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The black cat

The story deals with an event without saying what the characters are called; The story narrates as a
character, he has a passion for animals, and his latest acquisition after getting married was a cat.
One day, when he was drunk, he caught the cat and since he didn't like the way it looked at him, he
ripped out one of its eyes. Later he regretted it, but the cat was left without one of its eyeballs. Shortly
after, she decided to end the poor cat's suffering and hanged it from a tree. When she was on her way
home, a large concentration of curious onlookers were in front of her, the house was burning.
After the terrifying fire, only a couple of partitions were left standing, everything else was completely
burned, a total disaster, but without human lives involved, this man went to see what was left of his
house and among it he saw a partition that It caught his attention, it was the only one that remained
almost intact, he noticed, and he could distinguish between the shapes on the wall a silhouette of a cat...
After a while, his situation returned to being relatively normal, he had a house, a wife, future plans, etc.,
but one day while going out for drinks in a bar he found a cat and decided to adopt it, he took it home.
He noticed that the cat looked at him badly, that he only trusted his wife, that she did not show affection
to him, nor followed him, nor paid him any attention. One day, when he had been drinking, he came
home drunk and decided to kill the cat. He took an ax and hit it behind his back and killed his wife. She
had stood behind him to see what he was going to do and she was the one who received the ax blow. I
kill with one blow.
Seeing the panorama, he decided to make a hole in the wall, put the body in and covered it as if the wall
were intact, he continued with his purpose of killing the cat, he did not find it.
Shortly after, people became suspicious of the strange disappearance of their neighbor, and the police
incriminated him as the main suspect.
One day the law enforcement officers went to his house to do an inspection, they found nothing, but
they began to hear meows from the basement, the officers followed them and they turned out to be
behind the wall, they knocked it down and saw that there was a meowing cat and a dead woman.

The oval portrait

Radcliffe was injured, so his servant Pedro helps him by entering a temporarily abandoned castle. They
go to the bedroom with the oldest riches, located in the farthest tower of the castle. Radcliffe discovers
the presence of a painting. She was a beautiful young woman. At first it scared him, but then he began to
observe it and was surprised by how real it seemed.
He took a book that was from the bedroom where the history of each painting that was present there
was written.
This painting told the story of a woman who was dating a painter, who was obsessive and decided to
paint her.
They all spent the day in a room where hardly any light entered; The young woman little by little became
ill, but she did not say anything to her fiance because of the love she had for him, and she realized how
happy painting her made him.
When the painter finished the painting, he looked at his beloved and must have realized that she was
The Rue Morgue Crimes

Two women, mother and daughter, called Madame de l'Epanaye and Mademoiselle Camilla,
were found dead in their apartment, mutilated, dismembered by a being whose strength was
supposed to be atrocious. The walls of that room are the only silent witnesses of such an
execrable event. Circumstances and events that are so difficult to unravel can be interpreted by
supernatural signs or respond to a mystery or enigma. However, when investigator Auguste
Dupin, promoter of Sherlock Holmes himself, is called to participate, reasoning and intelligence
come into action.

The Rue Morgue Murders is the first detective story, but it is also the first "locked room"
mystery, in which the reader is required to find explanations for an apparently indecipherable
enigma outlined in a highly concrete and delimited space. . The themes of the story are
substantially two: blind barbarism and its natural opponent, ratiocination, or, on a figurative
level, uncertainties and light; and, as in every detective story, the light will ultimately be
victorious. The Murders in the Rue Morgue (The Murders in the Rue Morgue in English), also
known as The Murders on Rue Morgue or The Murders on Rue Morgue, is a crime and horror
story by the American writer Edgar Allan Poe, published for the first time. once in Graham's
Magazine, of Philadelphia, in the month of April 1841. It is neither more nor less than the first
detective story in the history of literature. The bloody murder of two women, mother and
daughter, occurred in an apartment on one of the most frequented streets in Paris.

The first investigations did not yield any results, proving the ineptitude of the police to unravel
the facts. Finally, an enthusiastic detective, M., takes charge of the case. Dupin, who after intense
and brilliant research, offers an extraordinary explanation. The Murders in the Rue Morgue, apart
from the first detective story, is also the first "locked room" mystery, in which the reader is
challenged to explain an apparently enigma. insoluble and raised in a very specific and delimited
area. The themes of the story are essentially two: blind brutality and its dialectical opponent,
ratiocination, or, on a metaphorical level, darkness and light; and, as in any self-respecting
detective story, this one will emerge triumphant in the end. As on other occasions, for its
preparation the author freely immersed himself in a real case, as well as, he has relied, on the
character of the Parisian police inspector Vidocq. This famous agent, then, would be behind the
wonderful protagonist of The Murders..., the detective Monsieur Auguste Dupin (No one doubts
that this character constitutes the main outline for Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes). The
narrative, one of the longest that Poe wrote, is the first story in a series that will be completed in
the following years by The Mystery of Marie Rogêt and The Purloined Letter. The murders..., in
fact, are presented through a multi-page speech on the subject, which possibly at the time would
attract a lot of attention from the readers of Graham's, the magazine in which it appeared, for
presenting such a novel topic.

