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Seventy-two Pages of Illustrations in Color

1 1 1 m — 1 1 1 J 1 11 w - N . 1 1 1 I1 - . 1

idLiS ULiVIft LA ftftllCE, IVumli Ui n
¥IU*E jjftlpL tibG^YFINOR.

JimEiOIT v. If Ltd M tN <U„ Tiwmiiir THOMAS W. Mt>LtSfKtV. Vlt^i'finilrJrul. nfirii Ewntriaiy

I i I LJ Jilt II V I', TlfTMri V 'Til* Hairtiiri 'fnwure? ^LE3J#Y1K Mj f'AVJf.K, ^I'liir .Vwii«*b*jT
WILJJ.YVI II -MM AmmEidI Trruurrr VI- St SON N. twirl Bill -Sn r^lwtT'
. 1| fc" I .
'V .


IsYlIAS J,. 1 ib,|iiiiuii. EAmwrlL f'Eimiiiiittnri fWblJfeET 1 LWtYI.HL. A nklijil Ej*mrviln ?-- I

Vl.kV INUDZH V I.TMlUtlti. \“ir»-l hldf niu.ii, IHwnr 1 4 '-fuiaiujlli

LEO K J. FA SfOV Jt, .lAUHtiml Id* tbe FmukuEi*. i

r*lllY L F'l.flfx, »fiin'. cir lii lLm! Chb in hie aiF ilui VIiiohI \ i

U Li. * TJ I ].hL|ti.-* 31 til IMi' Eli «ifi L-'rjf rrv, r! . F
l i-ii. !
n|-, k V iiJILr.!
Dhaulu K. Kr TTtliU % N
i Efl I! "S I A fCi-R '

fSirttetai |4 I tir \ IW I' .r. ri l UjJLlr. ,*wi- Hllrl tl'jE-r lit l” * Mi&iiJilLlVr
rRiMuiihuiii rvlflit (totafiijr
iirni^rli "iwirtii rr oT 1 >”
"ii#" Jam Ep.rvpit i.'A CtawT*;
fiPIWif i.1 Vli itiJni I ’’llf |
h: P|| I njiilh

l i *n. i:. l,i;M liiLlliir, Njdiicjiu! CSmusiiliii! V]iLuulUfl Kahl WaJUlU^

'"^nlciil hi tRP IQ L'lhlhl EEnllFHT \ . Kl.EM]^^ mi Ini J upcbct uf Lite I'fuluJ Stull!*
Mmu-irii Aft 'mu tm-ml
t 'IwpmifiH
Nlir^u N«liuii-fli Kifii
ii? lUi'i tAinnl Lmrn 6 *
ft nuns
ill'iAIHiR HeU- ETiriuiivt 1
E1ludum.Ii iif i hr llounJ
t iri-fn'iyilHni jJiiI T.gftii iuli >.i||iur Al rir iNIil>L WnTHiiUK r.'liiui- air ifiiI k'ritacmi
wikinii i
Sm 4ii»giiiin JhiHvliu RL-mnUrFl 1| Minrilllh i'i>i'i>[i|iipr> i
' ii ii ia»r fc

Lurv 1
’ J

I'EiiUtUr \\
imilp^niiin lot
Mi Kr
! .
M I m ih

|fh S f ! mi
L U. *


I kirprlhi i Miil-fcCrlH NatuLXiuj i.',', |

I i I
I ri

HllKfafi nt ’-'ili'llvriJH i.'prp-!'r-flic|fhl n»l( !

J i-rii'ian ' Hflilpilr - |
T-fc i IT s
| f
— 1

ItaMtUh M fcfrrKET.IVAl
N^ijf.fliiji 1‘Jii *[[., iLl r ^ii'ii'n|

mi I *hj> KMi R
t liu.j, Tlsi' ^ iv^iJaiiliiii ^eui l!ir#i Min
R Bytip VTfliJ 'i illl. I f!i I, l.\ .Vrl> LtvlLIrlJ
Half. 3j. NttiTi liclirni IfutiUrt? SHttbI k'ul
Hi i .|| !, Dunlin .% iliiiilr^cl ,
l" . 1

AiKia/ry Jr.tflf T. Thie'J i.

\jr TrUiflimh Hiii-iFiMiiiin
iPljrretD*-, ffitfoqfll
l ’r.Tfirn il IEtt ii ir Vi > lli.Ni: V 5* j'MflJLpriii, |
iA Arwilfc-nnil WafW H. Et tVlHrl.kll ^3 ^Ll[k»X
I'j.ihju thvw\ Will 1 1AM
K- V> II it I'M H Yi' I
M 1
*'lflK Aint'if iP*ll
fa pii m
|p-|i I'IhWII'

I.vyii' jiQii NflliL.mli?"! I'lir^ lnr E'. ^ <'l-mlirirH:n 3 i*ih\ . ii ri; 4 1 r. j-i

Ltjll'l Ar l-it-S ' ijlltt

'iisetp’^', Ft*-I inrJ
Fvksm' K Vohisi^
ir.a.usj V. PsLirr tlr-lirvil r^pmiilicii
1 liiLi.T,i*ri
^l-ruu^wl-H-BiL Lit
i^l i ini FUn-'il
' 1
IftutiRea O Aflicij i
"fli i. L\ - Spiij. I?^i .ii’ I t'-null^i-u IEalI ^ ii.
. .‘rjrwtiHHi

organized mn j,
thk ikcreasii AND D3FFUS3QN OF LlEQQHAPf lie K NO W|
m i|Th
fn ffc? r- nil 111* ' -y (-iitniiiinl ^dfrty- «l|Ji-ii IL .1 n Lili uJ Ilk. ol UJILU PilI I J|i. i^bwiVNflrtd "IrU all kv^
rlffii! j iirthi IMifci. illP >Wit-i\ Ui.,-irilTi.|iljJli
iiNibLi-t’ Uj- ,
Ihv Auit'rirwfl. l^iJuriJ’^. TU?# ijjLh.i b rUirHi (flJ, -
ill -

NniHAfiml Xihipuliw ji^hiLLiK. All Hi-pu'Ia mn i& Nr., i.i.ijlwir 1. tlVl V- .' r -U| ilflli jillh I .l.irttiljs Ik.Ul/. IF nhiiilnli n Ipfl-
Khlwi in TJv Al.i^riJlUr |i.—-l i iJF rifLii'Tiri^l 4-rrFl' i*i iimwuM' | I" i'll rn Kill. 1 L I >1 Ar? flUlJHl In AnBfFtkT ll ILhlt TfTl Hiiln ta rfF + »1
1 I -I

|{>'ii#:rB 4tlLw Ifpiuli. h-LuM-- ait id itiun AuiJirHii mlluFT. jmt jhhihIj nukriiPH H.
Art'HlljPfP P-LL-b i-Jji.,hiUTi||iliH iprr l|iwi«k*l.. hill IIIILfhJzil 1 HI* tiji N-#'.niilri '5 It IM.l?i lltr tl nfl.ij.wi ,|i» i' iiijh fliT tin >nHkl * *

fc jnjj^-ri klfc Ullhi. l-M.inilii l.kEn.M in I lUAilr. luruiTl liiirkum. li. fll«Nikim il H> Tl» ?yH;Ulit tin M-h i

hi — |.
j|*iJiri ||J lliii I lliiE III I UIlL [llifli 1 Ik- Him -“V* (Ml ! L A. .1 ril : 1 ^ll i flJl |ik. ^txMitlm I * k i i!'LL- i
-I - 1 il iLL'Ji l> > >1 ?. !, Mlfi

Ihull J IfiimIi' j’kir rkri i» 1 ,

Mil - H[h irwjlfl.ll lllil tl Inm 4 (pi * S
— HL IMti'uija atiii ihf=| 1. %r^k'rfiui (hmKl
4 I
-IJU .l, p j

B-riLiufliau «»L>ijH.fcllJiiQfc, Hinir of *Uh:If Ji^iiiin si ^I'nfr uf Fi^hl m Ii .< l m liiii i

>4 p- iHHtjhr iliilruirji'EJ'i! Mild Miu.lurd 7 luL't il
n rjrk la «sj£kfv« ttinr L^iJiTFii t* It Iupb Akk^t kih| iionisrii JHfTti |
llf ft 1 r '.4 L LULTY ul'J-"

‘jL| >|i >rn HI* ILtmllr fa *ml* nt iiMrtJi, Pmvhl* i-QnltMnjitFil

I Uk U* \ 1 1 : Lii 1
' nmlrrMikilu in ipiir-iHiiiPijr «i|y j ili'i^il Up Itifr 1 !

H. |4 H»^il ItrjIjHTl K. IV*r;- iluOTifrnri Mnwl 1

j Tm 1 boi'i.i' 1 } ii nil l^iiripiiLr ilwri H uijuv ill llui Chllluiain
n[ Pip NfliUFi
n|- will I Unf i-JtiLirtJ F. BjtiL Uni liukiluii- III THrlllMjlSjJfir Till! I.inirtl HLiEIMfll VILA t UJ I uu
m it
| I

iu tij. 1
lIiij Viirdi KAd S*lUih I mU-* iif njrin'p. ii iii Ii nik? ih jJ^tiTr ill iiuni uirin iJJ iru 1
ip iilil.

Nilkihhl ilwjMmk 1
1 ifcPli iiijlc|h h.1 Fiflii e]nui Mi ml tin' iiiiNfll rilhnmi > iiMaa va'I i liii“.vvl

kiuuirlL k.i fliiriil lim *i iiii|iri> niiw

1 [irmTint uh Kul- Thu mil inrlPTirliinl rn^lkiluift MntnriNlAiE liWMlll*l
i iU4 SfliiurkMl VI> ini
i! n' ? uni ' iiriukiiM'iLv^nm Nulinrml J\iris Up l'fr fnir [it
IprLpi ^ Ilk Tk'MI IMHilill’
g p ll t
In- IiT^hiI i.f l'%ll- I

Dyp .skrii'e.j * tyiVlSik" i'i i

-Pitil him ^KiihiiMl liur'k IJip hi k hiri r
Inr 1 iifl> -ii.i'iiiifMi. flip- ilMfil FijAA^I in r-nji]i4 ft f'?iil"

li.iri-ur^ U Uh rfiiuxtiwwl lih n iH-ntHl iiFtirtj nrilil II Hi *

firm, hi liW' ihrp^i fUiutt MfiiiMiit •iL'.flMr tl.-? LmiIjit pun igifi
in] AD Uik-L.k FLriit T i.iir?Di Pit hii&Eip i)T. BniWonl

1 'r.-l-iiuhiii. h-i iLjtinr * ** » •?« fip>Tt« 4 TTiwWii Tkii'^M- 1 i

Hi pH ijii> >
« I

tn T'lir jporirtf and iiw Tmistiininniui EintilEitU-rn, WuJdjikrai. n^oring for. Tin* “k?r?H 'V ,
ahd Hull mil lTniTmily.

JkntF |hm**ki 4. 'ini*- Ml-l.VI Ll_E SELL GH05VCMD R *t50Ci*T- nartoji fJ]UjH 3U. l
*-T*ffl flilkP.w

T'hhkii uir'L. ti VEiHbrnmr W flii.fth Uiil hh*- l-.'ria i dj.w

Flirt itm JfdiJ-rwi ^il .'
VAwJ r.'nriihpippi^r-
Uh IlkUli! H ?l I I.H HP. l-k I
f J IMP* M I ‘PAL If I*ii -iiihJ ./VI

i i t r.
1 i
n l.-riJitr.i
\r Tl- -
mi iti S_ TUnifh IV r i J1 ij.pi i
l^.'i car E.p

-Mir t nNl.T M mJFM..h P ii/riw.Mjji-Sk k W Tj'HU .!:ii


111 it it Sniill h>!riu 3 rrrMHri in, t?ri. i 1 l.iiT

HtaMJifr B
a -

T’a-.'i. tiiniM Eli i* llJ. Vi ha* <p
InfEh IJ Alllu r. j.

. - liiRin
\\ .

? in i
1 BuLflitr r i II J f
.S f.l J
l. irrl'irHti STi? .Vrms&n v * tflii/ W J
'pi l WHIRL)* 1

J il 1 1

ii k. J

Il ii puu Dtur-ji
Etr.? * nl.i i F.iwip. r'i-:"*'cnrl fllli.:-»r
’i i

ICiiBfenr L IlKLiiiKh
twHri* [J na\i-Pin 1 Til !l I Ml T till Yjip Ir*| i ti
4 iBkirrEYT I *.
H I II? m L l i ' I'll* J*i
F(t|irt|, JM. VlTIkEk. [li-|.rr*Tii- H.
Al.b i"* 1 '

MtiiiLh |J|I, Lti:nCii+ 1 r'fciun I'I "HI- lii * Jll-fctT

* II J' >3i;ALtira mil
-Smji ?fji p'e,Ki i' 4 iT*m TA 'Ml "
fl|rVf1 |
1 |i L J 4 t l hi I Ii I

iii M inn ILTETT ft.

(kBIXlLll in i l-lllll
,| i in pa 3.JI 1*1 ILLIIU.I
I r f'PI|P> - urn. f ri 1 ir! % hr
Tv I
^nfruptiM^ f I IU • T TELL* ILL. S itll irilLIk
l .
i i I I. I . I- ,. - l Lilli ?

“Ti iirt 3 v. L. »: i
< V i.ji ; Lr -. y lhei Inn, "lmU ilur
%'j.Tiiniri F fuTtcianirilLi AttUrt iSpJfPff JrM'rl nil if >'ii 4 npFjfirf
Y| itp l
Vl lhur; IVkTTfl^l 1
•ni inL.a
W' lLuv I* II? i
4 Vi -
1, Pi n K. It ii
^ L. Lminna

0 iu iiif *i ii I'tTL'cnfl-'l t-#fUP Ir

'’i i.n-i’ i'jLrP ni'i J

iriM.r- ^Latal ImlJ (.’*« rrtt*. -Ini jT P >!ii^j§rrii, iPipri

, CLaii liiuE

k A imp oKi riTT,^ fpt.
Mi nr.r viih Fa Eitrf kii*^ hLlJtu B t i:ijr.iiA.-A
Kk • n V. i l> i n C flinliiiT HhJlUtftrD <’
4 .

Wapfri H- n.E ii f

Hi jii T kaav Jcor.r FI. I’f. ITTIIKI

VT*i Faiim 15
\HtrU |J|" •• till-* l'» n* 3T*-
?.V* anpw ! -fiaAMil HMI..I C\wL I
.Vc?r< T)nn'PLJ> Mt.H pit*
tl mu ^ I Ti .
1 h fi r 3n tfiiPlJtHF C. « #TT I I

IV iJHMinfl L
Hsi- i-tpi. lili-l K* LL ? V tl rf* I ill I

i'NicidLiJiidi .. tAl^^nirlLlii Al-iMlA -

[m k rifW Juiijr ]'. M. JmiP'mYtj' s-,«l I
“ w, Sf uTT HKI'

I II 1


Fl .

iP j.b

M I III i I Ilk |
I k lhj.Un-IC
Vil lhi-TniitTii LliT k i ELI h L-JI.W v. | L.1 VI b IV f\ n EL
£.tArmni?> m .1 C t HE Hrj.i 'trrrtppinflf
XI Limn .1
1 1 . I

t -pup k ,4, > «.'

i* "

m w? I ALtrii - r * fill '! IM f? l.iCirtDaTV iPimnEiip J'.

. .

.i. ii 4. i. i'.in’ i iLl.iru
j I 1.1 F- H i hllir. .toL JiMit. J- * 'ii< vrur MiirujuMT k'-ll ?«. I H f- VL" I nl I k ILIl. U 'Ial>f 3

l' . V i l I
- a ji.1 ji i'i ‘ >ILI.‘
rUiiNliwi^iiu I |Lliliii|P-TTt
iill ItliUi It. HITTP.IIT lPHit .4 IzLr !
L .

I . r II iii 1 ( Iiluhifm 1
Llrf Uni .1 As If- LmillllTL J K
nhl lrtU 4 LU'.'Jrlll

(Jut % >ik|CLL> jt'i'N IJ JhU

J J JEMl- L t . \l TIKI I f tkl]» | ut .Lir-Iitnifl I -l.fl.flll k

.N rwrii h >i . LI it i +i.i. i

i '1 II 1, VI, Nl'a? Tp.p XI 41 p ipi Mr fi in 1
i VI. itniEZBCnr

r rru"f ha|wii.n! Qp-rnr FT Finnir EninJ .iB*-nrr-T *Fi“Brwl ilrhcMa r Mlu-Uiti ?»*rpT !“ ^ , *™i L- ^
mutter M PP*U
irz I

|l II

I i.'TTi -i >L ,
.V*.rl.irH|lia AP.C MH Kallrr. .tM-niipr^i
|H Pn-HP 'i'H'« V* "ill
Hr pwtHi pm
. V. iliii'i'
Iflpfl IhJlbP jiiii ibj i i u-L -i-ci i, jmr,
bU-ifIP-iI rlnlll 3 i . i . :j j I
1 1 1 1 A

Your gift of a Lady Hamilton leaves nothing unsaid

V\ I'i'N ihr‘ ih.ihLij'IH lidEiiitfi yiiiM fE ilfier tuvi*

feijirpf* it u if 1 1 mu- if tiarn- imm-lllr'fet Kaidillim* fn=hl|rtlftfl
hi l tie- fpr-rf -(rtjriri th-flt I

S, AJ* top awaidj

for lijmilhiu tp in thfc* year.

V-i with H n i a *ii in, In-nut y 6? nt*m murt* imp^rtiui thjn
rrlj.jlol -M- . .mmI tlir ttwttrmy ill lIii-h- nr\w v% rii 1 1 1
-*. i- ujuam-d
SHpt _ . rti|.i i *1 h',« .i _4 I, H IT
1 1
" lMlrliH| Lakillp ion tit del all iJjJt iii.mIi-
WJtEhflB Mvff ItaWh 1ii.-i •;i'-fli?
HurnL|[.i]| dnift*mni world !animj&.
*i1h "Uia martin 1 1 ,

See yvur I F.iiiitltuii i l\ i I if, t'vrii :l vjiliVb ihtFligbl 4 MmMCl, Tpi;, tnp I
mzu mi iMit

ill-nmniS „
of \l\U in 1 1
s am ' r/n i inlmr. Hr 'll !» I i 111 b.l v* yiiur f |
itiiJu-jIt , iljnna |

nLOjllri-HJK III Lirmiir . ap.-

Hrnii j rl^'i euii be lirr Umiirriifv.

MPPAIintylhllnl I . r,t

HAMtLTON wATCtl CWMP*l*¥ t I.AhrA 'iTIl" SV lVAN I Hnnu'ttofT l.nh m .Mrnii

AUflQRA “->1 1h iSimft* imIi OlAWCHJPl ™H" ? -uriujriiH. UK puw CHawm 4 ir^l’ifriiic
IlK whit 1 1 Iuim l. 'ii. IK fltUla na j
man, Faimiwi JH^gLil. fiPUl r*K sfiHlim u« rt7iil6 .j -fil rant, Jl5u.

What d wnnfleHiil lime in f a FAU. WifiTES. ShRSNG flhen (till, HMtftp

cnJt'rtiltiiriffrtJ nru* vkiIeiwiI tjtfiil ri-u erverywfiecs.Vau h fl v-inl

iliF fpjX Kiun^L cihwiJs as> £uiGp‘’jn. the turot^rtr; mil* >i Idie n b»r

cuiprf-u I cflsftms an;d nuiei her ifitexestiint. 1 jHigpte. 11 Itlhprr. to,

1 1 id I trin^itahun .Lnd LiccnnrnioijiiEiu' i‘ m tihifri tfl^UlaiiL

a hdjtfai Jr Fnrapi ttrtt Isss Ihtoi jfmi niffcJ tMnh-'

r»« mu'
Til rrplrrin,
Ti y

• i
« pf*"'
b^I Mm
itjnlJr *

-.hi- h
European Travel Commission
(HtriRilrC. iuyi*iP* 4(41 *Nnl lipiiil |SUltPS>4 + iLLU'li V 1 - ui hM7.nw h iilu Ip|i “ I KilKi- 1| - EETJM P4 f - GWE*1 im n r.iii

Slf.c? ihami nr fttunftt ftn»- 7 *. I W i*

Grill Cl * i(.il*.Hi: - IA-FL AFiL « IPM¥ - ILMgDirtfl l*ON*\J * nFHilLHHH
1.1, Mi h fin I Jj H T re Tjiji > miihTiL-‘JI - ’in * .*» i* 1
*i - ~
f rjchL- HE » EUill' - ILiIUiILA^*

M-cnUuh thr N mn;il Gec-Gtfifahfe- — It WrnEafrei

only the CASE —Ncn-Owf-
iow OH-n«CI* Wol*f
Closet h produced in 3S
d^ofolar totals. si well os
lpdrH»itg hiatk (tad white.



ic thf fneil Iitd Veiled water = 3 oms 1 vcilnb s?. Match tali
Tn qjgi ry. rffitffrftty. brau?jf comtarl and pralecliqn. Mi * winter cIbs-fi

will ap! ariilipw ProDuc* *: in ra irtbaw at CDl-ara , Whoiv ifrp fewrir

b dt'rtgnaed, CASE vilivoui i.hfpn r-ynhinr, fiiurei If- wh.l* and

cftten u>e The CASE N&tt^Overftew Qr:c-Pi«e" Wo\$t Ctesct
it. 4rn c-iemfl'iie.

IT 'ftui-i j I ph i, Eu'lulu 3, ?>hW Turk.



Many pfcnpie* r\ parting A diil^jrui

Ud\- Svrn [lib 0111? frum 1
1 a J1 di r’l I
ill UUE.T,
from a siMmMnsard raft. :t sinking hi^n, or ftoin n ^trrtilirr on thr
rdijeof a frozen Orri'nlam! fjord, Who ih< - ! people are^ or I »

when? in itn world thry cmrn- from mailers noi- All that routers 10
the DSAF Air Rescue Si?rvh & is that the) air- m <|i'?itr^ T'.ven weathrtr
math ys Lie t ]

* to thrrir airfcifei men who have drtJi trilled their ttsfles e s

others. u raafci’
"J .1 rescue, iJji-v tuivr often landed water so mu^U,
ili- v wen- Lon tid to taxi their Gnimman SA-16 AIUhpuss bark m

; t

dtar>‘. urn r 5 in m 14)1 12 mili^ of ID foot high wav^

wurld tfx!ny T 44,250 people are living pruof of Dlc
In r In

Mr Kcieur S rvnt motto: That Qihitfj May Iji'r* To thc^r

people find Their kin the LttAF has drimms-iraiciJ rhEit tin?

L ncii-d Sta re* is a good neigh bor and friend -



i ii
iLgiim HliiJ L.njiltJra'a «f tbit* mij |h tfrt ieiii F! I F* L Ti^tf, IV jiijfi
mii- I ’it''-H + SJF Plh-tillcTt SA-tft Ai3jjiU-u«* ftjuiic
QiUJpliJ buuJ, iiirlii\ mV.1 tfiM’l* titviLjfXi

Sterling Silver Shoehorn-Whisk

Double duty gift tor tii$ or lier office dedt.

doset. dresser or travel bag, and one of

our all-time bed sellers since first

designed 7 Ion? overa'I

s io

hderif In mc-lwSfiS Wqncij^fm (l

‘ Id Ifir he.ynTifi du! iviir y asm

flmc or Phont liJh r rr f- FI Mil 13d

'.tfutc ?or fie* je H

5 iack Starr- Goruam
catalogue now

Tiie World. Is Your Oyster ViTlien TToui l/Calte

I it i fiirllicr « . , enjoy uu>rr* Afr Fnmw offers the
%\ i l!c b I cl unf" i* i
irli J -Vi .] r ilr i L i jui E knit-

i limfin Jnim fi.lKN.) rtlnernric^ in rnn.kin$ icp y™rr

dwil Li-ur Of take jMy ullage mT lu-w-e- pre-arm uc^d
# “(*' f
1-mirs- ^ ejm H ffy sii Super L tlkikai
Use I iit p.iIi.t N^ilpm'nt* enjny
Utter eertnfart, a [jljtll- 1 cuiitciii:— nil llit* W* y !


WITIi 17? 7 " 73 [(MINTS if E

F litfl 1 1 I he I
ilM'in ulhip Ff* l‘ I - Fill (Hit nrld .Hull f!oupnqi

Air Front* £-93 F]frh ftvt N«?y* Y Oris *?*, . Y* DrjiF M II

Wmii i-ond um Fold^n ^-surd-Sha WhfUI lm 13 Days' flnet "Fku Your

Own ftounJitie'^ailr tours.
1 1



5EEYOUH TRAVEL \CUM, (111 VI II FtUMX V * . Yurt - ftikrn i

- Ihrtui
+ rii"i^linil - IhUaui c
IMinit * Vm \nptfcn " Nlj.irna e
HliiiactcEpKbq 1
Siu ttnlilufilQn, ft * Mfi C i
M -M- -fist^a! Tuhull* 1
Vflwjipa 1 * Binu
Fuctlo Hki * f-jc C d: Ffllti:* P. Ill!r. a E'iiii
1 p
F.tfsulm Citir.jLi “ Ilsfc.rfi

Mum ion lhn *i monil Ga-v^raf&ir' Ec /it n.: Lfir * pen

n I


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Serving New York

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fstSBjnt fw moJgrhi'i w*d rhe d*tra lurries I III 1

fhct mcke z*esy Srjp hoppy 5rip. for retsrvet kjpi *!!!!&

— c ‘
ihrse dt or.y olhca Sheraton Ho Tel —
call ycnjt nfiui «st S^fotofl.

fit IE CiU fflnp BonlfoP Caihj'Ti rin wric*n ra-ppr

of r.h -hr: ririti pictn. p
*!f her-". ‘-Yrilfl £h rat.-* ATvi'miinn
*70 Allu.nSk >*PtaE. E-r. bin 1 ., Mjlk Tincn

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Ljis-i? tCWSDNtO 0
WASHtNOfCJN tOf_Ht:4 E* tOtil^VnUE
Midwur riijct r-ll)|GAKA rAlti Of r M

PSTTSAW'jW Hiij+t aIO CjAilft 5 PACIFIC WVr HAMliTO M. O'. -»

hAvtr^h-f jmiDwiVinN oiv * i i

i fi al'fll $AN fUANC.ISCO
miLAL'II^HIA CHICAGO Open 1*5* U5S ANGELA. HtnvVOftrt Ctfwfiii

SfcWp*fcK H&i* BfTftOlT a<»0N PAiAD-iWA

0f**m 1W7 Me as PIN (111*
n h 1 — 1 j I 1 .

From roast to roast Mission 66

1 1 ea ns I «c t te r vaca o t i 1 1 s for you
. .

ElyP’ Jill ii i£ ii iuptalni , . . hrrai - h king, i grrr^^ - « vJshii in llif wnrltL laid th hr-gfnltiiig in 1R7II. A *iMi 1 1 tsrmkp
tu ijUJi‘k*rf| tJiJ |J|||^- - liJHU'J U d U"i ,

ttk stir till" Jjt«rl of I

liblres jipirit£tl mm*, jifLor c\y Id rim* tlir WlJ^SloNfj
;JI 1 1 n -<i iJM [liii I nl 1 1 ii Xiifif/tiu.! t^rt SfynlEnn. and a IJ iiLiiicirioti ifcfoimd .i ninipfoi in tin- \\ xtniHiji* ^viEfJh

t^rfiir wiU Hi*r iWe r Wt nffrp f ii ttjiiiii' Arurn'r.'irru' iknd h Li i.'Jifj'tl tliaE iiLitiir.i] wu-iulm n I n >u Ui h 1

— I Ij.lmLx In .Vti-oiMItL I
'lf pii^rltnl iU jL jiu iIJhj park Foi tin benefit uf hiltHt
Jnithisli * I l»v Crmrad L_ Wirtii. XutTonul I'rnki Di^c- •I. i n ml mo*
Cur. .trni mtlnnihtl Iw tlhr Ski tJh ALIsKHriP fU I irr 3 1 *. giHitl Ei- L'IU^j, i j 1
tluuik* hi Min^Lnn Ml, tbr
k llr-vi.Lt |ird|^jm to uhi.itvi . drUt'kip and I . . I i I he t-l 1
lirt I |> lt ill i I LFIa'jl 1 n b< ill 111 P

NAIUULl] I L F k-i- r S<3 llkLL lkl

flwy IIIHV
LJitftj, iiiTlUllllilCJ-

cintL I'AJ’Jiri.'ir-’h^ miiibm iwatiimfi ti i 1 1’tyli- FREE T&u* ifnia^m-TTWaF*

Liu-ull', Hi piQ^siu ini Slide1! ripiiiLuou oil" utr'riu^iii EL ydb wwdliJ fLkjp to vjtJi Ihr jhsiI Piirfei on vemr
IrsHLltu^, br-Etrr Trinek jind mnttAhirn .un i i-uliinziscl ter- ut%? viH^iitiPii. or drive . 1-11 yrhrTC? ic lEw LkSLA.. let us
(i’i|.ir.. Livi ALltmfly Lt iv an lm t'*ini* u \ hi IlH-ljf |iLiii viinr iltitfflir trip Write l^nr Skm'un, .Niuiidir
Amri ix'i hi rftnm- r i 1 1 1 "n |mii ! iI 1
in (KXI Flflli Awimr, New Yi?rk ill. \ V.
t>ur 3 Lir-iJi m ipti-m o\ N irmrui] I'litLh, ti if ^j ;LTi -t — L-k I lit Liift r i iliii-rlfiE y.UkJtpLl I'jtLi HAILS Ml ESI ON 6-6 .mil 1 Ii.

mbflc dflkiuJft. £lu Omt? 0*N
rnrwF. -h.-itioii i
,rmE po'hutr tili/J.'ii* huvr m^Lclt* tlim Ln|-
pnrlhint plii)w.
f +ifi

- / Great . \ ante in Oil

i u

Now! Make Direct Copies in Seconds

with this Desk Top Copyflex Machine!
McrJce* up fa 300 Copies Per Hour at a Cost of Le» Than I; loch tor Motorials!
No Stencil* l No Masters! No Negatives! No Mossy inks! No Vaporj*

Provides You with One-Writing Method to Replace Costly, Error-Prone,

Manual Copying in Business Systems and General Paperwork!

Copyflt* cu nip I* tidy #limmuUt5 i hi? slow. TJi* '

»ipyflpx Mi>okl 1DD will =.ivc ymj t.imi*
t-L’d Kin*? j- i-t £.1 f rruUiu.iLiv tr.jcsm'rjl iuL|t Einri inn’ll Almost riw
r\J in iyjnf nf jiafairwairk
j -»r- \

fluttinn fifflm mu- form U.\ ii neither mu jom I «[AKrnljun_ In s£t up Ui» -i HOCUTitto
f| , !

c\i|1| 4,-m.irs 34i ftnimifjii m nmnii k\ -| -v . “ ! ' n U pyatwjlil for u filer- hiUiiiR K jmrvhiuini'-
mg ThU- Hflif-cc j~l 1 :i rti i>d copyib£ Moivlofi production §ya- nnd oth^r
mnchim* turon i>ul oisiLt t IiIsl'Il- tm w&kv ir-mjit.izmJ f ipwniiuiifl r for praputtitjovi uf , .

nf adppi Vt*nf wriru-rt, drawet nr

I . reports In aajrh Urns jeh nrcDLjnt ims,
yrri Fit j'h‘] an ordinary trunAlnfi'nl paper— in prbcLuc£knip und ^n^nurfinu . for tvpro- . ,

becoihIi! M-ttki. * up tu> .101 1 jyypkn* o t*bv u-r 1

I diji't Hitfi <«l dinpr«iui=.. hay-rsum, churl* and nn-

muny leltirp-sU* qftKputj* per hour. Copkm rljrjiwihgR . . . rind idr m ^ttftuty nf
<iri£|fiaiL» 11 incliw ujdr by nny ]i?n^lh. Ahitn-- Ei-i«?r:d envying
FlfSibitiLy i- OTrt of the |>sk»
Jutdy ci^Mh, quivi. and QiiirHi-KH Cun he gp ninjur r^-iiturEH nf l In; CEisy-te-ura Cupytliri
mitad J?y :ir=y Of Vnur jk-rarJOB^J Mni] CQitpmt trarSnyl

Ch irk- 1 E'uhinr € rn^ a Li l^y J«j. r

<rBD Wnn1i o-se AvvlIUn, Chirnijf
, il uw
<41 r 111
- Vfi mv Hrtw'P i n/iiFjn_iJ-jrj[i dfrilit tkr ,

C:?c e» UR > I'

i . fit*1 e> iL| ,: H [Jin a..
^F.Hprc, prir^od cif Jr.i^» -jp
i.iidin.n ru fr&nsl liCB*' pupin -
—jrc in q.i dl Carwipnn-y .

A d Ji 1! h 1

Spezitilift# in Copying Sir, , fS'JT Cjly Caurity Itnla

frfc CfiJ^u C^irrifpj Brurs^ng C* (Cair^dar, IQ-5 C^rtti $h-pH, tc-ranfo I

MffMflClfl ihS G±jy[l jpfHc- —Tr I ill II lLTlAi VlJLJ

1 —

Tlit' expert jewcjcr kni m s

why he recommends a


rs«4 WUfi^ GlfgnpblC MntitiPt, Htmrmlllr, 1 «1 , pl(B EUJ
luAlEl El K£SfrirT>*iJ ta titf lUft nut Uirilhlf ira Mm
Ip the wM.
Willi «fi Enifrti cia Drttfnffapft mi infitii -

**\i mil ittief^be undir • nteruHiH er login Hop a: m

ma-un Inin -wilfh Ihi d*e nnd urns CanidM. flfla will ilw^l
Hm IN plKKt WilMWP 111 atKEUll* BCCUTKy with in
^:.-r^rna1le EiJkti V* - tfr£auie IhB iim* ThJt Li Lttttt fpr
nl*wlfl| die l#lm
Ehp pftlvfr. Tfcii* ikt* rtfrH vigw^V WitWI
lima Ifpii at plwlDfnpn? wfth in forth, iism
tor all
rtiicifisecjr la INttLflO#, ini MFtftilnt which n bein-:tr-
irichiainc c;Igh=. ugip. Of ynu cjh lift VFP CM EUfcll
hr PVTKMl pftn^'.ipfiy. IX*t*n pmrrriita. cegyww*. fftt
HUE] WNI* Otpl. CC- fDI fr« Dt:tr L'lli* l«UeL "IT-

Quick Easy Way

to Clean False Teeth
\ 1 m i.v ill itMit i£r )« a ithiviu OR -\ emtee uiu
discover hu^ir sat'd y .and quickly n ckann
iJcnlm and bridge* ^^hour diinuvri'-J.*

brushing El hanrshir' the rivk ill urtpieas-

I 67 vu-.t : o\ 0 itcfjrn ilk

. i
11 ! f \
it 1 1 . 1 ,Li . -Lii^denture hroiuh "-imikeis moiilh tissue's

I imhM'' mosl s-KEll'jt!

pi 1 » ice su tnm| nriuh c- beijaihc 0vmrr deniufiC
” 1
• 1 1

^ kiichrn^l 111^"- mosi miasma live i.koi^i-iciii i\ sparkling eEwuil trt c„ quick. Jim
H.'b 1
1 JFpn 1^ iiii .1 modern as latacirrow place demure jn daniune ki.i Ii at l^J j>s- of
U^hS fHC ^hincl rurfr (iirimS-Pt rm'-"n waller with Li[H-hiaJ 1 ECiiipthitiluJ il ORA
'Anic^tf |i U m* '.itimkr ih^L In *X"ptJH I fur JiJ nsinufes or irvcnuphi — itu brushing
Pi^-jJinrcieiJili <ii Iml He krUJW^
needed OKA no teO-tute ss pure, uoniJiin*
Or niTiTfili >otj 1 he |itt||Qai *t-i tiMki- 1 iii"-n Plii vorici^ linvl cdsK lc^ ih.m : penny a d,s)%

C ccA'iiam,', sire id vour diu^“

Gt-l 1I1 £ Li Bt’ j
1» jr. .

iipre, today.

H tint* 17 QI
A prodtfci at
Five tfffArj
McKesson ^
Piuiu°. ai( h* iii IHin m ROE&ENS
t > ijLlAlHFil H N fcH X- l! i I & > WE 1 i i" v

r r r v.'j/i'rJj fi .trtfi ft j(
TfW 1 1 |T | II I i hfi —
- f-si t
i IT H * k**k ¥ Ni ** 1 1 - \ y

IdcctLim tfre Niiianal D-eaBr Ii ldflntiA«i |H

Done... iii two sliakes of a Waring Blendm*
A JirtURdh ftapiJlhir blmsj ]ih1 +if ni Lr^ ,
rtsiwul iln, hrtnMuyt, imd
i eft ppi-nm jiiNl our rif liumlimk of (fill Urn I* Ruufc with (hi* W&rm£ :

rapid Ice Jot led ru mnd vttfi'vr su-i

Hh'jnlm. .VS'!
(ffrni idru for

.iur (till
ji ipFi. thai will brfn|

lie DiifuSjilt

W lii i

to fumlly of

tirttfi he
AJakn tkU
Ilir Wamitf

Midair til Sl7ii5; mi iJ il hl-Ti'Inr Irfi (MibinAtiDR nX >ii1 Von i .

itMw with ^jle r - Sik^ tHemj. W \ ! t L

\ E V [ H H 1
1 ITS ( Oril^ 'iRA'l f( >Y,
sfi W„ 4!ird sjI., Suw Vr.*rk C.'iT.v M, JJynami t.Vir|" •>! Auh rli-ru

M rHi in’ i r?i» . i Lini .1 1 Ij^LiifFdphic— It Idnilitib* »Vi\l

r 1 1 * 1 i I

There's nothing

under the sun

like Tucson s Warm
be sure your safe Winter Weather

is a safe place

IN I U 1 1 I'
4 L :
How to
No> wwrd« ,
i vciealiaji I» yrPi

p rtr-ulf
ki? djmdrf* Ji ^pTi--
r„ r '***'* pd tl p.'c a:r* IE Tp'iBritf'V -anrl
ydj *. i*M«nr»r 3h
f ^ofcofirr rQ£i

far color Ea-Dkl'f n^d E*T*r*J

W'^iTE: T-ucu-n StfnihfviT C
3&G4 C Tyiu^n.,

wtifpcn |i&Tr-f©r r o

3 wH'ihJ — - 1*00 Licu>: l

lu lit 1

Ju’iUQr^ JU. iSJT

3 or o Lite
(,n, ,;-|, ah |JfflQ-lciL fll LET
1 ij I Arnii-piLO and AAiExiEii Litri
a I 111 ^i.« -!-n r hnnniJiY Losan
dri-i I rijic tell c-t *0111;^ i^y-
ftnv Hu-'kT :nq.iBr„ oei" nl vp’S-
NEW 24-PAGE HOSIER BOOKLET TELLS YOU l--jil 1 .Icl hr mcisnliqhT b*~
ii’tei 1'
orEk-nl -

trnjfrl' 1, ffun.*
1* m mP Irrp-.crl nn ' t Mwt
* what mn-V, r J i_lIi 1 diru^roili i* nahr- bpat hu>^ inter in-ul

* Kl fi\ much pn»|irr(Um 1

J ' ftX|»rc I frcuu n. Irain loldrh I r: m 2 Id 4
>c:ki. C*i! I'rtc -Urd^ i irun'. 5 Er-
hji pifrriil I
- 1 I ] •: 1 1 l, LI
hoiion 1 rf riHlrlj jifcS ifeppifli I

what fTfiF-li nhitiM gm priority m n ZtlirnmgdLrfeihfrt

n| I
JTUY15 ETl'nu.-
|ir, .jUliSi’Y I fll dife DLll, jr

!= js. LLi H.jl'r ,j;! I -ni-ll j 1
. C'd ,
ff!orp j_rl in«-
* wluil'j 1
'iiHl i-i f llLSv -cm fare ill. II. JO I WOODS WN-GiL*


j h.1 Li fe .1 H i r.

* wh.ii ' \\-

i i.lJ pn'LJLuiionf to take with conh
wh?t hi louli i»r 'n 4 ™w mjc
Ar ed
PLELLj nil KWH 1
rt ta dui'eiu of qthcr vitid quriijum.

FkiLTII L Qb|frUil
r Enlarr|p« ^Tjnriatj

lull IlnEcr 1
R f-sL'ra ij Ip I

yini Ilniri- ‘VUum-Ihii- topiprte k

* Mosler Safe 'ss {
u! fE|jp
;n»| >||liir
f ,

I *

1L Ki|U>pi

4 Mi
« 'I



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Flrnif^ iroif iricTRri' h*>iKtr:h1rF‘rH"=L *|h ir 111 \m feu

I n'luh-t, iifcYH. lilnlhi-RV, lh p MYYC I>

ii.j ki r-l« III. rtle 01,1.1 L- 1“* f-h- rniu HTJ uijr.
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Only Automatic
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The anU rNi i
i-i a in tht wiwld with F
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MUttK Llimiimle LuujlJ gunS- n 1 1
rn ber arflJtmdfc Double c^pmuFC proven! ion, tfuJU-in
ve 3 Meitidj% trigged pre^Lupa jnutt aEI-mctjiJ bfrjy* built-in fllith sy tic bran r/_LEnm Al ail .Imticr
ipmh, speedv Mato 1 jW icchiilL The ^rujiku- 011 rill EfldiiJm» elijtelt.i n Lit fer&l, ease
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Hi-Fi Tw? Sp&o-d Recorasr . . . , « 5249.99
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Use the besi-tasting

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iTifii nL itilflf
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F + * §



*-uwOfLvl +

V -

How to BiLtld ymir oil m

EurojM'izn Hdidny with

- I

Nim ,
v li i can "tli Inim bwiM ' yuuf Hn- ncj

Lap io Eurrjipr .. i liiiJfc J.uii lOsLk! F he .^AS

TmuJ Piirtifi?r ifiLiLuiit’. i ffidl'MkLl foJtfc-r
anti jiuUiPTohd sJiiic u-jkobtst^ ram*
tihiifft nL no -c 1. rii jape, ctMti oil i
! IxlJse.

hfsrtk paghi^L-ina for r» Echini

ti.L^rl i Miiiinr at >om AS
Pick- liji jjs 5
Lij^vel u^cni 0+ jeliuI Luirpiin bdi'^-

Sicind-indvion fti*llnu S^ilen'i

till Fi I
Hi To ill TO N Y. tJcpi G- 11
Ri*d.* ryih f.H, few ir-IOU^STiF T7>'/EL PIAHHM
i-PC '...d. nn liidfr C-HI* II Psfurr-

LIT .it Alt.

WFi-^iuir Oil- N Ml i
i "I M I CfeL|fir*|r.>.n: — • It Lien:JitM ynq
U f 1 . j 1 1 u I k " 1


<5 liOOKy A VPIJM? £iCHa .ixlHKGhEG 20 PAGES', CASE BOUM" !

tOIT^fi b'r,, irhm lil”! t “ii 1

I* f |,r
Prinp W inn -"r

EFQJV5 0PG1 i ! '«' **t iF «Vu' in l|i-llrtt;m- WThll

Till AllllTirflll \lh!K litLiWL fiat ^luEtf 1

1111:1 fjCJCfekt LLiInr.

For as Little as S1C.70 a Gill liras Grows rn Meaning Thr l j*,h lhe Years rnnrr pturi. in mf! fur (liriwtnun Hum unr whn li fffl Fii il jam FL-.i-Clrr
|f> hi i‘ faint WisiiiliS itaMIt flli(!iriLE (1 fn
n LiihJl' ' ii| ,f h ii'ini 1 lii* I uil] j .i.L' I lirvr Amrrn i>F. ri , ,
Ij Ii Ci lUpL tkw td'fthr IrtlukN^
I.Udt t i it > el Iks. lU:lk h- ul ki* kikijl mj s AlIjUti-
tun iH-rRiifftr, aufkii i^i Ieeii i f Ann r^irturr* in wrink F$P 9 hp 4 lrp J -%u~i Npi H> mr-dc-nth jtf
* -.1 Ih-iiL a *1 -

piu| [puTihvm ill r rii 3l iijl , llu ijjjjifijiiu.'i'pifc y i\’]sEln lsi;iT P run re thjis ymi iikctfkl
kltJi- tn
tFw r imimsf I'VindLii, iFir E .i I mil im f ieiiJk nJuLilt, llir linciit- I', fur 11 HJitlUn Ikikimr! A lEEMijUi- [iikhSiiliiii* fHTffE'rilE,
» fmt

]rti tpfrrt lljjt Imvfc nuidr thii lund ul ieh-ts 4 Ut-iiif kui ik ll " i.iiLlt ii' jel IkjMpV furwij brJntt- i

LI IjL V-.MI Eh i VllliTli III! J.'iLhE il I l39li h il 'rn .U lEl CK'Jl. vjl'-jl,

Cxllici >n c c ni .i *' II l e % . il * n .ilv m i;i . i

fUrr A ThJL E’VW)' I-. * fill* k-.*iL iiar prlmaiiATil fd- M-i-
H L i“
i i .

Pi-kl^'iafc . ¥ 1 1“, i.uH-5 H-HiftlJ. lartwrrEJ IhmU’

. ii
tlin ithlIit ii hiilrc kciu'^ luilp :l' tilt Ajiteiicrtn Mini's iiiwt
tEFnl r)nnili|r ^iniknt nivriji EvPrj aniiil!i l» fllfin 1
fill lU-M.iu 1
.1 .V --H u IviL 1-1 j lit i
1 1 ii I .
1 1 .

ll.,;,; i/i-.i I 1 11.| Ll I I1L|I l I , a r I ' .1 111 cl !' - I' r- -I
|F- I’l

frits til lii miifciTitf ktta j h‘+k F .l mi tu._li-i / il L\ "n i

25 UU If C ulii piruiE?, eeui^h. i-

iii-iii 4 ir lull na^iir [i.jjfrtji iiF f fcl >i

I'lirinlniiHt ifrFl EJi;aE * ifc-rEjLii ft> I'Vftkf thr Lillkii rtpui iili
U'jJi jLlihi, nil LiP.Emhlfdl talill AlHlTklfflB v :-li >

UAHliifru] K ll T Eu
"ii indy m i wIufSo i.imiT.
ik i
Iqi.k ,ui\L-tijklii|£ Im Ittltudt. \ J clE> (i JS^.iri- m.ikr n wmii-
nhnUltt! tuldiEllM I*** .l Ijliilk * krli iieij Jilii li ( yi«i t I
. jk
1 1 r* ri i il |." i 5 1 - j ri I ik^il kmuiEb llu i4> H>vl Likli. ni |*H1 wiiU
riwn ii|i-|iit|jp|| li LiiFrlmlLilS.*— tl lH "‘3 ty fai ihl Mpust nr 1
mil llu ir- W|Wi if rfi rsVi 1
ir- ':ir IcEritl |>t. p-r 1 1 E'l

. rt
Urn I" i|v Jn iLiitiiul iniLiuriii- ErufrLtdarcHn
»Em;y: .li nJ =< 1 1
IflViJ ti> wikii I
ii 1
1 • hfti c v i'rii'1 ii ei iij Xu inii j Ieilv i'l^j

I lain cLkiiLtry/' n iiLVndEr m.SJIiiJji:i lind 111 i{ “

lull lun Ih imf Tik* Mir a " jnnE Ekr th\nK 111 I'-nd,
jltajNr ill tnicrrd nn\ mini' urtTJICtiVtdy |iei* tented, thun iri <T1Pi rikfltHiw
. Id- inrryjiL flit rfinini yyia xlec -W-T-kiri u 1 I
.Vtll ^jtlu-l ITELJ lLlC kTI llr'.sllhfLlI jJjiI Lnirn ’ll ill tlul 1

EMI!-, M WlkEllll pri-nr
* *Cn»l
“s. j'ii- =SAVE S5 70 W 1st SEJBSCKIPT10N - S7QQ QN EACH AOOlTlONftlh^
jin FUhput « 1
i^ik. i:;ii

7 mi

* s
r’NllLdil.l ?«jnvl£ iMfiPP Its 111 HU J|l,l %J-I! Lh F'nrtlL.lil-f.TrTi. tfVT
i v illli’i I
it V -^ 1
Cw4f , |!T tl "'ll

\,-,s “i.iii
I I'M, i
i i
-fcU.i fin- 1 jcnr't ft iukiR. 1 life ktrfdu] OntiaiEiif^ HiHi-r tiriUiPk
1 >i m In nnf I-vp** pu'.i-

l" I
r l|J MlLi 11. Inn j
V> l|:< .liTLE'lh TL Fill >!2lNJ i.-l vilDESrJf Pf Hi 31 edlN4 1 n kltPiS I , «

J| |k| |> iMmi'l IfR Il'Pli
'i ‘IuVMiIiy t rfbunr fi'*r Linlp Mi' 7-U ij^h. hi i:I1m: i- .LmiECil. ]i miy Pl Ji-J I
* a! nhfci ll'iu

LlCTPA i&HU13 .1 AMI ELK .VS RER] 1 1

, LiJ ,
fruijSNifti n i* 1 ‘ |
^i-i ji^iij V>1 1 Dili A rMLll . Nru h Ell . ET, S. \

Ti‘pifipr/ifrrii«i--- J T't I'lraii? MINI l-j fJir UJUKrifVlln^i In i kv li.ihnt. ^nlHjC WbOl IftC ClirTCTU fefVlf E<i nr .

-lEjifriitii' |jt jramlTiii—af jimplc ^Ii>ik; niilficl atiiF mfifeExiic' I liinc Ihlnl nrr i HiJirua *#ltn nf ll Li |a

iFii" iidilrif t»inEi n mi ij n i ihr i

I urn I inntuiniiml 1 Ik riiilunpin^ EjIc* ipplFY fm hr! ii‘ur I

Sf pr H i r diJfillp; ^fiiMk ir- iuiHi I ft>i i!:e AcpiC I'un'iiiirni -in >r f En. 7 3 kar vacli .’uli i III ii ’ ii .i'i irl'i^npEiiili
A .J" J . -

. . rtJtJT iJ }\ ILl’ltll—
ii m Fa. -HJ; 2 uihu i;2.7lE; > iutiH. 4- -i.Iin. a S4T Sfkl * Mian —
41-E B(], 0-c I
U'PlPr iilft I
lipjj, lfisLi*


li rNf ll

4 id iC'JEL'Ij rillhflC rrp-
I p'ih Iljm Q Cfcci- Ci Mfirwy Ortlcf '

i f :L*fi hill me.

1 1
ii i miry liirrErf EH itfPiL1 jfnf MV NAMf
i rjNa(flnPi
AM E h J
W5 IlKftTTACtt 'l
A£U 5 «fiSi.
l>'pi, i'Jfli, V’lFik \iv_j C1E V _ JOSE: il ATt
!\j-rk,« Viut S.T,. \ \

MintiKo ah? Nj,n«k*l Ocdjjrxphi i: — ti idviVH&ia yem

— ! J

<shl1 W e*Err spprtgmarr tt'j qistml i Rfl¥f

kinC fll mftmnitk «olcn tnflf wrinGs steel! 5M!Kl

OC KC T Y*c tbit ntw EEs?md Mlitie

3lk ~EB “SitfisLi vpsji *ianfl5 Enawn-jEji to?? Igr

WS y- f
riTV=i nnefln fluting— ifiiirckiti
Lis flseiysiii Dsilhdcfrng irotc-r.

fou n«ud. iiirrrr to set li ttldc tt'ici-. rJur tiflak-

Ifnj'l u^. W\r\\k Ehu 6 G L FC R hp£ n pa$ual

dif tb*E |PrHicIJ^ n^Sciiea ^gur sjwr;.-.T phi&U,

Ufl tlafiftit liuiiiGr- d o i iubI rtm NjH Ipujm t#

L.uninEij wear.

/n'd iNe nnw i&LFFft'* nhear tryjlsl busk

revean ill ins jewn-nd precision u< &r i nqp.Tii

pgratta Eterrn Mill c rraven^nl As* In sift it

iuduy -ai ysLi Qualiiy Jmkr'g,

I' Lh|#*l| * Wvlir-m<hlMii| * &h4c+^rnhoftd *
JL^-mn'ti' ; * UnniJRiflU
jImhHcsj Sin! | It L»] ifl ¥ ilmJ ^cid 1HA.CU

ITE'ihl^iTCl tLKP^kT 11 1 3 VE fl I C Jk MiC lt 8-J T F 1 1 Hi m *!£ HE!* «. h , ?r

77/ #5 C/rr/stonrs give each other


HIS GKe him Bun Sij:ni Sim
ftu \ - i

.iliniit niidc nnvwhtfe. Fur r

. irri^unil Wear Lifetime

1/1.0 I2K #i>lt| IlEJl-iJ Itj-icLl-v Xi iitcul

J5M}' ti-li idl^CA, dcVElripiii Jijf tEle

A r J'urue, screen out^k ^ I £le eh jet

1*1 liirtii Ini* ujEunil tLtl&ri.

HERS! Giver hvr Ray-ltiin Z^ir/ibar

Sun tjLllo^S- Sin ut E In ril l framci sfi |~i i

M vi i ^ l
f i m tnj
Or S Ail Ril} 1 Vj Vi 1 li’j 6-
* 1 1

l-i jitl Clisvii upLiejl j'iOuihI^qh^

pulisheJ-so-tnrw. At EcjJinjj. upiEtjL
and mbr
L5ij,din mutlitii every win-rev


} EK YOt VX I Aft Gl. A^S-ES, nr Jtrz-J il l in. -uu add In nytefy,,


1^ t-ufnhpn fiJ upEeujuje ttui-nrdirfiii w.Uh Kr Iclani ninuad u%

jrcmr rL£.«ltLT |xrhriii.pi.U«l in -H^Ji 'linniu hHn- i! tirnffrv jJ typcw


Men,r|cm Lfce Ctm^r ipM* H J'lr'jLfflci VnU
1 1

ii TT


J pfndpce
[.'bh onay to twd COflka —
or thousands— on hard nsf aoft ffims3i*d {jfi juar and card
Ntodts in sizra from 3 by f? to a by 3ft fnqhtts,
produce them' copkti in sharp b^is-Ji iir in
bright color* tn opumtioi
1.13-1 1

“I tun prod-ugi* i-»j pit* un both id hi of thr paper


fmiilHi lt^lv with 0 u l sUp-hinKrtiiig

"'And 1 never Imv* (.0 how. OperatlnjE
iwJtn^ticm* ute pennanpm: ly mounted nn cfte
machine-— nil controls clearly Muntifiud
"Why don't you (null the L-oupqn n nd gci full
infenmiLion shout tan- ntsw develupm^jit..
in mOdjtBfn In La > m ph nn
1 1
r '-
1 1 h 1 i

A, B,
Ail DicA,
V ii I.II.-L L'url I(IM >- Krll-Tli
mlrnwasjWjph ’ '.'DU Tuuli> A.h«tL<aj^, ( l
ikv-RH ,1J . IILiji. .i>-
product! flap use

m-fut nn> ciora fcp^vfiuttkrli abaii! MOPRRN rnlraKi
with ail! make! of
suil utile stencil J

duplicating piod u cl*„ 1 Aliiiir^ai

fcvtip^r Inn

For the Man Going Peaces

...In Photography i

Ffej *’ 1

B'lbwif f Ijj J im
tfiirj L'lj C uhu 'I i

.1 .'
i Wi - ip I

biv dt 3tf-*rn |T-

' S' fj-fl
S’ Hi J ’ uv?i P.'l j iVir; J

IF rrf i? (' vp i i *i *h* ft,sniu.n ^ tfjff tfj J*


(LAfVON E'jjsitfd rLFiiipanh, Inc.

rj.,'..Jtt> 1 ID Fifth Sin.. SJsr^ VnjL *6 N\Y.
Im GtMMiI F ftfljjr 4, FeairtrtJ L i
J . ,
Viatvunrt, P. C_

—- -V..

^ £u*te
for someone who loved you
Y-iiir vj-imnrr
I in N j iNppj l‘l| r,J i.|

Jiiil jj: J i ny pf |
j i j.e idi’i

IM Allan Ins LinJiurt


rr.jpic+t pr-B-rr^f^sIr.i
^ 1
1 nr L urn- h : | r m- |

iiM b h t-.iitlhLiii friof ii

b-i- L-^r.
i r>g;

iLiri_(: * ,i y-iu
'‘jtJIIUU Llf i-h-tiJj l.i j th m i
it ,

tlshiMU, 1 i IHmv. . Iiuppii^.

Jul ini 1 1 iriJTi d 1 u I
r i*i I!

'I ski: idyatcta^i: in mi

u.w nyr? nr ( y \u. \ wrs- r

HlJN* LX .MIAMI 111- U !l

* 'ifr411 k_4
rss£<* -
s^“- *fi 3 L

i , 4,. {
Nai«* 1 1

?i![i:i|-iji:i ilite ?C*h.-.i -1 Grugr. |ihh: — ll EdfjjJtLfiES vd

j u

Most valued symbol of your devotion

M»tch[ieii amun^: pruvmicn hTuticS-. ,j iliji

niiillll I-' •r
n 1 1 1 i i imjJ U -lijn-ni^ *i. yj INI 4: 11 , nj

I'.ver vhIucJl rvi j i - _i I i . L !

ii -

T'-tvrn Jii>liftlrllK v hiilrvcr lU [,*>ȣ yr *i/p.

Mn-vc .1 ] L orb or gih* + it i j . -iohJjcu >v 1 -

1 1
t -• t- nf yorn \lw?\ ii| i
1 1

\ruL from thr mu.itMrni it k* gfvcp» ei J -

riun<l i* j mud ill vntii iii^nf

ThU frj a t{itm\t*i\4 IWtifiit /T/rra io/ptWi* l

A ijjl

.IJJi'fc’uj/ AT irnf •iirfiinf JVi fl

nitrfiUl, fir fiJJ/i’r ii/ ri ,•

Md, r'JT dm .fi" ^.ilcY* «: iPFi t "TCP-ll.


!* w* Imt Z EhTkli 1 . JIjXXi

l.TJi t* 1VW 19 Iltu 1L It- M l! 1.1 rra t nr*i
eiftri_wmit* Mil uipiii r . n hi ij mil m'rln. lim±4i1mIii hi j, iuiibiCi
«!* * IN-slnl Siwfii h U^ -

»P«1 pri/H-n '» lla miff

ip inPfiiiiEi ir -ipJ v l
1 1 lin in ''’ifiivi .fvwrii Iff ihipir nip -». *
mUm lr U ril Until '! um :jp Pltn 1 nip iM* !m mil j>
t 3 L> mWIP 1 i |
hrt IBttiiH Mi Till lm\

across the Atlantic

as clearly as you

call across town

“One of today's outstanding dedponic and

engineering achimmentx. ditch a precise

piece of construction that communications

engineers speak of it almost with awe.

C 1 . 1 1 1 i

* v

New underseas telephone system provides stormproof service

between this country and Great Britain and the continent

T* tww h.iiiVill.ini tv Ivkptioju1 [- [rL'll tfe m, Sri ii ymi 1 1 si vu

vvjiti'in Ls i.i 1 1 i^tctTEt [ unpaid sti-p ! 1 i
-j i. avi iiFTfiomi i! I p ti li pi ijnEnjg
m wnrld riKnrmmM'rirmiL'i tiensfs the’ Atlantic for huiiiHfSs oc

I “ r.iDi ytin Si.ivi" I nvn .1 blfe lit

J m I
nrtltif we klUuV lliLiC

mil .u'shsh thv Al hurtle nvpfr I he J OH will hi? plBunctl w 1 1 1 tins

Bell .S^N'iii'n ratHMdephoi* fill

lltUTV 1

H I"- I H \Y W L' VI I, Vi
trails, Now
milirdy itew sirtvii e- a! i 31 y<m h <vr iwyoi' made ii it over
3 un brat uddcxl lt\ nVix Niurui- | 'il 1
' ii :li , ii. ! du :- 1

jrruul I Hq i Li j] \o t .j 1 1 1 _ A He* IVIld SiH i--ly Eri LT i\\pcrit'PJL'i.\

By HHmil* of the.'sn" iviULrc. you 11 \\'vv\ StmtrliiiiJii mmjl-

Exm |ik'k up the tdcptbOH# uny- nruhh’ and rciL^sumitf iibout tries
when- in He l'nil"rt] St#m fttld plpcmtiig iicn^s lilt- Aai i.i it

Iwtk In Crtfrit Brifjiltt, Frani t", tdiudMiiiEii.iT I m' i

iii I? w\ it 1.
yiiii ii nr
Betpurn, Swilzmtuml. Mu I land, .l-OKH? VCHirii'lL
Denmark. Norway, ^tlrn uml U s I'lixy to dii — Urti the up-
Germum Uilltturk \ih ml k;t]l VfillilT I ll 1 ! LUMintry Vnll W_ilil (i

iiLTu>ji tiiWiiL Ami arm me in thou? lull— .Iiicl i*ost I lit is lower tliuti
iMiimtrhrs LGtii l\l]1 you, ti w i ninvt prnptp flunk

Miiir *cTvicp tv Timv alail-bLItr For $1- plus lux you cap call
b< VUIh-^ Hr iJt'H I tilths lift? lit ,j.|- fltrpss t|u" All.uiUb nvi'w the 1 1 ew
dlsi'i n n« iin- liell Hwrtrm's f:\t\ia- iiiihlps m by mdii ildrplaum'.


i j ll- bif i3 j^ FjJfet thn t pbuiti fi*im ffnfwlirit m tEic United
Sl-I ti v is. $12. i f Ii IlLl1iei4£ titlsL ii y ! filk'i jL UMi i ** UV .. * ,

his Itjijilns mily iiEnr ciljiiI -> jlmvr Enlhe

I 1 > til I' ^ 1 |ij" -c r 1 I i^lj- l| jjiif

|M . tlu'i c- iuntrirt ic- Jeon [n 1

nv hfi l Swti-Frk juithrtrle
'I'miih 1
I, ‘ C ft u l - . . fu IllUil V'liycb ll-A i:l 3 i' j-1 LSA'ji lilWCl at uii;lj[
i,inJ itti ^urnLiy. i Ptiii Hrjlh ill nlhrr niuntne".
i].i j w ucLa v.iEa jJs;i he rtticJiid L* v Tddfu^eLecphDHeL

2 a II Tslephona Syslem

Hello America''
! 1 |

Picture a perfect



Ne 7006

, JLy
T^ ^ B°*
n GlXft
TuiiB Hr* itiF^i ^itid HiC-s r^L#

tJ*™ ^vdklvmaiilsf
Imoe i # ±*n- ;

' Pf^i PRli pCn ilpcrfiiFii Fnifl [lb

(r I

a luerny boNnrii fiM icu r>r. -. I

bujiiiir idiUi unit artrn r<«lL

L piirlin
llj i^'anl ilu 2fr '

Jcutfl, |4 t T^rifTi i
11 ^
eJ '

3 crey-. D"h wUlto, rhn WAT|-i jtf« Fiiijac+£r

PwOOF tACPCLEMASTER ytoirrqKi. 41$ T"*l
paM n rfj Grirwii lia/n FttiK-ji L-pwH ft,lvm>ruii> f^ilr
AM mnn E.-Fnr!-rih '4 a f tfl/ll CjF^ l-: ke* fc

irtinmnip Padrefi 1


SHntfofl & Ttmegf® Co., Inf.
Q. HM. UdnlHt, If,
planned jusi for you
by Greyhound
tt : the perfEvt picture . r y^u in ywq fuviir jfi-

lsj i JiLno vjji. aii-'ii! yjxii cirefrw, ^iiy . - ff

your hnttd dttcoitkiiafjdaiisyi^ -np^-ml stghtsee-

iruvvl fUjtalli pLicmed fur yuti by *-%-

peril, on .l Cu'yh.ji.inri Z^a^flw-Paid Tour* A wjidkliHituf < I figiajnni ;;;ll

n*h1 fntra Aia^rii-j h | H ffr
G: .jii vwsSti'c lifi Airmleer mi P *i#i awn' Inns I - 1 .1 ClrLi Ml mhi 1 ) niwU-* n I nrnl 8

stu- * I
Na h it dttj p J tiwiiH. y pacLaicril
j+N-f* Wndfcdi b# r(HnJi'--i|j *elti Tsie f^icijt
Srbni-j \jim.| Ll'ImUbnj. (9iJ
. i

F^-i irt
u- i.J^i 1'arL .

iiErf "p&hp, cbTt-4 ft&m -tnp _**<**... IWuJ-. '‘.IS "S jri^n»III
i 1 fl J hr 111 III !.Iifi'‘H Mjn)i-ii ijirmri Eb
1 . I

JfiilW 1 1 M«n> umL you i/mdWKiiLMjAdJJ^ f ijiiiwiicwl.


