National Geographic Society: Number

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Bible Lauds Map Supplement in Ten Colo
Jerusalem to Rome in the Path of St. Paul
Willi 43 Illustrations
14 in Color DAVID & BOYER
National Geographic Map Traces
Bsbie History OH a Modem Background
Springtime Comes to Yellowstone
With Mst* and 20 Illustration*
10 in Color PAU1, A. 2AHL
Sky Survey Charts the Universe
With llluatfatian

Exploring the Farthest Reaches of Space

With 3 1 LlustratEEi-nfli GEORGE Q. ABELL
Tasmania, Australia's Island State
With Mott and 20 Jllufltrstioria.

Florida's "Wild Indians, the Seminole

With Mai* and 2$ Dim; rations LOUIS C APRON

Racoton: Amiable Rogue in a Black Mask

With )7 I Uiisit.n lotiR MELVIN K. ELLIS
Seventy- two Pages of Illustrations in Color


1 a
t 1l 1 1 * 1 r 1 d . 1 1 . 1 11 h 1 i 1 J
1 ' j , 1 1 7
1 i M 1 1


,umS tiLLv pK
LA PwJffli MLJArrU. Killl iiitrJriVi^S'i (-it, -u r — !" >.
ItOTOUT v. FXiiTMEXiL TIIPHA* W, WpKVKW. unit lrWnfi*jj
IllLilLUlY F - (iffifKfflllON ,
A-^lutiLBii FniknuTT MTCLVEN Vf. Srthint iMUuiit Hn-r*-ui |-]f

VRUAll II. AlriiAtJLkt. AmpIhNM Vr^Mim YLHNON iL lllll^VKIT.IL, ImI'Llhe Nrm.ih

lYM-W J - I’liiUnafch, Hnrairt-U ^.UpipmLMni HU lL|_It I IL DOYLE^ WaiL-lm r -^r-

I! \ \ | (|"FT WlrlTAEI JEL. Vii-r-C 'LumiMilT!, EtMJ'fcM'h L LKOJtf J i

A-SfH % !-•- .(.M i* lit# l
"-[JiYIi J* J CJK* V"IHl 3-Ht Ilk Tha I*
'IliilTiL&il nf El'll Ik^p-l


GliUMiEi C. M illrlliM. r'ii'iueru.hii’

f" UuintdiLi thn iLuLnl, F^iiiii P'Ir Fr^nli'lif,
Sc-mriy, urui I jjiuir iiP li MiujiiiiEii
Nil 11 11

C ti.utu. F. K irmu w
I Ji'Jif rmd 4/1 L> ^rui)
| [TJu-tJI
(aiPHlllJrtl 4HJ LREmw
1 rris.^flT prim-..- uf LlvIeEv* .h? 3 TV t HjVFII U I lOftrl (j f-iii- iii W'jilKij r H/.hi'uiH^ inn

Cl HTl- |'L l*sM Il'IiliiT; N i'i Fi»mi I "k [ l k^uj i rjM

tilNI. W % ELfLXTd
f mulMnitil '» i RmBFUT \ J- UvlIX^tL I "J.i' f .Tuatimi irf xr.i- I ' iiJtj> | Jhn «Na
l?Srn.U'ifii yh C"hi-m i> ipLriil 1
t ’
«•“ IVf.fcl
! U*'’ i I i
[a jut* M, IV'iLHH
Muaili.i. Bull (iw^vrm Katiuim 1 I' Bill
Hripfrpr»T^ i ’itim,ii:i rif thA I li m r-il

^ |c-.i^ anil k -Lii’ii- ,iL!"r

f LrlrtiiF AlfflWMIlSB \\ ITEM 1 III 1 . I
N rvL frrtth-jrrr.tMH

Vi.S.HUUkf I’r^ ^Thjdln .Vlfti!.' 1

/ ITl-
FLrimjircb AiwvuLfcr- ’r > 1
. 1 iv i a i i

< mi an
1,1 U \ V J hnH iH ,r-
l'lirK Liar Foirt tin* ^ •* ! *i>«m I Tn-iMAri W ZSt * Ivni.v ICrxt AiJiuira.1,
», * p.i H li V

w L
H iti'iiii ! etMur-ircla Virw-E Ji
n'kiii|. Jit 1 1 . j- ^ri t-tii*- [I^mLi'Lir Kjjvi w. l!i'Mfi 4 |
UuMtAUV ML Mp;Kbi.wat! Mi . 'u I li 1 1 . li H »kiy
I -rj^tuf- 'Hi*! U Till I [lEUyi T’fIjLI t; Ufilij VkhJ A <1 mini E
V ji y M w ^ i fj -

Hr mi I. E >nrnE\ H«i* Aituiihil. IL ft Np-Ty Sl^tirnd f i rciif rfy I

1 - a i**'d * 'i\

J [LlFr’ tOt !f njIHli ^rlTipH-T>’ Jr as T. Ttu . ri'j: i’i LT IVpMI M 1*ai.7iulimt

’gnmatH?™ r* * ’•* jij* - rn-pdimt. Pm Aim rn i.r. SVuihl H. H MakuvUE
Kl-JnTIA HjUiMJN VV UMJkU fcX WitATBIB V Li r!7- P n —i 1 1 i 1 .Irlnli i, ll 1 i-l,n|..h.ijrJl£i

L*iiii ilii.I NnLiirilmt LPlrtcltiff. 1 . I - 1 ‘MJruJ L-tti JLlkil I> 3 l Jr.l|ili ' irtiiimhp

LMLhT UNPVlUi ^ifi vj r iJrJ

ICakpmt K. Nuhmi
Fbii.iit3.uui i ! rlifc Hn.?iT4 g Wn.LJ.ui Y Pn^-rr E
! tiinwJ 3 'rrT.Lri'Ei
3S llkfli |H|| ll Mfl I, if#' 3 l"i ml i|d|i if% ,j
ii JliLFU | ,
r S, VHV“! Ijjil-ra - fM*ili'r*ni Ji'i ;wn> ->? rL'm

Td cjiT} ilm n - i | 1*’ *

fl«r ll 11 fl f fCHJnri**i r. 1
*- VMtm M * *
'i'i * li** 1
i'h rn - -j
- i u v i .ii r iii T
I i •
. 1 I ! i *i -i i 1. ii « i i 1 li»

iy |M

ifcflU. | 1 |R| SnALi1 l*l f1 'Pi*rTW|*« >IM I. |ii|li|ja|iFP S.... IK 1 1

iibc> mended v. nalgiip- nTiiid ill iuum'b • ri'i'ijaiMiii j itttim Hjflfil -
( iarrmrii | iUir MhkjrnxiraM iivimlhlv mv Tlkv. i|il-j JriVi^IrHJ lii Thr tir nniliiT 'iiifil itn>iir l.ii. Ifi.Vr. I'iibl.iin In lei! hi|i.n> ulllfiyki,
riTiLrixir^ trajnwfrHl *** irr irmnwl* 1
rr^Mrmul'ika ^‘i^inlBn. yi>ink|HH||B miii khc MiJM-ynuMkFd hiitupv. #1 m hulb .mjr| a 41 k,
.IrtirliTB it ini Nil'll ift ri^lmd, r-i^r nimtffrill TpiF* ,Vi|f vrinBh’ftr iliki|i^ iiihiIj.
iiFiidal >1
knip'fvplplr rEMkirnlirm ind
tjp-^ q» 1 1
r* • l+Pi-iUMinilJirtk
*-’ « «hhi3f Lrvkwa tip 11 r« 4 alU|. i|i« indtind wiiip.h'rr linw |>i h j p rd u* ILit- m i

In &ijdli pidi] iI h 1
mlLinrkiL ahr| ill.
ri r hurn| ihir inrn^i. Mip^ rnni Xafiiknat \| iffii iaihMLi arid PkrMiKil FIimItip Nmliciaul llirk. i

jlBhl.E¥ Piiimd nirMlP, TThf* ^hitutT l*M h|nin^»aai Fiipjpm ilian IWI 1
Tin*- ->.h Leljif'ii nat.iNc uTpfTdiLMJiH* iipaliPHi 1 rp hiikiirin
| 1

mi+IHit tUl.H'i.llEllJlIA Viliam 111 vtlinil IW|L|Ifft| >ilUka ipf HHd

lbiiiiium iii' lJ>r ?*a ii llr writ Id n purli^l r.i u l.s i^hi I'cnliLriv* i i

urwilMf*’* thiir uifeimli rwp. El Ilu ftiil.vj itiui a^iia m i^Nier^i N'liprc f HlMrdr ip >> dnlihcr liic Vut nrfaui if I'lnshhi '

liiEmll v In lUi' Juiip nl fliv cut'll kiiik'iiiH MiinrrifcMii*i 1 |p 't'li'- ^iiisp'I^ nhiC ‘iih ^iikilFiioEiian JaiPthltiHipi i

U 4 rviRTiljiijani ill! Hhhi Adti'i-lfpf KiJhtI |- d juiriVt-nrr Jamutry in Itfljh iiiiiyi'i'UiiiMi Tip rhlnl privrit piF liatiTi m
of Ujp Vr/rlli J'ipSc n-ii'J h.riir ’nimirijl Kln)i 4 h| F
;. HynL iir>t 5 'i* Aaiei'niiiu Tin » piiiejh h-f i^mviH Lu hlriHisnrlmi Mhv
luiLn Hy pr' i ' feJii Vunli aart "-Hi.iiri F
iJi.". (Hurnnirwr 1 JT>3 ai. irvpinili'u mmdpfiNii 1
|i * hr
1 1 ik.i-'i ! |
i r
I hr hhliV'Clii^ li Ji ilifil Li ir u hilln i if 'fs
-r** "AM !1
hi in niiliiuE rLv dim^d in Amr rira hinj Pfe'k rtll* * frfi'n I

I t 1 1 1 PiUurisaj- -i
!r t rinMkr |-. fhi* A^ntumuJ iiwiy in
, ,
i ilfci' Sv-h iy torntH-r nl I'n r! v li.MTir.xn rnJimr. |
ir^-v n>imty iiDkainvk'n-
feftal I'LJrliMPTijil I JIHtil lltn ej4 n^r h ll^fp«T harf
C ETi^Eii1 '-4 the i l']n Sf!I!i isFh i I |, III 1.1 rill! pri-yliwtil Mfii High! irf 1 |.|' Miirlil'l
knci-ltlli HJfelrfTW at Lrti*l| J'l l lkrum atlu-i Yki«‘ r.TfTTrd tipil Ikf tlinil> 3 anf“rl !i
i'Iih*ji I j-jJjWi-f I./, <
,n-raiuii il Civ TTm‘ "h dlh-1 r nud Ibc
UtZLiij *4 rpitl hVB|.-KSUi_
im.u ,lr Ilk ill in- val- irMv 4 |l
TUt wriiV-yrnir vis Jr rtiinruf LL K. Amid' Air f'flir* mtn- v-l u wrjHiS-nrant M
i I'alM-ll-'k.i 'i;fch llva-sU- a I I uyiif 'll M f-PeL ('nfft* Al^r! -1 Sv-.Tim DTiat klr'. A. \i|ii(iptgq| hu , il

murid tin.- miT<i ^ r nky j. i J iLv 'rwfc ‘pTriiLih-T 1

^!! iTtrf, Lwt ‘j-vm'i.c - n H! p nl fPI jfmHhrLniTiT nlnr* il |

‘Ill H'-imwiII I V VI- ihk'i.M's-i. jpi pfu'i, , : .UtJm-.iI iJ.i u-.I irl]H i|/- The AirLltv itld li id'! <1 |«.'-||ihir+
cipi H " lhltl.lM» -ji -1
I i.l ' hr SiwwtF’. Ami HmiNiinn Ic.-’il !.• c- rxcivralc-sE

film "* ini 1
Ll Tfcrfta (JfEflirVt fur lira Aim Iraki |a-rlj'hl |Ih- 4 hh>a| nl Call' *1 -

liv iklskml IhJlt-Crild uT b'HILHdL urlplfi, yvt fvi |||4 rant p4 the fpinLin - ^niniiins llv iaPu
L r-i' iii ^Mgiji^ NnvLhivI EVrk. '


.Sihli-r .1 h "L !-' 1 1 II I lf.'fl#|iR 3 MEL.V LLE BELL GRDWCNOR. ^abacu-f. i.miLj#
3 /U. -rCilPiim* i.'.iP-

j nrT.BH hit. \ huh riuh l

>Vf4 l^i< Ii .l
«lp*silA Alikjf rfiiiPjT I FirJ.iyrJIpAl^
''i IL lLIt MlL L SIir 1-lllV -3.1m
.Ijjip dur
l.w A, OnlLtn
W. r:-> i: 1.1- i Vlraiur
‘Li' i
Mv i » M iH-fli.i t i-ikihinz li'hiif-irkMiii L lit***
I'tVlP FlplTIH Kir
i: - '
i . i i

E.Oir Vt ui up.-x
1 dbi l- i," iL-u/j ir A^M- 1

f 3 ir.iiai ii U. IjUPpn NiaMAPi UL'wrrkJiD, \nti. li uJ

? M I i> H
L U -
M .
Ill'll TL.|.
i ^ Kir* III

Vi lE-Wnp.
-' I'i
[UM> El. S LLKW.J.’!
riiniliiilTT ft W fLIi UM; 4x.
IVEA^iMh hl. tll J.iir. i,
Mil> J UhElPTH
m rrj.wA.m hp hmi iii. Ir'l ll lfm.'l-<a:P tptkf
SpXIkP -SJiiir .n^.-..pjipj" y> SjAf r i .
f’M klii.r.- .1 i.i. in is
I) lit l PJI .1 I 31 . tLi/V- l J'l'iK.'JLIt il (SMliS ?
Li mini ail ci I

Ij i.iiM r up' llnuzuk'i

W Hm.a- I]P PM±J17 T |ll UBil-HPiis ArliB« I I. OsLixiuii
i\'LL -si
I : hi 1 II 1 L Ihrlil.L i.
\\ rt u I fikJiNt n
VI ru htbI ii
p | diiiiti ihp •""
i i mil ' LbipK i fUk |t 4 il. --J;
- IfiLI’li Ai.i h 1

A'l'lX.'rHjtf jftHjf |i| . i . ay I

t!lf R'l itlTJliHIIIHU


.1 «Pl f" II ? Li Hip f

Vi.f yiBSillTjf

VV.H,l,rMl niillhla^H K *

U-k. Lilly i: L:y IEE M

> P i B .S ^ H L. .‘iLrii.i.iiii *
.1 -.T I
UlUl.I.-flJlMWh.^hHl .1
iii_ i.ihranuu
T \
. I|l J I

* ii Ci -i I mi, b,
^Tt i,ltJ K. Jppiiir* i
Vcntnv n., mum- liiililfir
?. I' . IdlikilLli
V nukvi r.L, T. *i s i Vl+'iuXAii 1
li: Art' “i
Sto\f .Iffi sr ii mi I .Vaiiurni Lii
Wati r. 3 It ISjifiJl 'laK'^ihiriM
t.apin a Vi I ."i b
V. L|_l 1
U i
*4 -I - ll
V aL.TEii A. Win pan
<.PflUki' H I -Tl B li-^ i -s.
i ii.

.kH’ftlM!^ .\pf I II I
Ji i <i IVi r ii i ? l
-"tu.CfctLiL-al CaaErLd >tjjf J "
|S I
lli^i-jJ ., J
IE. Til ', I*" ll J
PUL.) h l.s Ilia L 1
- toisL’cr CL a
W SLt.l

Pi-l'ijnP AN '
< 1

Li .UlHillfl ^TTIjiEf. LlIi'E


K inn mi I" W*jii f.ii #

’odhi#T 3
4. 1f

'jVi r fi"’ | 7W 1 4
'A L A lkl> n I 5TLT p U I

E! T. Ill -it'Etni li r. .Veil I H^P *, tlU LX

Fluor ppirn FkHK
Jrxi 1
i IL. 1 L'.irnu
X. J u.'i.p- ApMMiilMl * '"! I.
Il 4 i ka t-iTtl n <Uii

Xt“i * Mi hiitf
ICi!iuu» ?. A. 1 ". Aucikt n- r>"R > S' h.F.UI
« k. z.'ti'* -IJi
ft i- him I
ft j -jin i
'sM EC. iTHI_ELE U j El: I M
A’lfl ! rn.' J.V^p-HtJi a

l jLrnb:ii rur •I H . n ll.I i 1 la. ii P -4 I. j! 41 ilEuilLILTH

f=IIJ FL. EEThT. X li |h| L I '.rh

fi| pi
(i . ph;’ r iL l (i

i w
|inia l >1 .hiira'rnx Him -li 'A Xlminvi fEiii'i (li I

VdllATiPLtnikin T!i i:i. l «i J'i pi il'ij-.v Vifl_M#AH 1^ k»Ii tL

W T. QdJ.
FVrn AS^ M - s .
L 2 .L.I k.kl ..lohf r fin n^J

Ivi-i* h W. t'jl.PItLE*
mi *
J. 1.
r«-ln t I

I ir LOT
fH.d.iL>rnihk^- J^jM.i* n r r !ii
i 1 |rii in "hlnf i <
1 1

t.ViiU- qpU- rf'ir. * 1 I I . I

an ^TR-h It r « i
w ' t-PM.wx
1C 1.11 I 11 -1
- 1 H M» 1
' IPfiHH-m r ^'llkiil
Hut J. Ki i

fypiriHt XV'dHTll'Hi
1 .

3 jiI!i#i- F. A TBnrr i %i i! BTi'iif ir vf A*'firi|iU 1 h t J Mi lb* Am, X'lim fiXli'ir


V Jli.ti I M- i 1 - M* k kfrT 4 i'i k W K%R 1 ! r-l .1 r«+ n* M thi|l*LT

I - r-> . llp.«i«*lp.ia-l«P| W-H-piim, II I' Imp—JlP-altt AArkSti

£u!^m! Obb af IP V m Mimrt p'ibbf Yi—- V.-' r • -M
slts!3 aaffl

nirriTifal jiil» 1 LUUk i'jtuL -Cj --


The gift of a Hamilton is a Christmas tradition bom anew every year

This tradition Jin> Lectiust liien^'e no more pfcfsbrtnl gift lliafi wolcfi T
j j*

no finer uiiloli llmh -i oil* >rr these and the ninny other UtimUton

u niches ill yoiii’ jeiveler's, ermi you'll knufc whs llLtmihon i*

.mm li i (ini- hiiirli Lu iriye or eetL r:!>

M ,50 in £ 1
y k KJ* I hi n ^li-Kisr fur

I n . 1 1 U , rliiiii-e fur l-ar— hnv i- \i nifl uf time for .ill lline.



/V>A A<7 /Z_

TO /V •
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* “
L .

ny jt!

A. HU Dt r#Hn» : * I
ir = b -i-lMl tuck p. Ih d. watihlEI till p;iii[ 1 1 * ii na. q K us Au* a! |il! N pH! nfW enn, k4
mil i£n. With liraL ! sil !rJ. WIRjipj ‘Jicck Wi h ilzifi
t. ITOnHtlhU rv IDH , h t Id-Kill I
i a

BJuirarra ba" ‘J. 1 LlJiJ

5 iUH FI. • KIN |i;lrl-filliir1 cna. Si ji aIhm- *£ wl iliinv^Uifcl Stti, - i III fTL-.r. Vf.lH .ripji,

tAftk. ftVPfc Krt, lAVU. *i‘h trau;Lnt £7i. UlJfc. W in lU-ntiar: Iijp .1. £9.40.

£ PLASH AN t if't I Ainlaaeli. J-A yciirti -ur F_ AAJtiJN rr.llr.m nu- slj nlfu-ilmpt hack
nAili JCnld r n* II 4i Vfitil stop, UHiUL flsIJi r;j" S ..v- Ijiiirt. Hi.
4 1 1

i, rn'AH^cii n -1 lr>ri R T<Ai Mil'll Hininra Sl*i Itin** r i»fpfi 3-=c 3 iir TV huh *f Icrafta^-T,

THOMAS J. WATSON, JR. Hr. U jiin.iL hu j-l.i.yi <i Ir-iting xuIe in brinKln^ iV ifc»™ ip ie U- Si-

nr merfr-rflu rrtlri^ till (nr slai
liinpivt time,
7hr rmrf rn iri n rj j j

\ J h*- 3

<a«r rrtUJifryV
Jlji> will iudp nFiEi-Ltrp America
fu tiv.wr t i
.Uy ,li if NJi?',' "J iht' rrfrfit } i*r
ii| iTHus^L nil for tn morrow.
ruuturknlib* [irogmiLr fiat irr mart run r fur gut ?i nri

And Eu nmt tJinl perfett

mar A thr ty vf ,,
r i f-iTP -i*
proLliwri*H rauwitni rdfirmrie* nse
hr r\atfimtnl rtittUty oiir lii

rlrvliYimr ern crvp«teT* In pr«rVMfc

tun! t *rf
r »*
i-ikfUrol dim. f-nr die uiamifaip-
tinr >if h i'll pmdi^ts.
"I ’nr jiimi>rt $0 ypfl i- 1
^ I I in* fan Lmii^jni- 3n>^ < -ninjirtilii lln- “Tlpr 1
If-ult 1 rE HlJJ- sNIllJIrfli-

Ih-tM HrW +
IjwpU' ,fcf nil bf. Bill l3ii" prujzrrai linti L* df auid E 1 1
: Vi .*-
Vmnfii jnii

\uii riois imSsj-lrr. It hu* 3

-t *aa truafnil by tJii* tuitijiri'SlimPi it jii i Ii 4
i i i>r nil pn^jiiK'i* in litfftrr

a tnml mwivrrting esjierifnee* Imfi-'E 3lv\|illi| klTJJlillltilfckuL thiin. au> ntiirr uulsi^n Ih

And ti idnm* niirr jijiLlu butt ^Tll* nuilm'iil rii Vf Iik|j ii llip ^orldf AluJp ii- Inns ms rtnr
rli r 5jmir of *Nmigi- Lit km Ilrw ^li-i-lmnic cOklifMfllt't

. Kirni 1
I'fpniprtEli *r' Im -ilit^* - V ^ r in

> '* men workm i n free in 1 1 i riit company *- rruLh wllh a m« riptilimif -• !
hi i'i-% TJii Jimit 1«+ 1 ll-r

l ri ^-v fciNjprt iuiprii^Hip tin? AmeP- u n V hi pu l Jl tn iv- irk. Bui r> liu frmarkjllilc new priNliiri* anil

leaa sLandiml dl IivEn^? aEr^aitjf i :=]si


;:i Kill min- rival riNiupauy «ittpe™ AmerfriiV oiliitrn wilt

1 -
impiiTSiJIW^l in hlstnry, finijpr iin t'vtn 1 it 1:| *' I iim-t i*Ir rlEc

U*T itl.

"Thke Apii^riw"*' oji iridu^h’y. ‘"Qflfiien tl-u*W usd C >

• 1 ipLct >

fi »r inn Emm o, nVef I

(>dvlermine The rate at. wliirli

ei’Pffi pnoiics in till iriiliinlry, V'li in nil in- Hill virM 1


j || 1 ^yf |ur^tf in >'! fwf Jninr ‘jn'lfiTffni! 1 > i

|y| Eh-r Ami’S 1
It Afi ^LTHCJLtlPM I *1 STI-TUTt, jD W_ milk Sl. t .N. 'L N.

M’Etit'ic'1 ** MijiiEil Gri (rnphi'i — Ts i f r^ctficii you

1 J ™

l^w ,o 11 ¥ rj
7he Stu/s/ftf/e Sfafe
A v

Km * ii:iHt hvat'llcfl ufT^r 1 jeip lid tiling

\\ \J

rj !

Mi " —

TW _


fJuide in Moriiiit aeafiMKl*-...

riu’vVt1 as- Iut varalinn uLlrarliims

JjiLkea .ind ffrMimji of i’Ju-ridai
Liki £\*xt -en ( n
g !

i 'hen f rep t yourEa] f, art your Fioriiift

* i
pne el ftsh^rjuim'ii piinidiae.
vciriitEon. to her Knjoy Lu^inis^ big
JiotinLifiil rtfcu fun?.

St^infl c-mS'H r- n d hi, .;nijrmt CF SnmpU buLl ur-plump


A|. ilrhrhkolti oystcrl*, tnfipy wdth i^ur, frt=*h muled from J3,

thu Golf m <« miftliwESBi FlondLt.

Kva Ijiktel ill fin* * liowdt r" lk«ch i/el iur.ini * n*ur
J villa aurvci thra cuquion -iS h- 1 1 ib.|i ddlflliE r

And ihvn. iTml rtfynll} of dinmpdiiiri, T In- Flondn

jinr-bi'' St, AtigiiHtuv , b
Wt'hi wind F\irL Myfcra ore
fstnotis *hrjm[iin^ i.i.-'nu-tfi. Fluriitn t -v«ii Flint her ©wfl
dpi cm I
rich - ii * 11 ti tl UiEihli-r, found in corn] rc-cfs ofY fcbe Him »jrd ditches ane .i familiar even;
Fiuridn'j WrtL < ."p/ih-l.
lower fliipt cmtflt
TJon I mifta *tra!k s n subc ropF ik-Tuii'V CntlghE COLOR- PHOTO BOOKLET
ELiirl «^rvwl And rsh— V To wane two
in i In" Ploriii!i kK,-yn
KtiiiS J i-i r-.« M| nni> r. I.T.. Jfnr •

out. nf hundreds: Lhi- bhuliius Mapper mid Ibtt l(>fd|jf

n m p;s no. Hu .. i u wn bri rip aNtfetod i* 1

Horn? r ! 1 1
Sl||j f hlMMrti. ” UilKm |hiu| .i

a rep! nclvimtirre — pnd prices an? roPAOiUD h 1

("Th.III Ilia —..

i.-inL r m.? n.

l,,a- b 1,1 hi.
I «Hi
i|‘ -t.

,lh.|i»^ I.i.^LIfI
Muny other Etuf Lhiugp ill life in

nf l UElrt Jlbrl Li* ~f Aid »(ri Hll*1 «]>« Mi

Fh jrft 1 .1 . I 0*i>. 1 II ft 1
1: i
. if yo U n pffb rd 1 1 vinca t ton u t uH r

yiiij i-jin ilTerd a F 3 irrid.i vac* limn- ff^ght now!

Kxphin nil t I * rid u /a /if/ of ‘tfumf tivin/p
ij tj. i
u t* in r.’ t“

W i ^ p 1*
1 IP* tNicS
> 1 1 I

T'h is luxury fleet of Italian Line Ships

will take you to Italy... and all Europe!

An Italian m.biiii it mikt! v. f'.ltv.u 1 hi fluri a air aaiidj&kntbk' nuke < ah cruisiLig “A v*-*

t tew i\ i
wld Mid et a :« t ran 1 1 1 km lull w d •
i. 1 j> \ taL uatiuJi itj ilsdl"
i a n seat no - and I M ;m n d Lips lor ftvr ctml iMe&.
Fif Aui'mlul
Today ’i Indian Line Qee^ sWk +
The Aiagivir.ti^jtfctiT dilpof rEr l.ivuK Ct^an^
gallant, indtulttf tsveoty vrau k ImJiEiig \U-iii-
is aii Kuu.-t replte In oj mi iui < .
. 1
nj eorivettkii**-
ItTTJJnrun (ioftf. with llnp iHiU-it pm Pi Hi both 1

f.i n1 entirely >:>i m J i i.l] Lli tile tkatity nE it> £si-

tDiists uf North liejcI South Amti £.a. LIll- i

linspi. 3- abro e* mmpEi.'n'Ey Liar-. :m litinnod . ».

I lu \uvn Um- iii n AiTKrrKMri i m vri lei E bo a i

oftcff lhrni5 nutdm’ir ss,vmnsiifi^ |Pi>ok, hn tad

E3ii;-:-1 m bfiivk’S. |n .irlis-Lie iurrOiirj(li[i^s m dm k-v aili] iLiXilxJuLit L'jItLlli,
MlnnmpltfTe llus is r.
in-. .1 Hi Italy IimLiv. Ttte
five Ernest, tmkl 1 1
hi. i e
E Ie lillrtt'i ( lUe Cubniki,
T3il' VulcoiiEa
AuunstiLS .uni CVs.LTf wi?rr built lvil Idn tlw.
IkLit years ) nr r HJNigrLtjil to li'jt: Yuifc- Tlio 5itntsdy ' 1 1
Ti . 1 1
pMiMi]. -;
tnie old world
liuly nm M pritvitli' eouvcrjKml sailings n» otmifiort . . . Italy rigtrl 1 r i I hr iN'hurf
Pori!iL;.il. Spain* France, tudy and 0ruece. .AiadL, d L-minn, ihf men 1
1 mi-*, like all
Italian Unf obirittr, difli^llu] lietiuid rlr-
CriihtfoAi Culimdm Ml ipilrill.
Ihe CnsEnforo Cnfembop proud flagship nF The S^lunsla
I l*t 1 1 d) t-i Xi’VT "i • J k JfrcE ii, U'mIO It- njllip-
The igraclLtMs Satutrihi irharif'V nhh its si^s-err
LdhiHim crmdoriuhh*

Class tsubfo** truly a

diifti iu iU
wnd > . I
.jrt. It Js
ship, Old
lemmi an

that bilcsu^
ll rmilu thruirgh
ydu to j gaiiiijf ul |mrt<
% Mrdj-

MiilitiH3Eii i
t UitxjUjpiUUL and tSiree ^vitti-
oil .1 Cruise- Likt' \ ipyagi l|. ii seasoned Lrav-
EiiEiiq nib 1
!' i idnivifh.m tor all .iking the
> 1 1 -nt f nioy «l^ 1 1 in flTli I
l! ,u r i .

S i j nny ,S i
1 L hvri i 1 i i ml c,
Thcs4f fmpii 'i-j iIli[j^ offn ymr Frc^itent mfl-
liic f-iuliu Coire uig.s In cvTiy snojuitt To h r!(* you th'.iU'uL 1

one you'll tttjo) iir ijil, m]i vnhit* Travel Ajwit

rki Citiliu
:ai:i\ qm vlmi uitr South Amer-
Or Jtajinjs Line, iatfi ry Pftdt liklg-* £4 SEutc
ican run hair hrrn p^rmunnitly assigned to

id New, YhjJ-. fl - I ,i| .ii". t: i i v-_ pa m l

Street, N™ YiMrk C X. Y* P Dlfihy

ingS carpels and fnUrak .m the LiUtfiark of

ail Italian Liiu: ship, Ami Ll> L I Ji.lcT tkidtS*
l i iii i
mjliii ior twimmiug poub nuii - im-j defei
MORE AND MORE! industries do— because meny
small towns offer lisp opportunities for efficient
operations nrtd profifahfc growth. We beiiwve this
i South today -
& particularly true in the where —
modHrn, mechanised farming has made available
in many ikrt-aa a supply of imelli petit. hiR-h caliber,
furtive -horn men. women who can bo quickly
and economically trained to the skills of industry!

Living and working In one of the Southland's

friendly find tmttnfested aemt-mral araas nfFera
many pilier advantages, too. We know^ became
hundreds of the communities that we serve have
a population of 5 tCOO or

Ou r Industrial Development Department nriw'

has ll detailed, updo- date catalog Lie of all the

resources of every incorporated community sitaig
the Southern. One of oLir Mnuiil tuWiiK may be just
the Hpot for your factory,, Let ias t»U you morel

"Imk Ah^ad-Loak South!'*

i"" "


thr SiMttiwnt Si rr n*s fAc Snttih

Ur^iLirh th* Ni'ijunil Grvj 1 4 i-li l+-

—-ll Ml***-' j F-fl f tfu
t n

119 calorics ;n.r

if you twccEm s t h- sugiar

22 calorics if you nvifdaen

with cal d ri l- - t ree Sucaryl

You can save a lot of calories by sweetening with Sucaryl

(lit ii you cart t taste the difference

Su-eaty! makes Le cosy for you to watch sn^r, A^« fl '.i ir-tfT. rry rht tirwidui holiday dish shown
vour weight hfc'ri- t hilled cranberry -Ora, rig? rrEish that savi
by giving you wholly
, f

t h ,

yOtl ‘•IthitTnHjJ calorics, yet can'* be told, from its

natural sweetness in your diet , „ . without sug a* -sweetened twin,
one single caloric, Sunijyj tor AnyMPV -tiJUtt-Hng CaloHcn and for
diabr+kn |: tbrTc's 1HV qur?tlPEI ul volu jnind about
Sttcaryl in rht fir*; nun calnnc s u cc c nr r ih.iE t:i af- d i c l r n u jnsE aKPs yuiu doccui You K ct Sucaryl in
just Fake snear an ordinary use, You IE llfid ic iwee ten's tab !trs p r toi an on - \ aw - *-• 1
1 d i e E s ca II lor hut ary I

diiftti, fruit and c^rttjl to pcrAictiitill. Cool* with it, Calrftim Abb ort aborator
I j &
b-.i kr w it I c it -ui- r ji pf^ctkoll} .-i.n-ysvbirte v dlj iv-muLJ. Nluiih « ibiuajg.Ei^ Illinois and Mmufi-iil Qufclt
*» — ***
Triorr ^ATLnmt^ LstANUcany uhanci beljsr i

2 cups cmnbtrrki

1 iabScspoans Suoryt iuluEion
v. i ri CrffnbLThrf,
both thruuisfi llifc hne e c4 a food
fttMTtoWt ic^ilt 1 rnm

orange EYat N, Ullir Allntliaif
cho|3per. til mil in the Snrar, Chill wdJ hr sore I.

serving. Stakei ft f^vingi :

AT UflLt. STO Ft i: S tV fcRY WH ERE


Land of Myth and Magic

How if

Pictures 4 if eIic Ifnrtfunl 1 ji u limta in
ll'iralt - him! » ^li ri-- .iLL ovcf I in- itorl-l.

Hil^r rJ: \\ i
Filili'rftil ]ji.w fill?-
fiiEiir lit Uc «*
l i r IraLderimrk? &; 1 1 on the t$.% Olympia to
Greece, See rht ancient gtorscs
J i iiH milK higmi h iih mi early I .ji-Jc-Ii
s>f HdU* by ns lei
y I

dij- Iferifunl. Tlie city (liciisrril a Em Nr n ring Aegean cnises Fine

r^ltlLT fi rr htiiti ll n j i li .
mads, EHodtrn hgtcfct , ,

iii-uplulhc riti of Hartford

L(.i^i*-ulU t
furrique village k among tbt
iHmrchnit. &Uocijn#t- li -The U if - -i-,il. nlhx grow- Trufrl'a 3 pleasure
r l

in this fawpsiabie Ltid frur-

VnJ Hiau in turn, na-* w fun 3rd US 141 Linf
|if is ing dolfur viluel, wide range
^k'h li Mm3 ml tmr^h is.
w iif atcojmCfk[ ati QfB.
\\ pride in
r I iiJk i" I hr fci i f llinl tlie V bl.ll Fflnrtqntdt
Hartford >Eiin i- nhr rtf r 1 1

ti < an I iviilrls ^.TWFNv - liflLPlfl * LJLTMF1A

ini} tra^tiil tmikmut-L- t ' :HIM"3T-E * MYi VSAE TWLfr-
OttTJ M .
IjJ[-I s * .NALCiNTH i

thr m^nraiHtr field.

ill E^iqi|=iSi-T3 1 lOn W-ilk tttO

it it ir
I •fir fn uti d li-JJf Of#/ tlii W*rfl
with thf
30 Omiroy 52feel r ^th*m
!-!« i’ mi your TrovEJ oganl
(TlEfI!^F'I Fire frfttsrijiwiy
1 I

ftarlfuFLE Ivr ji|i ai jjieE Itiijr-i indv *•

F - H r | fru 1 Livr Shu k. liL'fafilmT * mjiimv
OtlseTti I li * orJiii jfn 1 l-rnti pnnrry of \fw jersey
Jf itirj.i^ir .f J \ a C.'inni rrYir-Juf

Nr** York I mil i wriii i I ir^uniDcr Coaeqpiifij 1

T Mt {. Ifl, ^ --a I'nrl

Nnrtliiffr, n-rni f'lrr & ^Tarmr lil-lil ahi 1

lu, UL CTlLi Fi*n i n^rrruiii: .1 laj, V£HJ KAVE-N SEEN EUROPF UNLESS T
If Enn i<ii|iii// 1 UUiffi .;,j
rou h*v£ ai±q Seen gb-e^cfi

^eation pJUt h+iiifli jC Oe^i|(rAptiJi — Ji TOIL

1 3 m I . 1 1 1 ,

li nil t l wnf]tl s In is :J J 1 e1 l 1 1
. 1_ The found*
giL'm- n i.tTinrfi- irul'^ mnkh- nm of your judgment -

Ef^h qiJH lily must l irnfirms n Eli ruled ; f»-i fejnurdk!^ of

the cscellffice of ynur nr prkr, it ha* fypdur-
per&o n 4 d ijiarn ment, ( mg value c-vrt * * her*?.
ti 1 ’ jnirif) reflets t* no Mn=t wdrorw, meet chef*
1 !>!:
jim ini*? f une, The ifiieH i
a irif U. ihoisii mil t* ,i

depth of your devotion nnji i-tc of y li n r m 1 1 trvcm tin E

This pw. id u dlnrHantf Jhflt « mitn^rubU &ku) ip^rlvt «j jj n-B-

Irr^irrj, or rrnpprtgxtf AirM rirrt, js Mr birr A of ti rhi /rf*

Af UH!r tigmfittflll einriiL i

^ ‘

Mai# inld«|UJ "liV Wifeain lumffiElIqtMin

td«f. LHlhim Hit
! I: il hllLK ilium
LiWllif 11
1 1
. - :il
: u!i
in Jilif.
lu —=! 1-rV*
I Jl


pb.ii ilpi h»rit<1

A-hmlpI iHrw*i

|*_r |r,
M B ,

ullluu Ir! dumilcli Ib-If* ii r«i pjr«j .

r>jfi *ili 4 , j auinlwi jfliriJ ti ,

ififl toil EkfiM^dgtmd iin, | h4


AilkilfflJlilcflJly. you E| find thus Wtova^D

•HiSl-wiiHi'lr ftfl: wulrhe^ — th^ world'- fine rt —
urn? liu '.d rrU -ibi4 i
Mi''ndfd by the
fmesl ji^rVrs in Ag&rth-n* indeed,
ihroFjghuLit the w^’i IcJ. |'he?e jewJcn iLrc

mtbitsed by iht< di^lhu'iiv^ -.tycinp, by tht«

ttl.i U'l left- ’workmnnhSiIp, i

tvi by Mu* m'enmey

l|u u-

iJ i

feet inn i
l I
uf Mii'.-adn'i
wi ndtntf rO Lor Mu VAinu iU3- MlJr 9

1 Sf

. )

mttmivitA mi- hneeiiHuA •/

! I
+'< HI. WJ,E£H 1
lirif 1
Mmlilvi -|4 t i-.ifl
iairvMfc lirt
iHmJj ill
>l laid !» -nfc'i-jtf ills
pp Uni in
ir'iJie.'ifPJ nil IH ?L Srrri - Li -rri I IS
£faLd iImA f&r-rrie^i i'-|i rl LI i

Far j/i.w-Ijt n*irvir fr-u-y ,4f \ V"^ LkyJ.

for picture discoveries

here's nothing like a LEfCA
th* . r C
! A riteor^ pkf jfr-s
3 eriCagWragef yau 1

whn?rs*er you ars. Tbol i because ih dul^rnyllc
(tafUKI petftjjm <b; /dij A ilh an bq-y-ond com-

parison As* ycmi d-Mter ro show you rhu Aril ion

ntlfLuTurrll - Ihe Worlri'l moM tirlwnretj

rives tment in fief feet pholograp : .

I r| I I a I H filiniH AV M '. I II ft i* I
I ,

Tllr-. . 1 hqj 4-lfc-uiH i

j I I I! 1 " 1 M LiKl.
II* *k * * :th - ai i I 141 ttlV*44FlPI« > i^n^ui, in*

M^nlEQD thi NftlLunal Gauitnphu — 3 1

ii (anii|fi4ii ytfu
! .


tl is the only Irain between
Chicago and the North Pacific

Coast that offers you the attention

of a friendly Stewardess-Nurse.
Other extras, too , , . 4 Vista-

Domes ... the fascinating new

T raveNer's Rest buff et-lounge . .

truly superb meats This train

is Northern Pacific's renowned
Vista-Dome North Coast Limited.

Luxury ha? q wEnfirrrp Ha yet- m iht

fr.iiiitJiNtfrrkc,, colorful “Tra'-’dltr’s R. L


Thp v vw\ fotfflk aft NurHiprn Pad Ik! Scrsii now fin: “N'nrthwi^l Ad*

vcu!mt \ frrt tnnafckl Srif- u flrfjnrn Iht Northwest
Write Ci,W« ftwlcnt;, 246 NQrHi
.fi Pacific Railway 51. Pom
11 IMinriLMEii+
I .


One of the world's f X TRA FSN£ trains no extra farm!


i 1 .

3 Fine
CnmpBiit (khz nU mr» KcankA 1(1
ai ymr sl^a^r nod w the dilTctifiKu! Presents in 1
T*i tii /fur
Pend am i ii «cn i ! ivii-[
ii in

Hi n.r 13 pr 1
ci i m nr
n in I i'liTfi 1 1 - iu»
r-tr, dlr^MiDl i<n<ill nlij i. l far
^ny in--- ui &. iF
r In itj*|ruyri
Mvliii -mI rrnhoiFvnr i! b*i*

biiLPi .1,1*! ijad twin! Id

1 1

f-IiLffliili nfen-r k i i. ie- Aii.l f’l

urti i EfrrL-U n
u it’ll Lt c 6s w
hi it |
u kTni r ui imrtnLL* n^fi—
Irtvl f r inline*. lAa* tTfti.1^

Hmiirl Twy!nF Uplw* ^

tisbfci-fehre twifc Tiro imd kli
TCUlflienl * r 11 1 G r,

w MiiNinr in,*l rtii H nir, x !!''

7 'A'- S 17 . 5-D., Al l i-udiTH

i >Hi jfc* PIID IBl, Si H rd M f l'

j* L'. C ; * p in u
I Dpi it all
*1 nTKil. T nyliiatf 1J- 111 Fimi I'll I

CampBiiiifM fiorlitsHl Sr H

h. Y.iinU Tmii.ilrj, l" ujtuiu

Wr hc tor compile I
.H n u r%

W. Clwl[?*l A«n ,
Pliiia£pLpfcU 44, Pi

twfc iVlUjii- jLjj Ck, iGli r«: Jn M„ ! I (

hWMb S* *¥ tsaldi ]H J Eatm

. . . *** f&ut ttopy si Hioml'i lie. l*nwiK»l.
NOW £ ^rv>a£l
A litiEuaif. > n

UC lEiL'tri. ij.4 >1


e I ;

n L


thttfriYU* w* Nl W hfCKli^wt;, Wirit* t*- hi mu!! rn i-p l s I i^tlln r*.


r 4
Mum I ! m*ny tltjjsp

fa nanny p.-jy?\ i
51 2 K € Sth St.. Miami, IWda
It's fh.c jjlitXk-T ui net*!
, . . tht ^hnf Lkl ricuag
a i r L i C El c igll:-Icf of
r.i|"h.ip lnb-. I he j^JjUl-
AU-PftfSS ...... .

dur i' I fjrftitKi i i. j.'Ml'i

TrS ik'-qvinrlf * mn tjfl

ri mipwiiirtr

It‘i wjucbiri^r FiibcnE FUfti

refum *' Jirk
a; ^hn-
vrdci! t rul • •
ib-r Buy ,

i nirbum-: ccmCfliT in
1:1ec pju e. u Luy <-r old-- fetid wbjiLi tr pour dfiljxf — • ; i; .=

Hffl^rr/un In ti;h
iil :
ni'b i ipfEEh r^adoji njKJt lit niiJJlS-ftl Arid

Mittn.i npill VALA’PlO^J f'l?


M i he N .miaul G±^pi —

jplriL- 1 1 EdcrrllfiRi /us
BifiUii/ui ifl the mart apprapriaic word tu

di--iT?lM- (till Ulb initial UtLdwiH id Lmuel^c all l be

t !| j‘V Of Los ANCLLLs" ;md ht
^stl TDomtdincrs. Side u-Liils Lire paneled in

natural ^d^iKsd .md cedur, herd wall* art

mkk. and thirds a beam-type ceiling. I Lis

1 1
i-Tiuftive gives yw-ii rent id 3 ";ji SiuniL'"


\uU II
iij r>V
L )dini> lhcr IJniTirlinro l>r tavern

.s cid ibf pa- itir ( -lavL |a fldtftliim I

li'ic! Ri dwkind Loiifljjr they Feature rifi t\$\r i

I 1‘iiiui- i j I JMjrvii Lhui kiiut^e Hud an Avt-Tfl Dt)fTffl

dining cat serving the nui'% i

-f friuhlj prr part'd

fimds,. The service k friendly and pttious

Tlu.ufci uJ ih esc Lnxisi i.uLj!’ DniEtclinttrs tilln rSm
very LiSeii type u\ Pul! ej ion a pd tliunt'ii atira m-


Union Pbclfic Railroad

O.-n^i q 2 AfeS'vsiv
1 1 r -


MiLTYciiTUsty compart nnd cffl-

cicnl BTirrrrc tyc-lcvrl t i^i i^l

c -lcn>
with bmli-m fti(.-h stffl-
l h rinliJ JtaL'nl i| ni I 'i[» iiL-Js 1 1 : i lU fe

n.l v: niLEiaiira wiih SI HFR

V S 5 IQ N v ,
ii h Hobble bri iibsne* =
lull tiep rrr.ujr iwn lfirou|jli I he
ESrrjil, Jjcr-, 1
- f SJ'S't n%
tea d ini; draieri. Send for free
taxiktai L'\]&

Werrd Famous Zeiss ikuiii tamer a*

uro prntipicin made ia We si G*mi^ny


Tcjtv MU fills bTficp-i.! I'd>

Atld-<i-Cnin 1 « i J r z rare- U,5. G U 3 I

COLNV MrK prairthid b* ti

Bracelet m ,nld im. c I i

ib V Limit'd -dli hr uicrt
on* tdn— il« 3 — and add'-
li-ftMi bo orfd^d
ioIsi ma^
nn jLb=cilu*i*r a^l wi>niDfli

— |
h p aim nil I

*>)|« 7 IJ-uM c«rr

u. IMu^' 0-<n 4 .

250 1

IrwPFH'r P" * mi uulfP

^ n
^In. jJ
Electro* Warmth
i 111 ifijlul ii hi u Mi id lif iri lrl TOUR TRAVEL DREAMS COME
Villi -ill SliVI till JlIrMHIlLi.
MtiMiiuiL I tiiiiij.ilrth n'l-Aii- ^ rreri- p?u n*i*Wi ** i&f'i ^ jo u '-».p

tiifliuh Mil 1
-II riM In
I III lit- tisl-uFF ern febi bjf ii^p-hn* ilrigrn
--nHhr-t tatTMie iiM'l Mii.|'4>*
. ,nffly lh« sea, fhr ^iPds, th* raauiirtilrlt
lht 1
*1 III *k»|» li'/ii-Pin-
III mi -rnir^Hz o' Hr -I
i !.!. i 1

iTAiil carHl<fe
Il'rttfiiPi^ pimM'l* ^d.«iL||Ft
Mini rrnliil- 1
1 1* fmtll- si^itLi n 4ieMi-:r 11 ‘s ar ntini*d m*“ sif On lrr|i Of t nM-eH- ;

| «iiFi1 mil' - '•itMiiuLi.-r. in- I

irid iBftiflHli Jiunt. Write 1ndij‘ iff !«P
iirl |
>i 111 PrHiri - JdltJuiLl J-IMIH,
WAttMTIJ i -i* mi", hi'il lIjLviiip iiiii •nld ‘j.hui- l ni| r

|*«|l HUIHlal-T#, I ' k ifHJI I -vLEIi'l. T I'm |WJU I Utf ITlin
r. II
- i i hi l
“I linhH> *1 iMl I.f h...l
ftiivr n« mIvhH iii mw inrtlltH* liM lAtnljj *ih M-—§ml ujuIpti

jl 4 i—n ^ a Li h a str. r JL8rs v k \ ie m ,i vnts A?seg

i i i

L'llEE. r AtTOItV Ti:i infcflrli *B(TT£*L Send fm FAM:

• - . 1
• Wktrll K-il ll hi II IHI Vi- :k llnil' '
» J nr AlirSTPFAM TMftFif DipL AH
i*J }.*f.
h it}# I - T l\i 3 L
f J 3 -

* “' J1I ZHUMC-H 11 ith n. omd

rt 1
] JSd* L * i*L1 • «.
"« L IPLVi: «SWJ.F (Jlfljl

Pap? ^0", S •
1 5 Aipsll 111 i Hit, SulFiBfa Chin* IS

hlenrlBa the Njul-iihL Gf^yrji.pK4 — 31 jdectciheb y^u

1 - 1 1 J • 1

The sun that never sets

FOH KMBS, ilkivk maker# lini=e tilled &o the litklcip n-jiEbim and ] »i 1 1 ’<1111 wc on
powerful car huti art tn Li^lit their cnullerj pie- reen^L

Eure At i |t p
j \ p* (ln'Hi ii-riHinriiL man- nnsrt 1
f lMh :e rtuziti
light ] Ui

liuidi” ‘'stinlipht” 1 1 i iifir u Iums .it id where j-t is bc^tl deVifluptfd — dupliuatuL^ the clfrft tif a-UU -

llr'ri Jrii T L 1 l_ I i t >|J| Ud Mi pttiill And textile tolut'S. p . nf -,iii

RsfWflU}, 1'tiiivn flurlnctc i jiloTnefjr in i'ut- iitvaitig iLe basic cijiuptiiiJtiurL of a nuaiiv

I n= llti HgiiiliJii |-i-i u i u .! L ih'u r-hlkm Bjujoi dllferrnt material-, I hr BcIentistA id L! n i 1

ciiLnn art lb t u*e in rt^kr |.ti*-i».'pr.L|Jii,. 1 Cftfbide imJL I iilktltut lij nr.- j n il {br iir-u imd
gfrej off a perfect 1} habwa'dd iigti whh h bring.* heller H to hmkg earlum Serve jJI <*j u*_

ijiiI Ini- 1‘iih-r- i Hi IihI-iv - "-rnhi I

|Ve trim. 1 hi* Fft tf : Jf^jrn y.i.u- f
1 T
nwn i
-! l
i 1 fa end t*$W*h
i ! ftp mrt-'ih 6 nur T\rf:dxr U'ru^ for
I- k>pn -Tii Ihdh Ew^n n^ngiitfril l
UJlii JFV'.'r Y' 1
«L' vjJJel
mi .in '< .knar h 1
. riiU.'l EifhlgJiAiftt m-lvir^a nielli
in ifijd- ftinlicpf} pii'Eutr

ill. Ill'll t,

imi lintSrrJ h-
Union Carbide
lint liar enrltfill i> - u « ] in
V/J f 'A /J OjV A* A

1 i hi 1 1
1 p
-:il> in-

, h' i 1 l i
! i-e-l" hesiiii oImi tuvrcd to 3 u f.^t iisn ^Tnjf.T ftT-^ sfii toUlC iT P d, 1 .

pr *

jer J | 1 1
r lin j p u tut cm th* L
ti Im to T h i I
p 1 1 f
b En I
iiiiu u : } 1 til El rill I
ii.ViB.t LjH 3TF,Ei inmiiil-n

- i i!fl\ { mutant'iirfit'ti it\ r'tiiit*1 —

fjrhpmp f'lnin fr 1. IniMiriir piTirnLTTii uni. *Arr ' n-litrtL# I. L p HWl^-RT ^lli-n i-nd ttHnJ*
I'lEixani. ^Jirii Vrim lraiiFn*iMP» Pltisri i-irr ll|n«* |iin*l Tcidll# 1 ^— ^ Kvebeaifi 1 . -h I r i
h «
1 1 UhIIhpIh
jl 1 LLl l.aTIL, 'i 1 ‘i L Ll I L_ till J Ill ,%L l i#rt. t 1*1 JlUlf lA U i w I iHNll'l fjIJriUH+f I.HAi. ipr' illiilpS i_: I :i JtHLa
( ! 3

sure way

to enjoy a bit of Summer

this Winter
the talari Ed E'3*' 1 f Gf (mm ti m—
r rji ijlt fi ' black CHii • h- 1 T f J

Get bigger kick out of

your movies . . Edit your Bfiiiid K tick i&ltmd

* famous
way Golden State. It's a gniul irrtoi
films this easy

—Uvcry mOilecn comedienne;
If* py\
io he yc’ur n>wn movie- tbl*y to enay-chair comlorCwUSi full length
he aure\pf Hfrm etui) are .pud from Hart so tjiuih. Icg-rtsts and free pjl]a\v*; Ifcnutt-

liinif HiW'fl proud to shuv*.

f Lilly apperinted pnvaLc rooms in
Tl* K^brt Editor Viewer jm Fijdif mAe* yoti
the iVtllaiao-s; delicious
rjsjwrtf You trirt trim oul over- and iEm^<Npo*C4l
-lIhiESh taba vttm* fusiseJ eiuli urid louden r
iuvUiug lounge. Co in pHmen tun
* * und quickly splictr all four
. iOCOh in: '”. ••

hms d’^iiyfes for Pullman pjs^

infercHtin^ enjoyable nJhuW!! Ton oui join old Jiucl
wjngei ^. Direct to El Phho. noug-
new film, n in^ii tfto wherever von UlscF
ll l

wonder fuJI> t^Ltiur on tTrr KaUri [js. TiJCiOik Chandler, Pinx^rr.



Editor Viewer Eight *creon -it oilar^ti pkiisre J’nlm Springs ^nd Eos Vngck'v
|I time*! The 10. watt cLsn^^tiiin -cuulihJ lump Lr j r aiigh at winter you iravcL
you loot -d frames irnlvfpni^Ey witHcm)
have fun und pejuvedatt uniC'r.
ovcrhraiMi? film ot n non ini ytrur cy&* Tbe tus-
Sam built-in ^llca weld* *p[iee* kWlflH and sunny ski^s.
pt-rrminently m ‘•ccinnils. Fufce* up to 4iHE teeN,
0plk4 element* ilzh pc ini dim grrmnd und ju.d-
khctL Smooth, linjck- hiindte drive provide* lor-
wiLrd u ns r'L vi i v^
• proj^vLtiotL Folds dal vrt

by 14" hy 4' iuuidy-carn currem: wcigft* emly b


now for lull

pouruitp See- yuur turn era
int^S Chiragfj l*?0 pm.
detiidU liboui Edihir Viewer Light,
Thru Paf^J-neuf mJ duy-
mUr Coach from Jhfmtu'ftp-
TJie fCAL* oij'.i-,^r

Fuui -rmfitinin#
PSelnvlIJor Cfcrmeetkut K n'.n.ici'.i C ifV.
PfQdiiQCts vf PfrMrr Phatcg'rjitthie Prvdvrtt ffrarr ^/o,-
jprrd Fijr-ifr ^N^fptt/crri,, 5>nrfrjVJir:rif Vfairr^fuTjJrrT,
K-41-^-Hr tl iftS CE \IG "i f,rj |-rr Trfttlnf Eqinpmrnf

¥ 0 UfiS POFt ONLY 10 *

L . . Iklt fld fy% ijluilratad
h-a-a-L jha^i '7*0 l h v* :> «* p r oEviiionQit
mu lit — coven Mm ti-Mrifl, fc;~l •£&,
nor]r-*elling r tr+|M» n^* ri*w*li>pmi>nPj 1

te 5#^ hifiripr, ^ctio-n, flic- Rega-

I airly Eric
I nm rnkres-rrU in n Trip to
1 - TJhe KaJiirt Co'n^aniTi ^ 1
tm, D«pt. NG- ! 2 P] AJao Itf I
m-c about i%T* ca*l fuJmiLy Pure j,

t tnilciMJd li I£j£ Eor ycor hidiiin^ LuVir Movfit. | Mani-fl _


i III 1

^? r

Off Tq ’!* Sf«t* L^_.

M ch l
= u!p lift ir iaii ii! GcoHTuiihM; — H ii3(Fiiil-B*fc yuii
1 •

Tkp •'mtji/i'
iji-i'/i unr -Aif Spurt Si-ifitn hpu- *)i 1TJ
C%\ i" r“i_ Am* — nrW ivngpf fut *. i

Ontvy purs rm all one belter Jor '5T will i / doffing
/' vj '
departure in difign (looks longer a fid tinner.,

and it is!), exclusive new Triple -Turbine Tttrb

aultmatie dr ire, a tin w I H and a hi/mt.M'r nop

ttj nett ideas indwlittp fyef injeetfan!

CbctA a w.\t ilEIi t

i . r v i. fharw - it — fr t: i: jiM

during npw griMr vwf nvfrsh Imw et f^uiiri fu

tJi* ‘ lIi-'i h-H w Hjj jji| ibf iH High-IVSiiiiLi a-r-,1 t

ffllllrJ"*. 1|> hli^T. IM*. ijU'.L IijliLn it.

AruJ lii?^ Mil? i-i JUtt t! n< i4.H r E'lirrr ir?r ttpw
VB |HHiir ujiilaus ihut nmur «ji iju 245* 3i.^.



ttitrnNotwE ujjiLduj,

.Ill 'I
choice "G mm* nn^ciTimEir

in ii
J'ln-ri' a

I iirci«'|. lii|r ,


1 1

ri lj.l-Z-
orr GMBE/nGisr
Turhihi? I aii r-n tJ.
*A vi^/rn*
<jO UN llj r qtfft f-dT ihot i m ill mm utfal iiAwlLihi*? sftrfi rfuj,

twUr#, Yinjr *
h^rrulri draiijt

. rj*
ffin rri'a^/i'fiplctr* Rtim^S
ftml i’jiii'vJ'.li.iI': fW-i up

ttn^ p
1 ri*Or Ar.Ji^ it&M CJhlrtTolrtt tKiMhli qC Ccmti jJ MiiEHtH, Etacrnjt
f.. a rj.,-
i n fdtrirtif /ttni
£il* T* '
itlktv i'jJi i i i?l/T, r
I ^ fr.ii r/..'!., Vtirlujij^n, i&jj modyfm^
, . A

the fine camera
for everyone
N<i Vincf jtifi iSufi ihi.t finr t iiii icf j . FJctii-rev arr
a.v«a\ jHrrtcfL for fhc mhjfd
. ^fciuwn full Hire k
in iuJI iiihif mi ihii lir^ fifomiiJ liat:
suptfb M1.NAR
icru anJ la*t SrnChrotmw- f:

ffttr thuEti'r. Tuikfh .it cv t l pictiiiti, ai

1 1
I .! ,, ,|

wdt 4U ^Smvn timf Ikr^c ?uptT 5-Nde trelhr tom-

Ituctifiirf. Nofti qftl|i *2 '4.^5 LiLSi At .ill i

dttaJirt3 m write* hr liteafiturc KJdftyi

. , .
liurki^h llmoks. I tic.,™*. *u> tm* #, n r

BY GREYHOUND! niviiin s m ^r, fm „ im n cm 4.. •

: mu », cjiii

Mukc yaut "imU Hrtnn)&i new ,n

hotel tHEmllEmE—fill Iruve! tieitiLb; aurnaippHl
in i rad." from your city or town!
Choose from do»rti Jjlfe rUifl;
fTDWT’, N"^r York 1 q klthiv Fiend i> 566 .0 0 J
Sp^d less I
dm II
fro^ tohiofi to |4hi hfffii ol &UJ*. , 5100.05
NIIJIICQ^I 7 diyi from Ch-'ria^g,
**«?!' itfctOfi Fj*W|i Spin AfiL-opi*. ........ . , , % 1 Q7 .4 3
horn Lui ihrhu Neita'a, Ar mchd ..* . . S4 3.0D fou'!: it p:Ea-yanF| P iorp^itd !* i'c^- pi ui*

CAUFOSNIi- 4 d= FT i i=i Mtii ^-^ipd-liff P'tiN spfcjeiMi, AM

friar- Mer nhis to Hit Cjt>dpn 5lnl« . . ...El 30.3^ > SM'H
1 «n|ojt thf If if u roly pocir al /a^r
h’lSC iutr:4d ll Clki« 4< U\j Id* ridls winl a<; ,
•:: .-n
^tus, af A^e«i
io s aiinni ill d^iw^p 1
p4 ‘etiju

G-fiAS— fi -.w c~:.r i


P’an f0i#» Fyil of* |Q*n flririi, ijrn ¥ || ii

3iii|im March ?£7. 1 f

A iitr m i Qrro.rtti
5,. I


cm c-! i
if Mete V iiifw
s Cl-ub — •Ef'jriii ictfi :

’«iJri — 'dEiwrti i"'<iin liiefiir 1!

