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Evolution of the Periodic Table
Law of triads

In 1817 Johann Dobereiner (on the left)

observed that the atomic weight of strontium
was approximately the average between the
weights of calcium and barium , elements that
have similar chemical properties.
In 1829, after discovering the halogen triad
composed of chlorine , bromine and iodine ,
and the alkali metal triad lithium , sodium and
potassium , he proposed that triads of
elements existed in nature so that the central
one had properties that were an average of the
other two members of the triad (the Law of
Triads). During this time fluorine was added to
the halogen group; Oxygen , sulfur , selenium
and tellurium were grouped in one family while
nitrogen , phosphorus , arsenic , antimony and
bismuth were classified in another.
The telluric screw
• First attempts to design a periodic table
If a periodic table is considered as a classification of chemical elements that demonstrate
the periodicity of physical and chemical properties, the first periodic table (published in
1862) should be attributed to the French geologist, A.E. Beguyer de Chancourtois
De Chancourtois arranged the elements according to the increasing order of their atomic
weights on a helical curve in space, so that the points that corresponded on the
successive turns of the helix differed by 16 units of atomic weight. Analogous elements
were located at such points, which suggested a periodic repetition of properties. This
arrangement is known as a telluric screw .
Law of Octaves

• Ohn Newlands (on the left), an English chemist, wrote a

work in 1863 in which he classified the 56 elements by
establishing 11 groups based on similar physical properties
and mentioned that in many pairs of similar elements there
were differences in atomic mass related to some multiple of

In 1864 Newlands published his version of the periodic table

and proposed the Law of Octaves (by analogy with the seven
intervals of the musical scale).
Meyer and Mendeleev
• Dmitri, Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907), the youngest of 17 brothers, was
born in the Siberian town of Tobolsk where his father was a professor of
Russian literature and philosophy.

During this period he wrote a textbook on inorganic

chemistry, Principles of Chemistry, which had thirteen
editions (the last in 1947) in which he organized the
known elements into families that had similar properties.
The first part of the text was devoted to the well-known
chemistry of halogens.

Then, he began with the chemistry of the metallic

elements, ordering them according to their combining
power : alkali metals first (combining power of one), the
alkaline earth metals (two), etc. However, it was difficult
to classify metals such as copper and mercury , which
sometimes had a value of 1 and other times 2.

While trying to find a way out of this dilemma, Mendeleev

found relationships between the properties and atomic
weights of halogens, alkali metals and alkaline earth
metals, specifically in the series Cl - K - Ca , Br - Rb - Sr
and I - Cs -Ba . In an effort to generalize this behavior to
other elements, he created a worksheet for each of the 63
known elements that presented the element's symbol, its
atomic weight, and its characteristic physical and chemical
• Discovery of Noble Gases
• In 1895 Lord Rayleigh reported the
discovery of a new gaseous element,
called argon , which turned out to be
chemically inert. This element did not fit
into any of the known groups of the
periodic table.
In 1898, William Ramsey suggested that
argon be placed between chlorine and
potassium in a family with helium ,
A new despite the fact that the atomic weight of
argon was greater than that of potassium.

group of This group was called "zero group"

because of the zero valence of these
elements. Ramsey accurately predicted
elements the future discovery of neon and its
The atomic number as a sorting criterion
• The atomic structure and the Periodic Table
• Although Mendeleev's table demonstrated the periodic nature of the
elements, the explanation of why the properties of the elements repeat
periodically had to wait until the 20th century.
In 1911 Ernest Rutherford (on the left) published his studies on the
emission of alpha particles by the nuclei of heavy atoms that led to the
determination of nuclear charge. He showed that the nuclear charge in a
nucleus was proportional to the atomic weight of the element.
Also in 1911, A. van der Broek proposed that the atomic weight of an
element was approximately equal to the charge. This charge, later called
the atomic number , could be used to number the elements within the
periodic table.
In 1913, Henry Moseley published the results of his measurements of the
wavelengths of the spectral lines of X-ray emission, observing that the
arrangement of the elements by these wavelengths coincided with the
arrangement obtained with the criterion of atomic numbers.
• Current periodic
table J
group 18