P'iSlfl |UA 3 1 d#jri 1 1 am Cl I Mr lind . . , , +++T ill S.M htodr f - PAAtH PACK,

3 ib> - - - driirmS |l HI
CiUFPWA-jri gj«i mm ctti^a inijn Pflr k A-Jh. fjurtf PACK > Mi 5 «, 3114 U vmn*\4tV ed %7.7$
^HTig i&r E O* inf
US uQlj I JJJ! IfUftr lUi Af'ieJet $31.31

T ’’
L j Vi' !. J _ :. 1. N ' (if. ClTkc ia Ei>m iMnr;rii-> ‘"''
d ^h 1 1

H*MJf Fn curled Tourp

i<i ciioo-m* (rum
•Alii liinlvh livn- L^rianaJ' -r-n:i . urlHii
gtua- d >D S™« W Hfi'P '
0 1
JVf, tvcitrfti mime Ynon th$ Witr’UnLiw
— M
^ijii-jn 'iH ‘.u'M Jiu" lijii*
yrtiicfyuy tho hfimffiuiiil UioniijU
Ail qr#-naii »^e |*yl to. ir.’r. .* L £ wuicri friMM .ihir 47 Natimil Hoi
Sprinitii. skt\lo& iiiieniLim«
rt(H eoiiafifUL |o rtfSiJluT'C .vour biLth% and
CemtpleLt: Pi^irl J'aclLm^ . r ,

t Hitr’, Ijshiny #
.iriii ^yt;5,a u-ntt: hunnienC
Inuf Qi£L, It
— Hi.^uas

Mait In Grcybaunril ft Lifch, ShiiAjca. I I

I htlp-i yiHj ^c4 -r aizqnaintcd,

I'd i;h* W tItII Mai * if'rr.'i' /fJKt y.

Nhkih I


I A.dihim

I C-iEv i autc


S! i ..!.!! |l|f N !ii II. i ! 1,1 1 11,1. . I j — I I I I.-II |-||
F —

X-l-lLU r FTavc Rdhiimjj j iiiidi nlnitfavd n«“4.t «in cliu jj

Live ii i
fmv ri’^ay frqiri rtp*
I'm- riy-taJ; hie he EwjHh*! ds.ifi Jimonr has bcm ab$c in cw In

? 4 ,tQ0 fain r>|Hcl]hmfiBd

cni-Mit* iiJH’i jU tbr OTjuisjtr beatify of (hr rapt' EnibufflTt I s, ?. NASSAU

lI i-c tliiti.iiiLw fkmv wa-n»tcd lteliIc tartcM. In winter, the F qn-1 3!?-day miasw 517U up
fj djvi ie Ahvz^li dMp mil 1uil.iL—
i .ulJ Sej-T-iUn TOprf* irina jhjclIv wniiia mu> sajnnnn y auphyn Ha vilrd dui.n Isi afatfuviii]

Tlif hlHjrftftbfai “^rarlo'ja way B.ahamLm Li n

*jj mridlnl J«- La LNCRiA Ntt&ftU HHI

I ini? hi)k4i, pa} ft%ni Lifc t One shopi and an atmodtrier i

T Hume LifTSfl, ^ZSlOirlYc.- y. N V

m. i El nl ill rtpiiiT

E Jif ILtlmma arc aniy 50 milfi (mm iJi-p U- & Ypu OMt Lk: QwmtgW iTrrm ’niam
nlunirid bfc N 4M in
4 Eli Irf* eIuiu nil tu>i4 r by ml) from Honda, in nrroSir s. s. QUEEN or NASSAU
4 !

i by btHiim air from Nnv V«rJt »ar by thrtuitfb (ligHlji J

Bound Trip, 515 up
NfcmtrrnJ am! i - i>ubj. Ccvmfr va w Trov-nJ 4gmf» { 'i i ipidn nhjijp flow Ns'j’fiii :> '

Vdays SaU Upj *E it-rr Ml N 4


9 a/ 5 l?flnti N:::a'j CABLb bo-ore!

r inr 3. Miami
QfRCISi H?w Chicago, tWHtfii, Toronto., London, £r .j.

B. .
An ever-read y blunderbuss and a
Strang cabin door wen' the only
protection our forefathers could
provide lor their bonier and
jovwi ones.
While Lbe America Fore
( ’ompre herwi vo Ho meowner ' s
Policy wiil not protect you
against attack by hostile Indians
— it will. in one package* cover
you against loss from tire,, wind-
storm, explosion burglary, ,

family [in bility and many a tlier

perils loo numerous to list.

select the coverages VOU
wont and decide upon the
amounts VOS wish iu carry.

And beet of all— if VOUR

selection includes lire, theft find
liability insurance you qualify fur

PRimUM SAWNGS Of !0 TO 30%

compared to the cost of like
individual policies*

To get this packaged modem

protection see your nearby
America. F ore Agent, To toca Le
him, call Western Union by
number— ask for Operator do.

* The C on linen la E Insurance Company * Fidelity- Pienlx Fire Insurance Company

* Niagara Fire Insurance Company * The Fidelity anti Casualty Company of New York
o !

The one and only thing NEW in television!

It answers silent commands from your easy chair.,. or even
from the next room, t urns set on and off, changes stations,
mutes sound, shuts off long annoying commercials
You'll be rniilllTlLj I iL'- acTTKf; ihe room,, or even from the next
Iwn-i-n ytHj and the television -n j
i Inn rnftBL I Et Tnii^ir
EE“>w rjinj ^ it wOJtk?

fcpUM' Mci wiri-V^ m. curdfi. nn Luiifei i^ri

WpjJ.I, it ytiuj^i-ir try it ycHjradf ut
no wnd tu esmf.r4 Wfl * t» Vet Lhe "S P At E- ! your Zcmth dir-iEf^'a, Ie’h like- nivthinfl‘
f'(JM MANDER” rimtrbJl box ill ynuf you have ever Been before — anywhere,
hand arrfcf‘ nut yrmr camibmiiB fnith anytime. And enly Zenith hat* ii


Ho csj-ef iJ
No w;, ei r

No flesh lights*

No r-sdi* control waves 1


e T** oW

Tho Koyolty of RADIO,

Bn-k- <1 hy 3? ytiu-* of ld^erHliip
III tuduilIJi : I'Kl lltHlvvl 1

v.a Kiri' < ofc PriNH iiEE\nj?tD Aina Eenllli Radio CiwpotwIiDU, Chh .i^!, :3'd r III*

fi! i-.fiipr. slup PfiTtoTrftt Cefijprarki-r — El rJemtiKes fait

. 1 i !0 .
, C . t y n

THE SQd Tiffin nfM>$PwE#E


lur voyages to frjcQlic

f ri vernal in ft JC-i
jnidik,,.t.j(ii Under Ehr Pllteb Nag h&lW2r.ft

Japan,, Hu ng #Ccmjf SinK-ipur^ Mauritius, r

South flfrko and Enulh America.

A s-jierul'd heel of ?*nps led by riiree fniwlefn
exciting movies . . . Splice n,2t0 grew
moddCirig 104 vuyafiijs in Fimt Cinsa,
lt-n pshisenfiji lifltirs. cacti siCprn-
#tll> tpi-
CT-us, Jr C-L i. 'LuC Ji -ulohi, ^1* immirp porl fin
^perl Dukh iLpi-rmery
and edit your pictures [.trv CR fc'fFcieri! ship flpsrallflrl F Ltaditfflfiel Dull.
mufti lij^ieii

cleiflltaitt, tux « rn*tchT«A Euianie

Ycm‘]l field to -seo
it cm y
ff> fu/ And
Maui t-ai-artl^Mly uiIiuki Horn KdPtff JJiC fi'Hil
sp/rtc -'"‘jr literviti uiith Craig Pjuj ecto-li-d itnr .1

£ It hit si^ILIni .i.jne ut !d7i i

Y * su am J*rc urn e f> trim out unne eded lead cr*

Ask yuur Tfdv^l Ajfeitt
fo^ULiJ mi da. Mgr ^t.irti, under eJrposed :md
aver exposed pan= e.if sern^ Join short reels
int i
«>J Lir COfllillLLr>ii0, enjay^lt' Ehriw . iriltCr.-

sctiies find sequence! in the n£ht qrdef _ «

4 vctM rnttinB out uniething you want to E^vr.

Then vault b* proud to hIupW your mOldcs! NEW tCIHf Suits 527 , EIii>n!=- Euii Jinr. tr,‘>
' iir’
E "n |

S -A -Hi rflfl.HL\5 Ctl; TiJIM-DjeHip r 4 unipcirn:iii'

»h lit Ouiorma 5Ueet * HONQLliLli: Thiiu -

The Craig Prnjcctb-KditrH-'i bJg 3 ^ ’
by *s


t* E-a Lla KsJicfl ana Met Glum. Sveeii


serf it. in ticflibratly lighted and in h<>'tdcii Y-D5J

vfew ymiF I'ictyfe- camfprlably in .t lighted
room. Ita cqnvtLTticn COI led design lets you tLiok
for your iieahh's sake...
nL single frames indefinitely, ThfpadJ simply in
tUuighl lint un polished ntflinli^ Steel guides.
Equipped wfth Cmig Master SpSin r th. .f> sure
and rosy Tn use, geared revdjitffl with 40 P foot
:i Craig Formula
P„i eH-llnrtimlj
stickfaat cement
capacity li

uiq vlEiLra, "Hid

ihnt wdd u film into prnnflrwsit Cilices AH fold Ekfl 1 *K*Jy 1 +fH' 1 l<HM 11 -jQJ i

iii Li 1
SiisrioSdiiie plywood Liini? ui -
r;]|:ii,; t_i l! 7, 1

j oft j Si- feitnr-iChcur

tiw, Model! for 8mm or l^pin^ only $ 79 50 , .

C-iCh!y. 32 L iliHlcilcd.r 1

elri. Irir=:iiy opcnulcii. CuJ^f

See ynur tairero detikr fur detaili. S 4DB uj-
. ±a ft2rq IJf JV C - ! |

j." J tvtJJ wujiii fJJ

/C&JmATx 7^ om *yari Y' ,ne - VAtHINF WQP KS
1*9 Wr.| 4 m tHt
P?CnnVr!lir Conned cut ‘ 1
I 4 'i> *ifcp™-|, 11
Olflpr SrrfrjiwKJr jPrpdUrlii
PtC^CCTT of Prroii ri tlxKogiapItic Piiiilurtn m "T t *fc,L:ii"WJUh
ilnci S-i : r i

-.1 Ftu nfi SynrlifrrmigTrH

Hi ill..-,
lU^lW^paf <.* i



wAM| s

l^yticlirrTiisciJ N-uiyr Pi mler, and KALART

CRAIG M.itic E;!:'iri;.; Krin.iprriecit


- thu tas-y-to-r-tfid, fully sali^pi-

. .
l rated book J^jwp you how to net ^inf-:a iiHwh 9kz 129L13 Ih. Suim ijUmi pav! h-i? ,

jFir-rln^jTicial cov-em results- fa .vi

nidi hu
«.iiuiT|3 le

p-JucuEiunai 'n-Ubi Shjl 11H lull la
LilarL h mi nr’il —iff m m m iEll
cutting, jijj.; ^|ufy trfliiiga iw- ,
. I

hi- ini.-v^l ibriyi|-q|rv p.uHils F n'

Cjiirsirtr JieVElopmeTit r how

to gwt > 1111 VI ; Mi r 11 i- I'm- .. i-n-r-.M T

laLJSj'jr. ilttkill, -. I tD 1 Lll in yi L |
itinv^r Rrrotnrly 50# r Mil €OUtCi
DtrlJrll >lih C- ruinHI !ais- l|l Ccn-

_ lail 4 hd 1 &t EBiPMlda r^rFi^r IFH zhe^lr^h p

Ipc., Dr*, af r^iei JtalaiT Cwrptiny, frn\,
alii! 'iici^STyn" 5-Hls LIP (II !h< 'm-EL
Dspr. NOIL Ftokwl!*, CdmV. UL £_ A. WD^neHT* OF- tCFIIlCi
Wdk 1"3

E.ui:l[ w ! Lp tO|f toi ypur hook Eitsiinsi far

I3 cttcr Mcivsea."
Nome, ...

iHh POfllffl CHfMIC A CO
City Zone , - Sfcite 5 -F pl E- — vpn ptAdd

M cm Left sh« Ptnikmall OfleKriphiE — Tt titmlltiti

n 1 J « t

OvJJ De-M ill II - -

twn 'Vmlrmy Atirai Knil |3^ mlnirni Llifhr-! jrrnli ^iiHuL Imiieit, ikh
Iniitp TlitUid^ Amml. He* * jiirluh* June brail wen bj IMrtb
I MOW prtwin.* tELraugfriMal the wirlil, Mtj
1,1-r^fjJJi-V bcw n| “'1
tab EWi C«iiini»i|ijtarii t ii! *

irifaj '“ihr giva!# iil iiaLilkm

[iMmmf lih TUfrer."

American Progress-Ambassador For Freedom

BY CECIL B. DuMILLE \mi fifefl' I'lKIrifirn lniiirrl lh*

*mr country it wry

I i;i-ii fil'd* that powwd my nit-
tnimrfli! Frio/mr? />i rfurv.* htftp itjM *
Ii n i
mlu puy^rful 1 iiO**HEtJine
ifi crm Fin/Miri dVr this irurW f /rnh^lr ffr-fw rarnfiYpri z.ii i'liiH' \n jnotliei !te Ailr
pfF'furrfl iff .s/ktiFr fhf ?j p pr A/ fftr iJ--ffniJW4 uvr»frlrd hv f/i'f' Hirs liijif f|i itb|?p) hr Jr? tm\-

/HPT** ppftf&fiitty tr\ ff frpp Aocf*\l\\ I IjJbl LM j [ L muni iii e lh ='iimTFir'r-


vi\ jjij-l Uraxrj. \i[iiin tlm aii» wi ;


"I 1 1 ii *
liAfk nh m> # jeMi ' ibP'vv . 3 cnur 1 1
- i 1 1 ft in mil* i e- u lu k in u. I icif in r I m f i in^i a riE rorn |i f, i i r i i

niov]r-miikil3|j . .
I i“ipm|uti e Eiiv •S EPi| illujit -x t, • 1 1 j — 1 ]ip NtpK'Ip mu um^Hii um niany M iHPtfi^iinr'^-.
fuKl |nrEttfr.

T 1 1
1" S'pLiJW Mail' in* pulilii 1
— Ij»v (5 lii'Pti \\w rcjti "Tljih i- wk) F ludlirre fehaf il~

With 1 1
H uV - |53~-I I
i 1 1
|i '1 1 1
1 1
* I ! Im
wirmer* ui' ihW I vjiii «JEv ^<uei llailriM U Its Rntllbnr tn
J.ti J !ri|ijm4i]t£nHtitpi'. and . . I itzu it kind rd i.'pfitiijpiriiilii, *En#w l]ir will Id | he true ji!;tr*rv

see whciE fMrdfl-rir drrjiiii* we "Tikis- i^ irur* 1

tta rn«jj! bout in- I IVenhitti. I Urn wi nirHr i


hx\- hirnrd bln Mvilitv dufltrtb tll 1'H'J I -I . «

r i
I nvlr ikf jj
ve r krrp Eh^ 1
fr-rrS^jn n[ ffitn-
*~h u irrL munv msrtl ut 1'elihi*. tin.’ Bes( t wif npp. jlur M!heeli*Irt| pp’Lfl i'in jjj tnsIV’ilefrd wv ln-

tin i||i 1 1 l fa rniEra^ fit imnr^r. ;j i jf 1 1 rl I

- , I J i -
1- nr r
iftCi'Tr-Irtl IFI Ern<! in ,k^rp tiw frefprfoop ot '

Hi 1 1 i hr tell fery i* ilisii (h-et* fud- j in ! j it i h<* JmUtdry tlui jafE'dmi ami vw)Sllp,'
rrle 1 1 \\ t ¥*' f itp i Im n mi \ ictr mil tujjjdiiHj ifip m. TVlml a pmen^s
tiir mere prisfit hiH in tbe tr ’hits | r.hktnd

trrrjfiJi'r rniir Ui VT * Jl « m tAl Lr- I

'Iii >± liiile cf 20 vedt*

1 ‘hL- It |rn m ! ! . h^THU* > < I •«' *Mr»H3 A 8i PET R-DL ill K I^STltUTt. ;,U W . Mill n.. V 2U, N. ¥.

Mfr.VAih llw N oilDfiril GeCiffranhk'— It lilr^tifiii ydU

1 1 « h 1 , 3 1 1


(for November) RESEARCH CENTER

Lih ..Im . -.
iMfw HiiH-juft l rnlL'r *f
{fyiftfurd I
nivr !
r-y " Eiuhnttiii] ParL
J'ntli -Vlli>p f. liiljlL«i
rttl+ i m sJlf 1 1 1 v| »r(r|» in
j ,
*iLiti |>ri>gf mu-
J [
'N'UiLII 1 LL 1 ll £5 € il‘ati -1 i h'

i i| n Hm life '.'ll LSI LJ i.

J L . I i I I II I I I

initiLioiif tidjie-kl 14 1 1 1 Lt i n h rn 1
' ;,v i I

1 1
1 1 - a 1 *y*|#m* ami ul||,Li lufftu A
Oi^tiL Heifc flthifcB# iiiifLiiTir - n- l|ic
I L i
e j i > !i Jtflii IziK^ieLL^TLlaif/SLlR
dt SuiLttyvdc-.

Last Hale la enter Ihe Union was:

s Irfjj-jriPF ’
t tuii O Cnftfi.rittt

TIhui^Ii U*k Ml 1 1 ro l!ukih, Arizona is l\r-it mi MISSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION

mam vnrjiion fJwn ' :lLi- m In r i Vmr trip To

. \ ran -Ti ii ijc 3 n ' iv lie n? “ il — « I

jmh v* m rate f rtNS

wjib F7r-j i NjiiimmuI Bailie rtf C.laiV-ago Tnitrl^ni

CIum^. Tlii’j knrfi vciur Lnivf] itionpy eafc* CjuaroRNlA

The world's largest {oka ii lot

Q 1/riffVB Q f , S. Q Vr-flr fiiiif

In- mi Ii-- of ’UiitpjT in llo*
ji-pj-atl rVn .n-Mb±l|v
~-q -T rallrrf the "I
i l!sr

wujTiFe lirfirht uka. Near Siiftt tnr


pttl^Tvhtt'r 'V' Vn^rkl £ir-1 ’VMinr; il Tta it — 1 I

ttn4 mMTjilnl
I 1
1 1
-« izi i Travr|rr=-
iW mtm<
i Hu
1 1 Mill
I Ihm* Po-n
rtk j'raPfc

The bolivar iis u currency -unli in: OCEANSIDE HOTEL
H f.^Flr Q ftt mi I I
J fJiviiJi'Jii
f Oil OTlCKOl L 1 1
— Vi I if t< -~3

( L-i- h iTitir Viry-.l %- 1 i-i i n n I Hiiol -I

1 1 «-‘A jj> iinf-nt M s il

CrsmjpJWr 1
sirCt “1 t»kSr
Trmvii'ft Oieijci Tup Mitarfr your Wnr- T-.

hi! -i ML r (“Kir a-'vujy vncQUon jilvu-

jUI'ld YjlCM ti>in 1
,IJI .j - 1 I Li

G^fi pnviSK^ti
cljrdtf und ifnuT s nimwl if 1 1 m 1

> n* ln^ iw
and Cfllyiaais
- *
1 L jd t i!rf i u -nrnuJ I i^il SlU I, 3-tO p
oti^rtunment. mwvefr
SLyil) n| diflWiflll Jo prrvrnE mill ii«imii
i’liLi i
L.jJL f&utf. AS I ; L-Jjlli
on wThblft- Ask inr Final Njtiiiii-il jUiiL \A wat-h hAlk.
Chifra^n I
tflyvkit Cheeks nT your kpt. k R. |fMfarokt (inn. Mir,

The First National Bank

of Chicago
Tf&wjmrt Checks

n’irvh tor toJuu.' bb^k'rl

|we v vli
r .j lm y | is t pi»i»ti j i-i i p f i

RQSFat F- WAfiNIB. mC,

ir e. ii %*. a t. w f
wy s tm
ftkiw In iHthEd

( in C ,3 'Wmh.ryii.’. ~^4Drfe

Mnnl ion iM K-uodjI CEo£ti^titE —h iiliiftiifla* y-ani


CRANE'S FINE PAPERS wade k dal^ok m is*cHustT f te ’ si*iCf j aot

n*e 'On mac.iAL. ihU auBlhlSf t O" *!.* MCI * = unm.M*.-« uruBTiifl - - T*»il*1=

Mbfiiian ill r ?f 111 anil Cj R »iCTifiHi-— El uE*-mi-.K* YJiu

« v M , ,

for a. fascinating holiday at any season


Egypt M’ luoxies you wiLli a kindly yc;ii--rnuml

elirtitiTi^ Hixunme: rmwWn ho rets, >>¥n)O|)0lit9i|
diits ;mtl :m:ni reports. See Tor youiSjelf the
winders you've read a buui:: sphinx, . .
Pym mills "toried tn«sqm s, I'bttihcJies, pnlhc&it
. . ,

i:iliulou.i tn*ftgqrat of andeni kings. You’ll Hud

thi- iNf nf il hnlHtiy ill Eg>
noisuilngEy t<nyl i:

Sfi iiinn' /',r 7 i

i i Agrilt


Dept. U. 830 Fifth Avenue, NTeVr York SO, N. Y,

AlCUlf/ The Hl-H
of the YEAR i T

in XjHV lip+ 3jil .|l ib- ic

rvk- i JtpI i i i
n hL

Ml JiMs*r4 - - - fftwkfP*l jt
mil htfcf-fliTW is
Use {irmficTRf Fjiijridri.1
Tlaiit ii :zjc iippi^ftirnitf to r-’':*>c±* mrlumm- VUlt
EDITION RICO ip 5 — i tte£ nrcocdjn^i iicttSt nsitnn i: i ra p d

w.ichj hr >
!?iiJiiic iiimpi urn* p-nr ’ 1
'•irncrhlr SIib

LQUiSviLlt ORCHfSTflA — icab«ir whtft»f, CM^th#


Ttirs ‘cviifceLlir "i virus' ‘ rtH-i-rduii;* J n nmJp in ni'nuLlu

linn lIt pi:!i
r<:nijiniEi :utd irr rmiinurrrd h» T uluni'iu
MifhntiMirtii tLilTiH mil' Amnlili'ta ’ur Hiniifrd lifim i

Hi* .
LTaai I f mi liurr rrpft^iF i jijtifr|Jrt+ . .nkrhrtii mI
tmtti . til r- tiBdfi T rtprrtiri.ini mp hvinii o>m
pflttri fhfi wriiiil rrtf-r

^pTirndid iBunrf. ,r •* . .
}’. . i |
I iVf

^ B Sirvkrt to- III J INC WP*r?i-Tljl'J

— i At
* ji ilia i iai! vtsH U m mod ok uf ilttilif- 50G Vi'aM " B-n EDOWr J d ar _V

..T 1 i J f lh h h i b Wit.
f- i s
I > * « *
Hrm--* -4
, Tt H-iCH dalhij litid UAi ^jnn'JniAs. y>L\jllcn' " ToLrtrH Bar rnnlrol dor-i it till ftlfldficaily. twink
fruit ji a-t^V fimt i'rfziftf and rc-lna. rnnofif- fontupr Fr^m *Ne
t &pp th* DuJoFTtqtir Umtr idm ifirlf So aY^irmii^
Ph-pP fopm tj-cpKp luim &ff wtffiii pirajrclop Furfii on I

; ‘it I

ri mFWi-TH ti. i u 1
r. i,v t , vj r
u rr PROJfCT-O W ATI c * 79 5 ° -
Dcpi. T > 5 $T,i 1 , KV
!>&0 Wil i
'l fort ii_!i U -Ijlcrnu:
uminpiitff iidii mijbihii ini r-iliai.iB Finj

Plwa« Jiehj Mhl h.vt Ire.! Cna

mii l . blid# Lr
:“Fi l'j‘
rtli.U | c 1 1 t A L'lrgl

Kilnr —— ar>i? a‘o h ^*53, 50

Addmt — —
Oil-' .... .*ll «.Lr .
Mintlua ill e Kjilconal Coct^; r |i l| kc — fdcn'inipi yzu.

]j you TrV n FI i |rt ril'llM’l .] \lif t | 1 j..I

VtiU Sw [umerubered far a Ktrtirm h

just 5 Uuiv In dtstinrlLvr Guc mtu I


Uli-r I u 1J4 fftiur -h.i'.Mi m\ tl ii-

[i.ipn. Yi'iut* Jtiiwd (^rhmn

ir'UrU-r t*UI be happy In *hi;m
I m I
III '^HT JLJI r| I [kill I'| M L ho r
f.xdling Gorham gili niras*


I Wt-iti(p*:r iml\ . vl#|| irtirEi^irj\ nr* frirjfiipood. hffal-maq.l«Ea^
rnn |Mi|-du-r l^-i i-rLi u cli "i .luLlifillir: i
iif!y 134 I iJiisir-r^i^-rtjnt kindle, If rgEilarfy
\niri-iiian i.j.Jl'i't1 rvif* .sJ j ]:•!; ril i\l, Si ,> r .K v-tei ‘iv-' 147.541 j! ih#
fiSUILg. ] Ij <1 |l'CU[i tfiofto r tCjLiiF-‘ = ^k'lharr; nnnLvci^ars' purr of $13*}.
.*i? .ir- .
T JPi jpnJ .-7i.-:i Juii'-r.

c 6 rd.vdu'j^
hei jilt 4' ititiO K.igM 3 I4 -. pal. tHJ,« un-l’i, Kk. I
a i
pr J 3-2 JO

SUGA*t # il2., 4 piwt

pi*'* wilfi 3 pn(Mr SSI JO TRUVITKAT. d<ntn. / J./.50 h.^hr *%", pr. J9 7j

CASCDtf 5NUfFf».r>g
nnw NUT DISH. -urn ID', 415;
S4 7.5 PIN CUSI+SQN 45 50 fi' p ST 7.$0

oifiam STERLING si

rot Ihp

gs». -j
Hfr- tail!
Th# i#£J
|ti?T*)yp «Hll
r“fl h


Autaeka'i ic.:i : j !SJ(>nrlriiilhii 1631
>*ir*t:’ r I.Dt'lB* CIQ"r| I'^OPl'h'E'
1 J 5 ^i AortivartOfy
RTl-S 1 -!* 4T 1 F >J- i 'U

Hnnliail l?ic Hitlolia.1 Qp&irr s&Mt—*Il liFtliplltat youi

! j I

N OW ! It's Easy
Hows the c/miafe
to Own the Finest
where y ou iive?
under new lime Payment Plan
Douglas Aircraft Company
hoi ground-ftoor
qpP&tI jhirics ftit all
kjndi of «nglnA«r$pg
Foments i n localiari
where Frying conditions
o r* wonderful, oil
year Yaunde (Not ane
D u j g \ engineer
i :

owns d mow shovel.

Write today fejr
mfoimmicin about
chorFeng^ng work w'ih
the world’s largest

with S2 bill] on backlog

Bausch & Unit] 7x, 35mm Binocular
rn cure raft,
*1 3-50 ^wit little as 110.38 end electronic*.

per mfl„ 15192.50 cash) Fed. T*i fuel,

Send resume t-p

C C* MiVenfeji Box 6 701

Santo Monica, Catif.

View Slides

BALscope Telescope,
& Lomb
*12 jJJJ
BOTH with EyesE
as little as 1B.18 per mo. ($115.00 cash)

»t|1l lot Irtt

RMN’iUftti lh*l n‘n ytju
iJunfji Multi
kimw iIhpj-1
Ur m TflMfopp
ls-q\t\ pf e£|c miJij
Ertm yrju L"j»q
I* qUjLi-M
S« hciH uiiith Inn

>oii IJ hj-tv in using

tii-i Hnr>: (v hic.iL ynu
cna new u»t Cue
Jim MUkj j iLuj

*6 9S
BAUSCHi 6r LOME brighter, clep.rt[- siJc-
4 iurefs im^'hcre: Operates
nrt bplLcriep nr AC tfurrefit. Ths
alLird_v B Hi-Lens/Ss iiootjrtii ajj
2x3; S 2 S RiLil p -£ H
BAU 5 CH 4 LO^fl OrTHCM tO, h Rnlltfl 5 iip&r

2€?ll L&mh rk. FCPGh^tfH 1. H. V SEide*. dLalucLKin-frec


Pleats# se^-d rriT Ihif manual!*) rliH-ik<-d

- viewing, ejccitLn^ new depth.
Hew Them Gl/St
1 L
|~j Qlnn^illjrt find
Th-B Te lea cepe fG MY
I >.< £Nici*fc
Si-LOns 3Sf4 95
Elitural Eiffh*. till A -ifihn
HAm¥ nn-Ttc+ac VjiETOljLtt an-J prrvlf LBJl
ir nt::rj?p-.
l Pi.LTI ii
>B F
r * f"h- t*

1 tin IT-ME
rM mflfcm-f n,f VJRW-MA^TMA rir ftduTUr

ijt# ti i n^i-i m! ii|«liis —h »i 1 pmmfi yen

Trfsq J,

tuc^vfcHJfttu CivliAMd

Jfp-Jlfildfcp'.TJ.llfcl *M J>1 i-li^r I Ell m. I fitf P/*f * pliwtf ifrf ^ P1MI

r“6.dfjjp in r"u.h i -jfJ j-jif, if f ii>t l«i S.iifr 4- --•

r ji,i

-J i|l l fj|| ii n *
- fi r i*
-ii' / i Li u 1 1 1 i i i ii
jinn uj <h . Jl.l i'jri, Ynl.i -J, .V 4 ii
p 1 ;


He/fj -II jr^d of no dye* level ;,i mm
lijjllT. CLWiip BCt lltttkj

irngk-dL'ii!* iL-Jk-K which if the ^fcllEl^e purUnrmer you ever

hundred Jot ba£h cfllor smd hlaeL and white,
*«hU yau
abN ub In
Accti^orb and ^iiji^li
muni ary Icmti ptEmlLciosc ups Ih^fSSting and [rkfdrmdllve
Fierro phou*,. copying. phoirtrtttkrograpJis, 6It
to 6 ',
(ret CoNulim hfiukJut.
With Cermuit-L-v you eua photograph vuErsdl, Addf9B« D*pl- i G,
Here as 1 >och ground glaw nnd 4pHi4mȣe rocimng,
il^ough Lht! great Zeiss T eftir f/ 2,8 letti that your P

icii.LLV h uuhcEicvaliJy hrilHanl, lataridly contcti s*nd hUt

pECiure I,kvt: is suL'h speed and precision of BClkin
ilut yuu resdJ} i-LL'i
Lt Ijjls you s-jf.
2ds£ ooJ> #149 , at leading drillers.
Jknjt Lotiiidk!'. b
Ciive voui^ct! Hie pjeuiure of examining ii- s*mti.

CARL ZEISS, INC. 435 Fifth Ave., n* V.

World Famous Zeiss tkan Cameras
are precision made in West Germany

Met . 14 n sjsjlii L oral id

. ifitf-a-t -oifi pepd i
*"•-{ r n. r I- ii £ t3 0 La
COIW, fldclv p^WKiic ti
/{rfjn j
/f'Z f 4 \j jo d riTfi. CpftdtSkm
wt 'h knap* *! UHL

be ,
| :
ilpo 1

, . , Inti / mrnrtmii piij «:cifi— •

SltMP— on*? oddi-
liflinil LSi-ii •• ^ig? fto

leu vucii*, Q^a~ | i

>a ii
» <HcniiBiniL.

HAL^ Ldfcll?

TOP CAM sum Cff T l«PDAk rsqc^5l!y& IV mail I

!i:l ifiTn

aail f i|_m. ro fAat, dEpendaqi,!
is% *Git

J>&TiFn n ZtP. ilJfl«OU.JLimir. FKF", NOLL, U 1154

OICJ u"J ‘Man'll Cirif’i-'y-i Icjl- 3 *h* ui -
h pr *
L/.S. Ofrii'i ^hbrn«EJ ? * Orarr Paf^pnirf
idulli-M 1
I . I 1 lull •in j.n;i •
.; Li M Y KJLJlIlld ALL f^nfi fdr fffit f «n Mail*r unu Caroipla'* /V<»
I fL

^ L t u r _ pj i
- KChjm J±tfc-kp> I
hi Orj i
, u>-i-
iny L


H £.


unit Plii.i
uuiMi r


jeji Ii li-jj


UUf ||
25 * Hi KJS S

' 1 DUH, r#LL- Gtp -Ii

£HUI{ :-^uRi L«r riLEi ni, m s .p

4 Sf K 7 $1 5 * J2
Min OrCwr. It
*15 lUIUHY IDUK 1 im^HJ
1:21 CHET
3 t 5 1.0

iJ It II u,s pnhri In Irtd, fs-ii

4i>cc<ihrotni£ EHwtirw^w J,
ro(^np'V 3 Pn'nr E?[?„ *29 IE
i^MN.iiMi Hyrw wn fiL-pIkoH? Jimm Kirrcf. Jfc 1
Wf| l* lodD'iF hlf -!‘<.h 1 ia 1 i:rt .Ai<lk j-I -JUpU Anno Cl-k l Lbl-u .•"uJ t
r t&d. k DvbLr

bwAiffH 'G-S 7 ~
id J c ji ir-r .

rii iii ir.ivi I

* 50-iS lafti-llEll I St., *ilv«l 4|J” Ihtg. MJ

y Ert ion flit Jtinn lir.. ; 1 h| liu — ft it! tisi i E.tifc y -'-ai



You are in Hong Kong....>. busslEing sea- your eruisfl he deck sports . swimming , *
, , 1 . , . ,

port, teeming tttarktti.ptiicc, lively I'jtftiiva) wh^W sunning . exploring in Hawaii and the Orient.

East meets West! You shap for fjibuJciLts bur- You Ye tannel. relaxed, touk Len y a r h younger
gs ins in tfmnrf. salons; treasure-hunt at quaint . end here's more advent tiring r.u cram^f Join
. , i

Jl T
stalls in Thfcv^ Alfey", . „ At day’s end you wtml you? See your Travel Agent for de-
lihtCEJver jl w Ht>ng Kfmtf — i>f Eighty mmsir",
fit scriptive fulderts and reservations,
exotic nightlife! After a gaj eveiing you return !

/ iir ?r€^idi L al^ Ctewlsml lUnf Wilson ft?-'" i n]Trr rj-pjttaM

to your flLr-> Qnditintied President Lmer. bid
fffiuht "WHY ii*"/ fhtvn Shr OfiftlJ, fluff ci Jtfsi of fpwt
1'rii-nda gotwdnight. retire to your TOmfort^ble
Car&idivwftf fftirttas J MTfcrJd Tiwirffi - [Tran tf-paeij5e r /lWkcE-
stateroom! Ym1 r-LTai] the foil

you vr bnd cm du'-U cr4cft Albtbiip^Sfiuiim*


Smliwtfa 3 xm'tfftww Ctlifuni id to


. \ i. i i
rica "
* <7f^hs I Fit # P


flrufrai tyfhw ; .J j j t
"isUforniti StftHa SaM f f^ii'p j
n t, Celff, r }'tr A‘«« il-tfrAQfi M'jif. K*
L 1 - . 11

Resort A roe
in America'

T hjCFT 1 [T^fTMhl^C ' 1-"1 ?*!

da un<r - lh ihii hmJrhhii 1 fncful

ImM iif Wuti tljpriHift fua
fM*. pqi|isfrtr fisHL full, Hun I ..
*t ifrr hi.- i-t iibl *(. riL.iL. fani’i.M
fenrol ni|M -.pci! 4 ttfaft ivi raki *’
llitl in ISe H iir" va| -*1™
n _ j
- 1 iuKiMI
mi 4n.|
r-.Hi* Jhe beuiftfei ct iFmk fiznirr^ifiM
lan^r Vi ii I.
4if ihnJiY ur-ilr In !iwf
in. Hn-- 1 ..'L«r w iiirr . a-tili. -ii Jil

II Y0U 11**4 *l^y I

I JrPiainnij ^
linlcniin-inTir fm mri i*iix »

n«!.i:uin i firr r*'Ti- l<uil|M


N?* loIdi hrocbnii '.i-

[ Irnv hllLlil^l HC-r A¥!lifil^k £•»'

W|i|Li Dm ihriii v jJkrf of tlri Sun
VJlJNlfl fl UrrJ U, P|liitllJV AniCHii


tor all slide and movie projectors

T ravel thru aboard

SLmiirfkt Thru Httfiim phi rhimin Qrf

cur - . Y<m kwh ibp s^mc

soft J^nt «m t
h-L HJt ru-c baxyriini* romfnri
L!^ruSm.Hii.-i| bus- Yum Traihriii'ji

Th.i us- 1. iii-i i saves yu ll pr&ctD-nfc honing

cjf Cnivi't 1 }.-, tuiil - - ymJ Tinvu K'vcml

nlfreit iiu; i* utL^ Ln i.'htifaie f tWH 1

CT u 1 1
1® *
'ir.i-ri ji imu y .mil rujyrn an n thee
. . , lM ihk> 4ttrw l
|fc Vi- fare* For your
ritiKt trip, jihtn u* l^h rhe ru-ny wjiy
Clu Trnilw*^ *trmght thru

t Aas w .* t V Mi i!d
161 J Mlh Si ,
'4 W wA^iHCIOt^ DC
1': «-•; . » lp-ii! -p* FI'Ef mJ^t md li-Enl an J "i'll.

f rwir.

Apprs#iminl r LoofiM] Pa* * -

i >.:n h'rti^i’iic i™ J i fraud lu“
4 ul IcPHrtJi nrwl
^1**1 A+drwrx
^\r t ,

Mciluivm rht Nciic’iii! Gfcu 1 :|

! ® '• — l1 id-tstiii**. rsa


or t Hit u.o Mr. HoFuIer&on* u Viking bititmemrwxfi
utirl n r
r\ fifnttri (miv/tr, kflutvs \uti
Inu r ti I
fri+ tn iwfmrm in rnw* Jf/re

— gauntry fit rvmpfele prirary tuui

1 1 ia it riott 5 sw rr-ufi * t* t i ft n*

“llfmi To l lit Hliief eire

ThanM Schedli!-!^ 1st leg'll VC r=- p 'V
lu the unique intern pf lltalficc Cai Torn iq Zvphyr [levels

ctiimei riservfltio-jis. there's m wail- Ibroufin She CqIoj Drift Rock

ing ii IlH for i labia in the ^lifqrni* es. «nd F^alfver KrUirCin
TWi lilt! Mil MUg mm i drHuAn End room suite— ^cph0 tenures Dining Car.

ydfl in dayligM hours.

gmt mi Htfidaraon fimtty kiwis it iqgcii rtlia r' i
muis, shay riiiof tuth rums eicrii"

a retain
service rHwiJtd musk jin) redu racapfiflfi, Indl-

^i dual hut an^il. 4Jid Mif wm* itendard ui

flill'KP Il'-rV IR lltell OH H ii'!! Anif Jiff l



liking idvinliff bL Fimliy Fines* ifi hw

J VE- .3 h a if Ehsi r found- hip Id Setl T ?a udfojf

$um iIif hunmjiMifc. iTts Ojiifd* iHi* Waiter P mjfic

via Heaver cad S*U l;ikt Cit|


When aeM t lolding puj E^ie n can

cflwrcd he tt^dersunM livifffi

1 w Wilh ht
Mr, and
diiUiD ii davniEitn.
Henderson reta* m one
FtlP ilKllLriMI Cili l'-Tiua le-ptai IhMs^I^L »>i|f
mfa two Separelc- bedrooms. Each ol |h* : ivj; ftsl* DoriBS as Ibu Cali- Amh-tj .1 .
ji|... 1 e« U>r ur HQ - ^<rsLerl< J,
;±i iFjk_
bedipom hss Imp cpmiupterile bedf lornia Ztiphvi swil L!
y Ehfou-gh -Zb uewsn fiE 5*n fr^ncPKn V
snd private idvalorv the mapnligtit



when your own projector

changes slide# automatfcolly

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Akl‘ 1|ui|iT didE : '-:irjj+" •iir jpur [ir-opm-^
When your hoy or girl is trying to de- G“>rt —n«ih r =-T Ihiiti-'LUI ihrJF Pn
pv pj-ulrv-raml ihpHrrnTTpkfi

cadf sMt a career, will you be able m ru<lp b>ih-h

ftldti. pNbhd uml-flhTd m
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Answer be £ Idzik that mny enniF up?
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Here are thautrhL-p revoking book- AlREOUI FT Mill. CD, fnc.. N*n R^hHI? N V
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New Yorfc Lite Insurance Company

[.HI Da til Hr.-T. IS MjtfTkMP An., ht* Yuri, IQ P n f.

Wiai ui i
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l kr. it k £w r

H Dbc*of |_J Dtrhil

Q La wy-ei' Arr* i*.ii
]71 Ch*iH« EU Nurse
iJ KE^'Dapflfman T^iifhrir
A^CDvnlii M >
D FcnfrPT
[ Pub' c
C w-irr a? Hl| O*-* fruihamc
Aik Drujri(ijl J !
fil*fcl*GAk E^g inter
Enflri^c-tr _j B-anbtr
D Sa-lftLTi-an “| W
**r£| En gneer
D Hflmp Ixor-Cu- hi Q Wfi wf ill alLD I p > i.i ’yCiu Os

tJ Pr^n'ti' l,iiX:i l-p I i»n The Cfril erf

r ’

PtramvodflF Hour Ttafi ai Cail*g*

J P'en-o-nnei iW k n 1
O R’n-lii.iltr

Nan* Write (« e«nnkte Ed&ooT frepHsts:

KON c A CAtof RA C-0 J& for. Clir Run 4 «.
H ,
Pfr Itad^l fiK I* 44* F i-
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trruJi B^hpit, in ' Hhlm 1L i t

riSUUIJ ll!|l 3 Tiiim, .1 1 IF9, tfe l-U

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To vote intelligently is h duty.

Be sure to VOtf on Nov, S 1 *

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

fA mutual company)
1 IVfadasort Avenue, New York H. Y-
hif#! HH I jfea H- !, -.ilrr tiPk « = ii •
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n Ihe drarnaiirallv
Pits* riling *.

I iruiniiiir Vt-w Evprjwhi'inr! From k n-ov iTL-utiirht . in n whole new .y

- i . *
. • ir

rhr iji irrii- 1 siLiihlr- dc%lii-r> of f^Uodfa-Ltlc what fine CUR ’dll' ill til hr mild I j i •

I I nil i* In the sWi^p of can led rfeir Mndi'-. Anri Mt>rr . Linr* iLoV lirw arriaV uf puMffrr
i- the nn-i di^ibu^he Tiiiftiln mf j. 11 tiuLe.
lu tunes make*i lllift liir facial r fTrtrile.’at driving
\\ U'fflvwr von IimpL inside und "ttt— vwl Ji tie nil ever built, I'rVijrvitimjs y-iti c» Hat’ll Him-
Lsroyrr bold new idea* in line car de&ijffu jwjwcr! Electric duor locks, &way puwr

I^p^rrftiJIy In PtrfuntiBiiee ! Behind pinner window vents, push dm non piiwrr

ntw kind lubrication* * „ the-e tire hut few of the aniiy
wheel* yu-u dfrenifrr uE s v%

tli! .1 a

3(Xt horsepower in ihe most powerful flUtiHinntic luxuries offered la this. mapniEli ent

Ijm- iln cU'E built „ a new kind of f^Ndctian,

. P
new Llnmln. Why dont you see . , „ mud drive
. A * Un^uln fur 19$7 ruml
lur! joJ feint aimmidJic Inntsmbsioii . » . a
new kind uf Hyrlru4]ushiuiicfl ridsfl Here, you Unmisluhihly * . * dm finest In iff# JEm t&tjte&L
d L , 1 , " — u

VoL.rX. No. s n ;t< in NiiVI-MHEJi, I0M)

New York State’s New Main Street 567

FuJl< winy the HLiurit W alt- r- level R<JUtfc, the Thruwav RtximS
1 rave] amt Businiss lie tween the Sen iind the Great Lakes

Br Maty C, MtEXvnij
Vi m !
1 1
1 1 1 1 r v-c r:i j>Ki i \ I flljJIjrftl
L’ Si ) H

HE Empire
T ba* brand- ruwv fields the newest iliirM radar utad rocked
Shiti? ft iisai ji ivi La i

M n. i. l. The world’s longest loll hinbwijty C(ln> loom hen are gtme- for a]> intL-iili' > i hi I i

unwind* twin ribbun?? uf concrete imm [hr Thniway skirts every traffic imp Vcl i ?

i lif d qf t$W\
i i i if \ l-.w \ ork (. i Xy r n Bu t%k> creit sweeping muterd^nges" at inierviil*
Unking cilfesand cl rrt - ^Jhtu. t-s ulkiye- miigEnur frnm ha if a mill t- 1
.1 7 mil. '- r;
ii- 427-rnilf path. Lhr XeW York State Tbru- HCceEa to main eftte* town*, nmrl linking nmd*
lilii/+T a frrih trail through the pahioral i jja^fe 5W i

Iradr torrid m that helped make Mie 1 1 1 Dutch Surpri.nn^ in nn was Lbe sac! that nn she
coli my the we^thstfst and mast jHjpuluu* or m.H]i rraffic arten yervinu. a Slatt 1
of iiinrr
States limn I
'i million fM;iv|ile mv uf Iht" prihi'Epiil
|irubJeirus la the |iii^iir of |.u u.ilklmi tkitf
pQthvmy oi J-'im^ecrs ] ItMtr Cro^sitlyl
siens vrunrr molori-B?. at |pnin
Fttm Lilt very briaSnaiinp of the Nation the pcunLK. du^k a dainty
Especially at dawn (ir

Hudson tint) MotLawk Rivur Vnl^>> have widtr^taikd hrpck of ihnr fumes pirriu^
jtfirnf nwn and good* between -all water .nul hniiiuhtv skndnr Itu^s^] wliv
the rmilirniuN h^iTtliind (map. |iaut- 57? [ down to a ^t-mm in dr mb, ^ar Lioinmiu^
Indian mrJLXfi^iO* On ^nn- thumped softly wit h ih h eh «— cro^s one u F I lit! biit-
i ! r_ il . i i! i is

ilappletl foedpaths, Svtlltw ttWnns creaked en5l and t>u>to t road> un earLh.
and humped over lug tumpifc^ Thun aally
Key to M| 1 iT*.iat-L! \ oi !

i cunaL psick^u |#ted Into newly
.^routed hwiis Srj- Qir cry of I
->w hr% t E 4-:j vImu drift iituWn Manktltan at dawn. I

everybody down Tanal boal$ yielded io 1

rullrd in Tn tb; Thruwny tollcate at Yu nker^

trod horw> and iimft] but nrirmw roads Now, ll 1 b> atr titer \n attendant in a hinc-^ray
'.pi-edin# t>i iiiiil fro on u hdUun-didlar triumph uniform leaned from his booth ;mil 5mikil a
of nnginteriii^ cars, trudES* <xnd hum friendly sfiunl morninu.

n modtm turn pen. luTji* i i i-l ! njuvnhiii in_s, f a?tk \Y litre

esplnird thb. piiia^ In Lawny autumn
air you hradtni!^ ^ir?" hv j>ked.
" Hnh'alo, End uf the tine.'
we&tJiier imciop it* course ,<mona blue-tfm-n
Tnoimiiiius teod-biitfflted yaireys, lakes, and "(.oM<d Ij ip be sakt, "Ycwi ^hviLild make ii

mppndiTum riv-era EMo-tt nn- unfolded :i va-t in elprht hour- im.^v rn>i countftij? Einuk out far
Ijannranta j
the Empirr S Ln *: in ti i stcLhtfi. lunch or rest <tup*.
from the lijwfsri of \lanhnLtaji to iht torrent* 1 knew he r it'll! mi Shi ^ snper-raad y u
ni Niagara. froth tows «ind com^tmem tn count a mile for every enrnute — [f you t v: in a
bitKtk and smoke from Kcvtdutinnary lutslr siurry Hist rnis timf- \ woulsln i Buffalo
Vl'IUNII 04 tC TUlili II - ill i

I iv in Kihbuii^ nf {le-pereb: Speed ( at *

jmd T ruek't Thi'niirfh ihc VtahriVtk \ ,dkp>
The n« w hill i*>n ilwltar M-w \ nrk State Hnuivu-v toll mi: trail-: IvlmiMj by InvjuiM ladkiK HfK tr umn th-c
Lilfllff ul Ills. ! -i 1
( il : NIjIl- Frtti!i tjiLifX Cillttlt iur[iH llii vjIJrt, mu r ihj iinl jit u rim.
1 3

£|E,ij JfrimrtTn- rn hmm-i Y -mm* hi imuir kteiinppb' Mjrt

()D JSarji^ ttfid Tujl nn t tc Rrte CumiiI Mud t-^.1 uul nf Nmi-ke-v-eiW t i ic=l

OEiff Jjfwwl Vi>rfc'=- I j nj 1 mftrcfi|HjiL.Lil 1 1 :in.r]MiL'tn(.{liti a In mV* W lb* OfHt Latjni Tbijy 1o*i murh of thuir
in,- h .' « . litii ju. raJljuuii: ihfcti nj Hb^iwdiii, t*ui till! tuna still pm-h milllun Umz ul nariiu ;i yew.
- , w ;

t7Q I >
i l- \ ;i. t in i
iiq 1 ( p t

ogr n phj c M 4 £ ay n i c:

ni eight biurs, nr l vtn v \ fur [ planned to ier l 1 1 ucttv CiiLis ports in ihe walk _:ive niuli 1

U-^r I hr Thru way nut

speedway ml ns :i> :i I 1 'll evidence Thai vhc i.a-tk" ^-fved u§ a kirtft
kej \ew Vikk Suite. lrum£ 01 Hfelory
) tnii qgalng river pirate and impredict-lLle
echo on rvrn mik. iehs nnH an hnur m so “P r
I ndian-
the Ihruw;iy lit such tir^u^iiL^ yucaifo m Uui the rtwiln reOMin I t uM-ir-rl nfl eTic * hr le-

land.* .Lh the L the Adirondack*. the •ivay and tirriod 0 oe at Tari^'towr was c r

^t^tfaemockinjt Cmmtry til James ! t:iii- visit Mu- home of 'Wauhliiutou Irvlr^ anil Use
moriM luper. ihf H ilgisr IjikfiSv Watkins 4 * irn
se 1 lino ill 7
//ir Lt t,'ivji'/ 1^ .S’/Sf^j .ffoJKctw.
Lml ibt <*rnrsee. Rifihl nuw driving up ihr A Mint muembrnnee of f rvjxai? s, d( ULj]iM\il
Hurt wo inward Vlt .<civ I w .-
- fai r tn world tules floats upon one jit ^tiinciy.ride the witrr ^
of Irving. biuiH Hiii- ho pur ilowai runt*, iiiier Uvuiu-
dhprnad fot years ami wriEmg the st.ppbv (kit
ffttlfaw Wake? l p bfive fnrevt'r Llnakerj the Hod-uu VaOts in

In enriy d ays the Hud.vim Rivet u n> ilw* n nn.L n The charming little ntamikn
tii lore.
only highivity in the colony nf \"ew \c^lk:r wstte aizainsl a mw-M-ie bill, ns imdti-u
lafld T anil w.i- niEisidered the etl^e of StMECP walls hrld in the atwti embrace of rvv
(Jit tan i vr r.'ie bruuebt fmm fife Wabor
Sc^tt s Ahbotefnrd,
'A prqtli-iil Dutch burgher, U ashhiLriou Xoar by Is .1 Coveted spring trvinit wavs ,
1 3

Irvinp wmU 1
. V iiuld
talk i-l -
1 L ,1 voy-aise Ehjt 4 Hutch housewife smu^fttfd it from
l nr mnuth. 1
! jjirj ecirrt yp&m before bond ; and HnlkEtid eh ;i chum Lis Em- <ut\; ihnt !u-r family
never imdwl^k ir wflhotd (Hitting hfe affairs Wuulr] have k^h! watrr in \ merit: 1

in *mk'T making, hi- will .out kwitiS! prayw* Xui far fmm nld ih.hli htirvh 1
l found
saifd for him In thv Low Dutch churches/ 1

u simple- waives tour faettrinK irhjy the autkir'^

li; h with a k us if waking
Feel Jem a\ - !i hh
mid date*. 17»ivlA5Q.
from Kip Vw Wtoiie*$ dream, that 4 visitor 1 ifsf>lte the raw wounds of thrmaj con-
ai run r hr- world of nylon tiring ruction, walled
and wnod^J estates helped
into the liliNtluig \\ *-.-!l k-ls-r I ujnty of tudai pfeserw the dfuw^y bduoict lb _u mcd ta .

Estates* -uu I ciirpFul n mi nil ^fe^uard hantt liver the place wbefp schNMpliriaster Jcka-
' J'i-n 11. 1
y « ifi-. ! ' I i'm- iii 1 I..
liorl tVane nod nutk pL\ bm iLmm rii.nes
nmiwity has jolted Slefpy Hollow intn wide vEnl fnr the plump hand of Katrina Win Ta.^-
eyed wakeFtib^ sej.

Tyj-ii .il of Ehi new. ilmdripments Eiurtuml

I wilkeiJ duwaHtfl t.. 'iTc.idJeis Hiirm^a
by the Ttetmay i- :i hirg? axu) fl-u^linr shup- 11 tar tl.p 4tr «.' t nu.e s
pitijl center I had semi lji Vi mi Lit A bun. Mu 1 1 wiJrl flight from n IftlUtNhten fy»h f WT I');irklv
M i 1 r:i m< xkm - In ij is jr mm > n nru^ M m | u’ ra £ or "Jiroufled. curryinj; a [Hitn|}kin hii pomnii'l. m
with lifted I 'lui -l iru- k WiThiri tJkat Bnatr [f.incs n»yc h halnut thir- frifiht ikj Ki»
- 1 J 1 — Ji
Lrk-und-shu|3 ctorr I cu-uFrl Iljst Uft'. Tht* sil.iHilmasttr nt’ver af*afn sha^wnJ
Ixiuglit u Primer wnrdfobt Ftipckwl ;i wrrkV his It1 an facr in Sfeepy Hollow.
supply nf pKtrie.^ and syliiitiltrd to an a|v 1 >a. k on riip Iliriiwii ; bronrJ n’hftc n.auir
ooocti'itomy M wit ho oi TmyijiE my 041 ifpd of rnriiTetc. f crosw.f On- Huikm
If5 ci'snl.rtL-l . rml }\n ,iwa\ ihc cfep^it U:tvr i laktlikr- Tnppan /r.r on ,i tfi
w ti>i]

piiik-hrid. thUnur haiise tti whkJi Ihe paLrkhtp i Ctrtdbiwut mi paw 5?f\ >

iailipse fumily «iU-ft iiiied the geniry in t sulfi-

F'.LklL- 57
nlif l times 1

Eiis 1 boiind Drivers Gk$ Ss.rrsin^ Tkki.K +

“Tradition has. it valors are tol«L lhat '

II e Ljirmnee in t\m Thruwii

yoidig (ieorjye Wa^hincfi-m came ho re iw eouri
A* iiir !> \rhkfo j:LUJt' up in a m|l!it*-irh at r

|£^| 54
liult]«-.t fc

\\ bother tlim- was

ut not — ini pccfde hi Ainikfr-s like hr
;i rntpaoee

mllfuniuiil i,'i>1ketur nalisi its typ* m \i Lhi* HyrnF^
Jls f-rnifi thc*r fiK'ti him ft ^a*iifyini.h
here us—^he '
l it imrtffo! anaihur ^ui:T«iii» di:it tiijn- run nn ickulifi Lue tj iIm yyiL. 11

Carry to™
L-IlIrS :m nil
E’LLJiher is] p t ht? river, at I ^mt 1
I Elia,

liinr ligllH'H
lit a cVRnputhl'It ma-
Ihc t*.i|J
i Uip rule fof r>a litfr r 1-1
to 3 nm-iinu wiErVfricss Eradktg [wj^e known

3 f 1'HHti 4 niLli Jinnujj |eus rmt± 5’ri

Ei HKtipNf ( Usl It -tiki ^L-me As flw railei an Imjui rti^l ml
i he- w.kv. Uiu
'v.-dbi 273 years uld_ stand ji> soundiy z* if iiriv.L ti um Hu FI .idn in Nnv Vtj rJt CMy ljd hr m u:di'

laid yesterday. The caMTe wus the hpdie %zi SiiT cJain i'tkiii Emuj l?7 mill uftlTjUt 11 Iralrie
ILcht Uf £Jaik nrmim^
anti nffitr tjfFrederick llrilipse, fir?l lord u f
ri- 4 Pin irlj
that ouvrfnl nearly f*|.||

at Eiiajiiw N of W«s(Lb ; 1

IL • -
* “Maim 1.1.11,1 Uh ^rii.liv *r M
-I ;
Jg *"‘
u n
-.Vi »3l fceic^l. _ ^m' -

-, ™;JN|

•t ‘
h 1
n 4



f f j^ iwnitm ii| i 3 i.i 3 ii 1 ? EjsJii HfAfij4|) Da^iii^'i Ftinn ilic; Ganv-n* uF New ^ i
Svf^ric -L'JijFpfui <-/.ht> iFiT I.EutE4iti_i, _Mj3sliaiLj.pi Ir-LuadT* uetacul UiJlf.t. riau:? iJtMb lw t. OiWflalwjftt 1 1 ricSs-L- cut* a
(Kiik4 DUrundl r, l tajnpi ibi^r th^ t'-niA fetvr I^huL Mih Its tli tv- IttlsdtfciL

T_ fc
•* i m*
n i

L 1

,1 _ —-j
1 ^1 B rii
X M-|SI -
\M\ i
jj|] *!|
i1 1
"T3 f
fc-i 4£

573 fiMilri pt™

t Nations" C5t**»'p»nel<id Htfinv Bin^ nn ]i<- Strip of Irctc-miilittrinl Snil
Siiiipfrtffrhulira JjitnWiprJ wosl riT I He IB-irre ibjil J uHn U.JUtdkcfrIIrtT Jr, NiiLldil and jipi-srnletl
V' rciLli rl N'iinjfly in I
- a 7 K ^dLntkiJ QuttnA
fctytluntial QmjtMLi EHrtids.
snftriuds a
= . 1 e;i- rttv
lipestrt m
! Ushr
Uaht- tin Letaf _.l: :!
1 itm.-t lh« rh-"J
/ tiki* Ontario
Fiji tern

Pert hhig-KA

rcftf Wsf* St*t*Thntw*£


p _ i_ . _j L
LCTc/nn-Di r, j
P*nn Van
•i Jm 'ki to Pen my/vj.n id

Watltln; Glrfi
* ! tqrriE^

rLSfe> 7 SeanT

V»-£ j— w i l ti-

j B


pjji. j

^ — £j
#> j

*V^- J
t 1

Adirondack Mounted
iO i-n urn te Thati i hknat iy ?4£ Mi»se Old Pnrgp # ntf



Orb Liny
^ Shfrt'U
Frank for
\ -4

GloVFrs-vrrje iSl[fn
= r=t&tja

(SteAfHirc Cojfcg^

J c h n sttiw n
a\ /j
fOlw.^ Comm u n ityj \
Fc^t Johnson
Mchfi#?, ^^fuhonrvttk r *jPun 5 tenJarn JaPHKNjs ^toraAsJ I

Ewrt Fining mtonc^ JVt J

_ . Canarahar it
vTu^pr^-—___^ Thr JSfes® j .


I^at^^rsfocfe/qjf four
Cortland - —v



CitiHii 1

. MouiiNim Hoij^t

'.s^n City Catskili Phoenicia

mWS Mountains *"k£L,

3‘““ l ‘

rt&iwLi.'u: (Sait

£ Jfc

f 3?
jft Femfn *


‘¥ii \^t* 1

j n lid m SrriX^e
H#rrrP-Jh T .1 CHESTER
,j JSf Cd Jfj if


£";'> •

4 Ciiuii ujid I
r 1 1 1 v-%

! I i W at «4 r- ( r
t I R-i n It v
+ .UitLfl j ihn hiilr luh. . this sfcBjUUu.OCO
lifiri'23! ilflJTld'is It'll! Tfcjiiitu-r flVfUHi (he |rl *11.

