mi the griddle imtiedp as wr reni<mnt«l our liurrm If those
i-. Let'ji it ereosed. < ini1 (lay Rain ; hi> fahti- 1

Verendrye [^others bad pushed into the Hills,

lny^ blue n\p gulped rlnwn the skipjack.- situl if they hovel fauncl usuliL if Tirnciimru had
ml m -I l griddle* then died of Iwurtburn. pfrtcr^d inti i thk n^m hefnMC (he American
iVjirl {scrnitfd a sizable on mod of dirt ahfl KrvulutiiiSi — well. i\hose flag woulfl tly here
tacks freer the remains. Later rains plowed now?
mu ill lies that grew into gulches then birds
and chipmunks scuderl 1 brtr Slid Lhe
Hl.ii L Mill- weir miiili-
Abrnhum LblColn I'uotS the AiW^
ffldlitrt^ li-ivr ntbrJ- vrrsiim£.
a hip Vliinnt IhiNhdtsitj'u
One says the Great Spirit stood on Bt-ir M
3 ^ iflfiiewKirt! in Aeacrlea/' sculpt <n Gutrun
Bo Mr. where we were resting mid in a voice
BtrtitfHtn wrutft, ^'a tew tert nfivnr- tlifjt liciifi wii-
heard fpr miles spoke In tribal rbirb ^piatiina pifTia [Ui\ tht cr^ tSLtii4!.. W'l Pt^mpflihttl m a
i nit buffalo skirts hn-1. iw . These hilb were holy* ll^lsirtt. i iliiri ‘ 1 T? (Ii i irh il Vuifi't ftbK lei }yliI3 M lIdhI'II

hi* >Jiid. Tn ibnn hr had K'HtBfd shining I-di li^bEj'

pinp^ifiDji . . ciEivril - .
- at rliHc in hwa
iih Uf C.iclb
^Lilies coloTrd 1 ike the niinbow. Suuls fit
hi H yt'irr td work Bardym czrstrd coI^-e-sj I

brave mfriur^ coo hi sCTi cSietri aher df-aili tn 1


lieifi'^ci In ShHrir ^trEaltr of I

r i
, ,

sii lr nlr WcdnEiEliin,

pftipue their eyes fur splendor? oi the hrt|ipy Ji’lftT^^. TTn’iniore B-£i(^:it1i i\m,\ Tnntnln. flefr
liuminn itrauivb Livfeg mllun rrdsdu vom« 1 - Ehf. fan *if t.lnenlii itri^tdin m U*t liam hairline
tn fhe h ml hills for tej.w ptite nr to hunt.
Id cbicL. Tin na» .l| m Li. Li u^r r thiin I hi niilirr

iiiv; ^phtm
^1 KErypi ,j

Bui if ihi'v thev

v m'fiuld lie Hestrovenl
,pr >i
3i rEMi n
Ltworfcm iitit rmtehed mu hr head witb
i a

b> the Ejpriai™ « nr afiirii, no jymimjte, rhm ifrapefl It with iff Mil* Uui Mi the
s4CtifiCk> nf flan re could placate: 1l diming, i li’2i miik> mi li.ijj ..nil MjrriiiJiiilaRq -rriEH 1
. Pneu-
l ' ntil tt^eu t years rin I n >1 i:i n> a re known I < i
matic diLitb iniJ^tlunl tin iMit^

have dwelt deep in (he Hitk, But l^bw r

-r Sillmiul I1 p> fsa.r’Kin -:rJ*tr
' . ! .


. , -i>

fa f \
f-V? zi'

j* .. ,\ V
r<!- ,/? *.i t
| I- *

ft k . — P- V, i v £

*, ^ +>

Iffc*: Y*W

W/. t


' “
f ’

B!3 - i
m c »

; ,
li* l|



I - T I *

. . r

- 4^ ^ 1



i ;*

t l 1 .

4S4 The Natldna I GctijiraplMi M .i^.i . m-

I3u1 r.LCfc- fi&A di
ry ruli fur
i'rvt 1
'? [hr i'i hh trfppd 1
] i tlu* very nlgi- uf the sheer granite
Custer. With mure than a thousand men hr clifT, he >q uin Crd iritn KE - Lei 1*1 view -finder-
slfced Si ke Jt cleaver L'l it? hAifl of th\: Suitdcnty u rocky k noetic* aavt way utukr
then my^teri- mi? B 1. 1
k. Hills lyu^e STIJ ), Tii d lis% fei'E Fur ^cnfid.H th^i ^emecl lunger ihan
uM-. Mi IH74, a year so epochal ihut ;jlt prior minute.’?, he teetmii My stunuurh did it 3ei!I
visits liere could wdl he dated H.C.- 'Ite- iny leaf. Finally Bates anami hush over- .1

hire lu-id.
“We 'fr
where Custer storied Iwfc <CIU »E I

Wiii”A'" | collided.. Hut Bates grinned
the Hills to Fort Abralum l-liituiu in North All in the work/
i3a\':- he iiakl. anci coully
Uiikotn. I remind!.-! Il.ite*. '
S"w In's >«mk dtekiHi tV camrra,
.rr'iimrl ihr northern Hills to where he entered Brlaw us. in a meadow inside Stockade
fmni the west- On top of Tnynn Kora M"im- Lair, .1 fr-buili strickado ^ n| l -1 mroiurnmt
tnifi, Bmr Butted onitLter|iart tin the Wyo- rt-ntirut wars of ihr ivtinfcttl who hidjjnl
jfcim£ side, is a ruck un Which hi chlfretetl 1
dvill^e the Wesi — in iiii+ qi^ one Arma D..

fj.A+C 74/ it niijtht make a picture. Tii lien £. When new.', uf C/ osier's dhscqVftry of
1 bad never senn ?ht rock mysdi just — iMld readied >mii\ r’iyt ,
J,,w.i 6a 1S74, Anna :

knew .about it from an e>. n- r report. Btt( |

> ! -> husband jntued n party of pn:. Ou s, She
Fete Smith, a cal (Vinan, turd Uild rrtr- hr .mrl hrx plmv-year-stfil soil went alung.
woulti help l].h Isirak fo? it. \ bch Ji- the We=t uriffrouMk] ihr irtrn
Mrs. la] lent cuidd fa*fa it. When her shoes
Siirth ftar Ciiiile)-^ Murk Sisfcvr mu she tradijed aloos? in ^nny-saik
\V e ti.-und Pete, who stands six-riTl-rfx'cn- pacs, cheerini; the men and nursing those
iird hts XtH^t^ian-kim wife at tlirir Rauch wlwj sickened. She _s3ipd [optHofs^ Ltiari of

V i m Sand Creek (prices S02-Jb Only n Wbtrr tin our Iht, a ml for mimfiMl she

Mrrafn in Swit3^h*lfitJvd has iaiperlor It unit fudi- tr&i] and reread Miltun I'wadhi Ijui.,
M- t-H
inu, mme un^Ian^ s**y T WTlOtt tr. ki| H ushed <nid the parly in. Lite

Si John Hrh\kr:r ul Ohio onei* landed

'ii. I tor rrprini;.— i’nr thr Hills were Si«m\ tatlll- tinul
a 1.4-pound rainbow here. A platter lit-aprd I
. i77 —*hr rude nui >m a truvemm^ot mute
with t- tn unger catkins hi it a nd crisp forti-
with h i'T rhin up Later .^hi? rrlumrtL tuugln
fied Lis for Inyan Kara, We were rtiltifu: Hi schiMii]. v..L- ;uti\L in t J 1

FpLv‘o|Kil CJiirrch.
7 A4n^ our efc-pcdiiitm augmented Liy Js® and wi ] delkhtfirl whimsey wrote a lnu.k

sx ram lief. .LHfl turn

UfUltilL a pVOtlUfi *
let' orally ft i
on the change- her eyes hu-I iten in ibis land.

aieds from the rniffirsity of Wyoming, who

mi- v. Culumifn Jane Goes En tlhurch
n:_ trihle :U r-n- 1u;^e
hir -nl i

dir hnrsL - 1
wuhn ahead in a rumbling I ruck Jug=t teidt |J f the STi’irkadr r< Ij,iW buice nf
Inyan Kata is strange, SH^ted Wkr a gmnih 1
W' atk ikilarnrty Jane, quite ji diflp ''i i

bunfeshtw, it encloses another timbered muLm- snrt. Peal U U Ciilkd, < almtiiity
tu in. Xu trait lrads tu it>. ^utnudl: we June, dicy my wcarism rubber-solMl biw^. .

found our own zigzag route up [he side, A ’iva? nr ir tn climb it. j

drtezte bewail as Wf i hi united I t ptnvctl .1 Hnrn Mnftha jane Cmmiy in [llinols ur

bad omen, jite*^ for after 4 ryggtd rfdt untJ n t - Mi^airip uida^bimr
1 1
1 i i
1 .ikiT-i- ! i

scramble vc found nil rock carved t , v\ X *

' - h} J nm was 4 chfp on she choppy tide
74” Ihal swept ihruuyh the army and tnlmcu;
t?ur disappointment was relieved by Carl campsu An rmrjrnt hu.1 whacker, she po^essHl 1

Wfehe. an old frinid nl thf tijwa named for a vocahubuy rich hi e^closfastScal teniL^ used
Custer, deep in hi- I BUh in 4U iitnt'i U'siA^Mcul way
We ptit a Cu^ief miirkins^ riaht nenr liffret rs RipL she did mlnri'^ ^tefcken with
la 1
confided. Ue don't show tn ii tnany. fliiutlpni, and l hut s what DeadwiMiil rrmcm-
It Lit jump bt my bwawf I'tl tafcft.ypii to it.'“ bereiJ in ]
when she died lonely and pen-
had been discovered some
It before, be fWS rufesg. ,\ fi'w nld'limurs cpOrd m the Mdh-
rxfjlaincd, by hr Krvrrrrnl ud Tl. Loorke. I
1 '

odfet preai±tT, the KcveFNid C, CTlark. to

ulu? was Uikitut pictures at French Crack, prar 4-sk d say a few words.
if Thr fuiwiif

\hv Site where mAtl was first i^nnd. Ota a wo* to be at the cl tvm ball. No ihunrh, thev
lutcri |ipt|i^ spotted i.he ht1 legend wuuld want Calami tv_
Hit: VS. 71 imtiedded in lichm, -
She won dumage m> i‘Sviin:h a « bit." Kiid
When Bates saw it, he l^eamed. I'Lmimy th? jsnr.^m. lJ
^'ntE bring her n|. rl.r hill,

J Mlfl r Hmv- - WWiMmSfifr-r *

BLACK > wr 1111 ^

V 9-=
j *


FOREST % Z S'. Onge

V .SViffi/f'nTfc
RincflA .adpt? i'S* *- •••

© & O
Cem* City*
£anrfe ML
SllTLdi-tCIa’ t'

MjJlj ,

iEaSh* 1
LttteL ##*•
IlliJWj -

> ^
nr-^j J Jr p
LT -TT vVairm
Me ml/ f^S
— °v
H* * . 1

Slack H#*k


•I? Ti^jVer EA,
"fipiKcr JBflp^fbrd
z . Afaftnckeft
fJLwflrtjk Af £
I ife W ^ !IC- JK

z fteS, R*pM City

. —n' SOUTH DAKOTA z to E
r'oruj. finosf/jjjifi 'C s; d Army
£ At* Catpn jvn / rp/^r ft
j \
r d fcfjj/fft rf ?? reft srotafow/ V .

4fonurn#ffr Shunt falls

, '

** HiitCLtyp
-rinffim t ' -

p imtrr
. 'N-i, , I’ckr^P-
' Li


i hV 3 iT 7'.nJ¥jET .

‘JBEF**? iWfea
tandcrba; JMt
" ,f
".u'rg^5 , •


,, J . L.-

^eafjNjirtir irdjt'
Carter .,-
ItkNi’: i -JfjnHfipr |=l •

$ Cu-Lter _
Wttit,- Mmsir. ^ 7j
State \’
Park '

NLitiq-rinf Piirk

L ^
hLuf lo Gnp
m g= ,

" ,f7’V

si • 1

dV tf ik J KW'rV

—- jL

— ”4


i '

Bidbt cj [ DyminiitL
Sptriv* I) nut ;ir !hc Setc
of j i ^ i t^_in i l- Ml riii trial
to iIll" Auitijimn Tx»d m id

TTw ft l. nek Mill- bflouDiiieil In


iTi'daty to IM Tn'irtn Sinm J-tui

with thi i^-i iiv i rj td i^li Id m

FrcniJl Crrds in n hjn-> tjir

miurc -uiL'iw. In. Endbn ImiL Co

Ihh wnrpmh 'inrirr t3j^' Hotec i

aaicl nlhiii $Jijju ’

IruifFr* wirrinrr
mit (ip. Gtftrjnr \ Carter nOrl
141 nun a! tin- iUxil nl |]n.

In I 94^ Bcdlpi.cir KafdJik
ZkiEkrriutkt Jwmtft liln tilth? 5

JfiJ-incH htJLt\\€ tt|' TlorN 1

Jnnra Lbc CTiiniti ji-I Tlltuiilri--

JvM-fJ Mouxiiim, Ttic-i viMtoi>

Lut'-h Hie ftL-ijn llif irLiU *

ponh. \ model <\i tin: statue

tun* the imijtipvLa^fl rmo
rViTiLU-Lli'- ItKlfc-

Crn2 >’ llo.nt'i Jbi-inl Iriujlitj 1-

i ivihkI onm -


Ffttfi Wi 1'iiwfr Sbavlljr In

Imt LS> ijpteih ^ir-LiFf^dd

Iron Hail nr Ittwr* Hi mf. om-
ul Liie List ^urviion li I Eh«-

lb 1
ictiun svhn ioujiItI jl ibe Lire I


k t EiirrhiiTT!. ifcracnl^d the battle
" : i;*, mi iLiifcim f.iH-ind Cunt.
F i-.i 1 1 1 j js ij Jfltio B/ujiuW
iriuhti oofiicar \sn\^

to tbr sculpcor, the

modnl iEIuitrsto Crajry
word* M> Lmi .in I wlsrrc
itlj dopd lie LrurtieS

MulLi.uS 4 Jill J c-Ji.lii - r|r|f


1 .. : 1 1 I 1

488 flic Nit'.unul Uffjur;i|'liic M:igjrx<nc

Wail ihrit's h< <w iJuluuiEtV

“ finally !*'
wen l to "Ko,^ hr said, tappli^g hut Hibk-, "this h
church. rny [tnriectsan. He stuffed stntiCFti notes iti

At tLalfUTiily jiini'A mjuetf she was laid his potk^t nml Hrndr mi Hsi l.mly wns
Inside W(!d Hill Hickok in Mm mi M nriaij in ujirl, hmids Folded across his sLiH md
t'cmebiy oVHilr inking t lead* muOi liiAtin hih Hi which hail Kived Slim if urn f i
f i

"i.Jm'nl Lhinp ilill run i .dive. ^Ih BuUm' k. , . i Iptnu; l.iy l he fn I ^ i i 1 . E very
Dead wood V iifst sheriff muttered aside to \umssi Hilfe people 3iMd memonut service#
cron tes us clods fell 1 1 wi m n i have stood
1 1
\ ' near flit? scene -rd hi.- miirtyrdnm,
for t 1
I n Wiki Mill wore a Priim- “Why e-ji t lie:idw4NHl Dick lit .Mount
,^W and TWi "I ,i ditTencld h caste, Murtiifa* luii'

a Mirnuf^ikift tissknl as wt
lAuitcd witli the caretaker. Because t'ol-

Wild, hi i L L t*rinct of Pis1nl*«*1| utUr^ml u native hr isn't tm L fc,

Dr, id timber was sUB being cleared \mm Thais a moot jxhnt. hick bei^nn as a
tin gUldl tn June. IS7^. when Wild Hill Drill m d 'Hmr ivvp-Nk >. -,. pfn 43 iginii>
i 1

preceded by his Jam# for quick shouting in hb- legend, however ihul in when (hr

qf EJcjdvvund -I Ml,-, iv- Stay- id

Kansas, rode into Land Fall Hilly Kuddfrk^ torttt I

Hilly oratr tuld nae how he m:krd celdirntLcm.i. there tot had bu a Deadwii*>d
tamp >.
L > •

ah t-r dullurs aft a hi limp 25 yards away and l-i, !: T htjy j ikkert Ririiarrf Clark, who uwd

Prince ni Pisbikers' hit them c^y litnt. to sit and iv hit lie arrows ihe sEroel from where
' rooked Mr( all wan a sort m Xojst? Jim k
I Wurktil nn ll%r Lvttti fMlty t *4ft-

inimoftulltv because one Hny in Nd [Q Stylbot! Clark^ wenEht^red fner nil pruned mus- .i

tnchi- wtssi '.veil with huckkln. and from the

Wild Hill btnke hh own mle always to fact
liar placing pokir. Jftcfe dipped
ilwur while highly puiilLOzed mimcni he dtmlierl uff ft

irp behind, pulled tlie teller of his AS. uml

p b lie 1 ei V hii’uigF p he ;cn ., I ^:'i d m ind 1 1 lek 1 1

Wild UlT? handsome sivr I i.-^ure wilted. Ehi' world. he Ito m n Etmib lilustrd

Mcl’ali was hlftf IvpLilly handed over at Lnl* >

^niudv Mi hie i lain rmbaLnied In fame
Y Lttktim the territorial ittjHtal. Hue iih tnl- even tlii- mbit novvli<( (muhln imuivt I •

erant nejulv'jwd hfe i^teEiiptirizeji p!i?n that

Gidd l.hiM l -^ud u«» Si 1 sil l CSuioiLe
Wild Bill hud shot his lunihrr in Kansas wmi
alqulttal pit trial ishpW re-enacted fur the Society quftkly >trati]iiMS in rinks, ynuthfip
hih i'ii s ed r l.iqn of T tm rkts
i T hey love i
i . i . i t
l.h'iiil on (hr hnkrktfts jjcrchril irk-
wiiod. Up
Tmirhts ^wann up Mount Mnrinh ma, to 1
gitnl homes with square .llh horsehair
pi ikr cameras thrush the wire meiLh em k tdn^ sofas, freighted trt by ox (into.

iju- raves pd Calamity. Wild Bill and PuLiti;* Duwn iti The «tdch irin^in^ the bu-slness

( rerk Johnny Pern- 1 I

^eclJnn by ( ’hinatciwii and “The Badlands,"
\ tabor* uiliirer] liewhinkered Potato i reek where ifftnce halt Ltnl gAmbtEoi (Tfiurisfied on
johnny, who washed mrl a 7 jounce rsuiiuel irnld dust uEid cupidity Souiv crutipitrs Ire

Iin‘”es! Vi f fnund tn the Hillss' Fie s1>.mbc| i\

j l.hi. r L 1 1 i r i .i i I
- i; :,n\ [ i
k- . I
= -. . 1 1

>cjint imp find, with spectm to luraer -bdinii sdepl wilh 2 pea lx,unri between thumb and
down has iinsr. Once, he told me, ii collep'e furvfiTiinT tq muke & depression, all the l^etter

rirt stbpcOi^l His beard fake and gave it to t,' u big_UFT pinch of ihr yellow 1 1 If as

n twu-JiLLLided yank— ihen ralnftd < r|m>*aii. Mtiriil chaftcT.

i sun- and gowns and ether mimienEm id
1 It|U SruJueA f-ccl K^rmun Uve Hills' u.trly ilnv^ -i tr -lUfikiyed arL the
Adams Memnriul Hall musttim Xone niTdirs
Yhn cm Mm mil Moriah sleep- Frearhfif
imufdftfl,rbTt iti ritn thettt a .-IIl r uf yellow >und-
^ fii i t h* :km> have beift <* oveni r Hun L*
Si i vl L ra i

il'ii'Jt elgfn im lies -quan 1
Ijnlth Thrifft
er.- that only ft+' rcmani id the red siind-tone t

Hiiiud Peak, near Spearflsh, in

iL .in T-'HikuLLt
itnlut of cltTeymun in lh HUB- lhi> first c

SK7 As fu mbbetl the dirt ft way. hr saw

U wav Sunday August J£3 .476 nfter preach- 1

This r-cra c h^l n scr Spt In r i 1


i nr in not of Beni 8i set'tki'n - I'lrv^M-sre.

ft 3

Licit be lacked fin hk cabin dimr hi- nnie; I

Cume In these hills lei I s.i J s^ven of m
"( .one iu Ciiwpk. City . am] iF God is willing, t’le Lj3i Wen id T HlfOh Ti

1 irrip! Eji tj Kiu d fj \V

K Klti: \\ m Kifta IftrEian Cfow ,M ded isi!

hack al ^ p,m

Si nits. ^"atuiLj over annihilation »if Vmlti me Earn Kind KilTiul hy Ind bevtinti ihc —
htu:la Ilill MUl our p>ld J une \s?%
command were khiiwri tn lie >ku.ikiiiiz iiliriil.

Friends .|ipt-r£ Sniish hp i .ury i

gunip On the r^verst -i- Ii. lid-
i I r

Umk tu Elu Historic Black [ lUls 4 m

Gut .ill eF ! hi, ieu]«J vu- could c.irry wur Ul l L- -r tlii

i l"-l ; iilE i vl‘ 1 1 link 1 i Blink Hilt*

puDv^L dl pot by El ik Imii-ifi' 1 bv hiyi ruy jfwelr)',
urt jijJ iL 1
. ‘ . 1 1 tilJ ‘n cj.' .lillI irulun- hunlEiiu ‘J-bny'n- t hinds Iwrk m fteidvraM

nnujyief at nnce iisked without

Ij_- \

Is V uiiihi B]Uc + nil i

ra p h s . 3 was adored by |L.uiblti^ uji from hi* chi f is. Hr hud seen a
Froitk ThuftUu-ir. rtf Sp+njrllsfa, whu has spent Black Hills rin^ on a patrols lancer
> tiLtry- iraoiiM and interview ins rffti! Jyts i>3

[jcrstm^ name I I itf Mentally, the I ml bins

^CuW" Rcttidim in Black Hi IK Sti mi ns*

mtLSt h.tmp siDt Lam Kind too,


1 in ailed prospector* sluiced (hr >i uH

V rurimi 1
* km- ml I i 1 1
K - the 1 Sill- mils I nuti flusl -i ul ut i Jim i hi i.-ml I ink h I .tug 4tio thr
r.iF the 1870'> with the BtuHfcr one Nj Call- piiitintiikinr hi liur-.L 1
1 1 m u w.-i- h i I E ut
foroia* AjtHinjt the 49 ers weti? pi Jd smiths, “color is still Eh ere At tfjnttfcj C"il> we
ft* umlefiil were ihfy iur the cmM waters and watched a ^hkmKtip j;rdJMtniiitlH-r whn atwd
jii n _
3i vfaeyurtK df Lbr S^ramehtn Y'tdtey knee deep isi the wah-r jmmitjj:, Lime- nf qnlrl.
ibal tlvy ileafonrd jtrtfrln
with n Ejiutii ul" fjrapr
Iciivo and lendriK, The
put tern fi ecarat Lriidi-
limml and h wa- in
bn tight tu lleadivijitfi by

bearded 5. 1. Butler.
\uw_ three! jrcnefLitkms
later.goldsmith Frank
Fhmpe carries on alnm;
(fir «mu j
Mum ^irett.
•Sour m- it her Imis^fat

V\ll.i 111 wijii’ VULlir ftfct i'itl

the dniirmm before you

futmM, with o '
hv *lm
izrin :ts wc w^ni lie hind

the -d u wca^ Here y m i

, *

do It when *you kw. 1 '

It's becatL^e nf the pre-

dnifp dtisl I but fnll-: to i hr
iL i<ir ili ,i Snrr of ^3vJti
|m*tt Ear-
iLsrurh and rUr
Fi-en i_i.LTiiri:tte ashes are
savi'tb iind Imps In wa-li-
basins collect settiniem.
"Twice n we have
a cleanup/ Fnmh ^:\-

p]aincd rand rrcnvtt a

fe w LhdtiS a n d nil 1 1 :j

worth nf auld.
The bask leaf- and -vine
design ooDtiniM^ h\t\ rod
^LTiid LT rt-CTi minli‘ I’jimi
cop |
a-t ant J sitvrr .dliiy.v


r -. iilcni Ne I v E ' r not

In French Creek
Dulls hi D. LL«iE:cih'jtt'cr
\\bhe*. tbwr tlrrin-i In whirh
SuEd '.VL-- iEl - ^ 1
i'»<rll |h f ST-i

Hr "ii't-nt a lew j
ri b.ii3ii: 'lii 1

in ilii r L hi.i k Hill- in 1^51:

v. itir ffiirtd 1
£ 1 '

-fc i -

"i?F i 1
1 ..151!

hi PI
- .
. r-»
H | H,
v m
h t jt\

* “ “ '

'3 «
i |^ - '
— is


Hi *
# j -II rif

r* PC* n"

: ;
? Sj
» _*1

* s.-*r
* i.

/jvy ft
JrJ | r
3 .
i 1


Q 1

Hark to the Historic BJnck Milts 401

Lead (ptonotamui! three mites from nun, 65 yenrs, Jtgrd President Kbi-ft-
DeidwH! i 5 1 he |
rliif r it t :jft m i id-tri i sicdd howers fP55 Chri&tnuis tr»
mining We n-im. 1 tt* oil it 1_be Mnlte-hitih lict^v lumI facJtHss f Suldn?' lempted,
city, lust “Liters' a ww !kul-i UM its Imi it wu Imn l rtek that lutttt ib Em del out
mile ttteHi a tidte wide. uiad a milt deep Actu- up a vallry tecet] like a 4hi*r by old bravei
ally, tiie great llumcstnke mitte runs rvcu dams In meadow speckled wit
d grratl Si

derpar than that, Mare than half a ficlliorvi bqiine and diiftLirfLi.i^ wr shjji[ied| 41 a dr-
dollar* worth of tfold has been pcrtmcted bul rrf serti'd ciibsn p>f mudmhinked loirs,
I hr
llJin[ riick ItfjM s$t*£e IS7H-, \h sighed a TrincE-tuii studimt who had
“But we have our tFcibtenW KettnrEli Rei- t Si l nri i(M I
I a rkle wiib oh i • l!m nr\i fkbitiji

ter. chief HnmesLike attorney* snid* '^Costs sf-tiE W a ilreaii?i place lu write l hi 1

i st ljitjor and everything buy have sky* w great American noveir'

Ttn'keiefJ, \thfte the price of the mold m; -i’ll Evidently someone before him had had a
has been rued sitter ~i? an aunr/e, E'SU iif like icteL limidc pure a Hi kely Eabic, .1 foot-
L'oltegv jalrlr- tdJ the Hnmestike story 4* 5ttwd with frayed cation padding » heap of
they guide vbftiks through the nurfttce work- Bull Durham tdbJiccfl Ku'ks, arul a htu-r m'

:i:l h. Only miners are permiiLLt"l to enUT She typewfitten paper. 3 picked up a ihrft.
cajyis towered h\ seemingly endless cables* ‘‘Hus l™k if <t^rtnd njT was lifs^Eitri
l" in-riil pence, kindness,, and uaderstnndiiic
VJ^icori TV^dket Broken IJfKU* firt in pbupko of nil nation# J*
. ,

Visit ui> lift iso iiIlv nf wlva t uahis iptt imtliT-

ground however, ui the reopened Broken Pfl^'iinri Play to South ! ^ukisut

1 too i Mini? on I >K< 1

1 yit h n 1 5 i H i Lskir ls_ He re SpLurQ.^h CrFja.-k spryfy out ot the
they fusi-s L-.f from a Tiinrte i with brown hrb canyoti th ru ugh the town of Sj itarfish , 1 n-low
mt'i- cm Ihdr lipids, of gmphatr mmi* phi the Uluck Hills T-pmchers (
qIIpke and mi to
ihfrif i lleek^r .LIU I their p-'Cket- full of «‘TE> wui i
r .i fertile valln tteii in \lav h sctntpl
“We figure they Loleout .t hunrlMd \
hilii ids wish 1^1 j
blossoms. Hen: m ‘

tmtiaral mi
oi ro. k :i day/ said Mien Burky, who is 4 phithejiter Jqe&IMeter Jo u.3 s loum! Svw i .1

veteran hurt! roefcer ami one of ihf guides. World humt? Tur what he offers as the workT*
'( hat > < >.k.. thouuh We have plenty —and i>tdfst play liisriug from 124.2 at 1

thenrnrts they take, the biuurr uni hok gite*™ Lunrn ftermifiny
\ Isitors to Ihe northern HUE-, whn rrJw Meier h- nf lus namr play the t . 1

Spea rfish Canyon chcnt ihenwelro "LEtru* rhrfsius, and hi- nephew ITtinrteh beiiija
gpnitfjy, ! rum l:he ski lift a< Terry Pink they yiuumul to suceetM Slim. Profess ionjiLi luivc
can get a rcwkmE-t'hair view of litis stente li- - ii if rttlfc, I * 1 I • 1 1 nur- : i». ".
bAr Turn*
si^UriV WLtJl i E_ - ^hlriT r-Jlldsti Hit .Uhl Irilr-Mlli' 1

applying extras- -\ druggist ^ rfaughter h

walls rangmu f rom tthtte to red and green, typfcmi ^I'r started fit lour as (he Chrld *iml
.V-h we loitered down riotous Spttnrfisb L ri’t'k. is mi\\ Bethany scene-
ci ivnrniuk in the
fishermen were wading bip-deep Hk^ing a Ssiiiifficr nighty itir itrettt dmm:i unfolds un
their tlies m graceful ares. Children in sun a fiuhrud stage ahm i^t three Mocks lune. ruEi-
mills played beside calif ns- half hidden by the iinrd from jri ii- uJi'm'ft gates fca Gcilgolhii. .So

bluish Ubi k Hills spruce mir-wrymen inEcn,^- is !he realism Jhat audiences never
Kv-t popttlnri/.cil-
A towering ha- foul Jspeci- apj i]:l uiL W bm wt dm 1 imiS wi ih 1 1 i-st^ \ E irii* r

ufler :h [x-’iTanttaiier'. be still perspired! from

Pfcflff J'K)
corryijjiz the lAtTpciLjud atKS. tliciugh it w,-
+ HorocitakoS Mills Sil u Mile .\brri %
a Enjw oat night.
the N ew W orld’s Itidur-i fj**lii I ,"ilt
North 14 whfrt-frnrH nsllfcv, post Meter -
T'iVi pirk-^B^-dlitPVd pfi,i*f»Li.i-n, ihe
rjiUIe‘ ranrh -prav.h Bellr Fmarehe ilpctlh'
lirtithtT^ lihrijvflTxii ^Eil ken’ .it S-pheI m E$7&, Tail
'••El OWl I'J W- I lllfr.-.fEthl ntfl^tr, pronounced htU proud of its Irddjtioh
En'flpi nlwutewiui rt in to tinr, labci r trmjblrt
a prairte cow town.
Miv.i Wuijil Whf EL tbe cnioe hoi ^aieraU'tl coriLir.u- l "
\Ved nkje skinny Innphorris from Tcso#
nuriJ;. dnvi' 1- prwiuririK w(«nh iir-:n!;. f-il'n'l. -

ati fiH-i inter Infd me, turn 'em on lliat bufF'So

F«H Pk niSOTulir Cl I i Eli : -1 mi SiT tllf TTlLtu I tfrLV ^ra55 t and In su; weeks rvrvy mu* «

if Vm wa-S
ilk iroln ll:r fitounil <m:I.I b U £aStt 12 -.C lI tPL hunt
infk thal il 1cm ut ore \iclsh aitly akmh i-sinuigh *!>i]£ ' W
Nerclifrp 5imr
lji I v riFirf W^ciiUt nf
lut ji ring.
Ttm. by fcIFI iim A. Djiytaiu Nawosal G cqdxafi i i-.:

S| !l. nil i I s lr HwtJTTCT. Mfivtoibor E? 5 J.