Periodic table of elements

4.002602 2
2372.3 -

1.00794 1

• The Modern Periodic Table period 1 1312.0 2.20

group 1
1.00794 1
1312.0 2.20
Es* 2 atomic massnumber
periodic tabled -55,845 ne_
0 mass
14 15 16 17 atomic wm 1 | alkali metals | metalloids

4.002602 2
H -
14.0067 7
period 1 1.5 ionization energy in
4 6.941 3
5 I 8 1402.3 3.04 18.998403g 20.1797 IQ

9.012182mass kj/mol 10.811 12.0107 C ' 15.9994

- Faith
Hydrogen atomic number • alkali metals | | metalloids Q 1681.0 3.98

B" c : Neitne0 F ne
520.2 0.98 - or masicp 13 14 15 16 17 2080.7
55.845 26— have 800.6 2.04 • 1086.5 2.55

Li Be chemical symbol
899.5 1.57 . 1313.9 3.44 "
most stable electronegativity | | alkaline earth • ti
nonmetals | | 18.998403
9.012182 4 1 .8 ionization energy---------762.5
isotope 10.811 5 12.0107 6 14.0067 7 15.9994 8 20.1797 1 O
6.941 765 e 1 03 1.83
520.2 800.6 2.04 1402.3 3.04 Helium
899.5 1.57 . in +6 _alcalnothereal
no 1036.5
metals2.55 ' 1313.9 3.44 9
| | other metals
L b
+5 3 1681.0 3.38
kj/mol 1

• The last major changes to the periodic table are

_ other metals _ halogens
ls s
Lithiumchemical symbol------- | | transition metals | | Noble gases Neon
Beryllium Carbon Boron Carbon 4 Oxygen Fluorine
ee Beryllium 2s 1

Is 2s 1

HER i | | lanthanides
_ transition
II elements —
metals _ noble gases 1s22s12p
ls ! 2s'2p' 16222) 162s22) 1s22s22)
22.98976 Iron
11 24.3050 12
14 IC
oxidation states unknown • 4 groups 26.98153 1 3 28.0855 14 30.97696 26.98153 1
15 32.065 16 35.453 30.97696
17 39,948 15 IR

—Iron -5——
Lithiu name — - electronic
17 18
the result of the work of Glenn Seaborg in the mid-
m 0.93 . 737.7 1.31 - 22.98976 1 1 24.3050 I} | | actinides 577.5 1011.8
3 2.19
:j 28.0855 1251.2 3.16
1011.8 , 1520.6
2.19 32,065

To Yeah Q $ J 7
35.453 39.948

To YEA' Q yes ci Ar
configuration-------------------[Ar] 3d 4s 2 of elements
786.51.90 5 999.6 2.53
Lanthanide oxidation II elements
na mq 495.8 0.93 737.7 1.31 electronic configuration
Ar 577.5 1.61 786.5 to1.90 999.6 2.58 1251.2 3.16 1520.6

na Mg 3 4 e
Sodium omuns are in parenthesis
bold— unknown Argon
the 10 11 12
20th century, beginning with his discovery of 39.0983 19 40,078 2 O 44.9559121 47.867 22 50.9415 23 ACTIONS 4 to masses of elements Yo 78.96 34 79,904,35 83.798 i

theIt ' H Br: Kr 34 :

418.8 0.82 583.8 1.00 51.9962 24 54.93804 2 55.845,2658.93319 27 58.6934 28 63.546 29 65.381530 69.723
Aluminum 31 72.64
in parentheses Silicon 32 j 74.92160 941.0 2.55;j
3 658 & 15a - -650.3 1.63 - 652.9 1.66 5 760.4 191 - '
AC It” Y
Zn Sulfur 1350 8300 --