Jjr nyfttHjMsd'^ rttl fr-il Icvf, 1

Extort. holeis, moiihtd ball and;

riih -c^tr-a! fl *Qt Init-k 5v»lmniir^ gnil

bqhqu^r— fcictad*<i
me, r : :?oi M«ia .
irffttEi kamt nl I
*• t

It? Ttc.kfl Ihii “vei'» Ih* mofcf Cl ^iigsi Cybij cP“n on-ilo- in&lr
1 ri-

ih^ihcrfgfjlo yG4H* liilnl dg ,: '5M i rp-^iwg^lM ri.^M n* ^oly^i. ligN 1 *

Lull <anc^fi. Frcnlbr pq^h -
— gpg/tmiiisrii
hi :r ‘fct 5 f tat

Free ! Colorful Greyhound four Folder Got ait tho JnfurmDfiiifl f&U Pr W T . T

l our Pifrt., 7 \ W Le*i St..
Wkpl ru Inn!
I Chicogo I, Illinois
Wh-nl ta dn5
1 ^ -T
I'd li * la vluf (plr^ t-s-j..
WJf mt W iRf jKiv!
Hon 1
r^ueh It ctaa-U

Arfri Y m*
M H ft

Cii| A Stott -•“d OF COlMMtmCf




>iFi^ticiri -^br F’CailLffnaf Cl#bt r “If idri’jLifiE.n full


Upstcirs in a you Spacious private he-^roemi

can Icrak «p. lank down, look oil provide Ihe same standard at pri-
aiQund qi the NKjgmfitent icettiry, vacy you fl-flfoy in yo*w own hem*.

If yo-u like? lo have" Jinn 1 r TfOYjMFng!, yaw' 1

1 conaiiily
like the Yisla-Domu CaNfvnia Zei-hyr., For anc ^dcson,
yay’r-e net lied down in qn^pl in one room. Yqu< havt Ufa

room re totim, for thii ii an\iu»uiilly spacious/ Irdln,

one thol w}ll remind you gf a lykyry cruise ship, Besides
TT *T j *|
rhe five V I *tgr Dome's upv!Qst^heJeN. Joeids l
me* osiro anil

i TiM ¥p 1
[J mr i
M rrr- [j -
apace dDwnifaiirs, There's always somer^Tvyg Id d6 aboard
L 1 . | N l

[l ® I T . jT . a , j jj
. | 1^ l [r'. 1 || * |

fh$ alwoy* lomo^iectoculoe scoriuiy ouivde ihfl*

tral-n* Domef

tra e at who' rtfu ward ta, when you wanl ta; go

fo bed wnenyog p lease; get up whenever yau w^stu
A business irfp aboard the California Zephyr become* p
restful 'lohdcsy And if- you're- traveling for pJeasuje, you'll
surely find rT an this glamorous Villa* Dome streamliner.

DOME Ejamfs

Table resorption *yst«tn elim- fa-r EalsrftH, iJ^itrati^ Co-fr/s/ntH Jtph
host sl‘.
t r

inated crawdFng in ihe Diner, famous J-pri»i J N i-MHf Dippsf r#C"< W*|'iP|i j^r'hc. if 4 Miiprpn Soflmstfln,

Fqf defidoyi, niidv SJr-nui S :*j

i F-ro"! uco 5. Co-'i'c-rnsa



: 1 ;

Hff irtBUfL AD IF C IO ..
h* ?rs DR S£*YICf ... Hr* I'firsti on CCJjMFO® T.. .

fhp oJrih«
Nttrf fEffiiD™pr 0 p ffjrpng

We INSISTS to imerka


I ;>, 1
1 \ V iictHlfVl !« Ctimidu for m Thrill inn . ,
nlh-L-f -I Traces wnn In f Yi*-
p t,ir <if tnrte*rrt-tin\ air travel... swsii. ciyunt icrvltfe- wtalwuFd Lvi VartCptifier.
iluiiM, simajrrcigly YjlhTDlton-frat- V itciiUril tilh-er H \ service^ I mm IJcm-I mH, Cleve*
v.'rvice ni rofuntclh VltmtreliJ ,ieil2 OllikWu tornl. Seuiik Tieunrui., Tumfw -51 Fcteiv
li'i'm NfcW Vark 4 C7tfcQ$Bt DftTcrihWmihi hurp

TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES TEji DP lu ill fl-siJirn Ml w t L-rfc., [.I.v Mid trlri.l- '^imTIOr.
Cll /jr^, t-* ahili- Tufcn-c 7 lt|ic 5f F^HarxL'u - ^, Lei V* u>rlfch

J A.|| 4 . j J J |
- - a ! -J

- iJJ
- g.. La
L-. ,,

OE 0 UTA 4 TE r

41 liid V ruJicp in
mlyilljljigMilfiip - IT-


Bfaflr Inlif 1 IT
q 1. 1 -.1 J

I Iffifr riftml H L ^
r rr n i..»-
£iil=£!£s::j . i i i fan i . ,fa«--- -- -
rSrzs:::: -2 S 2 - ,

ni.. .... rr=.mxam .iHS;hn!S!i

*"r/ I
4 : F?
: :
i .

im:::::::::::i! i;r::: :: : : : : :
jiIbi Anlk|HV Ivory,
]TU .-
: ! .
- I I I ! 1 » R

474 "j _ _

— I _ ::i^= *
„ M N 3 TRIL I Hi-Fi
Ju-iivi lJ VMm - TliehS-

fUuiriilirr. (ifgn*,

M-llti [=+
\l|j]!]ii||pji\ I iinin m
EiiiJiPil ^ l A. 1
• i
< Snip h-

hr = u |:n t I
« pin lily ii [ hi .VI-iui t ize Ves y n u ! ] it eca 1 1
- >m v

I IilE «<nh 'In I iLn |

ifv v i'lr, I'.pJ* L I hi \1 .Jll nfirr? tll*^ fmesl

tofevisiim. ntiilu or Hi-Kp pcrfunivancc ymi can hn nu. into your hnrrw%

Fnl 1
I! iu>l ml rib llu Mnill fet|;l. i-.i Cu Mr, -rflh- U c P Till M 1 >L
1 1 ill Inn , fi«ji.i \l,-|

m Ill-eriVf: IrjViiiiiB, Dj : i
Llll Flleesiin-I J, MimiFu iurn| *rul IliiCrJinlnJ LS llu a da £_i :i_.Iiu:j itiLaliini IJb=EPHiun. Lll,

MrflllJcib I Mr: >i iliui.dl Cl C .. u T » |f J1 l • tt i .Lri li : I n E!l y.'iLi

1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' -

Yoiir \\vArt . Lt jiI VI.HLT I ijal j it

Si I r Hit! illirJlT >iil! tT-rrbS LL FlnwA

Lint" £ri rii^TtiiriV whi'fkrT > in tv i

lil 111 Lj fuf KniUJJ-U U! Llk.EtllE u.
Flfftll b 1 M Nr t" ' M r i I > ! ( 1 I II ILsi'

\'\ 'f. ihu^r in:i<-inrh MHimiWud

& 0,u L^ltS up iiijd t jnkij u1p.i|j£

with ihv v\ \ a\ jtfriv f i|n-]n vjn

<funr i ! il - 1
I'tmicVu Yum t s
. 1 1 1 ] i 1 % i- 1
tin lift™ ih i 1 1
il mj wliis-
j'tfniEs^ wavtitf oS yimr Sirjp.

Y»m t-jiii -i tE i:'ij «_ii f i ill ii t ] ili ^is


_i I j! UhNii^Ps ull FflkJW^-Afmti

Ki^ir mt.vil m am LulvirrihiTe tn
Wni M fiiitlnl Tcnr-li i

Yu La 11 r
I e 1 )v l* i . rnth' in i ,!

is *
Tt'li'ju 1
nufcvii-*, i|i •
k s •! i s r i or
tkck h h d EtU i > If i v. l i n if i Eat *Sl I i-iuT

h Ji ll pi m Ii .a r i t i’i L Ini! il l av. s 1 1 L*i i 1 1 .

1 1 r Aiitljtirucrd Fri'ni'Ti Lilli?
Ti.yvrl A^uaiL.

Enjoy uncrowded

Canada ( ,„/on<f of "Vocations

be sure your safe
is a safe place
Unhmited” cH year 'round !


WOSE l*HANl i .000,0130 LAKES

ap aoo square milk of national parks
fitr rJiP"
* tvljJLl nlf fi mm*- aft'l ibut^roiu
/rrr iii^nmiufir^ri,
* huw rmith ;iKJttctbon to expert Iron a
fiiv jjj i K'"f building
T “Caitaiia L^rLiMiTTn wttit Ii.lT[-
* a

ihmr ii Ju-tuirta dtit-nli \i-y tn hr A

i. i i
11 M Mt ii ,
should c-c! priority ifl

2, A ii> ia. Mj|i lit r..LiLadd A net iirultifiii

* vfbari t.ptriJ-;

J to coLEccl Fully vn Ft*


3. "Hii’-H Tl> EMU.’- I C4XrtiL*" — MllftJl s lUinrti- * \hhjt tppc:La] fFrccaUfltei i U> with cjjIi
tftm Lin
+ Itnul for buying nrw
wbitf tCi lei -ii

t !uri*-I Ezbqilirs Fiitiil if 01 y«ur c-iTtn

*. l-ilIli Ik-i

Itl iiMakdttfr JSlnrri inftinljjitlilll. jNiI .inflwi.TJ to dozrtu oIolhcTVjtel -tjur ickirn-

iVtf fclprl

KMj CaUpDfl 5*1 Birr — iHR VS* &n w JIV »i| E^la i.

— - PLEASE P-fM-4-T- — i
OF t-3JLit?&
CANAPiAM QDVIPNHthf TRAVEL IILrKl Ali ®* Mosler Saie^r



.'liTl/n r

^ I
l'SrmM j£nd ui* ITtlU.
Fifth ir*ni ll¥ Tin
t LL; L

ft T

T iJLd*U

St mi i uii rhs Nj^inonl phit-i — tl eJYrUlhvl Vflfl

' i

Will your later years


be ones o! achievement
j r
and contentment?

PF YOU! in ink About the many contrdnibLUB whidi

1 o liter
people hcive nude to the world, yoq realize = .

AT 83 THOMAS A. EDJ50N mute jiioihKi hi* how rewarding Ui'cs taier y&us tan be.
iiiidle- * “n tiK ['nkLliuIiihi of lyftlheLk Ti idjYi more people rlun aie proving rlinr tho
Wflh beyond hj an: mrt ycarv to bn /iAV . . * they
are years to be un’o-.'/i anjtn^'
you wart vnur
11 tiil» ytjr^ i o h; health) ,
active ones + _ and . wbb ik^e* mu? . here sire some
important rhinos uhich you should be:.: « u Jo nu*u:

l r Adopl ihp right ouHaok on aging, EJd ri. 1 1

worn liboul old Warty will mil it, rqnre

I i kfily U Lis will tin vim Pace tip %] uarc y o he prob-
it I ( t

lem nf n^ing . and plan your life so you can mw

lulurr challenge
AT 79 PAD LJU VVSK1 wav still -i |i * T of t lit:
Broodei* your horizon & as yaw grow O-ld or,
Jlkini*+ giving trontrcrrii. before Luipl- fluibfnttN fcr
Mental .idvciiiiifc. whether it be in absorbing hob-

btecif injoiviib dolled to helping oilier v wilt sLstuI

y ou in gmxS stead during y out leisure ycari ""
l o kwn
w liii t Ls iLew is to icm.iir? ^Dung,"
3 Take slock of you* ha abb.
, medical '
check-up* annually lifter you Hit 35 or 40 can yni
assure you a healthier life m yoirr teier yo**». Not the
teal of the hcJtrSit^ which you will get fn>iTi rtgul.ji
tNiv lo your Jtoctor hr inediisil llJ*. ice about what you
should and should nut do as you get mUing, in

AT 83 ALl Ki.l) TlN^VKOV published one of hi* You iiljv hfiVY slipped into some bad ht^uJUi habits
moll mrnuTrjtili: poem*. OtittAigf ih r ffd;-, Lriikrsowingij’ r , , Like ovcrnsBiinj^ur din eathtgoiwiugh
uf he I proliwfcive foods ... nr nor gbirrn^ cdiough OfCr-
izj^e ^iid sleep Tht^c msW -writ bkc ^miijl muiteis to
you . ^fi/ ^j^|- y-Fii nnwl
MtH f tfafttj tt*i* *UzJ i-^

Look at the oJder people, around you who hove mas-

larL^I tbt art of t>IJ i' rate fully. Find hat
thet lur- dooe to Jduevc health ami happim ^ in she

sunst-'i yt?jrn_ ^ ou may leum a lot thnf w ill help ^u,

|tiJreJ h you mily live to the seiKjmePiUi of arl

AT 78 T\ E NM A M N i 1

KAN k L L N w-ua am haMAdor StkycarTpJd uum w i l? .sajd, “'I m not si.k I ri jilhi 4
II1 Framer, Wruisr Iiim uuiirbloi'raphv jdtei SOL taibev 2d!

r^rofusl ila n. L»fs I ha ui uni (Tci-iv^ij^v

t Mnd'Lir. Am-* ,
Now VDirfe 1 , H Y.

I^BOSB Tinijl TjJh' I |w i;r.ipv 1.1 [ '. ijrjrl'H -i iT; trT.

IWi #"-y(rfrir 1- >: ii. 12-frll-X



\6ure never cold/

never too warm
with a Genera! JEleetric
_ n r - * . attib urn or ww wm itgmp pnfflg i^n-
HUfOmatlO PlanKet^Trom |

cidl t-'ieizirL: BftJj-JJc tintrLjl.

tttcn nfainiiiinri \hiii warmth., iikljUMtiri" U*

jfflipcratW cfumge» fliiEomnri^y.

Wl-i Tfijii A IIOL H>J invnhiir m.vhcd gpiii>rl{.nf!iic II inliri.

He ppy Marriage" eumfort . J'n ul'

Cfinlrci! mode* for double bcii> ks-s £3th

^Icqicrdiiw j Jr^rr^rji ii mo uni of warmth
it" iteiir*J. No tine feara pKclLttH vk-c-pm^;
iKMin r , fiiizh. U uransd of pftel pcrtcna!
curttfart. tj^riCTLs! l-kctru. Cumpart),
qptfa IM-mi-et and l
iin J_kr pL_. tin U i:
: j

2, CtMlrtflCtldlt
lUii.iir^. rui.-i i- n .ip. mu: -t ^ixr TipuJ*

Easifr tvaonraliin-g r.'l JU-l i

-‘ Bix J-tTinuriJi- tcaiui. in Mini in fabniZl

rlutil Gcncr4 btectric blwflfcxi,

J by t iuituiH. hiIeIi binding by Skinner,
Cu^LiiNS-t’flflLoLLr-f J ijiijran^re Ekfomii EToetrtc R|4ftkw ,iri"

hJfm fried with

of Jboc, mm, (Luuly
v- j thed
Puivt u.irj!”il Lh.t riliaHid

HodiiofccriHDi; (J ur;my
L i O-iXl

n i


1 -mm i
1 t r !

V01.A X. No. 6 WASH 1 3! < 1 IUN f DECEMBER, 1 <156

Jerusalem ro Rome in the Path of St* Paul

By l)Aviti S. B<ivnk ?07

Foreign EdlLuriiil Sr.iii . N‘ .1

' J-uiu.L MiiBsLjJii-l"

H r
hh lllustrationi from Phut o graphs hx t!u* .. / a fh 0

As a speriti! ( hris/rridi XHppirtmwL fit Xothoui f {_*#ypfQp.kic Sochly ftrt'srnti r^Hf frij- «j

itifur map of t?w ifudh of ( 'hristitmity ond odjacem Iifttdj uf iftr Xair Edit, tint Hint "Land1
of tAt: Bihfr' Toddy, itrftk II i< tortail tf&lr i/" (f p-r§ji!i is th&u^onds of yt'itn rr/ Ah for r it; aimi
a modern grogmpMcitl fiufhgr\wmii
to hi ip hrm^ ike map to vivid lift, Th? Swkty rrtiJ! vritrt-phoMgrophcr Ihivid $ Ho r vit-

ro truer ftir m til of Mf i f past ft rum — most tudmt trawler oj hip time — hth*J ro
rt'i tod noth a crdiur r4fM</d fir >

terms Funf t rceip- -The Kditur.


pire tit
preach the gospel


Ri mum

-Eesar^ he had nu

tiAfid H-


9Qd years ago, he
look >i ;*we m
the lar-jUim.


to w;is really the peaceful

ivtiut \\nti

sector of Jerusalem.

mitt*- of
In search of th- foettstepp of St* Paul,
Sti pbeii
one of following jmd

^ i
the Aj ici-tli-.

a. l

was Palm Sunday,

' in I he Arab

ctrses in t Mtsi, Hr carried no [imspfrri ran I

and aprocessfon of devout ChfiftiiM stmfiler]
needed no vii^*- jfcayl site jnto the MmK f iiy, Endtessh Uwy
T01 lay il Is hlenilh ins]n >
--i| ilr h- [lursdc stream i^l besido ibe stepladder that raided my
the pred» i " Lite of St. Paul. Except under a camera liver the heads uf a ^lent, watching
flag of truce, no one crosses the Jordan- Israel cr»™d 713).
nn m an » Luul without taking hPss life in his
h rmds. For eight years the ordinar) pilgrim fittte N jTrifrd fur l-'irsit Oirbhriit Marfyr
or dghtM^T lu*.- beerr i\t\Mc ha aiove freely imaaiimtiuit pictured a far different scene
from tj nv, yd> of divided Jenutalt-m hi l ho — the slcitii£iLg of tie first C ‘hnsiican martyr,

other. In.-itLr^d id walking a few feet to visit SiejThen. whom ibis, nafr is named.. \
thr -
it her side mf 1 he; clly, had to detour toO
member of the nmb hval on SfL-jilim V tlentb
miles by way oi ritulnd Cyprus Useti a homb- wra> a young man hearm^ the Hebrew namr of
w rucked trouble spot, Saul, but tuiawn Lo his tire^k and itoman
friends a? Pnul fr:.r Lith was Roman citizen

il ^Ltu '
^ Story Sruri?i in JanisaliLin
Oit well ife.s a jew. As n young rahbinii ai -lU’
Where PiUtl walked in an empire united un- ieftl Tarsus. Smj] barf etitm tu JeruMJem

der the Put. Romana + 1 crossed the borders of to study the Itjfljtfiltt u[ hi* fathers,
trine cottnirm on my way Irani Jerusalem to Slepben was a convert Eu what wai- still,
Ri me,
1 1 hn ; my v;a m urns were- c mi fi^cn r 1 - f at tii^ii lime, only n Miiiill .-^ect oi Jud;tlsui
IfftifKi-mriK afternoon to
. and I had to talk nil The new faith was spread inj§—^it had perhaps
convince a suspsriiiLH general that my mlsMriu S.fJCO followers m Jcrusuf-em bui il
“'Fwrjf Vr fat m , . J* tttrttitrTn M t nti! ) t
//r Iimfurd with Pnw*r from *'*n —
Hash*' -1-uku 2-h4 J l

One nf Ibnsr ttirfitf rnir* Iip'-v -hnj mli j hiJliu|> tiiHl^mi.iliJijkit ailcr ihr CracBiilnn w se a Jtlfcliiw Jrw«
Saul ol Tji-u^ lairr m L i
.. ii Mi J'.iul Al rli-M t [lp’rarculur nl C 'knsLtaniE, Sitnl Tmzinr coTTV^tr fpnfarJinu t]ii

fi rw rcNjcitiii h rij Uuh myth

1 ul iJic Roman Empire. During hE- Jiii tJjtn OiJ-foilnykiy ij^rhijinj l:tim u j c^'kab

'-nujiLiiith- in in .1 v- iijL-|n#4il !.ihli Dir • inuruml qUntrlJ tlwirit wis- Joiii LiiE. Sm lll> di^ip-lns.
(fHifj and Jordan I >|vh!l tfav Hnly f ni
I y ; Jltis .Vruh- SuA^^ If fmm His Sliltr

THt’ ^venili-LciitarTr tJomr oi the kook rformaniiics rht dty'«E skyline (pipr *t5? Til li* pfarc
,%0 ^ran as^n.

1 j u
I would bavf etfpfi 1h? Ti'itijiSr 1 luill |iy T Es-n h
I Hr ijrdkLi p&wfibty he pondeml ns JefUi
. “Tl>rifi
vhaJl jiu| be LdE unr $Eflnt* upon niaoEher,
A iew years dipt Si. Paul * dr-alb. ihp JWnniu drtiriiyrd JjefHififem and

8 hr Toslplf Hur, nuhbJ- ifu flld Cftv'% Will Hit" v|Ih- r r r 3flwsm uyrilnuk- lln- Vail*)' ot ^qq.
l ,

m The Nntinrtal Geographic Mtigasyw

meeting angry oppicdtinn from ih\y:>t who pSend with his ondlme frtefidti* Wlwn they
lirBewnl It ihrt-HlriirJ r ht- rst ibludied relkjon. rejected him. hr i«M>fc refuse in lila Roman

Hilled before Jewish Lruwmrag body

the citLzroshEp. Arrested, he wiss ^i-nt to a prison
t]u- .Siiiibf^irijv Stephen jumped uE iLls- ms I in CJjfcsamt on She Palestine ciyast imd then
jihriiiy., I jl the tumult stirred In 1
<in otipas- to Rome to face triaL
-n med speech in own defend lie ft' I in!"
TravcEi TutaT 13,000
the- flands of an angry mob.
TllCff they i-rtcvl nut with Tmid vmcr und Li lo a «twc tlicuj! the drstmlk siory rd
-lopped a ins and ran a\mn him with
ihhjJr Pluj 3 1 ji il b be urns and ends in Jemsalrm From
.u i khI. \ml czl \ him out of the oily* md h^r?.- hi- wen! furtb lei purn-Sj Christ's bjltnw'-
stoned him: arid iht? wf messes laid down their LffS in Etiimuscus iiniS rlniit them in chaiiir lo
I hit Sift? llI n )OT| man 5 sTi i-l wC r-i; riLLine jirL-i*:jn. After hk mirae obui^ cojivenkmi efi

Wan Sauk Use riKifl, hi- uniik ihfre Inns; mifi-

"And they atoned Sttjphtrt. . ,,And be skm&ry |otimeys to preach rederoptkm Liirn.i.CiL’b

kneeled down* W& ltlim! with a land U -w.’i. l-he^e ntul hh fuurth «rrai junrnry.
l_4 >rd r
by imt iIlls to thdr tfctcgft And to R-oime. are shown in an inset mi the llible
whi n be hnJ ^ni !
tlii:- Jit
fell asEeep Anil J js Eii P’ fna]i, His knmvn IttUpt 1 c tobakd ri'itne
S:luI was t-Dn^nlrEnu! ttnlti htv death (Ad 3 JpOOU miles, and he and his tnbsioimry cul-
itsr m fij i>. lejt^ue- tran^ mied
into n world rclininn,
t "hrisihmity from a *mM
ThU* Paul, the Api^s la Hte (icntilc li- Jewish
who woiikf cjifty thr tidftigi of hrist strops i in g lifetime nf travelog, P.Lirl returned
much of the ttomun Empire flr.4 appears un l*r jr-rUSalcm Nm< liter linif moving freely
ihe wi Hd '$ singe 44 a perieciitesf of the Otifi --
across what ure imw guarded Frontier! f

luin faith. pkm«d to viidt first lbe|ilace< on tlie Jrinlmi-

Li in ?.ide nf Jerusalem that ;Lr# lrad3tinn.dfy

Sen md iif \|fiOst II"*. Pfl[b assodalt^l with Sc Pmtl, Then 1 wnuld set

with out (n follow his p:ith acmss thr y^i

lifting Litvuy from £t Stephi'iiV f tali’

of lus mksjou. iwickl rjrkini; from Cyprus to

the Palm Sunday crowds, E c roast'd St, T';,uil £

yard- away time. AEhjui

find *ii^ -tej>‘- [Lcro^ L-r.iel - jwjrtioii ul im
mill a i-l'i i jil! -IOCT
Hob. Ijinri.
in a vosl mi|7ii;i rd, ^Lunh the Moslem Itnme
nf ilie- f^idt. In the frur pri‘ Christ. Stephen, 1
rhe modem pibrim wbi M ks p« t r:u r BI(>

and Paul, ihn courtyard Mjminnile^ she Tern*

Had Sibtorv
the Vv;tr E;s^ ince? another in

Hew the I Z-year-cdd problem ulmor-T as khmiidaiilr u* liLLrhrd win*

pie bu[U by Herod.
and Uordw ^Inny of the holy plates Rusrr]^,
Jwii5 conversed wish the teachers in the Tem-
ate located not bv nrdtoluFy or trustwortlty
ple. and here Saul studied Judaism under the

faminl& iSanuilttd gw ?l4l,

kudnaiiks but only by MiliEiutli And tm-
dilion \? nlien vajrtsr ond contrafSctciry
Ijl Xcw
Teshonriil times a ?=tcme ^taltwny
St. Stephen^ (!aii ibwff
joined the TVinpk umi i>i thr kn tracks. tA for rvtiTnpIc, ttusv

cS lttancitly hr r^uiriuzn where the Rutnait

n*l murk fbu 1
Inn 1
bepllon nf the stoning

procurator, Fonts ms Fibfe. Nit in judEptnl

\t the border nf the coitriyard <if
no Jesus.
of }u>t Htdi
of Bhi


muy we
fmturj the
hucf hero
P?ap Iff r

-r t T
*3 mk
Bra nf hr *
t* i .\Frrf

f m— ttt

PiLpfr Til

Trfi'i r

i)h tiiesl very ji ic-- ihjLt St, Paul ! iwnrd tn llir rlimartjc Iii-S week oi Hi 3ifp, Jriu* rilfrrrd
j nTUiak'm triumpll, thf l’ruL 3Jjr|iin Ftii

She rod was resound by a Roman

of hfc life,
St? Rlti jjttrF
EoRiJWrfi Weft On? E^ditian gay* ituu
soldier fmni a itiob that would have kilh'A
Si FLtr^Lirtt, ilu* fii-fl( Chrkthtfi murt'-r,. was killed,
Slim as Stephen had bihfn k till'd nf! ar hrn': ihi' siito hear lsii luicrir,

J'aid held relumed lo .Scnjsdlem after thou* PjLLi, Ihi 1 U L Uf i* Ar.i>ll.: to till filths. FtttTffPtl

san tls of mfk-> uf travel, during which be Jiiitorv rl'.i

r Lr* [= th*' ln^r s; (hr m.u \ |Jfc i

The BELiIf relit® that tbuiM? l/k(j Muord Slrphrn
established coiufieRatioiL'i all the
Li.ii ik'iwli c-SriTSiiM. ni ^Mill's fctilp hchJ 'SanS
way tn At hf.'n- mr 1
1 ' « r i n Lh_ Hy had relurm i !


l'- curtNrnthijf um1l> hi- iknlli,


In cnrifer wilh leaders d the church, linNumi* 3-l^-rk on F

aJjD thr Lrt on Pm mr i h rtE Jmj-
wiflt him ( cun verts i'mni Librcafi. =j[n:i in bright Lirreltn. w-slks ns |smi!'nHkns dtrauith
Si i‘tih n Gal* 1
S[n-r Lil Oirm ^ H vjnE frlntF
of dehlimt ibr r
i' i § i ^

.Anqry 1 u\ts JijCCU^'I T’nul

abovr Utv Brel, hfotuil of OHvra tlirodtth lIs>.
TemiiTc by Likin tr tie utiles into its sacred
inner coniines. Paul stood mi th ew- steps (o ^ IhIiu: ^1i-i|;-Hj-liir MaEff
K , ’ ll

"/ /Jw l if Sty, ..a Jt'tr y * T/V


m ThS* C*iy Mf thf fVri

(1/ l
— .Acts ^2
Ai]'!iL‘-.rinz fpiit.ui(fiinitci ItiLr Eri hid iifr, St, Paul
m'liitiiiril hb ?.'ii
.Siiiinl. H- Kaii M-wiflril In the Hi*h
i’ily uftrfrt llir Ti •annul {frktuEbet Oil£u 4 a- it -cturimt,
5dul nttfil Jbuvr Kit .11 lJkL-% JmVi il»« abuiil ihi^T nit'M T
liii i Nk« ju-rnohnE tei he
tii LUf w’ffiv?
Ti t m an In r ill I

ilu law a, 3 tii fjlbesJ' l

Ilsr >ou!tp!riTE study in I hr rtcr imi oi |fru- I 1


&alr£& al the fonvnil Tntou^.1 Tul-llL Sdauak and

•Grtiml Wdlka Mlj ETuyLm f 'i>i=isifi <S
1 43 Mir , ,
m ,

liTilujiiloiJi ifli wl I* one ol ihr i>ldr*l tribomi'i LiKtl-

1 1 ii ii'Ti = in l^iurL

mi Stephen. Oil muscles Glut id Mu« nhl f 'ity

utlv uho 009ft: naimfd for St- Stephen.

Uilfray up M«mM Eioti 1 f>n?itrl a second
tracJEtEim ationt si Hail
Outride ihc flolv City* wall stmd* Lhe
nj.Tn of n iiiL' Flour stairway, lav] down hi

lid rftstam unt mi - J >*u> may ha ye c im bed
I i L

it and so nia\ S-'sul. up mi / iim. Halfway Mm

in ihr ii i
p L \ iilumih. dak! Jt'i'l Si W'tvt in
(kfficantu 1 1 mrum Sk Petr* ui the crow-
iim id thr? crick' (page 7 Z D l _

Whore St, fY-tcr Ul'iilcJ C3tdit

It was here-. in l be <«| Miurm rrf Culbnlic As-
^limptmtsbi Fathers, that ETirist wit: infmek-
Hated in Mit 1
ITini-j." of t'iiiaptuL-% the hi eh

priest, Here, the* A^umptloiiisK -:i\ Cataphas

questioned Jesit* w Lhe fateful Thursday
iit^i t hriHi'r Ire was Jed tn PHnitLUs I Slate
fiir judgmrnt
Sfrroip I % -
l i

r . thts Gsdikati fuhtrmjw* who
was the firM JtS0S dlsdpfe* tpitetfed tibdut

1 hi- jlM:IC£ llll’ulJEh the night* Hctatdihg til /.\\m* Hi wotlM huve
mme here tn take frata

be only curious ivsbuider. he

n I tried to thi- hand-: of \hv ldich pricsl hi^ .aiMiur-ty for

Irani what was hupp^nip;* tn Masiier, rrihtin^ inti i priMin tki-r wlm believed

Hi ret urn is bi i*nri-

she i I'Mwlne «if ihi' i *rk Christ wils the Mfesskth

lil r| K'twft, he denied knuwinsi Inter's After hjivism taken i^art sn the Hmimtf id

1 1, JuvriJ T’i*. teller HirtswlL had prfdick‘il il SU'phrn. Spml ’ike ;i rri^ilmari “madr hai’ixk

\uiuUI tws >o.

ai the i
htiTth. eiiicrini! in tn and
i.' hi iUh?,

lairkiiT trp The till amp Mount Zirni rind lialiiii* nil'll and wniFben raitimtued them to

not lat frnm the Lm-rltt cnnkl tomb oi Kim; pri5dii' (Acts K;3),
Davfd, nl-ihds dk VniiraiLin Mnnaslery of \nd S ud. yet breathiniz mil threnienui^s
the Hi iUT Saviour ITrtr uthens clntm, is 1 1 1
and s biiiahUT a^iins the t Lord
disciples uf the .

Inn- TuCiiinji of thi- HjH3£e of l ninpSha. 1

? Bn wtU iisilii slit- high prh- iU Anri desired -d him
n stands [ioserleil in ?ii> man> land and ]
letters to Dama-cus h> tho syamstogufcfl + / -

roll If | Tint visit it. (Actn Q:UZ),

S wits Milk nHVi m
t\ thr puihfnin cif chijnen^
^viirl St; iv Ouf for Dimisreus
iir iti preference to the For uaatt ss

arc im unfanitnisIcaJ schoJar, von make "*
What Saul wanted nf Wat- (. aiapfms was :i

chiicei [afLjrly mi I lie Smsis rj( hii^' the runl To raid fhr Uvpr Jewish awtgregailoa in
actual .wiling aurcr with tht way yau imsu;- dir city of hatoasctLS. Hr w^ulit ‘’earrh iHM
fnr thesn. tbusfi trho hail atri-pfed the tindisniJ ciF jesits

II Whis hut diflinJlt. then, mr me to think and retiilri them in bonds tu Jecu.-aEt'in fur .^aul had climbed Mi l< up ^T- -imii ludvfrirni

1 k

yi •- m

• %L- am

i ^ r J BF

irH U ir^*

“*7 _ i


Armed with this authority. Slue] out in nets for aunt her niiiht of work on. the lake
turn probably rircnmpanieil !_> they ivill (Clitner^tt 1 ktww, i
> hr ante E hud
sitnmls placed at Ills .service by ainpJiflA, i
gone n-hlnji with them.
Which Foiid he Icjwk o Dimmed us. nobody 1 Perhaps Saul flopped :il Kimn n in t _ri t-

krnw?u He cnqJd have avoided t.he desert buy iish fur lib men, InminilTy. he and hki -=-

herit by following ihe hills muib tnwiird Xazit- band may have dint'd on the suine rHh tlnd
nth, then traveling up lhe Rt% eT Jordan Frmn r
wtmld nicr bfc called St. IVler fish, after

the uL Gfilite wnd post soflw<riiwttfd Christ* firrt dbcipb.

Mount Hermon.* From jenwabiirt to Damascus t;- but three
giwnU would hsr me fntm
Jordanian border Inches mi Bibb Lamb map
the* —yet the con-
fniltmipy this nquic sn Sew tn haimscus ! version of Saul in the (nuf^ jiI this jnuriiny
liL riinni. After rtu pLme Mmk «o'i Imtn tbe w:e- r]e>tiiHNt In chteRr \hr work!. s aul hud
wavy runway of ]« m-aii m \ jsitfpirl it bene] iM now only n limit* lime anrl u ^huft dUiiUu'e in
eastward Jordan. Hiving l-r.u‘\ n wfdr Ho IjefottL Use light W'liidd strike. Whul was
lierslu, T tried lo follixtt from the :i:r the way hr i Irinka mi J wondered during those l.i_-^t few
>a Li an I 1 In: 1
i «hi w\ ur f
m i -aculi'f s would I uivc hours?
4 krlk
l hr impatient to bear ihr set tarn* of
A '"p r [ji Lit ini! hut dt; lm Led my 4 ruitkin^ those he would draft away to pri^ui from.
eyis. The liLSa hint red in 1 hi- vapor. Thr UmntLSCiis? Dr was he haunted bv tlic u mr

Scll of GalBte ernemed a >me«'ir of dull alu-

minum, fruiti the purple ima- m (l;ililr,ir hills,
4 S« 'TFu: (ii'UETLipEi - uL Lh+' jiiLiliiu r
|iy Xidniui

f'MVii then Israel fi-hmiu'n would he mend


GM, Cj^i.n^rnir rictrmhrr

1 ,'Uk
fVi| tonsil 7 14

Ivitim'n Dome fif (he knelt Stuntk *m \hv SpOl Whore SioloiHoti add Htr-nJ Hu it! Tuinfftk*

It wai K^nliriit (" Ua#inp< that Abrnham

jhrrc, ^r. i-^-tt. tmm Mirb i'mui ilfttvc flul

[lie ^WMfJHiufEL 'Hug muSliik Jjl3liui:1i (Wdrittti ImuiuiunrE atop- i 'tni]ldiPi!lE QV^ffl^onfi the tempi* am

Thr in ihJ* dlvin* fifflimaiwl won mutsj to fiaJih itv JtvtH* tout h || jJti,, S Hit ul in pprui Nit HI*
lnlli^ii i L^ler, a PiiuL tbf AriiJillr, hi 1 himFi'h w:i miilih'd lm (hr Trniii'i Ekulu q \ ftn : r hrLvtjiin iirlwii
1 I

/*> Wf i ll u at

NirhvIllsni.iiiilLriu- Ihoir pin ^imljnn, Ifcu- carlae-E-L

i *h e ktL Li m •- - liLrii mJ hi liar dlvi strnP j.nri .iIIfI'i

in ifflktt** Im* jnn rb^ \pftit] Ll

Tbits** JtrnliinJaiia Siitk 4
t \ht uwrjuy jrmlndrr \nt-
v-uilinB in- tbr Holy Ciu Irtiifl S mi puuf.^ Liriil
•p^ldlni by tifttinru ^wnitn Lhrm Lrum Ull IsmI j

Kfl 4 f.
71 ft

uf Lb»t in Jittusttkoi a
who bod steadfastly rr-
fus’d 1*1 deny Jt*us? Ass hr pa-ssed tlirouiih
l>:dike. wiq ll rcnHrnibmnj: ul3 that
J lie knew
ftbcrui she Mtissnih from \a*areth?

.\n*:l 23 be foiimeyd, hti * riiru- mar 1am I

cm: and surftftttify fcbertf mund almid

hnn 3 Ir^ht frirtti heaven: And In 1

fid l in llae
tM.rt]i , arul bean) n vdtet viem unto him.
bnol S.iuL why iwranniftsi thoti mr v Ami
he Kifil W hi i art T.biu. 1 uni ? Anti the Lord
>n£d. [ am Jesus w hom limii |wa«cut ^> f

(Ads 9 : >- 5 |

VVIilh the- vision ended a fill Bund stijnd up.

Jit! wtw blind. Frieml? hid him by *he hand
to ]Jnn>&yi;u5 + Thi- iffis the great event of
hh life; as= a result, hr became art Apostle
iif Christ.

Nev. Building* Climb DanMmo* Sinner

Yft landed and I drove at 1 tatnjuiscto airport,
in, in the aty possibly pafislnu on mad
ihi- unknown place wbm> Said had hi- vfcim,

Xhr capital d tmklern Syria h±- uspanchd

l;l: bfiyohd tJn- Ei"in.m Wall- >>1 SawlS day
p;iErt' 7 2 M Uni] rj \mw new apartment bui] ,:
£ ,

inns climb like steps up the mmintaln^df*

Each succeed imp balcony toasts a grander I

view than Its iidghJw I it* f i • w

Still, ll jurat deal has remained tmehtm^cd
within the mined waits uf the old city.
Whim xiul am ir tu n' ilrre were tuj pimple
called Christians. There wre Jews who he-
liVvcd that Jt-a:- w»n the Messiah, t'bey
jl tended simv (pl&gBjmes Jl* the rent.ih-r

They obwnri the same Jewish law ami ritual.

i JnJv n thei r 1 b t ha l J k :»us was
i in, t h ri - 1 ,i 1 l

the ": * \in iLiitfi

I in*1 n tlidr cum rn iu
I ,
i lj

itttkfa ctjnuiumuFriiifn^ those jesus shared with

a i i I
* I h iiv ci - . did iJ; 1
In in o r.*- differ

Tdday» in \ht predomi naolly old

city, the Jewish and C hristimi qaacters are

Hide by side?, m rapyin^ miuii the s'lmr arcEi eus

i\kl tlir Jewish quarter in Ronuui Limes,

Tei shoi«- ol Christian nirretum^ mri Jew- l

ish ijrtif-Mins busy with chisels and tiiuJIcLs.

itd^ning ifld cuttfntt t3y- ^hw-hiWd

ware the tourist buys so eagerly only to
Wondfr birr whether dw >oar.l tray a>
«h ar m J '


f- fJ
n «3~


+ a
\ riW Hr RntvtttrPil
in thr Vy#*Ji^i F(r r

Jfc^— Ad* iH:4

Tbc irii I ten n ? «l Ibi: Jew
h)tiin cFtiluriiri hr Inn- (Thrift.

AtriS^I>T tbfc iiroif% c o n ri

3i i mi? jmeI Et! liTic^ ihefthJ
i!m tvie> voi^nl i\± n J civ l aul
wj* wdfoned He Jewish huu -

at pfTilVfT. *JlC#e hf 1’fwu.lir!

151 .mj rhHjtiift v^nifruiLatiDn^..

in SaEail, UtAJth Ortlw-

i<n Kalilij Samuel fiiiririlWi
iiil N fw :
Viitk ttwIs a jmfV'f
|h >iit|, \n \hi Rahliji tftjjm Ltrnu
fliUL1 mI kiid'j ylileii
I ft irk of I-S i iJanrs-E- huMhr* eTsu

I'urnh. -ipc iinJ fciiv Ih*uL* til liuc

Old T^Urar mi ,

+ Cmti! SitmirilAn'
ill "I’li i % Pity
\i fi ri"«i I'irci |

ij ri cfl ei tin tie it s

tnutiy dirigLtaiifl fled. |rji£5TiL^

S liiEi|i, a ifemaiii at rli— csirly

eliu/fh. carried lilf itur) »[

Jcfita t ci I hf S^^
Mnri^b of ii Hebrew sectj
Shi i rial Sjltnvrfctarift

liwuidieiJ 1c» hJIeU 1
lCh> in

flivirindl/- bfievi that

unty tile fin4 five booki tif ihr
j I lI i I r luu riitiiH
H'-m 1
, hi rfcr SnmnriEikrt jytP
^lipUf M SnH'-IF-, J C.S-t iJjiH. H iidi
Ftteat \mtm tnhjMc i‘k Js‘i |
Pi J
k t|« si^Tinl* ihov u indent
HTpSJfl Of I he t'l'nill

N.j [liliut Iii kliLil 1

x Irlj
4 I !
r i

^ 1 ".

Jerusalem u* Rome in the Path n\ Si. I'aul 219

r- muiti tit: m Muintt a> is dir

in 3 luoprs ill ! In uW jewfall rj-.ij-^-r fudll MM
Vhfc Jewish and (hristfan l| j^ir Cfr^ flank and atup i\w priori t wnll. From one df these
i hi" Street Called Straight, Fttfwu R$£ftat the inciiJi^jjii iifius winduvrs 1 could easily imagine
RruiLisn highway itiat stHI irfis es the uM ait escape more likely to succeed*
lily in c wq, My Arab calM ii Bm el Bui in Pmujmois I met . Syrian tJniver-
TawH r
the Lmig BaJ^iar for Hie si reel is si i \ h kb ry i
i r i i
r >;-vor vi h -
r cf h tit! i hi.T ih lea
tioiMl diMlay wiili a lie r rf little shops r-eH- ^Hrntie * walb.‘ he .'jiid. were built fur
i n\i hmiswar^ Pi^jitan Dam discus defence* The unimed trinniuders of the
limoih^, fiimilnre inlaid wish ivury and desert vi-tc- near bind, ran you im
moriuM -of -pearl aiui a host nf iteItift fur thr R-uii.iirts llkiWihg houses alonv the lo]5 of
everyday living the wall! 'window mint.have tieen Paii! s
Rums of one of the 4ireers Roman arches opr nf the opening in the crrncttafcd guard
have o m been excavated and ucchi:-

stnjeted, Beneath it [ watchrd a curious uta-
Riiinacn-ljfceprovision (pas^t 723 b tie-treat in the 3 Ms-erf
Boys on bicycle dodged on donkeys, mm \[ thk point ibefe b ii hiiitus in thi 1


Poor [KrblrindEi shuffled along in sandak tory i^f St. Paul. The Apostle telb- in a lellc/r
trade mns a^tufi jtubiEnrjbilti Mru- more for-
i •
written \ I
der thed he "'Wcnl inln \ral.u:i
tunate towtiMotTi wore fine simjimmted dip- perhaps int ii the wilderness ( f I: f7 i,

pers. Cteakint horse *i)r.iwn Cifriaues com- 1

He may buff needed time hi lie a kite, after
pried wfdi glrAnriftg new American cars for the uveTpiiverim? experience id hb piiraeij tints
she rnurisT traffic kr j-iuiiall;. a camel funm* £
am version to othur atrengtlh for the new
iny -is the month vvmild cunt hum pine along dedication that lay before him, Hfc fled* sume
this venerable highway, i I
link into Etie desert.
Jt TO lu- n- ilmt Sunl was led after his vision His path could hive led hstn the rr-.ilm nf
on the road. Taken £" the hi lift of ii man ihe SkiMshien n- ruters of the rJusert fmm
Mined Ju Jair, Sunl p;uH d Liree day« without j
Damascn- snuQnvard into pre.^nt-ilav
fiijihi, without fond waitSf* lib spirit was Aral 'la. Some writers tun'e conjectured that
-:t til in Eurtsiull it tlrr l3iu iremenrinu- i db-mu SnuE went li> f'etra. the Natatscjin opital
between the niais who was Snut the persm-utor 5oulIi -if the bent) Sea
ami the man vs u lu become St. Paul the I

3 mailed an I'arlier trip I ktij made into

Apostle. the wilij n>ckin^ id Tetni, ^ To just ™r.h a
pfeiCe have gone.
Saul Enm. mi*jh1
Apostle Escaped in a Basket
reputation uuktwra he would have found a
krtmi <i near-by house came the disdple wdreime among tire little Oftlofiy of Jrws in
\uauiaj lie ton bad received a vision K
di- tljB* pjignn Xalmhiu.iTi -inmzholtj,
recting him lq when." Saul y Ananias 1. 1
would have worked Fi-f Said had
placed lib hands mi Saul and restiMflhi sight Ut learned w ravin.: p irt nf the IcntmakerV L

his eyes tttie and wits ba jit i^t-d in the tr^ile wlion s buy Jcs Tttrffus, As he ^1 a lite I

new faith* Irwrii in the ^nmiiJtirkm'ss -of n cave, his hands

P-idst} ii Utile irmlrru round chapel i-i copies would have mafle tlie -butiM fl) fmm Side
wbm some liellev? in be the -me of th*- homo tn =irlr Hi-i tliouuht.4. tr^anwMle, would
of Ananias (page 735), have outdislajriced the shuiilt%
When Saul became a turncoat, Jus former Al niubt. when work wn< done, lie could
friends batched a plot tej do away with him* have climbed to .^ome rocky l^l^e f pugr TJfiK
He w:is fnftccl to escape the city by niuJiT AvukJiog: those hferh places where pagan rites
HJn ticw friends aiming the btltevers lowered were perfonmrd In worship of a .stiti gtxl he
Mm from [ hi.1 wall, for tlie wen watched. could have criiummitJ vrith Ms own tiod of
I recent restoration purports tu show the kind Ibiirl and with Jesus, tils Redn^tim-r.
ofwindow in 1 be Homan wall irons which Saul For a momvrjl, Saul appears aq;ain. Hi-
was let do wo ina basket. joins the Apostles in J^rn&ili'm, [ircai hing in
Thi wieadijvr
may be near the actual iqrot of the immt ofBui Eigain he threat- m
Saul's dramitk flight Ihii ii -api-n- iIErf* ily tmed. The Apostle decide thai wisdom is
over [i gtLte a poor place to escajTe if the
pfe was gwded. Fw'l*- Rui-p-P'. r| ram lr PUiUral Ej um
| nl' |

hy fbiirfi £ UciyiT, 2* a taxor.urri ir MwjUFaTH

Many observers have luinmngly pnlrited to Dpi vmUrz.
llhurcb trl Peter ir« tpallvcftnti) f llafn^ the Sije M t IhnutS ItltflTTi

AtriunfitEapUt Fmtu-i.
VtiiSi- blaspheme
jrrtuili'm brJfcvT Ibh
In liun bnunE Saul "fiKfllhin^
^ httiJ ihf hut]-* »l
Llit hkb
jmiikiil dJsrifilti nl I be
n#™ JrMli Witt fhai'M
Lant went untn thp
hculL j,iidcbU Alb-1 4l--uxl'.J him iHu-h lit Dukieukur . . . thru . . . I« mtlilit liriaE tbi-m bound UDLO jrturikm."

Jttw "if-r/ortr f Jjt


f.'nrfc Crots, Than ShaSi Dt*$ 1/r- Tfo-fct"^ VfaEihc-n 2h&4

CiiLliraitU (Latin Jor ivi±\ craw) i'qmm™tfniEi+* pttes\ nepealHK* in- CakpJiHa+a *mirtysu4, Tfor ift*
nntfil Ijv u Fitcirli inl,irim in the year -ii, Thr- ftrJsjliial St I^Scr'i fSiurrh rose imin TOO yritti Liter, pcrluip
on this
Htrt :l Latin jicfes? ttrlrtiryrri Mbes id a. ptf HEci LL fc

Ibr JOth^rtituTy ckunli
1 k ! ,

122 "I he National CicOgrtiplliC Majj^i/.iru:

I hv hi1 ht par* of* v;i lofC T I toy scm ! hi n 1 hue rani walkeiJ in Si is early travel!- I found
hnniE in Farsiis and once ajiam >aul ji j_: ii i'.'i [iii tribute rn Hu-
[Wilts Vfew* Near thr rrimmuin village nf Itajfcs?i. east
jjf Jirniyr likt an raglet nest mi a
Mmk-iTL Beirut* i Worlt) OnrrwmacU c rag, fo*r 1 hr t'oncrM ftanUrwork of
l ti mi [lam^nis
drove to Beirut Lcru-
T il church I ii dedicated lu St 1\iu1. Wlirit
rkon's capitii!. The* dly Is not rnea tinned to The i'nihidii Mi-oMnarit^ of St Fan! muster
thr Bible, hue Sl Paul Must have known il ^ fund? 1-i ccMTipUte It. rt? sparlrfing am her
;i ihrEvEtiu* K-HTi;sn purl, Ti *dny je in. a erm^- rtttflhWfiTk will ilash a tiukn-mi? hi thti eyes
rukuli t>F world and a doorway hi of pilgrims rtillin away
a icu.d BlinJffcUlO lelrcnt for vncsliimiTS from Syriiiu Father Superior Paul Adw invited
a If corners of I he jHirchfr! Nrcir me to -*t the sumfse from this partially com-
High oil :i mmtnLiin rirke is-vrrfi ikiru 3
j te Eject aerie. In iiw enliven* Ettdrir thr church
Be inn am! she Mpdilarnitururi casUl tuml f t Vi ** fiflUrfif i*in pa T, * / J

+ M
/'friw Stijwd,
ft mtud f
f^ij^r //fw
il WjfAp / row /f i-.-rr"i 'i

Iltirf //ft- Frit r a rhr

E«r ttr
On ItiE itHrff iu 1 tibiiiAK-
LU^ Snul fl ^frlDG
tt%\h£ Lidio Film,. S,iu.|,
' iul m In fKTStUU I r ! L'niji

ttie> Ami lie raid. WJh,

ft thou. Ltajf> AjhJ (Jwi
l-iifd ,Y
I *n+i Jc*ni , , a

• 'tiu N i-5 1
Tlrlii i-mtrnv-
[cu: ii(i |iir r Inn Ssicuii tfinvet-
sum cflflifi imm rum tJv
Kill n Bjhfc. ;i IrcMUh nl
ihi* Hu nUJkfiiNii hi linn- in
Sun Munno CaJjLurni.i.

TjVf Ifttfr th? \ttrrr , „

f.’W/rdf AVnri^f,
wij r * * . /w *J u


+t ,,

dj?E v. tdinrii-d by
iHe h«ht from hmvffl, SfmT
A'fli Url Ihto DdMUAOii jHtl
loi Ui'iS
I ill Thr hqimf -oj J|

mran nnniTii Juib !t \rn:

hiTe on l he TiiTh'i l
^[tniizhE shal Aji.Litti i. di-
m lri'l b> a vision, wiu^T
li'Jt Sau] ind fc>t0fisil Til -

AetP fl- ll-iai,

Iii day; llse itTflrt
i-ut j tniir-Srtntr. i&.-inoe-
hi-jail #Hnih nKfCHa the
dli 1

Chzdnlt jiu| hoffir -

mi ii ri'ivt-pl afunq- j js;IlLIi^iS

Tinni w-irli ciiktnai

M^tnr ilniifeEV nnd (not
trariic rr^wd-. t]iiM n,ir-rj-\i,

dL-w.rm1iirit -ni Romufi the

riud 'J arrh k a tfA-
Mdunil il> • dit) i. h - «"!!
p'*i m

Jg V
Tr “%-r

^ -
j? Jr Q= 1
p cE.
z S
I p 5
x, •
- ^ i-

* zr -—*-
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s p if
s »
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t E

r TV

IS" M|ii nil U*!iCFi~'-‘l |


Jjj*£ctF SiindMijfK Cltfs Wall j Parage M Jordan'* Ro»+rqd Citadel r,\ Petra
Bfpt in, 5aul
i ilmc dL*s*rt mtecbintji lived anilil temples arid HtnU curved i>nm livini; cod, i ek vMror. making:
j iuutjijn fiklijrt K tnairu. ML* t^vYiEd lilt distant tliv

7 Conferred Not udfh F/rjA and Bhjotl . „ huf I H%*mt info J —ClaJufigm* ] iUt-\7
Fkdb^ DannHnis, 5na§ fruJn hirtary far n iJmr. Hr may Lav* mk tailed hxnxxR it, .)twrl w;l c I.'- Ike
Uiksu cuayons, mdlftlifig (funs I'd Ira. CpqptllU flf tS|t andcnl NahaJiiftm kingdom.
c yh#Mtf Qtccmili* Nlmr 73 E

-'Thrxi /Viwtfo Itrtv r‘ lliwijtfmtii *»tn 17 v A fTfv.n-jVpV _Sp<iku Paul in Afitp 2LI?.V 1

£ bu | W** lani a llunnan utfftw y ffttt that aisuf* kb jmirnl i r- uvU- dr*, NtvrrdackiSi hr wci> iJiuubr
She Icfttnuidkit SLaradjc pi u tmifch m Time and, njuEtt the kill inmEr tiu !
dilfcEfnci: huiwras fond mini ^vanS

, in E fi r ^pattkAj miifior»r}- }ppw^ bLLrthermnrr fr prnvnd iruuupli 1

StP hii disdains, ?ti I'aiiS rsfiynnii
"I ’hewed vuii Jill IkihJi-,, how lhat m
Jihuyflne yp «u«fcit to xuppoc! she weak raking ihr Al»itli>i wwil 41 '

-"il Lentil fttftfcilft to usr their hand* 1* » l*»|e ^ Imftl Jd Juow. LlIuiiiiu.

111 nittnti, HhShjA MliJaiiaifi* nf St

. l

Thb ^ uun^ man, nperatine a ysihibiM fuaj-htric, ijolnhc* Luacide-iind- mm Mr Lllr - Foe fiMtinp
4 Fcki- about n dneaiJp Saul muy hiivc prmehnt at TAnut. hi* idFlIipljare, pwfhJy wliili- inputting hiit-.i-Jf o M
IrnlJitaLcf, i'crtiat^ h»- uiifkeil irftb sitbmti sudi i- iJleie two* who .bread * *r uni tot j Smiiei in the (. iakiitav.s Ep

cm ton mils LfieRerf iai Tjrsu*. Turkey, (hr (flWLl prnriuuE^ ^ibi 1
IT CKJ vmli nf &ni-heiJ ctoib y rbi :

f 'il-l MB

mw ’
\ *


"W ftowrvrr Drink.- th at the H'atrf That I Shall Give Him Shall :Vnw Thirrf" — 4:H
Jacob'i Well *t NaMu . Jordan, itill rcinahtt tlm-ly iiavrlen. J«as, tw » kirtttk here Irani I hi SomariLiii
wmnui wlferinii her rvcr Latins life, &yul tuny bn'
i- this way liiiim; font Dtnuutiia Jjm-JL lu itHnfeia,
l K h . . A

kruftnlem n» Rnrtu:
in the Path o) >i. Pstnl Ml
\vr hud a typical ffol> I-luleI lnraifa^i : >> Elves* ^ Fail! had virdted I he GfiiMN ctinure-
heese., gn^n union* faiilChr-, .up I
\ r\] rtr^. kniioii:- ihf rifml Tyrr In oTd I'hoeiudE^
Ab- we ale. Father \shnr [i«k! me about (he Sl~ 1 fullutved tiii" cuii-t ».l rurtrl ^ntllliwiin) ruir]

rani 1 fLssfcruiries, IjholoEriifihei l tliL- fi>hrrnn fs i<( Sklon Ehe pres-

“SC Pa ul* you know, was a mnmml la- 15 ein day Kaids Cswii'e 742 ) Tu Sur, Tyreb
borer he “Wherever Paul went be ^lta'tespr, 1 could mt i-ikr my atmeras
rattled his own wpy as a weaker urn tent- I Standing rkw !n the l,sraf'| iuirder. it luy in
rTdik'T, Nearly uhtfiys he n-i'tjsed iromry <h ^ a rraiHctwl miiHary ziirn-.

ImA h\ bis dmix-li cncanbm.

\Vi.' lake i
itir cue from him. In Ihb pad hrwlh Uw vtaih Gtin m Hjit-J

jf the Wurld Otut ft -

tadly n«da men skilled Now, luivinu 1
antipli'Tei I fit! f ur id \mh
wilh I heir hands, we an; imn|f To on ui*t purl lands. [ i\rw in br.ud HlI the British L

Here and Juniye wr rmpluy I5D young men
an < '•illmy of i
frrsni Lflltmon and infynliies around tty. tt'e An n|rl frii-nd met me at Israel b tmsy
teaett them tu lw Carpenters, electricians, by Ida | lietweeo TH Avii' anrl the
printers, stotiewofltem. makers of lite (pant Jgwi^h jMtnr id jr'nisalent. riTitieefl dual I

v" 2H i , t ‘recently we art •ruisig in build a fine he wta carryinju; a mm. We walled nt the

new budding nfirl Mpafyd our ni'tfvllft*. airfield tiD iJaylinht, for niirht at tricks ucross:
no man's land lire ^\iU mat luicomnn nr in l his
I'ridAie* Pi- Mil flunk* r n Mmij Tonifies
imtllillMl purl of the wnrW
Fn Hurt A^Etir showed m* an enormous print I Djukl mo 6 .i k«' time ii* fujaiiiH' nuny id
ahf'P where presses were turning out all mam Ihe wu riders of moil^rn Israel, lint in Witt
ncr ot jmhlka lions, Including books ilktdrditd one cuijidI even speed airmsi thk iriLsshapen
in roll ifj A dozen worker* dtsdaiiiin.e she lin.i- li.ik'h of land withoul whiitllnu in surprise.

II 'V'-'i si'ttiujt-iypk'b) l-.mcl. fot UTIL- mi tin* Kin^ Jjuvid And KLnjf Solomon, in rill

>r ni lLJ'v
i purposes* Is to cmplm more hands. thrir itlunj-, would staotl rnfjtfyalfikl in lIuj
;m wet type for you in Latin let-

TIh‘> i
]«.iIi!j\ mL ;ljl hmti 1 usury hn!i l
E nr befo# the
ter> or Greek **r Arabic The^f bni*s mme '-imfms: rnrsehintry of soutr iitipfe^iv? new
fmm nm-Oiy rellgkms and wr dn nut prens industry. Simply in (caase across the fyreen
viholirinm upon them. Our church will lie irri^iKlerl rourttryslde is a rewbimiTi Hurt-
ifHMi us a sunetuary nt pmyer tu everyone ilml- of modem i«#ttanctib dot the land.
v you ma* nttnemhcr was n hrTever
I '.nil
Forests spring: up where beforf u i-rr b.'irrm
ei t?n.iti Kven thuui^h he did sn much in hills.
t'hristiHniiy front Jinbd-m ht.Milway-
i n riiH bmH inasi T pui^EK’il SU Paul Ijej

wt.diwf h ciinld have Iwn otliftfwise I lie- ririn^ ur i ipsarea. Herr iiffrT hi^ rescue
fii no on h is final villi !u Jerinalrm,
tin- frvsb

I'-HVC '.id thr Apiisilr --pint two ymr* m the custody

<- AmHwhT Here rtisrif*! r*x ITVre f tith'd J tilt! Pom. i ii li- rm i hr Feli\. I''a tL _t E j % I’-iLil.
CbigHitUM i'irftt
— \ci + . 1 1 rift
a? a Roman ::ifi/ro. ajij leak'd to Caesar and
When :t small Ourifltlin «. i
immu nit '. 'irvw tip wa_* seut to Itjfimi fnr LriaL
h Anliii'. h. dumPi ill JirlEaiilrrn -srini I p uiolTlijf
1 tu M
lavish marhLt city- of f oefarea wru
UltFBJllMJM ll^-jr tu L'tUiirh. "Then di!fl9irtrt| H Jrniib 4 ft

rn (nr so -iYk ^;iul And whrn hi* hnij imssiit btiilt and fa wabbly deilrrah-d t>i .u^ir \w- l

ftiistu? by Kituj Hfitjd Ull- Cireat 'urinE my

hiro hi* bmucht him unliy Aatloch.
. I by Lvvjj it- '

riv-fd iilmui \ h Fn'mi Aotiurh Vmi irEiidi Ihin 1

visit il wo5 itttdefjfydriii fiEravntion by tan;

J1i:a( 1 1 :=-- i i I .ie TV Ifluiuro l->. if -.: >:>IL 1
!.u) elk inrrir
tsnK'i hefinrtment of Amiiptun ^luch of

nemp, Limbi nf the tli hie loday)*

Antioch m Ekm tfffic wn- Hip '.i^Thfi hirci^L dt. 1
Htfud'? marble. liriwrvrr \yhe already P :

.lEtf-r hfimr -ind A li'^Tmilrra . (ji\. w^ltv. anrl luiUT7r- ;sn \ kiIm itHur Tdirkiisb fviilia niimtid Vhrnerl

kavEtic it i^i ,
fi ,
i| Oh' |i];iin l:«^Lik ihr OraoCM River nl-jjzzjr bad Liraim the in it.
A nmirdnLLk niltm d ^(.Di iluiih urutti^rl
f i

Tu himt-Fi! Arm? I saw sime uE' the roarljlc

HiiU'i Ehroujiii mark 1c ftrrelf Eh iiunptuiui- vUlit;.,
piihlk *mthi heunUaiin?. rme l^rk* munk hulb, ind
dqpfirfytinx Atnped^ 755 h It

rhcnlm Bj ritirhi tlirtuviful- c( i^lii di iili'ii Ike -

may liaye comr (mm palace where
(LMurnljl sr±. P-i is I Ihvrl a primmer. More of it liner I

Tbi.‘ Tu-rktstr town H rvmv ntUrit AnLuk^j, iitmrh Ahmed > axteiL-dve Turkic bath-, -till in
nulhicuz 1
1 :ji t\w rf^ er leu I a trai EJiJn nl On' sit*? with
until 1^47. iv lien they were ilatuaged by ter-
hi i1hMr{oii& pw^fcrtiBCir nf Ihn t\r*t Tkt-
^fjififr4 I l- iln Ell* ilui'L on I £ll jjj Sluunt ^il|nij rorist dynamite. They nnw servn- ttie cily
L'i Nflllxim.1 Of ^ I k|iLi : : :-a.irl as .i nit hr j iimitftial miL^ucn.