.Ill I PiLftt r Ji I I

y ttiU tl. lt> lltlLv ttliltt

q( M
rtsU nn eight Tinlrnliihi cjds^oiu
Ft cil* bludi. junk
?t*l -.x! tlr-
on the riverbed*
-‘niihJi °.
-Ill ,
vmi- Uu< -.Lil-

p7 .-| II 1*1 - * cu *»-- ,

-s iiii-j ! I
: |TJ| '
|r -IjE

fkjni ivitj Trouper Rmli^ arc tf*i£ (or HmpoikiJ M> uori^t* iiuac C-uii ueuI-miLi/n

A tlfSftli ttl KAH SUE# pwlmla Uto Wfmt&tHW 14

a iky. In J1P55 ibu Uuujwci Wpd
(iHvrr* In ilivlreu. Tfiil ticket Ironic tt moterbEi'

l uxle rifcuEiled Vchidi** uri ni$fcU ihcrttlditf* Fvi Thimtay

kiufrUlfe&i day ut alight, tie white chub un L-fl ifcwr handl. an\l wflllT

bridge built 1*} i tie % nrk Slate I'lini- i

K t'r the- yeir> the ktflg gray Einr of i-aii |ft

way AuLhaitifly $J51 gradual es hit % gn ivtm En some 2 1 r Q(X] ufficers,

Suburbs vanish abruptly ut Suffera, and 1 :leh! i i i lj thrm many cereal Ann/riianr.. [ i.'b-

found taysrif climbing! into Mir wildly pic- flftftfl.'d 1 1 Hr


^UjierhEy Ut members nf the turps,

tu re-i u- Rum. m Mu UR mn
i jr. E eon Ed not help but wiimier whether t^enur-
Si" ml, trailed again. T left the Thru why rou - Robert K Ll* John J. PersUnf| T or 1


:iiid f«]|mvH 3 highway dug imu drff> nf t be Dwight, It. Eisimtinwe! walked among ihrm:
liauntmgly tjeiHJlif nl Hudson Hijiblutsds to
Wi i I Then
Gothic rttfGst# of start-
i '-ill-
1 W lit: i t W »4 &bi n 4ton lit E i •m J u < 1 nmn

tte seemed in well with impregnable strength Majiv-1 if Sturm Kn^ \luimLLun cruard^ the
in mi tin- earth itself (page 5$l L nor Them eatuais^e Lh the Hudson TIEiihl.-in^.
tnimrlif! in m)2 -mi u fortified -iti- ytiuHtli
I Farlbet ijpffi'er ui X^wLuiiuJi staotfei u rurm-
by t}mrgz Wa^hiitjctoo, ihp l piled stales Jlmllm ^here Georg® umJ Murrlm Washfrigton

y [lilury Act rh-my is nol u nty

! he Oldest K-r 1 J lived for l'i miens-, months before mil Rkto-
muntni military post in the Nation but Ms nld- 1 X i tionary War oBc hilly i-m lei I in I " fl 5*

iKiit t’nfliDetrbiH school Said otir nf at* sort! \i jttrtuiliaii Hu^liroiick H* n: - Wiinhin- 7 -

iil years a‘-‘o- 'West Pulnt i- built oil .t ru le„ tiin iKeivcd gmjrts In m unusual chamber
uml that ruck h mn Ills/' w atli seven doors and a fuikLi: win daw. Logs
The genius uf an early siip^rititeauU'flt, S>1- lay oil in uptfl bcarth against the wall A
vjmiis Thayer sn the pattern of West f'ninc dbipiDL'y fq>eniujr :il criliTtg U r
vd sucketi up
.mi u miii'ii,, Cadets spe nd unly two hbtitfr a. th=r smokir-
vi^ek rlurrmt the academic yi?iir learning miU- W'hih" riving here dir fidurt fir>4 l^rsfclnU
Uifi fcijujWfhuw Tilt rmplui-sEs l$ on a well-
"Tbr fd iMriE nf i Wot
p k "
T nEnfij r, H-owrif
round i .3 Ij&lc kuroEind Lai nrt* and sciences. \\ .alki r Nin-iXii QkiHjUFirEr M^nnr May,
L f m 1 1 1 —

SErfi-t of Hie II 1 Ltu

-fL' it-'" em a ridge h .h
alloVr U";il3kjl| Rfcv-s-r 1 [
- til i- id

12 families of French Fi r^um I till it

ihelr laud m fufiimon mid kotfrnmd Litr mow-

inn commimil) so wisely that nu one cvei
appeiiM a drriidarL
I pimped before 1 7 2 outline with the
honomblr £ag d age. It was ihc home of

Aluahiim Ha-hroud; and hit:- Liteo

uccupinJ in frail yr.irs by the Evers lairtily.

Miss Elr-aUfth Fver^ is into nsr in- We I

dim [ad diiwn i mo a C3tTOP3fM& tvlbr kitchen

where cototthl youth? eaEhvrcd at night to pit
lighting i MLk> ] j^kepl ahnut fH^d rnurU^
iin i nm tfoor liiti hei.
Tip keep witches uut.' refilird. -miUnu.
‘t.’Oriir at'ru^ ihe street," Miss
Ever? said suddenly, “t 11 sluiw yutf my fii-
viiiiEf view

Wv dim Lie'll *m j wiiU aliovt Hu fertile jluts

of the WalBtiLL Biyood Hu: v:;illcy the jShu-
tmngttok MniiTi tiilTH rise in tl ri\Lm> ipteodor
cnmuetl i.\ -l:uitT-madr l:iki -imc Z5
lOrlrs. awav we cauld -*r I lie him- sltur-
lurrif-r u| Ihr (

HtsMH M mm In inn
[n (he Wdflkill l»..itlurii land corn Eu;. |,>LiS‘

trred a^npjit wft soh

Indian? warned rlie first settfcrs ntii tu
Ennlfi llrJWR tjiei'r EJvtf^ Sficd. 'Hw-t :ieJ-s-
?trmh rejected proposal that hr Income a
tlfce Hw ^Verflowcfi imile a year/

tin;:,. Vml htrtv he ev< lived pdiiidpte uf union S^Ttuiv Hy-iAe Sur%iiL *l j
Kntaly l
mA stiitdioud that txcame chi-ciihed tradi-
l drove to Kingston r briefly the capital of
thm± in the n !(.', Republic
old New Yurt Stlte .wl ivnlknl ncixrss a
L druvi tij ue*ir-hy Ti'mplr Hlllrmrl climbed
mttoi park tu Hit Nuiale Bou_\t Meeting 1

i hr 1

where Waahin^ietn caimeii imgty

nt lime.- in l hi? Inw linu^tujie of ft iMl
ojfkjm threatening cri'uU uver fuay. f am-
Ten Broutk N't'^v VuA s foundiniji fattens
bling For bis spectacles- he made n m ule-I uml \

in T 7 7T adopt«| Hit first State cciosiitutimi

.ir >1! [mjjIi-i; ilt-a-Jxe remark. "Irentlrpncn
in Kington- hekl the fare-1 sjeneral election
I have not only pnWTi peray, hut almost blind,
ami |iM.iiJairuri:l a Limt-^eriiriaLluii Iri^imiiiti
In Hu- -ervLce of my d iiinlry ‘Shamed by t lit?
GeofKe Oi n lurt— .il? thin fir^l CtoVemorn ir

reftiEmlion of tbrir tettimarulvrV lu-rsuiuil <±c-

Here Hir llr?l [lupuLn ly elected senate m l

riiice. the soldiers pledged l.hdf luyaSty

aEid Jnhn Jay cnmiPBet) rite first Stale i^ourl
From I hi* hill, the nitr iif ilie t"u.nt mental
TIiIes ijf war 1 Stiiti- imiriu]^ i«> leave it l N"i I

Army ? 1
lost encain pTnfn 1 . soldiers marched
ill h„L_vtf luct tbt 5tmie walls urdviiJ eu£iu\

AWny to Lbftr Immes. \ * It b kmivvn the

(nrrhr-. tlal chart'll the -rt i Bi-rinmi.
flfrtirfiliu e of the KepuLilu .

On the other side of the Hudson .lL J'ouhIi-

f -ro^scj iin Ikwjry [tar Wjtchc* kerpsie. 1 enu-n-d ihv :-o^Ue>lFFin! truttpud oF
N'nrlhward up- the river history sj teaks frnnb Vaai^r i
I fun I nevtir :seeo so nmiy hi -

other vl'J rr .it i l' [si rN>i' fniri'L jiiosierf se.ttf- cyxFe? "Hi t-y lay m hitrlrllr- l.jcfori: Main
mtnb, and from mununte.nted ballk'fidds HulldinH $mi ‘verv 1 ivied hall, t'l.i .ses

(page 395 dianM-t'd. wn?

1 caught in a swirl
Whifi! Oiilrh, KnsILtb, Krmdi, n ml C #«f- oil young women Lai Bermuda shorts, wl\u
rtsacs settlor* once wrestled with primrai] biare down upt\n Ehcir wSiurfb ;rtul peduled nwnv

-I ini| i - ? 1 1 1 i
- diMerHbllto .(Hindi thu«‘ H k:-: I il t u r u tisly
( pflipe 5S,^L
in throbbing Industrial jilmtls and labora- N inti’, -livt* yr ;u- hftci PoSiithfee(fpjiif !
nrviT far away.,
lurife^ I Sut the [Ut>l \s
*|Ste "TTil- Mkl.L\ tfiftS90iK
by W At-
At Fait?. I walked the tfw-lin rd wur.4'| 4 \UH1 I » | i| i|i * |'L! VlA-i-WCM |
i_lJ ,
V « i iniia( U41UI u|ikii- 1* m |ri( i
C^H f|iiii#n i
p !*>* SOIniml U^njmb iii^J

A l
reel’s ion Team tm Dirt LaJee L:h > ,

Skis- an Sahit-e at 23 Ml]^* 411 Hout

A f rench irtVcntlun, ivaier >k.linu Li frBe i[
itu inatcil mu'-inc airoits in the L nLted fitjk- Tin g-h-K
3 (in** 1
’tii Vh i1 a >J.i - !m ul liaiii L’Eyti, air4 f Bit M130VF eii 1 lie Adjfumkii*
4 1 » 1 i

New lurk. State's Nt-w Main Sf r*


cl*: 579

Midlliew Vassjr f minded a tidier where upon llydt E'ark_ thoE of the first president
% « i Liny ladies €mijif ]r.urii i.« dksecl n frine 14 .- burp under she Fb® of the United tm-
™e!l ;is buk* .1 k> rry piu. i' ^"t'cst ii'-th-iirj Ltur>" oitht Ksitderhnnk, 45 norths ,iril
VfcvSfr keep* Ms Emdltta liE^h. A loliop ixt ^Tnrlin \ nn Uureii. kirn a

truck farmer > sum

ci 'n LJ: n.-iB ,
inn Ls iimi-W recent InnoVatkiret in 17 Si. also mjrJu his way Ui thr Wbltt
This rpo iailvicd nulil. invutvinji ii>o1ouy. eooI- ITuusft via the gov«rior s nunsidn. At .l Kin

ogy r Liiu l me and wiMlife and plant derh^k rewdcncc called tlu^ FIow of Hbturx
mamiRKTni’iiL is not tmt in which I should cjc- the Littu- Magi^tan
tjilked .-irately with
nr. t En fine] & Vassal MrL but a *
oLtegc ufticuil frieiuU uttd toasted political vfct-'ries. lie-
^aid it 1ms been antisuuJIy papular. fi'alrd for rc-electjun in JS-tQ, hr mStlrtd to
fvven n. day at V. L r-;n mevcs tb<t mipiesjdcin eIlli Vaii Kuss e-tatt near Kindrrhinik.
ihul srrnius scholastic Latent tics behind As tide- flow endless^ l[> ilElll ill lU'Jl the
pretty scruhbrfj fair> pf ^tuijkiab- \ni Irmg hmckiiih llmisun. tbe no^Liljftc post jninidfti
.iu,n i wi i
juttJur reported i n n, ^rTi 1
nut o infer- with the preWnL Mir^hronnis >| r> liI in disrk. i

ence un Thermal X-ray Scattering; din k wafrliMti-e- nn louder user! in

\tjg, i

;is a Tunctkm uf TemiicffcLimrA Dickie for the river - win Irr imp u( fcr* Did-
linters in Saii^erties still l-ini^ni. the jniikitm
Temples uf industry iinJ Rt^aftrch
in !9J0 of the Wtry qmi uf the
At 'toughkeeprie !
I had my firs! view nf the l^tln^mtun river biats, hi t'aE^kd] hud-
fahulnu* h-mpSr-- qf in> hisl r;- ;j n 1 1 fr.^-uriih dinv in.i5t.% wk tte Miidio uf Thrmm t'ole*
a1n am M in ihe Thrirtray cqrrirf'T. ulsu uf I he Firs? and must diitingtiiilifid mem-
A modern vcfMun nf Lite andvtit abiicu* bers [if tli£ P'ijuji id palrti-rs who Jitciimt 1

held me in wodtlet uE list' Poughkeepsie plant fapmts rts the Hudson River ScFixit.
of business Meichlrrcs Corpora ThHfctway kaif to these tmuquil settle^
lion Sit line cafiially a the runtmL coiisottii I
TiLi.-cjL^ in he rivrr Tia? same j^ates funnel
i I

-an i-fiaiiLc^f ic?iutl new Electronic Bata ii

vacatiunLst^ Eu the tuarvelmisiv will I Cakikitl
I nwressiri^ Machine ( amputJiig units frrauu Mu unta itLs. This “Land uf the ^ky' 5

k i
in hum-L and pkaelis of buttes ftfcicred like Gir- Wlii apart full ol loirhanlment.
dles to 1 tie second the machine tuLilcd L|| E out Lji^j the takkills,. 1 i.i -
ame pcrpSestnl
40,000 ten-digit figures" by M-'emrius auuruall^: the ^emli- siiinmUs of
p thr mm\
Kilt lutI nwiu vfeited nulitmal his- mountains, only one nf which rise-, above
ii i
Ht‘ rthrittr in thi j Ww York ciiin try side is 4 b 2M feet, the violent!) f-lccp, riK:ky sIulkS
ibe hums ui HranKGu IV Unnsc.-veH M Hyile of v'alky^i : 1 nd l.lic vi rt mil a J 1 1 u u F Lakes.
Park, irumy n§ £16.000 pilgrims have:\& "Tlint i? hecuuse i he \ . n >k i Its. are m-i true
stopiud here in a sinde year to |<sy Lrihuir to ntcpnnliLiiiv ihe sense uf bjsviug heeiiat all. in

$Uu- LTulusist John


"i f i Kinjs-vi It. t wi r* Governor ft Hhr State foktetf from the earth.

.md Ihr udv man tdeqjetj Li-ur Lime- tn ihe G Brow h tun to nte. They art
Preaidrney uf I he- tTnll^d Stales. the i efM.iir - ^ broo.fl jiliriciiti n> l i„ t. Eu
Like must vi,uiui:-. I teas iteflgbted with (hi [kcccs by .swift Streams
cheerfully finVirmstl and kukk* funiljhtnys
knacks the Roosevelt family mansion
Laltid of Rrp \ ini Winkle
in So
unlit r<
Nnmi i- i In,
-hi ij..- that I !. !! Xenr 3 fame- Falls I folb^wvd :l ihmy trail
rvpectei] to 3 il-:u u familiar votev lukitn, "My to thr mfc
Atcmniain House, ji id (
" 1

1 ^i
mU-Cftiluty show l r on a h?Kh wind-bbwtt 1
1 : j

Fqitr years bofurr Ms death m 194 5, Ibe lcdw. The IncawiputiibJe view fnrjtn horn aL I-
I rv aiEi-nt I mi 1 hi- nirnt'rstune of the I nmklin trarietl twn hi [uveef creation s uf NeW Ytirk
h R ,
3 c ve 3 1 Li J j rai'y . f t i - i iia E h inii 1t n ss writers, tht pioMfj stunt \utty buiii[ijiu and
ury of p|>K dr^ramrtvt-* At the time of Rip Vat? Winfcfe.,
tny visit cases held 73.4^* cubk pL-tt uf msifiU- In Th* Piimrtri Jami * Fenimtirc Cu^fHT, 1

scri]it-i % I
U-, am] printed material. tb«5 llrsf Gjreut Vmcrinm iluvUM, brought Jik
T.q.'t in thought of this Hudsuti \ .ilk-y fe r-nmniEie scout tu this i -LjrpirieiiL
«.[uire% impritir nn history t stood silently liot did ^'uu see?' ’
X/itEy w[L5 oskeiJ^
near hi^ wUfNuarliir inomimcliil In the rorc 1
'reuthiu: 3ir crird, “Ail creation, lad.'

iUmrtlrn —
an gppti5piTate restm^ place, For the 3 Lr;i.frr] wufidef mi riachinst r3ie viuii.iyr
] Jialch n.vme ki^L^cIl mi;nn-g faw field. Uom My eyes trnued ^jth c ID milfts of the
Ju^i ^li Ifap rha<f(nv of F1).R ca^Ls a sjidl Hud^i iil. On Ifje valley iksur yntijf ^j.d
1 1 .

"Vwi wiokk^ uuii ww

in the f 'a [ skills

**Tbi zrr>'.^ cr-tPT Ilk T*ip *

L'iiibipi^ilLun wiw an tn^jscriiiile

irFcrckjrt iti pH WlHl* ni prnfu-
aii3t- bK-'it.f ,’ Ir^ni;
TATDll' ^Ti- c iir,£ ‘

blupui ut ihi I jnri nml 1 hi


I Limaur nr hss wif-( T'r \ ian

Jsc-ru sMTi^lInti; huik _ u ii in
bn rid, Tn.iltod ltito lbir
.7L ri - J aliiitnf iln c&nti:nLi vl
hit '.i.
ii LI j'l vi-Jiti Wi'll 1

Ol3 03Ll! -!( lb.™ I'WULtsttlU*

Rip ipni'rffij linT- huisriUv jhlS

ilcpL Cur 2t> ytun. Waking,
hi- (trimtl hL fowling; rsli^t f rati-
to niiiiitl mill wru hl rJU t*

Summef to Kip « Rt-

1 r r il
h H-iLuc V&ih mmiiI L Ii 1

i 1
1 ij ljIs/i- mu 1 h l* -.
1 s' i
* . m •'<

itiiHii rJiii cfiiisfcitU’d iferhrk-mzn

mi mmiul irk iulk* ul L'mil bim
silcrji ;>E i
hi ri tii at
Van Wlnkk-'s imp.

Vi.iL,nuI DPevnqUiV* 'liiriiM

Jtlirlinri I Hiiiilli
>!. . i < I Ii jrfclliijl "luil
1 :

Gy tf M«eif Girl? l' is

at Bittlt Monument

We-I Point - Jliillk Mn-utl*

mi-ht., a %foot »hn rt impa-d
l-iy fpN'tta, cwlci thi!

iiaftiM, nf z^m I'jiimi P-nkere

iilid cmr rd Lfaf Riruliir -\ttdV
killed tktrfpfl Mir Civil Wir.
tkjtttfeptWit' ciLt| it
'i hio-ru-
invar m mrksrriau-
du^. 1
Here glebes ate fwntu
ini u the ccpt^Pii Frtfcjikiirr iiitoitig
> 1 . iL-.ii ; In lEuiUiiti Ikiiis Albany.

+' V|tisk^4 Toill

Apply* in 1 liiFi \!f
Apple* bfnuiiH Ta iluw-
ijnwn t rip] rut inn LuJ keepthi-cn 1 1

I on I
Ibt-ir prime in pci2-

lnn^,rJ. rteirn ftc New York nf-

cbantbfs pu.1 mnt In
1 Luti U>r «III •
11 f Hc'Unritl w,li Jt

pmniina prkjj.-. This nrw , tor-

Js'j- techlliqttr <nrbyiuil*"d in
EjajCl* rif‘J ;
-i 1
t nr ! I
V irtLvrrHly
dewlnpcil it fsir A averted it ui*.
PilUl KLLL LI . I iH iL .
JjJj j I :l - ilEld

jLini^liJitrif t iniLiiiiius in 1L1U

I li i-s" 1 irii jrc ii'i-m at SanfnnJ
i?! *r New PaSfcr Me
a tnrtiU IwiIfttiHir irsr- i?m
II J.'- I ?L'S, 1 1 iltll 4 L-.jIK 1 1
Ll-L l‘L'd

11 7id r 11 1 Emi ra ditufrU iiir itaiiiiL i n irfpdralto-n oi itu: fruit,
Mrtntgslp miiptei in Sil- hand
Mijjjiii j j Ujj and •
1 • h ifijm
.ScpicmLL-t rl n niLrh i Mu *

II. AmLnitf lni*irt r

hfUiriH). VMUrhhlill !iC .1

1 1 h 1 I , i j 1 ” n —a ;

The Niiti. in.J Gmyraphii Mngr/Jm:

iarma and copses ivini’ ; carpet In myriad imn of llie Inst major purtiun of the Thruw^y
shades of soft «r«n aticl autumn brown. we were uiTruduLed. hir ssiid,

^l am de-
On this Ititlue ^ asiifctt^hm Irving- tiifcjh lighted lo mee! voii. have read the
1 S v-
-v:t F ilt* Kip htinTi'd -cpiimls ihv day ht nwi tl ftSXL dnce 1 wn5 a !hj_v,”
[ he y i ft w of i? n rjp u 1
- L
H F a i Ir ! ^ in _<t ii tilj

l/fttM, i ha red thdr potent brew+ (ukd skpt u ( li llijdrwsi Hi rhi?

^0 years (page 3 ®Q]l Staled hi his slum II private ufii^e a IT the ma-
f drove T.hniugh ipAtsiy® Park ll i
>k : 1 1
1 y - m 1
1 !
iim 1 \wi -\ ta n ki i
I eswuiHt chflniber
til I’lTitlllP i-im^hmr awEo^tiij saotbwesft Em in the capiti'l we tailkerS the Empire Statt*
J laKUiida m ilrithg county and east to Woot- jtnl mir\ci-ibd HcvpI^Mumt: Imlian Indl-
stuck, an a rt colony- cCRrdiiFfiy roads the fahuloLih, tmplre-l^ilsiirig:
There wa s initiated |
in in the aisunl Wit Erie CabaI port fadUtte^ of S* \*

of riir ( at^kilL4^ \ ork Mty. r:ulruads r the Thruway

SeanJiing nut a mold 1
ufi tils hnfllslfeB Saw Wr i’ll kci I e no, in n i 1
. re s ^pne n t s ::i f

Kdl f found thLf note on iht- uft'jce door: r'linvEfllent ivuEer-bvel miiti- tlitnii^h lln- ^rt--i.t

"Back nl u p,tn 1 bt. register * ami tike a 1

1 1
wall uF t\w A| ij
l^S.nrhln n MnisrtLiln.1 !

key, foRnwed fn^ni* Fiu-tts Vrirher E.hitT 1


Trade tame oui wny..' f ioverjiupF HiiriEuEan

nigh! nor curly nrxl day dftt I ctlnnmtPf tw Hiijij, I'm* 1 1 begot Mrbinfe, shiji|H?T3.
pwnera. Rtiath M> tagv ir. 1 stowed tttjqfagp bankers liroLpye. insurance rmui, niaiiiitaj:-
in 3 hr- cjir rr Earned to the office, and stood l urer;-. \Yp wrfe ahk lo ptoviffs: services to
at the i Tc-- k_ \l Ills! T noticed $ the reflt uf E eilted SLate> juut tin.1 v. n'lil

,:l,i— that htild coins for tin i

ly newspapers, st-rvic i ^ El mi we have li^n developing over
I was stuffing ihr $5 rental fee into it when the vtanc a

fhc pTnprifti ir ciitne in. *ilre| hy-cyrd Ei ti I L^rin- icttfiu \W icil skUtni labor tmm tail over
fuug. the wi*r!r| cine skill "f cniiTie, generates itis
M Jiiy wife imd I hardly ever ge;L away from "
other, grows mit uf liigcMLiin
b'.Tc," lie explained- Last nighi wtr dn ided The ( governor pau^rd I'erbapn. mure <r> "

in rake in n ra pvir mu- Ii r the run tel Tab. care 1

eIluii most Slates, we .ifl- au niiihi'Mijc iri^n

of itself set l ain m \mrrrc.“a.n Ule BtUrti losses range

fr-im small hurrm m iriffLi^trit-^ tioT ujm arnoim
Albany* Hub of fih*i RmpEjrp SWu Hu- cniiutry'- Urnt a I hjr people come From
Laying li^kbirl ttn h?y lilne i^irBsur of all religious and racial ljackgmunfl&, V a 1

the Cj&tstciS uul central Hudion Valley* I rut'll iiu jiot, w^Ve hud Ibr tidv-jn Lairc of im-
f 1 1 m 1 1 \ll i.lliv idowi nn before roe at dusk, its niiEi rants' enthtiiiaan und vigor,
terraced Cnnyops flf hriizk. and stonr climbing Whtn our ti ilk rfldcdi 1 strolled through the
i n 1
1 1 the busy deepest# |mrt to “Capitol iUTnpliEiitus chambers uf Ehe ^n|>Ltiil, Liics

Hill” I
page >S5l Here and there a rruwstrp -
CimiifiUtfil ini fwrr iVl >

uLilile hints ipF Dutch am try

Dcsj die its Arn mood, for the bIli trs of many
iiiil iuiis ll> from ships at duck the city pubes lah S(vtiUli| Above Bermuda Shorts? ^
to the heart I bent of polhrcs, The curfvf> "t ThL-s Vditwr!
former (Governors Martin Van Burial Drover PrifeCij s n i
|j liitr^ ifrr vyr-ir^ -lciUTrd Itcee
% E VftltS
I |r cell in Tbfi nr RocBt^i 'It Li l I .
ir 1 1
' l r 1 1
ilIIV nl I |]f , iJinJ i ii. ilr L’lilli i;i“j

Hughes. Alfred E, S its Franklin D, Rlkisp- 1 1 1 1 .

D jjia|9 the cnpL^r "
v_li Pimjl:Ji1ii i' i

i h i-apci nia wfth
wmt 9 .‘lc<. s
jjL'dol-piiihinE: vouni^ IjiIIi-h Ti| kir*l
va^l and Thomas E. Dewey
M ItaVr mafic Al-
Imrt: wull rrmlirm the pternkj; nf j Piiuch-
hany con si Frau us fan nfltifl l m affair?. Fir many kft'jiitk |j;cwr4 ljfc»Uhrw Vssmi, ivh to kidrl that

mvetirs- "^Wmir . liivi, ihf ^tm dltht ?rs mn-n to

wih during Mr. Jrwt^ admin bit ration
]r I
ililrtli ' UJ.lI Oiltuie ttml (llWf (cipmrlLt . Tn I -li:V hi i

tbiMvrv he IcrunEli^i md/ oilup: In IHIi-1

that the Thruway, a year- -old drwun csf many
I It- <

C :
i* iit.: i
i >
1 1 - 1
refl Mr \ (Khlnl :
'r t:

peruMent and dedicated men. was finally m^mln'r Ol I hv- tlw* b rEnitptnrr^ inj]d-
tPM&farmed from blueprint into a fnUMo- djuditcr, a ei il -ipulwiJ liu p]i tit i>j ^ Y ;i m?iu-

risd-iine r\[Ke.TSw:iy, ateh.

Karti eUm dLspirn s els- riLitincdvr rofar— -cad, tint,
I cal bid on (In- imiiimbrnl fiiwrntitr the
tm'rr, «f >d3uw Mi d-ttlhlfi^ buipk.% M$d frLrs’di* !?<
HurKtratilr Avereif Harrinson. Mr. Han'lnnm |

Th nu eifh =; vftn b' t ,ii [’iinmji*.i.ii WrBtfrrtuf lilirnn.-,

bi DfL'Cember l f .
dfjiiicitted the new bridge • ‘’
I Mil fl#> |IU||[li|l Ul«rif'

across the Irjwer TIiid^rMi k ^ikcudiEig cnmple- II- -‘M a. \-hliuiibl fJi- yiu^iiiL i-ur
^ I uriiurz\ivv\ Shirts i ,|ks.- Slttip-L"

YoMJcrcUiJ. i itj'lr* ha tie uli Lbs: will %X

L lucil frabucf) &: C umfiny, luf Tiny.
f ,

Alwvv: A Rtti»Hlatr iTrhheclLirjil .Jn»

in Truy ^tmdJju a mui-M nj' * niitlu chib.

S-irizct, Albany' * Uf4

1 j
W UrK' \\

mi hsi-bui,

(.IthnJ^ to
.I , *|>4

r «
Siuiii (.ufijtihj
Gk^mjpu lufr

Su-iEp ;si
i ir * ,
/ a
. *. -

.-.ildi mcnhiinti m Mil 4 built 4 itj*Qifc£ pnyi iilaf thiii - < -i. the Suit
SflLSifn arrivn] a ilcvitrk Lui nr, ^n rj

.govcriLmEEH Tn&M-ii tmja in IS'Jt _ Ir-Hcri^^ She WWWHfil

of ttic WWfc
fit wiLRtmj « dnjr oeiikj!d tiundrctli
Ufi Stitc I’lftel. kijliprt Fultan * irtiiiwri'r pi-ttt'mrthip. the tni'I'Jkfl up tin; IJiliLwn Lii A]Luny Ih JBOr.

ffj# grmltp eapUol ttpcr ucriin r HjiIiFs ul tils J4-»|(rry St&Eg E'JjSti- Kulbljns: gkffl behind ii

’VilL jtjJ *-!«

Uiliiir -- .*

XJtizrnrmn Mitkinjy; Over. tiuemicy (Jrm t Stroll co Pftjcture |i,i*r < juld^n E'oliuigt
Th. 1 - jitiacdiaJ routilfy wa* a sj tfv nH hitmen
. fthtJi Itu1i.1i tiadti frUahliultad n fi?-rifon jm-i d h jut smir, won
flft Ifi'lwj ITtickun i dbtOVi'fj up Nae river tliiif beax= ids xsaini
, wan
wittiBLird Eut y^rs.
KkinekTII Piic tr/'i FliJ Kud KiEun Sitind Eli I
1*Eur Cumity's U ii. li Uairytond
Despite mnnuf^tktiinc'i dmt -.trirlcs ^iricuJsirrt rcmaini the SlJiti s bvtnl Iflrlu-tfy As a sjujrv |irH<lmi New
V t tuta hxuUlI rank
i !
tifciiy It? WutfOtLiin Milk gcgmieuI^ fur iiimnsj fcuilf liir rt^sjgjfljio. cf It* Samicn,

m 1

u k 1

"Hot" iUM

Si Li fi *. Shinai "Diinjft’f' in ii

CluueraJ JSlnrtTic Cunumtiv ^BlHiti tip* viM^ai snh-

slUHcre Us minw jailuilluti m ivimUi AtarnL pitwtr Uabos-a
tiir.L rii lii'JU'it ;llK'.
1 !:i c ^uotiun, WISE Ihk ntiU ititld


uji P i tl n m-ectutiltsl Ini-nit >\\]n -i iTltilrlr'r tnf4> a
usrk. tiSat- wild nmt-tutr HU-Jrl tJnc mm Liom purlWitf^v^]
Tl’.i'ir t i ilei'u Ti>r iht Ahvniir iLtirrev I

+ L"M*P|S uni? fini^Er Km Hunter (lwAcji llte sted tliw, vJn i

Iii'iSeL* ji 3iirs.L >>t red [jEaitk,

\*l.fa-ua> ^rii- ul a Jilil - -:n^ P JlrfnJTt F H-ImPl M icVmil 0»-'ITW[>talc ^If

• .

< .



M_: 'i >


• H
rry \ j ,x -

1^^ U| Jm

JL 4" . 11

m irNirfB iniri'f

Geiieml tiJctlric AkM‘aisbk> u Si emu t urb me fuddiil liie Muscle poW#t iif +,SCirt ,ih'N~i M&ei
Tiiii ih osr a l Iivr, irnidllnu liuilt bn Srh-rnpctariy |n srrve an AfcX" nrar PpjriatnimLlli Ohln 2a l patti frits rafor

L hull. - j| Ijwti miln- ,i n H\n\ m ahiirt*. pplNuljbfl ilE ,jih I'l.urjiL| ir i.n turn jji tLccfrk iien.ijtMi.
j .

'k Bqhu Rntli\ Nlxh'b JTni^nm Bjf r« 27 f l

i ^ Skittmarc JuJIeg*; f riirl-* iViur I i { -up
Thrill* Roy« Ilia^L lii ^ HllJI of Fulfil
i - 1 II if Saratu^u Spring *
MmqJj-l WjiEi.-;

FirLqtJiJSi ah I hr hr C0fi[itfr.yfrtWM mtlknJIfl

will I fll I Msitmwt M i II i i i^i ,
. Jin LimJlu i i:cl .,1 yprmt! kin.:
iJlc .

-•hin# hrldir E'^llln- Xnpulrfin Lijcrifh and t hr fait Wfqrh th f ^ukr; k»?i
* ihr h^ifthtu] value
h jachall i^imittL',slij|ii!rT RrpRii^w .u n i..mi|R Mlt I thf w,\ .i \- fcj aviiui of ilu imnjtn, Xo.w Vrtrk
Lrfljrir'^i riFHi-hiL>'i mill hcljfcti h itb §eL a rfrctmL : Si air pula Us qfTiciiil > nth L l nr. L wm ndllfuti IhiliHc*
4l{ 1,1 'll i iiri'-H-ULk 1 il li LL\!L*! titfXIt BfllLi!*
v£|Uali'l| nl Mali! -Jilrl a-aJ-h VW.
i i . , ' v

New York State's New Mam Scrtrct 591

chateau! ike building. crating nearly £25,DDO,- trundled borrows. Shine locks to lifE bdi\t#
DOO s.t ew .slowly uvst p-ctick! of !
-l yea:- wrqm the State were fiiced without morhir.
] ike Slip ifissimitar natures ns the people it Gannons *ht iMmiI the canal opening in
serves. the sktte hous^ ls a h&rmntiioifr r «im- I -..V Packet? ferried tit&s raf thosj^inds cil

i - i 1 1 nf rna ny a r cJiitecturu 1 -
1 y Ee$. Fit Tim r< ‘-i-TtliTr- Sri virgin Linds-: bat^e> glifltd «ihT
ihntf 7^ yvars i
! -ren the ena* 1 hflrill <»J :dt wish gotten iuLrvr^sts ( hh r -
-iiamitg up. li»-

Staltf laws; lit

!' (pa,, the rhnjway VuibiirUy ffirr wlroods ended ninTi? tcains nai the iqw«
W;t5 b6etl Lit: I
?5Q,. pitlhs i
he iJ itch" fulfill eft GeoW
Washi n a-
The undertifcme wits auditthTiis, When Ieiil s prophecy tliat New Wirk >tai t would
1,15 mill 1

* “1 i 'nriH'iii iu* with turnpike in bftiime I hi nf EiUTTire.

neiuhl inrirLp: state- tre OQtnpHpil the entire Lskt thr Indian
Ir.iEls of" okl .
thr Throws “

Thru way system will Lut f to^t #9o? ,^00,000.

pfvots wi\hi.w.\r> I
at Albany and span* a sain l>
kxi u dip M ohawk \ alley r
Wanted: M Million Ditlliirv


i ci

hm? Liny


r-'phtoed the
i] lire.- trorjlfula
drove lo the headquarters oF the Thru-

titay Authority aEid called on *oft -spoken en- ;i

fEdfimy. Hut tin- warlike Mohnwk. Ondrb
C ay u lt j anc: Scju*o t r <t

*u da [in

( <ni irt tu
gineer wbu has directed the agetny sinre ft-?


Tlit hufkl trn- Heads* by l Thrown; cMir- Schenectidy

In rend I of snnwy nijght

MLLiit: Bertram IJ Tullnmy hu^l i.j fi rut another more than 250 years lnHiatis t mreping
a h» ilruknde ronimittfd cruidtie- that
Way hiswst single pub-
to fnuiitce Lbr State*'* '

Ihvvv-irks project Ac the rub q\ laamfmkgn "Hu Penn tan wrih O'-r Tongue sr^presc
led by Mr. Tallmtty v<iUts Mvenvhtdmrnuly
Though wounded U uuh Svirmn m hmnt'j-knrn .

approved The Suit '- lurking 500 milllun dub- 1 escaped .irul h^tened toAlbimj ta wsicpolba
bin* of Ttimufi} IhhhIs in lad tnnsltUi fJkni- 1

Tbe Authority bought n runt* that crossed A liiil> Utter ! fi:Sl into converaltia v. jth

individual pieces proper!;* \b ti geaLial St.Lte pairtphnan.

15,700 oe
xim<* nl th*
1 Td yrui grow tip in the valley? '
thougb the road knifes ari-iiss I

nns?i v&ffetrf mu) difficult Cemin ttdfhirly Jta4

iijl’ iliil
hr :^alrL ^l" ,

l iny folks tiefotic

turnpikes in the I'nitaEl ISO prime i ii'. M;. name Is Lv'nn Schermerhnm* One
cont factory mnipknd most of the 427-milt! rtf mv
¥ LUiLesbtri Sdi cmi itr h ip-mi—Ohl SiVfflnn


main trunk, nearly 500 miles of acrejes roads, Hvcfl ihfiniuh thr Schiffiectiirlv mssaerc m
.mil 507 bridges in three years! L'nloii CV.I tViumkii At Sdi^cictd^y in

Air. Tallitmy - eyr* light up at the m ration 1 it l.he 5tM-ond oldeat m the SlliLtf [jdti't

of lhr imrtiErmis hi m3;icbe?. r

Viui Ihr curr-. Cnluntbi4 rnlvetwry).
Wf hiid to tiirry tfw ruarJ across Monte-
Ik r-c Gijnt (lencraJ I
! Ice Erie, W Horn
zuma Marsh, Federal wfldllfer refuge north
oi Cityuga Lake Mt TnlLimy .said, "Tie* \ th robbing I'rt.y within the city if the par-
ncnTh the deep -lnrf.irr fuuck lit> ^ IkiI of 1
ent plant nf tbr grftit fierce nil FU^Irfc Cum-

marl aiipi unlike ?^t iff touth paste H e burli The ^rtn'netUtdy Wofb imr of 15S
dikes on cither %i> lr of ihr fnutr. pLmkpr J li t i
G-K plants in the i
nitc^l Stnlr-. imeari n-r^

ijiaumd day and dup the muck from the more ib;cn J40 strucnatc^ ipa^e 5S ^). r

m:irl, A roadbed of pravrl. jmil rl iy (i-b s e.\.tffflsit e latiofarork ^ raiaible 1

urr the
ureenswa (tf of a rfn? rsi< k The Rut ills

plintrd fine In three fett higher than the vh.1 h Ee *

laired to.iH iwft hi jtllow fur -L-ntirig- w.l- taken ! ib< wlii. h acfui-
i I Lj.l -

Mr. TulTamy chuckled N atnralisls were n£ly -
.iled In making dkimuaids..
afraid the wiirfc wimld disturb wildlife But. 'like Li i see some?" m Hdentisi itskedl.

acCiuilEy imimals and hinN tiwik areal inErri^l Ihi- glil Erring crystals are little larger than
iti Lhr (nil Ido^er-i ntA Karelia w.ilihed grains -'if sand bui their majuibn \Mrv rtprr
like Hfr|i«\v;ilk -.ujH-rinttmrleiiH mure than .i tcititury of frial nrtd re-
.Yh n Ee.U of engineers ne the Thrnway ranks ?rarch. The b-miuld finr utitHfuade dhi-
with the oh! Eric CamiL affcctlumt^ly known muuds: Subjrct caEimti to heal oi S.DOtl F.
ns M Clinton 5 bildi. in r press with a puiach he' 500.D0G p^iunds E

Ur- Wlif i
rinton's toctt Inyrntod Innls atid n -H"| tiJuro Inch F^rth inerts roughly the saine
< -
nst r act in i i m t-T h- h
jah braw ng rE?.h-
IV !
,. [ i 1 pre-snre —
240 miTe- Ijefow thr ^irffu:e!
nu'd fri^h ir«!irri peat ho$< smujj* pSeks nml T^shlftg w^stwmfd mi the TbrmvLiy. E t'X-
/ \h»


A h.m-y, * ‘iipltaj anil * Iti iysrnvad --, Sjiibw |> iUl iliLkl^^iti
r i p
r _
- %

• y^ft

*V r r

1*11' h i li.rui ^-iii i * l if*

Rtviitr sHiiJ I hrijw^v I.iiifc ihv (-iip * Marker* wiih Hie \Viirld
1 . " :

3 Q4 The Notional Geographic Magazine

plon-d dij&s and village; botrc un the canal Lynn avkfd 1

[S diiSn'l UiJr to tn- thai ss-ay.

and linked anew by the expressway. Bum- rbat's where engineers took a kink i *ut of the
nrssmen wekwjie die new co-m-mir llfriim" tn n!> I
VFohtLwk to rradie rriom for the rhruwiLy/
faraway matfcrl* Stipmi&pciLVfl un the old In no Jess than livtr places Hr I'muifl thtj

trade cortidur un, 1

ufiv fltitretinuse£ r garas**. catmlfscd Mnhr-iwk Mmi^htcrtn! and n.iki^l

<hofjpmg L-pnterti. jiHid suburban hwfuirtml of tJae feathery7 wiMjdsv- that screen Its bank*.
plants that resemble college i. ^tiif Ul iuM l'bruwfty engineers rddoded five

Where Thru way penclndcs

ihf* a partial- miles of channel.
tarJy narrow parr ni rhr Mnluiwk Valley, it

thr hriiTl n{ Ftflnuiville Th> h-.i- iTul

Ha^bdES (itheial Ilmne Town

village a Ttefeav
wear* jl \h 'dy a levs Sunk, \ At HerkiETter J vi-f reii ^nulh into the rollliy
I'jjt (HjEtii [1 has became an important ? i-.ii Country of Jurne? Fentmore
hrrstiji kinu
w&y hi the fdove-niakinE: dlics a( JuhTL*tnw» c no per Hik hiahn utds by| i.'.ssed ruopeF>-
and GlovcTisville. 1

* \difi>Tidack*, and the lowiip learner hi^ boybbod village on pt^p


S hr s rif nf i f UJ 3 ^lid V of % 1 iirl Vfb It t \n ftcSV i 1 le Ijike to a lire of repose bus oopei > tales c

Btn Fultomitlt iH fir Lire whdmJ far frarti of Lite Vn^ricmi frontier carrird il> n;inie
msv ss-heii l ’hr quay t'ngfnrjer^ divieteftl they TxL hmj> of visitor* roam the cTm-nuiEiticd

ciiuld not avoid hulldtsiirkg ;i |>ath stmiphi village ;md iL* erivtrufls sutimcf wittier • i ti • I

e ho 1 Lf J i r h i I iusmfss d tst riel iFnnnK Hi nv Tticnlorahlt mirr-iri of t tie Ameri-

May nr Gfcir^e Snyrkr ami vMLi_r trustees ca.Lt heritage Two arr iipeniteil bv the Nrw
Arnold Fbvnn^o rfrd Vi»rk SEiili tifsturEcjd \s?m Farmers

"Tt if I'ji'i &*ti ;iJid I irLtsfiir.i
1 1
ry ]

to jwrsiiLtde neiirhh"i that il» road offered - Museum, where craftirtien relive plom^r lilr.
iht viM jl'l- a chance to recover itb n inner pros- -ind Froimiirc Hmise w{th its sirpyerb mllec-

perity as u canal port m of folk an and fnoper memorabilia. The

i ii

'Some people refund fn hiEdcic until they Hurd b ihi Yntbrnil Baseball k
Tiall of Fame
sow Iht bnllib^t^ rrinting/ LpteniJjen Enid
and Mttsetmk
rs?r, "I must admil we prrU two miserable I strolltid lo E>uubln1iiy Field, traditional

>y miners wh Lhi mad was tic-lug built lr

birthplm i
i4 bnsdiall. N'klt by. wsth pfcas^
Ref re i ct r.rrn 1 ton sc.; l rs Ium In l . I ti In n- ,urt meoiiiries ol Irnyh I -il i
I I- 1
? t:'rm j
s 1

yillr hr- m to lift it* own face Wreckers vi-ilt^S sbr RftscFuill TT-ilt of Fame ;yid Mu-
knricked and din^y -hu]v- down old -eum In f
Hjre uve-r I hr rarrsi trophlaa ni ili^

nrw ftintcEmcs fast, Owner- of mdtstiirherl \nieriui.h ri.l.T:- ill.i I ^^MsrE l

pay 3 00 L

build inns spruoed ibrm npn. TfliB fell when Pernonol liel-n^int]:- **( H.lI k- RlsISi, I hr New
new pjMpertks appeared on ns^essmeni rolls York Vines' inimnrtal “Sultcm of Swat,"
bi-st of nit, 1 l>r vilL-mr debt w:ls u-ured put a ball-sized tump in my ilituat. Xiong
Now ^aid LnrentKen with he smih nf a l
with ibive west rock Ikiv^, and fwo bLuck-
till ml iiun.^ I peered into the RdbrV i|lasj^

uli^dvrd, nhnn-if Ewryutfr admits that


the threat of doom was a ble&simt in 1 1 i - - :

i . i -i I'jrijk-cted metal i-ickrr from Yanket Stadium.

Iruiidr were his famous No. j uniEnrm, hi^

Taking. Kink' Gilt of w River worn fielding ^Foves. ^Juk-- and rap.
t'-Mi rim white tntirie house:-. drove to
1 w.ts ridiim nji west with my Sr m- rruoper
l 3

friend, Lynn Sdwrmrriiorri when we nearer!

Farmers' Museum oti cite hi he 4inrp«ri
L^kc In a envemems stone dairy ham hr:-
sheer divide between the ncky humpo of
uemt apple pajep, Eiuiiigk^, ireadiuill churns,
rwn rmiLmf.mb. fanriTully cal Fed Bif: Sww -suid
or. atid other ertid* 1
mapJement* devised by psu-
l.iitlr Xim* I
ymi braked the j:«**hce
11 netT husbands.
he &lm] There's ih? '' whole rtdcj
\ pat Si from the ham tn thr Vil-
of Kent \ nfk Sutr.
lage CrowicHids. wtiere a country store, - hool- 1

It was indeed.

\s if threading ihf 1

eye <rf
hoti*e, smithy and other e&rh shqps from
a hirin T! i-4-i I
It- werr the r'f^naU^cd Midiawk
tiesr-hy vilbigcs have been painstakingly re-
Hi vet Eh .r bi-d »iF the ohj Erie ( ,inal three
erecti-d. With other tHStiuMH'd mu ^ um vlsi-
tricks of tbi’ Vi'w York f
crttml two pte-
I'HTS, 1 wnuhed a blacksmiEh |khiimI hcafM- .

r rr^kds. and Lho Four

rhruwiiv iaiie divided ex-
sbuc at bis flowing forge. Prteler ir^irn- S.
pre^swTiv w?‘ were Hdiug Tfardly an e\tnt w

• C'uitimjvrf s* ft pi fit' flfU 1

rovkpiith could have squeezed thnnEp:h the

rlefklt 1
S<e "l^nnm Tn
' Dymsm rm ilir Molmvi'fc.
pfwjrffct G. ViintiUruEi Rat3i.jn,u i. m
"Notice hosv -Iraisjht (hr rivtii e> hfre'r’ / ttt*", 94 1
Vclliii.*: *-nti Hui-Jir Hjj-- *dUuiimJ u. ••
-u-Ji tftUf

Here ilia Hattie* of SprafD^Pi | •'

3 liilIi 1 h* 17 ", S3 i e J iht- Vfnertcan Ht^ uiutinTi
* rknmri HWItti-I: Qjtavi nyl knrml Murat^'inr'* r Un nf itlm-i tn vteiliEu;
hist 1 1 hft*'\ djJMrriL.
j A
raptur'd can nun .u lain jiftnat rtirirto 10 ibtf ilivuden ttrty IScotiEi hrnr 1 kvlUfr Jpiitir-rtih It ilimilalwl fori

|miL Jl|& wme iU rntlra from Thnnvjiy ha ai Album jnd SihciiL'duch*. 1

Th\% lULllitiiiil hL-i- 1 1 «
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T M.

rrnHT 5% j'j
gjJ *
Cornell lH IthacH,
Stunds. Fftr Vbnvir
^4SUBllL1l tjT4 Oui’iirll |ili-diii!l3

*an iithtij.iiliifti wllrirti wjr prr-

- iin i i ri J'im| tpainirfkin in hiv

sulij^i " Tiwbv ituekm*

IpIuei l’olltwis in et<cf>ihLnL; ff rnHrri

i Tjl ifIs u n*2 sorting la bntfl

mjjniribt r;i ? i . lit

, l i
h irhnii1 morning: Lhr ^ t ;

uni 1
.'. Lilmirv'i Sr.MmU
ffif^VT tins* rrat tfv Jfffflj
Kill: iLtpi liaau^l
I air hir Ih* iLr-iiUr t>| nJnir

II- MmL iiriLti uci ihe uni
Vfr.nty'- fix*. Elinor iJaf in

i , l - hulm - t n iTk 11 3i .i

IrrciltL.-* lelrbmii Sprint! Dtt\

hy laiiii r.h E ne M u fre r d h - In: it

‘hatlksbijH '
itU H^'br Lijki:
and titfrdrtRft si nr Anattunv

^ I>l,l aj Wurks
ti Tjtfttdftiill ("hum
Many nEfTH’irt. fmfh, kflll

pircrir un' L ii"riLJ xvjLi.iau.ns ire

t ii iuijlp 'i i e i nun md hij I m'h 3

friend, ‘i'a tcain tsttt* bIkHii
bu in hh Hi iiniviTi-tSv writniUi*
-iiirE 1
. Hit rdii E bin-hip of cut-
ii-L to dirt in asrltik d
Heir MEkr. u, 1 I-ycar-uld
1 3;i litul tutu fJTCK WH rk*lUL 4 Jii

rust djuryrriin uw il ilom and

yrub [« Him slitdbr mar hint*.
SiUiiiiil DfiiHndhli ^*h'ip
i§ mlki liiiiiiii 11,1 Jl ii-IL— Ii I I'JzHIIt.
598 "la *

Nil' IIHIul ftfri . I bl '•!-

> .

SHffipiii J'alh Citsuisduft dr>vifi a KuvLi S-l airway to the Village fif Mctfitutir Full -

in hlpli els Niapan, Slic^uji^a trips dnvrn i I5G-EehH lr*.1rri n irouhrf m JjiWj!. ileiH tkiLVj inia a
erra-k. Le-pc-nd j.ivj ihi IhiJi-jM ni-jiE"; Rt-ii Jaiitt pitlcij hi- voed ptiwrr- thr fall's ihtltidrr Here lath nine
Munt&uf, u CiiEdiiLaTi uptFit Tfrho bqtahgc mrtiriirth id n Sfftin 4 i lii
i iiHimhcl IrnSiun tcllJciniiaii

Murnim; Sun WtuifWl 1

* Rrijthl ^"iinnp>% Kvtrjouc Lfivti In Hum
Tii pk.iv hi c - 1
mi |i i-rn brfcrk Ui.L-^ crae William Jack m ml!..- ,-.3 plantation sly If in buridmi; bit harm: ilrautnJl
t 4 n TimI i' iwil lindlta share ihe faniu*. Says Mrs Titcm Eh Loti, wbu uin 1ft* Stupid *ib ifcj fefti "The

WiMlTff* 11 L- IjfjLLrcil" is hi n.eiy tfmg nf y*ut,

E^le\ itEnming whan [ cct up I vratih \l frftm m> kitclirn v. iip:iv.v\”

"-.i Jlil'i.i i II- | r I

it Tl. AJU l'Mh/ Va|1nin| U#- t rijlli.'U MljjT

f Dip
CJjiuik it Sulim, -

final ^ Aiiiie W^is 3 ’nine t n

KaiuJ -if Gukl
nf Rocl Wtt* m \ It itJc-J Qmdti^ inn SyrciiML^ i Ikimi
Ttabrn Mrktiri thn rn it \\'\ b Haunter llakcd ?rt in vq hem/s in ias^ntrurri rantmif: up la
mudc- in Syrsrmc, HkLti .til m r
\sr tlui- u'l>i-Ih|. jOD* F , rufH: (Jillra* arid kmivSi wvjit ji
itirifc j^Wr
kr'j- *ujm| !c UJi ii»;J f |ly t • | ih\~fU 1« liEkJik'f Lban stalk tkilil b
at*|p!lml j<- Ihf (jjilr -[ m-
anil Sia uiJh I'lpfca. Thi cntnpaEiv, by nffirtnl im ii liiFfiLuhhr At OnOftdii^ ^mtcrv CniispMij Sy'-t'-H

infill 1 1 ill? iiun.' licfnu-sii rahil^T- far Vatictit CLly. kw A oew Qrli'jE ui!| fun- ill- mml to lh« eLsie,
1 1 ” 1

Nt'Av Vnrt Suiu. '

s Hew Main Sr t-l vr

NeWirlL wTirkinv d creaky hand press, handed intimate amt Very cttitle valley i [ anv 5 om i

uw m i inky 1 t 1
\ jy iif |1 li i i fit rdf/ ii in I 'lump cut tli tiniiie ori checkerlpoarr] fields.

laming nrw- id 1 ^ in. \ Lidarsv ledtier in the I rom Mi' hfTlJirly to l lici thr valley 5 brm
doctor - mfikv dnoWrd fJifiMf fie-t'T- : i'rnl- rvi iii tx iinii gateway to the centra) \dinm
1u ptyll q tinith: SE 25 to ctrtlvrf ft Iiftby fUlfl dunks hidustf s.iL. omsjumUit‘!- n&\ confi nl-rdh

$5 fur j|ti ruilpitbUkui, beside the workaday river. 1 saw pungent

Bump Livers, .l dfmtrs 1
icsn from fbc ^«ils front fnariy nnliuiis niwrse as It workup
fAmkitk (note OS Sf u had always strrnd at nafss m AEohnwk s jrptfL Mills, Inc., in Am-
t bn l mssrojids. [Hsir3e ] talked to n dim ^Irfrliitn. My dn thing canity! thr scent nf
iviuiiiiii spinning llct^ into linen yam. I
Hppt'nnint from H^'LJoXitt F'iiLkinv I'.im-

puny* chrwinii’scu™ plant nf QttPi{"I^Ltiv.

How Spi ruler* Cmve Hitrir \flnne In Rome w. itcl uni rolls uf ulossy int'

“A diilbl craft'svL iiman ceiuld two spimiint^ from pt^es Revere t upper atid

of 2 .400 yard- ,1 doyr^ shb Mid. K rass t I ml S I ) u idde i ei the alverWft rr 1

1 k 1 1

When a \\ ipitau tupnip that pmfident,, she of Oneitb, Ltd., Ht Shrrrilf, fmonleff h>’ < hr
f|Ura lifted and cmdd hirct not
as a ter Oneida ommunily pickiy! up m'wly I .l

Inly hr vciting Unmarried prF hud time in

made fork ami sniH ’Tte Ihe SUrra inn hi |

vviitk outside the home: so {gradually all on lem. My father drripied it all years ano.

al lucked wmnen became known i,lh jpltistcrs-"* [ lu T; aim | mil I n-;+i 1 \ i if the industrial valli‘y
Ac the n| the village a tali by darted Fh its piiiit. for -v mIlts suffered cruelly
past and through n ra thole m tho front door during hr 1 l-'i h .md liidlan War .tnd fonudiL

of a ml farinbrius^e. Hollow

UlljIi at off Itidiairs [J-ritish. and Tories In the ReVolti-

tibpttl 1757, (hr humt^tr-Jid w mu ted to linn. Vlrjii^ Thru way stand sturdy for-
Farmers Museum lo tuple he svi th Its lilac tret". tresslike churches built by pimu'e-rs and nl
Hostgspes work in the farm house i! it Hr Ft Min.-ns UOrJ Utr I Hr- Jlffiy

wre home rhum, wash dip They hake, Kr^-oluEbin.Lry mundonH uf sir William |ohn-
rher.'M^-, and keep open iire-- snfL, -u|ii.'fliitLjndrrit
Indian iifiWrs. thr of
in kEtcbm ind parlor- Thoy n^e bnYfc liurne id Gen. KichoTiis Heikrnk'c ->v<t-
in utensfis or rerfpei unknown before ft25. I
Imiks thr river near I. Lille laJI>. A stvmlaT
Tfor wonderful frs^ranrr os btikjog lured

sinfn? ^haft on Oriskuny hnttlefielrl cottimeniri-

n \*r t’l Lhe. kitchen where string of dried rat ei hi-- victory over thr redcoats and their

oppfe, hertti, tiprn, amt dtonl puHlmlb itrtnglii allies in I 77 li

like necklaces from dark., heavy lnNims. A

S ytn : "T ' Utii vv uf 8 ha w \\ n Ji nv i
wiimfth in iiiilii n n|H-iu*rl a hl^ Ejliuk tvtlEi?

hon^in^ rum cl mine over the fire I peeped

I Driving west, [ sound Syractwo unm-i uq
lnf miffing appreciatively at a shallow pafj i
Hit to mt'ft t Lm: Tbr uw.iy r whii-'h is cn'dirnd
riF diHitfh resting urr -i trivet inside. Sht; with I Emidatina si mUfifKis -dollar fitiilrlia^

lesteiJ ll with a it raw In Mini il Elir ilU ,

“Frtth tipple i «ikr." s,iii| Mrs. rhoelrt? I a daWiitown hotel,

heckiiLL! inlu prissttl I

Schaeffer, “It 11 be done sourt. (. nrc to tbrotMCh a, crwdnl lobby Where evetfytme
t-intr it;"' seemed in a hurry; BsuTnessmen carry init*
The first bite led tn more. \\ hen l bod n
I briricaM-.'.
1 l! i 1miiiLrb-rl
with ttiw honed

mtnj.ihrrl the tinier adr^iadlely we relited to the yf in hi- kriHii ih<

1 farm fur Lhc Stale foiir,

pcLflur and look tnm> chunking the site., Sim- For F! tlsc 05th a tu iua i vj^i -i lion wan un
1 1
, 1 3 '. « -

fiiiht filtered through yi Mow homt^um cur- foruHl.d-lc umine other ihin.L^ wttnes^d i I

cuins. wrilked li> the window and kni .^d

I ihe ?cFamhlin|i nf rj.OOO i^s siimdUim^usIy in

acrow ^rrrn 3i]*i[!Nr> in ulitLc-riru? Uti^i Lake. ihfr “worM's krpesl frying pan
Autumn kavr^ spread i\ shawl *4 I, if t mar .(Tid Willi a rejirvtt'nijlivr i*f CWtu-nil Eleclrir

tn^sL-t i
u l iJi-.t;iHt Jiill-. J u Ffs- of etuiiil hone Ui.mj iny \alHimii CirograpItEC ph*ibmi-ib|'iher
like nm-okr 4^t?ia1s in the skw "RnhiTt F. S^hiut and l dnivr to the mroptiTiy .
'*\[y kdeci nt heaven saiiil Mr>, Schaeffer, modern '‘Systems Center" of the Heavy MtS-
is C ^Fpcr u lriwn in Octal »t t;i ry V lii 1 r < >m i l‘ Ft [>, im ml H
i i
j l pa r m nl ak njp{
f l

E returned id tbr M tduwk Vn I ley Sivriripp dir Thruwuy. J here powerful^t, rli -

nFre^h Lhe bcauiifid views saw with the t ftist -iiuni'd lo i|i 'hi t plarn^. .il itrestt heijrbU. fitrt

descendant of old Synmn Si:hrfm<rirtioniL Un- u I. a f.S'j:inaliriLr display * |.i;L 2e mOPJ.

like (he tfaursiic FI ad son, the MnbiLWk is. nn SyTiicusc h fumed .is the horn* of G-E

Spe*-tilor» l ake a Udcoiiy Strrtt i « 1 1 tl i u "tinbd (

’anyon li( ihi; I ii^l

\\'kc& pbciaJ tlqji.&lr .iju- Averted the Ckntwrc ftivtr* lib cut CM* aptNciacULaf .wr *. ljrrfo nf dial*.
1 1
S^qjJinun’ riF lit, fiknvun • ^uliniu-r even iiHiliij, Hjil-ilu fihLJjntbinpbit WifibiFN I'tyat I^Ldnvurili. urh-o Juvetl
tb=p itcfjJi, daniibeil |;i!!i j In pri * \r it. l
sin: hii=£H lid ritLi have cvpaodi'il Ltir [art to Hov?
<TTtnc«c l-tivtr Svi mg* \fifcUtid ^ Wide Beiid in 9 ^leluvrirlEi Park
Ririin^- Lr, mirthem )^tisylV4Jtk| \hr &mai« vt \tul\ jkiilJi Tike a b™ij rlbliGn urnu- shr Ivmidfr Slult,
Rn^ik rtncf (ri-ila poM'nw himjjofcE itim:*. aSerog 17 rmle-i cl tfor tiunrsfe toiftir Tlit:^ . hj.' D.CP nni^t<. tnjm Ifrr ilcw
Lrmu litis iinflj' an’* brink, here JOG Feet hmh. Aiiluniai turn* Use pur-kTs many lranfoud& ctutoh Aflil noM
I 1 I 1 , 1 1 L - i . V 1 I . '

i\Ot\ I In- National Gcisgi^phTc Ma^x/uu

dediQnii prinLit is, Hulvuy ihturn alv < 'arrfar inlii a dt^ky hhir fnyirr whrrr .1

.iir mmlitnihliiL; .1 in fi OruiftiJu^a f hinii l-pace Jnch-hij’h tlbk of t:Lih-- like an •numv.iu--
ft 02 J, but. it b wapy other thfnjts. I mu. 1 1 Fs liarvefl moon. I'Jil- ubjca fa

die thiimis of >ymai:se UmveKfty, unwine the i^vto nf 14 mirror ai?t fur the tclescirp*
r .
y perc h £ n ve he r ty
1 ' I m n its S' rft I
t ! I p$ge at paJmTiar t ibagr.vuUiry (
f N" l.u'^i-r piotn
5-Wj. Ii fa vdmMl rinlilmi ctamhririnn hIhujI of Lilith has c-^'er lieeiT cast
Salt Mu-runs on (inoniLL^iJL LiUte anil -liimt- We stiHid, fiisi-imsink heUud a ^liqfrlriiiS in

iaits itnMidHtfy iciiti? ftttfci She brown pfiillsides? 1 1 1 S r r; u Lien l \ ir ! ry j 1 tin- 1 13 cr 1 JidfeJ^'
of Marjr lit- I'orl Str. It fa nr master liknveJFis w*ht .neritEy spuMiint* .iml
prnvp^mu* miilmns nf central New Yotfc diapiri^ laity like j^ilis of mohen fn.=>; itihi
dm-ppsiiy fur I'mi-ry In |he dignified bush <>f i-anrlieHlii’lL- nf <i tall, delicate Steuhen paltfrai
-i Spilth Linn Street deportment irture Ul.lL I hiifl often admired \nnr nf iJti

nredtiJ mure tEi^m iifa eyha am I ciilJptrs tfi
Uif of fjljimif I l: L! tin \il-iJill check dim^n-iori.s (mnpoali? pmre L
dry* an I Synju the Thfti^iiy m IK .n nw pLi^sini: .intii a ram|. 3 jinked acaiiisl a
(be rich* Ms it Mini of T tie tokf? plnm*. South- idas^ pafHiii.n tn w aup _
h a copper- win 1
*-] un-
sv ; 1. rl ,
tllr ykicier-iikiLilr t'ln^-r I . 1
k -
- yptlly out j:t.i%-fr 'Hu middle- j^eri afii-ali Worked in-

arditvnfe shettrrthjt! hilfa in ktffg Hhit dunts-* 1 tently at lifa h Ell . uk&lftLiJiLR frequenllt. xi m

Indian names nf fJif |iikf-> iwlhl t In- 1 rhuiie styled 1 Ir iwEtilt he was tmn^ luting far Lund
nut I ilil'.Jii 1 hi ur: Skoiieatele?. Owksco, to a heavy Hr
pressed the crystal
tiiynan. Seneca. Keukn,. anil 1 Vinaml ilv.l.i
a^aLiir-l l hr- ivhfel |odceylu^ it swiftly and
iiinmii' ol faery, Fhe fnr-flunR Arcadia nf sin- -.sirelv in in-1 r in- -IllLIovi deidpi
j^ubrly I i.r
. l 1 a 1 F ej gunge*, slrns, iniirriaLl* and ^Vuil’re wsitcMni: the drain 01 ihvwi ™3l/'

tilting vincviinfa ctiikllenizJE ^ the fret. 1 Ifir jmnlr

Joseph LihfacJi, 4 ^aicE. “Hr l^

WatcrfnIU jLtr ion ruritwfi'us tu cnijtiU EHunnanLirs ^ho wprfed hen* fur yetr u
fie mgniveH ihe Fi^nlH>wer ('up tmil Merry-
Taiudumnock. omimji the luftkst coil uf the
Rocky Mnuutams. plupKS 2)> Eeee She- tSn Km mi 1 1 Ei ; vv \

rjimgn ^Hishr? from n Ef'd^r abrw Th^ main

WtddrrMCE Gift tor f'Jneuft Elivinbeili
street Muntuiir Falls (p.i>tr ilOQ) «-f

wftldlfm trail with 784 sir|»^ Imd* visitor- The Ei^fthower Cufi, l^arfrJL de-aiTrL- *yin- popctl.if Watkins Glen where iht Imlic el the Prcftirlrnt's career, was L*ivrn to
ceaseless canticle pennies hr gorge f if fa I fa 1 him by r'ahiTurt rsemtwrs m ihe fir^t nniit-
tt ii :l* ir mature h=nl carved the intriruic m- n Ms nmt inn T he M en-y
f itia tu;

i -.» , - r , .
, .

irrtor of a great Gotlm iTiEhnlfrit IS miles Rmmil Itowl dc|M r| irvj ii . mi i-niH'l fqfmer
lrmu in :l 4 iiiii rnnmitiiniide I | i.i_s--trd l^ri^tifrEiE Mrs- Harry S- Truman - Wfrl- and,
Huron 1? Ei nuiiiermcn mrnttm^i nnti ilijrkerJ hr dfre pd ft to Queen El&hbellfc IE.
hmd ddirimetir^ rnmins of waier. cmemne Hntriirth north from t csmbiu. I roomed n
itC Ll*-T nil :i MIU-HIL'rlSn! fadl!*' iMOrlrt'O^ o| region mi lowed wiiJi dp^jcol pluce lUim^,
EVeT tli urhpr thin (he c*ti 1 mne^ htiikinp in r tk ry honimrui and sprinkled l

With 11 Ii iHL'ii I I hk 1 itiiUi f tMik 11 brief rifle with spa-, uf hist uric Interest I>r Altsiiuiifar
on Sciwca Liik* 1
The Indians for ahum the Gtoimm Hrill's A rr in ] Ekperimeni \ssiK.utiun
- 11 , mini fx-HevttJ MiticttuP und drums Witt and flew pkmeer aircraft ar Hiunmondv
sih^kt* from, depths in sew) them to war rl oes Kcnbt LaJce**^ In gleon near Ithaca.
hear rhr death fhims siiiil m 3 Ripper. fnM HuUywiM ui.' actress I'mrl White
j -
— ivtsgnevrr natural &is Lv tycapirtc fruits rift:- braved all manner uf befure sfh'nbmmdr
in Ehe fnkt 1
btfl/’ c+i4neira§., CeldjL’atod siaih of he Fioecr l^ikcs i

l^nrther muXh Comft|p + li^tll^centilr'y ,\l indude Jphn n. Rockefeller .Iml Millard: Fill-
cniuft^TRi-n iw lln shnph imds nf riTHlknt^ j more, lath i'rrdrltnt ul XYw United MJiit-i

in |
M id in e uime mF lit world urn vr ta3. 1
1 ':
m At (/amuidaJ^mi I vfeffed Eh^ riiurlTocmi
I drnve tii Cbhifng w \Vurk-s nearly a + Sn Fruilllal 8h^|j{i^ ai tkr hiicrj LqlU*. !i>
'f-niurL ifter Wikitv Rtmiihinci movinl lti> IruivHl Wj kifr, Minn vit < 1 . h w ,1 i-j r- u-i^r
mu. ill lironklvn lTl-> f^rlurv tf> rominjr vlh M 10 . \^i

k:e M iippyiJL! dir I.

nkifimfl t jiSVm Uv F
lii^ie* Hfa KTEat-flr;snd^i.m? njieraie the viist S Ml
Uurtifi* 5.
.ilr -n uFSi \ \i >i m vpcrn M^/ini.
n l. l>?i ic;tkj ci u I'Cite rpr m- 1m lay. >! % |nl itm hr* I lo - 11
**Scr yraanclri Mii^na,
E 1
™ m;il ti ehcrwtliiiiiiiship iiiftrndut - - visitor?