Saw Cr mn5 Faith

2.01 - 33

578.8 1.81 762.0 (He) 33*32*
Sodium 3 Chlorine Argon
6 Co 7 Ne 8 Cu 9
10 Ga 11Ge i 12Ace 717.3 1ss6-

plutonium in 1940 and, later, that of the

[Ne] 3s 1 3 3 (Ne]383p (le)3523p

Scandium [Ne] 3s
Potassium Calcium
(Ar) 4s' (Ar)4s'
o 20
(Ar) 3d' 4s'
" I 24
39.0983 IQ [Ar) 3d 2ith 2fi
Vanadium (Ar) 3d
(Ar) 3d'4s'
• 32 33 Cobalt
(Ar) 3d
55,845 (Ar)58.93319 (Ar) 3d* 4,* Germanic
65.38 30Arsenic
Selenium 1
(Ar) 3d
3 3I
Bromine 74.92160 Krypto
n 78.96
92.90638 414s'
51.9962 4s'54.93804 762.5 1.02-3d> 4s' 58.6934 114,818 49118.710 50165- 5 2 126.9044 947.0 941.0 2.55 - 83.798

AC HE You!; tcV RuCr RhMnii P.Fait

50.9415 127.60762.0
85.4678 37 87.620,38 88.90585
418.8 0.82 91.224
40.07840 652.1 95.96 42 (98) 43 44 102.9055 106.42 46 107.8682 737.14R 51 5 131.293 1 54 79.904

Rb Mr K
transuranide elements 94 to 102.
44.9559121 1.88 63.546 578.8 101- 2.01- 218-.

Zr Nb i! Mo
652.9 1.65-1 906.4 1350.8 3.00
5 1.60 T.684.3 ioi.o7 112.441 S58.3 1.78. 708.6 L36 121.760 869.3 2.10

norinCu 1 Zn SbGa”■ Ger As Xe ■ It Br ? Kr

658.8 154-
650.9 1.63 710.2
403.0 0.02 - 39 589.8 1.00- 633.1 1.36 T4 702.0 1.90 2.20 45 304.4 2.2047 760.4 1.91 ' - .1.69
867.8 745.5 1.90-
3 034.0 2.05 3 1170.4 2.60 - 1139.9 2.96
' Sn You T- T

600.0 122-.
CD 717.3 1.55- Nickel
(Ar) 3d Tin tK)

Kiraoni Techneti1 Iodin Xenon
Strontium 1Kr]4d* Ruthenium : 4s' Cadmium i 4d'5>'5p' Antimony
S Molybdenu um (K IK14g*5,*

• Seaborg, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry in

Rubidium (Kr) s.' 5,* tUl 4d Si' 3 (K142*5,* e (K; 42*5,*
Potassium Niobium (Kr)mTitanium
7 4'44 5s' Chrome - 5,* Zinc [A] 3d* Gallium (210) 84
g3 Tellurium (210) Arsenic85(220)
Se Selenium
86 Krypton
8 0 ] Copper 207.24s8 12 208.9804
ma 50
(Kr) 5s'
7 2 445s> 7 183.84 Nickel 204.383381

Bil a po At Rn
132,9054 5 137.327 56 174,9668 7 178.49 Calcium Scandium
180,9478 (Kr) 4d2.36
770.0 5s' 186.207 75 J 190,23 76 192.217 Rhodium
2.20 ' ' 195.084
196.9665 7 9 200.59
Palladi 78 390.1 Cobalt
2.54 '2
812.1 2.00 090.0 2.20 [Ar]3d*4s'4 [Ar 31
Bromine [Ar) 301