MutMtTfciie Hn mtu-aur Surrey-, the E.pIeiU Tltdl I l^urd the I hundur of \l± Vi ulk

Snmt U?,DCOW yi-Brs ill* urfgiiiui crow SU ieet Sufic ami 4tf iojbh JiciLty. SLmp-k: jiejc tcrth wrh* . « 1 1 Si HomJciI
t=nr a vrgrid|bk diet. Tli^ fi pElu lju tic tern Iiit ]Q mile*.
*1 i

Hiirrchafk Kid&r£ ifi£ IJfe-flizi: \l(inskr in Diim^nur Park siviir R^id flits-

Sculp! u* Efrittnr-Lt A 5ullk‘*tt curwlrMctiiJ a h rJiinLt ii-pultf anil itHtf Kti tif, hi the mU-l .^,
1 1

SssrE lobinit fomu lbL“ htmiil: iSrel mcsln ftfid ttHHTOif, the body.

'\p{rtr**r // Strain 1
! at li-. LcbrIih, M intiim Lakr 1 1 HcidbJ fmr the? Sfruiinrphcrc
On AnniMln ,
l*U5, CaplJtittf Qfvfl A.! Amkixu* **wl AJSn.iL W. 5iai'» cast uB H um. t be mtifiivwl nrJir
Rll 3 ml 0tyT Hoytk liiLn|ii_ Their hilium tiiltil haltnmi rase lee I alwrte «a
kvrl Mill <hr ntf rr^l ahLtuiV Mar

.j ei juftcrl 1 ,ij1JiHi!i FiH in iimjr pi! ifiMj miiiifpi'i Li <1 iLuloi hh^l- '-..ui i u
ftcESr * uIkrl Ui-
t_irth mil si - .stn.)

at >u> |j j. Sbriu-N L .
FTijitR »uj j-upl lJus S.^tiuoiiL tki^japhk Sock'Ll and tit L iiLLed SscHr 1 Aim Ais CInrp*.,
l 1 1 h m 1 2 L » In ilk tlil.K'k [{||g p>5

fji rlnu li.i.l ilnuble chins dini dimple* b*jant>er? auul s| ^eiiiot ieL? I
ami jmd tiiku ufL

in Uu*ir kuw> Cjuvernmeiil Interest in the jsu

I'Vf i\m die iya u cd - in ^hnw "f 1

in idbilhits of (be re^sois ^twiimcd when, on
town* fidiiitr ; 1 1 1 rnjMTii: they dkf rutind- Vtriti Jiice Day in !u-45. K.v#/nrrr // rruuk
up- Hut ; in UJSlv the yiimuil HLu k fitCfunnulioil hi ^ h uy That sne^i Imllocgi
if i I
-v Eb mud- up s tin ini I
5 Q5 I lamtdmJ under ^pkr^ of the \rmy Air
R_ L_ Sj[ *ihjJ 3, who uraa miina^ini! the f i-q^ and the Nllinnal fleqgniphii. Sudeh .

Ruuml-u| in l$H. riraimttd of uKin anti

I stared in 1 rif.i irtt-UrKiklfK* V ?Av5 J r 1 *

Mr? I'oolkbe a> hoD(ir quests on July Fourth, ' rhci E st ni 1 du n:


ll isfbl 1 1 e
/gf p^tri t //,
ltr<iiwm promt rd his Itryilaitati rn ihe Pteri- Thfimas W Mckm.'w \ and Sfa -

ihi its the Summer White ILut-c in t uder friary nl Mir 1

Sadefty, -nifticl at the JOtll iJihi-

Siaii-lark iml waited hri\ithlr-dy. I fr-ary ei'lebruTsi m of L hi rveUl \4i-
"Mister ii irons* in. Coolldge finally said vember, “has ossumeii ^renter pinphurjons in

with Sew Krutkind dHiberatiiHsj "y-fu waEJ the inlcrvenmp; ycur-' than we dresmjfid of at
have me big day on July Fourth anyway
i the lime. >cietnihc reciuifat "Utiili^l him*
SupfXh*! I i nme uri the fiftl. Then ynu will !
iTtfc useful In i^iu-i th -i even unkis cannot
havr l wo hip day- be diMiis^d/
ilrllr r-’iinrtiiu- thriven as Idlest (if the StrutiUmwl, the circular valley
fpmi whfch
lowns" in the MiRnr-bccl umi srrifiated
'dura Expfotf* // iVaS Im lulled has hcconie u (n^p-
from HelJv Popfthf Reservoir. Iml it has dls- ular ?.1- i|i« iver ^j>ut lnl tiUirist> rri rm^te hi
i/Eiyerrd siniither kunaiufi in I hi- -oil li - belt' the Wr-U ^ niii-i fHnvui- scufplttrif, Mount
tnnjie, 4 l Illv that ha- Liseq miLginu fruni co*- kiudinmie ManLuria] MtmoriaL
mt'lics In -teol making Thr Memorial was traudvi j in Ibr poetic
mind of state bislorijm huijt- RuhiriSiin, but I

WWc a VV o fill's \ltitQLiip RtteoriJ it WM& the ^cniuf* and prrlnnijrity of leplptur

W IS M tide!
\ rutwiri Horulum Uiut lib- ted and tmderj t hi*™

Swiniiinp d rmn the mMiTTi rim of hr- 1 His, gnudt* Gibraltar into Iskeiusj^is <4 Wushinir'
past -Si iLr^i- .LL'.iin ami the libek Hills Xa- luiL, Jef^jil. Thnidurt Ru* isevelL. aiui Lin-

liimal Ccmelfn , the " Arlington of the W^t, coln (pfl#es 48$ aitfS 4 Ool.
we feju bed Riapid l ily \uA in lime. At E!ls- Lt?t summer n lone, almost a million perscirui

wurib Air Force fhi-i- cbe Sinsutip Tribe d sim ni LiweiJ IttifuTf Liu dirfm* and JUh-prrl t <

WiLhnu hh as In make \vpht>r»pgc. xhs from Xathittu kirk Service caut^ers. I

Wahoqa are hu^MeK-meJt and their wives II ih# busts were lull fi^iirrs, lliey wtuilrl he
who dress uf> as Indians in smocoinit t^rr- Statue*!* t(j3 feet lull Iron Mmmitain road,
numb 5? atnf, with Sin nt tn S|mak Lht- [i
wht-ir- tbr hearts Ave franu^l h> ihri Lv sucl^-
hprii>u 4 ,ee induct visitors lain their in he ns
sfirr i Ltnnel.^ provides rbc favorite views.
"chiefs I had twee her a iliihlwd "t uCTWS
Lanier Ni^f Add.% Milli-in k
Buck jUiihing, su cuidd sit his one one.
I 1 l

"S hi MiK At' wii- Uir juiiiie 1 tales urnt f rum Wlieti sumtfiuie asfctil hnw 1
ih?- heads
rhift th>t Water, who in real life is Web wisuld Hu return diuckled: 'AVhrli
Lisi. I

Hill. a wear meridian t.ladle?' learned s^t thk jfmttllr crude- perbif^ aei

\\ eh ? wife i? n daughter nf the Lite Mnj. inch in HJO.UOO years added a hn#i I tn
“Long John" Brennan, one of i5ie pJOfiem \\ iL'.bin^tnn V no-si- Xpbpdy roil Id tell the
whn, vvilli a [wicket i:nmn4ss, laid uat Rapid 1 lift i-rir tucf. ai id it will pvt him tnoEher mil-
City tn IS7fj. Il nrrw U i L k Ly iniu a hotilM Unn yeais:
< i.iW].II)\ I'.lWlL,. friend Sam PurturV fathef Vflfir Hur.ium death in 'i- IU 4 I .1 few finkM
used ki bu} pLiie-iflftSS mirror> hah' adoeen at 1mi h ui' h ds we rr need h L 1 a d Bum In m 1 . hk
a time for hl> bar, and he pus sheet lifnti under r sun, prodded them with a skill anil rare fn
tied? upstiih In -itnp wav wanl hulteus. wliiiil I can HjUtv-l. t
hie dny we tilde tn Lbe
When ihi J t-story \lr\ john.^fn Bntrl vms 1
plank I ihai creaked up the cable
buElL, it JiiM'inil like the VVashliiMkiu Munu- Ir tm L I li
StLidh.i En I he in'uil:-. W li 1 r* ] wiiiUtl
puent Hut L-iivs John? pmpbrey (tmi Rapid on tup H Lincoln dnntleil mvstetiuuslv
B* V
Jti .1

tumid become £ " utsvit *hi the Hill? hu: e 1

1 I in front uf Jefferson ii fiicc.

i omc true, fnday Rapid is bu.stirq( li- liul-

ti 'iiv in J E[L>wnrth Air Fur re nr^tr hy
* ^l 1 '
T v- ' mu-ill Annl'vrrsury dn tpocti mui-
iai Sliato^phen- Mtiflu Eo £1 jfcTiPf'iv // t N”.^fKj>.u4
m-tr? vvkh activity a;- Uncle Sam's b^cst Giu^Ajrtin N«vtsnl*at*
^ 1

GLtnH ill Mi'-rup'y Stand ^ ixihtv h*r fit) Alili' i Gcorj^ ^ ashangm-n. Hiomis Jefforfirap , . ,

“‘His risrht eye looked ,1 hit ^U-cpy in the Snft) clime? he h brought up f^horl by H
mcirniEijj licht

her explained tw skidded hmith-t^kfng vista such a* Mu- one from the
back In llte rtudfo, "sp 1 daubed red paint in ret .\ cud in 1
:-*|, i l Iuh wnj |aj*es 4 t If
1 i l
KMB I ) .

the pupil lu ["ill*: like a shadow, Well study l fop man Li I ai'.if.l may inm on 1 h* ! i (’Like- when fl

deer leap* nside rind stJinds and shirr - while


it £L frtt days- If its right well cbjsd he- 1

me k to nt t the sime effect. Children in the car sqtirnl with delimit Ur .

pcrh.ip? It * bidfak' swili. bin u under .1

Plenty >.i I MuhHltaifM l.cEs: L ncarved u Man-.


Tpj Mii tlamfeti who deplore ciLryimr up \\ Mr

nn tht road, Lu: careful.
Buffalo w
your muimtiiiiu.'* the Black Illl1sr*& stock I beard Le> EVice park suivriiiLftirfcm. weittI
Wc vc fcli=rEity left* 1
nmc ittid tourist: ’lb- can be a mean jaywaftusf

seeT’ T.ik'- you* |ikhjrr ImE bred that -jVh. “Buffalo


ISr- 1 place <m ilii tl Is, < upt= ^lah IVkl

T are dangerous- Stay dose to your cur
,l dS QOD-iKie ifUeallunkLutl smith prf [tush- Experts ^ay chut 50 or maybe 75 litlimi
more. Tt h Ehreuclud by ridling nbtK>ns of NffiiJn, properly called hfooo* once roitiTiril

,1-plull badunhurried people-

'‘in fnr I North America. \n >ltl Indian r|i-M:rB»ed <»«

brakes should be good too* ^ot because th4fr plains nr day* tt h 'unit merit ruin*.'
In t hi

hallway > nrr unusually tiaifirduus. bin ^ I Then ennie the hide and lonim^ limiters. Dr
cftUfie ?Jie feTkm ahead L* always stopping U'tlliijm. T. Hwtirtrlay the tut r:i ist. fcsti- 1 1 I

suddenly tin look., nruiT-id that l>y SfiH'J few moire than .OCR] bison I
1 n 1

* Disney'. 1 '
The VanL-hint1 ] 'mi-
ne ' wll< ? in Wind Cutffc
N -il i nn a I
hirk. In adjoin ipu;
Cutter SLatr Burk u thousand
bison 5^rrfd with Rtibwt Tsrjf’

|ur and Spwtrt liranistif re-

cently in M E.+J l > The Lust

Mother X a lure was $tio^

with rffdy t!IU fc
1 Jiffy: nn-iU-il In

i hi 1
Hilh tin irleiil play-
ground; lake? lint m.m has
made runny. IS frute&i in ibr
Hill? has just been ^lmpleied
ntiUp]WT Rapid 'reek fn sup- f

ply waif? f'si Kiijdd City aiul

ihi ne?tr4jy air hi^c.
me, tilt prettiest lake is

Sylvan Eiirqtnn.sf Amiri ;i

granite boulders, Vhave it

^ Ui n Lh i ja modern hutd with
cdebmted Indian murals by
kriku I jiIuii.imei

The four- rink irni! to Har-

nry Pe4k 'i.i i T.- from Sylvan.
A few years atn the WTuriakr
hi-r# ttiW mr aIjciui a lady uf
1 ih i !n.

came fur a bar?*, Hr asfe'di

whether she prefern-d :m Em;

huh saddle. --mHimra called -1

tbahntf or the dish util hire

Western type, with a hortu
"English/* she replied 'TTI
not sp on iht- hji^hway, *1 1

win need a horn," t

, F liL.uJ> itl- Rv'SLi ell ,

anj \hmhui3i LiEUflijifi Xnw mngt people rifle up
Knmey in u brtghKvelfow jfeji,
iturvived In the whok uf North America’. T.yte Mit'ru'ly, who sits iiuhind the wheel*
] 1 tey l> vr
I 1 a eunifl iac k* S' urn e I
£ 00, adik bo thf fun.
one of tine largest herds in the county browse ,
'See I fa aE hiuurinj? rock;* he bellows as
in Custer State L-^t. reprttduntn^ rapidly visitor^ whit uphill t .'nn 'f i.dV, Tin- arbn
under espgH v .ire might make it filli^
Wr vr Iraliird that it li a r.ttia uf line hull Mountain aua l-«. both human Jimj .uiimal r

to Ten cow?, taeifem olEtio calve at ten years low this rUj4K‘i'l C f i witty The former enj^y
k/ttteacl of three, 1 „rs JciK-l nit, ‘Now, tn hold pounding pilous, irim crevice and craw H nig
1 he tirrd to what ihe land will teed, we I. u 1 '
Iht over pitntm hs>, \1 ihe rainier 3 lijokmiT alup
stlljdLls .Likitlial-
.tiad s-J i ;7>.POO worth of Harney we mw ihr- real thing. tin- kirn 1 ihai
iiiivn u year liroWS h.srrE5.

Harney, the qumt of the 3 Tills, iirnnuiiiiliae?

Bloch 1 -nik T nod L ; Ihi ft ll 1 1 Uhl n\ N 1 L' J
< it'n.
j S. Ttnnwy a ^riirt Endian Lighter
Ibiffnlo tHstes much likt beef buE the Fai wiui [uolahK \n imfif-
Eicver j*h mp,sefj it,

k a rich yellow Uufialo sti-uks Atut buffAli- Tiutl^ y&titisjt lieEitfiTiiint, Ck>UvemeLM K. Wtir-

buri-rrs uf !* e. iimninn flems on menus df- Black ren, Liter tu win fame as thr* CnLui ufScer 1

Hill s re?i 1 u ran t? i )ni- i

1 i v u- u 1 festt u res a m f- who funk ami held pivot. d Li tile Rtiuml flip
fdln chow m riii it Cetty^buif, mw it front the firalrits fn

Hi illy us -lid h,i> disf-vrreil the hitffab hrrv IS5? anrl uuTTied ll for hU ^uperiur.
The rouEruv.-poril cdtf -birth wune in Wall 3'u me, ihr vteu frum Harney h peerles-.
" 3 7 1 : »

49 H flu: Nurieml (jcu^fe|ihk: ^ [ -c i n i-

Tin- wiMmu^ tuthiw virguuil as whin landed were liverdVd btoutl Iroat bn til in

Tvfeilr mi'TI 1 r^ I
]« inked Up -n st firUfKiUr year* at ni^bi (h.Ftti tJir ha ti hrty at Sfiearfish. N*>
ago. Anl \n autumn the hin lu- ami as[Hm* Dfli kni'ws fur snrr,
Atm in:. I ] 1 f
[limp- _ I S> I L'l l with £old. l! ul there W’Us no special stockimi for IVsisi-

On Harney its eA4 In Sfi- why the Hilt? cfent fu^etdmivi-r who fished here in 19531
are i'jj IL nl :i L’E-iiliPiiECiil textkMhik. Lnnii bcforE 1 p.i':.r 4 S^E Hi- msrifpuliitkm m rUi-- mr
(he Rockies nr VJjis ruse ffHCTOiLl pressp® J’reiicjL f reeit w?nn itilmiratJon from hical

hnivriS lhfe IO0Hltilt-ki?^ Indite. Vv 1 hi- t iip Willf'Wfalris, hut Ms ittek iv:e- ln^t with a \n
Wn-rr aw;u rNHiiin I the centra] ri-n.- J ( oSornrlo sptiiner^ I on rrvinl tluit pben-

if Wound is in u mi mult uvals are trpff.iii emt bentEEME 1
nn ivi E l* md E ^umiTwred
m .if water IaM limfslutW Mind- rie*ar by iu cililn Inside what we uilk'd .1

stone* wtiiiv wyjfctim, «m»f shale the Black Ikr Peak aru) T know ihr man Wfhn supplied
H1IL1 iiiulft t»r likened ti < .1 ev-ologiRil rose mi the line.
the prairie
While wt' taTkrd a soiled ilwn 1
ul tin mi-, Ftudi^E- ro Siou\ mi Sij&i ! - iiKbui^e

tli'il Mt|ii£fd over ii lower peak thlclened arid To | uhl Hill-- hi.TtuTy in the present tecue.
s 1
< 1 rail . ml ilrii ly their wn» 1 1 deaf rtririi! : rack W-f had jLPikc+d Paul Btssdft'fi' 1

. Liiiin-jLU'r of
of thunder iind :i dart nf snake- lon^aed lEsrht- Ww und Badlands Asm kint Ion t*-
Blii' k mtk
mntr I iliuIiI imrlt r3 lji,ml will j
fmftans mtft mtitid three men who fed hrdpfd make h
j 1

.druid ui liar-, ffiuuftluini wjlftetaess Jiihn ^iTrin?: Bull. adopted soft -*f lumi-d
\ -hurt tlritt la Si 1 Wr weir Lit Stale ( i.iHfM*
^ilSilll! Hull: I nm Hail, or lK-wey Beard, fflkl
Lorfe- ititung on elk steak. This dial i.'T like ?o bt 9S vvfe B-umM under Cruzy I Inr-i
has [dim? looks just u> it did when the Coo Ai^Lin 4 t'ii: 4 er and John Bruauier, S 7 an .

ipeftfre pnrth Lind chatted

fm'knl 1 m Lite STu|lt Army s:iul 1 in the Me&>mli Win «n" ^ 90 1 .

with .rn'iuhlNsrs Thefe were -r-i ijTtirs when I '.vlls r 1

pul my r|iif*tiuns To Hrujifsiirfr, wbfi
f. S, Senator l-iancT hen a weekly Gw I
avar In reifej

ill rm in SfolK In Imn FThM wh»

newspaper publisher it Tint Sprit#*, irL- ivnulit si^n-hiJL^Liii^c- them in Jnhu Siting
Lrfupllni no inviu-! iiM'i tor the I'tesirlenl ami lb 1 Bant: u deaf-mute, John null
SI s- I -:^. 1

hi- huh T
In vacallnn n tfe lil Ur -k imwn Hindi rtaithrr Siou^ nor Answers wfiulil
Hills Bui in I
2 they take the llQ^tk l iri iiit in rfum# lus 1^
recorder would perpniuatr die Interview,
Bill Uis^ foi U Y'HipK i -E crpyoian
\V- me Paul
|ku Johnson Hoiul Ini a 1 Ifu?

A few miles from I he tadjff# stands tin: Rapid but Ms lace was .ls kittfi
r n In ml
whi 1 1
< 'n jiurregat i
" 1 1 al t "fern refa in IS e mw e s ‘T drnvt > miks down to Pin Ritltlt 1
1 c*

w he re tbr\ wt rshipei I

wen ly* t w 1- > « u \d - * 1
Rjjservatipti to aet Sitting Ball, itL- ?±iid

Rolf \ iiiTn w.-.h Lhr summer pofai her "When "John died L^t week I

told Mu- President of file Finili’d St-itr- Would The Jinw fell In lu< till iif enurse It .

In.- In his 1 nnuii'j.itii.a]. yiumit Li Lno IitmIw? opened and with To in II, dl nfsplmdetit
into j cold s we, 1 1 uml Inoked st LL4 ch. in nn. k Lin and feathers. tH -tom riling a sorip

'Ewn^e me.' he ?aid l Ihrnk B I'll pn 1hut tinded m a wilil whoop. Hi.- wife \lh'i-
h+ifTte and aH rlcuh hittirlkorchier. n. 79 Brum de: trsnsiated (pa^ 4 Siu
CjjI Kdmiind Siaelinp. hr.Ht\ "i tlu- W Whether we dtffdcfd lip new- fat'll Aboul e]|p
Seart Ewrvite"^ White Hudist UtltiJI sup- T uslrr luittlr hblijriaa^ l 4 n decide fumi llte

iilEuil one, then pmnvdcd t" Ijim. 1 Lip the tape, which will be toned, nvur to the Mhmry
'I'lmc lihrsyusnii In [ullintt turn how proud nf f'onRFfss- Tt proved tu iw Imn Bail's Iasi
hbt moihtr would Ut\ recounting uf I he history hr helped uuike, \

"-|Th rp-^ulrrit amntry Imi+V like jurd ii few fiumths later he (on %vjis dead,
1 hr ie>t id ii 5„ he wad on You ouulH lu B T w is h itl ii r 1
Ela tos « d 1 1 1 agafri Lvhi Ee

we ihe siKr ul the drtireb hff .ffiaei lo tip ill chattiiiLrwith hMiionEc MuUiiitnin Ed liyan.
Vrmioni who on the ufd Wi^trrn tridithin of
Vi>uni4 I ii ms look xi deep breath- -find dl tickJioH the tenderfoot He has while biL-sh \\

went well. Eieinre they l^ft for Wiohlii^ioR

t”i mi 1 1 u /J'M iV Ti {
7 >

1 he ru'dhlpits Eiad him ls itt for dinner.

* Put an intnrjIiftgE n! thr k
CouSidji riii.'. id limit h^ihinp here with urcciljpi! 313fn rtilid a\

' 10 3 fiae!. **-i: ''Tht Blai:k LEilL. ( l*hL r HuhlLne

worms, ne.ivsp.ipcrnifn ihr ivnflil ktsr.iw

Cpnmndb nl the Red Men,

Maybe hi* nrvrr leandNl lluit file liig noes he M w-MEiwr,
i4;il ' ?;

’Bi p ,11

i if m *. Pi * a

n _JL jp Lh|i TV J1 — !
1 «fc_ -
X .

j-tst JSBfc 11

0 Sit iiiiul iV"L i

i.| i.ii
K-ri inn jrjfj,

\!nlui-'lwtji:VL ^ iLitiir lI Hide* a Tmy SHIigrauiHili in I’VmilitJf M uscuni, C^i^tLr Std.lL j


\n in i Lit i :l li-— -.'.lull i iHavnfadfftti f aiJ^iLifasriJ iHjt *piu;b IhiHai tuntiflr amlc* ujj 4 nppl* buna. Wlll^ \
WfliJ-hciJ b) Mu In .ih?S I JjiJ, i|fov< ;i I \t[j 4-r,
3 i 1 1

Climber* ScrcmJhk- up ln>nn kar^i

in sfcu: Fwl'fcftii r f Uen^risl i !!unur r
The Unilcil SiijiCn la SST4 cwTierEtl fiffll tlwip^
\ I 'Ll-.: 1 rr tu M-jd ij n-i;E>Nri-ji£jgm.T i Ji; -, : ILClijJi j|([i>

ihti Black jJLEL- territDiv at iIm Skni3i_

J'dlnw Eon dri^ im- iduhvc crlniM'd
1'iirtnf, <his

bnct^klD, lijrk- uni ill ¥art AheihiiRl Lincoln on

3 uiy J in Uw ffltfcsir of a hanii. or* 4 kiu-n 1 ,0A M
nti?n. fkHiflti sdenikti, followed.
wrElp UtiT til# f:^XTiJliiin ikirti tl this Blurk
Bu fc„l
e* m' Y\ y r.niiiii * hen. L v :*cj u lid J . LWti m u j ul.

iicfo-.* 1 1 is- Tallin (center 1 ,

lilt- rjtt-slnidr tiunpiij
near Inyon Kum, W'litjve IncfLao name meum l5
i^Jri within j daiu * ted hli
urltf Hurt
Ulioil wtd in tJir peui arwl Ihisii milled on to Firuj
h>' Fk-nU \ "
"IVur u-rule CubEe*, 'V** amid Jl*nu^
ill tin? mo l-c cjjjtfHl-e fulciTa j,njj jn fc
rEi.inir Sn l ^i -
urr-ml fiinmb w*n in shai ih±> run: jiluckH
tltrrn wdihuiil duRUjunim^ U wis a rii-n-Kt -ixtht
Ti- glanac buck; :is the
advancing t^rnnini, ni rat- i|t%
jmij Kji hcrhl the liiJCbo. ... u* J

LJt wnrij^ d JJinwif*
Ht to cfnftn ij qoiffm o: May
5‘IjO. lowjfli In Custer' v da- jitulrk d&fli In
IrVF fttiLlfofi± nEiiim-Tnund nlW i mnitf-
timv.s *t Fetched Id* ielLI^i- Fn* ol lie Luu Jus l^wn-
havi iiiirvhi'ri ihr cauJenn'ii'h [mjijkih Liaii ^
tlM'Lkb tif jcxound sciuirrd, tin rudmi li„

imtta name from harlilne mlk.

'kVLrul Qvf NiWAftl J'Urk thi-w puralrh-
ilii.Ha- wht it Iluh h the ntKrt at hk doorway. The
tinlturuL-vvay danrmti *uim- 10 frtt before fevrdim:
• ’i Irrtd sybway >.' i-rrt- - • r| i. -nln-jr nolo tht cnr-
riijjnr jufve Liei{nx*m.-_

4 Can td Dancer Hnld* SnnLt in MVnjrh

Thjj (54' L r*>|£jyfi.b i te*i Hid Spnni:- ^Lp^un |e
hive twoft tniidr before thn Sflftfljt isyfliied the Him i,

IldLi dbouL 1 sv tiitir Ml Sh: \ mi i'ii j 1

C %‘iMmJl ttwko Him Ikij:


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lla'jihiTiim Ft ljI I Tm*ei J 1-nwEjby Like :i Kmi YhAi

Li, lml| tiiiELai: fodrrA mt«a tiMu^ruiii cvrtal, Ubt ci>i*Lwjr
lt la stay U’in ai nmnitr Enr rkbt jtcflELtk Ills

(inlj 1
ricFi 4tuUi«l Jbr nirim!il
a laosr tupc |i infill LLe

.j 1 1 1 ir

^ (in h fivi . iFu fidri Eua*t jKiw rnD 1 cir hi - A down
IrUKn juAffl Lq arid oul e( hh urn- |q dkvrTl I 1
ihfr IivlLLV

sidi'nLL-uri Hmsu in* bturfl.eti| ibr nrifo <n|i«i irm ip tiiffiv

. 1

+ l'i -i i r F^i
i ! i _ Firth
Tb* bui khsq !sn I-,- k thtf
irademmk, *'A titfLcL FtWJi^fre. >

C«iV t4^a iftliicic it*- Jc-imrftns tm

a riitt mil LI n? stt IlIkveei
latur Ibf lijTYVn IjHiiidltii ll

-.hipiijjjja fflMfr fin#*-

sti,in any <»lh^r Jpoin |
iii Ihf
world Tin- If Sark liitU EtuuTul-
up (ulji b.*L-n r ich > cur
sohl it tiL'KJju iii lulls;
Hii M iUL~ti 4 , 190« fi* rail- 1*, muslJk from tilt BlittJt

Jliih, ibtici'ndf-d urn VVa-brnincm
D. C. tu bfil|i Jtidl uld [lirml
Tt'iR* Roimi-hIt i rUlirnlh Li|i
In.LU liu i .lLLii:i^ an ft i_-;j . l-. ci I . Tiny
amused ihumsdricrs duriniz thr-

jKtmrJe lij L'OpiTCiE fM-ikcdViti jirid

rliuima, IbIet Hn?y ftipl a
jhsut IIEi nil ^ dijilftmat'ft fewu

+S i
d i i |
c -h u i; h l ni; co el 1 ra tan \
hrdda thr rrin with urir KieiepI

Ruii 1
rci Lii ri
- |||NI > iiu [ 1
1 I I
j. I

III- utfiufl! I# l.u-. llllj:

*iiJ IhUHI laiiiiihapLI „* I. I

1 1 n

iWL tn rki- Hist urn Black Hill? 5Q7

sijct- Ijl-.h if .mil I iliJcr uJiel'Si. _i.\ lit |

ml* il. a m link kuEdes. at Wind Lave, One LL^ed in
i _ili TV
i, t-ni-s
Hi we a [ iUTb-1 >r-ked if Hu- thstt Ivhr cases Briibl l hamlier wa/ hi
Mina particle* i hu i -pur kit* hi Lc-n-r - I mud named ImauM 11

of a ynsi Hi lady whi* toM hi'i

Main Street ^e* =unld mother -ihc would marry no mjin on chi- i.i .

“Vf*. they ,Lrr iiu J1I1I. Lr irplird uwrk . 1

1 ihs- e^fth
I hr gpjLMvinr Jtftklr. but Shrre v >n Lhi- knnl wa- iiur| down here. ‘
he wtutld
Lhlflg mii^hty sih* mt ibis fiedd. It's .11 Id. "Hut soon wv had Eln Liill 4 Ich lc lo hut fi

]kh?fi exposed tn tilt sun Js6 IrtUfl It's luvl all -ohiiiTi ull. 1 Mr In '1
w;inl tu run the institution
oammerrinl rnJtic of maLrfmony into ihe "miimj
tViml i’fm t
line of many dis^dved out nr
lull Jkik's* in riel the EE ills mesie me anion^
I i

t hi 1
Ei finned
To® lirir L Ed fiirsMti'E have matched till I
hecsiiise *ti wfiitr LaJi dr i and a Lirnwn-
lair* with S-nn *k\ rhnjidi.^ whu mast] tu Eell is>i rt.*ii bcutwdrk LhuL resi-miili -

LhtTii in the !.tvrjy^abk' t?uwd at Stiirpd#. 1 I'hr cavern 1

i - a t&ffthrn Juriya. U'hm
rrtiicmlH.-r Imju htB lEe^riEwd tbe pliji^ht he L'ut the hnronu'tiT sails atr usual ly ruLshe^ ru

into niii'v when hulU'bnkioE [rum piieirr, When it the wind bkiw.* in Sirntx -a-.

camper! where There yen n t no wood

1 h 0 when iom-t ra% I^HUued frum ihr railh
hr rrliiliHl. 40 even 4 miller chip. So E I J
here. tht\ Lfle-w the Gretl Spirit wn* EvlUne
*tdft£fl ihr U' hifmlh fullerin' E along Mien 1 hufiiilu were near.
a tl] my Irvin pun. I'hen the wind wh^iij-Hnl A Partner tiSfiiietl t". J r . Bril, fmm McDon-
nit rfghi stttnri hut I krpt on Time my III had a happy ^urprbe at Wind
1 mi 1
-«n vms r- Miked I h.|ls !
mile frnrn camp" I avY ha AejumsI id fitM .vi Mf. when sUfwrmterpd-

()M-tltnrrs rwiJlj let their tmsuiititffhms nu ffu Karl M Semsngstm amumneed. \ on rr i\

whjis f
jtMrsi Stephen Vifi-eni liewk callrtl —uur millionth visitor!' Bell, M* wife fc

the aujikesk subtitle* 1 .