Li TIk H!f«rH^iLrfii3L
Ji-jn L j^h

to l '<?mbtg GwS renter With a I

ttWiU dl^iiKk ftlArjLrryr, Aup'.i, LQSCi.
t f

+ CrtHiS-URflti ip < iurnmiL
Fa-aWntifi u Filqhnf
L-siiu; ^h«l LwfulsL-i Little
-G i-iJbiLirJt;.
In hW-
rtA jit Liinunz GEu^i WW^s
cvcite every pwt *if fjinusi
Sleubcn cT' by IsjjilL

Thi» iii-rion, knfivrn t

itufitr, jiin.JjL- 1 h l jy'tk uf h1 lirU

bubble formed, fm i lv bEi living

Iran. Since the c-DDiE

quickly, hf rrlir,.ifc> a irrqqeotb'
Jn (lif jtj.v b uxixLde Jncnnie (ft'fl

I-c-t . kiMiwn h- l he ti-^iiu a± i

Kiun holr Tint^rl Fvret *hirhl

inrutjyictHi Mi rya fttsttt M«p eU*w
nf \jv0d jP, hf-tH. Tin: gsri. >
'-" . cuatrssis ibr
finished H'w » vulL’-ll^fH-il

jjil riser, with Lb-e y.iiTri'V un-

daajuHl crystal

>J n Ilib e i*l Let t i u n Cunilnir

tru m i tl d th e <1 r-n w ini? n

( lfarrjtiJ urtisb l!G Steuben cLih.

Tti- Liill yuir fiisrniiik^ ii rie-

tlciL liy ll i --.t in \rnii. Hiker, an


£n±iUed '’tttcaif/ It

sbiiiYi 4 W'' ravin briifim." it

Ufl-iiuh -of th#ii[ih The vn^t: b

iLtmiretl by Munkn Holliman
iIjlu thief tu Llii Swedish Am
hn-«^iiAa t, Kt-ik LluLicmun. wiui’i

country i* mnwnni fur si a

Giber drbEtfm nte by tlur-
miMr Chil-LiihL.
.ill. I Cc V -Ll n^bi 1’

E A1 1 liiiml <Jn*i niMfcf f..irM|
huilKlrTMlIll I!-

+|I| , I p- 1 liINlIM! VV- <1I»H

1 .
j|mn#L1 M- l|i Va 1. 1 1 1 m i

l|.- >a||li " EL1

1 . m 1 , 1 1 f L -

fpQH 1 hi \ ( hii

where Susan B. Anihuiiy Fiu'rtJ Uie Vd-icE* ol her cuJleat!m>^ whn ^puul iiliifc
trial fur the [Til nr Ilf viitins :it j lima wko in Lfclrn'jsl kital darknesii — day after day,
ffqtnen \m\ Pin l^ten am rued suffrage, Shu San ir oll^r empfoyre? 10 tli^I itnnera^ spend
was fined $100 hut refused to pay a runt. tbesr WTirkr lays iuick)OT5 ^ria|ijiin^ pictures.
Op my W-ay to ^odwsrtier KjH-tl M j
- 1 «
Thf hundreds nf pruduets ih.ii ^Srtnitn frotti

Kvm&k to vi.sit rt-nmaiali isttibti himJ it cti K-h lak Pnirk, * .lmt-rii Uurk,, nn\] w*
med Eu^I'H* S. Runner, whd holds more optical pin nl in rzu^e hum ciLmrra.* Km heirtcr
patents on rust-s- 70 :u fount than
Iasi — my timt snnp .TUCK} pkture* a swrmid to sprtial
rthrr hr'irtt^lturoM in hErtnry (p a;ie oil i.* film that cgai record ^ ienlitk data -id viif f

thr atmnsphere or phntoGraph the rrnfh fmm

A SJliJ of 3S|M Rrwdiofchc^ nwkf'Es more thats h humrdred mili^ irft.

Fatp with Fins i hi tbe air. thon^ind- of Many id the laatfUil^ reminders uf Mr,
hlujtftinu s:ki/ed i hr L jkanrr park, Tim I'urden T'lfc^tman Lind bis • i] k n-h. Ended gpneroiEtj r

k the <hoHf witwluw Of Jac'ksun & Perkin?* f tub? tam Sink' b i.i si is to T lie tv a rr 1 m 1
pic 1 i

(\raipiiLiy . wgrld> hirgesl rose utte uf Hu" 1hr En^tmau Tbealer um\ School of Musn

L'i iwit-
1 hi ill nl an ii« i'I*
. « 1
!'.l i" | I -
and Eiiuseiim of iihnrn^rnphy a (ieor^e F-Asf-
1 !i

a nosegay, hpwevrf. enmpared la the .§,000^ nun I J 'ii- r.

000 I'cittiii tal cattliig3 sH ant esicb y*kst.

The city Heels she civic awatenes$ os"

Gent htvrtii nm lu the tjrucfibLitiscs, A \

Mr; Rj^mtau imd fdfo^ jihiLTnt.hitJpisfeL
no! ten liriLhli Jutted from his spot) diMpuckeL
* onservatite churcb-yoin^ mid mdtLstiruu-

Sii "shipped notv ftnil then to pick ;i seed- RocbusierEiu^ s^ppatt itowl imti-ic, j-md piu-
pocked apple

from n prumlsilty) rose Jut. Strums and -chimin

|i ukes five i* tfii years ti- iintk^ a
Sbuth of KiHihisrj.T the T3iruwtty span? ilir
rifpi hybrid hw?," Grnr -a hi, "Out uf J D.OCO jjeuef-n,- Riyer. It Flows Ibrnu^h the lu-nri uf

l'i 1 1 lir > 1 i" L et

l' Uf r ha pi th rtst n 15 c* w i)f
ill. iy 1 1
a ji I ra.-ant va 1 k> wi h hills
i un 1 u Lit n w. the1 1 1 *

df tiLirm;
Iwfbofi in a quilted onro-ro of m-h^ Nk .

How do you ^11 about naming a rose? luejidnwB and .^rainFi'eld^.

Gent- laughed, Well wt try’ t« express

echoes w-iiii ihr a
of foxhounds
is.:- | HL-m nullity and chntacltirfoii^ cough of 1ra£t«>m in this farming vaE ley, l
\ itisr hy :mv other name mnv smell dmve T fk'UviHSo before dawn one fntst)i'i

sweet. Li-ek r. It iron 1 ttn-rasatLIy ^!1 well ^ niornFnu In -et- opeoine meet of tike
Through hitter experience the company tuis Ck'nBCf \ alley Fttml -

*inc of the Eilde^t in

FeiuiuI tfau a mstr named fur n |*i ijitiriaji may the U tilled States- ,\ field of fs rldt-r^ in
follow him into obscurity. i t'riM^iTOri'rjf /h 1 ijc i

In Rcu bislrr [ Sturm dfscovered that the •

Patrol H
l*Ltik|k J-.iiricti Our
hy 6p)|k W<itld.
name of t n*oriLti I^Lsf man fe still hoard on -at! H Kiii'^h, ti 1 h ;bavi3 k MAriAiixrL Mjrdb
sides. People often speak nf him as if he
Sir ^EAiltnnn n-r ftorhiMiir F'hutoj^nfiliii E
ii -

wi'Te a!tve. ^ ily despite the city's I ri

| : 1 I
r h.v .VlLsn {' S-EhTH-r, Jr . S' vim 1
, m. Lo i«n?xpri 1

Latgu 't ele pnnltitlKjn nf ^defiUhc equipmen-l M.scAriM . Si’iiU'PoLmt, iTJX4,

and nu n'- 1 1 1 ;i 1 L
t y 1 listbinu. it s* a smil] black

box with a eye urn lut* carried Rorfi- mnuk i 3

ester s fame around the world.T * iiuni RnJar ITmiwtf in Fabric l^li^i ^
Tlii! FiiMmutr Knrlak roinprmy hft.^ sold UeteetJi BcoithL-en Ml^h
Jit] tnL] lima Lm* omeras ^inre IS-fiHu Its weekly Sun^ntml lit 1j tubs at t*|jl air |iftvujir. tflir

iTurlliction i4 1'
jirtpef Fur iihidi^tuploi prinls HiLatlr hj 1 ; saw nimlhtT |?roCrcljfli> ip> hcEiclir larnliT
tMltf uiSder tnt ai .S*. 1 .n nsr. Stfqlkp l\ 5 Air
WijnJd cover 3 sirlewalk srom RochiisCer t<a Fnrfi' :^ni'iT' •
«iu pj.irn jicrw MojiIi A-ntfricii"*
New Orleans, Fuidi year its sptxats wim\ li.e pi wt. vi'lLi-r-n Eliry whisiiinil ulnrb u|_i Lw s
HGO.QOD movie enmera slim eikn-iudi
inilirs nf rnilcv :ii bi|fcj.f F

10 Itm-ii 11 times .irbiiml the wdrkP The EHiner alike |lS-e! Emin Irkhtl fm a mulii-
rnilHjisL -v .r|i hram .it iba; r linn-. r antrorui rlril
\t the* trance lu kodak 'ark I wvs asked
-ti l
Which w* ’
1 1* I
i-i ‘ky iii rt-iils an invkihlr bCjr’rhli^hL
to jiivc up matches lu ml uce the fire hazard, 'Aim- iL'flrxIiil fmin .hirmtl p h hiL-k |
r d nt thur
1'hen entered n J70-jictp mumiFELciLsrinji aty
] mititaun., Hu bln teci! lLlw I'almi jiTmiBs thy fkintc'i

1b;it is i.!>rntiins|\ 3r^i . spa k 'il kill All mrlifcllfcL' inLe i I «'|-r t). ^
PhoEnaffi|Arr SSsmii >tand> hi ^i u M.aKul4 -.Irune
ikisl imr 03n? and .Frei'klr him -stir 5 iuw, it

A preuy girl look my hand mid led nt'.

Willi U I L-. ".Lihi. , j l J 11iii> 1|' t . I'nl tulnr TV Ik-JIIE- ftrl

pulse |i fwwrrrul eibnu^h uj h b

L them ugl^w.
inlii a dark room I saw rsu one IjiiI heard buiitiLl Mi-- l li'Bmil tlfcaiij ili illt
1 ,

Vf wilt- 1 BmEhtifM E :lp - +

ul le si In H \ bri lJ f/i*
RiisUh Like

I h-r ETHtfV f*'ia3rd liarr ap

[Kifi -j-n iHrfcliL irulru, JtvacH!^
iLHil fflXtElfv CiTr^fc IH'flvii
Sappho braLOWL'd It?
title* yu.Ctfl of fiaWiTfc*
FlEd!^ ! ,5tW yean ilec^ Jilted.
fcnii ilii'f! i' nun I hi* mu* tt h
Now VurL'ii i'i HTic'Erti ihiwvr.
lj 1 J'a 1
r r i.iyj." kv*
nmU IffUdb otwin* To un-s!

devclttf) a h yb rid. gwdorier*

I in ids E:«n IIl t: Itdtij Eli- Liuran
of f>cir blinswm uotu iJjc putib
ti f aiiiUbw
fc: LlJiiJn ? !lii£-rm.r l-, dfmrtur
p1 re fn.-arch for Jacktari A |Vr
^ in CorttfiNivy in Rrri'jirke Kcvl

V«t t k , makt l s h L-Fusa ink ne

errciasei to |ituddttf GSw
worthy ul d puac. HH | f>I>clr-rt

t im- poIlcD; pui> ThjJc!

eu?W ffnjUmfit

4~l i'iNJffl M^trrpiSc^, nne at

Mr. Bim c}ut'i !
i feJutfiMa, b iIil
larral ytUufr i-'T*! Eb p?Uk
nUrttli 5 6T> lo Tfedl
(fatt-rf hn* fh- -nn ( iurtH:jih| n

+ 1
lira! ted ' r i r Ui n imntbi-r
H* inner dtlstni yiciE-riLE,. hr An
*ll lj5i/-«im- nn a ditqlc at^m \
: l- I .i ff|_v bcw ftnim. iltr flMri-
I i

tmmb rij.ui k sriinuiff •fl'icb fmp

‘-i tji- : -hr.lili

. . fi 1 iiinnr. -Hi i nr i
^ Id S^eik^j lic-mjitiki tiMf
1 i

' n a

n -
"t P“*

Hull ul'n"'* \iiiJji Avcmi» Itjdsjfi: Like Sjuifcc* fn nu Tj> Hub. Nid^Em Square
Smiki l oLrf’niK kill rr^iuci rtir tmnn rrehicSrnl Mtllnrri T llhnnii- Marbli! dIpl'Ii-L fiiipnr* Prt-Jfiml
i. [! i : lr 1 It Jam ttu.i >lj(it1 trt Uh huThi while ihv Iri i i I _’. 1
rOI Hit SiJidG£»iUr, TliU<J-
* lifiivi C‘ |rvd jxiii, imrtliFF Pn -hiiml. a* rftim.f in
- 1« ff i i-l i-m.i- s ir M.iili r,i
1 1 1
ti? lUitfitSu - -i-rvi -J |«j?| i.
pj ] JJ,
Jimnirli l* 4'iiiJa |t \hI* • >-1 cj—irniilii' !*"

\l^ \ iirk StiiEr HJiiMdrn^ nnJ the Sv\ dn-vlnrv I . S. l i-uurt jlrtiiihe M-nriler llu

Ji»uph Kllic-Diir m lit? • jjcfdfpwd Bwfialu unit rh:j ,%aiian;il lapital I jki* WtubinKicn h ihi cnwn $.

wi nhl-fc in Ihr ttiH "i IM2 Kft&g irmn **n. it fora*# l Irult jiftlflt betWJ^n OttM l.iLm unci
iiaEut ut IJtwfty lilt? hn itfreh ulnji E.i^Tty IfunL. UL-bLftRinl Mftifgf Utt Jr/i is L hr llkr I rvr Hirilitiiiu
“ 'mmt
| iJ
I n : 1 1

Nutt York Spate s New Main Str^t

oltmial emd btiFr ^aih«s!cJ Iej .annuid Iitue drlirLirril at Batuvta, ti ppimIlhilt id a^ricuh

tradlltun mu tbc «vd lawn of .1 rnmblmi: maiioi I lira 1 mjit tiin ury. In vbit tJw HanSir v F^ ndr.n"

I Li iitMTi

The niFnir^lfJLtl/' and Stork Farm^,

3 visited i hi? nneestral nmnsfon its a cut*! and frr^t in c orirncrcr
\ltbuLis>h 2 l
* th in
of Wniinrsi P V Lidswurlh win cm- £> refill hi t- and Miatiy New \ rk iLimb hi~h rirnriEa r.

Ul 1|nri ' q ieo thp kind

\ '! tift
SnlKja Indians farming States, Farmfr.^ till mnrr Ilian half
af j
T ijh Revolutionary Wiif, f pftjised a nf k- 4? ,944 wjtiiiu- uilk - u( land, llwlr uyt-
r refill niujil hi line biith-pnst cherry bed uf put ranks the State firs! in onrujis kmut
(i=en. Will mm Wntswurtli, bom m the War tabl'ia.^e,and Com mi grapes: seem Ld in milk, I

mi 18J|. Si #
sl murniiiLi, while dressing. I applet, and mnpli- >!mp: fourth in vqtetabk^.
saw ,1 fMfctp rW *nd fiiwiw bf inking on > iwothfufc Sievl Bjawky ^vun^ tN-wti fn*m

f hi 1 Hopuiitfead Liwn, hiy Hr <juldcly cotivincrd mr tluii

j wei the vaQq ttw trn?cn Gcnnsre l-: life in 1 a modern Xew York Jiirm is complex.
irv-K sciitpturm^ fmtge fcflflP #3
11 ititpeotijte Sti.'vj- ARirJ 1 >i^ hroiiii-r W'artrJi S|iroali. :e in r

(Tit! "Grand C .my nr of the Eest" (pa^e ftt)4L breedine petiL^rerid hf:n-> I1 s --i coni^li-

The river .ilircidy lm> bumjwed marly 400 Gated. Stevt 4aitlx "thai take ih# retiiriH to
' a

fixt into layer* of studs' ;uid sanfktOnr, BpttF rorflell "nivemlty and Fs-fvr them teaos'ferr^l

tim a 17-niili' fissure a* sinuous ^ml scaly a? to .H .M. punch cards. Othenrist, the Hr
I 1

I il mu^fcLit'.r. tail, would br dertd kriVfft T figiuflil imt what tn

rFn with thenii"
\ jlLiiiciEi-ri tu 0 Nntitm 1 c s ft fi MU' wav from B&traia rp Stevi-^

With a State official 1 Vl#ed this gorge in llIiull rrmltjr nl Etharji fpai?F 1 1ft si Stevr
Letch worth Stile Pork ;tml uImi mark- 1 pfl- iJm. .i.‘: lift ml tic i
ii - i" the SOUtbM tip

iptfmtge En the -.bdur of Miiry Ji mi tarn. a of *5 jyn ®2 Lake in l3ic family -s lisht plnUi

white _ i ' I kidnaped .

1 1 c s‘.i rerl by bn'i MI-
IShM.iEsk First art Flour
Twice miiTrii" 1
1 tn ^’iirriots, she iSfirirlpfl a gen -

tle a lift restniimnp power among the red mm- Thr Thrmvaj risns bead^cm tsiN> tiie inu5ti

Xenr thr statue stand w ScueCa rfundl mnniirtL! subiatbs of HufTitio. \ ^]iiir will sjk-ii]

holme md 1 l'ii! i ;kliiti ijuit Mary 1

bfitsrli built traffic thfon^li Lhe fyn^le of IndmstrEal i.ikuits

in si Fertile valley now part of the pink. Within lu the Stiiie'i- most awtHrt^|ikitLi! show plact,
1 long-house walls di’scendimts of Mary, of
Siagava Fnfb +
she Mohawk warrior Joseph Brunt, nf Com- Radar mt-chnnfral lirfiiu-u ttiiin-marle iiia-

planter. Red jacket and other Froqpiitfe rm- ntiMirJ- lltlfI the nther wonders +if die rhm-
i-i I lies kuitllftl I
beii last CMtmril Fire in t S7 J way L-nrriflor were dr Even from my tlii luuh'b-

(3ur failier* hived iheit nation amF wire rtfi E Ert.'hrld the speclade of million nat-

proud of Tls renown.' linmrt gwaifetin told ions xi frothy water thimderin^ each
l "But Fw>th have pg^sed
hr U-:t conclave mintite initp tporge (pageGlflL
away forever. Follow ihr <uu tn its rourse bnruE.i routd rmt helj> bin In' lftL and r
it is

fmtn the TTudHUi in NbKaitt, and you will deVEliVpin^ Jiew brawn tpiire 6tJ)~ SeCOfld
Mar |iidrfa££5 as thick af leaves in the wrjorL City of New York ~ s
mu-i 'ihu' i: is n 1

Imt only Fi<*rr and there a Military Irnriuoi.v" on 1 j|kr Fne 1 raddle? the axis oi hmhw^y=
Nem e he end ->l my Hina way journey E rail roads, ^bippin;

bin,- dr \tum\. .irfd : h-r

Feu h bo 11 Erie LatuiJ Neurly half of dll Cnflid

State?! reddentH ;t furl ftnmc 40 ptacml uf Can-
eve within 500 males.
kodacofrir PrittiN Dry on a tlcaEcd Umm nd.r.s |
h 1
ibCLitiun I

iti kMiliak Ihirki Roch^ittr liufTuJo mil!^ rmnr whein Iton ;lhj her * i 1

pn cb list icO. Lki^r^p I", S CLty. Bethlehem Sled s T_jckft4iAnna

Vi n 1
- •
list' UbuPjsJ -U>

Ei^tman Icild hit ndimmra When, tlwr Sl^L S^hiL pUinf Is nnr \ataon's Iwr^t^t |t0l milk. nl ib# j

lurs. fjm¥TS ?i I'ni un til* miukL'L Id t-lSJl Ekcli yvLir Hutf.ilo fnctmie^ dt^^or^e a bOhnu
EiBHl* w«rliill!l ir>vvaift| hi- ib;<
h'aiHiiiia (j ;irr- 1
il.ill.irs r ih of pbnds ninpirm frum jsin Lnm
whirl! tlltui|i?ar^ o.n prw.™ eofee FiIiil a* quiclik find 1

puod jeakehoxes to hand Mill'd fumitnrr repr*i.

i 1 01 iL>~ ift thi^ rniw di ,i
s f
iflp hbtk and whlk-
ftf^rny fjetum, •.ubfntllciJ L« .1 '„u-.i mri aiv Mel I I Lii~t m ntH fur Colonial \VilUam£ihuf£ Virginia
1 -lii'ii m f ri i'i iii nlr is- n nnl-lltir rhffk -«n qM^illv Th^'v Bell .\inrrift t ’nrprjmthm iitvflnl pboti^
1I1. lv ftifcfti jn ckHTtfOUiiL jirtE H HuHei VV NiPme*
mpSirt ftjid frit- tu u.Ltih a rocket t*>t
ii-N\T.nd nfirfattif,. hrrr twu wflnUim ni n mil whtiVi^

FPOteCtCld FjV bulMtpriWf rmif I I i 1 1


» Vi 1 iii . "ui i I.
ini 1

timW-ri W ^i;i| ifcnihhi UdijLlfL ijw m piiiliii -luff plate wt- Li n:-i I m a shed hard by mi open
ni i-j-icij

Fli-i-ii JELiihrs *viili J^DUOjMO Ccmdlvp^vDr Turn NEglu lo Omm di Niu^ani FtiJls

i uirL.ijn 1
utl W-iiiet tttlr llm-uhiiml li:tl vvlck-, ^.i 2jni, ttktr nhutv.]rcr ijtifr 1 kr (if

Arntrimri F=jJJ* In 1W4. • ca*L--m .-LniiijurJl Itihs 111 fni’fc fpm jl« -ihi'mldira <lsiU. Ufffi LiJahlI lrizt\ T

M-|iii-ut.i i tht Aun\-ii:iin Pfrtfe ip»m Uv uitli mil < »fiF* rapulh raBd^r Canadian iuM'in, Hij|-ws»fcw Fifth
J'lj+mi Y IM»rr I IS till ii ;mii|nr Suit

Skyscraper* Puncr over n Citj fhiiFl by f TiMityTTKi^ncrR' UnN&ra and Wmrr's W-irk
03tiiLi: Hun. 1 fi r i[Fht man
VFiuk -\lir-i N~qm 1 -i n. ular v&jtflr in IH-Ui-
:i \i iffm* is Itnlltv -l ri J IifeIi ldd.iv re=-

ten- thn^Matni yi ir j^u.

^ Tkb buutiiiiul pb'wilt iniil# N&uiltj Fall*, Hrafc Veil, nn tflcclriK.hLiim.-LL uj.Im
The m itmy 1‘nLtcd Oftio Rmlthmr iJ'a.iH- «r- invishi..,^ |-u| iLql-- rlh tnudiltiif Ifntrl Nt-immi (ridil i
11 1 1 .

m “ H! Ill "HI *! 41- : I I ri fill I

- iff

A Itadnr t !;ir t.+look* i in the Tliniirn) near Bdia^Ib

rttnrtnittfir-rprnm mminlril »>n till rudrihi uf» (funk Ik^uo a c^mtJFir trclrrnwsvr 4 L vi-hlik ^

\ t

n^fH mi. hlritf f in hr t-iii; h mliici’l hiWi^ 'A’llh In rlWiftrv llir *itfNJlf iK|UMfl» bfcwki v hiiiiiiiyr wivf
1 I

bn^tb in prot«?r dim in hi |:hl'iI uJ ihr l.ii li 1 Thrc rnrhii lt the liniibbOMjd n>. Ii> ate* mili'> lh| hfllir S

cpttcrHr- celt where a rocket ay 1 lucfefctl in a for Irinka H nmtrrcil in me l but. the Thru-
cradle The limil^uMker Into owl ‘
There will wn v H u vtjperb rmxlrm ruunteffiiirl of the
he a ie§t la Cell &Pi)| immediately-"’ A Apfiiim Way It look oft years —10 times as
siren bc&ni to wail lone lu complete ihnl food from
\ rlqifemn^ blast crugultat uur !ml. and a Kmnr to the her! or the J La him In >• it just a^
l nr: ii r I
«f iT.mir >prihni fmm ibe I
l - 1 veil. a.ijuiv. riimhlmu ovirr je.^ lava pavement l?Ui-
\ dlnw, riiitmnnd ^hnifH’d -ihork wttvrft ]
mh^d tnittei) Mu' fwwef oi ills* K , Kmplrr foe
iu the r octet s f’lcbau-n:. the v iridic inclisrn.trr.ii centuries. the Tbraway .nl ds to khi‘ u^ili h
of -ni^rHmic Flmv T» i.uw |>ri ei moment we ;tivF Wt'iFbdiijJ nf the Kntpife Statf —and the
stood nit the threshold rrf the unknown tuf Nntifm as a whole
mriunllii^ L: rimvludjp? from mvh tests is lend- At mldniehl iod atmbi m 4:i€ .-ljil. ihr
inn mankind Marti adverting-- in ypnuL" tfiu kt:r .Hid stopped at Thiifway reslsitiratiS

XtAl flay Bob and put on safety ^cln>5e- i to ilrink nutp:- nl 1 'In'r.

to lnLit an uuloMallwcf factory tlini the Ford SuF^rn toltyutes locnnud abend of us

.Motor C ompany proudly Otlb he world aE 1:}Q am rime from UuEtab was
i t Fur

1 1
-l niMili-m -1,i rii| riiiL! pLu.l Medium- il four boprs better than we ermirl have made on
^aF^jiiinas i
nl . Im Ji'hni! Mack 5 id Mttomuhlle i he old riivi SirtW rfvub

pru l ' deist sard lu be speeded by [nxk iiui Good ^hkiri the epII crilfcctnr. He
train to Ford's assembly pbm near iauflern Pink iJifj trucker's Eickct .uni .i S20 bdl, re-
Xolurtiy ippr relates iheTtiruwaiy more than I uracd 45 cents in cluna^
the truckers. a barfly hmd nf men rnnink- k
You know n / ifu- tritckcr -Jisdi.

ft'li! of yeh-terytur s l itnaller? f r.u U •

eo-.t I hr driver of \ car liehinrl tojijied In-. Junttb,

wiih Miif iin a htnte llTictorih .lMi't n m L . ;ut y- TbtiUfth (In d.iy m* ymmu k rafhe um- m'E-
im: ^8-000 pound- ni LricliloretiH letie. u tittu heavy un K# Vtitk Sintes new main
fuii from a Nuii^im FfiH* Hjfttio*
chepiEcqt, street*
chevrucjbl plant in a (pnsumee in New Jersey. * Spr_ iia thn Ntriiiik il Eli 'HUAPtLu n.wvr M
The driver culled hsi tractor Old .G$rt ,t ‘

SiiirLlnm, 1 •4- rn E'^rih ftcw^nli,

U lli«uy
H 1 M Ti -V 1
1 I
'j’i'i iLful “Al UdOfi ^I'lJlfciHii iiii Ei|i
A? we fi 1 rf 1
1 tliinu^h i aviirkv rainy
Jlirestuihl i'l Sjnefe I'
. ^Ikn C. Fiitiefj Jr„ A u inorE
ni^lu at a steady >0 mlk-s an hour the limit
A ; I . P 1 r

The Nation's Newest Old Masters i>]«j

\V;ishi neon's Nuimnml t.inllery of An Celebrates t is 15th II ir tin! ay

with an Exhibit of 121 Masterpiece* fmm Mil* Kress C<llcctmn

lh Jons Walkp-k
Dirti Lor. National (btllnry of Act Smaili-rjni.iri InrlEiuthm

W HhlX Andrew
Mellon gave his
mllrcriion nf mastfipiera? in the \\>
linn Ami provided the in nth tn build
a National Gallery nf %n in Washtnyhirb
Li. in- envisioned nn art museum
t. , :ulul
\\. A
ytnj ttpptars
sin Doge
rtinilwfr of
of i Charles

Grit ti

kuss Oil fn>
m li tit i ucs in

were owned by i-rnrniucm men The

of England, for ex-ample
Til mil. purdm-eil

the pQftrrdt of
ti non* hi tin- world, nu which would rank
i > ibc famous C-JEeruin Collection in VIr Fitiu (page
wills ilie fiun f.i i L5 pmlltfies in Parts. Londi® W9) h The nvyril rjiulacue listed ft:
Berlin b 1- 1 reni e and Maijrid I Juke Grettii-. of Ve:iwe. wii k hfft riidd
I ha Sn nirtfty a skeptic \h\s -wented hkhfj Mu i
J holding hi- toLhw. Bought hy ihe Kint
unlike B ,
;ii in iSu- foreseeable: fuTure- h.df hgnre v* Uin ll> life, in a bkiek w^K].<m
Pftlntfflgs of the highest quality b\ I hr ' gihled frame."'
masters were liard tu get. and becoming TS-rhiips T hades savv in the stern, irnpb.-
Kinder; cun many wen- already y.wrntiiitenih rnble Face of tfcie VeneLkn ihii-xe Irait^ nl \ h\\r

anchored in m lltcijom from which no amount iiL-ier lie Mmhdf tacked* Titian hus dowered
of im?ne\ Ctuild pry them locne. wiih a urim and ruth]t!« |wcfioi«illty

And yet. In ]? years, Mr. M*Uonb drtam and made him a syciihnl nl thr [Miwcr ni 3n 1

Ms l.n cti K&tttedi Ch i

the jjflst tmd «a Ilex a t bat imil ur he pu t n na^e ^s St. A l ark i * r

n half tin* jgal Iv lv hus received a series of ttul!j- CAU-ed Yeaiire be hontut d uml Tenrm n\my, m
rtlScthii Mans nf tin- -i* ihi- trade routo of Elie world fur Hifyenil cm-
I wen described in previmi> N AirriNAi Gl-o- t u rie-5
OBrtPHlC iLrtLLh-y Tlw hand with which iFss ijn^e bi -

ilowinc c,vpe may be ba>o> I u[H-ia, ihv hamf nf

Ih-auty (ffPiti i Ghtiitti Smra BVirlunu Mqscp in the famous fgtftm by Micbelan^elo
This year, to celebrate she 1 5E n anniversary in Venetian icnlpuif Jacopo San-
Ri.^nu-. A
m ibr opening of the gallery, the Samuel H. SO Vito, b hr he veil In have lirim^Kl 4 uul of

knv* 1- tutllIij 1 i i u n monied an inhibition rrf

Ibis baud tei Venice, where Titian probably

lil muMejv since* of painting and sculp hue studied its aiULHSJve pinyt-r to help h m entile i

acquired during the post five yrafa On the an irniiac id i.mi;nmj>r»)iriis^nK mait^t}’ the
fcJlowtijp i
agei, 22 qi the ntW u
old mooters ardict_vj>c of -in ini peri nu> ruler,

fniTTi itiL* Kfra? vdNTluii art rrpror lured in >

Pori iu it Sug#$i>i¥ nm Hlcit f^uri

i.dnt* Siune have been })re.>eiitfd In ihe gal-
lery £la stifle other-i lire still on loan. TJu spirit nf imturnpruml^t^ masfstyi hut

It is fasdtiatiijrJ to Think that i vast chain nbt Its power, characterized lu uiurc of 1

of stores, built Eu sell prjictkul LhitiCi —spoons. Charles 1 . Amonc l he ticw Kress acqu^i lions
>be|f paper, thread - o£ low prices has been 3 ' a fKirtrall of Charles^ wife Quaen Henri-
the source of gifts of l™uty which ran never i-ri.i Marfa h\ ^\r Anthony \':m Dyck (page
he valut-d at any price o5eVL The suave d^gfttjnfee nf ihi*. rartvas Eh'-
Rut ihs- - 1 Coltettlcm GWte its anr L^itE lu ! i‘- 1 hr dlffcit^fKr between the v^jypor ©f the

something beyond muaiey; A convict ion in Lht \ ciLct: ii Republic un-!t r her ureat ilw'j.m and

minute of two hanjheadtd nf affair, mm thr rfetriitT- ppphtg thr strength nf il-c I j
Stffnucl H. Kr*'rs ami Ru^h H, Rre>s that f
li.-h immarciEj' \hznv cenlnrls ago,
works ni hi enrich and give meaning to Sla ruling l.ic-Edr the i|ueen i- her dwarf
human Eifc. Jeffery Hudson. He was otte of the lirsvest
It is Lhis conviction* shared l>jr such tnne-
* Sff-n, in on \u 1 -v.u Gei 4; h av \f \--
fackir s :s s AEr M r Hun j isqj h E \\ Edener "Vpilu N .LU .jjiL 1 UaLltin- \ir Ann lp
iu V-eorv jun-
in -
rui L i
t Lessing J
r , Hosmwak and many I «
aar 1
,- 1D5J,
-1 nii “Amifrlian oi The Nailinnal
Cijilrj^ ^piemher, |Mlt E?ntJi lu Jiihn WalkeM
fiLliers, Eli ni ha- mm Jr p^.-iiFiFr 1 1n- growth .md "'CiJtl Maaten in u S*'iv Nmluiaat LuiJJerx' " Li;- r

i the Nattunal Gallery of An. &mh q jub vua ,

IrfEOftO * Tin* Cunwnntti nj S«z|n| PpW (Arb r
J; 5«ti)

VS'illi I In* |iir!.iih hi I . .1 1 l . ill" >Uf|i™t Gl'irf-tFAl'ilK

K'-'JjVE iiHr^lur,. JJ I
liH II I III IM (timn |ln Krr« 1
i-IU flMfc

iltf^stll-prd I |i| < l.i'iir id tfrLfttW|r (hr lTIlh etiraJ-iretulfi mE ike iVunUn tmj (jsttftlT *1 Airl ril lEir SrnrtlifLtnhHi liulLlijriuei, W ilJiiiii, 1 I

l J

'l l hi ii h| iti.^Iiti riili-fli Irianri I In- |

. iri I . I'VlMRi aw |
- md rurr jnut I lit huiL uTl iwi-nlly ftrcpilrmJ k> '

El kttM j^nwkiLiliiiii iiHibl ii| u k|ir|« ui,ll rmiylik |ir'miiiJifiLllir Lis l*J ir* piillrtir.

t^EBTTll lln-ni Till ri * 11 i|l III ^llll|l l

iUjl OR !
ill till' ll'BJ IIHtll lllln nil ll|| pHillUkrie^ *’VVT I ll» <L- L lllliil Si'll- =
1 J

^21 S-tfinnil fllllKt * Vii *Kpi'm lluri- M»l

( larfm J'/iiPiNn' nxirf Mtfii i‘l*e t ri Tetmr Rnftim Vci™ of flir fc
J r urrf

TimIihi'IIiVi ihnnUi: Mucin, (illriJ wJlPi viniriifc hikI *M(|-j>ha |)Pfi*'nHlfll!l, iWKp^ iirjfcdin # 1
thr h»E llir rirfk#l m luftiiM
|J<r UL>.h<.l litrilu lluuL-jlhkl'lKui E|| lliv hltlllJrf aj\ |m|SI,fhl l»
lii’lr III, f||wjftfpp ttdP" lllft lbfcmj 4 |l« L'P |I»| UUMHll. HftliPft iSur J jdll

~SmJ. S ii 1 1 lb 1 1 >, |m r ii ^ lire *\ I ! m i ii- '

V -|
nr ii u&U mil r illMii in. 1- inli rr-| |> i-
THii-i^lif In 1 1 «* v • tlu-i- rijjpLl IchiI

i -Miiu - |li ii h' 1 -' kLi 1

• I [t- 1 IiiiJJI- Ie'Lu I ..
ir..i 1 1
jM | . 4J!hlhll.|l >>-hJ .

txujplur" mAn im> ipimlinn nl murtrtfwliyitilf SmJ$ H i h* jfiOTJkt'Vf'd S« |

P,t|(i imiii iih ilini|< fidl tkin €lmiiuuia
I 1 , I — r,

] Ijo N .it [i 1 11.11,1 ( ji!u^r^.)!l i k r


mm ul the royal hoLi-.r|iolk.L \ n-ultrd b) a M U'i't wide, b dial fint nil the air
cimirlJer, hi" insisted l m a duel. Whun Sits I inj nt tn ! mi iviie piece id l’ novas Probably
iippiNORii ^ijvtatrrd wills .s iny pi^nl, Use the sill i ts. buiy with ihrir dvk: dimes. could
dwarf termed hi- mocking lzusture into a r mt\ spare die time tu » s^e m l hr master's
gr$m Jobir by *«hnofcitig him through thr lunuti -tudio \ur aiHtld TmloreiJii Lastly carry
Uni. !- ilttvwimn to f^^rn wji- Ifiinriid-
-ii ->si 5ULh il Um I.LO V. L‘- 1 1 •
l±W\T J

ary. ilLdr first meeting was

I ill i Jill orhL ci

\\ a dinner srfvt'n h y rhe iJukir of Ulu. Is-

\n E nuHU.-il Me thud iff 1
L|.iiii jt< jJ

ir^ hflfn hr tvi-Ls brought t<i the tiihtr in :l jiiL*. His. i-oluliim w:vs tu |i:llsj 1 several heads*
Vfenktr had il- frivolous t .sf 1 he two young Turn on the riuhl, the ilnge*
sidr. Iiiij, hut Lhl.s LS tmt a[’F| Kil-phl LI I 1'inlN- wife,,and the rider ly noblfettiari binding *m -i

rettojTjs group pt+nmit df Uie Mcieimiisos, n lhe left cm separate snlall canvases. Then
smvc ^eue iii tmilV solidarity ( [m£«? fkJ.2 ) r hr reiki! on due tu keep ttir fitfully together.
A strange failure -if thi^ paint ini;. almost Mie ftodhs were pninled in Inter.
I'rrtiif]!’. this |irocednre
\ Koj- l
imN 'I Urml^b I'iiiiTsrnl U NViimlF Oman Brrcuiitb hfts •
*ie i Sri buted hi ihr
Till- arl rfertHtive limU X tu> bU mmi pnlrnJ weajNav ll rcsials liiflijj-is sen* uf iwibjlLuo wv tv* ! 1

j||pratiuns, o it rim mi ins;., und iniiivhtuul FmiKhq.truitci- kml may Imi-d hi 1 in sill Ihe fL^ arts. Each
nlyqlUteatkin id Uw irtitf, Hiotn hi tottti&ng** "piwitlHMhn in lln 1

perw I* wrayfped in bis

yj nl ipEi UiNiii, hnurtp (if liar (U^fi gaili ^hi>|V .whilrr Shall tti|k«| of
so m be r
i 1 I 111 Itfll
ho a gh i ^
| 1

owts t
othi?9 |
r- Thi": ,lu r- kSifLill
|i. iinJL-i| nidi a ti LfiM i i l jjncenLfalhiii
nf while = impfTvi-iiQB In X rays for Ihi* and HilbiT reifscrai, khih; The nil]) IM £r of Ilium i

IivUtVc thui ttlrue tNH-ik rtvir tk i*^rP- mi nirntkf hanil 1

p^i ir- 1 J j|.ip';irr m the ymiiLU
^ j- • 4 I I Lfe : . - ® ,
. 41 :
pdrtmytKl as- rather dc-
anael.^. onti pLiy-
Inp a viul the other it lute
The -arne ->t m? of :lu.*i-

tcre ib^i ipCmr i- uinveyed

in n ^ "i rjtld TothlU \MT-
[niL t.h^t of VmcJttiJs 1

t apeM^ Adniirjil of Veil-

ha- ip net M.^S 1
i. Ttir light
reilecteii fmitt hb; -tetd
with a
ton .--Eplijte nl] it f i :-

cln^iine l-ti IT^nce; his

hatun b^t ukens his high
MtV;e. Ukr tJlhrMn hr
hi.^ptis hf hov have done
lilt* >LHi? VMIVF. ^Tvkr
and thv.y feotswt/ 1

Thirm here, as m hi>

port nf f«ritr] ha;-

(p¥it) htH .sitter Lkii rn-

Lii epoipii t nl j Hfiwnti li ty
which s? Li hallmark n£
great RcniLis^n^ iforirdi
Httt\ ITS Ll I h r 1
1 If I
onc fc'pl
uf f>r >nrt«r- rlr-

pehds u|jKm thL- attifds

wliu port ray nl tbiem!
tu uLred to ^ipaleoAt

1 ‘ i i v i
i-i r
ii l I L' !
pej lev \\'%re iRsi^nifiai n \
Vel in- sine who [.saint 1
1 1

the rj!i[mttar was aids* tu

jdw biiia an .Sf^amiicp of
< t )

H MEMJ'Tfrfr JUJf f/iTTii'Ji

1 fi#> Fn t/iF Tflinpt 4 1 utr 2: 22-2-1
K> r«i irk 1
>1 v prr- «"n> it I fiJlnf Inc* hlnl p.'invl Irofli ft fnwtuMr rill irpiiv-- p'lrpff-n n >lh thf jisni nJnii »ftf ni !

«li 'hi-Jii^mI in | '

i I
|ii.l 1 h i|
in M^rn-hnil vim Ihhti In ii nimtir^'il indlinifiil, Simri'ii. ii iiirjr ml Jitiiii ilnm,
1. Ih.- 1 1 1 IP !.. ill ¥ ,k lUh I roisi NIiLTLI lilPl'SrL -I I n r FI i ' a Inn i mtJ M i L AiIjih hire plfei Ell'll r* Nirl Hill ill) Li Ii nl 1 1 . il IH |!"k liiii llijir

lhr«3i ( I If-n i%fr ^rtt Ilk.- tnmr in inrUrailti *ian iUt vv i vl« r. ^EiinFing Ii in 1 1 -
I 1

(*I 4 The National tieoyrajilue

i u l'i iriiy, uf human grajLiJL'ur, Perhaps Xu- i'Ii'vjiiJhii. of tht 1

[lu.4 they kiww that at
I* 'Iron lived hm tile- The available urtftvte momunt all would I Am their heai.U in rever-
iv < rr niGipiaiilt! uf t real in i; an imirpe com men- fill i'. LftTtixiEQ I
If Medkd was wuunded in
surati 1
with his men as:Jcicques^uiiis
h eve
tlje nmk and escuE^d. bul < on liana died at the
David tried, bu? has managed msirdy iu -n|i- hull uf the ;di:ir (pnji-r i.

ply m mass uf rjthrninl trappings i page M" \\ liethei boltircHi pafo l ed his friend post-
fhfffltijirniirv uniform wmiifor* details |*rr- hnmun.^iy it shnrlty 1
treftirir ihe imirdef i- die
linent in the. itatti-iir* mu! the jjpii»djrf& of puted. N i tT Vito '•• r \n^ stiri' ^1 thir meaning
hLk Luei hi liii|iirrirtl liiianL He wears EliL of the lurtfodow iJi-rchiiig ul ,l dnlll branch
ilisten j,* ui the Lesion of Honor, which hr sci ihe window Mill Tlw svmbultsm iLsdf U mm

rrrftti'il. Beneath the table :i copy uf Elu- effar: The widinved turtledove remiiuis fiich
Lareh> Live? The manuscript of Ihe t'c*rle faJ irp Its ttuilr iind will alight only mi ;i

Napoleon i4 on In di^h, Thr pen and scat- i bEiiibCrd tree But rforv thi?i ^yrnl^ iTfsm .gi-

tered pn[>ers the candies burning to their f

ply to CituBttniJ * ptfs^innatr tlevrpiion tn
^n ketv mill the thick pidtitiik" t" a, f^tuirter

Simonetia \ espuucL ptsssttilj the niutld for

past four; el IS indicate s hnT the einfHrror lias the i:e3i t r;
hg re n But T u cili s B rth u l I 1 i '
i t

just troklhil a Jiiii 1 1 night's. wnrk_ Venus," who bad died two years curlier? Or
Just .1 - the [Hirtmll uf tjrliii pmlaliH Ui-li Lv it a symbol of Lwtniw? cLvisflijs [nijum-

rt ^ipeclftl for Charles I. su th L ing bw lii^- brothel?

IKsrl rail miiiterpkcc of fioliiL
of NjiijuIviiiu il

cal pmp.'LjpiitLt. must have had its nwn QouliV Beutiiifiir] STy^tcry Wntiuftri

iTtpf to another UriUm hr Mrkr af Humitl-ph. t I

All Elm pjOrtralU me oticwd so fjir lmo be
This ecifentrit [k-st believed himself tn la? the dt'tVcutely idervtifieil, InH this. Is rail Inie of
rightful heir to tltr thpeft of SfcHhnd. He nnc r if \hc Kttateit Works id French nrt to
wished to have in hts tiou-^ full length por- l’ottu 1
to Amen'ca. exit of Ids iraister- In tile i

traits imd though

uf the rulers of Kurujie, jhref, mt of twu painting- -iinud by Francois
Napoleon hnd hern fur years (he archenemy f
EuLiek Wt? til ii rely only un traditlofi- Fur tin
of his Qimtiy, thr duke hud un hesitation In
su^calfon iJtrit. ii reprcseciTs Diane de l\\i-
e^mmtsflfordng Ostvhl i*> paint ihe «etpeforT iirrs, one uf the most remarkable women :n
The portrait is tinted [R12, thi- year the Im- French hfatury (page o41).
|m rial artmts were
d tiring ihu rHroni frttronft M
itficil eli 15, Diane hner \ti" ante- ihe rnf^
from M I. ow but it h hrtleved ru Stave been
treai of Henry 31 20 >c.nrs her janior.
ontimri! in IftJO, when English ir^jpy were Every mormniz she ruse itt sF; and rodt
light mg Xaj ih m in E'mrtygiil., ii -

hi Tsel uiek t'«r two '*r three hours Slii never 1 r

U”E cu^mHies, yet according in ihv Vend Inti

' I

nr Ira its Sptuk LiueIlt tbfUt WTriH
ami^issadoF, she ioobctl at lensl 15 b» 2Q
In lonkutg sit Uiesse uritxi t portrait* one h > e r* y i.i i [ n i_:rr t hn r <he was. Arunher jt tun i i t

reminded of something Robert Louis Mcveu- added, ^Her iwk was full ami lief shy alders
son otu'e -nirl about Sir Hemr K-n-hnrri's well nrnnded; her rnmjih, iight-Si]ijinl mid
work: ‘These portrait^ jrr ruder ihim many drawn in, sftHHed tna dr not Up lie k iissed but
HMcdofe and monfi coregdrir than many a ti- hewt n»i -nFlnes-, urn* viduptijous-
volume o\ sen ten lions men mi Hi. Fhe ?t.j Ce- (Hsk; the air of a Ronuko Juno mhWd in the
ment |a rertiilRly ftiipIk'-Llili' n rfoUlCrliE*£ por- r
gravity of s Venetian p.itricijn."
trait id t Wuhan n de‘ iledici (page &35L He Some said she rh imitated IT'-nry II thromih
ivir- ihe yNtin^T brother nf f.oreujtu ihe yinx-

mficenip whose lieiievnl^nr ly runny made Flnr*

a Eiingii

— poshly the
Ac cording
ring line LO 3 J i("
IP hf

trait. la cithers dir fascinated him

\'\\w se^rOlid Athfris.
.i {.tiuhiitu.i wgj Wrniielf with Uik'S of Luighi i'rmistrj' and
a favorite of fhnt dnilf of jxiets. artisls, and This portraits setting mrty fre-m umisu.iL
^rnlaeA whu wrote one of the niust ploriuu-b but rluist-i null ii poptihr at the oturt of 1 1

[iagu> rn Ihe hfelon of Witten culture. r

Fontainebleau The curtains jev dmwn back
VA Italy was kbocked in whrh the *
and Iliant sits in hgf buih wflhoul echhcLrra^s-

2 -year -oh. prince wits stabbed to death in

men t But our miul remum-
ul ihe* ifelrmdun.
ihe Lathed ml nf Ktarvtite* 3'h.^s may lH?r that darfjig the a bath whs
tiaw ii^i'ii the nn -r 5;u i3ed 'L3? murder ever '
Hid iJlf private affair Lt is tiiday.
II whs a
comdiitEed for the tontphatorT sii+na! for In min tn be ec^oyed tn tlnr utmost, and mm-
tbtir onsSatJuSit >.*. .
- the bell ringing at the [Mnifiiuihlp adrtaf Uy ihe pleasi^tt. is

A irsmaLiarr fm an py [wrinlinp ii tart Mluayi trla-afnntee > I i lw dl'liM'i MrlU-hy : &LL nip (M Wfi hitfie* haw liCrn
fpfBtfd LIP m*kv jiN lUlL'N fi]Ei| i
jLlirli' Fi-U i
tlilivi I lye-i Ittfln ItVi'&l iLk JTlHitff’i liii UieE> iu-
hi its- ihr ihfef Thr pmjFlar ryiv* ml n tint, ijualnv nt liTUdi3rv.JF&: fhoki* of ! bHck"mt£iwl t
irfauurnt -i i;u:Lii

llrl&il* —IfrtjV? I u lilt itiTItrJ cvl* iii'i tile ^L'ltiun liiLUi tvsTitbj e ni thr! fur inlet

Even itir -quidity kin tu ircyKnkr the mlcnK hlur* KUJ kiiuii aIIpiiihiiIhJ ft^ura* i>f Et Gfi?co*
thr m iiy Ii
>^ir±biif Lee hnaqijr yf TLflRuncUfj, yr thi >hrm. tin ru- Mini Iraki* oB V.jjs iSujJjli
ilirtaTcnn-F in

himiJwrillnit" IN twt fiaJiitm imriefrj fm not picture, as In "The jiJilrmirrvt

vl jP-arii

Ctiuo! fiSOi ni Pi r'cntj¥|L«it in the Temple” ipsiuc fe£jj. The twu yurtafj* furci Lri the MeciMn^
Mitiir^jj'iT lii-Friw, i-nlui fi'm liliB In ihc crthirir In the picture, but Fhc? hraf " -irlklru: tn :iarb

tii 1 1 Huh i bji Si-s^lcr yan aJer VlVv-icii (fl'tote?* riiftWn mlum! ^fld |n i iM i
L| Us icuiiu? L'ontfiCLrl^Qfi ttfafeil. jwtiiliir|fEv»

on Julia- run util. ]rr.\, uuJ t*e Si-aid c«w nprrti U« hrllc^r- tMI Mi'fpJiia&V Uxrhm puintril tlir two urn* I Il-jiJ -

^flEIMTUI PTjflpfT J tTT

U l ^-1

ii in ^ .

5J s i

^ i
yjf _

-= "
e -=f

1 = 5^
SE c-y
s - I -
5 -.^ij
3 -
=c i
a, >.

V* &

_ L

jT * — 5 '£

Q j "^j| ^

tj < | 5 5
E S-Si









” yW^g
.*•*" |

1 1


1 i

surmutidnl by children anti .wsrvWT*- \ IftlK- Yet hnw littwfcss L the psyebol :y n{ ihesr
liny rpnrh e fur fruit, it hahy h sniklcd by
. pUynoi Xnlr hat even in the alh tummy
l 1

n wet uursr, ji the background a inaid L

I there were k jU-cct.-t. The Luk mt th* Irlt

ready ip replenish Ibr bath with water, prab-

I I imn trine. has failed to draw the card she

aiily I'ledumfd .beyond the niriirJ is a chair needs She points ruefully =ii the pack. The
With ft Itipfrdxird Lip k i-imwLiig a ujtii'urn, hi nn
- r 1he rii;lil h -l. .u« m- n pnwrrhii

mu I tin I snnbtl of chastity, *,\n] in any ren terry, He hams titfward ex-
1 hr fascination uf paiiitbii's comes partly citedly wafers ii
i_u til Ltuild that hi*
From lib way they Th*>y i.he pmst, hand Catinul be beaten. The betting has been
orch in che mirror of art the reflection -i a sttH-p, ami the faitssh rriati next in him, m
Vanished life. ti icUf]iri5{Jng us with the
1 f I
ohviriki’4 anrirly,. ftmautts a friend.
continuity uf hitman rut and the
turn Atbiitioti however k fkicijjtcd 1 "ii l he tuol
uf Initnan activity, Lucas van Leyden, fur Lidy in lire center who wilt she be! Taking
example, has £rvrn u- .1 i^HtTkptk? vi u card no 1. h;tnci> she places her can I- flu r ilm.vp
iintw that must luive been pjuyed ji few years m the table ami dowdy * ntinr- mi: her mempy.
after 1 Hbcnwy of America fimgc fiaJ) If ttwrf e - a poker player mrmng my n-ailrrb.
. t 1 1 i

Jif ii ill rcttignia? her look. delntfaed and cun-

littiMit . aim I Ih> svill know LhnL thy tevmsh
§entfc*tn<t4i i.v i lu 1
1 1 to l-ise.

Thi* ^ I i1 L1 JJS4 * sif Hutch hostr^etjfe life hi Tk‘-

MjEJi ceailtiry k rlosrr <n u? mon understand"
able- tkirs a vision id the f chines.- of I by
French Jirfc;toi:rrn.y -uimr 2 (JO ytilry tiller

Fra^'Mrd in Tbi 1
Siviim' purLnyx an alifrft

"iVcirli.l . hill he convince** im id Its t^’rhuntiut-Tsl

(page GS4).. [l is a jiumnw -ifcetttafli One
a IrcittHt f CNf in 4 lir* 1 >i Y/r |
• Ii \\ i
np f he >'
l>. n n L-

acr» i-i^ the couittiyahte* ti^cts Iilith ami

liirrL* cn] I arm mil i heist] trees,; Water ^ i tushes
in a fn-Lintiiim V vuujsij wwtuw hn^ tbnuutb
a I eli-54 A ^h.dl nf jimi-Juim Lilt- like ii

spuLliuhl on iht _un r E in the swinr; and uti lu-r

tempanlon^ Sealed bdkrw her-


«jlll v J Pu trny i
sf idyllic X_u im
1 1
1 1
r [lur^ id art is to rrpn?sent the
fifLSJratilr lift llien Frasorwirrl Jli> tiU^ltT an
as| ii'i- 1 »d that ltk s
the id -in uti-

. 1 j.l i l ti
i L ‘vinrld where no oiu? iilii -ted
[It .ir^urif h wit h« j Lit ennui. His paifiiiny^ let
illy IIil m cl kite ami lilt- unthtnkhi^ Ltiipjiinr.-.-- Ill

• l carefree n^hilfty exert llieir made

|S in life ki- more sefioUfi fai:et •
und it k
ihi^e thAi the fuptnne arEi-tir adiieVemeltfe
i.unvc:;, 1

. Many nl tJn- new Li l the

kress i ajlctlion indicate of exprt^im:
fjl;lti. ^ ^fdriiunl l"ktiaii ind Tint' i-
rettir for enamjile shnw lift' imp;u ' nf lisvrni 1

+ A Kind's In An T Feature
Hjhu(£ in This \ioumciie* Sfonthtiuse
Aj HuciietMrFT^ MijI jri rbt- Pi k emu MuMEiLdLcu,
IIil- K m- KoyndiLlkm EiiitcitaLre a icrpcrl 1 1
l quip pci I
bilrnnmm- tor mliinuliui flf lined arid diiTn.i^tiJ
III.! -I', r .
11 * I- In El' .lL.- . lilldlltulii. || '[ I • I L'l ! I U !!'iL
! J J IjI

\jq& on 'tiding
|!l:i3il i-l t- u. Marlp Mv-ikh]iiu the •i

I^und-jEwm': Lhuu t u rn to? und cijnjfmilui , cfaetks Eli

itu tbit; ihr iirrterred U'rripmUEire ,nnd
b untidily {£$ sbk %'aty shttiifiraniK

+Ho-l»ir?diii-Fi It -m hiL-rivlphU Cfilnpfg'i jnd urndtive

V. i'll. :i '! I dJll uj I he Ittyl-miati, rhriTieil,
rj.i Lli s
-uzji-l i And -I? Uilivir a- wm 1 1 a- thv jnlliir

Tli n Kri *_“ FuUndiilson e^pm ElEidu> ii \Mb-

LvntuiV itdJan (vsnrJ under n EilrmtuLit mlrirKL^jw.
IVith *Hi|vi:nl ami Stftpvl hr |ii*4irmlv nhuvri rv^ny
I hr dLi 4^'-i r Ml|^ wuek el il% futltur return
U'l^iuri Fill i
Ifjyimil ilHPtJrti- Spllniu' i i !!»»-i f Mi iEtni f lipeflhifi, Iqftfit

tJ|M \ f
f i
} • i r r W & I r H'. -fllT aP 'fpj, VlWlllini ' -SnJiffl f

Sh ril M I pifr |lu |

Itii-lir* *J ^Nll pii tdl>. J-rtfcmCNl (|fTr T*h fthtail |l Iiil I
'If*' I Ifclfcl II Mlis;hl Imu ItpMI
• unluil "» ( .if i jlti- InilriM^ of ra-iifcurli-i FIi# unii fflr4rn l-> ll» IfL’i-iiH ,g 1 I li I n>a, ; iiiHIlit 1*7 Crin-bi.nll.ftc ilir f *rMi1. Hr>
, l i M-W I
Jiiap.1 Pi Jj|J| M'c| ri> -*f ti-pil-'J.I* ML Ilk t||» Vp*I# Vif!,^hll Ml UM Lrflrti*' u| h
1 1 - l

J hi Nation's fewest 1 fc
i| Masters ti.t l

revolution on two devout men. St, John and Fur be was., as liiurdu Vusfirs said.
St. PauL v\ir;i vacant t .j[ ricauus, i^uLl k and deLer-
In T'ili;utV ji-Limmu St.. John the Kvnn- ih im'il, with i he mnsl terrific nsmuinat ion in

gelkt is shown on the island of Pittfins <1 +t the hisToty' of p sin If Eg.
mnnirnt iltur ijjmsfnrmed Ills Iffe (pag* ii.inn, f^iolip \ p-t:crtieye. :i conienijwtira^ erf TintEH
rhi- Hi ml-, iif Revelation {Inscribe- it Thus: retlu F \ya - n ]i
-- front ec fen* passiuoute .irtist.