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734 The Nuiional Geographic Magrtfciite

Cyprus was in: a state of turmnil whi m I

"il'/irffr 1 Skipitmfrk. “+

relumt-d In thtf island or I he I rail id ii I'miL I Flight fiiiii a lleO'lt

rajtturtd re l ids were fwnn^rl h^hinfl Cirised in iftr < .orinEhiiln* 1 ! 25

wife, 4ln^l roadblocks, mrt*h&w and curfrw** P;Lrr jJI’ In bn illshr liwufti 1 and Junl*
werr ns ^Ir'inlSL in .vi'irV, Paul llid ncn Ihr
I tii- order of tfef dttV,

In Hb cl.iy brill raj* pamplWPi Jtod. tsiumiJ

Aiming the G treks of Cyprus oimmrn wr- I
im%hlfi| did t| Jim in LTiri^tioir cLlju^t r; Ji^LLna: un-
ing Turfoi h> in leyst fi-ur in one, there was iita-rleiJ rucB

violent aglLitu u i for uni no wit Si Greece Marini: rram FJypru= lo Mb Mjhk^, I’nul'i -*!

Scrawled up i\u? while washed vr^Rs of TiiuaJ- htivr bft. JLs CliursL' mi lJb l
WHCllM[r| m i I TftfOH
%1'njiiliialiri itiaiiLiirFinanrh Hir IgifHlIr irtuiil h RVf
rii:fc houses were slogans of the lvOkA. an,
I.LiUkcl lirfr 111 AeiIjiKiI. TurliLW- j EiQft fcnirtHl EO
orutiiii nation of UomU-tbrdwittg firbi-ls. Ity
him pi AStatb. L.ittr hi- -ailf-rL Irnm thb H^'iE. Ufl
viuietHi- tbei hoped fn forte Britain to aban- hb fiLvrm to Atitfotb.
don Cyprus-* T^r--- unl^nrf iterl fvr p hrw tteclrk
Great Britain reply was tis f let Lire ll -Ute power II nr

isf enerprmry \l n ntiidhludi «ibotly s Lswtjlt: Trudpijan IbLuid ffiim iLr sriw Pa I.j 1 ikmlil .

n limiM'k sN tsbrtKlf In
obeyed orders to leave me ait, bjiM mv :
-> -
ri isT ii i 1 1 :i i I ;

JrUitii Ii mi! a iSiiisdntj. 1 «. a t . lhe iandityS lIlLlL >up-

Itaiids in tbfc ,iir, ami siibmlt to h-jul:|l Bat
finrl , n<n n foisi atar ,V v^lit, Irirkry.
I rcuttd pot refrain finely, from ntiikitu: a ' ill
Ii! 'S.J I ll' L 1 I I ' I

lulling remark tn t^r satdter He iicajineriLnl efy

niargmzixl rip m m-r
1 say! lie called out to his corporaL of Cypriote arehrjn[i jeisb. T crossed I lie i^tjind
"This blokcT a ruddy American to f\([ib»r?. ties the way S passed throuirb the
"Blimey! come lie rejoinder k
E irmsi reliefs' alleged hhlo-onr rhe Troorliis tnouti-
Thrir hajihr^t prak V| .rus's Olym-

take Is sight serin' ^^rii nt^lyf tab'- t

pus one of sevrml in the cliucstc Grrric world

-i t"h t Mbsifjn Lends m iiiimrd fnrr thf hdsrbc cif the gtids and enddeists

Cy|irisH iv4W ihi scene of Saul's fill w orried fflf Mrliimic mytholcigy.

triumph, Hire hv nrfdre^sd the lien. then,

There were other mule* could have driven J

pittiiut his Cmf asamsl them pligotn dririeg. r.? I'^iliiiK Bui the rhntuiUsti way wu.s u for-
Thf. ivtind s Rnman [KiMiinsiii* Ser^liti I aulas, esi radr of such primcvill majesly thsit I

iialled hfm lo Itpjuf thf story nf

Said before .h n mid jjailK rif^k It lU.iml. Trln^C krr no.

Jr-sU"! Heckled by Elvinas* a surewer Saul ,

I .iflhtniriii *iver Mnlint Olympus

ended ikiwn the wrath uF God and Elymrts .

was hliiutttL Tliroii^h .1 writhing mfsi we ctfinhed. At

\\ i messing this first of SstuFs nitmctex limet? we were sjieetol in storm and cuffed by
tin? pnirionstil
" believed /' Smi] s urt ^s here sfpiiilb nr driving rnin. Thm the clotnta
may have dons' much lo spur him in Id a dfsh* liipfH'd and sw-Jrlt'fl tbriumb the vafli-es hi

lo |irtai:h the new religion to Gentiles a?, well rcveiil OliTTipinn Vlfcws of Lil n-r.l - l^tir j ilr

UK to lews. mmmlHiP< kLsbihrl by jaM^-d i-uiju- ^ nE Ihrhi-

.$3 id fjkine to i ypnis with bis missionary aniLg. I 1 ho i si: hi l shtmlii he- li^:- Marprisnl hi
tOltatghC |i:i r n:i l>:i>. \ nnlivi- Jew >
-f k > -jM II-_ i urn- iacr tn fart with Zeus or Apollo than
ItLiniiilhL:- harl iMitoimr. 1
,e Cunvm ti> the tn mere C’jfprml^ rtlwl
Slessfanic f a l3 Ll _ pfnliabh in Jrni^alesn Be 1 wvitulrrei! among the Elfins of Scnjtus
wanted to spetad the brlirF in iEjmii”b r*aulnss pnsviniiui S4iM df K*'irmn aovcrti-
synpyijgiies nf Kes own land. DWTic 3i I and n :'ew mites along Uu
Alphas 1

At Sri lam is dir ffirmnti-i bl • apit:il of the sli'ire | w jiahrd lbe snali-aso from which the
Roman t-iand. I hey Limit'd and p reftrbed my l hi- al Vphfodili 1
aitiQdfi t ] u 1
hut ill legend bus ii that St, Pm& 9
llioiujli lie Ji.iv.ii i. .
St. Iiami4ba>. un a later mission here, was liezithcn LcotI< in must have been
gtfffttr) death and tIlii Si. .Mark, young
ii shea kt-r) al the | ortizjm se.\ worship dmt ^ur-
kiasomn and constant comjjanintl nf Ibittia- roundeil this Greek i Vprioir rldly. Aw\ he
b&s, buried him ouLsjdr the city, placing tm would have svtMwd the yeaminM of many
bi- Irreast a copy id the Gusptd of >t~ "‘taithew
N.^tuksil GiitriE.’U'UJC M.-u. iijsjl:
&?f. in lltf
l pa^e 733 1

"CyptiE. GeustnspSijS SlrtniUM.' by Fcunt Slmr,

Krom the niin> of the ^rtSil l ity nf S/slomb, Jietii mW
jLiliL 'f'ypmt, MylQc Mind In j Tniulflwl

slowly I u"i mi; e\|ii i

-rd liy the picks and sbovi-l^. Spa,^ by }v\in arrd Franc > h-:i " Mu 3N?^
I 1

liiiftLjni] peopfe fi>r :l nu»rr meaning bettef:

Haul nearly vit^yi went to tin? Jewish quar-

ter uf a nfw dl) mi hi- mission rout?, tivrc 1

he found lt$Um r$ Wtowr iU"nil oMiu.'pts mil !

bajL‘k.sjrDU!]d wvrr out with ilv'Se thiif hsul 1

^tinped the tiFc of the M^siab frupi Crdil^f-

At every synaj^guc Saul could be curtain of

#t htarinrs. tn artvirrln rice with Jewiuh Cus-
tom, visftfflfC lechers ic-ere always invite I lo
spiuik [pa^fc 71 H k
At the \vn.i^' Julies he found Cten tiles loo.
ted Tn Judaism by ihdr bnpdn^ fur a Trite inn called upon tin- hEtther sfliiaHttei uf the

human mml. Frequently they were women.

Koiiiho T nrsuH Lew Hujiud in Mod

After Saul tuft lyptm be i? known in the

S 5 ii
1 Je Uy h i
r t reco Rom-u n na m i- 3 7l 1 1 \V 1 1 b
limntiifott£. I
+lu 1 went t\t\i iritu Aniii Minor.
jAbWine him ihftfr itllo what & iMJ# Turki
I went lir-t uf :ill Id Tar*u* -where* the*

wits l'fjm.
"Our tow'll is a dbaip[>oird men In most I pil*
tfrftn*, l lo|d hy thi principal of 1
I he
Ami.-ruiui 1 riflji*^ i
f Tnraifr. 001 +' e died Ss h

I’shTh liisti liEi*. Kveti the hainhweLivtiui uf

tent cloth from pints' hair Tur told it sc the
our tr.nliTinnal. activity that rmuhi recall fhr
Apo^ttes youth, ha- rectfitljr l*mt diMir.u-
1 iiiiii-i I ns ! until*.

a bi jy, Ami worked uti a Land Jutwri here.

I liiIelv the weavlnji Is nudmni/itl. One mill T

vi-itctl mm- cntl ft 5ItJ.ono ynr(l> of finished

fabric monthly using cotton thal grows near
by mi thi 1
Kni s ilictefl pl.nii i[rA\ir 72H1.
I .i r-ii - Ls a jtfrtfbfc of *U)iw noil mud-brick
huLisis. There is noth ] die at ah tu call to mind
rhe coloimnxfe* chr tciripUss, Use marble buds,
jiml the ^TLtndeiur of Fair] ^ day E^ypt f
ImjsaEfii railed here iti ''late to ihuulr Mask
Antony. Thtf city -hr ttw where 9 M til wa&
horn. Iltt- m. t m Leet 1 iclora 1
ground covered ht
i he sill nr cffllnrfc^
Hut is" it fe difficult to fad cbise to 5t.
Patti In I'ttf-u:-. their is
a spot n-'i fit-r ptwuy
where hi- figure ftetms n*tJ^mshmgIy mil ThE^
h Uutek l*nvs. or Hie- ( ilician Cjjites,
Tarsus cntcincer? tu ancient unies nrfed r

u road M3 mites thruuab the forWdding t'lin^

mrmniniri ranj4 i in ihr north. The pits?
^osKely a iiunrlretJ yanjji lugiig, actually a t.s

knife slit in Ujv.-vrfml el its tliroinifa wtlith ibr I

(jmcre 7-3-n Mexftjyter list <

fearful of ambush hy Ihf r^T^ians kd hii?

army thW wav thrrt- ceritnrir> hefnre i
Kooyji T* the- Econium knnwn fu F'-nil
Thrift imi Cftisad^s fr,ini Kuropc t himt 9Q
Ubemtinti the Holy Lain! frircn the Saracens
A^- ill Feitili iUj ^ Turns- mMih vi'&lm teifcaiw
llil^ Turki s|i fuzz# Pm l^r h«ttn t.yopnian iiluin
n Ihmiiand years utter PauFi lime, tttrmly JVio uaiiinfrli httekdin MipUcm* iu Arirhv
7S 7

“Tfoy Skwt *t! mi a

/Jrfrx/ W rftrtr riDr 4
if ijuri nnff* l£; 5 t
fl/ JftlllJ iWl-rf

J IfriJj, at! JqjLMT^phil UTltffc. IflU !|'IW hl‘F< fflUVCTlPlJ Ph -H

14 LTirl FI. I IT 1 *TI I t'fotflii, .-,

ini-diIn hum Iht mi hr ntukL-, I hiii || vi m-

fnffmniflfli ptiAdbed I ! ftunui- Th-fnwn in h"ii- aiul l^nn, Thi-d a
withviuiMl shmn Ur’lih iirayrn Si tbrclii txuk !h^K Aid Wo) i* nnr of Kraft' iT* ieW nfininilrtfi M itnn-

+ l
uu! n>!t‘ l»i TivtiCIlh^!
“’/’*( Cltikr Thai f Li* ft
* . , Wnjrf with Tkt'v"
— El l"[nn>lhi -li 13

Siimiim ]iJa ij-'L ijsstl liitH iTnuifg

uuntfry, PjuI n; cut ns'-rl to thr

uiibnrL Adtl Minor frtlak-

inii T hr rlmrrjio h r h:nl Ni rift^tJr

Till, luikl h III, ill! IS I 'A I il l'

a cJimk 1 1 air h £* Pam I fidcht

hint uaci! an ^ h <

nl Idtal ’atiitI thr cnjl bdis

1 itfkcy'i i.CL'i-tum nhd slat
Pfl?t rj^. uf ij 'I r
JiN Jr. Lil

f'-m t - limtij U ;
- nrigraU .idi
:LrcLmpf Ns lit? fjbtcuus hr
jj^MUPf llttif fhwrft and #ciAti.
H^re. in ii
r Aftfrbtki dutiJcey
kj.ils cj.mfi.i i am'iu# th* Lt!»^
-ind ruz> 4-if oirap lilt-.

-> | rt i i.fcr 1 1 1 | 'i nli jn Afidi-

4Jr_tl r
PjijI Wiiikni llt’Nrtilh ^11 Jin -

\nomju Mr-uni iin, Thh [trw

wrftli loot beets.
^ dlhiiihl I Laii^li, > ii rmlr
I 1

I'll 1 . < K "t IiTij i Tlfft liliWii

fcl r
Jl r?rt with Your Own tf units" * . .Of 2$ k* in The^^fllsTniki HtvJ KniP* Ailvic#
f i
:n' tiLic, !*nu.I cpnvtrtcd n
Frmllimr|i j
hH HiUWlVi™. nritn i-fl ih v wLikvfiri a-ri thill ihc woridf Wm ilport k (q L-nrt ami ^topprti wort. In iinawrr, Lfrr A-fiioUr wnilir: U any wouhl *L

W*l iiorfc. luiithtc aJi-uuid hu cal'* CM lTsriAidOfillUiA i'10). TTittt tjninwt pec tiuwn hide? Itir dry In r

christened the glonmy drrile "The illnlo «f they w ifr mpiirt-il in keep the Pnilr free Trcim
* h audit.-:
f stood here and kneiv that dtl u £Wt*In day Turkey' ^ sajuMicrnmusl dry, taUndi* a.
some 1, TOO years . i i [ i • 1 l 1 1 1 have met fade days drive from Ta+su.^ a* famed in early

to face ihf Apostle ! '.hi stnft in Imnd trLidsi- i luvtmy for tvra hTn
Sat is-E i_s n t is the I : I

inK lh n n mh t Ih Kit i wny r i j the est , ca ny- place where mm

wi re first called rtiriatlrm-
ini| a rn ttregiy that Wtrttld rihanjfcC
Clti-r weirUL Antl if h Mita dly who-4* cnnitrcsjitJcin went St

Paul "ii his missions. It alrci claims I he- old-

Anfiuth fjtairm 1 JldcsL I HiriMimi Chtfrrh est Himtiiiri chtitrh. ;i cave with a sccnM
Miu Gates are mik’d Otiftjfc becjiu^e eti trance where SL Peler pnhitlwd the words
fur irtmirie? u. TmkU-h i.imik of that name af Jesus.
Hal astride this passage. Wish aulhnrHy from .St tiler’s issw remain 4. but the glories
Oiiomnn Turkish Euliatts. ihr liuleks me, * Sbe '"Otitiiili r T+an-rl » Rcvijilrd "
by if.irnril t tailv,
Lhi r
v collected Lulls from caravans,. In ml urn X^nLLWAL. Drcijipblrt lO!J.
1 . 7

!«. rusa .rm cu RiMiic m tlife Path cd Sr Paul U I

of Riittwi Atttbrfh .S' i 'I -,n many [ilares ]it wf Ihr Siill mi Mountains, found the mrnbilk ]

burk'd. A nnvEv (Iljl: pH un a hilkui*' li-t mr me tWrin™, vilL^t- sbeUrrmy btRKiih
flown It: Lip mir , *1 CJll

:i:.i ii-i ii's i :• a |ile iii.<L ' lh.;l a tniumu^

' niTEf i] rutmicji: wnlrr n> l fie marble h^mc? YaJvy^ jtftt po tclifNl ti^uthcf of
.irjrf E baths of this ^rt^t city i‘
7.^0 % wnniE mud amlstii-iw! \h m|K!ti .nqucclui't. not
V riKv ihr Anflinlmn plain ! folWvd St rt'^rb, ht '„r r.i:id as Ihr Human j kimni'l 01
Paul- vi«UJrm I hr dead jutrJ living cities whrre rail] - piTh?r| hrim^hi cool vpiiitt frcim the
ilic AfM.L^lIf! oLtl.ilisllni his tltnl rrciinjcd mountain. J I
t - nmt there an ancient ivAuniti
cirurp 13 f rhiirchi**. >c«tn:fLy half a di>/.cu ! L: 1
1.1 1 jut 1 1 ui 1 1 1 1 L'l-isly thrust into ihr hudjtqTorj gu
s hi h-iuii tiiEnihein. AcTDemans P live in Mtrdrm rn-n.H tract inn. of a stahlr \\ <itk muddy comer
kuftVu, I hr (-mniurti rtf Nw IVsJ.tJm’nl tittles Kilting ttattT illll rinlifrkd Through a warn und
iftii Xu 7,77 k k 1 nRsWnlt IqunLilii slnrir,

\ I I • 1 1 1 lj . 1 PnuI fiaiil IEnrn:ilM> nr^-.n imj dim ied a rkkiAy ^Uunn ^r !» wuldi
I l

in ihr syn^us-mura Bui vorn e derau! Jews, Titlle itrtli knoltine ru^s on n hand Incjni. Bui

rrsuntait thrir irutfhilW

and slittrd up pnpu^
In TtlBs Greek re -inti the "SeJJL-r of Piirplu"' W Fljplii?:c-d
l](W, iumi PMlspnt. Lyriu ,,l
iLEU', niiriE iinla l 3 u- rhino which wvre
Rinl.- ink |>l;KC T illld h
ui p
l iiul.“ imjftr V*ui mill SUiti werr thriAiTi inin jail 4 iia^r ” 1 1 W|ki
Ihr j|iU>ii utajjr- lied to afi apt‘tu;d llu debti,. '"th? 1
irriuld Iiliw mJcii lilna^ll,

nnar-lnm Lvslra. But HuotMMvrir IIphT die- fffimrrcFi hinl hemn 1T1 1 Tlipl fjlh 1 rirrl lh> thj-^dl
w h
rttj harm: aw* tilr *i.l Iij^ti* ITfip ralkr buJiia'tei mut vm* (Arb
iron b liftniii ker> t im <u h * (
I n -
M -5 T\wbi' \ 1 Nay i i- 1 rjTi' |itni 1
1 livkicci > Hrdii n c-
uiLifTi followed ami as-i in

stirred Up ihr petite Paul

vra- slnturd nml Irft for
rkad At LlcfiH huw :iir- 1

nilirr fmiSofl Ronuin ryin H

Paul was at (iasrtt aide bn

i+athcf .1 Jinlr pivnp of
ijrlirfisr-, wHbmit tauni'

m.secuEt il. i

To t lu-o- j
viipte of the.
1 L 1 1 n >i. Paul Uto's wrote
hk Kpbiir 10 t ]-we fralu*
ihin.^ 1 Mi ciilM hfiam .

<1 huB iuil scivai.Je4l the

art 11 Urns rai- thffte i.rni

lin',! tt.v Ihnnr ?.hr>ws

him inTrrvrninr: rnim rtfur
r r ti Ih^iinlf id hi- tlnntllr
k uiivrrt%: \nd it yr- Jir

Christ "5. thru are yr

Atirahatri setirt. and heirs
aroTrrlinft n« the prOTiiie'
i Uakcli.ih.s 1 : 10 1

P-jlifI utid Bamirk-a?- iiImi

1 -J-? .L I 1 1 C.-.J LI H I A LtlkJrcIl itJ

thr rirn i;rty of PuddJaii

Vntioch rnut tn hr iim-
iUH'tl >vilh the Vntirich
tn t hi- suulh 1 I druve iu
the ,‘iitr lit 1 1 in* ahnirni city
sn ihr bli^terin^ heat of
niH>n, Tts L'nluTv-

nadis. jiihI public nquir^

ure loiiu ssisvl1 MiPiu’, «Ji

ihr-ij atrs. [11 1 he fin thills

k . V [HHi =

fex k
If nl

Hj jS mJL

H^ft~A]- _w
i i n
t E . ’ 1 1 1 u

Jerusalem tt* Rome in Mil* PlitIi of Sr, Paul 74S

4- Hill Kmman Bridge Mix Hive l-.chim.-d Three vessels null- at am'hur in she teacup-
die FuubEcpi oi the Ap mtlc Imrbar I|> :l
.-rd -
. I ; One iri-.iKme aid
f'j-FJc T4- LtLmrH thrpll?hl», 4^(1 4= -I
crafl, j de^emhiisi fir tlu- cupL^Lat
cmIj wsihin Lizht m iht VI rfe sn .lit ai^l .
I i • .lei i

men < pn which i'aul miini havr sailed, xt-ax

Bnmt* |_Ljf.= IurjtMlJi ii nunud KSSldr runl tluit icrvLtl
i-unu-uus in ji;' -• il 1 tinea. Id hii csriy Eravtb, hsuil
Liuinl i nr Izmir She whiU jrtdfp :lL m pass
I L>Tii I U !
i 1 I hi rCJLlr. ImS i':l VlLlhrfJi ;l:!iI J i I 1j »_i N'tci ovor many af the places where Paul h.i-f

la j i
1 1
' I - hi !
. : r,t l< hi M h- ^ f ' . »
- \ I ih1 ! i j.v M Linos
—jiiddaft n|i or dbclmndnii arid bit_s nf rarup
V:ik;Li; had n>: Shinkmf Its^s about Turkish y -ht! outdi L
niC3 Chan ;ihoui a Mn fc

in Uiddi- j
r± i_:
-ill ill from ! . l
Ow TorkUh ccrffea the ipizzltHL aiplaiji

m| H, V, Morton's famon* iKw.ik, fn ikt

M irnd cjiit lihi/i I hi?. vnyaL'e for me. atic.t I w:i> mut'li

Steps of Si Paul: 9 innpted Bui Llir jiiurni'y would requtre

^Arfo. Mu mu wus uoce as highly nr^iihetf wtek.% RHusianfj^i j pushed mi f<i Izmir
m- fhimptf is Id cLliv he wrote et :i few iwerSaiul.

rerrtuHea + * a l]4vt seett tbe h iuhe^t pillars f n II

In ivirlli bn vc witnes-v-d the de.stnJe-^m nf
i\ S, Navy Ship?! Vlsh bmu
ii jtieducti.. ,ond , i!u' -itibiL' u|> >i harbour.- I'niEs of the Cnited Stated Kavy lay shrl-
1 itn l r p i in i* slii+'l i rfp! I Lhe p roui f es E navies i if he
I !rrpd Izmfr in
iUt he;sstmi the bbirhnr at
undent world* understand hnix i cm not any head^iLiittTs mi rhe North AtUan h: Tmny
Ir ivr'IliT ,rtm see a Corinthian capital lylnp f Ifjj.ah [fill inn land forcr^, Vnw? hr decks s

in flu- mud without feeling iUa t amh ifciin---. uf \merfcan \r--i: i*\ ^urvi'yerl fie <hi«iv- •
r-i - 3 i

in 1
1 d j lr ^n ' i m S u warn in sf and .
per ha fra+ a line id old S mpwtu SfW houses, liuUi ls and
ptaphesy.' iiffw Fiuil-hnii? qu ly
Same 3S rriili'- soiithrasl nf Izniir lip thr
Ru i ii li = i
£ hipiui l- f . i i ii
l r Turkish 1 leiieli rtiin^ nf F!|ilie^i5, :t city niter sarrer! to the

J turned southward into the province of Greet KEiddesfi Artrmh fpa^e 748 k, 1

VrjLLtya. \i one ruined Raman pnrl I went

imijiTe. %m0r than a fnoLhiiU livid. «wis one
-whstinmE amorm Corinthian- i-dpitaK fnJlm
ni i hi w-n \\ 1
« = - ns I he \\ 1
rid. Thr
Into drinhle row of Irmrc pillars Kuiruundritg h was
tin? Me+iiierraiuum. wiUfilnii! uFF rin cu>
rLdumkilioii uf Atinlolian dual. E in the
Ml few bill Annum -I.ii.n - were vnirk^ Iih

Roman E heater and climbed die I

..ii f -hciri-Lrl
tbi^ lureniii-t seulgitiir^ nf thr Greek w jrW
-’End him St. F'nul must have kmrnn at Veil*-.
iuLiLti linc f^hMh.les, I'ftkjLas. anr| ] '^lydit iis

And Imagmed l\iuT m-vi it in it

Vncfir Roniiift inklmoice, Artltels was iffen
t * in ftofrifivt


beasts living


En Roman
^hip lei rite
Oft w
the ^ercviim
of men and i

i t'i ^ w

W l Ti


T linn ji

at the
.5 nd worshiper^ n mt > u
lii ban tbt f e-irfnl 4;. iiir

I cm pie ! 1
» i


j.H liuin;i of the T^hrsrtimcf" they shmitvil ini

liiMUlifu! purt nf A( tains, which rrmicherl in
the lei
nf dir -noWH'i ivered To nh Motni- Swn buiir:- am dft> (turiqe n riot ..irE -1 1
- c. Troni

L.iir Km?, In chf modern onrt of AJdolvn

si Tiilsiiniiary work
T<St hflj] phenornenal success during
I Imped to find .1 l..ul we l i, . [/mil « f'aLtl

Smyrna as was .known m M Mul hi- - 1

ynif^. linn- W*th with the Ephe^ns
Ei 1 day.
Lbfm^KTs and ULlh nuTtdiant- who Vtnilisd
the p.irt Emm i prrek and Romon dties_

+ So .mid, hi i.u:t thi imjad i.,if

r-'puliermim Dry nt Knidu +
die SjAffl at the Elililir
s hri>l in ii iE\ »«n ibis Rorruui nnimi'i rial m
ter ihiit thr dty s s^LttoajtB^ magtdans,
hii'i rJu r ! ittiimt Plinciik]^ Shj«n ^ n rtJi
evilly clftff JrKchcl £ hridi: to Ahalr,
aitfE stlirtfaiprii joined ais uj^r]stnkr nf silver-
I lir ii of
J Honnf aMled I hit? Skfnnktti tlif 'v^crM | ns5w*
-• sinltlw —‘who ivere litirr lieiauseof ilrvliniFia
rr.iNMinn,' a f rniLpUmpnr 1 *
ihrlf dvus. ilr S£lIl>> of s'oiivh j hnaaes of Otiinn
tilwrf. jJid irtuMwork wjus iravcferl kcfti
i mrjli seizefl twn nl I'anl I'uiiiji.miaflSL
Mrlistfli I Su n i ivjw: b | hm l a pahJc of rrprnLfttiffl.
rani If w-w holdi a hv hi* dEscfples ami
Whrn TjiuI h-n rotitr to Rofnr ti.i n iitlMjiirl-,
hi- -flip tifqrhod (it SWon, vhiTPujWfl ha oHiiEiri(i
Tippl'd aw,iy to Macrtlonla,
iiLurrl. Julitii. pave him Ihirriy
* la t*ti iioni iii* J tipcuI^ i
! il
-lCj piljr-m- In I'phi-^L'- (nd.iy ;«.!.
in ETlrr4i
hhnscEr £.^rti i" *'
T <*i !
> tin? Lrhftlivic efty iemaflip jn Imyartimk *i 5|(j lT[fht J
i'i l>y Eh'ihip S3r;i:l -ft- C^mpiny
r.fwaqrfiJal re-n Lrr, Tfii Tn^Anlibn pipfiUnr tunrfiniiti^ \*'v Virtfc. Ri]i«inlrU Uv p^r rn^s-iu
lEidmU llir kP 4 vloMI Ik r .« u«- t-mhK f\m:m t0 iHe iiul'li-shi-f.v.

LnnkiEiE upim rhi± Murhlc: Parthenon, VtJftrtkfci'* t^nlpk on rhc Acropctli*., 3

au! (jritd , 4 k

Alflmi taial'f -piril -am.-. Aim-tl La lum. iriKfi Lir *&w tin:
In '
d.t? ivhuliy eKtu Id aiiuLiuy ThrTL'fofr »|riv-

piiird hr,,. La thr murkL't dam >.uib h rtrs ihnl mrl Mftfih him "
nh iMlrntnr* Included Kfirdirmni and Slojcs,.
M U'hur trill thh bdibler see met h ta be i £*]«
.v istud mnopc^l llai
liijL .l-L v
1 1 1 r,f»_ fztcei foiili ai ij.iiifcr
. . , "Yt* Jfeji Hi Affto'ttM • • r Gt/J > * * Duvlh'tk rVrjj in f* ntpi<?5 Madr with // an d\

— Acts If *22-24

In^LL-rd to ppdJt ott M-ir* «

Hi.1T, lew STtEb from ih^ Altdpo3u_ ^uuL *airi "A± pngutid 1 E , 1 Umtui in ultiic
with Llii* Ln miipLUjs. ro rnr l-.vesoiv s uuu. WImhb UiL-t-LKiru >* Ijwisnliy ur*hm. him -kclurr I unl^ j-nu, F^nri
tkat mude the vroirtd , hith trudr nf IttaDd nil nntkms. in hEm wr live* anil iiMriTE, 4 nr fan re flur tiring"

TjiiiI Mu}- Have Thmnjkl irf [tte Ctlfcum Cmc» when Me Spoke ol ‘"Peril** hi Lite WiUtnuM"
Far i.tjju toilTi jinrle* itn.iL L biive pyuuni rhimiGb liil* ;
s.l- »
in llii Toru> ^Siiijjslninsi at I uriry. \teJrji (lili-r

ibi I irm C i ti .i > I i'v2 | hr ImLc- ‘ih-1 >'u u| . il 'hi- way |j4un S'VtHrt In tb- sii-ih* nf Ada Msmsi
— ) I3

crus a! cm in know in the t'arh of hi. Pawl 747

uuith lime amoriE the min^ id the Phiuxb uf I Sjm men ami womifl labor in the w.iiv-
''I John, nrir.l in thu tiny chapel believed by hoEise- where (lie tiny leaves nl ' Turkish
many to Miiml nver The site nf the hi^use of ToihacQi Jire ^irlnl mirl baled for ibiprunl
tlu* Virgin Mary. T\w fir-i vi;-fcE,-,--[rnrti-in I rm-r Unrr the im-
\W know iTiiil Jftsu% fnitn ibr creds, rm j
rol laL 1 1 r 1 1 iiilie r i E Ri *r n i :* k 1 1 r hat I P (if h KrSTisc ,

tru^ml lu- Mutlifi tn sh> tare SI- John, a sLMeE juunril Jnulietla
Therr i:- ,i h.Kfll Mini Ihe 3 irluver! ftmm was one of those Jni|ia^^intt^d yattnii
\po£lFc hn hi .[Til her tn !- ibesu> Eo escape the Creek Euktr^ who conafiler no effort tun
"-it! r ill M m iii i hr^tiLuiH in jerti^hjn jut- f« hi' reward of yii ^ ui «.rr atutl lirf inscribefJ

ha| >- to eteajw >:iul himvelf] sbme from hi- onmtry s ^orintis past S*^ we
di 4 ovrred riaicus
Creek uni He mau tumfrv
Vision Liriiil* hui \ hi kiiropv stones and columns
*hn$ the mute of SL Ikuil

I tried tn reach ihe rains nf Alexandria from Kavatlrt.

Tfuus Jltttl nf \s&ozr Pit from when.’- the We tnril ihe vi tv rteps nr St. Paul ovcl’ thi^

current uf the Dardanelles floods intu tticr

hill 1-^ rtlinf.HsE Philifipi rm lit-r> u-rh i li hi

\r^eati Sen These were ports fail I knnv- f.hv Roman hijiNw^y. lEsr \"ia E^nath ^ii]E

eehr^'H, Ui
Hrtwmi them he cm ce chose to walk while ffMj-t traffic.

tii> iVIhnv inlMtOVUrtes sailed, (nr Itr appar- Outside I'lilllppi's walEs Paul and Ids nsl^-

ently w Phittl If# be alone, rfdnarii^ i',:i|its/erl n well-Uj-ijii w^m*ul named

But IiiiluIl roads prevented rm tiilTuwlit^ Lyf(ia r
li aether m\h \wj hciuaejiold llius mak-
him by car. After three tires and a hlnw- ing sheir hr -1 i hrLstian com ert^ in Kumfir
mjt i in the hmh wily . my driver declined fit
Tlu rryita) '4 ream Ln w hrL h
thi^ » emnonv
u I tempi Ihe mpiurf trnlb to the$? mms .1,1 V nl! Iiii'iiib shii nJLJi ii.hi
. !,i 1 1 1, _ l n

These iirre, he said, squuttiru] hi the rfuih

fields near ibe mins (pajze 741 L

fo apply yet anollicT Imi patch lu mi inner
I- iH-dnurttki.' S Ipen-i Prison l)nor<
tube, ''are goinq Ed have some very hitter
thine?- En viv tii us Turks m riir iw%e wnr'h'l ami StLw. hfe felluw mirsionar^-
nn this 'n . . ’ 1

Vou List
i us very barfly, thev are ffnipg to frituTii+y, wt'R* whipped and fiutiji into priinin

dajm when we
n][ amir TomuhiT hn* fined in Philippi. 'Suddenly si, Luki* tells m
j utf emeul till' 1
1' w.a.-. a ^ti al earthquake, sjh iJllI the
In Troaj: Paul received a vision, A "nuui foundations of ihe priori w ere <b:iken; am
of Macedonia
nppearod to him '
all the Pkm-s were opened, uml

Somt scholars have am jtc urn tint the I I every ftne's band* w^rif JocmP Acts tn: 2j& i

Eiian was Luke, whv [liter wrote Tin* acirutthU Aitiff tin- [iri-m minute I'.iul left Philippi
1tiLl t have Come down to ns as Ihe Y&ts of with diimity. fiidowiuc thi- VIl Sjputlib ih.i

the A |
M indlra in r Im? BEb|t-„ ciirisrty
la ra lie Is tin 1
pmeut roud.
M seeans evident ihul Iiiti: al froas. iViul Eji The'j*alonica + 7a males Si'inthtv^sr. Prnil
mrt [.like "Lhe beloved pb^idan, mirl u~*vk hail m-nre tmubb: npjiorents ajstln stirred up
lutn in in. his fold uf missinnaTta U Is ai ihe aLithiHril ie^ fi^ him as ru^ny Creeks
Shis posh I fn the narrative that Lake writs lot and suirie Jews cattle to Iki fj^pilxrd.
the fj rs tune in tin- first pifer^on: "And after
t lEut Tn nKidVrn Tbessalataflif E found one! of
|PhuJ] had tseen the vis:nn. immediately we M Panl was Ehr
s devoted diseipEi.1 ^ Or
elidieavonrerj Ir. ±j.ri Enin M.ii;rd^rii:i r Vl - rotuprl oli nrihimrindrlle of the Monastery of |

Ur. 10 j VTiii'nlunia tiiday is northern Are era I Vliiiadiin. w hich ovctIu-oL- ike aty^s tenitiful !

Pan! accepted the vlsfcui as hi- signal tm liut quiet barter- $tl Puial. te Enid me, had
crtjfls tla- Aegean S^i frijin Asia Minor, and very probably preached im the rxkct --iti: uf
m be sci foot frsr rhe i'ie^e time m Kurupe. his moiuiscet) \ jidiMn tempt that umr
I whrihrr thr
wonrlrretl Idile Romnn hnr- hr said, was a likely placf for Paul
5tcww! here,
hot of JSeupjfL-i, where Paul Ll ruled was in have MiUiiht out a cauwrt Ni'iitilrs
.j ^ i.kumiLLj EJU'jl .i- 1 k( m-idrrn ^-ui I vi-h-.d rnfoftunatrfy,. L'wEher E jiiur.iiin- hurl
now rLEimed KnvullEi. If au. he? must have LwLNtc-H t kits anktr nn the Slcpjj id li f.s uardtn,
.stepped ashore with u iipjii Ifi
hi) firiTnjdnp with pafia bed
iu Ntwr*
Thetr woyhl have been tti aul i time hmv- 1 thele^i. chi the ^ubjei t of St. Yml he heznmt
wtr. mi w ajtn. nnhltUr perfurnr \\ fnhiimi :

almrwt tarritfd Jiu^y.

sE^riTnlinEt the Kavrilh tocEfty la the \* the fturies uf PaLil * ..
- liFa. and \he fierv
sr .

heart uf the Greek tohacai iru: n.-lry nrnj , I irwu.uM vi kii- i pi- 1
!! - l i
:i :l ki:_ b u !.. 'n
n i "

memory fhr old priest thrashed ahmqt in .1 llye, to fissht In jrcamplish He Wtt
- 1 e;tyat

i'll mI cir ;[pir-. beiu^th Ms qiilli Ht -vvqii Ibu- vunpituni r ji man whin mutatobmd [H-nplt- r-

jir with ] 1
ivixuc Li^turt'K hr En-.-t ,j ! Iris hem] caif&e hr e^ucricnunj human wnn lions deeply
hid bitir ilyiog ltki 1
a hunt's muiu-. Oiilj when him^ll- His letters cltv dasterpiece nF Ittvm
he bsJCLLLLSC hi* WELSH ITttfal luVtT uF luiTfliinilV

struck ins surr Foul WEtli the nlSiiT rt i 1 i

winei and t, ill liiu k on Liu? pillow. uivmu Humeo As we left Lhe old Thfssjilortinri *ank bark
a dunce tn iUiEili up ippv the iini'pirniuTirm. 1ei ms men pled bed and called im|K rifm_slv to i

n"“ i servant for hr- Bible. He was goj n£ la rend

\pd£{le Eu rlir (icntite-H :j "Murt'-- Vi ;i
siL^iiti Hie 1 Vii 1 EjiinFk> In tJw Thessiikmmm*
M Patil uiii is mans num* t~ iIlei Pan- I ndei tin?hy rioting TJic^ulo-
;Jliil:jjLi iii

j \ alios said, htmion Udh|i who wanlnf

ii real trfjiTLs that they had lumrd the world upside
hsulTy Up 11 vr even though he mitered Linn- 3
down. niivdDjWLiie= Paul and Silas stub nul
and in U ready to. rflu in onbrr 1 1? nn H
of hr Eilty by iiiyht
? To the new
his &w(bur» tlouk. Paid rent hark his favorite disciple
“Hkw dat? ih 1 vn a wu'ninnl for tbr f»n iJl.iI Timothy ii I ymiih of UiaAllnor
Pmtl ii Lvv j) when Lnmbh started r
> run a^i) 1
u hom Paul addressed In a h'ln.T ttg his “itrorh

Why did he clctim lu be u Jew Jew* IwliiviKl
rid !~f Konuui uni mu Romans? lie wanted to
I followed Puul und 'ihi* next m
- l
1 ; 1

Kpk^tp Builr rht- Library ci-| f^hus

Siipiit ^1 \ tun> Afltir Pnul '« \ i*ij

lirrtl linU'Hil i:ni I, hat Amuorix. i|ir mythical

fjntSflj^ fu-gikiUi.9 Ephrsui. Hktorjr rrpijrb
that the Ait.: ml-, nr llLnna, hrowjiht fsmr
Uhl lull mil* tu ibe whrtin Mwirtcmflan clli
rftilid in Giiina a rjcbly .!:. iimn-il mirtil?
1i"mpjL- that aiK«i fir CUflsIticr'nl i>m- in' lie WP^fld * I

wuiujiir* Mitiilr w, jnvvrtirii LpIs^Lin hit

linn ‘iTh-iana =jtm Hi fi tri.ikiuji ami I'lluiir j.m'tilvb
lu rfej^fm ju^ii -ultima m h9(|rpiiit^'j

Dppodftff I In- lilnrli .in-. I-’juI Wtfrftttf IvL’ii *t&ji In

tplipjPLI*, Ajii! rrum ttl.if U'Idi bi'il t iilHl‘ and 5 ^vn-
fimrdL anil *&£U’!'l| Jhrlr rimlsu“ hocilti of
aueeerv, *'ihry L^uim-ii lJiu jitft'r m thpin jiinJ Immi
ii Iif t> rVnjonrl iicl^h at iilvii" (An in l-s I'H
hi time-, tlii- 3s. 1 1 inf billed trp r julu L j-iijiti-n

Uptii-hij. - ;i n i. i nt i itlilhiun Its tcmfiJcs lalJi-ri ih

eWriti neept away, towb jLitoti Jjj tuiii* tlu itJsibt
iv^ftTE * -
mill Irnm Lmif. Tmln-1

T S! i > lilir in h^tMurd L'ulrtiiin E'lohuii difctraur .i

t rhn Ipnriid mn hr the. Wall nkht> brink* i


M'jirr. : i'll lmur *nt\

ministerial calibrr; [f I could jypt run this
Lounm 1 '

frit 24 hittif'i!

In sidewalk caJfe mi tAmyiitniian ScfUhtt

tkf jtmhtrur f Ni-liiJuiioi- -iff 3'nrkish « niToe and
consiimr UMusiiiiCeil Lrlas^'- cd eiilcl water
They are indisitit in spr:iwl dwr tii'it or thm
eki-ir- Li i provide 2 firmer fonndatiriR for
tlum wef^t) pEiiEJtrtjriteTnirnls They inter
fbjii ikir pli-ii'iL^ir-ns only tn the Lite
edsikios ul ihr [mj]li.U:j| p.-rper^ ;i* i hey come
n i ij rltuc f3 iixi 1 he j
i rt

When | wah there. Elny were VdCiferoasK

salving thr fljiminy issue of the day— Cyprus
5idjrhkric-at«J Athr;n- did ndl give Pjtul
Enmh !-C a hraring, thmi^h he laikcd iti iltr

Agora — Lhi? tViiititiL|E.iiiii SqtijLff frf his day—

with jinyohc wkj Would listen. Hiii enuih
;n sppedi m eJk 1 dolivcrnl fin the rock
ViToia, M b called now- ,md saw the stones ca III -r ! \ r ->p.vzui -s . ar .M ar - H i J E . rut
on which they mny have *EimhI to pt^L Id Til 1
1 E 111 fill- liT-H'lfftJJjM | f fir Tnu^t fiLiV I;

Hemm* the JkhMf wdcumttt I

hu 1
-?ar? d Lip . i thr Ikirthriuuv with itn .tiiddmrul-

Till I a of K^n hearts uoeptjflf; Jesus as the Mes- ivfiry statue ill A therm, .ind pi tier I Ik dly
siah. But SliL' t^'i liirii.i i i IVilloiVinl Ur Innirfil (puge 744 i

discard ,
;mjcl the Apostle lied imaiii, thts Lime T.iul went to f Virhitb rinr! then founded 1

to Athens. a riingrepoilhrn I hM wj.- m anL ^ hL-. jjrJdf xttirl

! . i f]rn|mar. two leLtHf^ in- lhc I'niniilfn

AriwmiHris Tulk >C Polttk* dns Iil the New Festamsnt cell dmjurtiTk
Paul imind Viliens IfvLnu mi the rif
hiiu he suffrreti *^r» hrhalf of ihis duster u?
its past. Cunversatlun in the market place si Enter’ whr.i had arer pted ChriFdaisity
wntrml dn |:hU«;isopfty ns well om business, i nrinth lud rodir in Tymbnli bc wealth m-
whflp the tJiniker- iif the *1-iy -uutLln to fttBht Nvim*, niiihr life .t^d trumriiatiti So
nerpHitnlr the ^pirti nf their lUimtrt JUS predlfc- J tit at] U 'LL 1- Iv.i :- it *
lt.ll tin 1m lih'CTi tjrec L

l:\ l

eswirs . StKTatt- Plato iarnl Aii-rmlr. qilotc - .L proverfi. to hi :.pnken with ,l ihni_
The idem GWfk inito to prditscs for his

runvemtion. kveiy Greek. Ur- u L - lull 1 l i I

* V !
t' \UiL'n- In fjimihuJ ;
b> Jj-iEi :ifsiL haul
Shi^r Nitibs'fli Ui in ii ifjjm' janaiiirv,
me. rarmcJms hrn awn paliticaj Mens nf jirime- mv.
. -


SO The Nstnm,iit Gcogriiphic MogaztoE

k long journey wua made here, VaUcttin s
when faurka un*tfaifriahlft» Nti*
referring m in

"12 i. decorated rhurch wi St, Pikul Ship


everyone i^n saiB tu tVomth" (page tin lily

Pant tutored hi? little co^y nf' E Wrecked* On the high altar encased in plH
the preaching iknd silvc.Tr stood « relic venera ter | as a
In the Jewish quarter uf city.

..ii the Sabbath anil working during the week bone fmtn ihr right i-tf m of SL fttul tpaui
la_\ a weaver of i I nth* 757 ).
There was rm carnal actora the IgthtiiU:- nf Th? iirm brings tn mind tht ri.nmiSiim tif the

rnrinth in ihn^t- days as there i:s It id iy i paa,e Maltese Christian Church, On she day St
/» T
75 Ji. lnslnid. skvc* tra^E tried cargoes Lo I ul stnmuled adM-n- ir-.m the .windpii^

uncarts ami nuivtd lliem across the ntirn^v the uraui sMp. inendly Maltese Jighinl a ii tc
hf jj-'LSsenscr^ -md crew As Paul laid
neck nf land from .-hip lo ship. Sometimes fi>r i

lilu -runs hrmstilveft were hru. Ini From sea tu

^ke 5ticks on the fin it viper attached timV 1

sea nvi-r -» track with mllere lei hi- hand. Be shook it off withoiil ill I'ffec).

lo wralthy ! enjoy mti the miracle set thr stage for the convex
C’)«t dries tt'it si-etnl b*'

t hi h-i \nJrii
L -
Lit me idem Corinth £ KtfrintiitJ*) ssoci r>f the entire ifland.
x luurr wiii destroyed by tairthquake.
Way !

Malta, sal io a little

Ailing tli* A p phi ii Tt'imi;
Before depuiiinu f'ot I

sidewalk tsifr with tireek I rir-nds- As I hris- Whim springtime o[>enrd tJu- Mcdfti rranesm
i i in i irmthians prflinefiadtfl quietly by in n; in in tn navigation prianti^r P,id lin-lii.-il if ti

the street* we cliscuEsetJ t\w recti i;h^ of R.i ntii_a.ii

ist He ^"ulcl hetveseen tte vofcftak
Tnrmili, and inditlaed in a delicacy of its cone nf ¥diuvte fntmcenl of even a phimc of
mi.idem counterpart t lit t lr- hites m’ X- -ri*j tu. smoke- Vet a few years h\tvi It yt$&. b txpludc «

a high ly scftsftoed nic-lange td lamb brnilcd and bury alive the city of Fomiteii.
over charcoal iim wlsm'F -tram w?i- itsinu Fn-rn Vesuiiu^
Kn route iu Malta. the Biblical elite 1 M whm vtsited _Vii(>Us jitd the near-by \w\wr

rcff id St. Luke's iucuunt of the last voyage r-F PusakuoIl iruumlil. where St, Psiul came
of St, Paid recorded in Afty afthrare. brain her*: he walked in Rome -dimg

\Vifh other pT-inincr*. in one of I hr tinny the Vfe Apprci,

hat carried crain to Rome, Phul sailed We do nut know bhr resirlt of l 'ant’s appeal
inin the

(iilrht^ of a Medilerr^fltan stumi.

to traeanr. Ancient su^ge^t lhat be was MW s

l or 14 days ihe mad- -;hip w.ts battered on i

ejionC rated "f cfuTgra of scrUliofi against the
dened sea. until not only the | 3frfspn«s bn I
RofOHQ 5 bd 0
nlsu tlti- soWiers and crew had Inst hope l^iul Lrit*.-r T after the teniblr fire r.if Rome in ah
alone m.tmlahiNl faith, for ipthi he had had qA. became conunnri talk that Neio hlrnsidi

ii vision and knew that hr would tivt tu tv bar Mi ilcced the dty hurried m be cuiild !mild

].aljice3 and marble streets where l^forc

cheered his impairing shipflfiELtBS and
1 lr Iji lml >lyms and alk’ywny^
Nero. It'arin^ nn
cold them: ’‘There shall be rm loss nf anj uprising, deyerly biismi- **n the fit) low dm

man among you wt miu»1 be caal upfl® the nvw rchsjirm, Ffp hnrf um uuiiieil lirih i
s life - - .
i if

a certain blind < Acts J T ; 22, tfito- dr agger into the itrena and killed to I

pacify lb*? muddencdt fairru^d-iiut fit i . It i-.

Multu Ul-e number* t\\a \p»>*ile

Ufiipriillv Ijellevril ito Paul dw-d n'ji] 1£- year-

The diminutive Island of Malta wis the latt-v. iliirinn Nro ? rnntiTiijIni; peCfKnrtfou* "i
happiest surpriw on lj
entire Lrfp rn The the Christians,
lands ol the Apostle Paul, tin* abtniiubs of Parly writers, Wr have
Halt the M:dEf-sc men I met ii denied in a piiiure nii St. Bud and Si. Peter t*inR fed

mn.wrre fumed Patil MalU i- lichely proud fruiu Roman prison «litrin»i the perseeurimi.

that [he Ajicwfltle converted The Maud L ,90Q tlnrealh a ciiurvh near the Rntnac t-nnim, :n
a muity dudjlniii sairl lo In- llieir (*’!( I Ihiapt
lhV A| m-tli-s laliinii farewell r.,T eftdi
Mcnlinn of Si. b. ml's name lighted the eye* iuetl LVi j i

’luirch after churrh .nLwr- St. EVtfL ihc Apostle to tJu-

jews, ami
Of everyone 1 talker! In, 1

candid litu iuhul- and nowhere did mjd 1

I St. Paul the Apostle to lltr (lesttiles.

Peter led awaj In Nero's CifCtl#, there tti

greater reverence for the ^aiitt nur a greater ,

pmiuiioi of mosaics. t'reacoe^, statUCS, and be crutihetL ups Me fMwit on the c r. *-.
by his own wbh. St- Peter did not costidtf
portraits portraying lift life,

CerLiinh the most staring discovery of my t CiMthtmd on 7 W)


* *

#* "a

I JfpIl ajaE (Jailinil^lh

" ttt i'kity H'kit'h flu - It in A Ain H rat'd (ft-

— \ni^
tF* 10 ;Jl)

ii!L _ . ih nl ibc yoUn^rcp wimu'n marry, buar duk.jtn, quidc thu ztvr j«w i m. .
. T .
Ifc tf.TtrAli etj' h-
[jiliy,’' jiih'iHfH In ! TlfflBlhy ThK wimMi 'ndl her riiwki iih err Ijvc id ^aJi Tartly, par pfluf'* Tottu^-
i Mill * 1 1 f| jililr Alf <i 1 r

t Paul, Who Preoidicd in Giu-inda, Mu^ R*ve Linked upon Apul3u\ Dtnic Temple
4 Pa,rtC
Vm, j
7^.1 Cuifntk L'-icml,
Ln Pdul't [Uptime, Hirisrii Ihr
Uypa.iHin!' the Prldfmnn>
M*iJ rrt
^ •drallfw
u p-n^ertetj
t hrns-l“
I - F
ii i Wlr
kj -00 mill-
the joti ita 1SKK5

i m -4

T* '
d r H
p N]


. l


Act*, on limpl's 5hare+ Is flic ftiblieal PloIcniAJij
When Paul “Sffi/Mfrrf lb* Itn'fhn'n "-^Acts 21:7 1

t%uTi du> 5 in wi rn ny inhered whi'n he landed litre cn muic
i TCL'd' rn

t rJ* JcfttfliLli-m, tin lirifirifonntullt awhltrd him. Ik fUilMtfd mrqdi: u 1

*"l uni fi'jnfy tii pfht . .fflf

, , tllf IMlllfi flf Xhr Jeiui™ i Atta
JlJl.^l. 4 li.lutfci:- 3. bin l/iTsi-iJilri ImiL Ai -
.ml bmli Elir-i. .ill*, i rl i .1

Vttfi jM bww:
f Blush: in J- ru 'km r 1‘j.uL may luu* vkUtd u ipul
nw s hi- Cluihlk ni iht tJamdllon deeiui^).
pr-*i:nt In m ^tappet
i€fODh"‘ dime by. Jl-juj tefebiaLed lln- Liu.t M|jpw with His dta- i|di

Gfcifrdi ancj iLliLync MnrK lie Lri head j

ihc wilkd fity in jnriian,

f WhU, oJ Acil\ i>f iii-J. nfTM [ wi jj Lalen Rniftm

ncfcns ,il Firm 4*y idler* l J.ul wilk knipriAfiiiL'jl lur Lsv-a > tun.
Ar i hip frVie ij tin [:.-= ih«c hnriin,

C .^Niiiiiiiul iPPMcmri ! >-:ipr.T


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4 v iT
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Icrustaion cn Home in the Hath "i St, Haul

libadf wurtbv
T lu die ns lua MiishT hml died. UVrrm'iirL f.u fnc 3iu •
>ji j swiViiici^ iirchwji;,
ftut because l\uil wjis a LvuiiilI^ ativifj'L. a mosaic in colcira and jftitd jscFtriLyrd m. Psitii
be may h;ivc bem hrhi-iirltif Ouf^Lrlr l hr d St iVh-ron mlhi'T hand uf Christ- Behn-
Ktininn wuihr Lhr L'biifLh (if "'i Paul of Thn- tiw, four w-j id cnluntctt udv.mcerl
h» Iht dis-
ruunUiin* murk* thr jfi&m wteire, LnuJltimL tant tlihprwsy, V poti] uf sunlight firKxlitd ejl

Miys. wiiter spriuiE lie hi? head : truck the i the marble Hun ri
gnrtujd thrift times m lulling ['hniLijj: the doorway. 3 rnijtk) mt .1 su-nt?
Not far ov iy i hr nPftffliftcnnL Basliol of - r :i |
IEI- nf St. Paul FOpp^-iti ;
M' Vonrf

s s I
L n I Vtt i ihi u - l -the- ft u Ik to sb riur- fcha l my tJhoLii’hL'-

ciiE ritlil mr IilLijL acrrK< U.000

many foelicvi to In- the \pu*tlr"*. fym\ fillies ir.iv -:
by $t7 Paul the mh-ioruriyv
« t 1 It

placi1 . At Lhe hi eh altar .1 Bcnt'did Ifte (urieSt N] Riffle to (he Gculilujrf the man af God. 1 1

nJifiwM'l osr fo u(>eii t!u fc

grille which ptrmit- the (artlie&t distauc-e, I -saw St, $t*p.hrpl
one to Wati forward atid read. carwd on an (nit fn In a scum, Ihat w$L£ | be-
L^ltl p.i V^mt'ILt Knomil li'lltT? H'f i\iul > tbl1 eSri in" ‘LaH thk was .in end. Sui in aihiihfi
mime. Hrrr was the tmJ of m> nUprinm^, sense. lIl?* wys .1

^ *^t. Paul Sm SluOr

Sciind* in Rbim 1

S i 5ie la KfimiiriE
t t I hr from frnm Trtr+irr.

1 Ith'HI ie» lviflW'H .] Km],

- miElL 4 E jraa> l'hrl-f,
callt^ Ek lie iin fitHHEh
n 1 1 - h* Ibr^ in hbtpfy.
Ttlji. ilHlkir lit! fori' Ltir Rli«
-ill. j 1 1 SJ Puli IS- Whhi’fU !

1 k'-Walh j'i' tdfEsifetr Ap 1

1 If 4- ii militHni Fnifiiftlbl
lh (hr ^jL||Bwnl% itirihiiii hr
iib on thrift"* J'.ti Pl Ll i. .

n> Hii rurh r hnkh th^

in |Iij; kin iiifti ii) britiriiu
V'l tirflihj: Hr rifu: lanlh
linn. E .iul arm] tVlei Vctrt
martyrTfl I hr tatnc tjay
In thir ywir 10 l'eirr W4-;
irutii'jM! Lti \ifii 1 ir.-u- ;

Paul wib IjL'hi-jiJ' ! [Mil -Mr

ktimr - wmlh .ilhtiw 4 pimJ
IWiA i-ieIIiiiJ \ m IbGM'fni
. Ih id 1
hf ( ir^iil,

[he &r*l l iiri -1 li:i \Zui\\> mi-,

Imintl rnltimllLii Jjrsldc the
.imr Whivl ;l ln.HJ_V ’m lir^-ri!

lu hii\ f kill paui'% Hr

placed chi' remiiLni in 11

stems cuffia find liuUL

Li j -iiaEiiil 1 liurL'h t fc
h Hr iE.

S: P.i ul' WuSluu L k :

AV'^ilH l irr in de-
ilfCO nl ] Ll lil rL;i ,
1 -lUi'rtM m .

HlJ | -.[jil.rril I Si 1 Billyh.