Pt i 44Au45
502.9 0.85- (Ar]4s1 658.5 1.30 ' - (Ar]3d*452 ~ (Ar]3d2452760.0
(Ar]452 1.90 7 [Ar13d4s
[Ar)3d'4s Manganese um Y 1007.1[Ar]3d4s
2.00 [Ar13d14s1 715.6 2.33 p' ! [Ar]3d*4s'4í 43346
5 1
3 42 3 : 4534+
cs Lu ta Wá 40 Re Yo G Hq 46IT
3 p
Ba Hf 88.90585 92.90638 95.96
43 102.9055
4 3
1951, reconfigured the periodic table by putting the
114.818 40 118.710
9 41 i 684.3 2.16 (98) 101.07 107.8682 Polonium Astatine 121.760 127.60

Yes Sb Tea
91.224 ;j á 112.441 4Q 558.3 1.78 2.10 ti
Cesiu Lutetium 87.62 20 Tantalum Wolfram Thallium 708.6 1.96 .
(»3 4ASd” (Xe)4f*5d»6
Nb :hsMoiMt.
u o
Barium Hafnium 702.0 1.90 710.2 2.20 Mercur106.42 Lead 834.0 2.05
600.0 1.22 IXe]4A- IXej 4f*5d> IXe]4ñS8 Platinum
IXe aASd” Bismuth 60 68

you dsRUIRqRh cnPS “Nh FLCD I ;

m (ft) 48 549.5 0.95 (X*) 640.1 1.33 652.1 1.60 IXe) 867.8 1.69 61' 69 s'6|l 131.293
(Xe) 633
IXe) 44*633 IXe]4RSd*§ 61' 6p IXe)4RSd*66

126.9044 5

Zr Bh
Sd*66 48 719.7 2.28 1170.4 2.60

And Squ
Sd'6s' 4RSd' 6!' IXe) 4RSa aAsd»ge (X*) 41*54*
(Xe161 61' ■> 69 ® 804.4 2.20
(223) 87 (226) 88 K 103 (261) 104 (262) 105 (266) 106 (264) 107 (277)
85.4678 108 (268) 109 (271) HQ
661 (272) Hl (285)
hi 112 1131.93 6p‛ 114
(289) (288)
66 Sis'115 (292) 116 (294) 117 (294) US 3

Xe i

actinide series below the lanthanide series.


A 11
380.0 0.70 509.3 0.90 403.0 0.82 IXe) 1008.4 2.66

Fr Ra Lr
Rb1 RF 4ASd633
Ruthenium Indian Lv ts Tin 1t

Laurence Rutherfordiu Technetium 3 Antimony Iodine
Strontium Dubnium Zirconium Niobium
Bohrio Hassium
m Meitnerium
3 3 (Kr)Ad5s1
Dammstati Roentgeniu Copernicius Nihoniu FleroviCadmium Muscov(Kr)Ad15s1 [Kr]4d*5s
Livermori Tenes 3
«Sn Sfl4
Francium Radio Rubidium m (Rn) (RnJsf4 643
[Kr]4d'5s J (Rnjsfa 645 (Rn) 5fl4 IRn) o4 (Bn) 7s 2 m (Rn) 1 Palladium
Sfl4 (Rnj
Rhodium 5Í14 (Rn1S146d107s2
m umFAh1Sf1a y6810 7s2 iBrlBan)
um sia 6d10 : «nor 1
o 7(2 [Kr]4d [Kr]4d 1 Xenon 1

• In school tables the symbol, name, atomic number

(Kr)Ad55 2
[Kr]4d'5s ! 5p 6410 712Tellurium
' [Kr]4d
(Kr]5s1 S$*66* 76 712 712 (Kr)Ad5g1
6610 7s2 [Kr]4d5s
7l25114 647 ! sri4
- 688 6dl0[Kr]4d5s
7sl 6410
1 7s2
(Kr)Ad Sfl4 6d 10 7s2 ' Yes 145p' 6dl0 7s2 ' 5s'5p' [Kr]4d*5s'5|f 5s'5p 5s'5p
Electronic configuration
1 (Rn)
523.5 1.27' 5fl4 6d47s2 72180.9478 7
183.84 74186.207 75 190.23 76 192.217 77 195.084 78 196.9665 200.59 80
1007.1 2.00 204.3833 81 84
(210) 85
(210) (220) 86
blocks RR 137,327
658.5 1.30- 760.0 1.901 840.0 2.20 870.0 2.28 79 8?
208,980492 890.0 2.20