I Wilts in ihf Spirit on t he i^rd - day, and But he was one »d the brOBnat dec imEnrs
rr < e- l

firjini behind m? jiTcist voice. us uf ti a trum- who ever lived. Often his £tibj#t i- were only
pet. Saying. 1 am Alpha mJ hrnegft 1
the fir>1 an cigfxse far the db|iLiy of Inis ilecorative
mid r|ii- 1-E-r; ami, What than serat. writ? in powers. Tfe loved rkh brigades tfie com-
hiok and -Sirtlrl it rantn tlir seven diLirrb- plexities of lins^r and Aerial persptcllim, the
whtrh iirr hi Asia Ami limn'd tn <« 1 thrust and CutmiiTttmisl of moving, fjtidicu-
Ihf voter ihjat fipak* with mp.’’ fritbip I itMjlefi. St intt-j dn| he hecumr ini

This ta.stat.LL 1 Hi Lull betwecai I be IsimfraJi and these asjiecli of arl Hint he i-rew ul-
the iliviue wilnosped only hy the eagle the- is diffurenn En the content nf his --crEcs aud
>vml iirl of St_ John, and liy ibr impels sur- millet rert^irsbip from the Inquiriitunn, fmrt'ly
roimdinu Grid the : alJirr. On^iniilly llih l rscafurd jail.
" =

painting funned tbf central decoration of the However, iri


Rebrcci iU the Well a h\u-

celling of the Scuoiflt til San Giovanni Evan- work, be fulbiweti closely the aecouFit
gel i*Lu fodny it is the niily ceiSiac painting i 6J He p I i-j i i i i> :u c u n:s i eiy h- ^ w Abr n-
hy VHmn outside Venice. ium :- old scn'artt reco^piistes the young wnmnn
h'-tiniHi In lw \hiHltnm - daiighter-aia-LLU
A w l it nnif 1
r i
W t r < "i -n K « , E
:i leJ
24 trfk us ihiit Aliraiiam - int'-istm-

The cuinrminkm between God and

lone!) get M mnde camels to kneel d*rmi wiihuui

the Eifflngtitiflt, which Titian shows diffeo the dty by ii Will of water at the time uf

from the chaotic ft) 111 siirrtMJiuEinu SL Paul's the evening, even the TJftW hat women jio I

1 ?t i very! i hi cl* depicted by Tlnkiretlo fjvege uni tn draw writer."

nitl K The sh »ry nf the ini^urniaiiiii] i.if Verniuse resp^iided to thr poetic mextd
I' i
- In " i*- toW hi the Aci-. nf the Apimltaa. i>L thi- with one of hts most hratstb
| ia -sac: i+

When Saul, ai he Wii£ CMlted, was on his toy [ul n^tfunies. The distant city h already
hi [JumELscus to persecute tbs f_’ h rcstia= i
veiled in imlkhl, nod the fan rays nf the
full on the young R
Suddenly tbon shined Murid a bwt him a
Sflttsne icrca ai she |

light from heaverLs And he fell tn Ihe earthy accepts ihv jewel- (it Iwr bcirolhnl,
imi I a vtFice - r iiLg mill- him. Saul, Stul
HI i Pnrlr. \ -.
(Ihri«{ in TlsmpJc
why persecuted fuui me? Anti the men I

w hie h journeyed with him stood speechless. 'Christ Cl earning tlit

I’Rmjdt/’ by El Greco,

bcarinGr a vnke bus sremfc no man rm tfivh work, fii-rh^ps the fi r he eve* signed r

n this ^tatemefiT rkstnretln’s rm- reflects the fnduence «>f Titum Tmtnrettn,
I'n ii i-iiTe


tiinnjilfnn tins atiftatructecl a hurtiinu Image Of and VwMie^: (\;my,v 635 3- It paint rd
tlir ;
u iwi«T uf frdcL St I'mrl Ifra stunned. when lh«. \ aung Gr-t-k hud JiUi'iTy ,imwd in
His In it-;e; pinnies Away to tBo right. \. Vfinacp. and do this ranvas he sigftc-
stricken rii Ict on :t rear mu charger is carried Dorniftico Theoiocopuli, his real Home. Then
off to The kfl. On & bridge ;i Imr^iTiari SfrUg* he uiliJs [Ferli:ir^ To give hirnsejf cmrSVkncc
sde-. tn hold aloft his strong banners which the name nf his birthplace., fn’t?.,
whip in thr wind on rung mil ni die dark dond. Thetr k
mtidi in this pkfure thrtt -lilt

The ghostly face^ of lirowniTi^ JeLiioinB.iri^ rindlids us nf El Greco's pt nimble toining

wlm dun h ai tE«" niant-s df Itu^rr lefrii'jod ns mi mm
puiutur: the imail .d/jr uf the pk-
sEeerb:. the spectral boatmen ipiidin^ Iht'ir tori', the nk of w^x>d instead of canvas* the

i-i-.ifi tlimudi iht- I ditsdsti^ spindrift nil ci nn- timurl-Hkt- imp^tft, and the deep forun/rd
ifjul with the * aim flaw of I 'hrhi npiv.'siiiiftjs udnrs with k’-- glazing hr Venetians I

In ihe -L'.>rini dmnJ In ihtr up *p€ a ,


lefL oistumLirilv used. tr

This palnh'nc slurtts nn hurredible speed uf But lb™ are a!so iKirrovviouc from Vene-
i-secor if fEi the printed cmv^ it-;df bdnfi used tian pamtip^. Thr pose of the In If- mule
for the nflttral ismes anrl e Hi- skirft hi’d wvirrum. lying on the ground with her anti
on ii withtUiir rhjuiKje nf „i brush stroke. So behind her head, whs Cnpied from the sleep-
wom!er thiii Tintoretto b u In-ru lo modern ing VrlwtJrir ir? Tlitau's tarlj 1
Tkicchmml 11
“Z _ zz
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now In the Ptttdu Museum

in Madrid. t)r ptrb^ 'both
1 1 1 ciLii aii 1 1 Ml (lm:i i derived
Ibrtr np^iftf fruni u riimvmm
model I'M^ljly i^Mir ] ifcrce

df Roman SCtllptUrr Thi-n*

vutupt unus females, on the
ottkrr li;ind, seem Huh- r Ui

P anin Veronese,.
more than Titian or
\'eru|ieve ii was Tiptuntln
wild in^pin-d tht you tip
painter from { Tele. TinEo-
n-itn> influence appears in
Lhu turbulent .nid ablated
.'i y 1
1 i r i e k\( t J ft: figure* mid
In a tendency toward man 9

heri-d HoftgKtiiin*: Itte leiid-

enry w*s Ei> Ijecome more
m4rkcd in J£| tirm-iaV ttt rt

Paintings Slii:.u Arlf^r'h

Duv elupBimrit
When fit
painted this pic-
ture he wus -.till feeling hi.*;
f, ^ Villi ii.iMJn . 1 -r Hi Ki- «rdil '-1 mm I ir.i

f t,i nvi i rij st 11 1 T nr mi tut a

\ 4 i n^- . Frivol in fln-iize, Sn'ik* l)(mn -* Medici ,

fain hiIht
vooLoJary in which he Inter
In N-7 & Tm ,
iiUw ,
i-» of i tic iamiS.v «j Mimhci! c^ni| |jr<,| J w ill*

itll-jull i?l cliij Mcdki hfifibera tv rnSJUthyiffl i in m j.Hii ^Lii IIlu city e\ prefer I (hr mi p ui^liird
\ p'jpc W4i Ijwrnsn i l j'njj M'i |
jin 1 1 1 ‘ fill'll fry I

1 1Lijlmnci waf my-ticism nf the Spanish

ftllbbrti ! 1 1 IriLlbi hi 1 Eli i .jI 1st ili ,lL ii pkltlJifttl '.Ml ihb Ai*ClJjiSHLEJEt Rl.vJllI, C'uuntrr RHnrm:i1inii l.u. k-
mil ?rt e ikii (fcPpiw^jlEs- ni^v have Ijcfh fuinii >1 inn-d'mmotJily.
i | -

Tly the nailery can show sev*

mil staiirs In 1 hr ffave'bip-
merit of this mannered
srrnfus Hi? middle period
after his arrivaJ in Spain, i^
tv\ il denied by ftw [uiinl-
uijc>. inrludi^. jimmi: the
tetenr Rre^ iuxius£jiiori>- n
beautiful “Hnlv Family/' u’r "r*

'u *
nrdiiie En mi itt veil buy
Tniiile for El hrir^
turn other L'iii.iva.'ws, mm an
i he National Gllfcn •v
. were
::i r=iijJ[y iai Jus Slirefui at the
limti of thr 1
arlisl * death,
one 4 "St. Jemme" in tSie

-ii t l>jlu Cdhctkfl and


the iiLiier the '"L&oiri^in '

the Kress C ollection (petne
644}+ J 1
r i
paintiim- are im-
filtUed Perhaps El Offm n
worked on them tile ii^tv he
Spado in the 1 6th century
w.i’i .^nii thirty 1
: of an arlisEi*
vacuum liuii attracted .itti>t-

i M«a Aff|V fl-H/

SaNTJKO WlTTK.'aJJ ffflt-JUOJ, r'twtrtiw 1 jiu/ii mu ilt*. iM-tfdlrl




, Wn*






JVT'iM.V * \ fnj i'ln6
T IlilkPI Irill iHir ill (In 1 Eiimk iimulil hFIit (
ii irlii i'ikl ill id h ii I line anil mris uni fjFiiwli ruijrrjt iiiiiiilii idkmM'ii IlIp

tfllfllnii l .ni^wm Omllifli

V 4ip liar Ifcllf J^-wniiti Ejirjilfv Lintdilrci liw *fU*J ruikU inhilvtn^K ini lihii fcfu- HlL*- ill > JiiiakL

Adiulihd f \i|«rl||ii | |iqlll4 ilII Ni ||I-i Mil >1 IpiJ iifUmF fftlh hi mill'd lliril 1H ill# I'ifh Iiuph nifty I TitPi irnlidira VVnbrr uni u( ifji'

JVuL -> ' ijl l- J i*> w |«M' il, Wills . Wllr- id* ( iWU'r iiml \r.\- ''liM'ii, J Pir L f >4 1 1 |Li--» |L'.‘ imUlliiniEl'l 'd (h-
\VnrlJmi fcpr1. n mint (“iiprll i L id Ini’ Hum A^upittIi T lin ini Iwfl « i» !p#m4# mfiiI tulirfrl hjpm'. lI ip

LlliJlif^ Ijl llnprllu k * ILliiphdifUi IU(j|lklpl (llT Tuii-P U iilV 1 n| LiilliiP Im‘ 1 LltljL" **! (Lr llfljrpALt ^iaj|i>L±>t «f Id^'l I twill jUl Hj?b'p
I'm i
Miin I lii y iiipi r iiliiiJiUFi'd lii ml h ’
1 l

C/ *-m±r4-lJ iJh fhczLclJ

(S59 jUtimil UjiliiTT 11E ,JL|I OtLflil.KMs. hmnr

PTfJ^N * JJurji' Grill!

Till* p«iMfltH I'li.-nn- lEu* wM1*T i ^011*114111% TTT1*SM.T JL iv f I 111- i. -rfunJliipE flirlr ii'iifUkl (kidtstaM IiiaJ tlte F tvt Clunilf- Uj.
llir |
Ik 1 1 h 1 imI *
|;h i|>t| il|I ffcPPflffwilf fi'fca'ttU iFl^ UiMl alnUjMlJ MtUC uf Hlft# dill I [IIJrL^llfEli^L >il tlMjjIll Nkl Ji- ||»h <a| ll Tlfcl

Miiir fej^iNTif hr i ii^liflul * C'hnrir* 3

Hu? j
lull]- hiLti .Vlin f nrtlli, wfuu*^ I’oJiu* U tiniujr opr uE |W bdffjr EhiJi In -iJ \'mbr1 vTrrfE list-- Rh*i iti] it|c n
ipjlltar* TisiaritiriiSrr, mil nrl |
i1r:ri nek, I iw d-itfi*. im iliifl n« uJiir, Inmi JTJ'i In 1 \~&. Hitf hr Vbnuri llii 1
i lira Li „ tu hunu'it
ii 1 eE iltr JijjJit -Hi' llir. Ilhi-h ullbtlrtT mjj<i iliul iJaiim ». uS -rreJ bt> LriiJ ±- j .imiL. I
HiJilffcii I
3, .Vklk * ‘I Ml t
Hi. in

I ward IlFir JinmE un * a^i*iEll« id Mur.-h I|| Uirfnr


1 *t


H HiiiMS

i in
11! i
„ ^IlifTTiii



1 r r f

c Hi>II || iihI GvurFtptlM ^ ITiifiHUf Hi.Diiy wf An. v uln- ihiii, Lmiii

nnc^T hV^n'^ FrtnA Dw««* «ft« PwMwj (?)

* i
.1-. CM" CPi'-’ pi 1
1 1 ii « lij
I luiw) ru*l \ nuritiir *rl i^i» I urn i«" TTOiiin rltk [-h(1«.i| 1 ill m • ! 1
1 r m tm I- i
C? i
— p
m-j -.T t- r |- t i

I nljl lpiiii l>I llir ililrl Fiinilrttr‘li>f * l^iW(ai 4 i r I . Ftnfc lnT'tijI) t-u^iil# .of lijliir, J-y rlijujHlIn

Pi-iaiKrr nl ikr Su'hyv mli rMFUiifu, hiifI yhJKiui (I ilh 1

pafFilNjff l< irffliiiiltf snnffnriprwfrd If* HnU if-is

i JJiihi . 1 i ill | imMIP ’iJ FfflPn*

'* lli'itrfc' II. ttHfe u luiudliip. 44i]il ^iii>k i
il unit i#F fMeliiJir- m ( I.hi* ,

i lirvuli «lk fc-tillfuIN

KfyiJrfrTH SI if iHNi'’ i-iii arh ii'uimmfl in hnifu- m m tL-4r*-F u isrl thIi ( !i-.r^r1 I, ill i ! i- dUfarr] TnTTw Prr* rmsl irlcLm Si I

in; rjL|.iE<hrifal Sin* ujH'il lilt* Kmtf t Inlrttiiighuiii Hi itiiiiHinP ill* [ Pi-ipl Ii VjNMI LiP|4 |mTkipihI WttltlV URlJlR H^IiM * ilriUli.

Ti lim 4 ilPiKCurii- ili Si

jIi- il^ l I* r. ^ I,.
t i-nl

IjuNLi iJU ill

iiiiniwth niilF i (V u.ilii ii i * i iidii il uli i FuiilrtY ijiii.E |iim> Invr ilrcuniJp tlir pijlun-. Tlhr inniir vvllL 4uc L I ii u

„,| hi, f 1 1
. i| i ,
i| . L ,.l4. I,. | f
i :n, mil lln- -1,11 'll- ! iF i hit] ,
Ii . ! I~i -P J |> |"il « • 1 1 i! I
1 1 5

'I 'he Nation's Newest Old Masters 64 j

frrjcri fit-bcr li unifies, El 6re£ - for e.sjtmpie. so man^ ijernmi Works of art. He-? in a cer-
weni ihcte from Crtffcg via I inly, urd Mebre^ iLsm crotescpieness a naive whlllt^cality-
Off ijflihU'fb iirrivn I
to mi northern countries. \diifn and Eve eye each other duliiijiisjy m a
Of tht^es Juan de Ftiunfeg ppmrl painicr tush i ir«sl ftJ] nf Euilf-tHmiiJR'il irnfmaL ^ 1
In ijueeji ]<l belli w;ls amnnp (he ttif^r dU- ul the lfiF]:uri' cl»' mhwI- at his

tliigiikhed \s hb nkknann- induim- hi -

with h spare applr hi bb yethw In ihr

birthplace yeas FLuider-*, hut Sn- ktm thor- loft Itncdma s- shnwji ns a pink old

oughly n^irriibitL*il to hk adu|>trd cuiitiliy mdn swjnidnis un a riny of dmids In utar

Hi- the Spanish fotidrU"*£ :'"T -ubdued han be holds his s\ mltul. the ufji| icvine: with
i i

and i h-lh.-aic 1 hi is 1 b.L r was Inter to di«iinyuish the u1hi r hr pmr- ivirv over a crowd M| men

^ eiuqijezs palette Thf rt^rhr^ ^tumhlf jhumd, r jjs-lsis their

Efb ^ richly appareled quwn In
Ma i'Ii numb ii arms hi the nhesely chmiliii ^or! .JiAT
adoration before Her (1 old 64JO_ The In, thf Lomp^tiiisn j-iLimd ^pii tlir ri^ht et{ua]ly
rsli.jt.ici tr or tlii
ftpacihkh court u suggested linked mm nrc dm ok willi blnud fnstcatT uf
jy the role of S( Joseph whn, jatfd apart, wine They wound and kill each ntber. \bove
h rHi^jitci I to rhe position of ennui in tbetn sailed on another rintf of dourH is Mar».
waiting the cziuse mF tlw i r bellERereucr. Altdorfer's
painting b sm -uvan^f fiail pta^tcr itiU^rttleit to
Gmfrmma f E3c<^ci Kfali^ni iviltl Fnor^sy hnw Lhr 1
Wape. of 1
- stn. IiliL with the coiiSdliiii!

Each flf^on Europe has stum pci J it* sj[ thought tlirit sain i.^ prcilcstmfd by ihp afis&s-

iduructer on the work? uf ;u ir has produced l

T lie fiaptFsm of Cbriit painted a few
Tic cdWit c.ftirutte of the K bine Lind and the yen fr. MtribHr b;* tlu- Master of the SL Bwr-
reforming sea! of I he Luthi'tiin* priw! uced a tfioknUiew A liar, Lttk> lliese pai^iin hemes. l

titrmaii ?tylr *! InftrfniiLln^ mprriiilm hi- Imt it has idsn ill! L lrlin-rii nf the blyanc p.tEr i

wm . '.Tinliimitinn^ of realism and fantasy 4^7| Fourteen siints and t h kJ the Father
ni^innntr expretedonisnii \*mv\ a htv vi-nh Aiadtem v wsitidiinji the wenr
The Kress CnllvcliiKi ma tflliirc .important In low. This an umrsiial T-i'prt'M'iiiJiiioii in

works n( the i^real IVerm.Tdi |>rt itit ms nf the i lirtstLtn art. nwanrog. hut it h^ a jiyii-tii nlar

1 6th cent ti n \1 1 il-irF.f r. Cranach, Sttigfl* When H

sriints are shown topthit in Ihi-

Ft .i Mu 1 -j 1 typ r { t rum w a BH , ;i ml Moll iri ti, a - way+ they may usuidly bv iJLtfrpretrcl as Hit-
well as example of earlier nuoiiyrrioLii Artiste Holy Tii'lprrs ‘vhej^e ossi^liinct1 inmld Ik in- 1

Tbese masterpieces .i Mrd to the t Tt-rauui vi.'krd in din- etnergerjclr^ Hriwevtr, only
[ fisTTi by Either*. put the Niiliirtta! lireo of lhi i
$iTnt5 Hhsrvrn hm* an? usually in-

I ;! f1 i-ry in .l unique H>?fhnn .muirm m ss^mj m eluded Amjcmi! the Huh- Helpers.

utilsirfe Itrrrmauy. Two nf ttof-e pictllfn

in- iqiruducinl in color;
The Fall of Mnn TF SihiL UknriiiL^ Vaioelm Vrlhl

hy AUm-dil Altdorfir .usd "Tin* Tbt -iii in ^ « ;in to en_sfly irkuTfhed Fnit t.he

i"hrbt by the Mftsler of the M ifcirtholo name of he l .irtist is unknciwn Ht:- work,
mew \tLar Itiwvrvft h faiuiliar fn art hhrtoitote. whn
SUdotfer's pnncl ha- thal rh-tnent of the bavr recognlzcct his inf Is vii Inal style in a num-
cihavti^itit 1 have tiiesu lulled ('pase kitO. Us Iu r ut painting .mil have onifierj Us subii-

huptraiinn can be traced to :i ftotititir n m- qiift from the- most important ni these jit: t

Irmpanry oT \hdiirfer. the ^reat akhrmlsi i:n';ii UUirpicKT ileiliCiited hi $1 Qtnrtlintoinew

Pursu rbiL-, who taught Thill twin > dtnrautei in ihf t 'hurrh rrf st. {'nlmoto in rnlu^nr
indue nr rd |n iUr -Lit-- * Jn l he »it the T Ei’ mi* nridffnlJy our of iJm Ik^I crtftsnen
triptych. Ifctccbus and Mars for pemi* tif his time. Fur M§ work hj> liLsieti uiiirvrl-

Ltoii5 inrhii-sii^s from the stirs, stiniulalinu uuslt well

ghitlony and pr#nd murder: S'hus in i
he cobjs cif wmt paint in,^ Citi

Uni Tin suiIl Inaluence would hiVt r- irh-Tiiily lhr .irtistic perspua^ty of the pointer,
hul it not Fieeri for the ^ei nl \\\mn and EVe. but we calriud dfscoVet kui name-, Fu nlhi'i-

whf.hSe hsjut'KH hnw stand --id^ In slcti?- titit oitcr wv rati | wlnt to -evernl tin- m~n prt Inters

were separate plitid> rsidi^Lii^ ivlher parts of whu mikbt han csficruled I he piclure. but we
the painttna. Thus myih-dn^ and Chjfcd- eantuvr which mw wa? rn=pcm?iblf.
In- ?.Lire

;imty arr 1
fused in riir miclhle m alchemy a Without smuiinf sJjplun^oi j’kp- ct e diKu l ^

mTi-.'r micllc riujLl everrit^' typfcafl> (htrtmi i

incuts, tsperL- roLra ilepend for tlirir
The clbirm cif ihfct pahuin^, however, as in lion? un a -sy-lem developed only durina the
1 ) 1 i ' I . r

fraM liundred yeurj. The tin Ihmh I- hu^rd

mi l hr ^jkomptwin tba! painthi^ ili-.rln-i a
k> 1

hand writ mu. revealed in (hi hrartvwcprfc,

in ihe dm J^htsmanihip .itpI In the dduklii .

must mL'diimiciilly and rirpefili-ijitgly oteculni

fLfrfc ilftrwimi of a hrmrl, iiri nir. B'tnrjuth, ot
an in i for c\,tTTipli'

3 In- mrlfo&H often Inili whrn applied ip, ,i

piTtur*- by a y * 1 1 1 1
u [uinh'r strongly hidtu-isa-d
by a mart aril-t. Thl* explain?. our
lsi .iltrtl lUlliiLf work, to 1 Lie vounsi

Lronanh da VI tin \ mw* in [mini is ih

“Madonna and (hijd with a Vimeajajiafe I

([wttsf eiJfli \\r him EhIjHhJ it rinli* of -

Y r n't iCL'll Ii
Ii l£iil d> Lt‘i illLii’l i N.

Atfrrang all the rn;w Rfftss acqitl <it Sn>&^ ihrro

is nnlhiriii nljJirc lnSputiful than thi> Exquisite
and jfirVfi-l 1 1: r | »: i ii
1 \\ hr i unr wi mjrr- Vi||l

ri iT-Lii ait - like Ltotturdn muEd ktvt painErd

with such fftrlloicj !
tic wintl iiiii Amo fkiwinji
(he Tuscan h}\h toward J*isa and
sen ? Who ebe cuidd ha we mudtlrd
subtly 1 ht- feriturBs oil he Madonna, drawn i

so 1 hr jstrnnik n fc

lh-r uolrign
Il \ H I l-Jiili^T - i jf iftl**** 1 -^limL^i
fobiftrie hairr
(^Ljoninc. Kk-waU n HiJlJli'j Pace Yet Jmw nth 6m he smr? Then* h much

ml K1 '! .ujfiMin"
hi he picture that siigRttft* Lorens il Tredi.

fwiaiir iniiijvM fltilfl imilt'MioU, tu ifirfirnL^ thin a fellow >mI| id with Lonmird>i in She w irk Hop
ji - 1 1 ii L ii: lL_ urn Iimpirlr if iL I'll til l'l I ! II 1

ini ill i-
iiuilr-i .inti iM'rritip: up a JhMtkcrfmitvd l^uii:
of Vcrrroechio, or V emunrhirp himself. rnkss
{drEnil -ilinvr I R(W 1J ffteilifwjf trttiih’ni 1 ? layers our mi del like IV^niollfm - lu.ilair-a, •an by
.'I V|fOl°ll Jll (
M\ ' I
< _lJ I j 1 1 Lf iii.l| f LT^Itli *.'i
[ ii> s ?l L‘ i An- siprm iHiidL i-'iiru tib life arid tell m win > n 1

vil* ii LiLirmjdH-rt hut lipililiint ^ilrmim below 1 .

rurdrcl her vuutb and ht-auLv. >feni d«s-
tilted tik nnt(rm iiMr^elye^ with ihe pre^tmt
l^hel, lantalkinM 4p d it.

Tvlo \ i' -

i h l.h ikr ’
hit ?'

Thb pt' d nli-m of nllrihii'tinn srrow^ i-vc-n;

imum ‘eetm ptaMblr that

corrtpltcated when it

Wn arttift hnvr H'nrkrd nn one picture.

Am nil t she most beaut if ill ;uu1 1ie-r pEtt^^Tvid
]''frmr-h I'rimirivi-. Thr Ihesentftlrnii io
t hi 1 + ,
mp] r
w hidi r kir-- 1 -
m . I . 1
1 . • i

si i:i7iLtly oinked Imp m thi" Cwmin I'oltetiJrrn
in Vienna (pane 02.' n E'hk jumH b- nciw
Sfisemliy iinTitn-i I
in ihr youthful Ham Aleut*
tm£. working in (he studio of knunT v-m dtT
\\ eydenv
RuwivtT, tJie Iw-n eoclmnt!ii!' ^hfJilren m
the scene Vjuk iMerrtit frcwB MetnUmiV typi-
r.'l I p> iri m its; a* ; i h • I j n c r t i u II til i ri de
Li if i. Ilt t pointed out Ihey arc mm re deli-
cately pftinUd iind auiv^y a ^ neater %ertsf
"i fnrm than the oEJit'i fiitiiin-. Wi r
rt l hey a>
])c tail r invt^ts, [lafsilcHf by Rnirtet vim iln
Wiydeii. and thu^ ;lii iuMitiuti hy llie Lslder
HMstt-r in his [.uipils panel?
I 1i:ive r^ral *m two portndto ntt i

nf yuuljfe women hy R-iider van It-r Wiyilen >
1 . 1 1

.md IkrSuW thrill drLi il

fhr ti i ilt ru ihv i .-.lii i
n ii thr
two children Liu-

I ' r i':’L' 1 Lj 1 ii mi ml T(Un-

ile (|ti*i# 625 ). I lr:ivr

it in my tfinieiH, wht> in
tins tnatu-i- iLtr ;i- quali-
fied els lift l’ijIjc-, U\ say
whether or not tin- four
Liji.jk Like elder mu!
yodti^ Hsttm, dr pef-
hap* mnr.)kT£ and daugh-
ters, Lt due*: oot follow
ffBtlt thh id aiuiise. that
si! ihtit portrait* sjf by
W band; but
see a i amity
sKfcfrti; if you

>iki will probably ntiree

irilh HntSfi rle Lm mLhi-r
than with IIiom i discs
who believe the picture to
be entiri ly b) Mcmlbi^.

:s uni unusual amonit
old mulcts to find two
,i - working on oiur
c c-i-c

pointing, Todiiy we think

of artistic expressum ih

terms oi [ndlviifttil jtfTiius.

flrtJh each painter creating

in -r|.ik“iiiJ id iyululidn, This

ha* niiL ways been the i ]

I El the pasi order
w jiiIlI be M-Lviviii i ibir | be
fi'prt'.KepOallnn uf n ct*r-

lain sc*?nr sruhjn't mailer H5 1 -

^iinm j V nii .ii j 3 h Uih i

usually beCnjt spetitjed by A 3 Sih.-i:crtturY \3lEir I'mul i

(JH* ;i iSit \\ L.c'll^o on l-.ilu

i he patron senior The Huneitnij lii^iwwtf Lniu' fcuEtied more picture than Huir* fFlfir ihtL it?m
partner would then pre- lui;iinh. but t-iptL-!!, i;m iHTinniE imrirEt'* wifh pj£lan-i ihiu aiY <lm and
pare st sketch to ^tikle bis dhiy L L^istcFeiL nan tied, anil lljiklnr \iiit tliiariins; iiW’ay l_iv, i^
. |.

LM'ijjHh Ami >>vfrpirinl. irtlut nijfilini lan> r pilffrm'ni 1
ii kresv f'lMoiitaJfjiiii
asshtfmt;% and under hi*
rr 1 1
1 r= diK f>
> With (fill H-rni b’. !Pu SjumsjIi! Fn-iisaihrLii i..!.ii!i'.'j- Ohx. inaik
general direction much of —i (iLUiJiHiJijII bull Ih in ill jni nine pann-t— -ai]l bt IcEt u Til ihui' tied
the W'l ' l
h was si [i] ii. if t
>n t'l ]

it mcin^ apprentices, A peal atelier, such as with a heavier touch- II is be] if veil to haw
Knhms direr led. had specialists for drajH-ry lieeri added, many years Liter hy Calvaeri
ii nircuiL- IlltkIm a ies a f eh i ti m 1 is n-
, and even 1
a I Ir-mi^ts aMfcAt wwkllifr in Etnly
various kinds u[ fi^irrtis. We
have no document Sn --LipjH»rl Mur by-
pijthe&L< uf tills, dual aUtllorShip; hul* tin liir
Par l* Pieh* Him IttviirEtf
l*Ei.-:- "f style and the pkidrial Ii.l in I writing
Vn r- m i iii j ik of less r lose crioj ier a ti 'Hi v of these two paint Mir supposition seems
Judimn-nr *if JViriT* by KktiUt fkdl' Abate Itteh. Mm

and |Jeny* Ealvaert j:iaue nStf Ihr ^.lyh 1 I Jli ipr 1 noi tiPit l^vio^ the impresfiioii thnt
of NknliA a landsLT|/H- vpci.ialist is clearly . thr Id id ii mw impirtrmc Elnui t!ir pfiiniitiK
m ibe background and in sumr of the ^ I
y |
j ll j j
n )*Lm t he. op) h - i 1 1 . TI m t eclin iq un * if

smaller h^ure?., those that farm n most sm I sin- aHributkm id pktnreh U f 1 imprecise
iolriirid jiart of Lbr landscape, Hul ibr nen- anil sulijei livr The nainc nn the Libel
'nil irmup, o i P-iri- offrnnji the prize r >
i- tpi ttifirc Mian .t si^njuisi |>ulntiup: tn a lime
beauty to one of the three j'lxldr^r-*. is [minted ^ place, and n pmh.iUi 8

ijemutmliiy. It re-
I 1 ; 1 1 k 1 L . T

r.4r She ^ j. r l i inn !

f teo^f ;ip h 1 1 A1 /. 1 nc

curds hij OTlighiened Lmi s?„ L

1 -ill its au urnty At the top of the ladder of artlstk siu-

or ETior iWi net affect the fan ! haX Surname niikajrcc rfllics ihirn placed rLlidoirs apd bi--
saw 3 vision and recordd its s^krtkir for us toric sLthj^u,, These < key fdl f
made the
and it is rhrs vision, ruthi-T than the Liliel great^i drtnand nti t3» spnrtrt tor"* kncFwlerlge
i lirii i-- icniiixsinl Wc
thr other hand took at art with
t 1 in .

The more nrrii'fiv * you brink M a wurk different eyes For rvimj'N’. Si CedtEa !
ui arl thv better .Lft

the chances U will

tSinl Oralio GenLfleschi b tu up nscrelv a picture
sjjH'.tk to yob. \ paint mj not a only demon- -o' 0 charming yimnc girl play ism the orijari

h [rales paints, it EiLitli-iL^ra

ihv genius of n r (page o40> M"i 1 m-rLj rlic puinting berause
the mTeJii^rs'Lce and educaiirm of The special-* t it Tn preserve a moment id actuality
Vadims pictures dcnKmrl varir.rus tap^tfei. The scene touche* u- wish a I'erthln lunrief
For Ah1 "Still LtFr by jiuui van iler 4 in] simple reiilhnh.
LLtmun v Leon, like mam. f
Kiln tin Jt>- 1 ?

Arb.M'v l^fluHhier Pmard 11s Snint

is a purely visual dmltaige (|mg& 64 J 1. A
( r; 1 ! i rye e n joy - r 11 sc n?R vr i
I 1 n 1 mi 1 he To km iv. ih, 1.1 (he girl is iTrobalily .\rtmitsia
aaii|H>sittWL the nri^Liiiitiitinti of Ughi fatllnn Cioitfleschi the urfisS - rluiiuhter who was to
in the various objects; I
he alnm-,! contra* hrumir nnr nf the TTi'i-t distinguished of
pm lIu urranitriiEri]t of vutds and suHtis, of wr m um luiinlerv add> 4 rcriuisi iulerr-t Bui
turves and rwtan^feg : and the skillful iran-v- the si*ify h. Important to the 7t 3i -trenl lii y B 1

bill mi 1 ml *
jit i E11 1 oi the ilmrrt*ni x^Liirts of iTilic we care little about, Tlte pjc'iiin-
the friirland the PonfcctThOSj the jars nttrl rhr- wuiilil jip|>ed to ns Just as much* perhaps
Iiones ui iJitTr un uppicd to tin knagiiia-
1 ! i-i

more the youth hoMifluit I be musir did nnl

turn und the objects rc| ire^cii led Curry tw have wjngs The fuel that he- fc* iin rtn^cl
tavi-fti Ktn^ of mrunliiL .. 1

and thnt iht pLCEitiv 1

I- iifTi't :dt more Ilian u
tdimpse (d 1 Tih-eciit^Cy life, we tend in Ignore
Qitks Ftfcmud titi Still Life
And l feel that this lack of krinwlinlcic
Perhnjv- this is why 1 r th -century writers ri 1 fw 1 1 : 1 1 imp! ivcre ties os 1 r ripprec

b m ti r hu
OTl aes thetics plarr-d -rill-'ifi- paintipg rwcar skr- the 5 Fury doe* «rtirit"h nnr ufttstii rxpr
linriNjisi of ihrir hirrj! 1 h%t mf nrtistir value*
rufuidrschi i painting hii5 much m mto niraiL-

\ccortf|riK tip thtM’ nil! Li fi? l< nut* 3

ng when we krvuvv that it trial e* to ihv rision
ranked by landscape- which. as- represented In 1
CirifiLtinr/f \m
ihr 17th etmtury usually made n Greater de-
P.Tjfr iU7
mand mu the sfierEiiTiiT s culture Pieter
! u 'ui

i-:< J in i* r
ft iViD ij- +
Jiitisjc Siienrrdtins |:Miritin^ nf ihe n Lurch F ruin fi
iVnjlON'Ufl (ti / fi(jf ^if(rr(v
mF Santa Maria delLi lebbrr. for insrUiruc. U > M" Imiii iknuelil !- ci In iiip 11 ii T^qii.iik I'liiftr#* I'linir
hiil nnh jp .
a sunlll I'tiilhiii stvau hut also 1
;i lesson |i,j I'rLi-i^ ihlj'f I - 1
1- -imiJ-Lt Vn| ^ hF-v-rMii- -

in historic ctuisme *! till !

The structure Ipnii ||i«- nhTfflp'i I** 11 rrivTijiiniullinL »iF !'rpnr|| !nw
I i '.IrTphuitf tL'i'i I -nk I'H^il l-.nfiiv
in the pucker 1 re I
ss what fe left of a ftemmu -«*!l Hy
I Ir-n- kfjf* .-nilfirrrjr - : 1. 1 1,1 1 jiiiHih r (T",| h|l l
lir>%h • liir
civic bunding f Viifuric^ luier l brbt.ianf-
Sijli'f i! EH^hk'i H-rJ-L cm, dlf UhL'V Milk 1 if i i|fjif |t -.

lurm-tl ihi* vast pi It of fuiLsniLry iulu a thuirh iiiiTriFil i>ilrii 1 M lliHTt hfirtrO and ll.r # din L i ji. •* ? ) Fki

The nbcllvk jirobably was rnymrinl fmm Liir- fllll 1 jTl -I II In i^ljra r ui II > 1 ri 1
p M*J rtv i_D lr

Euyjit juLtl rreciL’d 3 it the Kreni;il Hty a- u iiimvcl ikf ilnlukitr In ft>n Vim li.hi.-r Mn.iln-ihipul mr,
Dili III: Fih nigEil vuirlc hr liir ih 1 1 ui rp nf nil «- i i I h j i^i If.,
symbul of majt^ry run I power
irul I !v j ! i * I nr iJirir j
*1 tv
l'ih Hie r^i ncated 1 1
1 1 ei inf of iht- 17th ceu- Fl»^ iimII it Ii,m iH-nPk CfillqiEirtnl nil Fun[ic mi'Jirv Mu'
Sun ?his ^ Mm* \nt- ;i icmLuik'r of aticfeiit !• I- 1 ! -I I .1 l"
f i 1 1 1
* 'I ’ri" I- I

-frajjideur. Perhaps, shivering In the damp hlf

! i Oil) T .hi < f i
- r I'll III M’ILO 1 1 it > I i III’ .1.1 |f|i u^iln
Ji. Tr 1*>> r lr TWVliwk tlar
Fogs uf the \ elhcr1aftils.
hr alsu would
Fil Irnfwrls^l i ( p>-i I Tlhl-ni
Fii*wl »|1vrt ifr.ii * it | hr Lrijhiti iif fUnitir. Inaiihilrd k'v liiiii.
have fell an imaainury shiifl of w;irm sun- I f4|Nlfr~+lvl» 1
kwtTsllJUr. illrfln-tf Xfrrn*lpr*Tfc 4
HgbT Irmn The hoi untl clotty f r^ti^Llpinr him-, n Hi 1 |Ihi- ^rr-i 1 |pi!fp*F i1 nf kh il VI. n (in • I ir]J.-

>Cerw \ 3un:c i ulnm of f oiirh livi'd I PV| l! VIII F IClMliH-g i.riSErT.-'-ld h llhi 4,
f-*> ..nil'l.T, -
nil t 'f.Tnfrtrl

a ^Hiri 11dm: inn! li- "ilnpiilpiTii i rrrin iirii|iiii'|fnH In irvjic. in hiv.

in k'lnir ;it thtti tiirui and i ! I

^kjipr-'C".in » f^oivil ilri s^rtlr * <

h -luir inli! i
hy sending baefc to Tlolluml noj?taliT ic views 1
liir iiUihP i-iflir*| |||# iliUdlii nf IiIt'h mi InP m» V' pI^ei
01 ^ijtidbakedl ‘.cte-n rahts. Hut Siteur^Jairi l! . i l^J J I'-'JIH! Lis i-hhtlip, J .VS J
* 1
1 0 I

never went In Rfime. He pointed the pirttire s.nn iifipTg lljr Tvrari, clt Ijfnii IttiviH

from 3 ilr^twfug ttuidc by fellow ciiuntry- f ^iklinl r|p“iTiuisr ht

hlilii. _M:iTtcn van HeemskercV.. fr^lL-ii lJilliJr' nf in Jl! i
|w- -*., lemur
. .


* PL—
_ M7
W |"r u * .
1 V\ '/I

Hit 1 l i , j
m t

j x-aKv
iMr El *25* Li rff? I
( A

X 1

Jl t\ J fl; ffarirr*1 -
J J 1 T'J } M^PTViA *
7 fwt JVflJI.Fiip Ey
Slxhrv ii%li ,

''Qlipi fiiueiLi'ii uJjL'jf rnxikilrrrJ fpni4 jjEiMr U> fj Litre aej^tiniJ LuiiHriiEwwLi ,
1 Jsf nmjiiM lJ ipF*

LinLikim i; Iniiit >|.- ! I

m- «,>. i-impli .*i SpuEiiJi n. I.i.iiim-', mconm); IiiIIlti i'l Hnu4 r* r h.-i .'.ra i.rliM njut
IjJ ilirjll p.|llFllr| I I, C JuF.'t'jl li.nir N |*.

IliN pawl wllhll lrtr^ii'F"'1 ll ' IMiingUf -MrpH nulk iImIMHI b| Ip

iTi- I • It hffllltfEtE iIm4 Iffittf
ill Mi -I'll

iLf lllfh. flllpf 111 llil,' JUMMI Ij{ Sill. I .li.Llli III iilI II MoL'II-llH I *X4> I.
1 1 n r . Llir 1 V. I li k ilIiiLiI InT OllliF
p 1

O fur$ttp 1 1 .
1 r "i i '.»i It r: * i
*l_r ihJi

Jl l
*\ Mm* |J 1

ij.ufMMipi' * Mciliorind filW f Jj|||J with ff I ri r T IT J r I If r I

S' liiiiiii i»l! (lljil Jufcli "< Or Lu llui rf^or iii (L? !un| Lull uJ liar I Till J '-'Hiiin (IlhJ > jiLp > ±u * ultj'll- IwiHfil In
r nr Illil |Q Ml'IMNiU Fin^iill J-I
I 1 1 1 |
m» isf (jer iim*I t» i
Imii'kl Irr Amltra iLI VrttinilniP Mum Iwlirvv ifuil llijv fl-rrn,

I J I I i . I liliu.'l I I in ill! II iL III I 4 I il Iwllllll I III \ Mill I" 111 Jr lll.ii Mill L I i i - i il l li I Ji*i i jjir4’%i ,
i f |iil In Hn |l Llfle j4u^T
ikui ki- I llll il li I
n i||M kL||ill 1- il il i II
-I I
11- uPi! I I - II, |HI|- 111 1 1 jlllPI r

11., llildii I III I I PVil (.i ilci /.'.ilhlilr. Jliurll 1 ail

1 i li il l'-ijI j il llil Wtf drr PI, *1 IuJhiJlIi llli IIUlU ail iln I Fiikhi li
1 1 1,

vies mo nnr m ir/?

ANit n rsv< f.'Ai,V,^F'KT
fmcUf ^fi rnl'pfvj

ScAjxiJ •}

77i* /ricfrpnnml of f\m$

Shun of miiali hem? eilhmIm iLili

i:U« ml Errin' > nnpliMr 3 'iin* ir

liwiitad -nrt lh* of Mimn(

Eon* }m1|fT:F ukollirir M Jnf-n .' I li-ll I

Vriim, < ir luliU F

iVp vEill

N >
f-rJflm *ir-pl |
"iiiiilh 1i;i tl

iijprriHr Im iuM. I r li ^i-lpri-t

Lrtri 1 1 Itlin '^Liii n- i II 1*1

IjSiNrt- iitiii irhii^n in Hlki* ! in 11 •

ImrlArf, BjJt ViRPU Vpillil

uphI' iFnmivi * 1
n» rranrij ilir fi.ind

*A I Sr Im .! I ri.'V» r |J lull Mining ilk-

i,\ 1 1-..1
Tj-uRm VV* 1P . Ill **|-|*|.

In 1 h 1 llli III 1

Ffrvrr i 111 h ll su.hv !>r ihr

fcjilh'nr j[ CJrciitfip. 1 11 in?ii|.i1i I 'ilter

l*iriR»P(f I*' i'iri fi Hr-l.iL MrP

1 ip
j { W liieivt W( | 4111 |
tlir InUnt
( ixpJ J aflrl m-v<luiliiu ,
iri-il Hjwnr m
lEin hi nil trim Oiiinn (p-jilti'lUt

ftgNl}. ‘rtl-n ilhm Ik* \h™ nI ait

1 llll llUJii^i till L" Mil! If

J -l fWlla liJ'lr- l l 1 Ir I MTLi l> l.'[

rnHipii. ilrtl AlusJ r mii:im»

Ui PfrlLli-p- i’>rJiil -| u\ ib 1
rl ill I It, J Lijjilr

llir WiJiM;tic>?. nndl (Jir tania-iii

Iiu[j|iilii^» iir iLf ISfcU'i. S^tinf

1 1 -irit i* lli'.uilUl I
it kni'F 41 ^ k'. I

iflM UiiiJIi !^fiiil |1 bailin' tD ynuri

l.iMv i.ilrr !\ri i l-i 1 -ilr ii i li

A tirJIHilill lillil ih till III Tiding ri

rjcudki.y ™ *11 Hpriknp 11 I I lir l^litflit

lull- ] -L'l i
jt — 11 j

l.n low tilt iPVr

nT r>cli 1

O SiLa-diJ "ti'r'iif

Hpiliiiih ':ji »'f i-i itt

I lit
1 ib r CVrtlM-illtaii H-*np

1 i

ff IN Ml I.v t <tif rUM OXAm FW, - Tfir 5i. rn fl

Jinl Lrlnn- ftir Fl»nfh Wr-TnlHllHIrp tkrr itfWiVl;,. » 1 1 ll • . • . I lilm. |Im- (iwnutNlV of VflHlIln |h|linr III' |f» I Ur plil-willf *i|

filfulltr in hi'liir 3 ^ ’ i !• ll«l' *l\ml : l

h-' ImiiIiI pmlLinil pLMU'ltbF'i ulLrl vi ill.! Ir..n >pl.iril >1
lai'ni lutfjSiiuf lirui-L .> n

nl f<FVT. TIhtip iIk A\h- . 4 m 3 I|™I ill* i lii-u o* mil pluyiiitf ^1 lv-lik|r fin 1
- - 1 - -in! Jw-tiw'fjHrttt*.
N>i < <
jic ia|iloJ'il ll> mi ri KjiipLty i- 1 1 1 111 IiIp^ r - ilp-r ill 11 ife I Jiki'i.niiiiE. Min', Lit -iJiat iFi^ i’lullnir Eijli ill-* i il ii'i I iu tin

riiliATilrit igwrilin ^ llfifr ip.i- >•> •. M .itiil l> m, nii-iuil rmnil. Hi- . ill i- I i-Unta> u‘ilink ii'-.rvim wikli I s% imrutfi
pii^iuEukF 1'r\» In lei I iJkfH- -i 1 ! I
*lvijl£ I In* ruj; Iliii.Si nijii rCimJiinri I i-ii I mm s >il J‘rnni> iiipiI hiH
i i ,

J in N ill inn's NtWV>t * ’Sd \] Listers 655

which according It . r tegfiicL was st * i 1 I Kf bus- spec Eat ur nr$r 1 ih»- dirty hand of a child can
imnl of hi ytauirj 1
St e tt ili.i i*i jitovfc her cause much damage When one adds tn Lh^e
claim to arijjiiilr* prtdrilluu and win na^Hfcl criTiyday knurds thr drstrtActiuns of flunrih,
for tier \
i iw k h.trflilv. Ires, ht>ml licu^. and atlctnptetl re.^
C^dllE is t hv [uitlttfl salfrf of truhii inn^. I unit ions, the fact of becomes evefj
.md legend credits hti \Vilh #n imjHinjmt more a happy iLcddnit nf to
in’^timcL Hfciiiiw the musical instrument* One reason why paJtilmgs No survive h
of her time were iiuirfcfiuaiEe In nmv^y tile nf c nnr>e. tliEit they have often been, nwut'd
smutd i>f liir nJi^eUc Alices *hv hriifdi *kt hy families whit 3 lj,vi
iTtJifWerf them ;is 0I1-
ilrvrliifinJ ihr pipe rattan and unrLiimiJ that it fee Its previous 3?eyond bellfl \\ hen dls;3>.0 r- ,

he consecrated tn (.iml. St Ctfcilili sufTered h:ive llic tMteitiMl. ihi 1

prolrH l.jn of these hesr
nuiriyiiloni ;ir Roan; in 1b: third century, inmtis |i«is taken precedence ivio lifi itself*
Ka ely r hnwevi-r fluwr llm) old paintings
the True in |M:rh t 1 i .uidltioTi The beauty of of
r 1 1 thr name way i [ Iwdirvr ii knowledge nf those n Itm a rn matTid by the

ihi' Story nt St- Helena enhance olj r enjoy- we:ir ml

cur of ages: canvases I tom . ]
nine 3-
mi ! ! i mi I hr ssiulS i i.iriil -U ,l\ d
, i> llCT bj I
"nicking, paint SeckirtK M ll. To re>torr th-n

Citim i n ( onculiLinci (pajae Ij.lG ')

U'*ut fii :§ work of art is im im I irlie vaNy
n nti ii tuiLitfJj oniv our ht !j 1 1 1
1 r hi ;i
Hhafr: -Lirt-bciLl M|w”:;ilirsn Tlir Samurl H.
fnmilnil remembers Ihat Si. Hi ltrui vma the K • i S’muiil^siim n'l.iruJotn- sit Hui klrbrrry
nsuther u\ Elir first 1 luiNlaii rmfM i

ni „ t'i?zi- HOL its. property In (he MMUntai^.

s tan lint? Holy She ik. ih; i
a pilgrimage to (lie wliat miidd be culled n hospital for pafetin^.
Llih md found tradition savs. ihe cross on

one rjf the most r^uipped in the
which hrasf wus crucified; among the i world. |1 h directed hy a .ere at restorer,
fumj dating hi a tempb nt' Venus. btrih VJirio M-de^tim r Hiul liy half a iioien
lb -jmiI in m it, Thrift iaji n'verrna for I
1 i

assistartl^ Ifjiiiueas 62^ and ti44-S), AHijig pa-
the sacred otjluii, she found thr< lient^ are ds.sLTini.^il and re-Siirnl lit b™lth
Uncertain whtirli was the ros of Chrat, ( in ;i way iUlii wmild have seemed isti]jo>5ihli-

St. Helena sent for a sick person iclen- pd a few years ago.
tEfird thi- Inrr- { ’n ^ rhrnimh rts healing power.
P .liming
Fwo found at thr -jmr place werr
ir^n nails
Lilic People

sent hftclc 1 13 tmsUntiru ^\v. wbrf* the em- i

OH u ji
lifferfcs Hindi at- H di«rt
peror made one hslu a hit for his horse ;ind human buinrs. Both Urns! to grtiw a 3dt wont
1 1-3 1 i ii ri Into his- hi’lnn i
tiinl fee hie ^ith cxtreiiie Agr. (nUliii: pii r n,

The Unis? among The imhesit re Iks of the sme, tn terras *d hanuiii life, tough K r
hc eqniv-
(lirtstian wurkl. wii- divided into myriad nlrjit of itcloyrnarians: Renaksainzi- (meii t-
pjecei- and IhrougbuiC
hri:-ton- ( in^, sept ungenaruui f Ph iwcver hi -y cm 11 h- I

(lusn imiLiirtrrahtr cures 4 re ir-edjEni ! lt> rrj ti w

in rd by divining ami revamLiihirji;

niiraculmis powers Possibly tbs little panel Cleaning is one of the vra^t dchcatc upicni-
w:t£ 1 ci tended for -e_Ci altar where urn of 1
T m--i tLnn^ jui^ihlc on work of art. amf inexpert
frzigmt'Tin wa> preserved. r leaning hii_- proliably fouled mnrsr paintings
^vertijues of meaning nrc 0w> fre* than wars md fevidiifiriKs Aiderl hy a -terefc>
i^uenlh Inst on iln average visitor, but even oipii mifn^JD^HK ihr mudctFi [>m I in- -urp«in

whin ill! I farm hi 5

1:11 ihilt^ht in thr ivoniEiTflll NOJj-t distisiguUh precisely 'here dfmtdMi
preservnitinn of thi^ fraddle paneL now mure vnrtrish ends and pamL beLPU>- C-ir .-.ol :

Lluiti 45N >^,iC- hid. ttartPy a fnin:h of I hr wnisT he must ilmri wwiw
* onlv
" (Jis? dirtv
nriiiinal pafttl h;i- lu i'n lust Phi: Viwdurv of varnish anti ovcrpainiing. teavioi the nri|.!Fnal
Lhr meadows \hc warm on wall- and pigments intiict. IE |ir 1- MircestifllL the pli-
tu^tffs. thr jparklitm stTHon, all Irnve b&n ture r-miT:;!^ fin h try inch, like a reiiivltsuruled
preserved for our enioytnt'nt.. human reg lininc health and IwatUy.
H nltri'i-t 1 TTiftnrle that a fragile lint will th*m, restored pictmes 50fin ag-din
nl i.ii-- 1 marked wit h rh^l png eil iteHcatf iind beccruie cracked, blistered ;mr| discolured?
iNftL-fr [leridirLldt- pkmrti'ts ihmjlrl last more I |n?Iie\v out \u fiti|M?rlnn1 ifevelnpruent nf
than a few yvars. Tuo much light, ton much otrr time niakv> me i.onAdi ot thol osir paint-
mofelMtt-, tint tnueb ilryni^s too murh heat aogs now have u great!) increased life r\-
or cold^ fme careless move hy a tbiii^hl li
ss pecluncy; Ee is ;iir :wctitionin£.
**{R IV. 1
f J l b V "i V i >VK.' i i v/i- J rr 1 1 ). f ' Ji-nkLi/i *
Qifcen / fgferji’Ji'ti- jWuriu u <(/i Hit J Jjr'iirf

rp-ir^-fv pvffnlh I Ini- | I-J i t i | 1 1 1 cI ! h 1

*1111 |
111 '(1iiuF|i| I I Iliii-F'!s l-i ii
H*! 1
'Will* iiliu LtriilTi L'
S-* i u til# lllf 'll- I i l-.i" iwvl i.-r Mr., .ill
1 *.
s | . ..- . |
. II i \ *n\; 1-iH La !*i ii h i.i iP | !; i.1
iJHI" a I I
J .
I C M . 1 1 l

tfta 7 I NriiPir VVYntixl Ki i IiiiinI ^iiiirdii Vtif

HoudW- Ibs-sr of Portrays Otic nf 1 Mt mt K^nitrk^bL- Ki^uc*
CJunqjpJC HhJsjuhm,
I’nurn n\
roufc sidled hvmrU ihr r titan. >^u ink iN'Irr. hjmnotkt, and
'iiHi.i-rm. dly ripostf! a. an iuifimmr nnd j vpt-lJriJ litarn

dll av«r' Eitrat*. Iil* dtin ku

behnill U I till l-M h- retell htiirn. ift^pitfiEw, >*•
U?riWii in.-iuuji.iLnf,
ir *-
jih 3 bankruiii
" i"*-. 1 ijj'i jj^irum
birutiHbr ni
nf Tthaw:
Hfnr-|- whn folipvrd in See*
Si- Nemo fur he vkinir lJirn*±j*L aJ. hn~y wM
ConrkinnuiE liv itic Inqm^tum .m a.lidrttk- he eJie.iJ In *n
in Ji-ii. Anl.iihi* potLduU. rli,: eicu-m (MPrtrdi vtulpiiir
h:.. fip^ntod
of. Sri! a* 41 =

rflirami-r nnd port* fur r hi- nr(iH, ILlu- "i «>iher^ W4i.» duiHnf hy ilic famim* fulrr, Unm^mk
Iktc Unkr
0 «"U' -'3 Ihr N .L iti I.j CJlilF* l r r j !.;i. riHttlci Shl LjI/ -id CA-.l! Uli <-| n
I l I !
l.i - 1
|iE al, in n-
: 1 .
. 1 1 I !
1 .

Nik support mi wJtit'h picture dn nol bdli'W tliaE juv mu^um

# o thief
l;= » l ej:Ti->
| ! l I. *ir
LiMiiiiJEy dLbrt 1 :4iiv
Lt-. nr wnn-l. k mrrf directnr. n ilE have the jwIviEr^i- mf writing an
When I
utn&tepbefr k humid ir pitTe irh^ Urtirle 3i ktr tlik ai^in, Thr^.r ;LCce^imi^ in
nr whrai it Is dry dlL r^Vi-J 1
-r ijit ijr- nLtr wraith, v?h\th the Vatt* k al i

S'jiE- tnnv>-mfnl caiLses i.Ill- juint -urfuu . s

, hit Ji t h .1 ir> it aJ'H it Iijj- nK'nrried m -w-
H rebtiv^Jy Irftliustk in i-rimt zind tolktrr, am! erLit iHTcasitins, rautklla cotilinuin^ M?fiea.

rV* -Ml lift My In r ij t: i.l l itstdl rl flake iiWiiV * The laws ni supply ami deinand dn mu holil
Huwcrcr, air viimjiimnir*,: uun sLiibjjke hn- in die art %v««rlr| Worta nf ar| id tbr quality
1 1 1 * I . f A ;iinl rt-iliitL 1
ihr uiuvriiu-Eit of thy ^up- me ihr nrw kre-^- julqiliftfttrinjr Jire heii.iftkieui
I'Kirl In nlrrujfit Jiothljui. e:iin5timily mm rari irtiri %h ml i-i ^-attH* Eer-
Tliift' i‘4 ita -
hijlflcr l E thr •[[ 1 .il rt trrJ.--
G retit

Humidity i '.'iMUrol Saves \r(

MTi^ r>| ihr vorKf han! found pemiaMeht
The Xathittal (iittlittf)

k ihi- 1
. mi- re^tlm? pin res..
iileti-ly jkn ifndttloiK’rl jm rn^um in ihr v*\ ki roLifitfy liavfc 1
every r™»Ji En
WOTM4 PSrture; -nf tri ,i lime become .n •. IF- be pr*Mjd ,uitl cmEefijI tkit. thiinlL^ to thr
mate! In riik stable Lit mo ‘.pin tw and 1

tho fuimij^tion cre;i«iiHl l.iy JJr SaTfiuel H-

annssmE trf rotur.-tt ion required E* U-ss ajiH .Mr Rrs.-h TI Kn>55. |>> iTir L^alfery
dim 1 -E k in any other tudlrry id n uTTpiuahV 1 iT ^k t i* r d' irsrirs vurh 'A SLunertniji of
>iKr- Thus --tieiice aitk in pirattvfiia kluse this ursii|Lj*' h^riuue >r
fppfl 1 rt has faJlni
grTepbceisbU- tn.-.-L-nns in the National Gallery. •*
Ln rjjif lot.
i i 1 1 ^ 1

f 15* Chessmen Come to fjfe in Marostieii

An Italian 1 'i^vn Revives .1 Kumaruk l egend nt the Middle Ages,

in Which Suitors t ’laved t hisss for the uf a Lady hair

U* A lex a xr> f.h Taylor

J# 7th iiin$lrti{iovs from l h®togr&{'hi by th# Jitikor

T crime Ml tin- trouble tras. o! course. ping "id cbarackr* Tl also lets him tail a
t fT

.1 gEr], tn i>. I the whole lown of Marostka hjmrSfiUTie fupjre on one of the nimbi mm s

in northern Italy wits mightily upset K-?1 horses.

a<, ‘

The si m3 nutlinec! fn it If-ilVi froth "T he ciLi'LLljiuieri ' | asked. ''

Arepid they

\LiitKtkflu Fqf love of itn- In-l'iui 'bis t hr iui th prut I mi taty policr

lady Lin mint louog daughter of the Lord 03 \ vs. Baschetli replied ht ^Isnbder of

Mie t'a^llr, Hu- mil dr sirs Vieri .ind Rina bin llpffOTe gaye iwmii-mior fur .i men and
had dtcugeii each nth^r in u duel
1 3 1
» rhe S I heir horses lo Take nnrt, It requires a hurn?
death. Bui Srignoiir Partita, L.i.ini id tlir 1’^ traim'il tn and kimK tm -Land r|>m'lU
tfc, frri'h.LiLr iht- rhiid dis^pUuTiom tm paitt uf on our che^bmird with herukto bluwin^ tnim-

ami ordered Hull Hip dispute be bruit'd in* pet? uvery few minutes.-
struil mi the lire-it Field before the ciisllt, in " Vnd win i
finally wtii5 L 'nium?
ti ' t asked

the liable Kumr m chess with Uvinr pieces* » . . di \alkmjim wins tier. To makr
cAlti', rivab rrpllly m cIjis-sii.'
srr Iieiyt llle t htio
Backshift- in thv Imli Gqtttur? t!ajne of which ur ktmiv ihv ouhomc Thi-

]ie:iri! of hra with Hying piecr- lic- ytztr it's -i uanv phiyetl Iw' Adolf Ander^stri
I liftd 1

«E a centoftt^-r^ri cub- usd Jean I lutresnc ;ii Ib-rSin in

fme, but thfa ]r|Ntftd
When Since 3 i:aipro| 5 pen : llalian ^jnnor lins-
test for love InltTuwfJ tne t^ppeiiiUY, I

learned was to be the Lhrltir id il festive

M dn-ttl intti-duiLril mr En n sub !i Fi^ ttirl niimt-V

ivvival of pn^rantry, japtk rrip To 1

Lilians, whii would be my guide .lEtd lister-

.Marcxsti^i in r rich form country where hr e 1 1

fjreieT . U i ill her E 1 krt I
out n " i E t \n


VtftWlbiu plain mretfli i hr (no Shill- of Hip Al|r- JiPSiiii. whtre under u timid less skv

l ti
Hmw off the train ffnm Vitwtia. I sni- ihrjiLsnifj spectators wow W!5n« mand^Lmd?
^iiohI l had iteppri I I i.nk into ih# 15 th cen- utirl the window "f binl dings.

tury , The E ' iw i] ua re tras nohi Sy usti r \vi E h Near f>_v u errmd -wrErmrfl umund a small

knight? in armor and LiiEaes in gay silk?; si pad (ft Vc red wngfiTi It wa? drawn lay four iiuJi-

velvets, V t walked Ihniugb ui .in hwmy keys. .Lin I sevn-ra.1 rif Uir pmiili 1
in :i wi;rr ih

Inlo tJbitr jplfutit. a clunked pflSt, i

i nntmw'ii tm pi\ lT M7 \

chid fruiTt thiu t« heel in ch&iu mlm.IL j eras-.* I'ajx t\

Ti .

bow over his shsttiTdrr U^ind D"l J liliinl Bn.iriJ +

Near by I immd the [ugrant heiidiiuorcrr-r. in i l ie Square os Vla^sricii. Ila|>
1 had nut waited lotjg lieFon 1
,i lull mm in 1"rnrlHinn -=m -
a mii np p.ta'MuTii lit- nr] On 0>n i m
shiri sdeev*^ LniwhI in nu- .iud said in EmdiMr tYMudi 1
- TiiLi ftn-J+lmnita ^Tiktcar tin

1 am Mirk" Vmetkli, urtistit d to n id 1

El nu 1 1 •
Ip- flfmtifrlpr Hn r Eirr(.^r^| m laichi a ^url
T"j iivoirl tpLaodillt’ !, thv 1'tiil dv rceil iJini Oil-
ft livid. And this h > 4 m
1 1

i mi' f Rose belli ? i r nur

uluy si eEine. wr:h Iimill: pinc-ts ntwltu; uver
Ureter runout lee presidHit Ti| ii riii] ^rJlUrrh nil 3 lit iirL'JIt tie 111 jfUELLilii* lii-

1141b !
Mn*rhri1i lauidiinp, ! do i "i i
1 r Tlir rirEm, In 1
r-pci i it-i'rl, 'houlrf marry hi»

the talking hr iine> h t

wi-^k El: ua he who*
i [ , l LL i: ht If

3 n 3 A an 1 IU $ $ t nr, a>pc c^pJt imuicij 4 £1^41 1^ n 1

breathed life into


iLirni to uttr taftrtfrl -uni

Ij3-ed i'ii L hr EvntiJtifc leliend 1 1 etc Mft'enil LhuUMi in I

ft He wrote the stripe Now bp oversee? WiiEdi 1 h 3* 7? r^rlBrtndMcs Th. tcahiu« rimli 01 m-
nwtiimes and setj. pLiiLs the miTvcs of ,i<H) Jtfll OVht 11 fit EUUtiaiL 1
nil i\%v fliii 111 i'ur^-

jKfipk iLDii tf^ches ihnri t" act Uc lrnve J5 -I ill 1 Iji.ilTL- i'lO > l hn^-t-TTirn [n a t !l 1 rr

the rrt h: 1 1 live mtives lEi r s^ll#)

only ;i ft'nr jinifi's^Euiialii in E

M if shf ns fin lllN-odlOary dsllr imwn 3 his- hlil

if all that v^e-ren'l enol^h, VuLPtlch
fiuiirh'3 y.iil3« nn pii Im-j i- \\h\ i«nvn a fid =l r-cirir-

pli > L M.r-terof the Firld himsrfL

i i ii inli ni h 11 Ii I Th lu-Mi'lteii l.v l.!Mli:^ Itii 1
Lua hi- n-|l|-

TIujI put? him riszliL in (lit middle of every- PCF\-rii ,Lr .in nnr.i 1 r«- H

thing, whrrfhecan daotil urrirr? without step- ' . I ! * I • -I rjHIhTJlillU

BL. fc -1
Hi' 3

LL l


%ii H 1
y J .