+ ilanv authn-rtti-:^ !:i !&i

I hi- \j" F * I Ii' :*tl ! I ll 1 - lltTC

biciMttH the ftlUr 111 iln a

rrlnjiil Si. Pila: Tllr JlI

leu rAI LU, thnuihl Ed

h*l vf (i^rEi in-H rplM‘i| #( tibv
crdi^r 1 if CtinfUELtiiir, Biurk
Ehf \lih Thin Lil! h Llv. J

rmmil hrilp. non k'^rsl, 1

hr ih'^uin I-U1-. 1 In-Ursfii

nHJfeli. Ul tPUi*h (fui CLkQlpL,

"NaElHMl 0#^iTifi#llf >H»!ri

1 1 H nl J . . I

National ( icogniphie Ms ip Traces Bible Histon

7oo on a Modern Background
Of AX hint on, frnin Vn.ili In tElt uii- of the tvnirr i if the vwfls: we wHI jto by the
tiimriliAiitLiiJi uF ihr Sui'i ( jiiiiI. Ik1* kine"- high way. we will not lurn to the rigtst

clmd^l Lind ftniftiltflrd nn ihtk new 1 1 . i 1 1 hnr In Ibc left, until we have jja£M"
mjiji Lmds id thr Bihit Sorim sent lo Na- lhy hordets" (Numbers 20:1 7.1
tional I k’tTizrrtiihU’ Suckfty j
in< mfcH<i> til pyftc Their ilej-L wll^ re used. The 3
i [smell tes.
iJih tturlrl with i his issue nf their bnavinj? Ihe wdrk'mtbo iniairi. ptumil brtw'een
Mona till* i irridni Ihikfrm Him- lonlinrnls, Krinm and Moah md tlu ir way to the Vr*<tn-
nhLV, first miiet-b] i'rirm Siottr .W In IrntMKr j ! I . I I N1

U:r fr "in inns to houses Here have been \ im^tlL'm traveler foBowinp ^]ose>. wutiM
ini wdrSi religion?, and ideas that shftpfctl meft n aindthr relimff In fact, idioulfl bv try
dvnj^jLtiBTti from it> initio iH^iunlius to foflirvr the mute ->s the EmKhfe r
he wruiikl
Hs^furir^] (TfitciS Indite will anlii |Ui triS Jt£ \w sEnp|Nil \r\\ tdhe- In-

amwJ gLL.iJ'f]- .11

thu rrarlicM known cos hi iSardl-Hi, [hn iiral the mp-idern oalionaJ boundaties Ihnl dlvMt*;
Irut- writing fSirmrr)- Jtail the world'? oldest the Bible Lands- Nutt^ on Palestine anil
i i inTmuttu? ty i n habi l ed d y l
( I iomasciiss j * JiTpIt'JTi rmmnl ihr rei-^nt history that
Within tire mwpV bntHfcr> lie all Spvijfi YYurt- prodticerl ihc fbained Erm:r now maintained
decs of the Amiimt World hirttftl by a# atnov ArHlj-r^md fronli^m
lurk* a tit tile left mar urn A note al Kale
Turkey mail. •
the hutur "1 the «i iui uni Sjmte I
Ironruaik nf ihc AncL-nE W uvitt
* liiya- —J 7 IK ir-ilc? mini Mw V^ircn potr
\t lh \ * world cn^^puirl 1
- inrvrliiblA , are
V til'll her piiinLn in i att KrurJwt uni Pitt, fiiimiJ fodtprinls id some of hlsltiry's
in the Wilrk-nitfea uf Jtidah when Bedouin art1 test ; travrfrn? noiuldy Si Piuri pLipr I

-ihi'ijhefd-H ii., 1P47 found the 2 JOtFvear-ijld 7n7) ;lmiI Mario i' dn i^tward kiuoii from
Dead Sen Scrolls — u tut In of Biblical mafnt-

Venice So China in \hv \ 1-1 h CE'nfury Aftnthef

hi by the most kste- halted ..i- | tin lialiLla. a i-nuirk^blE Muslim bum
portani Hhrovety nf Holy Land archeology, rn^lpr, wbojft’ Ini^LLiLric tliir^l for new
\ F
S xhtm liknurteul nmes are presented duhtf canied him from Africa In what am
iiiTiiinnt mt o|'-Lu-fli-iEn ideographical iiaek- r i
.i \i iy K i i-SS ia , I rtdia i 'ey fi an . Chi m :u ul
unujnrl. For example. a note about the >l':u Stimatm,
nf Cnlllec* whe rr Jesu? ^rebuked the winds ciw^ tht liiljfr Lands
Tr.idf routes -i ill

aid the ^trad rites n line markinsf n t,0?iK- ihrmigh the Suei Canal, opened in 1S6? nod
m Hr- Ion \z 1
1 j
tarrying oil from Sa-lMi Arabia MtiionalixtMl by Egypt Iq July. WS6 s
Ui this MditermiraT) Sea. mov< had world repervossions for realms
jihujU vdlile- on the limp.
Border ibir Himju ! I-NocIm-*

SytnbuU r kftiu firlds vtijil thr tind 5

1 ; . i

S._l i ] 1
- and heroes uf the Old Mid Xew Te?~ an iijtii the Persian GulF frtim Saudi Arabia to
himcriL- rtalk the riinp fr.wis fdffie tci wipe,. Iran In thk pari nf tbe world ie m nlu- 70 to E

\{^r MemphL^: Egyi>t t in tbe southwest, is 75 ]X'rrefll of the iv* n b j s known oil resem'S;
tiir f
i ri 1 1
1 1
1 1 1 liirlhjibi^ of Mh^, whn klJtO|n' I- tJlf Irig^trt tMIL*iUlmT oJ tfcat:- pEtflV
rescind from krini.du?s along I ho Nik- and l+'iint mid mnn than 1
builf of T1 reaches
educated in Hiarauh'* coiirl. \fi hi^ei i>I the I A Linker through the Surit CamiJ.
Fxodus traced the urinous 4Cteyinr Jfwimey I Tlirolibing pipelim^ urossihg l]ll Sytfan b

by wjuch be ted Che Israelites nut uf Eflypt ]h>iTi -3i| -| ili-meimt tlic canal muiv. Tanliieni
to i
Vintian. pick up nil from Ehf; longest piipelltiie near
Mn tiiv Usaifi trtap ii im'ik- r n highway from Saida, ihr Biblical >i«lmi. where Jteld orm 1

VcfdlM* io Amman In Jordan j-irptiui-i the visittyJ tlw ^T^fltermrivan

ancient biebnuy uf ItinL^. over which Moses " Membvr.adrildlmal cnpte nl tJsu Tiny phtaln
! _ m - I
-cl 1 1 1 1
- -'.i
m to lead Fk |
m *\ >te ihri mil! :i fHiip, l_mri' oi thi ElFiir Trulil i.UjiE id all iL'n-jilard

ftnipi pi j IjhSi rij by Thu; ^riiJctyi, by.inUmt iu ihu

l rlmn in cmr nf I he rm^i pl;Eintfyt apfieah in
1 1

Xftlkiliiil -Cffv^^ilur Bariev, Wa-EiLM^E-.ij fa r J'l. (7

history; i'nr^H tn ihc t nili-J Siam anil cfewfi i'ir ,

Let ns pftiik l ?
,ra3 Bim, through Lhy comr- ii FL |
ii.T .
1 1 lilht il 1 El ill* Ti k'fi Irk lll jl i

fc j|r!i I
«»3 lIO- rltoJ i^Imt iii:ip->. '23 c
Ity: K if will JIM I |jA5n thft ilii^ll the llelik.. u:
H'prlix K\\ TVmlttXIKA piij-ltilr in [I. S. lUhlls. pilt-
thrmujli the vineyards, neifln r wdl wr ilrink liiiict

Spritjgtimie Comes
to Yellowstone National Park
By Vhvu J& Z\iiL

f-Vr/n# At jAr Jntlu Jf

summer mare Thin
ii .



ftw ever
^ rlh in sli

net! Tl-

win tis+
a million
mi- N'a riniial
from the park's southern hntmdttry
while htnrbetl aU further
! Lraiiks-iJ ft' > ‘iV it .i

nrnmritir -.crul nf pine n n ihr vrisp, cold air.

wifirluw nilil

wnll of

iif<r-i 1 fli^

si lir h.iv-e seen lb? transition from I Su- siHfiiUf was ul*Mdiitr.,
winter Ln ^jirhiu: As T flavored llsl^ Mdllutlr. Ihe distant tout
hit 1
morning last tpn! I nut In explore of a motor broke the stillness. I kind* Mia
this ClhlM.1 i LTE.tfcLT Ills t- of VrllnWMi mi- CSptfrifttly ISen 3d had nh-iTtvrd my radio mi-v-.sui* ami was

in li’dTis oi sbi 1
jiark’ 1
- ahtmdnni wHo|ife + i iimimi hi cam me on Into fhi? park.
Belying the ralni-Lr it like l drew \vt :
-i on \ 1! till rL'd-wiLUe-Jind-ljluc vehicle on three
Use wijr from jncksuLv Wyojcninjz was still ski runner* skimmed Jim>ily nut of tin: woutU
Fmgen 11 nil Ihtoksof ^qw closed in m 3 null in my direct inn and a kindly face amiled
rifles of l hr plowed mad, nn d ;v few miles frnm rlu I use l.w, Frits, hr winter on-. 1
i i • : 4

° Yellowstone
? P. National

NATIONAL PARK <o_ ri j;:

tfunm wi L it

fimffeiVfdK itrt* MONTANA

Mammal h WYOMING
liot^pringb'" ^

Towe r Jl~iZ t ibr/ -ji

EnWtfftra* '*'W


% JjPfiJ# i

// 4

hjOim it

tower fa/.'i

y-'^r Ydjowsi.nn-i:
£ i^a ferompi
'* r,
fr jfi ,i Miidissn Junction >

Lower RshiHg Bridge

iSryser Bairn MAiirt.iv
Cutk' Geyser
^ .1,- U '.Tr.' JrE c-Ll' PiSCJ
Gev$er &SAr -

Old Forkful LitRt

TTsi h. ftflnr

I Vi.

%iii B*s* T Jt
2£ fjoftp Jftyrrt

Mfc Eftwiftm* iadh?


Ba&J-n !">Saufft
in. ii —
Jih mn^fcra i . a. J
yfui j'fth:- A' i fTt.hiTT


Otdfr*t 1 1 IT Hus f IimnLry’ji Xutumrtl Purk*. Y'cljimttttius the Ciindhcrfital DiviJv

lliker of 'i mnrh. hupped out

nt'nr-by a.drt win Fit rJweUtrr!- tlirisuuhiMit tbt ririrtbrits

lifted 1 hr snow with lik Iwl ipsii# Un Km k i -•

ftavr *«
sblh-vI. such pnifH'tlrr-ilrivi'rL

rhfr^'s rm i i
m 1
Fa in:# b? .luuimim i!
d- -rnjii^ l an §( >i. ri Jib
. li Ji f tjeefi iv* trader
Tbi- trust Ls liaid btm* hut kttrr in thr djy lands tliat are utkic^wLse n^cEssilite mh Mitrr

li may become I no h.\i\ to sup] kilt us j

i Lf Liy hours mi sni-mrshota.
peitag wi&glfftf plant w.xs ns ivnibbounil \Ve re-»i mi buMFlir.* U* i snow-
as my car tint .is farmer*, >| wi rtsim-u. and r BfW Tf'7 J
hi \ ctlrj * Grand Cunycm, Winter Solftudt S irups I huniK-niu* LciMcf EhitU
v*cr ¥Cfi fcbr pofh in it? mantle of intfcft ^-tilEc. IIcfl- lb* autfecKr tiasiw* a! hoLsktmJ
( 1

fir I' ll' M i’ 7 ti4

t [Maw AT^rf] Snntfr &nn> th« Vtllim^Umt RKtp

^ T.i [ihs-vi-ni nufialttfF LlLfi-rnl W EfitftHUfAfi iM» utoinhuG afid drain midn r&trta ne-Jir Ofcd

FjiiLhtuI t'teywr tJttji F-n^ns iFLpfcr murti nl ihr finrJc * tfbpralfcn from N uvrnitirr Up PtfrtV.
i SunuplaiJ-L Can lln 7f> Mile jm Mgmr? I* tTruta £l aG
Author Eatil Cs-ijlili lp»jfc»Jr.n ujuifTnicul Ijucsi Id* caf (,o Fctbi BluUJ'* h^lttrrtinilr; iJintliin nn tlghlriritl# sti
cfcrir |a ihf Soak-/ (Unr St^i t ii*n i
Vh dtifuli ilrirth tbr alkUrdnam amJ fiillfrk m-irhiftp
i 2 ‘ | I

Springtime Y«niu> ta YelfewrttiftC inn .! I I

M rk 7'67

plane. Jim I
ill rktn I l\w or Uw my return wiihntu ji fatuity, ur ro anoiliLT < mip'lf with
wevpral rlit> later* Thf planed throttle went im .‘’flHHsktge r hilrirf 1

down. tbr inn inf responded^ and the pn>- StsmniTsr- s pnt to be at these SBOtt'bniind
|ht-JErr Mi the air Hut for a moment noih- - tat Ei urn " Brili phitn!3nphlztid AYcalh^r rr
btfj rhf n Fells wiggled violently, pnrfe. nwiw ski psdrnK vrild-
mi the whul*;
=.b:tki i-rhii I
. and n c r
tvhiKEpd off life okrterva sinus, mainEtHinnic. We itnii 1

across tilt" ^anm his^i hmrli: lime Fur gettfni! bored

Had to hnpak tEie icx an the Stunners ta 1
Vila! if I J tTM’ 1 ifjyr. chml Inm out Els bi! <ki
get a start ,
he ruifferr-ii champs ^mediiy I'll W JUirprised.'
Flis[> Slirnp -
expifi tiLtiisns had jj ^-Ejcsui
mlo -inch fbiii^filEi Ivjljleft Runner*'
1 nbwrw) when wr -j ,
.ml nest rtwy fur n
An hiilfr Ini it I was dffeklte: r i I'ior it tin* Imtfc armmiL Jeffrey* who liad jimt luriinl $t\ r

Unlike River rjiruyL-j resldi-nu Eivm ^ rlluw- four-yea r-uld Tnd r ftJQd rven little Eric uccom.
stmm's MMiih eulmnce {map page 7 6 1


panics I ofi :i 5 fnr as the Snake River, 1 ynn «

Ymi think EJik i* a lot ni aimv" IftUkhed from I he house ^ J tesftfll "i ib<--e y’mmLi^lLT^
Jwjjcrvteaty Thrift Ranker Robert H Sharp, on s-Ecl:- him I f piartfr-sFae Tnowshoes was ahisiT.nt

A month aim u i* * nul in* srr nut that wiu-

uubtlu'vatslt! i,
p lev T7ji
dmv. I lari SO inch**.* this winter
VTivvi^l- iJkt Stpam-li-amli J Sin>i>
Rob Sharp. hi- wife Betty, and tJitdr then*
smalt bo0
had been snowbumid hunr since McCkiis Bob. aiut f LTr^yed the ire-fi'cv
rhe previo-iis November \t the m.iimmi the river on ;i hanFl-propeUed cable cu whiV 1

. T?nr
tntm^l nf the bow&d. t ww- and ^ dt*1 f-ye&r- Ixsy.^ >tttEed dmui io wn i fur n\,
old Eric* wins staring jE use- w[Ul a “Uiin^i- "'If ie$ nimi-tr jim'tt sJtef, ymfvr tfime
iii rh isi i Win [> slii- creature?” his big tn tiie rifcht placed Mjic osHiiid me iw wi-
eyes »emd to ask. ln.'iidfd fur an area nl hvclrotherriiul
w -

Fmi']i 1 for <Kou?mnul gnowplmr travel, huK 5.Cil in a risrw 'if thf nver.
tin- .SliLi
| si
family h^ttiier with I’n rh HflBu'.r.f Thr heat bis plan of i Ju ^e mtyilow tide W MrCkifri and hi- wife Juan had ilzitiv ct]iklmiL i? Lhr ^mie a?, for .if]

spent the winter Isolated from fre-sJa Vcpt* Shi' p;irkM “hut jpota_" Wat^r uni -I ram
Infitesk the Cttwrr dmestcHT. pediiilriciansu are forced upw/ircl frmu linl rin:k far bdlnw
and "leopSe in fpttrjiL tlir earlhV snrfflce through a labyrinth nf
' H ow i|o yi Hi ninnngr il \ ankfri, channel*-, cracks, a oil rr^vkti?. In thr more
Betty Sharp pave a d!*h tha! sMMRvned to fumiEiH LiiiisiTis farther mirth wnter and suprr-
sjp^n a lm i nt tin of sinwy SSalillon- he^tef! trappr-l irndi^ ht^h iiPesstTPe
Sometimes CaJtned JckkI gets muimtnnotis.." I
w-rEi N.iiL .i ly bilr-r forth to create Rev^er.i,
stse said 'And we rr all I
k i
n-.: inf ward u* If the undefyniuiHi plumb! rt(t stu h aa nut
having the si^owpkrw open the mad i* wt to eruipqrai:r the devekjpment fsi [>r entire
can drive Os J^f-binn lor dinner rrnd ;i niciyie head.-., the escnjit may r in I Iti- u mri nf icnn-
But [hr children Ihb is ^heir \unh\ they tinUim- ffiram jet-, or of hoi -.priji^ widi
hardly' renirmljer that simiiE Imt FanlnstEc termre fonnalkijis, of nf wuttdioi4 >|y
"Wfcil nisi ml school? "
I askcii. colored jiunE* ssr buLihlimt EuunS.sfnx
Bnl explained iRlt i iLie \jiTnnml l

;irk The oviTcilf winter ^siect ol ?udi thermal

^rTvii'o him (hi.^ winter mst] v.i -t
h-i r nsbittnrd activity i> En cnowt .^inrs- of 1 he park areas
whih Ehe children were stLJI nf prs^
n^p. I
] Into JnoiYdrre oastvs In :ui othersniMS cold.
\ei?t year Lhstt jwut would go \o a ranker White worM — arfa-i mit by many of
El K" p.'.rkM Inhabitants as a Mjurce nf Wiirmih
durin_ vvinter sub-^i'fM wear, her
Vnm- 7tsfi

+ Suiildinii W iter nf Vlorninl fllnsrj, Piinl

Wi been in the tiivarlmh
h;ir1 Halil for im
f .ratm a MqeieIl oj ^ tpmr im rti^ lb inn I \ir luiutT tiiuii Suit ;m hour ivhr-Ei. in j tfui kt-i

ShafKtS likL
its rlnml nikUic^aLi-, On tmi h fM-rhap'- fifty yank ahead* two | i^Lr*- of eye^
<i|W n| IUf ttiiifI fniliutllT U.IETttLtiiSCL'i III I |
if' t ilu^-j'r Ta ret l at u.^ with tls«- iirulj>iindefi inr™dlv.
S^it^iri InrrsshtiEdnm mi 1 h i

nkd%F an rnutl wiIsslh -

ui With thrin wi-ri- truilrnkn ear? an. uapalnly


r^i-L NiUmalL-i' 7v> rrmiLiL Tl TfrrLriiMiir flc-fi ! llehJ

M<Tfi3 DiU'Lrl Hrol imn iEti Ji>f erf 1 hr tTiifkrnh-im


on shlj Sfrtnlci Lnupcctlnn. In h On

* Se'I‘, it: thr N'.vl II.[.\.U (.3 E TUMI I I- M Stixm
-llfi i ii e v
-Thr WrU Th ri-njid'i ffw.tciri ¥. i-i. Ssfwurl \n
itnrrpriH ilir irta 0-r viritsnrs ,r
Julie, f-W
l- -li-h. iHur ib«j]iui VvNiur Htuilc-." hy
/ SiIIiiMeI Hrimyni- t l-> ^-- ylgtr V r dr !«-rU k fL \ : rijh U nil,
J X 'W-l
n h | ,

* '*

l-Jk lircrjk ; i I nil I up IL'iun iit \ uELajyr I Is^y J \ * i mil! B £nak in Single File

jKtfiris -i * dp ht^h slue Linked" le?5 II "iva^ warned nt T fanippil on tine sow* Vou m%W
ow v'rMinvrhiTii,' m»iw, I trm rr: v r \hiru\K hnvi- tip rlap siprre pretty fancy nsnnmc
,ibd her ywrajd odL Hie yijuiipttr, 'rt np- Kmpin^ I hi- si: mind w# ItfUtlly 3mik Himr
pi '4 Fn ..fiiL-i l I j , ncemwlly
—uni Teres l i in i i pictures and then beat a rr trait
iway, while Its mother kept a watchful and With the SSkLips and McC hicis I had Insled
nwpiiiiims ityr m its* fj; inue T7\)> niter isolation in :i whretSei* wnrhl, \n up-
Yi'lh^vstotu. 1
in- i nliMvi'Ey stcihlc munsi? pfrsadi tsp the | urk from the mirth, t found
pnjuihilimi m 3 M-vrrjJ hundred. The wVtfc itrcve more trtnbitity.
I^-nrth Amrmvui cuti tinsint h ^rimted id I hi- main fciari -Muthwnrd frnm park bead -

I' unfciin sume 300.0GCL representing f uut dis- 1

Li. i rl t'f-5 si MiirLlimlh Slut Sprillu.:- hi id al-

lincl Ey | - |
iiirli’i'ii thtiUS9H4 of these jiii? ready undimjone its snowplow run nl

in the I
ruled v ites proper ;md the remnindfr the ^rLis*in, ;isif| Park Sppecitf tmdern Edmund
m I ‘npiifla iiiid \ Li>ka_ B. Ki i^cr- jHfmiiUeil me hr uhu it w \ I h [its

fiun r i hwr Id M rmtott*1 than t Uf diiv- mm. BmiisjNt- *ii the homril of rotikslides
t fi Lik v I ietv. lh-ij yi^ti jjiil (ht nearest tree.’
Mgc illppffj pittmicnl? and stj 1 il in firms ihe
" n


IhaiKiL A E < \ilJnhfcl !'|iL »ffhi

Small Bdzcdx r>l Si raptor* Pniv Snr^ in St- arch n! \\ inter Fumi'c

Fieirl would ml I ne safe f ht the puhlk utili] Cijin-Hs s scufaithred waJLs. Hot Ihn fails were
iilHMil ihe fsr-it uf Miiy I'ItIimj- mure imprrwivc Thin in any other
One miimmp: I'nrk Xatumlbi Merrill David iCOM i-n + A niLuinP.k irdh of srrew and ice
Bcul \\rul IT nut £ t-i m i Mntiiffltftli u.> investi- which ditritip the dqiifas o£ waiter, ravers
ili \ re a i.iiviTii ;iE t hi? edpe of Yellowstone 5 most. of i
he ealurjLcl had cecrnrUy ccitfzipsed
< r r ;] n 1
1 CanyoEL (n | h-\ : i il m-r Dave mu ! II n L thi'^ waltfffflil
|t|lipglfij“ 308 foo|,

aiwtKff park riiihmdi-l had seen a faint


b beat into the whitened ^nnu’ ip;iaif 7ii*l.

iv interim: in this same rocky den, Tbe dun, ktcated a l tliv very brink uf the
TmvcIJEiia m mi t- itirfly mi Fes Ihimtizh (tie t^nypjn'ii north,. was barricaded with ynow^
park mi snow-clear I ml still icy road?- have dn its V; us the lienr sttll dreaiuitijg nt sprliuj

and I rorctic l the canyon arw*. imi pputd nr had ie a Irmly rmirfEtud?
yer. slip nearrr l» the uaJiyiiii il-self than hntf Tmcks nri the surrminidit^ uni .
*w mi^hi have
a mile. So \w left tiLL- car. pul on snow- •la.Hwpmi tfae questfrit —utiles a rivcni mow-
shoes, and started wilkfta: aot&s country. fall li4id ulr'.' covered (hem Wi watched
Great patches ..r snow covered much uf the and Iv-tei i ed . !' i j Fly f hivt stepped In- 1 1 r i
' w 1 . -

770 1 III- Nucintm! GccjgrapJuc M ii^a/lm

Wtuttsf f-riaJ Hepitjc^v +

snowslic*^ uml Ijv&ui working fliwn the anow- tjfslj
^iuk DsttV SuinttiLir UrtvM-'H
c^rd slope toward lit* den ± npenuig. At
mnuth Omvfc said LiuiLTiir I'Hjr "71 I-.! n ? mule lit. L- ljjts. uarraed ihb VPtsLCfU
ihe ca,ve s
tktT Fti urunr. En rnffl 44 f.uthcr thr uirimuli -
rk tfn-
worth to the liy| hh K^ tii hI hu lrpant and even
hiuVlt trfaniU whh
Ijufk 1 l-..'ivt r runcifr 'fTry pJnf
toaed in a Iw haurlftib id smnrjfr. Bui cbhri- ciifctikcr gbrtiraajiTi irirfiCi uml J H. kcithJ?> ..

was skcftbmW or it bad al- e oJ jn^Elift ^-Inlrr ki^tfhrr.

the still •,vi.i

itady ulmndcmvri it-, bon>^

wWty, Dhw derated wt to pa^Sf for jm
answer. T ebsed my camera him:. counlry. He dots knnw,, hnwever ihut the
'Elit 1
i-lbseH E sjni Uj j hear Wfti wKtfc track- 4ve*-imi |
I ; 1 ns :ire n pbex* r live md
ing buffalo in the Hayden Valky. a pnilrir- thiil human SuHhii^ - - well r.he luifalo all
1:1-;, basin lluiiuitfi vMth the ydbwstone undi-|Wfndj!bffc k critter and e.i-aly -turns ir dni,
K.ivLT inds. By April 20 ibr valley hind
44 Scuailled rugw hulls,, fepecialh . ure not to be
had been >

' 1
1 . i m I
foot .ihmll half Ite IfitltfthyiUitl tampered with.
,i nir^h urn-sized mtM CfltorpillaE known lu-
rtu 1
4VdMH'l mvr idw'^ve a himirwjcik. .uid
ridly n_s .i wcit-s^L was rucked En For use on
ahniptly We Catne ii^sn a snihll her -I nf ^imi^
i huffaJfl ^hdnt, V rtuulK be hunt mts p*a?t

I wfrrtty nf the hinge bmwp crrulurea m
of the Park Jservict § witdlita puiaffigf m nt in the snow for tmifirth of h>t
progmm,. and it- aim was In .i-^jy the -|n'in^- sTfuss. Jn Jin instant the herd bro%e and
tirms? stofu* nf the valley s trisnn herds* sinm] hm led srdo H<tjt drifts- I purest 77^-77 7 1

V: ekr.4 In i
in the park, April tiiM nmrtE 'The more vltji.inuE- l.nrffaln finally fdowfil
u-f i cunm- itinn.
winter than ;t aprinci 1
1 £ l% :
llitjr 'rVa> through, bul urir nf the JarL^t of
still envied with deep mowv
den \ a 11 i:y the unftnals ^ol stuck The more he itriivitled
and bare earth nriaW be seen on only a few the more firmly bi> |>dly acsd limbs became
windswept ridge*, fixrrl in the snnw, mnlly rniiunr rntrlook l

hirn Jinri he could move ni.i more.

YipngftriiTg IA i-^on Sidi^u ti Comeback
Kdwarrih anil
Riinu'iT I tfenpprfl *mt nf t hs
Somewhi'ri- ns that pxjisitise O 1 cold white- wv-if-el for a Closer look, I II never iol^rt

n^% were buffs Ip * At l hr i m; itr t Is 1

I the a.* ntiM
I I nf 1 hut t< x m ii sted E 1 ica^i . His n< >si r i

hotmCtnc snow vfilncle wws liistrivt I ark were- spouting vnpfur: hi? small i'_v+r=, blnnd-
gutter joe J. Way; with him as observer* <hiil itud foil id feur. glared aS sa.>: and the
wer(> v^luiI fciiiger l-Lindd tL Ed- CW urea t hniy hi^tvrf E-Su- anlrttnl piped for air.

Wtutbi Park tttolrarisl \A isSter 11 Kittums. . "Let's hoi jjet loo close," Edwmdi. can-
and ifiysdL tiomif. "Snow of not, tiicne tallows always
Vs ever\ American school child knows* rud- have eTvqmfh reserve fi>r cuw more charge.
lioite nr buffalo oi^t filmed the plaint, They I hi- nnr'-i hud b ad win ft >fce Ihr ritt5? ii I

were hr fur. hide, ntiH iimtein mamslLij, for

1 Wr returned to ths" wmseL A> Jne Way
untold generations of Plains ludura* well ra-cd th^ vrbti’le nearer the unitnal pluwrd
as fur catty Peltiers and m llwity builders. n ari.Mt trench tlinKieli thi- drift 3n one Ll-L
\\ ho Li buffab the lapcntt® of the West rntebl
Li I spasm of vkilent effort finally mahinv it over
have Iwwn slowed by decades. the riduv and liisappeurina
Hut there were unhappy cm^t quinces By .
Abuit nr Hr In ri_h -r wr stopped on ibr -utii-
1 f

hr Iiecnrsnir^ nf thr
tmtiny iHv herds mh Lit another rkJR-e Bel iW les. mtu twsi
were all I ill! ;iinl the sj-m tesWhs tottcr- i C&nf.'TWii ,f ,tr? ?r9]
tug m the brink irf rtflltH tm -n rpdky r ihmks
lo foresight ot ln>r ti private an. public
i tie- I
A Shirks \ futuret with u CtiEp N^ar Bj ,+
topservaiinn f'lrce.-, ilte Imffjib poptltatlciit
Ci ifssfd-kffs liiL-fhcr til Chm'J!v
of ihr rniied and Caruida is up bftafr
m plxlnlv ruM, (hij cow tieodrd h-dI t«
in a sn ft 20.UOO Of ilLt'se. some UQQ Sire
;it[u-:?i friBicr 76S1 Sihit.iI hiariilr&cf UMO^ litrr

Vk llow dune each a liv — Feiuinder nf North infc.TM i !

! ’ hi tin ik'L-r IximiK . livt In VttL(WHlL>nt
Amersm's pioneefffijf pa^d- Valin-nal P.irli Thr>- imiueitl lltftfihv Tnrqi^wis ^nd

however the Imfhiln i- S.lVi: ii4 ^mmi r i

M imfLnii \m itiuiUIl ;
ln close pitupinity;
tr. .1- |3i k r r hi:s II stf nil Miain', ami
ms n Mtntimmtiil symSud- Ht is a

attvlhinf 3
SsiLTJi. This illl^l W‘rii‘!» Iti'IL-L. rUilTKiS ffil liil blt-D (it llt5J.

bill- ENLiidi ill] in Lai. weiehin^ as much u> 2 3Q0 Shhiit unlriL pHnln^nphtr ^nd Lift 1
Jitl, Hrlldiffc

pjirnil- that tftotts noth] up nf she ct^atrihii Trustee 11 I the (F^rtSl^-HE'ku S*H”^ry

tiLpn nf Ms fnrehecLrs ti^ the settling nf nqr Si|!iiiiii.l i ni||rH|rlilr - ‘larpi


+ hEk
Sivucninj; (.jcys-crs
Th htinlrf, unuinr unimiiJn i na-
4tiri£:iE f Mi Strrnc- ^ a|fc : Eiv-
rfClixL ii:.-!N!‘. Urlim r?.|e£:i-.
J '
% KI
Li V 1 1
I ' I : _ flflillW*-,

ta'V=rr ticEt! i
ru |
: L£ {shout nnci 1

v fv-t h ilt iin hmEr ft[£un!

41 f 111 rlsrj from '
Talk’d E n{sE

^-E J ;lUr ?<_\ l*MVnr A I

fr jn'i ml
1,'lk riftfeij C'Ll bi'.3ii.'i| rm\rtr
A bufiato Lri lb* tjltfjllfr ii r

-+\ up'ir c t-oittlE. r hLhee’ciI hy ivfti

t-cr t u5d. ^irmuf Otii u.1'.^

t4fl Vmi|
1 i*- r its?ii lit i Ttn: !:c’-slt
j:IM| • -i I ill t »inhir |[%DOG (tylfluiu

of -cj Liiirjjz- '.vatn

faur npn-utf in

mip^Qiis ocfurrini: nivct in fj :

TniTiurcti ii n rhr nvrrner Sqcm
ti'jri'i krrfn ^nUn-aFi- iwfvy. 3
3J. WjS h Irlira, nirtr*.
*; m I

os ^1enL3Uji, d t* ftVfTiuJ i! iuid

luimnl f Mil J- iJUduL tn I S ? 0. "it
ii ihu mast tuvidy lnajiiraiiti oh-
in a DftnqbrT ofi

)JU v i WFcitt,

( JklUBllI IV-I.J Li|:li3it jw'l |tj
AjSSIlUil Mil* hJWkr 1 m. ,r«n fci;

“i l^ikr HitfJ.: 1 1
' j W 1

Fi uniti: r 0i A Sharp Trains Hi* hrtc Uuys I

i'i ri Shis and SnuiV^lif)^

In autumn mint u| \ ritovL' i«jf : H . permanent ranteEft

apr| fh-ir iauLiOc-t muVe Eh ptffc hnailijUSJ-IiTi at fttiim-

ci utli |E.ii fvjitijs^ . But the Shnrpm *pwill Mti iwt-Mimi

minni-hi- jail wrlriUT :it Simla Rev it JEutiwi Tlwy ?4U

M- intfit- nt ^hisw Nnd fimp«flUU*5 ril minus 42' F
Tlsii vollijiiI! Juimt tcmpcfrii.tur-e m !
r lewnUuJ lcl the
spifniit)l|] tJnitsd Maws— siinui fch' F. *ma ohuncd
neiT MrW J
! - .l n ii l" SutUm jfi 5
i i

tciffltd, 7Q' brlou Lim, twuirml at Ku^jcn I'm?., Murr

L'lful Ln t
*54 Sajur Airport in Volte* lenllaTy hnlAi
ill I! Nflinh Amrririift ttcviA id -ll* L J'bc

Worlds L’ifilcLil jceatid, 90 ' |ie!i>Wi >rt :lS QnriT_iLGi^

SilM !
ri n. |
ifi L i

Sh-tu-Jir-uhi Sluiip bejc lu« u bamteki ti>nf

3ar i ski- -ki[?f !

Fjitc- 773 Imvrl" »k Sharp tli'maniiLrEiSx-s Ills skill

at ln-'u-di’iCt-tt-lmil gtsiife

Hii'Hy Slurp TtneSwn

H-lt Snns nL Lhtit^ I

K eiiEpi nf lT^ raiL^er-

tfuitrch Our Nudnik xurlc".

m n mi m rn E % u ni h i 1 1 1 r i i 1

-ili'ft. Sexsrnial --Trip! n\rr- iripk

ttii 1
number in eujijjht
It aiLji i! r with .i; b.nn i auc r td] -

iSre-n mtUoui i*et itiftlef duty

at :i s chJl ed-in stalinfi
Wfctn J ubrty Tori nnfl I’n.-

(left in rL[ibt i reach school

u lTi
, the family frill mo-vc K*
MPifadl h Hat Sprltsi* nr
Veit Vrltu^sUDfl si ill bit
Here ihey £rl klilrk'tF^fCrO
muJaDtr from rcmElirr Sr^lt

through t hi. u'i&duiv. lather

blHWGli fitinw.

(pUkUml Un^miyiilf IrFlnrj


+ 15tJtLiF<j ft o anted Ni<rih Aivtcntel « J>l 'U Ovnlurii^ AdiJ

Prepay tmSIed bison, then; Immiijcrajiti from Ases Ejnrit't! fiuBi
Ornmn 8i> CjghtbU. Unfr Iht'le mTr tnlllMi-rta-4- Imnlm- dll but
L'ltm«iEUlH?il ihvm Vji4^^0c\ |tiJHi3irl-« iih\is\l l,J(Kl

7f 7

+ A HefJ <J Txb&a Near

J See urn
II a.f ii

Tlfcr VEmr JtdL yprins 13 m

wmks Ltir %tu><q * |nmi jmlUFf
Trny kjrc carder-. huffs Tm mu
jr.jJihnr tifflik- Tbju lw jjt*

ftf viM-i and ELlicik rlepmlf

LnirilnHu# thr JmhjLi jiinu'liniL ? 1

pit ii ci 1 1 topplis wmmala

mlo ihc u atari
+" I ihrnuch uin« to
SFUsilt ttw huJMti jjrrim Su
rut lit wkh Ml- milrj-k- rarher
than llk- i:]sh*-u lnuii h:r
and iriK'.\\ i I
- r
p -r tl<> 1 K «?l i

li cn: hr 1
qniiihii slicm with
hi- uiMi^is v- ImmiJ, Tift buffalo
bbi:db hia h^ivy (:aat tn tficititf
il mI I nrriLv- , lill' 1 SjL'r hy jii-

+ U Nd fnr a drift, a
huiliilo Jikiir •
|j*3nl1J3b al itifl

p;irk bli.)[ijsnjl'.i wci^wL Oittff-

|ull;ir Imida. like the vin-jluI.
ttine httlP MU .a suntj lor U
count -ns the herd
I’lh.ilwnyl 0«ii|Lru| in li<ij>

>L|j |ntft J' . 1 -fP ji KjriiluitaHflMi

li'i T •! bli FTilJfc ! tiJIm in i il l

m- J IJh-rir h Miiim .il mb b i ii^ih i

Sno* course

* -



C SliIiiuhT I vfl 1
1 Is s u& Eil i'i fc.Jll-1
Winivr*# Siffitv Survey F&ratdk Summer *

Winner Supply
ft-inir-ur I fenlc (I Sues wnKlia hiiuw -(PHttleri by ifjfUilijiB litr UiIni deivn \*f rurih, Tirptli n arid dauUv dcEicr-

miiu.- i^mfiu iMd lumntr ruciuJ: 110111 the oiuuntiLnir—ijUMmatiun vital in i sumcr* arA bj dloducliU iibm OjiiTUlftr*
d --

Springtime L'orrit* to Vd!ov™ti>ne Vitkinal I’nrk ?7n

was the* v ; i ] Ley

primary hvn\ i
«f ^ymv elk., nr wiipsti \( rri'm fifJWMfr-arfi nrlftiflf),
150 ti f J 0-C ' ]juffnJf3 fine group wi> miH'ifly of the bull? still had filers; others 1

at a CUrkttfely mpid rale, knew, bad but rtctcilh -Uv<\ shrirs.

"Hdil ji ” Killams said, adjust- r F‘ur at Ji-art t wen tv ruinirli'- axt in ihe E

inc his field dft>ses, "Therai a srlzrh Chen car wau fiim: hi Liajt^th ilr+'fi as ifiry
1; -=t-

ine nn a c_ar qiss uirT behind tbttee stampeding munched i :i m 1 cntedly on f Ilf! meaner r&mr.aiil
huffs! of last summers grass.
Sure Lnnugh. n crol brown an Enin almost I
Suddenly water began tn play From Old
ihc 4zv hi wu- of the bison i:uwi wu- rippinu Faithful^ teaming noire The of the
rtfibc t
ind te.Lrinj= ut it* kilt Thr djtysfrtc'S iF the ctsld was immetlinte.
air an instant th^
carcass tn ihe iireLng herd ini] j1 Ltd that a watersfNiu^ was trijscunftd m clouds nf up-
** rflKglfir or a ci!f may haVff just been brought riilli:ii: 5team. Higher and hi idler Ihu hllkms
down liy thi' j
Miwcrful rirnivnne L'lfmbed Hi* tower ui clutfnMf uiL^t
V*n :-t while we watched: then jor Way huEidmls of feet tpai^e 7-7 Si*
started tJir wca-uL Wc wme stIQ a long dis- b Elif ct ild ^weather spectacle subsided T
tance once looking toward
r i fr wlaett, nithairt pti uut of the i'.i r Uiri walked Toward the elk
irs fhe hear scampetad Mfey .ind disappeared beirl. One old bulb retreating at rrty n\>-
into the cover of the won rfs near fry prcKich^ retiiinefj bill 1

.l • .' i .
. 1

had l<i>it tiothp prof ia ji|y within houm. for ihe
1 'lil I-nfrliiul Outdo^^s Iifc3f in Whiter, fuihcels wbrrr tluy had Itfrn attached tt«

As fa^cmatliw jl^ thr park's pageant "f tht1

lu?ad wen- Mil] ml with hJood»
animal Jife are it- jwnlngfci] wonders. Once The strugifii 1
hit survival ihr i High Eiu- hitter
lii' h&S seen at- saarimj phone. wlul visit nr winter Is a hard tint- yet the pftlectcd elk
can f* "riie r the fi gh I i rf f Hr I Fas thful e rapiins ? herds of VtllMtotW ar-e mi the fncrease. .mil
ihr uncertain puffins fr&rn the geysers
Ffr^li are hefrs made To keep the park s
CWifc Then the pmlijijfn-in -a 'Hu he- and tusa- *n aimer fM>puIatlqrt down \a abetut IS.OOtJ in
Engs, And la Rally the dramatic apcvndam'e «f order in prevent overgraisirig hurin^ winter
liquid streamers, radi higher than ihe r tLrsi- numbers uf tin- animals gnUt? in thr
Sasl until a 1 40-frh if pillar of scalding water 1 jj m;i r Luid \ t-1 Ir^wsto ne Val tys f
p ajif 7 fig t
sMttiTtiers like a tiling alive.
roads I’.lk, (_Froud CloiSc tti Nafaifps t(a Jjator*
jyit rtteiuH 1

pbvrnl bul rial yet

fii'r ly had driven thr ^0 miles
mondial Ai\ I W i -cii ma 1 Ranger Hi -rt Mcl.a n :
f I

from Mammoth. psisjurig ihc Norris Geyser S|NetiE many

mr^ evploring the Mr] Faithfulhi I

Ik-i-jtn thi rs hr I uw r and rhe .Midway basins, I area. Huid'm:irk^ by tin? thmisands n round
in arrive finally at the t'jiper Geyser Basin nwly I'vfry b&t sjirEna and pnwd and it thr
where Old Faithful performs1
ar an elevation rdye nF nearly every geyser cum: told the slury
of 7 .> i>7 feet ai&uve
. IfWttL
crunched Id a hilt near a high
nil E:ar
^ 'if r Ek f I

tnrT' on bitter tiighls,

i : i 'id i. n w i
' !<-i1 c fr ise 1

> t hen ra i j.

-Flow-bank, less than 2.00 yards from Old PallS- Winter telqpffmturesi In- re cm tr up to minu- .

ful ? ^teaming cooe, 1 felt that I had entered 4H ur 50 F.: fid lirluw b. thr park's record.
kHirui:- Vallrft* nf Ten Thn n^rod Smnktvi. I'n the bnlTnm nf one crysUtlllne phil r saw
or perhaps that had cuFTlf’ into the miil-1 of S EJii' bom$ uf :tn elk that must have mrur rim
an IndusliiidU srookinit Ruhr Valley, 1hi m- to thr; edge in Il< March for warmth
Cold nir settling from high, ^now^lad pla- ami jdiin^ed into ihr ^aiding miUrr
teaus, had <t curious effect on rhEs hydm- Later T piaid a final vi:-it in Old Faithful,
thi-imid -i fra Sitam ;pi> hardly tirkiFccablc Although it was nnw May, maw had liter full -

i n m lid 'wea ilti^r it'- 1 w si 1 1 .wtc I as hi iih w'hi \ t* in^ fiteadfly, ti’ELtwJfirminastcaminu pner thf^ E

plumes .*4)irEtt^ ind pools admirc-ii in sutfi- Oyser Eahln Inin a pAouraina of total white
nn r for i
'ie clarity of Elixir water nml ihe uor \ ihriusaud plumes of stisim iobuk-d with the
seoits mforfngi "I t li^i r lilies and trtdtoms were fading snow%
now Mlrtimml by inyt wisping asirl bllkiwim: As I dn ivr away starting
he king jotimPr l

From Lheir rintmr<rini> Hwfacc- (page W*6) liriTTU- Thi- sfirina ?«ti name nut warm imd
^ey.M i
r L».mcs xLi.^iTi^d in tlie wart try 4ir a- If bdghl f fcx ?kf^l back A1 re; id*
. e w Id mess i
i i

they were sctnijly erupting. uii Old Faith ful’s steam-hen led Bata
Tnpi !
In the mcarJow En Front oF s]d Failhfu] itm E
appear Inc he reasons ms.x in rurious i w-j yt
gniflhJ a herd nf about fifty Itocky Nfi itint-.'fcin in Vellnwstfinr Xaliunjil Vmtk.
3 1 U
1 1

By Ira Sprague Bowen. Ph.D.
*0 Di recto* of McrttJIt Wilton mid FaL^-mar Ohi^rvaloiiej

11. l -?i

+ii mr-i

i light (lost
early on


on the cedur*
hull to bi^ small

^hnsu'd churl
Ainiife hi>
iifl tin-

desk nn

Lift'n i-

marked with squares and


tht* wall hmss

moved amiss

;t dume-

in t sptttsr ^rn.' 1 '’i.-T I h:iS pnw tiwn? t tills a Ei'itil euch representiu^ ll pectin n of the dty
mils* dinivt* stij level in the CaUfomln Tnoiin- und tofteriwtf cove rims ^me three- fourths o{
i Fh_ whufi: celestial sphere,
The rising sun outlined first the 1 (.'nlike every tiling el» itt hEs trim offk'c

liigh #flver dome of the world Largest n k’

Ihr chart wa? snuidiftMl and well worn li

senpe. tie GTKLt 2QLl-inch FI nl i

. hi a twin- had luern on tfee wall n bnu lltne, F-very
kling il caught li - i i i.i tlor dome dost by ili-il ^Uare HiftJ oblrm^ had been penci'ki.l in — jvr

house]- [he widt , 4 s

---i L lii!f Big Schmidt tdi-^upc, one. It showefl white amt Imrt t cippirKlf i-

;j> i Isle in its uwn wsilv its EEu.

IlidCr blue pencil and Efnhrkly
Aboil pi kud i up
elostul the sqttue with Lbe hen track> of rek -
•Miir ParfrmH m Red arm B!un lilt positions: riizht ascensron ,
li hours. Ift

Oils daily miracle of iUfirhe «>n l-'aJi.inar mmiites.; ilertinatfoit, p]n^ 4,i . Then he
Muimlziiji mi CefirRf O. Vbrll rlie
ta j_“ Ij«s 1 pijIU'iL on hin.iy macSSnaw, ilsppL’d. the
yuumj i^l Foiiimicr of ibt Nsttennl tlh^niphic lights, .^bunm^] the dour Lu the di!>me ? jlJ
Sockty-FaJoraEir Observatory Sky Survey. Lr ]
stride off ut-'roft? the tie Id lownnj Qm man&s-
was deep brluw thf dutne ui he Bis Schrmdt 2
toy where tired I'^lcimar -in uiuitht.v lurp

£q bis darkroom, (|ev()opiniS two J 4-inch* after their nigh it) tabors
* pin tr phn t op f ipliii plaEc> made through Mu-
If his 5tep avj3 iiDusnaJly Mprintiy he
triocope in ih» hmtrs just before tiuwiis, One i : i-
. : .M. 1 1 » riir iir:li I .. i > I i I In m i I li i

pljiif was -'Tfksiiivt tu red light, the ut hfer tu 1 qo much ntnsc as he entered thf miMlvry
blue. ibui bright misty msiruirij;.. ] think George
If gone well during hts lonely vigil
nil hurt Abril tun bf fnr^iven
l'f there were no faults in ihf ftintbjuo, IE the After neftrly ytiars ol work shared
riel lea tf bull* .idjnMineiil uf thf Fur S; limitU by [ill i iF us ut E^dlomar, he hud c-ntipteEed
hud been precis, and if there hud been fro observtLtitms for the Nntnxrwl
fiislurt hi tracking the giiirf*; slat 1 Eien thf S^jciety-r'ELlomar titiservinlory' Sky Attas
chances wrn ji<M n\ that (hs?rp|f A udi would
have Kawthing.
W ide liye of I^ttlumiir Scans lEiir

Fie would twiVi" fftjitnttil In ifu*miibk detail Thl- 4R^indl hly ‘'i biti it J 1 I 3 “ii
Mi.v-i'hpe lil 1

imd clarity, an area of the *jty us luw ns nutie the Kky Athi^. i<- itelULiDy a gtgmitk
the bowl of tin Bi- 1
I. i.
| ,
would have
;h i. He wide-^j&nj^e eamern. EL^ name honors the File
j^nelmted spucr in nn uppflCixftTTfllc depth of Bernhat’d N:Jtmidt ilir i.ermim optica! pio-
fi.OOOW.OOO^OO.OW isis 5e?itiinor ^ neer who invented n correcting bu> Hail nisiile

miles —one billion lighl-vvirs. il plurti^iph kiriie b> of the

If ibr area inveretl by the plates was typb <kr with vjrtuiiltv
P r no dlslnfllutb
cal, lie woidii have fixed fur men in ^hJiiy "WhererLS the 200- inch FI. 1 I 1
hi. ^rope at
.irad try tu mider>tiind hundreds of Lbrnlsands I’.dnmur '*£& un area of skv ordv
a r
Lime ns -

of iiidivfrlinil dtun? mu I proh;ib|;y ftp even s quarter nf the f ull rttoun. the Schnirrli * wide
i^rtatur number nf LLiibixies— untift -yslctii? )kr, * in the XArfn^fll OtjCFGiUUttEU: MirauijT
of ^Ui it in sjiacr,. "tJui l tilvi c-r VniiM* Wuiidpr^* bv Attwrt
i r tVklHifl, Feljniiarv, \**M mil "\[.ip[if|iui iht Vm-
Abe El siave the plates Ji cursor)’ but prat-
tnrCisAu rii[vrifn-,
Ly F

BjrTUWs Ci^liw iMiit-Enn^r,

I iced tynmiiuition. They were a^jnd. lie
1 a- .

Skt Sum*} Chatts 1 1 3 l. ni verse 7SJ


u ^wtEun equal eh jQQ E'he r^pnii^bility h shared by, mmt

In II Lei '*1-
&rne of Vision it Captures others Dr Milton L H mna.^ n , t lie Secre-
stars it mi^liniL limes fainter than the hunuut tary of 1 Ilf Ur. Waller Ib.nli".

eyi- tufi It mu kl photograph a can-dle Dr. Rudolph Minkowski, Dr. Allan R Sand-
flame [U.fjOC miles age. Dr. Albert r. Wilson, Mr, Robert D
\V hrr! Nil 1 1ll- hcwly t omj itefcd Bill Hniriflctcitt, At r. \btl1> SKr bale 3 ir, Edwin
>L'hmkil were finbiheti in HDO we were Mel P- Hull life and my^rif-
uuefl with 5ijyo^llon& frt r-m astro nuinrfs, end'll TTh- lionV shaFr of ihe credit (mist pa lu Dr.
with a project fesr the tebedpo. To accom- Mmk-iwskh HD pLmnijm :liu] UL-iuTal squire
plish ail of theni jfcp&itLfeL]i w mid
hayt ws* vi-^imn of |b sun’p'v mv
beyond pmisp. Hr
qtilrud yt'iirr. ltistL-Vid, we decided in caHTCen- pcT.-innalEy Lnspe^ ted with :i hand ma^nifiei
irate uur efforts tui urn- iilUjadnslve goal — -1 jLifire itu'h uf ihtf ituwe (bin KOT
ii! the entire visible ?kv
platen takeiL Mant retake - v.-> r*. necessary'
A defuiitive ntlas of the heavciB wuiild ent HD SdfjDtrmL’ mi the dalldard wa,s
brace most of The other projects ami prohfrms. br^ely responsible for the lindV-rmly excellent
Distributed t« •
nbservutrrrie* everywhere, Lt f pi lily pi the 4lb^,.
L'-mtlil offer Llit* brsi tulisccijie* matchle^ shrill* Mr AbeTl i minis «>u1 in the ‘^nmxintfnn
Icju 1
xj wer for other iL^rocioLijiTs lu fujkiiv, iltat fulilow^, tbc Sky Survey Is ait l-ikvl Iu-

1m- iil-i; ue ilir mmsniUtde of (be Sky Sur- pvdia e if (hr ftllurc hohElnu fncts JM un-
vey we of rhe < alifnrnia Institute os' Fed^ learned of t he fa r t Iiest reac hi^- 0 f ^poce
Tirilr^y, whidl opF rate the btyjttnf Wi I— -n
* Aifia of the UtQvn^if^ hy
Sfie ^CoJitEfcleimir tJlr
lillL ] 'lL
iIVLlL r ( 15cm lo fDs nn le M nil LJ fie
Ira Sprarffnc Ut>wtn. Natj-jkal L.i.- -i.iLirmi M.v i/int;
help And support. The Matfomt] (Sui'^rhphk-
Socie-U famed fnj its miip,

was thr ji^KnI ptace to turn, The (rtniftc A bull l"ill> hi riiL Sik> Stirvey> T Cup
Society joined us enthaaasLic^lfy, Enrh i-hud fiyi ^7 hrju^ng n'prFw;niim,r hc4JVFiilv ureaj phoio-
jiroddiEiir umutoli* fimni i;tl ami IfM tthfit In lilt 4 ’t LTm !l "S> 1 1 1 1 ii* Is l.’Irr^-, i
j i. Ini I hi Nill InlsiM Ge*i-
jrn|iMr Painnur 1
' i-l-i i ,i t f i , SL- , \i n+vvn . >-fiar iinnn i

1 ts:hn tc.i 1 asaDtEUice

Low er €hail ihoWis diile c^ih .Ufa kr/u nrs? ptuilmiTupbL-rJ : SEpp*cr
I ;i lb* 1. j. I L.i .-.! vi J Ei ink nvrU h rcfnrdy fSe-llvrty uf trrllnc-qiiialfiy pints. Blank fparet in bntci
twice a5 lonji ns we had origi- tejnvHriui ttcrreAc smLilwm ikits. which Pklotnitr cuuld nul riiun.
nally planned . !<3ghbi weeks, even J IlMtlnr n>J»rri rjj^ riminii * iiT

rnnn(h> bud ftriflH *i i ali]infnirilS>

— Hut idowk veafcf s-v

Vf-Jr_ Liir til I he Sky S r— la

Wy s master plan were marked in

:L'- Cunipletrd.
FrniTi lhai niftbr hi the -Hummer of
when thi- first hiirvey plute
3 .

Was made (it was of the beautiful

Vorth Annaica \ chula id t vimas,
and became something uf a Skv
Sumy tfmli'tTTjirk 1 unlil the jilate
niiifibered J .75!^ w?l- fmiidieti list
M.\y + nstmfinmrr^ hitVTG eanrrly
.rWTiitrcf lhvatla^ in an E'alomnr,
I he nearly tOO utllversltf^ ;tnst

obserTOti tries hert 1

.ltlM aliniad tliat
have irceivn-El tin 1

fir-t vulumer^ of
the .iil.i« h-iL't- bet i
r. unstinting In
tteir pruP^e. l-"or the earintiuii of
wfur most exten-
ha:-’ hi"iTL ciilkd the
-i\e m#n t-vi-r iinircived by he mijir] c l

-if mm, Mintnl Wil^m ,ind PuFnmnr

iib^mUrrU^ muni lEike fiiilrejfjHin-

iJkilVty. Kith for ID mrrits and for
I Li [MiKhible shmirti: imh^LK. 1
By George O. Abell
AsmtuomAi, National Geographic Society -J^qjwr Observatory Sky Survey

NEW universe,vaster and more filled galaxies nrr All but irnlimtfrmble has pro-
with, star systems thin ever be3ieved T vided the greatest of many thrills it has

unfolds if} astronomers with she com- changed our whole concept of the uflivefsi? t

pletion of thtf National G^grapMc-Faloximr proving it fur more complex than we had
Sky Survey. thought.
Charring the heavens to the incredfble To appreciate what these clusters mean,
distance of a bfllkn light-years, the survey wt musl understand what galaxies them-
has expanded known space iU least 25 times. selves are like.
New cermets and asteroids have shown up As we look upward on a dark night the
within our o wn sola r sy stem. e kno w more W stars seem ttumberiess- Yei in the entire
of our home galaxy the Milky Way, Hun-P
heavens only about 6>S>nO ^Tars a. re bright
dred.s of millions of other gsEam& near and P
enough ar near enough to be within rangv
far k have beep mapped. of the human eye,, Paknnaris 'IB -inch
Schmidt teleiiCOp^ can **&»*' hundreds ot
5m*v ii> ilhflwjjtf1* Oon.uc'pt uf L'niveiw millions of separate stars —all p*irl of whM
But jt the far reaches of space, re-
is in we know as the Milky Way Galaxy. This
gions never before charted* that the Sky single system iti known to contain more
Survey has nuidc ils most Signifltamt and than 100 billion suns.
exciting discoveries.. Clusters of star gal- Shaped like a giant Fourth of July pin-
axies, the largest units of matter known, wheel spinning in space, the Milky Way in
edst there by the tens of thousands* When astronomccal jargon is known as a ^pind
mu work began seven years ago scarcely P
galaxy page 735)
It is so huge that tight,

three dozen such clusters had ever been traveling 186^000 miles a second* requires a
£r£eiiu hundred thousand years to cross it from
To astronomers of the Mount Wilson and rim to am* By conirasc, light Sashes from
l^aSomar Observatories who- have worked on She moon to the earth in about one and a
(he Sky Atlas, this discovery that clusters of quarter seconds.

miles in diameter


^4 D,W0 ,fiW
7 milts in^iimctpr
OUR GALAXY die Milky Way
605 OOi'r,OO(t,OOO,OOfl.OI>O miles id diameter

On photograph above. taken with Palomar Mountain's SOO-inch telescope, the artist has drawn b
wrtj fine ir> convey a feeling of the inconceivable depth of space. Leading from h fs drawings of the solar
s; item and our own jtbiy (opposite this line points to a distant spiral galaxy, mem her of the Perseus
Cluster, which resembles the Milky Way. Other galaxies,. appearing aa Mohs of tight, shine through and
beyond the stars ol our own itynttra. This setting enables us 10 visualize our home galaxy, the Milky Way.
noi as the starry arch seen in the night skyt but as one of myriad great pin whorls spiraling in space.
,$*ky Survey has revealed thousands of such clusters, greatly expanding our knowledge of the universe,
1 1 E

7S4 rhc National ( ico^raptik M aga^inc

Half a century ago muit astfMjnmtTiL be- 1
ufi n6 Jin Milky VTu fnibixy cuuntliiu la-

lieved this Lit jiyttem lu lie the whole Mid- 1

ters Ciiri pi/r-hups I ell ib wbeiher nr n- -1 j. 51 of
er>f. Li lit ifradiLflUy, srrnv I Lai lk-i - first epaai h unifnrmty illkd with cpsmic matter.
turned hu* telescope to the skies in 1609, odd i la.-trj - xl r the outermost frontiers chairs^'l
hite> I'liiole:- were fferoveird I hnl uliffwi-d frr'iin h\ t hi- Sky Survey dim :ls they .-.r-.-. an-. 1

single stirs. Their tehees wm* fufflty; *ome uttm:<4 imfHirLLnu- iq nieaiurtn^ Inn Sis ihi- 1

fuid i?val or elliptical nulliht *, while olhers 1

tin icc fpen tii! uf thus? fruntleWL Or Milton
were dkt it spiral rdiiLped. L. Huuiiiiiin uf 3Iuunt U Llson and Fklam-u
set^kin^ objects at the Ixirdcrs of vfsibiEily.
Hh i 1
s-opt ic r 1
; ae ^ h c* ( Imr rue t Ey came in nil cute day with a strange rrcjuesi

Aj- l LippEi a* 17-M, the philosopher lm- “Wkt we need are ‘smiidEc^"

rcutiVM l > might be 1

i jlited ihit iSifise R&p your eye mtl for ttu-m
other [niJjisses like M iir own* far bey otic) Ik 1
Th& Sky AiI.l^ 15 n happy huoiLniz tinamd
M il ky ay H u t tf was tv un ti v ry Iarer . i I t*
Nhr SiniiiJiiL'S- Onr of them wUl:I1 rc^di t:d J
1 1

lt 5 c- ijK'ii were built

li! in Esfefit until the Q — 5
Lrye of the ZOO- inch HMe tclescig ie proVid
after lhe 100-fndi refieclur hrnsme avail lie t he nii?^T dUtSIlT CcSehTinl ofiject tvCT
able al be Mount Wilson Obaenpliity that
— seen by man. This du5ter Hb fu.r mtire than

kanl's guess was proved true. Many of the h btllkiti light-years m%y. To reach the

nebulous pilcbts if Uiuht ate realty JaNlljrtMt -

earth its light ha^ been truvt'Eiisy through
*y 5tem> e if hll (v m > d iis* M space for mure than ten million cepturiy*.

ttV look out past the stars In our own The remotentssjs csf a far-oU jcalisy run 1^-
galaxy lo sec them. like liiukinc past dmps of immured uuly by the brightae^ of tL^ li^ht
rafn mi a window to the lights of other hw In jin obsunwr on, earth. Tb« appari'iB bright^
ness hjI a light, by a basic law of physics,
down the street. On Mmtt Sky Siirvey photo-
mop* wr tiia coiinl ns many gtilfixSea as tft dimmisht* by Lhc square of its dlstknce from
can stare In our own system. The Bin Schmidt the observer. Thus, if the m
$1 were twiot
lias captured on many of Us plates S0.D0Q
\ik jtmiy ftrm thr mrih
fn r it u is, it would

and mors ga laxity in an area of sky no larger ser-m nnly nnr-lamb as hinHhL

than the bowl of the Big Dipper* (0 the L‘a^L- id the Ihr-i iff ^laxic^. U H "

hal iJn±*-fc“ disumt M.shmrl miivrrsi

I tnid w hat
standing on u seashore and seeing

Li form1 (ui L'rT systems, arefeiprlngoes uf

t i 1 1
a dun Li je!h out llcfhkss thr- wattT.
t Tin li^lii
gnlimcs. had been s btivtix bv research In nicrnt nrny be a wenk masthead lighr on n nea r-by
1^1 HELt or a miiiliiij -L'j iu fr- k %s.h i liuhlhiuN' br r-

years, fnuth n Mount \\ than and 'nlnmrir and ! 1 I


cL^ewhere Yet when Ebr ^k> Purvey hr* trail, Ci-n 20 mik > atway. Nat onh imEst vre mra ^

only ii few ilu/.m isolated clusters hiF j^taxlen Lire its upEiamit hriuiiEiLe.^, Ijlli wc mti?,l knnw
had been located and pbotefu^hed. ;VL'i.' true I.Ti::brrn;ss or luminnsity.
With the first Sky Survey p lutes, ftstremo-
CuKmic 1 "J i ,s t a Eiii-e MuLliplicd
metis who >1 ml h them began imriiiu' new i I

clusters in astounding number?. .Alt curly tkUctHv

r we know hv
t »
a direct me! hud Ehf
tslimuli^ wen- r.ii |nw Ihiuisantls then Icni 1 Iruc FirLulLtru--- 11 f -• uric nt'rir-l iv xuil-isiw iit

of thousands, were oitihtevl. our port of the universe We asKiime tha!

