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Naturalism and

Naturalist Theater and Realist Theater.

• The first thing we should know is, what is called Naturalism

and Realism .
► What is Naturalism: Naturalism is a philosophical, literary
and artistic movement that exposes an accurate, absolute
interpretation of reality, highlighting in its entirety that nature
is the beginning of everything that is real and existing.
The term naturalism derives from the Latin naturalis,
which is used to name all those philosophical currents
that start from the idea that everything that exists has a
natural origin.
Naturalism emerged in France, approximately, at the end
of the 19th century as a derivation of realism and later
spread to the rest of the world.
Naturalists consider that all living beings and events are
generated by natural causes.
► Naturalism is also characterized by criticizing tyranny, social
differences, exalting eroticism in a vulgar way, by the
absence of lyricism in literature and by making the effort to
expose and reflect human behaviors.
• Naturalism corresponds to a type of staging and interpretation
from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that seeks to
reproduce human nature with a certain scientific precision
through acting techniques.
► Naturalist theater was born, as a literary trend, in the second
half of the 19th century. The theories related to this theater
are, for the most part, scientific. Which focus on the
characters and actions.
► Naturalism is a literary movement considered a more exhaustive
realism. It was characterized by being highly scientific, taking
various principles of determinism and materialism as bases of
literary creation.
► In addition to observing and documenting everyday life,
naturalist authors experimented with their characters and
considered that their freedom was determined by their social
context and physical characteristics.
► This movement considered that events and context
determine people's actions.
Furthermore, he considered that the author should not only
describe the observed reality, but should also experiment
with the characters, placing them in different situations and
showing their behaviors.
André Antoine.
► André Léonard Antoine was born on January 31, 1858 in
Limoges, France and died on October 19, 1943. He was a stage
director, self-taught, founder and animator of the Théâtre Libre
in Paris. He innovated the world of the French and international
stage influenced by the theories on naturalistic theater of Taine
and Zola. He is considered the first modern stage director.
• Antoine's greatest influence were Taine and Zola (Zola would
say: “The theater will be naturalistic or it will not be.” He
premiered his plays in Paris and among other studies on
theater his essay Naturalism in the Theater stands out).
► Antoine with his montages innovated the world of the stage.
He fled from affectation and artifice and his representations
were characterized by simplicity and naturalness.
► Theatrical naturalism appeared on the European stage at the
end of the 19th century, which was linked to the theories of
Emile Zola and brought to stage practice in France by Andrè
Antoine in his Théâtre-Libre (Free Theatre), which was founded
in 1887. Other exponents, both in Germany, were the
Meinengen Theatre, attended by Duke George II, and Otto
Brahm's Free Stage, where the works of Ibsen, Stringberg,
Tolstoy, Hauptmann, among others, received special attention.
► For Antoine and the naturalists, theater should be like a
'tranche de vie' (a slice of life). For this reason, they
revolutionized the art of acting and demanded an essentially
real set, rejecting the effects of illusionist theater staging. The
use of furniture, abundant props, curtains and other corporeal
elements taken from reality itself constitutes the essential
characteristic of scenographic naturalism.
► Antoine stated that: “The objective of the Free Theater is to
encourage every writer to produce for the theater, and above
all, to write what they feel inclined to write and not what they
think a businessman is going to produce .
• It is about replacing all flat and two-dimensional reproduction
as much as possible with real volumetric objects, by
applying the concept of third dimension in order to achieve
depth in the scenic space as a “prolongation of life.” The
concept of the fourth wall arose with naturalism, when its
directors demanded a representation in which the reality of
what was shown had to suggest the existence of that fourth
wall, which was discovered to present that piece of real life.
• The arts are influenced by this new social reality and new
movements emerge, such as realism and naturalism, which
appear to replace romanticism and seek the crudest
representation of reality, embodied in protagonists of the
working and poor classes, framed in the most everyday
► This cultural change brings with it a new type of theater whose
intention is to show the social and political context of the
moment. The French director and actor André Antoine called
this “Free Theater”, this being a theater that deals with social
issues. loaded with realism and puts them on stage in a
naturalistic, simple and sober way.
“The Earth” by Emilio Zola. Staging by André
Antoine, 1900
Ramón María del Valle-Inclán.
► Ramón María Valle Peña (Villanueva de Arosa, October 28, 1866 -
Santiago de Compostela, January 5, 1936), also known as Ramón del
Valle-Inclán or Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, was a playwright, poet
and novelist. Spanish, which was part of the literary movement called
modernism. He is considered one of the key authors of 20th century
Spanish literature.
Theory The grotesque Ramon Valle-
► It is a literary technique that is distinguished by examining a
systematic deformation of reality, accentuating its grotesque and