Rivuta Piny ;
Ti-Itsiufi M minis
The Etmry ol ihi* living tflew
Hraniv tiUtfr* iVit ^llWAtonl* J-TJ

tbr 3jqrvpnuM' i ca-Mfc. Tn l*mp
the pubfck krfenruni /ji the p,Li,y

rilEzenj actiid i^Lft rvrrjr nwViQ m

tfiffl BrjUUfT.
hi ttw liLM^L S-fl p di l-1 Infci l : ! tb-
small baaed ii -i i up 6utd(S4?ra
A hrmtd lihnutj each m nve-, ,ipd
Ifvta t ihiplteik- (hi rhjflrU 1


ViTi <ti-: - |
j, t:i ,

Sim 1

EKw Sinda (lcft) + an

.Lur^mubiSt merhiLnk, icti the
port ^1' REnakfo, wb& intwra ihn
lllndt IHiiak,
i#ii iv&rk> in ;i pnllcry, purtrayi
ibt iTctti-rbsii VIvjH, with ifr
while iflrti Uonti^ hr wlfllkr' I

priiu, it, Rustin'* kft

*r \ c.iiE oi r
!iiijrlY y i
paicrj Lb the jptcanl, Escept Ear
pri if !•'•’•
-Jrtfcid*- lh ihi cruijriF H i>l
\nt were lunateUm.
rnk*, ilLI

SerpQ Tdiiw and \?c S'inrhFp

$CjlH VtietaW til lilt! 1 till in *laKr p

ptiftfirv ! hr Eurrl ill Mumtka ah >L

hi i i-iiyiuX’in Eaw,
\LiTOiUtJlV k^CIld Wl! Iiul-

iteted by ah liUh-crnlury lib-

etivifry jI .tUbt ui

jlupu .iiiLj the piazn'i pa vine.

, 1 e;

66 |
‘Rlfli.'k Otltetl All V unco
in l m \\ I 1 i £t_- 1 trri (ary

Since Ifec- kin^nd k-Eb nts ibi-

Uflv ci | r hr fiarfar llj-dK, rnn imft -

BflU> re-eh=n'in1 u (urogiu

playnL by ;jJi 4 Du-

:rc*nr ai H-c r l5n m LH£?+
Sptfdilura rfuJIuHrifd Mir (tl&Vfet
il !
. 5 huui> tif

j nd "NftJ Se !" i jlll^ > u L . Win ft

Vi l-.T: e km
both kniidii3 s fq®L
Jcsiii hli qu^'ii is quick tketti-
»tim, hWk iL^tiuLiri i'i I a tOfitirtl flt

Bu± -uddeni" i -vh i L< : hkluip
TITJ Li'l | liUvMrmEli * " 1 1
r-r; 1 1 .1 r !

itld tlll-rjl 'tiifl Hlnrk

‘"UbcL'tiTuU !" riiarrd lSu !

ilii Hit i^lhic w;ui t udcil

Wkll<l' w.i . ic r n r | ! .1.1

Irir >u luh

bqniiens Train beErcfli .iLt^iul

fcihif!- and *|iar> ns t irjfti-

If T I Att nwllr tQVm% *iif-

ifirjenlLiJ \*y i:m*iLnL>wi uilii£Lr- ,

L';»".h mil ibem ultdhg I he

ttfj^rij tjjiipr NJ..I J

iTQftunujd ifi ili 4 kill 111 nut!

hiM-e, an tttllan emKranian
Ingres in fpr n. rlcue-Bfi ol tht
blifk quMtii To filitt I li<! |jiiS'
i_i.:ll hr iaiirrl [* dti-.* “In

Vii \ \ pruiihlr x. *- 1 I

<n II IBfiii i






Uuvic^ U


in ptiLfi,


thi*h hr
I %l|














PiruJr (ttiEttsth










0 ^qll r.ql THh "’ *
- j -i/
ftf,. |

Flmriftn Che*s Pieces Teke Tlwif Plum nr Nijthr Reheanial in rlu* FTm-H^EL^Fic^d Sqanre
1 ivpnr tltt» mil man
l- Henry ft rppoflrtity icibiqisni a chess nraayqitmwJc in 1 1D?
ftlohflnitfwd, Jiulliui of
Ursii^dj. jnd ]>cjd JijLq of Utettia., Li'ji *4 llir ViU^ilvr*. iff fciffevusB to b-ivi pluyisj ft, Liuiin^ Lhi- ocntucy
I't-iC'mc, Pltvii, Vit’nnir in if Olkifn have : iiited ihrr maichc*
rfl|T *
j "
j _JKf


Sqimtf^Gijr Cuttf? Worthy n< a Suinisj^ Swrv^* ** thu lia^k-Jmpi

Muf'^frF pmfcU** aiu-Si nl Ismr- ttfsEgrliJ Eiril^ frnrred uVrt ihc livrn
liitn iifvsjutrfCHT C\tn tlfitljlr.'

4dE|k Stiu nf VlfTOii. 1 iiii"t I hr carilr b 1J1I, NApfltotm m«(dU ATI impartAJH ImLilc or> fcbe outikirta al JjAaioitkii
In JTUtf .TflrcLij f}.ir. I.i.ii lr mi il| i/iJ fu-riirtisiri aunellcmi a
i tiie l&wn halJ.

GalEjmt KniJiliE Aid*

Fair Ltiuh W Lib
Zipp-cr T ra ubjif
Modern HCiLEAtii'ii-iu rc-nh il

co^Euinci iri Kenai&^nncr at ylre

LlEli t fcijt'tUHMl fcu wct'kf ffH

Ibf m iiuiji! Her U|ijwt cad-

fcle Ipaiw flSBl Tlkt-y ijurprl

iMi i * « 1 1 1 1
1, 10 F-c-cmile Eh* Hie-
rli± !
vn3 =pkil and srtting wl

lil-ljlr le CLlld
A-: i Iii-lt^lr Ur trArlElkh, Mil

tortlfin^ ebrefr w*3

I 111 I'Mihl III eJcth^TIM ratt tlaal

illnwioi toukl ±*tt tod wiiii-

oul bliKHidhttd.
(‘Ln I mu irt \h& PJjfck nil in.
i h e ye y i! u. n iiil t r* * i u frill led
ji'TO-5. c-Biiume= anrf birburFj
and f m*d thrm rm For dr*-

£i Kaiimuhi ilr ru; ;> »^ i‘‘is



w*-. Jj-

t r >*>.


V -Jf

i 11 , i - —

Clu^smcn Come to Lift in MarostEct .67

IiLii kt.ji \\bunpinur and ^nvsirdi^. 1)1 hiT? k(|y From n [Nirchmeot ^:roSl.
It win in read
Lruupe dun ml aUmi wagon until um tn g J^risioS edict forhiHldinu

ni the tits
irt i

Fh IliU I U|U^|4H|Wf!a the duel and ordeilog ttn chess, ganu :. LILlholl
TbfliS lilt
warilffitij; cirntM^fe/ia ddi'&rtr i
i li- ^ a Ssi
I .
Wl ruing the spectii in rs
i i i I E i t

t’urup*iiy_ slid Lili.irui. E Jiey add In (hr nut tu indulge in \aml jokes or whistling'

k^t.Lvititfs. Jusi Un. 1 tey did tn Rcitess&iio oner

r.runt|>eL^ ^iiundeil niiirf. imd in
*fa$5U hen they put on plays. they miike V. marched the white chessmen hour pawns
up the dialogue as they go along only out- ;
f|r^3ci] it’, ludhtrdters fireceded ihir kirm iinrl

lines ni ibi- plats are written do.WB,

!|Unm wln:i tnoved almd tell rl-in-h: Util
l.kni L yuu Uiink the white queen i% btan*
NobJtinCH T ul«* Their Role* tlfnl?" Liliaiui asked me, "She’s u midwife.
put iced four sUinniriL^ly custcrmed nrrU The kiiig wiirks in u denial laboratory.
— thf

gazhig iji-wrt in mi n LUilten Ipu^r GtSib Then thr Hkdc cuterte trtyjFptd ip
^And whir are ilwy?" 5 inquirtYi, klug, 1 hesird. w;io a fsotl^iy mnlder r
s md the
omen frum Venice iLnd qUeoi uii'. ;l dinTiir of l.ivv_ They joined (Ju."
Tbey"re Zli’;ii ilt

Knmr \\ r luive Suftli yuiiiiK null lenten hi white pieces massed rank^. With one En

the v.iM too, They ir playing the rute of Voice 1 be fbi^TflSti -iliUJIfMl V va Linn! ’ r

aiidjass^ttetck front Venice. Rarluva. Tfuvisd, a bailie cry of ihe Lirniitr nf the Venrluin
Re [mill El which finer InriiiOLilril
Yicenm. Bussmsam] IVrrara. Tltdf an* .

res tors were ambassadors to Mamstica in ihr- ‘TSipo they tookpbee^ lau ihs hime che^burinj,
davs we nre re^mtinfi now At ilU i ii Ice fruim i'amfe, fm'igis [iroughi

ltu_;lr* hbrtd und drum- Ur^t tatlrxi. a table chairs, and a chessboard uf coniwi-
S^nnr Id u: IQ bail-mlko- and crtlssi^iWTnciii tpnoul ste^ The rival suitoFi tcfmjKcd. rin-
ivi.Tr mat china Ento the ^Uaneu We ran to num, holding a black paWp TTinCeaTt'd iti nnt
brim and a white one iti tbj' ntlqer, uitetd
a spoi near the dais set up far ikiyemor

I'nT'iii a in id his court li sirMMl before them En Rmaklo. chose blaek.

Siitioa di wva at tEa- board ami tending over
tiurelfd casiltr, the* town halt tp'igr 6h4) mm -

iifeamEug to armor i.m a splaidtd black il with joi air nf infrm^ i rincenleatioi. Vim
hurst Mailer the h'itW VucctEch rude uui-
and Rinaldo made their ninve^ fpa^e hH l
j-rstLL jlh inti the square sin Ugly star painted «
A each decision th-n heraW li-rlSi w«hI
across his fa< r (n>2 i ^irheps and pjke- cnantl' En Ehe living pieces. They shifted dlc-

men slogged akuiiisreie followed fey knights cur< I irmly, while rmw mid I hen cbc?> fans in

They Eouk places ila tilt- the audience responded with shouLs of
on pninriiiiz: hi irjwsk

ing the date,

Br^vu H nr !
So, Tin!™

A niomehi later |0^-. tla. c -

hearer? Iwtaidf SV hi tc-_ Iffsiim linlli knlghB .aid a t» i^k in

from i be Cftstte rather quirk 5uccei$5iu>a, saertfiepd life 'i-jcpri.

Lind iTUro-at-arms sallied forth
Sow the noble tjunijy emerued among page?! too. The pretty r
midwife paced sadly uf! to

. mi I Liditfs fa wailing, Liuvrfnor Parish fed jpin thr n-? i rrf Rfeck'r. iirisonepst

in sh'

date llii sister-in daw „ Fftietetbtk, and R ina 3d 1

f-mi r ked c on fi den 1 1\ Jd i 1 1 su iffen Ey

his young sister. Oldrada dti real tile, said a while fetetep i l.i iii-i| -
tlu iruirlilr b&iid
i i li.ii iiii >he v K SrureLiry). With them and thirateied Bbdt kinu. -=
The i
the nvely I Lkimim fa raff owner‘s daughter}. gB&psd; ih^ ktng was imppeiL Hr retreated

\ murmur c:hii tlirmiid] dm -crowd; llu prifs- 1 m desperatioD, his ht-a faithful kni^hl fell,
were turning forward, :mr| t 'hecklWilt' -n:u^[ Lilt

'us I- in the feud

Tfaromrii gates at opposite sides uf the ttitfe
Ldwr U tns it Wife- ®,c Conftolntioti
\ Seri md Rina Ido mindly mtn the sUilkeij |

sqnari 1
. Hehiiid them paraded thrir squint two c^Eiti?sLiinls anise and sofeTTmly
and fttimies of h^ugjity partfgiTiH F
shout ha rub. Theft Phrkln Eurtnally te-
\evt cmw the tuwnsfalit. One ^(tr-r m+ (rutiirti Lmnoni to She vtcluribui A'icri and

‘Hther r-eprr-wn iii lives uf tlir medieval ptrikls tuTerc-d Rimildu futLsnLiinm prize lie ham! to l

ntMidr forward ivith their stunfj^-bws^ i d |

^uTsmV s sister GW ra d j . K i nn !rtu necepi & I

splenditl in rLurnnit ni .scar ft. silver; I and icold. wi h ewk! grute.


I rr-t'vit'jiifeHi patters, dyers 1 i;i k^r- and sJil l

The ciuss pjrL'e^ and men al arms forttipd

straw hill milkers, ran ks 1 1 1 1 k er r , l i li I In mjirc .1 l i iff . > li i

Idea ly i

An exultaot btasi of tnoop«is, arnl n Ms- * K i it pin pMivijr* fa ihb, hrilUiuiE came «cc '‘LheW
torian in i?rer n. black, and golcl stepped out, in liih Edition (WlJ
1 .

lfuliiiii Ni ihl uwutlrvll Lund j. Kci*u| |i. the Pdijuilnl

Their yiiunr 1 .1 1 Ij
« dfciCViii Urvli ftf Itilian InmEllcii priimiiiiiti In the Xlkktir Ae«. eke**
-Ni'iT-fdl 1
.in 1
1-S 1-i‘il I ' 1 L- ll ^ -hi * ilfrI'mmk'v Hi k.i -•'LtuU.i.2i ..1 J-L-.iv.1
I,. „

Ciu3ii ^ru r^1 - u- rfii^Li .Jin’! 1 nbffttebi M tn 1 I'm tifaiTPExi, lnxh n| Vfflp; -Hill Mat-i jimnr Niroklta FuEudiaLti
of Buttir r^urik--- |i-nr>-«F7-t ws* vulol Ulc ami Niaijillful jn'rllriparit in tik l5'SS ttum-jril

the [timmrdbi ddvarte pkyiir-. led intu Time- (pr thunderous rqipliiii^ :j 1 1 rl rllsafr
the sqtfan They had ratouf to bee perotls- ptutfid into the cistk. The afteriiivui -1,111

sion nt S'iinMn to rej iliy iht c jil- -

- ;«•• 111 up their r^hiMtirvj. ranks in .1 Inst hunff r it

coTdbiu r 1
1 ilirir own notions. nu-dirvid 'plrndnr-
Hie pFyiTfidr assented aiid lltr burlesque Liter, LTliniiii joined me for 4 iiip rif frothy
beipn, Bhmkbkfnl lim-.H n ml I he ]on"-t*\ib'd. i:*' fipu re taff i 1 ifTrf ,
aI H. *:a f i- where \ hi In rly

NlklkM c]mvn> Meat adih nlber ubuLLi thr cars l-Ewiom #si> bikinp orders,
wi th hh diii-r ml Li :-tJ rrisi u. j f im nthi h tu \ vrr- - ki-il L
l ,Li u
3 if 0 i ] i ii 1 1 1 1 i l l : r livr in .1 -<l lii'.:

Siiin of ihr rwbk- jam-c.. It csirk'd as abruptly hi heavily mnrkcd by The past.
.is it bad thiTimcucArL J ]hn- of tJ|r players
MMp 5 ttca k hardly mure than a villajj;!'

^m-d Mw- mi o k T.iuiUmL threw her river bk ah# atuwrred afler a white Hut hi.^mry,
shoulder. and rated off wjLh her — noisily pur- fmpiirhinE history \ms rieetr jE fnr
sued by thfc ire he-rs^. nture than 2_{)00 tVnr bMildlnjts ^tlunr
would lx- t'nminh (u remind us of Hit! sreai
t’hi^nn I elides Pcm'ii \ i\ ii CthiLirics
strenm of ha I urn ruJtme_ But wn urm r

Cnii«tiO'vntiL is mill |,
ta/L Ll! rirlli'r -, Ixr^ati In b.iwl Sli. Ivll hri I jdmlJE it,

a martial d[tty at the- wp of Lht'ir 1 l2 jlc=-.

1 k
T :i he 3 mr earn ? , 1 1 E j rl ai p - u* !a I £e
“‘[hr old =onn of thr soldiers T '
, I-] i>ue « 'ld days: uLmd setllitiif a dan-
LlHimii csplai ned, 'We'vt kept l be nriamal iCerot^ dispute without bloodshed. I htn stury
vi ids
ffririi the an'hatc itib.m. has 4 Snf of nieantn? for today. BqJ we sim-
As the v ihber5 Ktitgp the Master uf the Field ply -"ii joy dm ftp it. We tlaw a bl of Euti. aud
led all t3ie in. ilia pky Iti a final we fti-J thii ,ilt diis fuiftiimtry uut iff the jiaM
ntmtl? ji.t-t They ditteii ihe ^imire three re.tlK I hdotiSR. ta l
1 1 1 &

Vanished Mystery Men of Hudson In tv

An Expedition t n sponsored by the iNarmnaJ (ieographic Society

l jwirtJis Muldering to lies
i. ami J'nu]- Thai Link Spirit Age
Eskimos to a humpean i. uliuro uf ftjnhl Years Ago
Bi Hf.xry B, Coi 4 *ins
Vrthrriboliigbl Smfrturini n (nttituijuii i

ff Al EET' F shouted T'aijcEyul;. '

\h-rr! •
William E. Taytol^ Jr,, nf the
••'••Er-ri < «f

r-\ Xh-iH'V" Trn yelpiuc Sigshit'S vwred knusemn, NLuntan Kpftp|>on r-F the I'nlver-
* A left of an open 1
% in the

-dty af Ji in mi o. pholo^raplwr Kaadw O^iruH


;*u!! tun Ut& in prevent •

lie lurdunu sIH fr^m an d rUj^Jfn
dropping a runner uti-j the id^u. Bundles \ Kii> lI { ’znnadirin Air Furce plane [ns kerl
of Et'Jitj^. arc lit* c 'iilhfn^, rifles, and ruLiuns hip us- uji in Mnnlmik imadied ilnwrr in (litlfcMJl
iwi'i rrn irn.hs tKtfrfil jirevariiiu^iy ivc scram- fur Linrllc rnttipjiiu ittUEpmmt kindly hutiieil
bled Ti* rieht thr -Vri nod save its ea ^3 fiYun hy the 1 f, S, Qiicntmruuite n>rps and ihen
an ic.y pliifyse Tn l hr- Fpotnirfi ni 1 1 1 d -on Huy , ssmi:ivi iis acm^ ifr-en-wn Hudsoii Bay !
It ms f
» mi- id I
**;.£. urn! wr were headfd ^inrtiiamptiin I^Ernrl At i nul H^rhour ihi
for n lwjdliUd uij ^nutlyimpturi ikbinri
1 1 t«jji k feiandx trurlrn^ mito. \, I
Swgfiidd nf %
n northi r nnu tsl T r* E-i m Bay ijuu Jibuti V Bay
lam? I i
i i
. |
Liwfc us to .i- In l mie-
i\7?\. There had dwell thr a and culSnl in an T'lvklmu ! 1
admo. an hiiw
niisj^t and prirmtivr hrrod rd blAimi is whose
mpr rYpedition cnuld hrst rrath S;\i\w Polnl
imm wore )«ar^kin pants and did their hair rriir pm(MbsL-fl Oiuipsite 40 miks to the souths
in krH)Ls itfiift t licit brads rift
our dm^cltant, EDti- mc'^l of
Stone A He 3iPLh Ctnmry SouLhH^pton'i prtfstui^) jminikLtLon nf 740,
Whili- ttwwi E- kitiin- look up clue ways and 'hsn:en45 £mm AlvfHk -kimtLs wJm :«m- from l i

wKap'in- ..I ^]i:Lr men. leaping in a few dec- the rftnmbnd shortly idler the turn nf the
irtlljil I rum Stum- V^r tipi IDt li ten Liny. Lhe wntuty lo vrnrk with whaler? r. 7 Mi
Ay ainl 1 1- uclnus hiadjerrniuts stayed apart
#nd i^rsMed duppinif stone implements. lb Sumniitr IVony* Eiliimc Spirits
VIE Tbe\ |&4 ir<im She white imn was cUs^Vtf. In winter die SiindmincFbisj'Cs Vi vllik* trap
pruhahly typhus «ht typhoid. which wiped tltr aixirf" fox gad hunt wulrii*. and jwilar
Iheni out In 1002-0$ tpnur 671 J- hear un tbe fn-yrti sea Ubest ate rtiotilhs
Here, too. on SDuthamptnu Island once uf kLffE ‘WJ^k. bitter mtri ,oul cflwjless al^bl
1 veil pmpfe whn mil % b.ivc Fjct-n the1 to-rehears The coming of symnier jcvv- the E'^klmu ,i

of tV ^iirliimiiut? These, the my-t primus siest, a lEiiirlli of sfiirtt that t^tke- him around
linr^'E Itsbbiiun, tcfttijtfes earlier, the dock with only ibrcf or four hours of
teivimr m\y the niered truces Meep, iimitiy days run one into an-
Dorset culture b tud.jy the outstanding i tJkiT — wtih
no flarbnfiss.
prtdilmb of fCAima ardbeolivsy Though it F'araiyuks fan? bramed mth the jciy oE
"i '
C extended fium \ r\s
l« Mind land to lireeai- suttimer b return eis M Sat around SwatileliJ's
fiiml and fhi 1
basic HsLiitin citliure krtrhen jUvbk taJkitiic and firittkin^ coffee,
t:ii ii n:h *uE lhf i
i"i l1l-.iI 1 1 1
1 1 i as-lrrn A r lie w*- Xot fiiuii^h rd rlie islnudx me I tin* sm:iw
know very tie tie nikuit it; in mimy re^fn^'L^ renutire-nl Lo mukr uvs^bnd ^led tracd |w>.v
ji mnninH as psia/Smc :inc| mysterkttfei tuday 'h 1
Sn, .tllhoU-Hh Lhe sea

ll -
tt'£ wruild hre^k
,ls when it was d^^i^vrr+^l years up ;my day now and cracks were luminu
V s-LuniTM t-i “ni*
study nf Sadkrmiyt houses daily mtn o]un leads, we decided to tusmlih-
— -Uimhlftc ut frii'k and —and the site of Ott d- I «
1 m lt lnj*Hhr-r (rma emui^h for Iht!
a Dorj*.'t vJIluife ivotdd, E hoped, i\i utoHh^r '
hr-i m i
- i i ^ inp r.i \aiivr I'-iini, I

I'iCiCff nr twsa lulu the jM-rjfluvin^ fMU/Je: yuk aunjcd lu take n^.
Where d id the f^skinux 1
-: Come from? Next morisJcj.L!. F an e»Iv uk reappCLim^ with 1

Sprint ift 1
' I l.'V [lie Naticifud tio^Tnphic So- thr it other Kskmu i> und four slats, each
cict}-, ihr ^iiblih^joiati In^tltutiniL. and til# pul fed by el^hl to te| yapping lu rabies. See-
X^ Miigonn of ('.'aitada, the ^itdMnn ing thr TUifn tush mwim^i b \Utp t3t^ <Serl.4 and
i J U i m|
1 l 1 1 1 \

n:o 1 be Niitionii] t a <_ '

L^r j. iJ lj May azide
|ii|r Mur Sente isurl supplied in ihnti. otic m Ssi l Above thi 1
din id ilsu:^ :md drivfrs rase the*

have wnftefefcd ter a mmn^iu if pai^iyuk si r umfntn £ of \ r: 1 . u i \ 1 1 erseo 's injltar An* I

liiTi.-iil :l.i >i:<i i -i I hi 1

li.liiiI ill Iimi hi- nuthriHLiUS Vi-c^Ij/iiesj. id' "( am Mt Bin k
Actually. ihe hi &U«fVed A double putpasr. tu Ohl Viniitmy tL» the ddichl of Killlfi

In spring. us die ice melts; fctige expanses cif j iLt 1

and the other Eskirrup
k , bp. driver
wilt t 1
r ,
^iiMetimie-H s\\ inches deep furm nn The sleds fiaiely ^pamu'd some of thr widrr
it- surface U m? it nnr fi -r ijte fffaleclloh id hzi]±. iuirl i;ruS5my them retpiirrMl dkr *m- \

She IhiUlL'. Lilt? CJSTgM piled nn i hr- 11 hv. ilai "btned efforts -if drivers and fia^^nKen-. wbilr
'-Iwh, w.rtljd quickly he si Him d-d c il- rua- ihv rk?ps thr huskies ^v-ljtj. In t !
i’ll e u.oi tui

. r- kritV Eli rough the Jitefate water. foamed a hut ;jl live mile- nu hour. Imi Hu'if

Then, too, then: is lihc cvir-pregHit dwgcr .ivtMrujr w n-i mut'h With the bright r

ml nn icr- (lew? the urn yc li ere Traveling: on — 1

l Vrrtji: ntpbt aJiead. .ill of us acreed that wv
— kniviiLH the [Kick and heading in N'n in an would [up It thnnjiib to Native even
LirTshiKfi w m! In the pant marry an Eskimo
if it tiiiMk us an If] breakfast.
Forlorn and helpless. has stood liestde Ms Suilili-idy tlie drivers uttered, soft, guttural

pantlrt# leam watching the fcwp fnm lead thei which meant TTusb j
cnimnaiids li ^t a3!''

iitsl rrrrbwd open up suddenly tn ft hundred bi.^imtly Hie i lujtjs uttipped yapping.
reel. A rowhnai «mik| hate tfavrd bbti If' m Napayuk hiul sighted a. stttaA half a milr
a lonely de-Hh at diearL .l -ingle liln'k put up the w hite ex-
* i
: OfF wenl tfaig i J 1 li- jr .i li-mrii' iMt'r
year- old BE-tfadv I rmTpm> In wan I the seal* but with the lienee uf E'ba ?ts i

One of the brightest ^pcit -= at C oral Harbour \ird not ^mort did thry utter when the

was thf liute blonde htiftd "i Lily Jewel Swaf* slerb Milted t-OE yards frmti the quauy Tilt

held I'ieht-yt'Jir-eld daughter i if I he Hrv-'-n - |i;tnNtig atiPtWHl-., ruw pnekrd up. stiwjfl alert

Bay Company manger Arctit-hnni, she in ihdr lu\n<- waUhing

sml basking bt the

wu- i- much .i child cif the North ;« anj of side its hrenthijiLr hide They knew that if
her EsLcmi.i iLiyninlr>. Ski: ^fhike theft* Ilij dn seal ii^i s hjjjLTd hey w^cruld eat at the f

image with a perfection thru mme- only tn end uf the trip. Should tliev frighten it by
ikjsc who learn it as infants, harking, they wcotld u n hungry. p

V: Lily Jewel botirwinl attest I

_:- i
i btir E"
k^kimn'v \ clang b'floU a Seal
j.llt an i ml LZL iiihI i luestiun. Eh 1 Lmrrlystk Whim
she ref>eated his answer Sm me In Kmdi>h. \ Mike unr otir f^kinn ilriver^T
Brncfe, I i

li.iitti! her I li *Lti i ;uil! said Gaud Si stir Inmtii went ahead alone to stalk !.be seal by an old
Kh. Papgiyuk t mid Ihf hn: Immil i Kikitm * ) i in|-; Lrid true nieihnd, Crouching as Urn ns-

hnlllieil willi [ileaiuri- at 1 hi? thil-

knnwlei lut lie and walked Euward ihe
cuuld. he ran J_

of hLs laftRUiuje., -.0

ip] line
iv Imi the animal htlftd hitiitl b
U'e Jewel and her eniuimisM." ui'
left Lily liHik ir-iLiisd. A- the distance narrowed hr? .

little Eskimos waving goodbye on the beach. Uy down on thr tee and pulled littnsrlf alimg.
Men and do^s irtrujnrkd LgftrrhiT te dtsiiJt the This ivas ihe Lruuiftl nvi merit, when Mike
sled- over thr roLii»h ’lime let*. Then the TtlLlst rrtiplny ft II Id-. >kllt tn Eltiilate the ;l|

d<ig^ fi>. ,k mil r .


h ri i n i e -md mi vr man i i
- » if hi j-
1 n :s rr>- 1 IV him
Hut ir -U-cli Jitirr la nut fust a Emitter uf
i tht -eat l> i-iked of*, the banter \\ mid He flat,

shoutirm 'nutsh a ud kLyUrm off at jr*t£ftdy " feut together ami head down, ami then slowly
run. 'L\|u-ili is a while man s word ihnt up raise his heari to look anuind fust as the
Eskimo evrr ti>i> dri ver a:’ muLh :i r'n l
I lilir mil did.
wnrt rs any of his dip Rstrh rlitt P-oigT rhrotiub E be hfaorolliirs ilike lookfd c v-

yuk ri?L‘ more than three niLiiate? without -L«. tly lake a big toll, and the hfittlStilf mu-c
hoppin.ii oif tu pull our s-U’il nruund u fcu?irs- have tb night so. tnu. for he 3d Mike Lrel close
nmek tn save it by Inches from toppling enough Fi'?r an easy nlle shtit.
its Tcta thPio^h a emi k in thr ire
i.l \n HJiifu'r rife I the htillef reach its mark
When E an^iyuk did rirtt hr ^.u t w hf[*
In and tin' roll uvef (hart the d-nrs rr-uEaird
hand,, urs I he front of tlie sled, Lilklnp Ciin- their barking — sin tired ter silent? nnw :md
siiintly to hh do Us. One minute wouldlie lunged ahf.'ft'E. Had Mike s Imtkl ii died tu
He ovi them fn the ri^ht of ait iibstacle wsrh connect, the seal would h-ivc ptepped into his
\Vi>ab! Wo-ah" '

find rhen in Mir opposite btrafhing hole, iind the doprs would have
dim thin, with \h-re !' 1

mjtlaed an without Insert's! Bui ?ij".v ihry

1 1 . r

ri K

f I
KklPHV Uftljlfl

( Zuou-diiin l*\v\ unJ 3 ". * k i m i ? lloy Art ]


l.i% iriiiifs u i trip's] Mli’tiiJlU

Lbihf-j L*a±^j1ll LU> Jr^i-S SWmf§io|4 dtfuglih UuiU^q-fwsI m.i nnr iT

r mI g Kskioicp tJuLtitiv Hi Kukljih
J n-'Cajifrit eia paxton jujjit Iht w^H In ihb \ i Icl; hrujjr

ruifird fit their hi* arid yelped in freiutU'jl s nM<LiljEcTT^nr;sn

dWtdliups Ihr Lnrp-t^rl ag-
iif :a irifctl ai ju unity s iuiil_ of ulrj Eskimo hoi!5£ rsjmv in the
\t z . l.iij we readied Xativfc roinl. '["he readmit Arctic, spread tm-r JCMim- v\-

thus* finished the 14 -hour run with ,i spurt,, panse. Jumble? rjf stone from waiU uml
savagely irulped 1 hesr c of seal m^ii, roofs filk^ tbf sunken. InteriinrB and mhvun
an i-l -*1 1 liri I * li wn i
Li \w II i
i jj>r' rv l-^I rt ! I tbe- ImsI |ih“i^fd Of
Vie 1
il no tin 1
pilch ini* n Irsit pm>iJ dipping nthen onh r -Ughi. dej itii- [it ifrr r:t -

n 1
1> >
^Jc!r|jiliu 1 >.il;s_ irmtin rmibiiaii^L
hui for mi*, ilmicS tin'll thuu^li w;ls. slivp [ Skull- itTid bones of niilnuils. eaten by tie
would not ome.. Thoughis of The virgin i
Sadternnuts + nmstly caribou .a e i i.I vhvlI

arclieoSopcal si t r only a throw from ni^[ litlvred; ground outside ilif ruins

Lb- ton rated through my arhimr hmrl, fpa^i 1

Hundreds of one otims and
A lor nn tv air -<f ^rq>)E5i^
t r u n | ,L [
pi -
meat acln ' -4iw>rl rtcjr ths iite :uif.l nuiyurt
1 1

of ii.vf j-lti ti tablets ,n u I .l |ii!<iL biscuit and left about it for mite around,
my coring compairiaiis for a kMik jIiouL Mon lhan DO human burials cJottrd thv I

In my years of llfckfniu iirthsfilugy

ill! I

ktiiil rifvrr nm Hny thing In t om pare with

* Sit
flUtuL ,‘‘
“E.'zpkihHE Fviu.iv FflOttarttia ffl Amerkiii
h\ HfJin- H, Collins. Jt * .Nitv wi. Utu-

ihe i nr* ]av U'toir rju*. £ornr 4£j ovrnic SI j r„uiiiT.. .Mai vry.\ ,
i \ 1 1 1

a. “L’
mi ;ir -

> . I

+ Blradivti Skull Guards

a lyunreli F^tdnii) Gra^e
DUi'Xnr UltrodUfH tiy » llnd*
Itid 4lip ^'tprj u ul, the L'i'-t <Ll

i hr ^LrthTinim Mi- Uttjl- n-n

Smith uni prutt liinhrf id |U(C-Qi.

Eri : - - ^ r \ h ilirinn*- spi-p-
iDrtd Uy e h ?Cii [ j.iJ ir ri- i: i 1 1 i I

Ktaphic horkly ri nnii h » rila cl

I&m ilurjiip. XiiiEjuxuL Mti-fum
mcl ^rrn-Trrin h“h 1-
rt| -i cl_-i 1 3, 1

tmifihkal ^on'lri^ *ta c (»

. LEl-hlp h .- S W •

U ^ jiiIIi nn ini ii

,im.: tJuxirti, an k‘ufell-1 \yul v i

jtt-nlalr l^qitKtbn rrvrjlrrE

.Mlll-Ti. yrftr-ldi] T>(HTtl UM»|i
1 Lll U Ly illtUb- |n 1 1 1 i-t*

by StDjie Apr man Ul Ktimjir,

Nbfnulfl 1'Jjtli rniJi Ul-LII jmd
^ j i >r
i Hi nr> CnHi^s ins-pcLl n
J ii •

burial it XfttU't 5t>ijlb-

ampton Isdanar

’f-Li.iliuLtiL-- 1 91 - 1 rin, rrrvlrr in

tiiEr tumli ttiiEu -mxl| IjiiIh-s.

+ P.fcRr ft 7} ' Knur dttp Lenin*

wiilikiEiJ ihu irur.i
CmnJ Hitrlinw Mi Vquvi- Point.

€ \» I Lll Ul Op iJIHJlIllt BWhIj

JLi ntaiTj IH ill ita T'T Vr TVrt** f-Wt.l
tyftJ l.l 1 ;
i • ! 1 k 1

Nf— ^
* S'
. • . i J \

tul I lie Nuhi»n:il Mmrirtc

vicinity, th^ budjc* re>ied in care- T na.ii, MLihT Thefr name romfiLnes two
fully G(HL\trU<twl UuAe vault- but 5*> mi- lay hkkimo wnrrl- Sagdit rn (a native name fur
in tile vEirfiiLiL- with (Hilly o sumtpndEn^ «i- Svuuthamjitmi I^kmd) and mbit {[^npleL
dasiirr of itDn®(_ The SaiStermfubi ^pukr u -InEn^e ftiiiliri'l nf
T<i eKrnvjite tht si c-e complelely would Live Eskimo. IihlIi [igfto&tMtit ^tone-and-sod dwel!-
required an army of [Ltchjralajtfci^ V« i would inirs, and UMd snow huuHvi unh when travel*
be iibk only to ’jarnplv 1

It. iti^ginK ju>l fn-ouidi fng. summer hey lived in rude skin tents
In 3

fn iibtnin w roundel £lriunr till th r maicria.1 Kdghbiidug lisklim.ia thought (he riadier-
i uluire .md way of lift- of th * Sadlermiilt primMive and mysterfuuft and Inukrd

E^kiiniEk ih-wnon them (nr thtjir mdiMti thirty habits

iilolil ire

wjxs gVvrywbm nxi and iibiolt liin.u.

I kf^s, kill Vi ii* n tj die DeuJ On Ehe inslefe of tUr si iff bearskin pants
Victim* thenl |
ii -1.1 loin i
.ifirr urslilrrscL- .
they vvnir, i he men smeared blubber is
^adlcnrnul.- numbered s&rctly more Ihrni "0 prevent dndimp ChUEilts stored on
>qrvivr>i in I H9u summer of Then, in the rlrlpipgd dbwit cm sfcepiti^ platfonns; fioorr?

l til): Li slif|i stopped In trod Cap! Low if 1 1

oozed with the i^ri*a>> jHilrttjmCe. Prom
Saniliu-ininloEi 1 -LljleL fedlemiiut* who whale.- and wiilrLi.^s they cut bsi* sLhs nf
jn cij Q la l; { wf h I t he ergw Ci Hi 1 r. tr Ini 1 1 i ^wp lilublier which ciif y ran ini -iwoy by sin shim: i

:i tried Kuaiu 1
£» N alive Paint, they in foetid hv*y> in th^-iu an i*l put tfno; thoni dasm rjycf

H- c mu mint nf tbr ^udkrmiiat-* tJseh head^s like rtillurs.

\ t3ftirr hi N .71 T Eve !\ifm tht folkfwfng win- The . |l!:iiii iiiic> mflst dktinpuhhiflg \>r-

ter (iiiinrl a H'eiie i if death* lim :ui Eskimo i

i:h.uTly howwt'r e\.i^ Uidr isulatiun frum
. .

1 i;jiJ survived. Some lay in their in id£e* on other Eskimo? ;mr! white ejsptorers. wbalirt^,,
sltH^iiiu: dm forms;.
cithers. lki the ground .trid iraders t>i the E^th century While
oiiHdr, whwe heir I di o:r- t-riSf rmi about n+ iiihl rrEv^i K-k im* Tiered skbi> fur weap- -

hi a canter of Eiiic of the rtndif fium 3 found ons joe! 'Mjnpi>wd«. ^idkimiiliif nmlinuL-d
the tiny fkdrtnii of an infant Hint lm.udTnd 1
hipping their .irmw in i
.. harpiMjii liliule^,

its lust futile wuHtog^ lor a mother who could god knives from stone, ThVy ljrinEyhi the
no lunger tvtid her i
hild. r-time\ge uito the 2tJlh i:entury and, having

Hack it camp we* spent the balance nf tin? done pnguptly out nf rbe picture.
li tr- duy putting
B and iirimnfrifFg Otlf L!ji Pint- Most d iicir itifnrma i;kin oca these my’--, After a lute supper we En vital die teriiHi* Ezskiinus by the Ibiaj! r 1ras ^Udned
Eskimos tin 4 farewell dmthfJ party thil irchailQjdit Thcrtu-I MiLihmssvn in 1922 by
Listed until I un., iillhuiigh they planned excavation and by systematii: f|iEgsiioaicc "t
in leave the first thiny in the mnruittg; thrbur old Aivilik Erkmirj^. Twn nr whplll had

They dcHghted in *\ith old favorites as livi^! wjlh the Ssjc^rmiau years tieinre
-Red RHw
Vulk'y ” imd -tJarlbu \e|jv Their mlormalinii Hgrefd very wdl with
tiny.” When Emrratfi, strmntBmif hi* uuilur, taobiiMni: bits uf description ri.mi the juur-
harmonised " Alouetle with Iky tor. tiur nah nf whalers and early expTisrers.
guests cunM hardly contain themselves t oppo-
site pace |
An F nenimtuv whh ji SmJJcmiiLtl

Onto the- 3%:-tFmrm ritflllatid that we were E -rst in the Sadlfmanjm Capl
nut ii-kinc them dill of ^hdilhnris, thgj wlll- Ly mi if H \ \ S, l *™pt
} t'K rut ]- , wb. mr p .
.. i

k ~."i ei u, digit %i\\n infriiiatg aild haunting them cn Coats Idand in 1824 while expVjriag
:.rjn^, I'besc men like most .Eskimo^ tud In connection with <hi L
:iS Itriia-i. , .imli fur
fine voicefl and sane nf tbc bunt in resonant, i he Xorthlwe^l Cmp.
bw-pltdicd tmii- -, 1

Shadli^imfw, wmt? Captain Lynn. *|is|

Vi c t-r the list I fttflii* Left bii t ~rt«i3 liarbfjur, u totftisqiLuriiisi U mi ippHtd by
w?e bejc^ti out jjrchm)m:n^l cscavatiii^. But, in .th) eit'T-: wJ"> are not **:! iju'ir own iribe
iirst, wJmi dn] we know nf tin- Sffr.tfer-
just Hie first of peopte lu appruaefa the
miuts who hud niarte their home on this blenk explorer did oa three mfintrj .^Kibkins. -io
rorniT nf SotifharnfMi-m IsLljlcI! pmpelTui.g himself with a whale hi me judill.-
Veiorrlmr- to tln-ir « au ir^ilitErni. the >ue3 - * in iroe^ thr necoUnt, “he
SrnniuU onn; on Baffin UlmmL But. HwJ Inhaled Same lift fi- siisns nF fent hfct Iht-b i

in iinte their boust juiclh huve been fouruf c halter rtI. and and se]il-?.kJn> trembled,
only on ^M-iilmmpfim Island and near-by in uniscHi, It was wide fat From the mjuitirr
e KhlliuJ Ml.ljr I

Sf^-nili^fs .Li ikl 1 )hh^ ISrI^L»r^ NK\ C’liiirtiFi and ^Linfuiittn by Sircirn^ in Fftincti anil HiskuniJ
N’rjrm-iri I- iiii r-i-i' f« nil gmtldr) mill tl' limn Tuylui- wun. thr EifclmM’ [obfidcnct wLlh nwjik
vtr Mr, Taykitv
iln^inu Lhc Fnichr-CHirtcfiHn *mi£ Mimu ,
UL , '"
jitilntft 1
»mtod rtfo fWlI* 4ihIU.’ Iiii ifetnui ^Ipgyii'f

ln.H'1 EdiiirKi KUllsi-rbt IKflu Nrurr a i;4wb*>' fiausLt Hj iavniitr mriruh b “'Kcd E4ivrr \ alley/'
1 r

ininv LL liiJdliLLJl

Bllilhf Wnitijfr, WnLtU! Ur

like to know 4ilw ml the
Sad lenri Lilt*?
We waoled to dder-
mi nr. If paStfble, whrt Ivrr
or not they werr di^&cridtfd
from l be Thu In? Eskimos,
who spread eastward frmn
A Eiisha KKiTL HCKJ year* 1

apt, or from she- Duf/^l

Eskimos, who Ead 'KV.U-
iJL il SoLUhjtlHjltull itud
Cunts tslnnif-
Ida# hrftjrr the jirrivji ol I

the Thult people,

iitliH 3>‘ oart fMfnpariwm

of i^dlermiiil ami UorH'l

atom: impferaEfcfS tiuqht
establish a new link in
Ibe chain of evidence that
Kvkion-- brought t h v i

lethniiptt^ and uaditfciis

th ruugh Asia from She
European KMpe \fit per
[hrtsjatiiis: them in the iso-

lation -if \tcth: AniiTiea

fur tliou-inml- "E years
lifter t lif\ disappeared m


u Jjudcu I
. I
F*ki mo* f l^s
AkiliJis iim itKnJrriL «ui::cewri In iLir LstinLE h-fidJ^nuLuti

. I


hr AMJsfej

suo buMim:

Phij[o4mjiher'* \'h;w

1 Kr arctic
I -*..11111

acd cichJ*m mK
F spider

i-i.Lir: hi till
. VVfriJtra
ftin fur
the Old World,

t ii the

liraral ne.finiri.e~ aiip, ami.

n ^E 5
They dbap-
we know

Hnce nm hnv* hem

til fdfeWf that Jtr hud come off an
LJiis | HHNf found, we out only cuc-tf at their phvskal
a kind of bemkt from frb tribe... he :^mn ^pjHiinm-ce,
aunt :i]<i[iiFiicie r after jpnng as a peace- Strangely enouuh T'Jor%f:1 l ultuir was dlfr

nffierfagi throfWtt me 11 rt tuple m dried ^Initirn i'm t'tnl by rxLaintinii m the \PCtlr ht]l

umi n very rucit- arrow headed with n bv

ket n-awd
Pr, Dlinidml ^li-nrues at hb 1

1 1 1 1 l u. I ily h 1 1 sj ipn I M 1 1 : iki my fet j llesl lit 1 )r>k i n iJ Le \ ati( uml I useuni uf Dflui ' In in
jumped mil our boat, and Lake be Lib &ktns OlE;iw;i n 1
^ 2 -5 . T 3 i- discovery w:is ha&ed
11tow. wet rowed for the beaeh , Jit- tpobe i\n two collections «d stnne, iyOTJ* am! bone
a differing very maii'riiilly from that nbjects M nl j
01 the omsttim by ilaj. L. I

uf tl^ujmims whom
; lj l
y 1 ieJu^jt wi had sera IfuEwaJit a C'anadhm OiiTninierl emtinw.
r ,A? we walked Id their lentil several |
- One the majur houaht ftiuu a Hudjwri^s Buy
birds were .-but by Inc officers Out aithtiLurb '
pany reptea?n tat va
t he 0 ihsf im l :
1 -

ihr niilivfci siw them fall, they expressed hir^LT was cardfiSsly t\m up h) E&kimm at
Ttehhtr >urprh'-e + fear, nor cuiiusfty rsipt Uorset on the southern shnri r-i Baffin
had *d iirtmetis^ tour.- id huir
Each mm
a? Larue as the head uf a i;hild. foiled into
of BdtHiK ^ (-tld l -luifH
the surtvi of a. bajl. and pr-nji^'ijm? from thO 1

ri^i- if the fnndjead. One of these hunctles^ TLrci jmnblcrJ ev-erythirji; tok-rthrr Into
which E c liiistfL ll man to crpen h z 1
. 11 ^ 1 1^1^ iif imiy,' Jendess. n
Miifi tamms whether the) -

kmg string erf hfc own bric^i Dricinally tnlri^'li -L tWKlerti hartwon head?* of thrir own

plaited, but nuw su matted with dirt, di-er :- manufacture ^

fhc di -can Jed weapums of a
fur. ifct.. & ti‘ rv-LTnlilr 4 rMsauh hair tether, fnnaitirsi pust.’
Tlu'bf e\i raordiniirv’ 1
. . .tresses measured above tins Jenness hai.l the insiubt to re-ciiun ii?e

fiiur feel .itnoEiLf thru 1 a FiLunh^r of implenienL- and

1 :

l l '»/-(!tl S<it4 llmtttfYl'Utl

[ i iiriti inf ilk § die
.v ^ V-feLmn
•: H • V K
Si'.klttjHt- iMtllfVr illjIUh

V %^
* uj- haml-si E|yC j [urdi liom ^irj-iac
6 ‘ sv

, > l"

I'iofwi-H ti. ,l&ki urwJ

'.i 1 1
1 ^ 1 1 1

^T-rlk Amcr-

TlfeLLll- I" --1


®' * X "fa,
mifratrcj frnm \ liiakjL (n

1 >
*3 %' 1
GrmiluhcE -uvm' ?-LMl v^n
* -y
fthir 3ic mjilniyui

V ii isr'i ,

Sant hftlHpt aft^ ! Sli r jhl-c. ? N-itlLiil Ikvy

" I Dorset ^ 1 1 ii S ,i 1 1 1
1 TTraHlf i ' irhlfcim |r> Ml her
EititLUn l4Jbj! (jLLti lerl iir Ha I'LilBgb li-
ChurtMfl* . Hutfmti
ft idi** ai \aii%T GVrnt l£-
IuriJ. :ind CuuIj bkmi ^llcrcd tnany
duia uj ttif lr origin

Staff Fo re Basin

:on Isknd
iv raj > H i'- i j T : i I V ir
mwI i pi JS t
y iJ n kiln kVJi I ti-
dud ms beads pcrffnniled nm
\nxw drill

2i> in other ndliires hut by


C aTjd Har b .igav V

Thu- in
Lfnusiric I E>ni H ,
ndtiitr Sir-i
knnmh and iv.itin-il jn iher Intervening iQ Point PenirtsuJa
its Dorset -ili-^ h;m liei'ii tttcm/itfd,
i rLrt

sjit jrfrs
th> am±j IkiEr has been added eij t he first nb-
li* iv af

I. lift*
.yt'rv'iiliijuj? 4 tHcnmnl jenness, 1 I
,1 f-rrjyv V.
\\ i tli liEiPiiud-the-d^ifk daylight In aid fci^. Sema.5
m 1

il L m hifitf Smiir-. tfMAvalJna 1 mu of tfife C=pel-^ hisnet/

pLjiUennluU stone fujUse?. successive luVtn- s rut rilr

u! sind ami refiwc conrtrpuitil Hint liirse van*

Esbed Eskimos wen am thi Tidies! uf hmisr- kland

kri^jenfL i fijfliiiL'r njid fcrii|B fri jeii simic '.TATI 1 1 r

chEppiniJ, wmocL working 1

and Ivory curving dapa Sou dji

l i urs u Ll Ltrd uji Lhe |oor where hv ^ Ft+IL 1


When walkmH

)££4tnp tnn difficult the Sad-

if H J /J tt. It y
lermiuls rove red fluar rind Insds alike wilb
n lavef of sind anti >tart^J mur uuuln. l showed the
hat v> ry Iweinninif's. of tM> my>-
terkkvei K^kimn were findinn
ruliiire, Wc
Nx.« \ i^ht "ii th*. Sidk-rmiiits' t >rii!;tn
new- piixes to j billing ptLzzlt ditbounh .

Our wufk M Native J'uijit weakrntd the thvy did not yet fit one well ^
jireviously held i henry that The S^rJIrnniiits zi.> mu Id hr fjU^iyed wd already Tell well
weiT an nildiiKiP nf tlir ‘rhules. wh^ ^[>read rewarded fur <mr elfnrl^.
imiiiiiffarrl frnm Ali^ka much Inlet than the On the sitr tlwn- were oi> traces of divellinii-
Dciriift^ \\v fuuinJ evidence that to Sadler’ of uny kind ll L- unlikely Lhal tlsr

mlu Is drsTr n Im i
I f r <h i
I hr I n — tha! tuey lived in muw for wr fuimd no snow
were in hint the last survive rs of the Durstd knivr- sutli ils ire ci-minmily u5 their
u.-;« in

ndbin-. t.i the dirt lut r jms uri hi rr tin <u»

ipstrnct ion . I f

Noi »«nly did we huve timers nf the lanl ^tniUof yrar-:iu <i than at pri'Miivt ---fnr whidi

jitJiyes of 1 nur-ci in the ^dlemiuL rtiLns, there is eeolrjcflc.ul evident:^ — then varU
lint, cm a 70’l'i)i ii hradljnd ll mile nway f
lKsilnK)^ i i#uld havi- lived lEii" year around In

wr intrnrl the ^ire (H a iXirret cnmmimitv Ain tents.


Cl JtfMEIrtLLJ JJ*< iT4|lllbf Hi- lM#

A C j-ll I ijO ty Rf Euriu Eo MpipbtmrJ

After n ! s Work fin C» 4 tt Kluaiti

II Wjii & c^cluL’k i >11 .1

j uJy l VL- nl njc ; urn The kuiliiir colktlcd L‘i-,i!iw:^ T nkhijn, LLlIumu, .and
I c
>t lay uheluL
Ur. CuSQua puirltal i»n link until ^LTffni: jiluo^ licrr SiMdmnVpltiH| he
midiiLKtE, u-iHs-if 1 fi-r iMianl in- his Lup (o pTt--*. pbinh for rlrUM iwlt o: Hfr pfEserrihg in
i tie 411 iiftf-ik pnptp
Ilia liuijinut mrn-J in home. Hie [lEuut j#redi j! Hslil

t Dripnitd \VbItii>

1 hi.L 1cm uj IjM.Ul-i plulL Jvurp

rotllri huvc rolled nft thr ic-r
to tftfoly; liiii^ad hff stupiijlv
Tfnidbrii on F.iiLtriin uiijljr four
luj^pbon casts lime
^hnl \n4 rw*i riuar mi-.-r JttilH
En mewt him ; ihr: Jrj-urth try
pttnJfLFfltol hit Imirh hurst:,

3nilin->iiLM 'li-nUkin ftmnd in

ihf *Eiim|mb Hbnwiil lhaE tltt

iVu.lni*- IulcI cJcvliIiyI frufn his

Iwirnuil ilkl, -Urn* snrl tnu^ln
+1)f trrj«Tii.tq, n rsu.. im-

iClt, r^itniinn an ivon curilKHa

jcimjil at \tf]ur 3 'ciint hv Ijoi •

^i l J-Iikinwi™ An mi i
m< gculji-
lur hxfd the tnh Jnix furrki;
wiih mnrElf< hehJ tc-nirpn.

E^idtHtJy i hr liorsetj wm
ran* very -ii i nee -iF« 1 1 1
tn. hunting
Ehc canbuu, Eoe IIh.-Jx Liithi'n
fHi'ij‘4- JiiiniaKnciJ I L'VV Iran n|
EE> hm-ir*, Tlirir isu-

SiiiLLijisitiE.',| ib'iL-bi wj lift lb* a.m-

maJ ^pngic MWf,

^uLI-ju I 'i - -B -I".. I. Ii --rfnlj!

Hi-iriiii nn-J rfl-nr rLjiil j

W J_. TLp inr


nmch mh nR N.itivc Polnl

^ IjH-h; i^L :

HiiwritjaU 1 ii < T I i lire

V,j>',rtt3*., a HUHiitLuL Irtish! Hand* lu ttWJ pi|sediliiiu mcmiMri Ui JtrftnU !>l:irui tl S.>
Ei-ii:nirj i rfftroan wiiu Inr the can ir-'t *ra«nd diUilir Irtyh
l 1 ; J+ l i u y

\ airlifted T t. l

r\ \ I ri uj Hudson f 1 ;i CJtfil

The Rn lUiifl At
site lay cm gently shfiinic , When went |i> imbiber Mte be foHuwifd

ih. edgo. w3iri-r witarl had removed vegeta- mr iuc. around a whilu, iind then hupped intu
(Tiiri, flint chip tfonr and ivory arLfhul and 1

ihe t,ir end "f the tett pir

was digging Ait- I

hlriiched suiifnej bnru+a tittered thr gummE uiJirr dny hr tried tn timke oit with a
I i- -i: in du.oved Nul shallow inSdduii deposits of I kin | Ume> Emets- in EmI toHmetL
(hi refuse of human occopiktEr.iti—extended ft wa< difficult So i mad u-n wEu uttractEun
over mure thun JO agrts* n treasure 1
rttCttft- these fljnciiitit btmes could have fur the Fni,
nijurf 1
ii iLrtrhcologicaJ dues but to us they revealed fasdiiatjnu dcLuib of
Xg hriiT*c pits broke ihf repilarity of these Dursel mid MidkrniiLfi ilirts. omp*ri>j.m of i

shlillott 111 h |f i i' Its Put hr Li a r StfTOJtH tr W83-- hotter found at the wte^-^HTic 4-5,000 jn all
uver ihfy yielded same 23,000 mamma! tHvmw* — ihowid totcmrtlna differences m ihr hunt-
unCoUMtri! N7li;i ill Uiiv- ill iifiL Lillies,, lid .iboiU l i ini' pmLtkrs ami foud n-on- imy uf i_bt tw^- a

EOQO a rime L hont? ^acad ivory :irti f k+:t that

throw new light im tlir ui/iL'iri uf the Dorset ranki^l fijssf lls the principal food lluj-
Gultuie .md if- rfliHon.-ihip to the uther EAf“ mal ol hnrh 1 hu^et-. :i|r mure foxes I n: i
mo* id the C "aiinduui Arctic. few carfbou our uf the import am food
] rti| ileioeiibi i.if ivury Jim biim -ih h lis i ). irt .'utifres of Lin? jlg^WrimsK t oniplde sib-
points knife handle?. scrapers, flint tinkers* semre of dog bones at the Dorset 4itr is evb
;nlz beads, . 1 1 1 Indies iviTf rtf 1
^ 3^11 blc H£ deiair ihm ihese emr^ E>kimi^ did n--i use
IJcir?*! t teen use uf hi.ile> Wfikh were cut nr dci£ elects and Hi ir refute had no cflvi i i\'r nie.Jii.-.

gouged Min iiiMtisid ul drilled uf muter travel

At senile i'.ii K uf ib* DothH - i 1
'J0 pert

ft !

DliULiflK t tUfurlhs Flint Knivov of Lhii- bone* fuitnil wen- oi bird*, Dotu
\\> u&coi®™! Implements of unique form.?. sti I
kimos protaLbly oecuplml thv^c art?£L* In
WON’ before finhiiJ in Nrirtlj \rnriii'U. AtflDllH summer wfirn irrsormoua tliKks- -d imgriLti ivy
tlirm wf re rectan^uLir flint tlakes itsed as binb come north tn breed We found no
knives with niLi‘ nrlge sharp fur l aiting mil bulfl!* or bird sjunirs such iftnse by
ihv jpptisilL* thl'k *n order Ihiii I lie finger ^ther Eskimos, Including the Sad form i at, 'Hie
mieht rest comfnrtabH aEamst it. They re- i .irly Dnr?i:i- may have ^iun>d
with kin bird?-
semble f-mU in; ^ i«' li> AU'm ditbk peoples :
th-kD^A. all l nice* of which would have d;**
of wrotem Europe some fljWD years ago, appeami*
L .'lmiTfid Imofcs lyiffcs^ ftbftul the conki'tip
hearthi* held ik ^etrm of Lhc site's oge. Hnniings \cm in ILniuin SlaiSi

1 1
1' 1

ms we?
! . _ I l I knew

would ilt months before
seni .i

bagful to L>r I L-
m I'lwdyEng
arnuud mir :inifi wfth
IU ponds and kfiixins, fairly Kwaoiied with
mm r

l i r I rt rngs, whn was then ai the \ 1

n I vet>( y ul E nentirig king eider and old squaw ducks* her^
I'Liit^yivHtLin. wiih tbs request ihiil lie im vr rinjr guUs T an eje icrro, *now buntings, and
iLu- utnount of ? arliuactivF i.arl/uu remain Lsifiliiiiil Jonu^iurs. Fttxks of f Jiruida. sjkhw,
in them me; u vi n tin ubun It mv t n i : I I i . ! 1
Sind blue geese wi rigid fiy, l.o-.n- taNerl tin-
and ielr rrn- how many ccn Juries ago the willi cocLStotil LiuiJ -irifJrjil clatter
3 iorset Eskimos had cnrikin! thfimJ \ group uf whist I mp swLin.H glided uver the
thift day while I tfscuvritLiiu: a Sarilcr- surface of a pood near our u?nt5. \wjitc at
pniEsi iTiivi yomttJL umli. fi>\ cume liji and 1
ii r.he itaUly btrr]E extreme ilmirtify we umk
WJitcl-Lflf till' flEt*. Hi IV.r. .J IrnuSt Li - l.LlJlr ns it- nu! Eu alarm titan and they
i-^t rs-nm inert
ii dyjL and 1 Sacked to him just i- 1 would most of I he siiinnier.
to a pel. few bnnes, I had hi id oui on Sniiw buntings built ne*b; in tin cgn^ and
l hr $mim>l -iri'inn^ hi inieresl him, Syddi-nly in both and fumuin skuUs that I.l^
he Ei'nk a iwtk vvrtehia in Jhn month
luuJ ohm it, Lociip]mi> perched on rnp M f rmr
l ml tec I M FT with it. tents am -tid d urn their sfi-fte, ^rtered i«n our

cnnip.' f ade here! T said skTnlv. as kiuisilry lines, nnd eagerly ambled grub-
r .,m i

if he were
dug sicfusfomed tu obeying his :i tiur exeavfijfoins.
u:M cr‘i crjfTiniund. A ttd Lhe it tie fi rs n>wved I I ; rrt h ww i* nol 1 he * inly \\ ] nged crtri tu res
He tini|i|irf! tte bone ^iMfl wErn bfougflt ii f ut Xativi* I'uim Jtn^uiti -i^. harrti^ of ilum.
back he fnllowed me ami continued to inase
around slDpoim} oa a-njnnlly tu scruiizh tk-x^ *§ir. Act
ftf thr ?lrvt Ammcan, 15
TW&G k Huiry i S\n^Ai G^niHArani \Eh.pojhi,
jis n puppy wav Id i
E; i:3i:l.i i IU55.

