The Encomenderos Against The Spanish Crown

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THE ENCOMENDEROS AGAINST THE who entered Lima in May 1544.

The new
viceroy, who was already known for his
arbitrariness, quickly began the application
The creation of the New Laws mainly sought to end of the New Laws and earned the enmity of
the conflicts between the conquerors and begin to the colonists, because part of the changes
take control of the new lands. As we saw in the was to strip them of their encomiendas,
previous chapter, the new legislation provided that limiting their power.
only the king and his representatives had the power
to distribute encomiendas, and that upon the death a) Battle of Iñaquito (Ecuador)
of the encomendero, the encomiendas became the
property of the Spanish Crown. The power that the
encomenderos had managed to have will be
seriously limited with the New Laws, a situation
that the encomenderos were not willing to tolerate,
which began a great rebellion against the royal
authority itself.

1. The rebellion of the great encomendes

ros: Gonzalo Pizarro (1544-1548)
The encomenderos, who were harmed by the Gonzalo advanced with his army towards Lima
new legislation, appointed Gonzalo Pizarro as and it was then that the listeners of the newly
Attorney General to represent them. The brother installed da Audiencia, tired of the abuses of the
of the conqueror will be the one who leads the viceroy, arrest the king's representative and
first great encomen rebellion deros. send him prisoner missionary to Panama.
This civil war lasted four years and the Gonzalo was received in triumph by the
following battles took place: Audien cia and the residents of Lima and was
And Battle of Iñaquito (Ecuador) proclaimed Governor. By taking this step,
And Battle of Huarina (Bolivia) Pizarro breaks his relationship with the Spanish
And Battle of Jaquijahuana (Cusco) Crown, by not respecting its highest
Causes Blasco Núñez de Vela managed to escape from
Once the Viceroyalty was created, the monarch his caps tors and landed in Tumbes, entering the
appointed Blasco Núñez de Vela as first viceroy, mountains of Quito, organizing an army of
Spaniards loyal to the king.

Peruvian viceroyalty it
Creation of the Battle of Huarina
e 1544 1548
Death of the first
Viceroy Núñez de Vela
Battle of Jaquijahuana
Gonzalo Pizarro went out to look for him heading expected, hundreds of Spaniards were dissatisfied when
north with his army, until the battle of Iñaquito took they saw the list of those favored. Two years after the
place on January 18, 1546, where the viceroy was distribution, La Gasca returned to Panama. Those who
defeated and then killed on the same battlefield. were left without obtaining an encomienda will organize
a new rebellion.
b) Battle of Huarina (Upper Peru)
Some time later, Captain Diego de Centeno took up 2. The rebellion of the small encomenderos
arms in favor of the king in the region of Charcas or the dissatisfied:
(Bolivia) and organized an army against Pizarro. Francisco Hernández Girón (1553-
Gonzalo Pizarro and his field master Francisco de
Carbajal, the Demon of the Andes, went out to fight
him. They finally defeated Centeno at the Battle of
Huarina (October 20, 1547) on the shores of Lake Francisco Hernández Girón led the encomenderos
Titicaca. With this victory, Gonzalo further reinforced dissatisfied with the distribution of the encomiendas and
his authority. the abolition of personal service for the
indigenous people. He revolted in
c) Pacifying the rebels: the arrival of Pedro de la Cusco, on November 12, 1553, and said:
Gasca "The conquest had been made with the
Once the king was aware of the events that had
individual effort of the Spaniards and
occurred in the Peruvian viceroyalty, he would
entrust Pedro de la Gasca with the mission of without costing the king a cent."
subduing the rebels, giving him the appointment of Hernández Girón, after capturing
Peacekeeper and Presi before the Court of Lima. Cusco, obtained the support of
The Peacemaker La Gasca disembarks in Panama Arequipa, Hua-manga and Charcas,
with an entourage of faithful to the king, with skill advanced towards Lima and
lithic will achieve the support of the South Sea Navy, entrenched himself in Pachacámac.
which supported Pizarro, having this support I got
control of the sea. a) Battle of Chuquinga (Apurímac)
At the same time, he sent career opportunities The Court of Lima ordered that Alonso de
pentimiento, trying to capture the support of the Alvarado, Captain General of Charcas, come to
rebel encomenderos, making them believe that if they fight Hernández de Girón, who overtook him in
supported him, he would respect their privileges. Chuquinga, where Hernández Girón emerged
La Gasca arrived in Tumbes and already had support with a great victory (May 8, 1554). After this
from deserters from Pizarro and continued battle, the army continued its march towards the
advancing towards Lima. Meanwhile, Pizarro southern mountains.
retreated in the direction of tion to Cusco but the b) Battle of Pucará (Puno)
troops of La Gasca went in search of him. Hernández Girón's army, which called itself the
"liberating army", found itself facing the army of
d) Battle of Jaquijahuana (Cusco, April 9, 1548) This the Royal Court. In this contest, the rebel side
encounter did not develop like the other battles,
was defeated due to the desertion of its members;
Pizarro had to face a situation that would later bring
The leader was able to flee to Jauja where he
his defeat: the soldiers on his side deserted en masse
and went over to La Gasca's side. surrendered.
Gonzalo Pizarro and Francisco de Carbajal were Hernández Girón was taken to Lima, where he
taken prisoners, tried and executed on the battlefield was tried and sentenced to beheading. His head
for treason against the king. was displayed on the end of a stick.

La Gasca and the distribution of Guaynarima

Once Gonzalo Pizarro's rebellion was over, the
Peacemaker organized a new distribution of the parcels,
known as the Reparto de Guaynarima. This was a
difficult task because some 218 parcels had to be
distributed among more than a thousand suitors. As

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