1 I cniniiiiT-i Li i m ^ Om.e J ii itgh tor were ieF.ed ruyally ra Hul S[ i-r ini»H_

. prospector suggested that hU |mrtoer umxw

River I licit FIpiwh L'pSlde Du^ii
their mine fnr hi* wife. Hr did— and it has
\n*rn ”H*-ly Terror ever litice, Most El si Is (owns were started as mi nine or
ami] It* A '.ifll, Drttdwo id iiew^iaih'rwoiTian, ranciunji getiter*; Hut Sprinf4-^ wa> irroated 1-«

f#ia5b shr was bum in I'tuttr uu ijiu^binst dispense hrjilth 01 il |i[en>Tm* Fall River
Water f'rrtk. mule Springs 6tft of fed liV I i v- 1 '
. tl hubbies alunsr Alain Street fULst pebbly
J-o k.i (jukb. Uur pioneer [nn-sy had noth-
rlifts, b so leanfWTOl by thermal sprinst^ thm
in p i-i do with the vdlitji- of My.-: Hr. \ Btir- I iid!!rok!~ rri\ik r.Ven on winter alight-. ^ n - ] 1

linitliin raihn^cl wicker found a mlslELkr ur* II- lurdi. kiiiminn a giH+fl thin u. live hvvr the year
nuip ttfisJ M«d it pLuu a* amid hr; Mystfc/’ :onnd, f^ttrninK on shelled ann huii^hE 1-y
The util & joshmv tradition crupJt up luurist |K-nntY4 from veiidLiu! inin hines,

A rtsspcrTrd I lor Hprinjgs eitixen pas^d on

to me Ill^T -uiiamej- n -iurnh sdnigr a travel! Lm
“ u

+ Di-vil* Timer Sciuns Like the Sunup nortr, E'i'ild lh;d the writer in Fall River never
1 11 a M il ns [ l r I" r y f froftc, be filled bU riidintur, \exi rtHFi-riin^

tn SepCmpbcT pn^iHrrvE Thcudorf ftpfjmtH

his engine !!: n k vm*. tracked and he threat-
iledifcil [ha Wi liruLriu; u.iitiijtT (lie Crr'-t injitLOjiiil ened In sue tht? rity
(tHHuimcm Fhh jujiii-ctwiy yew r hi> Irirmali'Ui Hul Springs pm liFwn" for the row euun-
\i >N dll 1. 1. ri 1 t Sl;o.[^aj u.uLhip
try -il T hr siiti them md of 3 hi- Hills in those
rl-ltfle I hr; manner at fbc Emvt-r'i ImiEi
romttntk d.-jy- wdieti every maid a w-SEt

aitFl-H? ItULt M po±nhh .-0 Etli Ilian

‘PFU 1

yoi? trnilcrfs hanJi wr|kd up ml bin ihtr ijartb f ufc"lM_vs iiiitJrin^ of "wfEuniinL: their
and. ftwilttuf cj^ctoS Ltit« inlumna, Ivraloti untuv- hroncs nttftisa ibw 1
Rtver tn come
rml Lhl> rcEuminr, Icivto I he l^iu^ iu hate like in Uw a bip' ni.qltt. Hui ilir 1
heyenne. once
JiEf» I rum .i I .-bz^cr' - ji. Ti n jrin.UHrmJllif hi<E riwVcr*
m. rnoddy il wa- callcfl ‘"the river that llnws
jImj^F ah a it it. Jl >5 n E-utr alusv* lh>
J ill il
.mil 1 ,:n" Ii'iim-f Ihc Belle Fmanam Hh ci r upridH down, y now rUirnned .ind fnrrrieTTv
\ rjumb^T it I Htiil:<i'r - hrt Ki' JMlAEr.p.J hi -n mndt t
ruinf supar iml, torn .11 id nllulfa-
in 1 'i J I 3 puochi4 i-i -|i>r il Uir "mu' i^q> R > i.irtj|i where cuyutes used to diasr J»cfc rabbits in
pinii I mm 1 plsw. ITrid tilr diamuuai, iHf ^1^'tFni la
fhe jSHCtbni^h.
|ur 3 wrek 1hrnuE.l1 ram. wiud^ uoi mmw jiiHiiLmerl f

hy 1 be Atf imif \|je has Lurnn to 1 hr El ills 1 on.

HijuiUr*; Irnrn nn atr£ltt_ Ficulf) it eoiqit fhin^
hrtf^E Inin <lsrwn I \ii lr Snm Kic 1
’ Vtooiic Energj ('ommfeion
^nrhni: U^ETtiihrr f^kiriT -fffk'i
:- in Rapid tUlj and Hui Springs .md
L m 1 4 1 1 ,I

50S Tilt Niitkinul GtfruirapliH M^int

thiffrf 1 - ji uranium mill ul Eilfi«mt>iu, SduiS I'd 1 ., Ini
I 1 iy C 1 I 1 1 me "hi 1 uk-v
J '

(Jubitiii l#mi i.tfimi !

1 jr I n'i ike L/rouml where ! pkkfti that iip:

for the mil] with it lmltdorter 4^ lyiiiiJLly as he Ami in .1 lmr!)eiihiip at t ukUt 1 httircl

ai^Laeuvered pinner tn become 4 lending Mu- iii^ml an rcc^jiiin who died a few year?. a|y;i

rine ( nrpf ;iak of World Wm II. near the WyoitUufl lErur LuiYentinu itmt no mv 1

"KvfTymiE mmind lu te -,
n uranium pras- wmild g^ohfimke 1dm cvtfi* In mirk in several

Juy HmjpLmimn Hi Id me WrVr JaiLkS> Lif Tadillm Ft'Ck." N'uw evetY burly

Hiil uranium fever had, tun. Like It-" I v. 1 1 1 1 1 rrH . \\ 1 i.t it urn ilium oft* M Liylw: i t

[r si Id know.
[ Asa suit? Tine to Ms lunch no ore of Itin listen, lithium, or Uintnluoi.
1 mi liter and tsjrfu xhttv. lit Hoi Spring, he hits 1 ir It nu^ht have Lieeii cohlmftinm nr hc-ry lliaim

sold SZS^QOO worth &f srfnfiTtntloii counters also now iti Jitrnt rlcmiinil.

.Uif! 'ijU/J hnvje* - I mimEere * wraith p&mi from thv ipitiH atid
\h &•>

Wvjl ewtfi|Aiinles an- moving in, hut little tourist invade tlirfr iinie tiered Palm Sap
unt^ with blfl ideas- >L.i rt uverniitbl. Some xhe Sioux must lbink Luutilirloos ilt'Yupht<

duy their fancy 5 t*H:k certificate* may lie RemcmlikTiT'ii' ihut they Inst the k Hills I'- Em

v. 1
irtli fort Lint's — +ir worthba, like fho-, 1 Liy I r it tier] ireifeCy rn I S77. I CHU *ymptUiln3
fnr^ntim jold ti lilies pjiy^crifiit li wall \n .i will who. uver fit hillock,
n 1 1 rave Jle;LT

>u m iner * n nnI flttir sturuU. wa* fined lor breaking the white man** kiw,
1 owe yi hi ^4S. be told JudHt Harry "

Phofi^rapher SteO n IJriMiitfiii Hunh Mimdt. ^You uwr mr fur l be HUck Hllb-
Vl hr n you juty me, fKiy you."
Jem' Ql Brrnmui. i yuuna Rapid City ,l 1-

riiTnt'j .June Sunday hi

started the m>h. < hie Disrt^iTdlt^ ihe ittaai Spirit - injrJtn’iMi.
ihe Siouh. .ire leaving reseTOitliMis to find
y a 1 while [dintnyTsphiiijE Indian ptdrogtyptp
| .

in >a yea Gmyun* hr picked op a vtdhw it* k

i i
homes and Jote in Hill? luwns. "Mure thaU

he thmurhl ju*i might Ik* ciirrnMm It


have settled in Rapid r’ity: there, in

The uratLijjn rush r sn '1

.l.t mi itin'- tori tin' a white coltaj^ with 3ilar^ id (lie tbw t I

ns the noM of 70 but already there foLfurl T+TyCftr-old Mm Grcii^t \\, Hill.

ha? been nrie celebrated rl {sputa uver claims.

Indaun VWirlrifcrt'^ I’luh I Ulp« I Irplmtys
\ ^iinti q{ wurknii-n moved in 1 1 a -vt linn
1 hi Rs-M 1 .tii v i'ii. tmrthi',1-1 1 -I Pilcrenkin 1
. -L-A*.! She iLtui her husband, who is an One Ida n

by ki.-y and Je.iiudtr « hord. jiralmie. 11

jjnmf]- own nine rentol utiiis lls well ils their borne.

muEliri' with the figure of ;i Used find the amr Their i inl'lLen went to cnsUeKc, nnd she is n

nee id a In 'bear fnuurJ them. Armed with leader in r hi U'iTiiTitn 1 'tub,

unthm.2 hut a Ifpsrick, dir stepped hi thr \Y r hrtW n ntimittr.e rrj'Kirt?- like my
btfUrluster's path and dared Ehi- driver to ronw woman V dull, she attained- Thrift we
> iti. He mine hi" I within iitfck^— tbu lust sew and i rti icy work sdl U'l ke c|UE E Li *

In? rsrniv nii-i- m-niej. fur new Betmen A nn ri n 3 tr «

The now Limnus l 'hi rril ease fli rat ii> cmin HnjipsLil and send money in the AblMtt Hiitise
;and wa$ -etrlnl in a decnmps ilenskm* nan e hikitL-ri'*’ Home. StimeiEmv- wt buy C h m 1

If as tilths wilh fTii ini' Jilin phi ^puds iti 7 it, nr dm thins; fur [nh.i IfM&WKtT
1 nm ninniv-d with a
Sheriff Srih llLtlli.ick UstuJtin^ as she recalled a UtrLllimt buf-
Piad^ood drijjjgfcl to mil wh some jumpers. faltl hunt shr kid sti-n smx Kdaemunt as

They had U'i up houiekeepiiiET rn a iumn‘1 ;md, a mil 1 realtied p-fresh bmv mJimfi 15 the
with rides across I heir bjhwiL to 1 sp between the present aud the past iu these

i'll 1 1 the iri. Hulhck sifted tutfftitirin ilciwh Black lb li v A lifetirni ru u

* - 1
1 1 I
- —
the stiivepifu 1
ini' thdr hut rind the C^ia&tirr in C^oolfd^, v,*M -UmjjHL'ib 10 uraisium .

I iTvijrL'.Lfcer- broke for fre^h jEC ntfih. Sinnv tra^'cibi tn the yets al Elfewnrth
There's lost- rn me Tunr in every mired On; a visit alter the railrntul eaitie. BueiuIo
LSEikh iii 1 fit
HILT., t -Fifirmun; ihe credulity R ilt ilv Inn-il 1 lint Dead wont! wniihl n-vn
II i man and his deep derifr fi»r stidtkn ridtes, Trftlly ftfefiw •
ild U luirl Imcu ynuop
fraiinj* such stortel. umsiHv i^ m lotiU

will ”*.j'
c he vvlsp Ifcnd, But Troy Parker, pio- 1
Hv enuid hirve been s|M";ikiti^ nf the entire
j.irieUnr of the E'iilniET Qulch Lodue, unwit -
Blade HiJk
tiiufly u valid I^tciul \ jitartnf Hill City
* Set “*Hutill?uf rmninrti ArfuinU LfuW^rJrl,^ blf
mechanic fmmrJ a chunk nf rich unld ruv
Keili'-'i J M. NiDCEkp^ir ^irliWfu tli 1 .nph "MHiAi
ImlisciJ ir. 1 in- i li:i --C "E I'urkeCs Mercury, fk-lnhei. I

With Pnffldil md L furUilc, Dt sulit ijuU K^turnx Eo tin.* Rh par inn Ddyn «f [ is 7tV

Tbs* cry ol "(jultlJ

Me4 J jitaliqjrtjF ! a [hi:- piM-clud tr'iCch Every ulvntvwjf ulvii toehniofly i OUllitW (n11 ft

l4nrl tttfl Ir-cuJIy turffe^ S^riwutrft mlrd Ih Liu? hand 11

ui illdt j« Wild Hi Hkknh ami Ljlamiiy Jibe IJhmw 4441
H 1 I i 1 h w t .

SID Hone\ I hirers of Currutnhin

HurulmU 'it l i li rt ti I LnrrktfM* ( "mmulr Ir-mn DsiUiif prircM Homes
id Peril on the Lawn o| j| Prteniliy \ustraliau Beekeeper

UV IhlfL /\lfL

frith fliir-t f fi Tffi ?/:- /Yo nr }


h o f o fff u pfo < by t for

R fFRt,F> of csdtaneni urmnstaJbLbTe us from crijwd. then

tlie |iUni;Eiui1etl hi- rt nrui 1

the wash uf South Pacific t'dlri* on with squtvtls as hungry birds ilew rlo-rf’ In
Jhr vi l.:h shore, stfireej t3iv cfowd^ fares nr alittbtfn-1 riti shnuhSens arfl heails.
SiuJdriilv -i Jinn -nr pnintrd M a liill e-uolyi it ys (>om tbi- stiapr rif ibr lk‘ak i:t i- tip| irciM
iw. ^hnvifu! fit the ray* uf j selLiim sum, UliI EiirEkeet?. IhpIook Uj t! w pnitui fumih
a tlcHck of i fawfiiyo birds settled hi \ih in ils Uul, wall him them rinse Lip. E mqlil mt hov^
hn me lire. arranpriR und rmcrnfijring them- ilihermt their ratjriu equi|arinit is from thiii

^chv> in ifrtt-.ll 1
* •
i> :i [II of the- sm\ eaters Lorikef-L-- tip floral sfruiis-

t had juinrrl (hi1 inn I crowd (Ml sum- with Ert-neurs like f.fTUiht^
mrif ifterofrm ot CiirrumliJn, tun Australia *

Queensland uasl to witness an exlraurd' inarv .

Ha chtlnr f iv^ with EUril'i and
5ifrht; the hundreds m wild rainbow lunkeeLs The
display ended jifUw ji LbrilV packed Id
1lint emflr mi inirntj: isnri event ft e tn feed lamely minutes. \ fuw liitc-altiviUK lurikeet- lin-
rum ihr hand* of Lhi tr frimd \U-
i >
\m lapping at wbut was Irfi df ihe
Jjiirdiiu ill tfu- rxri tmirnl, f kept ni) ryi^ Imrwy masb. her- w't appetites <ited I 1

'» Ihe birds. Their bfeults were ilanw ml- fc-i on nt*jvby hrLUicbt-- to blind it the
omi and The it*
their lmcfc> bright greim. lii'Jojy drippings From iludr i-olurfut Iril^ bur
m amine p luma ye wove a tapestry nf many must had >1 iivn "IT like bright confrlti lim'&rr]

hi n-5. "Ilhi- i> where tkr vim came fmm, 1 tbdr Unest pliifri.
ibnughi — those luvaty rainbow cnTnnf Hw afternoon h id passed like many utlwts
For j^lrx 1
irffmhs. V bachtl^r wbrac Kfe
t ffiktrU in EJi^phiy il'inmri^in birdi. be Laho- hh Ik' frutn

My rewrk was disptUvd by

tin- j [rival uf
bees, Ami thi- bm fortuitmisli, hnmulii 1 he
liirikrrlH to '
Lirruisi' .< 11
.t lErifrr ihjck of the brilliant birds, JTrt^hinu .

Likr- mir^t ijui-rndaiirjrrs; in vTitlis knew

• i
4 tidy and EKiuiidlvig win® heot_
in spee'j t

Another grriitp f ame, and then another that 3i jiiki'i'ln i nhab it [hr iMJCJttyjiLltt [nifstl

Tree limb* under the massed weight •

i hat extend fur ijuIri lx fe
hind C’ymirtilirn.

if Mijiar SOD LErrfe ttumkiw him duufxd rt

Hiddrn by li.uFy walk. 1 1 n. -h,in r'm wuirfl-

lilitiib io UrtekH, pi rmi&erry Eire, n ur:i|:ie farnl with the koala fj&u '

and Hu?
nrixir. Then. as If to a murmured sfitauL
kangan in
scores pf forflwete flew inward a slightly built 1 Xomndic ttofl wary. lorifceeU nr>t iJrrp in
m-tn with q bucket and
inriinny.'} on ^
.t lull -.tack of p:« tiftSL

They had ftttijfofaftd Akx IrrifriMis. their [nur Sll

ijripnd uft4 founder of Ebe t urrmikbiii -anc- K jin hi n, v Li>riktKlk in ptuninvi Ebbs -+

illary (pa^e SEft u A^iik o i *ifr of Honey

W bli pnn? tii rd speed (Griffiths himdtHl thr Idki.’ Enref iejlttog a sLaiih-n U?r Mo^aiuv (ntflisYti
ji Itit * * tn Kuyer visEtOR lhai filln i i hem ivith pnii^r illir tneahpr.u4 fflint* nf rjFtprn \u.-t riiF|n fur
icpfiiK of mvh m.fd- -« lirrail crunil i^, -.otn fctiLf iirid Jnri?. U'htn in 1 K 1
air ^EiKl1m£ wtush,
ind hitftry, In j Tnoment it--, id tttis .vt i ww? I It ri inifJi k cuEuo>iL
conEeftl i Sil- \ hk|K Lfi iittf Em Hi in bmbi (if
dutdiftS in nutslreU\liri| hands mt hikd liiiih
Lnmki or
oviT beail*. I
hi iifif m Lit!*- -iccjn hmvji!, ci[ri cM-vd at
Thinks to the patient eitamjile of Griffittui, nui jt*ls lime in ccmrtii hgwfnf uni rtflneira;
Thr-t Erin I- sbdke ail in1imu(f po,«i? tn
the Mrikj;eu tuitiEed nu urifiiu? The ilcjck^ amitplbte, i

fJpBcssHbsof Pi'riivotrif native diy >< c hf^v haVr

dklttt^cntrd like dwinIviuB rasttlHnis Ur-
I u f-t-cl Eniij JaLUu't diMnain LiJ liftit uj hunti
pre»iw liirfU Jafflifnrij I
lu* riTn> uf p lilies. hr it brni-lin Un hijpkrafjuT
\fca tiriffi;iLh« mklnullii
m hers tin late far seal p limit
to l hr loth-* > ^h'. Mirth iiniii.ii il-. Iro lurikrrJ.i
iiie of the plate holder* Didj^hled cries aro?£ Sfci <>nl nSpr i'+hhl#
JF *fc

B ^ 3.


' * i y

Hranfliuh Sisi Bcftonftj

Ciud^- flcj^ars ( 'aiNtuji
I'rar lii^ff Dully Dhte
A ji.ujsihr>| I- innEiac mr \j[%
pJnir nwlaf dJafl uichLsJil^ ilu
Ti>riL i'(t l rf.i?u tihu irnNn^n pitr
rni. u Inch ujjc LVi um'iJi with Jci
ililL- :inJ f-cmak Ui!aJ j. r. h*
lira] idJiMrn [Inly a Trained (ijr
coutd «!pa« 1 hvm m this
fJiH-k ptl^Maif aijlilrit fbt
Grifftili.) hvtan it tLiivji
F.L-t ;
3 . Iinm LuTsiki -.

first viiiird (hi; Gt^'ltiu bamt-

*l**d Id pkL up ririlikty gl
hiiiwy runniitE Umti Wrlniv*ui
Tbuir t^rmlier* Lrn'ri^^i) *-[*&.-

nuJutly, arh^wllinp: ^riarirh

lo d-Pulr IJjl’u rjslum ^\lU
:i t runiN JHttf. *»Lct
i Kui*
fcib. eu&ti cuRiumr iLwjrjt Ifc
r^llfini rij EiiJL-h

f-EiTt (wti IfjrikLQt! L> li LL1 \ LfirJj-

blind a. Mil iJri-p in Mip brciid £4Kl

fci i-'J ii •-
.1.1 \<, uti a
rcrcnd bcLpini! , uruHhir tortf
fti-kp* A IjLMklul

+ Hund* or Hair:
Any Pi,l rch WPi Dn
Vkitur- Irprn That thf EtlnU
tufejatc "LpFir Mrukinfi Inrt ic-rLl
n&tnikit with iJriifrmJrit'il ! 1 tic -

f' '^iiinml ^h^icnptihb 3-rlPla

C Nsilimiiil Crit-k nil'll Ip fl I 4

ii:i;pTx ,
“ Wnitdcr iicul I )l‘] ijjKt ! Lk'ifiiJ i Cjltfse i»i Wild CifPfilLlirtK

Wht'h heavy fiiiny wtmh ncttir iniiri Wffiftibnil bk>*fioini, the brlkiTii viutv urlve haii an tlOUf curly : ty foci I 'wfW
cwc tar irmly. Uwy jw* p^Lch a irilb laic, In the frtFtnl Ibear hirdv wiiuhl uflf lo CMC iumi.

"Lfli'k. NT I * 1 1 1 1-3 i-
!" I V-Cbtiiil VuiuC'K t if>'. " i Iil-a'i 1 '
f- lii. iliri Hill 1 VI l I-trHd ’!"

Lmittsii in the ^ikfi bwkr Itccr pp^tpct kiwwn with a milfoil tolcktrifiif. At ihv Incline mjnml QllF>' fchrjffc

ihrit juttvih 4ml ilKjartupEi-

0*i Mr -UsL'.h. Jjj.h r ln^n hutrd u milt jui^* 1
- .
“ '

i L J

IVriftJic BiaElalsHint
>n Dishes
>1' Fowling rime
^Lnril**ri* liirtrfd not hr Iicpj
la Li|4ivily+™ *4)‘d bukdcpur
U rili a th-fc - “ThMU^h I her arc
prnlcEtcd fox L±w. teafi> atr
trian-d an-d cuhlcI Vim y iru
ijji cr H tbrLr imjitk STi^hi Jut
iiaTil. » [ituvcs “nn muL"h. L i-
• • <ri

tlTDi i u l iti 1 1 i hi.%vr i • indued u.

ImtxI m:h I i
f 1
1 Ll'i i , m;r nr ii^UfT
Injury . but have relearn (I L' litIci

«i loiiLfJ lute- to tiie air.''

nl V?llW members uJ ihn
pamii tn«irt>, i n>1av |i itij I Inn-
"kcL'ts do uuj fuiiil ihrmir^Ta ,i>

cfffeJ-rtd* In suanJ ^ tii it I'lliHYi

&fchkst rFfdAim IjliL4!Uij r 1 1

clink lilir* alarm iPriij ilu rdn

»E ii'hri Tilril 1
Wumi I -is ifoult
mutflal ejuualtfir, I he iakons
wJsach =ccm to yhlkn iram iiu-
Whffc^ chey tjkr ejj tin 1
air ;ln

IL lltJ^tl

Tdt* u j u«. leu Una ullrHci- ilD


|o £Q0 bit^k. iiU-l fane imiy

Urhpc iv a* i-u the
ta nectary, dpi wh WXIitpi
Mr Griffith* lita nn uirtuii'id
re »fhii rcMeiir ij cd c£iij.»> ta uT
|i Id I in 3 tin r I ic Isitai^uet -jiitd.

* fa-Ci :l r-1
. 1'iivn i ri nnnjil'i
csprtiaAe* lie itraodritt ${ a kdv
whf’m -
- hand ii iLcroplrti ny u

+ radial tlim tfekUn rhe thin pff

i! y truth Jut i-ih •

\ .Yi |
|bdq|| !»-- il.lir^ll* '
* 1-33

J i

A lei GriBrli* Wf*rs a BtHi 4 i I FtashJnft (. -ol it*. Binh Frinrt RtwiMtelN »n 1 i SHiiiildcrt
Bwl liirtk cTnwdt'il ihh ray in isuttili^r» that the litukeijwij
Pfffqftryw kJTikrei.i w^iffh anly foiUr iii nUfli
l«i I
i *,in-,fci

htu\ dsfilLuhv iv niriJ- Li

I Hl ri- l11± tisnn? wlirn -alUHUl 4. hundred wen: dLraritf ;iH aver use."
1 | 1 , * "

Hiiru ¥v E-iters r if kurriimhin $19

the hi>Uov limbs am! trunks of fifty trees. 1 Ijiw !mw, brush b os- spoil I'd pun. unH other
Hit if I t
i ttimU; rti 'rr! st \,t a 1 wiirnil y f id
.:. 1 1 i
i hriiirs.y

nf each other, Ingh-pulnEim: their affection in He hnil I d b ov r^iSinu In hnlil l he irnwiL

extra vuganl hutting ujiiJ dancim diiridg court- in Liuiiinlx Ap|ir«HatiVe vbltura dtrifijMfd
ship I
V i N.ntiiiil seeke r> for Fli. hJ iJat* v. n Am corns in u * nnutni'T in help huy addiiltirtgi
Ion li distances became? scarce when Ikupply ple^pMtfs and ms.iTi 1
In ijirjy nu-h The ui*-i of
In tiieir usual iiriEthborhoori:?, NUisy flocks the Efilte'ir hml OioUtlleil: lorikeets lapped :i

ten defend upon orchard* and cmik-ms
i s fuH five g;i3 Inns ench marnineE and evenhiL 1

(^eevdMiiders have given the >rvrml S =

r . I -"'metimes the feediuu . tt:i uun.iird rlnimnTi‘
n&meft: Blue Mountain pamn b-lue-l.wlliorl i;nliy skvwLinl rusht^ nf biob which, mti-

jjdtj’nt. ur rainbow lurikeet. Scientifically. nients befuu had cmwdwi with rapt niL^n- .

Ihey are Tifkb.^^sini m&k Nrdy- tnttion besffde Elit

In met m:\<h. rnlike their
brcnsteM InfikeeU (Tru'kfrsh$$w rhlormrpt relatives £hi L (tKkjitnoa, lorikeets du mtl poM
1 nt & s
r. irlentiiLil b) ihrir ::ririi hi-.n l- uJah

i!>- s S&otfn^b. but place reluLtice on the soldier
appw lit the limit*. but in- blue- headed r hiril butcher bird. unnwmiu. ur ijeiewnrc e. »

mtnlhiivK jilway? uLitmirrthtr th<nri, annoujiCF ihr presence uf tSjidi* mortal eru?-
mics. he Fa icons, Id^bt&iii^Iike tespi itist--

[.caking huchi^u 1-
< JeaJ 3 Hun|Ey 15-ird'-
prrirei thr nbrnts Wheel me in tijrfai fi«mm
To AIl-\ i in 0111'.“- tli-f lorikeets fi^.t ensue ns 1 runs, the ilncks- ftresLtin niifli|‘n7 w rolors through
unexpected visits el few years it^o Flying free npeqto^ fititnclimea winsnns th^
low tjyer Cinruttihlu* tJiry dived in to Snvestl- very tdt> fud its mnmfitf by thi'ir c?ttftny ino-

gale :t mw nf gfcdifili in \i spifikpi:. by mejils before,.

Un-y discovered driblefe of honey overrun
Kanpur i lo ,E-iins GriJhth^ 1 tnuielKilil
from beehives-.. Memurie> of its tiirie relurn^f
H^iib them Ci i the (ureRti, Xrsi day they came Griffiths's 1'epui.LnntL ;e-, i he tnriheefs' friend
back. b.i- |vt|tubred his Ernitnd^ with witilllfe of
OrilfiLk* i-m nji !_

«-i I their pairuim^e wJUt itber khiLb- as ifvelt Mj wif^ prntJ I rldiditfd
u fib dish tit homy -m k- kitchen window .-ML efrpiictally in j rjt k, ii baby kan^arou thyi \]px
Half a ihijffin Inri keeLs ventured in. lapfied fed from a lndl]e. VLuch ^venine the drowsv dr

t£p his i ifferimc ;md hen ilcjuncd Xc si duy i roo nsriu'rl for duutbcT in the shelter of n
M?t i
nit another Tin and counted brice the fitbrir bag that Ales tm«t iniprovls^ as ;i sti Ii—

uricirn-ttnumlief wailing in die shrttl fur i htr tnoihi.T - pouch.

The visitor.** increased timr pn^efL and the m The fame of \le.\ i it hVi Elis'- Strict nary

rciijc. had to be mrived frum its fdfflkiptrtl

a.ii ry travelnJ remote strict-
r-vijfi tu thu1 rtKtst 1 1

window ^ptce to the Liwn of Auslriiliu? irutbadL One Aftemuim I

Wii hin a year hundre In of ;i5>ur«L fractious, hH.ntdwd two burly men alight fmm a mcifl-
lorikeets marshaled daily at du^k -hiwn. .
I beaten truck ^Jirl ask in crisp hackvnnKi>
chni UTinu emu nr Is Fur Griffiths schonh 1 1 irl
i 1 ntcrfl t , \V ere 1 1
- l he bird- L ui tl -3 rtmX nr;i u ?

them pmcreisively first with pie — Ales sugee^ted that lie miifht qu.ili^
(in? of br.iiwy ihed with ferindMi, Enibuld- Ben, can ya give these a the
eiierf they nestled on has sin in liters, clung to Visitors risked, handing over two little ilyi esc
hb i lothinfl; and cvm perched on his head. opossum* they had found after felling a Ucc.
I h Lb' Vies liriffithiX h iiiii-r llib- 1 Tu mms bin T nliki bain kanban ii|n,^i?!ilns. how-
htwti was tmnrduiTrH'i! into a wild iortkwt ever. uii JurEkti'i ever riQbjdy r^ndhrs at
Hiinciuary— su designated hy the beekeeper to She sunttuQTy. Sonir w lilt lirnken win^t m
iiny notion that he operated a sideshow other injuries arc iKXasionally hart Hired imlil
*n~ Carnival attraction* N eiehiMirs trooped in time" to lake tu the ftir agnin.
i o wfUui!^ i In ? -utin^e mjing^ni tars wilh 3 lui ibry dun t re:n:t kindly captiirily R

i nit -of date krnsvs pronml h> C xiiifiths ^ dinjf-

I \b \ siiil. They try um e^-i.-ilnvly in rfffl i n
Wllv r liiliI new \ah ri^Li Wlipn iln(> thr - i
i1 freedom, uml rd(tr n die in llie alti-iupt.''
feeding bcf^nF' With a ecus torn ed clinfcctjf^ Ales sums up
Alf> «1jdn r rnsrsd ju the lea^i A toyi-r of (he feelings of Ms liright-fejthered visitors:
I ilrr J-. hy wdltti'TiiHj ihr opywirlnitlty Ij% ahan- They should rmt be kepi in enges."
his In ibby wft h oihir-^ beb -eful tnu]
. \\ hi 1 1 m. h ly
* whxi
iirmltTflliKd^t-s prnMdiT ferm* nf thr
crowds. MiEiu'tiinit^ numbed L000.
wiilrly ruRidni: Trirdi Bt, it si mjcli-
¥|idelia call shl-.
to hts store to purchase jars of Iron hurt, y-rl- Ililikcfl . U-. ki2**ndUlih* ii. 4}tiJt -J II IlJ .
1 1 u !

