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A Guidebook of English - XT ist POMPII THE VANISHED CITY SUMMARY The lesson is about the devastation and disappearance of ancient city called Pompeii. Once it was a busy and prosperous city destroyed bya disaster in 79 A.D it was situated near Rome alongside the Sarno River. Its climate was gentle with brief winters. It was a regional centre for cloth making and dyeing. T had about 20,000 residents most of them lived a life of ease and luxury. Pompeii was destroyed due to volcanic eruption in the mount Vesuvius the height of which was about 2000 meters. In the August of 79.AD after some tremors, it erupted lava which was followed by a hot cloud ofash, Asa result the entire city was destroyed and vanished from the surface of the earth. It also vanished from the world’s memory. It was due to the efforts of the archaeologist Friorelli in 1860 that the city was discovered with its minute details of culture and history. Let Evie Pompeii <-ce dL orbit Pe Lio « WL jE b re JL pg wluaht79 ADs Pel Fone sldPF ne HinF 20,00 MOLE LLE webeK Uy Pet i Ginbe LL BITES PrdLied ee ZL bsiogil Luittyt BAL ite pe Sb £79-AD-F 2000-7 PP abt nie GELS ot dig fPA A Aoi Het cle UBL HSErioral isa pbL ABATUIN Meal IO aoe abd nccst Mee PTL AL Sve put a patad Folond ee Siren Pr ZEW pal 7 EL ereia sh 1 alonbibel ue Ub G2 SL/L ir NR EA Obl peidcrctue lS LUE abe by ait Strat Fhe Livery Cor Lis Gee ab EF ORE Baan i 23dop-Feade gt LAC Lib r£ PLR nd atsToss AdvaiL bie FE SHE CS UeL Shoda F Geevie pa nbfp ME Ne be HWE SE NAA ML agvesuvius UOT ail PU weve bs pa Sse OCE US, SURE Fe PAIL Hg ll pete LiL 2b E Lab as Pept thewbe SOE REE Ag A 200017 Uys SG set hE ut, peed Ink Sen lb MP inEvicts Be ureipiL vi SFist tEo% eth g Baye aile-<- UOT Sein lh Bes yt abios SHS PL gt Gly Seu Lure” Le Sire-ad Losbutetié Lilgolauiyie-Begut ode SbekowtNi fib ESP LLM nl Edges e£ pbbA sighs de WZ BIT HL EA LS a bet pobitectrE A SUITE KE EVA ko pboros* EA LUAS AAG presi tN BY eb OTILS Sebi pbolte FUG ASIT EY Ugg Sirs Sht UH OAL OBIT eile Phu, Pt PbGlzt the Linjiectt Vokes revi 2000/68 6 eeu tow clLeEre lat bef A Guidebook of English - XT SEA SAL te Leal LL LIL VOT eae trod anbehea tte Pen KL ill yionbobiidid vit WA IE GAT 2H VS Lge Ee UT AL Silyi aS KEN EME SE B62 Ve Sar per” Sos BUM ee ASS rtesiber £2 bs CF HAL Pre h aewiLly Peel Ss br tdi Ese Te eieduiZe tutte iL 6S Se F le SGI P SS Le Ubi, Siti L wz AAS ELIA LS pb her tL Seba 2S tbe Uriee EP OWL Aare SL bul isl bes SAL Gb Ut Bed PKL OWS OLS A ape lal SA pL6 £5 HT St Fronts debs se 22 Gules BAM AZASNGS Aharh Prd bs LBC LS tude LAG dered Louad LUBE 4 uiAsJe1 ere SEP teluieF tigen SERS cut ply VI Sot bebe Eppa Bibs per Furr cideaalbrsbl OPIS FZ AO ett EL Ul GBS Ure 562-6 PrerP suc DAF it A nsie nrisittibestbolt aE cbr Li LAV mie AGred Tatiana Vie Frioreltie4L Feb & 70 159 Cr eotrené whee nwt sdb Enb Fle - HV GL 18" 2b Sieur MG Fle SASF itn OP Lute wr26 ob duet ti iL Pa ph F apbhlynt A sL ile ube Leib bod ne” far Abs shebS MSI ALIIVIEG E Gtk tA Bx gurldr 27h ABMS EIS AM AS GIL bE UIIRUF Cert EL Sb bunduievrenurd Ete Lub£ ‘A Guidebook of English -XT 160 He fuwtded plik spol boss Set Elin} ueity tboz bd BVIES, suet Ges PE 40h bee EGA ted bol 2 6-2 obisL UP tse ask rete ZIG IIA Boy bbe, NPE ASIF ETE Vil, SOTTO RL LS oH Ursa tal h oF Ax SUB FIA presi fined Sat SL WAS AUF est Ara WAL UG Ett Wb P SUI y Sothiur FL MiurertL eS WulstbeAIL ES bg Friorelli Burg tf MEI MES 12 buy te Lhe GEIL wy Lica IN Bah 4 ebotbe pbs rydl Su Sy PuL UF Ged pS eed L Priore ie EU SPM I WIA GS LU nd Beal bE bn tO MICS pur U2 MEL UIE BEAL Gok pt ibulenL obSealiLukbnbi ev gett : LS beLet phe puta Z viGkUtINW LFriorelliz OIE Ye 2 OR Kuli el ES UG eae Ler pot brenI Me ihe Bf err Lib 45 HT HEL oe beh Bi Ob but Ebi diy hekx Lt AL ELEM EDIS LL TSE ,5 SPompel i, The lesson is ab . 