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Steven Giovanni Gutiérrez Vargas

Angie Katherine Sarmiento Muñoz

Ari Berchem Caro

Yina Alejandra Molina Barreto

Luis Eduardo Granados

GROUP: 202


1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................3
2. OBJECTIVES..................................................................................................................5
3. HISTORICAL REVIEW................................................................................................6
4. COMPARISON TABLE CULTURE CLIMATE BEHAVIOR...................................9
5. COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS OF THE COMPANY.........................................10
COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS...............................................................................................12
7. COMPARISON TABLE...............................................................................................15
7.1 COMPETITIVENESS FACTORS IN THE TEXTILE SECTOR.............................19

8. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS..............................................................................20
9. CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................22
10. BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................................23


This work is based on constructing a business analysis of the culture, climate and

organizational behavior of the company Mattelsa.

The Mattelsa company has been strengthened thanks to the organizational

climate it has, with the mental and physical well-being of its employees as its main

objective. They focus on training, so that they are trained on a personal level to develop

effectively at the work level.

Mattelsa generates knowledge by adopting positions that contribute towards a

cultured, evolved and civilized world where there is no labor exploitation, where people

do not discriminate racially, culturally or sexually, where they can coexist as a species

and with nature, where education is given the importance it deserves, where music and

art are exploited as instruments of expression and where people are not afraid to think

and reflect.

Its company philosophy is based on the fact that evolution and culture have made

human beings a globalized individual that is more sensitive, rational, respectful, who

cares about themselves and the well-being of others, who lives to enjoy and not to work,

open mind willing to listen and change your thinking easily, flexible, loving and

reflective. A human being who loves life and respects death, truly living life.


 Identify and understand the importance of maintaining a climate, culture and

organizational behavior in accordance with the corporate name of a company.

 Determine the competitive advantages of the Mattelsa company within the

economic sector to which it belongs.

 Carry out a business analysis of the culture, climate and organizational behavior of

the Mattelsa company.



This organization is positioned in the textile sector dedicated to making,

designing and marketing clothing for different genders, especially for adolescents and

children. This organization was established in 2006. Mattelsa is located in Colombia, in

the city of Medellín, this city has Known as the textile city of Colombia, it has a

specialized work group for customer service. The administrative plant has the following


 Human talent manager

 Software development director

 Fashion designer

 Photography producer

 Copy Junior

 Graphic designer

 Developer

One of the main advantages that this organization has implemented since its

creation has been to keep its website updated so that consumers can place their orders

electronically. In addition to this, it has management of social networks such as

Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. They manage a portfolio specified for each

garment they sell. Their warehouses have a site and adequate staff for customer service,

their staff are people with excellent skills and manage young people. The quality of the

garments purchased from Mattelsa is of good quality.


This organization has its main store in the city of Medellín, the organization has

stores nationwide in the following cities

 Armenia
 Barrancabermeja
 Barranquilla
 Bogota
 Bucaramanga
 Bonaventure
 Cali
 Cartagena
 Cucuta
 Florence
 Ibague
 Manizales
 Medellin
 Hunting
 Neiva
 Grass
 Pereira
 Popayan
 Black river
 Saint Andrew
 Santa Marta
 Tulua
 Valledupar
 Villavicencio
 Yopal
This organization stands out in the textile sector for being a community dedicated

to the enjoyment and respect of life, our hobby is making the best clothes in the world.

(mattelsa )

Over time we realized that we have the responsibility to go beyond selling

clothes and really contribute to the transformation of society, putting people at the center

of everything we do.

This led us to a constant search for well-being and to understand what moves us,

our purpose: to be a community dedicated to the enjoyment and respect for life whose

hobby is making the best clothes in the world.

A community made up of high-performance people who challenge themselves

and understand that it is in their hands to bet on a more conscious society, one that

focuses on being and respects everything that surrounds it, thus contributing to a more

cultured world, evolved and inclusive.

We seek to build a culture of trust and cooperation that generates progress, and

we know that progress is only achieved when we recognize that we are part of a whole

and that our own good can only be found through the common good. (mattelsa )

The five pillars that this organization implements to achieve success and

competition in its textile sector

 Feeding
 Sport
 Leisure
 Socialization
 Knowledge

It is important to note that Mattelsa mentions that it is of great importance that to

have a conscious community with high-performance people, it is necessary to seek

balance in life through 5 pillars that encourage and promote well-being.