By C'inttSTf iI*itkh Rsnu

AHALGAM In iKc- rnnuuuun? >pf Kashmir wit*

P hkr Li gold -rush Camp wh-eu f wrist then' at the
end (if July, The pilgrliriifit lu Ainamath Cave-
one nf the mr;s1 yearly ewnl> of list .Hindu fnilh
(viih jIimut in start. by the liiudoadi rfch
and poor kept aTrivitut wwl were *et down with tfotir
^imc lieslde tile duitj rujid Then they hunted out
I'-imf.nites mi ths aiendrjw by the ill Sr town* 1

pitched their mils, jitid I r Hrw

Hundreds nf ihn
tents Wt'Ff’ «l» Eteri minim, and wnnd smoke was rl:-injs
everywhere m ihr SEm^hinr

Ka i I ti l w* Hindis fo %l < pu mini: fi S ji rfitc

..Una math is n return*

and lonely Himalayan cave,
•ia-drrii in my:i niie the must widely worshiped of -i

Hindu dei tiei Risen v-cred prnhobh by shepherds

be I'm r Is time t if hriiit Hie ave b as holy lu Hindu

hHh^rrs ns belhlebem i* tu Christian. Siva him

Ml is. JUipjio&ed Its have lived in it mill bb wife,
Ramil : some dmut Hindus, in deed, Mtewp that


\rit;| ] 'iS^rini^ St* I I

f .1 t .ri m *.i * TfiHii
HU?h In thi: |^m{dAyiD Io^IViiILr Hlniln* rink* llus Iif^i

j I'D] i
ul iJji-Lr mi* rub Si^ :i hnlv mivi Ttat _ :>l Hr* ii'. l‘ vrUcp

4- It 1 1 1
*: rn \ erh rruj! it* I traffic in ttmhrHl I^hIi <1 .illjr

huLiiini? bell, jdimu-mpltot. iir»| j^riril ohjWt*- Triilt-itu

<r>TnboStfff Siva. uni: oi Mr tBlillU tiWt-y-

li pi II >MP p ,
E 1 u ~ i j .

5-52 ^ at- •tflF

DcVniuv t H turn 3 Seripturt:*; Hvrkvbth 11 Tunt *4itf Srf%L'r Md^-l

Eimdra lirllB'P i Isr ary k-imunl Mi S-iv,y bhnwJL It jruMil ^ l h* 1
jilEuthu* nil ihrlr v, j fci AnttH) *1 h

in sill live* there* Thr pil^roms who m tkr next the Xa-hmki police who were
the journey come imm every mnuT jpf India swjwrvtrftipf the 1 rip wotilr] ti
t no one start

iiriii htivrind heft irehujtri. Already -i-veral thousand pil-
Our party IndutW pbotiitiraphcr Sam -Iinn hid gathered, arid tin? fllllhpritlE wi-heil 1

Tuta: mv (6-vcjir-uld twins. LJkk ,ind Mary; to keep them tout her in cir-e of a stuttm m 1

mrf .Afveral Kji -In 1 1 1 r i fgi)ifji-< and M-rv.LnU. other cma^nQr*

\V» v found a place 3Way fn «m the CttrtvdL
wltti'r ;i iiitll miiHiikUij i.Ltisr ntif- Suilfaiiis \\ nnder with Few Be [u rights:';
itiK down ihmiuih boulders in After lunch we wandered ihrnuuh the cxJftp.
the tiun. Revund 1“
£t the valley r-
wall rose Wtttrhhtjs Uir jiilsjrimH took ur rest, >
4 | hitch
abruptly. t’ in iTirk-ureen pinc> behind rheJr tent!- "lliry w#r iti all 1 ura^
our ( en E 5 spraid The meadow, careen .inf] st

ui k especially b} the tTfat ieueuE er of m-

diwirly rnuafid. h avert'd by the tentanf Indian nints mu I old women.
pilgrims Hi re .iin 3 there wr • ajne ntt tadftu . the
The matiirti-.hl fink .it I '_l Ft. i mm.
[. Reyuml Hindu usorths frlki tmm Indus wi* culler]
stmt to the wild hsEb country "I Kashmir, Si line traveled alone. but moM wert! En groups.
famed as a summer i^tradi.^ for i nnj 1

r ^

They l.n'loiiif to i,_! riii u- relj^uus orders

Hie hul) rave mf Wiamath tto deep in juT^riin InM srn

Some ofthem wore long

this wiMmfcp^. :ie ll h altitude of more than ^Lflni-ts-ti ilnml ^liWiLs ntlic;r> were- aJm^t
t2.0fl0 fee 1 . 1 1
1. 1 rlivLin! .ilmill ^5 injleS ftooi MuM bail nn tetu*, hut merely spread
iiitr Gimp ( mup p:LE.e 525 i

* Stf
A PJIffricisw to Aseuvrn^rli. HiPimtu-yjin
I'hf fii^risiLS lud ,'i it J 1 r> to 'iVM Ik .mil ride Stajinp ol IhL lliiisifu Kajitii” l"i Ltma^r VLil JpiMsp,.
Liters, littiinjz 3 heir journey to s» the plac'e S *, 1
!f! H -"it,
1 jJ A II JUL'IJ 1» M \i ; U 1

] S t,,
,J 2 \

T.Sec 'Thr lOvHir \ nl K.ioNnin h> \..k-:r

itsciF lE i Iiiwisi m the luJI-rn hui ib> uf Ait^iM..
\V bJzeI,i
NATJOJfAl till

i^i'ii ii v/m Aprii,

Tti t:y wpre to set out from TatulKant the
] Tinufayiin Pilynmagi 52i

[titcc^ of clflitii hmmlh thrm nn the jrnmnfl emt fiatnm of nscetlcs like the sadhus: ac-
la Hi in In (nirlitfi.iri. '.uihiis give cording to Hiudu writings, thr m1 lilvo -c*I 1

LLp the COcTU forts uf liU' j.ijd Like III n-indcrin ”

fed a Bfc of H-Itdifllal attil Eluding
wft(s 'i bare minimum ui possessions pcrhnps [n 1 hr- Himalayan peaks.
only u pot. a stall, »d .1 few pieces i if e.loth (hti L hilly man
out eye ^specialty
Ei\ tliis >* If -denial they hope in sum their because every lime wr passed him that after
Ihnuyhts (mm maUsHaJ lidnjLf^ Sumr nijna lit- wba yuuidipg mi one fnot^ as nuitfim-
yjidefi’O tniiu and vfeife; uf the my :t’ it t-fnne, wHh the ^olr rif the Either
-•.idhiis cm I hi pilLTiJiuat] hud an e niacin ted iml ju’uirut bis knee. Tiir.i fe mw uF the
kink, yoga idsn
regarded as helpful in
titnimj ibe nCtVdUs system to spiiisital im
filing Jlfily MuX F l Dlt*N: Ssiv*
liukns. \ dozen nr sn pitgrimv -at m.\u b\
it WUS LuL EL| Till ttm thl.Tr sJxmld Eh 1 u Lfrtfr wriichlti^ him dcfmntfelly.
pttjpurtfalti " men mi the pjlfrrim^
Elwsp holy That evening we sail him ajjiam, hut seated
a\ie. he three pmu Hindu
E arc Brahma crt6^1eKjj;ei I In inr. -a l[m .-r Severn I

tbr J tea of Vrditml hr jVeseiwr and ?iva ( pjferims were with him 'till. Jathered round
the Destroyer, BrjJmni regarded as tbi- ihr bln«, Hr wafi a i>i tn ihenr Imje
Ltfiitor ni ui I thinsJS Yfefami suMhftii them was a;nimiin seating by gestures, His hair
tIfti'Uph lift And Siva finally ftmdvefi them, wiL'i J'.iitL’. ij>y and iltudieri*
r i _life arms. I

to make way for new U it, T rti r>k . itnd fegs. IbaTf in l be chilly cvenrni:.
Sivn U partrirukrty Jtssodaicd with icn- were very thin, After a while he produced
mwri-wiliE i bence the ulljiie AtuarTmth, which a religious tcifli in Hindi and on* of tfe-
rrie-ut? "imftifirLiil Eurr]." Sfva h jifeu the pilgrim-- read ulnlid from ft.

fftneruiT Cuok Wlicnt fJuke< \m u Ebo Sterne E S-rfJdlL;

Siiiti*d ^njrlnhks lilt I hr At rushl. MjmI pilmms p-n^part tha:i: nwn men] \j&Et- -ill,

Mm Tna. Him a Piai


S* 4 w> Till. Blurt (Itii

SjftJsikd 1 K i I
" -. 1
. i n III and Apjcd lliiuJu^ im the Th^ 1 „.mjv Vluri'll
r« iirhlrn. thiisr tatk Shi; Iwujit*. im (lifnl) Mdn^iimvn iMUfe. lout -frlli .iirram^. snrf cmw trrjctirmu-r
PUiflTFti >its ctuB-k^pd irc Ihe &cdi3i chitr. A cmapi rutli (Sawn In v, tinl <if rtln
— J. I 1

Him n I ii
yu n Vi] ms ltc >25

The svhrite camp uas ahla2£ with fires that people i

hum walk nr ride zibrra$i ac reason
*weum^ The pd^rimaiit Itid a i c^ri t i-r . **o to able speed, hut I hen- wm ih-quctit inter
vpr'ikr un i
Mill iridlaLihr s t- ut undrr which Was ruptiuiLs— *hurp dEmlts or rlrtmuf-, or titr-
h i i
-,| dui i-! ji silver miifr . an enihtero ut Siva. fflfr pr-sage-- lirtwi-ttn knUjMris Herr tin

FurfLiurdcd liy offering of fle «i nrrs . Xhw ,

as nnitofll i.TiLTtsf>ort piled up badly r mid -suttiin

it grew a Idirmljg gathered found the toil, thnes 1 1 look more than an hour to mm - l-i r 1 -i I

sat i\n the i>n and chanted script ore*

>liji) I, in u j uj n i jfctp 52 (s ) \ u \\ as I here U pn- > p i it be i

the Ijiiin uf a pasdmt bmp apa^e 521 P 1

U* flu 1
in f f K’hl . fillppir^i between the wjutfne
animate antj ^ti-ikin^ o ut Mirouyh thf hrit-di.
Pfelt S arl c :il tbun had a pi my mi Uie irip. but mrs^i of the

We mundly Mini nigh* in mir tents by tbnr! I left bbti with the and wli lki-i I

the four ini! Stream. ami the m: Ml day we ruse ahead b\ niwlf. Mi. daujdito Mary rudr
early to Watch ftbti ramp brittu it r nek,
hfe process began lit fn re dawn am!

Mill had hr to go by tti idin nm irtit; whwi ,

nur party hit the irail

M any of tl»! ^lihtiN Udt by tlir parti-

eel light- Then came .in endless stream

i*f ordinary pilgrims g\tn wnrmm. and
children afoot on hni^ebark, or cvttl
Ittdng curried in rlundliw the H dans

chair* Lascd En ihc hflt^ of mirth India.

hr grunins. chair carrier*,
Nearly nil I

and other wnrkmtrh Were Moslems: the

Moslem religion, in fact, Liscly rimm-
tmirs i hit reghm though Kashmir mmpa f

tinder the fed] Mod mniriil of both Mos-


lem FVfci^tiTi mill India, which E^ chirlK

I hrsT Mnstrm llillmrn dW noi rrci, ik-

njse aiiv relfetow* riimihranre fn LliL


pd^rituajL', 1ml they htui cismr from

scores, uf miles around to earn lujuctev

Clieir ctiuijinx nt
trLtiL^puriinc the
rampsites they Al
dpvnut Hindus
kept to t hi- m selves. wearing their r3Ls-
MEdlvt- hidlcips a lid pray tap toward A RHA MAPPED A&OVh
M^ i-b .n il.iAvn and dusk. EJn the trail. 1 e
H -^Uns *5r.
fhnr anfm^s a Iona
Often there were imffic jam- on the
trail, and Mwn: the Moskm fiackmen

•.vuuld cull

were much


ri idrnce
herd iru

siu> titbit

H'J '



foTcn. crcic^yifij
iW ippiTtn (nd!Ei^ 3f]d

of K^i/unir.






M uny of ihc nnsmaf? jililL-

weir ividhr. or hud Inst prttes stieklp^
ffrim tluflm awkwardly . .md the pnek- INDIA
men had ti3 tie cunstaptJ) alert these
• J
^ r"

Cause truublc.
When we were a day nr t^n out of
l !iti:d^kTn I he pohee e>timatef,i Uini ihert
wta Hindu ptlscims aloqjr nml
- C'Hj

4.TOD non-Hindu sptuTins uitd j^jrter>.

wa,-. tin Im^ 1
>1 -\iiijirniiilh pl.kjiiUH^e
on m-iiFil, Miry sald.
t>ri wide \lrckhes oi the iraiE two
' I

Pi iiL LtdiiiiT li SruiTh Piltiv. [lit Gdfiv in up 2 J.lMI' l-ti?OI HiaidiVIlJ]

On tlw lerfmiJ i,|

j> i n^N:lt.. -tuirnin- uni jnmuite juris EOsBbititr on Pi>M (ijiati"* *i«p lac£. Kjaftnistri po3st:t a ct rum -
pjinyina Elis* pLIjrrrm? k*r|' ttjttvjjie un Ike LnmmseruLilc lufri? jiiid sWffehbfcfcki.
vk nTJP
t 1

J 1


W ^

f J

'HIP T j:q liirf'i f jt

S 27

AflimaN Simple fnr Fnofin.(j nn ths; Rr^ck^ I'ltli; I it-'iirff^r SS ulLcrt T.ike a ShmrC i *uf

Ttp-f-i fawtf iruJ

licir^-Liir -.iiiillir i- Ihji v* llv iii e-ct.^ Ihukt tine
i^ipfrijuih KEltirrnlly M^nkc*?- t Ikr truil
>tplembe: lo Junt. Hlmm in J rreroutii! nimt!i kmweiir Umrcns ; nmk btfitlr him tmfWdl t trot
I . i

with one enurmoLBl} fat man ubi'iiwly

suplistfcdt?d, whn said he had come frnm
( wbich L*i ahniit a thou^ml
fenm K.'i'-hrnir, f Ir- wrife Imru-rJirimed -j^i
Liudm, |i;utg hair Lind an irmnye mhr »«Lri hh
tfmd hnsly. He
.WussUbg ahead labori-
fjiusly with the help a uirve when I nvpt- *1

lask htiru He rrm?rkfd cheerfully tint It v

WBS w«t mgr tn p-d I'M |u Hinds nvn tile trull, i

ti i- uLLU'vt-liMLs I ^iid in fnink arfntira-

tSein. and risked Inin win hr was makinc ihe
Because of belief be imfiwered . I nm
nn educated m^n. ;iml nf nnUGft dun i t think.

iHr hi 'il Sivii .ictiully liviL> in ihe cave. But

E believe in him, and above ill I helievr fn
PftrmtL I him vtailinpr the cave to pay my
. peri^. beaisa^e the place t&saiaied to tbein.'
had a few more words, nnd ihen he
- jicil to ti- -I In
1 i|
hulk 2i mf I went cm ah^Liil -

I saw him tWn >n ihr- e lirni^ dtrr that and

l ifjiuil that hi: walked all the way. with
i j

pamlul >l>Lwvne-> Mrmi'tiliies Lenrajnpj uu (be .

shiitiSfter id a friend.

4 Yaiing Pil|J im Rid*.-* a, Wicker C^mir

Miiny (jhildtrn nwij- joutiwy th Lhv
tllr fjZiLk= el

(PiirKtiti nt (jntlm ^p[uirLW)t hey 5 mini I I h tsi*n-

» i: 1 Jill*, ij * :h< .iu'h^r ' i,r 'Ir -
|! " - ' 1 5

r|u- w j*.

-tSliJiiin :

no Kis nfUd-tii.- t
u om-ii'izracl saehyu
h fill |‘1
». flliahr j £ r>i 'Vlli U,

nearly nil l hr way, .'tnit so did Sain Tafcu t hr

phcitiij^rapher. 1 lick —who I# jsfat feel tall.

With ip • r i :_r IrM,- — tuirdly rntle .i( dll bul tfernii-

jlieiul rapidly* biking ^h^rt ujt^ and parsing

lltij % hC li: rs uiii thfc trail,

i-'riuntldiifu Ciraw Alon|, Hlc Trend

W'r did amt try ii> <Vd\ (uuedwr hill b>l-

IiiwhJ nur ^ej^itnati speeds und hii tiled each

isther miL when we feu died a campsite, Even
ihwi we would havi to iiwiiji uur tents, which
would straggle in bit behind ii^ uxl pdf
There wM ll tm deucy 1* I found, f* nr « mivt-r-
-siEioh> lit u| i i.m the I mil. 1 bilked
. 1 1 - J

m ^iii Th-p |ii b 11*1

Tuhlikc Sedan Quor Save* Thin Pilgrim f r-i-ni Sun, I


pel Link! AeSntii* Mastic

nr him th r inlrmev
f v
wusa win T“
to ^iftbulLze
a- a -yinliuE nf man- spirit ind Stan h I hy\
til* Rw others, iki«p?ti T k -peedt- hart .-i nm\ L Tn.iny of iheni, -i.Liied in different
caTly QlKrmi imimirtnlky or similar uDncrete parts of India itnd nalf-by kinds- The nmsE
benefits Some wnmim ua.i come iti hupfs 1 I
ardumrs lead^ |i£lgrii^ Ip mount Kailua, cog the
of bearing diifrlreti as a fesitlT, i riff some in- I
setan plateau lievoud the Himalaya- . This
valfcbi Lu 1
1 f heme i ured The more "ikr- 1 1 . L I
!'. WetlJlS ll iflVfPilVr^ r-\j ‘ -i |
.• ||i

.imcii | ri lurin'- - i
1 h whom I todurd tended l-i IwridiH and ib iTt^sra*! nF very h?gjh Jphs^-:
rcgArd these huptfs as 5.1^1 ^ers(JtioHii. only a lew pimple. ecirajmmtivEly. can lit is
nii i
thdr llfctimr.
Symk»l of Mao's ^piriluul Skiurdi
By contrail, the Amamith pilgrimage ri

11 i> u question faith mie v-rll-edu- fipi y in 1

1 p
wtj n i
tiir. Vs'E is h no I without iLs

i-;ii«l Hindu sail! Faith out 'Is- "<> much, rknns, and huJmJ its risks I Miring an \iilui-
Thes£ people believe tbit! a iotfnipy m mm- lifith pdsJTiniALie uJ the I a in-ak -tnrm
cave nj \m=irt!2itJi will make their wishes ( i ame up wiped out scores of people 4 ml
do "
lrne ;
aiTirl thfnrforr is tna> well sr> Tfc hr storm la- ted fru days the weather grpw-

t'Lirapftrihl il with thr hfcjlft' in hnly relics in ioi-i tdUkr a ns more severe. >tr*sitmi 5wellt-H I

— ir-n I
Hri - 1 u*rk‘ and tlu- nttrvelfim jirrnKk rh> ttili, .ind lliir |iikrsm.f found dsrrn-
i lliiv that faith had effected srhts cut off frinii mm nm ctn.-hi;f, Tic j

I lei it km in i ha c mtrtely nm'iur.hnH thus wtaker died fn mi cuhl ami hunger

aft, m nearly all. of the pilgrims believed in before help cnuM arrEVf.
ii divine on Err of anttu' mu! smd thus thfcy
were paying trllniEt Eu ft by this af'flnoijs trip FroeeNskm Move* in IF"'nsy Sfnfecv

Brito the tuounlnms i wtdirii. i nriilcn Lilly .

nuiJr- I lit 1 h tf flLLyS
I .'i L' (TilVflld I II ril v- ul -..t'Vi n

s herd hi ill vacationl i or them) I fun rid that mile 5tagefi Those wwt rat her >hori for most
miisi i nf the pilgrim*, indudixtg a nuuitier of nf i4i«, imi Uicy were imjtcwd by the p&Bc*>
dibits Wfft* bnbltiiiil wnrrihJprrs nf Vlshnsj, win wf^hid - tii kttep the rxfM^lklnn hscIitI! En-
KiliC were taking part m this S-iva erremimy ^elhiir \i> pnr5jJliSr. Flestdc^ ihe detiij * and
bsbflUSfr nf .i hrnfltl lirih'f in thr holiness of all >1 r 1
•_ _.Il-h uli LJil
trail iWnB rUi!h itfty tA Irpfl

•nc.h nhftTI’iinces. seem limner i

ha n it was It UHak the jiilgrim-
f’hr Bifid 1
5 E [earned, rajpid a pil^rimaar jt^- ^fveral hours r p^i a fjivi'n judnt ami
1 r -.

fltfijfcf tlu- TTiiipn |

in ii fsiiiii strap: « =
1 ,'Pi.n inf several honr^ mnf
Wui campim; iiTTM'mf r r- w ere it‘ hye.
i I 1 1
1 1
”1 -h LI Flit'S 1 1 ] I\ - 1
1 ill i mil] l.LTl xun wllli I h i

pf most r il pflprims. We were travel-

inu in the approved ^uSe- gul toy the
British, during I heir resErfenry In KjsIi-
init. Jflf ttckkirip in the bill-. Abk fp&Affl and
Servants waited > diUuenth I'Hir ^tato
included ni;imr ijoiTi' :s conk, and Jwn Frw'i i

-•rviin-. They ill slept in r lent; had i

«ai I

iiJLiitbrf tcnl to rnw'lf. mid [>irk. and Mary

idmrfcd st third. Sum rata, who had! nr^mi'.Td

hte trip bhli-pt'.mltT.iSy of Uf=, hud i Lent .ititl

n conk nf hte erwn.

Comfort* id llu mil iiii VlouutAht Tvch

When i ^t.ifF reached a campsite in The

nfiiTfiisnn. the} would j-intt m orre to pi rrh
[lie lenL- and make a Jitr. Somi th^ would
wm le- ten. a mainstay .if Uritfah-xtyle amp- i

iiUt They routrl even supply us with hat

Ifttk, if YiT wished. m £\ little CanvftS tub,
We hiii] a Lililr Hid diidii, tinrl we slepl an
CUHVJX5 Cut> made up vritli dwet- ;inrj I I :i e ki-1

Our meals were served w-hb full rain] In

crockery, cutlery ;md naptry, tJu>u&h fur
lunch qtl The Trail wg In 1
1 ^lunihvicbes camVcl
Ln a hamper by it suirie.
\s wi tiimlsed bbhtr loin the HimubiViisr* l

wore a couple of m rs at nbbt ,le;i dept ,i r I

under two blankets ICu t I noted Unit many

sadhus* thou# thwy had enme lust recently
from tJ’N" hoi plains nf la nib *\r\\t almost
naked in the ujHtm, with only a bn- h.i watirt
uni siilt nf them.
If t i
ii our path crashed -lirui lly over patchy
of fibcbl snow flihI now and then f .in
oli tHimvm walking harelWu all the way, de-

spite the snow. |icravr'l, ,-inr] -iharp - llv c |, .

jMlifrirEiiiLT' could be aidneius,' if ime made ]f

so. There wu* e ten U nor loitied s:i1 b u nJn im* 1

attempting the pUp-mia^e mil hcs. He m i

Wlfltste fairly £D«| time and .iKvay.i seemed

cheerful rpafui 52 Si.
M.Friy of the litlfe children nn liiie Jr ip
were airricsl b) Kuchin Iri uirtej-n, who uFteu
fun) bsisknlw-nrk ciuir:- -bmiz on Their har ts
lor this purpo-^e, A o niple _
of times 1 a
[jorEer larrvtnw jwm childrrti, um- fiyne and

1 lie t
1 1
-lit ri Ginpii ill

1 1 1 ih! u ^ J rudiitf Tbri«iii=li Sonw

AmnnwUh On I'nrki cEL3 ahmt tin
i ' ivr ftkri t*
Ifni ul pMurtm- Sthcatm (fidiU J3i»u> uut .c ^.lucial
nmv, 7*. s
r mi th ;iiii:rimi hathed Ifi Iti iriiirl
i i

wntefa 4 L'ii ul'

JT Till l-l.lis "IJI

1 J 1 1 1 v t. *

i'l l" ML I be porters seemed tu treat (be linn;with a ymilh who was the grandson of
children lendcriy; fn i acr the tatter slept a JVtattan pamefa he w;ls tstfitJed in lw a —
:l i
id deal of the time, panda hhnself by had derided tint birth, but
Thi K =1 - h rriiri i
* ?vet 1 1 m ent j!h |
a « » 1 1 led li bteiidie one* hthig indintf] Suwon] the
a mobile ] xwt office m}d mnbjli first-aid scientific oullouk-
>t . 1 ii «a i
. A ffw pinf&sson-Tl teashopsi and
traveled with us They Roly '‘v
I ri S-5 1 Mi's.- in GpMtf 1 4 1 55 vu
3 ioi SR' >pr<s l a* k tv a\ -
Si I

hi$\ Ltp at « u'l Imitlnp places lie fore tjae main Their yn t c alKiu t a hundred Mat ton pandas
! n3y p rf f In cam vn *i w 1 1 3 Um\ « nr 1
<v\ 1 trii traveling with the pilgrimage and
lie r-ald,

s.iki\i, LUrrv rice. .’in 1 Lht’ like l»‘ il-- whtn ut iltis was thrir hlR Jib of the JLtmmer mu^cm
arrhM*d h Thr pricr of wnyriitlfc tea wewit up. In the tinier, the young man told mr. thn
mideretaiidahly oocinjdt, as we pvpnrcsscri, often go flown to the Indian plains n.rrd rn'tiiii

fmm t 1
1 iae t]_L_-i to three and even four [an pilurims For the folkiwlttg year. Aside from
nnrtn fne war ill a limit; inure Mum .in \mm- tbr pilgrimac'e. they have chance ni Urn y-uar-
L’nin rent i
rtath Ciw the ymt r. nmtl (ihuUKh they ctm't
Mn^i pi^rims, hnwr'Vff smritfd no! to to it [n tile winter [_ :uii] :i Jsjmr* rif .ill

patronize these shops but t«i live mi simple -ii'i - nltrrrd rlnn l.- strl aside for them.
fare ibfj amri! with them Marty of them i On rht* trail I also leafEjed a hit m. it .ihnin
were very poor gathered^ and had sived I -a i llm- fnim .ii Tuirlilhsflgtd E^ashrriri Hnih-
up for the pi limning over a 1i?im prriud. fimn. HUf man;* wife tva* abfcug
Shr iv^i
Estpi.). 5o I Jen her my pony for a
Few miles


r.itt 1 H ii l 3 .i *- \T linage- Pilifrixintgu' 1

white her tuisband walked with tnt-. fi- was I

The rttllgfaus side (if the pilgrim i:r *vli> i'>l H'L'EjjJly :i wurshijK'r of Sivu, he said, ns
mauMK^I by a vjNrtfaJ limit «i* men ijillrtj wt*fr many af ^ht 1
sadhiis on the iiil^rimjsue
puwfiy nh ljF thrift hailing imni Matlnn, n
k Vnu coLjld tel] the follower* of Siv i fmtu the
hjwti tmi far from I ’riiiLL^uiiiTi mi the Imhw.r. othhr SHi.]hn> ht.i luidc Mwv ar
jdorrMfd thean-
ThHr job h hereditary ;iF?d ihey an: par? of selves with sped:t] svtn f»bi ; leiprd skins.
t ii? Hcihman- caste (usually called the htuh- Sft&ki’s: r ipr - of Juiir,

and trideMs. or
esl cfai& id Ljlr tun hil Walked fnr Stntt 1
- i | pranked $p^Ln|.

in ilrifl -shafMK by the wiild. Ju iht evening it 1

•'learned bniut[ftiH\ under the full miNsn, huE

wc weld to fied early shuttljiLS oui the i.nEil Lap SEuri* He Eure Dawo

ihi the morrnw we m^r m l hr small hours „

for thb. wiis rhe hij r]jj

y aod rumy pi Igxfms
wished to rc-ath the awe -till Jive mito tii--

i-i a i .
.ii i l.:i wp or 1oeu4 after. Our flirty
left ani]i lit huff past tin re stortmB l^jjptliti
but J*i>mi uftlisiu spanned in the press t\i
f)Ef|crirn& on the Trail Ansm.i I- Were nnl
JiJInwtfl . mi liurt *4,istr ihiw would have
ehuked flit movement hopelessly.