Only ftadtarmiiiti M .idu R»wk ( Rth|?k and S+.»J \Vit|i Sht'tt-LTL-J

uf TJiis Toptienvy Cauls IkIuhJ People
Coau vd t-tira -n-LiiJ limi-. -Ensii: pllcti
I&liind ficoipk -is Fulln lui'.iS hl i u jiki ij this iJ*cTDt!K, hull a ccntun
Ui ihc lUith €>f drtgs aftd baa.
>inr-r mi'4L btyfrlKl ii kr i Mllr-’inl under- 1
' ±-u '-v silL'm huiJiJLiJ hiirtthir
Ksiuy |"rtsLiE IjioLFh, I-lLL cnoupdi t»i hiivr |^u.Mi:|rn iJ ft i
gWJfld» fpnwj \iy flifkrrittA waUftLl lamp-: -md hr I

cituhc. wece ti ii liinl iu htehsi 4"^y Uni llLey dared am nuttniil ud LlvLr uun ImmIh
1 . IFiu eh. K l, iir:i>
. I

hlli h
| IS'.;ui
i hi lit* Him, ill Htv, 1
I:. . Ssifflly imLhU £iu V 1 Jir ^nlranin fen^aui." (u Ihc judi^r 1

IJf^ -if L^l

anf “«1
™F -

51 * ajpLrV<
v ', ml .

Art j *-“ * — - ’• —
ajB -
[ fc — -%.
^jr- ‘Li"'
^ vL^JnSr

** ^


" |frr a Jl „ - *
jjp~ •- - JP^nrL
: ‘ a

fj/ 1-

___ —
1. .
' ' " n /ih
r T>— W' ,

t2_s -*-
* - 1
‘i i3rT' *

" pT * I
^L. ‘
Tjr l
?3KJr p
r - .jl * j -"JjHESb '


^ 1

S ] Ew J
[V I Ttr^' 1

JF*-* JLr
ji fa J|

L •

Pw S* «r
i J v

V.tnislit.iJ Mystcrt 1

Men iif Hudson Hll m

warmed abEMJl sii is wi- wurkrik AYr had m v iLEthuiufUi
111 S.idli-mduf stitchfnpposte ji.

nrtfl, iuBjl Siiuin I rv[ Ptfllftl I rnufv In iHir Itkanj.:. The bigtttl n! t in* IviLLini - i khVLTlcai in frmn
At Untti -pliIlI Ivi-.ik see tfu doth ol my
t i.
Ft ml well pnesem-d ritr-asured 22 fan-t urniife
^Ih'vb# h r* HJiih Hr mnft *if lmtfqitiLrjnA that
t k and 15 feet frum en trance to iuk* wait, Fbot r

covered Hum !

u I ikM urir wtsulil touch my w.lIIs. 4ATLrl even ihc root were m^ii Ic uf ,Imih>
rt^wllon t-rttut-cfd sk in* A sod I'lTih-inkmenE sorruuniJef! stmt lure. tin,-

On J ii l> i? a li r k lr ^n^|r--rna_*Led freight The stem o( the doverlea/ a narruw pais3ige

bemtmade (U wij ihrous*h Lbr ice ajficl an- way loafer lhan the house thxn urn rfi twi I

choml lutftT Mu- h-iil It w t.hi- .Vuy^i^ri' I ta i

tong, ml ns it in! <«i tiji.inl- and kept Lbr coir]
1 Little (lull) , 4upin?ie<f by ihr K*krmo Smujy Liir uHt>ith h
conffcwtn^ dir warmth that feist 1

ami rt[i nil n. I Ei> hts livw uf : N.ipJVUk, frum and bliiblief imp?:.
I'x'HSifcF. I

kalupiiik und Okcflak (puny fr£Qi. \‘imly \i 8

p m. we returned t<i Uu" Yaytfcrti with
had vum b> la kr iur S5 mMe* Kuans
gci ns? a rich stnre nf all i'f which fell |m>>

^ujje tn uninhabited (.iuiLs island, whrrt thr (JhaUern uf Southampton S^icnniuls a nd

Wt tiM-| in] Cm jin i J murfr K-^kitnu rulliP Thi'; left no as tlu- riteV Wemfty. run i-.i I

smaller of Mator
Bunmrii's Ikirscl rr.illin> knife JiTjides imlicutrd white amtsd, penti
tiom reposted have cmne from there. t li ;lM_v with whalers.
This WJii 1 tie llrssl defuiite
record of i&dfettmiits on ->ats Islaml tfmv I

Eskimo * keen Eyes Spur j Lycm mH

ihem ua the gland s jouth coast in
Tf it the not hour of wr 40 -font
trip the mi.
irnrfl pitched silling in a rtuippy hml Then
wi mien -d the K'e (lack, ^Uiere not j ripple
1 tarjifji m Bminec-s fmm IViJms'i Buek

broke Ujt water's sdasS’SErmMlSi aurfau Wjii'es. 1

. We tiuidr our wny
buck lu SuurJi;idLpt«>ti I

though iJu-y may churn the cdpe of an ice Innct over a glassy sea surrounded by masses

iwicfc. hnve rfaiii mV' tin the waters within. 1 id ice that ^hone like blue crystals iu the
Suddenly S;pjdy cut the engine and reucberf -Ulishine. (hr oni of them ytutnu mule wn! H

forfemm, hnwanl. V\- l jfted silerttiy rus with firtd-kuiM tusk.-, showed fdttipkle div
until a hear lumped down from the hum- inrerc^t ai iht Xuvavaft bore down him
mock where the Tamili hm| n r_st sn-n lum did [pufie 679 Ju
nay eyes pick him mtt Hti iuirl run only a. M 40 fft'l JkiThik threw ha^poun. The i rj

few yards in ihe tnr-J Indore Ios± him attain- I ^haf! I h muted barmlei^ly nfT ihe hea^t > hack.
Hue S^mcEy dMn l r
lose him. He nti.-^ il hi- Twu utluir ful 1 li! casts fullnwed, |iut thf creu-

LtUfl, keep the

uri-ird Ins dtuftirhu? slowly t.. tiire merely shifunj h> (ir^itinu il[^hSJy H
running Iieur in his sights, am! fired one -hoi. On
the fourth try Ihe harpoon hit il< mark,
We ant horeif at the fdye at the p.iu walked The walrus dLved uitu the water, but au
rver the ice n limit 00 feet, and there Lay ] empty j^iM*llne dfimi «iti (he haTj-i^iifi line pn. 1

the b^ar. With deft -tmke> the Eskimos re- vi'uIcfI tffrape, A rifle vhut fintsbtii hEin off,
moved thi -kin can fully ku'iiing iuwt, vm*. and Lhe E§kjiTi£N biLteht rH him for dfjg fcrndi
3i tad cLiws intact. 1 Eemembered from pa?t esperirrit e in
Thi- men: quickly cirl up the OtrttL**. 1 Alaska that the liyer tin- best part of ihf
noticed lint l Key threw aside the Hver «
which WitJttis and a^ pa In table ns calf's liver, Napa-
In polar befc, Unlike other \rctie imJmttK ink 1 u s riff a gefiefiiLi^ ptete. Hut a few
i’mjiI. ii.h :i puperaliupdaiKe of vitamin \ and mimitis kitrr Sanity, wim hud been i'Kumira- L'.ilcn riiii -'- i' ilm I -ii kin-.--: Tliis tin" inc the animal, wiinwd IStuI hhr 1Iver m«u3d br
Eikinao^ knem frum their ancestor; the white kul Siecauie thr mimiil ha>E beeti calmer seals
man Ittirri^d it by un|ci[ijiy triill Mill i-rrnr. Instead of 1 lams aivd lNU&trJg, its usual fmnl,
With lint bear stowed away f ^iindy doy- I low* dttl the Eskimn know 71

i^eflSy |
rracbed ti|Msi
hitshed oat until his btuii Imre sera tiChfcs mads- hy tin- sharp Lirlh .tml
water, where he could stiJrfy T
anchor. When claws 1 if S.M! . - Nu:y siru^kd t*- istapt,
Ljjt- flit lifted ne.s:T iiLnmiap* we were relieved Wfoien l qnesti uiwd Samh "< diaurtLsis,
to r^T r':i:ii! ha lunl u- rifely within liiL- i.Lk nil ^ pen the stoqiuch Out fell a doaeo
two mi If, of I ixilA l.vLuirl piece.- uf niffnTup M- ibkii — .m Hwil-snseUm.s-
Du tlwf Hepcas [ 5
nwPtli I'Linsl ofiposlte -
mass iv^igbityj finme ID pouiub and qqjte
I :i We saw iniir old Imuse ruins and went
z.i J beyond the wnlnls's iliu* -tivf iptiMlftles. 1

nshure. 1h^ fmch si«hkI two rttu.^hmatti Tfctt a wg?rt>i will sonuelimeh r.ii seal is
slctg'ifsi caarns of a type pm'imi^ly found only common knfiwiedut atnotip Eskimos anti the
Cii?ne 3 h Si unc \*c Man;
Hi< Hints* I« m Rufnl
White ii i W tiiidrit
fut J niti t& fltah* i*TkJ.pnrct s
111!: SaefkrolMl- sla^riirlitl OR
SmuUiainriiijik UUniL T> Ihi-ii

1 1, vine lifcr dn py 4ihipj -

>i wrap,
-.’ns nmi (Udk fnFm *Uiek_
hr KmrrMm raaminni thh
S j.illrf tfiim "itc liftijlc CSlil

nia<i nut Siuivti rolni
A timbered. njd-r^l haunt ruin
tin \Vi 'liatunt -lst>rr EhIi n^i
ilk itindi^tn AjjvUlk Ej-kfcmP*.

+ Archil i
Nei Sltmir [ ntiErriL'ii

^..iLt'irtnib; numburvil .leliL

ru_i i Lr i [ nil i*i i ri iwiiw:, '.'irldtil

l£ii iJJiij ndti I ill lil ii r I . .'ii ilk.1 ilb-

mrtkd I urn *if ia;.t--> i rund
Stlcnliit-k idtn t Iflrd nnit
fii^nEiiS iht hi>n^ liii lotftflil ii

ilu isii inu\ ] iik".h [uiipudi*} u .

< SjIj<:iiiI 1 1 i i i i i_ | . I in iii'i Iclj

W V. T

+ \ r il iui i|> iij- 1 I .m. I'M \ t i-m'hii r fs li Mil] nf Hi ir»c^ Tmned Aivay by
Ssurnr ifc-.QQfl 1'innn pnvm till Ij* N itivr f>iinr jE.irtiiitx dump* re-YCfi3«J Ibt- S^uJVr-
mtui> illriitty habtb- Fx>t fvn 1
-I -i r Ihut ttfrnuiimL abi'y att Tu- *£*]*, II

S ibttlhtitii a Ad _ lOJfH.
I Jo-3 buna ubn ramp in IJitbt, but l-be«r wbvb ffgmfcil 4M> niltuml pJcHttu.; \kv Eikj- it U itfisumiil, 4(f t lil'ii fifjv.* hi IjLtoh-n mily in f&tafctfe
NllElaL-J-LlUi. bit'll licjilr* tJtlll HWUillJILL H HfUvrUM. CfJtinl . HjEmnlnJ %-IHfLtthif sittf Uf
riiiHnrEfirj. frtiv^ whti I mi; it h;ivr w irrnrsi nn-iund fcfo.- Edkinvo* viJnUM\ rVtfl j] rfrrv
did j_'-j g ii-J stiL! cam! 1

js M 5 niiOHin »j«tMi!1
1 1 > 3 j

686 I Hl \2finnjl GYiigriplm -

North s L'i^irtwiT white but ihv fuel hiu== not always ]ri mind js we continued \n uncover
yti readier) tht* pugigB nf JHKvIrtgkiil t ex thunks 1
“ : . n 1 1 11 1 •. 1 hi |
iped sLi i
1 f inf dement: at X a-
3 JlllVf WEH., tave I'oir.T Time mid js.ain l thought ni the
IltlElk .11 SaLllVr'- I
: 1 1 ilMlrJtf |R|i ml ll"sw Wort hiiL nt' dwrri-d buttes Fmm Horset coo king:

drvt'luped shr Jmpormiue the -iitr [u ilir hearth that I hud -sent almost a y tfiir before
where we decided a jsncoful season's work
pcrtflt tu the University of Pum^ylyaiilii for imrlKiei
would be tttces&ury.. S6 in June, 19SS, Nor- I
4 eLj

man Ktjiersun Wdliiiin Tuylor. :ind T returned

3 i 1 the North* ^ici wipnu^d by James- Vi l ’hari'h-d Bn rets Dniiy Fs\tjiLt:i luikiltlrp^
\\ right* n Utifversty of Taranto imiclutite i ’he dftiiy. E knew . wlis. n uamal . T hero :ire
silidenr. To help ^upfiorE thr work uf tlui few bdior;dories equipped to make carbon !4
ye:sr. American PWkift^hlail
tlm Sodety suiil :iL.Li-n fists Ihe wnrld 1
1 ver I tuvf
joined our group of spotHor#* lloi-rlnl them with their daiifig probli^mJ. Tit
i itH'i
: 1 i ri Mr Swnffitdd hrlped us get 1 ur t Ei rip i'om plicate f fiiil ti*m . vuch ti me an . 1 L 1

organkeil in 1
'mal Rarbraijr t'nr the .5 Led trip oz hyifinsm bomb sends its inu^iiroom cloud:
to No tier l-
i)lnt Fur several da> we lived -il‘ ill . carbon 14 te.^Li mu^i be suspended in
in one uf the Budsuns Bay t umpahy bullet* sotrte LilHirainrius until the general radio-
ing.i. hunkieft in our steepim; turns and rooking activjpi uf the aimi^pherr is otice 01411 in low
uur own meals.
Ldy Jewd ami her *h olow Rjtbwnq^ n
enuiLLi:li tu Mb tjui dcHcatc ri-:n Iji^- fx*s-
siblu. My bug uE Eione^ woulrj havu hj wail
li'i'lr Eskimo gJrl of the same uei-, appointed
Lhrirfiieh'es mjir hbusrkcviMi^, First thing in )ne day
Eskimo boat frorp < oral liar- m

l fir: rriuFfiinsc ^mellmus before up, they buur mtivfd with mail. Shuffling through n \

IwpciHl in and i^an swfft% and rEi^mne letters. I spsed a t'hjladriplna iHostmark jand
This was the res] ihing! Nut just p la vine; tore the letter nptn ... results uf yuttr fHir-

with djolb-. but keeping bouse for Jive {H^opJe* set ssuiij ili' ,
2^000 yc$R o-IcK plus ur minus

W idru>- Ixhiml > iidiL Ti ea^im:

2 50 . .
jLpp ks pi i m ifaJng, doesn t 1 1 ? Gthid
Iudc r Li-iins C-IrlJinpsi-^
Abo lit midsummer wc interrupted our work Mure than pruiidring ] Ehrau^hL Fur the
at Native Tuim and wtut ovrr to Walrus firist time wr had pegged i lorsri jtian to thr
Island a speck of kind l>i tween Sou the nipt on tjmt! scab.
iiilfl C tfflb o c.tLOnine ^1 -v<*
1 r ;
1 1 1 111 botlsr nmi.T, Saw we could visualise men [’hipping shine
T'wi 1 i«f them were ol the -nmr rtoverleai Imj^kmetita on SimiEm i|iOin l^LuicI r I urani?
^hiipe iLb the SailiernuLLt ruins on. ChfiE? fclund. t'hrist s lEJotttne Even nftore inlrh'iiifig sunif
Our product *! hundred* uF Dor-
u>;i..!u!iujis 1
ni Eli^c hnplemetiLv tlo^ly resembled lllOPe
set artifact and only ten Sadlmniui jik- 1-. ni EtEropcujn Stem* Alt men &nu%e 6-000 y«ars
This showed hut I l hi- houses had at one time, eaflier.
:nr nimbly LLt the tie gmnmg id tbta iTIitUtYj
been But the
briefly by Sudlermiul^, I opljt n Dfifiriire Link tu Iujs'up^

presence of typical D< jf_st 1 artifact* un acid How

do me aiLotmt for this similarity?
between the tl^r srnm^ -mM -ImsI be Dor- »
I CouliJ ihanre ali^L- have amsed primitive
set3 03 their bttikkfs mwi idnal[>. 1 ii men separated b\ lift If a world and thou - sml>
For the first tirnr since Dteiilutid Jennes trf tr produce almost Identical iniple- *

distnvertd the Dorset Liiltniv mi >M 24. e vil- rm'nts? W e think Eiol, The tools ^utd w^ap-
l.i nr of Dorset Imiilsc tuTn* hud bceo positively we found br^r N_-u precise .1 resemblance 1

ick-ruified. to MeauHthlc Lmpliiin^jtbi of Europe tu \m?

The simiturjiy *d th$s$e Jjorsci houses to ihe written nff -4$ trccTc cuincideucr.
Sjdlenniut nnos on (
'qats and Nimthuinjilon, Furthmnore, find uf early Xeutithfe :mi|
pltis Ehr fact that jotat Saiilf.nniut implrmenks Mesulithii implei^krntf- in X^hi and nn
dearly evolved fti un the Dorset culture, tbi i

b«th uf later riute ban to£Ld. |

spelled out two important ctmcliisionfi: One, European Mesdlttilk but earlier than Dorset,
t licit the SiidlcTmiuL^ fmvol their prindpnl indicate th ii this culture frjlitfwed liwiits -i hJ
house Gy f >e from the Ekir^ts two. ihnt md 9
route of inau's mienilion iolo North America.*
llu 1
Sndlermitlt.s were citlluralh”
front \he mysterisniH. JnOLj-vjEii^jH il I r -«- l-_
Sw "XrinsudH ni r hi« F.u Xu/fh In \\

Stfrtta. C*i miAFiik iiLiok-i

There Hill rerriiiinctl Ihe quest Eon of da it's.. I 'i.i ii
1 1 . r J


S>1 i^iJ (jiitji Lcuibur Bi'ini* en Protect Paws fnsiti Judged l«

AivilEki hEk'h tkif? ill fatii rurm-uiua (iiiLv fi7^>. IniiciuE ol l anUi m *1 j ennih Hie
ii, 11m imm
4{S-toik- run ifom Hlriiottlf <u Vohr EMflt -ttt 14 hmilfH- bmiL* Ltavc euhL I rue inr trad ton.

We hiiVL: iso prunf (hat thfe people ihrm- ]] c iw 1

1 * *»(
1 r ( >u t.f I? 1
i: the Eskimo^' * -riit i r i

selve- actually and physically traveled frym stand mvi'f Whni new prices dti'l we find in

Europe acTosr A-iii (n An tfe Aiiwrfet T!iL=! th^saimw? iv.'t-ri- ri( ^niiMiamptori Inland, mini
uijjptMf- jalgldy unlike]} beraitw uf ihu v*iM hiiw ffi> they hi fi3^e(hrr"J
HL-Tmcei Involved, Hoyf (hen cjji this move- On uiir dill 1
wt '-n- I Fir Sh im \ . i i!ulUm>
ment uf culture be l .\p1.iiru

H? of Gunucia, d;xii»fl h. I h mt (WOO B, C Next,

I'omes ;i tantaltaknii p^p: tin 1
tirnr until (ho
Fitting 1 1 si? IVi^Jclc I liiitlljvr
l)of>r't uppi-ar in J 'anadii mure than .00

1 pertxb pftSffte invurkshly mf-

iiimuc tLiii}» yi'.ir- .i^h. TIu'ii -Puidirr piece tile dmiLirily
Fret (hdr neighbor uni? niUure luueMny! nn- uf MesoMif implement* to those uf h& rarit I

uihcr. |H'u]ik- drifting hack and fiirth: this L- fiii r>et a i Ur mt Native |A i i nt
' u 1 l u i _b b diffusion, nor nuizriiliiui i
(htfligb Itoe Tlw m ’:( [iifi'i:. the rfhilnuLshis'i of thr 1 »OT-
result often h quite m i Inr «
Thu? Fi was. we *'U to (Jfre Spiffcrnlitrte wfm actiiiilly rnUTCd
think, thiil Eura.iiitn Stnnr Aw eilltlll'i' spread I hr £Qtli i riiiiiiy f:driy soap) Lairs place
rasiivuril -M V hiskii and then lu 'siwtiiumpMTi There VWf Jcuvr I hi; iiu/jlr. sumr pLn:iS'

14=111(1, Wh> il lived -m in North Imeriqj ne;itS> tuwthiT. others fKM>ri> sbfifd, bin die
mr ihii^-nfrih os years rtf ter ilended in E io mips (n-tivirn thnn :i lit t -mnl Jr than they
rnpf remains unknown \ retie unhitiijii ii. were befiire wi invt, sdiiLihj d I he turn! W\\ ruFu-
pcrti;iji.s dir lesl i
Tplatin tion. :nn! ink I ileli- uf S^u.|dtiiniMton 1 -IjsesiT
1 :1 1 !

I Hi.liiulLt » til 1 'C lilH Itft

f KaL'inJl ShrlU S kim tb !

\ fl-lTM
hi "V S c I l>i "iirnfS \uiuiil Htnlcy

^ui-tTnifi i
r m-w*-, among 1 fc« s VtfHil Inn ii

_;.n hi. r i'.l- 1

1 \Un‘h ! i 1
lltr F I l I'iJi - i jLfnU 4'L, I*!
- >

i Lm |
in r i Run la nrS i
mnk'd II • nk- - un TTumr^
Ro\ nl Hcuiilta ret '
• >- CmicTu uni M l'iilrkb*
' yrhlTlm'l lir tlfVCKl<l ihr plri’iim

Su%lji tVl'^tian Hi i| i hi. i Msrnpit? Fi^U +

M HI n i i 1 1 rii
a '
' iJ l t. i.j S l jit mini 'li II ,
iiL< rifiiiiiip-

iUltne, 1 In oQ will witnr-r Flu cernAMcda tract

_mil Mil I'VrMp. ami firkf (n*kr\ L'mal- L m .

Ttifl iiFu'irt'fi hm C<jym lu'i> E’tltftrf L| 4iki^


If* ITj

tiHilK M/cie uiKJivcn'd ini.) ria nmladojiL'd..

^lIllcU'H nill ithsrmFi 'T cm iLidlrmuxl Pout I Hitt

ijiT^JSL III I l IJ! h. -t III 1 1 111 t i! EE I pll 9


J I L 1 III «-JljlC

ritff-rj [flTTibiou Yfvimminfr pui'ilktn. ioi i’et ^ifai E

koefcry Lie kb, unrf vtltfdR>hnr I nr UydrnD. Anuliirr

mr kt r firi-iUtifl li M 41 c=-tHrT

fiN^ i* 1 iT ri > i 1 1 1 1 1 a 1
1 * • r nn Eiii.ii Mini • liu nil


A Lk invdm arriving Mil-- iiii.snsK in Met-
buLtre-r ViLhtrjIij. fur ill c I '156 Olympic
JL A. will quickly db; over '!ul Flud.r ht^i !i one
m world V naufit f{ jftfti-inuitN dtlri Kvrti nil

ihty i;m ji- nye-rft pail I hey fQ| [tiu| McHbounil 1

heavily ddtd with phyimr tmeks. mil

stadia I'feWb^ 1.

Vfflr in utiil ytm q4|i, Olympic* hr side i he 1-

Immbj] retuljfji iritluajn-ji hfc hvc of njmrt*. i in

kill jml w .jiir.F Sarurrisy? Rjburfuia I i.mj i 1 l i|J

fliiah wi&li I ! men u\ i';u h side Wjrfi ifee epilifri

iFteatli iif -pnntf Vinjn1|fi> umlj \m\ - ^vtxtL+?

rriirkei huh 3Jiil right 'i-u rod shirlb tutEk* LIll: Y.srtiL
k’l't'ninp find ri*>iMlLit Inilik icinrlN ^mm^l
with youngster? wbu dmsrn i-i m ikini; ifw Diivis
L'ffli Tram. Gullees [day on 2h r ciEar^i - Hcitsc
r.i l iftu: k pupuJat lLje [hr rnrcmnir of i hr Mrk
bournt? E/up cdJ= rur j public holiday in i hr State
uL' V i I lutii. i.vbfj-1- capit-il j- .IJtdhournr Inrjccil,
ihu Ohm|da hums shi vcj.|
wilL ttirJ .it

The Duke nr Edinburgh is schn) liteil cn iijttm

iSf "-day World Hu rt* festival mi Vovctuber 52

lei the Mi-jhi juttw? Crji tcc.1 .round (taeluiv. Left L >

Amid fgnfiifiRs and fUeilJfttfei, a funner wttl euWt

the ftfldium With s ftomr fcmdltul b%- i"" -nil - r;n^
m Grcrrt's Hit in of Olympui -in cl liemn iu jitm.
in nurtlimi QtahJfHjfliiiJ Etebyn of 2.750 rminets-.
|jiL9«-ln|i the to;th I rum .hand iu IlifilL. wilt urn-
Miy ilatttr fd (he euniitient'i koudiem lip.
Thu* will begin sir- flan ies id tile JO ELh Ulym-
phd, *iki'e*jiijr Lu the Grech Olympian Ena Lie li-
ra ted in 77o Li. I
' and revived in \Lheji± in I
H 'J-fi


flL v


j* ||
K«.”a. Ik j.™
1 1

Sun bury

*- fliijif
d* -55
mitfi. 1
rj, rmpic

i.-ri n.j rind etotfeird tfvfn ElthArrr X.

Aft ir'L'Li rn-c


F!e\V\r>glan Ijetbmirm
1 ~H i iiiH n mil Ti ir VI-: t Kknvtrf
Divnpi'c Frft* i>ji

RNE it ptf


Pori *Mc?rdijJfoc
Fl :i i
P ft i It ip
^ ^ )
+ The 1
Vh mpk 1
, 13r i RtlrliiV E
111. Fs-|i|LilMt
k atari
\*tr tiic l int TinlL in lli^tury
MrH'iigrni: b litu
ye^unpcHt eta rvw H> Hit Lson^rd^
FVir rJlGllfo
«r.iiui - \i- iik^U i .i 1 1 1 lrJj]|£ (fn fiihirr - 1 11 r r-l r !

iinywtifTr lartbrf sDuth

Pu-tl i tU mjrif yin:htiiu! f venth
nfftfri (i Ljkrllltt- S' 30 tf[UJtrr milei MQRNmGTQN
UiinnHin hill itiinjud* ut> J_ikr UWr, Hastings
t I .U 1
111 Sit. sihmri. SkTflbfiUi in iIj ..i.ii niHlirr. :n.i

n irrk^l Hi i thr I .iamii-t, iri h fikh hi n rr« i

M-ir t' H£&
1 -

nuNp * - —

y iry MAilA&tt fQff a y\

WftlT/CS. fm.A( Srtrr/e «fi-
fv'i y*r

PATI CVEhil **
y & ’
21 it

WW JH" u jiTHyitcf ** j ^
Miwflii rt: yr dWLrvs < - +
*^* 3 ** Jtrjhi ffliimt
nufip l> 4 Hi ArnUlfci
*tt*'WM* :j 4w JLrrttffics.
?-UllIl*l niiU J.THUTH1
ntiitiftr n? ii AiifbUiiJ <' a*
.Jiui 0i¥ i
<£U intuit ^ ji #»
» !
ii UiAM P i;yi
« —J.L

—* V

Vita 1

^ j

m >i'l> Miini*!

6ro»4 S»r^ TO the Olympics ftc\ Ofliw im rk Opening Uay of TTckef

Tfcnush the fpames iwr IS moBth* hwbv, AMLmji mumi ibim-i-ij thrir dirvgliafl tc sparE hy buyitt# &£)J?)0O
•iiki-L 1
tin: fiM dflji Mii#l> wjjreil UmchjkIi fiLirw suizM. When liooin optitwtJ at "n iMff a Ihirv-lmc ijjclJc alK-ttli^d
IIXi >
-injj. Tbr Wi uJSu.' iHrEupteii cn«j*i of Eflip*wfemw fenpil rirparEnv.j m *tm'* hi lU* Sjmih-
aj t tip
nn Birnii^icrf TLl Li:c- rajir.Ll 1
1-1 itin shiUn*^ '51 &l' Sn 6* =bijliiui* Hi-:.i m uh urfil rml hv nidi trill
4wfc^F —M- — JF: 1

P •
L "

- JP— .

{i *
. m
'. —--'dfc =

^ __
1 I

- j a i

£3W Jtf
fc, — tJ

ts -

d|^ Vui ^
PL |


"^F""^^t i
W f

T| r^_


k ..

1,2 v 11

i 1

1 yf ; / |
^Wll !ft

Lti 1,

^3 * _ htf JflB
1 1 .

SkyicrapcTT S<*ar
\\\ ii ru Slunc Ai-.l MlII
I j^d III ^ can \jgfj

In l>J5 |t tb*dp f irmrr

named Jfl&ts R.LiTTutn f^ed
frijiii Tj^muniiL in I hs;

rr&pty ]:iLiuiifl of foulhem

1 its-' WinSia 'tenkltu ni'4
gmiiiju reminds M the
head of F'nlt PJrilllp BaV he
found u liver, jlisjJ Rtf juny
mimed it ihr V II J L it \ >1 i I |L,

idnpl big .m ihfjru*kuJ Term

iiKj.iLi.rm “Janie stTMFil
Thf wiU l?t (hr plarc for
A village*" list I man ffrfffct,
Lantl-hEmgr". Tj suj Jliins?
qiFH'bly i ci lilted his Head,
* i
'-inn lidlf a mlliion urrrs
from the aborliritieii jnd
1 1
- U\u\z :i kwn itrsptr « hr
C *
i r I t he liiyn I fim'i JTI (ir

at Sydney They named the

tor Lord Mfd-
huurnc Enfflind * ['time
MinTHi it
frltftjm Im I fee Wiiftd yen
ii dty litii dtjp so fa*!. The
di*c^\w nF g:LtliJ tEfitr by
liirlrui (wtunu n--k±'is I v
Lhe thimKTbdfc spurred thf
bourn, T'cKtny. less dun a
irniury itrnl a <|t4ttTOr Liter,

tic ‘vltliiicc'" spJeitda 110

rjliare T1 ! i I around rjvrr
ri Hi ( I pay. ansi bullies wfih
iu'jjK LCrOO.non ptcplc. A
buiy 0OJKHt and nuliLm; 1

center Hr (bourne tjnkj

ninth in a»e it the Brit- I

ish Omtinutmeall h aisrl nra"!

io Sydney In Australia,.
Here site Vorn ilittrj psts\
Jiarrttw ninifiT:- Si reel Stis-
ikiri irijdu whlrh
linnrl 1 ^ :i flood of timimu'fr

Set In ii pjLrk. bcvtmij i

huitnesa. hr domed i

E.\Jiilpiiiini Building a ill

huuir^ tViympjc wrejjlliht jrid

An wf L L i ji ^ -fiilr-
mrut i
1p$t ip hr faiek h,i-

bt'ifn I i-LtLlfe. in bouse ^ome

fi.SDO ithlites j,nd otfeuLiL-,

CKpri'terS Jmm 7= L’Ouriiric-.

l>o S died i
lijTnpfi Vilkffe it

uycrjle* it-, iiwiL nirdlifiJ

ntl nil Lipping ti’fisrrp. * lining
ti.i C|-- and l ht'iJi i

A>j>U ilL Ui I|||:»T4 ||I

i m IU-.I i-tiiii



Zoo Animals Go to School

By Marian P. \UCrane

\IJce Iv hi k: ih] ii k' :

- (otarth-m uir?rs Mrs lime, at they II iiet a cMI], Vbm they
fas PubBt School 36 in the Uronx might net a aM
pi-r puruimitutb jitM like you."
witt excited iLiid full I- if qu&ftiufts Emiiura^tm! youngstera tb aifc me such
alpriui the furry animal nn my arm. questions is a nig jiavt uf m> job S3 tfir "Zi'U
"No, bot a monkey I
replied hi Lady'- — the t ravelin if lecturer from the Net
boy wJtli tin- m-w mL "She .1 kinlkiijiiu N ^irk Kirtikt^kiai] Kirk* belter kru nvn .is the
n Lit a* ' sSort of rac^mn froth Central and yjNi. I talk to sthtmi -I’.uOO children.
Snuth Ami'i'ici-u Ejrikajoii- like sired thing*, 11 year, in schools within 25 mites nf New
and wd|vms Eh-eyMI raid a beehive to ^et Vfjrk Vhy and >ti nwi them tittnc ojiramta I

honey ThaiV why ihrv nr also culled honey bring aJotiR from the /.in'!

Ileal*/ The purpiur h in *nitnutftte In- vriunjplEn;"


Can 1 keep Mile- at hume >

inters In to pw
them a ulusc hn*k

Wdl i tiw mnke untid pefe* but they re 1

a I each animal while ihty bear ibuut it
very di'lkafip They niu^t hr fcfpi warm all where it live* ;m\ what it? kihit? are 1 iifeo


let them 1 1 iifL


h ihr- anfotata* In n w ^ ihb

itmTi^ rUl i in ! hi.- fibtivrh petleas lives
nf city children.
Their twiiliun In their nnfannt vtsilura h
ahv^y? The samp; wide-eyed wonder nod hu\\-
falfttfc ileli-. lil Fnr rrnH tff lia-eui h;i\v rteVcf
spi'ii. Jet alone pelted *uch mu r velour nivn-
ture^ Puff and M.u-.-lmiiLlluw, the Jftpti
hilfcy fuwl Prickles, the European hed^cliuji;
B ut t ere Lap uni 3 1 nppy iMjth dr- seen 1 eft 4:im k-
DtpUlin Hook ihr screech owl l*oso, The

Wwjjrpfffiflflr Ay If . £ r (jurYrN p

\ fl/yjiwiT/ s'hjjrf
l U v^ w

*'TOtf Mih iMi

in ,1,
rvriT ‘* , "w **
Will YOU Htlrl
‘«QUI«I IHimi fc*QUT

7ti^ L:id$“ Htijjl SuL^inhvitr-J^ Tunis,- Aniimil* Hid^ in Ventilated ( jH^g-s

M.irmn ilfCrOM, rh riiii-Uup iL'cmrcT inr be New Wi-Il ZtoftarfCA) Ptub., iUiil(zhl- nvii- ihnn .'tUWIl
i I

uhuvl chilijrrn :u h w :ir by ukicu: flV* rjMi Wfl cB«^iWPk Vmansznera hint iicii^l^r. >. fiEctiKamd

lr f iht ^7*frn l-irty

,f ~
fur nti* rriilhiJ ihr aullmr ttSttfifty wfctctj 41 WUtttmal Jfeptfljk ami bird feotn !:
irm'-r J.fiCCl-fPiM j i
illicitly, t^tuid tin- IrWi wd&noli pruwIcJt iraiuportiEl-nn f'-U arc i « J k:ti_iil

- 1 1« » . 1 1 1 Alberti ibu alligator; or Otto. 1 ht- toads, when a little pi r] came up ffJlfe whut

polto. ;t lower |uimjiie from ilu 1

HekiM st^fwd simply a full td muri
ango {oppoaii^ Mini pa ge 701 ^ VVhut w-.L-i her pet ? She hi jeh.n 1 j said

Motr bun surnmndhil by unct [ Itara bcm jimLidly t *'

I'LUTLt’st third -grader.- U'ggiiig me In U'*vv
Ims them, ur, if
( iOUn TimihU Irani Emlvr !„Ep*
Jusi imt <3 f the junmalt 6

LOLildn'l do Utnt, t'i "Come back hJinormwT U would riH-iri that rare and v)uilSe .miitiaU
\vai a girl from thr sixth grade vs rote: Thu- woultl hii tlifr- mrin! fjqitikr m the diLssnHim-

pro^mm w i- 30 it*wt thui whm (hi

belt funr (iui this fh« mil alwiiy* inn 1

When l bring
wt' didn't wrtist Iej huittr la lunch which L- limilinr odts rnbi.iit^- jjjsiilnea pis,s. nr turtle

vm i
Lirtiiiiiul- — thf'y h«* a-ft always toyed
The bnys and f!irb olteo :lm‘ fpeerhless aE
All Children Love Animal* fi
r - Hut ilit y recover qtrfckty ami
n iard I
1 I

Pull nf the ejsdttnii'nt {ft 4 nr J '-vj

ipnse. lh \\w with qpcstfcih-i. H \vw much dab he eust?
i h> hrr^k in clit^nmni ronEinr lint I mi \V liere can I bu>' tini'
F r. «M b bt? Hu
cunylnced ibal Fl sterns primarily from tlw Tji^ w II hr it-i't' Hnw lorui will hr live? H'fl*’

tMIdrefls luiturul deep-run ted lnvetil all uni much does he itvi i 1 1
H * w 1 1
LU are the her We? ?
nml Hats was — -|ifi ui] y liriinsdii hnmc- Id 3 luvsiriablv I here arr qur-tionH rtln*iul repfr>-
me a recenl ptd -huw in n \rw Vnrfc Ic
at * i I'li lino, such i
s *
thn"i hr L-n>ir fmm an- eias r

pari mnii *pire. Vs one of the jtitfce*. was I These are pwrieetty cialury! inquirifs. and I

Inspecting >ruib ^iifipitrs. hamsters, enter fry in iiFoiv. rr in terms the children will norter-

pillar?- white mice, m. inriata rl^r* trogs and 5t£Lad I was moiTluriiUifily st Linked hnwever
1 3 I i , L

/.tit* Aci'miuls {in iffi S-lFthpI &OT

by “How due* a moihei fco^ri if >le should lay quirin^f after someone named Oeortftr, Ffnalh
CjZiTS Of lliLVe htiliirS? The li.Mil kpcfK'T ,iske*l one luv. why *0 mum
Fven -'Ureim'ly >hy children will wiirt* Fran- pmplr wmiH‘il in 5w Ljmr^t wIjoti 00 mir hy
t ic-iily iml ritrrl^i «tlt das=nMLe If! Ir.un mrare - thai oamt worked there
. i l .u 1 1 1 .ml . 1 1 l riiJi l_ SiihllflKiil Chili In-: i wii h .1 "George isn't .in ofiittinry old the
Liood deal * if exiM-rimce wish niiimiilv \tr no -

r T oy <iiid. '
Hr's ,1 jfktii't i friendly -^irakel
less thrilled hy Ttjr inm-lme FTn* 1 r Hue «inc The mystery of 1-
I main'
tryL* liffCrTiTif wirle n- saucer* ami ility ^riti qUiTe sure thal the /no K.t)] [ a k- ato know
frnffl ear to ear when | tell tfittn Thai a hhw- Ju^i wJjat | uiini 1
Ihrir dmiHei.
biffti Icily possum is sifliiJkf Umn a honey- Smtkr- air mjirvvluiiji leclurc airimids, es-
bee or that .skunk trunk i-, ti* make peckilh fiuliml fur scut dung liillaoe*. Thr
perfume,* children can see. fur tutafiCr, that finale*
are Anther wrr ncir slimy that the; hw rt*al(j
Why ihc Owl l" lies Sitcmly tin, warm f
imrl I'hep -lu-n- i- Uhc belief in
They ;m ariiii^erl thal tin- owl - IV ithcrs are _i.LiiM'i,i bt human teb&jjs that n ^.u-iki- % tongue
Fringed t- v a c Ja iiuv. Lfc r hi ilmt Ji can fly silently .
Amou5 m
if P .1
tm-rr. '

J |..imi tfiii Lhai

Thai the kinkajoii c ii 1 1 ose its Tmm immur like the tons Lie U ilmp1 > j delicate sensory input.
a spoon to snoop out fruit: ih.ii thr nllicat-r It helps 1 hr snnke m smelUng-
1 - CAtra eyelid* —transparent* in protect Its Ta pmve that, a snake's immue is harmless.
i!\v- imrlonviiler .tvA ihat I hr Jitpalirso *rlky I put my finder in front of
1 l>t.nrj$e s nose
fowl nre the only chickens in thr: world with
dark -blue •'kin. At fmra the rapt fjiceg of 1
m Mai; misi
iFir X ATms'AL Ci 3 -
nr>r <i55ain. Hermit of Elw l.-iwlimch.” Ifi :\^nu

mv fiudbiwaf have captivated nu hs completely j


Al.iti Acklnjolli ^tnirn;, ^nH '"^kunk^ Wtim

that [ hiivr ;ni_:niten what I was spying sind Pruec or Kfee'"" MiJvIn R FTlii, Au™l
lliirl Uj Intiiin 1 l 1 1 over a gfafo .
L Si*f Jhj- Snakf l-drsuL^ itiwl F-^s.

hum r M
I'rn’hian, lviiSii 15 illustrator]*, in ni.Ni?-
tldldren show Vefj' Rltfe Feur ctf -inirn»d>.
Fitirfl fvaint-
A A Wn
excejtl |x>adhty
a sennit nm in

any pfryirp
Thtsif always cause wm I . \ a fi

MAfiWrvr., SnEE^mto.
irt 1
1 U“,i Etr I . 1

,r.t. \>te u U r 1 .

old enough in h-t^eheard thto. rhi.' l

mn», j Lower ^nrrv j» Ubv'k .liuifru-y
of venornnus sjjedt^. hut F'L*ttJ]iL‘ 1
HIli 11 j^r F'iilrfrld ^^hom, rutuiulUr, thikpervibEwbi, iiini
fltjtt 01 drr uScw Varfc ZnaW'uai SflLirty:, wtkii operate* llw Urunz £bo.
likes have n hLM:i rial ion 3

tluiF' hnrrl for a dTikl to

l lake only liarmlt'Ki
-rn iki^ In sdiooF. of enurse,
and once the children .ire
tulivintvrl thin :hv\ arr nol
ikinge^Mis I hey notice the
lovely culms and patterns
of thr skin They try to a

tfiirore nut how it rreftture

rtiithmiT arm? or Ic^s nn
moce <0 gracefulli 1
i ri iulu-
jltv thev ill
Iwcorae so cn-
ytui^ed 1 m r feirr melts
away atad they U^in to
look on e hr- sjrnke? as pets,
1 ^ive simple, eveiyiliy
itaeu« to ihrr animals 1^
cause I hey help puE the
nhddreii .u rush! away
Hi: r ihEs 0 01114 ^ -irrvins
caused a m [sim d iT^hiryl pji

not lon,K ,1140.

Child ru li kept t:u miner [,j

the />kh Rrptde M .nr ia-

ft ?!*

!ri1( > . a Si3>im>1 ,

trnli$ci Sm»ks T 1>aR<lv» Bef'irs a Kart Atidivnea
1 - 1 " v v


car I t i rrsi-h |u Pswunatf'iri u-^ Selim « I i*i r I I

uf k \ '*.
Priori tJll S. share

'Snakes ;irr tnarvrlmjs hf

lull lUUIEULl*.
-AVI Mir Hilhur
w 1
ran Ik
far EtJtarEi. * raplftiiird
and I he rhilclitti i;tu^hl uni
In pt Phecut L' bcoefinul sfwdrj
1 1 a -in.iisf tn Tii tt LrifStjiliTl in
l hr i.hi--

n jiifpseruin, i hr mh
Jr lid I LhftV> cut pnnai-,-
|n liHni uric iiret time
VVitiiii YhUEiztLrn Ti'iiJur ihe
»nsk.t '.s i
-n 'I lu-nn *|ii -n 1 Irr

r m • I -m i ii> iliv ^tjh

[911 J I I'M) afii\ t-j Ifil 1 h I-
^E.ur^c!, wiftltur amkr l hid
riEli:n ncdHnfiitiitlci M-i*» Me
iViirip- | ri 1 jf'L
1 1 oiur SUtir eEeE

it* wtftr UllS Kfmyz

VL^itEdaj' vjt Stud i vniti ^ 1

n-DEii ifrr linr'i ^-nn Sin

li I li'J llPi I V til I U I'titl-T l in. *! ll I .

TKr traU' ivfr* wed Vlainrir-

uiul 1 u ’.i- Ldvrrtil willi ,l

rknt^n l vue .linnet in r\ m

loudl it. HUE sin Hi |!U ••Isii

me. aftrt fruduNl umJl

E It, E

liked ttw "

1 , i i . ' i .

130 [ iiu National Gi'iiigntphiL’ Ma^-i/ine

Far a moinrftt ihr audWee b &irhiv4- Thmi JSdWfpfai ImL <3r, !ufechniml word, n
iL^e ,i

evemme wants to irv

* it. prihffftsiSi lai! Tlfird i'uilIn - r™prrthet .such
I iidmit that T m-i iiIwju stilus termt pretty wvll. Older iduttlrni in the
nr- -f ? I until I 1 1
*n med s« nn e£ ha a at mt
I l h hi sixth ..i eighth HT.idtr hmr ilmt the kiiita|hu
Siuer t hi H
rr snake* have won me many ftfcttiU ]* a tret- dsvelkr anti that Ete EjiiI Ls an iitlupni:-
;ind tiff k n -d -m 1 hfi i
nyh m n •*
r tyf ny fnqft hi i i
lian tn surrounding.
‘he unr was in j return -iJinnl fur
I i

I am often td, "What is the children s

ftfram ML Ai met mr with nsentful
I.J tn
hi Vi m e e .ui] ma! 1 ‘

' I m tmot c-Ten gtless '

E hei r
lewks and murmurs nf scorn. Such am- ihrinfe-yau letters tell m; jifirllt'ukr fa vn riles,
munly was completely ntw tn me md my ami tbr^i.1 jirv as verted jls the I'hililrtiii shrnn
knfltt* -tuElnl to km*:k Whtu would LhcM 1

: Typk'-nl i/onmieUL-i are,
youthful cytdos
iav Is the furry kinkuiuu F* fl
Mrir: liEiLnliuu was a luvelv mister."
unrl the nid% skunk? m ff

“'Thi* mtsitiLiE I || keif bvA sva.- the skunk.

Gwr|c Saves the Dlis 1 liked her face l^£s“•alj^ Aw had 3 rQuml m:i-.e

igrid bulrt L‘>o.

Luck Ely I brought Ereorinv
bail also Sow
a two-fiiol bo^rase snake Isn't Lhr mmi
STniirtssriVe reptile in tl ir- world, I ml Ckitftffr*
bless hi* hiMi As won as T, wd3 bsy ^nens^h.
E UHtk hFvti cult I heart the old huoUinr e^p.
Fact's broke into smiles imd hund- ^hnl cap
as the boy* thought of questltms. They Fvvnl
Jill ilir animals, ami ewa 1 l unit'd out In lie
fas fl gtrI/
Small. miurmuE group* ui-i- Ideal For my wrl
uf Icclttrirtg, but in large, iiverciinipfjeil ciiy
schiMih I tthtm haw to LiJL Lu mnrty L-hildPcn
n a limi- m an :Lssi;mbly ftfmsmin. I hold
cjcb pel wfUSc mfk ahuit it. and tiicn tarrjr E

i! aiound hie- tmim durinu flip quesiion periodt I

T olldffi uk't> Himr nf ihf animal- pari In I

liberty i m u leash., KiifuiiniJ JtlwJtrt oca n

-rhunl stxct 1
i-’ :i *
ii hi jesve 1
ttairm tlUsLi | -

3ini| th-'n when thi-y Jmrr|i m rtir at (he end

td mu EjjJk they Irivr m.ark* I’htSf krjit my
iJranMi curious tnr u rj f one rlas hi
uulil j

Uiked. "Hou 1 1. sun Ufft so rrumy fuutpriuu


«nt your dresses?

l iry tn tiiEir u hurl, ,i m.^mnm3. and u rq>
Eilc an raL h irip, 4imi fit my tulk^i to the a^re
Il'm'I nf my Liudimciv Take fnr tLOEiip!^,
the kinkaLi-n soil i/liI.

I\i Mic nx-yttOTHritlt In t li c first itrad-e l

my simpb” LiW kin bijous c&n swiue h> ihrfr

tjil-:. o. - -omc man keys du, Tn ihird^mderi
I point out that tbh tsd! b what svr cnll a

/mi Train Passcfigfere GcE j PfiviLu +

IriUht \ar tame fl.nitu.jl iirimitad in ujrli aurai i!j

til H r«f ISKTH! New KsifiiLEu!.!

I whit rkiJu to lilC 1M
fllirijtrr! rtrundun train-:.
'/i.fca Mill 14 imtiih hit." report* ihn iiiUkar
Evrryntje lUi^. a -rom| linvr, and thr animal* air
jus-1 a* taint if> ejl an tst^inaty i
b-- -rriom.

Hrn- Mb- .VSirfrarii mam* ih- jii-l- wtth Ottn ita

I ii 1 lp Hniiij-rl J. KmiliJach. head uJ tht F-dit-
LJLjuiL IM'JUli Ihu hi fjiztif-i llohberi, n ip^nn Junk.
/w*j C,ri! in V in.. '

I : i : : i i i- ft SDilltc 1mm South America. The :lji1llv r if Tinker the klnkrtym, llIn-

I like Maggie is 3 mt 1 rurally Hie her.' nichunt leather- and inipib alike ^hv like-
If *my tan l it mii'K h wuiiW to wrii|.i tier feel, lejtn, nm-rt toil arnund a
I ir l toi I boy¥ tend to p rr 3 1' r r £ |
] t i Si*>—Him kt*L frrimtphntte. Shr -ni;T> Nil idly itih* the -nimil
turLf**, lizards. ind J^cddUmia, he&ri while 1 iry im talk, and tbna tfiJc? n..wii
Of CMiir-e when ;ai3 imimal iJ tjih5 something the smsw hkr j rlremuri down a |w>te
unusual he Is likely rii he runoerj ih t fevriritt Tinker imraH} aivadteii*- slpw 1 y. When I

nF ihe 'fES i nr this nr -c3hh»| ktmneth riu lake her >


iiif ui her jurying ou&e in :l sdvxil

vivaciuio wiinrlMrMi monkey fmni hnli.i, is rCKinv nlit 1
ynwm and ]Sr I gf\ e her


muster at thfc 'tnlittu pL-m tli P erjtSRi^ iitioks, a chan i i dash btidt into thu nnd
plants, i Is.ilk. nr my JtfwHry. |E ihprr i- i
clUBe thr lid — mivijuis to get bulk to nkep-
jiijino mum. bell ftoji up and dnum an
In the Anyone iti ihe animal fenowft limv
[Fill- He fnvcs tn k*j to schcml Whi n- l
foolish ii is to predict what an animal will
ever be secs his anrym^ case, he climbs in. do, E i ut r had watched this- |»erfnrjFianqf
impaiknl to be off. nmiv
“ time-. thal rirwllv -i
t touldri t ft&l
1 \

Jnkv n J ll >> I ] h on - . nnd ReieuiN It j* l

-_ l mj i'll ll t Quarter*: Too Sinai j

After explaining Tinker s tisped*?r1 tiehiviur irel

l " know mir si -
they will have .some <'nse
1 * 'p*

In a parlfs iilatly group 1 retest] her nf -jTitrtU 1

in unfamiliar ^urmiiiHibn^>
To mi L’snhtirTdssmenl Tisik Uypa?®ed hrt When we visit a i.hoi k ihi amnnaEs wtrlfaro
ai Trying case mil dived under the cumins of is *i?*ttys cotaa«n» mv
There Is time Jla-^.1

line .Liifliiimum staise My audience wailed nu fur rest or a drink and

i^icsw the rhil l

pnlifi ly whi 2ir \ cr.iulerl rin hands ami ki\ne> di rh hi ‘iv to In ill! and pat them. hunt puke
arotmid the pjU'h*b1.itk interim until 1 «| I!
Hem. K rfji hum Is away frnm Ihtiir eyes,
cuulit fed lii-i littletody. Pat Jowly in the dfifectiun uf the fur. Give
Discipline vatic* fp>m sell oat to school them plenty of -upL^rt, so that they wuiTt
and 5rs i find reccpilioii? runginft ir\mi well- worry it tout fulling,) I take alone pea nuts
niantis-ml anrl quiet but I iiET-.Hnp-ul i he^eLim.-. hir Kemp., ar & lihujk^t fnr Otto \n winter
.mlinpalnm to noi+v jump^-yp-and^uwo I wmtclmea put held ini* units into the carry-
excitement. Sumi'limo the teacher* arc tip inn eases,
palled by ttkrb pupikv behavior, Hut u re
minder that noise f ri iihtHi* ihr rin mud* is
H-niaquaE Vlukc* a Spark for u Skunk
ttfUitUy rtiniigh to rrMthre order, || El Intis Most rrf these .miiuaL. huye stayed uvh-
«i- if iln< room will dhisolvi? lulu chaos -uTain, iul-ik fei my apartment when I wanted than
j put the uljilitlljJ 1 am discussing back into fur .1 television show' curly I be mxi morning,
its cstrtyinu cuM> This urt> silence irnmedi- «»r wlitM: r 1 vy were very yopp and neede*
m tt -
ly- md I miLiht ruM boks of utter dismay exl ni n st n rin la k n c Cm 1] y Iinme uver
I I i
1 i

wet'k end’ because he nos such a tiny nr-

A** Ludy Jji v"4c^
i Her fJhar^s. phitiwd -kunk. Tliai ids more that s > +m r
Working wish the-.i lamed Mid animals ^(j and Cappy P is home because 1 canned
lia-brought rin- a deep love For each, portly bring myself to part with him, tn liu: irtom-
because they nsgswuNj so well in whal to jus he r|ch& to work with me on the Inis.
them must be InjiSitenine -situaHons but rtf Such unusual pei5 are apt la be mlst-hic
rrm-c iiIim-.hiM ihiin - i- to kit the animals von.- d lii jitse, bid -o Sar thl't* have br'en onlv

/ait Animal* C 1 1
- lo Si'lmn] 70.1

mint Kr m ifrl e its— iv^tehiisketa

i t rvert limed 9 Mayyie is one of the gentlest aninmh \
sMiotv jars j-a.ii J^i I , and bouqiMH nifmsd; tfver hand. fed, but she i- i-ijj anil heavy, Si
and Cappy love lu cat flower?. l\its
i : i *. i i
ami .i In St fet'S nnd eitdir poUtuLi of
and pans faschi.ili- soifttr anim:d> tOO. How- b quite difTn uEt to huh I for any fiftieth nf
ever by tying 1
wpbn&rrf dour handle? I pettier time* S' [ Itiop her aver my shoulder or
I s tvt- m>
ffwrj .in d drape her around my waist whiffi talking to
t rml rpmritUn,. though. about
wjL-- in ii nLldirnces
‘AhkiiU^S tny biir btmttfiul boa constrictor. r Bui on ihi nLa^e of u Uilv Mruiliuttan
I look her home g&t bitter winter night for school Maggie mice wan rid 1 1 1
r-.t* I
F m sltif&ly
a TV shmv tltr next day. uncf worried ha- I in mirf miii af my belt that t to take it

l'?ell--c ^LtitFs sire very -seiLKEtivt- tn tm [per:* off in the middle of ihe pp^gc&m tr> rtiscii-
lure change*. Mj ^jwTnwttl wa* a far cry taiiRt ^ l#olh + The children; shunt with
fruiri I Iil hj S5 dtftnri^ in the Kepti'lr liiUi^htrr mv dress hlJOB 3IS fi

llnu-ne. and & tzhtll might ktvc bfcftiJ the iiieFil:L

own. But within ^ frw minutes we
end of her, were a 31 fascirum^l by Mancie aesun and for-
^mI .i I mm my flfipearanre
Shnr*W die Z(io ?
idy !i Bed hid i
crtftlnly made a bdt, ll> who
YUitui Uir Uttlptinklltfv flfbppcd to 62 dt- sltown by tin:*. rcfjorl from a fifth-trader;
ujees. T bundled up the sruake a± best I in Ml Id

Today M Lte M i
' i . i nr cit me fn m j the
But it did n i do much wwL Miurdf was Brona /-*• ^he hnniphl a tedgtliflg ;tns| u
l 'Li |. Sn 1 pol h*. r
l.mcL in the doth sink boa eotiytrictor. likerl t;n Iiu4i i;on.Htrk'tor |

tn which my mnk&t travel, and tied la-si bcwtwte wrapped around Miss Mc- 1 1

u StfCdr* knot, Thru 1 ti.i «k her to bed irilh Criiae- Wftft nllmved to touch It. I
me. Next murrain^ she wrin fine, wrnfm and fts Icsiigiie and il felt like s^nil paper and its
ready lor ibe show, skin h‘]\ like teatther, TM stiEikeN nttm r w-rt?.

AlWn ABi^aiiir, Ekla^uii nmiJ Seniul'-veI 13, Mndth tor u Toimi Adjft
Shr was su colorful a ruJ btfJUJfitnl I


WhisJi die were mine.

I hiiw been the Zoo Lady i
:-r r
yeur- but
tlieSchind Lecture Scmtr iksdl ilitra l*ruifl 1^44
and is ttfiufl oJ the Bronx Zw’s Bduqtdon Depart-
ment eafc&ljU^hed 1
jy thti New York Zo'ikrgka] •-

doty in Ji*29_ Tills iitiprirttnont provides many free

Theft:'-: thf tjiiestion Bouse for mss.utct 3
whrn 1

visitors ft?k itbaiil ihtr ftio nninteils suk! the s-ift- nf

h-i.^ { i ej ided tour* are organis'd for srmtips friwi
i htH fifth jtratfc or Mjtbtr. This department uteo helps
^ 4*4

Jny ShiruL-s in the Kuew uf H-cispiiu! Shut-ini When the Animal* Pav h Call

Zun Animats C*u tci St'hutil 70S

to and distribute film- f*>r roil or

|JTDdUfOe our (it tLifr -rri rJce The fcee|>rrs m thr Hv\y
sale, uindiiib courts for Scuut leaders and Ulr E
3*1 iii r l ment have dblipungly stretched nut
te^ebera* and handles inquiries by mail and Ht&ktS u* nicstam' them precisely. btiCLii r

telephone. Hut its- mail popular netWity is one of the dnti Irens br-i questions about a
til*" Schod Lecture Sendee. . ul> alii th t *tMi stisjke Is,
Hr>w bog is he ?

peopje Mi m -| ?r 1 . 1 L i- Ell ^ij ij ilviiiL! lis wllh anirnak l-requenth we zi-i rv^itr-r-s for I he travel'
The Antoni Hospital report* baby arrivals. btit pi't- frpffn vhiMrribsi wardi- of hoipiLilK
The Bird House lets kium- abuiit new tame Li:- .ind even when our fidaeritile i~ hill wr try to
hawk- lit owl IJir Children's Zoo is always
make mm
for iwr more vwii. I’erhapn I

gkd ti? lend a po^um, rabbit, nr fctrKS ntih im.toru his- hut it seems Lluit bn- ani

chicken fur Use ilay The Mammal Depart- mai> are especially 1i»1mnl nf (hr ntr. n r -arUy
fcjir.'jnt hli-'i i animals es\ serially fur awkward hitndlnig they use frum sick yuijiLu-

firjcci and Wheel c-fmtrft Aft r

P<if|Dtt«nf By?* Kivei on fieortfv. v Snake
, I

'Ml [’l ul 4 Sn Solti" Hnnilh Ktfiik'l* ( Kii i

* r V I ur^Ettrutlliivv, ,1 .lapcuMfs*? Silk* Ron^w
HospitalizEd chili Iren i annul mairh ate hard lit 1 1 1 v i rim 1
\ I LIU I In ^ltak slowly
the ihlijjUUjd rnylitraiitc Oil beuUhy children, .so that they Could wnkfa my )\p6 Fur my
•ms knnw Lhfaik the rinimjfei hrinp them no
— -? vi-.ii took ulmi^ a spunky rooster who I

lips fny and hupfiihe^v likes b i mi'iv lb- d.u- this ivlunv, but never
Viriu h- the toldm's wtwrU have divert i at tin? rlusii time — p'HYmnij to Brinbarni--

mr mo-t jmlkhuml inemorfe-

^imi- of my mc by 1 1] 1 1 srtLc loose Ett u. emurr. street
prviilly Lite link- boy who loved P 050 so. my
c )rt second trip l knew bettef^ and brmiuhl
This liny hn> wit’ inummly ill iri nnr of lie ]U • 1 1 1 n *
r g tie *| 1 i nw hawk.
1 city lif^piliiJa.
1 i l* When laid him ,abmjt 1

I o li tan nm is in * u iwu eyes slhwjy jjiriied
: : i
-, I i i
Bohh^rr Piums rhe Sw<d I tar n -t
I pul the snufiTy dltf possum hi M* anus, ;mil SpflJTOW liawkv nr AmrridHi kt^virrlv tiw
hr smiled lit waiEafest j.nd mist E^niitiful ItnaUest hawk? the T are
ua ( nit«d Stilted,

smiLi* J hive ever mtu 3'r:sr- wrrr in every- known lot their loud. piercing cry; "kitly-
one's n fo.
a. it the nurses ^niii ii wits the kllEy -billy,

1 knew FtohEiert wmlld screech

lime Jir hlid hi his litter .oul Imlf Lil protest c "itty tmw wjs
-lit- : ;j hiked
njui]lh> In ihe hospital li ] '! i uii to be -i supreme thrflJ for these
children. Their faces almost bur^t wjih m-
Blind llhild u R^t«r iluL^ui, The\ .^hrpiitot with jny, and some
HjnultcapjwrJ children tour run $00 in n kepi painting la ih^ir ears.
lit tii tmhir-drswn itum fci tin hildirh- Appattnii |b»blw-rt^ slirilt m*i^- were
7< »o. blind yi (unii_r -ii r- can hold Linimiile. 1 udiFilr in .i mtmbrjr ol them, iillhouitli th<n

Will our fUSW forjitt little hSifid ^irt will bid diifllnllty In hearirts i^> »r iii.lI himtin r-puei.h.

meticul'iudj oantirKd ;i roaster witti hir^sen- Fnr SEirui

1 r
t may have been tie first animal
s-jtivir finder- arid murmurs \ to mr baldly, ^iLitirl they \rAt\ ever heard

iffe'^ hi*4H(iiul fn-m- Fiilibi'rt luoked n fart anniiyi-d \\w nart

Fefhups my mo^l rhalkiijnW Lectures haw of the day. But somehow l <ltm^ Ihiisk she
been before gptttiii classes for chitAtan whu milly ntmvkdh
1 1 1 n I 1

will show you the Southern Cross in, star-spangled heavens!