Many are only faint blurs of light on the other br£je ^jilri^les. wherever lln-v rt* In :i

fibotocrriipli^ But whets the lQ8*iiich Hafe tpct\ have Libmii i he sam# over- all luminosity'.
I dedupe is turned to the skies these hints In a eEie-tcr, gnlaxaejn range from bright
bktsssm into remote chuittSS <ff Ealhxfegj some giant -ystcmb tu dim dwarfs. I h -using the
-rstiuisiiiu hundreds nd jruTid-urs. brightest we /neasurt- the amount of light
Over Ehi u>i E'.vn vrjirs. between periods |
reaching US fniiw Elicm* i^ilaxiB. and thus
spent m Pul -mar Mountain actually makrrE
can comptcte the distance Lu thr cluster. By
Ehr Sky Surrey [iIllTi--. have count ed and I
rrvtalluf iw,- uf ihmisands of aew r
qitalngiiEd 2 J\1 uf lie 'rirhe.4 bluest nr the £h_sSiuvey i? niakina ic p> .--Mblr for u-
i [utters dtwoverrd Uy lbs 5
fli^ Schmidt By to measure di^uni:^ ih all dim tU>ti 5

makina such a catalugci* possible, the Sky II nw ¥ be 1 if in E pre^l to deserfbe

~ brielhdT '
1 j u !.

Survey is furnishing dues to the ?i^e and of the more direct> ust>l In detennjiH 1

make-up of l be entire universe. Just by the rifeLunur to lh^ near -by iirlx^ht gaits ns
rourttlni ?Uu? fn varioltt direct in res .isifrimv In Lhe 1 990's ;cn the tisnifc inacdurspicy in
mt'pi Frarn more al.niii thr -taape .mci L Etac- fli^.S.iJin'* -M’til r w;ih di-^uvvrt'd ihat bad l lll-i^I
i I i ’ « '

probably t hi- most lm1*i?,5uE undvres Luisa tc “ J

irvff insult |:iv mart.
En iht- Milky Way certain. peculiar sLars
1 A
* "
jffl'i _ 4X
that ptilsaii" ^tKidlfy cun be seen, witsine l .IB. -

inf! watiimi in brightness.

From yea r> nf ^tuiSs *rf th^se pmpnrlaMt
sUirs the l Vpfetfid rarliihlrs jwJrotiiimers
had calctiltiLifd thrir true briiihlii-tSS: Thry Am * >1,

found also thill thuir rede of puke the limt 1 s* ; ji l

it kstu^ them tr.> chance from bright rti rlfcm

ind back npa n cnfir^jKmdi clnst'ty to heir i .


umxitu uan Wight nti

F'urUmaii'h repbekls can be seen , in^mti
other tala>:ie.' .;es well, such ihir famous
AndmrriHla iLiEirsiy LEv ob:*cmrcj? Ehcir [in Esc

rale. asiriwimiTs cotltd -:-iL!ri ibem & rue i l

hri^Miiej^ and friim lhat could * otnpiitt* ibe

distance to tlte fahuty,
Sfr unh Waltef .jfrer the survey began. Dt
fkiadi i*i rJnctutf fiiuod with the 2 00 -inch

telescope that the real nr ahwhllc brli^klnes

nf thr Vpiudd in Audnurtiedn hfl L four times -

greater him hurl berk ihttJtiht prevkiudy. t

Arfrniinmers. checking the Cephrids m mtr 7^ c- Tliiim UPrtmn mi>l I'pi!- OIuhth ini-i. *

nwn y^em with mi idem technique^, found Spinit Shir S>lleimi

tJuii they tfjej. were four him brighter Ivin 1
- I Finwlns'l UirmutlrtRij, Mt
1 arra^ triiibELS r-utflliPiK

had if.Tii bi liM'veib rbu- the basiii y^tiislkk

litjbH-, rtiaiprboi uiiLnal ^-U praCcUt eni kn4.i«"n caidnis
of space expanded in length: \l
\bavp En ihf iarc-oa porlpiil vainly Mu
Pulrt m.q r't J’lJO-tlLtll tnirmr ’.liEnis HrVi'T llflivrr
Hoi \ ^ t t ainiir. were twice !> fa r away r
r i i l i J. i
m-'c ii w IfiiSSi hluiTi, fuluy iMras hclnw it
as hiid been i-njiirmlh imputed mie i

•k Sc<-ti 4 -CiCc m ij. rTiliLi 1 . M.L -i i* t- - L'uur-i' i

din I Imrnl
struki: list;iiiLe> irj the limMTse were doubled,
i nr o>Hiiir rtirsf nmsn i n s
Mu w-IitpI

anil iht* VT'luinr i-f vs-iMr sptfl hitjaie ultrJil

times at enter-
hn I 1 1
*. liir- pt-nlilrm i >1 i i :jL « I

ls in it ei Mnj ilrtL'ly cleared up. Th? Coffer liort

Li tbi nuist distant L2]iiUAtis etnas i loser to
three times Limn I wile Thus Skj Surwy,

which was thought h* Fruiti mil Lu ^Knethhl^

ri th.rtk 10Q ml) Hurt liuht-years when it

bewail now l^vps rnrnsu nem mis of irmrr pbiin

ill 1 ?j k ] li *
light-years. [it remote l: lusters*

.Ssi3'Vt-j I'lllcrji Lillies t<i r jx-utmn

For agetf (hen have questioned: How did

the imiwse be. in? Here a;min we expn.l
the Sky Survey to help with the basic pMblrfio 1

l here ,tr« two c-nn dieting iSworte- Ihji l seek

tn f!jc] ilnsti the lieliiiviur of iiJI that wr ^pe in
the ht'p'tvi'rir.. One holds I h.n all matter mut
rum? cii isdy packed Together in a '^u|ier-

densc state Theti suirtt tremeniktts rx-

jilo^iun started this primeval matter ihmq
outwit rd m -^Ltce.

Hie siltHm.ilr^i* thnuy holrU Eli :

the Uni-
vrrse b m eoUHnuotL^ Lredtinii, gnLii\ie>
rush away in the csf^ndinii oE.lairs

+ Rut! Mjiec 1J i-fi pJ u y-a the Milky ny'-w S unity Hrs-4 IBtuv fpktii v i lain CeJ!*un
iUiji She 1 v 1 ELfclrcmupiCTV rux.h ciltstiaJ arm Ifrtcr. cm *-tnuh 4 lltt i;iiiMViL nfitH


l, 1
rmth'c flttlnwS Imi^r^pj IJtir ilutL III JJ 4.1-41 -ml
,u l r pk fL-ritl die tiarrirr And retunkii mure eLmit. rc^mlmi: the
many -Ur ki\'A\*l% «B
influuiil uf Sunt
^ tfaf liluii"

An Lilumka] Ted
rfuiut* ui h ijr> pi* n
\ (• rr lihiv jnllpltt oft blur phis' but ijlualftkK I ti#i fwj H-uih 1 i 1 F1 1
iIm )•
t'.'iajEis- Jww a -rfi'iiiFn at Sam Li rim fitn
An birr (
Tkiffii h cgmfllellaliiii -ui tine jrnfiiiii- j
k il icin-un m 1 he Milky IV iv
1 i L j ‘ 1 . u

I .xpiormp thi- Ivcaihc* uf Sj. • 1. 1: 78?

cnrm Ui tiikt h thtflf ptiiep. To cum l? the iml I he S?ky Survey also Is ftbdlnc new uulasLies
hkIih. shits JtiUjl br born. New matter niiisl i'to s-r iit lutfidi

appear ctttttitmidy in spinn

. rather than hr-i Suppose a htmtfT wre kM^binc across the
exploded nil at oms hi sume 11351 epoch >ou h mriam vdd r Tb would ?ee Ltrjfe pi
The Skv Survev
r .
will aid ^rmre to wd^h nv>]\- timriTic miles away. He would see birds
these theories. ounTim the ' lu-is-r- of lljJ-
lliltruji ihr-u^h irerlni^ perhaps .1 hundred

rvsir'v. fur example may nwsal whether nisi tier yards uivay. The tiny however
Is rib ittud evenly ihrewhuiit space, or though thry ahoul the hunter in fur
whether )M iJetLsIlY VSfirS- Inru.L-r n mi u would Ik mil ice.iJile mik . I :

New evidence rnratrc from Hu:* purvey to when chtw wear within a few feet
jorpjwwt the hade concept of an expanding jE ls with u,ulii%je< urt h v:tnt !>' kirurr ?,

Universe, A quarter > iT .1 crtiturv ucu ijijtmitrt- 5i

ale, foant ItmVffiptis cluiattis can l:.c sees
wers ul several iibj^trvatiuries* \n runty ei tic: fit ^reai di. truing hut fniiii dwaH uu(h lie*
fijuhtfrom distanl d ^covered the mtisf ijne restively i

s.k>se tu us to bt ^een at all

phunnnv non of ibe fed shifl" ibui the H^ht
michinf! bj 5 from ihosft uni if shifted I t* "
ward the red end of the SfieCtFUfTii ivvihl-.
I : i ilk N Z iem^eupe Tc K I Siur j
I L'lnjit 1
.iturc ^ 1

1h.Lt tvsivH’s «*f Laht arr [nnjwr than the,"

1 J 1
Tlvi 1 Efi lauiaLL-in iio'Mirnl' ra|ihUy nU'^rnminir view?
ul ami Mur r^^'Mefajili - id llu'
ri-i ^taf fizM
^biiiy W be
Blur Male fatHivi'l ui: urlrtupi Era tber blur cH lint ilnn |

in 1Q2Q %hue lair T?r Edwin P* Hubble at ml tfiiphiJiLci‘% thir m\[ <4 eifu-% n
Mnimr Wilson ionod thiii the frirthi-r i«nv -1 rtAr'= httflianf r un buLh nl 3 t^- thr i^ratnr iEcil-i

tniLasy Is, the theater its red shift is, in tfirtrt w]wp* it- Liiltu? nh'i heiitr Si'isps.iiT^mn' Tlib

!=i Mutitc ntukoi :is Calunmij IrtstltuW m Trdi
noln-P}' aeiirrhM !tu Wtry het blue atirrs eft the Skv-
This must important rfcroVfer) led in ,f n 5-ur\ | ilnTi > Si 1 nil
Ol rhirfri- hot tjrt jr4‘
.; line 1 intfrilible realisation; 'Thai dkomt Lftv.irh u, 1 Jl. 1 i |i.h>. mi^ ax ir-eiit i\i LIlc suei'h liltfa

away from ^nt-mHIimiLli 1

salasies are rating us and from Its vsihiffir, SrlrnttMii: iifflk^vt* ihe! suv
-liifi. Ki'iiwn 1
Id, eulLip-M-it., uhd mi lU'ii'i tb-fil vlL i'Inifi*
each rithrt ai utitttiftrfnu* s^ieeds that the 1

hi t -'jUntci 1 1 truca thf. 41- \m-. k^h'Eng «iv!\ 1

id nudi'i
whole enfversc -Kerns In he evpii tidbit! rapid ly- -- '
J, Ua'-Lll Ib-io'l Li \ul i 1 L'i 1 1 'ii h-'l- S jH
Kiinljnc. ns re und mure remote naLmes f u '

me.istirc has taken Inru! ycor>- Lcjc :ii iaiu: new

iHHfe- at ever greater duTrmoes. first with the
lOCTindi and then the PQfi mrh ude.-wope*
has bi/eri like heavens through
-eun him Ihi

4 pin&ufc., Now, however, I he Sky Survey

hsr- sprrad out the celestial gptort like :i

huge treasure chart.

Ctu^frr AN mn \fj]w
a Second
'.•i ill. thf- survey as a ujuidc Dr, HtirnsiSofi
and f Jr Mfiin ft. SuihLoji- i jiv rorafrUriog Nn
speeds of more and morr divUnl &il.ixii>.
The} haw found evidence of the txpmdbi*
universe at thr farthest nhscrvablr limits. The*
mr.-E r|i skuil pJaides. yr( measured
fui ; i'd- shift veil H ity ir> nuivm-.' ,iw;iy .0 -nim

-18*000 irtfli^ . ii iriomf. it fifth iIif -tpeed uf

lSatiL itself!

A r’i'vt' tt i UrtZ] - .l^ii lie. Milliam \ ifaum

a!.5n work tic at Fulomnr, apfilird in<[cpcnr!enl
tin.‘hnit|Ues in, i.i1u,rrvijig vetv remote pLide
L'-inu special pholDtlectrir tTiuiiimeni to di -

h i L ILhl r: nlL’rimi he 200-itidi

the e nlor ul l

telescope- he Via-, orinurrd eIuii one of the

Sky Survey clusters, known ns luster H4 m


ir receilru' lil xflOO linitrs n uuirl ID pt*i - ‘

c.rJLt of the Speed ui linht

1 - , i 1 - 1

55 T I \ e N m ma i
. ! Gi-agf a oh i l M LijjjLziiu

TJiLa fiiirvrv h.L> b n 4i fjvered iwfintii of V\ hat Lb- rr>nFjCiT<?r sees in this instruntiill
dwarfs Jl mn\ appeftrs that the) like titt is first one pic li eft: arid 1 Lirn tin other in rufitiL
insects in n^ur^ •tuiaiujiber jLiiii systems succession. \< the tnicroscope hliriks (mm
like nur Milfcv T-
Wav T
T :
the bltw print to the red prim .irid batfe ugain
rnblimhlv vxit duiMs at dost h'tny like any v&fktioti in the .«Utrs within jis field he-
iikii.mly airuin- In t ht* nkj hiding mmy of tnoiL: iimmHuHe]\ Jippuri nt ^inne appear
Lb# suit* that lit iHiyoitd tbrm. m lmu'a 3 m I shrink, for \hr l<Eur jiTute rsau
Such ilu.-it iilirLHi- dark ur tmpty-kwk-Ititfi1 iterates the bi-ightneis* of hut blur ntars ;m<|
inc holes in the Milky \K:ty. Astmnunt^rs call I stiukv ilie cun I ml The red plute du«
thfew “rljirk nrbular '
Wfre it not fi >r such ju^t the iippoi-ile The color and (hits the —
1 tomb of interstellar parti ch - the Milky Wny temperature —can he ddermined by bgp
would lie hriuhl euuijgb to read Liy Jl nifeit, much a itur tmage i
hjin|se-. in 3-t^ei

Mur ofrm 1 till 1 E u. -i in sn:u u in tint rib- just ^ the starv mid ruabulur 1
group iritn
vjijiM, i ni dints ^Lirhuhl uiiddioQaly ^vjtJioul Sfaliixics unti tin* fed <vu> farm tlis^iefr-, -i
dearly revealing itsnwri pir*rni Such tutef- t

tpn >tnrf i if leu furm ^muu ng> within the :

>teJhr matter wvl-y Lsrjz-tEy resfRinsible fur MU ky Vi ay ( ials \\ The mos r spec ia 1 tiFnr
jutUnmimy 5
I'hrty error in nteatfurine the are "ghliulur dustei^.
Ihi- crjnt-dning hun-

brightness oi the K 'cpheids. dfnts of thousands ntarrE, Thirtt^ii wry ^ »i

Faint globular ^lit^ler? were found ipi the Sk%'

( j:in filial ids f Jlr-w SjiLnee
survey ami mg them the niu.^t rfelwnt eclcstial
loads oi diffuse gases abn float Jia the
( objects associated with mir gaksy.
space between the -Lirs. In Crrutm&t In ini t i
1 iLher -
lu.>tt f 5 !
afE open ind formic
HJtelbir dust thl- gar- l % almost t-u tally srans- neiurrirtg in refeimF, uE thr uilaiy contflinlny

|urenl; it becrtti'ts visible only when tx- much inter.rtHLir ijuss and iras. Runi# sra
treimrhr hoi star* lie in ur near it, Ultra- very ynijijg, mhers v>.*r y Ry studying •
k|> f.

vfctei ]\]z,hi from siicfe shirs is dmtjflsd into ^iri'b new and uld grunpy- :md scoria uf (hem
visible Bight by Chi jjas 7Ms is tht familiar ivprr tunii-tl up *fei Jm survey wt learn how t —
process n f fl tii 1 rt$ senec-

H 1 i u \ it ntl iti Lor,


]*a* share may reulvr rAangfog In seai-. bright isl-

luiids u ]*. rtvi eiu ]n the sky it" tht* iluuri •• 1 nt and cului as lht-y aiie,

signs uf spira*
^ Hiiby Fliitot." CiivIp the Sim
Tlie Sky Survey has di^owfAd many sudi
cimjil-. shows that Qtbers + such a> the
1 : The purpose uf Ehf >ky Survey was to es-
Nnrth AmK/rim Nebula in Uyuin^i, are Ur pklfr our Kalnsy and the ifistunl reaches of
larger than formerh thujught. th? icnrv+ !
-! Wc wefr rut Es^wchilly r • . 1

hipw I k! Lie vi? that stjir:- aft cerned wilfs our home syritem sun — lit iJie
probably tunne tjorrs from these clouds irf other planets, anil thr moon Irtdeed. the
filiate liar rontradln^ and gn& md dmL r
.Schmidt with ii ^ trem#itdoiis light-gathering
uratluaJly beoDmlng warmer. until they blaze? fiowtr cannot \ ( e user! when (fir moon Ls .ibutr
uui wiih light. Ihe hnri/.niL iln- liLihr rfuickly fogs 1 ie e^.

A 1 siare mu tu u .
ijj 1: 1 1 1 1 r ^ un 1 ne by al 1 jm It Heir and thin? un tJb*- Sky Surve\ plaie^
energy . The energy conies f root nuclear pnoc- Ik wr vet. appear Him dadhlike lin#s
Tbfrv P

isw; deefi in Ihdr mtt nur> ,

whiTi lempem- were made l«\ objects miivitur licfuss
Elites ratis^r i|[> to many m ilEunis uf 1 Ifitree.-. the -k]i wdfh :’rcfL \ apparent jjjmJ rflfltivr to
The color -ii u.r ndiectfl ii^ irmjH'rntute.
, i n -'lii
7 --
I icvuiiil. Hafenk" moved in fepice fn
The Jiutlttsl stars are Lilue. while the coolest the time it Lake- tn uliarace plate they M?i-ru
are a deep red. 8 k> Surv.ry pla^ tuk€t> in also to j\imf> bcick umi birth wiifii r^fl ami
luith h k lie :md mi ILuhi. give itstrunonv^ a blue ^tar ur mpured uniJer the Mink
way of measuring the Mffhiwrratiiircs nf ’tar* UllthlHQpC.
direct iy from the jihotiiiiiapy. These objects urr 1 ht astrruirfD,
\l l.iind < jLi-c 1 v;it*ii \
nfiar E«"l, ls >-L.
1 iT, \ri- placets cirrliujj thr ^un in ri-^uliir nrlVii^
zona Lis %ce]l as at Mocmt Wit^jn and Palo OqK ll Few i-.'ver flpprn:u.h the earth tbsdy
mar Lhifi Ls already being dime I 'airs of sur- Dq iht night of Angast ll, W5K a maark-
vey prints onr in ml tb 1
olhc?r in LiUrt! arc iiEilc near-by di=snwrcd on jl oitenud fw
updwtdiL'd between gla£i |ilatrs and umi S ky Survey plate by Dr Rudrdph Minkow^k;
piirrri beumth art instrumeui cjiHiM u blink and hr, Mbgft l*. VVit^ini tTolmbly rmt
msiToaiupt <p atie V-BTU much more than a mT in dkmigfer, thr

i l i
v H-fc v SuT^ CY -

I Ji^iJn i L £ e ^ f a f ! iflT Jlpl KW,

*i h’JyijLl! Uutk Oiu: Yfj| v Wlifc
f A:---, i ^ - I
l»r k?jdiil;.i'i M 1 1
---i. Li j .
! r

A Ibptt i- WOfifin HiiCji rcl ii liri :hl drtliil flli SI itiiib g(|.|-

tiffii* cajki- iifr.]nniHjri [ipawrit I In Li-nik

ihr ititzk *fi mlffliSrl. ut haby pbnct 1'Jnc- thraTT
Ihv anU-i uldfa mu fatyfltetfl* if n mbaitijf Eolith
phiurl wJiiih lirnkL- ujj. baijiity: ch- ubJ* e,|i In^wtrfl
Maft ii nd Jupiter Artcdnotfi^p y-hIeie iLsE^n'.hK £ij

pi 'i-ii luLfni i lii vr In Evurtii iiv ysjnl.Ttirki M jill-a-tUii- ilir

4 >iiEi \h 4 rn<
I'.ihimuF M irnLiti-- el.icui'i ! thv ww wjinifym f>n-
ia."j |
-bi;^ in hitiuir >M Nui'iii il |uri in tin
fttircr* . funarv IU yw .iL 1" tnnnth*.
^rG-uflprapiiQ* an iun. nl m a- r .i i h-m.l* n hn*i
atbili twine imftk KiL'thV. It* plant l* It^dturd M‘
U» nuns. t ^iujum i’cprtciiijLi the iwu IirnliL“» mur milliism
mill i (.mil in AuttiUt. Inr/J ibrEr iNisuiL Iut Lhe CEhlury.
4 3
knt‘ pJaph- ,
, - u ^0 mlniaii 1

i-iprjtfimh ifrom (Jen

frMG S Ifi f.’unLfl (irapliaft = li.iLk :l thin ^h.iSl *t Stizhl :i! k,w .\ iristhl

789 ,ll.liml U.'l lhlll ll!n I I'll lll-a ! I 'll I TT.!i"i-I > H
. 4 — -

'Oil J [lijkT U-T-rrtJ. ^ati.icii.l TJ ,' H |

|.Jc fuff

Sbippiintf ydmns nf the Sky \Hnn I Saver the \\ arid

The !,?'& ph«Cn^r:ii ,,
l |
rmwiii |tuLri+-r* nr rhs- hi'O-tr'M 4 nil WHnld fonri a jita? Wn- itl of u
i r*(hit| • i'rjutl Neiitrly IQO uiih rjHiEk!*i anti gIjsttVI hmi^ .I'ill firnVr «ti. Thne nirn it
i'alifivtnlfi EDitilutc
‘i Trchifttoio .irklti'M ifi* tnj rt h -Isii'-iiml in a
I nt nhit- ¥\\v oiiiem tuLU uuL la m dsi- ut%i two yeur*

liny iravdor ww* sdb^ututly found to be -mi'L- In \‘r lieen found. A\ quite by acddenl
foliiwiiiu jin orbit tros^nu that uf ih±' rjirih One was irmavkidih- in having two tails, nrarly
( 7S9)
(i[ii£t at tijzhl ande_' lo rJiefa oilier.

Verv few other such nsternkb art! know m

A a met i tins free a aptly described ns the
in the entiiv -dLn sys (em. The new rrlprti d '"firarttit ihint: in nolbinj? that anything rati

objei is id ^friI -ttltniifli ininisL Fun'aiLse ;!

l lie and stilt be ^nnfct'ihm^ Il would Likr
can hrl\* n-t mourner- mtii-urr IL-Utw l-s in perhaps a trillion :-ul1l InmIIilh to mnuh tin?

i J li ^nlur system;
w ~ more accinistidv,
* iithoMnl of ntiLtcriul in Ihe enrth.
Dr. .Samuel Herrick aw Mt. tfedcfl
Nviv Friuiiicr* in [tie l. nivvrsic
pf the CniversHY id California at l^i* An-
n*Av- wlim‘ -rli-lrrmituLtLiifL uf the nrbil -d riif. f
iVilh this report tn thr mrfnherr of ibe
rww astetrud predicted its first return fo I
'l 5 r Xatlondl Gt*j]im['*hlc Soristy.. Lhe ustn mumers
report lIulI in I'lttifl it will swim; Within f-nir 1 " milked m tin >ky Siirvrv Uiive

million mills ni iht earth, closer than the ap* SDu^ht to show 5onK m the he Id 5 m which j

pninrh of any ntbor a^tfirdd of known nr hit. fhk map of I hr hsravt-D> ln> in n-
Dt% Wilson and Mlnknvftki have named it iri'- urid —
amt will c^rstiaifr crmtrihtifinjj
t m
liiniplKi'L, t lie gictpph^T, In Hiiur tnowledgff tif the usiivui'se.
The name fa iippro[irisitc.% not unty because tH'rr the ne^l twn hhJ a fuiTf year?* f,i~i

of thf Xaifonal Geographic Society's assn as we can reproduce them, copies M the Sky
cin 1 i»«h with the ^ky Sumy hut a bo I ib-lj.ul>l*- siIl.^ will br- dMributed tn ^bs^rviiiortcs
U'Qffbpfyaa may be rd uirl in future G&flOj^ throukjthiUil the world Astrpnornri^ every
f^ihy of tin? *kks_ where will hjive the opportunity 10 d^Evr En to
ComtftS, louSi ^Wrirms nf Solid partiilts Its Their distoverits
treasure*. will in turn
and lain likewise navel around thr sun yield new pniblrms and avenues n£ research
but in hfehl), riangaieri nrbtu. In the seven riar tn thr distant ftnitljrrs of the !.mi-

years of Sky Survey ulnesrvaliim- eleven new ver^ 1

hii - only junl (jetti
. . o J >

i'iiMiuinuu Australia’s Island State 79 1

T!ic Look of the KugJi&h Countryside (ircets Nostalgic: Britons

in .1 Lind ^ L nolu i'rtKperuus by R it e i Soil ^ r i
Abuttdam I'nwer

IW II well U'alklk
Foreign ErJituoiat Suit* Xiumni] CeogTupliit MagtLshw

lf Tth Ittu si ration* from Pf^'tQtfnjpIs, 1 by tbr sfutiior

T .VSMAKTA fur from Great rity of some my back


lies ifc'i iu ;ij? y 7 ,000 persons, \ lurm-if

Britain a* one can travel. Vet this 0 thousands of sfpture miles ot imsiirreyed
heart shaped ini sin d btlw&rii mainland territury, [n that wilderness and n^whrre —
Australia anti Antarctica reminds IbjxjlTbmen p|-« oh earsh link ^uch mrr ca.mivnr ms mar- —
y[ home. ^uptals its the Wtflflike 'bJsm.iiii.tii tiger jLtiil

The! ulms, milks, poplars, and nviOp^s. haw the Tasninnian dBvil (page 795 J.

thorn and gulden daffudiL — all 1 a nlch riLLvrg^t r j r A I h > I

T li^rn i I n dfei ov*r rr'i I

urfgiiuilly limugbi from the mother coiiniry T^stnanm in lfr-12. but ii renudned wfkl uu\
English ns Wordsworth: and thr hup
are ri> reLstlvtly tmkniura until i&O-i. r> thit year I

fields, the rad brick u.ut huiaies full of dry- thr folanrl became a British penal colony
ing h> ups, anil Ike white flmpe fsxm cottages Souii saaiurii, whalers, ^eaJerj;, and bunt bulls bris
eem have been transplnnl nd imm Brit-
rii n ii i

I hr nrw settlement of Hobart aavi+riti: ,i

ain, To intwilng Britisher*, even the wcaituT haven of thr- rai

nw^ests home. ^ Rubail developed more rapidly

as a whalsiui baae than a ccwivkt settle-

"T LiHimiEjiii n nee a IVniilEJlIiJ
mrnt, Tn thxKk riotous tlmtt of savaue 4ppc 1

Suppose Farida
the northern half of the tites, vicious thirst, and viulfut diversimi,
pemsistiLi should fink beneath ih* ami Vhe tht city livrd boisi^roudy, dnngcmiEsly. Tn
-•H.UirTn half, became an, island. would be in ay
r i l
I [5 peace M. almost hu.-ihi.-d. vni- .a l'i

rdatioji to the Tailed SUtn alnuift edacity muiiLty ol sen-min led folk who, frum tlaur 1

.l:* Tasmania dues to the rest of AtulfaluL hotne^ or ptac^ Fjusinesjk wislch She ajm-
Murco'vrr, the tWo fehiid* would nearly match ina and going of many ships*
hi ^isie; i map. page f$4 )
Tn^m.mb 6fi« main- r^ten rjtrl I turn the
Industry Thrive*! in hhmd GnptljiE

land ns Hnrirbidirt kuhiy Emits agb a Tnk- 1

TS surprfeed me to find that quiei Hotiort
IBM the Lind of a rising of thr sea formed «il- -
l ads 11 Yifgtjiuii;- tndlLTlri J

tkb lilt of lam I ^0 tittles off the somhe^i 1 <I;l^ I u :jJLn I ell tough the Australian Coni*
corner of Australia. The enauimf is^kilkm miinwHdfh s liirccst cbncoLite- makit^j s-iry

set apart imny ni the ittiimnls and plants ;is Eocatfd in whai mu.L i b one of she world’s
well as the now extinct aburi pines as di^ttnet pfcasarittsit ittdustrinl rites, tad bury -s. as
primitive types. evcryoriii calls it, stands ujl rjEcli^ivc Rivrr
T.L-iTmiiii, miiuiLtaisiNUs hump of alKWJt Derwrrst jmicimik (fcmuna 2-1o lamJsL"a|)ed
! 5 'JOU people, b a big little Mwl. i ?n a af;rts wish a golF •
oursc- uad mcid^rn hornet
^inirl iHay y iti cun fly ail irVrr it, but no thr- fur manyn00 employ res. uf its I p

ground me arran men have stru^y 12

isi Knt far frtim Cadfcnry'-. li imye elv-ctmlytfc
heartbreaking hums ru make one wretched zinc work,! looks like a euwts in it^rH 1

mile. Tliri&e men Ijtst know why ;i third uf Sfai ship* dock, at the comi^aiiy's wharves tu
the island remains practically inaccessible, load more than 110,000 luits nf |jurr
targriy uu ^xploreri urid very Site , God made It* 5':iLle year. Tbs' mctaE Is u^ed mostly for
Y-riti do not have from Hobart Eu travel fii r gatv'iinirin.E inar
lu Irani tills, fn Fuel, u quick trip up Muutit In the *sLmr indiLEtrlaS ojea I won I

Welling run.. in the capital.^ hick yard. will :-lnim silk and ItMlilc printers, and bffivy-
do the trick. Tn make it even easier, ymi ttniy fojtt&dries.
tut drive m the 4 Eiik-fnni summit. *s I did, r Standing among workaday wtivitj all ihis r

In a car ( page 7^2 I

I Cuiihi fi'-i-s diretily acn^s the Eiivr-r Dur*
When I faced east tuul lnuked uni i-vern went t lj ii restful spot ammig the br-ees where
Mruint cUiTtgluti Offwr* View of llit? Kfn-iii I Vi'ti viu E*tU-ii ^
JF ,

4 Jr
' 1I
—JB--I *p |
f "m
Ik "

Hnhart, 1 LijpJia] und Deepwater E^n. O^EupiuN sht

West B_trtL

k>irr fir? up

St rail

Cepe Barren
1st and

'Ciark? hfinti

r Bd v

San dy

4 *— tf££V
tk '|L
fh Kft'Y FrcyCniot
Ikty 1 FVnmsuU

M^.'Vii hfend


E^fefldtwJc Nile*

TAvm*n Penihsura.
fwr'j/ H r r<
IrfivnrLirv itov
FurtDoyey S '
Btuhttrii Bl
^ II. jL.Lii,,*.
WjJrfjfr'Iii'iJ .
X hiarKt

7 'U

130 .VOfew uF Water Sepordfr: Tasnnmin ham i!ic Avttnljim M iin mid
IlitB* strnil CuViti II \r. ihal eiui*- jainitd tfcUnri lei
nlirTF Tutiiiiiriiim numhw *ou>r 1 1 S,nw
tin lit ut iltL-jii ferih-diiL tbr luustid l-iivliincb, 1 In r sifted Cffilnil fdaU-au iLimnxm Iji zdy unidLkd. amt
tbL- Mutt miincl li^m Purl T^V >' tlSMi t*lln| '( fljfcltHi tilth i
;> r (
i 1 1 l 1 . !

I usimriiiii,, Au*irafr;i & I>LinJ StutG 7 ¥5

rbitf a solltiuy laiiMiurtii'sU to ii nmde failure, pet-:' 1 ni'i^ did not Lmimish liehmii bars: ihi'y
tittit Hri nin l 5 firel iitlmjpt lu Tm*- wit brt| Fin thivertitneni jirnii'ii- Ih-in^ hn-
m.mi;i at Kl^rlon i -ove in I KOJ liMcd lis- mah -iinu 1
look ndvnnta^e of their relatively
ihuji a year before ihr seitler* jtkiru timed It l ree stale jiiil had to be unifmed.
in t'jivtir p>f Hobart. Thus mtose t ht need fur a penal seUlenn^nL
^ mil i't-r •
i in ferries luike^tthe shores' I'on: Vetbai*, it^liliBhed m \$SQ ai the
of the Herwnt al Hobart TK11I ymr -sjw ihr s>ElEheaf-tem corner of the inland Tiwfev ir

of nn umifiind bridge H am- nielli worked hrn It iml >l"HL^
11 *. toutv nf ha [id-

ski* of 24 ojttcr^ir pout nun* jailed In a Ijelie the mi-i imdiired her? by -nme AQ^OtlO r;..

srrioolh aft H 07 feel l.m\i, H> hi lire Tcrntfli convkts. Miin\ were transported for life
flails on the waltir. ! « b.rM^ 'iirv, ' 1
hit fruni F^idflTid Em Tasmania for sur;h often ?££
r rally up>lri-.irin Eo withstand current mid Lis stealing ;l hondkerchief or a bushel of
wind, A hiah-hn span lie (In' -
-i ur Unhurt Iwirlty E t’atrn- iicms'i thi 1

record id n yonop
end ieiy th» L inject ships. |
ias*- carpenter ^entHiCf^d lu life for iiriiatvly skal-
On >1 ui ni- |iriv;i[e,' iCc vtt)i[K>Sc
1 »h ! r l W Lit 1* rf ft mt 1 in >*, \ n in lu r i c
At Porr \rLhiir furred lafiur construe u-l 1 a
. I

Around Hobart - wharvtik: two fatock* frum nuclei jiri-Lin, araenal rommandarf's r-;si

t he r i t\ -
ii l'ls rt I w n n dered fi ir t he 1
1 1 ensure deuce, and n 1 liurdL ifesi^ped hy ortc of the
nl ‘jHua Ht-m freighters, and war- prfsMmir-, Um tike ih- syMrrn it-vN
ships njbbbi:: brinj ethirtys iritb fishing they now lie ilu rain-. Tnuisportatiun uf mn-
fimiekA a 1 id yudsLs. ' ii r.- to Tasmatdti chih'i| in IS 54 . Tn 3^77
1 watched a Ira wire dome alongside with fori Arthur was caimplrtely ban cloned. 11

a load of live, cural- coin red crayfish I w il nrt "" Id rn -i rm rn r^f Iny Ora-^ i\ | i

&Q 5 A sc i.-ii;rr msi t y wa

. sc'har 3 tn-js I li 1
h 1 1 carfwted ihr floor r-f Ehi- rnofless chnrrh
lumber that smelled ffwh ai: a hudi sawmill |iliiirL^ M|U^jced thluuuh pitlk iiffck* itt ihf
l-Toos a miavMilr lEfifit'd he sieumv T I ff
1 mnnliTi iit: wall E pjtfe ;4l 5 1. mid wiki
aroma of berry fruits cooking for jam ruiei Md-ten-d tlie curnerHTiine'. ni tw -hell

Ehic !i'ihu.r1 tjim driver enugiht In ;i 1 raffia wnsi a penilenlinn',

altar]; ujiiimmtH to me, Thk ucr U Ltetbu^ ]

1 1


itinte like N'i'w? York every day

still has- a ksrm way to lio. Hobart Tasmiaiiian Do^ils Livx \ ”p in Tlicie Xjhiiu

Is so. it

is not dty of hniwr^mal bustle: rather it

, r im] far .liljE ultci' miWM-VM vittiiL-i! il h>r
liiihHni^ ill j| r - -n-nh »>r* - rskureupial^, wtsivh the yenLil, easy-^mnif ways of a pleasant
l 1 ii

I'liht. iifih ill T I - m mh

TEW: tjfuf|Evt>u^i- il ri i i 1 1 Ji 1 1 \tp\r
sm towfi, Even brief riiT[Uabi1:snm |[™trf
ln vn
kliinvh E« niatbu^h and ki.l liLF^e ^licep.
me with fit-st'iuanie frieudliriess.. Ofidf I ashed
,i Mtmoftrr ha threatens, a tit I
lie JstLkbnj by
JisvitJEifj me Eo lea.
And ima a flip ill ilm t(i lie saurOi litc- Turd
Mayor and I Talked nf Hobart's earfv archie » .T

r 1 c 1 li rr t ?| invkt -riihei 1 - 1 me Lm> l r<Sdn II I '; 1


mania's Era air hr *4 half fenliny 11^ a irrim,

1 13 slant prison <11 Iim.- 1 thl lv SadinU months from liriLiiamf f in 1 lu uthiT hand
tl w E.nrii M;iv"i called the* < I mi ft lilies the
ai\ Lireatest ahsel -rid tthH ;i^ 1.1 bU feMtun 1

In Effect they makp Tasmimla Ehe architec-

tural treasure kland of Austro tin
The ukt ston r liuildLsitts HamJ nut with
.i^efcss di^in tv amid nvodt-m fsh^pp sind Ldns?
willed " be} p
"e '
' I
tat lu-fr I'jirliamtnt Hotkc
.md water fremt rlnlan^ fnrrn wbal-
* l, days 1 1 ip p-Ii-u.ulI Theatre Royal c^pened
in 3 H ,i 7 l a bd :i bftw^y # hie Ii . setiPt 1 S^^

hn s bttfai i'lmvertinjc a nm an 1:1 in stream into

one of \u 5 tralin - favnrilr ln-vem^^,
\i fir-i r^smaiiia w:i_- 11 |ujI hi ii.^t Thf
i I



+ Tasfnwiiuii^ liocwr
1 1 ii* s\'ii
i i L-r h man
Mott Ih-ilt I JiicL' ifralurLo Liu£n>rc Ibr
BfiiKh !smr CJojfrjSr sjiilrd up 1 h-t- Mvr
Witnl flULLTi- hi IJcbaft UkbdVL-l v Diptrll
fxp'nrcT YbeJ TiL-m m, i:pmni#niS.i,Hf! thi-

‘hlpT Hi in 1 kirk iritl / r hut M, -i Jhiccl iJte

EsTjJnd i nil n ininl lE Wjjj I f Li’Silt j l-UItd

in hi < fm r mI bE.s ii[.iuj>mjj. Ik Lj<ATT3ioi

re j ns"
iiJ f«E Shu L^utj:*! K u $f nett a C^m- I

pfidy. Later ii « >ij renamed TVimunEu

tot hti ittoti hflnnr
Nt iJUiiUmj-l'iifii P^'t M ;r->c. wbu
:clLli JiImI 1 > V\J p t ritLLi ft! It r Wll<|r|4 Vr'jr
13, ii aw*, hi- iJiuchi s
r a men L
[i l cm the
2-rfkiii‘n Artist mLhi'tr, find jshulnarjt-
pher. he runv u E tudi>i and IcnhCHw nr.P
UEvrntciitr- fJHsc tal hb fifcipih carved th«r

s* brjil uf
^dllDTTlI HH+pr JF mIi 1
f n n f /jjf Arrirn
eii i I Cihfi rt I aimtuiiu,
wflli ]
rij l.i'iL'l- iJuiTt n
M-tiiabcth II r .iLLumpdjjiLii by
her hu-!iijji<i Liu fiulii: -if Fi|in.
huhjL wa* hi- fim mothr
iMntmrrh L'VIT LO vett TlLSMilZIli.
imi An^frjiHij'' iix .SiiJn
Tbr roj'il |Uftftp. fruiMtlt a
tvn r Fi I Enur u .uIumI lln i •
!.u n \

ms brtkp/my. hQ for ei -Mr f

tl 4> vWl Tuiliffiti by pLmi1

nmi on tin u (>.u:^iL anti Ihi
I Lute iiLH^'CL-c-d riiL* uin-m-
JDt| * jltl HrlMJjLl.Lir. m rniET'-

Ti^cuiinliin fliLd )

flit'fc in wt-frsjrmr, Thr saifori

u-i'iiF Lhr r- ttl tit ilii
ktu- jl
^ LHtjaflaEi S^ivy P

+ SLiilfrmnl^ Hire
mu I >l fvi uni
\ rr^iiMii i^mErL-ni-
i ini! Hi i i -IdnM'- i i i -fi-ii* in

Ifi-U, is. 'tnEtii raeh \ CAt m fa -


sruiiii'y TiitiiujuJ biiLlnLii 1

h ration tpafnNIJ! Sir John

Fratth tfn > a tiHTTfKir nf Til
mimjji v% h 1 1 Litrr £nrt ilsath in
I'hf % rcl mi wlii Jr; j-ftkisic fch«-

Norths I iifjdfiaPrrl

ill: i.L I jILT.i Lr'.i 1 1 il-l i;v L :'l.

[ . 1 E i » 1 t .

Pfie N.rihiniil ( lv gr apl tic M aga /, r n

J'r»n qijfe 1
- rinrili of f'iini Arthur An E-ifh.ii iu- I -1'irifevl tn .tik why auain. N>sa t >!
r. j 3 bil E*£lehitwjt Xevk formed a natural I
mywlf. Why, fine may ax well ask. ar-e him*
tlbnm:k for c;< i isva<:t^ Iryinig. In efciipL*. Jtl addi- fWff Is! He?
tion to armed cm' the jpDL fwtictoltf Hir nd Highway
\1 ;
I linksLaunceston
does, chained JtCtflSS rfic narrow Wretch, imp* and Tfohatt This mafn north^juth road
tisted ruPiii way prisoners, N evert Ju'h'ss l
P^lssc- thfiiuah Miu prinnijKtl pasttirelarscts, the
left -wht 3 tn freedom and liver! quielEy nr mint \vE c iTiiJLvhki part of thr ir-Umd. fir re
luwk tn bltfbfhttffini! r 1 1 jJ rry, ^eoI vntlrriLr -iiirjid wii U% rTiO. uraSsy plains wKh iico-
Farther nor rh iiEun^ the east fixi^t l ex- -ion d ' in :i l_\ [il - I
odiiiLi in the wind l> mu-
itiifcil Frrychn-! JViiiiiswLL. Tilt; Wondiii were stmieht frrset:> mntir' F:ir fn im homestead and
wildly jeay wi 1 h red rind white heath (lowers, sheeting shed.
From _<filfniiin ^okjrtd pruuile clifb rl^biL? Sheep. Iiefnre rmything «'Eri;\ l.woujihl n lii.vt

^teqiiy imumd Sleepy TS ;iy% I tWtfhtnl the inii n i li'MTTsy to the island. With Fortune?
i iLtm from !ndlgb liluc to \m\m isreeu ns it From fine wool* iwn rmted the hard.^rme
washed over submersed rocks. then lu heckI, lirkkond Tri.'i'-ti iru. manteaolB one s^ often
muring and frothing at the rnui*fehevvii roast- m 'l asrna 1 1 ell . E&f licT L'sta 1 e.- li kc It rickert don
line. ise-jr l.onitfrjrd date fn nu the ixiQ's. when the
an Inland \m at St Mary*, ;m
rixfijit for rrlirmy ms Ju.-t t Them^
old mmlnjc tiFwn and center tif ihf Stete'^ *nril er.t i iir:'i] properties ind ilrove off live-.lm k
Induct rv. Uii.' T.isrtian Hiuiiwiv mirth of BJ- ^ I he 'Brickemli he liouk-Er'.oi ha* IieijIe .lhu-miI
* hen-rj divide? lurcsf uthI sriistoirr. I followed o bree courtyard Fitlo which stock cuulil he
is tn st Helens whjd looks more like a driven Fn such Lin emergency. \criK- ut m find
bird Mticttinty ihan l Etc fciifllUE vJlIrtgr it R 'f the yiuif I saw ihe henvi'ly rons! rutted
Black swan* hv ihr h i aj l> I ri-rls
gqlk, pel loins, ^aie- ital kept (he ELtumals tn 4rul the lm-li-
fivstef catcher^; cranes, hrrriiiK. .uni uirmo- mntrer^ nut.
iiinls. It. i Id emots. duefes. and plovers cnncrc-
ailed nn Gmrac Bay, W flier VfiikeE* TiiAmnnia F

kni» t hr- miiimtahioiLt northeast rainier Tii aim nki nol "fi En .i pood stat wFih dusep,
nf rasmrmia l drtiivr through wHI-fatmed and ihe pcntEnfi hwiwm ^till ctjntrihufe^ suh-
fields around the little market town of Scott*- :i I fo ihe islitTid'- pru^iiTity, Tlitt
dale* Spend fng the alpht at jBr1d[Mir! ots B&ss ttHijsy more Tikj^mantanx w^rk tn F.ii l-urrcs than
Strait. This nailers channel separates shr 1 1 1 1 t Inhave nlov'ed over f Ft iti
F. ii 1 1 f tufusliies l

:^LiiitJ State fti «m the miLiiiLmrl of ViLsimlLi, the mi inland, -nr from much btrthe tiiidd at 1

:irate that iilarms those Tasmaninjis wh* wjlih

l*n i 'iptir't i
v FSv.fc.i ri Vi r In S lief ;i
Vf keep the island tbey'Vr dwayi- known
l E.'jcinyH.l knockin'; .ipiimiJ t hi" tn^ed . rusn- it
—quiet ,tm| imspciBed,
sri •a
-iili' .i.'iil i 1 1
. i naelwI
B villaues rrf Tasnsani.i. Fur the inevitatib clmtiuL*, t m ;ifnid + Tns-
hut it hus ;i pleasant change \u enter .i city marr l'ues blame urnh ifrsdL
As tliey ciy
1 jiiior^tnFu hnf| tbe sfoe of Hplwl, is the* dnnm here, l he industry 1 »ebitn J alt industries
inland's only other City sind its chief port in the i- prmhEE'iion ni H«-i trk powe r i nnd tiny I ‘as
north. Fur .i j'.i! Mike place with a wiki usircc mani.i, Irsf (ban il hpdredtb pari or \us-
in the back yard It inw ulftcttifcs ati iiSt^nbii Lralia ^ area,, cimtain^, 50 pfreent ui Its water
in u. rjii^L' frf Items iuchidlniE clotliin^. rii^in-
criunn! 6eh foorl. iwls Fair* 7^1
Ahi\ ]i^v for uiilomoliilp- rind nl rent ft
Uneeft Flir^tbtuli I nvells a Vlt^qriil +
i hi'irni - I m liltou ,
o'tnii- FLLcket.^ leather* MurkitM I bihqLrE"'*. [5(lth Anniversary
Uilkivi r paint. uheI Ece i ream Til^trtiin Pi Il'jLcS i
hi XT Ji lt I t*m xrHTX- fri Lt - Ar-i? ]tff

Tasmn n i; i
' - ! 1 1 '>i s ht^p-urariua disti i i TnaiKHU whitr Hiitcnirfll lgl>| fl<i Fril^ish L!<Pll-

cih^rnl rantEH'lJ .LRmUil! L!Ij;12 i ILh<s al h V Hint

lies to the south nf LtLuncL^Inn which has E I

ihr harn^ ot s<.imf 97,t.H>:'3 pw?n |iltB , uivtTfillflliliLip

heentne a H w .
--j < r mie.'.-ini? * v n mi
Hobart ?:5is I HfSililf rarrjtaf hiirijnr trm^p ihr
EE- linS>
Ijs tmv nf thr FiiLit H^hilrn mill- T w.i l

• bed of 4 ,i&64ooe Mduni WelHftgtfnt

m rtlm'EJnn oi heaters, UankeU, cnr[jets. And To H'c iJjclt QtJiiL-n rua4 hw( sftlnm- Hn llirttie-Ji

men s hea V3 Stick h M"-i •

»r r t
n -
- <i
k - ^ rrc Tisiil* o( rrafi nirmfrit in Vjrtnrv IhiirL Thn m k 1 i

oi L'diEitiunrh s- Lauda uppo^tc (lit Qu^en. Tw-u duih

pink jind I asked why,
brjra m Hob^ift'a l?t2quktiii™ir. CtimimEtm lle1it.iI
BpC£tls£ Ti ran wnikmetl: like 1 hat l.lir rnyjjl iiiijple.
r.ilor t -^icil tin- ncmnager. C %h> Lu j-'i Hh>, ni'i I
ki v
. I ,

E'ldt-fpippcJ (iJfculsr id Tihvl-h Abuvc ilit Mllijt of Stanley

JgridrffrnE* n iVr tit Mirk ciwiiuli^n bluff uh “llic Niil " Tiun Flue 1

quj.rrii:i3 it ior fry.iniMmn qnira;

power, Plenty uf nfn ami h lu*rh L'rtu r; 1

1 jii'lwnrfc of il.irris. rtstrvRirs, caputs, juhvtq

r Li Liu i m \h liirjre bake? send cIcxtrLcfty to sta tip no i and pipe tad transmission tines.

Mb M every 3 0*0 bottle*, Snriir tuhiniimitih', like Brnnjr I'.trk HrjiJira

\ still l i \ ^udi iiinYt r Ei]f.'ni power hrinjf* in- rift irnrk camps under ciurvn- and hav** jciriwn
dur-try t n ihr ishntl- .‘'Jiwe World iVarr II. into limJi- with cntlrm. baft*
for example. 5:40 -odd unltTnri^es Utedre Spnini? Intel I
offices, sthooli. churches. and theaters- ,

tip. I visit t-i I

tm w mitt . foi* pape v llm r| t exLi Ic \l butlers Gurffc wt ETiuiriftT ivalknl with
mills line brass, «inid Clipper mnkern- (hr ms nlonsi the creis-t of Clark Data, which slip-
ml;, jlicmihLim limit pluEt! In \ u^t s .iLtsIa plfe TftiruJeab l-Wer SfjUuii ruge fvp.Ki i

arid ihi? ( "id;. cjirhtitr Wfjrks, Wr JOO ftet cEuwii the immense concrete
uhtuv tiiL-n br euwd ctwy poL* of morning tea face.
on i tie amt of the coolltiy pmrJm't. Pina] tit? of im -TiTh- nun young women
In the cen tral highlands f sgaw the firowina? fell from where we !? 1
-taniima- tn Those rocks

the river hup fifelfls and apple skirt* the

ordiit^its of the Warner [p3£fc:fl0l'i 3

slopped hen* one day to photograph red ;i

hfkk nn_st htmsr v>llh wiither-eriiy rrhirnde i

roof, ami iTii'i fiiwidly Jiunr- Winner -iiwl hh


V I took back on mv -lav iininm 1

. I
Island folk Jim Warner person ius i T.he fas-
wmkn altitude iiiward i— itnr^ inti-n -tr h ir

tin; bilk Staff Hr inirrnfm:ur| me to hitch

(SiivertumrnE ufhciil- njd humble bnp’iiicker^,
ettsvd m\ way lu Uu 1
roof vf .1 Holwirt jinn
e let 1 if y 1 m - '

the picture nr r 1 uc 1 1 li*j-

I'N'ih U r.rn jia^r ftps I spent a week of
hi* viiratkm traveling with mv To
be brief* Jim dW r very thirty ] oF him
except sfettw me a dock- billed platypus Ln the
wi nod 111 s'ive him
f fill! mark!* for TryiciE.
tii d n even that.*

^ here I I < 1 p-H iiriJ Vpptcs '3

linh t;

Wamtr Derwent VuHr-y

told me ihur ihu
l:o *\ y < ahdtil HT percent of Tasman ia"i total
i h 1
i priiducth'tp. G reen hops look iomewluit
like Bruspt'b= sprouts and grow on
vines t min ril 00 ^irinrfs stretched from *he
im ri F-, k overhead wire- f|m#e £17). Kiln-
dried hfipfl «iv»- beer Jl> charartemtii flavor.
Since te is a populitf bweniaw in Australlit,
the ihTESatld lorps farmers hustling,
Fn the Wamn?' fields I >nw whnli? fniriily
LotiL- ifocliii lin^ Iwibie?. Him the work Infra

.1 happy mutiny. At iuhiii limy -siiipptfd

eat picnic atticiiajj the aromalli: vinti--.

1 foihhtft phutosTauliiLi^ i
Lbe rEiLUnhter crime U* mu ruirl gp}f ^.rimtmy
14.0! I - hi know whim your hunk * -mmine; oirt
Xi ^ fur n. year at kscvl," I ^lmJ.
- s M
Stijne the crowsl tlie matht'-r brGed. ^WVEl
all he deid by then:"
Jim Warner superviseit the hop* depart-
Went of the Warner estate, and hi* hmttier
Frank rhaniiHi^ ihs ppk-^. bnib cn^pn are
in the stream bed, ihe eusririutT SuM mr. liarvr^ttrd in March sad \pril liy fiar tlw
I'oubl t*ni> say, IVkd ;t Uftribtt: dftath' busiest time of Ihc yg;i\ in tbs DerWetil Vztf
Oh. ticj,

said tbs iitijfiiJL-iT. Sbi- mr- lej Frank showed mt n irec that: once

True Tbe spue woman Uwr

yfHdrd h» rirr than a ton Tif appl^ between fc

served! Lis 45 n slid 50 iuLsIirU.
lunch She afifjrurcii) [perfectly well- and For 4 ulmip-ic of she island - oin-«t esters-
prvtty, hi#*.
ive oreivuds^ drove
I mile? ?oulimV'! of
Bohiirt to the Httan \ alley 1
>rcbartJj border
\ nLliiv pf PisTuril S-"ea«
tbr hi«hiviiy into Hunnvillv. The ripple capital
Bellow the i
him the flow swells intn tbr they vftnr down in ihe river) lauk? .md up the
Hiver Derwent. which tumli!^ rmidily uni of btlbidf^. surround uuftirmn^ packing shed?r,
the then leveEi off In- wind throLuh and alt but lukr 1 iv 1r thi? lawn.

utrmbndi jiiLSsints an i;rcj^DDn! v i

1 1 .a y t' dtep
* Stt ri AuiLra3nj ijbr pkly-
iai bucolic fware.
gas,* by Ckuki H iTfitt^i, XArjosiia
A rmk- we - t Lit tlif nf NV*v \i irfnSk A'jnihJ. ]TS*1

+ Tiasnuma .1 Jn Oil k d L

Appl^ 1 hi: r*te ( nr

These j-uwd l
- = .

In Eftpun vflbir n> Ttnifima,

H|ipu» luitk nrtt Lia wuLil (puty
Kfr1!] U’rrap: yfrtdii nvf tJiiS-

li>UL LiUj Ijl-U.

ninthly Cipt. WilFium BUffh


iii i/J/Ji jJiui^-'v hrauJbi ihrt .

Star - firat :i;i|*l tin Tndjv

thr \ iillr v. ro milt* wnjtfr-
1 1

vrr*t nt Hnfcart, prjulmces ihf

hfci^ci trap Otthnrd* s|ir-rail
'In * *1,
tor miks amuflrl iln*

iuvnt 0 £ IfuoiivPk Trucks cifI

tbr fruiS Hnii.trt iiburvei,
a ml irCiferatcc iIiItje 1 irn \i

Sfj *rtM nurfceii

Tfal >"Un^ iTUrt,

tin- tTtatir ul FiUtlk anil J #ua

Wfiltirf, tl fnili Wl'il Ol" Nflfl'

Ntirfialh. |l^k} JS variety aHrU

I li-
I '.iiigrcEiLn 9
Pridt Autilmn'i iipplc
hjuvunl Itosfpi in ttiW-Ffliru«lj
^Eii 1 cantEriu+- Into May,

„# >P

* ‘7;%k *?(

+ Exeumi^ri IJicwii

UuQ^i fhic l)e 1 vs ent

Tadjik lwituiy, ] iiji' l’, ij ml 1 Em
pri'5.5 trii'- ttrT Iin MlV - - rri i lr i i'll -
! I ri.-Ei

tt-ihirl tu Nri» brfwat \'u!-

fcy iltaUfi iJaL-m -^mf of Ihr a^nril':! ^idiiaE


atuJ flaw 4 faring

Ht'Tr h-i^t 1
vfctw-- I,
irutilvi ) tHtnl* ItiliK -
I u icach huruOnLul |iri feet nviri'hica^j
ril fi-1'' I Dried in na4 hansc*
EJI Lilii -
r llic W[rt lad 1
1 Ilp flliVOI Stsup

Ruib IhihIp lb? Idfchwny flfejt) entry

fiylp'wwMl ki ii mil! n rmmH lhr rivrr ! n-n< I

A iir^mJ iwath ihrrTu^ih ih& Hrabefcd

hLLIi raark-i I lie 1
cmir-r uf a piiWcr-tnun-
nriRihin lint- f-pjpt -•
l s, 'i

^ fin irn , v lunns: i-ummcr hr 1khv=,

1 hr?t Aualraiiiin rpnanlandcn. pick rabp-
bpiri*n an Ihi tirTlj emm Sa.EnJ.flv,

~ " i ' i.llCn

!!> :T7SI>h Ik * * 'r 1 E
J n

IViiK k mJ t ?r 1 1 uL'k lit 1 1t-j i

With LH5CS Ml apples

crawls iiway tbnhti^h ihr
hills to a. in t Hobart Ap-
pfc.i .s[ilJJ until the htmstf
\|>|jhs replace thiwcrs oil
dinij^-niim ml ilt:-. f "hut-

dren cat apples a? they

phiy SLLnit 1
mr rifle ht

cycks. 1 knpE apples

handy in ihe- imi h* Uyp
ofF picnic lunches
KiIl'hil: liiIm .i l h l; cotl-
vm of loaded (nut trucks
1 folkitf £i I Thrni! tn E | n-
I iLtrt '? rliittss Ship? nl all

him ffop crowded

(Sip h^tvp Must of
tin* yrs^k \u$y swipiikm
crates of apples into their
nt]d buhls.
Ta ‘TnamT,!- very hr=d
apples wrte planted on
rfMying Brunv T slatti hy 1

a senfiirinyH[ man assn-oated

more nlicn wi h bread- t

fruir ami mutiny 'jtpL i

WiFBrtm lilidf- haEanNs

in 3 7HK set mil several
Trots m VdsTnturr Buy,
Hnifiv il malts li>n.u

nrrMlj and -^lHh. vhtmw

jtj width from .>00 yon Eh
hi IQ miles. On A mup
I Ik: island ta kis the shape

of il w.Tciwny Lirunroo,
l hr |ki>) ii:-

Lltkfjl fiirmtM o somr utiO

They raise a,pj ilrs r catik\
ftnd sheep at fs^h smd rut
i nh 1 for a Emntf_
A rr^iirkul I a row, Tom
c3mve mr Arimnd
tile MUnii in lii* Ford.
Where shaq* winds Pih«
in t hi- li I] Hunt Tcrais and
rh^ sen whisper- I" tbe
tfljng, Siitidy hcrtch. wc
Found a colony uf pm-
_m ir»-. IT seCDOd idutust
impruper to find them
here, siili-mnly
“.o — widkinn
Li limit rn The feLutive^
Wickcrt* I nhsier Imp* S id I W warm air hMrftd of ah-
TifTnaimni huil jhi[ iiicL i|u*r hjihkri^ in c-nirLil n to *na tv The
jtiyin^ bitter Antarctic
dllwTras uppu-uarK M
i Erc;;torcr|i"r» liri'ith ll boiSitfJ put nnadr
/ij Ifiski. ThU Spiitwy flrfftrfflMIl iiu> tiaukd hb boat .luJiuru inr rrpadnibut wcritber
1 t

i asniEfcnEtf* \ii'> l^lund Sr^Ei

Turn £ntnxluc«j tnr to Jnhii McLean who, eucith pts nmke bhmd* flf. shade. and purpos*-
alter u lifetime- al , srfetbNJ in in 1 [u enibige- fill liner, of [i£ftr> bir^k mkl winds of! the ii Feat
hi" Lull! .wH-bukin-.* Adventure liisy (pss^e U'e^ti-ru IVc - Ai fii- Fiviml For cidtlvatuiri
SlJ), Hu lj 1 ueJ Mrnny - Lin uffit'ffil mtly a Lrriury ago mtfgpxl kuig-rt'Hlt'd. Tiiel-
historian nLUl slHiW't.'d me the m j i a Li-.c: ; i;-[ uf l*i i ft EftnDihi Liin — i l| tr-

a story ht was writing About [ i w: ? m : = i, -in [ stopped to jihutugraph j woman in .i wnmim mm on riu I island early foiled red I iba* Iifid ferny ilium e? I skirt. Shu
in iht* lust ivniun Sbe Hied in ihr WHS dimriftc potatoes.
la:-! Tasmifiku fdurdgine
full-l-Ji nwkfajc a mistake/' shi- immvA
Viim i'p

The dark-skinned aborigiiiu-* uf Tasmania k ts fottlfNrri3 “I'm ffum the city Jo;* oul
were a mix! ij;l- uf vurimts rackl \y[»> similar here for fun. farmer would spilt my
in lboHT on, thr? nminloiHl, Early BnfMi pflur form/
ihmfcita Found them
with a \*njy Tasmania about a foiuth of ;dl \les-
nl Itfr tit- if ’hut i if teurnjH 1
'- prthisijsrk cave Ualia’}, iwhlntoivv. \ rut the noiihwiisl nttonil
men The white jfcum'-i cornttm htttffrirtJ I iHrtr ylel-i! $0 p'.'rreut nl the kind's ouljiiil ^ i- i E mrmlfur- I iiWnfil oxUnctiuiL L1E1.1 farms stud llau r^dwh-bniiwfi nil he
iwi-un die shore stntf undeveloped batfc chiilil-
T" r%' ri 1 5 Tfofcll M iidt ] I i^rury
Iry, Table -t ii[ cuptrs.. ipaiet nviy Xfa-lond f i

Back ,ie \rw Nwfr ilk Jim Warner invited htwrtlands hftd s^ft 5xhd hearfuw alteiruii?
me few miles up ihi* PtTwtnl tn a
Lo ridt u aSon^ diijf crj,L^tii3 bell-
place i_-t tk-t] Plenty m ft refill sett ioir of Th'fr northwests b Iciest indtwtrj erew up

onds ;md poplars Fieri: a hatchery .iE iltirnie HeeCcIi ptKl that cun take the
node histon Kif^t to haSrh rout in ttn* I
;uui r i-hijr., A^HHEiLTL'il |
u([i ir.\\' [fjipcr
Suiithetft fternKpluTr it the ova of Mil 1
-. I.iininil rnamiiai.1 1 - fine Writing Wd
brown and rainUiiw species Pi Alisiraflu Kt*w print bii< f
ieij w-r from LinhiT mil In I iri the din-
frmhnd. nind even J:i v:i Plenty alM stocks triel. The plaur iilsu |>rH.njutrt waJKbii^jil
!he accessi titer rivers mid lakes nf Tstsminiia en.n-ppriN?f [Hiper, and ve^tisibJe tkoictofteni
I mlay vtsSMti^ malm ntr the River Shan- After l hr IntrieJides oi p:i[H!rmakin^ ihe
non ami in l \m SriLiH iu s | i rr u 1 1

fishing immnds- Itx hist half miEt! eltill |[ \\ 1 isii | You AA ill, ^'.nijiish Sftt'llv ,i h't-aNl

floftfinjtfrom jb£33-foutJiigfa Cireat Fr i iii hhirti label this if-niarnipl *

lacH gfl iitfr. FliiOrFlnn-
La ke + ita^ been d escribed u*. ihr it .ill it kniivliJi e >r hi-= sploy «y l-ijbNtur, Ti^rptoiaiw Enezr

wnrNI' sFmcl eri mi mast rxcilfae !

iiml I'St'ort ' -Ftwdcf, /ri sup lor mlr ill the Lb S
mil lllIMFT
trout r-Efram.
Hertf irnuftrl Ehe end of X- a'lim
her the fish ciTiir Jia tlniu^iMilb :

Uorge un myri:ul a dills flit^ learn- r

ing I* use thoir Qe^fiiiiurrl

Mot '-i
when Un ^hatfrmn ri^r i-

im. Atsgbrs trom evflTy where ji.