JnurfW-T, \ End
Fervent PUfrim* i

W or*hip Ilyforv SfcV* If*. Syruhol

rrawil ihr iu'-ste Oaf i ^liii-icr-- ml itn-

li^fttiijiileei in-Urrll Ijv ivultr xrepmji Ernm ia ^primi

eh ihr. t ut k. u uil i
Hi j, fiaU siuiFEr rrkftt in prtracv.Ll
tiHiif. ihi?y bdkvr, Fill rrvialeil cfir ‘wirrt ,«t nn-
ptiii Li Li u Lei fall wlft. to tnumiLtli Can 1

Hindus itevutI I^ht ^T:ivid] -white pilhr .i :i livtpfi

^v'llstMlI ill tilt KSDdL bealujiMr II iLlliiiivij ]Ll tnariimnn
hdidit nl lull niDcm

Iflourcfi ainilv. s^tiliI nuit. }rwrtfu fiMJii, smd

and vdicl parmctiti ut slirwn beM^ri; litL pLNjr us
^im T-iN I Ihi I llHH> > lE -jJhEu|hh I'*

My Elrahnmn Infarm -
.ml Ei i l-il ini' L 3 i,i 1 In Miild

always respect, Lind eiye

aim* to. -nHtiLr kvKij i jj 1 -

rfclN 1 th*' ^'TPlflMlr Tlf ^ivn.

erven l! hr Lwpb ihs- mnn
WjiS |n-.i>i i |i;j |Jy --r f-I i n 1 1 l 1 1

fitfnt mid luithJrss to his

Mibi Kidhu^. he added*
live .1 Life uf diiii err LV-
nn ti t: J ;t t to n To thipla In
iheLr spirit he qmited
from Shuke^Hsrr's-’ . J

Vmt Lika / f

'Sn-hin^; tht in
" *"
cits, he ‘Alii!

pfeas d with what hr o:e-

f h ii ! is hpw .1 snrihLJ
-ll. i II 111 I it-. T E r hn U d i

titafr fur iintMni! hint the

worship of
Un out Lhitrl tl.iv
we reachfd t^tvrh ^mi r
Fivr RiviTri *in nplnnd
irseado'iV vviUi good iirai-
iriL 4n l I with ^ci'iw « Ui\
peaks near Liy . Fhe >tww
was jKiwrfvry and earn'd
1 1 n ^ / — .

jH The N;i! io i\ 1 ( .i L' i.'igr utd Lie \I a ll i ne

It dark when wl- started and crew rjuitL4 wltiti to aspect. Then, oft 1 to l bo
\el ikirlsiT "i-r ri white, for peaks veiled the entrance t»> tbt- otvc, I cumt on a indy
fading TtirNin- We walked along sflowly, cjqso astimLshEnj? ss^kt.
^ ri^ft ba-r „ niii-ti »| ij i i ta^ while Hww b
abend From the ^njunrl .l r the Iilil k cd tEir c-,ivx:
sited thfuugb ii imrruvv pad. ( ro-4itf* many fO'Ve .e 2R a
a* ^iisteniii^ col Limn of ice, \'o
patches- ijI ajiow, the trail foltawcrf a wwRlcrT E Mini an i i Lha£ the shepffutrrts, >Eurn^
iiwb]3e, and tbe-Li began climbing a hillside lihim uni-yjii-itj/jJly an this 5i^hi tw • • Lhyiisand
m a series nf lungswitchback yearsF or m.-p 1
aiiu. felt tlnl Sivti himself ima*t
As we walked slowly upward, we cou Frl look r w p r r.H’n s i ri T hi oive . 1 ?r 1
p *
(lae, 1 1 r

1ht jjrifuf jp Iijii.lhrf JiillsiiJr facing tji u,L .

iht Hindus call it, i-i one of The must used
m tin 1
e ferric, Smuesrtc had lit a hre there, syrnkiU uf tbr u i
.i l. Alonjg with the tridents
u 1 i.l jt sti nhS out like i] few el i in black velvet. *nd fei ijxffti skins, it appear* an altars and in
1 n mi | une in time. ,ir> limbr-d. ft pilgrim W ' lemftics whertww Siva is wurshi^ied.
wnti Id shout the praises of Siva, and i it hers
won Ed h-tkr Ufa the vry. Ckdiimn M -ix^> und \Vupc* with M-n?n
We i limbed to the eml of the <avitc hi larks The column, formed hy water njttumlly
.lThI ruLiiult^l the I maw ol ;i hill, and a piE^rirn freezing il llnws from a in The rock
told me we Were now in the valley of the wall of Ehf, 1
cave, fcw simtol unFimken anf.l n ri-
cave itself, Tn time tins UAcknc^ turned me! Led for CEntitrtes. Most of the pf|gBim5
array ,
and after a while E made on a I nf believt!., too; that it minicuTuu^Ty wii.tef. ami
L-litf- LULil wjib tnli I that the sacnSfl cave was wanes wiPi hr- phiisrs of the BtE^m
This. I
in them, reflected, ourld ,-il^i J»r cairsed nonmimeu-
Icmsly: giuiiml viifer, whiLdi supplies the
PtJijrim* lijirhe in ley Sr ream
HrjiriTiK flight well be iffeclrd by ihr- mnnn,
The trail (ferCfOrM uru'lia.tlly in a ulacirr- a.s (ifltis are,
Jed stream.and There found myself \n the E Fii protect the column ^ stout iron fence
c-imimiy nf two young mm. One of ihnri find hnilr In front of tt. \ ixilrcenum
wi>bi*cl Eh is II mr something titiC couldn't speak. and Mwer-il fither nfftdttb Iti plain cinUii^
English^ -I the other LntvfptHvd. Hn lird ^lattaip pH ruin- -in'lped to Mty\i WEmhlpers
ynuth wuii plainly dental aril ovLTlffowimz ii f i* w i'-jl’ t . i\va_v f r«>m 1 1 te i l i
. y tauy < 1
th< -n i
ith flood spirit nnrl rnthusuAfti. He taugbi hnwewr. tiirrw fluwtrs and other uffcrinirs
me -nmv words in pnifct. nF Siva and xiid R
no and some of thevr
it. ctuzuf tn its, surlHCU
these wc nil! make me immortal if repeated
i E
I lit
in iif Efii.

Finally be said Lhc strain i it-udf wnulij Pjjtdas Fhnrh Cniur nn 3

iTi*i Iir^


jfiwfc [fnmortallty fir ursmd me to inkc off my rfcere werr no fomial and nn
< Entiles and immerse mysell bi }i — whu-li *-«mr surmons or speeches at I hr cave, yet Hn ex-
of the iilhrr pilgrim* hud to do—and fireh.drm of eHtlMtlbh mu the fynt * nf many of
he said I cuuld dry myseJ \ with a towel he ihr prtgHnu «huwrd hi iw they fell Sntpe
had brui||j(frl iitunfl T UjmprGmir&d by kriL'cf- NLULply ^IikmI nrnF stared at Eln- Iul^h, Other*
iwj down and slash] ng my and heart crowded un pumlus tu lie
idvt uims Jiml irj
lire strc&nti o| coupe,. w:i- the* ptrn^t it>> hskVt ”|" 'is. of Colored pigment dfiuhnl cm their
water. watched an mini Yel I i-IlI forthtads. AH imf n-rnovrd their shiN‘*s anti
•it her- .ttrip down and pluiw hiiavlf in it 1
stinni either huefool or m ^rickitty f^-i
thoroughly. ti^iin and annin, I &&w a Ij.i iy 1 AH ut once a munitur rn^ from the crowd.
gettioti bed in it, to. and sanesmfng i. ajn| l many nf them lntkiiig tap at ilw
mkhtfly veiling nf the cave, wbmr Severn] pi^ruiiA ilni -

V.-. t drew" near the cavr. [ i 1 l h I sec that tered. I'hew, Tun were evidence nf Thr cave ^
it Vni* ibnll'iw. rather I Ekf a Fjih 'uUddor sta^e. hiiUiuss Ai cordkig in le^rnil Srva cunfH-n'H
The path climi^d -U-efdy mi ur:iv< ,
l aiul lnunnriiLlity run a ]witr of that lived! in
bn u lifers to re^seh ii, his tit vc* ThafJL- twn hird^, I In; [vilurims be-
This wn.5 She ^mli the object of the pil- Ueved had morte tlidr rumie Then- cvit sfifee.
ttrinmu'*-. Tln-tr- ums a •u-nse of es- ajul nttght well be smcipg Lhe onrs we were
dtmwfll i' we approached tt nrtel could I
looking At.
apprec i.jir the fetdijtsfs flf the devtul [lilurims Same yards dTcjint. out.shte ihr fence^ tht rr
arnund me As for myrelf, J dill ntit kimw was a niimeiw entianu To anuili?-r Mn.iller r
1 . 1 H -

B«urduil Holy M An Puuh i

Jur Sweets r h \YoAi1iiperi Bdtof irii( die Cd^ c
Sti me i£X> prksii, known zi Enodkk >1411- nit*- Mm snnuil pfFjtfiiiaafe Titvir irivaid b g iliicu
of .ill dh*

cave. Lind Mffl it was n *a dhu who had lived lil I i'rl it completely and ofTtm hmJ f 1.1 'stand
1 here steadily 4* n hi/rmit for ihe past 14 still :sml made oiir own wav separjtteh over
Encmthsi, accntrdiiia Im several of tiw gis Ll: r in a-^ the rocks is ml snow

f i>r much nf l hi:- Mtiic he hnd been mk'rly When wr mithifl tlir end rtf 1 he eaveS own
Miimv bound, but J>t' hini kepi ^oIhr by hurriiji" valley „ we munded die brnw of 4 bill and
ctutrcosil rnid f^ktinj' sImijt from waler
rrtrUitr -l ;n 1- 1 hIi 1 wti 1 he li Mtpt aw itcl ibaeks, Threse .too.
chestnut*. hay mu laid sn a big stack "f Utth were Jined solidly with cave-bound pl^rto,
ifi lht“ pm edum s-momer Thm 1
was u pile F'nlitd were holding them m file b> [>er

isf r/harimal bait* outside Ms ciyr liow. l

ii- 111 tvm way 1 failic shortcut* were not *tr
i f

yi-rirtm weir strutfuditip up into the ove- rn- milled 1 wnw loose
Ffs Thai h]e
n\ fur ilu1 fnoiinji r

i.rame to have ll loot at Mill. fur he was \\\ walked Jowly and on the way met a L

tteiifthf iu be «xorj>EliMik ITv holy. number 01 people whose ccmp&nv | had en-
joyed on the outward trip, was able to suy E

F ricfij I \ F
ik rt h« I fa \ I Hr k 1,1 Uni vw aril I 'dp few worth of farewell tr> Utem Fiefore iJtf

Finally we started hark At ihr fbot nf hitmetvarij s-trenm hun nu |ill-i i 1

ttar steep descent liick. Mary. ;ind. 3 |i- iu^hi Tiu' fifctevu'll- Wese timdr ifk the _:re-jie^l

a cup of (i
ibeo continued clown .don? the
a friend int ^. 3
for a ?ort of f Itrif-Lrnis ^pn-Fri

stream passing a number **i Jn-r ^ thick - prevoderl 3 if re near the juumey's p>i nit. Ml
iVIr n( pduriitis still appimarhinji. and the pilyrinir were happy and Ldnd Ftuir the
iipparersLlv tlir |ie;il of the llumi luil 1 >
>1 yrl oilier- were h&pjn ,
..Etui lm nd^lii|v-.
nindi- nu
arrived. \V> who wm: MunwArd hound lea l the idp eiii h’d in a ulnw Eli at one Could re-
the trail itiftlf for these Intcrntni'rs —ibry meitiber watttifv.
H E ’

5 Jo A New Look at Kenya’s Treetops'

Though Mau Mau Kaidefs Burned Drnvd the Famous Hi itL l-in-:t-trc f, r j

Eltplninri and Rhia<«? >it > 1 3 C rmvil This *

iiitne-wjucher's Paradise

Bv Qi'i:\rt% Ki vm s
li'itk lUustrAlh) nr (mm I'hatogttiphi hv the. Jttihtir

\ 111 IONS a uiul* aitd Itfoju1 hi (Hire in f mm the icroimtf But the local Army u im-
inr? i<|j tin; Li:iL|j'Jm!e-. Kul ;)h a i naiii' l-e rt i used t i
k t nu do il t he r w njlfl ;
r i

riilf. rtwto^H was order mid cqm- be dan^tr not utfllj frpnt May Mini, he [HJintwl
fcirtalile, Dnd in iili Airica it was unique: a out but fn»m his own piUrnL, which rniild
fivL'-rr^ni bouse with a balcony «rt -n high f
noi Iw twlifkrd in time, Kven Kri£ Sherbrcwkc
Ei l s J llt lirfi" wil
ii ii in il- on the ground t i i, Walker, thr Kcn^a <ni!^r who built Treetoi'es
i'uttlfj not catch the 5ctm! nf it- fiaru| units. Ln 1^5 2, hail \^n nlk iwed in only ance lo
Claptkiiul- rhinos und many lesser animats inject its nmmins.
(I'itipurlnl almost nigh tty al Tin- water hole He.sLLne tha.1 I tuid airtvecl near by, Walker
and by the sail lick m the c Eta ring IhpIow lji| siskin I mi 1
in lunch id hte farm. xi&ytd at
flnrcture, Word of si belling a view drew tbs dcarinti jcist Iona oimigh to pick nut
vinil r=- fri?m ;i 1 1 av-Gf the world iu CliN sri sjj^ Mirin' iriL's Tor ,l rifW 1'ftctopfr, lie told tne,

anlr-out in east Africans Alien kite Naliuiml

f d wdrome an uppurtimity t-i uo batk.
Park. In the Konya. h5flhkmjd5 + t Mikjk, I
f •.h i|;ly?i Liter tin: \nm tUEOnl
the Treetops section of the fort^l over 1o
Fru tn Prince** lu Quwn It Tree-lop*. ;
ir local police for peirolhny. V^aln I n.-skrd

ft'rmJssicti to visit Ttretups-

You niirml E ri'c-ti-ji i rni a rctrArtiblf Lh]- i

Htice safely up, >ruj enjnyed lea din- |f yi iu II accept ,i jMjUce escort, and d> <n t
n rr, -omr rest, waul then brtmkfii.4 — ah he- mm (I my minim: too polkr chief J«jhn

twaftn lung 1
1 ii i I'ji at uninhibited wildlife On Fktdw ,!
my answer b ‘yes,

roll,-, dark nights the guide mack Th«- ninm.iL=

h w.'is cidtJ and di i^liiut when U ;.ilkw^

Hull dec trie moon
Kletchcr. and tvia African policemni picked
visible by switching on i

nu up at 1
*'ne Murri.iF at 2:30 \mv
ff neither elephant, mir rhino, tuT Imffaln
-iinwrrl li|j> ymi pui yiiLtr imam back
Two form guards al^j inined the party We
piled itUii -pLiplf nl I-tnd RtivrT>, -iloi
On Frbtiurj ?. 1952. Prints EILtaheth ;i i .

( Ii ii I .pd t&fe Thousands of mites away

willi < nl. {t'i.rgp Jarman who had guided
scurn-H nf visiturs u-n irip^ in Tieftipps r
in Er^duTiil her father King iSeiTge \ l died
in hi- sleep Thr you He curl who hab me tti
Hlcphuni Scrc*iii»i rtt Forest
inio *il
u' lire house a prltict^- iliscriidccl the
next mircrimif a we wound uur war atmm si i
i-pery farm
Tliiiiik:- io Tret! tups" balcony , im I lo alnu at tnicks in I be rain f frit a kiT-n sensfl of im-

incredible had once captured o7 ek -

lin k T pen ri ins Thin was uh Ironed by

p ha rats t?ft film there in n ’ink'll- afterrtuUiL* tin scrt^Ritii|t uf an t'Li'i ih.'Ljii as wr racked

But nuWi 1 heard. nuUiisJiLiiiK Mojo _\lau rvtoh the forest’s edge
bib krft Treetifs a charred rum. Had the Leaving the policemen in cl large of Lhc
rmnniik bwU fritlhleSicd away LiS well? Fufi- cars, our party beaded ?inglt file into The

|j_s 1" see for mysel f I n mrnitl Kenya i i
tangled nridergrtnvth benentb the tall free*.
n-m ImuL :i*[i iMnr- at ihe invitatinn uf Susie Kven though we were in ^ mi.lI fomt I i*

riat a young American friend nf mint- who

wltrre hunt ini: i> forbiddeo, everyunt' escqjt

farm- -will: Li’t feogliwi husband Jit the edge myseff carried ;Hnns in ease nf irudhle with
of the forest. the May Mmi,
Vvlrr Marriott met me at Nairobi and I-' very 50 yariK or SO Jiiftmjn w.ulrl =[>

after a iGD-mile trip north hi |m 3ilt!e t'essnn dead siynalirii it- in iln Eikcwise, \W listened
plane w landed nil si pn'iijoy airstrip adjoio- tu evcTv sound, stfiiinjtm v nr eve- iu cauh
ifU! hw Fjrm
plamu^l return to thii 1 W ¥
Sw ".-Urit Ji'-s (.'notr^i rili'fjh^Lnts /' lij iJUi'iilin
TWtu|is clearing with my camera^ umS sni K I n.-‘ \ I Ji KW. C| OT?PAF nr I \l aq wnr Si nn’bf
what luck would hnVt thi? linLr shociftlnR
— 1

Shurtli Afluf iliu Pirtutt W&ji Taken. Mtisi Mtiii Su \

\ta In Tlii* T^dry Trtie
UftHnuflUnj. Frk S^frfirtmJfe \\ Ukn, ntrnv mai-biM fnciip
tii* Jiitiliki i, >1 r Hit nrw inmuil nlrnn I

imy will hiiv ir l uiiusiiii w*T*|r, rrfriSmtJiM, in i-Jrctric 'niwri," an^i 4 'l it Iiu-i^

ni *m'i inLak 11
l fttihr'i 1 1

ibfri mnmi b* bcufcitfi l»y fcinwluaz U.ilH.unni Hr<L‘ Walker ttttfea dUubTc^imltti rkfihriEit rifle.
' *

dbthtr 4
thr irmutfttfHl In the I waiki-d MVi-r t«> the remains 'if |VeifiofHi,
I lin e wrai imirti to wj,ah for not only fife T\w 50-fui't hb:h trunk *>i (h^ nnce p-mticl
Man .\P:lll but iJ*ki rhmu&i btithTi'iss* and wHil fju; naked Iml rhajtsivp *5 rwisr
tret >>ii mmi

^lluktei f h'cu5inna1ly wp heart] elephant* iipiiiniir the gray sky A fw Truncated Ihttijs
breaking Itranflte an tJir rtvstuflrr ttirtist jagjfedly h'lTiin them Hbj.ig.fed

h s- ; 1 1 I ,

whaU wi'nird hmjrs wt

\n\?r riafcrijyd .l! i-imml’ pi^ ivin- netting ihn1 had envemi Ihe
the dcdiiife. Nut aaj aninml w+l* t" l*e sfcrn re* «f llile! imslrqsart at I hr tree liuu^e* In di>-
1 l

TrccrfupV Ju|!l(c*J SkvIvMin Olwkwki il Wtf’lcr I 1 1 I rh^ Gotti i>f Thii'iit Gimp
A ^in|jirif»uA rhmut lithe iidi i s-nafb tfrt Mt, Aimlco shut* hLtd A frW Hfeniub Lttlcf iJut liur bvttiC to

ooupijle visit* from iiiquteitlv* Imjunis and A mavenienl ii Elir ie

nf felir hwtsJ i'esE

baboons. shurt i:i> rdvcrifc, Vtom the comet af my

IV clearing seemed larger then ] r^mcm- eye 1 raw first the duf me ;m efc^ihiint end
In ml: iipjiarrnlty , ii n resiglflg IWtibflrttif liutne tHm it- Ii i r Within -.tomd- afimLht'r
—£~ I Kith
had tmnidru duwU ibe 1 l£r> h i; ^ Etimmtl tbe *flenily oppiairwk fatktwrcl by h ibird and a
1 l: With fcxcLtrtoeiil 1 nulk'tHJ hufadfetLi fu urlli . 'Thin. Seemed ii^pidutii and halted a

of fresh footprints imfitle by ekpfianti and bun ij ret] vahfe


rhinos in [hr mml ainuml the p- I Evidently St 1

1 nr raised their trunks with unhurried
rh-e name had not been intintfllflted bj iir dignity, 4ttfTTiptittg ha pH >i whiff nf u--. Be-
ftiitk on nejir-b} jMau May encampment^ in llm 1
wr were dti unwind from shem, chi^

jSfoiluctd no Fe*ailt% atul s h'.'y their

Khfn-n-i Perfnmi Fnr VirftmA I'rifit^
stalely walk. I hMtlly snapped twd still

I i:.o| piy Gim« =P- ,

rt-.nly I tried in hn- pictures. I'hcn I ttbnyrd Colond Jiirantin >

atiioe the IiLhTi irim occasion when E'rincess h i
v| u-rei I m>trin:t Sons tri retreat Hi: Hsrl

Flinaiitth unn tier hu.^iJiati the [Hike nl Iviim- not have in repeal tlml Order'
A- ihr al^jjhrini.'- kept ad van m:. we rirpt
liurids. arrived ill rtpetups In jnjn Ihf re* ]

noWilwl Col Jim Cnrl.K' 1 1

hunter iif man- around (he clearing onlJl we uni midmE a I

lmiieis ikit-r? usjl] Jeopards in Ifitfia* I

hh ] 1 1 :ilim>st diapu [tally across frnm ihem
I Mi mi if E'nmrss wfttcbyd a
ntT visit the By Ibis lime, wtth mu ronpf sound tbam h?

*| erring milch IwLwivn two huffing and four beaatd hatl m;nh-. many rrnirr (^JtphktltS

puffing rhinos, ;md a fi^ht tn which we water- were ^Lpi-iiinEfig bib* this rtaiura.1 aj't'ua tiny
b uch jjortd anuLhct Id death. She later Eukl one5 which aid nul hiive been murr than ji 1 m
Corbett it nil Lidded up in her iroSt few weeks util, ymjtug IjuIL- hu^iltim ear 11
thrilling Bipcriewie. other 1 ftf tempers ;i [Tarty s*-i -:Pr nlrl
1 1 " 1 : "

A Nlw I^hjk jh Ktma frrcUip^"

cnws intent only nti quenching their thirst in was a difference in my nsm pu^tion bis&euri
the 1 li nv itu u*T ( page 54U ; P of ht-Jog <^fe in thr inrliuuse abort Ilk ahi-
i was ftwMjiini? with. iii y
li-i^i-i bul] awk- mat*. I was unions lEiem.
wardly benilrmr Ihh way and that Id catch Evenr tiuw a kid then, wlirn herd boss tin-

gSmpijes dE tin* herd without spoito! wnsn m>kiJjL_

. pipped op from the Ui hv-
niygrlf, an enormous bull swayed mtO
"ITiffi and trir^l fur shut- elephants Hi -hi in front of
m nMi more Lhan f>0 feel from nn ih- of Hie srniThed lire trunk. hb wil- .rin I

lowered iivifr all the others imd was plainly cult, Iu-ljlujc I dido 1 dart gu boo far » flit

in l'^tthtjh ncl Enlo the open. Abe* the li^hi wa* still poor.
In the midst of one of these El-h i| >i - we
1’ tqihcnl *m ti tine tic Au 3 \ if ir
were nil sturllpd I
iy severed sbols rinirijut out
Waktifng him egrtfiilly. f mitneifwtiri fn the forest., I looked ririvou^y ai pnlkt
tnyself into a sjMia ruif ntis rated by brandies, i;hief Flekchrfj TIo lunkwl hmck s
"I neT Jarman prelected tiw with Sik ridt No fiairuL- were upierBiiing ihiti afteriK«ai.
while I stout Mine brief motion picture se \y far iiV hi- kn«w, iherc was no one in the
f| urn its of tile renmrlmlile scent* ground ms, forest but i is and [itrhup-- a mnriiudms Mau
W .ilk-'i' IwiiJfd | me said qllielty M .n band.
Keynes. that the bfjgiest lulP T v i

ever T]mj efi'jihij.m^ Kemedm^pertufbed Matty

seen at rifeti'i \t- \
\ E t was eluted "1 vc had a trendy left the cVsifloy and were lirnw^-
iMfen hvtv a t.hiiu^iid t limes in the [ust 2-i 'C!l: un deep in the forest TujzjUqr at mj
jTais, bul 1 pm*t tmith-ihInt having been urn Walker pobted in >omr mossivr ifsa s a

EUUstrii^ ?*o ntnny elephants fsn tk gruuiid. in'a r fb*i- buphiQfl trunk..
“Revues, ymtrr dq«Suia!-maiiiieLir' '
L <ik at Lhiisp- blasted Heptianty Tftwjr'fe
He wae rr ft it in.: flu I duly to the present 1
ite^ioiips^ the id my iuuire huu-e.
st^Tir [ml to my pivvimis littfcy viiJt, when There was a trem^ndems t:r iek; a ynuiui hull E

had ph^srcniphtd the fl 7 elephants

I Now, w tLs wrHichthji off one nf iin' Lnu^&sc branches

again wa_ unJy a few yards frmti 4H of

that Wsdkvr had hoped to u>e.
But ihii: time thuie The ^uspejksr wiiL watimirTip: to tdi on niL\
?lv, 3-ianifl.
1 li 1 1 «
i 1 r ;-
_r 1

Elephunijt Hus* tbu Km i iioiK S ^ if il i n d I 1

«JJE- Mil- ? 'bnnu^raphc-r HI4 in TMf Thicks!

i |
0| 'HC
yi 1
Iiu! C |
TI|| fclH
- HIT Sit?

Dull [deplume n( the Tnstirpv Water Hdb Crust Lvorj Sw<^ds En I’ricmll) Jou*i - . .

I found mysjiplf vn-diimt il

u |.iUuii- would FEprfe5 ’ini4 whit we were all tbrnfeine. The
have so Hint we bcitild net ullI of I he furt^t susi/uv made the atmi^sptew ton tease
before it sut too dark fur armfort.
At last tbf be pm In leave the Junt el> 1 ms KUtlnirittg my equipment.
rlrari n^, ji.rdj? Lit me I hi dire* finii of tin- cIll'i l ivn> n rttsUm*' bey U nil tike water hole
M nr Inn- farm Bui two frisky ynixm, bull- A- If we liadn't had uni nJUlt fjccitwteul for

now started tu fiE^hl in earm-L one tfftertinotu u ]*nu a rhiJujeemH shuffled rn

the 1
nf I he water. He tmjjk ll rfnilk and
Shots I l-.ll Kkophunt Liu L lie brizsn ambling our w*ty +
One animal jUL^keiJ the «
ithf ttfWitfil Lin* Suddenly a i&ljig of ihots rans uiiL Tbf
Vi-^Cj^r. huE found h\b Jid^TMiy* trunk en- rhlnrj ticked up In alarm, Hu turnW mphlly r

i win in t3 hi> own in a visriJke snip, ap- I lipt Utile tail tlitkijur alKrvt his fat rump, ami

pr< Kicked the fi,ehttn^ jioir and filmed the crashed off into the bush.
ban If cfaw up. 1 wo# *ua scried a_s the rhino. Who wnn
Again shut? went <<Jt dL^kitice Away. firing whom?* Clrnrly tJn- shiii_s had not

Tin- young rlophaui^ nifh'iruk'd and hdt she been mien dud Fur us Lb ey anuc Srusn '"0

clear miy;. U'e Were -il'.itw. far a wav. 1 woodefed whether Lhr Mail Mail

w T
Ld s ftc! out. nf hui't'E

sameonf saltL were allAi'king wl 1 waiting pi icemen. i]


p . . \h hilc II Herd beniry, with Ear 1

* Wjirtnd. tiUtuln Aitrt frir of Dungcr

urUine rather tidnsnlthy
Thittps are they wi re all but thry were scaref] -o
aroiu^l lien-,' John [ Incher raTmi'ktd calmly. badly they cuuld hardly talk.

"Are y nr ready to leave yet. kesjirar ptil in he open at last, we inspected the

1 w a* quite ready, Wr inHnvv^i i^ne an- Cite There w:^ Fletchers qii©
ti»» dim-ige*
otlvc: r, 1.'i' riding Imr airing ihr narrow trail tiiTijhg uf the Afrit Jin* pn id need much in-
lj,ick ill {.hi* I'jjJv WhlTI Wt h^rF VtTrl I -.1 | ha S f inherent Jabber, bul he nmimgfr) to- [ifece
i l
u- d bra nee. 1 beuan in fed oddly %ht- togpthrr what had hnpfXHjtfd
headed I wns riTtuin wt were in for !

a Man Snme elephants straying from the main

MiUI lUnliLl UVlJ : 1 1 IrLiSl !
w;i_s :t fi] herd at the clearing, had come jpi mitrlir f -r


death with rny boot- ! in. the cars. Scath'd -us nf ibeiT w]U. the men
hud fired over the bead- u[ ifii anlmab in
More * hinffire on Ht-rum Journey frighten tiii'ii i . i i%-^y

Twn butltl^ I iru ki'il by or my right* We Brick at the turn we tniuyr'J 5 c> ch rck ti-a
w^re «... "
at l he edije
ttf the thick under- with Peter mid Susie Marrlajs. My hand
urnwth, HHriter mail m-d in Inun] Swahili to .->hmk a hit as I held the nrp, Hut. I told
Lht- policemen, who k we hoped, vw-rc still S Lisle. I millldft'l have misled this npfw
guarding the \ r-i tw f RuvefS, There was sdenccL iunity b revisit Trertp)^ far nil Eh-ir Mmj ifim
Then two vciicsj? answered together, Viss.* in Kenya, AFUt ill 1 am elephant- Eiiiigncticl
— i 1

RLSSELL CAVE *&rldj«pOt t ,




i n an ama

By Carl F, Miller, Expedition Leader

uRF l h^Ti j .000 years l*efore the buiM- ^peciQcally te$ Indicate^ :in a^c of
iim ih the Sirtilt hymnal nf Egypt the
I 1 fl, tvQ years, plus nr minn- 3 00,
A hmmn


i in.'s of ?tmir U:e men flickered in ,i cave m skthlnu bund a? the 6-hwM level and afc

Alhbonifc tfir bflfMS uf 4 dust —are ubiMJt half os told-

j In- we hstw kmiw a- a feuH or rw m y adorn As an nittaiifap’kal silt the eavr a.- in many
nutter ike Join! auspice* of the Smithsonian rtf5|w5cts unique cm thin continent. No other
insti III lion anil this National ikWfraphfc So* gat r hag revealed so detailed n retnrd of naru-
elety which thus fur k'ive rttidhed the 14-frtt I MiaiLTv For st) fang -a perincl— from faKti) E- (

about A- Eh LnBO. iss am-

Eewl in n lament* use dvt on w kltta hi the nr earlier until
utirthiM^t i nmer nl Mu- State. Tents- borir.s. tunU, weapons, and itnptemiaits
— have hi burk'd fur thmisandg of years,
3 it

An Arckfpliii.iihl ^

Ditnini Ctame 'I nat? pi-urn ml nil rabii. wind, erosirrn, ?i3tim^ and
i 1

Jlaji-ninde charcoal fmiftd there has been ihujtL They tie where die- ncriaptmbi left
tolrd by ! Iir TadimiiLtivt tafboti 54 ttieihnfl Ihr ns, layer upnn [nycr, a record as easy tu
ami hiL> pm veil |i* 1*C appmsitiiateh SdXXJ read as Ihv tttife rin^s in a u.ijmiia.
ymcA nkJ the oldest mat l' rial i «f human u !

i i Li These layer?, cfcirty visible in ihe emss

vet Ifisled from the simtijeusterii t nited Skati' section of our excavation provide h- with it
slice n( hLyinn an arrhmliijpeal Im^k of tifi

rpvi'alitig. L".fSil Ltr y by n.'jitwry, fin- ?tnry of

1 n flpAdT i
g.(2 i

It 1,^'iUl I

VtPH id tlii- Find


£ 2 li - 1ft
n toEnri-fr i uf'+uca



« C 't &C n~
Li. st Jkfr Ti h- ifi i c
thffl; Ig-Turr-.

Pzi ttry in it *r7v+-hr*0i

fatjwi dv ' fel
B rihnf

Willfl i* Ui'iftD^

rjt Pv^arrid pi E^y?* g-MTir Fcir?n

J wntlng

4000 P C

Fpr 1
j iJj ! ° n
IT !aj7Tji Fiji Vi
1 1 e

An Asnthiil of ffiLnuim ?n^«s Li Lnid Hurc

VJ 1-wt s-pnni a X^tioajt GeQj^apfcic Sack y-5mt ‘iurom an Irwti-
lutntt) Esywrffklan bt^in pivibin# r tic- rtr^nr of RusaflE Civs in
' Jacbijii Cuumy
Alabama. r

T '.* A? Stmiam by iLmium. liejniirjjiii!:

bv iLntium, jn uverJiy
with jo
be^jitttfag With: iiverbi. of
uf rubbish ieft
by trtenl vfahcp Eh.r L^f^vnt&F? dug thi nMh be tnLick of afes I

r'lHcrtiM-ri irflt iJi>wji hev uncuvried eroynd l&d trod I

hy men mi me 1,000 jraarH ftgo From that En'nizian. ibey con.