Hf'p Re You gd! Pt

Yb " po To Rn
57 140.116 58 140.9076 5 144.242 60 (145) 61
502.9 138.9054
0.89 -
3 ' 150-36, 62 \547.1 151.964 6? 880.0 2.206 4 158.9253 65 162.500 6 6 164.9303 6 7589.4 168.9342 6 703.0
1.62- 68 207.2 202-.
70 812.1 2.00 1037.0

and atomic mass of the elements are usually IT 3 Pb" Bl ;

167-259. 173.054

Eu ' Go

cs BaTh
770.0 2.36 715.6 2.33 - 603.4

375.7 0.79-. 5381 110-7 534.4 1.12 Q 565.8 890.1 2.54 581.0 123 .
P.m YE
Tb Wo
EC : nd
w: H°
S27.0 11--761.0 1.50 J

1 3 596.1 1. 2S
: you
Lutetium Promised Samarlo Europium

representedOF THEas basic SOCIAL

data and, depending
DOES FACEBOOKon their = GOLD? 1 Holmium
Hafnium Neodymi (Xe) 4f6s'Rhenium (Xe) 4T6i> (Xe)4f6s' Gadolini Platinum Mercur
(Xe]4R5d*6 um Iridium
um (Xe) (Xe]4R5d6s (Xe) 4P'6s' Stem Bismuth
I» 1 4ñ- Polonium Radon
Barium [Xe] (Xe]4R5d26 i [Xe] 4A5d 98[Xe]4A5d*6 (Xe] 45*

C IsnJ" 5 FM md114" NonJ" ng Oops ng

52 Praseodymiu IXelaf6g* 4f5d* 6s' Lead (Xe]4R5d*
(259) 102(Xe]4R5d*66 (Xe]4A5d*68
(251) L30
Cesium [Xe] 6s' (227) 1 89 232.0380 9231.0358
The nt s2 m 91 238.0289Wolfram
(237) 493 6s ! (244)
- 94 (243) 195 (Xe]4R5d'65
324701396 1 (247) 97 52(252) 99 6826 IS...100 (Xe] (258) 101
1.30 66 642.06p' 1.30 16 26p
568.0 1.50
92 604.5 1.36
1Q7 109 HQ "
601.0 1.30
complexity, some other data about the elements.
Grad 3(262) 105 Osmium
103 Pa
104 N.p. Pu (zm
cm Bk
(Xe) 4f6s' Dispresio (284) UI (288) (294)

Th 3 DBU
(Xe) (268) (271) (285)
5d*6s* (28) (261) (292)
es 07 (28) 88 1 (Xe) 4P6s' Fermium (289)

hs Mt • Ds' F Cn Nh F 5 I
Actinium Mendel evio Nobelium

106 Bh
(223) 470.0 580.0Prot (294) ti
Neptonium Plutoni Americium y

ls ok

Fr' Ra Lr RF
actinium te
• The oxidation states of the 0.70 509.3 0.90 (Rn)5P6d'7s Uranium
9f6d* um
(272) Hl
elements 109,110. (Rn) 6d'7s' ' Edit (Translation to Spanish) Sf7s"
by The Photographer Einsteinium u

