(AC-S17) Week 17 Final Exam - Final Version of The Research Work

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Analysis of the generation of cardboard waste in the province of Ica

Subject research work

Individual and environment

Atoccsa Aparcana, Angelo Alfonso

Career Quijandria, Leonardo

Cochachi Alfaro, Edison

De La Cruz Espinoza, Alexsandra Eliana

Ica, July 25, 2022


1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................3
2.0 Contextualization...................................................................................................................4
2.1 Cardboard composition......................................................................................................5
2.2 Growth of the paper industry.............................................................................................6
2.3 Description of the province of Ica......................................................................................6
2.3.2 Population and Climate...............................................................................................7
2.3.3 Division of the province...............................................................................................7
2.3.4 Urban and Rural Population........................................................................................7
2.4 Data on solid waste in the province of Ica..........................................................................7
3.0 Cause of cardboard generation..............................................................................................8
3.1 Population growth..............................................................................................................8
3.2 Increase in cardboard demand...........................................................................................8
3.3 Weak cardboard recycling culture......................................................................................9
3.4 Deficiency in classification................................................................................................10
4.0 Consequences of poor cardboard management..................................................................11
4.1 Cardboard contamination................................................................................................11
4.2 Impact on the environment..............................................................................................11
4.3 Social and economic impact.............................................................................................12
5.0 Solid waste management tools............................................................................................13
5.1 Comprehensive management of household solid waste..................................................14
5.2 National Plan for Comprehensive Solid Waste Management...........................................15
6.0 Actions carried out by the Provincial Municipality of Ica.....................................................16
7.0 Solution alternatives............................................................................................................18
7.1 Circular economy..............................................................................................................18
7.2 Cardboard recycling..........................................................................................................18
7.3 Reuse of cardboard..........................................................................................................20
7.4 Cardboard as a sustainable alternative............................................................................20
7.5 Use of cardboard..............................................................................................................21
8.0 Conclusions..........................................................................................................................23
9.0 Bibliographical References...................................................................................................25

1.0 Introduction

Peru is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, since it has diverse
ecosystems and species in the different regions of the country. Likewise, each
department of the Peruvian territory provides us with different natural resources that we
make the most of to satisfy our basic needs and be able to have a good quality of life.

However, in recent years our country has been affected by the increase in pollution,
which is a problem that directly affects the diversity we have. This is a consequence of
the greater production of solid waste generated by the population due to the lack of
awareness about its recycling.

The Ica region, specifically the province of Ica, is one of the most affected by the
contamination of household solid waste, which according to Fuentes et al. (as cited in
Barboza and Julón, 2017): “They are those generated during activities carried out at
home, which are made up of remains, food, newspaper, paper, bottles, cardboard,
disposable diapers and other similar items.” (p. 43). This concept is more than clear
about what household waste is, so from this point on we focus on one of the wastes
that originates the most, which is cardboard, and understand where its generation
comes from. However, to better analyze the impact of this waste we must understand
its composition and the alternative solutions that we can give to this problem.

Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the aspects that generate a large
amount of waste cardboard in the province of Ica and learn more about said solid
waste. For this reason, it is essential to answer the following two questions: What
impact does the generation of cardboard have in the province of Ica? And what actions
should municipalities take to promote cardboard recycling? The research we will carry
out on the generation of cardboard and its impact in the province of Ica will allow us to
understand the causes and consequences of this serious problem and how the
authorities act. The work will be amply justified with the arguments that we will discuss.

2.0 Contextualization

Before starting the analysis of cardboard generation in the province of Ica, it is good to
know what the composition of this waste is like and what its classification is, which is
why the following describes these two aspects.

Usually, the composition values of domestic or municipal solid waste are

described in terms of mass percentage, also on a wet basis and
elements such as organic matter, paper and cardboard, etc. The
usefulness of knowing about their composition is in order to analyze
their feasibility for their recycling, treatment and management. On the
other hand, inorganic matter is waste made with materials that do not

decompose or take a long time to do so, such as plastics, metals, paper

and cardboard. (Fernandez, 2019, pp. 29 and 30).

Consequently, solid waste generated at the household level must be known regarding
its composition for recycling segregation purposes. Unfortunately, many people do not
know about this concept and do not distribute the waste generated well. Likewise, it
tells us about inorganic matter, which takes a considerable time to decompose
according to the author, but others mention that it is one of the materials that pollute
the least, producing a dilemma in society, therefore, the following points are
presented :

2.1 Cardboard composition

To begin to address the analysis of cardboard generation, we must begin by

investigating how solid waste is classified, for this we must examine the characteristics
it has, this can be corroborated according to Aliaga (as cited in Fernandez, 2019)
mentions us. :

The characteristics of waste can vary depending on social, economic,

cultural, geographical and climatic aspects, that is, the same factors that
also differentiate communities from each other and from cities
themselves. The analysis of waste can be carried out following its
physical, chemical and biological characteristics. (pp. 31 and 32)

Therefore, it is essential to understand how to carry out a good analysis of solid waste
and know how to differentiate them according to the 3 aspects mentioned. From this
point, we will be able to know what the classification of cardboard waste is, since a long
time ago there was a dilemma about whether this waste was organic or inorganic.
However, as Picco tells us:

Although paper and cardboard are composed, in the main part of their
structure, of organic components, their inclusion within the inorganic
category has been considered due to the process they follow in their
valorization that is related to their use as raw material for the generation
of new materials. (2021, p. 10)

The aforementioned shows us how cardboard is constituted and why it is an inorganic

waste, since many consider it as organic, which is a misconception that is held.