incoherent attributes where animals and objects are humanized,
while human beings are animalized. The characters of the
grotesque cycle are segregated, dark and deformed beings, who,
however, possess the insight of the jester. The grotesque author
thus functions as a demiurge who intervenes in the chaotic situation,
populating it with the grotesque and the structure as a disorder.
► The grotesque is a way to glimpse the world and unmask reality.
The grotesque process takes place thanks to the use of different
dramatic techniques, namely, its tragicomic nature, the
carnivalesque air of its plot, the use of the mask, the distortion of
language, as well as the “doll-likeness” of some of its characters.
• Valle-Inclán's literary aesthetic is committed to a grotesque
treatment of Spanish society that allows the deformation of
the beautiful and the erotic through the technique of the
grotesque. The grotesque must be understood here as a
metaphorical method that enables the deformation of the
surrounding reality, to at the same time, show the absurdity
and monstrosity of society in general. The grotesque works
as a mixture of something ugly and, at the same time,
hilarious or humorous, that is, the ordinary version of the
literary term "grotesque."
Meinengen Naturalist Theater.
► The Meiningers, or Meininger company, is the name given to the
theater company headed by George II, Duke of Meiningen, from
1866 to 1914, the date of his death. The Meiningers meant the
implementation in Germany of the new theories on theater that
were developing in the second half of the 19th century, in which
relevance is given to the different arts and techniques that come
together in theatrical representation; and in which the figure of
the director appears, or reappears, as the inductor and
coordinator of all of them.
► With their extensive activity of almost fifty years inside and
outside Germany, The Meiningers directed by Duke George II
influenced the renewal of European theater and theater theorists
of their time and later.
The Meiningers developed a realistic theater in which they
highlighted fidelity to the author's text and the contextualization of
the work with sets, costumes and props that faithfully reflected the
time and scene represented, providing a direction of actors that
escaped the individualism of the actor-divo. integrating them into a
group at the service of dramaturgy.
The Meiningers developed a realistic theater in which the theatrical
representation acquired the illusion of reality, and they tried to
discard the uses of the theater of the time, centered on the figure of
the actor-divo.
► In a time when the possibilities of theater are expanding with
new techniques, the need arises for an independent figure who
objectively assumes responsibility for theatrical representation.
The Meiningers can be considered the result of that need, and
George II as the first modern theater director (along with, or in
competition with, André Antoine).
► The Meiningen theater, in this way, showed signs of evolution.
Unnatural performances did not work for this group's method; on
the contrary, historical accuracy also required greater
naturalness. The actors were allowed, and were instructed to do
so, to converse with their backs to the audience, and in some
cases they were even required to concentrate more on the
action and on the other actors than on the audience. This was a
surprise to the public and critics of the time.
What is Realism:
► Realism was a literary movement born in the second half of the
19th century, which sought for art to show reality objectively and
using the simple language of everyday speech.
► He developed a set of dramatic and theatrical conventions with
the aim of bringing greater real-life fidelity to texts and
performances. These conventions occur in the design of the
text, (set design, costumes, sound and lighting), performance
style, and narrative structure. They include recreating on stage a
facsimile of real life, except losing a fourth wall (in the
proscenium arch stages). everyday and ordinary.
The characters speak in naturalistic, authentic dialogue without verses or poetic
styles, and the acting is intended to emulate human behavior in real life. Narratives
are usually psychologically oriented and include scenarios
► Realism in theater presents an everyday and familiar language
and its characters not only speak naturally, but also have a
psychology of common beings; Their actions resemble as
closely as possible the actions of real people. Represented on
stage, they have to convince the audience that the action they
carry out could happen in life.
• Theatrically, these works have two important challenges;
one is to achieve elevation of spirit and expression, and
another is to achieve the dramatic effect without losing the
feeling of naturalness. The costumes and sets, rigorous
and faithful to reality, and the “half-box” stage would
precisely tend to provide this illusory sensation of
contemplating something that is really happening.
► Realism was a movement that opposed the idealism of the
Romantic Movement, it considered that the world was
independent of the mental representation that the artist
made of it .
• It is a literary movement that aims to show reality as it is
presented, objectively, observing, documenting and
presenting facts from the real world, abandoning the style
of romanticism.
► Realistic theater is part of the realism movement, which began in
Europe in the second half of the 19th century. This current
sought to break with some of the fantasy dynamics of fiction,
whether literary or theatrical, that dominated until then. I sought
to make the productions resemble reality as closely as possible,
as if it were a photograph.
► Realistic theater was reflected in various artistic demonstrations,