The riii^il loiik il- hi i-.U T h< >.LU Li l


rifUJa w1 rriiiii ^laTiu

^lowir^ tiiiJ t lose —nhiicpbl williin yum rumil*

. _
h I ij

s_s. uit

i/n . l, .

hook llmaryli i f
miiim In-ini'- HuJri* L* Iho
^hirh Ami
r 1

ci'ilkii tf' 1
1 i7 r ]ift TIh^
fliblmt Si i i i e In i'ii < TIjmt — 1 "Ei

l)ntf Star, * lint-rn ^ fi'i r j -i

v. i rli ^ Mil'.lu

N tw Yei'k h«;
You V, i II iirii i fort! i
-t jyiur flrsi muhl bcluw
IfUU fMfi - ii t ii 1 1 \ i H i- - |1 t ii i
\ , 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 j *, I-- 1 1 1 1

Tln fc
I'ljunioi' Nat 1

I hi- -im -rln^uiii^l Uw> -» I lie

**.**im m
LsSik i tiifc-ii (,
ni ii jo -
fmuiriritiiik; new frit'inlu + . uuti-rl Un-
(.1 i Li i
1 - ->4 ill till H I I It' I L« H'J i.L <
1 1 1

The n 1
1 n j l 1 1 j a i^l I I Li 1 .i 1 1 L 1 n v (‘Xd it i K Hi i rtsufiji

do tim]
i At-e on u MdANitnlu h Luxury Cun-*'
ta South Xmeri^fl.. Ttesi'r^e yoUi ^linri-niP*- nut-
-iilu i^inN'i^Hini uifiMj — tkrounl i your iiCNire^t

Lilli, l- 1 ugeiit ]


to colorful port*
In ir’ifli Weii Snriiai £ Sou Hi Amorku

Ti'Oflnir .*
)MKRIC 'i! 26 dOtHan
Douglas 17 so 70 DATS from Hvw Yor'k
Ui-c. 22, Jan $. Ian. 23. “cb
Tucson fl,

Wl-ftf, 2., War, Tf, Apr -fl

Chandfer lndtthduat qrr-f-pnrfil anjry Efcfllrfll

Q Phoenix |n nva^y Llali^o&irr.

hieadlin« cnlirliainmEnr, 3 a-rcliiihrnl,

Pa/m Springs h g uvtdoot p<ic-l! Km 4l p l-V ILM-J

Q Los jAngofos i-jr rfccxi; nxlimivo cru-ii-e p cn r c TT>-


P ,
partl-HI? gnlti hFgllll.

P*pd u d iiAfi» -i lpi Iha grftal

Lucky ycui if yotir td Copl'Finr-irat fTirilin-n

triMi fr im vtAA weather '

r *"
_ ;
is to be nu-r iii the T iri P" “ Tf

in Ti r

ul.if fqm-fiivt>rt?d aabdtf
Arfacmn nr
Cfl 1 iforn in _
ypu m
tmee lucky*
For you ran uTku n- i

-.1 FT I Sfan
z i fncvn

i^jy Irovcling on the

tnv»l Ap*Jtf *mu*

S a
J«« y DS^r

D DW Aft If, N- ..

UEHCT In.: 4r H.Y..Di,b ¥ 4-tjM

till Rl »2-l . , Ult Fnp L Ft
I . I

MilUaE LC9 EHTIATR. 1.7 II I A 1 f I 1 *•!

1 3 1lllH” -niS CPlD^Lf Ir irB V -JA
Rri *> i ? h mi«1 iif DJiliiri-
Tmii rsrmit -i.i i Liilltfr

(f FOrF? Chkogo 1 :‘J0 pFti dailyi 1 1 ? hi ihm Srn 'h i

V irtir + R +
n-^lRpR Tar ri u R: labi

I Ich p LUshinrH^i l Atuih s^nfcs wiili |


|i«ngth leg-rt'-tn ,
n-" piling"--, Pulltn?
with a wide ot renm^; mid-
irriin Umnpe nod dinintr tkrefciLfli
REHep Hiidrli mm 1 3 S3 la
lltUO ll be 11 1 1 I.STU Jp.klr '

for fLfcod ^nd w-rviccL Crimpl SMlJTH- VlCTO R - CBhFFrTH IND'iNi

hors d’otHivrf T-, far Pullmsin W nn ^nr'-HW **« h titan k i- “
in FrSdCi^- - I .i :: h r

Through Pulltmni day-nlffbt a nd

cortch from Minrwapolis-St Pmil, e(h
indnine in the tJuldun Stine Kun-
For comp^fc rpl/wnrfllfflFW
1 ooo
rimek ur fill in your das*
I 'Hi ftf top Cif thLi 4«r|-
Lu I. C. Bruce, Gen,
dip B ai:1
r Tpifik Mp.. 72H Li L A S ELS $
tt.iik- ss. S tiiLiuo, Chicago &.

Vim w|i i i h rn mi. »iIi|fi-u i IIP' jT.uri' h£rnT3MfM iTf 1 1 r-“Cl I tl cl T

^C'd'r-M __ 4KV 1 13iia filial «nm?ll> tifcuirwiRi Biinn-n ,il>n> I'te Eg ,1

lifl.n I 'i .Lnl wflb krirn-rj. pM|i F |f ^ Hh^f rprfdi'rt

Cuff 2a ne J5jtntr_ Cm nui Kin iflinu 1 i fi EreTjn ""F ,

Alio *nr1 piU-ai li ubuJir -rtin«-p iu i- HQ t*ll!l>lr Pi3l-"l. r i
j| ill !. Ill MTr liriU >11' I
It : i.'i!' Rl*

'lui.ii'K otif* 1
in* 7 1 I -T'lvCIAL <ll-| I !• ^ii ail !-'‘i



j;V, ||i I E * |||-j'i )i|r 3 i(l llipkn H.-imliTTlLl II- ‘

ill! |ini»i*rt|

4 jLLarnjiii-i! i JtfNpM I- Unit' Lif«rl.-. E J I >


L. CttHEiAniki

M ne' i or iTir NiEianuL CinuC ri| P |; J c —k idn-M.i't « Y<ill


Cwu'JJiif, tfkirikpTm itfintijtf, -’le* tmr* wtptim fij ®u nwfti'vnt <uf At-

How to plan your trip to Britain

Ilifn, *end Mtir fra f/if jja
fin in ViiU- qidhffV? |\,imilK 3*nl Unit Tinw
F the llrimh Lrsid Assist ion,
P/jit Kir

Madisim 4WipiiiJ Britain K \im


'III i

it a Lit 1 Lot in a

\ vomic, \nw North tftt Irclatlil — v. fam mi pjirUite

-liiirt fTinc,

return van’ll get folders Vi is taken AV bis! il| ige% w i! h jnu -J rt* e i tin roev

li\ wrt aEl the Things 1 H j ti

IMum Juts ^ih maytiificemh -castle*, wep^rv. Tin; rfiiiuntct: Sl i-trish rdantK And cIlli limely
rtsrfcfl itiniaL riiraeiv g a r de ns— U ts :i ft \r-nn e
p 1 rtrap. area in TviigkniJ kmm 11 the IJukcries. ( Fut Jje
Vest* decide wftrtfi In "Thrift Se,isnrr-» vucL can x
* jm of stately hi Miles

Spunu. V utcimn urWinter— t mj un fm Ic^s, Whit nm! rent a uifr \tiO cni— fur <irt|y

Hotels .ind mads are uiictowilcuL Ami rhtir'v .i mile ineluLiiny ga* mu I nil Must imjkirlant
plenty ml r »unt iluKse fnfcririh British Intis* <*c *yutir travel Mini tn«I yir!
a in.-.

Fw fttifhrr Jij/fiiviitf Man ffivt hlrttiiUlt wutr IrriVrJ A iit'Ju/Jr'n Jin*

^ tf.-irjj.vjii A'-r.. Vrn lu^A

/7, .V. Rj jrr £ wuiJ.-i ; W Aiiriwtlf Sr*, Tut # Mhi
I 1 — * 1 f u

fjij'oy vncrowded
at lowest
price evert of "Vaiationi

Unlimited" <nll year 'round I

ffic firtG camera
tor cvflfyort®

Jncrea&int' demand nukiM mbsm nti-'l raving* pp%-

iibSt On RolI«kntd ffatpJfr45Q4M^ reHtK V - - . list 1

firntfi cfiAE gives large 3%4 i pictures* ind 2U

cclur theis ec iTnr,?^ pynuEri-r lircs m£ tad inf; Unis
Stipi'i -Slide AiiA Fanfii Lem end shim*? equipmenj.
Fivoritc dinotig picrfc&sianuLs and amateurs. On I;.

Loiic*>- At all dctdrrn Of write taf


lltirldjsli LlrooksJnr., m an ji . » nr
k'ONIII !( i, |M. 1H K r Czli hi .
iilin«i U, Ei-.l

MO^E THAN 000.000 LAS Flj :




S^TTlif frt' 11*1

uhuhah yamiion package

/iw dii^i ?i ifijjiJu- in^ eaftiimfart:

I. X^iTAIfA VAtUnWrt s h j;i^ with Finn-

ic iLi iLir |« ra-tLriiTiZjfclJii ill lualiifay H.ttfac.±kfltlA-

2 \ fli-'A I r i
>3 hv. . 1
M JfS.lii 'i i li.kl Ll ill 1.1 n 'Ll II I
( IJ

3. " T--F- i
\h v i
iiilui \ui illuu- KfitiJ- TOMSMASTER
' J i
- ai l~
i in

! h>jif

tlfji j.n itv K^-mi 1 it fdUt i’ iM^i-iiirrnfr

Olic fjiLV LhnT i« nil fmi fci'iif! lira In dij >111 kill
>1 ;i rli lihl |
] Initial mlirpn.itann
[Mil ul ^Lhm: l
-iiO icin^urUdfL^

j.i:i-.L dini-'ij-.i.J l-il.iri-l -.UJt

I il

J!l-^ dftl coLpon en nny an^rr-nxid — "&t ujh mi tnve-lppiaj' mir ftetWill, *ht heidfHfttlt- — ri'intnM^ mfrfJrJiirv * 1 1 h ..*tn-
plf:tr 4fft'ilnri’ -iiiirn iCiiTinliTi-l-v ipm 1 1 \i »if|i 11 l-M i4

— Pi EASE P-Bd-M- T |

pi.i i!
r (
ir.lii *,•. \'i
i>_. i |

1 1
nn rJ
list :ic*
In rh» .riunli.i
S mi

3 L-i la.iB.aB .

iwiiH nf Jii nfLNrurv MuNdu hm! *il >< •

Canadian frOWittMiNl travel auitMi It'ul hj 1

I J V’A/.'M I 'll* -V," II I .-iV r.j'i i i
I ii



11 i- :

Vf iii 1 ip ii .r .1

IV -i i I
t2 ULirii I .

PlnlM j lul In'T !i il I II nil >i 1 i II 1 1 1. F ( ill.lli^L'

.lilii'n i4
Al I

1>tra- !


^l%ii, i
n =ii- r.i?-.:r« mm tt.iEuJ;rU rtmJi.1 1


y.BtitJudi i Ii e N jnu-iiiL -Geoir ypliic — Si idEnrrneh wcu

\6u're never cold/
never -too warm
with a G'E Automatic Blanket "Ai yog likjp if HUiutmc rtf wisnnlh ej

New low prices from 5 29 — chosen <m i 'ii G E Ufd ivlc i cmtmL J7, ; «-

Gwtrd rhtflk rtWhlisrilK Thsil w-iirinlh., odjuflltng

tu lengperuiLltc change* kiu tudiulicully.

tM* 3 DI'rD nQ6 uifu ^jvh unjayr-d tin cgr-rfgrl g! Ji^tom FtlC S MtuPtlL

Na pi^ctous sl^epmg time To* I, no

get Lineup bffm bSafikcia. Otic O-E
Ei^ikui Lreui^ per tel cjjnxf-Lirt'-Cli irate

ali Tiiyhi, 4uteEnnticnll) providing more,

or Iasi* >v,irmdb u* tilvJj J. Cicqer^l
LI aw l fie umpLiny. AlHt>-

niLiMg HJunkel ;mJ -in l

Depf^ Bridgeport 2. i \»m.

Eaiifit bEcSm-Gkang i' E-aiily wqchoijl, i u Minima lahrki m» 'piii rnuli w fin- PI**
crti^ blanks Cortflfn-Cfln- by Clunfuilii, binJtngr by iiJi inner.
lourcil corner* Iiilvc mstia h hiX'-rf frLnn ii# ‘IxriiutifkU dccoralar
"gbo" foi umplc foot i «>fTL DjIl'cv.
1 i . T ' !

First Time . , , Every Time

tti II Svi't m leoi
( li'.v'i't 5 f i.'
v--i n i i rmuiu--
(ttLlL-iai iA ptaPvpi Lanai :m* i-q-jjp
lYiPJll luLh> tilt <4rri[j-h#l.
. ItiH
: I ! u J Lrtlunih gJ u^fvn >i> dd
J J t I i .

r^aUm, l-illdMiiriU pArtilian Thii •

lr_l:-ll-iri t L j- IeMJ' -r p-.t-UT-i n'i*l#l

ii‘_ L:inn:ilu :l hn?i ln-nt F«ii |.in -
1 lix!
fc i jjn tun- w i
iiIp I

m i i*i “| , E'ium> Heir
*i "|i ! |
t I 7 Le iirij ia#i| i pnnp -rzir
You were right, Martha This 1

A' Tfn^p fginH^n S^.ir-i rfr Wr^fi Par fi h_r: *i 11 ! L' ,


electm Vitchezi is more automatic INT£RC0NT(MENT fit NURimikG. CORP.

lit tn iritik Awn, t Nww Tart. H, t
than. I dreamed it could he
W tiy ci in' I liie nbik* LuxiirtiE gr 1 it thriiLigb
hb hriiil \vi nnrti Ltuiw more about
liiifigg. tlian he ill'K'f'Aa a fa
I ! : tz j.^

pijnn.Li.ith.]ilf*r tlot-polutcIcL^rli' kitchen*.

wuiium cun'
tell v ki Unit.
-< In ^fl"
Tlntpniiit Irsictm, iilihiHELiiJC rr^'iYJi- uxato^

mu Etc llV true faLisI} fchr dialtWiislirT

u mi"E !
al'IiIjIU riHEut'k Hit 4'1iin;i r lint ,s

] l-.-r
j-Ij[i il 1 J El Jim is .ml muitU that IF

pIttkwI aiiticTp.itcs ! ummum's 1 1 i.wt step

Team n dishwater up wtih ;l HotpoiiU
cH'EHr range , iiiil] tile mimd-liic-LTiiLk
iwt-wjit-diirig giuiidiuulljtT i± n?-
(IiriIiI Eu li 1 licit* inuttiT i if piivhtfljj lml^
1 icifs. "I i
Lis i.i >iJi LiK i\ tfhoiitd hv High rime
MitfniyL* \tiiH ritcjiided triii wotisaia'v rule
fa kftc!«*m iiinl S.m-ulHi-.-v
Take artdlitn ]mii at M.urli.i Deh/ml'i
k Suit f 3ri
sht Ipnk LlT" F| »% ? Vi II Will bf- UN. rAU'l-
] I
FooibaLI n ma
)^uW talked t hr whole thing nvvr with * SUIT
V fl st ttfltjintnt d-nalcr, Me iiriiirrvE,riif/.i * Coro rats on i j-.i I

Sporl t T sru r n a m tn F«
vvomirtL. IlnEpciint Cu. A I'lr- ki- m m? v. u m p r > r e
i i' i
Vtr*r jum iaiLuc uu |

GcneTJit ftlccLric tlumjijirn I, Ctifc^o 4 S. — ITITtiI Em vp, ELsilS-l «UHUtNB



» i* f

«Fi}ti|r Th* Rlui 1H. ] t* J PrJH 4.- A Ik I I

electric kitchens and


CirnvaL Ji ijIU.fki. * j
n P i,

mic- -epHni ni ZJ JU-Yr -m'

laundries by —

' ' i
Miirilizr fun, -Ifcn. kxl-u'Kl 4
x^ihp, irlei urin-ni. ,

/nr iH. pi;

>tT>oi l
-! tul r
F ) IT E ij

B-i err h r i

rh* 4
i hli^rijE L'rti.if i j ji^ii « It ,i-ti ezn i lu * vau
( t 1

k Mi, i w iliL- fiiiL.ii cruiMt 1

rh ttic wifld to- Li\ ;irt Dtliia
jTTL Line *i liiJMirjnih- ibita %lirjis lfit? DILI. V >Et J k* 1 i'f'l j >1 |

iiniJ I JEL Vt Ak, Tlsc^c m^sm-guing atiilhn* idur* l<* ntr ^nqili
\ II Lt' -i !i .1 1 1 ijrjLil 1 1 HIT ' .ljl uil-L. i]i JT.VJ1 rpivi(<ii!7i |«i fIli

| hi r k <1

HniiiL, Urcigipj.\ uid Argentum. From guy sun dciA* to bcatili-

Lul .ind rtluxtiig sjlijrih (tilIi pad-ifengeT later tlv: -nniwcr tui

any I'aciiluincf '9 dream. A 1 )l-I a cruise saih Jtuul fiLmlun^

New* LAurv Lwd ivcckn ,itk rhe Gxicsi it ecu latiiu du tie iii 3

.itc thjaved Eiv j IjhiitLi'il list %A tijnt In a ei tiffed .mil

twrtiijk tdiMf fur ^lijibottnt wjciid events
( iiji \ttti vt'u r ft { at f nrvf ( ngm f ft r (p ?i,'xpfrf? ifs u 'ii .


Rotttf ej tht liHfn


iu.M n "riKn .c HE* UfcJmS

N*vp Tpri C I'iic flf'

* WQThiflg.ran
5F Unli &a« PrarsslKfl- Lc^ ^ligrFni
i 1 1 i

A HE*! AITSC^JN 3 -S' C - L tlLESfOfL !

1% "h iw Wl'rth lf.i I ill "! -t ’l l

"kTi f~- I r n iT k m
Uv MuMf , U'J' tin i* _f llllll!-- -LLIP
la ftp f* n i
i J*t4 EiMm-yuf.!' in . III a i _ mill .Hid-:-*
IiIjtllmi IIIHiqp rt \ ilir l^-#lhii: liilifefe Iff fct*i»
I link lii iiii_jEn rii iliiiil. miHn-iinu
lull l Ji.4 - ?V*
a| rfH tMlRl. i-AinivfpilfiM 1 ** pqm luff I 1 I

hiiiimEMip ml.iiwi«ni flin*«M pIpI-i' I I I. 1


• I l

i,, i
I* I

Tf-fh! 11 * iLi.ifjtm-it
it rjHEJUfv

ft 1- i
! .
Icrc fl-t-ffri
k. |h*i •
V|um { I A> MuiN
ini in i.«.n Ei limnn*
i* i

Spy Pha SafflfiNlM. Sfiun, Ptanrti i-l#^

Al’-eiflbJf -i 015 100 s» 0 W6 M HEFLEfTINE TELE SCOPE On Lh-p hcmw r r rKtn tv tin :1

Ailn Tiim ^"iihuiup nl Piwi-

HA$yf r hi ft Ei pftm' Nil)
4 Mtrr

I.' r TJ“l Ibhi Pr« lM*fi tnoiiii^iii" rjiui A fxi.ii- and ebpfei
u^i iiil ili' J IVn huulihf iHHj'li'l* vIMniitr liulk'ip jsc-ri L| i"cfi form h.nv^r.ihlf’ ^-n
h irsu. Il 1 1 Jru iLi- i- i I' ( i j illm li: li.r uruj in‘tr-
LT>ab,*lSulil— b-at M Ij •> Hr»l tv-r^jm •
n , J 3--Y iffl'er>Kw^Fttb|c mir fihfl tuM u
lEallrv la-il* -4'llntMlPI Elllili ililNlp Ih’ 'I’M
••I t >it lit* >U|UriiMtyl UjhiiI upfch

Ih k» m fdt?1paonf ihuii^r f iili Mwdit tu 1/ OOOeH 3

up* * iicl-i im| A " Min i 1

i |L niHf. Thhw.rrr* Tmnp hi i*ri>* rn>|
mrtl^e L I I HI. A0 rn-ip^rrjptl the
'1111 III inn r -
met. iiLAO tn»F
J lltlwfc ‘il'Ic-E lii| ftljr r
i • i 1 1 1
S3' hLiil+irf .ViVT1
Ti \mfa m
;•• -t.l r'i-fll ^
Ili-jlI ri_i.ii .< i- I Nfflhcia
lif il IJuiir. T^uii J)h.LiLirJ| 7‘ i I :-.K li-.U! U II ' I

1m |Mr til feltft to lirr I I rti -Ik 1,1 It- IJiMll i *«*i li
UMi -i Hi Wl i|. h I -'i.j' i* M-T.V 31 I'll I IL

l-»'UBP* l*i"li ’V| MM *>''! «r \ fi h 1

lipiM fkn i.i. lii.l- D 1ft ~ip i i: h i||a.'T-inq1p|p P| I

4 K?FkiCIIN&
» «iiii r I. *- ^lih jink-,
j ituir ni-»-^l l >
Hill fi-- 1
l-|aLk iij.| (liil •
t" ‘p- ill j '-li m l^r .Ttittarri m * (or
llliilllll \ .ll III II i I II . lull i alii - .lirlihij
rilll'U II' tl F- 1 I VI Llllll |i III >» « H* t L tmirr pfcwrrr
I hI II I Li I MEIMkl Pul ••iliiil ri>llii*i
m'\ lx mu J I * ,V ih I Hilnh Ilia
IF f I +|lirJ'±< lH> Mi fin 1C .ii-l i’Jfi'X. l rj^tii'M
+lli If fcpr-lfl:**rik b^,fi |i q nil >
i i
I hr -.ri lit hi
111%. +..rJ Jp’i- M|l^|||ULk-i* Tl Hr*
is-ihl* Up. I4.i>;i ti HM.M ]Ah. Ai Vrntc T iinTT* i ins, nr Write
•a -r| * — r
hrVj i
t r I.mif J I •-A- I.
'J 1
•.-j,. p, u^r'iinf r- -I

unijjt \ii [ijvukps, hq

iliinw'! \H>TT
I ATAlcIN — [I

* " F"'-'
Se* I'n'i t k S' ,
r jx; nL M'p j
iqifpr*- n*Tl i «T >

f DMU^JP SCIiNfiFJC CORP„ oarriirfMan M. i.

Climb Stairs Sitting Down

fau Eon nitic »inrp ,--ai=r I?n0f
V- >:i ’ *~b- your -npi-mml |hFt sp^ai by i«vir>c
yitu- hi-|1 ‘hm i-i-niiii ei! itu-jr dpfiidiTng
Fnnpb vfhi- hn v¥ H-mph 1^.1^ tp '

MHay” Iry ISqpfif cfiprEpr* r9‘ n PS Half 1*1*

Liinv liTiiipn-eip -H ETP-s-liji-y iiTTng ip qn-y
< i*Ji;i irj-*Trp- i n Iuw Cb-j hvitflihjTlwi
Fcr s-imiibt k1n>lmPByi. OiK-rntii mi-
KiPv^n-li^Ktin^ iirn.i' T-cildt Di.ininrt woill
whrn Ufa In- m-i. 1

4 "flavaPIv'' El- II Li JUtal lwd lh ilailw-. I-, '

cl#HlE nr DHW
LMI-J »(« rfl*fc BJS hrDtJLB-
Ir^h-i-irpq t.rt'jir C-j-.ljjii-buiii hpuLi ESti-

ThlJ li.iTnj?.omu T.-1 -!ii,i II. I-I V VflPt !.> uM a-iuk.

ItiM-W 1**1 >pl| .!H?f *f
2 231 Hu i!iiil All J H nr? n Lu rnt. Pit

line A IlI shciwy Op i

0 mn
i Inn pf 'ctmfilirpaJ hnrr-H |rn:ifc-m|-i Icflu,

ytm v luit ^
I hi 1 1 1
r lu vv n
m J

*'4U | |JV I' Eli

Jir m Em I.l

"Tlir hi Tnmclii Tharli j

v-i i lnpinr-^l Uniifrl
Lh:|iL R*fH. 620 Ftrtli As , N' Y, 20 VI
PflMM- iiPtfcd III' WittuiLlt I |l-L3 ±v
"htvirATiijH Tip ItoiM liia/'

rtJ II. Ill *

CQT1 _ nin
IF II I I I # 1 I i i 1 I h B « t + i i i -li 1 i i ih i m mm m + # m P?

hSe*|liuii 1 Ilb- K-thor-nl C-tw* r rrli n — li LiJtr-tifin gf^iL

1 m .

. your Christmas Gifts

can still be giving . .

(frtjtfjyxiittril . , * c*du:ciitiloa , . tmtafoExirnciif lonjj lifter Wl* 1 -

tif1 e j tri-ntmings are 3 to fed ffVpy! Whi-n you give nitfubtfr

jfbJpji in own Society each ih ha ing* ^ uirtfr \ a Em mil
Gcrigfaphi: Magetfdtu? tor your JMlpienfcf -tml u-ir 1 1

THt plffiUUM of y i'll h\ frequent iwip i.felLLT . l 1 . sii[i-

j)lettitjU£ — ^pUN-S <.'hIi:t yr.n\

Unt Hit fiimjt \nAm both eh present gift rnriYibcriliqifr

.nul En niuki i H.'jiiiihLtioiH- It gift tn son tn im ’uJi -lupa
nffliittiuict: Lind ehui'k ppruprEuii sqiijiruv.

...(hi Peapn^lril^ tvt ihU r+ili mi h*p 1*1 S^iplly,

.Vchi;; ihucLfijf fecFtrw gt- ChfrOrrifra r I'

rnrJosc I
nild dO fa Lind ifi'lf fffjdi “j re ar ia mV-

hfratnffl»ie l
l TftifiDi.^ 11 q ihu% Tire NO! tfep-cLvd LmiIuw tar* ha fefc 1*1 y ilf d fey fN f
S aci-cdy m became an th«»r awn behalf
QUEf OnLiude W.-jjdr. 1

Uni Ted 3 rare U i fun

end L •'!: dj

. Ja LH

O N*m*-
l cu n H ? e s. In rha L
l '-i,itn| AdditLt
tin ini m! <!ht ArTwriccrfc
^F 3ir s*> so
mu h'amu

H^iiOi i -u i . u
Dlr-1:4h sfr/lirt- Idf fl.ODJ Add'-rrii
tHftWtan ibfWil , ., 57 W
Lift MrmLi-nhi? J>5D HQ
ll Fu/Ji.
? e rr-H *! j^ec 1
! Ircm collide cl
[n^irr?nrDl UnJEad STglfi
;" s
J Canada :hcu>J Sc fVamn-
Wtw ¥ds-k draft it nteijoa
cefelI mon^v drdc-r mam e-ii
NfltT*i»4J-|l*rtF richer
iHizJ fijrfri H

AJd n i l
S i * 1 .

til fi AFFE — : 1 1 m — su 1 1 h

;t ti l a1u py — i ni p lL Ji tt a
cywnLtesr vari- !y i>\ mh\
This is the mi* ir riui uml halii-
tin tth •

i;lI Kn
Turk k i r Nijiioii l]

• imit- whifh ynd mri m*?«

iind Eih&!n-gTiaphi rdii4y iroln
vu-Lir cur.

A I ia-ii * * ,
fk|jp ntntQtil liuuiry
JtL IWHILFl Lutl'.L I- <11171

ll-KFWiJe^j I#,* ** iLihlmh'-i! r«>iiy

E-'iiihjLt'cTi \ >i; TViVflJ
Thfl USfnm cammu [
A-H^'Pl 1
f(ir DiuF u*rw
cr'j.u-j Uu'hklrU
that Created d rtew ittmddrd
for design and perfprmancfl,

with 50mm
Ni'ff ber f2
NiJrJror fl 4_„ 34 a-
Lines Vtrhl -

4r jJOit es tB

I lTCf-B*rfc1p^ Jtl fi-url* A^nyfc, H#* Tnfl L0 r NT

pfut ITt"VV, fO> E Pj
. ii tnl - I

H^EL REPLY Jriv ^Incllor Inr fctwv .1 uifi :i* 9m

icci-lc, vrdl rci 3[iiH]i CfljUitaiAP anpulxu 1
CrtdftfuCMV LtumIu P'LtfS e^Luuii!, nsif k rjliuhto
“BrillUi tnpilc tUfF'-M P'.LilceL Frum ul,e iftwU '.

upkiJP'bI'icI — iilUUiLlj. l •J'iiM •'.•:<:• Jj,ni|'u Emu


iri,krTI — n«w. old llmeds. C3tanj! .^'3i

m%h l-r H-t, Jkr.i'jJ V i^i 1 e, £ ymizic iHDcd . vei Mm'I.y I

SA L ti n CCJUDCIQB 5 ITEM S] Qihmi tiUct Eli

— ZimifeJ

fr r'^ ni . |il eJ inn niFtflk Scli-I I OK S'*t fNU'>£r,

2io.qiJ.Ijdc, toa -1 GAHCELClH 1
AMP CD,, Dr^l
i I wee CaUli, MUflc ,

*2 u


W^rid'i S'QndvrrJ
Mt nhcv*
MEXICO CJTr iPAN-iiH AmriEnn "?r fcru-reipflTan] 1 * ^USSIA-M
MODE! H ^ iQi^yffitis for FREE TRIAL AT HOME
and m ACAPULCO |
Imdnh. :ra*«l
ai ii-^il
UNl il
i"v na JJiij
i*^ lull hti
I’ -lIi

I.F^rtrAFllERSIlP « 4- irli. 1
--irlfk.-- Vk.1 llllial bHN Ji - I
•n 1-1 hTKW
1 . 1 I kJLV LluAht r*- ..m*i.U
1 Ell- ’fn ”IJl y 1
S»l liRmfil
> mil H Jm- IIUIIJW
I 111 .IT UCiMF. Mill liMl * II J Hli ^nr3ll K
r- ih*I r -m [ ‘.IM 1 i‘l
ILkiMP L—wjp 1 > In III Mil* Llii| HliiUiMi

l-ppl ' 1

*#miE ImI 111 UK Unih *|hl lU-uLli -F

PH5 trUI
a=-x*---- :
‘ \ ,K'
. J
c I.m|.li4tih.ia HIM Ml T 11* *1w4«li|liFr n«r«< VfP 1 »'* I f
I I i

Mv :l I J-j 1 H^ M arSUGhJ kjc-L ti

r jphii. 1: UlHtlEftR VdU
- 1

rucTAHh.t F reau’d^ sum fleeting uJfas i

atlvm- Whito idea* strife*- P :C^ *0 the fttike uf

Mu* Dictaphone tsMK-MASi^KU dictating ma-

The Dictabelt record
chine and think oqe !u ud " 1

s said — arid rfwflf/

1 '

collects ynur thoughts JJJctapiloEie^txdiiijivt rnt-'TABEJ 7 i^a mail-

able, Ml able. jxTmadi-JU fi-tord that can't be
and turns them ima action
erireed ur change: L With MCTABEI.T Jifiil

Ti Mr i -ls i J-: ti . 1 it-cl s v u

1 o:immunica v in be- :

atifies a biilriL re>l a

Call Lhd Dictapliimu aflfee near ywL Or write

Dictaphone, Dept. H. 420 Avw ir-.

New Vurk 17, N V Aik ab-juL our mraiaJ plan.

TS* Dii'lfli/Vfrii'JTf TIME rjjj JisnJcJjj n/ -

i' uki I U'PltiI rr£bt tf&ij *if *iH/r mini."

N HTllJ! llkltuillnitr » , rp . MU.. 3IN E*15BtlH\ ^7* IjiM ... -

\* J.II-1. I hlri u imhi’JH I i.i

J-J-i'j .-n retort I'lw LiHiifctta H . I . Xhi a

r:i i>i ->
v J Jiur-Mit*!-'" .j-J Iju t-iLui *re ji^IbIiiUhI untf-^ii.u - •« imauiiniiii ^.'uru.
1 L


HERE IS A CHRISTMAS GIFT! A liv.mtifiil book

2 b2 PAlNtLMOS so vast in scope that if binds within -132 page*
L PHQTOOflAPHS the ratlin' ^s'f'rp E.rf \ineTinui Indian hisluri.
in FUii
I %iim\ irijLVsadg M y.|iulhitahr Custer
. t hJdisdtidv palulm] fr^Ljuais tilling iipcjn 3

jitiaccfut ittr lemei it to bum and scalp them —
1 things tjou might mptrl to ftnd wnd you will. —
But hem 1 no. is less fnmihar history conn: to
lib"* „ , t hi

fust "( inlumbus'
items* ihv lurid bridge from Asm in Al.uVa- He
rniavi. south. f_ untune* etn:n: kiii| go f .

white Maya empties rear above the green fungle


ol YiiL’LiLua. lSliy*tmprF hie bln towns rist* in
New Mexico. In 1 1 tt- VhssLsssppi vtxlhiy mem
build Ti 1 iJl i tar tli innuutH it* worSiuD ihc sun

1'iiily, (he

Vjmishhag \medran was as varied

.ls [?if arctic sntnvs, desert^ wm idloncts, mnun-
tuttis, aTK: tropic jungles in which fac lived driri

lives. For he ouf Iniiguiiipv is with lls yet— jlj

in oiu culture* Eu the bloilcl ut mi\*\ & oil ire u.
The Amerk-au Incb.m is part of our heritage
Si'ComI printing now ontihhfe. t se emtpo'i
hi tow to make mitt of uloohimg yew fiiNW/

70 chaptBfs, grouped mdftr

three Lear gp sections;

1 HE 4 U; RJCAN Ufrllr
a mmm. hniah
jutmcnT cipI. zm -m
*f Tit «[h *hiji



Washington 6 , DC
Enda«-d pE»3i^ fihqf 4 Fa# whkh
L«nd rre rqpie-i oF '‘Sa - :>•
God N’nnr
giupSk M IUDUN5 Q ? THE *WERi£AS.
-' C “ 1
r? -
JklrulH-^ 1? 40 in: U S«.
1 1
JbdLtif#*fl lanii
end f^iciiiciEiGDV fllu^Fiin, $7 73 Ml U-S„
FyrtUk P*ni«|y^id Crty, SFq.'n
1 4 h . I l h 8 , I m !

Far from
-but not
from help!
f V f 1 i<- —i'.ti ' l
1 i" f
J ,i- i

h won nearly t kirk. Sn traffic to i>f* By I 1 oVIfHik tli pi t morning t |i t- niljiJ>EnT

.hi-[ fitlf* rar fMrminjt ten* arcl in- . * + Axil it h .l- iln-ri-. ] Ee IcKik Clare tot nil lh+- d-elhul-

ri ^ i \ rrithh/huy tiff eicrr fhr' fpll-df . even Mi hi En' H tfMtk fur me in junk-
. . l ti

1 uuMn’l chjI nf llhvr why,

" S**l even yard fnr S306w
\\\ iruiiiii i hit 1 Eir r4 h; 1 . . . ctntn tin cl^njiliJi r J ti -'t lit re e ihv- ulf r rrr r t c j ¥
I . I i

. . i cj 1 k sin 1 J truce, \\ k H are hi! (irjiclii .illy lIiLfEfdrJ check fur £ 22') covArtn^i the
hca^iu rr-tii-Lmmin value of my ear. f I • r iiflonniEi
M} Hin Jnr, ^iitinji nnft to rnr, h,i- had Iy for I hr
>] Ji’ih hi li If mu
||fc *
i i
] us f eJImoii
i rij'tl Ir'-rL Ml 4 |- U|HllHttlF'd |
P \*
xlH-AH| i'JtalEHt] (n-urnin'c, Joe"- hn-pihil hiJI- attifl ol her
il* fi
rin In i hfr n r With ii* n ihiiUftjind mi If* It j d r :il r s r u - r c jh in r to
i i
j L M i r-r
fn!i]i| I n in e i j. l &:ar wrerki'i ],.* Joe 1 1 i,i r ! * harpcs were uUu \mhi bj Hertford under
\* j
si day Muuky. J Lie wu* in Mi hts*- I he Mrdieiat Pay men femimv of my AieHIh
fitul ^iiludird \Utf hr wp- on mug aluu^ iLiuhile Policy*
ull rt^hl, I i'miilh I "iik tJnir out io *ctu\ ;j I wanl
thank tlir [Linford .in-f all bs In
trie if rani In ni> mi rail iV nHjijUmy, ilir
it jicopl# for t lie spocdy iinri |jl htvut 1

I nt, 1 i i I

Hartford, First lIieii^l MVonluy J had lliriir Uiej £*VC os ljurtnf; trying rime, [
[lUJ-W ITT I l t e] k ipy exiNTirni'i- jjrove^ clntt I he vuloe
“i:i u\i nrrvTU MEnn wingo eje-vvf.ii of fl'ii'honl hiHiirLinee rantinl J j i
r nr ro rjvp. tot
m> m r
\*"\“ va rn i t c> I hi fa a m| eeit1>. Anil rertflilatv il
HUB \U\OtS 1 rim m »1 lie r^|HT^#.f-d in writing oi words!

Bcf-cirr yno decide im-w company to Widlc YQtef imscinmce. tfiliik

oT the praterfinn nurl fervire you'd like to have hi t.itte nf tnmhlr*
\n lismkn mitr you W'HI fuii i- f! nheiieiiT you r^il it—at

fioriir !?r UWBV fripan home, J ij>E iralJ vour I liirl forrl Aj^rnt or
ji.-L yoifr insure tec hr«ikvr_ Et"- a* vmjej at itiat.

Vt'ttr in fttul ycfrr uni yttn'U in irrW u'ifh the r

llarl Tiiril fr'jirr rn>pinint^ Compact
Ifafll^ril Vrritlf’Bl eiueJ ImJrmn-llj f.rjin |m
lluHfrpril L E ¥ f- In^HFillrt (|diu |ihjiv
l.pHi'.rni In^urafic* Cattimn? uf Jersey . - * II art firm' IS, I'irnnrrfiful
>4.' Ik 1«rL 1 hi^cirnm-r Caill|lab; , , , \*. w .
Irtrk I ft, \ |1|r J cjrft
^iifl tiiH 4 -hI^j-h l iro
Vf pri^lr li]>nrunri ^ .n-niiMIIV'i
hV j

Isiu Cll} 1 irf Insurance Cumpim} ... MUxiempoti, £, MinneMta

M!an:| Loan tKi Njei3:i^I Jt jJ bbltfwi* jfuu,
. ,l. J 1 1 ^ -

YOU’RE goes upstairs . around corners

TC Sisiwth

t-y .' !«

t ei
iu '

if *Tcl fiijhu
ur <. utveiI

BLAME uf.zV,

y Qtykr*-
pL^i-nr Vtiur
£ -i-dinkt
Mpriw f&r

SW Jr-dlrr.
L]. r

* . . for badly exposed pictures SHEPARD WASHER

poor color shots, wasted film ELEVATUR CBHWiY
ji’J-l fai l ' I i r'l, wh NCiuiJ
HflOtitly ndv,-, il\i n \?kO\fa 's faith hut ys?frt flkfl, Cifttinftflli V.. C^na
D^ijUic you cun hu*c every movie or s[i3'l picture
you take camctty fi/#oWr if w>li jn ctpofurc
mzizt. And ilu-re* nothing lin^pScr, .tJirf. than

,-i WESTON, Giv« uorK-ct M:Etiinjjy for every ^hoi

you nmkt ft&fon^ wwp, cpJor-true pictures every
. .
IHTtc Why nof fre jWY of every
|| £-. • - If+T^ j -UuxcirT
krai Wni'Ji'*
picture from now on. Sec the V Vinn
— fl..

T, i TF

WESTON At local cam 1

r l?.il
W >

cm dore^ today. L.luTii-*ci.

WESfOH plus HfipMllri lUjlllCtlMI ll

t.-j e* -.i b.luo mpii.'}# Ph Hi.
EXPOSURE ihiniii hlTpi njwj -Sin M-uin* ^li
\ JH
iaii 1 'aru.l-
DiuUri Jiiil HMn-
METERS lErhl* n^jjiiI
sail! Hi

ifti-i I

ilj-ilir-vi. in
-iiiiiun l uiHl-ig ill |I< >Hhr" v M r >1 —4
Tb* niffn mvcP p H Of ui« Li|ii>.<-luci; lUnralii
rail Ai<c--'ipii
FJLJX Mliiiifl Elu -iTi't.ViSL* ffif “lih

line] til Tfttfp*r AIM FOR LOT LG -i

JtlNJTM CO., II ti\ l™+i,i I., «. T.

Handy Map CASE

tor National Geographic
Maps and Map Indexes
IVi j.tiilI .lr m.ijj i.i ^.TS< to [ire-
mtl' i,!1 ;j lid nr ju .:. is i?c N *1 Tli iN s 1

C _i I : h i HA i I E I L .M.ijiii c\ rltl Mjjl’

Imlri-c*,. The mrahcH-
iLv.irUlilr m ImtuL.t in
* "
If-nmnl 1 l-
u -ii k '
i \ Hi '-j

I m Lie’s, ^3 tli ilii]r
tHii3'V j i]nrTti
, ,

lil.nm Jnu'khdm divta nm

1 M'lhp^d in the r-i*c i-ifinipilai kin file poeEefi —u[
iiv.'i i
\ gariiy .mi! - lil^LiiEy svumUrreil 1

fen; |>TM]i j 1 y.a.i ik.iiiIm.ilJ UIjijiIl Liul LEEiadif rvl' fmcil

k Hew World of CareffH Living , . *
fu-ver ttwj fie tfHlrtud ilit" rJtk* *'f the futdvJ
] n c MeW Mood M a ib i 1 e Home ecyrpM id W !i;epi a'n the lile,


ettfiTirti . . <4P'i£g-na^l i . .
Uiifc. will iiri.-nirriirLiNl.iU'.
fn jintelicd tildef,
ie jhii --.iiu‘ Ih-j' i lt£n n a ire
ddbi, -Jii'slt r i v r b >i ihad, ph I
fitldfil tniftrr M,!i., nl -il. 3 ’iiaes- i>r 111 /."W r./
^UTfl- - fck -D WJilk
hsuf i
f*ll {}•'*' M II
lb SS lC.ia LLl-LIT I l!b N.N. |
t il L M.ip i ILlltAt’S

Tilha-WJi i-
rt|t I B lJra I Ifti* l>!.
- Vi.,ik*i I in hra > 1
'-ii it Lin. 1
3- nt| inisi, in Liistihif
ihm U :u ei LU'i I b 1
tuJ'b-Jl irifirl Sib SUiUn .Lin I fU^u iierc in L‘ S. furi 4e-
Tin nT , ,
y-but ‘e. 1 titi Ml L b it L

ar i hi UiiArj ol t| WJ|t« l I SnTAPNAQLr Oh<U# F~nCM

WrlLr -lurl.-ftt IllT»-
ITJLEd lllSUllirP in
fz.riin rr 1 NEW MOON H um li. I ? ir. National Geographic Society


VF'iV aDOl' .' j lr-“ ALMA *, MICHIOAN -_a. '

~ E.i’Ef'T. Rll. WASIHNOTOK ti Q. C- ^ —
N^r'illsln Llrr Hatrontl OwiTiphSe — fl iJrntrfiei y-M.ii;
. 4 ' 1 1 1 ' — J . :
, ! i i , ' .

Where Will You Go tit Florida?

i k

- * cl i

i Mi
if* t m

A" lug


Bbii oE
I I '-liJ.I
i In
Hi Jiirh *ni!|h
4 rAp
m Pul irw
Will I Hit
nr i Ip4lkl-
In fan
soujiii caKrr i«r ,h> m an 'ilsit^a (i-iii I
r* I* lb im
Mnr-iili ncTiTh's Jib cigtHih e : .1 . hl Lii im .iuk!
tciiji I |Je i T > II HI ihi'EE M^puliLf III ii Lr.r
nritfl Si I fir v.'llJtfc'b UP ^siu tak>±L im l-'tui idri A II il
I i

t-brn'i uni iiiiii irliii on iivu inn iI«e I#l-e* ikill -ahiiI
14 'a Ntfimun J' -i d. hiur. >hi iiE i! n^rld Nihi-u L~ilnbti
IrUStCEl Cl ill! Vnj B
l HI i if I: li llll W^ItIKVTC 1
! 1 1 . IF YOU WANT
hi Inti I ITfe* u[tft|j] I

I .Yiimym.m Fftfrf’f t
bi mud. oi
r r h' n
PH i
It Hi
i' i ,
U mi-Eir Li kI g

inoMl h ii J in Httpridn. "f-hrllH!! Hiui'n. aw 'tricaium. i>i

lunjfcinl wvtr jab. Wlini + Tvn! ieIML. hj r r*i if i i
k.!lT»»!rl, SmiWPl 1< If I*
Il PnMU.
i 1
0nyl| . i^imtum 1 -
Ndl ITiflJI Fffilll EC II* H, 1 1 1 1 L J| ill W I hL I h L I III can rvi Il-ft

alisr* voil can imp lur Mir hg»i -iddifBi£> un.i Hull Rill rhr mu IIE k BipU.'Lh f|rwt. nliklhnf ft'* ii i .Ll I. IIP

muth ni tfi x pncu inn ^wn-1 In ru'i Fut iTiai hm(Bi i 1-iB- 111 M'll Jl+cd i IliUl-Eirll* riP > L' Kill! laJJ ihK
|nl Ilk

iflcuJitin. il yim 1st Nmnn ^nid# van. k«H II Ii ml Ilf llfl -*JE VIHir laCLIHr hi EuELi tun i p|tar« tik piii. n|i
ii rml H pinnlsi-k"— jin! lliP 1***4 wM*|| li*h cia-m^Jni -r*TTi n :narifc- lie: in. i i
Xiirnun f'-.uii ulurui * i Lib % ifIi

ion print. *»H!vri IH> in Fltiviia » pin* i j n euibe *n a aiwiaJF Jiuiiitd.

it} riNhf, MrP-Jr’l wvi A ^mrr Jr I Air b.i'p ill CRD 'UmIji jh» <1 ih 1 all l lilc Lii'. ilt-ibn .

mnElrr ^hhi ntk eb Flwj-idu-— njiHiiirt

im >' r i*
YNH TMltiwn^ /=-l j Jli^v hi« * bi.inir
Wi|.n | to Tf 1 T f i .

IF YOU WANT A JOB OR nr +tni '

S vrmj* ^hf* * / juFiJj iii.E, \nn
NciF llll 11.1-hl 111 fir^d 1
' . H lul i Bn -.muF

S rf


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ii rim *
rid mu
iiiJ weft in
ni ll.Mil,4 NHI
-|p-q?i ,| I ii ii

^PikF'd 'IikiI'I i*i rdk' k*l t»IB WUQl til l-kllfida hl irnt,
Nwrnl M J'l'.rJ
> ||
1 1 ill- i i'
u |
ii nl wi'irPa- t"> h.i hd. tllhi
n(N IliA [r e ii il [tMirnrutaL r.innui,t-r» hur*n**i mpr>. Fihf l'lii.r iTtP'i ®uf( hn Ihw*


I II liiULIi.lJi l.l
I El IliIhlalLlil IEIHI IkllbJAUUll
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mm a a
ri ri
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as bebbbh
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Whnt Do You Want in CA1 IF 0 RNIA?
:: ::
nr i

A |
n h $1 n ln.i-nm q * ¥i»W StppT A rDFHlIl^n- M«llr«
v. 1
a K Inn rnn,c c* |Jt* w4l*r4 \n takifurni*
^ossenger-earrying freighters arc M btfcli

nl a ptlia yo-|j
F li

sen nihirri? A filn-r# 1j> fnP-r* gH* irFO-l-

eH ilaciarnn r
A herr-p tha l nn *'lh y# a r-'djpii; ip.r na-l.|rf
the serret of low cost travel davtpf
n- .

\ m* (r.T ire “nr.rp I hJiff >nn ft %piTai|f M fe rirftf.rf, i

-r.iu nn
PliibP H BlyVlirk^i’lb«^rar^lltt*lTl friiif Km "rail !Kiikei.ii ?Vn SlULIrf whfk 11 1 Id OcrJc In ICAriliiTfija, Urilllgm He-2.-
Ii)r llir-iM, h rh ! 4 rnaC In rltKflf S.w t mrl- nr CFA^-r'l hit Irmlk b4j! FAr ,Vl .# E S T lL±I fj qr p-fp^pj
A,_aLi hin-i if In li|T
I imli.-k p priMi I
| ill# ^l I -i ^ - kJn •'All Vi'Ll till, hk lijPL, 3.i-+n In SriW-n., mm4 l
ty ei™.| .

farJIn Lr In Ih Vi.u'ik
liii f-'ririirk 1 iqiiaiia , ( £ |pr|, 4 iFiji% H>-. k.linilnE t L-t pi, i)i ji-p lln-d UUf4t Iri iJljlk li IX
iVCPYWl|fTa -prV tVI I Tpi n- |nqr ||lf j|Bh. Hlffie'l- ilErf kb a All «r nil
1 Eir lEqlc ^r.q fr^n't IfITfm ilhT'IAt

n. 2 -A.xP r.i in ni.Mdl i'w prim p r r

. lar^ir rn^ns. f A i‘ vug I'n

!- k p£riuili-+| aj>kpi ahiiai jfl (imi'l mi v fc; w-dfit


. HiT? hUlV

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"I1 ' Ji1- . T U pTTlPf fr uPl. .'.i 1 1 *


k ri-iii R. ^ mu
)| 1

II r-b'im-nw.' Lta I'.ni '11 ni r^.ri«^v r airp J 1; ii


awn' fiJrmtj nl p rdq-^d-Ji i w k« yi ijPfE*df I rt-wrt fn*] i

ntMutbrnnr*’. Hurifli, ar*i| |>ii4#ii wlinr- 1 nq frup far r4r cm
£m f .1 FT in ^t<. r T^n -nwnP Mi Aipf -

I Ii n rj| 'I' ,r|

ri n |ii-=Pi |:*sl toit Pk-um I n ciiiieilJ blif
^ tth Wril liv^t j Hi r.l« *r.,| iHDf ETtfepi) Lkf iTAphijI 1
I 1 1 1 m
n iriil cFiiIVt I
i i.irp |i(r Ik |
ill fi' 1,1 u .i • EArr klaFi> JAl.i A^yl i>- r jA n j ^nj rhr hliU i : i

bni-ii I Ir. \ rail bjlirtU mtr. bli'ifTlP iriflk. I
mi E, ItliAta-.tJK d i i
udiiil il Y-ilf'ra*iri *lnr -I irfl #f i NmUHPHR ill YflWF n * il S

VIliiLffb In kiClJaUji. h r A L'

c ihi Ml-jLllCfl trfecaLi J TYV^i fpf
Wllk iPk hi-'fl k-iu'l! |l n d iSif I jn*Lr.. ri|iq lh.4 t Iflfludti l-.i tlnl
ill i ir ttitk 1 UeU.1 I llUJh nJfl SEH-iJ itliWPi tht I'-At'lllc Clsidil im I >i ^hn r rT£silT. 4 jlli I -itF (h. ndr^ C i" il'Fni'h

lisn d bmt.
New 1 I plira ii s . \ bile fh^FP. Utid I ll i- drf I U.llfEi mt VLfU mi khiEiU >lln Hhdri| wiih Ikiruuiri and mritlFl PT isye-J » 1 1 h n 1 Y'tl B
Ii All il l.i.i i riS hl-. j i
j r I Uuusti \mnjiivii: i In: p*rJ4-
iiL.'am . \ 1ii| If * ml ibr ‘rtiifc’f plari'i Iht th In Efs** nr I'
I'liii Ik- iHe faiHlk [hul ii J il! ch h L- N H lfiln «lL=-l-c fliL-l fL>.
I . TiiihiU la m| I
S qr l>* ririlrk- f.q r 1*
m-"'-ni!-r i -iq'vf [J. -T.

IlilW di ilL-hi lJuv hrJi Jj-, I'rifHv di-Ysrii'CR An Pi'filii’iduili 'iii. I Itrrr 1 Uik 111 i|nh mqff in ik** Imrti lilt flCtq luu ispliI
jiI;iJlll"^ lJl'ir^ ' III r VeIe 1 n
H-V«P ihk! ‘•ill 111 1 1

Irtf iraihr llTiiid in l..a| .*| n rn iq ili^ hffr plflic^ ld> ft lit mmii
rif h.
. ht.
'fhvpS t J il* tt 1
nnd n t l 'A ri 1±r* yiy l h :iurKl, Ttkdrr hr g’l -n-r u li'clfT * ll H !‘J tbf> H wKhI 1 nil U r'rM

B In tJTirr| fair h j IihIf -i> ywn'd aptnili aI i raiun

. in In 1 n ,
h.i-W |n il n I
1 nyr .-h-^ rrtiriVlAEk Yii YHCilLi'iri
Hue T -m r K. ‘
ruundt iii# ^ t r ii
I mr* A i
;pq*i*dE»p. rtc Hi. hjr .
— 1 inn prMhqiH?^ nrnnlaJu t Inoru mt
If s v^iim Pirf IniT HI. Tnd ili^ hit hiket lAlt pi^f Mfatkun miiil- qbunl i-qfihiEFiia in mfbitih-Y ytiuF* uf t'kiu-Ein-j,
m-ElndcY prictFFiiK' f T Tr, r j urnhr rttn-Erl Hfr^icE Aibrrl- 1
ir-.iinij rFir iia-p.- m+ tun s-rei Jr-’.'TTi ihif ngr- bid briipk. H'ci
n L JfP>in or f'll'ld Npw Cinj|jSn, ilrlHJin) 1
1* Pil'kh iinh- F-. Vtqll k'a iip<r.E. **i fnT VBir F'trr>

tbu PwrifiF Mf^iFn-. S-milli ^pnm^ap, lYiiri-la-nd.

tkc T>Ii i‘ Lci7B i'- 1.? >Hra. itn IrtatlFHi ',HEir*li», pH# S-jipMi
nvf.LI, fit Ih-rri - i ^kiJu wvtkm rnlLmS H ,

H-3TT tn Jfr* lb* ’V'l iitl-J 4 L ’! J jiFui -AJiii'R and PHRI^ •:

| Ma>l TdHAAIAN PUBLIC AflONft 17 r S|iFiitg 5f,
-if rl'-ii'*' ’thtl rnjiP'- Gft E.FNLAWN 1
Lang Ml^nd . N. T,
S >il >1 wi'TIll. lEKhFPmUl *. It jziih. U|IK|| Eti Epprf Ik!

mnnp kru'-i'l limn i»« i«Fr tbi»u|,lii ptpwqlnU imir I l'4'r hnd'npiJ i fraali. b4i*-eL nr
Miipi. nripli- Mil liFT cvif|tiii' tv riMHiev nrdbFJ. I'liAiE IE Mil ni- ill. bur. kb ehiUtffcaJ hi I .w
k aU j tii Fr^haid Mr mi l'BtP L* .1
jf um qnf iiibijA#.-, 1

NiirmHn l
ibnJ i I' I >ir iiJIb 1*
lf4>lJBi Fin ii yan orrifi
olr I it«rrahreJ nn ttiE*; paRir l"i-lil..piiij rh u Siall 1
Thai EEq* R^nf^iklni, 5^?
Wmpif P ; lli-p- R*iJ iri Sl.» U j., Canada, ard Mmrfq Ttxi*l 14 mmi mi I i hi- ^11711] |if i/frw*
.’ 3 i"' "’"l * “it ||M-:in = hhp- mu ii-mrlibl-p Tiling k la ipp- a~H tup r I* m|i r-i urrm/ ^rn.r lii* r: J|
nU Jfx^r-liai.
zndk k 1*1 Inar —•mhr * lo 1-1 0 r J Miili, *t*ti ih'r P i» J -tfi - » M. IS OFVV.p ti\ 1 liji.-.L,- p\ ni , i ft ,

Mur.'.u, '! r¥*t! |

i>d' ri, Gild OitiF' JQFVdl ^ilt fpjpttl - ^J.||#1

pl Mtft* t4 JFnrd Iflr Jfri.? iit fir* t .V. . 1. 1 .n:_

Ihw a ni -:
U.ei !-: niMch ^0.
Ijf- J’ir l hrt E'J .-> ?*F *
tT ahJ AftT LSff . 15.
F" t.iji'ilf 1 ”
F wh^r inpigt-cir.-l k gif afrc.r* /VP'aP mmmr
"hns-f J EMipfai f-aiuiEM# I! fhari* jauPi t^n wirr. 1
\ -i’ll r r k
i * d p fp.- tHe -ilhi: kaiMi li Sjvd nn ‘1:1 g. i) a.

1 '.'i i il* .1'j.irr


b Bring People 'ogetht-r describes

for riLiiiy a '-air. tliu Bdl Seal Ujis been *1 I the

ike signpost of tdqptiauc sendee, A little {peatetit me of lie Cdcplione. I

while ago wc get tw thfflkiug that «mcU a it is priceless in emergencies md inchs-

’wtllitiffwii symbol darned a dogmu pL usable in living steps and time and getting
Wl fmsntl ik words S®tn In sum up
tb j! tilings > loner. And one of its highest values

the rtflij' uf the telephone imd the telephone i* in 1 if I ping people keep in touch with cads
business . . „ Averting Together to Bring oflicr.

People Td^thcr," Mam j ildt Is brightened fust because

" Working liigetlicr' destEbcs ibc spirit .mile/hul Ttached h ir tin idephoM to eac-

imj l rj 1
l th fitm of fcl te tele j )li t me t m 1
1 [
>a 1
1 k •
flange m-ws iiid goud i* bjJlcv and a friend]

itnd Mu- Ihi’itvindv Of tdcpIiLTnc men and griding. Isn't there: .omume yoLi'cl like to

w uEiim who help in provide the ^ervke. cull right now I


TIjNE BN 'TELfcPHUM 1 IME" . . fchp TV it'aQTin wilh John fctcHrl^t uai *i^rr sir." as II* *N»Ih '‘inr-lv can a n «a> tufl^l^r t

vvwf LHuiidj, iiki;i CBS S>oi! u ui iaui na*r:iupvr fu* tin*- and rHa jKmI.

Ship back hr- 1

?li II 1 1
Ti iry H&flk. a 15-lb, inhow ru'i' I II i
’hlh Sh-gp Fbi Silver in 170 jJ


in fii'i'liu Ll.i pit In Bllrshs* Aiti-: „ ihk >4j<.r l^-th fcal

juI-i, itlEffriLLPr blips In

Mti^ ur> =i iiJ u]Lm:1. inia f.Liftili-f h juicy it£^k ; cosi ifqck r £ I D<rLLr A [onjr>

*NdV“ low fsm^ nud low HHiig -ciwtii till Ml! Untb nm?,*- ril S*mth AnH'Htvi.
And your Id iiw onuilnuH cm Purciigra*!* muttiH Wviiijd * iiii l
aai American and 3
Travel Agent Tnii ke happy camhmsfiun, A 2j£k
i'or ji Htn.-rlE a r vnL^tifm. IP day
day ^kvt'ruL-i :in mud. Snulb Ariit-
now offers new holiday L c i i\nij.LTrin, Quito and Limn.
ft fn m filgrW V nrk cools only $ &S HA0

Jow-cost tours
ei. j " ' i > .
from M iii mi. S5Sfi;22 fn>m
for em. h uf two t$iiv fling to^Pther.
rModfOp St'l ji.^u Lrvirn Jjot= Angles
—fa fit your time, IntiiaW in Ihi.n tour are air forest for ibiidti uf two t rivaling tqgethiir,
taste end pyrse, liinh'l n whu-., Kuidi'd Aiphi ^
-rrfng trips ("ail your Travel \fyent nr PAA S

in tvnn dtv.^jjid >im risti ever> I'.S, Sates Apnl for PuKi^fts.

Marvflt m i in- AijpjnL-rnej Ink- dP- fouriHfJ mil Srimh Ami-rii-u

Daily DC^JB^i ;ifid PC-d.Br« fra m S ,Tt r

trlfll, !I(W|f|tttUl?i T ik#i^rmtVi|‘ - frirmilii'M nyrt/irwttJ **/ JAr'rJv TjUf viii NjtUsauJ’r rauthtn Minw^ PAA'u

c« “B.A/

UJ hitliiiim, P-mugim' 1


Pamagra PAN A MF k C A H
i T5-R ACE A-IH WA/5

1 [unA ihc surpiist: youll want io writing with a truly personal point
keep until lh*‘ vltv 3avi, And The W hire Ltol Is a lasting vyrTh
youll wEiut So bp iherc when h's- tml ni sadsf action. Its n rccopil/erf
fjpen-rd C.I.JI..I tim r L of Is ik u ry_ oik o the cw jfl re sii I

tteep in aide everyone who apptffr- anyone well afford. Feed


v! pit <1(4 tiling is wish to own lilts r^- glow bf giving. Choose ll
.j I

tin- jpott wears ilie White Dos.

iHqi White Dot SJnMder set. Shcaifer
hfi.mcnir than the owiwhtoiice of Sertirnr] KiiuntiLiLi: duiwn iS^OM
jn-filllriu w tin Sjjmk Pen Pen only SO. She after While

1 j -I
i li l 1_

offers. Mori- ih-aii ihe pleasure of Dot Pens from ft 15.^0,


tcptfnirM T-'> A A 5ni ;iM^r ii C lJTi^.iry r ur hian hw^ tl.!a A

In Ijifjijiiiirh Qii M.n .u * I JVuilfAltl; Molt- Du HW * U CrC-al Bfilfllf Lkl<j.

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