Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources

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GROUP: 204-G







ACAYUCAN, SEE 05/22/2019

renewable resources
* Renewable resources are those resources whose existence is not exhausted
with their use, because they return to their original state or are regenerated at a
rate greater than the rate at which renewable resources are decreased through
their use. This means that certain resources may cease to be renewable if their
utilization rate is so high that they are prevented from being renewed.
The sun : the sun is one of the most important energy resources and in fact it is
the most inexhaustible of those that exist on our planet. That is why the use of
solar energy is increasingly promoted.

Water : a natural resource that is essential for the life of all living beings that
inhabit planet Earth is water. And furthermore, it is an energy source, thanks to the
movements of the water masses. Be considered a renewable resource when its
use, treatment, release, circulation is carefully controlled. Otherwise it is a non-
renewable resource.

Wind : another natural resource that is inexhaustible and indispensable as a

source of energy, which is captured through windmills, can be restored by natural
processes at a speed greater than that of consumption by human beings.
Biofuels : these products that generate energy are produced from alcohols derived
from sugar cane or different seeds and plants, which is why they are considered
renewable since they are produced from plant biomass, and cleaner than fossil
fuels. Unlike oil and other fossil fuels, plant biomass does not take millions of years
to produce and can be replanted.

Wood : from cutting down trees, wood can be obtained for the production of
different goods, such as furniture. Now, it is essential that felling is not compulsive,
because it could exceed the time it takes to regenerate this product and thus, there
is a risk that this useful and fundamental good will become scarce.

The tides: these changes in sea level as a consequence of the force of

gravitational attraction are also inexhaustible. This resource is used in many
communities to generate energy.

Geothermal energy : another resource that is renewable is this source of energy,

which is produced from the high temperatures generated inside the planet Earth.
The magnitude of this energy is equivalent to solar energy, hence its importance.
Agricultural products : all those products that are obtained from agricultural
activities, such as corn, soybeans, tomatoes or oranges, are considered
renewable, as long as precautions are taken to not deplete the soil.

Flora and fauna: The flora is regenerated by the propagation of species through
vegetative reproduction (stolons) or sexual reproduction (seeds). Fauna is a
renewable natural resource, because species regenerate through reproduction
(eggs, offspring).

Nonrenewable resources
* A non-renewable natural resource or non-renewable resource simply, is a natural
resource that cannot be reproduced, generated or used on a scale that can sustain
its consumption rate, once exhausted there will be no more available for use in the
future. nearby.
Oil: it is considered non-renewable, because it would take many years to replenish
the crude oil deposits that are currently extracted at a high rate. The earth could
continue producing it naturally but if it is exhausted before, we would have to wait
thousands of years to have the same quantities that exist now.

Natural gas: is made up of gases that are extracted from fossil deposits. These
deposits are not unlimited, so natural gas is a non-renewable energy.

Minerals: they are not renewable because it takes the Earth and nature several
million years of complex geological processes to create the minerals that we use
every day in enormous quantities , just use them and use them until they are gone.

Metallic minerals: Metallic minerals are all those non-renewable resources that are
present in the Earth's crust in enormous quantities and that can be produced
naturally in very rare concentrations. Among non-renewable natural resources,
specifically metallic minerals, is iron, which is a gray mineral and is one of the most
important due to its hardness, tenacity and malleability. Gold, silver, copper and
zinc are also found.
Non-metallic minerals: Non-metallic minerals are not applied literally like metallic
ones, since there are many types that are included in this group, which are not a
mineral because they are some rocks formed by minerals, an example of them It
would be granite. Among non-renewable natural resources, specifically non-
metallic minerals, they are mainly limestone, salt, marble, sand, clay, gravel and
among others.

Metals: their consumption time is greater than their regeneration time,

Likewise, most of them tend to oxidize, which makes the metal non-renewable.

Groundwater: can be extracted from the aquifer layer at a faster rate than its
recharge. As a result, spaces or pores are created that end up causing compaction
and eventual collapse of the soil. UNESCO has studied the issue of groundwater as a
non-renewable resource.

Soils: are under increasing pressure from the intensification and competition of
their use for agriculture, forestry, grazing and urbanization. Demand for food, feed
and fiber from a growing population is estimated to increase by 60 percent by
2050. These pressures, combined with unsustainable land uses and management
practices, as well as extreme climate events, cause land degradation.
Coal: it is a black mineral rock with combustible properties, consisting mainly of
carbon, this, like oil, are fossil fuels, therefore they are limited to what is found in
the deposits and therefore is not renewable.

Uranium: Controlled fission releases a large amount of energy that is used in the
nuclear plant to convert water into steam. With this steam a turbine moves that
generates electricity. Uranium ore is found in nature in limited quantities. It is
therefore a non-renewable resource.


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