» Lv
106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,1 Edit (updated) by EnderMK Meitnerium Damstatio RQ. Copernicius Nihonium
15,116,117 and 118 are predictions Dubnium Bohrio Moscovium
Laurencio Rutherfordi Original file: S9, [Rn] 7s2 Hassio [Rn] [Rn] 7s2
[Rn] Flerovium Teneso In)
Francium Radio um [Rn]5fl46d5 [Rn]
[Rn]5fl46d3 5fl46dl07sl [Rn] [Ah] [!n]5fl46dl0 1Bn)
(Rn]5A7- es.svg 5fl46d4
[Rn] 7s 1 [Rn] 7s' [RnlSMÍJs 1 7s2 7s2 5fl46dl07s2 7s25fl46d7 5fl46d8 5fl46dl0 7s2 Sfl46dl07s2 5fl46dl0 7s2 7s2 5fl46dl0 7s2 5fl46dl0 7s2
7p1 Liverorium
Electronic configuration tRnl SP7


7 Yo 6? 63 64
140,116 RQ 140.9076 50

534.4 1.12- 527.0 1.13 - 144.242
70 60 150.36
593.4 1.20 - 158.9253 R5
167.259 168.934269

EC Pr Nd ? YE Eu' Gd • Tb 3 589.3 1.24 - 596.7 1.25 - 603.4

Dy Ho Er Tm Yb
538.1 1.10 -
i! ; 3 i!
533.1 1.14- 544.5 1.17 - 565.8
162,500 6fi
581.0 1.23 -

The '
573.0 1.22 -

Cerium Praseodymi Europium Gadolinium Ytterbium

[Xe] um Neodymium Samarlo Terbium Erbium Thulium

9 61
(Xe]4f69 (Xe]4f5d16s (Xe]4f65 Dispr5i0 [Xe] #1262 (Xe]4652
Lanthanum #5d16s2 [Xe] 4# 652 (xe) (Xe]4f65 (Xe]4f*652 Holmium [Xe] #1262
2 (252) qq
231.0358 QI
568.0 1.50 - 238.0289
619.0 130°. (257) 1QQ
89 O/ 97 (243) q5 (247) qC (251)

Pa !
Bk Cf' It1 is FM Md ! no 1
(227) Qi) 587.0 604.5 1.36 (244) (247) 608.0 1.30 627.0 1.30 (25!) 101 (259) IQ!
Grades 2 578.0 130° 581.0 1.30

Np! Pu : Me cm
499.0 1.10 1.30 - 584.7 1.28 601.0 1.30 635.0 1.30 642.0 1.30

Ac Th' !!
■ lld/mol. 96.485 eV 597.6 1.38
• All elements have an implicit oxidation Protactiniu
state of zero. Uranium Neptanium Americium Curium Californium Fermium
Actinium Thorium [Rn] 5P6d' Plutonium Berkelium Mendel evo Nobelium
ALCHENY SOCIAL ■ The oxidation states of elements (Rn] 62752 [Rn] 6d2751 752
[Rn] 5P6d' (Rnj9f6d175 (Rn]sf7s' (Rn]5f7s [Rn]5f6d'7s' [Rn]9f7s' (Rn]5#75 [Rn] 5172 [Rn] 52 732 [Rn]5f7s'
• 9000 BCE

• Copper was probably the first metal extracted and
manufactured by man. It was initially obtained as a
native metal and later extracted by smelting its ores.
The first estimates of the discovery of copper place it
around 9000 BC in the Middle East.
• It is one of the most important materials for human
beings throughout the Copper Age and the Bronze
• 7000 BCE

• Lead smelting is believed to have begun
at least 9,000 years ago, and the oldest
known lead artifact is a figurine found in
the temple of Osiris at a site near Abydos,
dated 3800 BC.
• 6000
• Gold was one of the first unrecorded elements to
be discovered. Archaeologists say that the use of
gold began with the first civilizations in the Middle
East. It may have been the first metal used by
humans. The oldest gold jewelry that has come
down to us comes from the tomb of the Egyptian
queen Zer.
• 5000
• There is evidence that iron was known from before
5000 BC The oldest known iron objects used by
humans are beads made of iron from a meteorite, in
Egypt, around 4000 BC.
• The discovery of the foundry around 3000 BC led to
the predominance of the use of iron for tools and
weapons, which led to the beginning of the Iron Age,
around 1200 BC
• 5000
• Silver is one of the seven metals known since
ancient times. It is mentioned in the book of Genesis;
• and the heaps of slag found in Asia Minor and
islands in the Aegean Sea indicate that the metal
began to be separated from lead at least four
millennia before our era and it is estimated that it
began to be produced shortly after the discovery of
copper and gold.
• 3500
• First smelting in combination with copper around
3500 BC to produce bronze and brass.14 The oldest
utensils date from approximately 2000 BC The
importance of the new metal, with which weapons
and tools were made that were more effective than
those made of stone or bone until then, gave rise
throughout Antiquity to intense long-distance trade
with the areas where deposits of tin existed.
• 2000 BCE