They are a company in the Mattelsa was able to They seek to raise awareness by
textile sector, dedicated to materialize the entire adopting positions that
producing and marketing welfare theory that it was contribute towards a cultured,
clothing since 2006. developing, all the people evolved and civilized world
who work there receive where there is no labor
Over time, the company benefits for eating well, exploitation, where people do
realized that it has the and food subsidies range not discriminate racially,
responsibility to go beyond from 60 to 80 percent, culturally or sexually, where we
selling clothes and really depending on each salary can coexist as a species and with
contribute to the range. In addition, the nature, where education is given
transformation of society, company has a conscious the importance that it deserves,
putting people at the center of eating area made up of where music and art are
everything we do. about 25 people including exploited as instruments of
chefs, nutritionists and expression and where people are
This led to a constant search food engineers who are not afraid to think and reflect.
for well-being and to responsible for advising
understand what moves us, our and creating nutritious and A world where we are aware that
purpose: to be a community healthy menus. the problem is not drugs or
dedicated to the enjoyment and leisure, but the use that our lack
respect for life whose hobby is The second pillar of the of culture and education has
making the best clothes in the company is sports, the given them.
world. workers have created
interest groups and when This is reflected in the following
A community made up of they leave the office (they 3
high-performance people who only work 450 hours a Viable aspects
challenge themselves and week) they do activities
understand that it is in their such as swimming or  Biographical
hands to bet on a more trekking.  Skills
conscious society, one that  Personality
focuses on being and respects With this prelude, it is not
everything that surrounds it, so difficult to imagine that It is worth mentioning that
thus contributing to a more leisure is the third pillar of Mattelsa also takes into account
cultured world, evolved and this company. For them, the objective of organizational
inclusive. time that produces behavior, which are the
They seek to build a culture of happiness, such as sharing following:
trust and cooperation that with family, friends or a  DESCRIBE
generates progress, and we partner, is essential, since Observing people's behavior in

know that progress is only this helps to develop new different situations allows
achieved when we recognize mental pathways. administrators to evaluate job
that we are part of a whole and behavior in any situation.
that our own good can only be The organizational climate
found through the common is very important in an  GRASP
good. organization since it Understand and comprehend
influences the behavior of why people behave differently,
It is important to have a hostile workers and the different this allows us to understand
work environment, so that areas that each worker people and improve personal
workers feel comfortable, performs. If each management methods.
available to work with organization exercises the
pleasure in order to express organizational climate,  PREDICT
that motivation and tranquility productivity increases, in With the aforementioned
to their clients. this way the goals and objectives, it is possible to
objectives that the analyze what is going to happen
Managing this organizational organization implements in the future with the behavior of
culture has made different would be met. employees, it is possible to reach
organizations achieve success. the qualification of workers and
The factors that influence thus identify the negative ones in
organizational culture are the workplace to achieve
the following: structure, preventive solutions.
responsibility, reward,
challenge, relationships,  CHECK
cooperation, standards, Workers must meet established
conflict and identity goals and objectives, work
groups must also be controlled,
punctuality, coordination of
efforts and productivity in the
designated tasks.

Table 1 culture, climate, behavior source:(ruedas, 2014) (Companions2015)

(JAUREGUI, 2016)



Figure 1: Taken from the Internet Source:

1. Operational efficiency to achieve maximum quality at the lowest cost and with the

best customer service. Innovating and renewing its products so that they delight

their consumers. Efficiency and innovation are key factors for Mattelsa's success.

2. The training of its collaborators is one of the pillars of the sustainability of this

company, in addition, it favors the attraction and retention of personnel and

encourages the creation of Committed Value. So the worker can develop

professionally while the company can more effectively achieve its business

objectives. For this large company, it is considered that “The people who work at

Mattelsa constitute its most valuable asset.”

3. Mattelsa has a wide range of products and brands adapted to the tastes and

preferences of consumers in each country. Which is a great competitive advantage

over other companies.