\ustra]LLl. .l In I ,*ii ill iel.1 Hi i - irem j

uir Liwny as britJitn, cmnserEP al
tirent l_ake> Ijitle imdeL
^krnn the hikeX wr^b'm -.hore,

I roasted rlriwtihiH to Ilelur^inr mi

hi: jimih. Tlie -iruill farming tottn

neatly ustride the MeiLiidur

River which does imfet'd: pieunckr
Ihruftgb n marv^lnusK fertile i.itm;-

Irysidn— a patchwork uf ehm ukte

‘kilL bfight-gTraii rials, and Uuff-
nl dorks.
Hiiwlhurn bend^es heavy with red
firrrirj-. EiWiert brief and dry sinns- .

vvalh larder raUrng fields when 1

.-dust'll and cat i k- futim. ftttralom

jL ir;L ni-
“^h *

H j


K iW
' ' ^ tl y * 4

f Jv

ESH^h. !w
it h
MP, ja

Lj.' run,
a 6 Jh i 1

E 1
L - JB| — E ^ Jfc


i 1 fl '

1 -

"VWi f ( J^4r

i^vL -PUlH H

a ip «T h
1 d — ^

I .isiiumiij, Atirfir Aid s Islam] StaEc mj

ruad wKtiHr'arii ijanird irfrehiEijjly In* I
Out ctitic ji rfiark ilirtty
vuldfiibrerciL .

iic-mwui- I drove in Wvnyaid <w

ant! an to With untr#il wings and tent tortk.
1 e*ji r- fc>y T.'ilile ( ape. It Was good tn stand Such feitty fledfiLiipi, J am toll), make the

tlu-re in

t hi-

stinging salt wiml
un -

direction^ waives
am i Toot with
l>e&t eatlfic;

thi? one,
however, after filrni
returned it to the burrow.
the cliffy 1 1 hack-amt' white mws in a wel. AVdl," ei jjfend -^d burr “you re Tiii lci

gtttmi nu^iW; a wall of lim^i- nuwy therr Tvrn no Sfekfii id tbict hole.
the f ' i-L.^t Jine f ading va d ye U iti h * t to era y j i f TjLmanlu \vi- only three mike fpedts:
M'U and >ky„ Au5.trals.iu '.i 1
].![>_ rhe. hi. whip nmJ M>er. Ml
From Table rape ! could junt mate nul u m \m ^iscmous:
the | inicTH aiiiury mmm i ErciiLir Head mmw .Some T^maahm msiI <?od abmplly — tir-
_ - inn- rim/'i CtBtfT This rnsiwuvi- lW S’ut g !ii 1
ihere is nuwllare vbe h> qn Thp fifties

r m'M cfeaai nhuply imt of the from thr H%llWgy flliT't-. St#b a f Lit i- :i I
Jlitfrawah nil
side of a tj^c-mHudi m\i pctensttla. Under he l the west mohT I reached this small daJry iuu
ilai-iiijifirtt bluer squats the village of Stanley. caniui unity aftef cnile^ of <wnrnp rijnl 'lurk
with old stone homes ami terraced streets. incrediEdy itenSB Elm Tree forest—g]J %vt'Jrd p

I'.irt nl slit- Kiri wits bta-trd awn} to rrmkfr n lonely. f^iFent .sEgnii^t. in^hirniEm.
foundation f.-r Stanley "s wharves, from which Hui a 1
.ikvtrrmtert project sjuw under wnv
villagers shiji Lida -i rid 1 1
iter (page SOD], l^twpirti Marrawah ami Stn f Eh E ih 1 will r!
A( Stanley ] wnkted >^c:lt Km li-.
weave 17.000 icre.^ of tree* sEiurditt^ Ehieh breitk-r-
;t crayfish j
,; 1 r starting hum -/.ratt'h with wto in d fiRtsh. Tail, slender rooks nfruw so cli ^e

alitys p,-ne,,md ww lifts 1

tea -tree] sitings. td^c-thirr iluii ;i man ciej hardly worm hhs
Thr Iih.i4ij-i1 imp Funked fikr it Wrll-vriM j
l.i Erd ™y Ehrmuch them. Heavy modmj eqiini-
waspi’ tiM with ;i hi?ln in (hr tup. Through iTHMT ^ i

rthovin« the fore.-.l jiod dr.iirnna The

l3ilr aperture would [toss y^U 1
nf I hr must frrtilf land, largely for <failiy farmlrii!. TWs
t fr liciotts crayfish its the world fpaists. SQ4-j5y. clearing juts may Ml until iMfi.
As yet, 00 LLiiiiimnSjtk' r*^if Lfumivlt tte
C]if;ik 1 -,lI Qycsf for \TuM. neliii-
nnrtbhvest coast with the naajor minimi dw*
Rc^ Needham,
a TasTimniUn acqi lain tajice, trictjH in thr 51 ''Utli. So I dmd_ my fir car up
ffii waiting for tfcir t'jifc Trim tin- r- r h- ^mcihint! hks: :m 1I1I TiinhimiHl ^rc'ffl -c rack ,
lit l

wttrtdfn Corner uf Ts^mhiiji El* \< ' page and otrr.ii u rDUmaii itati.a r. Jim Warner
Earl iur. fn Bunin 3
., we had .irmjLmil tu meet he never mused an upjiurtunLtc— Liiirntliu.uj
In i f in see some of Ihtf bfetnd s wildest const me to iltv engiTuwr, who invited me into hi :

.in 1
1 hunt for a nurtfimliLfd I /'fl'ffiuu.;? frrrruj-ip.i- i^b nf hh diesel tncornrdfve bir the trip to
/HjO, 11 speefed cif s-teu rwa ter. Zeehan*
Nesting muEti-nljircT burrow wind'
Mown l.i II- near the SCO* Si 1 we climbed Pori % I ^M-rnn jt cn 1 Pn p. , 1] ^r i 1 m 1 < hi c F Tu rm ri

around the tussocky sloped searthli^i for f kxiisnonjilly tSic pfi^meer situp^i the irAin
something Uto a jack rabbit’s hole, At tost tn Jrt nif [ihi.i^j;mph a j^orjje nr cliff ur priinii-
K^f found u tend# with .1 lived-in look- tJfn E jK-nk. tn thi.^ wild rtTicm I JlhI hoped
lull 1 it lie proton 1 with a lung piece uf wire tn L-iicb a of l hi Taimtirtiar tiger or
Id see w briber anybody was at homc T \V^, Tibimtmim rliwiL but iWth * 1

injre mai'M 1

sir. Now 10 reach In up to lie shoulder nri-d I Llid ndt fhim. Ite? TasmanJaji ity0 it + in
bring mil i tw quarry. Since 1 had gloves. faci, m seldom seen Lhut sume naluruitsi? bts
lieve 1 1 ru?w esfinct

Licit inp my auto off the flatcar at Zeektn
+ Two Htemfer Rnndkif 1
omt the Wtty
was imtSrrk uj 1 in Jim ted mt* Wu aetum^
for thtf l)*MiAtdull it i .1 Ciiant [iII-ihiMj fl with Ifae aid of a cimple uf planks,

The** IflTTrber jacks in I b1 -

Hlnrtnlinr \ illry work
I'irm local faith keeps firieE.iicie

-T-lmi-JL ft* (cri .Un.w i.’ ^t-"M hjJ on iWssTy .fuiir* ln-
"Silver Tiiy " from the nebufoas stfttus uf
-i.- tl I li ilLln I Ilf Unnk *?f ?$0- font SVSTT1 fEffnilyfiirf’i a tthust rilb«:r-. Ogee Tasmania^ thinl LiEi:-
rfdJwJiijl* K^viniz Linil^iL'ut lin« Lrtsp, lW\ piuw s-dj esi tn u-n now
it ha.? tiareiv 7 {)Q reafdtat?^
1 1

a rfiniiu^ tn hd]v Jud^? ill-- line- ot nUE TTii- t rre
miedniii district ui Zeehan shipped
Iill thr. SiirMf? arej plrdsrty 20 yar-dj r nei ilu- — ! 1

Mbi r-k ddj j

ur. raEdn. TTir Wmld wai h^ukit to a mill unr uli ure Ihfmiglt .1 ^mull p*ni .1

xS'cw Korffilk ij Mil ymimd into ihiEm for ttc#sprinE Trial Harteur which fe no longer & pari
G ’sJilJiilwi Rwirftftpr-.Jr ?wlaljr nr^r is it entirely abandoned One jwnrm- .
F - ,

Tn tsii a a i lij i \\ i m - !
\ if j -i gs
EatfL-r Bitytrt it fit I Ftdcufti
Prices 11 r U'v'SEburj
StfCPP CaMt aibpFt with T
SH-Hni^e KtllcfL ft—r L


^ lh^' Swml Mrnn.ti rhpep


ori|fiiLii(dO lti Sf^hi, W-hftF ibi'ir

c^pon ivii Jiirblctfrn hw itraiiv

Knie pioneer hTvrdrr
lir|h Fcirkiopfe, jTrnflrrattiJ lo
TiinmuiJa In. (he isjcV wiili n»
Ml MEi.Jii. S I'il 1 1 :! i i In’ll ihrE!
wnol IU ‘“ikllic; imnaa^h Tft u Wir

Intu nn miheI * fultlJ" T^iinir

thr FWIrmar si rant nuts Lhrn.aph
titd*4 of tin 1
MuhE’i purrtrrib
STftrltvritifa narh mi ibis bHnff
ytur 1 c* T^smii-
Jiiani idsr fhqj Ja mUH^ri iwMjhds
ut '.vixif. Thru if ix Li. (uicphtf
HluMit J1 rndilmi anJimiJ±
$p&, li^vi’i T1ii“ hinds
m RwkrSf QViinnur **y»**f the
nth nf u MtfrfftO *(ud nitri eofil $&&&> ML
i3( anc^h^i iltcrinn rim. P| thi

ifjjriL I hill Lnriiifht

fn Tlir cHfi Irmn llie

L ’ viUv L'Oj| c fflnif K\ fit-

bury kii mi pm ml prlni fnuriL-
ior Auitnfisn wool.
^ \ mounted shcpbriil, Mh!
lib iJtuci. difvn a duck jjJ
ew£i dflwn u co unity
ran 1 1 ili:ji L-liii;.' an f.

c *4lipp«] Or riiiilili i'il t£tr


1 T

*, t^r**
IfrM. t
- -a;



TV^ii: • r
W* -id

t p
' ** I

r/V'liPwh* lit

* \ Z .
“ '
-t v r
ll\j -t

* .* *

* ,i

v 2r

_ -
i w r rf...
, L L I , .

*10 The Efaiiflnnl Gifrigmplpk Maga/im

rw.'nl a ^ullbtilTllv stays flit* u MrnhHn ^ «wikm with tinmFiiikalil^ iijuil-

It la if Quw^orni^ TasmimwM chief min- tiy. I > ij i- vwrt t$ik apen sen rnuhrs jIjdoo
j tig i 1 -ilu.t thflt the inland ?- rescmblimcc to miles around Lhit world tn PnLL^oriija*
Rriy bmrl breaks dtJWm Nil question ifbotlt It, Tu the soulti i i
> m tshiid fumms still

(.M.liiTi-tinvu 33 Uiiii.jl;ii% imiirrWoLis man* 1 ik-w nver some

This cnpper-miniiiB corn ni unity lies ijeep ii with Lloyd an L^jiHinacgj liEht-
jn a vulky Miri'otini'led by a Inrndrerl coppery plane pilot jihnta^afiher.

nil 1
.i .vujH’rh

hilh. LI denuded by foltet lire * or wnod 1

cutler?- scarified hy Eulphtn: riml eroded

Only T« o Fttmil^ r
\n "For gutter FifA"

h\ riujltsi rdiH? iihir- h.i ui>c from mauve l l Joims fminl^'ularly w.-mted tu show me the
10 ustfilowl umupe In miMird to pink tr;i I on la vuy n rea n ly t wr 3 , 1 I i m.i m ilaen 1 iyi i,i l

with the passing of wiridrdrivi?n donrh: ?bc this dirti+iilti-il tif til of l itntartlil. Dfttfe

hnrren ear lh ilaibe? lu life in the jjHH and klnu mirk- n mitK tum r MdrLfrtiia InfcL 1

1 1 Indie?- In liiimpv nakcrlnr^ uiiiiust blui 4;> ami f'lydr i.

Tuy i« nc. who married a Kin^ uirl.

j u*t as huiIi tally stmy mists, it t j.i ] ?5 into cllriy hshes Kj-ut of Bmul Bllv.
and the rains jt'iitn ajfflta, to maintain an 1
Lhjyd J(iEn ^
and I Ijolh lixd rnmE ra> and L

avrrmie til sinn'ir than .i hundred inches h year iiseil them He. however, likes .in ,Leri;il

Someone described thr reifiiin as hr with "

1 3 | il 1
>1 •: hi^E.b 1
|a In h*\k a,4 if hr hiid made -A nn
the fim "Ml I found h ttttdtlrtg Imt efrtk*.
i hr fjtfflijnd. Lmisequently I vlii- i.iiirn peer-
fasLimtting, him Filing. verging 0* Uac trtftftaL ing up at kanucji^ volleys, facing flatTy into

Dfaitiatk mu 1 Dunlr^ur it limits bs if it shear ?nnimmTi]>ldi's, or fly lag river water m

miqjit stnrl sUumiog ai any moment, low as a seafiijjie aLmlit to Tmtch down,
I s:tw ll«- lonely King -eulrmrui, hut not
< ’dpper K f he \\ t ^ r A live HuytLiU l Times did not wjifiI Em sly cjy-lt
wmdy F.imilir- in Amt- they LTiii*ht think we kui
Hieh .ihnvc the town I -Lm rtl in a I i I

Fr^jdc at the e'rfgc an opened ctjpflte

1 cniiir lu drop mail m prq\Tskms. Thrfr only
jiiLne. Fifly-iooiT *teps Igrbcc the sides uf (inks w ith dvfftptloft art
infref|uerU boats

the vast crater. Drills aiid dymftlilif! 1i« :ini! ptime?, r weather in'liivtuntly [HTmjilinu.

the ore scociped up hy electric ^hnyefe and Ali m ii tin- iIisirIhIc 1

ruast storms Suwe forced

dump it inm 20-trni truck- Unhunlnl Intn ships to shelter U*r u lone js I V days,

luvny-dutv i.Tushcr it Ufcipa down a thrift

i..:i'l- ."Ui/kiim from the west
tunneled through the earth t.n a itatidn 750 turned us bitek a< (
r>ri Davt-y* Gaunt umy
fnit below. mRiuUntns inmftei'l over gram) forest; c Lifts
ell tubed hiidi iJH?ve deep black muhI
Frnra here the ore goes by clwirltr train
in hr eoflcentmtliut plait rtud smelter
i TI> J Ii i
i 1
>wirkd nruuml
1 1 Ml tile v.iHry- .= : i I

Muiuil Lyelt Mining ,ind Railway (ompiim t ip tous b ilJTe. B cir^ s of ra n Fakci u m r plctflv
i I i 1

ClmltdL wnniiitly t rente F&D0.tX)0 Ions nt Minutes later we lisnderl n Ibphart hi time
f-tpr n In nr hr on a FurtiaJiiefit House.
ii re lo pfoduu* K.50U tons of eteclndytcailTy I

rrftmd cum xt. Ivyeu hi the wBrnitli t if r.b 1

dirmt^ rvitiin

Till Ijm 1

wm aiTfl pnpub li:i- a I

i- >ll uf 1 *(ii 1 MX the cold imj^id of tfw tlfFtht |u#i

every ihrw piT-i ms rnded. M.:-t .Liul nuiunthinl uf the foniottun

nxne -I S 00 riTLt-
in -vvnr I-.

far tin- company fuiipcr, in h^i. keeps the fifth i .nil in lied to uhirl \mx my cj'e^. Wind
district alive. Profits from lopjirf hull l rhi? xi jared ahnut my ears.

unly tvcsl-coast port , nl Mi-than, and copper Thus i( icave me n -ihM tn hc;ir nrimeone

litik-i ie to (Jiuraiitfi twri by road nnrl mil ; l tin* tublr :

ay: “Tij>:nian]a L'cttin^: ti^n

rode the rndtiilriul fur lIss own ^XHi

p%>r the 12-mfJe trip tu StntbftD I

nafFntakgiii^ Hnr lhat o( rack fit preferred she ssliiisd ns ikul mxnli k

iuu\ pinkm to lift copier and pa^npers otra r

l r;ii II ns steep ws nne in ^.vieon
.- Furty-eigbr Pace an
bridge? imi mnntless hrenth-iaklnE views "f Ner Ufu pi d iiim n Mflitorttitt Potil +
fkr? King SJver Gk rge, erfetd with dri^u - Out lihrtiii Fossil fri^aM

hhreM ami rmew" hanks of bu:Lwsa gone %itW + Mijumain ^hrimii ' .'uiphiuoiv i

a laumey unlike any oilier bni nly defy dir wiatih of evn|ul ii^ri Muiw uf ihrir
FiTakr at
rU'-L- s’rlalh'L-i \i\i\e Lilian PjLiikii In L'jj'bonjfafiwi^
M Australia r
TO' k* Fj. it rfowu wim? :0B milJi^n y\i\irs aao
After niutinir past sixh unaccnunlAb^ Thi-ir cjihifIliI gum t tm etiitv Ea n wOd vt tmr
sittlnKf as 3 iiihbilFuiiml Ihi
train 3tfi(>s iiiLir. tn urn trill e ni^^r4|iiibi Pkairii?
" 1

1 J
Shi ps +
Moor sii rhibnri's
N":i i
m rr wave TssmUtrUl ulk1 of
Ihf vViPfkL'i till- -.1 tt^rl inf*, thi"

riLJ'U'L'lU L"itL|J l
IVitEiiif ciDi I sJctpcr ?kiQ S> •

ncy'n m-nre 1 uni iua <

bj^’L-n, tbe
SHitl bflfr I a In 1 1 rc ;| 1 1-1 '

I hr Ijtjlj'lil lllil' jjjL IlidaiLL- Mil

^ iir
^ i\ Nitty afkJ the
I Ittiih ? Worlrl Wiu IT llir

IFQOp-follHI /Jr tf* tTLLVl

llu. j]j>:f jJi carrinr sn-

chuicd l>y these pi™
This vJrfWf. Uii-rti ifriHJi fcti

plfiee Tmililihy. pvbI,

i . 1 : L- i
Mil] k

r: nt'-Li'i |i ivilhjq I h n bjncki of

ihc riiv - limrt-
\aflK the iinrl*»r FUlTurlion
BdlrriVe til hit, I hi 1

JiilJt n| \iittb Atm j!

+ T Tciiirap
Meei in I Sithu rt

$ *i i H Ti .
rnn- -iLi'itftinlttp. rfiv-

iiv. . 1 1 1
• p i.hjcS-l bopping ddfi-
tn>t* mRi'm the .mmi-il No>uL
lEuhiir: R>-Ojtii
liiTiiil I !• 51 m|Mi nr "• Kllrll'r

—at I

pr. i

fi.H i H Pi
n K*- flf[h &l .1Cf - &mTY
itiUHff =
mctvcit <

EL -*rr « *,l
ftiPT ^ h**
. \tf *
AfiH,'»fU jMtpriCt

i-C M 1 Lb E
J«K* Fi: j;“ FJJ il»
1 1

£ Bull in the Devi! * kitchen

TiiiTn.Ti n Fdliiiisii l'cmhhihe- =amc af the litttffTji nmni ifpcfttOllAf


i [if vc
vi'iiliT-se^sIptHTTi: lULbk


up !ii

tip of Dl'.
L h?-


iI '.
lofty piruiox


iaa£i i-

Tbti Eutitary

r r


IT m

k ns twn

For lonb

tjcivn mto r^Uw depths ftf tin Tn-im-ati Si a.

HI 4
+ firini ts the Nome
of Tliiis. HDeak i iapt*:

MnSluJilihih biUTOL'i iinnini;

h luiwky £ki[xn unr| . lai r |

OL'.‘iLsi.ij n:it li 1 r i iTLfy.1

ihh I hr ^Iriih
whipped itniss tall fi”rt [rt'ihiin,

l icit JltU nipHilE itEkd; .,lan>,M

nsirtlni^ porihevcslrm romrr.

S;jiJur?i iivoicf Lht*e iirwrhcm-u-
TfDttT* Matthew |-lihi:bt> .ill 1

GiMr/r Rais, firM in e-irciicrvnan-

u\ir rahitcL-ji.;! j Lid etlahlhh ft -j-

U.n h3apd. ULiftwd twtky twitit


Cijjc tinm The year wa* l?%-

I "U m cr mg Pin rtfs Aitoro +

a Huinvd PriwjmV Will
Th.U lurfiiihliii^ huLhlintf n
minds viitfOEi hit T.iHmjnia I

WKr >.v jv m HeilLhEh |

k n .1 1 rvlftflV,
5-iniir 40J3QQ roniidi ffcrv r 4
tfTHLH »1 t'nrl ArlfiUi tor pf-
Scnici ranairr-i frnm pftty thelt
in iiickIi'i K^ljbltthrd in 1 --iU,

dm ptiHori wm ahanducmf 47
ytLun J liter . T'hia group Jip-
pram: lint the prisrm
‘Vh’SiiMI -Ufl* CTli'dlfr Va-ii rr

t April h AiiEimiH
in Tu smart] a
Mt4Tr iTrL'iijiiiii]] t|TL« — sv ff *

kit^nti tt#in r.ali,-s iJtifl d4t1«

— were r^m kn:nfiuul
brnutinL I

Alia ni: with h iwtLfm beck* rnwi

anti rwnthrter, thiiw p 1
. r JjJjnd
bnlMJi.-.ii 1 ?! i look ui the lijii:

I LI; fouDity^ktWr
Thi-fc Vj -fit varw *
i ! R-.-^-hv

PaHc* DmvFtrt Vullry, [ulkwi

cl rim
up«n ;hr ft tip hafvr.-t
Treltiic? ,ire hace; venlilaSui* nt
Ltu- ftiL'-t h* «u |JLd- I'hupclp

Ln'-f r’r M*M

ymitifi iraniim.. a£-

ct?Tn[tMnird by her son, I'm
polled a frn-p vine I«io^b imnt

its ivzit- .^uppoLt nr1 M r Xtw Nor-

folk NijiV .Li; Silipi. L Iil 3>n

(p-alliE rflfttf-.

Ait! n^cridkEed iaorkcL pkk* !

abnuE J ’-G pQumlA oi imp* in

L\iL±2 Lll 1 lii ,
3 li- iZJSlhi r lila} tii

ball JLfi well,

'-& 1 ral 4ji ^ '! <• • li»rjr

Fufflilit!* Turn Wdrk +

In Mi 3 ! I inpj < > i l i net

Tasmania *™wh uboul M)

pcrmv rif N'-t i ji LLi '*,
frl k I hn p-,
pMiiliictbn Ran’titM bcnira
.Lrtiund tfer lint nf ManTi unr!

i:cmtana£s -iLs w«b

tnmtv t*r

Stilus J.LOO rntrk vVilniffli. imd

crb iJp|rr'n_r ijHioJly in iamil^ HitU*.

de iht Jttkis£ -mil

JiLmdiinK, liU'V j'LiLhc ttot Vi'Ott

M'L-m ILL* p1,iy iiiTiri lUJii/ll [*pfw*r

|{fcr pknK. IV 3 btttflfr
tt ML" i‘ r

ri.ifii l.ilibr luin n day.

'l^nr Imp* 1^430 ndy sup

I b* Uar iivi'rhaiui wire-,
ar* plucked it^Wl Mir * me-^
LUmspej-i into ithiih nin an
FirtaJTy Htulii'il tntP hurilkii tnuts
Wcigiut] >JEJ the :bey jit
taken [ft fliil houic-£ h« r

dryinG .

Ai ihe be^nn^K nf i]irin*

Earmtib firing ffif Ihe

vstie* Lei t JEmb up tu ij«c h

\\ jttr Hadnc; I'hruiUth Sk tlu|p Pipe** 3 Jmpv U0M Iv*jt
3 h ifitii Tarnih-jh Funr# Sleiliim
UiJib Ui raJfi >11 nM >. . 4i tiiipadi in tfttgjjf 10Q um pJ«irlrU-> In fi^uab- Water Ire-m Ckl’lt
Dim rhr

mrtiLcit-i 1
1 i eHi dfcpnJ t unmi j,- uc- tn smelters cnninent*. iuui "Hirr frluMfEi'+

Florida’s “Wild” Indians, the Seminole uv

Descendants u£ W'arrinrs Who Fnughi the U. S. Army m si StamUtrll

These Tribesmen Sliil Acknowledge Nu Treaty with the ( i"vrnirnent

Hy I.o 1 1? Catron

U'tih Hluuratwtts hy Vtftionaf Gttujrtiphh PliutnartipUfr U'Hlatd R. f.ttte, r

HRILL yips use Indians mur clearly tinued to i*nm during a quart eTCtrttLLry of
.-if i

a paltin-M'i clump, fecfngsa
* thu tlirkntss to wiuire
the edge of the wood. rm lack]
ho, If ir dr of txiiirl-
1 *tund at cohEJii

7' wo hundred
l with the tribe

years a no duff were no Sem-
were only groups of liirtiangj
mg_ harking tSogs. Ac r its* the field a fire ll'.-liy I
n vt, or : iLHT i.
, .': i>i the r r-T wh#
Idn^rd, tlm ovine in In sharp .vhiouciEt* a rfrdc nuived intn Spaniel 'erritory of FluHda i h*-

of dancing figofES. Xt-aur Lit -tmpd two Ip* isel iira.y from the while -cl tiers of Geoi^ia

chin cimpS, wiivrr CPtikil)# i\\r- ill flowed aiui Sc4th CamEina. They aerr tin- ivild
wanly. A lantern shone faintly in oeic uf the lodiiiTiS-, the ones who wmiildir ! be tam-Btl- 1

shelter, .mil nn old woman pnitmtl te* TodJiy tt^e Stmrnnli 4

are .me and
still „ in n
side TL faeS “w'Lld '

1 n ilians tlur \^t of that once

This wa* the Cow L'rcek band of Florida^ ptrottiul L-alocory in I hr Uniled StiiU^
Seminole Indian:-, had just slewed mver i \ eur^ uftu 1 mid sesmethln^ tu \im Tnminy
miles .if Aoodid land and was wailing now ahuLH Seminole mranititf runaway.

for [H'rmisssrin from i lie- medicine mnn to site 4

'Nq\' Sir said Ermphstticully. '
Dclt. w-wn'-
my first (Irei-n for ri [ hwu;c. .
pan the t .
st - r» b hck {re Thn t m ran

‘wild! i^wri-frfl*frr, wild peoptet^

Mcidieiii*, 1
Mn.n l-nys Down die Ruler* Ths^ Florida SffltiifWih 1
ate a frer {tt$ptc
" Vnij unit here Sam Tomm} hnd aasd widi wliun ihe United States GovL-rnnirnl Jia^

Vi we reached the nub-kirts nf the .lance

hi n hi\*l nu rreaty siriTi- ihc imdc Seated tribes irieji
aren, Be righi hack ' idisappeaml in tbe Everiihdr--. and ftic C^iress
The Florida Vnunule guard their iny^tmes Swiiinji more than a bundmJ years am* Ant!
je.M I
-in sly Mid sluTr v.rii plenty of stories nf they ire a -utpri'Hing polple in cttttuntr they Ji^anl ihings
Urn had happened tu whiii^t ire UJiique. Until recimtly. ihelr rtlfgkun
who had tried tu- them im WrJrlen
visit Bc- rites wtffe the learit. known -itF all Iririinn cere*

cp$f some of the Lid nns were my triflJidSii

uunirs in the I nitej Slates. Hktorically^
I had permission of a s-ori bill l rrnih! easily they frmgltl pmlfeihly the l> 3 i> ciu-^t uuiF rrniet

imagine whul minhr tukt 1

pi me if the wropjl t^nai of llH the Indian war- --and
fnits won it.

person found me. People wlio h^ve Mtn thr Seminole ir thenjr
Fvenruislly h i uvhv+t the slags tired and brilliant f.o^tiimes all iww '-truthem Fliirida
went away\ and ^am Tummy cimr back. are always nstnnytnd m learn that tbent uru
"Okay he sank

"You can come in But

* S. Tj in ihu N .%tu km Cxr n: itAPitie M.v jaedi t.
tint to flu- just like the medicine man "ilurindfip fjEfkpi !||^
i i

hy Wiflr-if H
soys." ftniw-n, KV -rj in 1 ut»i

>Mixllr Ihiriili' Alnttf-

was sitting tin a log opjKjsJte the
Soojj 1 ltlie Flvi rif Ln il fy B ' tu Jc^hij f i iii_-E[|_i.
Janutry, i u-tu.

medicine man, Iseiuin^ from him whal I coulil

mi mil wtod 1 could not do, where J could
go ami where cottkl not gp* Tie makiinr
1 v. . . - The \utlu r
sure l wuiili! nut vluhite .my uf the tu|HM& Fm m^rt- i
Fi .i _ a uwarlfF iaJ i
r-r^iurr‘. Lnuii fap-
uf the annual sacred evtmL nm, nf VCffl fulm BrJidr, Hi.Tdila, Puu Lm.-cH n frieHil
uml f nrhdaul 4.<1 i|ir 'VinlnuSi." InrHan!..n -and Inrtnv
Thi? Advent ur? Eoufe place in the early S

hr f= :tNf>ETim:f] iL* tme nf wiUiOlltSh

UNO when I he sr, rules werr stricter iban AJia Ihrir cMikUn!- intS iullujf TJir StnithHkikfi In
now, and when the Semtrtplc were even nuire *1 frulton, ir. 1-95,*, publidifid hi unllrlrd 7"^r
w.iry-eyrd with Miq m.lnn ami distrust. Since Bacilli lip ihf ^jtttdwj/^ n iv,^ fff#

never been fjV-rrpp furw DiOttr. Hr ii ilait h-- uULbuf nf l^n

Jbeil 1 Slave quite- -hp Uneasy. But i

the Interest
b»b iw munc p*-.npL:, I.

tSui t .whs behind Shat first step
Holb l^5S? anil Arrwp&tmd (Hnwclj,
SCfOSS the line into aeinmnle mu nr ry has con- Sl.i^ilL. !'« iA i

itravc in y Skirl Phlu* Fiiihily t&

TlirnmiFs tlw Ev$^bdjo4 +
To lifcV [il= r I"DO > uiimr* !>f Itaittiin.^. frmn
trFb*? liftmipiiiB. to LIif- Crwk I'Finli'drnKy
HKht'c-il horn drtll^a Into FlftNdjL The mi^ra-
tianvc-iJ them h r turn* Si'-mi-mj-lLn Jicinijj
tlr*fi r ,

Iri ^
“ vvtl U .

' f ifi
K 1
1 ’
'ii 1 jtMifik pri'IcoTM;! Etlrtll own
wi) mI life hr itus of Lhe W'bilr man.
T'^cKk'il 'il»]h^ ;irrl b> sfitki^ ihr skELiind
iivtldalklvil runu^iv tfai, e* afliJ itdrIttk?Eiiil

ThMith The*. \vnv -Elisrimfirl Eo nmuljcT al^ut

1'tiiti.iL 5Uto LaUndhod
•Ifitjj in l&i?, when I,

a rulf-sc-ilr i-imlnJ^n ajainie them Hiu-iriinc

Li-(rrJ 4nJ*^E j Lktiiuk. Indian jjtttrKCiisirH nl

[flflViMi west; their dep.h iMjfwt§ pj>w

Uv* ttf CUubumii.
When bchfi_i3iil irs iinnlly t ah&Qt *(3
ndi it E

Seminuk weft left In tbt Evcnikiki, when'

rhp.v mnaitotrd :'i
I i~i fri ptU nicent liirr T-irJjy

luijH 1
Ki Eh occnpij I'frur rewi^-iiBiacs ajad
ti' \ in'll cuuiujuivbl ii ork Exalte?
fcl W
Thi.« father •wrAti a kn< k-mtlii Umlc iHrfp
a style dyhr -rOl ya umier n^h.,
eawm: h .1 bolkwd ey[in&t Joe (page- £12}-

<- nriiv &nits

:L ( fitli'bsh

Having fouEd)! tlte '\.hiu man

tc* A Maiarthtiil- the ikminuk
won 3dn riutiE lq live on la fid#

JiL> Ntfr ds<“ VrMfiSed Ulfl fl4k4Nl

pine tiat-E ryprOcS twamp* >aw
gnjj nrrLTih. and tiiiEma'Iln 1 a
^T -
re ns. Hun In iifp^orti hirnaHl
vrish SiLLuLiiu, fishing, ind JJftf-

rjiLrjins: nn iTn;ill hnSilflitfk'j nr

maraii islands {|*w J 3 t-1

Tn earn cfuAr foi Imuiics* the

; 1
1 L j 1 1 wmJtA it uq irjj rirTHi’.i

f if ndiE f
|>I UL. TIise uldlk:f im
(JuiHrMilnn ItefleM. jIIihi I toll*

ssmsh, him 1 culSrih The ^’ah'=

Utzhll I nr :*ik trji iLLiEiulae-
iMirn of 'm lllctil jrireln ,

+ M:uy r
El 1 1!...- Coppi'i ye :tm! Eh r

iLil"J|lil3rr wplrntni i. IjKJthnil

fawn to Bk L'>pre?a

“ Vhl^.- .jl 1
C- eiLtdiU F‘»liilTJ

i LJ

^ £_ J|

jVwi u

n j3nn|
. 4r '^P-* - jfl

i j. X
it m — - a>
_ p
Aft J

r“ h


iR Jhi .« i., ;*

L - -

fZJ V -
y i jr *
MHt b
"V" —

r ‘
. -t a*P^ 7
f try il II J'

S22 The Nutiiifval ( *pi jj^rapl i is: M. i^a/Jnc

now only about 9? 5 men, women, and chib mid fi^brnnen. Itits^nn their fertile acres f« ir

dmi m Ihe Thrue an- the krely

^'n l in- critic- *>
riwuips W’iLli cmly n few hammuck;^ rich
mlerbr. il descwadurts ri some 1 50 irwkJinllA- pabugh for limited i«3irdei!ing. Thvy rx-
Ui* rs ^ho rpsbtfli every form of furcu dianged suhsUMial dwell iuers and storiT.i him 1

dnd |>tToia>iiiEi tn iniiM ihens w&i« Artur 1

kir sitmJl thatchcj c] phitfonns, building ] 111 nil;,

more Bum a hundred yeans of intermarriage as all, (mt suitable ] ljr ihdr n£MV limils They
;tii> ! alrmrtl uirui isr>Uiii>n from the rrtl ul the save up ihdr fine horses for rJu^oni f-anoef.

world. they stUl speak two *0 dif- From pm i;-[m-titi,! itiirens h British and
'Ait l t 1

fpreoi that them cannot wades Land

many of Spaal^h knew nm1 welcomei)* they Ijecainr
1hi'ir hluod 1'Mlhnv. Only idxml H tlm-l of fugitives, avoiding mid h.iun:: chf ftfnplt! who
them cunimajul enough Ss to get along ta iisul ti riu iirri iii>H tiethLyrd them and roUscd
m thi while man's vmrliJ
them everythin s!, bur m ctplbt; runaway

Three 'niinl Sint^ Gm'eramcsit rcM-rvii-

I Negws as sllie&»
and a Slat
1 i> iiir. re.-erve art A-idr in i-

Hurirhi for the Krtnionir. The sniiilliint, on Aihlrcv^ Jiiefcofi luvink"! Fkirtdn

which the Indian ii^cncy Is located, L* near The First SfraJm^t^ Wat was in»i rtully a
Duma, and eortshts of less Lbari (hric-tputrters. War at alk Andrew Jink -mi, provok^l by
id a square mile The Brighton Reservation, hr felt was interference En I’nltecl S bites
rmrfhuM Lake Okradiobifc* CJtCUpte* a
ul afbiiT^ by Indians and Spaniard^ invaded the
LriiuJMle fi uglily 10 mrU> cm each side*
1 The terriTon-r of Florida in I
,\nd destroverl a
G> ivemmcnt rEsmratldfl in Big Cypres* ant] number of SetnTctwle dlfanct about a 1‘hen,
ihe ailnsmini* State reservation lake tn sume year later Sf^un rfdi 1 -*
(midii U the Uni ir<l »

240 .si]XLare tntfes 1 map pop

£*’5 ;-
State-S fur shme S5.0DO.EX){].
Tbe Cow Trctk wbn speak a Seminole The Second, or "jirciiT Somlnolr Writ '


dialed of the Ctwk language, But on the ; uii.iber story. It Listed from IKA ^ b? fc
I fi42 fc

Brighton Reserved un and to he norih u(l I

took wTiie 3,000 llve^, mu I COSJ >30X100,0(3^

east of Late Cfteedlnbi.T. They constitute .V’early every regtni£iH *>f the Rei^ubr \rmy
si bom n third oi ihe nation and make their took pari. I .n-- i • 1 1 ^riiSur-. .imJ marljus him I

living by workfejt un farm- aiirl ranches. 50.000 volunteer troops and niiEidii Gppos
THk Mik .tMiki. who apeak an raritvJy cJl! - 1

n ;
i h(
m wi vr ll I n 1 Lit i
i thniJSLUid dctetmlned
ferent, live flOftlth 0 f Like i-kvetho- 1
Indian w.imnr-
Iji-iv In Rr-^T^don along tSie rami*
tbe ] huus. .
The VkSiT was full of astopjt^IiLJii! circum-
ami Trail, Jin in Bif (Cypress Swamp* Their* rj stances. In (he f^ll uf lUi Gen. Tlkirnas S.
are the commercial The women make jrsujj arrived ill Florida anil organized a
dolls arid eieTumes mtd do bead work lor Iremendrjus ;nnj]:ut:ii Tr rn. T t In- fuTd with i J

sale l |jjiLi?e 8J&), The »rvt mmuiiiirr

ttii-n S.300 trumps and went far -nuth intu Indian
wooden rnjmr*. s^hkids, and birds. They gar- territory
nmuihs rJmin accuunird Em tbrtft r

iSen for tbtm&elvfs un the hammocks, trap, fur ludizLtl itjjrnars klttfid and Frwer
hunt fish, ami guide hunting |«artb--r. hi «
than A hundred wuinen, nhiEdren and Sc-^m
gin^ ir an important industry the find a slaves capiiiftfil — Karri ly u rrmarkabh' rrcnriJ
ready niaikei in Miatni- fnr ."1 QLK. 1
tramps thrive tuimtlu in she si eld I
Tie linns tried a njundb -if !iw In-
IrnJian^ Vi ik«- Goad 1 l&v, vomehtr-
dians agreed l>' emij^rul.t Bu OkiiLhuTna un
Sume of the Indians work us I'd Mn-u- slattern Jesuits jKisniise thiit the) amid keep thdr
operators and truth drivers. Others pick skivefL Thirv linthiTCfl in targe numbers at
l-esi ns and Erantfto;^. Imrvfii potatoes* ami Flirt ll rut ike in Tamjxii. In embark Bui
punrh rriM'lr. _| t*H IIS’ 1
wt^knned and k?i its ^tave traders, whit
Vom as cm wTianil^-' Wylie
can't bent cm Luj|>ed to *e\zr Ibe tribe 5 Xe^rors as nm- .

Holland- fonimail on t bn; bjtf Sfult ram-lu said uway^ rr^rifk-ss of Ibeir true status: Bulk
Indians and Vet'' ''b djwtppcarcd nvernight

to me, The v 11 stay xvith the animals riahl


li-.i vmg empty ^hips anchored in Biiy.

through a hurricane.'
Florida ^ Indian* isave not always bvfn Then Jen tip irird a desperate plati^ — to
will I
The |R'riiMl of ihe BemLmxk ware iMs t!a» SeinirirdF Jn under a dan p| truce and
a retD'^nssrfiin, From agricuItun-rK nttd Shjt I lake them prisoner. He diiE this three tinier,
misers, held Xfi-ro -tLves in a bencvnlem
who netting almost 1 thousand prisontTs.
tenant-farmer status^ t htty bruune hunter? Thv war darned and dlvl nr I ftauntJ again.
f- Vvlldw l
ainP Si3 % ^ m V\ tirrlor + Whtiel I afe Dmtdes Fail-;
I n R^udy t\t> Die Mu* Billie It* I ^
Ri «] war fhui ni d^gnlTi* Ijl^ml . iftan umli-c sfcu pyee
Ecmhiule torE ia^E u =ii:fc man'* n! wand?c= the- *

trciirs “4 «t ^I4||KF [Wl!u of llKt'j wlitrd,

Ipdlrr *1 nuihl VdlftW, i Iff fditf of U'tiii.'il fL^lfijamlii Elle i?sL| Eli.

dtS-til, iVu-TAft* & hn n tui Ovid fib lil-cimfi will fiidit £pinlt of thr driirf lure thr oul pit: th* sittdjdnr tcoei
in Uu 12T1L- h Hrfi* Ji'-k biiiji- pdwitivn 1 he Mice uf il li.3‘.3, Shiiidri il Ii'm-.CI Usi rUsl, Ifrl: nun irj-»i

1/hM C&jU-ELe Iujeisht til UiJd lilltL 1

-Etli. anil hu *uul isurs Ws! by wi j -ttf the ft:d spoke.
O1 ^ -


1 rill i ftn ElmJ dcr Shi mil t

-4 Chicks Mi Fth
of I
j [ n I L 1 lr >

A Srflllflnlr' v |]J xiit iLriwn MJk

EHTlrf I hr flwmbm oi qm
tnntlhfJ- uinS f&llur, ujiTmi-Tsi.'d ckLS

iltrfiU ijut EtuLrriud rinir^tuura with

i hi
ij ku^bimib jmrj DJisprin.^ Sleep-
ing <
1 ujj ru:r ^ mm? y rid in unhkior
jlVilU? JILU3 LLTj'i |b hulh I'.’hL* L IjI fk-

hfiUa4! (pttgEf SJ n-s ’

7 I

Aitij i:>rj irSi ibr Serttisuk liivry

water-fritted tarnli tie ehrrUhjM no UruLur vishiLi 'slIl* 23 j Rfcfh&c

hnmt. fwiitlpt rnmrr niten H

s ihll LriNi oreu
panti al>n Firkin IhrffL i»tl luilld

-c tawiRrit
A iLtiTBn'iirnrr usually *ni:ke* hr-
irtk-n IriEtJi'work nf eyiwi'ii* ekhi-
I'iuE Jt iIlt i|jjtchcni; in mm
pm re killul in h r 'AiSfk. 1

Thu rtqfrt uii ftrijghtuti Jit-jtr-

YHltOJi |in.tlr, pilniEtJo troncb In

itlh juLt’i , Hu ml* ha- llmlclt Iti-sIi

fvury rtiiy, iln ^ 1

I he mutrfti) HUlit
in tntvti ind ht- lo

+ T1 k :

f roach arc broken ws-lU a

luqlL Ei 1 1 Ihlum's!! 3 j> iftntloai tu
ruatir IbalchM map sliifc w]]i
Ibf B*t Ui -li< il turn.
j 1 . 1 1 1 - ’


Fiprt ^iu r^E


R** \*4\
1 1 1

ihrri- vsr rt
me means and another more
iJii* were moved west, unlil

only at m ml ^00 left

^ " ^CAugoatlm
EoA-r l
ml the deepest reU - -.fs1
of th* 1

-warn pa, Thin tlir jiivt*rrntieni c

vV.t^t Palm
gj&vv up and dnidfd to lul them
i Lay. Roughly, it luirl i«^c a
white life and $10,000 for every 0
Irniian tmived m killed.
CjflVernrntTLl got n hatuf *&
I lie
j Fizu hi l in i Nr 'fifth Eowkuf
War3 Lliki.1 fti I- .vnl Billy was Htzj Oprrjiyi: lilH
.1 —
fight i'Jt£ rmitr
— one of the hit NuiTjnp
lirr enrkrs wfajrse l«fi>doits mi-
ni rr wisjf hidden under th* 1

pcuCeluJ tlijak of liushandnr* Miami r *l)


The lost of the Seminole chiefs 4*
i if j l" 1 1 1 lilt If giptdi and a :i
Ch iif qf AXm ic a -

hnimna imMi dn:p Big Cy- in i

press. In iJuramher af 3HS? a

parly of Army sniveyim who
were Lumped nciLr by decided Mb .-y w
Iq have some fim with him. _
£T.»Tl.l1 l MRIZ1
rimy lurr irp HJs timl
w backed down Ills h an. inn &GK£1 I
r r.niLVWfi

pkmE> to spc hrii*. i Mi I Hilly

would cut Up/' When he ftmic Sw&nljlH and Burr^i I lie Sfinim ikA RtiriiHi
to pmtc^l they pmsfifd ban
A hull o-f Ihir na hi in Sivin in\ HriKhkm ftirwrrv Him Thnuuh I

.iruLmrl and luujdH'd <lI lisi> mgr. yj|U axe nitki sc iLif Or thf Indians’ tatchrmr use ^itqc iniLcci- I :j 3

That night J tty LuMrfl mt the Uin LuRvmrfddd t'LinLj^. Hflui MlJLtbl ml IjftiiLf the TaUiLuiu TruiL
t k i

V- ml no it? Nalioti. He nUaekril

the swviyors camp jttsi before dayliuht. do it. Bui I cuuMp t help liking her. There
T'he liruteniint in eimn paint liiid several oi lii^ was nothing ptTsc> ubfiut in
r attLtude
meti wt'i'e <'*•: i untied. In wan I nir; she ju*i hutel nil whites.
twu years ilirtr wilb u di^ul-
Kur miKTr Uan As the thk-M tti;ii rnn in I lie Bird dan, ghe
iitry war of midiug ptertm on both liidcs, witls !uid tlif naming of all Ehe liubie* anti rvt ry
W'bLltfS Find lEkdiarj.'; LiJIi'd am! property de* n^mi- she: gsiw vfw- somt inti- a rfininder of
stroyi?d Finull.y tfur whites I ({ill peace dent f if the century -gone Seminole War.
i{ E Ji $ JQQ for each
fur B i fly B< m I

thitt her pKfsIt wsisuld always fEmeiTiber lo
id four Hi|lnJiicJ\, S50d ftir each ^rtiiaude w ar- hule the wluh -.

rfot. uthJ SI 00 fat each w-oman ?Fnil ihilil. On the hrst night of my fits! Crt?ch Corn.
risen the (ii^enssm-nt nin% ed 04 mure In- j
1 H&mtt the nitfl id ue man cave me a vacant
iJiiiits west, Tlit-jit lets. nbmiT l>0 lo ituirease platform lo ^Uyp mi, l"hf old mrrfher-in-bw
in ludavV **71), -r
had the next dtirkee.
I -It'jit fitfully, duzlng lei ill] the bare hnards
Vfo titer- in -III I* Hulcd AU Whitts
got too hurtl ami ihen shsndrttK u[> tu msc
Now that the <i]cl wans lltu fionIJy mccilimi my iNme^ And all nlchi lusic I was tonsdoos
In Indian ]iviiiri5 t thr Seminuh' Aie cha^^Ln^ ihaE i he kdefnl 1 1 i wuimiEi wlip ‘i% :i T L'h rjr i Fill

sigziin. Their mu lit ion u their rt'remunlH, from under her mur-Iin i-eil saTHijiy When
tJii'ir mysteries, guarded -ji uind Lilly Ijl iheir i by light Lie j_tj.ii lo I'Mii ie h\nv rjnntgh, ] tould
kolailGn. are dylnn as the Imii&os tfoiergc see Lbe edge nl Ihe csttiopy liil a couple of
Lijorf mid muiL’! irsLn llji LivtnvhelmirLLih white Inches and fed the impact uf that IniNfc nf
W^FrfrJ hatv,
OiiJy eli-tf old people tiling m Hit' (nifJi The Hle?o her -Mill h few minnto ]a!^r she [nit
la^l i lri--]i;a
1 1 f wui thr Miother-m-liiw on a show | shall to my djiiije flny
lit the < 1
riA 1
1 i.i i i

' i 1 1
; m.m Tlul ^.i- r t lAr;4_- full I Ll- I tl . hilt IcOg Ij(Tu I’C 5 lill rlsd_ 'J I ‘it

Mtiforl LLtinie for tnv. 1j<otuse ahe was in a ptJM- edge of hrr nuitipy liflpd anti her fine
lion to spike my gnus- -npiml she used to enieturcL She me a fierce glance u:d

WL^ . -ji , X 1




1 f If “i
X-Jllm '* A


i ffTL il^k.w

> ^ a j

ft 1 s\
»- JS
mt. *i


t Bp
| v ,

+ Vhfrknes Rite on tn E^r|I*£le* Isle

WHt ri IIh: SrnaiiHiv i i r> i sMlhtrod in HnndiL, Lht-y hkiili
IJ|.ii1:iJi5e,ll bfl ikin' !1 ^i :
gH_ i h’i l?V Im rpj.'ij i'ijI IlV 'vnitf wil -
dUr thn aiimptLi'l tlif pfanfcal^ pofritas- T«-ftln»TidHTi cb pi: k«c-f
I iiiticb fri ohLner pafrnt ttra [iukh iht r«u!h Cyfit^} r;-iftFr5
itfjrpdfl Moor itb-p irtt hir-h kti-p hi-rfc-tiNi amt
of the mud arid ftfttiHtr animali skT-pino: iH.m.'.stb.


* 4
W/- t Tr-'r t




^ Wofnen \\ agji TJi^bmn jntl C-urm

\ cmpi m the Open Air
Puj]j' miifcir Inditm* Hock ibrnr
i.i=t£ii ftarh.h Anil. lkrtftlM% wiEi.l, 'urkiv,
and drar tn em&q Ltas^‘wild hum -t

pEurtfi, I'uuivi-, mm kraut*, and Lht budi

of rjyhUa^c tvdh-n 1
« Tlicj
rai*t pie
iUSiL L'bJilkvUi UCIjj H'Uldv.-itk? WW. iWtfpt
pjldlti--. jicrm (I kiJLr. :in-1 umic cam:.
Choked hiiH.) b .dw^yi m-idJudile m
S™Jrittte mmi*. f^wlly wnrmti im^rr
na rrnrtrm-rsiib p<it uf juejiL jti-w him u.

fun ut lii^rti ItA Lrli'iS m sru.^. KiisstT t

wityc K-ifkE- hirm\ ns- ffffiv* Tnnp-
y-.-if.Wf-, j. L hi la grtlttt id tttifffs jftiti, liikts

the i'l.u-s 01 .Innktui: wittc A lull n?

Ll“I’. LiquU. ivjjjii il WUUdtEI I IL'iZL

iur dipping, i-- a permim-cpS iraturi: at Lbr

I LKi lbi. 1 1 1 ML>>|-

Hi-n'- Mr* AIJii'e! H-itrij +i!e[t *\*W l

Jil >Ll die Will niin id's EL Hi: 1 d^Tj^bL^I

Mnn wnihts piffis beinre- udn? tPmn
4 psrfke ill*.
i’uUiUtrrs mart ssitdtsry
1 Lilli. Ikr v, nit- W4D4tt « i uV -4 UrA.dll.nxj:

l£l>Ii i iljLct snli and: tdkawinje them u>

tfithrf di.Hl.

4va s. «lk hard Mfi-liif ifid prcrtJf

411 1
jmhi’aiii' com (nr ol
• u n 1
i Li I f ili tin : cmjkhmtic.
4‘ \4JLkdiMJ Dft>igjrh.i lili
«4 'Ib4
h o 1

[Iii'n looked around the rtunp. Them will

not ft mnvcmiijl.. The iikktfe* stood out stark i.

iiiid still—solid with bod riinfipfe, Id tbr

CdOfchtH slu rr the II® wort' coki and the 3 1

fire was whiff lusti-rs-

She djiippcd the canopy* and at >k and

fjfHuwH -lie ili'r'-snl. [‘hem an arm .©ivtiil^
it back uirr her head a fid dn ip|H?d it behind

h£r. and swung kr Fen to Ihv jjrnumL I

Mu reached to iht rlittit and Lwilthed a 5trin!4.

Mini tn the left r and her bed cHtinpy rlfnf||d.

^he mlM (t up and stuck it in (In miter* 1


i am b p A u Like n *i in Fi 1 t N tmi
( c ti *

The iih! krl.v tottered over to I hr r\r%l

r kee and jthook fhe mnopy of the vbmnn


there t hru she went to tin? nrjft tilltl the r

m*3 t_ and tbn noxF skiLii ... every woman in

the can»| That woke the men stKn.
' awake.
By the time abr reached the Last cbirlo-r
every Lied rant-i >; was aunt from the first and
it c
*! *n t. vvenr about their mmrnfriji liisk^

Drill Catbil hi Bi'4 Cypress i* Laundry' jyrsd Baihiub
Mm her ivLII dri bw rfoifttti m (he u'ir r Jlhelv

+ \lio >Sti u .-mitt. lVfcii livrs nn Bri^ticmi Ki er-

vslfcttru oxLl hr? tjsby In i* biidi-luiVL-L iuumuuck.

TTUkinJ U. Vultit ifIhIi' »h<I ilw i i" IV^.i,

.V«1iunhl ipKirrhi.i'ii Mlf

1 •>$. L I^M
5/ 1 1

1 . |

\ fire \\Ai-. going ::t the cooking shuck I n five 8 E rand: if wuh the only one hv knew of that
mSmtte from the lime that >1 rung- willed old was large eiLuLudi for a canoe,
; ,U t phQtng-

woman awakened* itic tump irj fill! op- napher’s tirgintr. 1’tiLirl - '- In pul hn n-k
uratmTi* to work miLv mi ifr
Today rlwnpr - appnftmt ih every facet erf «
Thf lm wii> h;nd -I otti of the awatnp to
Seitiinulfi lift. The dujiuijt iiin<K?, for ir^tufc*, rhat'Eirs and theft
L'anifj Ivufurt the peering

w;i± mice almost j trademark uf these Florida cm? of Mr. FulverV ejaarra, the old ouiei
Indians, Sow few dugout# ply the Kyef- slowly shaped otic last canoe UJZ-83 \ 1

the white whit's nir boat in PuHti-r Ijiter, Mfi Culver arranged to have the

ami it takes
[irt.L' 1

’fi35) In- mount dunum shipped tn Wa^hinittiUi. D- < - It
an old Ford enu^ne above u shallow -draft W3i: lining. thr National Ck3 eiLr niphic Stalely
? k!oiV limit it does tn ba nth carve (pteful thought that Ihjb ji.nTifukr Srminrile f.tJioe

canoe Bern the trunk of a giant cypress, should find a permanent rest me; place in l he
t inly n\u- Semiltolr re-iatm tht 1
drill hi .shape dlittion i«f the MuiilLMiiu.Ltj Institution, an a
,l kig into a -timHrth ksvealy balanced. IkmiI* reminder of the tradfi Tima! --kill of a ehatiyinp
\\t\m i| Ha u- ly . hi> name 3 h 'C Imrl i r L pcojjfr;.

As Rational Gei^nLphic photogrtipber Wt 5

Bows :iri J .\ rrmvs Rarely l $cd
Siii'il K. utver and tnivr'lni I
I Ihe
£ l;ii]r> m -i-arch «if QhiJ^raiutns for the- nrli- Fxitjii lur tbr Ih'jVbl thr Semmnk lmlin.n-

de. thr foeJW i-rirvi in Mtir inind- iliat tin- art have seldom usi^l hoWf and armw^. En the
uf 1. jjh>. bullditiL am-uiL iht Setmiiofe ^boidd Srnuiiuli- War arriswi? were 'itcrt -tonally fr~

not diiapptar —aa it miM when 9tFyear-old sorted to when surprise was an element and
( tint lie dies— urithoul a rttford -if it* [As-Hnifr a rifle shflt would have wnrn^l th: -i.crm
Mr < nivrr bud Et-.irtied from a former Bul ior hr iiiosi pjm the Indian warrior i>t

medicine wan thal 1 ui^ini cypress lug Lay a omliJiy aj^o had t h* lun^, ixa urate riite of
In thr water of Lurd Can the frontiersman —a far better arm Ibnn tht

9 t, /
v \ A Mai nm Hmd* 11 cr lluir
ini' Bnind4)rj^ i ;i

Ey^fh&dltnl [bt
* t^.uklrt^ Lnti' Use tisfcr : .rvr *T \na
fed. SiwJk Ffurll I'vmlw too*; holt
li| f fi ni i
| iit IHtV* iflmnlhi^ II 43V1T
liafT ami t 3 P| il into 4 ilnn^h-Ptf
jmn-v-tilL 3i. Ian bjj Lk>> a ljnUii m*t1
irannr cttvrrfcj with bin ok ckilb..

