3rd Weekly Test

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TEST DATE: 03/03/2024


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34 MCQs

6. 1. The biocatalysts which are synthesized inside the cells are termed? * 1 point

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a. allozymes

b. co-enzymes

c. enzymes

d. none of these 1

7. 2. The word enzyme was coined by * 1 point

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a. wilhelm kuhne

b. william john

c. R.hook

d. Euler

8. 3. The term enzyme was 1st used in? * 1 point

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a. 1875

b. 1878

c. 1879

d. 1890
9. 4. what will happen if enzymes are taken out of a living system? * 1 point

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a. metabolic reactions stop

b. death of organism occurs

c. vital functions ceased

d. all of these

10. 5. enzymes are __ substances * 1 point

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a. organic

b. inorganic

c. physical

d. none of these

11. 6. Enzymes mostly are __ in nature. * 1 point

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a. non-protein

b. protein

c. physical

d. all of these
12. 7. How do enzymes dramatically increase the rate of a chemical * 1 point

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a. by increasing the reactivity of the reaction

b. by decreasing the energy of activation

c. by modifying substrate shape

d. all of these

13. 8. In a chemical reaction enzymes are required in? * 1 point

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a. moderate quantities

b. Huge quantities

c. small quantities

d. Different for different quantities

14. 9. what are activators? * 1 point

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a. molecules that increase enzyme activity

b. molecules which decrease enzymes activity

c. molecules which sometimes increase and sometimes decrease activity

d. all of these can be true

15. 10. If an enzyme acts in the same cells where they are synthesized * 1 point

then they are known as a?

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a. inter-cellular

b. intra-cellular

c. Exoenzyme

d. non of the following

16. 11. Exoenzymes are also known as? * 1 point

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A. Extracellular enzyme

B. Endo enzyme

C. Intracellular enzyme

D. Mixed enzymes

17. 12. During and after the reaction the enzymes chemically remain? * 1 point

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A. Changed

B. Decreased

C. Unchanged

D. Increased
18. 13. In words enzyme, what is the meaning of zyme? * 1 point

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A. Virus

B. Yeast

C. Bacteria

D. Amoeba

19. 14. What is the meaning of the statement that enzymes are * 1 point
substrate specific?

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A. They act on various substrates

B. They act on a common substrate

C. They act on a specific substrate

D. All of these

20. 15. The size of the enzyme molecule is __ than the substrate. * 1 point

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A. Small

B. Larger

C. Equal

D. None of these
21. 16. The groove of a specific shape in an enzyme molecule is termed * 1 point

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A. Active site

B. Passive site


D. Allosteric site

22. 17. The key lock model was approved by? * 1 point

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A. Kinley in 1898

B. Lamark in 1898

C. Fischer in 1898

D. Koshland in 1888

23. 18. The induced fit model was approved by __ in 1959. * 1 point

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A. D D woods

B. H.G wells

C. Fischer

D. Kosh land
24. 19. A particular enzyme can react with particular substrates. This * 1 point
theory was modified by Paul Felder and?

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A. Koshland

B. D d woods

C. De Duve

D. Palade

25. 20. In 1980 Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman discovered that certain * 1 point

molecules of ribonucleic acid works like enzyme are termed as?

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A. Apozymes

B. Allozymes

C. Ribozymes

D. Holo enzymes

26. 21. The general mechanism is that an enzyme acts by: * 1 point

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A)Reducing the activation energy

B)Increasing activation energy

C)Decreasing pH value

D)Increasing the pH value

27. 22. The coenzyme is: * 1 point

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A.Often a metal

B.always a protein

C.often a vitamin

D.always an inorganic compound

28. 23. An enzyme that joins the ends of two strands of nucleic acid is: * 1 point

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A. Polymerase

B. ligase

C. synthetase

D. Helicase

29. 24. Which of the following is produced with the combination of * 1 point
apoenzyme and coenzyme:

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A. Holoenzyme

B. Enzyme substrate complex

C. Prosthetic group

D. Enzyme product complex

30. 25. Which one among them is the example of competitive inhibition * 1 point

of an enzyme:

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A. Succinic dehydrogenase by malonic acid

B. Cytochrome oxidase by cyanide

C. Hexokinase by glucose-6-phosphate

D. Carbonic anhydrase by carbon dioxide

31. 26. Blocking of enzyme action by blocking its active site is called as: * 1 point