5 Pompeii out the destruction ofa great ancient cl fi. Pompeii was sit situ River. ‘ated near Rome alongside the Sar? A Guidebook of English -XT viii. xiii. xiv. 161 Itwas a prosperous centre of trade and business. The volcano Mount Vesuvius above the city began to shake after centuries of sleep. Vesuvius was 2000 meter high. The population of the city was 20000. Early in August of 79A.D tremors shook the countryside around Vesuvius During the very early morning of August 24, there was great volcanic eruption in the mountain. During the early hours of the eruption, most of the remaining population fled. At least 2000 people decided to stay. The ash which was released by the mountain covered every thing in the city. As a result of the disaster, Pompeii vanished from the surface of the earth. It was a forgotten city. In 1860 an archaeologist Friorelli did the excavation and discovered its ruins. : Friorelli made a systematic study of the ruins and all that they contained Friorelli was the first to realise the possibility that there were human remains buried in the ruins of the city. Friorelli paved the way for other archeologists to come. 7 he rediscovery of ?ompeii isa Quantum leap in the field c arch Words Mea..ings Words Meanings Prosperous Jee Narvest osu Thriving Bsus Highway UL: Residents hy Interior Spbutt Coastal oe Audible wwe sui English - XL 162 Acids k of Eng! a Dyeing ey Fertile ga Craftsmen Sen Breeze esha ot | Cannon i) Loom enuauer® | V3 es tru Volcano uot Mass veh Stir & Molten rocks ue an & Menacing Pa Heaven wards wbdult Cloaked nen} Intimidate bee aL Pastures ug Unwilling a Orchard but Abandon bd Vineyard kd. fi Precious “ : Legend bb Profitable ¥e Folk tale bbe Sur Demonstrate Ws Erupt oe Ash tL Tremendous ous Lightweight Tremors BLL Pour down thet Countryside hl Avalanches ghjed Rumbling wath Deadly he Repose i Take aim belt Crust phish Final agony erecisit ezil Fragments wT, Precise é. LD A Guidebook of English - XI Transform | yay, _| Primarily Adib Giant Kuhizer | Pile up hes Alter hte — | Trace Sie Uncover Lab Perimeter wy Sb> | Ruins ent Sequence pear Debris 2 Accumulate uv? Excavation bus Piece together ret Scatter wispy | Intact ove Heaps Pa Proceed tex LT Obscure tstues | Emerge tabs Hasten Len Ad te Shipment Ebb ewe ile uy Decay w Exterior rag Plunder shed Graffiti BE. sure | Genuine vttie Insight eV Archaeologist abt yb ‘Scribbling bn Gee bt Excavators 22S | Stop in tracks tly Goal - Preservation oe Vanished est Miracle we ‘ Essence 4 Envelop my Discipline son Desperation ib Orderliness sabe} Disaster ot 164 A Guidebook of Engtis Z [ Victim Eternal ds Uncanny Jolt z Wyle ky. Eventually wit | Extraordinary ure Fascination ae oe Comprehensive | te Intimate Destiny a detail ut " Plaster casts | 2 yp pof pu Unsurpassed Merde’. | dnd Eve Terror whet Terrible thea doom Se Q2: Ans: ane What was it that first sent people fleeing from Pompeii? Early in August of 79AD, tremors shook the countryside around the Mount Vesuvius, accompanied by a deep rumbling sound that signaled the approaching end of the volcano’s long repose. It was a sign that first sent people fleeing from Pompeii. How was Pompeii city before destruction? Before its destruction, Pompeii was a prosperous and thriving city, only a few days’ journey by road from the great city of Rome. Ithad about 20000 residents and was situated in a well-watered coastal plain with fertile soil bearing three or more crops a year. Its climate was gentle with brief winters, long springs and autumns and summer days cooled by sea breeze. The city lay alongside the Sarno River which served as a highway to the interior. It was business hub and most of people were rich and had a life of luxuary and ease. 4 Guidedood of English -XT 165 3: Ans: Ans: Q5: Ans: Q6: Ans: Q7: Ans: Explain why some people chose to stay in Pompeii? During the early hours of the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius, most of the population fled yet at least 2000 people decided to stay. They were afraid of the devastation but unwilling to leave their costly homes and profitable business. What finally caused the death of those who stayed in Pompeii? During the early hours of the eruption, most of the remaining population fled from Pompeii yet at least 2,000 people stayed in the city but they too could not escape death because a hot cloud of lightweight ash overwhelm everything that was left, burying the city in its final agony. Suggest the reasons why Friorelli insisted that discoveries were left in place and not moved to museum? The discoveries made during the excavation of Pompeii were very significant. Each object and commodity had a special value from archeological point of view. Friorelli made sure that every new object that emerged was given a precise description, not just for its appearance and nature but also of its position in relation to other objects. He therefor insisted that new discoveries were left in place rather than moved for shipment to a museum or storehouse. What two features of its position made Pompeii an ideal trading link between the Italian