I no airheokifkai *ite in Llm Lniiril Stmt* rmnr vividly
porrr^yivJ tbt; American Indian * tulLuml evfHuticin from bj±.
^rrifu- Age uncsfeBioriL

Hyrrt .,11 Mbk aiikrl [hr rli^m The dw-JUfl' tCLittJiJ i s


:..vv-j iii^ mu hi ni b ninety isrii-il il— arid

i : i imr.ciimr
i - 1

Mf dend rHathirf— under fresh layers i>f preserving eaxth In

I tit Lure [he ircbcckpit* will delve fl,nfth- hfijiJttii ikti mm even
MW ruprr unclenl were untidy hewkw-persi, tiufc

wi + L
ybyws tk t Op of l he FiHHiDliElt rkl^e III Led to TcVcrLl
Lirt r..m
tt Jhc- Uicater-sizo ravtm. The enlmnve gape* 307 feet wide. Dry
t. TLM.’ j[ I;-lh !'
\utm ILbLlJl! A UJ I- ^td and char
l C





I r

~W (
f* -- / -flfc 1
art iT*|. d

I >. :'U*
_' N 1 r ' h wa 1

’i r : - *

TXc^ t* a
*wm .j


Cave entran
a fetf’



E_ i* I

/.1 .-
G ^rJc * « —
J&"* LEtfifTTr

» £^7

DS&fcro Stfi flic Sand*

of Tinufi St*kVS TVil
Tlidrti ht ru tp M
A vaulted vraJi, iWpU L'tmn p 4
by lulikrr^m-L'aiv kvaUer*, n vc I

3i j lie? tNj afchi'iiliieidlj' crLiin

h i-nrTi Tlir toskliTlllie nmtriv-
IlciCc Nirjiuialuii iiJ’li liki. I Ii*. :l£i*

f 4 j-
Itm'Er It'i I
0 MtiL
Hnlinrciy irnirarLh 4 hr skdcittm
a[ 4 i-JrKrt-j wliti itkd
aluinf * 110 H (' tkfu\ iv^- :

hun 4 JciuErb'c! uji un his «-i«Lr



M tie h ab I titIlIh c u r
e . : i l:

iurci, iiLiLl.Liie . bir h rLS-llh-IPok- } |

fitful Nit itw (kbit, ni deir*,

l _i ill 1 r t* inrikpliLt ihe It'iH'if

*Hie. H-t-Jiiu’ i
L..ii - 1 il u 1
1 * 1

-hm iirnfd hunt n‘ivU i»n thu

• j n di lijs-c tk«n--r. litu-uvc-

xhupfd thf |Ki|i?Se ifr 'ririettn

* Wiivy LFnt< ^urk

F»insitr Hunr Ljtvt^ls--

Auihur Cart NtLIlef flight!

SFWpn r- 11 fi-nml erra section
5 p it n ti 1 &.*
. w jiiw? i y L-air*. .Lii'.'i 1

tdppku: ittiiLLLi rich inrijfjitifi Brf -,

pUi due loere aijH uiil Lmtietl

list 11 n\ rl: ircw;i. vital ior mp:
ttftll d isarkdii | 4*
Km 111 l i fjii k kn k ft dlir w\d\
Caihuct jMfl.Ly.ds rr Jtid.-s the nut
ol e hr- L'fldkfi raplwtd Ic-vcl ££
S.lftO Vchti, plica or vrrinu& u
.JCO-J-sriT nf -irnr,
* j.« "'xl ij-- <-qy|. ii > luM
w*ykri ILUrI^ ium


niiisi in \hh pan nr America.

Herr m ,i tiv i
pflg ti on*
uf cav^ men Mjiutiterl uixl
chipped till E -r i imj WfflpDQi
um( tune tanfei and trtwr
baskets erf ctiss They
hunted jjjljiiuL* In Liu:

wcmkIs near by .ind njnked

them nh h hr v under thin
rtick ri ii iF And here they
slept at niithr. nrournl their
hv Lhr alone
fires. |.iruti'EjcLl

wflls from cold and epc*

Since digging began last
I >ay ,
we have un* uv-
eml literally thouftiiiiiji «!

primitive stiine, bone. shell.

am ten iilijvet>.
Kit li.ler-

sjieraed with vmh. ocm-

men v t ,m.i uvaputtR aiv the
ashe* and cbjicc .lI from iht
tires the cave men built

Flow It All ttttiLuu

V- ii often happens with

;in hmlijf'iial st u-.s KtracD
(live was
brought to iirat

Ehf :ittcntlojl of thr Smith-

sonian Gilt Li li on by Eiim-I

In IS) 3 Mr, Paul B-
B i uv, engineer with
i i . jl civil

iht Tennessee V.iIVy Aij-

thurify and an amateur
Hidplo|£isl, hrarc I frijfR .i

fritiitl charge of a power*

line '«r vvy tn^y rilmUl prn-
jcdJh 'tiLt l tut hud been
ii :

along their route.
"M fid
He asked hi5 friend to pcrinl
out the idles nn -i map.
Studying rhdmaji Bmwn
noticed ttet it -h- iweti the
existence os' cave not
.i fctr

from the Endian sites.. Ii

ocrtirml In him lhaf llte

cave, ii habitable. mitihl

U- n gund place to dig for
Two years passed before
Brown hail :t chancy to
vis'll the cave. When b$
djd. be tuuk along a , fel-
V- lii.i I II iflflFBIt Natl -nil- ^Jr.HEJl'U Rbslf
low member of the Chat-
VYciifMM Tip% Pound in d 1 it: C'<lvc Spian T.ftlMi \mr*
tftnoogp l hapter of tbe
Rrh.itr 3-M It. C, (hr Wiv Wu ittcj> IquKrM 10 ItudtalM Only the Uv*Q
Fen nessee \ rc Si ;l fry I u 1 i cu I

deji tb±-
iJiiifcnLr tflfi Ik-Snriii-Lil In irmw- Othur htui 1
in fc bJ> 1

1 Son wrre mnilr n*r tinrf lin-hes All ten! iltfcpirfirtE tifrm SfNuJety I .ale; they got iJje
1 1 . 1 1

--4rm i
F ^*5 r,

Ridley , nwzwt ui the Utrm

ul: which t hi™ c_sAV lip** ; i in !

started diggitis.
They wm- iiArnnsihcd
and delighted, Thv ilr^l
few feci of with dtjg from
ii f . jyr floor wtm aii ar-
i hetj 1 iu;i r. l t irrtjftiire trow
fa lleti with ^ prnfUHfltl uE
it Hint point*, bi mu tixili

pottery, ctod '"hell orn.l-

mrril'.. S Lisped Llllf Tile],

had made a major rfis-

covery, iifjy showed heir r l

:irt ifjci- tij Dr. Msilihew

W. Slirfinji* Director nf
the Smithson tan ? Hurteiu
of American Utlmdagy.*
P 41 J EM £: r IIU
By jepocJ luek, I had an :: E1 I • 1

ar t hn a n urn* n ] !
lK ^r Amlurr Chin*
I" H rat To n Deadly Point
Piimliiu men *(itii ll .Li-a (rip lintr plena ul iianS with hajnflipritwirM

in near-by Tetmsssee dl
ami then ituipcJ tic flip* with bque Lui^ ^chuitlita ai tlst- SlflhhKrrriiii
aljQLti This time. At f>r. JflitllUtLtlJi Imvu U it Jsud iitHA [u +Lm|i^luL T the '

Stirling drove > rvqurat I

i-e fri- fcrpnrl and mel Mr Ridley and Mr,

A Assure the rear of Russell tuv? i.on-
brown and parm yf hi- ci?Heui:ue^ ThM Jed nnCty it wilh Ibis rromiisn^ wu er -tooled

onf to the Cave, which W& hfcndc ll cumlield. WVITIL, and Llm'hLSJth the hnF^ r IjJ |i. dural nm- 1 1 rtii-E^ a constant ^nram of CbUl nir
h ii * e Cooled NiAtiiml \ir t IrmJi lions lift When entered cave saw r-ni
I tlit- 1 Thru I
1 esdtemcnt ai the
rmtrrriber my mowing Hr-mvo ^th! his friends iiicd dug a series of
first sight there was a pla-cc the caw.; U - Miiill pits, out i
if which vu-is *is ft^'t dtrp
where Stone hiu cave men aught to have lived, Jmi thai Urn fill- — t]uii W t
l be mai trial dr-
this was it, positied sitRL- human occupancy began.—uph
Ru.«e]l Cave stand* high arid relatively p:LientJ> on a grtjit deal iteei ier ja>i famv
dry iri a cEi If by thv side of n pleasiuil five- tkep it wn? rnL ius^hk' to ti'Fl 0

mile- 1
.i v;illey known as |>i>mn Cove, 1 1.
nuR lLii IrBpei rion «sf Ehe cnveni
3 ajul ramt
rrMUith ('7 across and
3 ifi-t feet biigh,
&U£s the east and the su strain jC sun. The i
SpeurliviitJ^ Show H<m Skill Hhhud
cave curves 2 70 tel bti> a Ifmeftouc on urn* Fnhrrtn m,in nnmud ni 1 hr- Ice \ec, (aakhuicd lh^-

t-aiit_ Most of its fiber is level and smooth, flun-.l po int. sif K4 I ifPjODO yimta n l£li Allilinitnii

m Ltssble by walking up :m easy from ninja;

ftwtinin . niiiiEi- Lite utbrr J.DO0 yrin Liiir litlHt

the valley t1< n ir Best of uUt the rnve ismitu-

WvtkmnllTIkc "i A H iin rp.jjjci- luunJ in Ku^lII Cam 1

is i slilchii {umpart li Oi^ Kiibrnn artfiliut. rolmft

rally air-ccmditlomil, IlWcL h^vc ELClt jjnJL ieuxUi2l|' 'in I ilL Ctl'H'
Actually, fttis - il is thi 1
-n^Lller of iwo cave® iTHiir TVtfiLji % illtaaiS i»i i ^ M ill
| i i»l a

which gape ssrie by ode in the cEiff face. The

nt.her, whjch tunnels deep Into the mountain*
i- unmhidiiL-ihle because a. Dry ivrk,
^treani^ i

COyftfcs Tin.rM of its floor. This same stneum

emerges from the iTMumlamside abotit H#n
milts; away.

Src i Id thu S’iAnwSAi tlioj^tFnrr M^riA/LTs;
“"IftiJIaHs of ttwr ^oEiLhtfl-iifc?nfi UnJlcd Jkaici* Janu-


Amm riem First Scttli'r
^ l 'e 1
* lnUhittE,'" laslpi-i. 1 s 7 tiuth by MaElhew \\ ^Ipttnjg, A su
rr 1 'br S iJcEv's tiocrk Xatitwitl flrQg. wttpbiv
oh IS MISS TIIE WMMWdS, 4 Votir iUti
r'dfj'U L'lS-F IwlohsJ ftrliUlais huH-
t* fch t lie* L'niEifLt $|kte$ iind V. S.
C^CW^lSf£ ^7 t? I
Gft*ulinc Lamer nn Gut flii: Sr> ^imi GlniHTt; Mon's \ndctft Wurks Comt mi Li|hl
Cdttl TnilwlK ijflthLiFkrtk 4irrh*olo?HiiIl>Wvrfcta Tbr suifcot irmFvrM us ttu'ir wi dyn»milmi{ ta'Mliim

rt.EEti^.Ll LFirlnajififi ijowo (fee nwj.i Phut hag* uii lJjl- cav* floor ImiJ prttfitauJlk art'lv afld *lime toiv'B.
I y | I T _

Liu S+dUlJ *\gci i ru:in cr«l in an Alabama k.nvr 551

nf the oil if ml- ir yidMe^ 1 ciwhnk-d il crocked io Finim lir-sur could Fie i|iLkr on I and
«'ii> ll promising -ilr rtufct'd ji nearly per- eaten.
h#t ii- *ii> I had ever *.r:'en. 3 reported t o- There wre small si"r»‘ anrn.yvhefl«l‘i.
ihufiLa^Uciilk it.' Nr. Stirling, whn in turn imrly shiij k-i products of what an heulo[j:-jt-
itescribril tin? discovery Lu Lhe Research Com- uilJ the- Ml^isf-ippiau and Wxiodland [wrim)'-
mittee i if the National Geographic Society. ftoaghly A. Ik 1600 to 1QQQ b <7j. \s ivr
iluxi dceji^r. tbfese distppenred, aud we k new
Stock 1

1> timnt IVrmit* niriftiFiJl Ui 5-1 nr l

we had readied a time before Live in in idur.tii m
With a National C -ei i^m] iIlji jrmni, re-

I of the Flow and arrnw.

turi-tt-i in Russel Cavn in April Loyfo,
Tfte E h
tairatT sN me poi n js used primarily iis.spejir'
^n [fly ahn stfflt a jihi.tdigrjqiiu-!', Mr, Brooks heads Uui ‘-Musirlimea d mil dine \m kni\^ T re- *

H uneven it, to Word the prnprra of the dig, luld a stcirj utreuvly fanUUhr nn' that U4 t.«>

Om ;olj- were to hire- men in help wilh tali ns n icrres.'OKl- ju m ti ve Americans _'rew ]c.^
| ' i i -

the 4i^PPg jml to Sc and qSJ nn skillful [wr less at shai^ny! Ldune
I r«Vl to I’MTLI YaU\ {pfi^es 545-U), The finest fHimts are the old-
We wi i n- f mi mum-
brfnp uble In recruit in the T'nl^tii indnl- "I IC.OOG nr irmtii

smnt txpt ricrifn] coal miner* in iirar-ln, South

years avtu,
Pittsburu. T&MnE&k* Archeological di&ttsiriii

amt mining loaf are opart in method* yet I ii jtu r Kyvp Recoftli JSiraiido

their m mini? eape^teee proved Invaluable be* Wv ke|it r:-srefuT records »4 wliere euch Fi.rne
fare wv were though. and artifact came from To the h.ivui;in our
\% fur chuoMnn an ssir.L after studying tha tnii thodt anUrhl The} cit- ^rf-m rotnples.
cave we selected a site JO Feet square nt-nr tainly did in ihi rntner^, who weft more nc 1

the north prilb 60 feel [jack from tfcfi ftirt timer. LUAii^nied la dia_unTLR a& the snag says !» r

Wr picked this put for number of reasons. i

tons a day rather Lhttn a few « Lukes at a
Prills chose jH y ive it because it wfis a likely time.
place for the cave men lit havt lived —jitiir We our 30-font plot tntu ^mnliiT
enriUgh lit tin- imi nance to be light hi day lirm r ^ju^ris* each five 4 side. These were fm m
fnr enough badfc to Us not of I he wind and —
esnavated iisin-; ,i mosn n \* [jHiintin^ ttirwul,
rain ; lECOndly, because the surface here wits not a shovel s i\ Iiiclve=! at a Litth. , BesMt 1

rH.irivrty free of sinner. erjch workman si*n*3 a paper hag carefully

labeled Em show which ^uure tie w;a- ii:ui n r I
1 e l-j m j r G A ppe-nne on f " i rvf II a
aaif hi jw deep+ Each <ptare urot a new lm*
Willi j crew nf seven men we be^irn the fur every sfa inchs^ of depth.
actual di^ftiE in 7 :^U [L.ns, on Maj Almost J , \\ hell dicker l-iumi n |>nnaT u stone point.
I rum the first turn nf the fird trnwrl [be cave or any m .i=^ solid object he pLti'ed ii in ihv
liegan to yield its Treasure, bp|i Each tnvwelfiil was :exiiniiited
of dir I

day of diigjh^ in fact and the
Jirsl ihi^n shoveled fnln a wheelhamhw nnd rare-
first thin livers of fill ht removed, turik u* fufly rifled throuah wire JCfE^us U> moke su: r
h-tck mi'i ihnn 300 years ur except un the i
imthiiiLT lind 3nni missed.
VirtJ lop of the cavt> floor. where wo fomu \1 tfr-r the miiit-rs, w ho were
Ix'jur paid
rncit iL-th left by recent Vi^Itriir*., wr siw no better w:ine?- than they received fur miufug
traced nfany while man - objfi If. I-'toth this coal, reprdtftl this ^li>w projjfi^ o> a frightful!
we assume th;M Hn topmost IndTili Heptisil- I
waste uF lim,^ and money Lt-fl to Ihtnr uwn
muhl dale from aUjul 650. for not hmn niter 3 mftiiorb they ruuJd hnve emptied the eutirf
That time white traders appeared in thv siren cave in a few ilay^. But gtadrially they
selling Erinhi?^: tapper lintcflefe. hfuss aleish ebaaped [heir vo-ws, As Ciidi man found
bells, jniil beads We fnund in*nr of wwne valuahie- relic a |hi|i^hefl — bone nwk a
llLLest- fchhi^k carvrrl fri^m deer's (m luniir ;i

For the fir>t sjvrrd fatt t?ur dm firuih&i ijtl 546 a isnnile ^bell ornament
1 p wntill e?;- l

mainly pieces nt hruken pcjttefy\ «r prii sherds, plain its riunL lira nee tn him ajid
tin bed and limkrsi fionr- of deer bear
i-^i mute hs Impressed the min its enm-
raccxmn u r ki y .mil 1 tut Ii I he scrap] ties an
1 l>eripd amuni thmin-lvo bi -te whncniild find
iiiui^ik from hundred- of primitive rnerjl- best artifiurt^
The cave man wasted no food- Ihpiiesi wwr There was bJw, especially m first, another
tu remove ranmiiv and i-vrn skulls were
^ I
i 1 eh'iiii k >•: ' i'i'riLJit Mai \ I rhi nil i I .il
The Pit Grim*
Workflrf Pitc-I U ifk
LLiviih- iif I’ruhfctuTy
FftLifltjfn Tree dwwn,, star
Warmer iKtiilde Elie mriLMimiK
n&d L^eUi illa,% sfniuml whm
tstVr trim ^ujltn] niui'Ut (iJOTi

B C- Qnfru-al UvJi hy their

fhr« h (hr *»F'ksl >t 1 lerlfrt
frum tin.- hniiL'tl
W^ptcri *lfULk pllit;%' Itlj>
D£;a£ the h« iver levcL It mi
.Lick EC Tih-Orh ijhlil if n w< n : i

hfl-ft I
> Mv to vi jJL Ijkr
L'LKjti’ Vrji,'jjiJint dnuch they
§qurtii;il (hr ituCf (hmufih Ihnr
firm'!- Up lini E Jirtifm (»,

Part* 532. 1
hawed Juhu \7n,bi»fi
irifltii'i foand I Ii>l
tkektDEi pk
tiam! tin ru-ut - t-a i,

4 Cti l!
Student* Visit
I lit: \ i 1 1 1; 1
1 i.i4±ii^ia E Siu
Mill PLtic! MNNHBCft fru-MI !tr. I

tfnh'tjdly id Chuttanwjpi hear

a k'L'EuK hy ahch^hsgiil Mlllnr.
ihe .nt hit I hr
hto n p ri
Stidl .(rt^tituiiuD _i n il ihi-

Njtktrud its sihJc ^isirif B y

liriuir u BrmvL-t, Mr Hblluvwy
drttlululnlte 1
he way n? U r|ij

the |
id Mik? fiiKHsib,
HP SIhiLLk^J Gu^nnilibf jLiwlrci
jLr-.'k- dJuri^;s7uii
l ' l I * I

fur we IntjUi' fv i
a nuu’iit'L

\% wt worked our way

d u w rt 'Adfri, i in- jh tt ry l

showed .l change Iri h.i 4- 1

ness and decora ion A I

about 1 1 vi- feet it

pcafwt iltcp^ether
This ww* ^piiftcunt : it

11 leant wi' had raichefl ll

level of human
[rfrluiiinry Mn Im^mnmst
of Woodland culture :ind
the nwl id whip wc h'mi
The date far this
bfcVJl estate
lishud at iii jQiit 1 .000 years
lie I ore tbr lurth oi l
l urn’ lla^kwtird

( i ii ^r.l fa it ! ii a 1
1 cm % were
cifLir only and is we
duj: in tW dim anil bh;nl-
i*wy Cave the effect \m$
almcKit a- [m- If w wrrr
sonally traveiann bark
ward time cut off fruin

iJit' nifwkTn world hy thick

liffirstollr walU. Xnw.

1000 It. i\ r It wa?* fasci-
natltii-, Ijp think of what
would be huppetisritf m I fir

r<tsi uf rbr ^orld

About thi? nme Kinrr
column a Wniilil lie ruling
eti i'TTiid, The nach ot
£SJ W‘JI V. E 11 f ,1 i

!; riillMr ,fT
Kpy ptlan c ilvlll nation

\ninml linne? Tall dio Sicvry n l \niftcm Mjei as it I Kumtcr a I had already
otis tin- Nil.
pptf ttlHwrtJ t mi i-
of J13CQ H I
$fpptiftr tfl liiii i- iLtjv-ii-ri
it> peak, kirme
I i r ttw:j IjiLl-ifliJ thi.iu chetLuJJi. Thu Janii nkull i hijj ifom • uch .i
and Carlhfi^e wnuhl tint
hum I Smaller nmnn ikuSI cmihrrJ Iiit its la£t* brain ri.-.-.ct
rven he hunt Ftrr another
Lutwr: M»>»t liii 1'i‘s in tfcw wwiit rAvvwJtiil towr Imncn, IfcdmSEttjt ihb fewer
Jan — tfVjiStUtr lhiil .\Jjil- eTL.i JiilTi llLLCItiJil Ihi jnJJV:J;3n L 1 1. <vi -ilEli h Ut 14I' 4tfn lun t'rtturb^. £

What was it llkti Id livr

hr''ii ,
vrr| iho .my tpm "t 1 Ur 1i"W'l " i
»i r in ;i mvv in B. ( .? Frnni things we
tmunter i hoard of buried “old Le^eiuU fniiiuj in Lin.- Alabamn depiisitj miirl frcaifi

p&j»*d an from thu d*ys of caily tliinu- wr did not fendt, wr tan 1n! nee a 1 rra-
(jimattp Lhrm Thomas Russell. for whom 1be ^jniibly deaf f>t^: lu of i cave matts dally l-

caw was named } hinted at jk*1(I hidden by Since We b.iumf » agricultural imtNh'inents
the r peek :ujd t 3nrqkee Inti tans who had n 1 i
liir Ii r 1 h we Hurniised he did nut :mw any
lived in l hr itrffl- of hty 1n-Nl Hl^ sak muirces of supply rnu^t
Aju iLheT sturv.
i Film the fiirlv
TF13 :
— of have tjeen hunt ini*, tuitl u Mthentis iii

llrkfet'l iuit AhlluttUH, Lull! nl i\ train mbberv otilii u;rLLin. imt*. and fruits,
in which two anrted men muck- tiff wilh a He lis’hed with bone hunks, prufcuibTy usin.L
fortune hi gold* \ |
itrtM- tracked them to w cuths ;md io^eeb for bait, He cracked nuis-
Russel! t ave Both bandits were kilted, but ^eb find other shrllBsh With sbmMlpperl
the gjolrj nei'rr Euond \\ ;ts It buried in %veapi>tLs In- rabbits . Mjrkeyv. iul'l khu,
the ttm? If su, we iiubs in the wmna plate, ijpaSifiinis r dwr, nn>.l other imiuiats
l . - — m

I Sit A \ rli i> \^5ir l in an \ a bama

I Lave 555

Hi* chi- pi s;!r bmvwr mu? I hnve S»t'en UemiiviJiL* mi object like- LbU from iJu 1

kiUiii|i I irLit — .1 itihnii I

ible ud vermin far :l [Mi;ked earth of ihr cave vm$ di-livale i
niuu iLritinl \ mk with ft 3>idetirfcft id Unn Aftn 1 hnitsuTid> of years bad heit

thi> an- not dfxly Mu* bmts wie found td mn-i crime estrenwly fraiple — mneii w That a
leve-L-hut bears- fnih tinwvfed t** bti worn bemh rather th^n a imw A v^itlld hnH."e io tie
as necklaces, doubtless ~i- murk.^ of pfr5li.:r u*rd to mtinvn thv dfrl nmutnl it.
Russell C&vt* jEihrt! feidmsnctl not Sfnt'f 1 1 was Eate in tbi- even me when wt
nly nrckltufes bill rinjfs and ear plugs tir stone, fciuud the basket. [ dockkd in wait uniTI
shell and Bruit- and f tainted them-lve.^ with mormon befons tryinE to dj^ it uut. i diil
in the cave.
fhutik-i nf thix red ore wet* found pick up n >ma I f loose section of it am t wm
of the
r]>.L roJntrs by now $l\ c-mfirmeil amateur
Postli 1
1 Jes Mbit >l i Rainproof Shvlki^ 3Erh<*idu?fiits. were him rty as eiteileirl nh l w.i?-

The must have been aa moved.

c,ive dwellers m
^siifiui wv drove homr that
ih i- fliscn%-v:ry. \> 1

ji> sve wvre at times. by water dripping sroni t%ht f n>ost of us commuted io the tfift fruro
I he ri .rjf !

1’hi-uLrh this wjitir ajpitntl} h F

South Pit ikt™. 15 mile.- trnay
I -I all we L-ilkwt i

no? lad**n lieavily enough with minerals to nboiit wn* the Iwhet: how nlif ii rofghi be
pTOClirtii- the large siu tactile* found in some what we could learn Frun^ iL^ pcrt^tractfoii a rrr|
c a vof it c i>e havr node sh v n.c tin atin
j i
i e- ra. ilispff. what the seeds in were. ii

able F r-un [msihuk's we fnsmd still clearly Flirt when we fentered the cave the m xt fc

< utUrted. a mid gpjess that the- cave- fatti- mu riling wu wt-re iJUinayrd to find ii |loth>
flfcs pti-U"' bil rlh?msrlvvn bum Un- dripping basket sredn. anr! all. Ibirinu tht niidit snmr
water by erecting ?onie kind of a aympy uue h?ul v;mduflUied thL'tuvr pat ofily rltstroy
probably of hides settrf tour her. l the basket but also Eji>imjm> several huge
Iires were hustt sn holes in the cstyt; Hunr; boles in the side and nf nttr pit. Wlmt
I'l-.C rkpraghw are ->iiM here, filled with i dbe he rnr they) h.iinrl and reoiimd we have
ashes- and charcoal Smoke me dentally, .was i
no way of knowing.
quickly wattl'd ;ririiy by tin- ramr air curreid Froth that time on we were forced to have
that. cools the caw in summer. The cave ii iir^ht watchmmfi on iSuty wtfnelhfng 1 tiad —
Iwotlers ftt<? 3 round the fire* H-m) when tiny nut tboifphl oeccjsspry UHnrc .since the lelirs
finished pkawitys ibe bones* they threw them tluiugh tff tcrral ^-ientitic jEMportanLe, Jiaw
uni hhly no tbe ilcH^r liltJe jiwiifcei.Lry valuer
Eventually ihr debris from old fires and
last mouths imifib strong for iM C.w he Mnn Suffered from BjiJ Ti^pIi
primitive houyevhv$. und they carried in It was whltfl dtnnitui up after oisr nmht
quantities <! earth nm\ rovrrtil it all up. lay- yialtoirs tliat we found -i hirmalt tmrkil If
inti a dean new floor I he vandals Junl h!i:s= four ieichts f'srthtir. th<?i
\Vr hiiVr a^umedt iii fact, lhiit much of lhe wo M Imvr fuuiirl him, too .r middlc-ii^H
fill in i. hr cave m u:-i have been carried in lor ut'ntleman intttmd In a TemiiltKed po-itlnti
Hm purp-w. It U difficult p. s-x limv els* He iuirl been plaeeri siroW; ^.OpO ymn a^o
it could have been dr^wsEled, since the floor Til shallow hole und covered with debris,
-i-rtin I'm litajh to liaye Item ihM^Irr! often, UmesloifE stubs hud Uem ticid .m t^.f» nf \\w
and windbomc dust could Mtijfly euto umt uravc and tJie^e in time hiid si-nlr-il ind
for fso much m^iLer iiil. tiuUy crushed t3if pape =^4rji

Before pottery was devised. I he Archaic Or a let whole cr\'\\' ,

the on r who devefnjied
people i!* [>t»udi «| i n bii k vtswcfei rod baskets, rlw; k(.Tne- i
fntenmt ir: tlir anrhnulo^lcuJ wur k 8

though of course these continued in ii±r. In wns < laud llnl'nwiiy . a yweift virtues ulm
-iiime extra! vr» alter pit bay.
So it wel^ hm\ lets! a lei? in World War II. tfc now
hiRntiLciani Ehai lll iLmeie seven feel we came
imderti'h^k ir> dig the skeleton out Be -ptoii
upin n l>stEt|tf -t_ ihfi-L- wielding blk brn.vh and trowel
cfoyu at it.

Tiw basket was saucer shaped, about fO with iilmost inrri'fjiblr patiencu and iuv «

ini hi-7 in diaiueter, and ma4fi n n fd slninds From a prefimfnaiy c^Jtmfniilioii

uji thr si c e
ut MTfcLv.’ i'lIwt sewed together ft filled we learned that lid? cave dweller h^-l lieeo
.. ‘Ii fpmr wild gtaln the
-n ail fleets, ptiil..iM> 5 feel 2 inches mlIJ. ahml 4S years old whim
L ive men gathered and ate. Both seeds and hv died, mtd ft^terina from aji -Lilvvinced ca>f-
basket wtM harm i I of pyorrhrjj. A
detaJIci! study of the hkvk-lun

5l f i
FJk’ NuThuvhI Cn'tigriifpliic M ityyi / i ntr

at Llit- Smith sun inn Institution fa Was-MnstD]!, \ntmcj The teem uwq Eo ded^rm i c rlicssc

(h (
' . \\\W eWiiT.ik.L ly teach us mud mnrr IH'uplc is FaJctJ-lluliini , Wlf were lu Tind

hiIhjtii ihb Stoiw A«;c Ammuiitt. 1 ilr I

r tf:kJ_r- hi Ku-'fll l
Burinl witb iln body were Eihi form* i- 1
• r *
and sytdt dpn>= »F
)rc of rhe In -si knlswtt
|.n finis and, udilly. 4 heavy, cylindrical the J'alhik-ljuliiiE^ is thi 1 oIm mi poLM a <h-]i- ;

stuofi iibtiiil 3 2 inches Imiii:. a^[ for ciftdy fluked ;rml curtHttly ftmaved stone
.nimrinii food— [initial ih wild jtram iipainst weapon tip quite unlike the [wiinl** we liad
u luck mortar bwn fmditifl. The nnrtie c‘uioe> frum rhe vit-
feTNuJ^h, |h? diL'It'hm iff ;i lnfje of Folsom Xnw Mtfdat. where sudi h

Small ifu^ wr found nt 4 r.finhtK lawpr level point- were first discovered In jiBroekitkini

lis till Ijetiii a vets

i a much Hum ca refill burial with Mu- fji>nes of now rxibict animals. Thr sir

than Ihv man. Its tomb; was belter brail 1

3^e but bwn p^Libhshed a I 3 tUJOD yvasrs and

with a stun i SiiL-.t
ami slab -^irli^ io protect olrfer (
pape 544}.*
tht bcKljfi Ills '.'i r
! I -".lI ihrihnL fo Fact, that
dujkfs wen h.-[ltu m t h i
rn Archaic time, and Howard 11
Eh sired for :i Foikniu Point

tdjthly v.iiiia'il ior LujutiHLT. A broken >lune L Jniuch Foist jm pcinfei have been found in
lilude 1
, hi In: DTi luirM with (his uin- perhaps t hi- t.i.slrm 1 idled states —some a in Fact, not

A* :t tukrsi of ivftecljon. far fmm Russell Cays—onur has been found

The rfr.'CjM'f wc rJuw ibe further back wi? imihinUirlird \n i nni^iny with hi charuul, I

u'oinc^sHl Jo. time —mid the more huimtl^nt I in if l i . arid other .mu n i - left by e*u ]y majL.
we !_>. rr-w Archaic
to prioress still further. \ 1 1 1 since a stum uhje* t by itself caftnM Ik':

rpliuir dub^ bark, rmn+nly iu *000 B i .