Organizational Culture Vs The organizational Organizational behavior vs

competitiveness factors climate Vs competitiveness factors
competitiveness factors

Competitiveness factor: Competitivene Regarding organizational

ss factor training, behavior we have :
efficiency, and
innovation. 1. Response to globalization :
1. The training of your
collaborators. Mattelsa is a multinational company
in which a diversity of cultures and
Mattelsa has a survey nationalities is present in the
The development of strategic program together with different work centers.
tools based on Selection, Addeco, which allows
Training and Development assessing the
creates a competitive implementation of
2. Management of Labor
advantage for the company Mattelsa's principles and
and, at the same time, culture and knowing
contributes to the personal first-hand the opinions of
Mattelsa, in its effort to offer
and professional growth of employees to evaluate the
employment opportunities to people
each of the collaborators of company's organizational
with some type of disability, has
this great company. climate.
reached agreements with different
entities, among which is the Adecco
Foundation. Specifically, Mattelsa
“Mattelsa’s success is based The survey questions are sends said entity the description of
on its people, who are its categorized into 14 the positions to be filled, to evaluate
most valuable asset.” This modules that address whether there are candidates who can
phrase is present in the aspects such as the apply for them.
Corporate Principles. alignment of workers
with the company's
objectives, team
It is about helping people with
The application of internal leadership, respect,
disabilities find employment
promotion policies guarantees reward and recognition,
appropriate to their abilities and
the development of human or autonomy to make
talent. This commitment also decisions.
guarantees that the people who
work at Mattelsa naturally
3. Improvement of quality and
identify with the values Mattelsa has a High
promoted by the Company, Performance and
seeing them every day. Wellbeing Program that
In order to increase the productivity
plays a fundamental role,
and quality of its products and
since it allows employees
generate greater competitiveness and
This organizational culture goes to increase their
quality of work, this is accompanied
hand in hand with the great satisfaction in their
by innovation and orientation
competitiveness factor that workplace while
strategies that allow achieving
Mattelsa has in terms of increasing their
operational efficiency to achieve

considering its collaborators as performance. maximum quality at the lowest cost

pillars of the company's and with the best customer service.
sustainability. In addition, it customer.
favors the attraction and Which seeks to improve
retention of personnel and competitiveness factors
encourages the creation of such as efficiency in It is evident that there is coherence
Committed Value . work areas, and help the between their organizational
creativity of its behavior and their competitiveness.
collaborators to
encourage innovation.

Table 2. Culture, climate and organizational behavior Source: Own


Subject: Context and Organizational development

Student : Angie Katherine Sarmiento Muñoz, Steven Giovanni Gutiérrez Vargas

,Ari Berchem Caro, Yina Alejandra Molina Barreto


Date: March 25


Build a business analysis of the culture, climate and organizational behavior of the MATELSA company


Mattelsa is a clothing marketer and producer founded in 2006 in Medellín, Colombia. It specializes in "Forward

fashion street clothing" offering brands and product lines for men and women. It currently has 50 stores nationally

and one internationally, employing 1,170 people, 540 directly and 630 indirectly.

It seeks to generate awareness by adopting positions that contribute towards a cultured, evolved and civilized

world where there is no labor exploitation, where people do not discriminate racially, culturally or sexually, where

living beings respect each other, where education is given importance. that it deserves, where music and art are

exploited as instruments of expression and where people are not afraid to think and reflect. A world where we are

aware that the problem is not drugs or leisure, but the use that our lack of culture and education has given them.

It proposes its unique marketing model aimed at managing its sustainability, promoting a culture of trust and

cooperation, thus being a community made up of high-performance people who challenge themselves and

understand that it is in their hands to bet on a more conscious society. , that focuses on being and respects

everything that surrounds it, thus contributing to a more cultured, evolved and inclusive world; has managed to

position itself as one of the fastest growing organizations in the country in recent years

Over time we realized that we have the responsibility to go beyond selling clothes and really contribute to the

transformation of society, putting people at the center of everything we do, this led us to a constant search for

well-being and understand what moves us, our purpose: to be a community dedicated to the enjoyment and

respect for life whose hobby is making the best clothes in the world. (mattelsa )

A community made up of high-performance people who challenge themselves and understand that it is in their

hands to bet on a more conscious society, one that focuses on being and respects everything that surrounds it,

thus contributing to a more cultured world, evolved and inclusive, we seek to build a culture of trust and

cooperation that generates progress, and we know that progress is only achieved when we recognize that we are

part of a whole and that our own good can only be found through the common good.