interior and outside the world? Pompeii lay alongside the Sarno River which served as a highway to the interior. In addition to its role as a trading link between the Italian interior and the outside world, Pompeii was a regional centre for cloth-making and dyeing, and a home for many other craftsman. Why were some people reluctant to leave Pompeii? During the early hours of the eruption of volcano, most of the remaining population fled yet at least 2000 people stayed there. They were reluctant to leave Pompeii because of their precious homes and profitable business. A. Guidebook of Finglich =X 166 Q8: Why was Pompelt. skipped away from the world’s memory til] 18607 Ans: After the annihilation of the city, Pompeii skipped away form the world’s memory until 1860 when a well-known archeologist Friorelli was appointed as director of the excavations. Q9: What is the significance of the rediscovery of Pompeli? Ans: The rediscovery of Pompeii is one of the greatest achievements in the field of archeology which not only portrays the disaster put also gives a detailed and clear picture of life in the ancient city of Italy. Q10: Whywasa hole made ina mound ata site? Ans: Friorelli and other workmen made a hole in the mound ata site to unearth human remains buried in the ruins of the city. Note: The correct answer is tick-marked in each case. i. What is the fact about Pompeii city? a. Once it was a prosperous city and destroyed in 79Ad / b. Its inhabitants already knew that a volcano was going to erupt anything. c. Itwasa prosperous city of Denmark d. It was destroyed in 20.BC ii. During the early hours of eruption oflava a. Everyone fled. b. 2000 people decided to stay¥ c. No body left the city d. 5000 residents decided t- stay. Pompeii was situated near a. Paris b. RomeY c. London d. Tokyo iv. The height of Mount” suvius is es A Guidebook of English - XT viii. 167 About 2000 meters” 5000 meters 1500 meters 100 meters Friorelli was a. Anarcheologist¥ b. Anastronomer c. Anarchitect d. Aplumber The climate of Pompeii was a. Gentle with brief winters¥ b. Gentle with severe winters c. Severe cold ad. Severe hot Pompeii was a regional centre for a. Caps-makings and dyeing b. Shoe-making c. Cloth making and dyeingY d. Jackets making During the early hours of the eruption. a. Most of the remaining population stayed b. Most of the remaining population fled. ¥ c. Most of the population died d. Most of the population got injured. ' Not only interior wall paintings were left intact, a. Butalso train signs b. But also road signs c. Butalso shops d. But also exterior notices, shop signs and even graffiti. ¥ The early excavators had acted purely a. For the sake of knowledge b. For the sake of plunder~ c. For the sake of gold d. For the sake of silver apo A Guidebook of English -X1 MARK THE SENTENCES AS TRU Note: ‘The correct answer is underlined in each c; i Graffiti means writing or drawing ona True/False surface in a public place ii, Friorelli was the first archeologist who _ True/False studied the ruins of Pompeii systematically. iii, 2000 people decided to stay because True/False they did not want to abandon their precious homes and business. iv. The early excavators had acted purely True/False for the sake of plunder. v. The rrediscovery of Pompeii did not tell True/False anything about the city. vi. Pompeii was a prosperous and thriving True/False city. vii. The Volcano had not erupted in more True/False than a thousand year. viii. A hot cloud of lightweight ash poured True/False down the side of the plains ix. John set as his goal the total recovery of True/False the vanished city Pompeii. x. Friorelli was the first to realize the ~ True/False possibility that there were human. remains buried in the ruins of the city. ase. : ae adrecuil Phrase is a group of words without subject and predicate, which performs the functi Ee ions of an adverb. i. The tiger ran with great speed, ii. He spoke in soft manner, * iii, She was cooking food at that moment. A Guidebook of English An adverb clause is a dependent clause which works as an adverb. Examples:- - As soon as the train left, he reached the station. ii, The patient had died when the doctor came. iti, | He could not go outside because it was raining heavily. iv. She studied hard in order that she could pass the exams. v. ‘You can go on picnic wherever you want. vi if we study round the clock, we will get good marks. Identify the adverbial phrases or clauses in the