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A. Allosteric inhibition

B. Feedback inhibition

C. Competitive inhibition

D. Non-competitive inhibition

32. 27. Diastase takes part in digestion of which one: * 1 point

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A. Protein

B. Starch

C. Amino acids

D. Fat
33. 28. Enzyme catalysing rearrangement of atomic grouping without * 1 point

altering molecular weight or number of atom is:

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A. Ligase

B. Isomerase

C. Oxidoreductase

D. Hydrolase

34. 29. Enzyme complex involved in alcoholic fermentation is: * 1 point

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A. Zymase

B. Invertase

C. Lipase

D. Amylase

35. 30. Zymogen or proenzyme is a : * 1 point

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A. Modulator

B. Vitamin

C. Enzyme precursor

D. Hormone
36. 31. Enzymes are made Up of: * 1 point

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A. Fats

B. Proteins

C. Nucleic acids

D. Vitamins

37. 32. Enzymes are polymers of: * 1 point

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A. Hexose sugar

B. Amino acids

C. Fatty acids

D. Inorganic phosphate

38. 33. The enzyme which hydrolyses starch to maltose is: * 1 point

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A. Protease

B. Amylase

C. Lactase

D. Maltase
39. 34. This enzyme was first isolated and purified in the form of * 1 point


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A. Urease

B. pepsin

C. Amylase

D. Ribonuclease


27 MCQs

40. 1.Which of the following has a positive charge? * 1 point

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(a) proton

(b) neutron

(c) anion

(d) electron

(e) atom
41. 2.Rutherford carried out experiments in which a beam of alpha * 1 point

particles was directed at a thin piece of metal foil. From these

experiments he concluded that:

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(a) electrons are massive particles.

(b) the positively charged parts of atoms are moving about with a velocity
approaching the speed of light.

(c) the positively charged parts of atoms are extremely small and extremely
heavy particles.

(d) the diameter of an electron is approximately equal to that of the nucleus.

(e) electrons travel in circular orbits around the nucleus.

42. 3.Consider the species 72Zn, 75As and 74Ge. These species have: * 1 point

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(a) the same number of electrons.

(b) the same number of protons.

(c) the same number of neutrons.

(d) the same number of protons and neutrons.

(e) the same mass number.

43. 4.The neutral atoms of all of the isotopes of the same element have * 1 point

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(a) different numbers of protons.

(b) equal numbers of neutrons.

(c) the same number of electrons.

(d) the same mass numbers.

(e) the same masses.

44. 5.What is the atomic weight of a hypothetical element consisting of * 1 point
two isotopes, one with mass = 64.23 amu (26.0%), and one with mass
= 65.32 amu?

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(a) 65.3 amu

(b) 64.4 amu

(c) 64.9 amu

(d) 65.0 amu

(e) 64.8 amu

45. 6.Naturally occurring rubidium consists of just two isotopes. One of * 1 point
the isotopes consists of atoms having a mass of 84.912 amu; the
other of 86.901 amu. What is the percent natural abundance of the
heavier isotope?

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(a) 15%

(b) 28%

(c) 37%

(d) 72%

(e) 85%
46. 7.What is the frequency of light having a wavelength of 4.50 x 10-6 * 1 point

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(a) 2.84 x 10-12 s-1

(b) 2.10 x 104 s-1

(c) 4.29 x 1014 s-1

(d) 1.06 x 1022 s-1

(e) 6.67 x 1015 s-1

47. 8.The emission spectrum of gold shows a line of wavelength 2.676 x * 1 point

10-7 m. How much energy is emitted as the excited electron falls to

the lower energy level?

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(a) 7.43 x 10-19 J

(b) 5.30 x 10-20 J

(c) 6.05 x 10-19 J

(d) 3.60 x 10-20 J

(e) 5.16 x 10-20 J

48. 9.Which of the responses contains all the statements that are * 1 point

consistent with the Bohr theory of the atom (and no others)?

(1) An electron can remain in a particular orbit as long as it continually absorbs
radiation of a definite frequency.
(2) The lowest energy orbits are those closest to the nucleus.
(3) An electron can jump from the K shell (n = 1 major energy level) to the M
shell (n = 3 major energy level) by emitting radiation of a definite frequency.