On the other hand, said material has a composition that makes it such a material in
demand worldwide and nationally. To understand how it is constituted, the following is

Cardboard is composed of a cellulose material, which can be corrugated

or smooth depending on the use given to it. Likewise, it has great
resistance and the ability to support a certain weight and, above all, it is
a recyclable material with the benefit that it can be reused until its useful
life is exhausted. (Soto-Chávez et al., 2020, p. 108)

This tells us that the characteristics of its cardboard composition are useful to perform
various functions or tasks. Furthermore, thanks to the properties it has, it is considered
one of the best materials, since it is also beneficial for caring for the environment as it
is a component that can be reused.

2.2 Growth of the paper industry

The growth of the paper industry is due to the great demand that exists in the world for
products derived from paper and cardboard. In our country, the usefulness of these two
materials has been very important in various sectors, but it has been most popular in
the personal hygiene of Peruvians, this is evident in the following:

The performance in recent years of the paper industry in Peru in terms

of the manufacturing and production of paper and cardboard products
has been growing due largely to the production of hygiene products
such as toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, among others. others.
(Mendoza et al., 2018, p. 32)

Therefore, it is understandable the great need that Peruvians have for products in
which cardboard is used to manufacture. Likewise, it mentions that the paper and
cardboard industry has been increasing, therefore, this means that the requirement for
this material is currently essential for products necessary in our daily lives, especially
those linked to personal hygiene. .

2.3 Description of the province of Ica

First of all, to investigate the impact that cardboard produces in the place we have
mentioned, we must know the following points perfectly to properly delve into the

2.3.1 Geographic location

The province of Ica has an area of 7,894.25 km², including 0.20 km² of island surface. It
is the capital of the department and is south of the capital of the Republic at a distance
of 306 km. Its coordinates are 14º 04' 00” South Latitude and 75º43' 24” West
Longitude of Greenwich and it is 406 meters above sea level. (INDECI, sf, p.11)

2.3.2 Population and Climate

The province of Ica has a total of 445,752 according to the projection made in 2020 by
the INEI (BCRP,2021).

On the other hand, in the province of Ica, the climate depends on the season of the
year, for example, the summers are hot, arid and cloudy and the winters are
comfortable, dry and mostly clear. Over the course of the year, the temperature
generally varies from 15°C to 28°C and rarely drops below 12°C or rises above 31°C.
(Weather Spark, nd, para. 1)

2.3.3 Division of the province

The Province of Ica includes the districts of Ica, La Tinguiña, Los Aquijes, Ocucaje,
Pachacutec, Parcona, Pueblo Nuevo, Salas, San José de Los Molinos, San Juan
Bautista, Santiago, Subtanjalla, Tate and Yauca del Rosario. (INDECI, sf, p.11)

2.3.4 Urban and Rural Population

“The results of the 2017 census in the department of Ica reveal that 92.4% of the
population belongs to the urban area and 7.6% corresponds to the rural area. At the
level of each province, the highest percentages of the urban population are found in Ica
(94.6%), Chincha (92.9%) and Pisco (92.0%); while, Palpa (52.2%) registers the lowest
percentage. In the rural area, the population of the provinces of Palpa (47.8%) and
Nasca (12.7%) present the highest percentages” (INEI, 2018, p.25)

2.4 Data on solid waste in the province of Ica

To address the problem we are investigating, we need certain statistical data for the
analysis of the waste that is produced as a result of the various factors that we will
explain later. According to the Ministry of the Environment, it shows us the following
about the province

The generation of solid waste in 2020 in the 5 provinces, an average of

244 thousand tons of municipal solid waste per year are discarded. Ica,
Chincha, Pisco, Palpa and Nazca discard different amounts of solid
waste every day, for example, Ica generates 332.41 tons of solid waste
per day. (2021, p.8)

From this, it is evident that the province of Ica generates large amounts of solid waste
per day, so a solution must be sought that is effective in achieving change.

According to the Comprehensive Environmental Management Plan for Solid Waste of

the Province of Ica, the average generation of waste per day in 14 districts is an

average of 161.39 MT/day as a province and as a district, Ica produces an average of

179.35 MT per day, of which of which 2.42% is solid cardboard waste (Provincial
Municipality of Ica, 2012) to this we must add that to date the population and homes
have increased, which suggests a greater increase in the volume of waste and the use
of cardboard.

