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Sidi Sifr wants to compete for the Caliph's prize, but his companion Ali Ben Solomon is not
willing to have the prize taken away from him. Three students intervene in the presentation of the
situation. Describe the most outstanding characteristics of these three companions of the School of
the Caliph, their position on this matter and the religion of each one. Make sure that the following
terms associated with the corresponding character appear in your description:

Ambitious, intelligent, influential, mean, fair, intuitive

- José Ben Alvar <<Sidi Sifr>>: he is a Christian boy, tall, thin and intelligent. He is very educated
and wise, a good mathematician.
- Ali Ben Solomon: He is a good student but somewhat ambitious, mean and intuitive. His father
was one of the richest merchants in the city.
- Mohamed: is an Arab boy who studies at the Caliph's School. He is a fair boy, the son of a city


At the Caliph's School, Joseph and his companions are studying the <<quadrivium>>, the
four sciences. Before they have studied the <<trivium>>, that is, the three sciences. Write down
in one column the sciences that are studied at the Caliph's School and in another the subjects
that you are studying. Is there any coincidence? Would you like to study any of the sciences of
the School of the Caliph?

- Three sciences: Rhetoric, grammar and philosophy.

- Four sciences: Arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music.
Currently, grammar (in language), arithmetic and geometry (in mathematics) and music are also
Although I no longer know if it is studied as such, one of the sciences that I would like to study is
rhetoric, since I love to speak and express myself.


In the Caliphate, teaching was the same for everyone regardless of race or religion. José
encounters intolerant and fanatical characters and people without prejudice and open to
knowledge, both on the Muslim side and in Christian lands. Analyze and distribute according to
the following characteristics. Mark X.

- José Ben Alvar, Sidi Sifr, student.
- Ibn Rezi, Cadi chosen by the Caliph.
- Abbot Arnulf, abbot of Santa María de Ripio.
- Emma, novice of the monastery.
- Rezmundo, Bishop of Córdoba.
- Gerbert d'Aurillac, monk from Aquitaine.
- Ali Ben Solomon, student.
- Solomon Ben Zahim, wealthy Arab merchant.
- Hugo, monk of Santa María de Ripio,
- Archbishop Aymeric, Archbishop of Carbona.

4) What are the words with which the muezzin called to prayer in Córdoba?

The muezzin shouted:

- God is the biggest! I believe there is no God apart from Allah! I believe Muhammad is Allah's
prophet! Turn to prayer! Go with diligence!

5) What did the gifts from the Catalan counts to the Caliph consist of?
The gifts for the Caliph, who followed the ambassador in carts drawn by harnessed mules, were:
twenty eunuchs dressed in long tunics, twenty quintals of sable hair, five quintals of tin, one hundred Frankish

6) Describe the Palace of Medina Azhara in which the Catalan ambassadors

are received by the Caliph.
The path through the palace courtyards through which the procession had to pass was marked by the
pieces of brocade that covered the marble mosaic floor. In the audience hall, dressed in green and white silk,
and sitting on satin pillows placed on a high marble platform, beneath the large pearl that the emperor of
Byzantium gave to his father Abd al-Rahman and which hung from a gold chain. As if it were a lamp, Al-
Hakam, Caliph of Córdoba, received his visitors.

7) Who were King Lothario and Count Borrell? Research about these
King Lothair was a Frankish king of the Carolingian dynasty. Count Borrell was a count of the Catalan
counties, brother of Count Miró and grandson of Count Guifré el Pilós.

8) Who accuses José of blasphemy in Córdoba?

Solomon Ben Zahim, the father of Ali Ben Solomon.

9) Why are they accusing him?

So that he could be expelled from Córdoba and thus not be eligible for the Caliph's prize, since José
Ben Alvar was the best in mathematics and Ali Ben Solomon was very envious of him.

10) Where should you flee to?

Towards the Monastery of Santa María de Ripoll in Gerona.

11) In what language do you communicate with the monks of the monastery?
Joseph speaks to the monks in Latin.
12) Who is Emma descended from?
Emma was the daughter of Wifredo el Pilós (in Catalan Guifré el Pilós), a count of the Catalan

13) Why do you want to be a nun?