• Known to the ancient Chinese and Hindus before

2000 BC, and found in Egyptian tombs dating back
to 1500 BC In China and Tibet, the use of mercury
was recommended to prolong life, heal fractures, and
maintain general good health, although it is now
known that exposure to mercury vapor leads to
serious adverse health effects.
• Jan 3, 1669

• Prepared from urine, it was the first element to be
chemically discovered. It was discovered by the
German alchemist Hennig Brandt in 1669 in
Hamburg by distilling a mixture of urine and sand
(he used 50 cubes) while searching for the
philosopher's stone; By evaporating the urea, a white
material was obtained that glowed in the dark and
burned with a bright flame.
• Aug 2, 1730

• Cobalt compounds have been used for
centuries to obtain a deep blue color in
glass, enamels and ceramics. Cobalt has
been detected in Egyptian sculptures and
Persian jewelry since the third
millennium BC, in the ruins of Pompeii
(destroyed in 79 AD),
• Dec 2,
• The use of nickel dates back to approximately the
4th century BC. C., generally together with copper,
since it frequently appears in minerals of this metal.
Bronzes originating from present-day Syria have
nickel contents greater than 2%. Chinese
manuscripts suggest that "white copper" was used in
the East around 1700 to 1400 BC. c.
• Jun 16, 1755

• In 1618, a farmer in Epsom, England, tried to give
his cows water from a well there. The cows refused
to drink because of the bitter taste of the water, but
the farmer noticed that the water seemed to heal
scratches and rashes. The substance became known
as Epsom salts and its fame spread. Over time it was
recognized as hydrated magnesium sulfate. In 1755
the Englishman Joseph Black recognized it as an
Andrés Manuel
• Andrés Manuel del Río Fernández was a Hispanic
scientist and naturalist, discoverer of the chemical
element vanadium, which he named erythronium.
• Birth : November 10, 1764,
Madrid Spain
• Death : March 23, 1849, Mexico City
• Discoveries : Vanadium
• Known for : Vanadium
• Education : University of Alcalá ,
University of Freiberg
• Oct 10, 1864

• Continuing with the work of Döbereiner, Newlands
arranged the chemical elements in increasing order
of atomic weights (excluding hydrogen), observing
that every 7 elements turned out to have similarities
in their properties; That is, the 1st and 8th elements
had similar properties and so on with the others. This
new classification for the elements was called
Newlands' Law of Octaves, published in 1864.
• Jan 17, 1869

• In 1869, Meyer, a German chemist,
demonstrated a certain periodicity in the
atomic volume. Similar elements have a
similar atomic volume relative to other
elements. Alkali metals, for example, have
a significant atomic volume.
• Dec 11, 1913

• In 1913, through X-ray studies, he
determined the nuclear charge (atomic
number) of the elements. He regrouped
the elements in order of increasing atomic
number. “There exists in the atom a
fundamental quantity that increases in
regular steps from one element to another.
• Aug 15, 1944
• Glenn T. seaborg

• After participating in the discovery of 10 new

elements, in 1944 he removed 14 elements from the
main structure of the Periodic Table, proposing their
current location under the Lanthanide series, since
then being known as the actinides.
He is also the only person who has had an element
named after him while alive.

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