3.0 Cause of cardboard generation

Among the causes that cause excessive use and the generation of cardboard waste
are the following:

3.1 Population growth

The increase in population due to greater urban development, According to Bonfanti

(as cited in Huamaní et al., 2019) maintains that:

The rapid growth of the population without planning is the main cause of
the generation of solid waste. Reality that the State, through the Ministry
of the Environment, must implement investment projects that contribute
to mitigating the cleaning crisis that affects the entire population, mainly
the urban population. The management of solid waste, through reuse in
composting and obtaining material for recycling paper-cardboard,
plastics, glass and metals, for marketing as inputs for other economic
activities, is an opportunity to generate jobs and a source of generating
monetary income from highly profitable and sustainable business
entrepreneurship. (p.107)

In the case of the province of Ica, there was a population of 391,519 inhabitants in
2017 (INEI, 2017), of which it is the province with the highest population concentration
(45.7 percent of the regional total), the same as It is a reflection of migration from other
regions because the province of Ica develops agroindustry that generates employment
among the low-income population and the service sector has increased.

3.2 Increase in cardboard demand

It is a reality that, currently, the world is contaminated by the waste generated by the
population. However, many associate that the increase in waste is mainly due to
homes and local markets, which is a completely wrong idea, as shown in the following

Pollution from this waste is not only constituted by organic waste

generated in homes and markets, but also by waste that comes from

companies' businesses, such as cardboard and paper. (Valdivia, 2021,

p. 13)

With the above, we understand the mistaken idea that was had about the production of
solid waste, since organizations also contribute to this cause with materials such as
cardboard and paper.

On the other hand, the permanent use of paper by the industry due to its functionality
and versatility that allows the manufacture of products, containers and packaging,
which in a short time become obsolete, as Uribe and Sánchez maintain (as cited in
Ramon and Moreno , 2018) tells us that:

One of the major pollutants is the use of paper and cardboard, which is
used in many of the processes and activities of daily life; Especially the
food industry has been the preferred one for this type of material for its
conservation and storage. (p. 2)

Although paper and cardboard are one of the main pollutants due to their great
employability in various daily tasks, these materials do not take long to degrade unlike
the others that exist, since it only takes 1 year to decompose. Likewise, the demand
they have is due to the fact that cardboard is used as a base material that, combined
with other materials or through certain modifications, a variety of new products can be
obtained. (Vargas and García, 2022). Likewise, it is mainly used to preserve or store
different types of food, as well as other objects.

Excessive use of cardboard products in food packaging that allow

greater handling and transportation. In the pandemic due to COVID-19,
the use of cardboard-based products has increased, such as packaging
for delivery meals, masks based on cardboard fibers; “Quarantine
policies, established in most countries, led to an increase in household
waste generation. (Sanchez-Gutierrez, 2021, p. 5)

This is due to concerns about safety and hygiene and pandemic panic buying, which
resulted in a substantial increase in plastic and cardboard packaging, due to the high
demand for packaged food and groceries and the use of disposable utensils, both for
convenience and peace of mind, as these materials are the safest against COVID-19.

3.3 Weak cardboard recycling culture

The lack of environmental education and the lack of solid waste management in the
population is reflected in the lack of knowledge about the collection and classification of
waste, "Generally, the management of waste during the generation and collection

stages is at the personal discretion of each person." of the inhabitants, management

options will depend on factors such as socioeconomic and general cultural level.”
(Loor, 2021, p. 11).

Furthermore, a very surprising fact is the weak recycling culture that we have as a
country, this can be verified with the following:

It is known that for the manufacture of products derived from paper,

natural/virgin inputs and recycled inputs are required, the latter being
very scarce in our country, given that we do not have the habit of
recycling and/or reusing the paper and cardboard waste that we
generates society. (Mendoza et al., 2018, p. 175)

This shows us that, to manufacture new products derived from paper, recycled paper
and cardboard waste is needed. However, in Peru, there is no culture of recycling or
reusing the waste that we produce every day, which is why it is necessary to import
these recycled materials from abroad, when they could easily be obtained in our
country if a good recycling.

In the province, due to the lack of a recycling culture, waste such as cardboard is piled
up in the streets freely exposed to stray dogs, putting the health of the population at
risk. There are no ecological points for timely collection based on the type of waste.

3.4 Deficiency in classification

The population is unaware of the classification criteria for solid waste as we see in the
province of Ica, where household waste is all together.

The generation of solid household and non-household waste is carried

out without classification or separation by type of waste, such as paper,
cardboard, plastics, glass, metals and others; This shortcoming is an
opportunity to implement a training plan to segregate waste by type at
the generation source […]”. (Huamaní et al, 2020, p. 4).