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(a) 1,2,3

(b) 2 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1,2

(e) 2,3

49. 10.The Heisenberg Principle states that _____________. * 1 point

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(a) no two electrons in the same atom can have the same set of four quantum

(b) two atoms of the same element must have the same number of protons.

(c) it is impossible to determine accurately both the position and momentum

of an electron simultaneously.

(d) electrons of atoms in their ground states enter energetically equivalent

sets of orbitals singly before they pair up in any orbital of the set.

(e) charged atoms (ions) must generate a magnetic field when they are in
50. 11.Which statement about the four quantum numbers which * 1 point

describe electrons in atoms is incorrect?

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(a) n = principal quantum number, n = 1, 2, 3, ......

(b) l = subsidiary (or azimuthal) quantum number, l = 1, 2, 3, ... , (n+1)

(c) ml = magnetic quantum number, ml = (-l), .... , 0, .... , (+l)

(d) ms = spin quantum number, ms = +1/2 or -1/2.

(e) The magnetic quantum number is related to the orientation of atomic

orbitals in space.

51. 12.Which atomic orbital is spherical in shape? (Note: you should * 1 point

know and be able to recognize the shapes of the s orbital, px, py, and
pz orbitals, and dxy, dyz, dxz, dx2-y2 and dz2 orbitals.)

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(a) 2s

(b) 3p

(c) 3d

(d) 4f

(e) they are all spherical

52. 13.The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in * 1 point

a sublevel for which l = 3 is:

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(a) 2

(b) 10

(c) 6

(d) 14

(e) 8
53. 14.The ground state electron configuration for arsenic is: * 1 point

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(a) [Ar] 4s2 4p13

(b) [Kr] 4s2 4p1

(c) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d12 4s2 4p1

(d) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d8 4p5

(e) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p3

54. 15.Which of the following electron configurations is correct for * 1 point


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(a) [Ar] 4s1 3d8

(b) [Kr] 4s1 4d8

(c) [Kr] 4s1 3d8

(d) [Kr] 4s2 3d8

(e) [Ar] 4s2 3d8

55. 16.The outer electronic configuration ns2np4 corresponds to which * 1 point

one of the following elements in its ground state?

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(a) As

(b) Ca

(c) Cr

(d) Br

(e) S
56. 17.In the ground state of a cobalt atom there are _____ unpaired * 1 point

electrons and the atom is _____.

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(a) 3, paramagnetic

(b) 5, paramagnetic

(c) 2, diamagnetic

(d) 0, diamagnetic

(e) 2, paramagnetic

57. 18.Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers could be * 1 point

those of the distinguishing (last) electron of Mo?

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(a) n = 4, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = +1/2

(b) n = 5, l = 1, ml = 9, ms = -1/2

(c) n = 4, l = 2, ml = -1, ms = +1/2

(d) n = 5, l = 2, ml = +2, ms = -1/2

(e) n = 3, l = 2, ml = 0, ms = +1/2

58. 19.How many p electrons are there in an atom of rubidium? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

(a) 12

(b) 18

(c) 24

(d) 9

(e) 6
59. 20.A neutral atom of an element has 2 electrons in the first energy * 1 point

level, 8 in the second energy level and 8 in the third energy level.
This information does not necessarily tell us:

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(a) the atomic number of the element.

(b) anything about the element's chemical properties.

(c) the total number of electrons in s orbitals.

(d) the total number of electrons in p orbitals.

(e) the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of the element.

60. 21. How many orbitals can have the following set of quantum * 1 point

numbers, n = 3, l = 1, m1 = 0 ?

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(a) 3

(b) 1

(c) 4

(d) 2

61. 22.Electronic configuration of the outer shell of the element Gd with * 1 point

atomic number 64 is

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(a) 4f4 5d5 6s1

(b) 4f3 5d5 6s2

(c) 4f5 5d4 6s1

(d) 4f7 5d1 6s2

62. 23. Maximum number of electrons in a subshell can be * 1 point

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(a) 4l + 2

(b) 4l – 2

(c) 2n2

(d) 2l + 1

63. 24. The orientation of atomic orbitals depends on their * 1 point

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(a) spin quantum number

(b) magnetic quantum number

(c) azimuthal quantum number

(d) principal quantum number

64. 25. A gas X has Cp and Cv ratio as 1.4, at NTP 11.2 L of gas X will * 1 point