Sl-j '
! cc A iri Alan. 1 Ftr !ln1 Ararrinui. '
| nor to ilmT ts f find a culture (hat indudrs

I‘h 1.1 Skill; It HrJu> . XatKiSAL tiE%H'J .tnnL. SliAiaA/s^i,,


I he vitv rdHh'M tii^wts itJlsibit&uts of .North OtidalicTi V*55m

Caw Ou ncru .oid Arrheolo^uEt iixjmrne a Mii^I Shd] Vi uni hy un Abm-L^fnii] VEubumlun
WMwttt dn i'kVi|ik-i!iLlirm

thr «aVr iwn'i h-lt^Ii

of Mi an.«l

ilr-. than Rfdto
.mUi-r MUSiIt CccriLrf
tunL place hnidr ibn HEdfety*'
l co-ulra
w luvr
\ 1 . E 1 1 1 I

1 1 ; i r ni l li> tin iMrliuli )


idfUilkI the cbu id b 'j

[MMriT irk II MCI t V I KT llr-

t-mnined wbtn ft is future]

with rruiterttil iif organic

urini it.
Thunk? ici pholoumptiit
l h h>fe-v Hi m r>y u it we hud
Til ^ eswllfnt pr- iurrs of
IrulHiprt ]
ii dills iln- S.\-
TUlXAL GKtJlrkAi ff
MmjA/ixj h.ii 1 puldi tied
earlier* A SZ5 prurc was
offered to ilir man who
found iht first onr.
I hi I ;j- > i Lit i^jccitwrwol
i iftw T iiur progress slowed
ddtorti. Below Uit d^hi-
foot level in the cave l hr
sandy fill in which We hud
Ih digging ftiVt wn> hi

soft. much sticky clay,

harder Ui work. An A in
thr I’tiy a. Bttlf lower, we

begun runnJps ini" tofjtr

IJnn>tonr -fal.- obviously

of the rave Jfpcif

Hint hist] [alien thtju^nnds

of years earlier home nf
^7 vnn**«j n. c -itpr. s vi 1 1 . > 1 1 u i ij-mptup.ip nac:

tlify* weighed hijt?.

W 1 1
1~ Hi l- s c: Itcinc Vwl.% Gave %nmcTi Fiutunm-d SuiE*. of "Skin
This wa! where <br prr-
I'nmilivr llt k-«-u fi u i 1 ikii IUiLl- tH'jnirS l£l m.iiii, h
«» ' 1 >Fi
1 i
viuib mipiiuc evp^if.fice nf
Sbaiji imptHurJ'it? pphrhircl hn|i‘i mlcjiu ’ll' U'nsivi lading Shill urn m lau.;.

r.i 1 r tUetl
1 N a- ri 1 1 n vn uali V | havi? hi tn ifiuklLL'i y-'ojtinc
1 1
cflihi ^ datura ti Ju twin Ik ;

knew vvicilv
1'hf •wv T
how tu
break them up.wllh a minimum nf damage. In dl^palr. We Would iiy to blast when
a ^irl of rilmtl iflviilwd, A h it
I'herr Wii> pmssilrle. fuii liefore nur .iQ-minut^ lunsih

hiVk- oi dynamite hud lutfn ^imtt^Joliy fK fiod or I

•<( i

fnn ai nirhi,
pliced. n cry would rine uui: .\s we ttmL deqior. lJu 1
dny ucriv stickler.
‘Fifr in Hw huEc! Ii i
lung in shr ikilra of hut shi*?* formijig
[very one would then leave the cave exiepl. great \ Sods made a difi'ii ult tu w:ilk„ ft

the man who liidsit-il the fu>e+ \ev( cuiv a dlsin-Irurutol the brittmni of our |mijwt Lia/gs.

x^rir-. of -hi'iM- from with in: thnl .h bund huti in In |ikceii undw eacli
“ Fine jutnflicr iUiei' i air- Finn ly I sifl 11117 ! -i : lttic hnpOSSi 1
u . 1 11

Fire number twol J stt'ail. KjJih ounce of |iT3 hud to be kiWfuM

ire mins her iliW" llmutiLdi -lie Einger^ liki Hotuih lo urn! ihe
Then The 1&5E man would come ramrinj r si mt! 1
and \umt ariLFarb
out. anti n few Mniutuhi birr ;i thunder my, mar
would rubu from the cave Invariably Ehp
r^i i/ii Rutiiflois I u^fuhned
sLih wuuIlI lie kfiiAiki-il lulu [>Enn^_ { kruslonally onr of ihs- men would hr oiv
] 1 Lji rj fritted ;ii hr^s \hs\l the ex|dQsidnv he hiji] found .1 l-'okum \mint Fir would hull!
miRhi muse hfw t«>c kfiilis, or flftfii wreik Tin 1

up a muddy object and sbmit rsriiedly:

flijt Ibdf Bui i hiiisk' iri the skill of the "Ilex, 3 Hx;

f think 1 ve rmI ii]

miners, ihr unit w.i- tn thr siorHff, Kill e'dch iJim fc

whm 1
hr hJrv
Thi? Jikitins Itself ddfiVAd
u$, bowi'Tr far ofi, ivi 1
1,1 err di^appi 'inkii. S!rar thr I 4-hnjt
if left thf pit nl-d wiih ?our--melJLim r ryr- Wrl. it l? U'ur. wt wrr-it irndihu projectile
stinerlriL'- *moke T but innk tm hour i*r nwe |" litiL • 11 im thi earliest Archaic iierlntt, iuul
i | L l 1 I

— T
U. L
j!4 h HI H r.lMr Vu[hui1 fliiivmiiiiB ^)^.

Im^jiBirioa Pimrtiirts Sfuul Siwll* Strunii lilt H NtH'klte^ thii \ liJ^st-1 L Hird iI-n ji SppOR
Eii-.iivulUT? WtesS Irtrth men a nil wnnu-n wwi' th» Intic'liy. Klriv I] rfftt niratlj fitk a nUnf* finlrn
{.iiuijki cI^e in c^ntrt tf-md fl4 uniniiwn Mti^rLkim^biLputl pJur at Inp mwit u jiirMicni cm.

?umr which rosy alsa have Ki€^n u^d by When earlmn 1 4 of t tii^ ehaniial lire

rale^p-liiriijmf fi m diedL we -.\

ilf h r-T n ittdcfUr lini*d4Wfc *E*.tE

\Ve ;l!m> LiJiLitviirrrl . Enr.Hr tli-r 3 vve§I level, aur UhjU, sheUv L» 'lies, and
Jjljt ijrmriirhl:-

n pi on ui Stuhf which I Ideatjfinl n> rkjirl of nJmast century by Century,

mi ufkrt. ii. primitive viM-iir-ihiwmjs rtirvk*. Tilts w
throw new" Jinhi nn the history of

The name outlet from the A&tre?> who wd the whole rindhc-ash^n Jutted Mule?* m it I —
It in hunting ami wiirfftre Hie h mtmd rtili
y its primitive pcoplf Hue it.- filnm cun!
hafe In tlic stfiM iras probably, bored with .tiii mu 3 life &a well.

,1 trod rolled between the pfclitfr, li>.Ljiii

hollow-' I infirm by the finor level of the unfilled

sml on the tip U3 cm ftbr^tH-cwe tpnqe 544}, cnvi'rn ne-.i to it. however thi' rut:k lujtlnqi

But wr hiive yet to Hud a Foli^om point, nt Ktusdl (

*sw ttmy li«
^ much 26 bel
and the 5S5 prfW I* slHt unclaimed. bfcltiw the preMil rHwie„ That WouW leave
ns 12 i>fL mpte in di^-
Mystery Still Ucs I n Jerfont 3s men ocVU)>ied sin- cave at this Imest
It [;. 1 jv
in i i'.mm i l:- certain llmT m y
=-ti4ill find Il'vi'I, i hi irn[Nn-£imee of the site will be in-

FftlhvTndian.* and iheJr reiki we di£ us rreasenj iffnienrliitisly ITii* i> ^protilattlhn

deeper \ frw im.hi--. farther down we may { inly time md nsort- wairk will fell ll- what
•strike iK'ilrudi, and itfitt will tie that. -hll Lie- in the aneiciii L bem&tth evur (eth
If <CJ, Hi Emu'll Civ* will si ill rank 115 a W hatever we ftml. much credit due Fa

irinjor jrc 3 itii}lj|. Ical

dltttovcfjrV Other dijc^ the men wl>Q hmustht the taw in uur iitten-
ha vi- produced older material tltiili we have tnuj Mr I'aid H brown. Mr. LeB nfuti \V

yi-1 ]i iluli'3 n Irw h;m- ^ >:i :--t

tttll i
raltmi'v^!' Mt T. nil - H- I' ifld Mr, !

nu hi her <itc art \urth Amcirk* ha< provided J, B. (xj-uJidm. Fhirse imir. nil mi m: u-i - trf

1 l\ 1 1 ih-t.ii Ii I
-ir.ttiLH ilLujll covering iso I'm. i the Tenn esser A ri: hfl£^ j! i ic ; I
"i n n r
y 1
• • i i.uth

lime s[\M\. tef.i ionised the imv^rtjuii e of Resell i

hi ilI? kvei> w iuund n-Qt nnlv a turn don t i; I ml also reiLlr^rfl thj.[ ibs ronlatfU mfidti^d

artifacts nflrf bane relirs. but n U- L"lujr«»;il » study by a nulmnal -briaiJiic oraLmi^Ltion,
— , I

Shtpworms, Saboteurs of the Sea 55*>

Scientists Seek Combat Teredos, TiflV Wljiid-bormy

j.v^ t<j \ 1 1 vilusks
Thai Topple Wharfra and Sink Ships

Rv !\ (h W U/rriN Smith
DirvLlitf, Tlsr Marini Ljl-oraturv i mVflfcifti: cf .Miami

HIPS hunk in battle, rfodU wrecked by vmivu? To begin with [i tv n- not eveni

aerial bombs, of vessel losl m si utm^


— hi 3

these urr visibli
fr irm

motrly rektnj
Eip]9farancc&L F Ihi; teredu
Eq the oyster, rlun
tn a worm;

and mussel.
Despite mil ward
a inullusk irlntcL!

dcHnarti m. Bui t*ycr .'linue mujt Lnmiibed \l Jrrr-.i ^iizhl the creature :L|ij^:ir^ ip \w
his lii si primitive wvmrlen emit, there hns -imply n l.m^. ndt unprotciUid hifty Cliwer
been an E*< | u.Llly drJinjLTivc farce at work Hamtnaiion nfwals lhaE the paiml shells
unseen silenl, us id often uittiispotrled. Lo&mwn tu blviilw hioUusfei liiEVE here Me*
Wherever a whjin nr filing stautb in salt ciulw rttlttcrtf to two snuiTS un ved plates th.n
water or a wooden ship lies in The sen, serrnt lf(‘ alongside the heail. Musi of the shelf
4$iLb miL£ "-viiii tn attack. Theif activities: tc- *urfa. r Is ripir| ipciJ wfth n;wrs nf fine tevth
count for entity million^ of doRans'ln ctethAfft hit away the Wimrl ss (he aulmaT
each #war. cicamieA n- tunnel <|Ki \lt 563 I


Tiie principal villain I* fas^ificant* Why ? \ ructitres cnflnpe^ and bruits sink
Ifhifcfnff, s 'ft‘br>died creature tailed rrie tm-dn without wariijM^ understaod It we ras> tn
the ^kipvv.ini3 ii b .1 l;-4i termed., cntiT- *ub- I-ink al the Mmrnw Et^]f. \1 though the
nuTiiid timers while very m^al] and grow* Lwers burnt a Hint ,i qnurtt ranch i-- 1

rapkjly liutitf# the wood as works. Myii;ul.- ii thniUL^hurl [b nu anflenjiu in the iv.<i,m thr | 1

c tf the creatures riddle the in El: rim unliS iht cntnHacf appears 15 scarcely mare than a
HV u I I If -rrriflLinr h*s hi Til hrmryComffct'H pTiibnle.
Thus. wilhiiUt damage MfiLittable op ihuT At the Mnrinr Jjilxjnitofy, U(Dliverstly nf
mit&uk an L'titm- vEj m tutr -mb N-nly Mi;* mi where moilne hoFe:^ arr Iwdrui in-
ill' r m iti bA lit llo a ii three irton t hs from tensively studk-rl, it ii paEsbfc to watch ihr
the time it was built. living ?hipw Qrm an sraamtef Links. \
over ! 1

the surface ol an inf^ted pi ec r of wn-id liny

Ship Lkpnrti >t itli Dock Attached llte, nr siphons, slick nut. t Mh
jm t- hchmsp

The fate of a fishing vessel tied to a San h\ i si ei draws in water for

air shspwrjrm ii

l-rands&fp wharf riratn:i 1 1

the unseen. mi ii- breath mu thrujfh cue rqlie ctnrl rvpids
l I'd tiMLin nf 1 hr Mupwi^rm. While Lb tilt
er'Jvju-TL-d w.i it with waste products i

crew went oAhufe Fur lunch, nut Linl> the through ihtr other (paiie SG5L
ship but plrl of the wharf drifted awifiiy in a
heavy wind, Weakened by sJiipivorm* Khipwoi^n L ay- IOOhOOOJMRI lirttS'
hf 1

wharf undrfWiElcf iimbor*-

-Imply broken |-i;ie-| J<tse;ircii at M’lami Hus shown thnE ship-
tiff Wi 'trn - may become Kptlly untim- withm
Ttl situpworms multi-
ir ipaii •
turns especially Iwm niuiiths i'f rntirr{n|i the ’A-ii-fid. During
ply so rapidly that the effective life bf un- the nf a year stune Iii| i
w -
irui?= b cLi^lk.*-

iriMtid timber muy Me fittfe more than sis into the water th«* aatti^nc t"1al of IUQ.G0E3.-
nm.-nths. Ofin Thus the itifestiitimi may sprtud
A fra years nun a Inna wooden trestle £jEiIck]> nEiii^ ii^citirtflid trttiber provirief a
TV'Ji biiJil nilSand Island Il-mmUitu ln-mi 1

Harbor to ttny Hie equipment used in laying In rrrtaio kind^ nf vhfpwn.rmS th^ runs e.1 i>
n concrete sewer ijutfali.. S jur Lhr trestle vdop into Ii™ inside the burrow uT the
wai- needed was imt uuly TrnipnrHrify rt renuile Whadtever tafpns, sooMr nr later
t reiiici Mur finitei tinn against marine hcitsTs.
1 hr lb tie borer is >wicnmiitff ahum m the
Hut the sbifiwiiirms w m the me* in le>5 1
water. It fs verj 1

small P perhaps 1 200 of

tbati 70 div. s EatK c sections coU&pied, drop- mi Jndj in dimnetrr. Tht> b ihe reason why.
ping heavy machinery inEn t he h\l, when it hnaliy enterji the wood, only a small
W kind of creature Li this marine stub- burrow m-cd fie made.
: 1

Tbi ilnpist Dun Menker.

f^r i n^lancr mny nip t

some dt Ihe larvae from

a hreeditig hink and ob-
serve them under the mi-
rn^ntpr av they jfwtlTi in
sea wuter. At this stage
the ship worm is roughly
sphencaj and b? twn deli-
care transparent shells
which cover must of the
^ t

Ehihy Kwlti Mining,

Vtcaeki \\ msd

limdtaUJy giving up its

frtk- dimming career ih.^

begins to L'ltde ur
t.ruwl nil wooden snrfaices
h Y means of iLs foot a
lone project inn like ihul
of a snujl
the tip rjf the waving
fi lift'd ike FmM nwm lit

seek mil a jjewd ?%^ot on

iht Wood. [ti-furi 1 1
mu ihr
inf Lint slripworm ljrpns
to burrow' ?imijnbt ifi-wn
into the wood, t lu- fool
becomes sfiaBtr* and. a*
the burrow progresses, ibr
biffy lenL'tlifjL:- IejIh the
adult form. Frdtn mnv
UP i he burrow piiraJtels
j^j. I 3
.ii - i
t Hi» mHj ’’•In
1 1
iV' .nnlilp $ .iff

the -or Froze of l ht- wnml.

J^iirMike Hu ad Identifier ShipivrjTm a- j Mullock ] * mkin^ at the Inn'll,
VliRlflflUfl ) -•L. in at i iv ti j _iu-J tSiltii, Lke k-J iMiu -tab fui its wnv wsih imo on envfsigt* the evu-
GRjE through Im>> l vi’iwiiSz. Twin valve i ubk 4 wiifi mi;ri>H'ii|Mi: ufrlh spell 1 1 ii fi ui id shipwomis fiom
rrjLn fuf UlTfn elected litlPfli lnlSnni in.J m.irlrir timber? I'bc W'l!fiLCL iiduli
a izhimtike iinecstur
HUmMiigv- uii-i-r tfi stl Lrur-h i:s- Thii F rroiJ n , maflnTfiffll iiiiit ]n dniwn
srcin: ii L: 'z l.'Ji i*. i, Jt tiw. M;innc Lolktf*luiy *A lbL l tA\ ti -iu r,H Miami which, from giniph hu i-
1 . irk wciinc nn the lei I of I he jpbrrhni! Iwrl cm Minn the- miTutii nrwinjit in rnud or sutuL
l»fgiln u.i niiike shalbw
As Lln !
Env.ufrr nut[K its. why into the womL Jn ilos In mu ii I Tor Et- |
n otLM m. i« I ji.irst-

it jjrtiws rapktly and 3nun makra-tt burr in*- phose Uffden X Lif-h

about f tss- width of a pencil n-r wider accord-

Some primal Eihfprorni FinintJ ^inie
ing to lrath
hi: i|HTirS Bui in \W wuod.
enErainze ramnhtt jm Lanier than is mir^r y
And tasleii Li and found il gdod.
fur t lif sipfcsotis iii [irin|tcL
That is why vour cousin Mav
a boat s plank!- may seem squji d on
Fell with the dock m the ,wa today 1
the nuisidt even though riddled wieIl worms-
WhiTi this happens;- aim I iroaklhriimdi I'hefe Me many difTtrent sjjectes of shlp-

aE a weak point is Tiuces^ury ii- open op Lin

W nrms t hti n c hi of them
i no r hr wi ir 1 1
v ;

rxteimive leak .it ad perhaps sink the cruft. cau smwnY'e only in sea water. Tim accounted
Ti* iYimhfji the thiiiYVi uni it is necessary inr u ’<'1 <rtir pmuA «»f wlurf c$iUftps£ near

io know how it opera les. so scientists at San Fraudscu

Miami have btt=u u:iicbltt£ the w«> in wUjlJi 'Set Cfirtd /flrffli'ifiji - , by Ol'lI^sl N’.a-h lluJc
the iiulr iTCtiUirr eiders the yytkkL Elrviwu ind- CiftttprthJ . zy by OJfidoj Xs
1 f 1

+ Teredfra hvllcd T\u% l bri * kitviLiiLrJ Pile Re fray* the Grihtrlu:

^WiL’n imitii! if'| i 1
1 itii" L I j i Biii Eli Vu |, r- Pelik-p Lhr ihip\vurm. this iai%
u i
, «jkNn tttllilfBed iVfrTmust: In I'jJb. A ftMirinr buriT aLLuls tli* wtafr tif imhicI, destroy-
IIWM^ wi'im* ISe ftlmturr Kith, tlfiipiKd fust in ing \i by pr bv k-,r m J|n- S&fcJ* .Vm 1

ilitH' Tin.' JC-yim-oM Iirj.|£r I&;m 9 to En n i*Uml nacbi ilE=ci loui rh h tiJfltrtff M Kry VU =

Ei - 1 - 1
T rfi -^n, >j| | Irrntal Ow*tr*|*ir Wit!
At Mure Tsl.i ml, b<>-
oiu^e rj( he relative i

freshness of Lhe water

little damage was done

by ^bipwcitiria uaiU p)] u

Sn that year the rainfall
w ;kj- ibe lowest in funr
da atJe^ V- ;i result, -^It
miser Lflrntj farthei imr]
farther in’tii ihi harl mr
cijuioLihigiT^ iht- spread of
’hifiw^nns uprfrcftfti
By the bill .if [^19
vwliurve? Isfaah In niltapflc
ol their uivn wef^hi. at
l linjLmJj I hi! impin'. I of
docking vr^tk Before
ny ea 1 i 35 ed w Iran



r i*
,i c

h 1
1 a

Som® speties i>f ship-
worm "row in 1
.ddt s-sjt Ji Vuslmlta a
|jrirr;r I'dlEfd Di
t wtMlft evi'E.'ib aai Inti
In diameter and >\\ JVet
in frnplhd E-'mlunately.
Looking dmv.ii (he Th-mat; (be Ituxinuv;* |\rnj ci( u Teredu Prujects h'nro u It; he Iki-ard.

fm cithi i* aji1i> a! (hi mntilh tin t vl- i n vlilfr*, —

«r dtf'lh nwv:itilr enryed jjfeuLu* >vlc h row- eel

I e-dip like lliuse ni n file ('UpfMnit?) — whkh nip away ihr wiHitl Fni'Hlhs I hr W9(«! |)u|p. I hu jhipwnrm
Ul '.I Ul‘ • LLi III- Lu lLCk' h,. A j l I
HfeEffh itulk'-hlr*

muni for Is restricted \n is.s dl-lnbutsuri., [ a i arid it sail to line tfiif! ship ivi inns; uther
\li hi n:_i h icredftf muse tremendous daiMa^r mullmis btrfc iiuu wekkI ihmidi they nfukr
' i r
yr.Lr ikrv als3 SPTVC I Lltaful purpose— only rather siipe-nicKd hale* |-"i i r (his reason
as fi.Ktd In Thu Band ium* milivts |iLml X vtQpkaga iih '1 Jftfrfeenf. ns they .ire daJItrl
iJ -lift Win-jd .il IHjp lUuUlhi <4 ‘4r^;inH, ttireh oiise seriems i Inman* 1

Later they raise the .youcI and ral the stiip- JJ-t-?. i.di
- I hr nn iHiih'.i i: farms, nether borei^
ViifTtm inside it. \ai« I my \witm] ,dm- ilfna^ submerged w*x>rj ;
-Jirnr uf then! urt,

ridTits a haw hmh regard U*r v he faod Viilue capable iff duifig more ha mi than (hi- ship-
4 ‘Mpvvurms, Butb ihtrt and in the Fiji warm, Furtiiualely- their htiirmjts arr eesfly
hdaiiiis trrt'dn- Jin? <-atrn mw ipawes 565 ;md Seen si i
they nivi- plenty wf warmin'
5h«ri ) - The niriU widespread mi deslftrEive of
1 1 a . 4

h p ft
i nr rms * ba box u rs of the Sc i

is tht uribblc. a cSU&tactim related lo metal parts uf the rudders were eiit'-n ilwtiv
the pi S I buL' and nixMit the size c:« f ji gipln vtmiiuHy. lead vv;^ jiMridoistrl and the lime*

if r hit. this itsimul bare*> wood by honored mixtures nf tar, pitch, nil. and sulphur
mean* one un either Hide uf
uf -stout jaw-., cmHit back into usr,
the rnuuLh, Ihitli uf them are pr> tvlrinj with CtJppcf sticathins' was highly fa w- red dnr-
sets of sharp leclh. which are more mnspicu- itijt the l£lb and early lvtb Lejituries. But
iiLtr on the Edi-hatid member,
i>^ethei the ! incretismu cosl mid the necessity ol actant
jaws form a rasp and file tool, 1 rpho'ernun I ilon-pirei I tii lniuLdi it.

Tht mihhU' hnrmws uiih n fmrtinu of ,m Wncr il ben, many nHempls futVrr bwti marie
inch bflMv tlii; wind's s'u r fitip ami ctm Iritvi tn liml ji tM-ulmrul for wsHtden hulls And
ttaluipb the Wiilc culm net* nml so infest new Air 1 n 1 1 Id \u-\ j
1 otlt Eh li borers.
wnotl, As the borrow?; spread ,
die xvm^l The many mixtures ined •w
hivve fncluri«l
break* away, a nr! the ^ribbic- start,*- new quicksilver, p him barm, silieates+ f^ttii -perdu,
borrow^ under the newly ei^3iv^d soifuct. asphalt -.belLir; ^uiLrn mff dnnii i: 1 ny fat 1

t i racUiu ly It ptmdjaits, layer by layer, until

J -.iaiJu*;L, luiir nine. ntl+ ami snot Various
die wood is destroyed Ipa^e 5 b 1 k waeds, luu, navi! been tried t
im'Sinling iftnca-
lyi'itus ptrembeort, have an and others [hi!
A tw. iv Ei L *i 1 'i.iM J led \\ oud 4 iu njjry I ki vn rs
inherent resist pmee, either ii'-t- nf tmuun 1 •* .1

M; trine I
> iter 4 have IlH'ern a problem >=t lllt-l- >ilica mci unions at natural ells, Kotie has
man ftrst ventured njitu die sea, In no the -hi wti Lom|iU'[fi immunity, though -omv tiki

earliest time*, wax. pitch, and Lir were used t i:ak an? hbihiy rrsMjni

its protective couEini-s. Records show the At iiresent pressure treat men! with crap
tin- nf oisetik ani sulphur mixed with nil in I
sole «<r enwolv-tUiPl Uir ^.ilnl inn Ls thr: or-

4L2 B. C. msitlifid fur pre.Mfrviai? plHiizs, while a tn mu I

The Gfi tifc' used burl thins to ;rriitiJ L:t Ekttt 1 In u !i pi i' r
.i ini n ft* ir 1 Is mnta mm ]
.?< dn?-
their ships at least a.-. early a s tk third ri-ri- tLi.m for I runts.
n try It. Tht vessels of Archimedes ot s
j Respi te I he almost wortil-wii fc vlistr ibutiim

Syracuse had lead sheaths fastened vvaEh nr shipwomip. there was little wrier l i lie in-
beav ) IrulL'i, 1

tercet m ibtm tmtll fairly rd?ceni years, al

f Jurin^ tbv Irnie of Kdvv.inl Vt (ISiT-lSfJ} thKimrti \hv rlumii^v they caui?efl was rmifdcd
a desCTiptJon of rui LO.|>lnni(jory vt jisd stales. a.- far b:tck as the Classical wTrtmus uf ThOd-
...Elu'v hail hc-ifd an certmie pints uf phrastts aud Pliny +
hr *
kLiaa. a kinde uf wni iritis L :

hrnM^, whitb Some nf he. questions that rail For an I


mum 1 inifs jiHSftwMi And r.ult.'th thrpnigh iJi>- answer il thr dd|iwiir iii tn lie routed LMin- i

Ntnzdjrftst a'lfe? tlinL + jsn'j ... they rttvijr pktdy Atvi Tlow &*?> the l^b> tefiHlvi mnn-
a pi4?itr! nf tin kt 1I1 nf r 1
1 u shippe with ihirnie n^e, wilii its delicate shell, to enter itii-j w^ud?
sheetes uf learle..." In the rejgft of Churles Wlwit titc 1 1
u- w»k in the IkhJj' diem-
1 1 1 noO-J r>M 5 p ir was nr
defied that 1 tad sheath bL‘

u.mi) on ti^val vts^b T

Unfortunately, by this
rime irvic: fitting* were in
inmmnft use on siiLlijiiz

vessels^ ai\.l\ ihe Italy; lo 5 c

eff<xt 1 H -
wren tend and
iruaL w^ so bod tliat the

rciHh SiJjtilwt
It^i 1
1 Sl-l J F'l .ir |h

t'nll^i "hr rlnm, whtsjic

laOifL^il Vflkta irfVU U'. Ill

Ml line, Phi- O.LitlLLiu bluIIuaL

wrjLTi. IcrLilQud =latcL- i>o Lt-

hrnd ^htuv^tapb ahnwii mr -4

nf i>mi }nw’ majrnifujrf icci

^IiTaJ l If 1
r -' •>!
Varii nuL Oi"i|:dMifliii- -I
1 1 »

m i il these creatures
that rajy open t ]it- way
ro an even better pmiec-
tion than creosote? \l*o
of cmirse, 5UKtr uriHSSult
EmpregUiitioii aflariL, the
met ft effective pMtecji(m
against shijimimls, how
dues tt work?
Cnttisote is n CEimpfex
mixture to scores of chem-
ical by-products from the
dfaliiiatititi of i
iib t d 1 1 ! m;j;

ihr immiitav-ltirtf of cult**

or coal gas_ M \ f i.i m i

rxfH'TrmtTElf perf&nnptj k*r

ihr Navy hin shown that t

List- young ship worth (>

Min.siilvo very lou to
qtlotUilEe? of creosote
shaken up with sea walcr.
Cunixntriinuns gf lirs?
t: lija Ei i>ne fiart In a t niTlj iin

kill Nil* rthipwomi in h'fi

than ill ree bnuif at the
shine whim it fa trying Lu
enter the wood,
I .nr* i harb> f, Lane, of
the Marine ] a fc h i :a c 1
y .