It is important that the population be educated about the classification system by color,
so for example, the gray bin must contain paper and cardboard. This explains that
there is not a good distribution of solid waste in general, since it is not separated
according to its composition and therefore they all end up mixed. Given this, training
and awareness measures must be taken.

In the province of Ica, deficiencies in classification are evident due to the lack of
information and awareness in the management of waste such as cardboard, among

4.0 Consequences of poor cardboard management

4.1 Cardboard contamination

The improvement of social orders has always remained inseparable from technological
advancement with a high effect on our biodiversity. The world has realized that to
progress in its business and have the option of meeting the requirements of a public
eager to use it, it is important to do so through ecological awareness. It has been
realized that these advances must be made with a difference to the climate, as creation
has unleashed devastation on planet Earth, delivering the dangerous atmospheric
devastation we endure today.

In this regard, Chas and Lorenzo (as cited in Falquez-Arce and Bohórquez-Suárez,

One of the greatest environmental impacts is the contamination of paper

and cardboard, and above all an impact on the environmental
awareness of the manufacturing process. However, companies look for
excuses for the manufacture of recycled paper considering that the
recoverer faces a negative balance between the cost of collecting and
treating the recovered paper, on the one hand, and the sale to the paper
manufacturer on the other. (p. 342)

The developing concern for the protection of the planet focuses on environmental
sustainability, verifying that the effect of individuals on the earth has grown along with
high degrees of natural disintegration, constantly causing irreversible damage to the

4.2 Impact on the environment

The use of paper and cardboard in daily exercises is continuous, it is used in
workplaces, organizations, companies, homes, educational centers, etc. This
component is extremely important, but its use can lead to results that influence the
natural resources of our planet, such as wood. So much so that Greenpeace states

Of all the wood carved for industrial activities, 40% belongs to paper manufacturing.
Therefore, there has been a high destruction of forests through tree felling. In addition

to the felling of trees, in many places there is an effect of transformation and

replacement of forests with trees that are planted intentionally and artificially for the
production of paper, which contributes to deteriorating the ecosystem. (DocuSign,
2021, para. 11 and 12)

The use of paper and cardboard has become an action that constitutes one of the
biggest problems for the conservation of our ecosystem and resources.

Now, focusing on our country: “In 2016, at the national level, 7,005,576 tons of
municipal solid waste were generated, of which only 1.9% of the total reusable solid
waste (plastic, glass, cardboard) was recycled. , among others)". (SIAR, 2018, para. 3)

Consequently, the large amount of waste that is not reused or recycled causes a
negative impact on the environment, as Jaramillo and Zapata mentions (as cited in
López, 2018), these affect the quality of the environment due to their accumulation,
causing air pollution, soil contamination and harming flora and fauna.

4.3 Social and economic impact

In this era, when assets are scarce and the rate of pollution is so high, the circular
economy is the solution, not only to help ecological protection, but also because it is a
reasonable method to advance financial development and social well-being. Within the
circular economy, assets revalue over and over again as they are reused.

All the environmental benefits in recycling cardboard, paper, plastic and

glass bottles are linked to the economic and social benefits, since by
reducing raw materials and energy, costs are reduced. And socially, you
can see the benefits, by reducing pollution in your environment, and also
in people's learning, by knowing how to select and learn to recycle these
materials. (Puican, 2018, p. 14)

This paragraph allows us to understand the great advantages of cardboard recycling,

since it is not only the environmental aspect, but also economic and social,
consequently, it is important to make citizens aware that a correct distribution of solid
waste can benefit not only a group, but an entire society.

However, a negative impact of cardboard is what occurred in the Huacachina area,

where there is an accumulation of solid waste including cardboard, this has caused
many tourists not to wish to visit the place for this reason, this is evidenced by what

Lately, tourists are losing interest in visiting the Huacachina Oasis due
to factors such as the deterioration of the landscape, loss of diversity,
resulting in a direct impact on the economic development and well-being
of the residents. One of the threats that affects the Huacachina Oasis is
the generation of solid waste and its inadequate management, among
which organic matter, wood, paper, cardboard and glass stand out,
since much waste is accumulated in various places, which which
generates its rapid decomposition due to the heat of the sun. (Bardales
and De la Cruz, 2019, p. 12)

5.0 Solid waste management tools

The comprehensive management of solid waste has become a public need and of
interest not only locally but above all national and international because inadequate
management has generated pollution problems, hence Gutiérrez (2018) maintains that
the Comprehensive management of solid waste is a tool to improve urban
environmental quality and therefore improve the living conditions of the population. This
shows that quality of life is associated with the way waste management is carried out,
starting from the home.

Likewise, Vértice (as cited in Gutiérrez, 2018) tells us that:

Solid waste commonly referred to as waste is materials that have not been processed
or waste resulting from household activity, which may have a gaseous, liquid or solid
character, the end of which is the disposal of these due to their lack of value for the
owner. hence it is disposed of as garbage to the collection truck.