Ltiwti left: The Frame Jij- LKiJtt

til'll nil i/ft \hr fotrlu'jjtl, iLfawiiu: lEuf

haJj I** ilfr>Fi a*?im I
he irvfr J



l^jR- «


J , I


Gla^bead Xccilacc
llii* Mon; SdiTuh
Orm A imrn n
rpff ,- rnjllS ai J?
[m !•) 1
1 1 ulf beiffa ;i ;
- n ml ;
n i-
Tcniav a mnR"riuhk wriuht
b in votme WWhjWp \*hu niinrpvr
II in IJii 1 1 riaiEULiui |mt }r

away duiinn m-jiuminir and I Urvu

hiiir Eli j-IttaSte I^ukt

Sin hr Ftwrll fh- i-i on shr 3lie Cy*

Ni[5»Wl J«<TI r-hlT I^VlT

e , — '

Florida's '’WiW '
liidiaiis* tlic S31

sninoflihore niiM-:kt!t5 Used by miiiiy of 3 Tic trilled u] i ini! tJj-'ked in the rafters ihitimi;
Army fcgulurri. the day. The ranr>py hung between , *iiplitip&,
T'.rfkv iht Indian ml U5£> chi- whiU* nuin's nuiks a gi h ?i sbelker «m a bunting trifi


rifle and shut^nn. ai- well as his pits ^nij p.idf, units it min’ A.irdinu • ifv dvs\ ami fmplng
cloth, Im^icEs, as fee kt:? r a cen-
iujiJ cutlery, f * i
j li i
ttiosiqul toes j m 1 1 -s . md illee..

tury and a kdf. And he Ji.i$ m uttn some I he center of vamp is the couking shact
In I

cj the white man's gndgrj> tin- sewing nia- — — a thatched voni nvrr The fanitms star fire.
cMne. the ph^imcraph, and l hr aitiumciliile., rbnE fire s a mafy^l <rf efficiency, Three to

Neuiiy even wuroon hfte a haiiijH^-i^tal five teng I

oe:s urc butted Inffcther and ^hnved
Meigrr on tvhkh sht* the Enirican pievp* i ji ifl they burn. on the Ctkd purl
work uf the modem Si :i ii-olr drrss (pa^e ut a 1 ml- in.! the | rt-L£ :
oci the burning ends,
l wuimd portable
tudi LLimp hjs . hnr-r|

phonograph and a love for till] hilly mmfc: .V hither U idurv in S^niini >1 v Fiifflilias
;mr| fnda mail in the camp has some sort of Beatpae their social m h matriarchy,
car. The Seminole in's tovttmfa vEsitiars 1

the fnmily group of a Seminole vilbpc condsbt

fliriong tlionwkts, wbfch tusn that ihr mry of the maUkrdi beraell—a mature
have to he pmcticitlK nmphiltiouis —
wiwnan and her hi^bafid, of a different cbn„
hut tn mt the most si^nJiicanl change i
- in of *mrse_ '
Hif unmurTled il.oij^htrrs aoij -nn-
the rallies used fit tbto Greets (!cra Iniuce- un- riirec. and tSu- married dau4htiT> whJi
These be madt- i-F iofloisn stictk The their husband- nnd childhCDL Use mairinl
vvi.iusc-aj, who wrrfr 12 t«» 16 on each lejj_ jerked 5cin_- If vc with their wivis Familieit, .

them with :l rhythm that u;i vt csritace to The claif tank', (ore must In Sf-minnlc affair
the fknee. B ii t fhlmiiy uf fairulies ? and tmr tray not
Hie miiHern suhstfttitr tpyes a cleaner in- marry a mc-mln rrf Ms or her uwtt clan. ChiJ
sight into the changing
Seminole character drcri lake the clan of ihcir mother. The CtfW
than a thousand words, Etll penal rd ml Ek tain, reeks have nvir, Bird, Tiger,
( Deer. Utlli
pierced with uail hute anil mljiniiig a few and hnalai,
Bird, The Mfkasukl hji ^'e ten:
beads or hard seeds, haw almost repine cd the thp prlodpitl ones an- Tij’irr, Birri, CHttr.
dir IK ‘he remoter though completely devoid
Wind, Snake, atul VVoIL
of nJamrmr. is much mnre efki'Hve. MFiLihojiv'. whose aiiw mi.'atis

bead chief.
The nnw randy make- iluur of the
ruled the miire) (Jurim; the early purl of the
Ohoniii- n H it i.i r the gru«tibrici\ They buy Secr«itJ Seminole Wai, fjm a chief is ,,nly
since brfcad or the while man s flour, and beef for an emer^encj in war when nuLhnrity

is mote OMrrrmoH than vt'r: i--^ ;ri In the Seminole huuld not be dlvideel. Sim e ihen icich irroup
camp Enduy* Surplus meat i.- ured for future has been i;.) vernal by its older men.
m-o b> s&lEim* myj sun-drying 8263, fjsapr For denlirtti w-ith the I'm led State fjawettt-
or In cutting off the fat, ninnim* cubes of it ii '-nt. however, n more or
less arbitrary ccauj-
onto a palmetto -prat .and niasiinu it tmnl fil hu> lirfiu :-rl lift with r^utxntatim
and fJrv When they are ready to use the all four reservations. Thij ItfinKs in the
mcas they took Ji with rfcp anti tomato "J Cliristmn Indians who are dlutcrairiiged from
serve h with a diih of hul grease in -which tahing [nn in the ancient rites of tin- tribe.
to dip It ami make it a little? tastier, must of the sbnumh nld-iimers, who
live oiT reser\"iti..n> and stflj ntgartj the
t J 1

.Vo/V. # r Still Qticttdio* lnJismn" Thinit

t.iarmraenf and nil Ms Works with suspicion
They buy heir grits at Ihe store
equally I refuse tn b.tve aaythlnj* u« do with thi- Cinv-
rather thou make them nf corn bn-ftefl with emment coundl. They Insist that, never
wnnd ashes. Btlt the poE nf soft r£ w a thin kn eiiiLi surrc-ndered ami never havttur >inned
gruel of grlt-i is still jIw:u> iivailaljlr. \tiij a treaty with tiie whites shur their war, the
when they -irr thirsty ttw Strmlenk -till inn Sr ruin’ 'le are an ihdef tern tent nation, .-n til led
bilie it from the common, carved- wond :-.i;kec tu terrUnry edven them lon^ at!u in eschaiifie
sp* Min for the hinds the took awav. Govern m n -

The Indians live in bruises vritho walls |E They have their nwn •erunil council, com.
and wfih fl-imr- ralwl Abnui (Wo feet. Flarti pjsfil nf fhi tribal gfoop councils, Uriel a
member of the family ha,!- a bed canopy of formal ronititutiini in which ib«r ttarStiona)
unblcLicbcd muslin, about ihree by si\ feet, form uf government has at lust been put into
which i* hunc f risen the raftrrs at niftht and written form.
1 .

* #
O ja mi

- ii ’’P* .
* ' *.' - .
r 1 "" •« '*’•#' “»
* %
£ » i f «•

. it


’ 7 .r*





Cjieo** Muktr CTtrarlw Cypr^i « _ •

I« furitn'c ifjiii i hr ^min^k travririJ

ftp loot, OP 1 1 1 ij-'ii-h ji i:Sc mid hy cnntf
fit giu-Lu'iJ -knurr foti tin;- 1> im |:h
a^iallit S«b luinl Imriime uJI-lfiapprlimi
^fts-hlrNrurl ItitITi pliftrft i \ |irtm, l&m
iJii i-li t* duett proved li'alirru’oi-tlsv
3 1
1 1 i,in-s Irjxik lErenl Cd s:;l Flrjij ipj ii'ij lyiEh

mJIM inil -all. -iiriL„ if-nlui-cd tr> Cufrj

LllET H;lhn.[LiJh. Iii h!i;i |]l !
ypan. tlir

auipmuljtl? and air hunt hfli-£ ail hut rt

plisrt'i! tils' • jKiiic-

Semtnuk 3 »uat ^ rUchl Ontrlic C^un-w

irnudii- jittivi- \vt flj yran Kt ui.rcj in
nmJii uhl lj>t cttftup h» ih* \'* 1 1 *•
^cru.-mAJiTM; MapuIJm Cwultf pi^KrVt! n
[Utljlifll f. •
liTli !? a TSTi nUh i»i|T i.l^jlj

Ttic EhIj-HimJ ducout uli* n^yi In 1


ip 1 Jvi N.i Mtiwnm u I

ttir SmJlii-
-'riUm Irottacitluiit lYittfiiEt|£Emi It. C_
. , r OtUdrvn a l^adi n# Af I

UpJBt Ir'E I Ol.nrtilf Id. ^SijhL-il till tbDfll

ffDTTi n ctftlwHri-fiild MM ^yjafrw tltul

idi ablest 1-5 irat* iLftii Tvitti Ini hi hr it

I rim I'hr lirtnchr^ TirfMtt dir 'iuh£

la LTaar Lid:- ramp uh LJlr Mi u: i~ y|Tr*«

Liiu'iT Scee~ Oairtk. in SejninuEc him:
Uibi djjit tt-blLe nmn\ vimI . -liapt* k bir

«*Lt 1 J>.ll' lln^riFEI DL'ictl Eli' U.3,

\btivi- Vj* in 1 1 J ri«1 I Eh: JinJi-u rnufih

•jul 5 hr raised pftrt* H-t* e3true*l Nir

cainw“= fimctffiaT lihc-r wftbiHJl ibc uh- fll"

i |rv*| nr n-rfarF rim: imi^r-mrnt! L'liar&jr wwp wUt the

ecntflf with tir&aiL hcrrt stgQftE*
-+ r ii- uihJLr pJ-LJ- fruit- lii i iji Iti >:fr

Uhhtliflc I Iul k Nl~,m i> 2 thi I i I . Hi •.. Lffit •

-inwlv, givijsf ih* iijifi -ij .vond timi no

<« TliiJiiiiiil iT-p^rL;-!. hi« i'|
p 1

g u Tin- National G^bgruplik

To rugged okMiuiers* theannual rine ha.-v Mir mul \v\\ Liculai p&w rrs P

Green Cum I jjincr and io aiUtm^trt rlus, piece of swEnt-bih sCune Ih.U makes their
.^nil'll Jit ihi very heart of 1 derenii.inlal ‘
Turkish baihs effectft-e as lnr.m jls it : T Liys
and! authority, the il.imc takes place on n alive.
s“iL-]d of three Or fnur ncrfr iti as fctaccesasble Fa krt'p life iti (he mcdicin' imA i
a jrflicit as the medicine mnu can fmrl 1 Ik 1 he: In d Loire well is iht 1
m^sn purEM^st of the
dale mim nk- with the new moon bite ill Green 1'o-sn Diinee,
June or curb in JmI y t
when the icrcm rom If no Giwn Vbm IMftCe for Mirim f3t four
No tfpecULjra are mintHl, but guod n
rijra. yettl Sam jonds, tkiw C’n^'k MM-' In nr nun, :

friend ^ ar i- tu teated -excc pt on c . m rl d;ij .,

told tfip. all tlir mt-dteine die -and then tm-
The festhritiefc Inst five days. bmI an Indian more Indian^"
ca o nu I i l:j LL' fciE] ] ri good standing ->J t er miss! ng .Much of the medlcme for use in war.,

two Green Com DfUiees fa ^uct^ikin urk-- Jcede Bilk .i fotmer medli iitc man from Big
hr- through Li -ijMiciztl uMirw: rd (reatfitEttl i
yprehs. ^ivl- nu a 1
giKHj exaEiuile of thK
by the mud it inti men.
When min be Kiid rtart Cmnln$t* r

nln.u hit tree go ruuncl anti round and in

Women liar red (turn flirt I hm*u e,t jii rid
1 lid ums d U it out.
\\ li Ete si l>i ie tran

in [he center of a 4Q4i,ut circle snulifrR

sr (hr-»uu h it. That's medfeine. Cull it r

On the weM bide, faring cast.

niumfrr llullet /
sin. il Lifted fire*

the cAflilu the big fami<c :

ihe "Wh^l does it do?" I hf^krti

place .where the men sit. Nu woruon tuny "Use 1

[Jiiii in war.' Jc*sie iaid. HnVe that:

filler lL
go in swianp: whiii uhllatf ouii came: cun c

In the Loursc of the two days of the first

nee 'em ,
don t know they there."

Green Cum Dance. ihe. grounds nrt put in Tllrii whid Nlt Indians fall n
l iii" e re Is j

<jf the left-hiuni horn of the mythical snake

shape -slid there Ls much vteithijg* Kuch night
there is a baO game .t round a 5 Q- foot sap-
klsiL: Thr niLhl-haruI born, they toy would
ling rui tin- diiJine ground The uhjw t m i
have been more powerful, but the f radian*
hd (he ?]i with a deerskin ball Wlwfl
n hi id not iiet that. By holding this in their

darkness temrc. She fire is built up and ibe h:inds and singing a old -time brniu- 1

Indians ffnjqy their iirn. dances, Ufcc the tuned doer into tthc*dlng runKP. ThU rniHiicinr
Alligator Dunce or ibo i neftsh Dance, until is dead now,
dbo-lK pine n clpck
Misdieirc ilundle Bmuithl from the East
Tht third day i< jilcak flay. The medidntr
man provides u pair of href cattle, whhh he On court day,, is snn m us he ha^ bathed uud
slaughters and dwtnbnta himself. All day Mm if his morning prayer the mnlidnE 1

long the women cook and bring food down w.ilk- s tntight in the f-iLsi unill be disappears

in the bin house- And all day bmu the nmn in thL distarKt.
hen he rdipficar Mstot? linn 1

sluET Ehemselv^ ll* prq uifctfon for the 30- liiter. lir Ills flu. medicine Lunelle in Ms arms.

huur Licirins ni midnight- At the d.uL'c iLT'iumJ heu[>eflS it and examines
The court day.
next dayThis- re the is each urce of its h.'naiteiiL-, ret>ing the buck
only time in the year when (he mr-ilui»n-
_ tf
skin pai^uris atirl smetimfs LriinsferrEttg iht
die b not brihkn. the day when all visitors medicine to nimlher skin, W&fift he Mj<
except Indians are rtchakd. checkptl finch itrm he gathers tie le^ uf ihr

II is dEGirult to fcipialh Che medicine him- dwhkitt a bsskrl form and hanps it on
die It is a collection of 601]! nt 700 ,
i J$sjecla a F-'ukc driven mtir the ^Tuimd ahnu t .iCt feet
picoeg 6f ami the like ordi-
bum, stone^ In ihe unrtheast of the dunce circle

nary rILULiuh I** look Jll. but tag rs- Meantiine under tbr dirtddon uf t EticcU- fcic^ piwacs to th^ eyes of shu- I ridbn--. ciur man' asai-vtaiil, tbfr morn in g “Ishiek

J object is doite up in a little buckskin drink- .srt- hr e wed. These powerful emetics
packet and dwi with a lnick^kin Thonii The are downed a? the linit step m the pari Gcul ion
paekeLs are fuldrd in u deerskin witli the ceremonies, fine is made from crushed tubers
hair :-ii k uiit. Eimking a flat package about of the LnUnfcji simbff ficn „ Eryt\$mm synckae-
hoc by Swin anti uj int'.hes thick* iMMt thr other h a culd mfLssion of the Inner
The medirinev Ihc Ml™ tKdii^'f, was - i u il. 1
;'r.i Gju : : F‘:.i\i!> . : ri

.CLven Sima I v r iud and ull limes everyliiiog


. blown into ibe IjitlcT Throiiizh i hi-1lnv. reed

necessary for their rlmmI. Tr? tlu"m (bt* mi'iJk fOfltinwerf (>n fiigr - jv J
f fl T
L 7'
- '-
if ^A 1 » 1

Niillllllkl IS pp 1 ! Li. ill. I > 3>:lr!Lir

+ Cirti huy S.iv Amcfitap Etii) 5

4 *
. \ Jv -on Vf
J I aJi,.i 1. 1 r ItniLt

Shirts Bs.'-peok. th%t Si'ininafe Tndiiuu Will WrkTMt-e h fnr

finuhLon TUhrrv ariim yciutustfr^ jirJ-L-h tm 11 i:<HrnI A<|nai K filafiH hi|i|ntirt Jn^iinsl Jta skEnt, lilts |ir^|:*;l-
nil GMVi.TPiiu!nl uiij ,>{(LTt(td lift iriE/c'a hiifij in tin 1 Eep-drivcri rrall >kbuA Lilruii^ thv jIj 4jc* a I ip n.i

IV.vtlY Xuw y$ lauiJJii wri l.i.wq bftuJ HI itrih’i m hrnir 1 wn ihrli c< w^ler wi 1 1 Anvt El

4. Alb
f>‘ 1

. A Wi
* 'l
b™ L __J
\ 4
I r * 0

— .
.** _ '
i 1 t H

* Sewn** ffcA'iSO* Turn Sir

icil'ir 3 )Lumi?itdr amJ lUin^oiv's
AlwiPj-jk tn oiiif fiwjdfiuL ityfi, Llie

Srininuk Wur SnHbn wnmirn reduced

l-i'd J

In ruts, tehlrh llw.V iraln nurmr nl

hfcc criLiy quHis let iiuih, Liu wuehmji fu*

if^ro] LfiiL'iiLtn eujiV plaiji iltamr* nl

cftHi’o buu^hi rnjtfi Ltiuk-Ti 4iiiJ Ljut 4|j-

Jifrltkd I hrrl 1
hh ifmpln FlnfaOt^ Toflnrj

fjribrjmtr pdlrhwnfk ri^iumie-s did n«t ap-

|t<uir ualJ ibe
To mate tkirt khe thne., ,1 -iiamsi rtn
nlkcjlo ! Llr.f L-iJil; t14tl rm lijirnj .->(

rUrtctTlil ( ei-T tL-ftid-hi. Thrli iihn ^,‘lJtj

ibis cfetii suxfpi «h i hr (h TiK-hilku-

Iat eh nl ah a liith:- H'ArfArujjctt ibt?

3 JI .I
wwttt-j LhrPn. Shi nmy repent the
iLK'tm und iimin until LompN-
ofcl^l deaktstt rtftrttto UtEl -
1 1 Irondta uni
liiLra^ Tli^ftt itnp=. ,irtrmatir*u v^ith
u-iHil cni’k'ri nipilit- up thf tilfiutt nj tkirt
In rcccni veoJa Srrmiude cusluines hai'c
uLLnictri't while liuyfo.
Urn- wumen ic* Uif ’--list dio RfL^h- > >11

Reteri?At±aii_ They -f± Jill to S_'0 \\u a

ikirr, rk|H.Eiilin^ un ivhtF.h^r n a- -a jyvi or
etL'EiiJXE kiiPth E’ 3 J a t l lI 1 - d kEa1 -r .!nlt- m
^minuTr iSrr-> L‘HEi«t- frriTH ^ nL r iti

I 50* flfeofiSiua ii> #Ue,

Nfini) u-ir’ii-y Sbtnhl^ie n^rn-in mwti.^ j.

fi-LJD'hi'j nrfd-ud maw in e rtuxtiiae.

+ CaS Si, i'iiI mi/c-S Dhj4+
Which Wntclw* Hr«y +
W ll" BiCJi HidlllikC' I'lll . I k.4." F*

Pttsrf- -'jtti bvwr Id &:inEn.idc-

the wymitei i- Im'aeS cm the Jiki^LK 1
, She
Outfits n?rnl nj (hr jrfnfHtftV [tmfrtib
\bv jfHmo, Wlii'li h ftu‘ih tnairks.
Etn> II 11 I Ivf rt'ilh kb hkiff'i fifrtpifl

Lilia n hil iiiT. 1

Sl'hiIdmU- 1j \s t
I he mn1t'--r anil her
In in u'b'bralC'tl cawr in 1^55. u. wld
ttW£ r
i- mijlIiff-ln-Lii,^ Iintlcrt'^h to rah*
livr childrim-
iif FEisulbiii (tadilbti.

liw lallor Eiinal 4 laiyyci Anri Mlfi'^iii m* I

iHurt arlNin f*nl Irius lILi! 1 h 1 IrilinE

ekkn Imui (it whit min'i cusiom iitd

IP-y? she ftpijK to- ihrlr tpriflwff,

HlI . the wile >>L LiiliUr liaLi * 1

!ij.I r

Cyprofi lyenvcs u ac\Y r>f tabbu^f pit-

meUd irondi lo lift irm.

“fr W i'
1 1 1 v \ fr 1
I i-lil tn nil] l imi- rir^l
and distinct Ere t nun rum- aiOEll hit rlriiih

Ln%* yew* pifcasl Ibt: Wtypar inaft

*' 'Ul|*r#: UtaUTHlUl? SiWlUT
P %
JK -jl


LnaHI - ?' li 1


*tU»nM Ortitii4±lr fci-Lnff SJH

\V orntn Catdb Snfi|RT friym u hishint! Hok ift TSltdf Btuzi urd
fc™inuli- 4ppKetil£ even ths mud fish m dMafftfd |rv white mvn. Cuffed "Imfty fiaV* e1m idhUl s tiniled Anil
m4.tb«i i \m\[i im tif ErpI hiIJiI k j4 oi
,r inpijiixts-.
1 1 .

I lori Jft’tt "Wald' Indians liter Seminole sap

About tit rein feet loin;. wound .it inU-rvab lit Jotm Billy, a 30-year ->1(1 Mika?iifcf,
with three strips of red cloth.. hud I ’Li*n for several years -m rflithw and
Th*'T\ Line lnuys are scratched "1 m purify had made on attempt to be: rehabilitated
Ihi- bloodmurt undergo iK-i- Every mix]?. Twice tic- war n reused hy I'cHrrn lorlUms nf
njki ration before he can eat imjw nr on the havitig Ntahhxl and killird in drunken brawl'
final mr>ming. Is is clone with nmlh, Both vU wen- imimtiCfs of the finer ddn.

™l rjf w Inch Atr thrust ihrungh a VMiudcn Emh time, At ih'.' folhwinn cireen Cufh
blui-'k hi .1 In: !:

". cjiiill. Dance, he wiii fmtnd guilty and mi Hawed,

proper senurhing: CnnuSsts of two Jong
stroke^ mi iht putrid* of the upper atm awl Tribal JtiUicc l'nkv» Chmrie
two in tfi-tf iasfdfr and Lit-e ruimir on tin* iflffN
Jghr Billy - time run mil whvn vnm\ sp^eml
Atm Lwo on tin- Irnnl mu] buJtl, of t-ach ihmh thuit he iiad v
L |irrgnani woman m\
and -amr Dit each lower Il'v. Iwca duo
Uw 1
UAMpjdy ihut she was —!*ai( (n the hoSfiitil
si rote mi each brrciAl am two on each side I
'fhc patience nl the TiHers was exhausted
nr the luck. Blood follows every ilroki hut 1
Thr older mvti met and decided that Jnhn
aii-nc-riL lly docs not rim, and Hit" -cabs til! tv must die .+ 1

<VVmrv ;
makina .1 mark that stays for several fhe duty nf kilni^ him Fell tn the nldt^t
weeks, « uriuLLsIy, 1 have tie vet known. un reiiin *i-f Eh* Ti:.
r 1 Liu Jnlin fi--* 1 wl\ VS yuar-i
Infix t son 1o develop Fripm ihh ritual. tfcld anil jsii almost tielpless cripkf>Ic.

R jIj n
John s son Bil]> iltuve ihv old mm oui in
i t: * Stji'Litehis J i l.iirtle Rie"
Big *
‘ypwss, where hr Enid i ’si feTu 1 'y Tiger,
I he smaller buys and the boy h.ihics are the mtrciidne man, nf 1 hi- rim r> demlnn.L

scratched the morning of mrt day, so bai t 1 Approving the rn is brine man gave John fKnrw;
they tan cal. the long fet hiring CDWMik'fwl spcll-lurt'iklnu tobacco (n .^muke when he ha«[
much With thr iwy om Thtu it was Ik -
out the semencir. 1

1 • !•• > fur tlwtt, little i..irrij?d

the scratch! nj? i.H merely a lolccn lieved^ would guurd him frnm insanity, which
>cmLi:h 'em a iiitle hit/ Sam jrme?T jii-4
* 1 j
1 ] "h i^l"4 I
in nrfiult frnm committing even
the Cow freek medicine nun said In mv. justifiable hi-micith 1 itig a nmrkr lightly on the lnu k Billy ('IsceftLi druvr 111- father [ii the back
uf his hand Boys of rix Jind uhlcr, httlircwtt. guEu r.i f 1b> dxmfi icrciid ramp Where J-"Titi Billy

I'lnlurr ihtt same scratch! us the inert, Ilii'I Lik^ES Ftrrsace, went l^sde and summrured
Ac noon comi rs thr ewnl puhliriard the ml prii The nltl man rMml>rd \n in fully
1 1
1 1 must fascination to Ihc Indians white 1 iut nl lb ir h rated litptsdf ao.ain.'Ht it, :n d

nri^bors—i'lUEil fhc civile os nldfcr men sijw th.qi uim Mpil Jii-

Ejik^ !
ii - place Id she Inn house and rveryntie John Billy, knowing perfectly what was in
ivtlu h.r- tnmsgrcfttfll tribal la.iS iti the frfe- filin' for ii Ti .ltmi "iif "f tJw- tamp, walked 1

cedinc year is bmiiuht. before it mtd tried, slraight up the cripp f^ed uld man nnd lnp>k
ft r Hi a t tbfr rime also that mutters nf general the ahnf-giin fniul fn his chest at ^uch ckise
interest sire rtbrus-j-d -ittrl the \m\ky rtf She range thaE his dnihinii w ii^ hunu^l, r

group h rlclmni fieri. Thr Imlfiim left tlic budv thert; rm Indian —
Visitors frniii the other groups are usually n s" 1- u h ii —and drovr
s 1 1
in- uld man ti;*ck r

present: Lhiry brine np musters their pmplc arr to h bt rkLOiji. There he sat in his chirkec
intrrrdcil in and take part in the rtkcussJnji*. srnnltipg ]\w -sn n'. I lolmn-ft and tecHWiU bnin 1

Hus make* for urrih ihnm^hmis Ihr Enhr Uri l nbiiii'ti uift_- Ehai sJteiwed their upprovnl

Hie SemiiMfr thixtry of rime u- e.sernplt- 1

nf whdl hr h:id done-
fieri nil court day pn>uiTrtat iilirdii'in e 1 1. 1 Tin- o in u ut > verd ice was just i fin hie ho rn 1

\o the In 'A she price one pays tor the privi- i


lege of belmiLiing to n sodcl^ imd a own

OEd InJiim Hold*- Butk do Oouib 1

who violntr-. ! Jit


by t- actfnEi HLiLiin-r hi- mvai

kcjijtI jmd thrrefEirr must hr hue of his trtbsl. Ijifg on i hr :iftrmotm uj one i.iurt day 1

Lest hr infixi fathers In i - outkiweil and b'W \’ ain?. huuw rain cluuds and lighl

furlikkh'ti t*> tukr part in teiluiI Hv n imi pliiyrdon Lht horboiL 1
i inly the sky
am again take his pkicr mrmlwr 11 f 1S11- above us wn? nrln lively clttr« It kwkrrl trs

group only if he vinltmiarfly ]Hit3 hinL^'lf wr \wr\r In foF

i f drencher. ji

In in Eht 1
hand-i of the medicine snHti hir I- Et injittg to rain?' I asked tin* medldim
rdrnliihtaimn. man-
i 1 > S l J, .i I o

Flic X.uujji.lI (j fot^t i pf ic i

llu lrta>knl the hmm> ^vet ddibefalely Yn\i bettd* join in this tirat" Joe said.

iiml Ms bend. shook kiiog lo sLirt ijiccn Com I>ance novv

-\<hhk" h* s&h|* **Cfld tedtnii N in' up 51 l [bought riirre w li tliL ^galnsi hedu
there smokin' and push in' rlntlds htuk. Wnn't iiuig the Urt'en CihrEi LhLmr iK'fiUi- miiJniKhl-
fct i! raid f iii i itu-en ( «-nn I Kun t- but 1 iiljtfljrtitly jolnni tin- mnL
Acid sure i.

r.' High - H Aidn'i.

—just .t iiiibl Wf huppiij a round the ring on one foot
[Irty./.lr yrm could hardly feel. Und then .in mud nn The other fk'inu office-
liui d(ere Iillvi: Ih'im r mies when the old I n 5nlt 1 was :s«kTn windr'ih 3 dnij^pni nut of the
d hove gone to $1^ bttitiif?
i:iei riu^t I line -i nil -.I'-rid pmitinu hy the big hfUiut \
-evn -anti fell— rrr-ci m «d ruin hr I hi' Cltreti 1 i tfir p,'dd any nlieuUim to nut, zltieI the dance
i urn Lhince. <ini" (.hr vtruMmy ecCUite at *.bo l emled shurtlv
.iI Clt (.hu I,

ln-L'ii riii. Ml i]k' rainy itsison A yeor biiei rfairHe Micco .-.
wife tnlil me
VihiL L hzEffl hup^Kiirtfa Ii'r rrally lite
Pin! Ihnfi * Enliven Pinal 1
Urn-n t urn Itaoce, sbtf evpi tinned the In-

As iwiliiihr approaches, the nuYlicinc man dians were havtog a jifke 4t rny
They vmnteJ set* how !tmg I would
and 3ifa ^§iaHE prepate their pl-icv nn ihtr n.!

fiiit -tirfi: of l hr diourcirtde A fire fa liuhh d Li-fc Tkit p,ir(ii uto dujive Itrcs pnol^ly
tu-sth ilini and from the mini trine bundle Liken it' place now :il one with £ht' ( 'hfckcn
Amiiher L>Li:k drink, the big put/' fa put Ihmix eh the ’aNfali iiiiKc. the f^ullfa :i 1 i I

1 , 1
! t,, li.jil | nti IMS- (ftl I mil hi In- ill 1 hi Cappi-n faiini'*, l won kl sffvu a lui U\ kmivr
Hi- jieaple the wurds uE the song that w^nc ^ith it.
dfai :Me-~ the medicine runn irvpi-cT.?

Id lit e\[i- to during (Hr comimi >r,ir

fftMilrli triMtrcd for Coming \’enr
l|., r i
ii'didiie bundle fa Liken ife 5Likr
n, I Ujk! 1 ir hi in I ihr medicine man. vvllH tiw At ihc rlfimde nf I He tineen Corn Dnnde*
deerskin folded fcwiwfa Thr mini ft hip man all bus been fuKilleil :un the fjtith
t h !
ritual I

npd hi? ns^faturit take their places, siding of the Indians Sul? heim rlemotlstrHie-d. !’bev
iTn»-ltg«ed behind I heir fire fjiddg dance ha.vs> drawn -iI^mse (Hern the hifcrv that will
d r . 1 1
ami ihfc «munmy cnfiunep' ts revivify tile nlcdEdtic jnd biini: rik'ni health
Up i li niidnighl Ihr fun dances are per* duriuLi Lhr n imim: year, fat* Ftista, i.fu

formed Thn medicine mitn keeps track m" GSvt kiTsun ihe emfasary of ffrsurbt ,

them hy sticking little >plbiEets of wood inf" ,U*vr whn t- frodp i* cfn.-r; re ud v to rr-jcli
the gt* Ml fid in pin l?w sits a - rich dance fa tlnwrl find |uH lrew s

no'ditint1 with £lu a

nld if

iwrfmint'll x new situation nkmands ii.

Then. at midduhl. lhr big puL is t.a li-j from As 6t*m as be u k> benins I (u gray in I be
Ilk 1

br r The men dnwn ereai dniunhis frnitt east, lilt medicine man gov* owr lhr medicine^
It and vomit almost :imr?i-dtatriy„ Like the He opens e.u h [pnrkei and r\:imin^. it in dis-

Hi her blm k drink.% it m List uni be rvlalprri. i mTT ii 3-fair Fai^i liii^ in wot hJvh miyLhitij*

rhb fa I hi 1
i 'ii 1
1 of thr old year, lar the new ue-'W, WKvji pii" nnfalu-^ hi foltfa llie ile- r-kin
lhr faidy jii Ll>1 I n- l lean -ad in-ii Ii- . i i i I mil. . 1 1 n agaiu. Then he take? it tn hfa arms :iml walks
iit.*v.cmnpfid^ stannl, At midnichi .dsn. lhr rnuarrl ihc r;iSl tin id In- i- nliT nf sight.
Green < urn Dtmcr hegin>: ii is f^rfarmed >ni m, From the * cumps. dngle hie down
nFhT that us iisttrvjfa until rnnriii ms I l|r plilil- throUgfl the | m t] i r lm- l
iiiihl ihr
luce, fur my fanrfjr jl -:perijtl
i L]r^-n Corn wclmeh ftt their bright ^teUuioifs ^.inyrii^ Frjdd
C J nn r L

v lit k place befwr mldtriithi joe J oh n,s r

— ituluding. Far the first ilnie this ^a&an-,
wit.- d mci bn-ir t'lttl itMr. He stroOeti .in mud
gTcnt mth Thty leave i ht. Food M lHe fuoi
n liitle switch in hfa hurd JtM a mark ;im- « ir of the paths, and the men brim* it mU* the
tboriiy, niBlns the rLmrs. iiacuinc the lend- lug .n isr mid thru at un faith siiler fining it.

er-, uEiri iarRiiiii rvrryflhe (*> s^rmter rftort. Thr sun fa Just rising when tin- nirdfdjtf
L.irfa in the rAejdtiu he culled j ditn* l- an<t ihim reap wars, ciupti -hniitliil in Ht. dfatjnce | I

ihc men bejipfi lo line up. lie Strulled over 'J'fai ht- icasl striris. Another Green (inn

in where t was sming lance is over, aorf a new yep Iwt^in.H,


,Vi hV* •!’ *-JlijTiT|-f itf ii i? ilr/- p r f.iir ycx.^ \ intis'. o E l!j-> .n.umr Vi-tiji.Vf -'Imin'if n iTfai-U i rt f -ft-N
pjfy* ftf

/k* S'AlfotoaS Slh'Mi tn. fir fl? i to 1

inuiUJi f •
j i*j*. r (fa M-fririq-i; i tji F«m ^Mu r,|| ,

I'i i
| r 'tty if ft Iht ildlfm i it if 3f fiiF yftfir t'lhrn,’ir\ mtfstflrt 7"fi

, TflrtVf V flwftf fv HUiltiivf it

V*tvi r
liri, - iTtltfrr \ i

rrf i iir/rr /inmv “if i qftT BOTH <Wlrf jVJSR detifr^ rrli'ijivlira/ ^ («! i if
* :

\<i iccoon: Amiable Rotrue in a Black Mas I

THLigli, ( yrious. ami raawed by Man nr Dug. This Ikrar-factd Rascal

SJtotvs a -Sense of Humor arid lAkes Civilisation in Stride

Ih Me i yi v R, I i f. ts H4J

rain «in

which luoli
tor llr'tT
!i:t -

l 1









in fchr creek
chut i*.

you will

over at midnight-
reu% mrl rains will make fbttm selves al
1'IlLn ' itl;-

r4 tc:b ^hlners
y-uiF garbiigi'
Pdlit con-
i he* btiLf Fn folklore in iiinuiii» -Emir^ inr 1
4 in the culverts utii'Iit Lhe road.
hi news a Mi mm- thi* 1 1 |s*.i; fe-*tnn sKekJ ritfuttirtp] Cwib ku civilization in stride and grow

tiuliw only i<j iFu 1

Atneftens,. gels nwiiy with bit when? lam] ijinM have replaced a bon I uviiry thins iinrt the public loves Almul a. l.hottealid racciw.ui*. for i-raTnfjt o?t-
Wm fn.r it tled m die firii- hiwiite on HlsfrEmiTs Lake
The nmn - behavior l^n e rim- in bad tc-ju- fienew In 1'HiL when the ctmirtter rc^idcriLs
|kt. What dttvr* him rhierh E i hlnk h dfrpej^d for tiir winter -nl^i-qnont hunt*
curfetsity* a itrcsixft appetite, mid It Mi*<rrmFixa- forced the %r\\x rm y in roirciil lull ^uircvar-

Mpn not to glw ground Nut much, iinyivuy buck into

iilEcfed litter zklid garages,, ; l 1 1

If men vui toons is xcruflri lur? in build a and some cdur fiunnte took over entire
sumnser cmiator t Ivy ron raped [lit* arumftl mansions \ewcpjip r> timd lined ihe srory: r

in fume mill live in dir ftreptui'e diimnty. Strike U Rich"

1 3 1 ": ; .

Tlira she prnprteir>r ui .1 fish h i ll

1i in < kitu ms A ij iq’piu I 'r« 1 -

vintirtj J'arh threatem-il to -Me a

ni-rtf wn 1 IjW-tfLine -n I min had oi off
lily pet s tail. The rr|_Mrtet^ piae-
ticMjJv ixirej (he ciwe in; the nevrs-
papejs— and fnmid - inr tbf r^inofi.
And Rqioften&Jt
iin ^TiiirliT.'E hdp hut lye Impressed by these

friendly rn^Uf^ Ihjii pti«y *0 mva-

UfcrK on t hjal most bifentd nf
nranimuk mart —
Even in ftitle the mi^’hirvnu*
11 httii tisthdh uti>C3 mi( on tiyjT 1

F tiLL^ EVr tT ( 'mci advisnl | he o|K»y-

SLim In put ks iail in tile fire so it

might l>c* decomtird with ri:m-\ The

possum dai l a> the upon said am I

(Whifl —m i*,v ft i^ms through life with

a naked ijlj' 3 .

[ iii-n- Jie * 1

many more reports nf

raccoon behavior; one made Its
1- lei

home wrier an autoLnohile Lli m I

another wanderhl: rtown main 1

street with a tell F-x a I Inn oyster Cart

uver its head, still .umther tittle a
miuikey, sliftpt with li d*^ nmJ
nursed -|
none cat's k 1 1 it
ns Uni
iif these - iftr.iv hi- marked nne in
| 1

Its ha nr.d j-mirnniMn!


Tu 1 nil riijt, bow the cuiin ^Iraps,

Eats, mates und , dies, go whcirt: the
3i r 1 1 Is come down to die forr?*T
whetr ihr rsim in *iflwrs the leaves
nf the hfpdi Ifn-s. whnv tUr r:rurk
Is a white rfblhm in thfc brown k

miiEsli. T)ii- a pood pin a- 10 learn •••

he true story ol Prpf vmi

l nr rln- 1

plantigrade ^dc walker nr

llai-h Mi-eL he Smiles Uke a hear
lull 1- 13 li 1 1
1. <. IpivIv rrlfiled tu the
pandas uf .Asia Jiml the rurg-biilt'd
ots Hi Thu wryirm t hibx] ??e;i tc^ B

Not that the forest is the only

place Sm In - M-i.i.'in- Vbr.'y fniim
the iwachrs 11 f both aceaiWL looking
Utt the st-ii's h*sser r natures Ir ri

Mrn ruled liv

the tide. J'hev *»'

“ r
VtiyHrjd> H rioie-
A ekwd liNir jjirriVt^ ini |i!>vt*df ItlT

(hr 4i 4 rnii rinnwiti SlBhHiiul uit hinil

Jri£*w Iw* lurni dir kmifr fe-lih tilttildr fri^i
fifillifn I Lit Sa liti. .1 ihiiif ||i I In ]i ju hl

he “Ilvi Ithil;- tn\vn

L.I ! llf!t O i|Kr LI- -
1 1

RacL'cu'fi; \miihlL- Rngue in a Bhck Musk S43

feps the gliur of tk ite^n -mi in rivv^t-i 1

mainly rsjalters pf dsse, ro1 urt arid length and

of rock, Wtu*n water covers the lilt It* ishnirS'i 1 ttiAlilre i if fur J!u1 tmsicdlv wtaiT inK
fm the southern buyout*, they iimper up tlie .1 fimn in *
;innrjn Is tnje of fine m 1- Uy\ Ida-,
munpuve mots. F^Tfi-cllr czleh rmll j-rziH they i reanitE- Ten ninusand isbiirl’-. A desert
lire tutlcd where Spanish mo?* drape* the cy- rue Limn may cut rxfakv instead tif a fo»g f

pres* tree* slimdiiiu knee-deep in Florida's bul w nmJdn ahng like a contented
ill still

Mverifkid«s From Cfinrula Ejj Memo they luw ig^r burn ar 4 ri .irti in Maine i I

crack sheik oa clam* nr fflt It/ards, catch The bu&tit raccoon f ever saw wus caught
fr&fjs gorse on gi^ahopfisrs-, dine on green
(et in one of my traps on thi: nf M^krditaert
com mT steal the tiuriualudr from ihe t'n ran try in =*
\i h f mn La . 3 net ei -e r I nir 1 or
hbcIhs in uiitieiiiMA lutich bus, ruLL'it! ijl- hut tftey blunder in in predator *i-tv
Th - M was In i cnyuir sit h looked ns
I luv-in s Neat SyfstJs hs inter tfum^ Intgc as a field- ty \
w sprin lift spaniel and muM'H m (hr fnrrst coons dc not always « move have weighed nbatit ihirty-fivc pound*. Ie

i in r the bill tom of tree*, Hbripan tmirs-h in wli> cangbk lluhlty ht ii htnd paw so dcci'dril I

Hiuib^km WbcNniin ha_v a tut of room ml ! In l«'( tl zo Blit each tiaras put a band near I

only three 1
dm trees. There fJiry prefer mu^k- ihr. spring, release, the roott twisted about uftri

rut houses urn I wtKsduhuck burro w*, m tJiev

* stria It swiftly a- a snake.
may pul a r oaf on a i >1 lji- heron- hiun pb,t ] Lure off my Ju<kr1 ijltkT IhreW it over the
form ri^l of sUrks and stay for the winter. aniriud, ft moiled as if u- 3eus wreof sprim;
Along thi? Finest* >ih
ibumb that jut_s off 'M.hisks f innul. Snli^lU Co. d, T^NtC’. GimJ. T «

\\ i sco rs5i n hit u La ke la sEifc ^-alih m iv !t hiriiFr in 1

?. iVapya* IrJfrff - Ik-rw;m Tp.Ht tLi wnkirip hnvr^
Michnratt cirtpps live m r-:iliri|- u r I
s .« I .V I v,.:ici: I - \> Ua. frrri-Jk'
Fm|t ii-i iiiiii tl Vn OL iioik ipecimr ti n 1 sji tEi - in (iiiiiiirj»
[edge crevice?: hunter?
houful^ .HrtiielLine^ liii e
- Ljj :(*• fVMtt IJiiUi

th? into fr'pme Ml a tmkl

i'jLtJ:t abruptly sit tile

nicy* oi a riiff
Practically evrrv
Stu Ir Jk|4 ?i Cat Li H ill*-, l h'-

f lending uti the aipply

lit' food, they rur&ge in
nijie from I he tit I lip M-
pound subspecies of
ViiCi'i Kt 3 p
Florida, ti> w eii^li Lii tf

L 1
y -i’ivr
to 1 hilly
The i . imrnou CiHiji ;

a venule s\ t'itilR i- .lI KHit

srvai or riidit pounds
fur the female, 3i i" E ren
hiUitd? far die mule,
\n E3€r;isionEi1 ^jinj-
meo wall litLdEi forty
ij m

pMnd'^ and SAmir n mis

burner* have reported
aniLruils TVeii^hlnit \i\oli\
rc.*\LLn- c hi i m I heir
lirecd (he kirges4
Tliii i\Hitie - il'-jn-

ehs -ire generally emv

-nk-rr.l 1u sh-'W iuip.-T-

ta n E etioia ith \ \ \ iTi -u 1

.. i

t.u wiittani lisr.irig

. .

S44 The ftiittnii.i] tA'iiKrapJiit: Maittzine

hlfi'l, find we went rt round unci amiind with Yhed leave tracks al niufiL But
ihu flyilLU!. I!i L -l.iLJ 1
Hill 4H;n- i cm ii in daylight, espcd&lh dunnjr Hu:
fear, :im\ t wn* afraid r.u let rci Idsi n turn ma i inu sfa^p Fhe mate d* wr wU h hi- n m i e e

the tn lik-5 hiiifJ fasten tmlu me, inc. pbei-iv-. i)f> fun her futenrsi in rba- fim-dr rtf

Siffiice it la ay I out listed the mcrnnti. t tie kite that Lire bom nl.nint atm? wwks Liter

] niHiKLiittl III Hniv lb -iiH paw mil These mimin' r thrir In d* and arrive in thr
flam btttirnlh and Hpruuj* Li fhim
the jnrlu't ,
5nu ItjIIi uf the den indy dollied In iur
L' 'Vi-

tile trap. Then 1 jumped '.lc k an*l my I — r,o.i3--. Tluey < tilteul for tteee weeks. anil
jcuktti wrdl hopping dim ij the dry WwSll 3 will SLitiLte 4L5 lung ns the mother ho* milk
hundred feel faefare the caan goi ffefc of it, LLtn I Seis UiMii
W hen the vuinuittcK ;»ce about .i month
Phifujidur in I’t i>rour> ni mother 4lrtrb iL-achmst hotu to look lor

VrjjrthttPfi State qib6rjtiflt* p -n i l d ih nn* the si» id. They kevp falling over their own fwjl,
Ijesl subjects lm them when
' it ^tiinS v i ki tn i- Imt si iii tJ Ley are ntnxl uteri 1o fro^ nm\
ii i

the wind i- cold and the bawdies lire bate, criiyfi.?ii "t rickets nud fjrajs? snakes a ne^l i' r

when February snow is on t h<“ uouuu'L Then foil of ynirnff hi rate, n dead ma-iusc, or 4
i ho female non* jihnfcilM Lie mifipinL: bui ihey
>. wrlnkfnl »ip|ite left aver from Li^t fall. They II
jieii't. Thv\ arr wnilltte bat the mute L'ocitt
,*f s r
! rv
i r;i i tHn u eiii bte-
tu a II v u ts i
tu I'cimr L'iilliji^. in nutismiL when the lumit-rs ram* Hie
fractions da nut hibernate. In cold roun- motliiT t uoi i Itii.-^ fell her yaunpsters well
i ry during severe mid snn}** They hike Inuis t hu.Lt they W eiiih about HjiK.
1 •
i- nmcb a$
nap* ihnr tail- turted rrVtn tJLrir dmrp nmz il«n-- lh|l Uir;. lltk* rtikilividy use led ir

idn and Likwik-l nmuij imse*. Bui dmws a the ways uf tfriwh^- HlrjjEi off th-ir tndl.

warm day ;md urritm nipthl .slid thuif paw

,l Sin V5 with them and cun-
i III uiiiihET itii

murks :dn.iw up #hcnc the MiH lus tt'iied it rinuc5 The te^ntb until the mating season ap
l hi mud bH^kiiiR like the Knud marks- nf ;t pfuucbes., Then she tbUiiMy driven thji ao\
hunum b-iby (p,igi *47 ymirt^ liisU baveui left -if their own ncr-urd

I_ike u ITnwr, i tlnudon^ t ’<N'ji Litii e;aSs Irosvi Rival

StCTCt ^ tflrpun
|,iijip's*-J U tin
. 1 ,

\n stake ailit den arms and

uvir fwiillu- MuM fit til rin

will jiiaEr ik'fnu- ilicv jet

; i 1 li I

s mu' ytmnp iroofls have

. r i [jj.tft.yJ Mother
time of it

I -iiKi;? them jiILhjuL They

.uv cl Eftau ia h lo convince til

If 1-1 i E i ill: I irL'LM IILII^. .Mill

mn\ T-iit hLT aflrmpi? v-

•instill ilisdpSinv sts in vita-

txi m - r is pin
The kit- face uttui'k from
Hcsh ealefs —coyotes* bob-
Lite,pumas, anrl bamrd
owlis —
mu! mother h often
hard put tu kfvp her ytmiiil p -

sttts out of harm-* w^y.

like human children. they
to ifiti-EftTesiii 1

=nnil shr must pr*w1 thn «

hafd before thjfv tar

will brad
IfciirL ht
VVhen cLtnirer is- fieni, ihtf
femnk literal v I
boost* the
yOunt up ihe r
tFtc: ahead
of her Ektttitkiniitly she
wlU pick up 4 you rioter in
tlumestfe cat fashion by
I he ]iia[Ki- Hi I hr fn-rk IjKiRe
Then if an'] if ml
-hi" wifi ;i tLiE.ii with star*-
Minn femdly
I mi.i i
mndr the misltfke
m' i* etiim n fumailt ivith a
family face to focr in a
>LtmumT rol tJ«Ui- a 1 1 if. |

h-'id waited mii til I

hJlOf/si I.MTijJy would hr off

on u jiiuht s sujmirn Iwd'or*
ctimtomg ladder and n>- il

lerluy the nttk'* Eirty, sinalr

window. I pairherJ $ hole
nciir thv em ch ihrnuijii
wliJch the u.Hirs hue] to
ieneci. and wa> id min to
iwwl hack Em thr window.
Then my rlt^hlt^lu I huiti

"Come tan. Ll-ik Play*
Firt cimiii-p Ht%rl tire af rdhSp-
itm Thin, k. h hif Fi4tL hi-j'i-il irt

sirred u ii.iji nn ihr Uir!>kk]rll

tru i rtv^rirwj i r k

Ptim,Tiir nFasmatc
T ni friim ITi rill i "fciii i
1 . c

j4+f« ra*rm« '4 "mari Vii mi r V „i iieb: n iii«]r

( IiirriUcM Kurttar Sksurrit* lo a Stru j.nt 01 tit l^iink* I 1* I imH
If writer !» avpJJitjle, Lb * 1
rncm chuti tram \i\ emlm| S critisls tin nr* kufv why,

struck i\\w felU of white flre^ tlir nvui's eves? the dog that meets a hi li runic in the water
Huy hlimkt^l my only avenue of cf-mape, 11 te itjiin will dandiet on t ht- doe - find hj .

J never force .an lvhiu- when tin- mhl- .m. 1,'Inu tJir five iftjspm t

S;iWr. «>f each fool info

j 1
l .; 1
I waited for lit! raccoon to
i 1 1
- 1 in*. S4i I the <km. lie’ll Mick like a burr until Lbr
make t hrt firs? move. She did. Warily at 1

doir drowns.
Jiist, and liam with ?.efmini; urnoncern. she II is dittkuli 10 believe the riucconn. capable
walked uhiLmrl rue p> ih t:ir i'iid of the attic. i-
id sml) Ft rooty 4 ^[lectttlk' alter wnLiJiln^ .n

Relieved. headed for the bidder, but iJif I her djul hi-e felf-erown y-immMi’ts m Vt itt

moment I Hliiyfeil the s^rHu;ht from the win- jri^ :il 1 hr edue of 1 fn? Id in the? ninimli^lu.
dow and cut off the conn s escajw route,, viie The mother coon seem* tu nKoijOfcc I he kits
sqaalfej and wr hit the hole tfe same instant lo piny. Then, white they tumble about. die
sit.> Smk .L' lE enjoying thdt 1 riles, R;k-
Gooch Bisutti 10 Attic Hideaway I'ufiitH jrfvi the ItiiprcTiHibn of having 1 MHiiie
Perhaps she only meant tu escapc. I’ll of humor. Yunna Lnnn> jja captivity >. Imvta
never ktnjv. . We emsbed down the ladder nil the lime, Jf tit&ed with .mother mlfiml
together, hr tine about every \ d :vtli rung. Then — n doj: nr cat or squirrel —l hey lean* tu
she iIcmI for thr wooife taking along some tolerate tt rjtaijv- K 45 },
soilp rom m> right rur In he
rill 1 1
- kin f If imuiilit youm* .Lin! handled to Men muLiah
I Roil that window hut rich! away, Hal
L‘i l cuons make reasonably affectionate- pei^_ [1
hftfiirc mormnp thr toems fed tfe LMwin^s oft' spring when mHrupolilJm papers do not
u r ll r

Tfir Im> 3 c nl rhe apam The>’ t-nok l he repori a litter nf ymiEE t'fhwas
htsi ijcii ffufc
boards from thr wErnloW. tiPt. I yavr- up, the ili-ti tree near wiintrmos front door and
R:u iiijiih iifllnUv awairl .1 hphl 1 • 1
1 woe to \mmi hot lie-fed 10 R&iuritj 4jmgr j

V'luiiu bL i & i tj Luis Liin al'-ti hi Might (V-um rac-

coon fiLtnirr^, but ;^nic State require pvrmih
far kcepinp ll* > i* i

iV't nii l riLiv be brnuehT up fotlnofs,

ant! >tfnu Swve rv*si Irtin ^broken J!ui

they . s LJ thrive I .^Et^r oaEsifii 1

in ji hiiy-lbivtl

rbL hoy Wjtlii i i.nn-mj wErit rnrtuny such a_*

k used i
u pen lWs. Yuli c;m trim ften

ifirii| lrii l> ; they mny bite Hui what animal

is t!i it in -y |ir«lictJiliVJ

Rano 11 ^ Pc^ntatimi K&cMird

Rii^ht Ti'«w the mAM niLTcmi rt fiuiJiiliitiati uf

Lite IffliLpd State* Is probably J tv\ <
lor thfe century, One feasoti fc that wh«n
the m||e^ tniy* of the marinp tiVollles vit-fc
grtdtotal, i heir sm'Cttvftra nhnwi'il little taste
Jnr uMoskln cuj1>
Rnu o'NHL-.bin> drupj*ed Emm art avera.pi?
nf S8 in the prcdrpreisHiin d;iys eh hi 1*J32
trapper* became fe«jer ajirl cnnceiitmti-d ^ri

ttii »n- jimriiiiMr hn I Hiring \\ mW tt-ur It the

Paw Marks Htnwiihk Ifinhy'* l bindprints -*
liurfy murjsirir m*\ it vent « v\ iifaMV oJ j foon >

n-:ii. i in !m I iiru^ line.

^ I'hr imn i M Li nd ^hinunrr* anii nftrn f oU piir-
-ujfje hiiupiik by plunidnt into tli* wulrr fa* ]}Tv»k
fhr i r.i-Til line
muHn t'hii'lJi -i \i‘W (ifTihliF
- Jj


r m J

nr fJ
" J
I “ 1

IUd^- ' t
* i

h -

L •* t
‘J Ijj

| p
B 1

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.J 5 f|: :.Si
r U All’ M,

L 1 .

if b i
Jb 1


Spift Ofi n Wire (i^c, Acrfjtatic: Ccwn fjimpete

* fin tire- licqi^t’v Hamli»ul

W(ih prim pE roiHiikjnp ih'iwn. thv fnti&ftvn populalriiTn ll Up Tn rlnrrrw Lbdi immlirfi «\ml Stated
]iuvi,* w?t I.iuuntiE* Thcw iinLEiili. wefe tintfuttlft Mir ilisffky &t ita.< 1'vwa Siiiie Fair, flu ftToiftni

aw raja? pelt brought S5 .50. but hy 1*JP

it wan duwri i" >2 hvvu tHi1 urrai Hnvj
rrmrkHi iniif t?f1955 didn't Prdia:r the
i‘muii 9 lii'iii II. Codo^kln blossomed
M fsoicllcally eve rv kid lit the Xjtiitm.
mui tbf jifii r went up abemf a dollar
llimI it half ;
but draper furs .served just
iir well stud wmt u >e«i mure oflen
As ra lti n in hun t.i im t h ImiK canxl
aradtaw^miutlird itbf^ ht%vitne tuarr Jtnd
rttorr pustular cijnirrvalJi ts dqiuri-
ToenL- ol LLLintMl reeuhilinii-s ti b proteel
ihr coops Hunters be^n to think n
rmir 7fHprdrr tip ciiltfa t hem ,iIivd (
hired i" r iuiw me used m bm^tinjc
-ipM-k. ur MiAStft l hr eml of i&r
hurahbi: mu I ttafipllitf sedSuflU tu ralw
fami Eire lm c* nu partitive peace.
So iJie ractouns tunUnue to iACrEme
mu| -54?verfl']
States huve put bounties on
ll«i| P »' h1f i;
>i ii« i «Iiii

thrir hides. But jpmr k'.idiue ome

t "But < Jftict r, 3 'itp Innocent**
biolu^i^ siy tin- dip t\i rn'kanirm i*
S’nlurivBftte h :(.*/? rnJU*H iht <• rrfi tii£- idiarmer nl 1 1

itt hind. "

AitwitoH wwmIi bt fi'crei I ywir> It Ilila becuhic merra*-
They claim that r^efond^. Itkr cm»1 fetid) fH-.[5i4 Lir 33 a jT-'t

Ltnimiih. mtr.'i be harvested by &po. 4^V:mIIU,- ldJ.1 Ltl Lhicfc njl- of \i- i- t-h tjPilWII b.'i I
* I

Otherwise they will crowd thencwelyts gnpufi - rillh i »> mini I Ihr LrtHfftt [wri nl i Ipl j'ljn. wht-
LPtLudrftd u rac-runn mutt the tuuubslo-nc *£ campus hs£ce*a.
ititn [im:;triii|j. [wiftufaijibn and iHriJts
Ho by -ill. dn-prsi in Mill, riij^peil m ‘.h>
-i -vn-iuis; bruit
hunger .ind d wtU dedcimt-- thrm iluiidij* I iki \ Niv\ frMH'kkitt train ftf TTp ^ 1
tutor is susttijitdiJ* (ip numy dfofttfiw •Bti^|,H id 1 tn a San l'TiiiiiL-M > L'nrtd-iUdL

r Fuik T EUihuj r
. l I '

h^B| iNBBuifl V| nipn

Littr the E)i inustli: (-at, Muthrr limn (Wficn I Wr tt .j h > by | h* Nap* • r ihc X«ck

imd domestic animals

pnrpsttcff na including’ El* is nearly as Ui Im led with his hands as
distemper. mbire nnd worms* .mtumn the m inkey.
iitfcht -imhi. they sav, tin- hnuurJ.K will rurm- Tlir r:n < i i. m utilise of hMirh is a* superbly
isT4": lnTfcmlh the hunter A t . i l. then* Will devi*li>i ied :j> tfei^- swiesi uf snirN. Kinhinu in

lit few cuu n trail* to follow l 11 lAd^t^r lie iMJVtS along braced in lii-

ti iaHix - JlH kNI Li I

IU£|-|riUL 1 llllltk lilt i"n\\ hind [taw? loofcinfl at the night sjcy in u
will cQTTie hack .is it timys hits. And whr-n detached wlj while tbt? imger* of Foe irmii
1 hr coin l'mehc* mtn milk, the female wFIB pam -ml ibff stones front the dams, the stfeks
--.ill 1 benijhfg pm slafla ** Bus ymmgstai from thr crnyiUJi, EZae empty sruifl ^bt\h from
c .in u i
ji £j t theta Halves thr 4yi"r ug iii-d oUl'v
Perhaps Elie water make> the mean (H s :

\iLmijk |-i>h w h Ser^iluk E-iittlui'S

hand' nmt sensitive
i P
Perhaps hr gets picas-
Itui thr ra. conrt- will mol lie running I’? nre From feeling fur Ms fond, r-iTtiewtiai :e*
vfime rreek nr lake with each cub to trath it, ttMfntfm do it\m k'Llini! a laslj Fnnr^ II nee r 1

a* Ini-* Iweti repotted, Hiis is a fuiiltL Lhey m their toijguo Blit these jjc only iieiae*. ;j

"Lien dabble hrfr Food in water bill make no

i Though rirtoon* srbfllkv 1o sound nod

distinction Ijotweexi mud puddle and a dear ri vibrations, I hey are not alarmed by ruiise>
Spfrftxtf sklr by Sidr f [iftije ivtf> i haein^ ran flirert Ijearltip nti fhidr wtlfnre,
Tutor li I ( rally rneiiu^ "ft warifeer/

The Whtfre Htkblirhati i raffle maki!? a rai’r truck

AEmjhi.|ijiiL lanlhin?. of Virgijiui called the dc'on uut i,i F West Bhiemnun l Knud Jn MUWsetus,
'Ltmkim/' ft* im ibrff word m curl- rarc:wjii^ W-iii fn-r niuhl ii; Ihe trees by the
ing “lie win- wzr.itirhes with his hands Belter side of the road. The snund of ilifms. whis-
yet . they might hnve led Him 'bite Feeler tin. nsul bom* doesn't *eem to bother them
1 H 1

R^mioat: Ami. ib it: Ro^nr in u Black \ I _isk m

But lit until her i;iHtn start up their tree and up hi a pLatr-m iai a cliff, I'm loji tms ail
Mm scratch lh£ wttl ^intil ihiH here eivdmtilrrJ plate u Iilte- tall, leaflet SuEdwnucb
snmelhing to hr, investigated.
i> 1

tut the rooonl leatn^ through.