Because if not, her father was going to force her to marry, since she was considered a nuisance to his
family. Furthermore, at that time women had no rights and were obliged to serve their husbands, and what she
wanted was to study and not depend on anyone.

14) What work does José do in the Ripoll monastery?

Joseph taught the monks of the monastery Arabic numbers, calculus and astrology. He also contributed
his wisdom and translated Arabic texts into Latin.

15) Describe what the life that Joseph led in the Ripoll monastery was like.
He led a very austere life. He got up very early and accompanied the monks in their prayers. He also
helped them in the garden, with masonry tasks or in caring for the animals. He spent many hours in the library
translating texts into Latin, in addition to teaching his knowledge of calculus to the other monks.

16) What is Brother Hugo scandalized by?

Because he considers Joseph's intelligence with numbers as infernal and pagan magic.

17) What tribute does King Lothair want to collect in Catalan lands as a
message of friendship to the Caliph of Córdoba?
The fugitives who fled from Córdoba, the wool fleeces, the Frankish swords and five maidens,
daughters of the counts, for the Caliph's harem.

18) Who helps José and Emma escape?

Abbot Arnulf helps Joseph and Abbess Adelaide helps Emma.

19) Where are you headed after your wedding? Because?

After their wedding, José and Emma head towards the Monastery of Leyre, in Navarrese territory,
because they would be out of danger and the power of the king of the Franks nor the dominion of the
archbishop of Narbonne did not reach there.
20) Draw the map of Spain and locate the places that José travels during his
escape trip.


a) What does Sidi Sifr mean?

Lord of Zero.

b) Why do they call him that?

For his ease in calculation and mathematics.

c) What knowledge does Joseph bring to the monasteries?

Arabic numerals, calculus, astronomy and Arabic texts and their translations into Latin.
 <<Uadi al-kabir>> means <<big river>> and over time this name of Arabic origin became
<<Guadalquivir>>. Is its pronunciation similar to the current name?

Yes, it has a very similar pronunciation.

 <<Ben>> is a particle in the formation of Arabic surnames that means <<son of>>. What
examples of this name appear in the book?

José Ben Alvar, Ali Ben Solomon and Solomon Ben Zahim.

 Look up words from our vocabulary of Arabic origin and write their meaning.

Currently, our language has around four thousand words of Arabic origin (many starting with al-),
which correspond to many other objects or concepts that the Arabs brought with them and that
were adopted at the time. Below I detail some:

o Pillow : Mattress to recline your head.

o Bathrobe : Terry cloth robe to dry off after bathing or showering.

o Saddlebag : Strip of strong cloth that is folded in half with two large, square pockets at the
ends that are used to carry a load on the shoulder or on the back of cavalry.

o Pliers : Metal tool composed of two curved arms, used to hold or cut thin things.

o Syrup : Sweet liquid with a syrup consistency obtained by cooking water and sugar.

o Slipper : Light slipper without a heel.

o Eggplant : Rounded and elongated fruit with thin purple skin.

o Laughter : Impetuous and loud laughter.

o Vest : Sleeveless garment that is usually worn over a shirt or sweater.

o Elixir : Liquid composed of medicinal substances dissolved in alcohol.

o Harem : For Muslims, a group of women who depend on the same head of the family.

o Syrup : Medicinal preparation, liquid and sticky, generally sweet in taste.

o Dungeon : Underground or dark and dark prison.

o Nacre : Hard, white, iridescent substance that forms the inner layer of the shells of some
mollusks and is used to make objects.

o Paradise : Place where, according to Christian tradition, the presence of God is enjoyed.

o Carat : Unit of purity of gold that is equivalent to one twenty-fourth of it in an alloy.

o Hostage : A person who is held and used as collateral to force another to do something

o Vizier : Minister of a Muslim sovereign.

o Souk : In some Muslim countries, a square with many shops and stalls.
23) What languages coexisted in the historical period of the book? Name at
least three.
Latin, Hebrew, Arabic and the lingua francas.

24) Personal opinion about The Lord of Zero .

At first I didn't like the story because it had a lot of strange names and it bored me. Once I read it, I
found it more interesting, since the main theme is discrimination against people based on their religion, which
is something that, even today, continues to happen. The truth is that it would have been better if it had had
fewer political and historical details that made the issue too complicated. Overall, I didn't dislike the story.

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