Indeed, household waste in families is not previously classified or segregated,

everything organic, inorganic, recyclable and not recycled is gathered together and
dumped into a common collector that is then collected by the Municipality; The lack of
knowledge of adequate management means that the value of this household waste is
unknown, for example if the population were educated. In the Peruvian case, according
to data from the Ombudsman's Office (2020), it tells us that of all the municipal solid
waste that is generated, 70% comes from homes.

On the other hand, according to the General Law of Solid Waste No. 27314, waste is
classified within them as household waste, which is what is produced in families'
homes and homes, which includes paper waste, cardboard, plastics, food waste,
textiles, leather, oils, wood, appliances, mattresses, glass, cleaning products, etc.
(Gutierrez, 2018)

The comprehensive management of this type of waste consists of planned, organized

and coordinated management between institutions such as the Municipality and
families for appropriate management, such as adequate classification by type of waste,
optimal storage, timely collection, safe transportation, processing. and final disposal of
solid waste. Actions that result in the care of the environment and the health of the
population. It is worth remembering that household solid waste has a life cycle, which
begins with generation followed by collection, storage, transportation, treatment, final
disposal and marketing through the reuse of the waste or the recycling system
(Gutiérrez, 2018)

Since 2011, in the Peruvian case, there has been a Source Segregation and Selective
Collection of Solid Waste Program that depends on the Ministry of the Environment;
however, in the province of Ica it has not yet carried out effective actions in homes. ,
with some exceptions for waste delivery campaigns at times determined by the

5.1 Comprehensive management of household solid waste

The country's authorities should implement strategies for the management of waste
produced in homes, since the increase in waste can be harmful to the environment. For
this reason, the following should be put into practice:

The comprehensive management of household solid waste can be defined as the

selection and application of techniques, technologies and management programs
suitable to achieve specific goals and objectives for the management of solid waste
originating from homes. (Barboza and Julón, 2017, p. 50)

This would allow the pollution caused by waste produced in people's homes to have a
better distribution and administration to be recycled or reused according to its
composition, as is the case of cardboard, with which both can be applied. mentioned

However, in the Ica region, investments are being implemented for the good
management of solid waste, this is demonstrated by “The Minister of the Environment,
Modesto Montoya, stated that his sector is investing around S/65,000,000 for the
improvement of “the comprehensive management of solid waste in the Ica region,
through different development projects.” (Ministry of the Environment, 2022, para. 1)

Therefore, it is essential that the entire population and authorities of the region commit
to solid waste management, since even domestic waste frequently requires treatment.

On the other hand, in other cases, many wastes that have usable potential or can be
reused are considered lost.

For all the above, to manage solid waste the following must be carried out:

The first thing is to separate the waste according to its composition, which is why
colored tanks are used to prevent them from mixing. Then temporarily store them so
that they can later be valued or reused. However, unusable waste must be taken to
authorized places to prevent it from contributing to pollution. (Leiton and Revelo, 2017)

5.2 National Plan for Comprehensive Solid Waste Management

Peru, through the Ministry of the Environment (2016), has a National Plan for
Comprehensive Solid Waste Management for the period 2016 – 2024, a document that
establishes the guidelines on the handling and management of waste in our country,
supported by national regulations. and international commitments assumed by the
Peruvian State.

Within this document, we can find everything necessary to know about the correct
management of solid waste in Peru, since its guiding principles are: Education of the
population to achieve a healthy life, health prevention and minimization of risks,
precaution, integration, source control, waste efficiency, recycling, sustainability,
shared responsibility, generation of sustainable economy, citizen participation and
communication, science and technology (Ministry of the Environment, 2016)

On the other hand, it also contains general policy guidelines for environmental
education for better care of the environment, timely decentralization, multisectoral and
articulated participation of institutions, citizen participation and technical cooperation
from other countries and organizations, etc. (Ministry of the Environment, 2016)

It is a governing document from which regional, provincial, district and local plans for
waste management arise, but however this management instrument is not known for
approval because it does not participate in its preparation and validation.

It is a governing document from which regional, provincial, district and local plans for
waste management arise, but however this management instrument is not known for
approval because it does not participate in its preparation and validation.

At the national level, our country has a plan to manage the solid waste generated in the
different regions. This is an instrument where projects and activities are agreed upon to
manage waste correctly, pointing towards a better future and be viable. Likewise, this

Among its specific purposes is to promote the adoption of sustainable

consumption patterns and reduce the generation of solid waste to a
minimum and increase the action of reusing and recycling, in order to be
friendly to the environment." (Cahuaya, 2017, p. 17).

This plan is of utmost importance to be able to delve into the analysis of cardboard
waste management, since through the objectives it raises, the population will
understand that the importance of reuse and recycling is for the benefit of ourselves.