contain_______ number of atoms

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(a) 1.2 × 1023

(b) 3.01 × 1023

(c) 2.01 × 1023

(d) 6.02 × 1023

65. 26. Number of unpaired electrons in N2+ * 1 point

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(a) 3

(b) 1

(c) 2

(d) 0

66. 27. The excitation energy of a hydrogen atom from its ground state * 1 point

to its third excited state is

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(a) 12.75 eV

(b) 0.85 eV

(c) 10.2 eV

(d) 12.1 eV


27 MCQs

67. 1. According to the work-energy theorem, total change in energy is * 1 point

equal to the _______

Mark only one oval.

a) Total work done

b) Half of the total work done

c) Total work done added with frictional losses

d) Square of the total work done

68. 2. The work done by a body while covering a vertical height of 5m is * 1 point

50 kJ. By how much amount has the energy of the body changed?

Mark only one oval.

a) 50 kJ

b) -50 kJ

c) 25 kJ

d) 10 kJ

69. 3. The total energy change of a body which covers a vertical height * 1 point

is constituted completely by the potential energy change only when


Mark only one oval.

a) It moves slowly

b) It moves quickly

c) It moves for some time, then rests, then moves again

d) It moves with a decreasing velocity

70. 4. The change in the total energy of a body moving because of work * 1 point

being done on it is attributed by the change in kinetic energy only

when ______

Mark only one oval.

a) It moves extremely slowly

b) It moves with a very high velocity

c) It moves on an equipotential surface

d) It moves with a positive acceleration

71. 5. A body having 7 kg of mass moves with a velocity of 20 m/s covers * 1 point

a vertical height of 8.75 m. What is the work done by the moving

force in Joules? Take g = 10 m/s2.

Mark only one oval.

a) 0

b) 10

c) 15

d) 20

72. 6. A projectile has both change in kinetic and potential energy. Still * 1 point

the work done calculated between any two points is zero. This is due
to _________

Mark only one oval.

a) Presence of no external force

b) No displacement

c) The displacement being in both vertical and horizontal directions

d) Inter-conversion of kinetic and potential energies

73. 7. A body having 7 kg of mass moves slowly and covers a vertical * 1 point

height of 14 m. What is the work done in Joules and what force

causes this work? Take g = 10 m/s2.

Mark only one oval.

b) 980, force acting opposite to gravity

a) 980, gravity

c) 1000, gravity

d) 1000, force acting opposite to gravity

74. 8. The total energy of a system moving under the action of a * 1 point

conservative force changes by 50 J. Which of the following

statements are correct with regards to the amount of work done?

Mark only one oval.

a) Amount of work done = 50 J

b) Amount of work done < 50 J

c) Amount of work done > 50 J

d) Amount of work done <= 50 J

75. 9. A body of mass 2 Kg, initially at rest, moves under the influence of * 1 point

an external force of magnitude 4 N on plane ground. What is the

work done by the force and the change in kinetic energy in the first
10 seconds?

Mark only one oval.

a) 400 J, 400 J

b) -400 J, 400 J

c) 400 J, -400 J

d) -400 J, -400 J

76. 10. A body moving with a constant velocity on normal ground * 1 point

initially has an energy of 1000 J. If the final energy is 800 J, what is

the work done and which force causes this work?

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a) 200 J, gravity

b) -200 J, friction

c) 200 J, friction

d) -200 J, gravity
77. 11. The potential energy possessed by a spring is also known as * 1 point


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a) Elastic potential energy

b) Extensive potential energy

c) Compressive potential energy

d) Deflection potential energy

78. 12. How much should a spring of indefinite length be compressed to * 1 point

have a potential energy equivalent to a ball of mass 6 kg raised to a

height of 120 m above the ground? Let the spring have a stiffness of
k = 100 N/m and assume g = 10 m/s2.

Mark only one oval.

a) 6m

b) 12m

c) 20m

d) 144m

79. 13. spring of length 1m has two cars connected to both of its ends. * 1 point

The two cars move towards eachother such that the spring is
compressed to 0.5m. If the spring constant is 500 N/m, what is the
elastic potential energy stored?