Efts ik-vfacd ft delicate itnd

sensitive method is- test

separate nr the
creosote Bunts .ire
phml i» a spi-cmlly iL-
Tgtied piece of gjasswitfi
.uni Ll-| i I 1 : 1 1 1
- NLi:dly
DintraUiit cimditiuas of
tenifiertil inw E hr appto
thHih, known a^ .s rtspl-
ron if ter, tn^ftsu na ihi rah
at Which the young shi|>
worm or mihfote ah^irb-
i>,\\ :;i'n in mi I he writer as
pari of the notm.d prnc-
- - of lirraliiiiigp Amounts
oE cri-i i.Hote ion snutl to
kill the ic'rers ma\ be •w

tested with ibi- ;ip)iani~

Fn- through the ^tvene
tit j rcrs H iitwyCi 1 1 1 1 hvJ 'M> is T wither to 15 Vt ovks tStct that imisuli- ^vcrl-.
S^Epiwijrma u:nrt in avoid and mhj;f Tin n | rt/Mt, in \i\\ n'rmd, TIii'l r
Lipnn the bre&lMng ac-
bUFtrt-Wri liUl hcVn LOCltlELt , Tc _
- 1.
. i L .LIli'JLi IjL usd ’ll', AElJpUal dip* it
ihr i odLisil i.v.j 1 1 i i.uncLurrd
UnivrniLtv ol MiiLml jdirnlbli tunt Ihi * Nir-*Ir* X, tJi> '* tttifc M piM In ^ H'rTes of tests
nibnHinird in Bbcayrir Rua k wfini-i jU thr tforl of biirmtv* xurp £Lj.-
I i ,s i 3
r. Lane aj;id Kdrmind
l jli hi tic fsihiia chi. .mI Whitt-tipped plnliuLu^dfE etiiEiristite dinu faiwey vtvf

( I tjistqwrfd
si hut Icrndtb* Ficgan lionrtE as tuinUEt- larvae Ciniiv'h rirpcrirb Id [urn nnlure
that conceaiirLiri««i3h ert-
ol ibe ubed dTiLl TiUrttiuniUlif WIVLPF. Thtoc JtlUf* fltti! ftvrdnth FfUPFOU *
iniiar^i t*-!- !av<ind4r cmndfctha^ so lt« in ^jc.j water a-, low
N'lliiCt'a’* jtsli- i.j lid PJs lihut^L’JJifl]! IYl’DI’I tbc <H iT.divii.liii]- ns one part to .mOGO.CXJQ
TTKiy hr fEcItvtfjd Thus
Jl S3 (>' ccimj.iare
the r^laiv. r vftltie tmrcr
rletf rr^rsL- «-f iuji^S, if nrrit^

tif -'!-|i;ii\-iii‘fl by
ihe cbeirriojl tforL uf Ur+
TJudiia* Svmat\' mi tbe
Xd *-'Ji3 Research Labura-
bj ry.
In other experiments.
Dn ti Menker and Sac-
muiLil .\ Idler, *\t Lin- [n|-
mrUy uf Mlamli arc
finding i Lie .LiiMVri In mu
equally imptiftflirf qises
tloEh ll i
S. . 1 1 r Unit % n-'-
SQtM fe a JWrtttfcrffl)! TH«L5f.irt

to shij itvi ito- ll ill i tii^ l-

mu trim uigh ; >1 ip v\

i i
mi ?
mjjzbt foe juBed a> eji-ity

by pheiui: (Iil'hi in it nip

iiS stmnp LorTtre nr m

ler. Thv
m ll till

is to

something is mi m.ih
p< lisonuus bus c;ld be iiv
tarpnj rated into s be wchhI

^ I my Ttibei Lievcbd I j ll- Sliipivonu i McfviEln Utufidcf Ohu'M m Ttffi&do

Wllil jnLlJiL- Jdkli ilLijirt hJjilLUM- lir.-Jih- qt rn.lV iitMiiisriKL cut -i^frUi itrin- ulb ume
in irusi-i kifid iiniii jnH n\Ki ^i£tc krum fciumiwi. *5>ilrr'' -TriM rihd esi ike ipot — hnciEElK ih-ey -|H«r
Vi. hi* ri InLrhtL'nL-il. lhc\ pul] In nEphniu jJji! mIlh-Il CjLfe k LTfu* iJjl3L
Ll.l [4 _
t .sULk> ill ihir lluli i. | i3i. i'.^lhj*

th- njifafii r H Ll b l Ll J N nlrstfVHUj- j?E uul nurd anil wiuid Irapflrfliik.

KUilurixm! 3 IJ llUNf iSUildt l


. NIM.M .VdlluiuJ. I]
p I'll
l»Jj. J’LlT*
1 »

Sou I lie Natiimisl Geographic Magtimae

Uv Eunn.' method such as SnvprfgspaTiun, the end. In I hi- way iht water pas^l isvtr the

pressure treatment under which Creosote i> wiwKien ^nrhiL'is at a r rati mi i of & knut ul
£l]'i |>lii ‘i

the widfl rrml amt gradually mmusnl It* ^|M?ed
Even i hrti it jtfdblem arte: The sliipwurm un t rl it left the uanuo end ui. a rate rvretdhm
prevent tvt miffit he Hi Me flilulilf! its water two kimls- The IlitIkst water on luring the
I hat il out uf the wwk! uvt>r a
will 3M/1 conduit was well landed with luby shipwnrras,
hut inly the word :lc the wide rml wslh at-

period >-f Fnhii}' Vc .ics, hr mle at which creo J


sole und Other preservatives leach out fif wood tacked, A caLcululion showed that tie bttfets
(jumnt the of
sludtcd cn the Miami laboratory by means enter jyihkI mifcss tnieiit

uf accelerated hot-water leaching baths. water passing U K tlimiug .at leas than about
I J4 knots.
Flowing U iiuT Foils. Bm-t-rt Dr. Inline hnd cun firmed the knowledge
\ cuiHiU^ tiling about stsijfywntms Is that Ihni ship worm £ dJjgtsi and make use of the

boa is tlint spend irkist oi their tfriw at sen WiK'il they excavate. He has al-u shown
> rimy ublain fand from nm
'iubh damage than those lying -lii 1 lh-o pi-
are less Li i
1 .

A test at the kbrirator} lias life, 3i jkiiaiklEjn. which is hi km in by

E c:
in hatbnr.
;i |

shjiwn thirl there is simple reason for this way of iLr* tittle tube*, m sSphiiifr, which pro-

behavior ject hum the wood J

Water was run through woedtefr auidmts The.^- :i l tr v atie„S sue only JKWt of the batllr.

Erschitiit-d from a uid* end cm a verj narrow Scientists ixl England, France, Japan. and
Attstralltv, Li well as in ihr
Lmted States , ure attack-
Iii.l: the whipworm problem
from various angk*^ Thr
Handle Memorial Insti-
ni\i\ niurnte, Ohio, lor

inclines, h developing
X-ray miu hfoes fur vx-
asninmfi piling* below the
water fur signs uf rdup-
wrims uvyashiiu
Meanwhile ihe diem
and practically invisible
under water attack goes
on, ltaimp£ one Any The
Liny teredo which bjts
plagued iiiHJi sisice hi^
nhips first look in writs
will be brought under
rigid cons ltd and i tie-

many TT
millions of dmlLais
Mi ilfimage it each
year will hx prawn tgd
* Sa* **Strntiffifl hiible- nt liir
Ska," by Kttflij B M-mnuN*
nuft'iUL i
tj iiiEAriciL" M.*- ^iiSi
jMb, laSi,

Dellchuit 1 \ Tl
Au sl rii I mi i

\ bodgsne
Horyc^u Siippiivontt^

I i- min*, iii ill -

• n.i^1 j. 1 thaJa
pr^H' 'idJiiaiiv- ISi.LS JEEOII

tral Si'i'l bns£_ Ihc*^ ait* w-fctil
thipu’flTTTR nv! the "pitdcff
fadcly” rtildvutrd liy *£uaaL-

TiiUiVOi Ipjfll
< thcjJU jF^ TiMiiiMU

Notable on both sides

of the Atlantic — Kodak’s
Retina I lie Camera

y/ worl rw iir
prop/r '&ko ifikf pride in owning
thr finer things in lift

When you talk in Rufina miter t *— at home

m abroad— 1 1 itv will givr vipu a n timber of
diffitlrnr rnii^i 'HEi wbv tlrru camera imrun-. sn
nuM-h m r hi? I1T-

Miny wiilt caj[ your attention to rbt

Retina's grear bit# iff ;duliTy rt> produce —
thr iplTinu t in tnlur - uh b jmuJ (tljuk-.LtsJ-
l m

WNtc pi i:t litres. Orhen point 111 .u^-Liiy i

Wkle-jni'Ek 1
.«rn1 tdcpbitO CtmiputMjMa, or the
3nulr-m photoelectric exposure rncTcr>orrhe
rapid kver-aefiiin tftm wind. The Rerirt^ hut
to mam
ftatli re s

WiTh itJtompIttt family of iut^iliiiry aids

— j t m
iv 1 i bn
snj n^h tu W piie Ho
tr 1 l
a i i J
vi-rdcsmgfe ten s cum pi j m itti—
r I
Retini u \

rrserufi jn Miner am] mg system of plim ipl-

?apli>- Vnqr Kodak dealer will be plcuicd
to dtimiinfirrflte. Set- Ei i E3 l m your earliest

Eastman koUnk Company

Koditm. ^ ^ ,

Tli. Rtcitu rife ("jmiT.t with .R(Linj-XtJu>n

Ki.iJrilc C
SLhttttl '.'2 Iroi, Tht Mmru Hr wirh * hm, >

j \ 39L JEt, Aliii a v4Llrt|i'k: ?5nmi fpS.b Court wi iJ^j nn If m I i

.rrn ^ktinr 4 L.unfT^r MF-pbnTmj vTla ranifKMHrJTrt;

^—^3 finder As L jiitur KafrA ilvaht nbnni

sm.d3 do utL li-tUTH'iH llllt riS'. P >.TIidR. f*trurr/ iWM&
frti/rzl r«r, rmr itAftft 5fl
i I i . 1 4 ! . -

Can your office safe TAKE COLOR PICTURES

pass this free in 3 popular sizes


111* fin* ftrnerfl ItH iv^ryon*

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344* she for beu cokr prinu oig . . P

IS mm ^uptr SUdc tfiflijarertciw ffit Wj{-

I rul am! prajei-ting * and V5 nun sin: a* wdL, , .

Thu r-mu- versatility inr IrbiL and whuic, btL- RtfJ-

tekord di dewktt* Of write for liimtoft showing-
wKi UtilM is e h hevi CftmKI for )OLi- i.

I lurlei^t I It rn ryk s.. t lie. * m *, it. hp- e*i i it. n.u

r<;iMirn ,s « _->r.
1 inf ir**. cik .

Tlin niiiti/mi: Mn«irr lent me «le-

Vitfl* -hn^il 4lh II 1-

Irjjt. lull ill 2 1 1
jf k'riijr RifTii'r -Kafr != u ^afr ptuCc for
yutn r^riRF^H:, Ffn&br- up I it -trrv \ i >i 1 ri |J

Si up wonAraji: w h j w ihjJiJ

M |^j i ff || ih.ij | r [

lo your Divnim£- rrmvaljlc -anil Douglas Aiftfaff Is an

ni iii c Ui h i
rrr - firtt nrcr -tiirlrdL ii .t
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Find r*Ul. TllrO n-nl ,i:n _ nf kntiti what < . .

The top txecu>

you i kmiI i(ik, Mill nnd|jrmp. right notr* for

live positions are

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held by engineers
And every effort if
H= in V 03 LI i ... it I Ull
made fa five -
n g i

ncen the Jcrnd of wmk I hey

like beiT. Why ne^ w 1

us crboLil apporSur ilies

n aircraft ar missile
tr-iktu Jjflfgi >* /III Jiltfl i/Sl/fci -TM /Liai- r’upuLl research, design,
develop meur

FREE 1 and leaimg?

T., Up I J I f. D. f i, BC-II I
Send rcaur'c “a
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ritnup m*h n. frv* ithI*-t


"HLflk (
C» C. LaVcne
(3w Lector" in iDtf n ! Box 630E
Santo MariJco rral

ppaEniiP! — !

t* i i
tT 9 i ? f b i i

ill VI 'V* .
4 i J J Jl J L e .

AriD-TLCJ^lT r t i i

OTT rTiilrr+ii , , m a T i

J it * rr.

M^r.iii^b N ii Loi; l( Or-Di iSihSr

— 1 L HnnEihrn Von
3 V-'

dlclallcn-frttti t crJpJ^on motMnt by Copp^nifitt
«rffH omqijng UNIM^TJC rsp^iMpnlfql mlfrtphfni

. . Mfc*t ldrili| n njf « rtHUni—An nhn_in»iK. mu idr tn thr am Pr ilIt IuTI* HU- Ihr -SJT tfifF-dfll W»lnfl l?rai tj:li| ai'Jnj'c triR-uS* BiRltf
^vFjiiJpitl [i EfjdBlrun Mr; linn jl‘ e»eil L> UcnuLnmplit Mu* uu can lur^l lEocrdi jseif Jan ItbtfH jUlh uiiiidaitut Anri nrl* CnmylunTeU
fti* if »PwrM| J Hl MW -rt^ rninrt Irw j-j-rf r 114 r ft# |n*|n dirJV :.i
k jn 1|iiw vmlahlr twBs 'V* 13*
All yui u-: '3 uiludur UlMflllfrC Ni'm'Htvf'i ill niitfispliiinp MhiiMili JliFM*im
bnwjitfed mi*
nl |-.||! Mm! Or** .mt'lp l -llun Piz jmii- Ijflr- InTr- 1 tpi v !.j -v if rr#n ms . . , r u i-fr

taitfp tin-

wii Manir'ihr Iwu s


ri i - hi i

Ijs* ailrl ri^MI tAi IM trim F Sw-ifl* Ukjitw

-.l . : u : 1 j I,? csi t

! "diaf " Jjtd ivpln I iW.d 3 PBIHl’ANvii «SCtilliL£ Jf et! dMt E-uHLr _
p knr*wil«tl pa«f *i\ mu *-i4 ^

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-nrii Irnjjfi iT

, W(ft4 m«i

II-ji fifirl’ii

ll will
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Jin jl! i

Mylir* »iu|
riMJt JpI In

i pr^crtH lanlrjv

1 ,
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hL'jj iaii •h-l! rt ir ill v "FOIP
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nilh Ihn new or arid Ftruclil - Hi tiMl WKlian mifcud H*i Ks xjH.

tumifflT 1+1 ”2“^ eflitB3 1hn amp CtHiuiiBKSf r unit liii



i^sd IM btrili Ssl*-

M j

i .-in lit k.Wt (fi I hoounds, uf ddlitiCl 1 1 "wiLtea ' dun iri _.! mu; Lmiml. Inn jrwl ii niamprir.n m h i S m-h«p*** ™ P-t«i ta* i

wrwi HtWt Wit w. 1
WJ hrrw; N£mf' wrw, 1
HM! "l»ll|
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UN u tana 1 Ik
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r,-:,i|pi|phi wIhLm Z.i TiU K 1 inrr Wt% Zr j

.'IT- i»dn- Ini: Jll IT, IH

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QHUf'iNI * f*«l in r .Tqrqr
i Hi oca**-; a*r- nit

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Me iirii-n ibe JJnltinnal Q«: — Jr h+^iujAin van

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to of $$hwl-ag$
Simplified WESTON w* f

[dwell feeding) EXPOSURE WiETEfi

iiru! i ^cwfmuri i'limem

A: Cidi'F m liii~
The mere " Jim

Liten bccjiUw ifi aw LiAmpiat simple tit lat lit- » yBM wilII kpim-v m- v.ilut 1
ili Khiej^aii r . . biiL

hUmik cwiKl Jen* mtwg for erisph fnifr-69-lJfe 'wv\i ilho liVf! S-S'U liS Fiet hi cpnEEnlirfj wijii

fTlh^lia, H-Jrft MhP fj r uJ* lw* jwf CttdnKi^rHic So.iL,uii. Ilci-Lms^. a wtttkfy,
L'te Jor-coldr ur hUii t and tv hue, ajUi ilfil
camauirt, 5-^iiiLl. |3EEtifieiliiiNi frjsr tl-nwuorn
liters, HKivie lh PohirmiUl nn.l Made- by Wciltu* unit Sumu 1

your nMnfiUKe uf perfect photnjitiupJjy. :iU jjt. Al aiL

I'lli-.hB Ini till blLS^ Ei .'.'.'l I1T
phoEa liciJen.
imping; purtiiC,
exposure foe Tin*

1 1e


btpii^ jiUjLEttaLu,e tin? dtUgnrAHih^

METERS naLilt-m.
i-5t.Tr jl

Liri^^l lb*-\ tre rir4Lihi-c] fjw him


Eu nallgTTS niSLl clfeYtflop hi* lEiEi'iist in VfcQgr

tBjiliy, tiNfotv, Ktt: Lu.t fhktttt. mid flcfcjeNfe,
!<e*s Hi* 5a^ili l iii %tatl HiiT-ipti, CFci* Upl
hi tEJMiinr, inuirraird urti-L-iei tie ( « pi-r-
Al-5 E-ttL;G ft Die 100 rv*EP 3 REFLECTING TELESCOPE H 1,1
wilt Tide wrlh us’
Iill^i It s hri.
, . ^ -*il£ Thii Dmpleli fi7 hue '

'Di3h|| 'V&ur^ir Ktl J

-TTlIllJTt '>-** firriLI 3“- III-* l l'i |r-J
. tup raililn j s 'i 1 il" ii-L . a *

L.jU JJ Mika !.('!- \S- PlUklMj rti'a.jil.

i| iiH' In ^irth.
p rf M-tt
! 1

j l r_|i‘„d LllillUi 'I 1 L. 111’! pm ‘mill i .1 MU i! -

Iiiti Inn 1 dlui il*** rilj<4 rt|-.(ii li

I ! I 1
rviiLklicti LlifiJu^liiiUl tijf '• li‘ifit
t|Hn* 4irl ICfrralaH «i-| P|H|^ W4*m-
« M‘ii'rii+ I iTiilf uriir Til H i- iT IS Mil 1‘iinr :l Iiiiiul Spn'iCf ol 1

ihpS—liWfi filh T-;hiiuIjp 1 j,| Lj.ipni M iLh r

i-Hfcj llii Ift'Ml J™ Uteirirt riai3 S iui\‘1.% MX;

IL 'uliI l»w.’T anfl hi Ji L L . IrbEiiJii
Jill min MH kill* tU4JpUL*4 Ni'Mirna
r i fr t iii Ti||> nm J 1
niN'ini i firm if
Iii I k drii.r..i;'rr>L in iv- '-t ‘*1*1
lidll <11 VI'll 1 1 Tllill! Viiirr hn-
Irtii'il :^Tm n*r, a Girl lift fcfdf I 'irT4 >lrLsl 7 r
‘^Ipi-lHf Wk
Iid. *' Iii.r a- .r-
MM" I't I**

Na Ili.eJS-Ct , r < life ttrtS.ialUH, M-. I. tBtu'her& , »

Whirl Ui »*4i-k SJ-- -AtfliU! I rr li "* *Ml-
h|l.|j|V>'l l",H ‘ 1 1
F ' fti I
white ran rmi CATiiU^-4 , .
po re at a .
in 1-bI- r-n»a:r^l ? IrL'-rp. ** rfti IS Mis'll !
- ftff

acv^pp. IlisjyByii^J . lEM: *! UUt lip,,, 'grill'll j imb-M

IDM.UKD SCIINftnC COtP, - bttlratWli N- L . . . stwleal-x!

steps between floors

Sp-- ml l^VMir U- 1 .

W-y 12. M 'Or niJfli

I-Tpji H il I -a 3tjn-k"! Li S. r
Sup ytMr HDmcl.lf'T, press
in |P
*-f Li. iuJu SI; Elpfrwhirlt S 2 .

the- hulEtm in a few icanub , .

tr^rn-pfisO I ndrt 5_ ii ibiir - I^TdSrfl'I h i

you iii*p out at the neul FLoor, In C :

U<I!h 4 K MC SCHOOL iim.£!IM5
Enjoy *pjf-floar convenience in
tolir muJti-MtpJ-y home. Eo No™*,
irAluJ! Jind dperiiEe M r]le r

foi tl wt phoisc Mjur SV^' Je^ier Ai/rrm


OQQ-i '^rc-l^nrion ^*=t=il e . m-i m-iTuf* 9 Phsiu
department 610 * ITaafttTrjFlOT! 6. D£.
7iLrn- Sn i h i
Ti-jiiOp^J Gcfifirajiliif It i-.ensiF.e

ill yciti jsh! Cpt racism ifoy'i- f.hefs^h iguiejr fur-ppp athr

pto 1® ifl W rnodarn tanspnribriHit mkw fr^Ti haHUajr iMn&l

u b

even ml him a limited ^ fim®, WdtneviiF jmi jbu II fjnri

a- nitwit wfuto, a gracfuilj wav si life j*i-1 apmal jmojjK

Duftpl in S^k- .ill al rrukiiu* pu Nh-k il tarns, Sirt II .ay p in 1l:r

' hL i
Yi :!-fl SWUM’. ypi.i || avoid 1+ f-Giik InuiLil :rij. J !i


fifl4 vee im- fug a .& Ihc (umpfliill Mm§* I

Then, to,

VELASportaraan an;1 r^&e-i v/i!if>ris msy [Digram.

^ reiiilsy m Europe css'? Its? rfct i pu mgtil IkuriM

5^ r iJ ^Ml| Hiu? nhW' §:! l UltJ!L"

nflunl# Pf.te ;iLh uu^ilr? m Rhic* European Travel Commission
"Krrfst(!il. A.J.jiMi ifc«i|.'i"j.1 tuu :t iirtlnln 1 QLLUiUM r |-L% A.-nb « rifiLiUD fMHCC * U<FUUiV - WAl Ip M !H
tiH V# Urnp ml titallh# !-* fcral ChtiLl * *C|| - KLIIO - linn - ^VIMilDURw T U±4AL,1 flETHi BUfflBS
II. I 'iff* t*:srfc | ?j T wih^*7 < * v^ris.rf - swtniM -iHnmMiw iwi « *

TuK _, !>a 2 ’’be N-itlrmi-L Geogr^phic-li y-,\\\.



That's bfcLJUir y:-u iftn itSy? nair" jn S d m
yAi i4 buy Ihem i\ jtjijt DAN K.. ! wMn
That 4n 3 k- - them V DU R 5 jmrl voufl alone, An-d htf 6 &r«* nTiirorlflfll why
trawler-, I'jvelsvdied |nl = la-moui tndvd iurfency lor owr hull a centunfr

W#tccinF-" g-?a»jrd i-fifl j'ldiio Ij^- > cash -

fywpfty tit! u-n dc J if \tiil w statflft* H-icted by
Ampti^a i If id WE *arhi *.'dH inn'll in 1E0, $?(!, $nfl and i 103 UiiHFttTiniiiiiJTs
fslLiy Ihpm j'.
v-jjr l;nr-k


ftftLirnj hf Hut HldllJJiiflil Ci p* Sunk 43 1 Nfw Tn-jk

Mi**nk<rp fodkrnF flr-p-B-ii! 1

Ip-i+iaaitJ-w ta^jHidcJ'idH


. - . iu hi n’wp ii i . :.!ji W'TJSdi J hD MJ“-> u

The Seretary; N'lrtfonnl GeciftrairKk- Society

WjtHhhi^Lim (1. U, C,

/ nominate FfTIHT rir ’in** in -


G<T' HW44 vt»f»

/*/ mt’ntbenh ip in

MiHn^prpihtp rtui-h, wfoirrh nns for Mie prtifndair y^or. Inrlud*

Si^. -cciptjun h Lh 1
NhIIuMIiI LiP^rn&hk M i^p-iiDr.
I'UlTi AiEEiiml riiinLbcEs^riF in Vn.hpd
EtnltG. Er.j. Push., rind Ccnnd;; *ft.Di>
counti '
l: 'its fchr PaaltiL Uni^n o3 Die
AraciLrcx Jj.SC
rip.rl 5 pirn 1
. Eei1.eDi
] slvs. £2 Ms C~ Irilcxh nrc-rcinq
*Iee wTlmtc. S^JiQ. IaU MhTi WPHil
S' LG -

tsaiEiiipi Alcu.diJ U.S. hinds. b^ks fa- ?Le-nta SiSii In ih-n« 1

?- I}" llu* l? u GIFT mMmiMTitisp
mitlnnciei- psvcblr 1c and s-iztd ii.: s«i T cnc'.ii* ¥ lot n'-n-int-c* « d'.^r z. Flii-zaci fend gdS annotin ,- *->*•+ M
In ffntmpni udqtu pha-r Saciwfy |t- ciil'd ft TTif rams :a my r.cza
T1 Yi?n [J N-

UrtitLon rtm Jiyi-.on*l (jRj>f riffliic -—'ll uii er.;ihe : y zm

, , « 1 5 h n


RUSSIAN- ony of 34 langju&g-BJ by UftgiM:pll4fl+. lh* Worlds NO BRUSHING
Sl'Dr-dir d lo' ^crsohc iml

%i *,> M I'M' "i Klinilrl' Fil'-n
i i
ii iiim
i -i ai
You will never bcwfttouE ORA hull- you
Jn iMjjrpti jrhfcflffra. MIp-PIAh rr^rfJlLai* LHJitp-*3 in huianyf In > i iw ihscuver tow .sod LjmcUv it clctfith
.ii |rr ui H ii fl |ii iknrliJi 1 - it nji if lLmI.i \jii'r
I i

lUli lUBI Hfc -

.b Vl'l Ir -I, nil V a W*ll >1 mi- -i
iJcr'ii ur l'
jmJ brides «* i r i m . I lJj nubri mls
«h iri>i >|. |
n MN > "M mi Unm
*n <-*\ f« niriiiiiM i hi
I pii'iTVili - fci
' >
JM44IJBIi ,! iiluj hilBlIil tf(. .
i-jirji.. A hiUihmi^ L[ I
llei inti l^-h she n k nf unj'I^Lv-

ijfmt - hiIiMmu h*itiii iimi|i nil iur. Irui |pifcnrr|

IliiiiF r

»rM<UrtT hllfllMi UUa UIUUJ. MINK kil pJ limit •mf ) I.- I'i||t|l j ii i \les le lj nr btm t
-mak« moui h tismcs
PITH iti !p rVn^
v-w \Ynn-A in ii<: >.1 V Y\iy.r TJU 1
fed Li.iniE'.iri.' -'lc bcoiuie unit ^kcunrc

UNft U APHQHf ifctTri DTI Wwh-Flui. N T H H Y

h vpqrkhrii dcnn h s cus\\ cjmck. iusc !

place denture! in ilcntufd hath of gt&Jii at

H ikT Myith unc-bdf teus|x»nl:ul uf OKA
fur minnte> ot uvernighl— i>l> hnulimg

9 Tirifi
riLh'-Llikl Ml< V |S pill j. l a U. n|j :iu ?l IL-: iIl’ i
: i i

•*A-L f-ilto to U* fob

fast DEPfNLi^iE iEBViCE flavLTring nail co^rs It:., nfrftiy penny d.iv, -3 li
torn* TO fXW MULL. V\.hZ llnim 30 KQLl lx S P
4J.f. O/deri Jf itiJI Tiir Qnjfl Fii I 'pL- d I
Gel the lurce ciTLtftomj sto -it your drug-
5*na' fan fvi* F>lm .WunV n.-ii fj;iriii*ii. I nr store. iOLldV,
Ml ti.
i\‘I J':'j
3 ! X f 45 s 1 17 $1 i X la $2 We CGU.


FTr--*jp«y J
Jjfflr 'n !i -1L- i I

Dirjil . !I rp I, rr 1
, ,i- JridH . JJif flAQN EV SAC £ [HI AS!, a M !
flV.miL l'J .S/rJJjj,i
hvhhdgrjf^d *^B£D C‘i Dr IJ-l * Q l'j 4 r «\-Jui

Mr Ci -iir D-snufftPi 5 • vm &|jrnnj Ml

F 03 -
r wr: UOPA^T ?C J ’MOiin-rKft giving, tcc; —

"tfee Beet rf* Rsfifii"

T?isi famous flHhermtn'n ^ott unJ hirtik alEiU fiU-!iHTire Iti

cifian-v a faRdnjidn^ underivurer ftwld to li|[ fv-uctora, IZdikd

hy J iihn Olivet Ldi Lkiirc, Ji lircn^ti ytHi J5 ch^p-tciA
of tlJJjth Ai.k'ffiihue i4 ntl pf3l?tiail inTeitlUitiod — iiU?tuih im; 1J6
spccifiL nl t^TTie ttnd fntu i Mi&hc* arul other u^Uiilk ILfe in
trailed Mtiifcn ia3i and trcih walfr^.

* I5fl fulU iil. niasji-.

$ 6.50 k

U S ^ PrLv. Eli-e^heii-
Itfi- calar £z-> ‘
* 95 « t i*#
ii.T^inU.S tifndi Pcu'po d.
I^O li:i 1
l -Ixrth h^iv in i


Di'piirtrrirrtt 6 fit * H ria shiuji&wfi, ft C,

lijfLJ^hiid i(t\±aac ibul 1 tw mdblLil sx‘l&X nr

LLiricf nf nil' llE^lK lM l



MitUbd thw Njli|cjij| Ct^irrfpMe ^Ii iUtmtiflii y:\L

Just calling up can brighten your day
The telephone l i n be p cureless in emcr- just in be able to Shi ibc rcwiviT^d c n Ek

gmcies,. It'ii thf ivntLt best helper w Uin to others us one of the j"y^ vil J lie tu lupin me.

it liitisev tu saving time, trf|i* it™ I trouble. I.hti 3 ilii'L'f news > uu\| like tu -duie

iluL nne "I iLs Lriciiteai uves has iinihtivg with Mimame right - ViJ hasn't xhm
tn <Ju lujlli mdilcn mi'Cni^r rnIJn eu the grocer, sistiii.

i ini' !
-i i mu navi you'd like tu Iu^it:

ikitfitt* tiiiirdrus^r. deetririjn, department \ 1. 1

pbnnf l ,.i LJ ilui u r&b •sj.i little ejn do
sEOUC^ t?IC* *.n mUL h iu brighten die del} at kith ends
It's tu linin' frit actU -md Limllk- togutfnT. uf the line.


XttliE IB ’TliiNoht Tr^F" Hit rrf |r -jM i willi J.ihn- roH hJ* HptIh tfti -*-1* rtmi:, cm nnjiiy Icyaflin * Lf«ry Swntov 4W CBS
1 1 ' ,

Your dollars go farther

than ever in the friendliest
continent of them all

Uncrowded, modern South America

is less than a day away by Pcmogrp DC-7B

You u:iij ™H the fiibulmsB Arp^ntin^Chitean

tub tils Ln L‘t . i'o I
o rferi rities, sunny \ seat' hes. Favors
nh\i\ in countries cm F&nngra » tn . phis new f-Kni rtiioti fa rea* SQ*
r off, .

rr+'iiiM low-Cost toun thill mdmle modern hotel

rwomB* dghtse^iriE. rertmd nip flight*
Fc?r 28 dtiys ‘nitimj Soulh Ans&kfr
$324 f'rntai MeW Yurk fnr toU h —
tWO on m*\v i-s

Flin Ajn H >tid u y F 7c V Y a I v E J ijf

£ J !
I )1 !i i,}it
t ! 3

qf fur *M"htk hi.dii'r frmj Bt i rilrfAnpericam

l ni'-lH with nnirtf Both fly (folly -

No chnii gr- from New York to H8.A, ,H over rbo

frirl i *ijji
y, ‘j. s* 1

mute* of National. Fern Am and Pa.TLfl.grn CpH

ymir Travel Agtmi ur PA A, tL S. Sales Agent h r .


whip'M 1

"Tfii'«ndl«ifll "
- h




i IriWnh Jiud jrtr-Ji-iSTlK


No wrartilrr i^^rwni t'ri imin-;-

S,h< a m

mill iL E I
<. Li" ja y i d turd <| r smut, tlijfip, IT'Ipfr Til" s.'i?ii*.“£ mIj i iimptjiy.

Coca-Cola puts you at your sparkling best

With Ceei- ("'.ilii un hand, ice-cohf ,

you're always reside lo

serve ynur guests the re! ! rh merit almost every line prefers.
With its real great taste and delightful little lift. Coke puts
your friends and you at your sparkling best. Nothing else
j$iivEi "Make yourself at home" quite like serving (


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