At the national level, environmental problems cannot be analyzed or understood

without a perspective in each part of the country, since these problems arise as a
consequence of multiple factors that interact and due to the lifestyle that human beings
propose, it represents an expense of increasingly growing and unsustainable natural
and energy resources. About:

The Minister of the Environment, Modesto Montoya, maintained that his

sector permanently advises the country's municipalities for the
development of environmental education actions related to solid waste
management. In this regard, he indicated that the Ministry of the
Environment (Minam) executes the Municipal Program of Education,
Culture and Environmental Citizenship (Educca), through which local
governments are provided with technical advice and training in
environmental management. (El peruano, 2022, para. 1 and 2)

Consequently, the administration that is carried out is important because it makes it

possible for urban areas to be cleaner, making everyone aware of the importance of
having a clean environment.

6.0 Actions carried out by the Provincial Municipality of Ica

The last Comprehensive Solid Waste Plan of the Province of Ica was prepared in 2012,
since then the authorities have not taken actions to address the problem of the waste
generated. This problem is not only due to the lack of commitment of the authorities,
but also of the population, this is what Niño Torres et al tells us. (2017), state that the
problem of solid waste originates in the community that produces it, therefore, the
search for solutions must be oriented in this direction (p.185). However, it is known that
serious public cleaning problems persist, where MINAM (2012) points out that “the
management of municipalities in terms of public cleaning, at the national level, is
deficient, it is carried out in an unplanned manner.” (p. 4). By the way, the Ministry of
the Environment (as cited in De la Torre et al., 2022 ) declared that the poor

management of solid waste in Ica had reached alarming levels, and declared it in a
state of emergency, at that time it occupied the 2nd place nationally with the largest
number of territories affected by solid waste.” Likewise, currently the province of Ica
only has recycling programs with different schedules and different routes for collecting

Furthermore, the lack of modernization of the province's management plans is due,

according to De la Torre (2022)

Ica has a PIGARS that dates back to 2017, which must be updated
according to current legislation; It has legal and regulatory instruments
to support management, it has a landfill, and cleaning personnel, but the
municipality is incompetent to solve this problem; Critical points are
frequently observed, deposits of solid waste in the streets, avenues,
ditches, the river, and others, which threaten public health, and
contaminate the landscape, a situation that must be resolved (p. 62)

Because of this, it has generated discomfort in the population and especially in the
officials where 86% indicate that they should be updated, 43% mention that they are
not satisfied with the collection service, adding to this the poor public cleaning, due to
to the low cultural level of the population and the deficient collection system.

In the province of Ica you can see the large quantities of solid waste that have
accumulated in different places, with people being the main causes of these volumes of
waste. Given that the authorities have not been able to face this problem due to some
shortcomings in their organization, this is confirmed by the following quote:

The Provincial Municipality of Ica did not have tools for the management
of its solid waste, such as: Municipal Solid Waste Characterization
Study, Solid Waste Management Plan or any other tool for its
management. Given this lack of tools, the development of a
characterization study was proposed. (Bardales and De la Cruz, 2019,
p. 97)

The lack of instruments to manage solid waste in Ica has caused the first step to be
taken, which is to carry out a characterization study (study of quantity, composition and
density). This related to our topic on cardboard waste, guides us that the Municipality of
Ica is taking this measure as a starting point to then act and better manage the waste
that is generated.

In our country, some authorities understand the importance of not wasting solid waste
and only sending it to landfills, some of which are like cardboard. They can be used
again and be profitable in certain aspects. This can be corroborated with the following:

In Peru, the Ministry of the Environment, together with local

governments, are implementing strategies to valorize solid paper and
cardboard waste through the Incentive Program for the Improvement of
Municipal Management, which provides benefits to municipalities that
comply with a certain amount of waste recovered per year. (Picco, 2021,

Although the Ministry has to provide an incentive for municipalities to worry about the
valorization of cardboard, this should happen constantly and consciously and not just
waiting for economic remuneration, but the initiative they are taking with the
municipalities is very good and It is hoped that in the future it will not be necessary to
provide a financial incentive.

7.0 Solution alternatives

After analyzing all the information that we have previously researched, we understand
that cardboard is one of the most environmentally friendly materials and that it can be
an alternative in the future so that our planet is not so affected by solid waste
pollution. . Therefore we present the following proposals:

7.1 Circular economy

On the other hand, the circular economy model should be chosen, it proposes to
reduce the dependence of organizations on natural resources. The main objective of
this system is that the waste produced, after use, can be re-coordinated in the form of
information. Given this, the cardboard business is betting intensely on this framework.
Carton packaging organizations that have evolved towards a circular economy model,
by implementing new techniques and innovations, have demonstrated the productivity
and benefits that this can offer to the business. As an example, the Grupak
organization, which is committed to the production of sustainable paper and packaging,
manufacturing 100 percent of its articles with reused material, that is, it does not cut
down a single tree; and obviously, the loss after use is also 100 percent recyclable.
(Grupak, nd).

Therefore, the proposal is that an increasing number of organizations and companies

investigate their tasks and perceive how they can coordinate a circular economy model

in their management or administration and encourage their value chain, clients and
buyers to be part of this procedure.

