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1. Goals
Measure hydrostatic pressure as a function of immersion depth.
Determine the density of the manometric liquid, knowing the density of the water in
the bucket.

2. Principle
By varying the depth of immersion and corresponding pressure, the relationship h(d)
and also the density of the manometric liquid can be known.

3. Theoretical foundation
A fluid at rest is one on which no shear stresses are exerted, which implies that the
forces inside a fluid are equal to zero. In the case of liquids, it is considered that they
are incompressible (ρ=cte.), the pressure P varies linearly with the depth d, we have:
P = Po + Paggd (1)
Po is the atmospheric pressure,
P density of the water in the bucket and d the depth at which P is measured.

Fig. 1 Water container

The hydrostatic pressure in the U-tube is:

P=Po+ PmanQd (2)

The pressure inside the container is:

P=Po+ PmanQd (3)

Equating with equations (2) and (3), we have:

Pmand Pagd

h = Pgd (4)

The relationship h(d) that can result from a linear fit is:
h(d) = A + Bd (5)

Finally, if we compare eqs. (4) and (5), we obtain an equation to determine the
density of the manometric liquid :

Pman = p (6)

4. Assembly and realization

U pressure gauge
Three-way conduit, hoses
Bucket with water and scale
pressure probe

Fig.2 Water bucket with U tube

5. Tasks

a) Install the pressure probe directly below the water surface and set this
point as reference d=0.

b) Connect the pressure capsule and the plastic syringe with the “U”
pressure gauge. Before, make sure that the syringe has a maximum air

c) Move the pressure capsule down about 3 cm. Check to see if a

membrane has formed due to surface tension near the edge of the

d) Push the plastic syringe so that the membrane is coincident with the
edge of the capsule.

e) Read on the manometer the pressure variation on the H scale lines

(difference in liquid level between the right tube and the left tube of the

f) Repeat measurement with depths of 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, 6 cm, ............. In

In all cases, press the syringe to place the membrane on the edge of the

g) Plot h(d). Determine the equation by fitting a least squares linear


h) Obtain the value of the density of the manometric liquid based on the
density of water with the resulting slope eqs.(3) and (4).

6. Obtaining and organizing data

Table #1
Depth Height of manometric liquid

7. Data processing
8. Questionnaire
a) The upper surface of an incompressible liquid is open to the atmosphere.
The pressure at depth
h below the surface is
Q1. What relationship exists between pressure
P2 at depth h2 —
2h with pressure
b) We have 3 containers with different liquids. The pressure versus h is
plotted in fig. for liquids. Indicate which of the liquids has the greatest

9. Conclusions

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