F.rkif crows. nuzcotm* itre attracted bv flash v tf linhL-’ of .Menominee and Marinette
* 1

olijeds. Km hiiVo found hot \k£y do mil I

I twfntlerj io m\h> across the Wdtrf. A navi-
-.nilril 1 1 lines a* tfu^ do. A IWCMtt vritl ppuJoii Li U'ht sia.duid red every few secom I-

scrutinize smelt ttad perhaps ttote the shiny antl btyoad where win tv wavlv* in^ij over
object, and Shun throw it away [ itiink black rmk< mined a lFjthteil terry nuiich
the f.iXJii hail* i
nf ci'itmc up stive ty min- formed a pentrly stfLUiri nlonj; the tmriz^n
r ww< imd utJiiT mpatk mi irjsvL-i hi the li^hl As looker! at I M Ihis.the Jhffl bowled
of l hr f.spin ins this inicre-i mi anylhin^ *
iroed '

r' liishliyhts found the mi in fn n

else that shhws; cfolch JO feet up in a hln nuiplr, iti netted
rh:ii i abo why trofipi^rv put bits of shiny tail nirteil doseh at its; 2-irJe.
V Like nil u£tl<
rortltl -iti trap plates Sometimes tlnfnil sus- fed coons in fall, it hxik-erl rni^rmnns
pi'ii i li'i! alum 1
h trap will hitr the own i once *AVJi f i i* loiichpsL cu\ r
here?" asked
watched a |*ri mvcnmi imnp£ hi capture ihe Eernmn 1
Shne^ u uc ownei >n the Itounds \
Hearn on ad uuMnUIr Immpor. This uttl- Lortiered lhujl can ptneL' t
w!ti thigh trouble-
cnn] kept isf ii fur ten minute*. Njnje hilly eF you wont it alive.
Ran-ihim- ire re Lnt vi i
1 \ &isy pi Iran. Jlrt \ hoy who said he pita 16 went up [hat
the old m j
t‘Eh hi have mithcoTEd wisdom tree almn*i -l*- e\f>rrtty a nxm Hut jiti-i

with the year*- Eiir-y uiitsman llv hmmr.U by -i- h» pi if Li hitnd out tu shnki- the litnti the
<k:rrimbl]n.Lr a lorn* thr-

ercsta of wind Falls, and -’

AVon'r Smoietmc Tnki; Pity on fi [{ntncjiHM Watfr
swimming creek* Tin break
ilir- mux line. ihvv
\ Ml^km liTfflrf iJlrt Mr ImiliM this ki! nurl^iJ IjoiiJr h\ -Lail fri-iOm
As* in j I :ifL-K| li ml riil-i i! e 3 Lh Sil*. tintin' ji it [ii'[
1 1

Apt, they tup nets with ll ! I

I*'! I -i I'MI It m-hLU ii - •

their forrpii w*. making

the do^s think they
climbed i
i|‘i Vfben forced
3-lnfl, 1 hc-v move thfmnrh
the Ireetnps.
\fi siory about the rac-
i Di m
would In' complete
without details of the
hunt, surlily the rn- l.'

iMinter^ with tin- mms
are rathrr brief inrl ihriv
is ulwuvs dmc to delight
in the sights ami sound*
nf 'lie itk^biE These tire

us much u mrt of I he rnc-

r' hunt lls cptpt utin jff
She .viinu] 4
1 rmn-niJ^r itnr i h tn
bvf Dour night on the
fVninsTik in Wisconsin
when we wen hiuh up 1

:iwinding n mil turros? a

fresh frcnrt gparklfn# un-
der 4 while niiMni- The
hounds hayed tar ajie&ij
.ru tin hunters
l —
pun but carrying flrssiti-

light* fish landing nets;

urn I uimni suck* — were
druiktr alonif n dim trail
1" ri
<r *
Jnnm.-. Fir*! ScrVt-d. OrttllatiN >t( the 1 1 d Line I
f Hit | W i MnHI Hotti?
If . ifriuiTn! vmjn*, hr
c- 'iij5 -li ilfu. timwlr, nAchlrvi^ pel Ltk*. 1
ihr monkf* h-f fiHltnfirb m udEvt Jilr
ii liffDjm rnr'ri r.- urn! DnmnntWJLhU 1
V jvrt may In krjir
fcriiinnr* Inji thrive Ln-iht in up ouLij^t pea.
| i

u>n ; \minhk- II 4 [Slack M i>k 834 leaped to hr Around. l \ lifnkr- its sank into human fUish- Thr mi in howled imd
tether, nished ike racciwn, and kci! it by the qiun itwiiy Like a lull 1
1 rLuicer
Vill L ilt* rtitin rluii in tint] -iai-LHl hmlmg tshm^MiJr in&Jttigcd to u i:E thr own in tn r

hr humid tlirmmh thr leave?* thr Lag at lust. The hounds quieted dowifc.
Seeking a kllft (grip, the Iiouml opened ;ihsl the hunters ssftei through the nrduan.l
it> jiiw-i. Holt was a mistake The Remo Inward ihr road, Tiicn i^in fir re wns 1 \

slipped over the ^ir It* ni ihr cliff and was gone. high clear, edited THite a Imund had trtack — -

The Hues. iumrrt h».we pace more. meed another Emil.

,11 ri'n thr while-! rusted. uf last surro That Js fiiccoafi huntmn in Wi^tisLtn and
m i Ii m 1
. i- Soofl thry I mv n I Jown I ir l< pretty min. h ikir tne in abnufit t*vtry

the ithT the hunters -eel and boidnced Tn Stute-- in f hr sivampp of Smith Mir Mi if
I hi I

where (he niiiskud mitt win silhovieltcd in a country ue Kn ma^ thr wnod list* of New Eng-
MTT-i J I upj.ile in™ Lit the b^Ei^p id lift nn Kurd. land
however. has Inmrjsetl iio- lu Lor
OlHrncTtd t "m in \LiuK Minimi' tjibly in the fjtr-horlhvm furftte uf thr Tinted

The hf rj rids w vre irihiT^rt aflftSti Ohnc* States li 1 1 i miiida

1 1 where there is link own 1

reached fur iht* conn .vml pulled ft from

him Mug, 'there aren’t moitgh toads to Uiiet-

the tree Hut hr ihl&fcd l-hc- yMuntap >tmiiiy t, rf it the d&H> and pick I hem up \ [Kick Lh

ku:h ,tml thr ammul Im him so the li%£ .tml likely to be aunt? nil night ur for several days,

ihe arm. Fie dumped the lijuil .Hid someone pjrtiruLirh If thr dotes. urdi'E traim'd to rtvokl
popped n net tjWr n Summitr els* riMrftrd coyote i«f i Iter uad -

m (or :i t;i e hold, and again thr cqoji -. teeth The hounds tnny pill r.i*. ukui fain Hies

Jsv^ Pit td inn for* I'l/Udie and Cjitm hjnJurv * Ssitlitdiii> N’ijihl In I?
IIHmi Wi<p Trt li

i 4 T(P?

» jA_






Af tH
HL B^X - .j

Hi 7 1
1 i - 1

S54 J lit* Nunmial t pi ojip’aphEC Xlag-i/rne

Mp one Tree. f Mice, while iiuiLtiimalong the Fw who 3 icar It quaver mu. thrmt^h the
tmcifcs of Florida 5 With!. i
fifK^ee River with '.vikhIs recognize the source The nearest
.1 im-lodfrnis hound rvimed Music, we pm nine •iilemiI is the hurnerl owl ? hooting. Bur nr
i M« its- ii| i Mi ip lu*t Tli^v brut been fettling raiToou dor- niiF build to a cTescendo- with
oil >.L!i] foofm - pvi-mut *, ami Sam si flu Win I short, e.tptrimeiiUit Lumts ay The owl does.
that If we didn't th!h uui ib£ facci^fi* tvirl He hr!- jo with . Mi'il-bi-m wale i -i Fv'e
[Mourns L-ftime* ibr pork would hi
uuirn.; ii i
never beard a captive ction use this rail.
inurket lean The evemnu cry fits the ina^k. 1 E adds in
the mystery I'll grant a hat ibe four in
T a*tJ i iii MiJwiiLkkfee Si suit; hlark-Firown lail ring-*, the mask, ^nd the
Entire n immunities may get u rhance to erinh vu'di rtti- tfitl \nr\ raf ifp> rnermin's cam-
wtr :i I'ltnn i-fiast, Tin hi mere I hunt wu> hitkl uhduce. Bnl ir i* rnnuintic to believe that
nt an outdoor -
L. in Milwaukee u Litre a nadirt 1
. in a flippant irirWHl, decided the fur-

nifi^rjOtt WJp, IriJ ijmyn tbi tilltrail" rjf tln j nm-d ests n.-nh'd ji; i^ne hipdiwiiynnjm — «n furred
travelerf downtown buuleyjjrd. I hiurrinEty a Robin Ron-id.

hundred hound* rfurd pell-mell thrmigh (hr Itesuli^ his eyenitlg thalj^n^e. the mnn
rfty LLiirl treed (beFr quarts on the sLlge < f lm.
si -i
null mF raac vvhkb aim ns? si wiarl :i

cti-Wileil auditorium 1
sefies <jf bird lllie twitters, and a -1 :se tlbu: cry
One of the lanjest raccoon huLvtuiu: L Tii ups r he tuvrs whenThi- ii a hopelessly trnp[K:iF
m ih*- Ylhl w -4 the hoou -n> |"n\ Hunters I
bleating ^miml shorter and more pa-r-. ml than
\ssprratioFi in Kvins^^^l^onsin Ferch ap- tht Id rat of hivnFed ansmaL-. Ii i.irrre^ i'nr

; r i\iiii:ii rh \ ,000 guests at It* annual uin-n jind up^HireTitly W&m MW riuiimm Ii

baftqttet lieart^eiidiiu I ve heard it Eiall n it. i

-- !s

Si i
me people don't ILke* the ta^te of cucmuti limits mid 3 don't tn Eietir it afsitn.

tlolL But I've been told tku natural! jL John

Seicrui^Es r^i^.ijUree un Rvutoekipul
BurrtMiLii'L' comsitfereri it .i delicacy and often
3 i?tvH H r 1
his friends firmy Fond, Ffurw-y Much efFnrt currently guts uxtu resbK'krupE
? tTE5 N
l me, and TbnKuu Edison, wuih( IrIh. with tkiicnK^ Rr-uFts have been
FrieiKbi hi mime pin (Jnnr a Met fair. and clip men wW himi the cmus tlfrjiem*
ini" the deep freeze iiticT l weekly card party
hr: sutae cniJil For lhi>_ sime their huuttup jjj*I

fare h roasii mm wuh rd-bt^t wine inf the trapping tipfw memfy nnEribiiift its el
s^entlcmen and rhubarb wine For the ladies, Thtre i- i qurffi on howevri . nWmt the
\\ bh'Sltrl • km 1
Filter or fli-Nkv- nLLun ili i - rFfi « I ivnii'-s of arti lb i.tlh sfm krna rii niilL-.

rni ». • nan, (l<^h. nr (hr Idea "F hunting u*ifl!=, LSr. Euguap H r l>u>imnn of Gbm cslfe ii !'

be .-hi m I know tluit the .imm.iJ is a |m i i <: ejfi-1 r:^LL iiml imSulJIlil h ai.i inpri.vr hui i

nut In'riiajDte— rooTtr indy Am- rican* perhaps* ina temporarily^ Jtc sny^. F>ut then; U ]iiile

than t Iil bison or the eat; If cbitiHL- l ha i is will have lasting efFrer
XoIhkIv i^n =uj bow liMijr tnlof had been \3I (tie sunt
Br>r i'nnn wilt lakr .irr of i

Itm- when ih» white mini arrived. lint the luuutir fit! his den tm- ami hi^ tWe in II

i mu plny« mi in h irlnut n lei a n- aid

1 1 > I l| i 1 F i . 1 1 s ymrr dm in pipe. CasunF he com and hell I

ei i
iiunriv and enlivened hr* Cnmpire stories, vl«1e the hi UN- whilr yoa jre away and pick

dtenifs frnni your fi-ie.

\\ HMiiilcmd Coils ('i-ihl'v Msmy Li mot Funs Let rue wu m
vmt itaaiisst the mi -stakes Mil- +•

(even lifKky the h&l hunt pari of a axm waiskt^’ TL5.ii ra ninth- w hen hr found Br er Win (

Ts the Stories, Each huuJrd-tiag man can tclt in his hint house. Triumphal illy the man
oe at toast one a ion that cniL^miirted alt the l"cked the ben hua^ diKir and ran L.
hounds ti rise nf old aee. 1 have stood near the cqn^mitiuji warden sn he ccnild IfgflRy
m old Ci mn wlbilr* he Innked >|nivn frrnu his fake hi^ revenue. W lidr he w.i- t:une, the
tree 'an ii puek of iIlku that coicldirt hiami ciNWi kllliil eJglu chickens.
him, and I swMr be grinned anil cti'iuned .nnl riie man muld hardly a fiend the but
qnimeii. he sot little sysujiJLihv hi (he press, Lcit»r
As winter doses in on the northern Stiites, jttel i3fc.M*sn ( fif any role exct[K thru of ihc
tin* nw:uHni.v reitriri iheir ailFvity. lust hi hum: tvtn whuu the rlipcs him be xdois
dimmer anil early full the tfitii's Pilule to down figluJuu

.'.pl iroacluim evening wjimfe almost as thrill- _\u wonder today kiib, like the pirmmw
in s; as eSil* wail ol (he wolf u F yesterdty, aru proud io wear hts foil.
1 . / .

< 1 n«- p h k li-HIft Tnrrcj f S31£. i k

jiim k- II oy n N I mJa ri pf m-r-r* , I /' LP*
K ittj-kjhL: him « M n- frfjlEL Sk ru > 4 kjgnril. iirttod. j-irLAihE EtfcAliEJtp. 3 ipttdl plkl JE 25mm
Am^JLii icy I Eliif Loun, jells diinc VLi:syiLnilrri. [.cttri Etirrl-x-haApr* ttlfli Of Wlde-alL^tr:
K 1 1 fc I L h L‘ i l
L‘ SuilMlI t'nljcciilf., I. 54^9- k-rwjH KC'iipr It i pi n.l fVrujr-eiijir, &27FL BrilliafliT, .
1 1 .-L ! r

Vw fh-e T*-Fy fincvl m Ihmrn nttifnl cn iilrm prwrtit ElJjJ jli ?ijj ipii -fur 1
ci 1 1 ii-nirn m m - ' j"i ' i vS

Fine movie earn eras and projectors

eon save all your happy muim!nt.s
— in action and color!
If it's mu Je
I i v KulIj I;

VO\i lh.fl • I

e: m good I

BrJiwnii’ Movit nkmcrii. Tiirrcr f: 1 .^ r S7 PJ. 50,

S_ -cpeei^Il c u I - pr|uipj>i J t'ot dll ilire.*c v\r m r^utilar,
wkfihsnsdr* aricf n?.kphMrc» -vm its him e-i .ru-. r n •.

C^tnt-koiJjk frhimfhnf H l
rLijf¥lDr. S 1 Is, ^urm
,J r
nuivH’i Jt l hril bff-| T hlili(i \ i f*'rS'i<--.ii Lull. ran.

J**£r/i itfffiidf Ft&ml Tij-v wkr*r 4ffl(fcnUfr nn4

arr mr/rjnf Eli i anM£? iri^nui ufrfj i

Ask vmir hodik dealer u»ur ecohriiicnc rerir-i


H-imh. ester 4, N Y .

Tii b-j M*b »

t M r

M t
Tape Ftpcardiir

,i li

1 :
ti~ rrfirrirdm~i nrerrd y-.u Tni:. 1

Mini ji4my I ur^ »i ii|i >i i!>- jtlTlkb lJkr» Vn«

I i -r 1 ii |- III
v -‘'uHUf lrijr uirminTi m ii i u pi

’M|(^'l4s3rt« *
play flzii ll! i s* [itn*| ifcrnn.n
TMIMinlpi! » * r-Ti'.i 1
1 "i . ii r i 1 s'l* ik* _U r,-j r-f - <-

end exposure problems* forever * H|i<

' isT nm
V 111 11 Us*
|F till


.f Jl'lr S*
-I :dih «< i
11 Ii

iillllli «r«r^f-
Ii|j, 1

iApMHffinlk rpi-.rjrul I'lJJW?
Fxartfv uIijL ?hc fiirnprii itser wcnikfc y:feci to r Vri ike V-.M ijiprrifc. Tiipfjilelly HJifLiti™
himself, Mecuu^c a WESTON F.i.pcsttre sUm uiiiUr M-jiiH ? ' 1 I'.'
i -iii fi| Iil i Hi i pit* ‘in«iP-

mu to
the lljffLi l'IIli! between jpwd ptetuiei and [M>ll*-»J’lrJEJ!ll jA tin? V-M l.:i|.ir-ij ii|iilji

h.i d, t amitm rnuvii*A and sj.iJb 3 a- niE-^n ite iJ-i*iJM; mf ,

tv^iy time, with fttsy iinlrnt, -ill Flltfk Ffif the -trjrii. it 1-v^i-el jiiil IJHMff* **¥ fm
bcpiruic-r^ ctbCK^^t: eto ^imnEc-ra- lt^c m£>dfl. Ml Mill II -| TT-C’irkT, It I
V- ?pl irakf t,rtin

gbf ibe more Bdvnnccid prapkcr, rtipci pmU nsrambi bnl |4ii>'a F'CHTfc Hapirli hrpA" an r*« If

imutf Atfwtftrd meter, ihe "Maiicr NT Eiciwr

juudei v,-ill jean o( pa^rf^tuLijW
r!i%t pJe:i*u.rr.

A r LiiU ice a U0ldr tHUj^flak the Vcpice wftl c

WE N exposure
mefers •9
V- M HPffHpp piJOK LCK1CH l*.PliI-i *
I hiLlLf hlNill pLriMI P III IHUHtfcCTNi 99 PiepfeiiLUflUlt

Tin Svai Cfiu

This is her Story , * •
t .
wut loJ-d as
jubt at *he told it: "1 rt -«en*
anl, wn
uh-Piipiy IKriiauie was blind- 1
] En ihc
dufkncii tried bi/d tir tarn tny riw I
Jnt tlir
iivjii wbn me hut he flfu crnul with
Fur istfnr"! jMiici Write 1
me s I cuutd flul 'tfe tn uvnid Ell%< Land raided
Pe H J. CalvJti U.Uikt
tn si like mf, ^i mn ti i rn t*i lit ticfli mf nntil E
CHRISTIAN [-*1 i n t ! ,\ md ihtrel LinEted. EUCi ] live^t iti pm
* and IrJt. I. ^a-Jied 3 wffra d^dd. ISuL nu*v l

CHILDREN'S FUND, INC. ^ ,-mj -*www l

ILm hurt m tch-ont. 1 curt ptvtf remfitiber
El|t HMO\'n 4, VIROlNIA be E ore heinjf ^.IjJ I dial eli¥t.


I wish tii "aclDpl M buy *— 1 Iif- hihttv nt fill Shim, dat U, u nci mate pliLlful rltiti Ikun^i e-rU
.... git] f« »ne year in nf bitiiwl, rhild yeryanin, lhpe yvt rescued by
ali'iiL*-i d. "cheap

hi iBSLacidt'r WB^Tlici' In rtfrifiw4n VMet-Nam, Kcu'fj. ^nd mhEr eeiuia-
I Name Vn-ufitry) irfeii To lie 3 limbi, tinu^hl ansi pnirl for crtvalrt nr a huiiitltss
E will paj Slit j 3 >i ib lSl2ii ;i earj. 1 :- 1 i
child with ni:r'p rj;-* xiihI hunger ^rijn| •^acigitu But io be blind!
Ejldt^edi i> pU « liirJll Itlf ihe full *e.Kr inn, i-LircJy L’il U Inf d ItAr -it pity ^lli*| itiimr one's com n* wdi
„ rir*[ m^nth _ Plea.-ic
(. CF a^iki over rbiildtcii arounri t&K vvot-Fd. Not all nl
i nil me
Ibr diiid'* dmiih jiJ- ,
them arr hLimJ «r crijjjjird, but man* if were lUrWJTOie^.
iUr** n >1 ni'-uje. 1 uihlrritiind c H o 1
mm r-ur j tspi'ind Mith eh; rhint A !.
Jit'Ll 9 rj-d and *h oved dr^um] —
humttrtiiv, uij-el- (be diwardirtl ehipA

dr limed 10 Mirrn'it and pain, T3 l? worEd pftrftd them try “on the
iltit ItiE-ie N it HbLi^iituin tsnHlin:Lt
other *ii|e
uintl ArntrLm Mdtfir i>j their aid ihruux^ Ct'f.. Any
ilif adnprlci^ ^ifr wjN huLp yurh chiJdf^fi ihi v earn hr “jdLipitd" jnt\ pi Ami r.n
J i jnijiit a child hul WaEU mu ..j 2 li CCF Hattie The ccmE in ull t:outiTriti Imtcd hrlm> s
i* eImt
in h e tgi by pivini; S *ainr— fett ilaltva a nnntb. The jiatftE., flddjlP; “E'd picLurt
Flei*r »ins*! me lurther inform a ti.m. will hr sepj and cefrei^xncldNtr wiih tie child i- inrftfA
I -IT r<".mtHe> ite: ,/njfrid, B*t$font r flnfJirtj Brunil Ittirmrt, Ftjt-
NAME /Vrin'i i', tiff i,fts7UT h C7r-"."i r .
IFo*7.M A" In*
ADQAESS Jnmqitit, Jaj'iiitf lortthtrt. timfr(r T F-fi L/f'-
tirr IDNt u rr t|Wii|0 F MalQjfM, Jtf i^ai c
tijfjTTiiiivj, FtiJtultrti, u-j.

F«yr'/n Him, Jiyniij l wiird Stain, tt'riUrn Grrtn#*tt nr

l/j-r jfi'sli'j/ irci'ii
Gift* ut .j llv j lluull>.
i j f webiimr 3nt®afwratTd in I *m r
t'T F ii the lirgr^t orpb«nHffr
Cifri are iiisiuiTiblc ftutii iDinmr ta\ mi i- ini * nli'in mi 1 tif wti rid.

Ucoicon rh- ^nion il Gt^cr — J lilH.;rjh*, yivu

For superb color detail...
he magnificent illustrations in the book "'Endions

®t the Americas ret dm, ali r

h -z- i viiferpncy and detail
in Iheir “
1 mnslaiion "
ld> CICO Quoted Fop^rs.


1/wt Ff/trr, t


A !> F * 5
J.I-Pri'i.Hi -
4, h I «F||| I -> I
f -d a I 1.1 J I.
I, ij
I 1 1 1 11 1 U 1 1 » i 1 I
1 H


u ali Jr

1 ft 111 ' Mil’ » !• nj it^b, M

Lb* '.pBl.rfi ill

III’ * * katjiq
k#allEliM mt ri nil’ll*
ISir lll.yl |rf FbI IiHL CtfUfelU flUTI.
M i
t * *# . ( np-f i -xiL i-li* I'l* Ml 411 * llil-linlPil
I II i| rn- 1
! !!
liml.M |Lki k Jifrllw r*MWIE lipipfc'lilil# ml
nil r r hi Mini r-Miim lbI>' ih u p-ijiiui'iri m
— 1 1

nnn'MlPipi it ..ik atl^ijiininiii r i'c^ i- ai >j ^

1 . l Lula* I urnL-J I i*«i» L illiLtr Ll<»»

>,f .1 11I ill |iiiv. in 1 'iJl J riUmlii r I I rlll*Pn
-i!,- iii nnJ. "JLrilir *
IE ^llflirr nf
1 1 1 < I 111 l«*ii#r rliHii 4 * hi liffw lt( ij-
If I I' f m. Li. B*Jfh I P |l-iii S I

?-pf. ih** -Vn--i Ur r - Im RIufm.1i Cls-av Uni

AssfHifate m BJ& IftG POWER 3 ri
, ,.miii im* *1 Rii**
Pm piri-^HT-hfri '
?•. r- |f,s T Ml 1IW-!j! mqenlnmiE I£#p1I>|
IP rtUM llkM' IVH P-Tr'ili r* a 1 1
1 I'jL11 .1 M |
.1 r Li.-H/'J -

I Trim. H It HiMh.ii 1 :i
| jy 1 1 II I 1 1 4jI h 1 fe III bp
w.^. I 1 **iii+#«m.i *Jm • j- mil. i:,m nf ms 1 JiiMT
I kJ III* l.i lie PI* **l Mv J'l-'iM Mill !• Tl
p*1 Mil I ipt* ira l-nr L'j U^iM »|Lh lucks I m
ImQ lira -i IHI 1 Hi Sj“ 1IlnT r W: r.j to- art
i* I * hlq^M |f -lr i-' »|wr '|MK# Th * V* *4ht tu«MP
-4 'i“MIij kiUj lU bl||. I Mil .j' r*|*li»- r

hi Uni .F I.IM 1 1 I .
UliuFdl.Ul ii-J li miLii.
• M-iJI P I UVVlil Hi I Ml HI F" It iT I
llll IS Ydxi |

rip ilf


L*»li "l
Umiilv In. 1 cmmiiii-
VriPUihVi 4T4R flif UkT

i-JW I n * N J

' 1 1 j 1 i 1 : 1 a l.iiSiii.i llll aii|llul . 1 Lit ihihJIILUlii
1'iM iLh.E a ll. )il|Lmn Tin Ai.. Ji.MiJ-
LTSjii-il I

IMIMMir. lU AVMIIIIMULkl -lii*H r -IP. r 1 IIT— i


mi -kf ir i'i.ryJ.i'lir Mrlrr** -

1 H" r 1- IIm
rp ^linniiilpiii unJ mi vnm-ipiL K Mpv i l

1 jw|< || n» ilvir fftai inti » lift n*r,l‘|l«i

L Iaw m |*l -f
r |'*a L j -4 V
. A lljiil'ja •
. |

ba-l.l Ik Iminlrkl nlllili- n Life rilfrihlli jiill Li gilt

13*1 Kjh| MiihA HUrplPin Mil 111 El |N
... .. 1 Bb.flj] f.h m.

V in** Ji/|ii p j. » i hue mi # 3 >«H rb-«i iii 1

fHEI I'^Mli^rr— *j YiirlU. r fj i»

ThItI- ?iflilllki M IVlIL-'IINl! I ll -f Ie ! Bril Hll HI iW Tf Ifl ' •

l l

fcDHLJHO ttll+JIIMI CQBP f Dcrrinuts^, H. 1 ,

The Aljmn mhvta Dtvn CfocSwii, Tnivji sod

11 .
. ic Ifil 3 hi' ISHi I'l ftevolulinit . . *

I liu i h^corn Lit sbe %iuni^b mis

RtntrEidP'IT r i .. JmillliriLi V 1 1 Flpfcl’ i
t: E"*

itlhjvc Eil.irufai-Lii!:. KlJLi. ilr-do^ES jmf [.Lkl.iml

wrni'S'nj* r i
Ta jiks I nkmj2 p^up i<n 1 i sn-


^ rlLi[^ jn-i ihfl ai 3 Li ir LipihSI-

Use an < 4Jimir% l—i


libii ccTitej . ij^.Jil-; i e 'iafi fw

ijfi hi*mi te*tni|P[ ritiirim. hhhaii, 11 a. nr. noj
HlUf sliMitf r dirk in
Ei^kti- ti i>nvnllr JGclabmi la b§ lln nwil yopiatila umirri
in 111 * iMHld. WJtn in EbIjIi jibaifipfApb fm * Uiflni HMCJ nrU’i |n L\.ir]_ Lull «1&
iMlIffl^ U^HUr i M> Df in Hill lEop 1
micrc.f,- icnUCW jlH crtEurr Jm.
HtHtnlBln [he not knd LiTTUt Csmti'i Yan wi!! ifwiyt
- hJIIs
hi ¥T tho ciflnt tr .Atcuii? kcwicy wll*i bp
AiitoiniUc ffl-Mauu flu letit ih|l i| tiled Prn iui
nltwii||L altd t|iti Wit RiCtuv*. This vir? httit vliwihfl ly-sl-rm
simi hx lit ijfiwi a-r pdiniDcrdDPr A<ih in Etihii, fram
mScraitciM 19 leleKerw, tnrj'fniDi niifch is bfliwfcafc «d
ittkjffiAj Of atfit, ran cn na ike LuMi du
*w pimmi pbilniri|]hv F HHHti. smnnlls, capuHrart, stc MUNICIPAL INFORMATION 'BUREAU
rtQ3 Write Dipl;, kt B04Mit *i
m fm ,

S^ildhig ?un An^ciiiai 5 , T^kim

TIS i rsiuiui'ce 1

WrifE Today
| nr Iir -P ,

noir nrd ccm** V iil Mio lr?c-r

n-i^ 1 igpi 9 -j r J“j

«hcn fnPii ^ 1

lor heir Fill iiflkKtit^Irg icivite

Mepitl^rs Ihr TtiabiBnal — It Jfv4l

1 1 1 I b t

\r%s iVrHdiiiil 1 1 forma ion I

Seri h*v 1 U^ Urmit^c

" i oiml \ -i

in TJir TCfj Imirt i>f "Flonih
'mimo ‘aunty is iJntfi’il wj 1 1 liuiHlritti* of
-p]iP}dmg life?*- Tin* ]a"fiL-ri cfilliEiic fur
mirk hi I p[ny
liVJn-th-i r
y uii im plAHtiUy* .L virrif LirrUEii-
lliE hi $ity. VmliII, wikiit lo Icjim 11
more Eibcnit
• i i '
3 U)tl 1 tl full Mimjit? < n i sit y . f^rjni I ytjuf tjs ti-r—

lions tu £>tiinpci County Clmsiit^r of Cum-

nH'iTtv Jlepi XGDi’.$9Bll W. Cokni*! Ur,,
urluitrlu, F[nriiin»


»! sf>c stiLi-is iind btnlin uf jnotnS dn> h\ in^ k l' T


duwli on m,fcn.v ii>d;fc> imd , jtit arnl ffiiipcrait guardian METER

wiih -bncficuil pleasure* iwrl fuLnEilitt- F li’ lilt i’ it . . * t tfH il ho il I
j* Lima Eirl-rfl
UosECI.i p\m* E*ciilD# H-Miifrai EJrrtrie Guintiin u ItL^bEy vro diirr-
sufis Hams 47 boi Mil — i54 rofTfi- wtik Ilflfrt-nttliiTptj-
spring i HLipjily Inn ItytiiCell" HtlJichrill I ! elp= Hilvft cvcrj etpimufr
woiJd'i fflusL i"a- IjjfThhirtn Jfi#F wipt'rt' fiti itifex IikfiHj flH kiph vrifirMj iiln iL
mu us- I, li c rm u | critir m\ cdlftT T wirf 4i* ijte iF'k m im . r rea I- dtfttriJy
ban hi ufoier m-x:- In kin j il1 ** *i- in A -A il JSEJ**
Jt —
li 1. 1
i ! i
i i
-t i

1 1 !jl 1 1 U 1 1 til' the: liyaxi. At phnto ih ji'TTi i*ir>i iii>p T P . , ,

v s r w*afMk 'A'leli l_ri.l-ir_i.l-i: «:na !if he 1 ' !“ — Tjrc ,|i .l p jy,fl j-
1 +
Scrvic-a niej^v El
**h.)i«I I ’ll,! il

urnd tilei&M*.
r tftmVE

in frnvef p/aflfWftfl

World's only Music o Travel F (arming I Kit

fA bnufuim plyi fcdicti iM-«f I* r til-s, eg I

Ci fly. ttjCEEio^ "Eunjjpwi Huiidjy btinjt*


•*'' ,liJ "h^-ini Irip k? life in Offifidi¥b\iy
--t\ k Fc it ufcs TV a,its, Sfjkfs Miller ma^iu.
? mfy f sir iei^u I mii mclodtc t >rT^i , y-jSu.3 btc


JP / / <4\tvd tipi on 33 rprn; H^pi

Only 53s 1
pyirh^tt-j Jrmr
at NO EXTRA FARE A vjr f
.L. Nf
Wir "jfc
sn-jil! hfHF 5
|MB (wpon
If 1


Over IW J A 5 txTrj-Cjiy
trips ta cbcjN frtirtt, Mqh fCANCn^AVlAH AfftUNES SrSTIM dii'.rmCtif I
LftcSiid- 1,^1 ndem inti Pursi.
Scni: for uoijllJ


iffynur snivcfc litL-a ti*. c^iinr
*3 R

Fcftb A vii M*W r^rk W. N.T D
n* 0 ]* urn? FHtE Pridvj I’.-ib-d.

FrcLewri n ll EH So* wrpT«t»S A 5 Truvi

“Vn ru’ jiip K rl, with r^pl

h trc eHurCI
1 7




injc- I Mtf tirutiiiffliU citEcr^. — Umm * — Q l*ir-E«I|i

>caii Eslu 4 a ^iLh mu^c 1 Lijjunpi'i
narrin, Sa,'yc!irr travel j[jcal
A-sk nboot Pj> Liiict- Pbjs. [j E^ar-dHiJ- 1
TrOh 1 D.r l

Mrntinn Ihv Xitiroi Ge’*r;ivni: — It J ilexi iiRff vuu

m r I T 1

Quick Easy Way
to Clean False Teeth


YoU ^ ijt cr he '.v.i In hie. i)RA lhL'.'j: you
discover how safe v l
.jith! fijuiotlj it cm^ns
dentures and bridges without dutgcruuiL
Accef-H SMH, 1
brisking It bantihe* the risk o| unpLeav-

SjtnEam .imJ
uni 'denture brcalh — tttu os mouth lujftueH

Tfdn*UA-'trti_i£b feel so ctfJTitoiiijhlc because J^cxir Jentuft

Built ’i Au1(['" il i
fa spjfci k l i
l" c[cjn! li’s easy, quick lust
t’rf -
5?iin g pta Lt ik-sirura irt denture tmih or gE^ss, ol

SIse'v ChJtT-.Li.-r wLiS-cr Wtlh cine-halt iea>pOtHtfiit *:

5 upir-r C Ottilia
tor ! S minute* **r itvcnrnght. mi hriahing —
A na = ci -j L-p^i needed i d-tA is pure, conUkin# uo- leii-Liitsc
cp Superb
flavoring und COtf* fe** .l penm <e day-
Opl cal Sty it?
Gel the large economy mm at your drug-
store* rod a av,.

MO ACCESSORIES TO ATTACH! fiut 0bC *1ir A product of

NdhV-fs! oi Rem^c fanous :-••• aulc-- McKesson «
m^E s-iiiJ-i? projBctQ-: l
Everything b u i
lt-=n '
Aifi the ROBBINS
control's fc?f tryly nUto^-atic B^de pKfffiiltPtirt In om?
ttfllf-corvtfiln-od unit. Wo altathmftnE&. J j^I Jfrnrjj-i ri'ti fjf^vi^frSh frjAcircn uftam
iniaft rh* Ringaiilnn, satfha iwEftfr, press Ihb b Lit-
ton ond sit hii-ok and f^njoy yfigr elide phnw Fro*"'
anywhere nr the roorn. Extra CoodEnser La ns for T&u c*.t« 5TIU Oft PHOCISSINfl Bf MAILS
projecting large r i 1 si'dcs. Built-in pointer. ,
I fi'nm
Spffctflt itcldd Blot; to do lever; 5D0 watt lamp;
WOLLENSAK F/3.5 tfiri* and a h*s4 of other MAIL r ILjvi TO US FOR FAS 1, PEPLrJUAiilC liEfVi.-CE
Re *?. re adv-anUnjes, Couinlrr-i- with '.n«l ccmlflifH'd
JIthtti ?a FKP ROLL 51 *# JJmm M, IT.P «0||.
currying cast* In hancraomp Irish imfn, viewing tV S r
dik- s Pi-hrir'1 #^ t eP CFim-t
J-Q'ld For Jv|r* Ip.l^i CiSiTififri'B r F . cT
screen* cord and 7 Revs re magarinE trays, JfS5.SU
( Si
n t3U" fttTACHftQMt ALISCOCOLOD JT.1 s 3Vs
Jui* if I il f-orgpl II T R* rferi ,

iJiqw* JH5 slides @1 alJ 1 i dw mfluiit* ,t* M]n Orrln'T, T

5 !
JL 3 4Sc 5 S 7 $1 B B A5 S2 COO-
iicw Gc 4* Nut ill bh# MlMlIll — :

^"Pc^proi^e ffc'achrrpn-.i! Prn-r (-,) T73. 43C! JF j=,\,TT|-n

N-e ple-DM

r05.r I robbing
linger io It' Opcni-H]-* n
Ok pfii-rei f ISnr. T
Afj X jiy<LP JKJ f E
iC?rnp|fll4rN hy H?nir a-!o* = diri-ral, Ayihon-iiHed A«i-cii Co^rar Lai'lwinTtsrT-^'&dak E>uti:er
pictvnji withgiU rllorl. SOD
b l‘ n rp-ii i!
Mills with p.nlurr GrUiianizr cDnlrul
WQLLCNSA K S indi F ') 5 Jra* With '
M^t-0 baiiilnn! Il lllirii Serin? ¥d.
cbniMti. iti-lliCdnljiuied Lnen-ctiyweiJ
-Cdsh anil I'CwiftQ itfMfi . im.iO'
r' '.”= Li|[J« FrPilcrtn M u| nP^ fiFI? isijrr n Trers

IIi-ii Woi'ld
r hi in
Slondo'H Cn-nvi,pifl'iGiiciJ


"tar'-UUiH '
"1 0 1
-- — » tww Tit TM.M Pie-
5? W HB r ''iTUI
!ip±.4l Laoii Cam- Tl*r**f ^p-OflK L«Cid |f t !!, F f I ia'11 H ITALIAN ttUStlAN JAPANE5F
r p l,i I f1 lfl‘J Ciamirii-. DiFtf^nii r ivpfip n t n 1 1 <?~l 34 lorn u i; ni avaluUl- i-bt IHI FHIA1 AT HO MR
mill; pb|t£liva Till II Kfcji rsfit Tji ry --iA'f ^ng In IjliHri L?n -*
I '

A UllVllRlfhilAfl ft Till ui Jill !


rif- i'Htfi Ml*- ittarldi^ -

li| •

T/l * \rm; HO witt «pi!p ppwf in rrhuil: «t1*M *rr< I ppiI nfijI IIP*-
WOt mm IiRiiey jm

RIJli-L lliriiijhf I Hnirn l»mp r

. 5Q ipaltlk wi i iii tjivni \ ripp'iyp; ^ tif* iflf iw>m ijm
WOLlFN-y-iS i/m l F f N*! AV I
s pliBnfllj 7 - * Dj fllftdv III# 4- F'"(i' 13 I .1=1 P-Bi. INI ! - III- I 'lil|F l|| IT I I
T.1 j-

Cdi'Dll I I RI Ju. , Eii^d ‘ifh in: ri-cli. it

l unldi n«d VmiI h-iv If* Ji FRr 4^11^4 *< I
>- -
n l niiai IVnrAiri i iir^nj

T4i« r n*n*tf*4 i Ul in^AK! * i»IJlIuu TmLje-

ri* 11 Iff AO i
B i |1 *?M kJH ll JLJ J-D
i ihiv
Ammo’ll ii hut. (nr rftt.'t. ii -
1 iih>
vuiij n iivq rnlAL
ftEVEKt CAMERA CO - CHICAGO in, ill. LtHT. L-APrtahf INI-TSTUTT T IZ-3-- 1 lM HU I f Ij 4 in

MirtifiaTi ihs tjatfcgnA^ —'ll k Li til I ifiM f?U

i r i - ? .

. your Chi istmas 6 ifts


can still be giving . .

eiipyLm'iil- . , » t-HiiciUiuji .
. entertainment tong alter Y 1 1

1~|i J
iNlikimcjg^ nrr Vtom] liWil\! VVIl-Til Y<M( glYlt
ihlp* in vfiiir nvm Sft£toty p
each rrtdalh bring* ^ urw \.Ltjmuil
(']t,'(iip ir.L|hliJL Mag#/ in* far vmtr u^ipicmbi afoul their
The ph^wnrr oJ your git I ^ttihurjcinl by frecjUt'ht iimj? SUp-
pkwi^— spans flic? entire vi;ar.

Th? tlfcr iotm heli nv In ->

1 1 i Eu pnsi eiI gffl irirmlu nliip^
hi il( nj 1
r bk i tiiinri] nations LI gift, h?' sure Lu iniHudi titles

l'tiiikiUtunui Lit it! l h-.-L k. LLppm[irtLity iHjunreS.

national Tir> ifm

S OC 3 E T Y Wmiiingitm fif*

a l»ir Ivltowi-n prra-oni fo+ n?Hmb*nhip »h Tilt Saci-ely

iVthinrs - iS-ccJk^xr b-’ i ew rrr ri Chruin'fii f?i Ear whrch f at f 3

nd aik you i
a sui'cj fri f r rcir^iL o r-cdprfrrlij, hr 1
fa nH
N -ami tie el whew- ,
on r c^ nr NOT fhec'bedl bE-low are 1c be .nv ip?d by "he
ANNUM M[MPE«5H^r Ssi'*ry t-o h*t&rn" m^pnfcori an rhifir uwn- btii'nU
Du£: v. i ‘r' j . 77,'|p

IlniThif JStfrhfl*. U 1 Foi:

«<irt C«ai|i1m MOO
-CuLinPrli i |
h Hit festal A*i(Jr p-ci
Uii«bA l« - pt.¥ Affirm ih ard
.K. 5 G
|_| N’ar^n* __
D fiflii . LI 10*- W.
I^kf rth iltrlkT; •dj .Jl.K 1,

iluvhrru abmad 17 t‘3

LWc aAc nilw-aliip I l iUDq U Nerflt#

Li, i-. life

AJi/rri#. .

R CBlilfBHCVI 1 |.(>N Ui, B*,Sr irl

zontinL uiiil IJn-lhJ Slain
tnd tdiiMda i,kii^li| be by MhITIp
Mi * 1
tfurji <UgtI -nr inl-fmc
lld#1 UC huini'f Aft&toit

rt in. ‘liiii.iij
rrviur r hiPH? >

Ireland !S THE LAND) ft. YOU'LL LOVE!

As yGur pLsiuf sweeps down rr> Rmnrmn, or your

ship &aila Into C obk r
the white 3 lJ
yj.iu will 1

Inul tiWnitiS you V ^rli'OTm? only Lho Sm* rnki

Ulo (‘-iiti 1liver, lug m nr 1 1
1 1
< -
« r ! J-W this
the Lnn-rl &f
;-i , . the bifid yen'll lovi+l

Tour DurWrgrl] Dublin h Kslliirnt r y, a_-J E I hr? Bill

of Tarn* ihr Mouth luJui u f Conni mnm 4 . tht?
inri E'f tfliutt . sun- L>> k.i.u:-
mmI Svng 1 - Hi-
th* Htornty Th*rf niv iwi.N^-s delights in
jin Ei jrih in>[iiL.iy
And ynu fun pen tn-!»nd IV r 1
UttU 1
tts 310 a d.ny T !\U-in^hi5Tv>*

fVr tt' fJrpi. r/, S3 EVl Nf J/.H’jV S’Wni*, AFni"


i'uri *2 (a r >uu.r f vinSl imirl huokh'Tx.

ftirtik y-rayr trip fhrieut*h yaur 'IVtzrwJ AjJPflf.


NEW YORK-4 1 J-lnri ijmb Sitiwt
wHlCAOl} -- ins I
-I s ill- S:rjH»l


in ih? West A South America


±Y Ih* CDMfLftdY ftIR-CDNDmONftO

HOMEHIC rrflnnlilccr r
2^,000 iHan flaqilii^

1? pb 20 DATS fpom N^w Votk

D®r, 22. Jan. 5, Jufl. 23, F*b, ft.

M.crr. UPv Mwt. 19 . Apr., 4

* I nd •vie* u I oir-cond harFH-g rcnlraT
in iiPirf tiaiiEwn.
* Htadllnff Kinrartaij^rnanl, 3 rc TinEi i,
blit *4rf*l**f p-pglf irfriri *P jpl^y
5 l n d.s :ks; -
lini-ve ci ji:n pre-gram,
p4>li'»4. gjrrlq nl^hPi
Jfc Faad ai d
iw*U* in llid q^al
ConKnflaia^ *r odi^ou.

r *
iii 1
1 !

HOTEL ilia PHI till

En 1 v iffr'i .up
iild Hut prprlif ip
Wnc !

° rhrr iwr v*vr
and in ACAPULCO tv
null r.Li^l nf laonr

rmn 10 c iw * y Diirhr ^^3 > - '
-J m
JL’-ntr*- ^ -- r: *-

^c'jtron ^3ie Mil Lend E CiiL-frjpbji, — 1 1 1 -J e jj riri* > lifl-u.

« 1 1 J 1 1 1 l . 1 I ,

HLJN& Acts like a Magnet
birds —
Al Tracts
feeepi. them near,
and tippy, 1

to give or get!

Cafeteria where birds
can eat in peseta
1 I
A Beautiful
Yard Ornament

“ || 'l


hRHL ClllOjIif.
fairer** faff

I"' i* i-‘l viu^Fi l-cdFinif FilmJnrni ruir-Mi-

tlU.ll- I'lpU-trtft f^lf. 1‘. 'lift. I HI l.'i b Iri I

liliit.ifiB, ir i tin .4 >ii iir-tJl luifcufar.

i .
L i Iji fei , Mil lljr ftihj 'IJi-liri tri-jm

llfetin.i- Jqai


- J' *'lj i*' 'i*ji i
r 3" 1 4 (Mill * iinly
H^+R'HnH fivCT f'.'i •! hfc I' ji p-| |HW|. f 14 1 l

Ilh Mhi^li 421 ill rS i-'-UI kra.i1 fi r ‘

1 :m1i | i L |f J 11

rrr 4tbii. l . rH J'u-ri ,ilj| f-} r 04

^ fcW" Vui III ui ian Guflrjirvlf-pd

I qi Mi^uriy Puri
t l/v C'lO-'hi nrrjJ* l-^LiLhii Iii!|' Li.ti'pi My<I-i=jI

BOWER MANUFACTURING CO. T3 h' tiK ' in th* tfurltl 1

ta irh I
Slhtt! TTSt^
I Q 3 S&UlIl l‘ulli • rr p • O-qllifiTl lri:!;:nTii5 I'l h I
mid SPIvC ntAMVTtC PLhSH S vl 3

t'l Nt •*- ik- •

il I’ll-. 4 I"fc IT| ffir I ML I II I'l 'T- l" LqL&
1 ii'i i
1 1 1
1 ! III 1 1 1 1 1
d I ill 1
1 -Ill i--- lu-it -rr I T j - r I li k i.-

. 1
1-- 1 1 liiilNm-. fi ir (v#ci i
i.-r- |'i.. i, -nk: iiiiil rlii-i't frlidiftir
i i ' 1
1 1 1 i,.
r --
Klimifiuh-** 1 1 •. 1 I _miii|i iimiii| h|
Jiril 1 1 ii* I h DckiIiIa pv|iiiniirp I'iitloil. biritl-in
^ttniNf, i*ni 5 ciul fir i-i i-HHi '
"a^l naJ-rnrUil buJh
I'.jjJL-rfj NiumIi \Mtftlii. ihiiAfHireti .ii ul I
»*h nt 1 i'f l*i_
DTD =nd QUqp 4 C - -n ir.i • Trii’i hr w 1

141 a- 1 p:? i innn II

4 i All M iif i to I j i
nih-.iLid i

i Hr iln rt-. Ml IS.M
EtPf Hir f ltt ^ |:rup I Hurt |
-> 1
1 ill me: H rnr*- M i iiljI l.l !i iii I Mr f n.fclfci" h L'..i-\ Puvmcfit I "I nn
p|p>H JP'CSjn^lt ul * V] “I r L7iU! r l I r l"P • ILF il»i ^ -
1 >

j ryi Lirndan Iuipi nnd Pianfc Wppl'f h id ji'^uri ’A*rrll Oroph-c 3 J «ih f Ibih,,, t S77.BO
\U.u5 d j. **fcl*»F
l t-i QULiH MATY txkA GUl-N Gfoplii* 35 Ptffi f 2.8 I "5 ni I a j. m m m. j .. n t $37 . diet
lUUH! IM select 'jbrs. ip n4 ii =1 . rf?sn
I . [IE | [pit Tl^flS, Ufc.P Cll-J . vua II.
[ire I UP. FT TfrUlS, Fnd Oaa iifaUlTS *t
l' 1 i Jff bit. Iwr ptih;: Fp lilt
iFA* KUnrwrm 500
wi.Hfl i^dn-T ’or
fawVkll ‘0-5?*
<1 i. iira 1
I h U*A\.H sr ,W&W?,
ni,i m-r i . rum «m <
,i rfMl. 1
Ml Ml. 'll fW Llm firuiiikkl' I III- lii*V»

_mm J
'. -
Ll^lnltpitii >Il In In. |H‘'4 I -i 'i''i r ; j 1
1> i
U+ 11 1 - r | m]V*-
m IL'PI i -I !-- 1 1 i-% I fc|-e (inly "Mm ^klEE I
«r i 1 ',i illi
l!hi ie
Mr -
1 1 i-rn
ril- vUn^
I# -i i < i 'L -j’-i liiii: I
. '!"
1 1 1 tlt>0 Hun KdpU
I'Lrt! ;Jr- bi.iLult -
lyLtup jLLLeI fifi'i liknla j 1 1
> • m i l 1 ih>dj. Ali tit*
, ! 1 1
ITT I "I’ll Mil : Frjr l >- M il -
1 If O iii itn i
iiuJi^er \i*& |H..| lultLl Aif^quipi .M.- -IMk 1

Uil=Hn hvikluiii y.
iimfurr* 1

up vjiIlh" nivd limit

miTfmr an ility »'i

JO f
'Ji d.jwit.
T- 'i i-'i li t-im-M f/i H. S
wy n* Eli V r* an

pnrt-»nr, s^rw- 3T to 45 .
for \V'TTti IT LIt-.Ti.1Ufi*.
— “i-ii' 'Itil «>ii ^irli uvlvn , ci
ic c*iang»f
R*rad rTrpD"r- £GnlTaF. H K Ssy
EnutololVQii wilPb O440infli|je. r , . ™

ILviiV r irr'F ".

. J.V, .= *
ik. '! 1
. j'.iH .
Ti^iWirTiy iTb .V. 1 AVuri
JAJi I*J!J Ui- Rfi|',“!i.i Iif .."Aliy ill -J.’Iji il.^i iUiJ U.'T jUfjriJ ill I JiILM.ji!
U iil!kjLLj Jnllj| f

v. iiin

V n ||ft„ r >
ik. SB
I fa B

3 p i

rX m, .. .

JiuEifloa. Ifac K & I L'j.j j L O-rtiitAEihl-r — It Id entilin ymi

CarrilM# ITrnEqT‘ns;ii
+ Lum _-mi lejI l|lti-3 K II F* Ip*M-
in ft
tiniri, £ AiT pIvt-T lv Fi^n.ihnd |4W
:di» NEW M.DON h^rr*. niiai"



4 1

1: tv*

li iU 1
; 1 t racu

for all slide and movie projectors mi t! . . ^ Fdinvifl nrihKiai , ,


ur rh.r I jl til f l( Fiitl : m -


l-f=r r.«ti 'i in:

KinlaE lllirltUT tf
NEW MOON knrnu‘
GENERAL 'ink ELECTRIC iff roar
In -


Smith -Victor
iludd & Dh W .-iU
E i juv miiint
ii 1 i-j
- Ij. ilatUiimed n lr
]t SJ ,

i LUTl U- il n nth iflpil'l l»f

MadnJ L4i
iemt ihwcif i ChDBEi lriir^viM
k\ ik r:!ii ft lfe Hill IBV tlUtfHl
^£9*1 i
1 ElBUe: Ini R bf-Hjir <- ICr

ifiTi i'&h 1
! in* t#rik-VHfvr ,. .

Wl * L'-fThiil tftf 1 ill| Mil



WA!>llrtJGTON S, » C
jr. ^ * Qlt^r rnitfjli n Pa
Ilf RG <1 lfttiF "«iri fail an


Wrilp Ir-v Iimvf ff-qw thz_:a L ' nr* J'lJciDr N MfiJfCSfnpKjf

i\Vl ffViftrl/
rvogfnphic CUMULATIVE INDEX lS$fr-lQ 55
VOLUME t. 1 S 99 - 194C i VOLUhit II, 194 M 1 SUPPlfMfNT, 1952-55
TIl'Tc is the 1* 1
1 in flic InfnAlcdgc ppituit.v, itid iiypi i$i ” vttir-

cif National t k’ugijjfliic! few frtifcfc unmlke,

WIlcHilt y(m imx -i

Ml dll f:S 4 In-, ttviunlim'iL Set

I its SuppLinplt null guide vim lurJilv ,L Isi.l

tn |Tnpic?rT plutir*, n A hire ftbjcth, itiJtt* pIIi J Hiitlnir^..

$$tf$ i“tf P.Si ^ Fit, if #i* PiiL //..

MPftttftJjS jiirrfilr^, JFJ ftrtib tri F\J 5 . f%WA + r r tf&wk4W*


nj Wi£ // $t PkfciiM.ti*


/ te fit i
s -t mm i N * H’ft sh inptmi ,
j9. f

Jtf Mr:
iiilV lii* N XTLOIS 1 Gti'ET BT <1 i*C — Ii I itf Tiii lie i TQ3
A 5 i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


L i, I V i
- ,m
niflhf* r+ihl ii|url In ihh fnirtnn« »1iHi|ifcn-i • nr (mi luiiyi
j i: 4
9j ri^i 1 mi I niiii ] , "i ! 1 1
1 1 i~ ihiUJiil S.iilllil \t Mi llUil iJil'f
L i i tt-«


- r H liar
Mllf-T. ntlll
EtE Ulfc

I.Lt rill lit tf jin Ifjtc 4~n II I Mril Llhl r ri

" | i" 1 F1 ri L , KVlEIIII ll 1
ill ' 1 | \

rjf* j||4 fiiijfl Li m mi Km Hi*- t^htfruirl 4 i i

fiasiiiij* i-j i
I j t* , .
. tluu n i • i

I'un 4hi lit 4 f j m ''Fiitl ir *1 i )l#

iar jiiur i i i !
aim 4 1 ,\ l l
a Hi! ( • f ^ I ,i

tin* twine*? lYlilyfniufi

J jy jh r 4 gi 1 t Dm
iii if I i^rvkfi brl*-rrr ftr ifp rfi i.
i r. 'rr’Inrd nut C^itflrti , 'pl



1 EL-rape *« °r Ml IC-T wtHi Hf |fe|<tl P wl! y I ii I

a wictr dlEMCB flr* nl+V flm-g gLil’f-l Id Wl.t JFE4JF tTEtYfl pLflHL

I i
IT"h AV I I VA / £r




aihl SEftVlCtt

aaiTISN NMLWAY5 . ? KacVrtiHJflP PI dig,
Kg* JC, H V. QfKp- in

“ii-Lauqij I; - . - ngctsi ar:d t dronl'n


BINDERS for you

fnr> ~Iclail fi Ihil.lii

injcv ifiuir fur n, r^rihk- ,

- c:u Id ('ixh! b '"f * nil- 1

- n nu|*| vim? NJ.kfci-iriM

ilFx-I 41 |Mal BlfVlV JjOlkDil
I'lh l.> tJi i - .

Il-w isriLuiei. Nil- wl rr 1 - uai.Mii -H-raNiL-

-ii r i -
n Hiriil
ile *
V 1
*j Ini dnnhl-u iriLhniJi iitaFlvfFMn f
v<- iJ J link « LKtlfltiir- C?^ifflfitpe4

fi ;
’sj r HT . uSdfinu, SlDuiid iluut Tt Xu I

i£h m. Cl“ J-d-lt'liS iT I lTIJjty 111 J f. ilfriL 1 '. K

nM3 Lt* *riHW I rvil

LU^E F-.'-JFE^ Yoi^jkEiijr^ IEiim vir:khj hkhm in ii.iiiu, diy S"'l
&t QMly 14 U IvsLii jni.ri jnin.l snd b-^dy in Ihii u:i hurried inliiimiaL
[I I
C-LGlMUl b[UG t'j Ui/i'T 1 !|iLA[iLrLt|>|> Ijni- (iliTilirirv Miliiiil. aiiiI hi mil * r :Lidr|’;

•' Ii. I jie. v.i.rn; M' ;
i r Aw IT-eirRhiiil CrtYrtll*. pI'J 1 1 - th 1 i 'i 11 m VVImM' b in ill.
iCll hi 4 "> A .11
Altijja Ulg Nihi QriuiUt if inleieilirj.; Old
IIIJI.I i'.jC j pjin I '! y * ti i“vtirii i'wi y jLiv
ii Jl I .
p ...r ;
i.- 1 nrvu.,

— a'. ll COUPON
w jfvrr>r n*t^
M ftt FREE- FuSdtffj bJrr^


Il^ll OEBTi-i P-vfr Ati Drttr~ll 4 M.lnhl'jnn JAJ if|n frnrxxivp l^r ( ? Pnrxo,.
S<|f,kd_ Arr^ri- EtIY fliirifaM ftlt TjiuI i
Snnd Amuti D^Lwpn Si.nt|«rii I’m
M-ll'iiI "*• k-Hr >ipiT-jr»i1rti tKl
inidi i I, i 4 i Thriiyj ** !««
Va.l _ .Jra IS rdn|i nl rw Uih’
"i b.lrld->'{JI

Cl 5#fld liilTM hAaliiiii DbauP bmdwi hpr rT=«ifua « i

3 ui>

Ho™* I

Addmi i

IVk’JIJ G-t.-rjfcl.l 111 ! 3 Fii-ni-iili c _INv*l rCTlii J

Muni mn "hr \ -.
1 ctt**! C
r i jibU — 1 r i ie n r n“ r- yiau
— . C " l . 1

J-I.'iL J; Lr»i* rn-uV: tmA*.

Tf TTira imSrr rnrSy. ct-'I) *1 ht nrtjr kw-^ to

i i
hi u It ymr *m Mr|%|ui|ir * ir*-r«ri' lUrrlstmiiAi
If Itkll >n 1
jn --H I iv
'll h '.'h i" il i mi 1 . >1

ilNb-^ .sjnf inH.iS! I If iii ^lirrfMrr rim v*- r vli_

Tl.H!it^ j mn\ idea in jjitfr ,ttk3 it* cine of Help Dad iTnfcd puffing up Mil shiir.s [Eltty
tlu bot ill J lrilu. liuiiJ, I iliil If, E 1 ll Ltk .1 nf ma> \k (tffi&ftg j bttk steeper. ytrti knew) by
i:r nig t ekphortei for Cltrr tuias ffHElg tiE l iri |i|S wmUhrtp,
3 i i\ I I
• s
1 1

things ;ue su vsim In Ik. appis i:i.i1vi] l»v RiVi ird Mil Ilcii-ii^cts wlm an jtu; up
everybody. I nr when you jpyt] someone an fust with .i telephone for I Heir vert own-
Mt!iliti< kfeplkmc ynn ghe three nf Elk I
I Ij:.iS i HLilil hL u I in iL Nr \ i
w. t-nnl |

Eiralisf j+ifn i jf jII ciJtnfittt. lonvtujtTicc and

Lbm to do. The past Is. iikhIlliEl. There 'i
^caintv. \nd “ic'rt fint lo pin Hit.'
:i choice nf eight ha n dvjtac coinr?. hon\
Sci Elikyuat. i l i-i J-.l rf dffifetatit Jisd hLtgt ?1 jgretii, lituc* red yellow* lnmvn ind grtn
"give the gift vuiTs.1 3ilu r
tn ial." |ll>| tal] lb. llLIMliL'-- t > iTlv. L Ilf 'Ll 711
llil/dl !l' ll

S ;1 !
v l- and it mL Jor k]1 1
1 1 fj |iy tdiplionr ctimjMm
licr an additional re Ii.plnme Ti, r for lln. bikh^n




H#}** mu i


C ount tin \tUit* ^llpirrb perfnrnE- point OUT the advanced cwdusive
rnitx I rum

she "vcam-aficatl' *

poru U’iiEUMie ol |he Quiet-riier — M i:;Lde NEW

tiic- the Uttu l-nlvr Sur- '

Ttth, Simp] died kih^on Chinjcr, Su* GIFT

vev prove

Typewriters get
3&r< timer
a.w per-iitretigth
Elegant currying
Frame. to
Owe and much
11 ami? u few.
grade* and rhe rti«T of the ATnily
. 1 ing instructm-n hook mcJudeU. Sue
will Uncover that tbt UiiLet-niLT m duLttiiHitr ^pIot* IWr "'i% F^B^ * "BAW™ P I

U-n'*> n(®ruci»i TU57 'Kan

rcporls, even r ipe±, jre dttiijft id
s At yoiit UtNiEurS rttw

l==*T aaff
read and dnier write lAith new
fejmingion Hiiiei^uer

:Vk your kemmgton Deafer to DfcViSiOr-, e-f Ml HY - 'NO „C+ r^**' -JK

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