7.2 Cardboard recycling

One of the most effective would be the recycling of cardboard, since as mentioned by
Greenpeace (as cited in Puican, 2018): “The majority of recycled paper is transformed
back into new paper and cardboard products. Another main use of recycled paper is to
make cardstock or cardboard.” (p. 44). This explains why cardboard is a favorable
material for the environment, since recycled paper is used to make it and it is
transformed into a new product that will be useful for different activities. It is also
implied that, thanks to the recycling of solid waste such as paper, we can manufacture
cardboard and its derivatives, which means that, if you want to pollute less and less,
you must manage and distribute the waste that is generated much better.

However, thanks to the recycling of this material we minimize the use of some polluting
resources, as shown in the following quote:

It is important to recycle cardboard since approximately for every ton of

recycled cardboard, 140 liters of oil, 50,000 liters of water, two cubic
meters of space in a landfill, and 900 kilos of carbon dioxide are saved,
compared to cardboard obtained from raw materials. cousins. (Escárate,
2018, p. 15)

This comparison shown helps us reflect on recycling this material and not
manufacturing from new inputs, since this reduces pollution and contributes to
sustainable development.

Furthermore, as is already known, cardboard is a material that is mainly produced from

cellulose. Cellulose is a substance obtained from plant matter, mainly from trees.
Cellulose is the main part of the cell layer that makes up plants and, to acquire it, it is
important to grind enormous amounts of plant matter. Then, once the cellulose is
acquired, it is exposed to various medications that allow pieces of cardboard to be
manufactured. Therefore, the importance of recycling this raw material arises, as
Arriols (2020) tells us.

Recycling paper and cardboard is important because it allows us to reduce the number
of trees that have to be cut down to make paper. Because so much paper and
cardboard is made from the cellulose obtained from trees, if the cellulose can be
recovered from unusable paper and cardboard, it can be used again in the
manufacture of new paper and cardboard, which will prevent felling. of many trees. In

fact, to give us an idea, for every ton of paper and cardboard that is recycled, on
average, the felling of 18 trees is avoided. (para. 4)

On the other hand, recycling cardboard also has a decisive influence on reducing the
waste we generate. This reduces a large portion of the waste that would end up in
incinerators or, more regrettably, dissipate into the environment.

7.3 Reuse of cardboard

However, reusing cardboard benefits the planet, since the resources used for its
production and processing are reduced. The following quote tells us this: “the use of
recycled paper and cardboard reduces GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions by 20%, and
requires approximately 1.5 times less energy and 2.5 times less water for paper
production.” (Mendoza et al., 2018, p. 16)

In that sense, this shows us that recycling cardboard helps care for the planet, since it
has a lower impact on it and allows us to minimize the use of energy and water.
However, this process benefits sustainable development, since by polluting less than
other waste, we do not harm the deterioration of the environment and thus allow people
to satisfy their needs in the future with the use of natural resources.

Likewise, our country could adopt strategies from abroad to reuse cardboard instead of
wasting it, as is happening in one of the European countries. An analysis carried out in
Spain tells us that.

All recovered paper and cardboard is used by cardboard factories for

reuse. Likewise, manufacturers have considerably reduced the use of
water and energy, emissions into the atmosphere and the amount of
solid waste produced, thus refuting certain existing myths regarding the
paper and cardboard sector. (Calabuig, 2019, p.9)

This shows us the great contribution that the factories in that country make, and that
they not only analyze that they spend less on inputs, but that their actions favor the
care of the planet. This action is what companies in our country should consider with a
solution that benefits everyone.

7.4 Cardboard as a sustainable alternative

This material can work as an alternative for industries to stop manufacturing products
from other materials that are more polluting and harmful to the environment. For this
reason, in our country the following has been proposed:

Thanks to the war against plastic in Peru, decreed in Law No. 30884
that regulates its consumption; The production of paper and cardboard
has ensured its growth due to the greater demand for containers and
packaging in our country made of this material. According to data from
the Ministry of Production, products such as cardboard boxes, various
cartons and corrugated paper have increased their production by up to
36%. (Burneo and Ramos, 2020, p. 3)

This expresses that, if cardboard has a greater demand in our country, it is a result of
the fact that it is a suitable material and a good way to progressively eliminate the
production of plastic, which is much more polluting and harmful to the environment.
Likewise, this could replace various materials in the future due to its great durability
and resistance.

One of the actions that we can carry out, as people and as the public in general, to try
not to reach a serious point, is to reduce our propensities for use, which normally focus
on the use and elimination of elements and instead , it would be smarter to start
reusing and reusing what we secure against it.