We are a community dedicated to the enjoyment and respect of life, our hobby is making the best clothes in the

world (mattelsa )




They are a company in the textile Mattelsa was able to materialize They seek to raise awareness

sector, dedicated to producing and the entire welfare theory that it by adopting positions that

marketing clothing since 2006. was developing, all the people contribute towards a cultured,

who work there receive benefits evolved and civilized world

Over time, the company realized that
for eating well, and food where there is no labor
it has the responsibility to go beyond
subsidies range from 60 to 80 exploitation, where people do
selling clothes and really contribute
percent, depending on each not discriminate racially,
to the transformation of society,
salary range. In addition, the culturally or sexually, where we
putting people at the center of
company has a conscious eating can coexist as a species and
everything we do.
area made up of about 25 people with nature, where education is
This led to a constant search for well-
including chefs, nutritionists and given the importance that it
being and to understand what moves
food engineers who are deserves, where music and art
us, our purpose: to be a community
responsible for advising and are exploited as instruments of
dedicated to the enjoyment and
creating nutritious and healthy expression and where people
respect for life whose hobby is
are not afraid to think and

making the best clothes in the world. menus. reflect.

A community made up of high- The second pillar of the company is A world where we are aware that

performance people who challenge sports, the workers have created the problem is not drugs or leisure,

themselves and understand that it is interest groups and when they leave but the use that our lack of culture

in their hands to bet on a more the office (they only work 450 hours and education has given them .

conscious society, one that focuses a week) they do activities such as

on being and respects everything swimming or trekking.

that surrounds it, thus contributing to

With this prelude, it is not so difficult
a more cultured world, evolved and
to imagine that leisure is the third
pillar of this company. For them,

They seek to build a culture of trust time that produces happiness is

and cooperation that generates essential, such as sharing with

progress, and we know that progress family, friends or a partner, since

is only achieved when we recognize this helps to develop new mental

that we are part of a whole and that pathways.

our own good is only found through

the common good.

Table 3 source comparison table: (CORTES, 2018)



 Do not advertise in traditional media such as flyers, radio and television since they

see social networks as a more effective way to reach customers.

 The use of digital media for the promotion and marketing of your products allows

you to reach more people.

 Its location is far from shopping centers and the presentation of its stores is rustic in

style, which makes it attractive to the customer.

 Their prices are fair, facilitating the idea of covering the need of the customer at

reasonable and equitable prices



Figure 2 taken from internet source:


Figure 3 taken from internet source:

Figure 4 taken from internet source:



“ Success has many forms and to get there there are different paths”, this is the

case of Mattelsa, the path to success has been to understand the company as a

community and train the people who are part of it, this means hiring people humans

whose lifestyle is aligned with Mattelsa's philosophy and give them the tools so that they

can work and live in balance

It is about raising awareness of a culture inspired by conscious eating habits, the

transmission of knowledge, the practice of sports and giving people enough time for

leisure and socialization. That way, in their experience, ideas are more powerful, teams

are more productive, and people are generally happier.

Nowadays, companies must be competitive, in order to establish current markets

where there is a variety of competitiveness between them. Therefore, it is essential that

managers reinvent themselves not only to become more competitive globally, but to

guarantee an adequate organizational climate, in order to achieve high levels of

leadership and communication to create solid and competitive work teams.

Mattelsa is one of the companies that has great competitive value, based on

pillars: as a highly trained and professional work team with high levels of culture and

organizational climate, which allows increasing employee satisfaction in their jobs by

time that increases its performance. Furthermore, innovation and competitiveness have

been decisive factors to grow in its environment.



Compañeros, D. F. (septiembre de 2015). eumed . Obtenido de eumed :

CORTES, D. P. (22 de SEPTIEMBRE de 2018). SCRIBD . Obtenido de SCRIBD :




mattelsa . (s.f.). mattelsa . Obtenido de mattelsa :

ruedas, f. c. (08 de abril de 2014). blog.ascendo . Obtenido de blog.ascendo :

Mattelsa, (2018). Mattelsa , Official Page. Retrieved from: .

García Álvarez, C. (2006). “An approach to the concept of organizational culture”,

Universitas Psychologica, 5 (1), 163-174.


Jáuregui, M. (May 23, 2016). “What is organizational behavior”: definition, objectives

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