Slowing sentence. He switched on the radio so that he could listen to the news. Adverb clause His brother arrived in the evening. Adverbial phrase. iii | Hearrived before the game started. Adverb clause. Iv. _ My family had shifted to another place. Adverbial phrase. vw He will get a good job when_he graduate, Adverb clause vi. | We should not speak in_a rude manner. Adverbial phrase vil | Even if we hurry, we may not get there on time. Adverb clause viii. _ Aslam kept the books on the shelf, Adverbial phrase ix _‘ The frightened child ran away as fast as he could. Adverbial phrase POSITION OF ADVERBS We can put adverbs in different position in sentences. There are three main positions but also a lot of exceptions, A Guidebook of English - XI - - 170 The three main positions of adverbs in English sentences. i iL ii. Adverb at the beginning of a sentence Unfortunately we could not see Mount Everest. Adverb in the middle ofa sentence. The children often ride their bikes. Adverb at the ends of a sentence. Shazia reads a comic story every afternoon. Insert the given adverbs in their normal position in the following sentences. i MESSS9 3 EF Students play an important role in the development of a society. (always) Iam sorry. (terribly) My brother speaks English. (well) She has seen a Kangaroo. (never) They have to get up early (usually) The bus is going. (fast) Igo to library. (daily) My teacher writes (quickly) We missed the train. (unfortunately) He takes morning walk. (every morning) Adverbs in their normal positions. e Students always play an important role in the development of a society. 1am terribly sorry. My brother speaks English well. She has never seen a kangaroo, Usually they have to Set up early, The bus is Boing fast. My teacher writes quickly, I goto library daily Unfortunately, we missed the train, He takes morning walk every morning. A Guidebook of English - XT Write a letter to your friend s i i \ " uggesting him to opt information technology IT for his future career. Examination Hall City A.B.C 17% June 2017 My dear friend, Hope you are fine by the grace of Allah. It was heart- warming to me when I read that you passed your matric exams with flying colours. I wish you success in future too. You have asked me to let you know what subject | might suggest you for your future career. There are many subjects and various professions. I think we should study a subject which is our main interest or mania. I have always seen you taking keen interest in exploring the computer and internet therefore I suggest you to take information technology as a subject for you future career. I hope you will maintain the same interest in this field in future as well. Pay my compliments to all your family members. Your sincerely Shahid Islam ase — omer Why should we take precautionary steps/measures before a disaster occurs? __ Natural calamities are a common phenomenon. Disaster always have caused great human and material loss all over the world. Some areas of the world are declared calamitous due to the regular occurrence of a natural disaster. Some cities are declared earthquake zones. In order to prevent or minimize the loss of h and reducing the damage to property we should take some Precautionary steps. It is necessary to take these measures before the calamity strikes because in todays world many types uman lives A Guidebook of English XI of natural disasters are CO) heed to take steps in the rega steps we should take be! 1 2. 172 mmon. The government also pays no rd. Following are some important fore a disaster occurs. We should store food stuffs and water. Gas and electricity can be very dangerous during a disaster therefore we should turn off the gas and switch off the electric bulbs, appliances etc. We should keep our important documents ready and easily accessible. They should be put in a safe place to avoid damage or burn. Electronic media nowadays is playing a positive role in time of crisis. People should have a contact with different T.V channels and watch programmes regularly. All Classes Chapter Wise Notes Punjab Boards| Sindh Boards | KPK Boards| Balochistan Boards AJK Boards | Federal Boards LS bette Fel LOS gulag MSIL BF LI INS A PIL 21h PNT std FE Ebi Nez a meat JB Oth Class MH 10th Class OSC Een WWW.USMANWEB.COM WWW.USMANWEB.COM Omer = FYEeLKS Notes | Past Papers im Notes | Past Papers Lge Bee DIVA KL BES Ft LESS 0306 84 75 285 ee IIL yb

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