Cardboard is the most environmentally friendly material because it limits carbon dioxide
and oil emissions by up to 60%, compared to other types of packaging, according to a
study conducted by the Institute for Energy and Energy Research. Environment. The
study compared the resource use and ecological impact of various types of packaging
materials, including cardboard, cans, glass and plastic containers. (Juárez, 2022, para.
1 and 2)

In that sense, the cardboard packaging industry adds to natural safety by involving
reused material in the development of its items. This is because, by using reused
cardboard, fewer virgin resources are used, so we avoid, for example, the aimless
felling of trees, and consequently we do not make progress in the deforestation of our
forests. For all of the above, cardboard has become an excellent sustainability option
for the food industries, retail trade and others.

7.5 Use of cardboard

Finally, one of the points that should be promoted the most is that cardboard is used
correctly to avoid its high production. Due to the aforementioned, companies have
implemented within their management that the waste of said material is used to
produce new products and thus it is also profitable and generates greater benefits, this
can be said according to GreenPeace (as cited in Mendoza et al., 2018): “paper

producing companies use recycled paper and cardboard waste as one of their inputs,
accounting for 38% of the total of all inputs in their production.” (p. 22). Therefore, it is
understood that said waste can be conveniently used by organizations, because while
they seek to reduce their costs to generate more income, at the same time they reduce
the environmental impact by recycling and reusing cardboard and including it as an
element in their production processes.

Furthermore, if we make the correct use of this waste, it will result in the care of the
environment, a topic that has been discussed by many specialists and it is said that in
a few years our planet will not have the natural resources necessary to satisfy the
needs. of people. This is stated by Alcivar (as cited in Romero, 2017) “The use of the
garbage generated by paper and cardboard will make a substantial contribution to
caring for the environment.” (p. 10). This reason is more than enough to demonstrate
how magnificent it can be if we as a society become aware about taking advantage of

Another way to take advantage of the solid waste that is generated, such as cardboard,
is to use the management system that other countries have, as Luiz explains to us (as
cited in Poletto and Celso, 2009).

Brazil has great potential to generate energy from solid waste and this
alternative could increase the energy supply in the country to 50 million
megawatt-hours per year, which represents more than 15% of the total
available currently. or about a quarter of what the plant generates.

For this reason, Peru should consider implementing this alternative to take advantage
of solid waste so that it can benefit us, as is the case with the energy that can be
obtained. Also by reusing solid waste and its energy, it would provide us with a great
benefit to contribute to the environmental problems that exist in the world.

8.0 Conclusions

After analyzing all the points discussed above, we can conclude the following:

The composition values of domestic or municipal solid waste are described in terms of
mass percentage. It was also possible to know the composition of the cardboard, the
characteristics of the waste and how these can vary depending on social, climatic
aspects, etc. We also know that cardboard has organic components and its
composition is a cellulose material. On the other hand, it was analyzed that, in the
province of Ica, according to a MINAN report, a large amount of solid waste (including
cardboard) is produced per day, this due to the growth of the paper industry and the
great demand that It has cardboard in several sectors.

The excessive increase in the generation of solid cardboard waste in the province of
Ica is caused by population growth, which, because it is a strategic area with export
agriculture and university centers, becomes an attractive pole for migration, in the

same way. The increase in demand for the use of cardboard, especially by the food
industry, means that it is used more frequently. Added to this is a weak and lack of
cardboard recycling culture due to the lack of knowledge of its reuse and added value,
and finally the deficiencies. In the classification, segregation and collection of waste,
there is a poor management of solid waste, especially cardboard, and there is a need
to educate the population and articulate intersectoral coordination to eradicate the
problem of poor waste management.

However, there is overwhelming interest in paper and board, which is used as the
primary method of trading. In institutions there is no good internal management of eco-
productivity strategies for the legitimate administration of this asset, so the impact that
is created for the climate falls on issues, for example, the decline and extinction of our
valuable resources. , particularly forest resources. Furthermore, the social and
economic impact in this era, in which assets are scarce and the rate of pollution is so
high, the circular economy is the solution, not only to help ecological protection, but
also because it is a method reasonable to advance financial development and social

To manage solid waste at the national level, there is the National Plan for
Comprehensive Solid Waste Management, which provides the necessary guidelines to
manage it both at the regional, provincial and district levels. From this we can define
that, in the case of the province of Ica, currently the regulations provided by the plan
are not followed, since the authorities do not assume the commitment to the reality of
the problem and simply do not face this problem that can cause serious problems in
the not too distant future. Likewise, the municipality of the province of Ica does not
have the necessary instruments to manage the waste that is produced every day,
however, the Ministry of the Environment has been investing a certain amount of
money so that the management of said waste can be improved. not only in the
province, but in the entire region.

Cardboard is one of the wastes that least affects the planet, but that does not mean
that it should not be recycled and look for alternatives so that it does not contaminate
the environment. For this reason, recycling and reusing this material means stopping
consuming large amounts of resources such as water, energy, oil, etc. Furthermore,
taking advantage of it correctly allows us to obtain social and environmental benefits.
Finally, cardboard is considered a sustainable alternative, since, unlike other materials,
it is not so harmful.

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