Mark only one oval.

a) 125 J

b) -125 J

c) 62.5 J

d) -62.5 J
80. 14.What is the increase in potential energy storage when the * 1 point

compression distance is doubled in a spring obeying Hooke’s law?

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a) No increase

b) 100% increase

c) Cannot be determined

d) 4 times

81. 15. The elastic potential energy varies linearly with displacement. * 1 point

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a) True

b) False

C) Can't be predictable

D) No any

82. 16. According to the work-energy theorem, total change in energy is * 1 point

equal to the _______

Mark only one oval.

b) Half of the total work done

c) Total work done added with frictional losses

d) Square of the total work done

a) Total work done

83. 17. The work done by a body while covering a vertical height of 5m is * 1 point

50 kJ. By how much amount has the energy of the body changed?

Mark only one oval.

a) 50 kJ

b) -50 kJ

c) 25 kJ

d) 10 kJ

84. 18. The total energy change of a body which covers a vertical height * 1 point

is constituted completely by the potential energy change only when


Mark only one oval.

a) It moves slowly

b) It moves quickly

c) It moves for some time, then rests, then moves again

d) It moves with a decreasing velocity

85. 19. The change in the total energy of a body moving because of work * 1 point

being done on it is attributed by the change in kinetic energy only

when ______

Mark only one oval.

a) It moves extremely slowly

b) It moves with a very high velocity

c) It moves on an equipotential surface

d) It moves with a positive acceleration

86. 20. body having 7 kg of mass moves with a velocity of 20 m/s covers * 1 point

a vertical height of 8.75 m. What is the work done by the moving

force in Joules? Take g = 10 m/s2.

Mark only one oval.

a) 0

b) 10

c) 15

d) 20

87. 21. A projectile has both change in kinetic and potential energy. Still * 1 point

the work done calculated between any two points is zero. This is due
to _________

Mark only one oval.

a) Presence of no external force

b) No displacement

c) The displacement being in both vertical and horizontal directions

d) Inter-conversion of kinetic and potential energies

88. 22. A body having 7 kg of mass moves slowly and covers a vertical * 1 point

height of 14 m. What is the work done in Joules and what force

causes this work? Take g = 10 m/s2.

Mark only one oval.

a) 980, gravity

b) 980, force acting opposite to gravity

c) 1000, gravity

d) 1000, force acting opposite to gravity

89. 23. The total energy of a system moving under the action of a * 1 point

conservative force changes by 50 J. Which of the following

statements are correct with regards to the amount of work done?

Mark only one oval.

a) Amount of work done = 50 J

b) Amount of work done < 50 J

c) Amount of work done > 50 J

d) Amount of work done <= 50 J

90. 24. body of mass 2 Kg, initially at rest, moves under the influence of * 1 point

an external force of magnitude 4 N on plane ground. What is the

work done by the force and the change in kinetic energy in the first
10 seconds?

Mark only one oval.

a) 400 J, 400 J

b) -400 J, 400 J

c) 400 J, -400 J

d) -400 J, -400 J

91. 25. The unit of energy has been named after ______ * 1 point

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a) James Prescott Joule

b) John Prescott Joule

c) Jammie Joule

d) Jessy Joule
92. 26. Power is ______ * 1 point

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a) Rate of doing work

b) Ability to do work

c) Rate of energy creation

d) Equivalent to work

93. 27. How many Ergs are there in 1 Joule? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) 10

b) 104

c) 107

d) 109


09 MCQs

94. 1. The calculator is the.....table. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) at


C) for

D) onto
95. 2. He was angry......me * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) in

b) of

c) to

d) with

96. 3. That man is found guilty.......theft. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) of

b) with

c) to

d) from

97. 4. Your teacher is not satisfied....... your study. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) with

b) from

c) at

d) in
98. 5. He should take care..... his health. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) with

b) for

c) of

d) from

99. 6. Mukesh travelled.......train * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) from

b) with

c) by

d) at

100. 7. She jumped.........the well. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) into

b) in

c) to

d) from
101. 8. You must be aware......tigers. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) of

b) from

c) at

d) in

102. 9) it has been raining..... Hour * 1 point

Mark only one oval.


B) since


D) by

Logical reasoning

03 MCQs

103. 1)AZ, GT, MN, ?, YB * 1 point

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104. 2)AZ, CX, FU, ? * 1 point

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105. 3)AZ, BY, CX, ? * 1 point

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