CWAG - Payment Information Form

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First Name*

Important - Information (Cell numbers) 100% required to be completed for each pa
Paypal = A2,B2,C2,D2 + J2 + O2,P2,Q2,R2
EU Bank Transfer = A2,B2,C2,D2,E2,F2,G2 + H2,I2 + O2,P2,Q2,R2
International Transfer = A2,B2,C2,D2,E2,F2,G2 + I2,K2,M2 + O2,P2,Q2,R2 (N2 shoul
with an intermediary bank. Only the Bank name location and BIC should be added
London, BARCGZSU).

All information above must be added properly (in proper form) to the sheet i.e wit
should be (eg Joe Bloggs, 99 Ninety Street..) and with no special characters in the a
therefore, any accented letters should be written in their flat form (eg É = E) there
after any of the data and there should be no spaces or special characters within th
number and sort code fields (K2,L2). See below for examples of how to do this corr

Examples below


First Name*

EU Bank Transfer

First Name*
International Bank Transfer

First Name*

Last Name* Email address*

d for each payment type:

2 (N2 should only be filled in for accounts

d be added here nothing more (eg Barclays,

sheet i.e with capital letters where they

ters in the account holder name section (D)
É = E) there should be no spaces before or
rs within the IBAN (H2) or the account
do this correctly.

Last Name* Email address*


Last Name* Email address*


Last Name* Email address*

(Bank, PayPal) Account Holder Full Name*

Irene Wanjuki

(Bank, PayPal) Account Holder Full Name*

Joe Bloggs

(Bank, PayPal) Account Holder Full Name*

Joe Bloggs

(Bank, PayPal) Account Holder Full Name*

Joe Bloggs
Account Holder Street Name, Street Number

Account Holder Street Name, Street Number

Account Holder Street Name, Street Number

99 Ninety Nine Street

Account Holder Street Name, Street Number

99 Ninety Nine Street

Account Holder Zip Code, City

Account Holder Zip Code, City

Account Holder Zip Code, City

9999, Ninetown

Account Holder Zip Code, City

9999, Ninetown
Account Holder 2 Country Code (Eg, GB)

Account Holder 2 Country Code (Eg, GB)

Account Holder 2 Country Code (Eg, GB)


Account Holder 2 Country Code (Eg, GB)

IBAN (EU transfers only) BIC (All bank transfers)

IBAN (EU transfers only) BIC (All bank transfers)

IBAN (EU transfers only) BIC (All bank transfers)

GB999999999999999 GB99999XXX

IBAN (EU transfers only) BIC (All bank transfers)

Paypal (Email address) Account Number

Paypal (Email address) Account Number

Paypal (Email address) Account Number

Paypal (Email address) Account Number



Bankdetails (Bank name and Country only)

Bankdetails (Bank name and Country only)

Bankdetails (Bank name and Country only)

Bankdetails (Bank name and Country only)

National Bank Of Nines, Guyana

Street name & House number Zip Code City,Town Country

Rongai, 001 101 Rongai Kenya

Street name & House number Zip Code City,Town Country

99 Ninety Nine Street 9999 Ninestown Great Britain

Street name & House number Zip Code City,Town Country

99 Ninety Nine Street 9999 Ninestown Great Britain

Street name & House number Zip Code City,Town Country

99 Ninety Nine Street 9999 Ninestown Guyana

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