Considered the first work of the detective genre, The Murders on Rue Mrgue takes us away from
Poe's usual terror to immerse us in the investigation of a terrible murder committed on Rue
Morgue. Poe being its creator, the morbid atrocity had to appear somewhere (only The Purloined
Letter is shown Aside from so much debauchery. In such a way, the final result, the huge
shudder with which the story shakes the reader, seems due to the fantastic cocktail (explosive,
without a doubt) that is offered to us and in which the cold inductive reasoning alternately
converges with the dynamic plethora of scenes. of movement, although only hinted at, of
inhuman violence, some of the most apocalyptic fabled by its author. Another important
characteristic of Crimes in the Rue Morgue is the rigor with which Poe tells the events, he does
not spare any details, no matter how gruesome and bloody.

Especially in the reports from the police and doctors about the murder, a very high level of
elucidation about the crime scene is shown, as is to be expected, the details are all cruel and
serve Poe to frame his particular story in a certain way. horror in the form of blood, violence and
savagery.” The dead woman's head was completely separated from the body and, furthermore,
destroyed" - Poe reveals here all the foundations that every good detective novel must have: A
clumsy and inexperienced police officer who never reaches any conclusion; an insidious
detective , with an air of mystery and extremely witty; a companion who asks his detective friend
a lot of questions and discusses some facts with him.)

This work by Poe is a reasonable explanation that shows the solution to all the facts, but also an
unavoidable challenge to the reader, since through reading it the author provides enough data for
the reader to become the protagonist and can investigate for himself and find the solution.-
Crimes on the Rue Morgue, is an essential work for any detective novel enthusiast, and it is also
a reference in the genre, it is one of the stories that established what guidelines should be
followed, to write novels of the genre. and all this written with Poe's sublime as well as
unmatched style.

Edgar Allan Poe's Cask of Amontillado

The story tells of the murder committed by a man named Montresor, who wanted to take revenge
on Fortunato, a man who had already insulted him several times and did not want to endure
another insult.

The murder was planned for a long time by Montresor and is carried out at the carnival.
Fortunato was dressed as a clown when he meets Montresor, and he tells him that if he helps him
find out if a barrel of Amontillado that they are about to sell him is real. Montresor tricks
Fortunato into some catacombs and makes him drunk, and due to the humidity of the catacombs,
Fortunato's health, who apparently had a cough, becomes increasingly worse.

Montresor chains Fortunato and puts up a wall so that Fortunato dies and can never leave the
The Tell-Tale Heart
Topic: The murder of a man who was killed because of his very penetrating gaze.
A psychologist and a man were talking and it was determined whether he was crazy. The man showed
crazy attitudes but began to talk to the psychologist about a murder that he had carried out.
He commented that every afternoon when he left his house there was an old man who had the eyes of a
vulture and that every time he looked at him he felt a chill and from the first time he saw him that same
night, he began to spy on him at midnight when he came in. to the house and he always turned on a
flashlight with a very fine light, so that he could shine it in his eyes, but he was always asleep until on the
eighth night when, trying to open the window, his hand slipped and made a loud noise, leaving the old
man sitting up. and shouting, the man did not make any kind of noise and for an hour it was like this, the
old man did not go to bed so the man took the flashlight and when he turned it on he was pointing it at
his eyes immediately he attacked him, threw him to the floor and He turned the bed over to drown him,
but in detonating ways the heart continued beating, the man drowned him on his own to get rid of the
body, he removed three meters of sand and the body was torn apart by the head on one side, the arms
on the other, and the legs. , buried it hiding the hole in the ground.
When the police arrived the next day saying that they had said that a scream was heard in this part, the
man began to deny everything, he was very calm but in the end, since the police were going to leave, the
man turned pale, he became nervous. foaming at the mouth, until he confessed the place where he had
buried him.
The conclusion of this chapter is based on the fact that no matter how much one wants to hide things,
those things end up being known by themselves without one wanting to express them, plus the nerves
of hiding a corpse.

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