but it was not until the second half of the 19th century that the
theater began to experiment with this criterion, proposing a
proposal that surpassed romanticism and decreeing a useful
manifesto, that is, the primary intention of that theatrical works
were useful for society, either to narrate habitual behaviors and
therefore provide the possibility of discussing them, as well as to
create period testimonies loaded with meaning and ideals.
Characteristics Realism and Naturalism.
Realism Naturalism
► Inspired by the development of ► It shares many characteristics
science and technical advances. with realism.
► Opposite to the ideals of ► It is a scientist, it tries not only to
romanticism. portray reality faithfully and
objectively, but also seeks to
► Try to portray reality faithfully
interpret it.
and objectively.
► It is deterministic and
► Its authors observe and
materialistic, the characters'
document real-life events,
decisions are dictated by their
places and people. social context and physical
Realism Naturalism

A sharper degree of
► Abandonment of the figurative
observation, documentation
style of romanticism, adopting a and experimentation by the
more colloquial and simple authors.
► Descriptive and detailed style of Highly descriptive and
objects, places and characters. detailed style .
Predilection for prose and
the genre of the novel .
Realism Naturalism
► Its intention is to portray reality ► In the construction of the work,
objectively. the author tries to reproduce,
describe and interpret the
► It has a descriptive style of the
external and psychological world observed reality to the maximum.
of the characters. ► The language used is even more
► Its characters are mostly colloquial than in realism, using
bourgeois. slang and vocabulary used in real
life in even more detail.
► Local or colloquial and not very
idealistic language, opposed to ► It presents reality in its crudest
the romantic style. expressions, presenting both the
good and the bad, emphasizing
► The characters act according to the miseries of the poorest
the situation in which they find classes .
► Seek objectivity and reject
Realism Naturalism

► proposes a new way of ► Determinism

understanding art. ► Pessimism
► There is also innovation in the
► Narrative and language used.
chosen themes,
► Human condition influenced by
► Incorporates different contrasts.
► changes in the scene.
► Rejection of Romanticism.
► The objective was to tell the
► Approach between philosophy
public something that was
close, and science.
► Scientific method to portray
► The characters were not
► Social environment.
► Both currents present a social criticism.
► They make a detailed and thorough description of reality,
showing the situations and characters in a realistic and
objective manner, seeking verisimilitude.
► Psychological depth of the characters: how they think and
why they act in a certain way is described very well.
► The topics and situations discussed belong to
contemporary reality at the time of writing (late 19th
The characters who star in the works are usually anonymous
characters, sometimes from the high bourgeoisie (or from the
old nobility that has fallen into disrepair) or miserable characters
from the marginal world, customs: popular environments and
The novel is cultivated as the main literary genre. Furthermore,
they are extensive novels where the description and
psychological depth of the characters takes precedence over the
action (the plot is very simple).
As part of the realistic description of the world, they include
language appropriate to each character: colloquialisms and
even vulgarisms are mixed in low characters (servants, beggars,
etc.) and more formal language in characters of a higher social
There is an important presence of the characters' interior
monologues and the use of free indirect style.
► It makes a clear social
► It includes social criticism but in a criticism and denunciation
superficial way (social issues appear of the degradation and
but without moralizing or reform injustices of bourgeois
intention). society, with the intention
► The author's intention is to bear of reforming society.
witness to what is happening in
Spain and defend a specific ► There is a greater
ideological position due to the presence of dialogue: the
political upheavals of the time. narrator almost
► The language is usually simpler.
► The language is more
complex (scientific lexicon
uses the scientific method
to analyze the characters)
Pessimistic view of life and man: he is not free because he is a victim of
his environment.
Biological determinism (related to the above): the characters' behavior
is conditioned by their family heritage and they cannot escape their
Juraisi García De Cena

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